katiajewelbox · 2 years
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I found this slideshow on Linked In and thought it was worth sharing here. Does anyone have any opinions on any of these resources? I use Duolingo and I like it. 
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stockiphotos · 22 days
The Perfect 3D Icons for Your Projects 🚀
Looking for the perfect 3D icons to elevate your web designs? We know how challenging it can be to find icons that match your vision and enhance your projects.
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Transform your web designs with Stockiphotos.com 3D icons today! 🚀🎉
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salty-professor · 4 months
You should know this already
So, I have several degrees. This isn't a humble brag. It is what is required to teach in Higher Ed. I did the work. I earned the degrees. I was a student over and over and I learned and I learned so that I could, one day, like say, today, impart my knowledge to a student who wishes to learn from me. Maybe not me per se but someone like me. Someone who is an expert in a particular field who can help people become better at something.
This is the job I do. This is the job I just did ten minutes before I sat down to write this. I have a student who is riding the struggle bus at the moment with this unit's concepts. To help out, I've spoken to her, met with her virtually, chatted with her on the phone, and today, replied with a detailed email.
I have the privilege to do my job, but I worked my ass off and made huge mistakes along the way and now, here I am, in the Ivory Tower, trying to take it apart bit by bit so that it can be built again, stronger than before.
I teach. That is what I do. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am a professor who doesn't profess. I teach. I like to actually find out what my students need and I work with them to crack the code. Does it take more time? Yeah. It does. Is it the right thing to do? I mean, I guess it depends on each person who sits on my side of the desk, but I think this is the job.
A few things drive me crazy about my colleagues. OK. Way more than a few. I wrote a whole book about it because my list is so long. I should say ONE of the things that drives me crazy is when one of them says to a student "You should know this already."
For those who have never been insulted with this bullshit line, here is what it sounds like.
Student: Um...Professor Fuckhead, I am really struggling with subject/verb agreement. You keep telling me that I am doing it wrong, but I just don't really get what you are saying. Professor Fuckhead: That was something you should have learned in elementary school at best or middle school at worst. I don't have time for that. I'm not teaching you English, I'm teaching you how to write effectively.
Yeah, so, Professor Fuckhead isn't wrong about a lot of that, BUT, he should take a few minutes to help out. He totally has the time. The class only meets 2.5 hours per week. All kinds of fucking time. Beside, the fact remains the student doesn't know it and s/he/y is asking for help. So, it is Fuckhead's fucking job to help. I'm not suggesting that Fuckhead needs to set up private tutoring sessions for this struggling student, but the internet is vast and the resources are free.
If it were me, I would say something like:
Page 22 in the free handbook I send you all on day one of the class should give you a lot of insight. Also, Grammar Girl has some excellent videos and resources that can help you refresh your skills. Let's look at a few instances in your writing where you are doing it wrong and then you can look at the resources and you can try to find the others in your paper. I'm not going to fix them for you, but I will show you how you can fix them.
I didn't shame the student. I didn't put up a wall. I didn't do the work for h/er/m either. I gave some help. I showed the student how to fix the problem and shared some resources because, yes, the student should know this already. This is college BUT s/he/y is struggling.
I know I can pass the course I am teaching. That is sort of the point of getting all the degrees. At some point, someone with more degrees than me took a moment to explain things to me that I didn't know even if I "should" have known it.
The world is big and our brains are stuffed with a lot of shit. I know that Brian May is both a rock god AND an astrophysicist. Is that helpful? No. Could I have used that mental space to remember something someone taught me when I was 9? Maybe.
Instead, I listened to Queen and then I asked a question of someone who knew more than me and while I was told on many occasions by Professor Fuckhead that I should know that already, thankfully, I had plenty of teachers who decided to take five minutes to help me out. Seems only right that I pay that forward.
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hisnhers · 8 months
first day at the job done :o)
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penamonperks · 1 month
The Rat Race That I Know
The Rat Race That I Know The Wealth Totem Pole: Evaluating Urban Success in the USA A race is happening below the surface of life, known as the rat race. It’s a prevailing idea that humans are navigating through a maze, and those who make it to the end will find happiness, wealth, and freedom.  Growing up in a major city in the USA is like this. The people in government jobs and private sectors…
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vsmartengine · 2 months
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Discover the future of learning with Vsmartengine! Our e-learning platform offers a wide range of courses designed to enhance your skills and knowledge. Whether you're looking to advance your career, learn something new, or just stay updated with the latest trends, Vsmartengine has got you covered.
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mdlearning · 2 months
Formations en ligne gratuites avec certificat - Trouvez votre formation certifiante en ligne et apprenez à votre rythme
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Dans notre monde en constante évolution, il est de plus en plus important de continuer à se former et à acquérir de nouvelles compétences. Cependant, il n'est pas toujours facile de trouver le temps et les ressources nécessaires pour suivre une formation traditionnelle en présentiel. C'est là que les formations en ligne gratuites avec certificat entrent en jeu.
