#eleanor lloyd
crescentmp3 · 23 days
kill your feelings, eleanor
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[image desc: digital art of op's original character, eleanor lloyd. she has a grim look of hesitation on her face, a dagger in her hand as she holds in her hand a heart—her own heart, light growing inside it to paint it red and pink with love as the darkness in it melts off. she grips the dagger tightly, peering intently at her heart. the drawing has dramatic lighting for effect, and she seems to be in her own room. there is a barely visible corkboard at the back that has the face of the earl crossed out. // end id]
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nycmess · 9 months
2024 predictions?
i have about 20 for you. rayne reed will get canceled on twitter for something incredibly stupid, vanish for 2 months, then post like nothing happened. cullen bennett will continue to date essence for a few months, but then make some type of "expose" talking about her being a sociopath. rosa marrero will quit working for the chason's to go into another career and get fired immediately. dolly fawcett will cry on instagram live, and get the whole internet on her side about something. madeline leblanc is going to get in some type of physical altercation at her college. robyn reed is going to pop out with someone 100x more successful than oryn, and will get a diss track written about her. darcy devereaux is going to date someone heavy into drugs or alcohol, and stir drama within the family. willow wilder will name drop someone on her next album, and it'll become THE topic on tiktok for 2 weeks. percival devereaux is going to be in the middle of a conflict with his family (not the darcy conflict) and at least one of his ex wives is going to stop talking to him. zaara hoxha will be accused of punching poppy park in the face. it won't be true, but everyone will be so wrapped up in the drama that they won't care. isabela wyatt will drop text messages between her and elijah, but it'll backfire on her. darius kim will experience a huge drop in song sales. jaden myers will try to manufacture tiktok trends, and it'll be veerry cringe. ryan price will say something against disney, and get sued. eleanor lloyd will go on a long sting of bad dates, and end up making a tinder account. daxton myers will have a tiktok sound go viral, but it won't be from his music - it'll be something dumb he says. natalia ramirez will finally get divorced and pop out with a man thats like 21-23. zachary levine will book a lead gig.
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rich girl 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as bullying, manipulation, cheating, noncon/dubcon, Lloyd being Lloyd, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your long awaited ascension to the Home Owners Association proves more than you bargained for. (Silverfox AU)
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, side of Cole Turner
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
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Marge plays with the perfect slip of her bleach blond hair. Her lips glisten a shade of pink that reminds you of watermelon and her long lashes perfectly frame her crystal blue eyes. She is the perfect suburban housewife, the leader of the pack. 
The other women look to her as a beacon; they dress like her, speak like her, even try to walk like her. As you look around the tables, the cookie cutter women are almost interchangeable. You don't quite fit the mould but you've contorted yourself as best you can. 
It's your first meeting as part of the Home Owners Association. In your three long years in the suburb, it's been your ultimate goal. Well, it was Cole's. Your husband says you need to keep busy and what better opportunity to make friends. Maybe a great opportunity but not an easy one. 
Your husband just wants the best for you. You know that. Otherwise you wouldn't be living in this gorgeous suburb and your dream house. How could you want anything more? 
Now, you can't. You've done it. You've achieved it all. An HOA member among the privileged and the pretty.  
Caroline clears her throat and you look up. She stares at your french tips tapping on the table. You give a sheepish smile and stop yourself. You can't help it, you're nervous. 
As exciting as it all it, you almost want it to just be over. You want to run home and tell Cole all about it. About how you're one of them.  
You fan yourself with your hand, the sun beating down on the green lawn set with at least half a dozen tables. You're sweating through your foundation and the highlighter and the layers you felt were redundant. Your mascara is starting to stick. You glance over at Mitzy, there is even a trickle of sweat along her dark hairline. How? 
You cross your leg over the other and focus on Marge as she calls attention to the front table. There, her closest allies break bread; Callie who you often mistake for Marge, Olivia and her strawberry blond locks, Eleanor, and older member who kept her hair highlighted and draws her brows on, and Shanice, the youngest of any member, even yourself. 
"Alright, ladies, let's get to business," Marge calls out. You reach for your glass and find the mimosa drained. Right, you drank it all. You set it back and press together your wet fingertips. "Today, we have a new member!" 
Applause rolls through the crowd and you sit up straight, unhooking your leg as you look around meekly. You smile, cheeks tight and your lips tremble. You're so happy but so terrified. 
"And we know how we welcome new members. Honey, please come down," Marge says. 
You take a breath and stand. You gulp and tense your calves as you make a slow progress across the yard, fighting to keep your heels from sinking into the grass. As you reach the front table, your fearless leader welcomes you with a outstretched arm. 
"Our new members get to take on their very own HOA mission," Marge explains as Callie stands, a clipboard in her hands. She comes around beside her longlost twin, "so, Calliope, what do we have?" 
Marge leans over and the two review the clipboard. They hem and haw, muttering. 
"No, Mary is handling that already," Callie says, "these are the new ones." 
They confer then peek back at their table mates, "ladies, please, 14.1b. Do we agree?" 
The women look down at the pink folders and open them, fingertips brushing over paper to find the point in question. The look at each other but something in their expressions is uneasy. Marge clears her throat. 
"Mm," Eleanor taps her nail on the folder, "yes, I think it will do." 
