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This week I have been working with a young band to cut a song for their new release. They have been cutting their own demos on a cassette four track but wanted to do one in studio as a lead in to the rest of the album. We spent a bit of time talking about guitars at the start. The feel was start with Nirvana - Bleach style sound; thick but loose with lots of drive. After playing with a few sounds, we locked into a slightly driven AC30 top boost and then used a JHS Pack Rat to really drive the amp. After some back and forth on different Rat models, we settled in on the 'Caroline' mode that offered a lot of gain with some overtones not present elsewhere. For microphones, I used my trusty pair of an Ear Trumpet Labs Edwina and a Sennheiser MD421 II on the AC30. I like the similar but different tonal qualities of each, especially in the top end when dealing with distortion. It really allows it to sound like two different amps in a lot of ways. For the drums, I stuck to my normal array of microphones. Sennheiser e902 on the kick, e905 on the snare top, e904 on the rack and floor toms, SM7B on the hats, and a matched pair of Lewitt 140AIR condensors as overheads. I like this set up for a rock band as it allows me to run live off the floor and get good sounds, plus it feels a lot like how I would engineer it live. If I were to change anything, I would have lowered the overheads a bit to more closely mic the cymbals as Sam is a bit of a hard hitter. I also ran an ElectroVoice RE20 as a room mic; I originally had considered using a large diaphragm condensor like an ETL Edwina or Rode NT1A from my arsenal but, in a smaller room like mine, liked the idea of being able to be more unidirectional and aim directly at kick drum from across the room.
While we tracked the guitar and drums live off the floor, we tracked bass and vocals separately. Sam played my Fender Jaguar bass and we put it through a SansAmp Bass Driver DI and a vintage Traynor MonoBlock II into a Traynor TC1510 cabinet with the EV RE20 on a 10" speaker. We dialed in a slight drive sound through the Bass Driver, but tried to keep it somewhat clean and smooth to contrast with the high gain of the guitar.
Since picking it up on the cheap second hand, the EV RE20 has also been my go to mic for vocals in the studio and we again went with it for this one. Rick doesn't particularly sing loud but is fairly consistent in his volume and cadence, so getting takes wasn't difficult. Overall, we cut three full takes and a couple of partial takes to go through. Largely, the final vocal line was taken from two main takes with occasional words or lines from others, but again his singing was consistent so it was fairly easy to choose the best takes for the final track.
Sam, Rick, and I spent about the last hour or so really dialing in a working reference mix so we could come back to it with fresh ears the next day. The biggest direction from the band was to get the guitar most present in the mix. Mixing the two mics together, we got a really aggressive sound that needed a touch of taming on the high end. Once the bass was added, it really thickened and added punch to the mix. We mixed the drums to this, starting with overheads and then adding the individual channels. I have a tendency to set kick very high in the mix, so I tried to be aware in my placement of this. Sam and I differ in our preference of snare sound, so I tried to find a happy medium between his like for high end and my beefier preference. Ultimately, it is a bit thinner than I prefer but still has a lot of presence from the overheads.
The vocals is where we spent a lot of time creatively. We started with some EQ and the Abbey Road J37 Tape Saturation plug in to get a bit of a fuzzy sound. We tried some different reverb sounds to give space, but ultimately ended up working with the delay in the Greg Wells VoiceCentric plugin to get where we wanted. I like this plugin for vocal compression, so it ended up being a good way to get both on the vocal chain.
After leaving it to fresh ears, I played with the mix a bit and changed some compression settings the next day. I went back to the EQs on the kick and snare but the band to be more my taste but the band ended up preferring where we were previously and we changed it back. We added more delay and I cleaned up a bit of EQ in the Master chain while adding some loudness and compression on the final mix. Overall, it was a quick job on a scrappy song but we all ended up with something we were happy with and the band will be releasing it on time for their show on Saturday, October 11 at Gobblefest 30 here in Sydney.
