#elg the conductor
julas-little-spot · 3 years
Oh yeah, I drew @eluminium 's OC Elg a few weeks ago
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eluminium · 3 years
Falling into lakes is pretty dumb (Fic)
I just spat this fic out because i wanted to write. Don’t ask why. Blair belongs to @amai-kurusu
A silent night. The wind rushed over the landscape, and the glittering snow cast the stationary train in an alluring mist. Sparkling light and bustling commotion from inside its carriages carried clashing contouring against the barren and dead Siberian tundra.
Although one section, the old locomotive, displayed more soft serenity than the carts attached to it. A kind of peace not seen from the others. Inside its well-worn walls sat the authority of the infamous Bowtie Bastards, Conductor Elg, and what most souls would consider nothing more than an average member.
"Y'know, what you did was really stupid."
The Conductors words seemed harsh, yet they left her lips with annoyed fondness.
"A-and I'm equally a-as sorry for it, Elg." Blair stuttered out, their blue-tinted fingers gripping the blanket tighter around themselves.
"Hey, it's alright focus on warming up for now. I'll give you your ice skating 101 lessons when your brain defrosts." She responded with a wink as a beep bounced between the walls, signaling that soup time was upon them.
She scooped the hot mixture up into a bowl and scooped up a spoon too while she was on it. With swiftness and a satisfying *clang!* when she placed said bowl on the table, she sank upon the couch next to Blair, her hand landing on his shoulder tenderly.
"Are you feeling any better?" she questioned, her tone laced with a fair amount more seriousness.
The shy man's eye diverted from the blond's blue gaze as much-needed heat coated his cheeks. Their head bounced up and down quickly. A giggle escaped the Conductors throat in response.
"I'll take that as a yes." She chuckled out, letting her arm wander and wrap itself around the man's other shoulder. A little confused and startled noise came out of Blair in response to the action.
"Oh helvete, I apologize! I should have asked first!" The blond exclaimed, removing her arm from Blair with the haste of a diving hawk. Surprisingly, it didn't go very far. It was as if Blair's frozen body awoke, and his hand grappled the fleeing arm.
Now it was Elg's turn to let out a bewildered sound, watching her arm get dragged down and placed in its previous position.
"D-Don't worry! I'm okay with this! I was just a bit s-startled!"
The Conductor gazed down upon the embarrassed man and said nothing, as she said everything she needed with nothing but a smile.
"Do you want some cuddles? Y'know, to share body heat?" She asked quite simply, almost laughing at the spluttered response of the younger thude. He managed to cough out an awkward "yes" after much stuttering.
With no hesitation, she brought Blair into her arms with little difficultly. They wasted no time snuggling into the Conductors stable and safe arms. In response, she brought them closer to her, closer to her chest, the location of her hearth-fire. They sat like that for a bit, bodies intertwined, listening to the familiar noises of their fellow Bowties preparing for sleep or their night shifts. The shivers wrecking Blair's body retreated, unlocking their ability to speak once more.
"Oh, no need to be so formal when you're literally snuggling me."
"Okay fine, Elg."
"I think there is a chance I may develop pneumonia after this..."
A hearty laugh burst out of her, the vibrations of her chest soothing Blair's nerves.
"Well, I sure hope ya' don't! Don't want the Doves to think you wanna move into the Medical Bay!"
They shared a small giggle, and they fell once again into a comfortable silence. Soon the blanket of sleep overcame the duo both and plunged the worlds into peaceful darkness, a blackness as dark as the night outside.
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trains-are-neat · 4 years
Wow y'all be treating me like royalty, anon hate on my first day? Oh you're spoiling me~ 💅
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rossi-does-things · 3 years
I'm exposing @jj-chan2007 and all the characters she simps for
-Sylvester Wesley (you literally have Pre-transition Sylv as your profile pic on FB)
-Elg the Conductor (haha, I specifically exposed the character you specifically told me not to expose HAHA I AM NOT SORRY KID!)
-Charles Calvin
-Reginald Copperbottom
-Ellie Rose
-Rupert Price
-Your own OC Mina
-Fairy Ellie
-Haruki Izumo
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donemplak · 2 years
An American In Paris Les Girls
An American In Paris Les Girls
An American In Paris (1951) A1 Gene Kelly, Georges Guetary*– ‘S Wonderful 2:58 A2 Gene Kelly– Love Is Here To Stay 2:45 A3 Georges Guetary*– I’ll Build A Stairway To Paradise 2:26 A4 Gene Kelly– I Got Rhythm 3:28 A5 MGM Studio Orchestra– An American In Paris Conductor – Johnny Green Conductor – Johnny Green 13:02 Les Girls (1957) B1 Gene Kelly, Mitzi Gaynor, Kay Kendall, Taina Elg– Les…
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eluminium · 3 years
Uh oh it’s a debate! (Fic)
Well uh, I’ve been dead for half a year. But now I’m back! Schools been a bitch but Summer break is here and I’ve written something out! Lets watch two idiots argue! Tracy Spacey belongs to @reginaldcopperbottom go follow them and Lucien Rousselle belongs to @quec-two follow her too
"Conductor, with all due respect, what will we gain from this plan?"
The varying tone of the Council Members' voice felt like acid in the Conductor's ears and the pressure inside her skull only increased. Elg felt a simmering irritation nip under her skin and she swore that she just popped a blood vessel. The sleek figure of her biggest rival, Tracy Spacey, stood with arms crossed across the table, unyielding in their questioning. A predominant frown showed their dislike, along with their stiff but straight posture. The air in Elg's lungs left in a huff, and the soft padding of her fingers traced her temples in circles.
"Didn't the older members of our honorable council teach you that you should never play all your cards on one possibility?" Elg challenge as her eyes traveled over the quarreling Council Member.
"Of course they did and that is why I am objecting to this self-destructive plan." Tracy fired back, a harsh glare treating Elg's larger form as she did theirs.
