#eldrich tantrum
monsterfloofs · 9 months
Hey you!
Yeah, you!
Go to bed! The monster under there wants cuddles! It's been waiting all day for snuggle time! Get off your phone and get under those blankets!! >: O
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bluginkgo · 10 months
I haven't seen this brought up often. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but... in the teaser for episodes 7 and 8, something doesn't make sense.
It's the Absolute Solver's laughter.
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Spoiler, duh
Up until now, when we see Absolute Solver doing something, it sounded it out. For example:
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When "N" attacked eldrich J, it said, "Claw swipe. Snarl." As it did those motions.
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Then, "Climbing, criss cross apple sauce." As Cyn climbed up.
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Even doing, in my opinion, one of the best lines: "Tantrum. Brain blast."
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And of course the classic "Well-timed giggle."
All of these instances, the Absolute Solver accompanied its motions with dialogue as it did that movement.
So I'm confused as to why in the teaser (0:33 roughly) the Absolute Solver says: "Hahahaha, thanks for giving me the planet. Fricking idiot."
I actually wanna dissect that single line quite a lot.
First and foremost, why is it "Hahaha" instead of say "Evil laughter." I could only come up with a handful of ideas.
1. It's the Absolute Solver. Somehow it evolved to the point where it now can express emotions instead of just sounding it out.
2. It's the Absolute Solver. But it's possessing something (AHEM- Tessa- AHEM) that allows it to express emotions better than Cyn could allow it.
3. It's not the Absolute Solver. Instead, it's something or someone completely new/or perhaps someone we already know from the show but is only now revealing their identity.
4. It's just a trailer, you're looking in too deep. That could also be a possibility. Given that we see only black screen when the line happens, glitchproductions might have thought that it would be better for us to hear laughter instead of a bland line of just "insert evil laughter." Issue here for me is... I don't think that's the case cause Liam is very detailed. Every d*mn frame in this show is a foreshadowing. That has to apply to voice lines, too. (AHEM, looking at you "robo-satan, robo-Jesus, and robo-god.")
There is a similar sounding laughter at 1:01, just after N yells "V, come on!" But it's highly likely that was not Absolute Solver, and instead some other character we've already heard- be it V, Uzi, J, etc.
Then next question would be: who is the fricking idiot? Once again, I've got some (unhinged) ideas.
1. Uzi, would make sense. She's slowly succumbing to the Absolute Solver's control. If she makes one miss step, it's all over. So Absolute Solver could be directly speaking to Uzi in her mind, like a little shoulder robo-satan/demon.
2. N, could also be him. On the bad ending trend, Uzi could lose herself and Absolute Solver. And just like Tessa said, N would have to choose between one little drone and the universe. If N chooses Uzi, the Absolute Solver could easily speak through Uzi and mock him for giving up the planet and the universe.
3. Tessa, here I'll have to branch out. It could be the current Tessa. Her actions might lead to Copper-9's fall and the Absolute Solver will rub it in her face. OR, this could be another flashback. The Absolute Solver could be talking to a younger Tessa back at the mansion, as some past action made the Absolute Solver start taking control over universes and not just the Elliot mansion.
4. Nori. Omg, Ginkgo you're getting out of hand. Yup, welcome nothing new here. We did get this shot from glitchproductions right after we got the teaser.
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Many are speculating that Yeva and Nori are not dead and could be coming back to help our gang out. Thaaaaat'll have to be a separate rant on my side. But with this image, I'm taking Nori into the group of possible "fricking idiot"s.
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Given how confident Nori looks here, she must have had excellent control over the Absolute Solver before being completely possessed. Perhaps the screenshot of Yeva and Nori that we're given is a flashback scene. Nori might have done something that essentially doomed Copper-9 from the start.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my rant. Let me know if you guys have some other thoughts. Cause personally, I'm pretty stumped on the laughter part.
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
Also totally random but at the same time not 👀
Of ataraxia who is the most overbearing/overprotective spouse when pups/guppies/mini-creatures/spawns are on the way. I feel like all of them would be EXTRA in all caps when it comes to pregnancy.