De nos jours, il existe une multitude de plateformes de formation en ligne qui proposent des cours gratuits, souvent accompagnés d'un certificat de validité. Ces certifications peuvent être une valeur ajoutée pour votre CV et peuvent même être reconnues par des employeurs.
Ces formations en ligne gratuites peuvent couvrir une grande variété de sujets, allant des compétences professionnelles telles que la gestion du temps et la communication, aux compétences techniques telles que la programmation et le design graphique. Il y en a pour tous les goûts et tous les domaines.
La plupart de ces formations sont dispensées sous forme de vidéos ou de supports de cours en ligne gratuits, ce qui vous permet de les suivre à votre rythme, selon votre emploi du temps. Vous pouvez ainsi apprendre où et quand vous le souhaitez, que ce soit depuis chez vous, à votre bureau ou même en déplacement.
En outre, ces formations en ligne gratuites vous permettent également de vous familiariser avec de nouvelles technologies et outils, tels que les plateformes de formation en ligne elles-mêmes, qui sont de plus en plus utilisées dans le monde professionnel.
Il est également important de noter que la plupart de ces formations gratuites en ligne offrent un certificat à la fin du cours, attestant de votre participation et de votre réussite. Cela peut être un atout pour votre évolution professionnelle ou même pour vos recherches d'emploi, car cela démontre votre engagement et votre volonté d'apprendre.
Alors, comment trouver ces formations en ligne gratuites avec certificat ? Une simple recherche sur internet vous permettra de trouver de nombreuses plateformes proposant des cours gratuits en ligne. Parmi les plus populaires, on peut citer Coursera, edX, Udemy, OpenClassrooms ou encore Khan Academy. Vous pouvez également consulter les sites d'universités ou d'organisations internationales qui proposent souvent des cours en ligne gratuits et certifiants.
Avant de vous inscrire à une formation en ligne gratuite, il est important de vérifier la qualité de celle-ci et la reconnaissance du certificat délivré. Lisez les avis des précédents participants, renseignez-vous sur les enseignants et sur la réputation de la plateforme de formation.
En résumé, les formations en ligne gratuites avec certificat sont une excellente opportunité pour continuer à se former et à développer de nouvelles compétences, sans contraintes de temps et de lieu. Elles peuvent être un outil précieux pour renforcer votre CV, améliorer vos chances d'emploi ou tout simplement satisfaire votre curiosité et votre envie d'apprendre. N'hésitez plus, inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à une formation en ligne gratuite et lancez-vous dans une nouvelle aventure de développement personnel et professionnel.
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manavvyas3012 · 3 months
eKal Academy is a digital learning initiative of Kalorex Group (29 years of legacy in education), eKal Academy – a Digital teaching platform enabling LIVE & interactive classes, offering Individual and Group programs.
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thedreadvampy · 11 months
Google you're the biggest fucking company in tech I promise you when I go to your training pages I am not in need of a marketing pitch for your free industry standard software. what I'm LOOKING for is for you to TELL ME HOW TO FUCKING USE IT.
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explainlearning · 1 year
Kids Study Groups Boosting Academic Success and Building Friendships
In today’s world, students are bombarded with information from all directions. It can be difficult to keep their attention and make sure they are actually learning anything. That’s where interactive learning comes in.
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Interactive learning with kids study groups is a type of education that engages students by actively involving them in the learning process. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as games, simulations, and virtual reality. When students are actively engaged in the learning process, they are more likely to retain the information they are learning.
There are many benefits to interactive learning. For one, it is more engaging than traditional lecture-based learning. Students are more likely to pay attention and participate when they are actively involved in the learning process. This leads to better understanding of the material and improved long-term retention.
Interactive learning also helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When students are faced with challenges in an interactive learning environment, they have to use their problem-solving skills to overcome them. This helps them develop the skills they need to be successful in school and in the workplace.
In addition, interactive learning in child study groups can help students develop creativity and innovation. When students are given the opportunity to explore and experiment in an interactive learning environment, they are more likely to come up with new ideas and solutions. This is a valuable skill in today’s world, where creativity and innovation are essential for success.
Continue reading Kids Study Groups Boosting Academic Success and Building Friendships
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mevsworld27 · 4 months
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CISSP training is the smart first step to becoming an information assurance professional. By taking the CISSP course, students learn the basics of cyber security, which includes controls, architecture, management, and design. Aligned with the (ISC)² CBK 2018 requirements, this training is the gold standard in IT security.
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elearningcnp · 4 months
Why Smart Classrooms are Important in Schools -Digital Teacher
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Why Smart Classrooms Are Important in Schools?
The rise of technology has ushered in a dynamic, interactive, and innovative learning era, where students, being digital natives, are accustomed to smartphones and the internet.