"To hide a large portion of our loot from our ally is only going to inspire mistrust Conductor, and for someone who fought so hard to establish it, I find it strange you'd risk it based on unfounded paranoia." They continued with a small smirk resting on their lips, the smugness leaking off their words.
Elg's lips were sealed while her form rose from her seat, the wooden chair digging into her hand. Her head lolled to the side, not unlike a curious dog.
"Unfounded paranoia? Mind elaborating on that?" She questioned, her fingers tightening around the rim of the chair.
"Tell me, do we have any reason to not trust The Masqueraiders and their leadership?" They spoke while their legs carried them towards the nearest window, gloved hands moving from gripping the other arm to gripping each other behind their back.
"There is no evidence of backstabbing after all." They continued.
"At the moment...Yes, there is no evidence of betrayal from our ally" The Conductor admitted through grit teeth, feeling the annoyance bubble in her veins as her eyes bore into the Council Member.
A satisfied sneer sneaked onto their face as their body twirled around to meet Elgs, displaying a feeling of victory and command despite standing a fair distance away from the Conductor.
"Then why are we having this debate in the first place? Order the Metallics to cease the transfer-"
The chasm that leaked words abruptly stopped as their gaze locked onto the finger that rose into the air, signifying them to shut up. A simple gesture for most, but those used to debates with the Conductor, it's a warning. Tracy felt a similar rage seething in their veins as the Conductor, but they chose to obey, crossing their arms with a grunt and a glare. They were however curious of what her counter would be.
Elg, satisfied with Tracy's silence, spoke.
"You are correct by saying there is no evidence of dishonesty from our ally-"
A snobbish glint danced in their eyes as they kept eye contact with Elg. In response, Elg's feet carried her forwards, closing the gap between them ever so slightly.
"-But have you forgotten what world we operate in Council Member?" She continued sharply while her steps danced closely to Tracy's personal space. Tracy felt their body react by taking a step back, and their arms sneaked back into a defensive position.
"I don't follow your line of thinking, Conductor" They rumbled as a counter, their asphalt-colored gaze hardening as they were locked with Elg's sharp ocean blue eyes.
With a confident step forward, and a small squeak from Tracy as their personal space was breached, Elg felt a dark chuckle escape her lungs.
"We're criminals, Council Member. We operate in a space where betrayal is rewarded greatly, and so are the Masqueraiders. Yes, they might not plan to betray us now, but in the future? Anything is possible. Besides, they might be planning to stab us in the back right now, we just haven't noticed."
For a split second, the room was silent. Not a single sarcasm-filled sound bounced off the metal walls. The only noises either of their ears could pick up were their own and the other's breathing. The space between them barely existed, their chests squished up against each other. Despite Tracy slightly outclassing Elg in height, Elg's more bulky form made them look quite small pressed up against her. The stillness continued. Tracy's mind drew a blank, Elg waited for a response.
But as the clock in Tracy's pocket ticked, both their gazes averted and both moved back a step, with the Conductor doing it calmly while the Council Members step was more panicky. Despite this, Elg quickly reestablished eye contact, refusing to look away until Tracy gave them an answer. Tracy, in their turn, fumbled a bit.
"D-Don't you think I know that?!" They spat out, flustered, while their body moved into a guarded stance. Their spine was erected and their foot hit the floor repeatedly.
"Well, If you did maybe you wouldn't be so naive!" Elg snarled back angrily, the rage in her blood starting to boil over. Both their tones drowned the room in toxicity.
"Don't patronize me, Conductor! I'm not a fucking child!"
"Stop acting like one then!"
"Oh, I could say the same to you! You're putting the stability of our alliance in peril because of some childish fear!"
"Why do you even care so much?! You were one of the biggest opponents of said alliance in the beginning! You fought tooth and bloody nail to prevent it, constantly calling me a false conductor who doesn't care about her people! And now that I'm actually prioritizing the Bowties you fucking fight me on it! What happened?!"
Their feet shifted their balance to their toes as a preventive scoff left them. Their body kept dragging in itself.
"It doesn't matter! People are allowed to change their god damn opinions Conductor!"
Suddenly, something clicked in the Conductors head, and her stare once again traveled over the huffing Council Member. The defensive position, the avoidance of the question, the almost fearful tone in their voice, bouncing around in her ear...
"You gotta be kidding me" She muttered spitefully, her stare turning into a glare.
"Wha-?" Tracy started but was caught off guard by the Conductors' sudden change in volume.
"It's that wasp-looking guy isn't it?! Lucien Rousselle, right?!" She raised her voice, the sound of fury echoing.
"W-What about him?! What the hell are you on?!" Tracy spluttered, a red heat traveling through their cheeks.
"Don't play dumb with me you clock-obsessed moron! It's so obvious even I can see it! I see the looks you give him! You're prioritizing your dainty little feelings over the safety of our faction!" Elg roared, the stomp of her steps slowly approaching Tracy once again.
"U-Uh n-no! That's not true! Uhm...uh...but but BUT WHAT ABOUT WEASLEY? YOU TWO ARE CLOSE! DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK HE'D BETRAY YOU? YOU THINK HE'S JUST ANOTHER LUIGRA?!" Tracy bit back, panic rushing through their bones. They HAD to change the topic, and fast. Even if it meant hitting some weak spots.
Now it was Elg's turn to be completely bewildered. Her footsteps ground to a halt as she was forced to recalibrated her brain.
"What the...What?! Just because we're close and work together doesn't mean I'd sacrifice the safety of my fellow Bowties! And don't you DARE compare him to that...that greedy blue-haired fucker!" Elg stuttered out, confusion and anger dribbling off her voice.
"Well, maybe you should ACT like it then you daft idiot!"
"Hah! Rich for you to say love bird!"
"S-Shut up! I'm not in love with a fucking economics minister! You tried to teach Weasley how to play fucking POOL yesterday!"
"That has nothing to do with ANYTHING-"
"Oh doesn't it-?!"
