#elder bunny care tip
Mystery solved!
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I am really glad that I've been writing down what Simon's been eating and noting the amount/weighing it since he got sick with the ear infection.  Because of that, I was able to figure out that the little guy is no longer able to eat sunflower seeds (we were trying to increase his calories when he wouldn’t eat anything sweet).
He had 💩💩💩 5-8 hours after munching on a few seeds on Dec 2 and Dec 6 with signs of improvement in between bouts when no seeds were eaten those days.
Thankfully, after getting all cleaned up Simon was happily munching away on some parsley while listening to sweet tunes from the 80s.  He is a big fan of Tiffany and Michael Jackson if him trying to lick the radio was any indication.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Summer Haze lined with Yellow Roses
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A ~Cotton Tails and Simmering Fires~ Chapter
ღA series collab with @starlitmark
ღPairing: Dragon hybrid! San x Dragon hybrid! Yeosang x Bunny Hybrid! Reader (f) x Dragon hybrid! Seonghwa
ღGenre: smut, angst
ღAu: hybrid au
ღTrope: poly
ღWord Count: 1,039
ღRated: 18+ MDNI
ღWarnings: foursome, fragile mental state for reader, mxm, blowjobs, penetrative sex (with tea contraceptive), mentions of oral (f), pearl necklace, aftercare
ღDedication: @downtoamagicalland & @mejuii beta readers extraordinaire
ღSummary: when you and your three boyfriends think it's a good idea to enjoy all of your bodies in the same bed, troubled thoughts follow
ღMasterlist ღPrevious Chapter ღNext Chapter
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Perhaps deciding to have a foursome with your polycule wasn’t the best idea. You loved San and Seonghwa. Your budding love for Yeosang was blooming as well. But having all four of you in the same room, sharing the same bed, sharing each other's bodies wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
Deciding who went where was only the tip of the iceberg of problems. After a brief conversation, which almost killed your libido, it was decided that while you took Seonghwa in your mouth, Yeosang would fuck you and San would fuck Yeosang’s mouth. In theory, you’d figure it would work. Keeping San and Seonghwa separated would make it to be less explosive, since they tended to bicker the most when they both fucked you.
However… you kissed San deeply as foreplay, knowing you’d be well separated from him during the foursome. San loved to kiss you, and the deeper, the better. His kisses, stirred up with the heat from his lip ring, always made your nipples tighten. But once Yeosang lied down so that you could sit on him for reverse cowgirl, you lost that connection with the hybrid inside of you. You lost the stimulation of his scales along your clit like you were used to when you faced your partner as well. 
Your ears must have been drooping because Seonghwa cupped your face and tipped it to look up at him. “Surely it’s not that disappointing to be sucking me off, Hops.”
You shook your head, trying to mentally shake the melancholy that was clinging to you. What was with you?
Seonghwa proceeded to smile serenely, thumb moving to your lips to rub them. Your tongue came out to play with the pad of his thumb and Seonghwa's slitted pupils blew open. 
San was shifting to his position behind you, running his mouth like always. "Fuck her throat good, Seonghwa, I wanna hear those wet noises."
Seonghwa’s eyes never left your face as he replied to San. "Worry about your own throat fucking."
San grumbled under his breath and you heard Yeosang yelp behind you. "Seonghwa!" The green-eyed dragon protested.
Seonghwa grinned and then wondered if you were ready for him. You experimentally moved your hips and found that you were ready for both Yeosang to fuck you and Seonghwa to enter your mouth. "Ready, Hwa," you attempted to smile.
It was okay at first. Your mind was busy with timing Seonghwa’s thrusts into your throat and your breathing. Yeosang moved slowly inside of you, particularly careful with his girth and your 'tiny bunny hole' as San liked to call it. 
Then you began to notice a lot of the focus was lost on you. Yeosang had to worry about San fucking his throat, which knowing San, that hybrid was jackhammering into Yeosang’s sweet mouth, fingers skimming down the elders scales along his hairline. As a result, Yeosang's thrusts were leaving much to be desired, weak and usually only jolting you when San caused him to choke on his dick. Then San and Seonghwa began to bicker since neither of their mouths were preoccupied. Seonghwa grinned that special grin as he got San worked up and you felt like you might as well not be in the room.
When your attitude soured, along with your smell, Seonghwa's eyes finally drew back to you but even that was lacking. "Yeosang not fucking you well enough, Treasure?"
You whimpered in need, your pussy throbbing dully with the lack of stimulation. You thought perhaps Seonghwa might suggest a position or even partner change but instead he simply offered to give you head separately afterwards.
San came with a loud grunt, unloading into Yeosang’s mouth like it was a normal occurrence, which you had been informed had been--before you had been introduced to the Thunder. Seonghwa popped out of your mouth and came on your tits as you had negotiated but the feeling of being used and unsatisfied remained.
You promptly lifted off of Yeosang and were smacked with a scene of cute domesticity. San was adoringly rubbing off his cum from Yeosang’s face with wet wipes. You turned hopefully to Seonghwa but when he finished cleaning himself up, he simply tossed the package to you. By the time you had finished cleaning up, San was cuddling Yeosang from behind, playing with his hair. Yeosang beamed with happiness at the attention, his tail fondly curling around San's wrist. 
Seonghwa sat on the side of your bed, clearly waiting for you to lay yourself out so that he could eat you out but instead you grabbed YOUR robe--not one of your boyfriend’s shirts-- and quickly tied it around your waist. 
"I think I'm going to shop online for some crystals," You said pointedly.
Seonghwa frowned in response. "But Hops, you didn't--San was going to jerk of Yeosang while I--"
You stomped your foot in stubbornness. "I'm good."
You could see out of your peripherals that San and Yeosang exchanged a look and then Seonghwa nodded. Were they all truly that close that they knew each other's thoughts with simply a look? Why did you feel like three boyfriends took a one night stand to bed where it should have felt like a poly group having loving sex with one another? You stomped your foot again. 
San quickly got up and put some underwear on while Yeosang looked for his discarded. 
"Whatever you need, Treasure," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
Once the three of them trundled out of your room, you threw yourself on your bed in defeat. But your nest smelled of San's sea breeze and Seonghwa’s strawberry jam, and Yeosang’s new addition of peppermint tea. Your eyes started to well up and then you threw off every offending item in your nest that reminded you of those three. When you were left with your comforter that only smelled of fresh cotton, you drew it around your head and your tears silently began to fall.
Was this a bad decision? Perhaps you should have stuck with just San. Perhaps you were not meant to share and be shared amongst this Thunder. Perhaps… you didn't know the answers to your problem currently. That was the most heart-wrenching thought of all.
ღMasterlist ღPrevious Chapter ღNext Chapter
Taglist: @hijirikaww @flurrys-creativity @stardragongalaxy @mingsolo @k-pop-ology
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bratdesire · 4 years
Your Dad, My Daddy
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Pairing: Ukai Keishin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, age gap, older man/younger woman, barely legal, squirting, rough sex, daddy kink, alcohol mention, questionable ethics, d/s dynamics, overstimulation, degrading language, touch of subspace, unprotected sex, breeding kink, slight dubcon if you squint but it’s all consensual, Ukai’s dick is pierced, exhibitionism(?)
Genre: Smut, just so much smut
Word count: 9.4k
Author’s note: Here is my contribution to the new HQHQ collab!! You can find the masterlist right here! Big big thank you to @sempiternal-amour and @inaflashimagine​ for beta-ing this monster fic, ilysm <3 This is so incredibly self-indulgent, I even inserted my nickname ~for spice~. Anyways, enjoy my incoherent screaming uwu
Summary: When you go over to your friend’s house for a study session you don’t anticipate meeting her very attractive father, and you surely don’t anticipate the very same man fucking you over their couch.
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“Hey, I apologize in advance for anything weird my dad says or does. You know how dads are,” Hitomi explains as she pulls into the driveway of her house. 
It’s small but nice and well-manicured, situated in the cul de sac of a middle-class suburb.
“Dad, we’re here,” she shouts up the stairs, setting her keys on the small table next to the front door. Hitomi’s gaze drifts to the tall, dark haired man sitting at the kitchen table and your own gaze soon follows. “Oh, there you are.”
She quickly pecks the man on his cheek before walking over to the shiny silver fridge, pulling out a couple bottles of water. “Dad, this is Bunny, Bunny this is Dad,” she gestures between the two of you. 
When her father glances up from his phone to give you a nod of acknowledgement, you’re taken aback by how handsome he is. 
You can tell from the slight wrinkles around his lips and the crinkles by his eyes that he’s definitely a much older man, but other than that he’s flawless. The angle of his jaw is sharp but soft, lower face darkened by his five o’clock shadow. His chocolate brown eyes are complemented by plump, pink lips that would look even better swollen and shiny with saliva. Dark, shiny locks are gathered into a low ponytail and you wonder how they would feel fisted in your fingers. He’s gorgeous in a rugged, mature way that boys your age aren’t and could never hope to be. 
Hitomi never told you her dad was hot but then again, why would she? 
“Mr. Ukai, it’s nice to meet you,” you greet him.
He waves his hand in the air dismissively, “Ah, you can just call me Keishin. No need to be so formal.”
Hitomi mutters a frustrated “shit” under her breath and it takes you a few moments to tear your eyes away from the man in front of you. 
“I left my textbook in the car, I have to go grab it,” she sighs then turns to her dad. “You, don’t scare off my friend, please.” 
Keishin puts a hand on his heart, a falsely serious expression on his face. “I won’t, scout’s honor.”
She just rolls her eyes, exiting the kitchen the same way you entered. The front door slams shut, leaving you alone with your friend’s very hot dad.
Keishin looks up at you then quickly looks away, unsure how to interact with his daughter’s friends. “So is, uh, Bunny your real name?” he asks, nervously rubbing the back of his head.
Leaning against the table he’s seated at, you fold your arms across your chest, fully aware of how low cut your top is. You don’t miss the way his eyes briefly flicker down to your cleavage then back up to your face. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” you challenge, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I… I’m just trying to make conversation,” he laughs nervously.
“Hm, well, the short answer is no. You’ll have to get to know me a bit better before I give you the long answer.” 
He snorts, pushing his chair back and rising to his full height. “What gave you the confidence to speak like this to your elders?”
Taking a step towards him, you twirl a piece of hair around your finger and shyly peer up at him through your lashes. “I don’t know, but maybe you can teach me how to behave.”
A light blush colors his cheeks and his eyes widen with surprise. “I-I don’t know what you’re implying, but it’s not... appropriate,” he stutters, taking a step backwards to try to put some distance between you.
You sidle up to him, reaching out a hand to caress his well-muscled arm. When he makes no move to stop your petting, you bite your lip and get on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “Who said we had to be appropriate?” 
His mouth is slightly agape, lips moving every so often, as if he wants to say something but doesn’t. “I—” he starts.
The sound of the front door slamming open makes you both jump apart, trying to appear as casual as possible. 
“I got it! We can go study now,” Hitomi proclaims, waving the book around in her hands. She glances at you, then at her father and notices the way you’re completely turned away from each other. “Oh my God, Dad, what did you do?” she groans.
He holds up both hands in surrender, shaking his head emphatically. “I didn’t do anything! Why do you always think I did something?”
Your friend strides over to lightly punch his shoulder, a disapproving but loving expression on her face. “Because you’re weird and lame. Besides, between you and Bunny, I’m always going to assume that you’re the guilty party.”
You find yourself chuckling at their banter, touched by how close they are. It’s evident that Hitomi and Keishin care a lot about each other, regardless of how much they tease each other and guilt twists in your gut when you remind yourself that you were flirting with him. She likely wouldn’t forgive you for trying to sleep with her dad and it would cause a great deal of damage to their relationship, possibly beyond repair if she knew he was into girls her age. To make matters worse, you’re two years her junior. What man would sleep with a girl younger than his daughter?
But your morals are tossed right out the window when you take in the sight of Keishin’s radiant smile—all straight, white teeth and eyes that shine like pools of dark honey. It’s in that moment that you decide you’re going to seduce that man if it’s the last thing you do.
Sorry, Hitomi. Kind of.
“Okay, so L-Tyrosine is one of the twenty amino acids used by the body to synthesize proteins. It is also an aromatic amino acid derived from phenylalanine by hydroxylation in the para position—oof!” Hitomi’s droning is cut off by the pillow you send hurtling towards her head.
You sit up on her bed, squealing obnoxiously as you stretch. “Hitomi, I love you, but please shut up. My brain is melting. We’ve been at this for three hours now, can we take a break?”
She closes the textbook in her lap and pushes it to the edge of her desk. “Fine, fine. We can take a twenty minute break, but we have to go right back to studying because finals are this week and I cannot afford to fail,” your friend warns, despite how she whips out her phone at lightning speed.
Picking at a stray thread on the comforter, you gently try to get her attention, “Hey, Tomi?”
“Hm?” she responds, barely glancing up from the video she’s watching.
You’re not sure how to broach the subject, but you’ve never been one to beat around the bush so you just come right out and say it. “Has anyone told you your dad’s kinda hot?”
That makes her stop, her head jerking up from her phone at lightning speed. “What!? That old geezer?” She sounds dumbfounded, incredulous at the prospect that someone would be interested in her father.
“Yeah girl, he’s a total DILF,” you confess, making a little fanning motion with your hand like you’re burning up inside just thinking about him, and it’s not that far from the truth.
Hitomi makes no effort to hide her feelings, disgust clearly evident in her delicate features. “Ew! You have to be joking. Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not joking! He’s really sexy,” you muse dreamily.
She claps both hands over her ears, yelling at the top of her lungs to drown you out. “I never want to hear you say that my old man is ‘sexy’ ever again!”
You childishly stick your tongue out at her. “Hey! I’m just speaking the truth. You have to have had friends say the same thing.”
Removing her hands from her ears, she brings one up to stroke her chin, seemingly deep in thought. “Now that I think about it, back in high school my friends were a lot more enthusiastic about coming over once they met my father.”
You feel vindicated by her personal testimony, even if she thinks you’re gross. “See? I’m not the only one who finds your dad ridiculously attractive.”
Hitomi gags dramatically as if she’s going to puke and judging by the look on her face, she just might. “Please, no more, I’m begging you.” 
“Fine, fine I’ll stop, but don’t act surprised when I become your new stepmom,” you tease, wiggling your eyebrows at her.
“You’re younger than me, don’t even joke about that,” she shudders in horror. “Okay, with that we need to get back to studying amino acids and proteins.”
“Whatever you say, future stepdaughter.” You muster your best motherly voice, sickeningly sweet and a touch passive aggressive.
This time, it’s Hitomi’s turn to throw a pillow at you.
Since the day you met Keishin, you haven’t been able to get him off your mind. Even when you’re in class trying to learn about the sodium-potassium pump, you find your thoughts drifting to his hands, his lips, him. He’s simply become too distracting to ignore.
More times than you care to admit, you’ve fucked yourself with your fingers to thoughts of how his fingers would feel pumping inside you. You fantasize about how his hand would feel around your neck, squeezing with just enough pressure to make your vision hazy. His name is always on the tip of your tongue when you orgasm and when you finally let yourself moan out ‘Keishin,’ you know enough is enough. A man his age has to know exactly how to make a woman scream and writhe in pleasure, but you need to experience it for yourself or you’ll die trying.
You’re not oblivious to the way he looks at you with hunger and longing in his eyes, you know he wants you too and you’re not above using dirty tricks to show him just how much you want him. 
If he’s too proud, too noble to give in to his urges, you’ll just have to break him. His resolve may be strong, but yours is stronger.
Your efforts begin innocently enough, gently probing him for more information about himself so you can get to know him better.
“I’ve noticed you don’t wear a ring. Is there a Mrs. Ukai in the picture?” you ask innocently.
Keishin clears his throat a bit too loudly, refusing to meet your questioning gaze. “Nah. It’s just me and Tomi, always has been.”
“Any… future Mrs. Ukai in the picture?”
The corners of his lips twitch slightly, the barest of smiles tugging at his handsome features. “Can’t say there is. Between the store and coaching volleyball, I don’t really have the time to date.”
You nod and make a noise of acknowledgement, relieved by the confirmation that he is in fact very, very single. You’re a lot of things, but you’re not a homewrecker.
On another occasion, you’re seated on their plush leather couch and Keishin’s in the well-worn La-Z-Boy recliner to your left. You’re watching some Adam Sandler movie on Netflix, but it’s paused while Hitomi is in the bathroom.
You take your alone time together as an opportunity to question him more, toeing the line of what would be considered proper. “So, Keishin, how old are you? I know Tomi’s twenty-one so you must be…” you trail off, hoping he’ll humor you.
He takes a swig of the beer in his hand and your eyes instinctively flicker down to watch the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “Old.”
You roll your eyes and prop your chin up on your hand, readjusting your position on the couch so you’re leaning closer to him. “Obviously, but just how old?”
“Why do you want to know so badly?” he asks, head tilted and a well-groomed eyebrow lifted questioningly.
“I was just wondering if you’re older than my dad,” you tease. 
His shoulders shake slightly as he chuckles, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’m forty-four. Do I have him beat?”
“He’s forty-two, so just barely.” Your steady, unwavering eyes lock onto his own, which are glassy and unfocused from the alcohol. When he brings the bottle to his lips once more, you nonchalantly add, “Maybe I should call you Daddy instead.”
Keishin coughs and sputters in surprise, causing him to choke on his beverage and a spray of sticky beer splatters across your face. 
Apologies tumble out of his mouth as soon as he realizes that your cheeks and hair are dripping with the craft IPA he was drinking. “I-I’m so sorry! I’ll get you a towel,” he blurts, shooting up from his chair. 
In his panic and embarrassment, he rushes toward the linen closet and you can’t help the giggles that escape your mouth at how uncoordinated he is, now several drinks in. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s not that big of a deal,” you reassure him, wiping your face with the back of your hand for emphasis.
He returns from the rummaging around the hall closet, a dark blue towel in his hand, which he offers to you with a nod of his head.
No matter your protests and assurances that you’re fine, Keishin is even more insistent in offering you the towel to clean yourself up. When you refuse to take the towel from him, he kneels down next to you and leans in to dab at the foamy liquid that has soaked into your hair. 
Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his fingers on your jaw and you almost squeak at his close proximity. He hasn’t let you near him since your first encounter and now he’s right in front of you, so close that his breath curls around your cheeks, smelling of malted hops and the slightest hint of peppermint. You can map out the slight freckles on the bridge of his nose and each long, curled eyelash that brushes his cheeks each time he blinks.
He’s truly a beautiful man, all sharp angles and rough stubble and you can feel your cheeks warm when you realize that he’s right there. If you leaned forward just a little bit more, your noses would brush against each other. 
A deep, rumbling voice interrupts your daydreaming. “Kid, are you even listening to me?”
You blink a couple times, coming to the realization that he’s been trying to talk to you for the last few minutes, but you were too busy admiring his beauty.
Keishin shakes his head as he leans back on his heels, using one hand to rub his face wearily. “As I was saying, you can’t just… say things like that. I know young girls sometimes have fantasies about older men like me, but I’m telling you now that it’ll only end badly,” he sighs. “I’m not a righteous man, I have my vices. God, do I have lots of them, and I don’t need another one.”
He mumbles the last sentence, barely loud enough for you to hear, despite how close you are.
Another one? Is he admitting that the attraction is mutual? You have to know, you just have to. Your body practically aches from how badly you want him.
“Keishin, I—” you start, reaching out to touch his arm, but he stands abruptly and quickly turns to shuffle away from the couch.
“This just isn’t a good idea, kid. Just forget about me, alright?” he says, his back to you. A tinge of regret and hesitation seeps into his words, as if he wants to take back everything he’s said.
After the beer incident, the man is even less receptive than he was before, making every effort to avoid being alone with you.
Even still, you’re not discouraged because he never outright rejected you. If he had, you would’ve stopped your pursuit weeks ago, but he only seems to be trying to maintain his composure as a righteous man.
Righteous men are wolves in sheep’s clothing, always putting on a facade so they can claim plausible deniability when they’re caught with their pants around their ankles. But no matter how honorable or virtuous a man tries to be, none of them can resist a wet, willing pussy laid out in front of them and Keishin is no exception.
That’s why you’ve shown up to their house the last few weeks in skirts far too short to be considered decent, flashing little peeks of your underwear each time you move too much or bend over too far. Each time you bend over to grab a pencil or a piece of paper off the floor, Keishin is always conveniently positioned behind you so he gets an eyeful of your pretty lace panties and the little dark spot where your wetness has soaked through the fabric. 
After you retrieve your item from the ground, you look over your shoulder to make direct eye contact with him and say ‘oops,’ without a hint of regret in your voice. You revel in the clenching of his jaw and the way he exhales loud and heavy through his nose, frustration mounting each time you try to provoke him.
When your ass and clothed pussy are on display for him, you make sure to wiggle your hips a bit, an open invitation to fuck you the way you both want to. It never fails to elicit some sort of reaction from the older man, ranging from a few groans and a choked cough, to making a very hasty exit, a book or some other object held over the front of his jeans. 
Without fail, Hitomi expresses her concern each time her father storms out of the room, red-faced and breathing heavily. He just waves her off, telling her he’s not feeling well, but you know the truth. He’s painfully hard, painfully hard from you, even if he doesn’t admit it.
Truthfully, if you weren’t trying to get him to fuck you so hard you can’t walk you would applaud his self-control and restraint. Even after weeks of teasing and provocation, the man refuses to give in to his desires.
That’s okay. If he’s not going to come to you, you’ll just have to take matters into your own hands.
It all reaches a tipping point when you’re unable to go home for winter break and Hitomi offers you their guest room to stay in for a few weeks. 
Apparently she never asked her father for permission, if Keishin’s shocked, slightly panicked face when you walked through the door with your suitcase was any indication. When he tried to question Hitomi about whether or not it’s such a good idea for you to stay, she wasn’t having any of it and told him that you’re a friend in need. 
Hitomi’s so sweet and caring that you feel a twinge of guilt for plotting to seduce her father in her house when she’s none the wiser. She just wanted to lend a helping hand by letting you stay with them, oblivious to your true plans, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
Now that you’re under the same roof, all you really want to do is ambush Keishin as soon as possible, but you have to plan around Hitomi’s schedule so you have bide your time. What’s the saying? Good things come to those who wait?
And wait you do. You wait for two whole weeks, in fact. But then the stars align so perfectly that some otherworldly force must be looking out for you.
Hitomi is gone to work and won’t be back until the middle of the night when her shift is over, while Keishin is home reviewing footage from his team’s latest game. 
He told you he does this right before a big game so he can tell his players what they need to improve on and get in that last bit of refinement before the day of. When he clued you in on his strategy you just nodded and hummed, not really listening, mostly focused on ogling his muscles through his thin t-shirt.
Your nerves have been buzzing since you woke up this morning, sensing the heaviness in the air. You’re wearing your prettiest lace panties and its matching bra and frankly, you’re feeling pretty damn confident. You look good and you know you look good. If you were trying to seduce any guy your age, they’d drop their pants as soon as they got a little glimpse of your underwear, but Keishin’s not any guy your age. He needs a little convincing, a little push in the right direction, and you’ll be the one to help him.
You’ve flitted around the house all day, just trying to find the right moment to pounce. 
Currently, Keishin is sitting in the living room watching the recording on the big flat screen in the living room. He looks preoccupied with taking notes on the notepad in his lap, but it’s now or never, you suppose.
Before you try to talk yourself out of it, you stride over to where he’s sitting and put your hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Hey. Did you need something? I’m kind of busy analyzing my team’s last game.”
Not wanting to lose your nerve, you wordlessly swing one leg over his, then the other, planting yourself firmly in his lap. His entire body goes ramrod stiff, hands jerking away from your body as if you’ve burned him.
“W-what do you think you’re doing?” he stutters, alarm evident in his voice.