The others nod, though Shanice does so hesitantly.  
"Marvelous," Marge declares and flips the pages of the clipboard, wiggling free a pristine white envelope with the stamp of the HOA on the sealed flap. She holds it up, presenting it to the audience. 
"By our next meeting, you will report back," Marge declares, "deliver this to the house on the label. Callie," she pushes the clipboard away, "give her the briefing of the issue before she goes. Now we will check in on action items." Marge struts away as Callie pulls loose a sheet of paper and hands it over, "good luck." 
You take it and fold it around the envelope as Marge calls up Erin to present her progress in getting Suzette on Oakfront to remove her Venus statue. You return to your own table, near the back, and sit. Caroline sighs and you glance over at her. 
"What house?" She whispers. 
You let the paper unfold and show her the envelope label. She sniffs and squeezes your elbow, "oh, honey." 
You frown and look down. You stare at the address, you're not sure you're familiar with it. 17 Willow Drive. That's not too far from Elmwood where you live. Should be easy enough. 
You review the directive on the slip of paper. Instead of going straight home, you head a few streets past your house to 17 Willow. You stand across the road in front of 16 and chew your lip. ‘Warning to be delivered to front door. Have occupant sign to acknowledge receipt.’ 
You sigh. You don’t like being the bearer of bad news. You wonder what exactly the homeowner did wrong. Their lawn is tidy and trimmed, the hedges meet the standards of the HOA guidelines, and nothing else sticks out from the row of suburban mansions.  
You cross the street and flick the envelope with your thumb. You hover just outside the gate in your kitten heels. You feel bad already. 
You reach over the white pickets and unclasp the gate. You stroll up the walk, admiring the landscaping. Huh. Paint colour falls within the standard and no unseemly ornaments. You can’t figure out why you’re here. 
You climb the steps and approach the front door. You tap the doorbell and wait, looking around aimlessly. You clutch the paper and envelope tight as your heart races. Maybe all this isn’t for you. You thought the HOA was more a women’s club; they had a book club and social nights and all that stuff, you didn’t really think about the nitty gritty of it all. 
You lean on your left foot, letting your ankle bend.  
“What do you want, toots?” A voice asks from the speaker of the doorbell cam. 
You smile. You didn’t reapply your lipstick. You bend slightly and wave at the lens. 
“Um, hello,” you give your name before you continue, “I’m part of the HOA. I have um, I have something for you.” 
You hear a click. You wait. You check your apple watch as the time stretches on. You peek behind you again then turn back to the front door. You hit the bell again. 
“Leave it in the slot,” the voice growls, “busy.” 
“Oh, right, erm, I do need you to sign--” 
“Christ fuckin’ sakes.” 
The speaker dies out again and you wince at the profanity. Oh, great, he’s already upset. You bounce on your heels and sway. You don’t do well with anger. 
You hear the lock on the inner door twist and you take a breath. You steel yourself and plaster your smile in place. You see a shadow inside then the screen door opens to a naked man with only a hand towel to cover his most intimate spot. He drapes it just in front of his pelvis but you keep your eyes above board. 
“Sorry, I--” 
“I told you, I’m busy,” he snarls, his mustache bristling on his curled lip. 
You swallow and your smile threatens to break. Maybe you should’ve listened and just come back later. You’re speechless as all your mental preparation flutters away. 
“Sir, I, er, I--” 
“Enjoying the view, sweet cheeks?” He scoffs and sends you a wink, “should I lift the towel or what?” 
“Uh, no, please, don’t,” you put your hands up, the envelope nearly slipping from your grasp. “I...” You blink at him. His grey hair droops crookedly, the top longer than the trimmed sides. “Here, er, I just need you to read this and sign--” 
He snatches the letter with one hand and turns it over to look at the HOA stamp. He rolls his eyes. He brings his other hand up, the towel clamped between two fingers and you block out his lower half with your palm and look up. He rips the envelope in two and drops it. 
“You can tell the bimbos to fuck off,” He kicks the remnants towards you, “now if you’ll excuse me, lube’s drying up.” 
He lets the door fall shut and spins around, giving a view of his ass before he slams the inner door. You gasp and bend to gather up the destroyed letter. You quickly retreat, cheeks burning in horror. 
Now you know why Caroline seemed so concerned. 
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book--brackets · 9 months
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richea · 2 months
I don't really do this much, but I wrote up some stuff for some Rays skits for friends and figured I'd share them for anyone interested. Think of these as a sort of "unofficial" translation from me. If people like these I might do more in the future (as actually compiling videos for translations and getting them properly edited takes a while)
Mithos' XMA skit with Kratos (excerpt)
Mithos: Say, Kratos. Back in our world, unlike me, did you continue to live on? Kratos: If what Yuan said is true, then yes. In the end, the two of us pushed all burdens of responsibility onto you. However, in this world, you can live alongside me. That is its own form of salvation―and hope. Mithos: Huh? Kratos: What I'm saying is you represent hope to me. Though there were times where I clung to that hope helplessly. While I know that I am unfit to be a guide to anyone, this time, I will guide you down… No, rather, together we will walk down a better path, hand in hand. Mithos: …Hehe. You're really starting to sound a lot like Lloyd, you know that? Kratos: Heh. I suppose so. Mithos: But thank you. That genuinely makes me happy to hear. You really are special to me, Kratos. To tell you the truth, I've gotten pretty tired of living, but hearing you say that makes me want to try living on just a little bit more. So long as the world permits it so, at least.