"Conduta' Elg?"
Both of their mouths clamped shut as that familiar Arabic voice filled the room.
"Y...Yeah, Aynan?" Elg huffed out, completely out of breath from the shouting match.
"We nee' to le'ave tha' area soon, ya nee' to prepa' tha' train" He continued, his words soft and delicate like a cloud.
"Yes, yes of course. I'll head out now" Elg responded, her body taking her towards the door like she was on autopilot, with her Young Soul waiting outside.
Before she left the room, she once again stared into Tracy's thundercloud-like eyes. They were both gasping a bit, exhausted from the dispute turned screaming match. She was met by anger, confusion, and fear. Her own sky blue gaze showed similar emotions. From this, both of them knew this debate was far from over, and that they'd clash again one day soon.
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eluminium · 4 years
Arson with Extra Steps
Guess who got inspired and made a fic where their stick OC commits murder arson? Me, i did.
He was fucked. Yep, every way to Sunday, fucked beyond belief. The rotting wood of the wall dug into his back, the sound of oncoming steps echoed in his bloodied ears, and the wetness of his face wasn't just the torrent of blood running from his forehead.
"Come on out little piggie, let's not drag out the inevitable hm?"
His already faulty grip quivered harder. He checked the ammo once again, praying to whatever god was listening that a new cartridge had magically appeared in her long-dead pistol. To his disappointment, there was nothing. He had nothing. His eyes became as big as dinner plates when the realization dawned on him. 
He was the prey. Weak, defenseless, and cornered. And there was no chance to run, he wouldn't even make it to the nearest window before the predator caught him. Because this wasn't just your average run of the mill criminal.
This was a beast, known to the world as The Conductor. A ruthless creature who hunted down anyone and anything in her way, not caring of age or gender. But the brute wasn't known as The Conductor to law enforcement, they used a simpler yet just as terrifying name. Elg.
"Pig, I don't have time for these games. You should fear the consequences of pissing me off more than the consequences of showing yourself."
His fist flew into his mouth to muffle the hiss escaping from his vocal cords. No fucking way was he going to pop out of his hiding place like a fucking Jack in the Box, nuh-uh. If he could delay the beast's rampage by any means necessary, he'd do it. Although...the thought of what The Conductor could do to him did send violent shivers throughout his veins. His teeth clamped down hard on his lip, the attempt to negate his whimpering surprisingly successful. 
But a sudden critical smell caused an ice-cool feeling to flow in place of the shivers. Oh god...
"Well, I hoped we'd get a less...firey end to this little chase of ours. But what did I expect? You cops are all the same, spineless and cowardly. Can never face the consequences of your actions."
The stench of the highly flammable substance invaded his nose, causing the adrenalin in his veins to double. No...No no no no! She wasn't...She wasn't gonna set fire to this entire building just to make sure he died, right?
"Of course she fucking would you absolute idio-" 
He barely had time to cover his blabbermouth before a rough hand had grabbed his collar.
"Found you."
The smash into the floor wasn't kind to his back or his head for that matter. The moon's glare coming in from the old dancing hall's central glass ceiling felt like fire on his skin, and the gasoline now coating his body wasn't making it better. But that didn't matter at the moment. His diluted stare could only focus on the sharp object pointing straight at his throat. The end of Elg's infamous umbrella. 
"Seems like that stupid mouth of yours became the end of you, how fitting."
Not a single muscle moved, not a single breath outed. This was it, his end. At least it would be better than burning to dea-
"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you pig!"
The chill of the umbrella's point against his chin clashed sharply with the intense heat around it. Fully loaded for a blast, at her command. Yet instead of a quick death by stabbing or laser, all that he felt was a soft but deadly force moving his head up, his gaze to meet hers.
"There we go...much better."
His entire body froze like a deer in the headlights, a fear he'd never known crawling along his back. Her crystal blue eyes were calm, yet held a kind of glint only seen by the fiercest animals on earth. A huge malignant grin hung over her face, showing off the sharp bared teeth she was famous for. The mint green bowtie around her neck glowed in the moonlight, the citrine in the middle almost blinding him, yet nothing looked more intimidating than the big angry scar on her face. 
"Y'know, I was thinking of taking you as a hostage. Christmas is coming, and maybe I'd show some tiny mercy to your family, in exchange for some cash of course. But nope, you decided to play cat and mouse with me instead. How...wasteful"
The sharp and gleeful tones coming out of her mouth cut him into his very core. He...He could have lived? If he didn't make hard? But...He was supposed to be smart, be brave for not complying with her demands! Yet, it was all for naught? No, he can't die like this...He's gotta have a response, to regain that sense of pride he cruelly lost.
"Kill m-me then, stop stalling" he spat out shakily, his effort to sound brave failing.
A short silence...followed by bubbling laughter.
"Aren't you a feisty one? Thinking you can make demands in this situation..."
The grin on her face somehow grew even larger between the giggles.
"I know the perfect death for you"
All the bravery and resistance poured out of his system as the metal of two handcuffs chilled his skin. His own handcuffs...handcuffing him to the floor in between the old floorboards. He felt his body flail, his foot continuously slamming against the floor in a desperate panic. His voice peaked itself with the sobs and screaming flooding out of his bloodied lips. He desperately locked his gaze with The Conductor one last time as her hand pulled the lever by the window, begging her to rethink her choice. The glass panels flipped up and the cold winds kissed her blond locks. The Umbrella had already made it safely to the ground. 
With her hand firmly around the empty gasoline container, the chill of night brushing her back, and a single lit lighter in her other hand, the look in her eyes settled his fate.
"Tell the Devil I'm coming for him next."
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eluminium · 4 years
So uh me and @reginaldcopperbottom had gigantic (and i mean humongous) brainrot over our Henry Stickmin Fanfaction OCs having some real hurt/comfort moments. So i made this.