#cblocals#cape breton#diy#project studio#recording studio#punk rock#grunge#live music#music blog#album#gobblefest#ac30#premier drums#sennheiser#shure#electrovoice#pro tools#apple imac#allen & heath#qu-pac#kali audio#fender jaguar#traynor#lewitt mics
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Lysis is on the ATHENÆUM LP LYS 48
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【4/9本日名古屋栄エディオン久屋広場にてようすけ管理人とミノルでオタレコブース出します。】 名古屋のエディオン久屋広場で開催される「JAMAICA FESTIVALレゲエ&キュイジーヌ/BLOCK PARTY」にOTAIRECORDが出店します! JAMAICA FESTIVALはなんと入場無料! 野外+音楽+ダンス+フード+アートなどのブースがズラ��と並び、ジャマイカカルチャーを存分に楽しめる���日! もちろんサウンドシステムもあり、本物のレゲエミュージックが堪能できます! そしてBLOCK PARTYも同時開催!総勢300名以上のダンサーの出演が決まっているなど、レゲエだけでなくHIP HOPもバッチリ楽しめるイベントとなっています! お子様連れでも楽しめるイベントですので、是非遊びに来てください! ▼詳細ブログはコチラ! https://otaiweb.com/otareco/2023/04/08/10349/ *** <オタレコブースの出店内容> オタレコブースではレゲエセレクターにも大人気のDJ機材「Pioneer DJ / DDJ-REV7&DDJ-FLX4」、そしてバッテリー内蔵の高音質ポータブルPAスピーカー「Electro-Voice / EVERSE8」を展示し、DJ体験が出来るようセッティングさせていただきます! さらに今回UNITED CULTURE JAPAN様の協力を得て、ダブサイレンやディレイなどでおなじみのブランドBENIDUB(ベニダブ)の機材を「DS01」、「DS71」、「LICKSHOT」、「DIGITAL ECHO」、「PHASE」の5機種を展示!もちろん実際に触って音出しも出来ます!! BENIDUBの機材はオタレコスタッフでもなかなか触る機会が無いのでかなり貴重です!! オタレコスタッフも楽しませていただきます!天気も良さそうですので是非一緒に楽しみましょう!! 開催概要 ○イベント名:JAMAICA FESTIVALレゲエ&キュイジーヌ/BLOCK PARTY(名古屋開催) ○公式instagramアカウント: @jamafes ○開催日時:2023年4月9日(日) ○開催時間:午前11時~午後8時 ○開催場所:名古屋市 中区 栄 エディオン久屋広場 #jamaicafestival #blockparty #pioneerdj #ddjrev7 #ddjflx4 #electrovoice #everse8 #benidub #オタレコ (エディオン久屋広場) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqy6WBzyxSU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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is there any way to see my list of followers on mobile i wanna calculate what percentage of them are beautiful mysterious women whom i have never met
#electro voices#that’s the tag i’m gonna use when i say stuff#get it because it’s like my name#except i had to use a space and pluralise it to make it unique#electrovoice would’ve been better but it’s In Use 😔
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A maior loucura que eu quase fiz pela Cover, e não foi na fase pós-2010
Por volta de 2009, um colega do meu antigo trabalho iria para os EUA, e muitas pessoas encomendaram que ele fizesse compras diversas. Por muito pouco eu não pedi pra ele comprar um microfone Electrovoice RE 50. O exato microfone de parte dos repórteres do jornalismo da Globo, que também usam Sony, AKG e Beyerdynamic. Um dos que usavam desse microfone era Luiz Fernando Silva Pinto, correspondente em Washington DC. A Globo usa esse modelo desde os anos 70, quando ele ainda era prateado. Bom, se tem imitador do Silvio Santos que vai atrás do Sennheiser MD-405S, porquê não? É, na verdade até hoje só eu pretendi fazer isso. Quaisquer outros grupos de humor que satirizam reportagens de TV usam microfones aleatórios. (O que tem de mais o RE 50? Ele é muito resistente a poeira, umidade e água, além de ser meio grosso, facilitando ser segurado com luvas de frio. Dizem que o apelido desse equipamento é "The Hammer". Preciso pesquisar quantos repórteres usam esse microfone nas famosas coberturas de tempestades e furacões da TV americana onde os repórteres se molham todos.) Embora a EV tenha distribuidor no Brasil, para microfones eles estão mais focados no RE20 (microfone do Emílio Surita no rádio) além de sistemas de alto-falantes (que aí já não me interessam, cansei de PAs, meu antigo emprego só investia nisso...) Embora já tenham estado bem presentes na TV brasileira, com microfones como o RE10 (microfone fixo de palco no SBT, antecedendo microfones gooseneck para a mesma função), RE15 (repórteres da TVS), RE11 ("Papai eu quero me casar"...), PL80 (diversos programas do SBT até 1984 mais ou menos) e outros. Gooseneck é o tipo dos microfones das CPIs em Brasília. A propósito, o RE20 custa DEZ VEZES MAIS do que microfones feitos para PCs, como os HyperX. Essa eles não explicam.
