hdouglasj · 4 years
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When we mediate, calibrate and discipline our vibration these are the type of frequencies we can 👁 and give off #higherfrequency #elevatedvibrations Art by @Kurt_Burmann (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8LjHunaOF/?igshid=ymvpbk5k1sjp
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ashcarlson · 7 years
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#Repost @elevated_vibrations (@get_repost) ・・・ You are all of this and more💕 Cultivate them all! #weekendwisdom #happyfriday #elevateurvibration #consciousness #spiritualjourney #elevatedvibrations #wellnessindubai #dubaiwellness #holistichealth #awareness (at Saint Paul, Minnesota)
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✨Elevate your surroundings ✨ This poster is $8.00 @ www.nextdimensionarthaus.com
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years
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"Within you is all the power, respect, and magic you could ever need. A galactic warrior. A truth seeker, a defender of #purity, you are here because you chose to be here. Walk with the confidence that every step you take is the heavens meeting the earth. Breathe with the sweet satisfaction of knowing you are immensely valuable, honored, and respected by the spiritual realm. Know that you belong here, that you are here, and that you wanted to come here. Walk like you know this, talk like you know this, act like you know this, because you do. You are a cosmic alliance of Mother Earth and the galaxies, a breath taking a reminder of how beautiful it is to be #free." @santhessol #Gaia #earth #guardians #higherawakening #consciousness #awareness All things are mechanisms for higher thought and heightened states of awareness. 👁#focus #elevatedvibrations
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speaklovefreekc · 7 years
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#awakenedconsciouscollective ・・・ Follow: #elevatedvibrations 🔑- 5 Pillars of Realizing Purpose - "We are governed by #Energetic #Laws of #Principle and #Consciousness in this #Multiverse. Here are 5 Pillars towards realizing your purpose and reinstating your divine blueprint towards Cosmic Consciousness. We are entering entirely new territory, new fields of reality and new purpose. Yet these are still the foundations to help us remember how to focus our consciousness and create a smooth transition for ourselves. Intend god-purity in our purpose and the light will show us the way. • Law of Strength - Commit to your Soul evolution. State your Declaration of Intent to serve your Soul. “Your desire to know God is of a drowning man for want of air” Yogananda •Universal Law of One - Begin to understand the Laws which govern our existence, and your Multidimensional Spiritual Anatomy as a God-being. “The Mysteries are Revealed to the human whose light is shining and he becomes the Knower”. Alice Bailey and DK. •Law of Transformation - Be willing and open to change by surrendering to Divine Will. Clear fear belief systems (b.s.) and the negative ego expressions that influence you from the collective human unconscious mind. Affirm: I leave human order and choose divine order in all things. •Law of Response- Give back your Go(o)dness to the world, Give your love, knowledge and blessings and expand your abundance through service. The soul’s true nature is of one, one with abundance, joy and fulfillment, found through purpose and service. •Law of Verification – The Examined Life of a Light Heart- Live your Soul purpose by making it your lifestyle. I AM that I AM. Be Still and Know I Am God!" From: Energetic Synthesis #HigherAwakening #ElevatedVibrations
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vbrahma · 7 years
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#Repost @universalconsciousness.1111 (@get_repost) ・・・ From the wise @conscious_beardman via @elevatedvibrations: ----- 💟☮️ "A false projected #hologram #falsematrix of #reality has been pulled over your #eye, so you see yourself as a limited physical finite being, but we only see ourselves as limited by these bodies/physicality because an understanding has not been cultivated. The biological personality that is conditioned into Sub-personalities must be Brought back and #Unified, If the #Unified #Field; of the #Infinite #Light #Being that YOU are can actually #embody and Anchor, 100% with this biological embodiment, you become an extremely powerful catalyst for change everywhere you go. Just your presence causes energetic shifts, from the encodements you are integrating. You will bring the Higher and Lower heavens #Multidimensionality Into At-One-Ment #atonement thus #ending #separation and #illusions... #avatar A #sacredUnion with the #GodSelf #within ... and this is why the Trillions of $/time/energy/psyops is spent to keep you in the mud 🙌🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼 ----- #HigherAwakening #ElevatedVibrations #Higherconsciousness #Exitthematrix #Wakeup #FuckTheSystem