Sylvester Wesley belong to: @/reginaldcopperbottom / @a-comforting-creature go check them out they b really cool. TW: Panic attack and burns
"I...It hurts...stop..."
The words dripping out of Elg's mouth were shakey, her breaths slowly increasing in speed. The world around her was blurry, fading in and out between an all too familiar scene.
Blue hair, pink hearts on the traitor's cheeks, and an empty coffee cup in the traitor's hand.
A mint green bowtie, her expression blank in anguish...and burning hot coffee on her face, should and back.
She could feel how her skin melted away into puddles, how her blood was boiling like water. And it was all mixing with the burning coffee, causing a foul odor to attack her sense of smell.
But most of all...
It burned.
It burned so bad.
Elg could do nothing as shivers tore through her body and sobs tore through her throat. Her hands were clutching her head and hair in an iron grip, it was something to focus on. The firey agony threatened to swallow her whole as her breaths became shorter, her vision more blurry, and the shivers wilder.
A voice...? But...who? She couldn't tell. A part of her screamed out. Screamed to run, to hide. This had to be Luigra, back to finish the job. She was gonna die here...! Her body instinctively tried to stand, to flee, but the pain kept her grounded. All she could manage was a terrified little whine.
"Holy shi-...Elg!"
The rattling caused by the figure's quick footsteps sent shockwaves of fear throughout her systems. This was it, her last moments.
"D...on't hurt me...ple...ase! I...I don...I don't...wanna d-die..." was her pathetic attempt to get this menace to reconsider.
The figure kneeled in front of her softly.
"Don't be scared...You're safe, you're alright" they spoke as their soft hands pried Elg's hands from her head.
A sudden feeling of trust washed through her. This...This wasn't Lui. Maybe this person could help her!
"It's...burn...ing me...h-h...elp"
Her breathing was still too fast, and the pain didn't ebb.
"Elg...Elg listen to me. You're gonna breath in, I'll count to 3, then you'll breathe out, can you do that for me?" the voice spoke with a tone as mellow as a pillow.
"I-I...I can't! He...lp...!" she cried out as more panic spread.
Suddenly, those delicate hands moved back to the sides of her head. They slowly and softly turned her head to face the person. Her gaze locked on theirs, or rather, his.
A face covered by a velvet mask, expressing a level of care she'd rarely seen.
A small, comforting smile itched its way onto his face.
"Yeah...It's me, buddy"
The smile faded a bit.
"I know Elg...I know it hurts...But she isn't here. She's never gonna be here. I won't let her come near you ever again. I promise"
Another short breath, another sob. Yet a small feeling of safety began bubbling in Elg's chest.
"Now...Let's try this again. Try copying me, okay? I know you can do it" Sylvester said faintly.
He breathed in, she breathed in.
He breathed out, she breathed out.
"You're doing great Elg...just a little bit more"
The pain slowly faded...The scene faded...the fear faded. All she focused on was copying Sylvester. In...and out. His right hand slowly fell from her head, but his left hand traveled downwards instead until it hit the big red burn scar on her cheek. There it stayed, softly caressing the strangely textured skin over and over.
Contrary to her normal reaction, she leaned into his touch, it's comfort dealing the final blow to the panic that had surrounded her.
For a minute, they stayed like that. Sylvester stroking the scar Elg hated so much...yet she still leaned into his caring hand. Until suddenly, everything caught up with her. The waterworks started again as she uttered:
"M' sorry Sylv...for...for freaking out again...stupid coffee..."
"Shh, you don't have anything to be sorry for Elg...It wasn't your fault" was his delicate response as he engulfed her still shivering form in a hug.
No response could claw its way out of her throat. She only sobbed faintly. Sylvester's soft words of comfort, promises to protect her, and reassurances that everything was gonna be alright caused her to nuzzle into his grip even more.  
She didn't care about how weak or pathetic she looked. She didn't care about all the work that had to be done.
All she knew was that she was safe. Safe in the arms of someone who cared.
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eluminium · 4 years
Raiding the Train, Unique Endings
So uh, me and @reginaldcopperbottom​ (creator of the Masqueraiders) were thinking about making a kind of trilogy where Henry doesn’t go after the Toppats after StD. Instead he goes after the Bowtie Bastards (RtT basically replaces ItA) and then the Masqueraiders (StS replaces FtC). Then you have a type of CtM game called Accomplishing the Task, where you can choose endings from RtT and StS. Here are the endings for Raiding the Train plus an introduction. These aren’t fully set in stone yet however, and might change with time. Btw the Crownminals belongs to @charles-calvin-fanclub
The introduction - It's a bit after Henry has stolen the Tunisian Diamond and he's living a surprisingly comfortable life for once. But one day a bunch of criminals known as the Bowtie Bastards steals the precious jewel from him! Determined to show these stupid Bowties who they're messing with, he gathers his gear to go get his tressure back, and maybe even more. Although right before he leaves he gets two messages. One is from The Government.
They say they've learned about the Diamonds abduction and offer him a deal. If he assists them with recovering a very skilled and important helicopter pilot as well as important data from the Bowties archives, they'll drop all charges against him and let him keep the diamond.
The second message is from a criminal organization known as The Crownminals. They tell Henry that they'll help him reclaim his tressure if he joins their team later. They have some...personal business with the Bowtie Bastards, they say.
The first choice is presented. Government, Crownminals, or Independent. This is the option that decides the paths you can take. Here they are in order.
Government - Henry chooses to help the Government in retrieving Charles and the documents. He meets up with Galeforce who explains the situation and gives him a shit ton of tools to use for the operation. Henry manages to make his way to the hostage cells relatively sneakily and sees  Charles locked up in a cell. Here's where there's a split path. Henry can either chose to Free Charles and continue on their mission to get the documents or Abandon Charles to gather up more riches for himself, consequently ending his agreement with the Government.