Also, are their distinct monster pregnancies different in length in which the mate carries to term (cause bruh when I found out other mammals don’t carry their babies for nine months in their stomach I felt the world crumbling cause I was just like 🫨🫨🫨🫨 like that didn’t even fathom in my mind that it was possible)
All of this comes to mind because of the idea of daddy dragon mingi… makes me feral
Mingi is at the top, absolutely (its more the dragon thing than anything else, those eggs are harder than diamonds you could try and run them over with a truck and it would probably destroy the truck before it did shit to them but those are HIS (and your-) BABIES-), then Yunho (he'd probably set you on fire and use you as a chew toy if you tried to bring harm on his little ones or his partner), Seonghwa (siren eggs are very much not indestructible. They're not like your average egg where they'll split if the wind blows wrong, its all over, but its still not something he'd even chance if his Guppies to be were in danger), San & Hongjoong being tied after him and Yeo, Woo, and Jongho being the least bothered by it.
Wooyoung can literally tear holes in reality, he'd be able to detect malicious intent long before whoever wanted to deal it was even in the same area code as him and his. It makes completely rending someone into nothing rather easy.
For Jongho and Yeo, Incubi/Succubi spirits and Fae spirits kind of...come into being in this verse as a manifestation of their "parent's" power. So there's really less of a worry of protecting a defenseless little one like the others because Jongho’s kids wouldn't even be kids, they're just. Ready to be off on their own, fully grown, and depending on the type of Fae they are, Yeosang’s little ones would be either the same branch or they'd be stubbornly independent anyway and actually more dangerous because of them having so much unchecked power and such a bite of mischievousness to them.
That being said, for the ones who DO have little bapis no matter what, they all do have different periods of growth/coming into being, with the longest being between Mingi’s Eggs and whatever cosmic shit I decide to come into being if i choose to have Eldrich Woo actually be some kind of dad while spawning a mini world ender into being.
Maybe not, idk if yall want the added anxiety of a child who can tear the world apart while throwing one(1) temper tantrum
Also yes dragon dad mingi is very much a feral fangs and claws bared sight to behold
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okay giving my yuu's personalities- let's goo florist!yuu: the mom friend. will buy you mcdonald's and bake you treats but if you dare ruin their plants they'll use your body as fertilizer. most functioning of all my yuus because they touch the most grass. will ground you if misbehaving but the grounding is giving you a healthy sleep schedule. aggressively affectionate to people who need it but is also very judgemental. ghibli!yuu: chill vibes. has the coveted ability to be able to sleep in class, not only get away with it and remain a straight a student. those a's are a-'s however. very calming voice, will get you to fall asleep in their presence in the blink of and eye and steal your valuables and the most emotionally mature. (AKA leona's favourite person) wilbur!yuu: handsome/beautiful, talented chaos gremlin. has a tierlist of which type of sand is the best sand to eat. multilingual, likes to watch videos about conspiracy theories and dark web mysteries. that one older sibling who always teases you.
immortal!yuu: lowkey bff's with lilia because they're both old as hell. the oldest of my yuu's but is 3rd in immaturity. almost good at everything, amazing at spotting opportunities of sparking chaos and even more amazing at causing the chaos. crowley's worst nightmare and adeuce's favourite person. yuu knows they can stop adeuce from whatever chaos they get themselves in before it happens but they won't. they make it worse. phantom!yuu: most immature. grim's favourite. has stolen monstro lounge's food stock 5 times and has gotten away with it everytime. the class clown, most confident of my yuus and incredibly insecure about their parentage. don't asked them how they're half phantom/half human okay? just call them a phantom and move on. barista!yuu: mental state is hanging by a thread due to performing emotional labour everyday. so patient is scary but when that breaks it all erupts like krakatoa. consumes 21 shots of espresso daily, hasn't slept in 8 weeks but still somehow so beautiful? (2nd in immaturity. this is an eldrich chaos being in the form of a human. they have ascended to imoortality due to their rage and they long to end their life but fate won't let them die) halfling!yuu: despite earning the award for 2nd most tragic backstory (that'll be 1st if i don't do cryptid!yuu) they're actually one of the more normal? i mean yes they're a little unhinged with a lot of repressed inner rage but slow to anger and only throws tantrums when having a bad day (like when they arrived in nrc) but if it's nothing serious they just sulk a lot. hot and beautiful/handsome as hell, vil's 2nd greatest enemy and a little like vox akuma in terms of being flirty with dirty humour. bonds with malleus in being lonely with no friends because everyone's intimidated of them.
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aalghul · 3 years
OK, so I know Jason came back cos of the whole Superboy punched reality thing, but I can't deny I tend to gloss over that due to me being weird and cos it doesn't fit in every timeline but I digress.
Thus, I like to imagine Jason (& maybe Steph) Are brought back by Gotham itself, cos the place is an Eldrich location and may have worn Steph as a skin suit once.
So for Jason its just like, "You are my favorite son who died so far from mother, but you're not done yet, so wake up."