When he makes no move to throw you off his lap, you wrap your arms around his neck and lean into him, pressing your chest to his. 
“What we both have been wanting to do since the day I met you,” you purr, lips barely brushing against the shell of his ear. He shivers when you gently nibble on his earlobe and your confidence only grows as you discover that he wants this just as much as you do.
“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about. This isn't right. I’m your friend’s father and I’m... old enough to be y-yours,” he mutters, running a hand through his already messy hair, conflicted with how to proceed.
You can’t tell whether he’s trying to convince you or himself, so you decide to give him a little encouragement.
Leaning back slightly, you run your hands down his chest and bite your lip. “Are we going to keep playing games or are you gonna fuck me? Because if not, I’ve got several guys back at college who—”
You’re cut off when Keishin’s hand wraps around your throat, the other braced against your back to pull you flush against him. 
“You think your little stunts are cute, don’t you?” he growls, his minty breath washing over your face.
“What, you don’t think so, Daddy?” you pout, batting your eyelashes at him innocently.
His eyes flash with something hot and primal and you can feel the gush of wetness between your thighs. “I’m getting a little tired of them,” he growls.
“This,” you palm at the bulge straining against his pants, “Tells me otherwise, you know.”
The hand around your throat tightens, cutting off whatever bratty remark you were about to make. “I’ve had enough of you prancing around my home in tiny skirts and flashing me your panties when my daughter is around. It’s unbecoming.”
“Then t-teach me a lesson,” you gasp, struggling to speak with Keishin’s fingers so firmly wrapped around your throat.
The way he grins is downright sinful and it stokes the fire already raging inside you. “Careful what you wish for, little girl.”
With some manhandling on Keishin’s part, you’re shoved toward the couch then pulled back onto his lap, but this time you’re on your stomach and both your wrists are pinned behind your back.
“Before we go any further,” he starts, trailing his fingers down your spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake. “I have to ask… How old are you?”
You twist around to look him in the eyes, a defiant smirk on your face. “Old enough.” Your mischievous giggle is cut off by a swift, firm slap to your ass.
“Watch the lip, brat. I need a little more reassurance than that.”
“Since you’re just so concerned, I’m nineteen. Perfectly legal and more importantly, legally fuckable,” you say, punctuated by an enticing wiggle of your hips.
“Jesus, you’re two years younger than Tomi. What am I doing?” He seems lost in thought as the honorable side of him fights a losing battle against his baser, carnal instincts. Whatever reservations he has are thrown aside when you start to wiggle in his grasp, maneuvering yourself over his crotch to grind yourself against his hardness.
Keishin gathers your hair around his fist, harshly jerking your head so far backwards that your spine aches from the unnatural angle.
“Stop fucking squirming. You just don’t know how to behave, do you?” It’s phrased like a question, but he shoves two of his fingers in your mouth so you can’t respond. 
You knew Keishin would be the perfect dom, but the ease with which he settles into the role makes your head spin and your insides throb. Latching onto his digits, you lick and suck like the good girl you are, coating them in saliva as he hums in appreciation.
“Foo wans tuh behav wen thith is wutt I ge fo bein ba?” you ask, garbled and muffled by the fingers massaging the back of your tongue. 
A series of harder, heavier spanks make you squeal and squirm even more in his lap. He gently rubs his hand over your warm, stinging flesh as he speaks. “Such a troublemaker. Just what am I going to do with you, hm?” He tries to sound admonishing, but you can tell he’s smiling behind his words.
His hand leaves your ass, no doubt raised to spank you again, but before he can, you bite down on his fingers. Not too hard, just enough for him to jerk them out of your mouth. “You can do whatever you want to me, Daddy.” 
You jolt when his thumb rubs against your pussy through your panties. They’re soaked with your slick, the material clinging to your skin uncomfortably. The barest touch has you gasping and pushing your hips back for more. You’re so sensitive from the teasing and you’re so turned on you just might pass out if you’re not filled up soon.
Keishin just laughs darkly at the pathetic humping of your hips and you can feel the rumbling in his chest. “This is what I love about girls your age. So sensitive…” He pulls your panties aside and gently eases a finger inside you, then another as you moan and shake in his lap. “And so reactive. I bet you’d cum just from me putting my cock inside this tight, wet cunt, wouldn’t you?”
He speaks with a hint of condescension that has you clenching around his digits, coating them in sticky, syrupy strands of your arousal as they pump in and out of you. You’d almost be embarrassed at how worked up you are if you had more self respect, but you don’t. All you can focus on is the way his fingertips curl into the little spongy spot inside you that makes you whine.
“Why don’t you try it and find out?” The challenge in your voice is severely dampened by how breathless and wrecked you are even though you haven’t really even done anything.
His fingers pull out of you with a lewd squelching sound and you can hear him suck them into his mouth. “You taste even better than I imagined, but I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours. Up, little girl.” He coaxes you from his lap and onto the couch so your back is nestled into the cushions.
Sweat is making hair stick to your forehead and you’re breathing so heavily you’d think you just ran a marathon, but Keishin is looking down at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world and it nearly steals what little breath you have left in your lungs.
Oxygen is the last thing on your mind when his lips slot themselves between yours, soft yet demanding as they suck and lick. The movement of his lips doesn’t falter when he pulls your shirt over your head to reveal your light pink bra. Keishin pulls back to kiss along your collarbones, neck, and chest, his teeth occasionally nipping your sensitive flesh and leaving goosebumps in their wake. He expertly removes your panties with one hand so you’re left in just your plaid skirt, exposing your heated flesh to the coolness of the living room. 
You’re nearly naked but he’s wearing far too many clothes for your liking, so you blindly grab at his shirt, but your fingers are shaking too much for you to get a good grip. Once he realizes what you’re trying to do, he puts his hands over yours and helps you take off his shirt. You nearly start drooling when all of his hard, rippling muscles and smooth, tan skin are finally revealed to your greedy eyes that can’t seem to settle one thing. You don’t know if you’ll get this opportunity again and you want to remember everything in painstaking detail, especially Keishin’s gorgeous body.
He momentarily disentangles himself from you to remove his jeans, leaving him in just his Calvin Klein boxer briefs. The outline of his cock is evident as it strains against the blue material and you reach out to stroke it, but he just takes your hand in his.
He brings it to his lips, then kisses up your arm until he reaches your lips. “All in due time, sweet girl. I want to taste you first.” Your mouth is claimed in another hungry, bruising kiss and you squeal when Keishin takes your lip between his teeth and bites, blood rushing to the surface of your skin. 
His head dips down to leave featherlight kisses and teasing licks down your chest and stomach before he’s resting between your thighs. You whimper pitifully as he spreads your legs, awaiting the feeling of a wet tongue or his fingers against your folds. When he doesn’t move for several beats, you come to the realization that he’s just watching the way your cunt twitches and clenches around nothing and the wetness that drips onto the couch each time your muscles contract. You quickly bring your legs together to hide yourself from his scrutinizing gaze, but he simply pries them open with little effort.
Keishin grabs your chin so you’ll look right at him, squirming from the intensity of his gaze. “Don’t you dare hide this pretty pussy from me, do you understand? I am going to devour you until I’ve had my fill and you’re going to just lie back and take it.”
You nod obediently, your impudence quickly dying, giving way to the burning ache between your legs that can only be sated by a long, hard fuck.
With a satisfied hum, he settles at the apex of your thighs and licks a long stripe from your quivering pussy to your swollen clit and your hips jerk from the contact. Strong hands pin your hips to the couch as you writhe in his firm grip. He gives your clit a soft, quick kiss before he takes it into his mouth and sucks. You grab fitfully at his hair, back arching and hips pressing into his mouth as you gasp and groan from the incredible feeling of his tongue on your sensitive flesh.
His tongue teases your entrance and your cunt twitches, anticipating the first thrust of his warm, wet muscle inside you. He occasionally dips into your hole, but never breaches your entrance and you think you might go mad if he doesn’t give you more.
“I-I need more, give me more,” you manage to gasp, grabbing a fistful of the pillow underneath you as the tightening in your belly gets stronger.
Keishin removes his mouth from your cunt just long enough to admonish you for your lack of respect. “You need to have more manners if you’re going to demand things of me,” he says, before latching back onto your swollen, twitching clit.
“Daddy, pleeease I need more. Ah! I want to cum!” Your voice is so high-pitched and whiny you almost don’t recognize yourself, but you’re nearly delirious from pleasure and your impending climax that’s been dangled over your head for what feels like hours.
“Now who am I to deny you when you ask so sweetly?”
He thrusts two of his digits inside you, reaching deep inside you and rubbing against your g-spot as he sucks your clit back into his mouth. You’re almost screaming at this point, clawing at his hair and humping your cunt against his face. The familiar tightening in your belly signals that you’re about to cum and your moans and cries get faster, louder as the promise of white hot pleasure is just within reach—
It’s almost embarrassing how fast you’re teetering on the edge of climax, as if you’re a virgin school girl that’s never touched herself before. But maybe that’s the difference that years of experience can make. 
Not that you care. You just want to cum.
“Fuck, Daddy, I—I’m close!”
Sensing your impending orgasm, the man uses his free hand to slap your cheek then grabs your throat. “Uh-uh-uh,” he tuts, “Ask Daddy for permission to cum.” You’re clamping down on his fingers impossibly tighter as he fingers you even deeper, and the way he sucks on your clit renders you incapable of speech. Each time you open your mouth to try to speak, more desperate, wanton noises escape your lips.
You’re about to fucking burst at the seams and you feel like you’re on fire, but you want to be a good girl for your daddy, so you use the last bit of brain power you have left to ask for permission.
“P-pleaaase Daddy may I ahhh! May I cum!” you ask, but you can’t even hear Keishin give his approval from how loud the blood rushing in your ears is as you finally cum.
You try to muffle your cries with the back of your hand, but he grabs your wrist and wrenches it away from your mouth.
“Don’t do that. I want to hear you scream.” His tone is clipped and short, not caring how rough he is with your delicate flesh.
If you weren’t already cumming, you would have from the pleasure that’s so intense, it’s almost painful as your body is wracked with tremors. Your legs snap around Keishin’s head and you grip his hair even tighter as wave upon wave of your orgasm washes over you. You hear someone screaming and wonder what’s happening, when you realize it’s you, you’re the one screaming as you ride out your climax.
He greedily slurps and sucks up every single drop of your release that you can give him, as if he was stranded in the desert for a thousand years and your juices are the first sip of water to hit his dry, parched tongue. Your cunt is already so sensitive, painfully clenching around his fingers, but he just. Doesn’t. Stop.
“Fuck, K-Kei, wait ‘s too much,” you weakly protest, but your body is too spent to resist so you just lie there, twitching and gasping as he keeps sucking on your overstimulated clit.
His lips detach from your poor, abused bud and you almost sigh in relief before the fingers inside your cunt pump faster, stimulating every inch of your gummy walls.
Keishin leans over your sweaty, exhausted form, one hand braced on the couch, the other buried inside you. His fingers are hitting a spot inside you that makes you feel the urge to pee, so you try to push his hand away but it’s futile with how much stronger he is than you. 
“Hold onnn, I’m g-gonna—” you slur, panicked, but it’s as if he didn’t hear you.
His digits are relentless, rubbing and stroking and you’re a fucked out mess. You don’t know what he wants until an uncomfortable tightness shoots through your cunt. You cry out as clear liquid gushes out of you, splashing all over you, the couch, and Keishin. If you were more coherent, you might be mortified because you just… pissed on him—
To your surprise, he’s laughing as he removes his hand from inside you, ignoring your halfhearted groans. “I was hoping you’d do that,” he says, holding up his hand, shiny and dripping with your juices. 
“D-Do what?” you pant, unsure of what just happened and why Keishin seems so smug.
He uses his discarded t-shirt to wipe his hand off, then dabs at your stomach where a sizable puddle accumulated. “Squirt,” he responds. When he sees your confused expression, he follows up with, “It’s not piss, if you’re worried about that.”
“Ooookay.” You’re too dazed and exhausted to argue with him or question him further, so you just flop into the sofa and close your eyes.
“C’mon, little girl, don't tell me that’s all you’ve got. You were talking so much shit earlier and I have so much more to give you.” Despite how tired you are, his words spark new arousal in your belly and defiance revitalizes you, movement returning to your limbs.
You slide a hand down your stomach and spread the puffy lips of your cunt, sliding a finger through your wetness. “Of course it’s not. I’m ready to take that hard cock of yours, Daddy.”
“Attagirl, that’s what I like to see,” he praises, dropping his underwear and sliding them somewhere you can’t see. 
His cock is gorgeous, but that doesn’t come as a surprise, considering the man it belongs to. It’s thick and curved in a way that you know will reach the deepest parts of you.
What you weren’t expecting is the many piercings adorning the shaft and the one that goes through the head. A long curved barbell enters through the tip and exits through the underside of his glans. Three evenly spaced rings are embedded in the skin where his shaft meets his balls. You’ve never seen so many piercings on one man, let alone in such a sensitive place, so you gawk at the smooth metal rings that shine in the overhead lights.
“You’re… You have…”
He grins widely and it’s so devilish you think he might swallow you whole and honestly? You’d let him. You’d let him do whatever he wants to you. “Haha, yeah I get that reaction a lot. Never seen a pierced cock before, huh?”
“No, but there’s a first time for everything. I’m dying to see how those,” you point to his piercings, “Feel inside me.”
Keishin wordlessly climbs on top of you and rubs the head against your wetness, spreading it along his shaft to ease his entry. “They’ll feel fucking incredible, but you’ll have to beg for it.”
You scoff, reaching to grab his hips so he’ll fuck you already, but he scoots backwards so you can’t touch him.
“Naughty girls that misbehave don’t get fucked, so you’d better smarten up quickly,” he warns, making you gasp as he thrusts his cock against your clit.
He lazily nudges the head over your flesh, occasionally letting it catch on the tight ring of muscle around your hole. When he slots between your pussy lips, you try to wiggle and hump your hips in his direction, in hopes that he’ll slide right in.
But he doesn’t, and you’re about to go mad with his cock so close, but so far away.
“Please fuck me Daddy. I need your cock so bad!” You’re on the verge of tears, the buildup of the last few weeks overwhelming your senses.
Making a noise of sympathy, Keishin pets your hair affectionately and kisses your cheek. “All you had to do was ask.”
His hips pull back, then he’s thrusting inside you, sheathing himself to the hilt in your tight heat. You whimper and whine at the sudden intrusion, but any pain you feel is overshadowed by the way that his cock is filling you so full. The burn and stretch hurts so fucking good that your orgasm hits you like a freight train, fast and hard and blinding. Keishin fucks you through it, his cock touching all of the sensitive spots inside you and the pleasure is so strong you have to screw your eyes shut as you cry out and fall apart around him.
When you open them again, the man is staring down at you with the most shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen. “See? I said you’d cum as soon as I put my cock inside you.”
Using all the strength you can muster, you slap his arm. “Shut up and just fuck me.”
“You still haven’t learned your manners, but I just can’t wait to shoot my cum deep inside this cute cunt of yours,” Keishin groans, pulling almost all the way out before burying himself back inside the hot, welcoming clutch of your pussy. 
You can feel each of the metal rings on his cock, foreign and strange, but the odd feeling soon fades to little shocks of ecstasy each time they brush against your insides.
The lewd slapping sounds of skin on skin are all you can hear besides the occasional moan or hiss from the man fucking you within an inch of your life, not that you can focus on anything else right now.
You nudge at Keishin’s shoulder and he stops the rapid pistoning of his hips, an almost annoyed look on his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, but you just smile and push him backwards onto the couch, just like you were. He grunts in surprise as he falls backward, but he quickly quiets down when you climb on top of him and sink yourself back down on his length.
You both moan in unison as he fills you once more, the tip of his cock pressing against your cervix each time you force your cunt back down on him. His hands wander to your tits, grabbing, squeezing, and pinching the sensitive buds of your nipples. 
Ever the troublemaker, you can’t resist making a jab at him now that you’re on top. “I wonder what she’d do if she knew you were with me right now. What would your daughter say about you taking advantage of a young, helpless girl?”
Keishin takes that moment to pull you against him, thrusting hard and rough into your gummy walls that never stop pulsing around him. You’re shaking and gasping, your tongue lolling out of your mouth in your pleasured delirium. “With the way your greedy, sloppy cunt is clenching around me, I wouldn’t say I’m taking advantage of you,” he points out, only slightly out of breath. “But you get off on this, don’t you? Letting an old man like me fuck you. I’m old enough to be your father.”
“Like you’re any b-better,” you bite back.
You cry out when Keishin starts rubbing your swollen clit in tight little circles, your third orgasm fast approaching. 
“Fuck! I can—urgh, I can feel your pussy pulsing around me. I’m g-gonna cum,” he grits out, thrusting impossibly deeper inside you. He's pressed so far into you, he’s just thumping the head of his cock against your cervix. You scream and write in his arms, seeking to relieve the sharp burning in your womb just a little bit, but he has you firmly locked in his clutches. “Be a good little girl and cum for Daddy.”
Almost on command, you shake and moan, loud and long, as you cream all over his cock and coat the base in milky white. “Oh fuck, oh god! D-Daddy I’m cu-mming!” you wail with the last of your energy.
You’re so exhausted you go limp against him and let him use your body as a fuck toy until he reaches his climax. Keishin follows soon behind you, his thrusts growing sloppier and less coordinated as he mumbles obscenities under his breath. “Shit shit shit, fuck I’m cumming! I’m gonna—fuck!”
With one last thrust into your fluttering, over stimulated cunt he orgasms, his legs shaking as he shoots rope after rope of cum into your quivering womb.
You both lay there for several minutes to catch your breaths. You’re so sore and boneless you can barely move, but you manage to extricate yourself from Keishin’s long limbs. Leaning into the arm of the couch, you let your eyes flutter closed and allow sleep to take you.
You’re awoken by a warm, wet washcloth rubbing against your sensitive folds and you whine, sleepily wiggling your hips to get away from the discomfort. “Kid, I know it doesn’t feel good but, uh, it’s kind of a mess down there. You can go back to sleep, just let me clean you up.” Keishin’s familiar timbre comforts you so you settle back down, still half asleep.
“Mmm, Keishin?” you mumble, making grabby hands at the man.
He takes one of your hands in his. “Yeah?” he responds as he wipes the washcloth between your legs with his other hand.
You rub your face against his hand before placing a sloppy kiss on top of it. “Thank youuuu,” you slur.
Keishin just chuckles and rubs his fingers over your knuckles. “Yeah kid, you’re welcome. Just get some rest, alright?”
You’re asleep before he even finishes the sentence.
When you awaken it’s dark, most likely the middle of the night. There’s a blanket thrown over your unexpectedly clothed body, which is now covered in a worn, oversized shirt. It smells like fabric softener and musk, so you figure it must be Keishin’s.
Looking around, you bolt upright when you realize you’re not on the living room couch anymore, you’re now in a large, comfortable bed.
The sound of a deep, rumbling voice draws your attention to the bathroom connected to the room you’re currently in. “Oh, you’re finally awake,” Keishin says sheepishly as he emerges from the bathroom, then points to the nightstand next to you. “There’s some water and ibuprofen, you should take it. Even if you’re not sore now, you will be later.”
You chuckle tiredly as you stretch your overworked muscles. “I’m already sore, so I’ll definitely be taking these.”
He sits awkwardly on the side of the bed, unsure how to treat you after your little encounter. His brows are furrowed, a deep frown on he’s seemingly deep in thought.
“Whatever you’re thinking, just spit it out.” His head immediately snaps to you, eyes guarded and unreadable.
“What we did downstairs, it’s… not right. I’m supposed to protect young, impressionable girls like you. I’m a father—I would die if Tomi was after a man more than twice her age.”
You pull the blanket off of you and climb over to where the older man is seated on the mattress. “Keishin, let me ask you something.” He lifts his head, expectant. “Did you enjoy what we did? Because I did.” He nods slowly, still unsure what you’re getting at.
Taking his face in your hands, you tell him what you’ve been thinking for weeks. “At the end of the day, we’re two consenting adults who partook in consensual activities. Even if someone wants to clutch their pearls because you’re older than me, who cares?”
“Yeah, I get that, but… It has to be some sort of ethics violation on my part. You’re younger than my daughter, Bunny.”
“Even if it is, you have to allow yourself to live a little. Life is too short to deny yourself pleasures the world has to offer, and I don’t know about you, but I was very pleased by our… tryst.”
A cute blush spreads across Keishin’s cheeks as he remembers everything he said and did to you. “Aha, I was too. So, um… Would you want to do that again, sometime?” he asks, running a hand through his hair like he always does when he’s nervous.
You giggle and tackle him on the bed, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing. “Of course I do. We can even do it now, if you’d like…”
A couple hours later, just before Hitomi comes back, you limp across the hallway to your room and pass out, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
And that is how your little arrangement begins.
Most of your time is spent with Hitomi, mostly shopping and going out to eat when she has the day off, or just watching Netflix in her room when you’re both too tired to go anywhere.
However, in the wee hours of the morning when you’re sure that she’s asleep, you sneak up to her father’s bedroom and get fucked so hard and so good you can barely make it back to your bedroom before the sun rises.
It’s a good arrangement, you think, you both get what you want and your friend is none the wiser. You figure no harm, no foul. At the end of the winter break, Keishin will likely want to cut things off with you and you’ll go back to your college dorm as if nothing happened.
But the winter break isn’t over yet, and you plan on making the most of it.
Keishin has been fucking you into the mattress for so long, time no longer even makes sense anymore. 
You’re sweaty and exhausted, muscles so sore and shaky, but the thrusting between your legs shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. The harsh grip on your hips will likely bruise, but luckily you can hide them, unlike the few close calls you’ve had with poorly-placed marks on your neck.
Despite your exhaustion, you continue to meet Keishin’s thrusts by humping your hips back at him.
He gives your ass a harsh spank and fucks into you harder, making you whine and clench around him. “You’re an insatiable little thing, aren’t you? So fucked out and dripping with my cum, yet you still want more,” he says, but all you can do is gasp in response. You’re too far gone to produce any meaningful response. “What am I going to do with you?” If you had the energy, you’d tell him whatever he wants, but you don’t and the familiar tug of an orgasm is too hard to ignore.
“Fuck Daddy, I-I’m—”  
Suddenly, his phone comes to life, Hitomi’s face lighting up the screen as it vibrates. The pistoning of his hips slows, then stops completely as he reaches over and grabs it off the nightstand.
He suddenly pulls out of your sore, abused cunt and you almost whine at the loss before he buries himself back inside you. The way your face is pressed into the mattress makes it difficult, but you manage to turn your head to see what Keishin is doing behind you.
Your eyes widen and you try to wriggle out of his grip when you figure out that he’s going to answer his phone as he keeps fucking you.
A hand wraps around your neck, lifting you up from your position on the bed and you have to follow its movement to prevent your windpipe from getting crushed. You’re pressed against Keishin’s hard chest, and his cock is nestled right against your cervix. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll just stay still and take it like a good little girl.”
The harsh grip on your neck releases and you’re shoved back into the bed, falling onto the comforter.
Keishin sounds completely normal when he answers his phone and it almost pisses you off—how can he be so unaffected when you’re at your wit’s end? 
He chirps into the phone, “Hey sweetheart, what’s up?” The only indication that anything is amiss is the slight breathlessness in his voice and the occasional curse under his breath.
He forces himself even deeper inside you so forcefully that you’re afraid he’ll punch straight through to your womb. You know it’s not possible, but with Keishin, it just might be. He’s always full of surprises, especially when it comes to your body.
“Oh yeah, sure I can drop it off to you later. I’m just a little… preoccupied at the moment,” he says with a sharp thrust of his hips and you can’t help the moan that escapes your lips. Keishin stiffens above you, waiting to see if Hitomi heard you through the phone.