If Henry chooses to Free Charles the two of them continue on the mission as a duo, ending with Henry safely returning everything needed to Galeforce. During their escape/semi heist, they run into Conductor Elg, who chases them until the Government delivers backup. By completing his part of the deal he earns a pardon, the Tunisian Diamond, and gets to keep the extra riches he stole from the Bowtie Bastards. He also gains a certain amount of trust within the Government, which could be very useful in the future... *wink* *wink*
Ending name: Backed-up Billionaire
If Henry chooses to Abandon Charles, he heads off to loot the Bowties with the Governments equipment. They don't notice until it's too late and Henry is already making off with the riches, having severely hurt Conductor Elg in the process. He's now richer than ever, but he's made the Bowtie Bastards and The Government his enemies.
Ending name: Backstabbing Billionaire
Crownminals - If Henry chooses to team up with the Crownminals they meet up with him at a specified location and explain their plan to him. After being filled in on his role he's given a beautiful Crown to signal his new position, and the raid starts. Henry sneaks in while the Crowns provide distractions and assistance when needed. He manages to hurt several important members during his run and even comes face to face with Conductor Elg. Henry cannot defeat the Conductor head-on with the tools he's got but he uses one of her attacks to send himself and the stolen goods to safety. After reporting his success to the Crownminal leader Luigra he's welcomed into the Crowns with open arms.
Ending name: Crownverted
Independent - If Henry chooses to ignore both the Government and the Crownminals, he'll attack the Bowtie Bastards all on his own. He uses his famous scooter to get there and starts his assault. Very early on he can choose if he wants to be violent or sneaky. This is another split path.
If Henry chooses the violent option, he'll tear through the Bowtie Bastards with no mercy, causing huge damage to the faction. After having looted everything he could find and had a big fight with Conductor Elg, Young Soul Aynan, and Old Soul Frank, he leaves without a second thought. The Bowtie Bastards survive but are weakened by Henry's attack, and they might be considered easy picking by other factions.
Ending name - Ruthless Reclaimer
If Henry chooses to be a sneaky stick, he'll creep through the train without causing any physical harm. Although when he reaches the Tunisian Diamonds location, Conductor Elg is waiting for him. Turns out they knew he was here as soon as he crawled into the vents. But instead of kicking his ass, Elg offers him to become one of them, a Bowtie Bastard. I mean, he had fun sneaking through the train right? And the rich life is kinda boring in comparison right? So why not join them? After thinking over Elg's words, he chooses to join.
Ending name: Bastard Time!
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eluminium · 4 years
Elg lore dump!
Elg started her journey up the ranks as a normal bowtie who was recruited by Aynan Daher. She stuck to him like glue for the first year and got introduced to Frank Jenkins, the man who helped Aynan when he first joined. These three became an inseparable trio, with both Aynan and Frank teaching Elg how to be a Bowtie Bastard. Franks lover Byue Jenkins was the honorary member who also taught both Elg and Aynan how to survive in the crime world.
Due to this connection with some of the most experienced Bowtie Bastards, Elg quickly started putting in real work for the BBs. Her natural loyalty, protective instinct, and the dedication brought on by the BBs giving her a home caused her to sign up for a lot of raids and heists. She wanted to show the Bowties how much she cared and how thankful she was that they accepted her. She gained a fair amount of experience and was noticed by the Conductor at the time, Jessie Clarin.
Jessie took great interest in Elg and a fair amount of similar young Bowties because she was hatching a plan. The Metalic Bowties (The guards and mechanics of Barney, but also responsible for inventing stuff) had constructed a new set of weapons for the organization. The Tactical Class. The Tactical Class is a collection of normal-looking everyday items (like umbrellas, canes, shovels, and guns) that can fire off laser beams fuelled by sunlight. A few Tactical Class weapons were already in use by certain members (like Frank with his cane) but Jessie wanted to expand and professionalize this technology. She wanted to create a task force of skilled fighters to assist in raids, heists, and protection, all under her command. Basically The Metalic Bowties, but with heist duty and different technology. And since The Council + Young and Old Soul are in control of the Metallics, The Conductor having control over a similar force could increase their power.
And so Jessie created the Tactical Bowties, a new "group" inside the Bowtie Bastards. Very similar to the Doves and the Metallics. And Elg was chosen as one of the trainees for this new force along with Aynan and other young Bowties. Jessie chose Elg for her short stature, her spatial awareness (neglectful moms will do that to you), and her dedication to the BBs.
So Elg got the Tactical Umbrella and started her training. She clicked perfectly with the umbrella and soon became invested in reaching the highest level she could with it, something she's still working on to this day. She took her training seriously (almost too seriously, Frank and Aynan both had to force her to go on a break from time to time) and vibed a lot with Jessie, gaining a fair amount of favor with the Conductor. Jessie secured a future leadership position for Elg in the Tactical Bowties before something disastrous happened. During a Government attack on the Bowtie Bastards, Jessie was injured fatally and later passed away.
But before she slipped into the next life, she commanded Elg (the one who got her to the Doves) to take the Conductors Bowtie and Conductors Cap. She knew she wasn't surviving this, but she didn't want the Bowties to lose hope due to their Conductor's end. If Elg pretended to be her the Bowties hope and fighting spirit would stay protected. So Elg (hesitantly) obeyed her order and for the rest of the battle, she kept the illusion of Jessie being alive. They only started catching on after Elg ordered a battering of the Government left flank, having noticed their ammo running out. This was very uncharacteristic for Jessie as she was more careful. Older members started catching on and after the Government retreated (because their flank got oofed and they would have been surrounded if they didn't give in) people started noticing that it wasn't Jessie. And since Conductors only give away the Conductors cap and Bowtie if they retired, were dying, or dead...most people figured out what had happened.
Now it was time to elect a new Conductor.
And Elg was right there for the picking.
At first, she didn't want to. It would be too much for her. But when she started to really think about everything...She was the de facto leader of the Tactical Bowties, who had gained a lot of favor and respect since their creation. She had just lead them from a losing position to a victory and she had the perfect Young Soul and Old Soul by her side.
