zorquilart · 3 months
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Time to complete the cycle! In games where I have two rivals that can be named, I usually name the third character Elgleef, which is a combination of Bayleef and Elgyem! It's to be the grass and psychic-type to Crocfoo's water and fighting-type (Croconaw + Mienfoo), and I'm strong against both of Elgleef's types (Zorquil = Quilava + Zorua) being fire and dark-type! When drawing Elgleef's design, I found it difficult to figure out how to make it more appealing to me, and I found myself kinda mimicking the style of Gimmighoul... and a bit of Elmer, the dragon from "My Father's Dragon". I want to make her neck longer, but I am struggling to get it looking right.
So, Elgleef was a character I was figuring out personality-wise as well. I was debating whether to make her outwardly soft or if I wanted to try another personality. I ended up making her more of a cold and serious character with a passion for chemistry/alchemy. She rarely shows a smile, and is more oblivious to social things, such as Crocfoo's crush on her. Also, don't get in the way of her work.
This one was a lot of fun drawing out! I made the leaf on her head like this to represent the "Y" on Elgyem's head, then gave two of Bayleef's neck leaves to represent the curves around the Y. The curved lines around her arms, neck, legs, tail, and belly were just taken from Elgyem, though I added a few more to make the design better. She also has Elgyem's hands and... "fingers"? I guess? I made it so vines can shoot out of them, but also be a source of psychic energy. And then both have a small tail, so she just gets a smol tail! Then I gave her the feet of Bayleef.
To be honest, I had the struggle designing her with Bayleef qualities and had more fun putting in Elgyem stuff. Which is ironic, since I have the opposite problem where I had trouble putting in Zorua qualities onto Quilava. :> Can't wait to see what colors Elgleef will have!
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zorquil · 3 months
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I had a little fun with numbers. Someone calculated the stats of their fusion, and I was like "huh, I want to do that too!" They balanced it to just be the total of their stronger fusion part, but I wanted to make my fusions a bit... stronger.
Usually, 405 is the base total for the Johto middle-evo starters, so I raised up the base total of each of the Pokémon my fusions were connected to to 405. Then I took the highest stat from each of these starters. While the average between all the base total of the "Highest of Stats" is 446, I rounded it up to 450 and had it balance off there for the final stats.
As you can see, I, Zorquil, am the best attacker with high speed, special attack, and good attack. Defenses and HP are pretty low though.
Crocfoo is also pretty strong at physical attacks, but not so much for special. He's also good at tanking physical hits and has a decent speed! Not so good at special stuff though.
Elgleef is a pretty strong special attacker and is the more defensive of the three. Speed is really slow, but she makes up for it by being decent to good in overall stats.
This was a fun experiment. :>
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zorquiltk · 2 months
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So this came out a lot darker than I anticipated... But oh well! Story time!
Crocfoo was a lot angrier today than usual. After I settled down, I learned that apparently, Elgleef was interrogated for some science stuff through... tickling. Yeah, he was angry that I apparently passed my curse to her. Well, I know a thing or two about being interrogated through tickling, so I know how tormentuous it can be.
However, unlike me, she had a way to escape. While the interrogators were tickling her, she was subtly hypnotizing them little by little without them realizing it. For an Elgyem, it's usually the lights on their hands you worry about to avoid being hypnotized. However, Elgleef had practice hypnosis with her eyes, using a soft glow to lure enemies into susception. Usually, her eyes glow when she gets angry, so I'm assuming the kidnappers didn't suspect a thing with her glowing eyes. Seems it has multiple uses!
Also, now I'm upset at her after Crocfoo told me what happened. She only was tickled for less than 5 minutes during her kidnapping. I was tickled for 3 days on and off during mine! That's so unfair she has psychic powers she can use like that! Maybe I need to actually practice my illusions for these type of situations, but it's hard to use them when someone's tickling me...
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zorquilart · 2 months
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Remember these sketches? She finally gets her own ref sheet! Her design is subject to change the more I draw her, but for now, this is her current design! Time for this scientist to finally come to life!
Alt Text: The text on the top says Elgleef. She/Them. Elgyem + Bayleef Hybrid. Type: Grass/Psychic. There's a color palette for the body, eyes, and fingers. The body is tan and light green, the eyes are a soft green and white, and the fingers are yellow, green, and red. The character has a leaf growing out from the top of her head, with one leaf slanted a bit. Her eyes are a blank stare and she has dots for nostrils. Her neck, arms, belly, thighs, and tail have green rings around them. Her hands have three finger-like appendages, with the top finger being red, the bottom being yellow, and the thumb being green. Her foot ends with a small white toe.