“No, Hitomi, I’m not watching porn! But hold on a second, I think someone is at the door.” He sets the phone on the bed, muting the call as his cock hits your g-spot and you’re shaking, practically shivering in his arms. A couple of hard, coordinated rubs of your engorged clit and you’re cumming, gushing around him and keening as your muscles clench uncomfortably. You scream silently and fall limp onto the bed, unable to hold yourself up any longer. 
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve cum, but it’s to the point that each successive orgasm borders on the edge of pleasure and pain.
“Better keep quiet, wouldn’t want my daughter to hear you getting your pretty little cunt stuffed full of my cock,” Keishin snarls into your ear and you feel yourself clench painfully around him. Your body is just so worn out, but you know he won’t stop until he’s satisfied. “Or do you want her to know what a slut you are for her father?”
You shake your head vehemently, but the man inside you just chuckles as he keeps fucking you.
“Oh my god, oh fuck I-I…” You’re babbling nonsense to no one in particular.
“Ahh it was just-fuck, it was just some dude trying to sell me security cameras. Anyways, I’ll see you later honey, I love you.” His last few sentences sound rushed, urgent and you can tell from the twitching of his length that he’s close. The moment the phone is hung up, Keishin cages you between his body and the mattress. “Your cunt feels so fucking good, I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. Would you like that?”
You try to nod and make a noise akin to ‘mhm,’ but you’re not sure what it sounds like. You’re not really sure of anything right now, but what you are sure of is you want him to cum inside you.
“I could never deny you anything, sweet girl,” he groans.
Keishin fucks into you harder, faster, and it feels as if he’s quite literally rearranging your guts, he’s so deep inside you. He reaches down between your legs and pinches your sensitive bud between his fingers. “Think you have one more in you, hm?” he asks, but he doesn’t wait for your answer. Of course you do.” He rubs your sore clit the way he knows will have you shaking and coming apart around him.
“Fuck Daddy, fuck I’m cumming!” you squeal, writhing and squirming from the painful, aching tightness of your orgasm as it builds once more. 
“Ergh, fuck yeah, cum on Daddy’s cock as he fills you up. You’re such a good fucking girl for me, I love this sweet pussy.”
You shriek as you cum, your climax so strong that your vision blurs at the edges and you convulse, sore muscles twitching with overuse. 
“Daddy’s gonna breed his sweet little girl, fuck, feels so fucking good!” Keishin groans, burying himself as deeply as he can inside you and shooting his cum into your quivering hole. You sigh in relief at the feeling of his warm cum flooding your womb, thankful he finally came because you couldn’t have lasted much longer in your state.
He flops next to you on the bed, sweaty and exhausted from your hours-long fuck marathon. Throwing an arm over your waist, he pulls you to his chest and buries his nose in your neck. 
Hitomi’s not supposed to come back for several hours, so you both deem it safe to fall asleep as you are. Just when you’re about to drift off, your phone buzzes from the bedside table.
You reach for your phone, expecting it to be some spam email.
Your heart stops, the whole world seems to freeze when you open the text message.
From: Tomie <3
So when were you going to tell me you’re fucking my dad?
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
Warm Beach Afternoons (ksj + jjk)
AO3 Link Here!
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Relationships: Jungkook x Seokjin Genre: smut, PWP Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~2.6k
Tags: smut, PWP, cockwarming, dirty talk, watersports, oral sex, Omorashi, rough oral, semi-public blowjobs, coming untouched, deepthroating
Summary: It's far too hot for any sort of nonsense, Jin thinks. Jungkook has other ideas.
A/N: Second Kinktober fic, day 4: cockwarming. This fic was inspired by this lovely piece of artwork. 
The sun was boiling hot. Too hot to reasonably be outside, Jin figured. And he was determined to take every opportunity to bitch about it to anyone that would listen. The rest of the group ignored him, as they always did – disrespectful kids, he did something wrong raising them. The makeup noonas only laughed and offered him ice packs or cold water. 
And of course, there was Jungkook – in a league of his own, set out to torture Jin at every turn. Jungkook heard Jin was overheating, and his priority became laying on the elder, leaping on him, hugging him, or otherwise smothering him, at every turn.
Not that Jin really minded. For as much as he’d complain about Jungkook, that young man had his heart locked away in that beautiful bunny smile. They hadn’t mean to get so involved. Jungkook was the baby of the group, he was the elder. He knew he should be taking care of Jungkook – and that didn’t mean stealing kisses from his perfect mouth or routinely railing him into the bed. But despite knowing he shouldn’t, Jin couldn’t help it. He’d found himself falling hard and fast for the golden child. The other members knew, but opted to look the other way; so long as they didn’t get themselves outed in some horrible way, it didn’t bother them. 
Most of the time, they were careful. Jungkook was clingy with everyone, so nobody thought twice when he’d leap into Jin’s arms, or chose to crawl into his bed while on a trip somewhere. Even the fans thought it was oh so sweet and brotherly. Of course, there were whispers, usually from international fans, about what if, maybe they are – but nobody gave them much thought. It was harmless. 
What wasn’t harmless was the current situation. Jin was trying his best to remain cool as they shot the last few photos from his group shot with Jungkook and Yoongi. However, every time the cameras paused – and a few times when they weren’t, Jin found himself with a very large, heavy, and hot Jungkook leaning on him. 
He pushed his arms off for the fifth time in fifteen minutes, whining. “It’s too hot,”
“It’s not that bad,” Jungkook complained. He back hugged Jin once more, blowing cool air on the back of his neck. Jin gritted his teeth, hating how nice it felt. 
“Just a few more in the lifeguard seat,” the cameraman said, clearly mistaking Jin’s expression for annoyance. “Then you three can relax. We’ll shoot a little further down with the other four.”
“Sounds good,” Yoongi said. “That spot of shade is calling my name.”
Jin chuckled. “Agreed. You go first,” he offered, motioning his head to the lifeguard stand a few feet away. Yoongi headed for it, crawling into it and settling in for the photos. Jungkook went next, and Jin took a moment to shake the fabric from his skin, sticky with his sweat – and Jungkook’s. 
Jin climbed into the stand last, working with the photographer to take the photos he needed to take. When the man finished, Jin slumped down in the chair, closing his eyes and letting the sun beat down over his skin.
“Gonna get a sunburn,” Jungkook scolded. Jin opened his eyes, looking down. Jungkook was climbing up the lifeguard stand, effectively pinning him there. 
“Then let me get down, I’ll join Yoongi in the shade.”
“Nope,” Jungkook leaned forward, going nearly nose to nose with Jin. Jin pulled his head back, glancing over to make sure they were alone.
“Jungkook,” he warned.
“I’m horny,” Jungkook said softly.
Jin’s eyes widened. “When did you become so damn brazen.”
“We’ve been so busy working on the photoshoots for the single… You haven’t let me touch you in days.” Jungkook leaned on the stand, forcing Jin to open his legs or have his knees crushed by Jungkook’s weight. Jungkook slid his palms up Jin’s bare legs, squeezing his thighs under his shorts. “I miss you.”
“I’m sorry,” Jin whispered, relaxing a little at Jungkook’s firm, steady touches. His eyes fluttered shut. “We’ll play together tonight, okay?”
“What about right now?” Jungkook offered. Jin felt him shift and opened his eyes, surprised to see Jungkook climbing down. His hopes for freedom and relaxation were dashed, however, when Jungkook stopped a few feet lower, his torso still against Jin’s legs. He palmed Jin’s cock through his shorts, meeting his gaze. “We have time.”
“We don’t,” Jin argued, gasping a little when Jungkook squeezed. 
“We can make time. I can hurry.”
“It’s far too hot for this,” Jin complained even as Jungkook pulled his cock from his swim trunks. 
“Drink some water then.”
Jin swore softly, chuckling. “Also, we’re gonna get caught.”
“Doing what?” Jungkook asked, his eyes wide and innocent. “I’m just playing with my hyung on the lifeguard tower,” he leaned forward, sliding Jin’s half hard cock into his mouth. 
Jin jerked forward, grabbing Jungkook’s back. Jungkook took him the rest of the way in his mouth, reaching up to grab Jin’s back. He knew, from where the rest of the crew was, it did probably look like they were just wrestling. 
The only problem was that Jungkook wasn’t even sucking. No, he was holding Jin’s cock in his perfect mouth, only moving his tongue every now and again. Even as Jin swelled to full hardness, Jungkook remained still. Jin pinched his side.
“Come on, hurry up and make me come,” he hissed, watching the others frolic down the beach.
Jungkook pulled his mouth off Jin’s cock with an obscene pop, his lips wet. “Come? I’m not blowing you.”
“Then what’s your face doing on my crotch?”
Jungkook smirked. “I thought your cock was cold. I’m warming it for you. I can’t make you come, we’re in public.”
Jin gritted his teeth. Jungkook grinned and slid his mouth back over Jin’s cock, nuzzling down as far as he could. 
“You’re such a fucking tease,” Jin hissed. “I’m pounding your ass tonight for this.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes up. He pressed his tongue up, applying pressure to Jin’s cock. At the same time, he let his teeth graze dangerously over the sensitive shaft, and Jin’s eyes rolled back. 
“Be careful,” he growled. Jungkook moved his teeth back, his lips curving into a smirk around Jin’s cock. The little shit knew exactly what he was doing.
No matter how Jin tried to move, to stimulate any part of his cock, Jungkook remained still, entirely relaxed. It wasn’t as if they were atop a lifeguard stand with their entire group and about twenty crew members a few hundred feet away. 
Jin was in agony. This was worse than edging; he was sweating, turned on, and desperate. Yet, the lack of stimulation - and ever constant stimulation - of Jungkook’s mouth had his cock in a state of half hard, half soft. Jungkook’s mouth was warm and wet and comfortable… 
Jin hissed. “Let me go,” he panted. “JK, I gotta piss.” He pushed at Jungkook.
Jungkook looked up at him. He winked. Instead of moving, he closed his lips more firmly around Jin’s cock and shifted. One hand slid down, and he pressed hard on Jin’s lower belly, not breaking eye contact with Jin. Jin’s throat closed when he realized what Jungkook was getting at.
“N— Here?” Jin panted. He and Jungkook had played with piss a little, but never in public. Not that he was opposed… Frankly the idea had his heart racing. He looked back down the way at their group and then to Jungkook. “You sure?”
Jungkook’s nostrils flared. He nodded as well as he could, shifting just a little. He buried his fingers in Jungkook’s shaggy purple hair, leaning forward just a bit. A few drops came first, and the thought of them landing on Jungkook’s tongue nearly made him moan. He closed his eyes, focusing on the warm, wet, tight feeling of Jungkook’s mouth. He willed his bladder to release, pushing away thoughts of arousal flooding in. 
There it was. A spurt of piss first, and then a gush. And there, a full, steady stream. He could hear Jungkook gulping rapidly, and feel the warm piss filling his mouth. It was pooling around the base of his cock as Jungkook struggled to swallow it down. The amount of water he’d drunk throughout the day was coming in handy, he realized. He looked down, meeting Jungkook’s gaze.
He was tearing up, his nostrils flaring as he breathed between gulps of Jin’s release.
“Cockwarmer, huh?” Jin whispered. “Looks like what I actually have here is a nice, portable urinal, isn’t that right?”
Jungkook’s eyelids fluttered shut. Jin laughed softly, stroking his cheek. “Almost done, baby. Keep swallowing for me… Fuck, Jungkook. Drink it all.”
Jungkook gave a full body shudder, his fingers tightening on Jin’s lower back. 
Jin pulled his cock back slowly as his stream ended, letting Jungkook swallow the last bit of piss. He opened his mouth when he was done, showing Jin his proof.
“Good boy,” Jin murmured. He tried to tuck himself away but Jungkook made a noise of annoyance.
“I was a good cockwarmer and urinal,” he whined. “Don’t I get a treat?”
Jin glanced at the others. “They’re about done.”
“And you’re hard already and always come fast after you piss. I can do it.” Jungkook smirked. “Wanna know something that’ll speed things along?”
Jin raised an eyebrow. Jungkook shifted, standing up a little higher on the ladder of the stand. Jin could see the front of his shorts, tented from his own erection. Jungkook pulled Jin’s cock free and kissed the tip and looked up at Jin. “Slide your hand in the front of my shorts.”
Jin shifted, sliding his hand down gently, past Jungkook’s tight stomach, the tie of his trunks, the soft, curly mat of his pubic hair…
“Oh...” Jin breathed, his cock throbbing. “Is that…”
Jungkook grinned. “I came in my trunks while you were pissing in my mouth.”
Jin moaned softly. He ran his hand over Jungkook’s cock, feeling the slick squish of his come, clinging to his skin and hair.
Jungkook sank down on his cock, his shoulders heaving a little when the tip bumped his throat. He began to suck and swallow, barely moving his head. Jin grunted behind closed lips, playing with Jungkook’s come covered cock. It was a secret between them, this kink. If it was a kink. An association, really.
The night that Jin took Jungkook’s virginity, they began with foreplay. Which turned into Jungkook sucking Jin’s cock; not a bad arrangement if Jin could say so himself. Jungkook had been in his jockey shorts at that point. And, in his ever so eager way, ended up coming prematurely, spilling his release in his shorts. Though he’d been embarrassed, Jin had never been more turned on in his life. He’d come so hard he saw spots just from Jungkook’s mouth on his cock, and his hand down the from of his come filled shorts. From that point on, Jungkook filling his underwear with a surprise load of come was the quickest way to get Jin to orgasm; and Jungkook was good at it. Jin was starting to wonder if the guy could come on command with how easily he came in his shorts during foreplay, even after all these years. It wasn’t that he was always premature; having sex, Jungkook could go for hours sometimes. But if the mood struck… It happened. 
Jin whined softly. Jungkook was mouthing along his cock perfectly. “So dirty, JK,” he teased. “Filled your trunks with all this come… And not even being touched. You squirted while your hyung was making you drink his piss. So, so dirty.”
Jungkook pulled off Jin’s cock with a wet pop. He began to stroke him in short, fast strokes. “Can’t help it,” he panted. “I just love your cock… Being your cockwarmer made my dick so hard. I was wishing you could just lay me in the sand and ruin my asshole, right there… And then you started pissing, I couldn’t help but get so much hotter. It tasted so good and it makes my belly feel full and warm, I just had to let a load go.”
Jin shuddered, his orgasm nearing. He pulled his hand free and licked the come from it, earning a happy little gasp and sigh from Jungkook.
“Well, I’ll need to punish you tonight,” Jin murmured.
“What will you do?” 
“I think I’ll need to pound your ass… Make you scream loud enough all our members hear.” 
Jungkook’s eyes rolled back. He nodded quickly. 
“And maybe after,” Jin muttered, “I’ll leave another round of piss in there, make you plug it up and hold it until your stomach hurts.”
Jungkook whined and nodded again. “Please, hyung…”
“We’ll see,” Jin murmured. “Swallow it again, I’m close.”
He pushed Jungkook’s head down, sighing happily when Jungkook took his cock to the root. A few quick bobs of his head and a few swipes of Jungkook’s expert tongue, and Jin was coming, spilling hot ropes of come into his soft mouth. 
Jin felt his entire body relax, the tension draining out of him with each spurt. “Perfect,” he sighed.
Jungkook pulled off him with a pop and tucked him away. “They’re coming,” he whispered. 
Jin straightened up and grabbed Jungkook, shifting their posture to look like they were wrestling on the seat as the others neared.
“You’re going to fall,” Namjoon called as he approached.
“He’s trying to smother me,” Jin complained. Jungkook popped his head up, shaking it to try and fix his hair.
“I’m just making sure you’re cozy, the breeze from the water might be cold.”
“Troublemaker,” Jin grumbled. Jungkook laughed and crawled down the ladder. Jin glanced down, relieved to see his crotch was not showing any bulges or wet spots. The makeup girl rushed up, fixing his hair without question; she was used to fixing mistakes from their wrestling on shoots. Jin crawled down as well, watching Jungkook from afar. He wondered what she’d say if she knew that mess of Jungkook’s pretty hair was from Jin’s hands, pulling and tugging. Or the slightly smeared lip color was because his lips were around Jin’s cock… She wouldn’t be happy, that’s for sure.
Jungkook glanced over, meeting Jin’s gaze and offering a sweet smile as she fixed his makeup. The photographer was talking about the last few group shots, but Jin could barely pay attention. One word he heard for sure though, was water.
“We get to play in it?” Jin asked, perking up immediately.
The photographer thought for a moment and nodded. “Sure, I think that would be cute photos perhaps. But we’ll do that last, so if you guys get your outfits wet, it won’t be a big deal.” Jin nodded. He leaned over a little, allowing the makeup girl to fix his hair and face when she came at him. 
They set to work after, finishing up the beach shoots and heading to the ocean. Jin tried not to keep staring at Jungkook, but it was impossible. He did, however, try not to notice (at least visibly) when Jungkook made sure to go at least waist deep into the water, inconspicuously shifting to make sure his trunks were well soaked in the crotch area. 
As the shoot wrapped up and they dried off and changed back into their normal clothing. And, of course, as was the pattern, Jungkook took that opportunity to drape himself over Jin, warming every inch of his body that he could reach. But Jin didn’t complain this time. This time he leaned into it, savoring Jungkook’s embrace. Pesky or not – Jungkook was his happiness, and he’d never trade a second of time with him for anything else in the world.
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sombreboy · 4 years
Tease me⇢kth x jjk
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⇢18+ ⇢pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ⇢genre: Smut, fluff, mxm ⇢word count: 5.4k ⇢warnings: profanity, tae sends jk pics of his cock smh, they skip class to fuck don’t do that educate urself my lovely peeps, dom!kth, sub!jjk, blowjob, fingering, anal, sex in public place, this is fiction pls use lubey lube
A/N: Serves as a oneshot within the Love Maze series AU, however can also be read on it’s own. Co-written with my lovely @velvetwicebang​ <3
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Either the clock had been stuck on the same time for over a trillion hours, or Taehyung’s brain was having a blast poking at the boy’s established impatience.
It felt as if he’d been sitting through Mrs. Choi’s lesson for way too long now; his ass had certainly left a permanent imprint on the hard-as-shit chair. The discomfort only irked Taehyung even more, and the latter couldn’t be bothered to mask his see-through disinterest, facial expression resistant— Who the fuck needs calculus, anyways? Calculators exist.
The boy’s leg bounced from underneath the desk, wanting nothing more than to yell out ‘Fuck math!’ and storm out of there. But of course, he couldn’t do that. Not if he wanted to prove Jungkook wrong. The younger was smart as hell, and Taehyung knew how seriously he took his studies. Naturally, being in a relationship with someone so academically-driven also meant Tae couldn’t fall behind. And he was trying to prove to Jungkook that he was capable of getting good grades, when he actually tried..
The elder let out a soft sigh, gaze flickering to the front of the class, acting carefully before he pulled out his phone from the front pocket of his pants. 
To: JK Hey
Taehyung waited a minute, no response.
To: JK I’m boreed 
Jungkook always took forever to reply.
To: JK i know you’re seeing these smh, won’t even reply to your boyfriend
Suddenly, Tae got an idea. The elder flicked through his camera roll, lips slowly curling outwards into a cheeky grin before he attached a very personal picture..
To: JK meant to send this to you the other day I was soo fucking hard, can you see?? you like the view?
It was an image of his cock, the tip pink and swollen, veins running alongside the smooth edges. 
If this didn’t get Jungkook’s attention, Taehyung would be surprised.
Jungkook feels the incoming texts in the form of a series of vibrations against his leg, and normally he would ignore it completely... but he knows it's his boyfriend, so it was getting incredibly difficult to ignore. His lecture was boring anyway, the teacher blabbering about a topic he already excelled in, so he didn't feel as bad about sneaking his phone out underneath the desk…
Kook's breath hitched when he swiped the conversation open, only to be greeted by Taehyung's fat cock staring right back at him, so hard and--- it had the younger's thighs pressing together just thinking about the way it felt in his mouth. Heavy, smooth... fuck.
He glanced around, thankful he didn't have anybody sitting close to him for once. Tapping in his reply, his cheeks are hot, his lower lip caught by his bunny like upper teeth.
To: Tae I'm in class babe...
Jungkook sighed when he took another look at the picture, suddenly class was the last thing he cared about.
To: Tae ... I really love the view... I can't focus now
At first glance, Taehyung was a bit surprised Jungkook actually rolled along with it, but oh was he pleased.. He hadn’t intended for the conversation to turn sexual... not from the beginning, at least. The elder played his cards right, an unexpected dick-pic granted him his boyfriend’s undivided attention. Taehyung loved being the only one running through Jungkook’s mind..
To: JK oh yeah? thinking hard about my cock now? ooo naughtyyy 
He also fuckin’ loved to tease the hell out of Koo. 
To: JK i get really hard just thinking about you you and your cute ass
The elder comfortably leaned back in his chair, typing with one hand whilst the other lingered close to his crotch, itching to slip it past the band of his trousers..
To: JK that ass is tight as fuck too didn’t even need to jerk off to porn, i got off to the picture of you on my phone came so much, fuuck
Jungkook had to bite down on his lip to prevent himself from embarrassing himself, the natural urge to whine because of what Tae tells him through text was astonishing. The power this man had over the younger... one sentence and Kook is already uncomfortably adjusting his length that is resting against his thigh.
To: Tae Tae, seriously! you can't say things like this... I almost moaned out loud I can't focus!!!!
Jungkook stared at the picture for the umpteenth time, bit swollen lips parting lightly to exhale a longing sigh. His gaze flickered between the lecture and his phone again as he kept typing.
To: Tae fuck... and I'm getting hard. Want you in my mouth.
Kook blushed a bit as he sent the last two messages. However, two could play a game of tease during class... Tae might just be better at it. But that doesnt mean Kook won't at least try.. maybe he has a higher effect than he thinks.
Either way, Taehyung was a master of seduction, whether it be a quick fuck, or a sensual evening in bed--- it's undeniable that his sex appeal is off the roof. Hence why Jungkook is sitting in fucking class with his cock pulsating underneath the table. Shit.
The elder’s lean fingers curled inwards into a tightly-knotted fist, blunt nails sunk deep into the clammy flesh of his palm. All the while, Taehyung’s beast of a boner prodded at the fabric of his pants, the striking outline a cherry in a basket of strawberries. Anyone with a working eye could see Taehyung was worked up about something..
To: JK such a tease, baby so sudden? bet you were thinking about me fucking the shit out of your pretty mouth for a long time i know you like it real rough
The light film of sweat collected on his hand seeped onto the fabric of Taehyung’s jeans whilst he slowly smoothed his palm over his erection, the corner of his lip twitching in aggravation. He wanted to stuff Jungkook’s stretchable mouth full through the screen, fuck it hard until his dick turned limp.
To: JK naughty boy, you probably touched yourself to the thought of my fat cock before we were even together
He angled the phone down, pressing record before rubbing at his clothed cock, thumb swirling around the bulging head.
“Fuck..” Taehyung grunted softly, flipping the camera around to selfie-mode so Jungkook would have a different perspective. He kept it low, pretending the camera’s lens was Kook’s doe eyes, picturing his boyfriend on his knees— Taehyung staring down at him.
Even from such an angle, Tae managed to look intimidating. His raven fringe running past his hooded eyes, jaw clenching as he held in his moans, cheekbones prominent.. He had it all.
He tapped on the red dot once more, attaching the newly-made video before pressing send.
To: JK this the cock you’re thirsting for?? see how hard it is? it’s even harder when i fuck it real deep in you
Jungkook hovered over the video, swallowing tightly before pressed play. It was a dangerous game that his boyfriend played, and Kook knows he already lost. Taehyung's fat cock, his piercing gaze, even through a fucking phone screen had the younger mans insides clenching around nothing, his mouth salivating. He couldn't even hold back the quiet groan that rumbled in his chest, passing it off as an awkward cough to avoid attention.
