lovekotaro · 3 years
here’s a hot take.
i know we all imagine sukuna to be rough during sex. look at him, look at how he acts.
sukuna would hold the one he loves so close to his heart. if the king of curses fell in love, he’d be the most gentle kind of lover. sure, he’d still be rough if you wanted him to. sukuna would be so scared of hurting you that he’d always start off gentle.
he’d take his time with prepping you, then finally you both get to relish in the sweet sweet moment that he sinks into you fully. he’d let out a little gasp every single time. man is whipped.
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grimfey · 6 years
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funny joke about tumbler.com
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frenchfrjes · 7 years
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🎉frenchfrjes 1.1k party🎉
So I recently hit 1.1k and I’m sooo grateful to all of my followers and wanted to do a little celebration
-reblog this post of course so I can share the love
-don’t have to be following me but it’d be nice 💗
-send me an ask of one of the following emojis and what it says to do
💎Party asks💎
Send a 🎐 for a blog rate and something new and exciting that’s happening in your life, or you can send me a cute joke lol
Send a 💌 for a moodboard and what you want in it or say say “surprise me” and I’ll give you some random things I like
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fratercoola-blog · 6 years
do you ever feel like you're drowning? like, you're under water, looking up at the surface where everyone is? you could reach out, but there's no point. id rather stay down here. it's quiet. nobody really misses me
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lovekotaro · 3 years
hi everyone ! i’m going to a wedding so there won’t be an update today :( i’m so sorry guys
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lovekotaro · 3 years
hi everyone !! the next chapters of my SMAU will be taking place around chapter 6 . my plan is to do the suna route from that part of the story and on .
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lovekotaro · 3 years
hi everyone , i hate to do this , but the story will be on hiatus for the next week . my mental health is horrible right now . i’m so sorry to disappoint .
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lovekotaro · 3 years
there will be another late chapter today :( sorry everyone
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lovekotaro · 3 years
hey everyone , today’s chapter will be uploaded late ! you’ll still get an update , just after 12 PM central time .
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lovekotaro · 3 years
i’m so sorry for the late chapter :( tumblr fucked up my queue >:(
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grimfey · 6 years
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you guys deserve to see my movie poster masterpieces. these are fucking beautiful and I’m a genius
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grimfey · 6 years
reminder: unlawful/unauthorized practice of medicine includes dispensing medical advice without a license.
do not request or take personalized medical advice from:
persons on the internet, even if they claim to be doctors, unless you can confirm their identity and look up their license number
therapists (only psychologists/ psychiatrists have license to prescribe/medically advise)
psychics, energy workers, or any kind of esoteric/metaphysical practitioners
look up psychiatrists on psychologytoday (this is the US link, you can also search in Australia, Canada, and the UK) 
look up US doctors on healthgrades
always check what the local laws are with regards to who can dispense medical advice or prescribe medications. doctors of naturopathic medicine aren’t able to get licensed in every state, which means that they aren’t required to have the same level of education/training, and may not have the same authority everywhere. be cautious about who you take advice from, and if you’re uncertain, you can request a doctor’s license number and look them up. 
as far as I know, most if not all states/provinces have license number lookups. make sure that the site you’re using to look up licenses is government owned (for states in the US, the url will probably be the state abbreviation and .gov or .us, ie .ca.gov for california).
a brief list of medical license abbreviations (for the US): 
DAc (RI or WV) - Doctor of Acupuncture (Rhode Island or West Virginia)
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
DDS - Doctor of Dentistry
DMD - Doctor of Medical Dentistry 
DO - Doctor of Osteopathy 
DOM / OMD - Doctor of Oriental Medicine
DPM - Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
DVM - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine / VMD - Veterinary Medical Doctor
FNP - Family Nurse Practitioner 
HMD - Homeopathic Medical Doctor (Nevada) / MD(H) - Homeopathic Medical Doctor (Arizona)
MD - Doctor of Medicine
MNNP - Master of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner 
ND - Doctor of Naturopathy / NMD Doctor of Naturopathy (Arizona) 
NP - Nurse Practitioner 
OD - Doctor of Optometry
PA - Physician Assistant / PA-C - Physician Assistant Certified 
PsyD - Doctor of Psychology
PT - Physical Therapist 
RN - Registered Nurse / RN-C - Registered Nurse Certified  
RN/NP - Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner 
RNCS - Registered Nurse Clinical Specialist
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grimfey · 6 years
you guys: eiffel is loyal to a fault thats why hed be a good goddard agent
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grimfey · 6 years
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please help me I can’t stop making the most horrifying emojis 
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grimfey · 6 years
I was talking abt compassion fatigue last night wrt the news, and how that kind of exhaustion means that we end up making decisions with less kindness and less love. but I think also this is applicable to these groups of people who believe they on a crusade to protect an online community. ie exclusionists and similar people who are lashing out at strangers because they're grappling with the massive and faceless enemy of queerphobia or heteronormativity or whatever. being inundated 24/7 with international queer suffering is not doing those people any favors. regardless of our disagreements about being queer I think something that will ease their vitriol is learning to take care of themselves and dealing with their compassion fatigue. and some of the ways that can be accomplished is tuning out some of the daily pain and suffering that we're seeing and hearing about. its okay to step away from that and to take care of yourself. focus on local issues and listen to the people who live in your community. helping LGBT people in your neighborhood is going to ease some of your pain because you'll be able to see the impact of your work. and you know. maybe in your community you'll meet your enemy, and be able to understand them and come to them with compassion instead of hate.
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grimfey · 6 years
i accidentally say stummy one time and you jokers think you can say it back to me in EVERY game. even the ones im not dming. i get NO respect. i hold ur characters’ lives in mine hands and this is how you treat me???
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