Walter's XMA skit with Senel (summary)
He and Eleanor are talking on the beach and then he sees Kisara and Senel fishing and starts yelling at them (for defiling the sea, essentially). Eleanor asks why he flew off all of a sudden and he says "Some shady people got in my line of sight". Kisara asks if Walter wants to join them in fishing for dinner and he says "No why would I ever help you". Then Eleanor gets an idea and says "Oh true, don't worry about him, Senel alone is good enough to count for 100 fishers, what a great guy he is :)" and Walter instantly goes "That's it. I'm helping. I'll do it all myself. You may as well go home loser" and then walks off. Senel asks Eleanor why she did that and she said "Norma taught me that if you bring up Senel it'll make Walter do anything but I didn't realize it was THIS effective". The skit is named "Instructions on How to Deal With a Guy Who Hates Losing/Being One-Upped" XD
Senel's XMA skit with Walter (summary)
Walter and Senel are fighting in a forest angrily and Walter's Flame Blade almost hits Shirley (and Leia) who Senel of course protects which ticks Walter off. Then Shirley says she was there to ask if Walter wanted to join them for a tea party to introduce him to all her friends :') He of course says no which prompts Senel to say "well if you refuse it's gonna make Shirley upset and obviously you don't want that to happen right?". Then he tells Walter to apologize to Shirley for almost hurting her and he says "I'm sorry for putting you in danger. …I have something to do so I'll be going on ahead. I'll at least show my face at your tea party."
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acronym-chaos · 25 days
Stanley (Stanley Parable) ID Pack
[PT: Stanley (Stanley Parable) ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alice, Arthur, Audrey, Bernard, Casey, Charlie, Charlotte, Claire, Clark, Dale, Dakota, Diana, Douglas, Edith, Eleanor, Elliot, Emma, Ernest, Evelyn, Finley, Frank, Gary, George, Grace, Harper, Harold, Hazel, Henry, Jack, James, Jamie, Jonathan, Jordan, Julia, Kevin, Larry, Leonard, Leslie, Lily, Lloyd, Malcolm, Margaret, Martin, Michael, Morgan, Nora, Norman, Oliver, Oscar, Parker, Penelope, Peter, Phillip, Quinn, Ralph, Richard, Riley, Robert, Rose, Rowan, Sam, Samuel, Sarah, Sidney, Stanley, Stella, Steven, Stuart, Taylor, Thomas, Victoria, Vincent, Wallace, Walter, William, Winston
[PT: Pronouns].
Blo / Block / Blocks; Bo / Button / Buttons; Choi / Choice / Choices; Cli / Click / Clicks; Deci / Sion / Decis [Decision]; En / End / Ends; Follow / Follows / Follows; Opt / Option / Options; Path / Path / Paths; Press / Press / Presses; Prompt / Prompt / Prompts; Quit / Quit / Quits; Re / Restart / Restarts; Re / Rewind / Rewinds; Rep / Repeat / Repeats; Ste / Step / Steps; Ti / Time / Times; Opt / Option / Options
[PT: Titles].
An Office Drone; Reluctant Follower; The Button Presser; The Choice Maker; The Decision Unmaker; The Employee in Room 427; The One Who Follows; The One Who Stays on Track; The Path Walker; The Player of Games; The Protagonist in a Story; The Reluctant Hero; The Subject of Narration; The Wanderer of Choices; The Worker Who Breaks the Cycle; [Pronoun] With Many Paths; [Pronoun] Who Can Restart; [Pronoun] Who Chooses the Path; [Pronoun] Who Defies the Narrator; [Pronoun] Who Resets Reality
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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chthonic-cassandra · 3 months
Tagged by @littleshopoflorrors and have taken an absolute age to do this.
Last book I read: Reread Henry James' collection of travel writing, Italian Hours. I fell in love with the prose when I first read it as a teenager and wanted to see how it help up.
Book I recommend: No recommendations are universal, but I think many more people should read C. J. Cherryh's Cyteen.
Book I couldn't put down: Most recently Angie Cruz' How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water.
Book I've read twice (or more): So many, but two of my most frequent comfort rereads are Robin McKinley's Sunshine and A. S. Byatt's Frederica Quartet, both of which I end up reading about once a year.
A book on my TBR: My TBR list is approximately 800 books long. For now let's say Salman Rushdie's Victory City.
A book I've put down: Most recently, Alexander Delacroix's Heart of the Impaler, which is a very bad Vlad Tepes novel.
A book on my wishlist: So different from the TBR list because it is a book that you actually want to buy? I rarely buy books I haven't yet read unless they are unavailable at the library, but two on my list currently are Eleanor Longden's Listening to the Voices in My Head and Tanith Lee's The Blood of Roses.
A favorite book from childhood: Lloyd Alexander's The Castle of Llyr.
A book you would give a friend: Depends very much on the friend! Let's imagine I am being lightly flirtatious and give this hypothetical friend Lynda Hart's Between the Body and the Flesh.