To: Tae Yeah.. love when you're rough..
Koo blushes, ignoring the obvious statement of him touching himself to the thought of Tae prior to their relationship...
Although Jungkook knows he's already a puddle for the elder, he knows Tae does have a thing for the digital aspect of things... whether it be porn, nudes, or videos. Even when sending a simple recording of his cock, he made it look great... he was a natural with the lens.
Kook angled his own phone camera to snap a picture, squeezing his thick length through his sweatpants to show the prominent outline. Then he snaps a second one, very quickly of his bit swollen lips, sending both in one go.
To: Tae I want it so bad... See how hard you made me too...  I keep biting my lip or I'll whine out loud... you asshole
Koo smiles through the haze of lust, the endearing cursing between them still something they both just do-- and love.
A small, barely-noticeable smile pulled at the corners of Taehyung’s wet lips.
To: JK shut up... asshole you’re liking this
Then it was back to internally groaning over the pictures Jungkook had sent, lust-crazed pupils dilating at the mere image of those swollen lips wrapped snug around the velvety skin of his cock.
To: JK excuse yourself and meet me in the same spot don’t take forever
It was the last nudge; Taehyung had to act on his urges before he went crazy.
He excused himself from the lesson, lying saying he had to go to the restroom. Taehyung did need to get something out of his system, but it wasn’t what everyone else thought.
Jungkook licked his lips at the commanding invitation, swiftly putting his phone back into his pocket as he excused himself, also lying about his whereabouts. Luckily, he was easily let off without much questioning, being one of the teacher's favorites. Piece. of. cake.
He shoved his books into his backpack before hurrying towards their secret spot, internally competing whether he would possibly make it there before Taehyung this time-- just to rub it off in his face.
As Jungkook made it there, he looked around, not yet seeing the male... He glanced down at his phone, a small smile tugging on his lips. Did he make it first?
Turns out whenever Taehyung was horny, the boy could run a marathon. If there was something worth claiming at the finish line, Tae was there. This time, the prize just so happened to be his lovely boyfriend.. It was no surprise when he’d gotten there first, too impatient to miss a longing beat to his steps. But, being the cheeky bastard Taehyung was best known for, he hid from Jungkook.
When he made out the younger male’s figure, that was when he tip-toed out of hiding, pressing his chest to Kook’s back as his arms circled around his torso.
“Hey—“ Taehyung laughed at Jungkook’s startled jump, angling his neck to press a chaste kiss to the younger’s cheek.
“Relax, it’s me. Slow ass..” The elder joked, swiftly turning Koo around on his feet by a quick twist of the younger’s waist.
"Ah! Tae... shit, I've told you not to scare me like that..." Jungkook's annoyance quickly morphed into a grin, unable to stay mad as he twirled to face his boyfriend. His hands immediately find the elders soft, dark curls, itching to run his fingers through them.
"I wasn't slow, you must be sonic or some shit...." he chuckles, drawing Tae in for a kiss, unable to hold his bit swollen lips away for a second longer.
Taehyung acceptingly immersed himself in the warm, summery feeling of Jungkook’s lips, dipping his toe in the latter-infected waters. 
He breathed in Jungkook; he felt Jungkook’s presence all around. Every curve and dip of the younger’s body was a place Taehyung knew all too well.
He squeezed at Kook’s delicate waist. Taehyung’s lost count of how many times his needy hands would hold onto the flesh. It was the most familiar spot..
“Don’t think I forgot all about the, ‘want you in my mouth’ shit you pulled..” The elder practically muttered, tracing daring kisses along Jungkook’s jawline, down his neck, on his collarbones..
Anywhere that would allow the sudden intrusion.
“That got me so hard. You knew it’d faze me, huh?” Taehyung gently drove Jungkook’s back against the concrete wall, shuffling a leg between the younger’s, sensually rubbing at his boyfriend’s awakened crotch.
“You knew it’d make me wanna push you down to your knees and fuck your throat swollen, didn’t you?”
"Y-yeah-- fuck..." Jungkook immediately feels like he melts into the wall behind him, the cool surface juxtaposing the fire in his body. His cheeks are flushed red, snapping his chin to the side as he blushes, whining quietly when Taes knee massages his length. It was almost embarrassing how quickly he was brought to a full hard on, but then again; Kook being absolutely whipped for Tae is no news.
“Baby likes it rough, tsk. You know which buttons to push, alright..”
Taehyung tilted his head and aimed for the side of Jungkook’s neck, where he sucked greedily on the discolored patch whilst his hands snaked past the loose band of Kook’s sweatpants.
Fondling and jiggling a handful of Jungkook’s bare ass in his bigger hands, Tae purposely pressed their bodies closer together, leaving little room to the imagination.
He groped and squeezed at the plump skin, pulling Jungkook’s lower body away from the wall, grunting against his boyfriend’s neck as he left dark hickeys to linger on for days.
“So fucking gorgeous, my pretty boy..” 
Taehyung pulled away, seemingly pleased with his colorful creations.
“Now, get down on your knees, pretty.”
Jungkook didn't need to be told twice, abruptly dropping down on his knees in front of Taehyung, his strong hands smoothing down his torso to his thighs on the way down. His doe eyes stare back up at the elder with a mix of submission, admiration, and greed, licking his lightly chapped lips.
"You think I'm pretty?" Kook tilts his head like a curious puppy, his coyly cocked eyebrow morphing with his small smile that couldn't be helped. He always felt a bit giddy whenever Tae praised him in various ways.
He keeps his hands on Tae's thighs, slowly inching back to tug at the zipper, greedy to see and feel the weight of his boyfriend's cock on his tongue.
"Fuck my mouth, I'll look even prettier.." He whispers out his words, a bit flustered to utter them.
“Shit, I don’t doubt it for a fucking second..” Taehyung felt strapping as he confidently towered over Jungkook, one hand pressed against the wall whilst the other glided through Kook’s silky hair, caressing the younger’s scalp with gentle fingers.
“Always hungry for my big cock, who would’ve thought the prettiest boys would be so dirty..”
His thumb faintly brushed over Jungkook’s cheekbone, studying the latter’s submissive pose before him. Taehyung cockily widened his stance, feet shoulder-width apart and hips slightly jutted out.
He waited until Jungkook undid his zipper before taking control, tugging on his briefs just enough for his needy cock to pop out, his warm balls laying still against the waistband.
“You wanna suck my dick? Wanna know what your ass gets a taste of every time I fuck you?” The elder harshly bit down on his lower lip, “Stick your tongue out.”
Knowing he wouldn’t have to wait long, a faint smirk took over Taehyung’s features at Jungkook’s eagerness.
“Even your tongue is gorgeous, fuck.” 
With one hand around the base, Tae rubbed the head of his cock along the wet muscle, gripping onto a handful of Jungkook’s hair whilst he stared down at his boyfriend, internally praising him for being so good..
“Hmm..” He gently slapped the thick girth on Kook’s tongue; soft, wet splatter sounds taking over their senses.
Jungkook hummed in delight when he could taste droplets of Tae's precum with every gentle thud against his tongue. He inched even closer, opening his mouth wider as he stuck out his wet, flattened tongue further, as if begging for more already.
Kook is a shy boy, but when it came to Taehyung; he was a selfish, greedy man.
However, he knew not to get too greedy, unless he wanted to annoy his boyfriend. It was usually a one way ticket to limp town. Sometimes he wanted it, sometimes he didn't. 
Today was one of those days where he wanted it rough.
So, the younger didn't wait for instructions, neither did he say a word before he ignored the tug in his hair as he leaned forward, taking Taehyung's cock into his mouth. It was worth it, the smooth skin and tangy mix of salt and sweet coated his tongue wonderfully. His vibrating moan reached his throat, sure that Tae could feel it around his cock.
Kook's mischievous, doe eyes stared back up at him, his plushy lips stretched and reddened as they worked hard to accommodate Taehyung's girth.
“Wait, what are you doi— shit..” Taehyung’s heavy-lidded eyes abruptly enlarged; his initial shock vividly magnified on his features in the form of arched brows. He watched as his boyfriend’s plushy lips enclosed around his hardened length, spouting a thick blanket of warmth throughout Tae’s body, overpowering his cold demeanor. That’s all Taehyung did— stare. 
No one had ever disobeyed him, they waited for him to take control of the situation. Until now..
And if Taehyung wasn’t so fond of the power it granted him; he would’ve been less irritated at Jungkook and his sudden boldness.
The assertive grip on the younger’s hair returned as Taehyung harshly yanked him away from his cock, jaw muscles clenched and gaze intimidating. 
Who did Jungkook think he was? The younger was stripped of his control every time they fucked; Taehyung liked it that way. To say this was a surprise was an understatement..
“What have I told you about doing shit without my permission, Jungkook?”
However, no matter how much Tae tried to force himself to dislike it, he couldn’t. His boyfriend’s eagerness was endearing.
“Impatient boy..”
Digging his fingers deeper into Kook’s mess of a hair, Taehyung forced the younger back in once again. This time, it was on his terms.
He controlled the pace in which Jungkook’s head bobbed, rhythmic hips thrusting slowly to meet each plunge.
“Hmm.. fuck yeah.” The wetness lathering around him from inside Kook’s mouth tipped Taehyung’s head back, grunting softly as his eyes squinted shut, black curls sticking to the light layer of sweat exuding from his creased forehead.
At that moment, he didn’t have a care in the goddamn world. 
Taehyung towered further over Kook, extending out his free hand against the wall in front of him and fixing his grasp on Jungkook’s hair. The elder held his boyfriend’s head in place as he thrusted into him, hips eager and swift as he began fucking his mouth.
“Like that? Shame you can’t answer with a cock in your mouth..”
The sparkle of mischief in Jungkook's eyes never subsided, saying more than enough at the fact that this is exactly what he wished for. To spur on Taehyung's dominance, hearing, seeing and feeling the elder manhandle him and mock him-- fuck, the younger's cock was leaking underneath his pants.
"Mmm....mmhhh.." Jungkook hummed with joy, gaze glassy with tears from the burning stretch in his throat. It was bittersweet, but he was ever the masochist for Tae's big dick. He stared up at the various expressions of pleasure and coy mockery playing on Taehyung's face, only able to look up for so long before tears began to trickle down his cheeks, mixing in with the drool seeping out his mouth with every rough thrust, Tae's cock taking up the space in his throat.
Jungkook relaxed in the elder's hold, using his flattened tongue in his mouth to allow the slick length to glide effortlessly. He breathed heavily through his nose, however only able to do so every few drags when the head of Tae's swollen cock wasn't blocking the airway as it was lodged back in his throat with every snap of his hips.
Kook's grasp tightened on Taehyung's pants by his thighs, seeking some kind of leverage, muffled whines and hums stuck in his chest to be killed by the loud sound of wet squelches.
The piteous, gagged response of a hum fed into Taehyung’s inner sadist as he was physically driven to ram deeper into Jungkook’s mouth. He wasn’t worried— well, too worried. Of course Tae was precautious; he didn’t want to hurt his boyfriend. But he knew Jungkook could handle his hefty cock. After all, they’ve had plenty of practice during their time together..
They rarely spent a day without any action; Kook’s body was a magnet for Taehyung’s longing hands to obsess over.
“Sweet boy, takin’ all of my cock like a champ..” Tae hissed, entranced by the way he’d continuously bulge against Jungkook’s hickey-stained throat, feeling the sensitive tip roughly prod at the inflamed flesh. 
“Hngh.. so warm, baby. Almost as warm as your tight ass.” His panting grew thicker, losing the momentum he once started with, “Look at you, so fuckable. Hmph.. just wanna stretch the shit out of you, leave you open wide and shaking.” Taehyung yanked harder on Jungkook’s hair, knuckles lacking their natural color.
“I’d cum so much inside, fuck, you’d be so full.” 
With one last powerful, forced slam, Tae stopped the movement of his hips before he would break loose. All that talk made him realize how much he missed being inside of his boyfriend, even if he’d just fucked him a couple days ago..
“Pretty..” The pad of this thumb brushed under Jungkook’s eyes, wiping away the fresh tears that’d resurfaced. Taehyung slowly pulled his cock out, gaze softened as he stared down at Jungkook’s smaller position.
“Stand up and kiss me, baby. Wanna taste myself on your lips.”
Pebbles roll on the ground from the quick momentum of just how eagerly Jungkook got back up on his feet, arms clinging around Taehyung's neck to bring him in for a needy kiss. The younger's plush lips moved naturally against his boyfriend's, his familiar mouth bringing nothing but comfort and an immense need to taste more, and more.
"Ah..." Kook was gentle however, allowing Taehyung to be in control of the intensity, but the needy whines coming from the younger showed just how badly he wanted every single little thing the elder would offer.
"Taee...." Jungkook timidly moans against his lips, his erection pressing up against him like a needy boy. "You taste so good.. Can you taste it?"
“I do, baby, tastes good..” Taehyung leaned in for more, pushing his tongue past the small, hitched opening in between Jungkook’s puffy lips to ease the areas in which his cock took proper advantage of. The kiss was sloppy, yet precise as Tae carefully moved his lips against Kook’s smaller ones, pleased vibrations emitting from his chest.
Not bearing the emptiness in his palms, his hands resumed groping Jungkook’s ass.
“I’m gonna fuck you, Koo. Gonna make it quick, alright?” Tae pressed a soft kiss to Jungkook’s nose before tugging at the younger’s sweatpants and briefs in one go, too impatient to go about it any other way. 
“So aroused ‘n pretty..” Taehyung’s breath hitched at the sight of Kook’s hard cock, head oozing with droplets of precum. “Just like you.”
He carefully drove them back against the wall, this time pushing Jungkook’s chest against the concrete and tugging gently at the younger’s hip, making his ass stick out. 
His boyfriend didn’t need any prep, they’ve fucked enough times in the course of a week alone. But it didn’t hurt to tease Kook a bit— Taehyung never turned that down.
“Gonna stick my finger in, breathe.” Tae didn’t lie, his middle finger slowly pushed past the bundle of nerves trying to force him out, but he didn’t budge. His forehead was rested against Jungkook’s nape, lips slightly agape as he looked down at what he was doing. The elder’s other hand spread one of Koo’s cheeks, giving him a wider view.
“Shit, you cool? Found that sweet spot you always like..” The pad of Tae’s finger quickly rubbed at the side of Jungkook’s prostate.
“You love it when I tease it, admit it.”
Jungkook muttered breathy curses, placing his elbows against the concrete for leverage. His soft cheek pressed to the wall, flushed in the initial embarrassment of being this exposed-- in this place... Tae always managed to make him feel small and pretty-- and the praise only built on to his reddened cheeks... and throbbing cock.
"Ah..." His low curses quickly morphed into higher pitched moans the second his boyfriend's long, slender finger touched the one sweet spot that only he could reach. "Fuck, yeah.... I love it-- please, more."
Taehyung always knew how to please him, just with one finger he had reduced Kook to nothing but a slut for him. Every single time they fucked, the one word Jungkook would chant like a prayer was just that. More.
"D-don't tease me too much... I'll go crazy, please, stretch me more." Jungkook's pathetic voice was shaky, rutting his ass back against Taehyung's finger, his thigh muscles tensing and relaxing every single time his sensitive flesh was prodded.
Taehyung reached in deeper, the stretchable skin of Jungkook’s wet rim now surpassing his knuckle, clenching tight around the elder’s long digit as he massaged Koo’s warm insides. The elder’s cock throbbed against Jungkook’s soft cheek, jealous it wasn’t receiving any special attention— for now. Tae wasn’t planning on leaving it forgotten for long..
“I’ll stretch you out good, just be patient..” Tae left soft kisses along Jungkook’s shoulders and flexed shoulder blades, twisting his head slightly to continue against the crook of the younger’s neck, the silent sounds of his sweet kisses only audible to the both of them. 
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous, you know that?” The warmth of Taehyung’s breath clung on to Jungkook’s ear whilst he praised, lingering close until Tae’s face was no longer near; no longer trapping in the heat of his soft words.
“I’m gonna put it in, I know you’re dying to feel a hard cock in you. My hard cock..” Taehyung swiftly dragged out his finger, taking a hold of his dick and lining it up against Jungkook’s entrance, rubbing the tip against his puckered rim before gently advancing his hips forward, harshly biting on his lips as he did so.
“Hngh.. warm. Tight as fuckin’ always, fuck.”
Jungkook's drawn out moan sounded more like a whiny cry, muffled by his hand as to not want to draw any attention-- but it was hard. However, something about possibly being caught had the younger's entire being tingling with excitement. Maybe he was a little bit of an exhibitionist after all...
"Mmph... Tae, god... big.." Kook struggled to put together any sort of coherent sentence, muffling out words into his hand in between breathy cries. His fleshy insides constricted around his boyfriend's thick girth harder the deeper it drilled into him, taking shallow breaths to relax. His thighs shake with anticipation, he couldn't bear to be patient...
Jungkook arched his back further, hungry for more of Taehyung to enter him, glancing over his shoulder to see his expressions. If there was one thing Jungkook loved just as much as hearing how good he felt, it was seeing it as well.
The elder granted Jungkook just that— thick eyebrows knit together as he fully bottomed out, cock snug and protected in between Kook’s gripping insides, the unpredicted squeezes prompting the latter to grit his teeth until his jaw turned sore.
Taehyung engaged in promising eye contact, his bedroom eyes gazing deep into Jungkook’s wavering ones. Tae’s back remained slightly hunched as his blue-veined hands held onto the other’s hips, fingers digging into the sweaty crease connecting the younger’s hip bone and his leg. 
“Damn, been waiting to fuck this ass for a hot minute..” He added movement to his stance, keeping it slow and collected at the beginning for the sake of their enjoyment.
“My ass. I own this shit now, fuck..” The hitting of his pelvis against Jungkook became more noticeable, the smacking of their skin every time they met almost as distinct as Koo’s soft whines.
“Only mine to fuck raw and stretch.” Taehyung’s thrusting grew more aggressive, forceful snaps turning quicker and harder..
“I’m the only guy that gets to bust in this little ass, fuckin’ better stay that way..” 
The mere thought of another dude fucking Jungkook led Taehyung to grunt in displease, panting softly as he no longer worried about holding back, entering Kook’s ass again and again until he could no longer keep count.
Jungkook's doe eyes rolled back in pleasure, fluttering shut before he dipped his head low, his long curls falling forward as he faced down. Every snap of Taehyung's hips drew a louder moan out of him, every inhale a hitched breath, every exhale a whiny moan.
"Only y-yours, Tae--fuck, want you, just you-- gah..." It was hard to speak when his body was jolting forward roughly with every thrust, his strong arms flexing to keep his head from thudding into the concrete wall from the brute force his boyfriend fucked him with.
"Don't want anybody else to fuck me, your cock-- ah, your cock is the fuckin' best... Want you foreve-eer, shit..." His moans were bordering on sobs at this point, the mixture of pleasure, slight pain, and his love for the elder made the entire experience euphoric; and Jungkook was addicted to it. They've done this countless times, and instead of growing bored of it, the younger wanted more, more, more.
"Wanna cum, babe, please-- can I touch myself?" Kook's eyes open, staring down at his bobbing, swollen cock, the reddened tip drooling with precum, aching for any touch. "Tell me I can, please."
“We’ll do it together,” letting go of one of Jungkook’s slightly-bruised hips, Taehyung reached for the younger’s hand that rested on the dirtied wall, leading it downwards to where Kook’s firm, pretty cock sprung with the sustained pace of his thrusts. Taehyung forced Jungkook’s fingers to close in tight around his own shaft, the elder’s bigger hand applying extra pressure as he jerked them in sync up and down, up and down..
The leaking precum sitting atop Kook’s tip helped alleviate the glide, movements swift and aggressive. Taehyung was the one in charge, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum..” He wrapped his arm around Jungkook’s delicate waist, pulling him in until his gasping chest molded against the small dip of Koo’s slick back.
“Cum with me, baby.” Taehyung’s jerk of his sore hand never faltered, and neither did each shove into Jungkook’s insides. He was much too excited to get them both over the edge, the upcoming release a certain high he could never get tired of.
Jungkook's loud, shameless sounds were a mixture of sobs and moans from the overwhelming sensations, his slick cock aggressively working towards his release along with his boyfriend's cock forcibly prodding at his sensitive prostate over and over. Kook's was fuckin' done for, he couldn't even attempt to hold back his orgasm if he tried.
"S-shit, fuck, fuuck--!" Nothing but curses rolled off his swollen tongue, words a foreign concept pushed to the back of his mind when all he could think about was Taehyung's fat cock entering him again, and again until every musce in his body tensed up, his cock stiffening in the grasp of both men before it began to pulsate in a rhytmical pattern, spurts of cum gushing out against the concrete wall.
"God-- cumming, ah, o-ouch..." Kook's high pitched whines in pleasure distorted into oversensitivity quickly, pressing his forehead against the dirty wall, gnashing his teeth together. "D-don't stop, please, cum in me-- T-taehyung.." His breathy voice pleaded, his thighs shaking to keep him up. He was grateful for the tight hold of his boyfriend around his waist, or he was sure he'd fall to his knees without a doubt.
“Oh fuuck, that’s my boy.. you’re cumming— hmph!, so much, cute.” Taehyung’s hips mindlessly picked up their thrusting until they stuttered, sleek body coming to a complete stop before Tae threw his head forward in a rasped shout, swelled cock twitching as it released the elder’s heavy load deep into his boyfriend’s clutching insides.
“A-ah.. ah, oh..” The hold around Jungkook’s waist had tightened, holding him closer as Taehyung’s way to steady himself after such a powerful climax. The elder’s body quivered slightly, feeling himself slowly soften while his cum dripped from out of Jungkook, running down the latter’s wobbly legs and onto the ground.
He made sure Kook was steady enough before pulling out, withdrawing from the younger and immediately resting his back against the wall. Taehyung wiped at his face with the lower fabric of his shirt, the material sticking closely to his heaving chest.
“That was great, I didn’t think you’d let me fuck you in a public place.” Tae turned to look at Jungkook after tucking himself back in, smiling tiredly. 
“You simp... I know you wouldn’t have done that for anyone else.” Now Taehyung was teasing, giggling cheekily as he called Koo out for his unforeseen actions.
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not edit, repost or translate.
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forthechubbies · 4 years
Mrs. Jeon Vol 3
Synopsis• One nightstand gone Marriage!? The past catches up with Yn when her head over heels husband finds his lost bride and will keep her by any means necessary.
Category's•Violent Thoughts, Hostel Behavior, Nsfw (Later), and Bratty Jungkook.
Duos• Yandere! Jungkook x Chubby! Reader
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Vol 1, 2, 3, 4,
What’s going on down there? It sounds restlessly calm. You could hear muffled voices but nothing more; you aren't too keen on testing your luck and sneak into the corridor to eavesdrop on their conversation. Pretty sure the door is locked anyway.
Instead, You took note of the confined walls surrounding you. A typical master bedroom accessorized an earthy decor, cute mini-plants placed in various room areas, two tiny pet turtles in a tank constructed into a giant wooden bookshelf.
Speaking of books, talk about books galore. The shelved books had little to no wiggle room aside from the one empty slot belonging to the open novel on the nightstand. The owner won’t mind you partaking in one quick gander-
“Ah!” You gasp, fixing your eyes on your newly treated ankle. For a minute, you just about forgot this crazy abducted situation your in. The bedsprings dip as you flop back into the spot where Jimin left you. Jimin was the man you fell on during your first attempt at freedom; he was even generous enough to bandage with utmost care.
A kind gesture a particular bunny wasn’t too thrilled on seeing, Jungkook's face soured while watching Jimin’s filthy little womanizing hands caressing the delicate soft plushy skin of his carrot’s legs.