Cue Jason waking up underground.
Steph could be a similarly intended resurrection or Gotham just wearing her body, cos Steph was another favored child so her body was a neat fit post death. Then when Gotham leaves it, Steph's spirit just bounces back in like "Holy shit, what the fuck?"
That’s so wild. I love it. I’m able to put aside the timelines not matching up with the Superboy-Prime thing because nothing in DC lines up lol, but I’m so willing to build on this idea instead. The concept that Gotham itself corrected what it considered a mistake, and that it had to wait until Jason was buried in its own soil to act, makes his resurrection feel so much more personal. Far more intentional than just another crack caused by a tantrum. That blends so well with the way Jason speaks of Gotham like it’s alive. Maybe he doesn’t truly know it, but he understands on a subconscious level that there’s some level of consciousness to this insane city. It just gives me more reasoning ti say that Jason has more of a claim to Gotham than Bruce ever could. + It’s a neat explanation for Jason’s second revival: Jason can’t die like this, murdered by his own father, it’s unnatural. Plain & simple.
That sounds like such a disturbingly weird experience. Would Steph remember that? Would the others have seen her, alive but so…unearthly.
Kinda unrelated, but I like to think of the Lazarus as an eldritch entity, so how those two would mix with Jason is interesting to think about. They could clash as Jason’s roots VS the foreign entity that healed him.
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 1 Episode 23: The Search for the Flame
Aww Musa just wanted to DJ at prom :(
Techna has a PAGER????????? This girl is supposed to be high tech oh my god 2000s what have you done
Just cause they can't see you doesn't mean they can't see the secret passage you opened in the wall guys
Give Knut cookies 2k20
Can y'all fuck off with the performative chivalry
Well that leggy eyeball will haunt my dreams
"Arachnicam" fuck off that's an eldrich horror
Please don't invalidate Darcy's ideas >:(
"We'll make her cry" "we'll make her weep" "we'll make her wail" yes well done witches you've learned the power of synonyms
They have a secret conjuring spot and you didn't think to bring it up sooner?
Oh no... the dragonfire... Bloom...
At least they've learnt her name now
"You WITCHES" Let the winx club say bitch 2k20
Icy fully just PUSHED Darcy out the way like her lil evil laugh died in her throat :( Icyy :((
YES Miss Griffin
Maybe don't taunt the dragonfire witches
"If you talk, pass notes or chew gum the detention barrier will double in strength" watch that hold them for like 10 minutes
Aaaaand Icy's temper tantrum shattered the barrier
I like that Darcy has an order of loathing
Stormy why would you make sarcastic comments
Also Darcy and Stormy's flinch oh no
Oooh armoured bike
Bloom how are you gonna help you DON'T HAVE MAGIC
Techna you deserve better than Timmy he's such a wet blanket
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buck-askbox · 6 years
Did Fusun change from that to what she is now in-universe, or was it simply a design change? If it was an in-universe change, how'd it happen? Deals with shady eldritch beings to make her have an eye on her forehead and look extremely bothered by everything?
no, it was me, I was mad at this  person who was being really abusive and creepy with me despite me telling them to stop, so i cut our friendship and decided to change fusun (whow as their favorite OC of mine and self inserted with really hard after 37) into something  unlikeable.
but ofc that didnt stop them form popping back in my life to tell me how they had dreams about the new version because i fucked up and they were into eldrich girls more than the other version so now they had sex dreams with them and felt the need to let me know and went full man child tantrum when i told them to fucking quit it and stop telling me those things.  
so tbh, I’m never fully satisfied with the eldrich form because of this guy who kept on bothering me with her and being shit to me despite me telling him to stop and trying to talk it out. ofc now i got them blocked everywhere but  doesnt change that i hate fusun and wanna change her back tbh.  
also her bothered  look and stuff is an uncouncious projection of how pissed this character makes me because of that mother fucker. 
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clowndaddyaf · 7 years
I need to know about the half human half eldrich horror baby growing up.
-for the first couple weeks, Penny has to take care of the baby himself, because it keeps trying to eat you-once you get to see your baby, you love them in an instant. At first the baby was odd looking, but when she saw you, she changed to look very human with a mix of her father-the baby eats a mix of human food and actual humans (but she definitely prefers the humans)-you’re relieved you can finally tell people you had a girl and visit your family so they can meet her-she loves balloons more than anything and will throw a tantrum when Penny doesn’t have any for her-for her first Halloween you all dress up as clowns to go out together-eventually you let Penny take her hunting, as it’s best that she learns how to do it herself
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