A book of poetry or lyrics you own: Trish Salah's Lyric Sexology, Vol. 1.
A non-fiction book you own: Vincent Woodward's The Delectable Negro: Human Consumption and Homoeroticism Within US Slave Culture, which more people should read.
Currently reading: Tanith Lee's Fatal Women: The Esther Garber Novellas
Planning on reading next: Either C. J. Cherryh's Foreigner or I'll do a Middlemarch reread, I haven't decided yet.
Tagging, if they want to do it, @idionkisson, @child-of-hurin, @awildwickedslip, @amourduloup, @kareenvorbarra and @mysikrolik
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spade-riddles · 4 months
Submission: About the house facade falling
About that reference to a silent movie with house facade falling - hello silent movie fan here! :)
You are thinking of the iconic scene from "Steamboat Bill jr", a film by and with Buster Keaton! (Who happens to be a cousin of mine, so double interest jippie!)
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This is one of his most famous scenes. The house facade was weighing about 2 tons, so no cardboard here - he could have been killed if the calculations hadn't worked out and the crew on set was worried about Buster's safety. This is even more amazing when you think about Buster's education or lack thereof - his parents were Vaudevillian actors and Buster grew up "on tour" and acting from early childhood on. Meaning he never got a formal education. He famously had difficulties writing his own name. Buster couldn't really read or write but created these elaborated sets and stunts himself.
Buster talked about that if he hadn't been born into an entertainment business family, he would have become an engineer. The film industry was quite literally build with his technical input on film technology (he took cameras apart and rebuild them, to make them more adaptable to his ideas for example) and stunt work on set.
All of this to say - the falling facade is iconic in so many ways! And I hope Taylor saw "Steamboat Bill jr". :)
Copyright has run out and Library of Congress has put it on the National Film Registry. So it is easily possible to watch this online.
I don't know if I'm being a bit too informed but I want to add this too - maybe Taylor not only wanted to reference (maybe) this iconic scene, but also the circumstances?
You see Buster was one of THE creators of cinema. Even back then people acknowledged that. But he was always bad with, or rather not interested in, money!
Unlike Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd, his two big contemporaries, he decided to sign with a big studio. Thinking that way he didn't have to do the paper work (he couldn't read anyway) and accounting and the studio could do the promo work he wasn't really interested in.
That deal turned to be his downfall! He got screwed over with the contract. The studio thought he was dumb and uneducated and treated him terribly. Buster suddenly had to hand in written scripts - how? The studio was getting more and more involved with production because he couldn't give them written pages ... it was a disaster!
At that time his marriage to a famous actress also started to fall apart and Buster started drinking. By the time of "Steamboat Bill jr" he was a full blown alcoholic. His last wife, he met after he had sobered up, Eleanor, later talked about that everyone around Buster back then thought, he was trying to kill himself with this stunt (which was filmed at the end of the movie shoot) because he was so desperate and depressed at that point. He couldn't deal with his marriage falling apart and the studio trying to micromanage him.
So yeah ... I don't know. Did Taylor reference this? She knows about Clara Bow, the star no one was interested in when she started speaking ... does she know about Buster and his conflict with the film industry which sucked him dry and discarded him? Possible ...
If you want to know more about Buster - there is a very good documentary "Buster Keaton - a hard act to follow". He is also featured in the "Silent Hollywood" documentary series. All his films are amazing, but his personal favourite was "The General". I think that is the one Buster would recommend to you. ;)
Anonymous said:
So after the volcano 🌋 anon she Buster Keaton’s through the door and comes out under the floor.
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pers-books · 6 months
National Theatre at Home set to stream Olivier award winning CONSTELLATIONS with multiple casts from 12 April
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The National Theatre announces that the Donmar Warehouse revival of the Royal Court Theatre Production, CONSTELLATIONS, directed by former artistic director of the Donmar Warehouse Michael Longhurst (Amadeus) will be available to stream on National Theatre at Home, the theatre streaming platform where global audiences can enjoy the best of British theatre.
Nick Payne‘s beautiful and heart-breaking romance was revived at the Vaudeville Theatre on London’s West End with a twist: four different casts took turns to journey through the multiverse and the infinite possibilities of a relationship; each refracting the play afresh. Starring Peter Capaldi and Zoë Wanamaker, Omari Douglas and Russell Tovey, Anna Maxwell Martin and Chris O’Dowd, and Sheila Atim and Ivanno Jeremiah, audiences can enjoy all four versions of the production from 12 April 2024 on National Theatre at Home.
A quantum physicist and a beekeeper meet at a barbeque. They hit it off, or perhaps they don’t. They go home together, or maybe they go their separate ways. In the multiverse, with every possible future ahead of them, a love of honey could make all the difference. CONSTELLATIONS was filmed from its West End revival, co-presented by Donmar Warehouse, Wessex Grove and Eleanor Lloyd Productions, Eilene Davidson, Gavin Kalin Productions, Grand Cru Consulting Ltd, Rupert Gavin/Mallory Factor, in association with Nica Burns for Nimax.
Captions and audio description will be available on the platform.