Son of a bitch trying to cop a feel on his wife, Jimin’s flirtatious persona, led him out to be a well-known heartthrob but often seen as a gigolo through certain people's point of view and, frankly, Jungkook's wife won't be a victim of the Jimin Effect.
The smash of a glass object-making contact with the hard marble kitchen floor snatched Jimin’s and your attention giving it to the irritable bunny who’s psychotically enthusiastic about testing his progress in strength by snapping his hyung’s neck-
Oh, no, his carrot looks frightened-He shouldn't do such a brutal act of love with his wife nearby; her poor innocent heart might shatter. No violence...At least for the time being.
Next thing you know, Jungkook's face lightened up, and even when Jimin bit his head off for breaking one of Jin’s fancy dinnerware, his facial expression persisted undaunted. Jungkook kept a serene masquerade, but through closer observation, he clenched his jaw at Jimin’s hand on cradling the small of his wife’s back, guiding her into hiding in the upper part of the house for a reason unknown.
Jungkook let Jimin take you no-fuss included, Hence, Your encaged situation. For all, you know, The men were downstairs plotting a far-flung strategy to murder you making it look like a battle of defense.
Though, You were more occupied by another Crack for the floor down below. ” Ahh!” You cried out, falling back on the bed once again.
Meanwhile, Downstairs.
”Stop! Breaking Hyung’s plates, or we're both as good as dead!” Jimin growled. ”Quit avoiding the question! Who the hell is that woman!? Did you hurt her!? Why-!” Jimin asked Jungkook until his cheeks burned a reddish hue, and his neck veins were dominant.
In one swift breath, Jungkook responded. “ She’s Mrs.Jeon. My wife.”
Jimin knew his maknae had a few loose screws in his head, but this is getting out of hand.
”Wife?! Do you know how old you are!? Kook, You just turn twenty-three-”
”So What.” Jungkook interrupted. ”You want me to wait until I’m an ancient fart like Hyung to get married.”
”Pffft.” Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line suppressing his need to laugh. ”Ahem, respect your elders-You little brat.”
Amidst the brothers at each other's throats, another member of the maknae line awakened from his mid-morning nap; drowsy eyed Kim Taehyung waddled upstairs to check up on his Hyung living in the room above him.
He could have sworn a faint scream is what he heard-Well; there's no harm in checking.
You jumped at the squeaky hinges of the door opening. Wait, it was unlocked!? Expecting the uninvited visitor to be Jungkook, You raised a pillow over your head, ready to be hurled-to your amazement; it was a completely different man.
A long-haired male with long chocolate locks kept at bay by a beige headband; his attire was disarray. His tank top hung off his shoulder, slightly creased in his pajama pant’s waistband.
Adorable, to say the least, the poor thing’s eyes weren’t even fully open yet, the pretty pink pout of his lips nearly forced an” Aw” from yours.
”Who are you?” He grumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
Sweet mother of deep, He stood a few feet away, but the raspiness and depth of his voice caused your insides to start quivering.
”I’m-I’m the sand fairy.” You choked out, fluttering the tips of your fingers as if spreading magic dust. ” I'm here to ensure all your dreams are sweet. ”
You nibbled your lip nervously, hoping he takes the bait. He yawned in response dragging his exhausted body across the room to you; he halts. You gulped, staring up at him; you felt like a mouse about to pounce on by a tiger.
”H-H-I!” You yelped.
The man took no real investment in your fib; instead, he decided to reap the benefits of how soft and plushy you are by laying his head on your bare thighs. He wiggled in place to reach maximum comfort.
”Ah.” He moaned, falling back to sleep.
Oh, dear.
The sound of the hyung’s arrival made the two maknae gulp.
First in the door was Hoseok, hands full grocery bags ” Come help! Quick, save the ice cream if it isn't soup by now.”
Namjoon followed behind. ” I told Jin not to get the ice cream first-He knows how he gets with his coupons.”
”The worst part is he got upset when we told him that's enough food then told to stay in the car.” Yoongi stretched out the pins and needles feeling in his limbs.
”You may say that's enough now, but when that brat comes, he's going to eat us out of house and home!” Jin scolded, unconsciously fetching the rest of the bags.
Jin froze, staring at Jungkook, helping put the food in the correct places. He didn't hesitate to smother his baby boy in a hug, but right after, he jabbed Jungkook's gut.
”Oof!” Jungkook doubled over, gripping his chest. ” I missed you too,” He coughed.
Jin stood tall. ” And there's plenty more where that came from once Hoseok gets his hands on you.”
Anyone but Hoseok.
” I heard Jk!” Hoseok rushed Jungkook a bear hug. ” Thank goodness you're alright!” He jabbed in his Jungkook's gut. ” Where the hell have you been?!”
Jungkook groaned. ” Ou-Ouch..I won't be able to tell you if I keep getting hit.” He cleared his throat. ”America.”
”America!” The hyungs blared out.
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. ” What possessed you to go there on your own? Have you forgotten what you are?”
Jungkook sighed. “ I know, I know, but I just envy normal people around my age having the freedom to go wherever they want.”
“ But you’re not," Yoongi brutally minced Jungkook’s sob story. He’s not particularly fond of beating around the bush, especially when dealing with his brothers earlier this afternoon. “ Unlike ‘normal’ twenty-year-olds, you are adored by army who would be upset if anything happened to you.”
Jungkook bowed his head in shame; the thought of army never really crossed his mind.
“And-“ Yoongi continued. “ There are crazies in every country, so what made you think heading off on your own would be alright!?”
“Why America?” Namjoon’s brow jumped as the gears in his head began to turn. “ Out of all the beautiful places we visited-You chose the U.S? What was there that you had to leave without an explanation?”
Namjoon stared at Jungkook’s eyes not in a malicious sense, just a habit when trying to figure out a solution or, in this case, a missing clue to the reason his little brother hopped up and left.
“Twinkats (Twinkies),” Jimin laughed nervously. “ I bet his suitcase is full of them.”
Sadly, Jimin’s fairy charm wouldn’t work this time. Jungkook is drowning in deep waters, and there’s no salvage coming for miles; at this rate, Jungkook had two options: tell the truth, orrrr, run away with his loving wife in his arms.
Not gonna lie; Jungkook leaned towards the second option, but the fates had another plan.
”Hyung! Hyung! Namjoon-Hyungie!!” Taehyung screamed bloody murder, sprinting downstairs minus jumping the last five steps. ” Her ankle is purple!”
Taehyung paused, breathing heavily in front of the kitchen where the interrogation is being held, accompanied by a woman injured cradled in his arms, more worried about him dropping than her throbbing ankle.
Taehyung had the room’s undivided attention, and Jungkook’s enviousness scowl; his wife was clinging on to another man like a baby koala to its mother but had it been him, she would scratch his eyes out.
Let's not mention the fact! It seems like she's only wearing a shirt, and guess who the owner is, not him!
” Who-”
” How!?”
Before getting into details about the hyung's reaction to their new houseguest, let's first take a detour to Prince Taehyung mini rescue adventure.
A good hour in, Taehyung woke up from the best nap of his life to beautiful damsel sniffles and tears. The sweetheart asked what was wrong and nodded as the damsel explained, coming to realize she was in distress. Prince Taehyung aided the beauty with new clothes and tied a red ribbon into her hair….beacause he thought it would look pretty (Shrugs).
However, her ankle injury required a different source of help, so who else to ask but his favorite Hyung? But he couldn't find Yoongi in his room, so he decided to ask Namjoon instead.
Back to the original story
Taehyung explains the truth unconsciously, throwing his little brother under the bus.
Jin’s eye twitched as he peered at Jungkook, who was attempting to slip out of the kitchen. ” You little sh-!”
Let's just say Jin didn't nearly beat Jungkook almost half to death with a rice paddle while shouting numerous insults to bruise a thousand men’s pride in a second.
It went silent after Jin banished Jungkook to the beach house a few feet from the house until he wanted to see his face again. Namjoon took it upon himself to introduce the gang.
You politely shared a warm hello but wished nothing more to go home.
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ellayuki · 4 years
The Untamed / MDZS / CQL / Lan Xichen POV / WangXian
Young Master Wei rests his head on Wangji's shoulder, whispering something with a giggle, and it makes Wangji smile. It's soft, and it's small, but it is a smile nonetheless, and it lights up his eyes like nothing else ever has.
Lan Xichen feels his chest tighten, feels warmth spread. Wangji is happy.
His little brother is happy.
That, more than anything, is why Xichen has given them his blessing, as Sect Leader and Older Brother, when he heard of their decision to marry, why he stepped up and stood up to the elders who'd voiced their misgivings and their disapproval of the union (Uncle Qiren still mutters to himself about having not one, but two disobedient nephews nowadays).
Wangji is happy, finally, blessedly so, and Xichen is immeasurably happy for him.
He watches the two as they sit amongst the white bunnies Wangji has cared for for close to two decades now, talking quietly. Wangji's hand is playing with Young Master Wei's crimson hair ribbon. Their laps are full of living balls of fluff.
It's all so domestic.
He remembers, and how can he not? Wangji's red-tipped ears when Young Master Wei would tease him as teenagers. Remembers his brother's frantic search for the other young man when he had disappeared after the fall of Lotus Pier, and the way he'd defended him whenever the other Sects bad-mouthed his choice to save the Wen remnants. 
He remembers the bloody whip marks, and the burnt brand, and the years and years of quiet but excruciating grief.
He'd have thought he'd forever hate Wei Wuxian for the pain he put Wangji through. He was once sure he would.
But now, seeing them like this, smiling together, content, finally at peace, he can't bring himself to muster even a fragment of the resentment he used to feel for the man.
Xichen had feared, once, that he would lose Wangji like he had lost his parents.
But, looking at the two men now, he embraces the fact that, not only has he gotten to keep his baby brother, he'd gained another one as well. (And yet another, by alliance, for all that Sect Leader Jiang is still being as stubborn as a mule about it.)
He smiles quietly to himself, finding that he, too, is once again content.
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thewoodbine · 6 years
Your Spells Aren't Working?
🎐 Baby Witch Tip #1 🔮
If you're having trouble with or doubting your crafts effectiveness, there are a couple of questions you can ask yourself:
Whats my source? 📜
Well chances are if you got it off Tumblr, Pinterest, or the first page of Google...its crap. This isnt to say there aren't exceptions but generally the mass of the online community seems to have hopped in bed with the idea that everything is arbitrary. Dont have a full moon? Do it whenever you want! Don't have a candle? Use plastic! Don't have moon water prepared? Just grab some Deer Park bottled water! The fact of the matter is, while witchcraft is constantly evolving and adapting there are just some things that work and some that don't. Not everything is buzzing with magical energy and no two things have the same energy or effect. Emoji spells, jars of random things from your kitchen, and YouTube "chants to turn yourself into a werewolf" just aren't going to cut it if you're looking to make some serious magic. Think of it like cooking. Honey, agave, and stevia are all fine substitutes for sugar. But if you're trying to make a rich chocolate chip cookie with dark brown sugar and you use stevia instead... You will not get the same cookie. No matter how much intention you put into it. The things you use matter. Tumblr likes to think you can just add more milk and not bake the cake and its basically the same thing as long as you put a lot of intent into it? Try serving that at a wedding.
Alternative sources include books by well known members of various witch communities (I.e. an herbalist/green witch might read Judika Illes). Thats not to say books and websites cant be trusted unless famous, but when youre a baby witch go with the most popular then work your way in as your BS radar and sense of self get stronger. But the best source will always be elders, reach out and try find pagans in your community. We're a sneaky lot but we are out there. For eons, magick has been passed down through generations. I personally believe in the prowess of a magickal bloodline but many these days are the first of their line to pick up the craft and that's okay. Plenty people who are born swimmers lose to people who are passionate. But what both need is guidance and training.
2. How strong is my mind? 💪
A witch is only as good as their intuition and if you've just googled love spells, went out and bought the pink candles, and plopped down to seduce Chad The Almighty then Im afraid that might not go well dear. While a good spell is a great help, ultimately items are simply there to aid, amplify, and channel your ability. If you are hasty or a poor listener then you wont go very far.
Meditation (of all kinds) is the best way to train your brain. If you can quiet your mind and channel your spirit then you stand a chance to make a potent spell with minimal aid. But this takes YEARS of practice. Hang in there.
3. Am I REALLY prepared? 🎓
Have you been meditating? How many books have you read? Have you been taking good care of your body? Do you have the right spell? The right enviroment? Are you taking your time? Have you taken moments to listen to the world around you and observe what the universe might be trying to tell you? Are you sure a spell is needed? Is the timing right?
If you feel like somethings just not clicking, then the answer is no- youre not prepared. Magic is intuitive and when its right its right. You'll know.
Never. Ever. Ever. Rush into magic unprepared. If you force yourself down the throat of the universe, it will shit you out.
4. What am I contributing? 🔁
I'm not fluffy bunny. Every great teacher I've ever known, read, listened to, or heard of has made sure to make one thing very clear everything has a price. If you are drawing from within that means your personal energy, strength, happiness, safety, or more depending on the spell and intensity. Objects can help a lot with this, thats why spell ingredients aren't arbitrarily thrown about and exchanged. If you work with spirits or dieties or other beings of any kind, then you must contribute back to them. Its a relationship, not a charity. If you want your house spirit to protect you, then you must get to know that house and treat it in a way that pleases it. If you want a spirit to bring you love, it might want offerings of honey or milk.
I mean, imagine this: You're a rich bank owner and someone shows up and bangs on your door. They tell you they want you to bring them money and bring it now, here are some rocks that remind them of money, they're holding a green candle. Would you just give it to them? Probably not. But if it was a friend, or if the person came with a gift, you might share just a little bit.
5. Does this even need magic? 🔨
You wanna drop 20lbs? Dont do a spell. You wanna find true love? Dont do a spell. You wanna make sure you dont burn your pastry? Dont do a spell.
Instead do spells that motivate you to go to the gym or choose that healthy meal. Do spells that make you a more confident and comfortable person so that you arent so worried about meeting the one. Do spells that help you show love to your bakes so that you know just when they are ready to come out.
And most of all, mundane before magical. Plenty of people live perfectly good lives without a single chant or gemstone. Make sure you are doing what you can, and the powers that be might just take a fancy and help you out even when you dont ask for it.
If you get nothing else out of this, the main thing I encourage you to do is READ READ READ.
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Happy Casting
~ That Witch
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Cranky bun.
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I'm not talking to you! [shunning intensifies]
We had to do some slight alterations to River's cage so she could move around a bit easier.  She was having trouble navigating the jump into her litter box and it was getting to be a challenge to keep things sanitary.  We have paper bedding everywhere but her spaceship and her food is all in the same place as usual, just up on folded washcloths to keep the bedding out of them.
River is not a fan of this change.  Fingers crossed she adjusts fairly quickly!
(Also, please ignore the marks on my thumbnail.  I use that to get consistent stitches when sewing.)
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Of Silver Dragons and Jade Bells
Written for Deakin WordArt 2020 in collaboration with artist @crushchronicles​
The snow had fallen overnight, the ground dusted with it. Amongst it all, snowdrops bloomed, dew sparkling on white petals. She could feel the chill through her boots, the soles worn thin from one too many escapades across the land. There was still green poking through, tiny tips fighting through all that snow.
Inhaling, she could not keep from smiling.
The air was cool, almost biting and a soft breeze tugged at her hair. She blew out a breath, fingers moving to thread the blue silk ribbon held in her hand through dark locks.
Her mother would have a stroke if she knew she had exited her room with her hair unbound. But the snow.
Hai Yue[1]  knotted the ribbon carelessly, leaving the long strands to flutter in the wind as she stepped further into the yard, revelling in the gentle sprinkling of snow still falling from the sky.
She twirled once, stretching her hands out.
A single snowflake landed on her palm, glistening for a moment before melting into water.
The trees whispered as the wind rustled through them, her feet carrying her into the little garden where the plum flowers were blooming, bright pink flowers bringing a smile to her lips.
Dew drops sparkled on white petals like diamonds as she cupped a camellia bloom in her hand. Hai Yue hummed softly, releasing the flower when she felt the silver band curved around her upper arm tingle.
She reached up, wrapping her fingers over her sleeve. Warmth seeped into her skin and the dragon came alive, writhing down her arm to twine around her wrist.
With a soft smile playing at her lips, Hai Yue left the garden. She made her way to the main house, picking up her speed, but not so much that she would be scolded for it. The blue paint on the walls that she passed to get to the main house were flaking as she ran her fingers over them. Mother would have to get someone to repaint them soon.
Hai Yue stopped for a moment before entering the courtyard. She studied the carving of willow trees that her brother had commissioned with interest, noting the little jade rabbit set at the base.
That was new. Perhaps Father had brought it back from his travels.
Servants bustled about, barely acknowledging her presence as she slipped into the kitchen, nicking two still warm mantou[2] from the basket.
Steam rose from them, almost too hot to hold. She juggled them, gasping as she darted between two pillars, barely able to conceal herself before her mother came striding into the room.
Preparations for the winter solstice dinner were well under way and she was expected to help. It was only once a year that she would be allowed to help cook the family meal and she would not miss it for the world.
But something else took precedence for now. She swallowed a giggle as she danced out through the back door, robes swirling gently.
Snow dusted her hair as she made her way to the back hills. They were bordered by walls the colour of the sea, and a forest of bamboo that would hide her.
She hurried across the paths, taking a quick bite out of one bun. It was still warm, though rapidly cooling in the chilly air.
Her hair flowed loose in the wind, ribbon tails flying.
Sunlight danced off the silver embroidery on her robes as she walked as quickly as she could without running.
It would not do to be caught running.
The three layers she was wearing did little to keep out the cold, but the brisk walk uphill was enough to warm her up, her cheeks flushing from the exertion and frost in the air. To her delight, the rabbits were out that day, scampering outside their burrows. They did not mind her very much, going about their little rabbit business, almost camouflaged in the snow.
Hai Yue bent, picking one off the snowy ground. She kissed its furry head and the bunny settled in her arms, nibbling at her sleeve.
It was nice to have some company while she waited, her fingers stroking the rabbit’s soft fur absentmindedly.
She did not have to wait long.
A silver blur in the distant sky grew larger and larger until she could make out the reptilian form of a dragon gliding towards her.
Her smile grew when the dragon spiralled downwards, careful not to make a sound when it landed onto the snow. The rabbits scattered but Hai Yue paid them no mind. They were used to such disturbances and would soon return.
She set down the bunny, raising both hands to fold forward into a bow.
Tengyan’s[3] beauty never failed to render her speechless no matter how many times she had seen the dragon.
Sunbeams leapt off silver scales, dancing along the length of its horns. As Tengyan’s body writhed, stirring up snow, the scales seemed to change colour, iridescent in the sunlight. Long whiskers twitched and quivered as the dragon bowed its head back in acknowledgement.
Formalities finished, Hai Yue reached out and Tengyan met her halfway, touching its nose to her palm.
The rabbits returned as Tengyan dropped the scroll clutched in its claws into her waiting hands and Hai Yue handed over her remaining mantou in exchange.
Her hands trembled with anticipation as Tengyan coiled around her, acting like a back rest where she sat. The cold seeped through the layers of her clothes but the dragon radiated warmth like a lantern as she tugged the ribbon binding the scroll free with the utmost care.
It was the colour of the sky on a clear day, perfectly complementing her robes as she tied it around her wrist.
Tengyan snorted, as if in approval and laid its head into the snow, presumably to take a nap as Hai Yue unfurled the parchment. She traced the first characters delicately, her breath huffing out in little puffs of smoke.
A little white rabbit hopped into her lap and she let out a surprised laugh. The rabbit stayed, warming her thighs as she read, savouring every character and all the effort that went into the beautiful brushstrokes that painted the parchment.
Hai Yue could almost see her beloved sitting at her writing desk on a starlit night, a candle at her side, burning almost to a stump. Every little stroke conveyed so much more than the words could.
If she could be there, she would.
But duty and tradition dictated that they had to celebrate with their families, no matter how much Hai Yue might protest that they were as good as family. Not out loud of course, never out loud. Such words were only meant to be whispered when they were together, curled up on a single bed, wrapped around each other, faces buried into hair.
She already had her token, a little jade bell in the shape of a rabbit engraved with her name. Hai Yue had hers in return, the yinlong[4] bracelet coiled around her wrist. Both were imbued with their respective magic that Hai Yue could feel now, humming against her skin as she read.
Mother and Father both would have a heart attack if they found out that her token had already been given, with no intention of being returned.
In the eyes of their clans, they would be as good as married.
No one would believe it however. The elegant and studious first daughter of the Longs, a cutsleeve? The Liu’s second child, the one whom people describe as graceful as a willow tree too?
There would be an uproar.
The thought made Hai Yue’s heart sink as she ran her fingers through the rabbit’s thick fur. She had made a vow to herself the night they exchanged tokens that she would never take a husband but her beloved had no such choice.
She was the eldest child and therefore, the heir. She had expectations that Hai Yue did not, would not have. Like her name, as passive, as strong willed as the winding river, Jing He would uphold them.
Hai Yue smiled to herself as she traced her fingers over every ridge and scale of the yinlong on her wrist.
Determination was Jing He’s middle name. It had to be, with her stubborn righteousness. She remembered her swirling skirts, lilac and pink, cherry blossoms braided into her hair. She remembered the firm grip on her hand, the strain in her tone when she told Hai Yue no. That she had responsibilities and running away was not an option.
She was so hard-headed and Hai Yue loved her more for it. Even if it meant reining in the rebellion that welled up in her like an ocean wave, holding back the love that threatened to spill over.
It had been a long time since she had seen her face. Hai Yue missed her dearly, missed the times where they were younger and could run through wildflower fields hand in hand. She could see them in her mind’s eye, Jing He laughing at a joke that she had said, her hair turning gold in the sunlight.
She remembered sneaking out of the Long estate together and running until they came upon a creek, a plane of silver water. Robes were shed, ribbons following. Splashes from leaping off a rock, laughter filling her ears.
They had been so happy, but life had to catch up somehow.
Responsibilities had stolen the laughter, the smiles from Jing He’s beautiful face. She was hollowed out inside, hardened by decisions she had to make.
Yet Hai Yue still loved her as fiercely as she had from the beginning. Jing He had been terrified when she pressed the yinlong into Hai Yue’s hands, trembling when she kissed her fingertips and promised her forever.
Even though they both knew they could not have forever together.
Hai Yue shook her head. It was Dong Zhi, the winter solstice and such sorrowful thoughts had no place in her mind on such a day meant to be full of positive energy.
Her mother would be looking for her soon, possibly sending her elder brother out to search for her. Hai Kuan would be livid if he saw her with such complete lack of propriety, slouching against a dragon with her lover’s words in her hands.
Or perhaps he would understand, as he did sometimes. He might help her dust the snow from her skirts, straighten her collar and lead her back to the home with their hands linked like they were children again.
He of all people would understand.
Hai Yue sighed, folding up the letter. She tucked it away, summoning just enough magic to stir the dragon on her wrist. It snaked up her arm, coiling back into the shape of an armband, perfectly hidden under the fabric of her sleeves.
The warmth was reassuring as she lifted the sleeping bunny off her lap, cuddling it close. Tengyan stirred, rising to their feet with a grunt.
Cradling the rabbit to her chest, Hai Yue bowed and watched as her lover’s dragon slithered away into the sky, vanishing into the distance.
There was nothing more to do now but write her answer and wait.
Wait like she always had for their secret correspondence, as she and Jing He always have, and go about their lives like dutiful daughters, as they always have.
Perhaps one day, in another lifetime, their love would not have to be hidden, it would not be a crime to love who they loved.
