parkchandaddy · 11 years
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eleanor-calder-br · 11 years
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assdirection · 12 years
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boybandershaveasecret · 12 years
(Present or former) Elounor shippers please answer?
I just read a very interesting theory about a potential Elounor breakup growing imminent and I was wondering about your thoughts. Yes, I know that is rather Larry-biased, so bear with me. But! I know a lot of fans of Eleanor Calder were fairly disappointed in the way El had been acting in response to the Twitter nonsense that had happened over the weekend.
I think the reason they’re doing all this is so they can blame the break-up on too much negativity which eventually drove a wedge in their relationship and pushed them apart. Not only will people buy it as a legit excuse, even though it’s the worst I’ve ever heard, everyone is gonna blame Larry shippers for it and say we caused their break-up. (If anybody does that, I’ll laugh in their face). 
Also given how unsympathetic Eleanor has been acting via Twitter, I feel like they’re trying to make her less desirable to keep around, so fans won’t miss her too much. This is just idle speculation, but she has been being more of a bitch than usual these past few days, and a lot of her fans have been turning against her, for her condoning cyber-bullying, and apparently she’s been tweeting negative stuff about X-Factor contestants? 
Sounds possible, yes? Even if you don't ship Larry, I think that that could be a very realistic way management could try to handle a client's breakup in order to keep their client in high opinions. Even if Elounor is 100% real, could you guys sorta see a management and pr company doing something sort of convoluted like that to spin the story to sort of make Louis look his best?
Now. I'm not trying to force my Larry-esque opinion on you guys. I respect yours. But I want to hear what your opinion is on her behavior/this situation. I'm legit curious, and I won't fight you. I just wanna know how you guys feel about what could be/is happening?
Did Eleanor just lash out in frustration and all is good?
Are they not on steady ground in their relationship?
Is Eleanor, frankly, a bitch for the way she acted?
Or is her behavior justifiable?
How do you guys feel about Elounor/Eleanor, full disclosure?
Let's try to keep this as far from Larry-related as possible. I just legitimately want to know. So you can answer on this post or you can come to my askbox here, anon or not. Please let's keep this civil and nice :) Thanks guys! xx
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stylincome-blog · 12 years
Sitting in Starbucks and all I can think about is Eleanor I think I may be a bit too far into this fandom should I ask for professional help
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day #6
no they did not break up yet
but louis and harry are spending the day together and harry is not wearing any pants hahah bye bye eleanor
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cylonbarnes · 12 years
My OTP is Nemma
aka me+niall deal with it y'all can ship it if y'all wants to. Nemma Moran Ooh yeah. (My first name is Gemma and my last name starts with an M dur.) (Nemma sounds way better than Giall.) (I've actually put thought into this.) (Guys.) (I'm insane.) (Obviously this is OTP after Larry and wayyy after Elearbucks.)
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