National Theatre at Home launched in 2020 after the National Theatre hosted weekly free streams of archive productions during the summer lockdown when theatres around the world were closed. Over 80 plays have been released onto National Theatre at Home to subscribers from 170+ countries. All titles on the platform are available with captions, and over 85% of titles are available with audio description.
National Theatre at Home has single titles to rent from £5.99 – £7.99, a monthly subscription for £9.99 or an annual subscription for £99.99. Gift membership is also available as a one/two/three month or one-year subscription.
Bloomberg Philanthropies is Headline Sponsor of National Theatre at Home.
National Theatre at Home is also supported by The Linbury Trust.
Visit The National Theatre at Home here.
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Official Participants List
Sophie Foster(Keeper of the Lost Cities)  
Percy Jackson(Percy Jackson)  
Toph Beifong(Avatar the Last Airbender)  
Steven Universe(Steven Universe)  
Ryuji Sakamoto(Persona 5)  
Candace Flynn(Phineas and ferb)  
Mytho(Princess Tutu)  
Pearl(Steven Universe)  
Ruby Rose(RWBY)  
Glimmer(She ra)  
Raphael(teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012)  
Luz Noceda(Owl House)  
Eda Clawthorne(Owl House)  
Stanley Pines(Gravity Falls)  
Donatello Hamato(Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles)  
Will byers(Stranger Things)  
Michelangelo Hamato(Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles)   
Lake/M.T.(Infinity Train)  
Miles "Tails" Prower(Sonic the hedgehog)  
Sokka(Avatar the Last Airbeder)  
Edward Elric(Fullmetal Alchemist)  
lloyd Garmadon(Ninjago)  
Nintendo EShop Bag(Nintendo)  
Fred Jones(Scooby Doo)  
Annabeth chase(Percy Jackson)  
Logan Sanders(Sanders Sides)  
Steve Rogers(Marvel Cinematic Universe)  
Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz(Phineas and ferb)  
Peter Parker(Spiderman)  
Dean Winchester(Supernatural)  
Eleanor Shellstrop(The good place)  
MK(Monkie kid)  
Nico di Angelo(Percy Jackson)  
Nani Pelekai(Lilo and Stitch)  
Wylan Van Eck(Six of Crows)  
Stiles(Teen Wolf)  
that one dolphin(Nobody saves the world)  
Maxwell Puckett(Paranatural)  
Finn Mertens(Adventure Time)  
Lucas(Mother 3)  
George Karim(Lockwood and co)  
The Knight/"Little Ghost"(Hollow Knight)  
Din Djarin(The Mandolorian)  
Gregory(Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach)
Five(The Umbrella Academy)  
Isildur(Rings of Power)  
Midoriya Izuku(My Hero Academia) 
Dipper Pines(Gravity Falls) 
Charlie Spring(Heartstopper show) 
Nick Nelson(Heartstopper show) 
Kris Dreamurr(Deltarune) 
Mono(Little NIghtmares)
Six(Little NIghtmares) 
Obi Wan Kenobi(Star Wars)
Kermit the Frog(The Muppets)
Congradulations to all the characters that made the cut! Brackets should hopefully be released sometime this week.
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top portrayals:
[12] Lily James
[9] Keira Knightley, Jennifer Lawrence
[5] Imogen Poots
[4] Maisie Williams
[3] Sarah Bolger, Jenna Louise Coleman, Romola Garai, Bella Heathcote, Amber Heard, Saoirse Ronan, Emily VanCamp, Alicia Vikander
[2] Rose Byrne, Nina Dobrev, Taissa Farmiga, Sarah Gadon, Karen Gillan, Eva Green, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Anna Kendrick, Katie McGrath, Leighton Meester, Sophie Turner
[5] Matthew Goode, Jared Padalecki
[4] Jude Law, Aaron Paul
[3] Nathaniel Buzolic, Bradley Cooper, Hugh Dancy, John Krasinski, Landon Liborion, Miles Teller
[2] Jonas Armstrong, Justin Bartha, Douglas Booth, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Sam Claflin, Charlie Cox, Chace Crawford, Charlie Day, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Martin Freeman, Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnum, Jake Johnson, Harry Lloyd, James McAvoy, Mads Mikkelsen, Julian Morris, Colin Morgan, David Morrisey, Dylan O’Brien, Evan Peters, Michael Pitt, Eddie Redmayne, Andrew Scott, Bill Skarsgard, Ben Whishaw
[ 3 ] Astrid Berges-Frisby, Bella Heathcote [ 2 ] Sarah Gadon, Felicity Jones
[ 8 ] Michael Fassbender [ 8 ] Keira Knightley [ 7 ] Tom Hardy
[ 6 ] Emilia Clarke, Phoebe Tonkin [ 6 ] Jensen Ackles, Richard Armitage, Henry Cavill
[ 5 ] Emily Blunt, Nina Dobrev [ 5 ] Nathaniel Buzolic, Sam Claflin, Luke Evans, Chris Hemsworth
[ 4 ] Jenna Louise Coleman, Michelle Dockery, Margot Robbie, Emma Watson [ 4 ] Ben Barnes, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans, Liam Hemsworth, Jared Padalecki, Bill Skarsgard, Sebastian Stan, Toby Stevens