 [1] 海月 – a type of jellyfish that’s very delicate. Also means moon above the sea  [2] 馒头 – a steamed bun  [3] 腾烟 – soaring smoke  [4] 银龙 – silver dragon
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 15/? Kimi no Na Wa AU: “Seamless” [ok I changed stuff bc I’m well on my way to thirty and teenage love is fun and fresh until you realize you could technically be a parent yourself and then it’s all downhill from there. so the characters are adults, sorry about that] [title comes from (what I understand to be) a way of saying that goes “a goddess’s robe is seamless” which (supposedly) should mean a great plan coming together –which reminded me of fate and time and the whole underlying plot of the movie– or something perfect/the product of perfect craftsmanship. I was looking for info about weaving procedures and I stumbled across this:
From Wikipedia, under “Loom” “In Tang Dynasty, China, the goddess weaver floated down on a shaft of moonlight with her two attendants. She showed the upright court official Guo Han in his garden that a goddess's robe is seamless, for it is woven without the use of needle and thread, entirely on the loom. The phrase "a goddess's robe is seamless" passed into an idiom to express perfect workmanship. This idiom is also used to mean a perfect, comprehensive plan.”
There’s also reference to the legend of Vega and Altair, which is what the Japanese festival tanabata is based on. And my creative juices gave me a sugar high so...yeah] * No matter how isolated Gusu is known to be, preparations for the upcoming July festival attract people from all over the country. Time has relentlessly transformed what used to be a secluded and safe place for people to meditate in into a tourist location known for its cold springs and breathtaking sceneries. Yet, Lan Zhan wonders what cities and stories could possibly hide behind those mountains he has known for all his life.
Managing the temple of the goddess along with his older brother and uncle should bring him joy, but deep down he knows he’s still living beside them more out of obligation than anything else. Lan Huan himself feels trapped behind the usual mask of politeness and fake smiles, his heart still bleeding for the loss of his two precious friends in the span of five years. Their uncle Lan QiRen well may have taken them in when they were mere children, stepping in to take care of them in place of their mourning father after losing his wife... but Lan Zhan knows his brother doesn’t want to disappoint their elder in any way.
Falling in love not once, but two times in a lifetime should not be frowned upon... but Lan QiRen couldn’t stomach the idea of one of his nephews falling for a man the first time, let alone the second. Just having said goodbye to Nie MingJue when they were mere teenagers after their uncle had prohibited him from meeting with his nephew, Lan Huan thought he could have another chance at happiness with Meng Yao in his twenties... just for the other man to fall ill and move country to look after himself. Ever since, Lan Huan has stopped believing in ever being able to find happiness for himself and decided to accept his fate and manage the temple like their uncle did for most of his life.
The idea of celibacy doesn’t sit well with Lan Zhan, not for himself and certainly not for his heartbroken brother, but life outside Gusu seems so far away and unapproachable. Without them the ancient tradition of working the loom to create seamless robes would perish and most of the profits from the temple would fall dry if not for their hard work. Their mother used to be a seamstress herself, teaching them how to weave without breaking the delicate thread, setting the rhythm of their hearts with her feet moving on the pedals as they watched her work her magic day after day. Their robes are still valued for their absolute perfection, even if nowadays they’re bound to be bought not by emperors or kings, but by celebrities and politicians who just want to boast their ego in front of cameras and flashing lights. The set Lan Zhan himself has been working on will take another three months to finish and on top of that he uses his spare time to make the ribbons they sell at the local gift shop while his brother prepares the traditional talismans by hand, his calligraphy as delicate as the products of their weaving. 
As the nights of the local festival approach and they practice the rituals in full traditional gear more to appease the tourists than anything else, Lan Zhan feels getting more and more tired the longer he wears the long wig and the heavy robes himself, wishing his heart could stop being so ungrateful for the life he was entrusted with. But the news of a comet quickly approaching them brings the promise of change as Lan Zhan looks up at the sky and wishes he was born in a different body. Just for once. Just to live at least once in that existence of his.
[more under the cut]
Wei Ying is in university (engineering major), living with his brother Jiang Cheng (marine biology major) in their sister’s tiny ass apartment. They keep her company while she waits for baby Jin Ling to be born, ZiXuan working day and night in the hospital fresh out of med school to get their family a bigger house. Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng moved in from the tiny Yunmeng and secretly hate the big city life, but their studies come first and they didn’t want to leave YanLi alone while pregnant. Their parents are still working in the countryside and couldn’t properly care for her, living so far away in Lanling.
Wei Ying works part time in a bar and the usual routine is so rooted in his system that he doesn’t even care anymore. Study, eat, work, sleep. Rinse and repeat. He would like to think his brother has it easier than him, but he’s even more elusive than him, studying in the library until his night shift in an art gallery as a guard. The poor guy doesn’t even sleep, let alone have a social life. Spring has just begun and YanLi still has a trimester to go, her spirits low even if she loves her child very much already. Keeping her company and helping her leading a normal life is their priority as her brothers, but sometimes Wei Ying wishes things were easier.
He doesn’t really want to become an engineer, or, at least... he used to want that. But he’s more interested in actually making stuff instead of taking a hundred calculus classes per semester. He wishes he could enjoy his studies more and maybe get a girlfriend or boyfriend to pass the time, not that he believes in romance or anything. Commitment sounds scary.
One day he wakes up and... nah, he’s still dreaming. The ceiling is wrong, he doesn’t live in an old traditional cottage with a view on... wtf is that a mountain? Fuck that he doesn’t have time to waste, he has a test today. Studied hard enough last night he fell asleep on the desk... better start getting ready.
So he goes to the bathroom and showers, too tired to even open his eyes. But the shampoo smells all wrong, what even is sandalwood? And he doesn’t like mint toothpaste. And why are his clothes a size bigger? He doesn’t even own a button down, what in the...?
Who the fuck is that in the mirror??!?
On the other hand, Lan Zhan wakes up on a desk, drool on the books, late for a test an angry stranger reminds him he has to take in half an hour at best. He is presented with a soup his body mechanically ingests out of habit as he tries to politely nod to whatever the kind woman in front of him is saying. (“You look sick, are you really okay?” / “A-Jie stop babying him” / “But I’ve never seen him so... quiet?” / “He’s probably pretending so that he can skip his test.”) But if he really has given his word for such a commitment... maybe he should just go.
Still, he doesn’t remember going to any university. That may be a problem.
His body feels different, but he never paid attention to his reflection. They don’t even own mirrors back at home anyway. He doesn’t remember his hair reaching well over his ears and under his jaw. Should he consider asking his brother to cut it for him? It feels greasy, should he fix it or?
As he tucks a strand behind his ear he realizes something is terribly wrong. From the tip of his nose to the width of his shoulders, from the clothes he put on without even thinking. The window of the shop under the apartment he’s just left shows him a stranger that he cannot recognizes for the life of his.
And now some funny stuff:
(If you are not familiar with the movie, go watch it. But if you are you should be fine with the following list so... enjoy)
Jiang Cheng loves dogs, but Wei Ying is allergic and they cannot get a puppy... so he de-stresses at a local dog café whenever he can. Wen Qing works there even if she’s a cat person and comments on how he’s secretly planning to murder her so he can get her job. They’re good friends and dated for a while before Wen Qing understood her lesbianism was stronger and Jiang Cheng’s chaotic bisexuality was leaning more on the boy section of the partner store anyway. They bitch about everything and everyone anyway.
Lan Zhan (in Wei Ying’s body) manages to arrive in university and take the test, getting perfect scores even if Wei Ying’s never got such a high mark. For the rest of the day he roams Lanling in awe, believing it’s just a very nice dream. He also discovers the existence of pet bunnies in a pet store and his life changes.
Wei Ying (in Lan Zhan’s body) is a mess. Lan Huan immediately notices something is wrong, but he hasn’t really smiled in several months and whatever is happening to WangJi is extremely entertaining to him. He sees him skipping the morning prayers right in front of Lan QiRen’s salad (so to speak) and he doesn’t seem to remember the existence of their uncle’s punishing bamboo stick.
He also clearly never used a loom in his life, but luckily Lan QiRen is too busy to notice as he welcomes tourists in the temple and explains them the history behind it. Lan Huan takes “Lan Zhan” out for a stroll and they sit down as Lan QiRen’s mellow voice explains the legend of the weaver goddess and the importance of the artisanal work they still keep practicing to this day. Transfixed, “Lan Zhan” smiles big at his brother and Lan Huan knows for sure this is not his WangJi at all.
Wen Qing finds “Wei Ying” petting bunnies in the shop where her current girlfriend MianMian works and notices how... awfully quiet he is. She thinks he bombed the math test and might be sad, but he doesn’t seem to recognize her when she waves her hand at him. She then reminds him he should be getting ready for work and he blanches at the idea. Eventually asking her “where he’s supposed to depart for” and honest to the gods Wen Qing ends up convincing herself he’s high as fuck.
Imagine “Lan Zhan” being reprimanded by Lan QiRen for -gods forbid- laughing too loud? Asking for a beer at the local tea house? Saying out loud that he craves meat when he’s vegetarian? That’s just a dream for poor Wei Ying, whatever! He’s having a great time and Lan Huan is this close to lose it when they practice the traditional rites together and “Lan Zhan” doesn’t know how to put the long wig on anymore.
Now imagine “Wei Ying” not knowing how to use a shaker at work, or how to make a martini, or the fact that he and a boy named Wen Ning are actually coworkers and not strangers. He goes back home at 3am with the feeling he has forgotten something important, but when he finally (finally) finds his apartment he falls asleep on the doorway. Too drained by the city life to even change out of his uniform.
Next day there’s no switch: Wei Ying wakes up in his body by the doorway, with Jiang Cheng coming back from his night shift and panicking hard; Lan Zhan wakes up in his bed but he’s somewhat grounded at 20 for... drinking beer?
Technical stuff now!
Lan Zhan lives in 2010 and he is 20, Wei Ying lives in 2015 and he is 20.
It’s LXC who suggest his brother to keep a diary for his dreams if they get too crazy (later on it will be revealed something shocking about LXC, but for now the journaling is just a “suggestion”)
WWX and LWJ switch every other night or so, and things change when WWX wakes up in LWJ’s body and finds the diary.
They keep in touch with diaries [bc I don’t think LWJ would have a phone like...ever, but I digress]
WWX notices the two Jades of Gusu are kept outside of their peers’ circles because other people think their family is weird: they still use courtesy names; they don’t eat meat; most of their relatives are believed to have died in celibacy without actually being monks themselves; they don’t drink alcohol and are deemed unsociable... and so on.
But it’s when he overhears people bashing LXC for “his past with several boys” and for “running away from society like his father” that WWX (in LWJ’s body) actually loses it and starts a fistfight right then and there until those losers stop muttering behind their backs.
In the meantime, ZiXuan comes back home to surprise YanLi... and LWJ is there (in WWX’s body) and the younger man almost doesn’t let him enter bc he doesn’t know who this strange man is and what does he want from Jiang Cheng’s sister?
LWJ also follows JC to his night shift one day bc he’s never seen an art gallery (but apparently WWX often trails behind his younger step brother anyway, so JC doesn’t notice anything weird... aside from how quiet the other is)
JC then takes that opportunity to ask his brother (while LWJ inhabits said body) if... if he’s depressed and needs help [“Wen Qing saw you petting bunnies too many times for you to be ‘just fine’. You can talk to me.” / “it’s fine.” / “fuck that you’re not fine. Stop lying to me.” / “it’s just a transitional time for me, it will pass” / “who taught you such big words, what the fuck”] and then JC begrudgingly tells his brother than he loves him and doesn’t want him to be sad.
The next day WWX is back in his body and finds written down: “your brother tells me he loves you and that you should take better care of yourself” and WWX clowns the fuck out of JC the following day and JC is like “noPe. You’re fucking fine. Whatever, your fucking with me. You’re always fucking with me. Stupid of me to fucking care, gods forbid.”
LWJ starts developing feeling when he learns WWX defended Lan Huan + LWJ goes every night he can to the art gallery when he doesn’t have to work at the bar and learns there’s an entire section of the gallery dedicated to Gusu + but he doesn’t want to think about home for now, avoiding the exhibit, and so he learns more about JC and starts to think he would have lots of things to talk about with LXC.
Lan QiRen takes his nephews to their annual purification trip to Burial Mounds, to a cave hidden on the mountain where it is said the goddess met with her lover for the first time in the past. They leave their offerings and change the ropes securing the entrance of the cave with sturdier ones, which they have made themselves prior that year. It is said that whoever enters the cave will be granted a wish, so it’s responsibly of the Lan family to keep everyone else out until the lover of the goddess returns to be granted the wish to reunite with her. It’s a privilege the goddess has left for him to enjoy and no mortal should dare take that from him. Only those who wear the sacred headband of the Lan family can enter without being cast out of the cave and be forced to leave by the spirits.
WWX falls in love with LWJ a bit everyday: the little gifts and notes he finds on his desk for WWX to open and read every morning; the beautiful drawings LWJ makes of the mountains; the care he put in the white robes that should adorn a deity and not common human beings.
crushed with longing for WWX, LWJ wishes to meet with him one day (the real him) and so he runs away from Gusu on train and reaches Lanling and searches for him at the university. But he’s not there. He looks everywhere for him, but doesn’t find him. Until he stumbles into YanLi and it’s almost like there’s a wall between them: shocked, LWJ recognizes YanLi even if he knows she has never actually met him in real life; but the worst thing is that... she’s not pregnant. She’s not even at home as she usually is, but going to university herself and it doesn’t even seem like she’s even in a relationship with ZiXuan yet: the two of them not even sparing a glance to one another in the university corridors.
LWJ finds his words at long last, asking YanLi if her brother Wei Ying is well. She beams at him at first, elated to see her brother actually has friends outside of the family... “but you look around my age, right? What business do you have being friends with a fifteen year old boy anyway?”
Shocked, the last thing LWJ can do before leaving her alone is to give her a ribbon he made himself, the one that represents his heart. “I just know him by chance, he... he helped my brother once. I was wondering how to repay his kindness so I made this for him. Can you give it to him?”
That evening he goes back to Gusu and he prepares for the festival knowing the comet is coming. The last thing he wishes is to forget about Wei Ying, because -having realized there’s a discrepancy in timelines and that he has interacted with someone from the future for months now- he cannot possibly justify having developed feelings for a minor.
There are no more switches and WWX is left wondering what happened.
Now the sad part:
Under the weather for what happened, WWX follows JC around a lot and he even adopts a couple of bunnies to cope. YanLi is closer and closer to the due date and gets restless, forcing her brothers to clean up the entire apartment with her until everything sparkles for the baby’s arrival. They dig out an old box with all of YanLi’s stuff from university and LWJ’s ribbon appears out of nowhere. WWX immediately recognizes it for what it is.
[“I’m sorry A-Ying, I was supposed to give you this back then, but I forgot.” / “What are you taking about... why do you have a Gusu’s ribbon with you?” / “Ah, was your acquaintance from up there? He said you helped his brother once, or something like that... and he wanted to thank you. I’m really sorry.” / “How long ago was that A-Jie?” / “Five years or so? I think?”]
To this JC startles, saying that’s awfully weird, considering what happened to Gusu exactly five years prior. To which WWX is like ?pardon? and then JC takes them to the art gallery to the traditional art section, where the exhibit on Gusu is: there, WWX finally remembers how a relatively small rock has detached itself from the comet and destroyed Gusu in 2010 on the final day of the July festival.
On a display there, the siblings find one of the few things spared by the fire: an unfinished set of robes weaved with the precious heavenly silk, which was said to be made from the stars themselves.
Wei Ying cries all of his tears, neither JC or YanLi can console him and the only thing they come up with is that -maybe- their brother felt bad for forgetting to cherish a friendship... but they don’t remember if he had reacted so badly five years ago when the news of the fire at Gusu broke.
In the middle of the night, with the ribbon secured around his wrist, Wei Ying runs away and takes a train to Gusu. There are no more direct lines and he has to hike all the way up there... just to see a lake where the town was supposed to be. The crater so big it swallowed the ground where half of the city used to be.
Desperate, he wanders the mountains without knowing where to go, until his feet take him to the secluded path Uncle QiRen took him once. He follows it, noticing the same ribbons knotted around the trees he saw the first time he walked there. He follows the path and reaches the cave.
Inside, nothing happens. The talismans are still there, but -as he imagined (*eyeroll emoji*)- there’s no actual magic preventing him from entering. So he jumps over the white ropes made of ribbons and silk and gets inside the cave of Burial Mounds. He takes shelter there from the storm outside and thinks of Lan Zhan, of how much he misses him. And then he cries thinking about him and his brother and their uncle and the entire Gusu: because none of them deserved to die. And he wishes he can rewind time and save them all.
He faints in the cave and his wish is granted.
Now for the good part!
He wakes up in LWJ’s body (in 2010), the day after the boy’s impromptu trip to Lanling, the last day of the July festival. He gets to work as soon as he goes downstairs, determination painting his (well, LWJ’s) features to the point Lan Huan notices... and he has to say something.
While they ate breakfast, out of Lan QiRen’s sight, Lan Huan sits his “brother” down and tells him something unexpected: that he used to switch bodies with not one but with two people at the same time, NMJ and JGY.
That he managed to finally meet NMJ in their teens when the older boy came to Gusu for a school trip... but he didn’t want to leave bc he had finally found LXC and didn’t want to part ways. Lan QiRen put end to the older boy’s silly antics and the two friends agreed to meet in secret, before Lan Huan put a end to the relationship for fear of displeasing his uncle. The three friends kept switching bodies until one day they stopped.
Then Meng Yao came to find him and told him he had discovered the truth of what happened: that NMJ had a car accident and lost most of his memories of their years as friends and that now was living somewhere else with the woman he fell in love with. Meng Yao himself tried to live in Gusu for a few years afterwards, regardless of his poor health, eventually deciding to not make Lan Huan worry and disappeared without a word to take care of himself (or to die far away enough so that Lan Huan didn’t have to see him at his worst).
Lan Huan said that it took him years to remember their names and that he was able to finally utter them in front of his brother only the previous year, at the last July festival. He also reveals WWX that trying to remember something so simple caused him great pain, to the point he believed he could let himself die that way, starving himself from human connection.
Impressed and sorrowful, WWX cries for him and wishes things were different for Lan Huan, who’s only 23 and yet had suffered more than anyone else. But Lan Huan is content with what he has, even if he feels guilty for being the reason Meng Yao neglected his health. Yet he’s happy for NMJ and doesn’t regret befriending them at all.
With his help, WWX alerts people in Gusu: LXC finally standing up for himself against their uncle in order to gain his respect and convince him of the emergency at hand.
On the other hand, LWJ wakes up in the cave in WWX’s body (in 2015) and doesn’t know why he’s there. Yet he knows the way out and travels back following the ribbons... but when he reaches Gusu he sees there’s only a crater filled with water and doesn’t know what to do. He knows of the time discrepancy between the two realities, but he doesn’t know what to think.
WWX realizes LWJ must be in his body somewhere on the Burial Mounds, from the top of which Gusu can be seen, but he doesn’t know if he would find his own body in the cave, since the year now is 2010 and WWX reached the cave by himself only in 2015. Yet something tells him to go and so he leaves for the mountain.
On top of the Burial Mounds, he doesn’t find anyone.
But Lan Zhan is there, on the other side of the veil between present and future.
And as the light of the sun fades away and dusk approaches, Wei Ying enters his body and Lan Zhan gets back inside his own. They meet for the first time and Wei Ying doesn’t know what to say, having never seen Lan Zhan’s body from outside and feeling suddenly very self conscious and uninteresting.
To which Lan Zhan responds with “are you legal?” / “what the fuck Lan Zhan.” / “I gave you my ribbon. did you receive it?” / “yes, my... my sister gave it to me like, yesterday.” / “yesterday as in... what year?” / “2015”
And then Lan Zhan kisses the hell out of him because nothing screams romanticism to him like a relationship between two contenting adults and Wei Ying gets blissed out of his pants for that single kiss on the spot. In between kisses Wei Ying tries to convince Lan Zhan to stop, that there’s something they should remember... or at least something they should not forget.
But Lan Zhan does not relent, hugging and holding Wei Ying, finally... finally keeping him close and never letting him go.
Until Wei Ying disappears and the only thing left of him is the white ribbon Lan Zhan has given him.
They forgot to write their names, so that they would not forget them like LXC has done for years.
And finally.....!
years have passed, it’s the beginning of 2020 [sans quarantine, thank you] and Wei Ying has graduated and is looking for a job. He doesn’t remember Lan Zhan.
Jiang Cheng has found a job close to the sea at the local aquarium and the only thing he talks about on the phone is “how useless his new intern is. a nobody late bloomer who discovered the mountain wasn’t for him and decided to study in the opposite direction, go figure. Gusu must have bored him alright. but the other day he reminded me mountains are actually ancient reefs and now I think I’m in love.” So all is well.
(Gusu did not fall and everyone was evacuated in time. Lan Zhan had descended the mountain and made sure his brother got his backup in convincing their uncle of the emergency. He doesn’t remember either, but he always keeps his ribbon on his wrist, feeling like he’s waiting for someone to get it back.)
On a snowy night they cross paths on a pedestrian bridge, but don’t recognize each other... until Wei Ying’s scent of lotus reaches Lan Zhan. But the other has already disappeared behind a corner of the ever busy Lanling and they miss each other once again.
The following day, when Wei Ying has just dropped Jin Ling at his kindergarten and is about to cross a road, he sees a familiar face on the other side of the street. Both of them are talking to the phone: Wei Ying to Jiang Cheng, who’s calling him from a toilet, panicking about his first date with the intern; and Lan Zhan with his brother Lan XiChen, who’s waiting for his date to come back from the bathroom in the restaurant they chose to meet at.
As they walk towards each other they sense something, but don’t stop. Until they have now reached their respective sides of the road and realize what just happened. They turn around, but there are too many cars in between them.
They look for a way to meet and run towards a pedestrian bridge right above the road. They make the steps two at a time until they’re out of breath on top and stare at each other after so long. Wei Ying has lived for five years feeling like half of him was missing, but Lan Zhan had spent twice as long waiting for something to change in his life.
(“I’m still legal, you know?” / “That’s the first thing you decide to tell me after ten years? Really?” / “you thought it was romantic last time” / “what’s that supposed to mean?” / “that you should kiss me right the fuck now, you big oaf.”)
They meet in the middle of the bridge and kiss.
Then, Lan Zhan tilts his head and ask “what was you name again?”, clearly amused, and waits until Wei Ying’s laughter resonates all around.
The fucking end.
Now I need a break.
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blankdblank · 5 years
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Requested by - @deepestfirefun
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​
x Thorin – @evyiione​, @deepestfirefun​, @queenoferebor​
Litter. Brood. Army. No matter what others seemed to decide to call you all it never seemed to be far off. The only girl and baby out of twelve children seemed to be impressive to any hearing of it, though for you it meant limits. On everything, and now it seemed even your dreams were finally capped as well. For decades your father and older brothers had served the Durin clan. A sudden surprise daughter in a round of triplets after what seemed to be ages of sons brought on great hopes and fierce protection from the men hoping to spend all the time possible with you. Formerly from Numenor they had moved to Rohan early in their first pregnancy and by their third boy your father had followed a job tip and started on security for the crown Prince at the time, Thrain. Soon to be followed by all his equally as formidable appearing sons.
For all the love you received after costs for sending your last brother off to school a few years prior you were left to searching for scholarships to attend the school of your dreams. After years of being sent to the best prep schools in Rohan alongside your brothers that your aunts taught at, partly how you all were granted places in it at first, with your summers in Erebor you had decided on following your oldest brother to Erebor U. One of the most exclusive universities in Middle Earth, on scores alone you had received an acceptance letter, though to fund your schooling all through your summers since you were eleven you had been allowed to work in one of the desserts shop one of the Ruling Family’s relatives. You had thousands saved up but still it wouldn’t be anywhere near enough.