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zorquiltk · 2 months
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Welp, first true art of Elgleef, and it's tickle art. Amazing. XD
Elgleef, being the scientist she is, wanted to research some mysterious happenings within one of the snowlands. She recruited Crocfoo and I to escort her since both of us have a type-advantage over ice-types. While we both are rivals against each other, Crocfoo is a friend to Elgleef, so he and I didn't butt heads like usual. When we arrived, she laid out all possibilities of intrusions that may occur based on her Future Sight.
Of course, I'm a dark-type, so she can't predict things as clearly when I'm around. And she doesn't know my luck. I'm a magnet for getting into ticklish situations. A Froslass snuck behind me and used Sheer Cold, taking me out instantly. I suppose the other two were knocked out at some point as we were all stuck into snowballs in a pile with our feet/paws stuck out of them. And soon, icicles began tracing our soles.
However, Elgleef is still quite rational and had a plan in mind. I shake around as much as I can to make the head of the snowman fall off and I use my fire to melt Crocfoo out. Of course, I'm having trouble hearing her over my laughter, yet I'm still executing at least one part of the plan unintentionally!
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zorquiltk · 2 months
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After finding out about Elgleef's quick escape, the dark-type part of me felt devious. I wanted her to know longer tickling, so I decided to hack into her robot to make it a tickling bot, then reset the password so she wouldn't be able to easily escape the tickles as well!
However, two things were flawed. One: I'm not a programmer. With the code I found online, it had no set target except for the first one it saw. And two... I forgot the password. So I am getting tickled like crazy trying to figure out the password.
Of course, Elgleef heard my laughter and came to see what was going on. What's infuriating is that her first question wasn't "What the heck is going on?" or "Why is my robot tickling you?" Instead, she stated, "Of course this happened to you somehow." Like she wasn't even surprised I was getting tickled by her robot!
She did manage to free me after figuring out what the password would be. (5000, because my favorite number is 50 and she assumed I just put in two extra zeros.) And she apparently knows I'm somehow a tickle magnet after Crocfoo told her about it, along with her recent experience. My only luck is that she just thinks her robot malfunctioned, so I'm clear for now.
So, while I still have the element of surprise, I will find a way to tickle Elgleef! Just with things I actually know more about.
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zorquiltk · 2 months
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... Yeah, this was kind of an fortunate turn of events. We were going to be stretched apart, but then suddenly, one of our captors decided they wanted to tickle us all one by one. And, wouldn't you know it... I'm first!
So, how did this happen? Elgleef wanted to do research an village off in the distance. However, from what was known, they don't take kindly to adventurers. Most sane Pokémon stay away from this place since they're rumored to enjoy tormenting explorers, sometimes to the point of death if they're especially bored. Of course, Elgleef insisted on going and taking me along. Of course, when Crocfoo caught wind of her plans, he followed along to protect her.
And, as you can see, we were captured. They used a Petrify Orb on us and tied us up, leading to our predicament here. We were sentenced to stretching, but somehow it turned into a tickle fest instead! Apparently, Elgleef only brought me here just to test how powerful my tickle curse was in influencing dangerous situations. Even Crocfoo was caught off guard when she stated that.
... And, of course, Elgleef kept an Escape Orb in her back leaves, so we went out unscathed, with only me getting tickled... I swear, I am going to get her for this, because this was way too risky of an experiment for my comfort! Even Crocfoo agreed, saying that it was way too dangerous if they searched us for any other possessions besides what was put in our bags. But Elgleef was unconcerned, stating that science comes fraught with danger, and that he didn't need to come along in the first place. Way to sympathize, Elgleef...
... Oh, did I mention I lost over 5,000 Poké because of this expedition? Yeah, she didn't bring anything along, so I thought I needed to stock up for the both of us. And when we escaped, of course our bags didn't come with us. Crocfoo also lost a few important items, so I may team up with Crocfoo so we can recover our lost items and cash.
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zorquiltk · 2 months
Can't vote on the secret poll. When voting, it leads to a broken link.
... Dang. :< Guess that was a bust. I'll make the poll public then!
I will be doing another one of these tickle interactives. But instead of voting, this time… You guys will suggest what will happen next and I’ll be putting them on a wheel and spinning to see what will happen next! So, now it’s time to decide… Who’s shall be next?
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I will close the poll on Friday evening at 9 PM MST! When it comes to the time, suggestions will be either through commenting on the post or by sending an ask, if you're wondering.
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