[ 3 ] Candace Accola, Natalie Dormer, Jessica Brown Findaly, Claire Holt, Scarlett Johanson, Freya Mavor, Katie McGrath, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Emma Watson [ 3 ] Robert Carlyle, Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Jaime Dornan, Theo James, Joseph Morgan, Julian Morris, Evan Peters, Aidan Turner
[ 2 ] Chloe Bennet, Shelley Hennig, Lena Headey, Amber Heard, Lily James, Leighton Meester, Emilie de Ravin, Krysten Ritter, Sophie Turner, Evan Rachel Wood [ 2 ] Aneurin Barnard, Douglas Booth, Charlie Cox, Charles Dance, Hugh Dancy, Scott Eastwood, Mark Gatiss, Tom Hiddleston, Michiel Huisman, Harry Lloyd, Richard Madden, James Norton, Colin O’Donoghue, Daniel Sharman, Milo Ventimiglia
[ 7 ] Natalie Dormer [ 6 ] Romola Garai [ 5 ] Emma Stone [ 4 ] Crystal Reed, Holland Roden [ 3 ] Karen Gillan, Rosamund Pike, Emilie de Ravin, Eleanor Tommilson, Charity Wakefield
[ 5 ] Ben Whishaw [ 3 ] Billie Piper [ 3 ] Dylan O’Brian, Colin O'Donoghue [ 2 ] Alexis Bledel, Laura Carmicheal, Sarah Paulson, Lara Pulver, Taylor Swift, Anna Torv [ 2 ] JJ Field, Freddie Highmore, Josh Hutcherson, Gabriel Mann, Dan Stevens, Max Theriot
2: Cava Delevingne, Zoey Deutch, Phoebe Tonkin, Lea Seydoux, Kristen Stewart, Suki Waterhouse, Emma Watson
3: Tom Hiddleston 2: Daane Dehann, Chris Hemsworth, Luke Mitchell
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crescentmp3 · 1 month
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[image desc: a digital comic of op's characters, anne constable and eleanor lloyd. in the first frame, eleanor rubs the back of her neck while looking off to the side, some blood splatters on her. she says awkwardly, "er... countess, i don't mean to come off as unappreciative, but it feels inappropriate to propose a relationship to me right after my assassination of the earl."
anne puts a hand to her chin and grins, sparkles around her as she says in a honeyed tone, "ah, is that it, darling? worry not. i have much further inappropriate scenarios planned for the two of us than this."
eleanor glares at her in a mixture of repulsion and irritation, eliciting anne to say lightheartedly, "ah, too soon?" // end id]
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askvenusstarbynding · 7 months
Meet the Cast!!!
Venus Star Bynding, or VSB, is a Mother series AU run by Mod Alice and Mod Doc. The characters are......
⚠️(i will update this later with personalities and such, for now i'm just putting their names!! this description is a work in progress!!)⚠️
Onett Project Era Chimeras
Tessalane (Tess) Starriy - Ness AU. Chimera, part Giigian.
Franklin Tenni - Ninten AU. Chimera, part Giigian. Her real name is Niiya, but she's forgotten.
Twinkle Roosevelt - Lloyd AU. Chimera, entirely robotic.
Matilda (Tillie) Scarlette - Porky AU. Not a chimera. Former Vessel for the Emperor of the Mind, Gyiyg.
Pollyana Talj - Paula + Ana AU. Chimera.
Kennedy Half - Teddy + Ken (from the M1 novel) AU. Chimera. part Old Angel, part Starman, part Monarque Nymph.
Zalind Rosze - Jeff AU. Chimera, robotic. Also a student of the Academy.
Crescendo (Cress) Dali - Poo AU. Chimera, part Giigian, part Mook, part Venusian. Escaped the Onett Project early on.
Trevor Starfield - not an AU. Chimera, part Giigian.
Clair Umena - Tony AU. Chimera, part Old Angel. Attends the Academy.
Picky Flowers - Picky AU. Plant chimera. Escaped early on with Cress.
Ellie Valentine - Pippi AU. Chimera.
Fai Soiree - a Saturnian. Chimera. Attends the Academy.
Edwin Monroe - not an AU. Chimera.
Allison London - not an AU. Chimera.
Evan Oleander - not an AU. Botched chimera.
Luna Ticks - not an AU. A spy sent by Serenada, the Old Angel of Song, to gather information on the Empire.
Flue Faykerr - not an AU. Chimera, part Venusian.
Ulysses Aperture - a Mook. Attends the Academy.
Hatenna Shock - a Starman.
Jayke Morrowflight - a Starman.
Pippin Madder - Apple Kid AU. Chimera, part Old Angel. Attends the Academy.
Fenestra Larynx - Orange Kid AU. Chimera. Attends the Academy.
Auro Edison - a Saturnian. Chimera. Attends the Academy.
Sunny Zailea - Lucas adjacent. Chimera, part dragon. First attempt at a Commander.
Uriel Lumineer - Dungeon Man/Brick Road AU. Chimera.
Tazmily Project Era Chimeras
Mitzuki Tazimile - Claus AU. Chimera, robotic.
Jack Mars - Duster AU. Chimera, part Leech, part Giigian.
Madame Fassaud - Fassad AU. Chimera, robotic, part Monarque Nymph.
Colonel Ivory - Pigmask colonel.