Extra cash was always able to be made when Queen Niro heard why you were saving with errands and tasks as her temporary assistant while she gave her normal assistant a small vacation granting you more to do to fully earn your wages. More and more you grew accustomed to the palace and city you were tasked to race across to complete her requests on one of your brother’s scooters. Each night ending with thorough lessons from your father on self defense and hand to hand combat ensuring you knew how to care for yourself if necessary. Target practice and threat assessment was among the list of added lessons while your mother focused on languages and ensuring you had memorized hundreds of maps and history on cultures.
More and more you pushed yourself until you sat in the hall waiting for the Queen’s signal to enter her chambers in the lavish palace, her grandsons passed through with their cousin Dwalin, all about your age and off to uni themselves. Their conversation all but breaking your heart as loud enough for you to hear at the opposite end of the hall they boasted of their plans for their first week in Erebor U not twenty minutes after you had discovered you had to pay up front two years for the degree you wanted, twelve thousand higher than you could afford. The soft ring of her bell freed you inside with the tray of tea she always took in the mornings away from the chatter of the young Princes.
“You think she heard us?” Frerin asked glancing between Thorin and Dwalin, the latter who replied, “Should have. I mean half Hobbit half Numenor, bound to have with those cute ears of hers.” He raised a challenging brow at Thorin silencing his jealous spike.
Thorin sighed, “Just another week and finally I can have a full chance. No tasks tearing her away to Gran or off to Bombur’s dessert shop or changing of the guard having me locked inside a room for half an hour.”
Dwalin chuckled saying, “Ya, we just have to get you, her and your guards alone in a room-,”
Thorin groaned as Frerin did before the latter said, “Now we just have to convince Gramps to lessen our protection.”
They all nodded and went straight to the smoking den where they knew they would find him between his meetings. “Gramps, please. Even you got laxer protection in uni.”
Thror chuckled, “Yes, and at the time I was already betrothed to your Grandmother.”
They all groaned and Frerin said, “We aren’t out to hook up Gramps.”
Thror chuckled, “I know. However by what I heard of your birthday party and the Dams trying to get back to your table. Princes are in short supply and eagerly aspired to claiming.”
Dwalin nodded, “We know.”
Thror grinned, “You won’t even notice they’re there.”
Still smirking from his assumed plan Thror turned through the print out of your acceptance letter seeing the required payment for your courses you wished to take. Twelve children, and out of all of them you had the brightest flame in you fueling you towards your incredible dreams. Even in this palace working so close to the Royal family you never seemed phased, always off planning something with pale golden blonde curls bouncing behind you and silvery green eyes focused on all you had to tackle along the way. Years you had worked and nearly torn yourself in half to get into schools worthy of earning your parent’s proud boasting of your achievements as they had for your elder brothers. The paycheck to achieve those goals however, even with the vast hoard of Erebor at his discretion, that amount to hand over up front stung at him deeply.
Tirelessly you had toiled and now a single dollar amount would cut off all you had gained leaving you in a painful limbo. But in this he saw a great opportunity. Your group of triplets had been accepted, they had both won competitions with hefty prizes to fund their degrees leaving just you. He was in need of subtlety, something that always brought him back to you, your brothers drew attention and with a group of them already being there with you they were sure to gain attention while you were always able to slip through most situations unnoticed. A note sent your way had you passing through the door to his smoking den to bow your head at the end of the carpet is armchair was seated on.
A motion of his hand welcomed you to sit in the chair beside his, “Please, Bunny, take a seat.” You nodded and moved to the chair you lowered into and crossed your ankles feeling your jeans shifting around your legs over your boots tucked underneath while your long sleeve shirt hung around you under your tight vest covering the low dip over your cleavage. “I realize this is probably sudden and out of the blue for you. However, it needs to be said as soon as possible.” Folding your fingers on top of your lap he continued, “I became aware of your acceptance into Erebor U and that news of course comes on the heels of hearing that my grandsons were accepted as well.”
You nodded, “yes, I heard. Congratulations.”
He chuckled noting your slightly reserved expression, “Now, I understand how hard you have worked and I am highly impressed with your dedication. So much so in fact that I would like to offer you a deal.” Your lips parted just barely in the ticking of your chin to the side a fraction making his grin twitch wider, “My boys are requesting a more lax guard for their studies. I understand your family has taught you basic defense and threat assessment so I would like to request that while in school you split the courses they are taking with your brothers. They wish for subtlety and you could easily keep me informed of their safety. Basic check ins to each class, informing of any students or passers by meaning to harm them for the other guards to handle, after courses the other guards will step in to monitor them.”
“Your Majesty, as simple as that request would seem, I am unable to attend Erebor U actually.”
Drastically your expression fell with your eyes to your knees drawing him to lean forward to pat his hand on yours urging your eyes back up to him in shock, “My dear, my offer is to fund your degree.” Your lips parted fully, “Years you have shown amazing dedication and it would be a waste to see you get so close and have a monetary boundary on your future. You are a great asset to our kingdom and you have more than earned the aid in attending your dream school. So, you go to class, take a few extra and the guys will handle the rest.” Unable to say no you nodded and accepted the simple agreement, to observe and report back on their whereabouts. After a few minutes discussing what you hoped to do in your first week you rose as he did at the arrival of his aid reminding him of a meeting that sent you back to the Queen.
Since the first time seeing you passing through the palace Thorin had instantly fallen for you. Stoic and trying to remain invisible yet present and observing though somehow clearly skipping over the Prince’s eyes remaining fixed on you. Years he had ached to get more than just the few snippets of conversation out of you outside the Few moments he had your attention in his stops into the Desserts shop you worked in.
During each of your shifts he would drop in with his brother and cousins, each time hoping for a smile, learning quickly the best times to drop by so you wouldn’t be over run with orders to stop and talk with them. Each time leaving him aching for more as he watched your blonde curls tucked up, swaying and bouncing to each step in a looped ponytail to keep it out of the way and somehow always the strip you pinned back out of your face would break free to cover those silvery green eyes of yours always seeming to say more than you ever dared to.
Nothing compared to that smile, of which the first time he’d seen it he felt as if he was floating on clouds after it had bowled him over. So breathtaking on your own, but when that broke free it was like he was seeing the first sunrise after a lifetime of dwelling in the dark, bright and unforgiving casting all around you in a bright golden light. Since then he tasked himself to triggering as many as he could, hoping to have you never without one in his presence.
In his eyes you were flawless, fearless and unstoppable. Headstrong against all the struggles along the way he ensured to study and get untouchable grades to earn a place in the school of your dreams, there he hoped to be with you, near you for more than a few moments a day he’d stolen from others just as demanding. Even if he spent years buried in books beside you wordlessly he would be content at least in your nearness.
Again and again he repeated to himself that he would talk to you, he would gain a few private moments a day at your side hoping that it would be enough for you to see he wasn’t trying to be a Prince with you. More than anything he wanted you to see yourself as his equal, because in his eyes with his title you still greatly surpassed him, twenty ladders wouldn’t grant him a peak up at your level. All he wanted was for you to see he was more than his family and you were far more to him than just merely another face in the masses his kin ruled over.
Shakily you stood outside the brownstone building you would be sharing with the Princes. The guards would be on the lowest floor in the makeshift lobby with waiting areas for guests while you were on the third on the left half of the building with your brothers in the apartments there normally for guests. While the Princes filled the apartments on the top two floors in the larger spaces fully prepped for them. As close to the Princes and the guards both in Thror’s decision only solidified by the Princes’ suggestion at dinner the night they got their confirmation letters.
Exhaling slowly you gave a grin to the Guards exiting the building to guide your borrowed scooter into the garage under the lobby as your brothers followed in the truck holding your things. Walking inside you eyed the lobby and accepted the solid emerald band with chips inside to locate you and grant you access into the building when paired with your key. Up into the elevator you walked and rode to your floor after hearing the Princes would be arriving in a couple hours after a trip to the Iron Hills.
The simply furnished apartment simplified your move and soon enough you had your duffels and boxes of supplies for school unloaded into each of your apartments before your trip off to claim your books for your assigned courses.
The extras didn’t seem all too daunting past the engineering class. Sure you’d heard enough from your brothers, who had already earned the credits and were unable to attend again, to bullshit your way through a conversation of it but to sit through a course for an entire year, even when it meant more time with the Durin dreamboats didn’t seem like a fair trade at all.
With your brothers around you the people milling about turned their heads to take notice of the daunting pair around you identical in hair and eye color but not much else to passers by aside from your gifted emerald rings.
B “You’ll do fine Jaqi, you’ve heard us enough to get through the rough start.” In a reach up you eased your ponytail out only for it to get tangled in the end of your hair.
C nodded grinning at your furrowed expression at the pesky band stuck in your curls you were freeing, “Exactly. And we can always help you study after your first class to help you catch up even more.”
“Ya, sometime between your joining rugby and football to keep up with the guys.”
They both chuckled and B stated, “You could always try out for something.”
C, “Or just join the other guards in doing laps through our practices.”
You sighed and braided your hair out of your face after easing the band onto your wrist content that your ears were covered as theirs were by their shorter curls just reaching their shoulders. “No teams this semester I think. I’ll just focus on school. Dad’ll insist on laps though.” With a sigh you brushed your tank top down more over your middle as you felt it trying to roll up again off your shifting belt in your walk.
With arm fulls of books you returned back to your apartment where you spotted the Princes each in the driveway to the garage unloading boxes, all unnecessarily shirtless on the cool day. Outside the building a crowd had grown of young women, all drooling over the sight with a great number of them seated on the steps blocking your path as they shared their clips and thoughts to the world with their phones. Rolling your eyes you followed your brothers, bumping the irritated then docile Dams parting for the pair while you followed behind earning jealous glares. Once inside you heard the signal from one of the guards holding them at a distance you had returned triggering the steady lowering on the garage door earning annoyed grumbles from the women outside.
Smirking at you Frerin nodded to your brothers then he eyed your books as he claimed a box and joined Thorin on their dart into the elevator.
Eyeing your books as the doors shut Thorin grinned while asking, “You’re taking Engineering? I didn’t know you were interested in that too.” Almost shocked it seemed by your signing up for it at all.
“Not really, though Dad figures it best for me to tick all the boxes. Already going for a science degree, why not try it, I mean all my brothers have.” You hoped your fib was enough but your slightly jumpy tone and blush on your cheeks only worsened your imagined effect of it.
But still you got that same smile from Thorin and his eyes swept over you with a look in his eye making you guess he was holding back from calling you out, which simply was his mental celebration that you would be in that class as well. Each of your books he inspected recognizing a good chunk you would be sharing easing a possible suggested study group, something all the more necessary if you were taking a full shot at engineering, a subject he absolutely thrives in.
“Well, if you need any help let us know. We could do a study group or something.”
You nodded and walked out when the doors opened to your floor stealing one last glimpse of his solid chest and arms coated in random rune markers and the start of a clan tattoo on his shoulder you couldn’t quite get a full view of at this angle. Behind the closed doors hands patted on Thorin’s back as Dwalin rumbled, “Told you she’d like your tattoos.”
Thorin smirked as Frerin said, “And being shirtless didn’t hurt either.”
Thorin hummed your response again, “Ticking all the boxes.” Mentally picturing your first class together already.
First classes went well with each of you splitting assigned courses with the Princes. Pictures to confirm their place each hour with messages for each move onto the next class to the head guard reviewing the cameras across campus to keep them in sights. Mixing between the classes, again you tensed knowing that your Engineering class was next. Students flowed around you with more than a few guys trying and failing to get closer along the way. A heavy door was propped open and sections of seats were grouped off to one side with work stations on the other half of the room, wetting your lips you eyed the choices before moving to claim one in the third row closest to the workstations hoping to get a good view of the board and the stations. Even just taking this class for watching the Princes you still hoped to do well, hating the advice of the main guards saying to just skate through with the bare minimum to just keep the class.
Following your steps was the dark haired and eyed Professor exiting his office uncertain of your place in this class just by the look of you. Short with long pale curls flowing around you and bright eyes he couldn’t quite place the colors of in tight jeans a t shirt under a silver cardigan and heeled boots far. His usual students were Dwarves, thick and stocky or broad Men with few women, but all greatly opposite you. The very pale green shade to your trimmed nails seemed to settle the impression in his mind stirring a smirk onto his face wondering just how long you would last and your reasoning for taking this class at all. Though his assumption was settled at the arrival of the Princes when you snuck your phone out of your pocket you quickly returned at their inspection of the room to take up the three seats right behind you, each leaning in to whisper something to you earning a nod at whatever it was.
Open on the table the blank sheet of your notebook was steadily gaining more and more dots in your waiting for the class to start until the Princes finally arrived. A subtle sneak of your phone they would assume as your reading the time you snuck a picture you sent off. “They’re here.” A simple message, to the point. Not filled into the full lingo you simplified it to something casual for you. Again you pocketed your phone and flashed the trio grins in their arrival as their cousin Bofur eyed the room he crossed to take the spot right by you beside his brother Bifur as the Princes stole the chance to lean in with their each unique greetings for you while taking their seats.
Facing forward you eyed the now standing Professor, his hand lowering from smoothing over his short mustache and beard then started his introductory speech for you all. This Mr Reeves you had heard a lot about from your older brothers, all raving about his strict teaching and high expectations for each of the physical tests over written ones adding to their hope that you would do well on natural instinct over knowing the proper terms and names. Each break in his speech however you caught his eyes turning to you, first you assumed it was the Princes but no, you assumed as the clear sore thumb in the bunch no doubt giving him the impression of your not belonging here.
“Can anybody tell me what could aid in the steadying of an uneven load in the axels?” his eyes stop on you for the dozenth time, “You, in the cardigan.”
Your eyes pop up from your notebook and you wet your lips, “Oh, that, would be the, rotunderum.”
Few snickers are heard in the class and the corner of his mouth ticks up while your stomach churns at the blush inching over your mostly covered ears through your hair, “For trains, yes.” A subtle twitch of his brow occurred as he took in the stunning silvery green shade of them striking something he couldn’t place in his memory, having seen those eyes before.
“Oh, sorry.”
He shook his head, “Don’t apologize. Not many know about that use for trains, you prefer them?”
“I have a brother that does.”
He nods, “Impressive, Miss?”
Turning to his desk he eyes his roster for your first name, “I can’t read your first name.”
“Not many can.” Hushed whispers rippled through the room at your answer while the Princes smirked at your addition of, “Hobbitish.” Ticking up his brow once again.
A simple introduction had been given and at the Professor’s call to group up he watched you turning your eyes to the workstations you eyed the six seats to each and in a backwards tilt of your head at Dwalin’s tap on it you caught the trio smirking at you in their rise to their feet, lowly stating, “Come on, bunny.”
Curiously watching you join the Princes the others wondered why they had chosen you, all assuming they just wished for a final member to fill the table that wouldn’t get in the way of their group dynamic. At the table however your eyes scanned over the table as you raised your wrist to nip at the hair tie there you held between your teeth  in your hands rising to twist your curls up into a lopsided bun only appearing worse when you secured it. A tap on your shoulder from Bifur reminded you of your cardigan too while he shrugged out of his sweater he tied around his waist. In shrugging out of yours the pile of metal shapes drew your eye with the nuts, bolts and screws in a single bowl with scattered bits of wire and engine parts and hinges in between.
Nipping at your lip you eyed all the mess there as Professor Reeves simply stated, “Get started.” No further explanation, just that.
Around you the Princes eyed the piles while the Professor started to pace around the stations only to pause at your lowly saying, “It’s gotta be a buffalo.”
Their eyes turned to you as Bofur asked, “Buffalo?”
You nodded and moved the nuts, bolts and screws aside starting to sort through the piles they all began to quickly see what you had. “Body, this pile’s for the head, legs here, and these must be the horns, by the size of the back it can’t be the mountain goat.”
Thorin wet his lips eyeing the engine pieces while the Professor turned open mouthed as you grouped all the engine parts through Thorin asking, “Would you rather work on the body or engine?”
“Um, engine most likely, I have a pretty good idea-,” nipping at your lip you eyed the tool box left on the table, “Just the need the one that clicks and,” you set down a small ratchet and a set of wrenches, “And that hook..”
Bofur and Bifur accepted the box when you found all you would need saying, “We’ll handle the wiring,” leaving Dwalin and Frerin to take up the body work.
At the end of the table the Professor mumbled, “The one that clicks…” And continued his way around the room spotting the other students still absently sorting their piles uncertain of what it was. Beside you however Thorin was grinning in his place at your side working out the pieces he helped to aid you in piecing together blindly without any instruction.
On the table’s by the halfway mark animals, buildings and various contraptions were being constructed with muttered curses form each but yours. Steadily you eyed the body halfway constructed and you nipped at your lip in your rise to kneel on your stool to ease the motor into the frame for Thorin to secure once Bofur had helped Bifur in securing the wires to stretch out to the limbs. In adding the body you all eyed the clear key hole making you all search under your notebooks and the toolbox bringing the smirking Professor over to your table. “Lose something?”
Dwalin, “There’s no key.”
Tapping your fingernail on the table you mumbled what your oldest brothers had told you about their taking his class before, “The key to learning is getting off your ass.”
Curiously Professor Reeves’ head tilted slightly at your crouch to look under the table after inspecting the bottom of your heavy stool, a taped envelope drew your eye and you peeled it off and climbed out to stand up again passing the envelope to Thorin, who opened it finding the key inside he used to wind it up. A whirring inside stirred Dwalin to lift it with Frerin and let it walk its way across the floor. Wetting his lips the Professor eyed you again, “Have you taken my class before?”
You shook your head, “My brothers have though.”
He nodded, “What do they look like?”
Bofur, “Like her, but taller, and wider, and about able to split a wall by looking at it.”
Flashing him a quick smile he nodded again looking you over wordlessly before moving on while noting your time of completion and locating the key. With your model on display in the cubby for your group you stood and made your way back to you desks to pack up for your next classes as the guys lowly praised your natural skills. At your side in lowering your hair again Thorin said, “Hey, we have a tool kit like that back at ours with some flash cards on basic tools and more on parts.” He wet his lips, “We could help quiz you on it, dinners and lunches?”
You nodded, “Sure, whenever you like.”
In your move to leave he stepped a bit closer making you tear down a corner of a blank sheet from your notebook you wrote your number on and passed to him inching his grin wider, “I don’t think we have the same lunch but I’ll spring for pizza tonight.”
“Ok. Sounds good. Thank you.”
He chuckled saying, “No problem. You’re a natural, no sense in letting you fail on terms alone.” Earning a weak chuckle from you.
Through to lunch you made it and passed through the main courtyard on your way back to the apartment for your long lunch. In passing however you caught your brothers across the way glaring at a group of men nodding at you in their move closer.
In a farther hall you eyed the Princes passing between classes with Thorin grinning at the sight of you trying to think up something charming to say only to watch one of the men reach out, “Looky here guys, it’s that little Bushg with thick thighs from Reeves’ class.” His hand reaching out to smack you on the ass adding, “As if the King’s gonna let his precious heirs-,” in the recoil of his arm you spun coiling your leg around his arm drawing a pained groan from him in your bringing him to his knees with your boot pushing his shoulders down even more.
With a smirk on your face you glanced at his friends saying, “I so rarely get compliments on my thighs.” A firm grip on his clenching hand above your knee drew another groan from him as you knocked it down freeing his leg then moved your boot under his shoulder to force him upright again to look at you spotting your pointed glare, “Thank you for the compliment. Don’t ever touch me.” A grin flashed onto your face and then dropped in your turn away. Any thoughts they had on charging at you died seeing your equally as furious brothers glaring at you in their paths to join your for lunch as they stole glances at the set of assigned students to shadow the Princes, all also children of trusted guards handling the task of faked freedom.
Deep scowls settled onto the faces of said Princes on their way to class while Thorin rushed through saving your contact in his phone his cousins stole the number to add to theirs as well while Thorin sent you a message. “Want me to punch him?”
As you drew out your buzzing cell phone you read that message and another right after, “Thorin. It’s Thorin.”
A grin eased onto your lips and you almost answered before reading another pop up from the main security guard, “Further assistance needed in the student you immobilized?”
Wetting your lips you answered the guard first, “No. He slapped and complimented me. No threat to the Princes issued.”
To Thorin you replied, “No thank you, Prince Thorin. I doubt he will do it again if he is smart.”
Thorin, “It’s Thorin, no titles, we do live together after all. He mentioned the King.”
“Apparently he approved of my thighs, something on a friend of yours the King wouldn’t approve of in his mind.”
Before he could stop himself he replied making you grip your brother’s arm as you misjudged the curb height and almost fell earning weak chuckles from the slowly relaxing pair, “You have magnificent thighs. He knows nothing of Grandfather’s wishes for our company.”
B lowered his phone saying, “Head Guard is forwarding the footage to his team coach.”
Sighing softly you glanced up at C, “You know the King won’t allow us any harm either.”
B chuckled lowly, “I can just imagine what Dad would say.”
“Oh I can hear his shouting already. He’d have ripped his arm off.”
B and C, “Rightly so.”
C smirked saying, “So, what was that from Thorin about your thighs?”
You rolled your eyes at their chuckles around you as you replied to the Prince, unknowingly freeing him from his mild panic at his own message, “Thank you. Enjoy your class. I’ll see you when you’re through for the day.”
Exhaling in relief Thorin sent back a simple, “See you,” and focused on finding his next seat as you turned your eyes to the guards outside the apartment building ready to allow you inside the building.
Around you they all circled asking for a greater detailing on what was said and how you were struck for the official record that linked up with the footage freeing you to head up to eat. In the elevators you mumbled, “I can feel Dad’s shouting already.”
B chuckled as C asked, “How did engineering go?”
To their surprise they saw your eyes light up in your grin, “We got the buffalo, and it only took me a few moments to figure out what it was and guide the guys on sorting it out. Even remembered H’s get off your ass comment and found the key.”
B snorted, “I bet that ticked Reeves off.”
C, “Just about screamed from what they say. Bet you mastered that engine.”
“Took me a bit, though trying to find the right tools.”
B, “You’ll get it.”
You nodded, “Thorin suggested dinners and lunches, they have a matching tool kit and flash cards to help me out.”
C’s smirk grew, “Ooh, first an offer to help tutor you, then a compliment on your thighs.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t start. Mom will hear it as she always does and blow it up. He’s a Prince he doesn’t need to hear ripples of her fluffing up his ego.” Making them chuckle around you.
B, “Don’t know, naming an Eorlingas’ thighs as magnificent, hard to look away from that.”
You giggled again, “I best keep him from talking about my feet then too or you’ll all assume we’re engaged.”
Pt 2
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 16 (Epilogue 3 Page 3)
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vegalocity · 7 years
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Here’s a gift to @thestarfan18 that’s not really a gift bc i’m also posting it for Selfish reasons.
Some of my best fics and ideas are made from plot bunnies that are more along the lines of ‘intrusive thoughts but with themes’ so this has been playing out in my head for the past few days and I thought ‘eh, might as well write it’ so it would leave me alone.
So happy Unbirthday Valentina! May your beard grow ever longer and your story grow ever more complex! (also sorry if the plot implications are super dumb, I have no idea if James even HAS a master plan beyond ‘1:kill halley 2:take throne 3:??? 4:profit)
The ground was cracked beneath Philharmonic Butterfly. His shoes were in near tatters, his chest and arms littered with cuts and bruises. His left eye was starting to swell, his cloud blue hair was singed at the tips. The cut on the back of his right hand—his bow hand if he couldn't hold a bow anymore how could he continue his lessons?—was deep enough he could see the sickly yellow-white of bone peaking out if he cared enough to look. And frankly the white hot pain that almost made him want to lop his whole hand off didn't make him want to look at all.