To remain relevant and effective, education must adapt to students' familiar tools, such as chalkboards and printed textbooks, as traditional classrooms evolve into dynamic tech spaces, with smart classrooms leading the way.
The implementation of smart classes at our institution has significantly improved teaching and learning experiences, with interactive whiteboards, multimedia content, and customized learning options resonating with students.
I think there are several reasons why smart classrooms are essential.
Enhanced Learning in Smart Classrooms:
Digi Classrooms enhance learning by incorporating interactive whiteboards, digital content, and multimedia presentations, fostering active student engagement and making it more enjoyable and effective.
Entry to an Abundance of eLearning Information:
Smart classes leverage the internet's vast information repository to provide students with real-time data, real-time research, online resources, and a wider range of educational opportunities.
Astute Interactivity and Collaborative Teaching:
The transition to a smart class has fostered a culture of collaboration and critical thinking among students, enhancing their teamwork skills, problem-solving abilities, and team-building abilities through collaborative projects, idea sharing, and active discussion participation.
The Smart Classroom for Digital Teachers:
The Digital Teacher Smart Classroom is a sustainable solution that promotes digital resources and reduces paper usage, fostering environmental consciousness among students.
Technology in Education in the Future
The author encourages educational institutions to adopt technology as it represents the future of education, providing a brighter and more engaging learning experience for students and faculty, as parents, students, and educators increasingly seek such modern, technology-driven institutions.
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For More Visit: www.digitalteacher.in website to learn more! or Please feel free to contact us at: 90000 90702
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Learn: How Smartphone Apps Are Changing the Game!
Are you looking for CBSE Syllabus, Then Subscribe to Digital Teacher Canvas Online learning classes for just 1949 rupees only.
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salty-professor · 2 months
The Big Grift
There is growing concern about student loan debt in America. It is a real concern. We should be fucking concerned. The current number being bandied about is 1.7 trillion dollars. Yeah. With a fucking T. Which rhymes with B which stands for bullshit.
It isn’t bullshit that this is the amount of money that is owed. That is the reported number. I believe it. I believe in math. However, it is hard to know exactly how much of that money is interest and how many people who racked up that debt actually earned a degree. We do know that students who don’t graduate end up defaulting on the student loans at triple the rate of those who did graduate AND we know that unless you die, student debt is forever.
You could take out billions in loans and default, declare bankruptcy, fuck all the small businesses who did the work for you and only pay them pennies on the dollars they are owed even though they paid their employees the full amount, walk away, and then do it over and over again. And again. And AGAIN. AND you could be rewarded for all of that by becoming the president. BUT, if you take out 20K in student loans for a degree you didn’t earn, you will have to have your wages garnished, your tax returned seized, all while the interest racks up and that 20K becomes 50 or 60 in no time.
I do think that people who take out loans should pay them back. I do. I think if you take out loans for a business, or for a degree, you owe that money back. I am OK with that. There is some nuance to it thought and that needs to be considered.
Some of those people who took out loans for degrees they didn’t earn, actually didn’t even go to class and yet, they still owe the money. That is like applying for a car loan but you never finalize the loan, sign your name, or pick it up from the dealership but still somehow you owe the money even though they sold that car to someone else.
When I first started teaching, professors could, have students removed from classes if they didn’t participate after two consecutive weeks. Now, the rule is, and this is a federal rule, not just the rule at my school, if the student doesn’t participate in week one, the student is dropped. There is no financial aid distributed and it is a no harm no foul situation.
However, if the student shows up and naps in the back row of class OR posts one word to one discussion in an online course, that student is “active��� and is enrolled for the rest of the term. The money is distributed and that is that. Even if the student never shows up again, the student can’t be dropped.
It is different if a student shows up for half the classes, doesn’t put in effort and doesn’t pass. That is an object lesson. The student needed to get kicked in the wallet on that one. However, if I student ghosts after day one, the student isn’t really enrolled in the class and the money should be returned. We are not required to marry the people we ghost after one bad date, so why do we make sure the student suffers this pain?
It could be that the student is scamming the system by collecting student loan checks for two years and fucking off with the money without knowing that the money will be owed back no matter what. Some students do get cost of living loans and some students get refunds. I get it. Some of them steal. That is a scam. Fuck those fuckers. Still, it is more likely that the student assumed by not showing up, there would be a drop and so the student didn't do anything. If you stopped showing up to work, you would expect to be fired. Same principle here.
The real insidious thing about it is that the schools collect the money but don’t have to do any of the work and THAT is the main reason why this law isn’t changing. Colleges and universities rake in tons of money from the federal government in financial aid. Some schools survive on tuition money alone. If they drop a student who quit attending after one third of the class was complete and had to give back 66 percent of the money, that would be bad for bottom lines. So, instead of doing the ethical thing, they do nothing. Fucking NOTHING.
