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elfyroot · 7 days ago
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My original, first attempt at modding from last year. Recolors for the Rivaini Panoply armor.
Rivaini Panoply Recolors by ElfyRoot
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elfyroot · 7 days ago
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Uploaded my personal Mage Outfit swaps onto Nexus as well. Only included my Elvhen and Inquisition related retextures for now, but we'll see how it goes. :) Suggestions on colorways are welcome.
Mage Outfit Swaps for Rook by ElfyRoot
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elfyroot · 9 days ago
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Felassan Swap for Armor & Weapons is all set (mostly). Issue with the shield remains - see description on Nexus with screenshots for more information.
Felassan Companion Gear Swap by ElfyRoot Davrin Companion Swaps by IBSammy
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elfyroot · 12 days ago
I've been working on some Felassan swaps for Veilguard (using the Davrin Character Swaps by IBSammy on Nexus as inspiration to begin with). Mostly to give him outfits that are a little more his canon-vibe, along with giving him weapons that would fit (it's still warrior shield/sword but now they're more elfy ;) )
They are WIP atm but see what I mean below... would this be something people would like me to post on Nexus/here once it's done?
First using a mish-mash of a civ outfit, dalish/arlathan weapons and mage belt. I had a texture remake for the outfit to begin with.
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Second is a mish-mash of rogue cloak, starting veil jumper gear and mage belt. The recolors / retexture is in progress (and hiding that little dangly tie). Also there's another shield that's smaller with Dalish vibes but need to get it working.
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Would want to put together maybe one more outfit but we'll see. Just wanted to see if anyone was interested in me posting it at the end.
I also have a glowing eyes in combat mod for my Inky as Rook that could posssssibllllyy be added in as well.
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