And she really cares about the Bowtie Bastards, she wanted their members to prosper despite their problems. She wanted the organization to grow, she wanted to help people like her. The Bowties were and are her family, and she wanted and still wants to lead them to success.
She chose to run for Conductor. And thanks to the reputation she'd been unintentionally building since she was fatefully recruited by Aynan, she was elected.
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eluminium · 4 years
So uh, Elg design! I wasnt sure if i hade the courage to post this since it isnt really...good. As i've said many times, me no good art me write. But hey, it be how it be. Anyways, heres the current conductor of the Bowtie Bastards in all her glory.
Tumblr media
Name: Elg (real name and last name are unknown)
Age: Around 25 (Dont really have a set in stone age but she aint younger then 22)
Sexuality, Gender: Asexual Panromantic, Female (cis)
Currenrly the leader of the Bowtie Bastards after the previous one died in combat.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Country of origin: Sweden
Scars: She has two on her left arm from a broken bottle (bar fight) and a nasty burnscar on her right arm from boiling hot coffee.
Theres also a long running burn scar from her cheek to half way between her left shoulder and elbow as well as just above her left breast. It also covers her entire shoulder and the left side of her neck as well as parts of her back. This is also from boiling hot coffee.
She has a bullet graze scar on her right shoulder from a heist gone wrong and a surgical scar on her left knee from a bullet removal. The line next to her eye is assumed to be a scar but no-one, not even Elg, knows what it is or where it came from.
General facts:
Due to her nasty experiance with coffee (as described above) she cannot stand the smell of it. She'll usally get very nauseous and panicky. Depending on how strong the scent is or how bad shes feelin she might have a full on panic attack.
She uses a special tech umbrella as her weapon of choice.
Elg is pretty overdramatic and sometimes does the whole "big monolog while the enemy is taking the opprotunity to kick your ass" thing. Shes also one snarky bitch who loves comebacks.
Her teeth are weirdly sharp for some reason. She personally thinks its some genetic defect.
She puts up a very convincing facade of stone cold apathy due to her status as a leader but in private she cries when watching sad scenes in animated movies. Shes very caring towards the various Bowtie Bastards members.
Elg is however completly ruthless and cruel towards anyone outside the organization. Like, yikes levels of apathy.
I do have most of her backstory done but BOI HOWDY thats gotta be its own post, this one is already way too long.
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eluminium · 4 years
How Elg abandoned her old name (and joined the Bowtie Bastards)
(Yes this is a written story sue me)
Thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk-
Her badly damaged shoes kept colliding into the small sidewalk, with car engines roaring on the road by her side. Her ragged breaths were slowly drowning out the echo of gunfire and the shivering screams of panicked civilians. She has to flee, and quickly!
Getting caught in the crossfires of a heist gone wrong on the streets of Stockholm wasn’t something on her “To do” list today, honestly, she just wanted to finish her shift and finally get her paycheck for this week. But here she was, another strike for her cursed luck-
Her feet almost gave out as her body flung itself into a nearby alleyway. The sound of the impact bounced of the intimidating concrete walls and the taste of dirt made itself known. She stayed on the ground, shivers rattling her body while dulled shocks of pain coursed through her.
Another THUD followed hers. She felt her body spring into action as she jerked up from the dirt-filled ground. Her gaze bounced around like crazy, trying to find the originator of this noise. Was it dangerous? Was she gonna die? Is this how she was gonna go out? Dying in an alleyway at the ripe age of 16?
The questions soared through her head as her eyes landed on a man standing nearby, his lean frame pressed against the wall near the edge. A brilliant crimson bowtie snaked along his dark neck. She was slightly mesmerized by this stranger before her eyes caught something metallic in his hands.
A gun.
A squeak clawed its way out of her throat as she scrambled backward. This was it, she was screwed. The man flinched and his heels jolted towards the noise. The barrel of the gun was staring her down.
“I ain’t afraid of ya, pig! Any closea’ and iyl blow ya hea’ off!”
Tears fell from her face and her body was shaking like a maraca. The man’s eyelids slowly rose in confusion at the silence, cops weren’t in the habit of staying quiet. His bewildered gaze met her drenched one. His grip on the gun loosened and a sigh escaped his lips.
“Oi, don’t scare me like tha’ lass” he muttered with relief.
She raised an eyebrow, she wasn’t dead? This dude wasn’t gonna turn her into a slice of swiss cheese?
“Ve-vem är du? Varför sköt du inte mig?”
The man tilted his head and shrugged a bit and she facepalmed mentally. Right, he was speaking English, he probably didn’t understand Swedish. She cleared her throat and tried again
“Who are you? Why didn’t you shoot me?” she said with a bit more confidence in her tone.
His eye lit up a bit.
“Tha’ names Aynan, proud memba’ of tha’ Bowtie Bastards!
“Bowtie...Bastards?” She questioned.
“Ya nevera’ heard of ‘em? Big scary crime group? Founded in tha’ 1850s?”
Her head shook back and forth in confusion.
“Huh, well I guess ya learn somethin’ everyday, anyways, what was ya second question?” 
“Oh yeah uh...why didn’t you..y’know” she stammered while doing a “gun shooting” motion with her hand.
“Why did I not...Oh. Well, shootin’ one of our own seems 
counterproductive” he stated simply.
“One of our own?”
His finger rose and pointed at what she was wearing.
“I can tell by ya rags that the world hasn’t given ya tha’ best shot” 
Her arms instinctively curled up around her waist and her face heated up. Her upper body was dressed in a hoodie that was clinging onto life, ripped, torn, and dirty from its overuse. Her sweatpants didn’t look much better and her shoes were hanging onto a single thread. Calling her clothes “rags” wasn’t really an overstatement.
The corners of Aynan’s mouth went down, forming a frown. His finger danced its way across the carvings of the gun. Another sigh.