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ofwgmormon · 7 years
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Thank you 👁🌸👁 @elevatedvibrations - #MonadicActivation "The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakra located at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakra in a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the pineal gland.[1] Mouth of God The 9th Chakra has been referred to as the "Mouth of God" and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the Medulla Oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord as well as the Silver Cord in the Crown that connects to the Threefold Founder Flame. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a literal brain rewiring (spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the "Golden Chalice" of Universal Knowledge which is transmitted through the Silver Cord in the Crown once Kundalini activation has taken place. Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another "language", another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of "code", "syntax" or "archetype". However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the "field" and our relationships to everything in it. (Earth)👉This is the same 9D portal area of Guardian Planet Emancipation Projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the male/Family of Michael consciousness grids damaged by the Golden Eagle Grid and the Iran Gate." Via:ascensionglossary.org #higherawakening #elevatedvibrations #sunya #anja #synchronicity #hereandnow #beyou #laugh #smile #om #ma #ni #pad #me #hum (at Prince George, Virginia)
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getlostinmyworldbby · 8 years
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As within, so without. The work you do on yourself will reflect out. You are enough. You are the whole. We are one. #aswithinsowithout #youniverse #mirror #weareone #onelove #consciousness #Simone ☞Follow @elevatedvibrations - Not is all as it seems, to rise in frequency on a collective level Thousands and thousands of years of conditioning must unravel and come loose. & as you alchemically transform these energies through your own experience You are elevating the collective Frequency. 💪🌞🙏#higherawakening #CriticalMass 🌊 #waveOfChange #paradigmShift #ElevatedVibrations
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mystical-malu-blog · 6 years
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@elevatedvibrations #sacredfeminine #goddess #divine #female #woman #women #sacredwoman #selflove #womencircle #womensspirituality #spiritual #spirituality #feminist #feminism #goddesses #tarot #witch #yoga #samoan #samoangerman #afakasi #wise #wisdom #wisewoman #crone #native #tribal #ancient #herstory #ritual
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qicherie · 7 years
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#Repost @peace_love_light (@get_repost) ・・・ Oh I love this! Have you felt it? 💜 from the wonderful @elevatedvibrations 💜 #goodvibes #magic #peace #mindful #peaceonearth #paradigmshift #love #lightworker #loveandlight #metaphysical #consciousness #awakening #happy #beautiful #soul #source #spiritual #meditation #hippie #universe #cosmos #zen #indigochild #oldsoul #ॐ
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youniteverses · 8 years
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Do you? Repost from 👉 @elevatedvibrations 🙌 http://ift.tt/2ou4pjv
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years
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Soul Embodiment will free your mind.. Expand into a greater sphere of experience and you will unravel your mental/emotional conditionings. 🌀#HigherAwakening #ElevatedVibrations @elevatedvibrations
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ofwgmormon · 7 years
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Thank you 👁🌸🕉🌸👁 @elevatedvibrations @thegoldenlion13 (at Virginia)
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getlostinmyworldbby · 8 years
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Each one of us comes out of alignment from time to time. Breathe. Relax. Be. Go out in nature and ground yourself. Know that the universe is the source of your prosperity and all your needs will be met in divine timing. Have Faith. Keep ya head up. I love you! 💜 Simone Follow @elevatedvibrations - #Observation 🔑 #refine Your #alignment #ElevatedVibrations - #regrann #balance #alignment #prosperity #relax
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pisceswoman23-316 · 8 years
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@Regrann from @elevatedvibrations - #ElevatedVibrations #Regrann
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#Repost @elevatedvibrations with @repostapp ・・・ Start Your Shower Hot; Visualize this and turn to Cold water at end of shower. 🌀#ElevatedVibrations
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