Roj - a Saturnian. Chimera, robotic.
Empire of the Mind Staff
Gyiyg Tazimile - Giygas AU. Giigian. Emperor of the Mind.
Codyrwin Scarlette - Porky adjacent. Tillie's Giigian. Second Emperor of the Mind after Gyiyg's death.
Lucian Lux - Monotoli AU. A Starman. Head of the Empire's Venus division.
Deja Veaux - Former Monarque Nymph of Shatter who went rogue and joined the Empire.
Luzion Iztralis - Former Monarque Nymph of Poison who went rogue.
Boris Bluemoon - not an AU. Part of the Venus division.
Edgar Malavot - Carpainter AU. Chimera, wooden.
Captain Casimir Sea - a Starman. One of the highest ranking Starmen in the Empire.
Operetta Appleye - EVE AU. A Starman created by Serenada.
Machiavelli Rockett - a Mook who infiltrated Zalind's Magicant and took over as her Giigian. Before he was expelled from the Empire he was the second highest ranking Empire member next to Gyiyg.
Duncan (Giant) Cathode - a Starman. Leader of a gang within the Empire whose goal was to kill Machiavelli.
George Distorto - a scientist in the Empire. Assisted Serenada with creating Operetta.
Huey (Drip) Miasme - Master Belch AU. Part of the Venus division.
Eleanor Magnett - Dr. Andonuts AU. Forced to join the Empire against her will. Zalind's real mother, but Zalind doesn't know it yet.
Treble Mars - a Mook. The Empire's Silence distributor. Part of the Venus division.
Everything (Evie) Quinn - Ness adjacent. A Mook, though her preferred form is humanoid. One of Cress's friends before she was captured by the Empire.
Viktor (Tory) Cogburn - Jeff adjacent. Humanized Dali clock. Cress's friend.
Mousseline (Mouse) Nightshade - Paula adjacent. A Saturnian. Cress's friend.
Alexandrite (Lex) Jadice - One of Machiavelli's first ever chimeras, before he left Venus. Part of the Empire's Venus division, though not of his own volition.
Kerese Dronning - One of Machiavelli's first chimeras. A glass chimera. Part of the Venus division.
Floyd Eaden - Machiavelli chimera. A plastic chimera. Part of the Venus division.
Marvin (Mar) de Luz - Machiavelli chimera. Completely heartless, similar to Mitzuki. Part of the Venus division.
Meggie Elektric - Machiavelli chimera. Part of the Venus division.
December Syr - Machiavelli chimera. Part of the Venus division. The highest ranking and most respected of Machiavelli's chimeras.
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Lonely Masterpost:
Links below the line.
Round 1:
La Carta (NAFTA) Vs Lonely Dance (Set it Off)
First Love/Late Spring (Mitski) Vs Alone Again (Naturally) (Gilbert O'sullivan)
Everybody's Lonely (Jukebox the Ghost) Vs Ship in a Bottle (Fin Argus)
Here I Am (The Crane Wives) Vs Lost in the Cosmos (The Mechanisms)
Mister Cellophane (John C. Reilly) Vs Eleanor Rigby (Cody Fry)
Round 2:
Ilomilo (Billie Eillish) Vs Learn to be Lonely (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
Memoir #2 [06.12.09] (May Roosevelt, Maria Pseftoga) Vs Hold Me (Steam Powered Giraffe)
No Children (The Mountain Goats) Vs Elsas Song (The Amazing Devil)
You Not The Same (Tilekid) Vs Ship in a Bottle (Fin Argus)
Cast the Bronze (Raynes) Vs Drift Away (Steven Universe: The Movie)
Pushing the Speed of Light (Julia Ecklar and Anne Harlan Prather) Vs Alone Again (Naturally) (Gilbert O'sullivan)
Mistaken for Strangers (The National) Vs Lonely Eyes (The Front Bottoms)
The Bed Song (Amanda Palmer) Vs Waste of Paint (Bright Eyes)
The Bed Song (Amanda Palmer) Vs Waste of Paint (Bright Eyes) - Rematch
One Last Battle (Vic Tyler) Vs Lost in the Cosmos (The Mechanisms)
Sex with a Ghost (Teddy Hyde) Vs '39 (Queen)
2 Bed 2 Bath (And A Ghost) (Bug Hunter) Vs A Complete List of Fears Ages 5-28 (Approx) (The Yellow Dress)
The Rockrose and the Thistle (The Amazing Devil) Vs Salir de la Melancholia (Serú Girán)
Agoraphobia (Autoheart) Vs Eleanor Rigby (Cody Fry)
Ghosting (Mother Mother) Vs Lonely Dance (Set it Off)
The Lonely (Sea Power) Vs Live Alone and Like It (Stephen Sondheim)
How to Disappear Completely (Radiohead) Vs Open Water Reckless Fishes (Squalloscope)
Note: god I forgot how many songs this was.