“Y’know lass, the Bowtie Bastards are for people like you and me. The ones discarded by society, given tha’ short end of the stick so to say. I was just like ya’, but the Bowties gave me a new family, a new hope.”
His knee touched down right next to her and his eyes met hers. He placed an old looking phone in her hand.
“So if ya’ ever feel like joinin’ don’t be scared to call up, whats yar name anyway?”
She jolted up a bit, surprised by the question.
“Why do you want to know?”
“Well, gotta have somethin’ to identify ya with if ya do call,” he said with a smirk.
Her gaze jumped around a bit. Is it a good idea to tell him? Does she trust him enough? The questions looped in her head, but her eyes landed on a ripped up moose plushie lying in one of the trashcans. Before she could think, she had already spoken.
“Elg? Did I pronounce tha’ right?” Aynan asked.
Her face was hot again, she just told this dude her name was the Swedish word for moose, MOOSE! And as a matter of fact, he did not pronounce it correctly. But what was she gonna do about it? Correct him and cause more embarrassment? Tell him her real name and make it more awkward? Air flowed into her lungs and she made a decision.
“Y-Yeah, that's right”
“Well Elg, I hope ya’ take me up on tha’ offer. And if ya try to turn it in to the cops, don't bothea’, it can’t be tracked anyway” he explained quickly.
“I gotta go link up with ma’ squad now, see ya around”
His heel turned and his legs started moving. Not long after the echo of his steps faded, replaced by the noise of the city. Elg stretched up and her feet resumed their task of balancing. The old flip phone fit neatly in her pocket as she returned to her original goal. The thoughts were overwhelming. Thoughts about what happened, thoughts about how she survived...thoughts about what Aynan said.
But she could think about that later, there was work to be done and 
paychecks to get.
Time Skip
Her eyes were glued on her paycheck in disbelief, her fingers gripped the cardboard. This...This wasn’t enough. Her stomach churned hungrily at the thought, angry tears began to fall. The check hit the ground at full force and her head buried itself in her hands.
She had tried so hard. So very very hard.
“Förlåt pappa...Förlåt”
A rustle in her pocket caught her attention. Her hand snaked down and closed around the object, bringing it up to her face. The silver glow shining of it welcomed her with open arms. Before she even knew what she was doing, her fingers had pressed the buttons and a BEEEP filled her ear.
“Identify yourself” 
She jumped a bit, surprised by the sudden female voice.
“Uhhh...I’m Elg, I got this phone from one of your members, A-Aynan I believe. I was t-thinking about joining and...yeah”
“Elg Elg...Yep, you’re there, Do you wanna be refereed to as Elg or another name?”
Her mouth opened...then closed. Why won’t she tell this woman her original name? Is it because of the bad memories? The scars? She was thrown down over and over again. And for what? She wasn’t born right? She got unlucky? She doesn’t feel sexual attraction? She's genderblind in romantic terms? They did this, they denied her a happy life.
No, I don’t wanna use my name. It’s too mattered by what happened in the past, it’ll only bring me down...Elg, Elg is an unscarred name, a name not brought down by deeds I can’t change. This is my second chance, my 1-up. I can start again. I can become someone who Pappa would be proud of, a person I would be proud of.
Her decision was made.
“Yeah, I’m Elg, y-you can call me Elg”
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eluminium · 4 years
How Right Hand Men/Women/Non binary folks work in the Bowtie Bastards
Every single criminal faction has got to have one or more Right-Hand Men/Women/Non-binary folk and the Bowtie Bastards are no exceptions. (By the way, I'm gonna call the "Right Hand Men/Women/Nonbinary folks" "Close Advisors" from now on so I don't have to type out all that garbage)
The Conductor must always pick two Close Advisors when they take their role since the Bowtie Bastards pride themselves on the fact that they act like a democracy. They are a family of outcasts after all and not letting everyone take part would be contradictory to their morals. Can't leave all the power with a single person! The unique thing however is that these advisors must be of a certain age. One younger advisor to represent the younger side of the Bowtie Bastards and one older advisor to represent the older side of the Bowtie Bastards. The younger advisor is known as the Young Soul and the older advisor is known as the Old Soul.
This is to keep the balance between older members and younger members and their often different views on the paths the organization should take. (The age of the Conductor doesn't matter though since the point of the Old soul and Young Soul is to represent their respective ideals. A conductor being closer in age to one of them doesn't change that) They also wear a little candle hat (representing hope and guidance) to signify their role.
This system was implemented in the late 1910s, about 50 years after the Bowtie Bastards were founded. This was because due to the various events around that time (including revolutions, starvation, World War 1, the breakup of many empires, etc.) many started to join the Bowtie Bastards out of desperation. This caused a huge rift between the older members who had more influence and the younger members who were quickly becoming the majority. Many times when a Conductor was elected it would be a younger member due to them being the majority. This younger Conductor would start to put restrictions on the older members to curb their influence while the older members refused to take orders from a Conductor who didn't share their ideas.
This almost tore the Bowtie Bastards apart as the two parts constantly sabotaged each other. Seeing that their family was breaking apart, an older member named Isitshalo Dube proposed the idea to have one old advisor and one young advisor working closely with the Conductor to ensure more balance. It took a lot of convincing on both sides but they eventually adopted the system. This didn't immediately fix the various problems but it did save them from total collapse. The YSOS (Young soul Old soul) system has been in use ever since.
There's also a board of advisors that help the Conductor as well but they don't have as much influence as the YS and the OS. They are probably gonna be explained in another post.
The current Young Soul is named Aynan Daher, a 26-year-old middle eastern gay trans man with a calm attitude, a love for baking as well as cooking, and a pretty itchy trigger finger. He also doesn't really think before he speaks and is slightly impulsive from time to time.
The current Old Soul is named Frank Jenkins, a 70-year-old African American omnisexual trans man with a snarky temper, terrifying skill in Tetris, and some really strong empathy/sympathy for others. He walks with a cane that may seem harmless but it possesses the ability to fire off solar-powered lasers similar to Elg's umbrella.