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OV394 - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) – Guest: Joe Shearer (Midwest Film Journal)
In this episode, I welcome my friend Joe Shearer back to the show to review Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse! Become a patron for exclusive audio content at Patreon.com/ObsessiveViewer.
Show Start – 00:28
Introducing the Guest – 01:30
Summer Movie Talk - 02:50
Joe's Recent Reviews - 26:42
Review – 38:45
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – 46:09
Spoiler Review – 1:11:48
Closing the Ep – 1:55:00
Related Links
My 2023 Chain Link Viewing Project List
My 2023 Podcast and Writing Archive
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
Free Time (2023)
In A Good Way (2023)
The Smell of Money (2023)
Project Home (2023)
3D Printing the Future (2023)
Not Just a Picky Eater (2023)
Mike’s Band: As Good As It Gets
Our Theme Song on Spotify
Joe Shearer’s Letterboxd
White Men Can't Jump (2023)
Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie
Mafia Mamma
Joe’s Writing on Midwest Film Journal
Medium Cool: A Movie Podcast
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Obsessive Viewer Presents: Anthology
Obsessive Viewer Presents: Tower Junkies
Mic Info
Matt: ElectroVoice RE20 into RØDEcaster Pro II (Firmware: 1.2.2). Processing: High Pass Filter, DeEsser, Compressor, and Master Compellor enabled. Recorded in the Living Room
Joe: Tonor USB Microphone
Episode Homepage: ObsessiveViewer.com/OV394
Check out this episode!
#the obsessive viewer#podcast#movies#television#audio#reviews#criticism#movie news#theater#movie theaters#netflix#hulu#amazon prime#hbogo#hbonow#hbo#game of thrones
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O amplificador 5150 foi sem dúvida o amplificador signature mais icônico que surgiu no mundo da guitarra. Podemos ter diversas marcas mais famosas, como a Fender, Marshall entre outros, mas um modelo signature tão famoso e desejado não há. Desde que Eddie Van Halen deixou de usar seus Marshalls com variac e passou a utilizar seu Peavey 5150, o amplificador virou sinônimo do Som de Eddie.
#evh5150 #peavey #fender #soldano #jamesbrown #eddievanhalen #vanhalen #brownsound #variac #marshall #superlead #plexi #celestion #electrovoice #tomtone #pedals #pedalboards #customshop #custompedal #customteffects #boutiquepedals #guitar #guitarra #baixo #bass #tomtoneefx #tomtoneeffects #gear #geartalk #guitarfx #effects #efeitos #efeitosdeguitarra #pedaisdeefeitos #pedaisdeguitarra #guitareffects #pedaleffects #pedalfx #fxpedals #tonehunter #stompboxes #stompbox #cortes
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Sound System Installation Halifax
Sound System Installation Halifax – we have just completed another sound system installation this time for Trinity 6th Form Academy in Halifax within their new drama department which has just been built.
We were contracted to provide a new sound system installation solution within the newly built academy so we opted to install four Electrovoice ZX1 wall mounted 200 watt speakers in white, two in the drama room itself and two just outside the classroom so when the room is fully open they can cover the whole room.
We provided them with a 16U Swan portable Flight Case so that they can have the option of two control positions, one being in the classroom itself and another in the extended area so they can control the sound from either position by plugging into the speakon sockets we have installed.
Mounted on the top of the flightcase we have installed an Allen & Heath QU16 – 16 channel digital mixer to control all the microphones and Denon Media player and this will give them the facility to program different scenes for their drama productions.