Last term I had six students who didn’t pass the course. Five of them submitted two assignments total. One of them only submitted one. The college collected that money and even though I’ve pushed and begged to have the students dropped, I was told, “not to get too worked up about it.”
Really? Fuck you. Fuck that. I am worked up about it because in 10 years, that student is going to plan on using a tax refund for something, but there will be no joy at that person’s house, because that money will be taken to repay for a class, he probably thought he dropped. AND if he wants to take out a loan to help cover the costs of anything, or buy a car, or a house, that will not happen because his credit is ruined.
Education should not be a fucking business built on the back of predatory loans.
It is a fucking right.
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resultswiz · 6 months
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updated-reviews · 6 months
Elevate Your Marketing Videos: The Power of AI Text-to-Speech with Different Voices
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In today's fast-paced digital world, capturing audience attention is more crucial than ever. Marketing videos have become a cornerstone of successful marketing campaigns, offering a dynamic and engaging way to connect with your target audience. However, creating high-quality video content can be a time-consuming and expensive endeavor, especially when it comes to professional voiceovers.
This is where the magic of AI text-to-speech (TTS) technology comes in. Imagine a world where you can transform your marketing scripts into captivating voiceovers with just a few clicks. AI text-to-speech allows you to do just that, offering a powerful and versatile tool for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging the power of AI, you can create professional-sounding voiceovers in a variety of styles and languages, all at a fraction of the traditional cost.
Beyond the Human Voice: Unveiling the Versatility of AI Text-to-Speech (AI text to speech different voices)
Gone are the days of being limited to a single voice narrator. AI text-to-speech technology boasts a vast library of AI voices, each offering unique characteristics and personalities. This opens up a world of possibilities for your marketing videos. Imagine tailoring the voiceover to perfectly match the tone and style of your brand. Need a friendly and approachable voice for a product explainer video? AI has you covered. Creating a high-energy commercial? No problem! The variety of AI voices allows you to select the perfect narrator to resonate with your target audience and enhance the overall message of your video.
But the versatility of AI text-to-speech goes beyond just voice selection. Many platforms allow you to fine-tune the speaking style, adjusting the pace, pitch, and even adding emphasis for dramatic effect. This level of control empowers you to craft the ideal voiceover that seamlessly integrates with the visuals of your video, creating a truly immersive experience for viewers.
Crafting the Perfect Tone: How AI Creates Emotionally-Charged Voiceovers (convert text to speech with emotions AI)
The human voice is a powerful tool for conveying emotions. A skilled voiceover artist can inject the right amount of enthusiasm, authority, or warmth to captivate the audience. But what if you could achieve the same level of emotional resonance with AI? Believe it or not, AI text-to-speech technology is rapidly evolving to incorporate emotional intelligence.
Some advanced platforms allow you to choose from a range of pre-programmed emotional styles, such as joyful, persuasive, or urgent. This allows you to tailor the emotional delivery of your voiceover to perfectly compliment the message you're trying to convey. Imagine a heartwarming ad for a charity using a gentle and compassionate voice, or a product demonstration packed with excitement and energy. AI text-to-speech empowers you to evoke the desired emotions in your audience, fostering a deeper connection and ultimately driving results.
Elevate Your Reach: Expanding Your Audience with Multilingual AI Voices (AI text to speech for marketing videos)
The global marketplace offers a vast pool of potential customers. However, language barriers can often present a significant hurdle for marketing campaigns. AI text-to-speech technology breaks down these barriers by offering a multilingual solution. Many platforms support a wide range of languages, allowing you to create voiceovers in the native tongue of your target audience. This not only enhances the overall understanding and engagement of your videos but also demonstrates a commitment to catering to a global audience.
Imagine reaching new markets and expanding your brand awareness without the need for expensive voiceover translations. AI text-to-speech provides a cost-effective and efficient way to localize your marketing videos, ensuring your message resonates across borders.
From Budget-Friendly Options to Premium Solutions: Choosing the Best AI Text-to-Speech Software (best AI text to speech software)
The beauty of AI text-to-speech technology lies in its accessibility. A variety of options are available, catering to different needs and budgets. For those just starting out, several free AI text-to-speech converters (free AI text to speech converter) offer basic functionality. These platforms can be a great way to experiment with AI voiceovers and see if they align with your marketing strategy. However, keep in mind that free options may have limitations in terms of voice selection, audio quality, and customization features.
For businesses seeking a more professional and feature-rich solution, several premium AI text-to-speech software providers exist. These platforms offer a wider range of voices, advanced control over audio parameters, and even integration with text to speech API with AI for seamless workflow integration with your video editing software. While premium options come with a cost, the investment can pay off handsomely, allowing you to create high-quality marketing videos that truly stand out from the crowd.
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