They act as advisors to Elg, (no last name is given) a 25-year-old Swedish/Sami asexual panromantic woman. She's a big theatre kid with a love of dramatics and over the top plans. She's very soft around the various members of the Bowtie Bastards (acting as a big sister) but is terrifyingly apathetic against anyone outside the organization. She fights with a solar-powered laser-shooting umbrella that can also be used as a blunt force weapon. (although less effective)
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eluminium · 4 years
Another Shot
So basically me and @reginaldcopperbottom had a big brain rot moment over a possible Cyborg AU (like RHM or Revenged!Henry) for Triple Thieving and then i created this fic.
Btw Triple Thieving is another AU where Luigra (leader of the Crownminals and belongs to @charles-calvin-fanclub) Elg (leader of the Bowtie Bastards and belongs to me) and Sylvester (leader of the Masqueraiders and belongs to @reginaldcopperbottom) are crime friends who do crime stuff with their factions having an open alliance with each other. 
So the Cyborg AU is based in the Triple Thieving AU, making it an AU in an AU. I hope you enjoy this mess.
The ground rumbled, and the sound of gunfire and explosions wormed their way around her. But she couldn't hear anything, only the shrill of a high pitched whine echoed in her head like she had been caught in a flashbang.
Wait, hadn't she been caught in an explosion?
She groaned. Every thought felt like a sledgehammer to the face, and her head was already killing her. God, it hurt so bad.
Actually, scratch that, her entire body sizzled with pure agony. Every movement felt like she was burning, every time her body got rocked by the shaking ground she felt one second closer to death.
How did she get here? Was this how she was gonna die? Who even was she? The pain was so overwhelming she could barely remember anything.
Something deep and animalistic inside her screamed to not forget, screamed to not die, screamed at her to get her act together. Listening to these urges, she tried to remember.
Her name was Elg...and she was the leader of...of the Bowtie Bastards? And she had two friends...They tried to raid some other organization...but some...Russians-
She felt a jerk stream through her body, and the anguish that followed threatened to swallow her whole. Her face became damper as tears and blood coated her skin. She just wanted this to end! Please!
But once again, that pesky urge to survive prevented her from giving in.
Russians...Russians wanted friends...they escape from...from wall? Why they escape from a wall? Wall..not danger?
She wanted to ponder the implications of fleeing from a wall, but she had to get back to the point. Those extra thoughts only made it harder after all.
Tried to...to keep friend safe...long stick...shoot rocket...boom-
The ground shivered ever so slightly as footsteps banged against it. The thoughts stopped once again as shock took over.
"Boss lass! Boss lass! Wher' are ya'!?-"
A gasp wormed its way through the shrill in her ears as the footsteps suddenly came to a stop.
"يا ربي! Elg!"
She knew that voice...clear as day. Her mouth opened.
A bloody cough interrupted her. She whined pitifully as the jolt caused by the cough spread pain in her systems.
"I-It will' be okay! We will fix th-this! Ple-Please, hol' on!"
His voice might have been shivering and breaking but to Elg, it was the most beautiful symphony she ever heard. Although the guttural scream tearing itself out of her throat as he tried to pick her up wasn't anything nice to listen to.
"Shhh, I'm so sorry lass...You'll be fine, I promise I won't let ya' g-go"
Her arms tangled themselves across her stomach as her savior quickened his pace. Every step sent a new shock of pain but she was starting to get numb. Was it the bloodloss? Maybe she should check out how bad she's got it.
Her eyelids slowly rose and beat back the exhaustion nibbling at her. She first saw Aynans determined yet fearful face, but her gaze wandered to something by their side. A tower. Tower tower tower tower...something about it felt important, something she should remember.
Suddenly it hit her and her heavy hand slithered its way to Aynans' arm and gave it a bloodstained poke. It did the trick as Aynans' gaze diverted to her.
Her hand weakly clutched at his shirt and a little grunt escaped her lips, he needed to know how serious this was!
"Don't wo-worry Elg, w-we hav' backup com-comin' their w-way, E-Everything' gonna be fine" he stuttered nervously.
Even though his voice wasn't confident in the slightest, his words were weirdly calming. Her friends would be safe.
She could feel her body shutting down, her battle was drawing to a close. Her worn out eyes looked up at Aynan.
And she noticed something wet running down his cheeks.
"Pl...ease, don..'t...cr...cry...it...doe...doesn't...look...go...od...on...you..."
The corners of her mouth formed into a blood-soaked smile, before her world was swallowed by darkness.
"Wha' can ya do for them?!"
"Hmph, ze injuries are catastrophic, not salvageable without...intervention"
"That was not his question doctor, can you do what we ask of you, yes or no?"
"...Ja, I can, but it will come at ze hefty price"
"We have tha' money, just please help them!"
"Oh I do not mean ze cash, I am speaking of something else...I can see what I can do...Return tomorrow and ze queen and ze conductor will be good as new"
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eluminium · 4 years
Flufftober Day 7: Sugary
Characters: Conductor Elg, Aynan Daher, Frank Jenkins
A hand snaked its way onto a shoulder.
"So, what are you baking this year Daher?"
"Cake! We gotta keep Elg non-feral- no WAIT DONT MOVE-"
"Ack! Please forgive this clumsy old soul!"
"Frank spilled lipstick in your Valentino white-bag!"
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eluminium · 4 years
Flufftober day 30: Pie
Characters: Aynan Daher, Frank Jenkins, Conductor Elg
"Aannnd 'ere we go!" Aynan exclaimed.
"Ooh, that looks delicious Daher!"
"Wha' did ya expect Ol' man?"
They kept chatting away but, unbeknownst to them, Elg was luring.
She grabbed the pie and slammed it into Frank's face.
The thunderous glares of them both caused Elg to rethink her decision a little bit.
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