Within the flight case we have also installed two Audio Technica DA49 antenna distribution units along with four handheld radio mic systems and four lapel radio mic systems. For the amplification we installed a QSC GX5 stereo amplifier which powers all four Electrovoice ZX1 speakers.

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🎶 Nauja garso aparatūra nuomai Vilniuje! 🎶
Ieškote profesionalios garso įrangos savo renginiui? Pristatome du naujausius garso kolonėlių komplektus, kurie užtikrins nepriekaištingą garsą ir kokybę jūsų šventėms!
🔊 Electro-Voice ELX Komplektas
Galia: 3400W
ELX112P aktyvios kolonėlės
ELX118P žemo dažnio kolonėlės
Tinka: Renginiai iki 100 žmonių
Kaina: Puiki kokybė už prieinamą kainą! 🎉
🔊 HK Audio Premium PR
Galia: 3000W RMS
12 aktyvios kolonėlės
18 SUB A žemo dažnio kolonėlės
Tinka: Šventės, vakarėliai, vestuvės iki 100 žmonių
Kaina: Aukščiausia garso kokybė jūsų renginiams! 🥳
📌 Daugiau informacijos ir užsakymai: 🔗 https://garsoaparaturosnuomavilniuje.lt/garso-koloneliu-komplektu-nuoma/ 📍 Vilnius
Nepraleiskite progos užtikrinti geriausią garsą savo renginyje su mūsų garso aparatūra!
#GarsoNuoma #ElectroVoice #HKAUDIO #KolonėliųNuoma #Vilnius #Renginiai #Šventės #Vakarėliai #Vestuvės
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Throwback Event - #SweetSixteenParty #westindian #birthdayparty @WoodHavenManor Saturday May 18, 2019 #Partytime #ElectroVoice #rocknrollermulticart #odysseycases #adj #technics1200 #rane #rane62 #americandj #mackie #eventdj #dj #turntabledj #partydj #mobiledj #privateevent #evekx (at Woodhaven Manor Caterers & Banquet) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZfDG3Db4H/?igshid=1cpi599pvxh33
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Es ist Weihnachtenszeit und da gibt es jede Menge - #weihnachtsfeier in #Leipzig #ev #ElectroVoice #sennheiser #tannenbaum #christmas #christmastree #mobiledj #djlife🎧 #eventdj (hier: Leipzig, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vHCZGInnO/?igshid=beu79eix4186
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#nickalasmilesmusic #ddrum #zildjian #customsnaredrum #drum #drums #drummic #audiotechnica #audix #electrovoice #akai #shure #rode #nt1 #scarlett #sm57 #sessionmasters #evans #tama #dw #drumset #drumkit #nickmiles #nickmilesmusic #recording #mixing #audio #video (at Billings, Montana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XGB0SApL1/?igshid=jp07m69phwn2
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Today is rehearsal day. 🐵👍🏽 #elixirstrings #taylorguitars #boss #tu3w #tcelectronic #bodyrez #dittox2 #mxr #carboncopy #electroharmonix #holygrailneo #lrbaggs #paraacousticdi #voodoolabspedalpower2plus #gatorcases #evolve50 #electrovoice #pedaltrain #sennheiser #ew300iemg3 #214cek https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Kj70IlDgl/?igshid=12gqlqdgs4z64
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名古屋spazio ritaで行われたPAセミナー。ELECTRO VOICEの製品を使用してPAのお勉強をたっぷりしました。 またデモ演奏をしてくれたモーリッツヴィンケルマンのプレイがとにかく圧巻でした。。 久しぶりに名古屋でイベントできて本当よかった! これからもいろんな形で音楽好きと繋がって行きたいなって思いました。 いろんな立場でいろんな人が音楽やってるんだなって思うしこれからも頑張らなきゃって思わされるんだよな。 関西から来てくれた人もいたし来てくれた皆さんには感謝感謝です! #electrovoice #エレクトロボイス #otairecord (spazio rita) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXrkwkyS6C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Live piano/voce! #pianovoce #livemusic #cantautore #electrovoice #korg #korgsv1 #shure (presso Sarsina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvOUXyyF5oW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18kkxisjko49b
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