Round 3:
Ghosting (Mother Mother) Vs The Lonely (Sea Power)
Ship in a Bottle (Fin Argus) Vs Lonely Eyes (The Front Bottoms)
Lost in the Cosmos (The Mechanisms) Vs Sex With a Ghost (Teddy Hyde)
A complete list of fears ages 5-28 (Approx) (The Yellow Dress) Vs The Rockrose and the Thistle (The Amazing Devil)
Eleanor Rigby (Cody Fry) Vs Learn to be Lonely (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
Elsa's Song (The Amazing Devil) Vs Drift Away (Steven Universe: The Movie)
Round 4:
Ghosting (Mother Mother) Vs How to Disappear Completely (Radiohead)
Alone Again (Naturally) (Gilbert O'sullivan) Vs The Bed Song (Amanda Palmer)
Lost in the Cosmos (The Mechanisms) Vs The Rockrose and the Thistle (The Amazing Devil)
Eleanor Rigby (Cody Fry) Vs Elsa's Song (The Amazing Devil)
Round 5:
Ship in a Bottle (Fin Argus) Vs The Bed Song (Amanda Palmer)
Lost in the Cosmos (The Mechanisms) Vs Eleanor Rigby (Cody Fry)
Honourable Mention: Beekeeper - Keaton Henson
Round 6:
Ghosting (Mother Mother) Vs Ship in a Bottle (Fin Argus)
Round 7:
Ghosting (Mother Mother) Vs Lost in the Cosmos (The Mechanisms)
Champion Post
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hmcbook · 2 years
Your icon is from the series Poldark i think it's called, and the actress truly has the looks of book!Sophie. Who do you think would look like Howl though?
Yes I love her.. Eleanor Tomlinson in Poldark you will always be Sophie to me.. and my old fancast for Howl has been Harry Lloyd and it has- sentimental value to me. He'll always be vaguely Harry Lloyd -looking to me bc I saw a tumblr post about it in impressionable age (just after reading hmc for the first time)
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petervintonjr · 1 year
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"True emancipation lies in the acceptance of the whole past in deriving strength from all of my roots, in facing up to the degradation as well as the dignity of my ancestors."
As we come to the end of Pride Month 2023, I wanted to devote a little time to the remarkable life of Rev. Anna Pauline "Pauli" Murray --civil rights attorney, Episcopal priest, scholar, and advocate. Born in 1910 Baltimore, their mother tragically died when Murray was only four, and their father succumbed to depression and was later murdered in a mental hospital, and so Murray was raised by an aunt and grandparents, in a time when the threat of violence from the Ku Klux Klan was never too far away. Murray later moved to New York City and graduated from Hunter College in 1933 (as Columbia College did not at the time admit women). Throughout the 1930's Murray grappled with sexual and gender identity --this is in fact when they took on the preferred male-identifying name of "Pauli." A gifted photographer but an even more prolific author, Murray worked as a teacher with the New York City Remedial Reading Project, which offered a great deal of opportunity to write and publish. Among other publications, Pauli's essays and articles about civil rights would regularly appear in The Crisis and in Common Sense (both publications of the NAACP).
Pauli took the unusual (and risky!) step of petitioning to apply to graduate school at the University of North Carolina (current events alert!) --at the time an all-white institution. Such a prospect was considered sufficiently unobtainable that even the NAACP declined to actively support this effort. Pauli had in the meantime cultivated the acquaintance of then-First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, as well as A. Philip Randolph (see Lesson #68 in this series); associations which would later carry consequences. Pauli is listed as one of the founders of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), along with Bayard Rustin (see Lesson #5 in this series), and James Farmer (Lesson #17). In 1943 they published a hugely important essay: "Negroes Are Fed Up;" and also a poem, Dark Testament, both of which spoke to the Harlem Race Riot of 1935.
In 1944 Murray graduated from Howard University Law School --while largely identifying as a man but still presenting as a woman, Murray famously coined the expression "Jane Crow" to describe the experience. They then applied to Harvard Law for an advanced degree on a Rosenwald Fellowship but was turned down --reportedly not due to racism (exact same current events alert!) but definitely due to sexism. They instead opted for the University of California Boalt School of Law; their graduate thesis was titled "The Right to Equal Opportunity in Employment." In 1945 Murray was named deputy attorney general for the state of California; the first African American to hold that post. In 1951 Pauli published States' Laws On Race and Color, a book that would later be described by Thurgood Marshall as the "Bible" for civil rights litigation, and was conspicuously referenced during Brown v. Board of Education arguments.
In 1952 the scourge of McCarthyism caught up with Murray and cost them a number of prestigious posts due to affiliation with "radicals" like Marshall, Randolph, and particularly Ms. Roosevelt. Unbowed, Pauli went on to publish the gripping biographical account Proud Shoes, which led in turn to a job offer in the litigation dept. of Paul, Weiss, Rifkin, Wharton, and Garrison (as in, Lloyd), where she would meet lifelong partner Irene Barlow. In 1960 Pauli was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to the Committee on Civil And Political Rights, but the issue of intersectionality was never far from their priorities; notably in 1963 Murray took Bayard Rustin, A. Philip Randolph, and Martin Luther King to task for not including a single woman speaker at the March On Washington. Perhaps the most fascinating coda to this remarkable life comes in 1977, when in the wake of Irene Barlow's passing, Murray became the very first African-American woman Episcopal priest. Pauli died in 1985, having never come out publicly.
For a comprehensive listing of Pauli's writings, visit the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice: https://www.paulimurraycenter.com/paulis-writing
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