The flames that he had summoned without thought—inevitably stopping the eldritch entities his brother and great-aunt had summoned because nobody had known he could do it. Even him—had died down, the rocks that had been cracked both by his flames and Halley's magic had been charred to smoldering coals.
His hand was almost ripped open entirely, but his legs felt relatively okay, so he shakily got to his feet, ripping half the left sleeve off his shirt in the process for an impromptu bandage. His hand felt like it had the time he'd tried to fire lightning from the wand—well, the beautiful violin that was the wand when he held it—and it had bounced back on him. He used his teeth to tear the offending sleeve in half again, this time lengthwise. He hastily began to bind his hand, a little more strenuous than he had hoped granted he wasn't left-handed. But he was able to make sure the tendons were in the right places and wrapped his hand to ensure no further blood would make its way out, nor bone breaking. Phil considered himself rather enduring at that. A lesser man would have passed out under such pain.
And he only dropped to his knees to throw up from the pain after he was done so he considered that a success!
But that was the worst of his injuries, and now that he could actually gather himself enough to take in the rest of the world, he staggered back to his feet again to try and see out of the crater he'd fallen in.
If he'd seen correctly before everything went to hell, Great-Aunt Etheria had been swallowed with the portal, If he was in less pain he'd be a little more sympathetic to the idea of a family member being devoured by monstrosities not meant to be seen by mortal eyes; but he was in a lot of pain so he spat to the ground at the thought—a trace of blood in the spit from his bitten tongue—and thought bitterly to himself that the old hag deserved what she got.
Scanning around he was finally able to spot his sister. Her peach colored hair frizzy at the ends from the overload of magic that she'd let out with him to close the gateway. He couldn't see much more of her from his spot, other than the tip of one of her horns might have been cracked. Her wings had slid back to their smaller size no doubt, hidden by her hair, and the rest of her he couldn't quite make out from his spot.
Climbing from a crater with a hand that was maybe one cut away from massive muscular damage, heavy bruising up and down his body, and slowly loosing all sight in his left eye... well it was a little taxing. He nearly threw up from pain again when a block of cobblestone fell from it's tenuous spot and rammed heavily against his right hand on its way down. But all the same he didn't stop and wait to be helped out.
Halley was hurt more than he was, no one was coming for him if he waited at the bottom of this damned crater. And more importantly really, His sister was hurt and she needed him. Phil grit his teeth and finally—finally—he forced his left forearm to the top of the crater, pulling his upper body up with him.
He remembered how Halley went down, he'd just fallen into the crater the both of them had made when they’d closed the gateway, he'd been able to see the gateway closing almost perfectly. The hit to his head made him too dizzy to stand, let alone fight, but he watched their Great-Aunt be ensnared by something that looked like one of the aliens of Uncle Marco's Earth Movies. One of the alien creatures wasn't going back in without a fight and started shooting out its weird black appendages, trying to grab one of them. Phil had been just far enough away to avoid getting snapped up as well, but his brother had been less than lucky. James had gone full Butterfly, but his sword had been shaken from his hands so he had been relying on his magic alone.
And if what Phil and Halley had proven before, no single magic user was enough to make a match against these things. But then again, when had James ever thought himself as anything but better than the both of them at everything?
Halley had come to his rescue, she'd helped free him.
And when the creature spewed out some foul looking liquid, Halley—for some ungodly reason—pushed James out of the way, taking the hit to her side. Her scream was so loud the creature cringing inward from the noise had been enough to shut the portal entirely. Halley fell. He knew she wasn't dead, she couldn't be dead. But he needed to be there for her all the same.
His feet caught onto a stone that gave him enough momentum to push himself the rest of the way out of the crater (he really needed to do more pushups, his upper body strength was pathetic compared to his siblings) and began to shamble his way to his sister.
Halley was crumpled on the ground, she hadn't moved since she fell, and his gut dropped, but also for the fact that James hadn't left the two of them for dead.
His brother was hunched over his Sister and the light tingle on his cheeks as his marks turned to a pair of sharps was completely eclipsed by the hot rage that began to boil in his chest. He wasn't sure if he could run, but he could at least try.
“Get away from her!”
Well, it was more galloping, his left leg was a little stiffer than he'd hoped it would be. So he took a moment to stoop down and pick up a rock. James looked up at him and Phil took aim. His right hand throbbed as he gripped the stone harder, the pain spiked as he flung it forward, releasing the rock. But despite the pain his aim was true. The rock soared through the air and some how, for some reason, James' reflexes didn't kick in to catch or block it. He flinched away as the rock grazed his cheek, a small bead of blood cutting into his relatively unharmed flesh.
Phil was able to close the gap in that time thankfully, and gave a hard push to his older brother to get him away and crouch infront of Halley.
The left side of her face glowed with a sickly yellow magic, spreading like poison through the veins across her face. Her left cheek flower had turned a sickly greenish yellow and while she was breathing, it was a strained, shallow thing. Her chest rattling every so often in pain.
He shifted Halley a bit, wriggling his arm under her shoulders to pull her up a bit. Her head lolled back, mouth opening a bit at the weight shift but otherwise unchanged.
“Halley!” she didn't respond to him, he knew she probably wouldn't until he got her to their mother. Mom would fix this. He knew mom would fix this.
“Hold on Halley, You'll be okay.” He promised her quietly, he saw some movement out of the corner of his eye.
He glanced up, expecting to see Halley and himself alone in the wreckage, James fleeing the scene with the Wand in tow, But somehow, he wasn't.
James was actually getting closer to the two of them, the Wand—turned into the sword form he favored—still clutched in his hand from when he no doubt stole it from Halley's prone form, but he didn't look the least like he was about to leave. Or even that he was about to shove Phil away to finish the job.
No...he was looking at Halley as though she'd been replaced with a someone he didn't actively despise, dark brows raised high and face slack in shock.
“Is she.. dying?” he finally said, voice just barely over a whisper. “I couldn't... I didn't know what to check...” Phil clenched his jaw and held out his free hand.
“She'll be fine. Give me the wand, I need to get her home.” James' other hand went up to the grip of the sword and Phil looked him dead in the eye then. He felt a stringing in the corners of his eyes, and he hoped beyond all hope just a spark of Dad's rage face shone through onto him.
“James.” he stated calmly, but firmly. “Call me paranoid, but granted you just opened a gateway to hungry elder abominations, I feel like I can't trust you with the Family Magic Wand at the moment.” he made a grabby motion with his fingers and finally James relented, placing the sword in Phil's waiting hand. With a small shower of blue sparks it became the ornate violin that marked it as his.
He looked down at the violin, then at Halley. He needed two hands to play it, and his bow hand was injured. But Halley sure as heck couldn't prop herself up under her own power. He pinched his lips into a fine line and with a flourish the violin condensed into a small conductor's baton, the only hint at its magical properties being the family crystal, a deep blue gem affixed to the pommel. He slid the baton into his belt loop and then used his now free hand to prop Halley up from under her knees.
His muscles screamed in protest as he began to lift, the bruises up his torso throbbed and the cuts along his arms and chest threatened to open again, but no pain was worse than the one in his hand. Halley's head lolled and the infected side of her body pressed against him, but the weight and the grip sent sparks of agony up his whole arm. He'd probably have some kind of nerve damage in that hand after all this, wouldn't he?
James made a half-aborted motion towards them, as if he was about to try and help Phil carry their sister. He snorted to himself at the thought. Halley hung limply in his arms and just taking the first few steps his arms trembled and threatened to give in.
James stayed where he stood. Eyes on Halley and incomprehensible expression on his face. No doubt he was wondering how easy it would be to knock him out and kill Halley while he still had the chance.
Well Phil wasn't about to let that happen.
He shifted Halley in his arms, she looked so fragile, her skin starting to pale, the large bruise on the side of her face that wasn't infected with... whatever this was... was purple and bordering on a welt. His heart dropped at her stillness, his vision blurred for a second before clearing up.
“You know...” He found himself saying “All I ever wanted was for you two to stop fighting. I just wanted us to be happy. I never wanted to take sides in your stupid fights because I hated them in the first place.” he gripped Halley a little tighter as he began to walk. He couldn't hear the rubble disturbing behind him, James wasn't following them.“But the truth is she's always been too good to even compare to you.”
Some how, there was some motion beneath him at that. Halley groaned lightly and began to crack her eyes open. Well, not all of her eyes. Her right and center eyes looked no more than a little clouded from concussion, but her left eye, the one closest to the green infection, remained closed.
“Phil...?” She croaked out. “What's goin'....?”
“You're alright Halley.” He responded. “We're going home, we won.” She tilted her head in response, as though trying to look around him.
“Is... James..” she paused to take a rattling breath. “Is he okay?”
Phil grit his teeth. “He's just fine. We're all just fine.”
“Oh... okay.” Halley smiled weakly. “That's good.”
His cheek marks didn't change back, even as he smiled and kissed his sister's forehead, just above her center eye. 
He was furious
And he planned to stay that way.
James didn't understand. He couldn't understand. He'd done everything right! He'd made his alliances, they'd set up their plan, they'd EXECUTED their plan, and his stupid sister had been right there for eldritch chowtime.
Phil had come too, but he could be avoided easily, after all James had no qualms with his brother beyond Phil being a little too spineless at times.
But the stupid little demon had been able to stop the portal. And killed their Great-Aunt in the process! Forget calling him Heirslayer, Halley was a Kinslayer! Wasn't that enough to get her off the throne?
He hadn't needed her help. He might not have had the wand on him, but he was still the most powerful of the three of them, he could have gotten the tendril monster to let him go without her. He didn't need her help, and he told her so repeatedly when she kept insisting on scratching and blasting at the thing holding on to him.
But then...
Then she said the thing he didn't understand.
“You may not value my life, but I still value yours!”
He thought she was happy to be heir, that she loved that she'd snatched the throne right out from under him. Every argument that had to him always just sounded like the little demon being childish and wanting to rub her victory in his face... he thought she was as excited about becoming queen as he was determined to not let a freak on the throne.
She hadn't even hesitated to push him out of the way when the creature spat out that disgusting liquid.
She lay crumpled beneath him and he could have easily put his hands around her neck and squeezed until she stopped that raspy attempt at breathing. It could have been over, he could have won before Philharmonic got in the way like an absolute tool.
So why didn't he? He'd just been leaning over her indecisively for what must have been minutes. And then he let Phil's stupid little rock hit him. The small little spike of pain that pricked his cheek had barely even processed in comparison to the sheer fury on his little brother's face. He'd never seen Phil so angry.
He looked a lot like dad when he was angry.
“You may not value my life, but I still value yours!”
Those words were... more difficult to parse out than he expected. It went against everything he knew about Halley... or maybe thought he knew.
Maybe he didn't know anything about her at all.
Phil walked off, Halley, probably dying a little bit, waking up only briefly before passing back out, James took a seat in the rubble and rested his chin on folded arms.
He needed to think.
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jeonsdear · 7 years
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BTS: Yoongi 😎
Idol!Yoongi and YouTuber!reader Parts:  (12) Part: 11/15 Info: The time of the phone doesn’t match the time of the setting so just pay attention to the time stamp of the messages Notice: Ignore that the boys can’t speak English in real life Y/N: Your Name Y/c/n: Your country Y/nat: Your nationality Y/lang: Your language
We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve You are a famous YouTuber in your country who gets to interview BTS and Yoongi is intrigued by you.
A/N: HERE IS A NARRATIVE FOR YOUUU. Please excuse any mistakes, English isn’t my first language xx Part 12?
read my stories here request imagines, reactions and text messages here
You felt weirdly comfortable snuggled up against Yoongi and Hoseok as you three were watching the two youngest of the group trying to convince Seokjin to part-take in the spicy noodle challenge. Jungkook’s dark eyes were glazed over by the influence of alcohol and Jimin couldn’t stop giggling. Taehyung who had refused any kind of alcoholic beverage, sat to your feet smirking at his oldest Hyung’s attempts to look like he was way too mature for nonsense like that but in reality everyone knew that drunk Seokjin was up to everything.
“Noona, you too!‘‘
Jungkook’s enthusiastic exclamation was followed by a big bunny smile of his and you felt Yoongi’s laughter rumbling in his chest, one arm circling around your waist as he drew you closer to his body. You both had drowned a few shots which resulted in Yoongi loosening up a little bit and seeking skinship whenever he could. You didn’t mind. Quite on the contrary. You didn’t dare admit to yourself, not to anyone else, but whenever you felt his piercing gaze on you, your heart wouldn’t stop pounding. The boys had provided you with an amazing experience being on stage with them but all you had cared for ever since Yoongi had told you he’d visit your country, was seeing him. You had missed him. You knew it was irrational and dumb and the past mistakes of your former relationship had left deep wounds, but you felt so save whenever Yoongi held you or whenever a message of his popped up on your phone. You trusted him in a way that you rarely trusted people in. Whenever you were faced with difficulties or you came home after a long and miserable day, he was the one you turned to. And in return he did, too. Ever since the conversation about how he didn’t feel loveable you couldn’t stop thinking about it. The words were still making you mad and your heart hurt because deep down you knew you know he was, you knew you loved him. Even if you wouldn’t let your mind admit it. So when you felt the man’s arms pulling you even closer to him, feeling the muscles of his chest against your back, you had to bit your lip to muffle the sigh that was threatening to come out. Beside you, Hoseok watched you two intently, noticing the way you melted into his friend’s embrace and how Yoongi’s lips hovered over the crown of your head. When Hoseok lifted his head he was met with Namjoon’s eyes who were observing you two as well. A small smile played on his lips and Hoseok realized that he wasn’t the only one who could see Yoongi falling for the foreign girl.
Namjoon loved you, in a way a brother would love his sister, and he understood why his friend was falling for you. All these late night conversations while writing songs with Yoongi had taught him how lonely their second oldest actually was. Deep insecurities rooted in his soul, his outlet being music. Namjoon had tried numerous times to ease his friend’s worries but only when you had come around Yoongi had started to really trust another person to take on his troubles. Now watching the content smile on Yoongi’s lips as he had his girl in his arms and his friends around him terrified Namjoon. Technically neither of the boys had to deal with the usual dating ban Idols had to stick to, but there was a reason a ban like this existed in the first place. Dating wasn’t easy living a life of an Idol. And the last thing he wanted for his Hyung was to get a taste of what love might taste like only to have it taken away.
“Jungkook, I’m y/nat. We don’t do spicy stuff like you. I might die.“
Yoongi behind you snorted which made you pinch the skin showing through his ripped jeans.
Yoongi’s “Yah, y/n!‘‘ was followed by Jungkook’s “I’m strong enough to carry a dead body!‘‘ and the room erupted in laughter. The air filled with happiness and comfort had you wishing you could experience this more often. Somehow these boys had turned into your closest friends and Yoongi, who now playfully tried to hide your frame from the others, made you dream about his lips.
The youngest moved forward to grab you and tickle your sides but you searched shelter in the crook of Yoongi’s neck, and his low laughter filled your ear as he turned with you in his arms and suddenly his weight was on you and all Jungkook got was a grasp of the back of Yoongi’s shirt.
“Respect your elders, Kookie.‘‘, you teased and stuck your tongue out at him and the younger boy’s eyes crinkled with laughter.
“That’s how you treat your bias? Aish, thanks y/n.‘‘, he grinned before Yoongi’s hand shoved at his maknae’s head.
“You’re not her bias, brat.‘‘
“Yes, I am.‘‘, he sang gleefully, eyes glistening with mirth. “I saw a fan video after we became friends with her and people made those ‘get to know her‘ videos. And she once talked about us and when she was asked who her bias was she said it’s meeeeeeeeee.‘‘
Jimin back-hugged Jungkook and laughed in Yoongi’s face. “Seriously, y/n? The youngest?“
Yoongi faced you with a raised eyebrow and you couldn’t help but groan before you blushed. “I love his voice?‘‘
His eyes darkened and searched your face for the truth before a sly grin stretched his lips. “His voice? You know, he sounds like a girl when he moans.‘‘
Seokjin was caught in a coughing fit before you could hear his high-pitched laughter and when you turned your face you saw Jungkook gaping at his Hyung.
“Uhm I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do with that information or why you know how he sounds …when he…you know. But I still love his voice.“
Namjoon just chuckled but Jimin piped up saying “We’ve been living together for years. Trust me, we know.“
In the meantime, Jungkook had regained his composure and an evil glint had entered his eyes.
“I sound like a girl? You know the walls are thin Hyung and I’m up late a lot of times.‘‘
He turned to you and smirked. “If you ever want to know how he’d sound like, let me know. I can record it.‘‘
The terror in Taehyung’s eyes was almost comical and everyone except for Yoongi and you moved forward to slap a body part of Jungkook’s that was the nearest.
You were torn between laughing and running away, but Yoongi’s hand grasping yours and pulling you upwards with him solved that pretty quickly.
“You’re lucky I love you.“, he growled at his youngest member before pulling you with him out of the room. A groan filled the floor of the hotel and it had you giggling.
“You’re so soft for him.‘‘, you teased gently before you intertwined your fingers with his and pulled him with you in the direction of your own room.
“He’s a brat. I can’t believe he’s your bias. Seriously?“
Laughing you shrugged your shoulders, entering the elevator that would take you ten floors higher. The light was dim and you could see Yoongi’s eyes fixed on you in the mirror as you leaned back against the wall. His thumb gently rubbed soothing circles into your skin and you could feel it deep in your bones.
“He is a lot like me. I think that’s why.“
Murmuring something incoherent, Yoongi took a step closer to you, knee’s touching your thighs.
“So he’s your favourite?“, he said slowly and gauged your reaction. Your eyes were still filled with laughter and he could have sworn he never saw something as beautiful as you.
“No, he’s my bias Yoongs. But you’re my favourite.‘‘
Your eyes followed his movements as he bit down on his lips before soothing it with the tip of his tongue. For fuck's sake, now you couldn’t stop staring at his lips and Yoongi noticed too. The atmosphere changed from playful into something thicker and when you met his dark gaze all the longing and desire you had kept at bay instantly filled your whole system. Yoongi noticed the way your breath hitched in your throat and how your eyes started to darken, his body moving closer on its own accord.
“Say that again.“, he begged quietly and watched you swallow.
“My name. Yoongs. I love when you say it out loud.“
He was met with a gentle smile and his heart jumped in his chest.
“Yoongs…“, you whispered and his hands came up to cradle your face. Seeking for permission he scanned your face for any indicator of uncertainty, but when he wasn’t able to find any he stopped thinking and within second his lips had touched yours. Carefully, he placed little kisses against the softness of your lips and you wrapped your arms around his waist. His lips felt soft under yours and you couldn’t help but sigh in relief to finally get a taste of him, melting into his embrace and his strong body. Your sigh was Yoongi’s clue and he bit your lip carefully to ask for entrance, making you open your lips and suddenly you felt his tongue against yours and any rational thought was erased from your mind. Everything that existed was the man kissing you and the longing filling your body.
Yoongi tried. He really did. He wanted to be gentle and soft, loving even. But as soon as your sigh had filled the small space his body reacted like a starved man and he couldn’t keep himself from pulling you tighter to him and deepening the kiss. Oh, how many times had he imagined doing this? Kissing you. Holding you to him like this? And now, that he finally did, his body was in overdrive and everything he wanted was the woman in his arms.
As if both your body’s had known each other for years, you worked in perfect unison, knowing exactly how to angle your heads, how to caress each other lips and tongues. Your hands moved up to his neck and your fingers tangled in his soft hair, making Yoongi groan lowly into your mouth. With that sound, your body was on fire and you shivered under his exploring hands. He felt your tremor and you felt him smirk into the kiss, turning the whole affair even hotter than it already was.
“I’m your favourite, huh?“, he murmured, still smirking when you both came up for air. Breaths mingling all you could do was nod, afraid your voice had gotten lost. Starring at each other you realized that you had reached your floor in the meantime and Yoongi didn’t waste any time, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him.
“Which room?“
Instead of answering you gave him your room key and with quick strides and a swipe of the key card he had you pressed back against your hotel room door. Not a second later his lips were on yours again and you started to laugh when he whined against your lips.
“Someone’s a little eager.“, you teased and the sound coming out of his mouth proved your point once again.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long so please stop talking and let me kiss you, yeah?“
Your laugh turned into a surprised moan when he grabbed the undersides of your thighs and hoisted you up onto his hips, holding you against the door.
“Looks like I’m not the only one.‘‘, he whispered and captured your lips in a heated kiss, your fingers findings their way into his hair again.
He was right of course. You had wanted this for so long that you felt a little lost in how to be even closer to him than this. Your whole body was screaming for him and shivered when his tongue danced expertly with yours. He was good. He was a fucking great kisser and you didn’t know whether he knew, but he might be able to judge by the way you were clinging to him. Yoongi sucked your tongue into his mouth and rolled his hips, driven by pure instinct, into yours.
“Fuck“, you coursed in your native tongue and his hands tightened on your thighs.
“Shit, I love when you talk in y/lang.“
Yoongi looked at you with glazed over eyes and a heaving chest, eyes fluttering shut when you involuntarily bucked your hips into his.
“Baby, don’t.“, he growled but his words lost their meaning when he pressed his middle against you.
The playfulness returning, you raised an eyebrow and wiggled a little in his hold, creating friction.
“Don’t what, Yoongs?“
“Don’t tempt me, Y/n.“
Your head fell back with a thud when he lowered his head to lick over your pulse point before biting it gently, moving down your neck and sucking the soft skin between his lips to leave purple marks.  When you tried to pay him back he shook his head gently remind you that he can’t be seen with hickeys at the airport, so you settled for burying your head in his neck and leaving light pecks.  
At some point, he had walked you over to the big, cosy looking bed in the middle of the room and through lazy kisses and occasional giggling, you both calmed down. Laying half way atop of him, Yoongi pulled the covers over your forms and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“What about the boys?“, you murmured with a yawn and you felt him smile against your temple. The only light in the room was coming from the moon as you hadn’t shut the blinds and soft rain danced across the glass.
“Probably passed out asleep by now“, he answered and tightened his arms around you and you hummed in content. It was silent for quite some time, neither of you wanting to disturb the tranquillity but right before you drifted off to sleep you started giggling.
“Hmm?“, he hummed sleepily and popped open one eye.
“Kookie was wrong.“
“Wrong with what?“
“You don’t moan like a girl.“
Yoongi’s deep chuckle followed you into your sleep.
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drizzlendrafts · 3 years
On slumpy monsoon afternoons, just after the rains have stopped pouring down, one could see him whizzing by the damp empty lanes on his bicycle. Mehbuba is always gorgeous and shining. When she is broken, he often repairs her himself for she has been his most humble companion all these years. Sometimes it’s a matter of speculation whether he likes her better than his wife.
Lanky and sunburnt with neatly combed hair and deep wise eyes, he could have been a weighty man but his obsession with Hitler like moustache gives him a rather funny look. Underneath it are jagged, wide spaced bunny teeth through which he smiles big especially while tinkering with motors, screws, corks, nails, ropes, cables, pumps and all kinds of tools and equipments you could imagine.
I have seen him mending taps, fixing switch boards, working in people’s lawns, on many occasions I have seen him assisting in the local bike repairs shop. In fact, last summer he also repaired the old cooler kept in our garage. Some say he has also worked as a delivery agent in the past which isn’t at all surprising to me because ever since I was a kid I decided he is some kind of superman who knows how to handle everything and can save anybody in trouble. This local superman goes by the name Devki, short for Devkinandan.
Devki often stops by our house, especially in the mornings, to see if there’s anything he could help grandma with. Well, also because grandma often favours him with a steaming cup of sweet tea and his favourite Nankhatai. By now most of you must be thinking that he is a very useful man which is true but he has two miniscule shortcomings. One, he chats a lot and two, because of this chattering he often messes up his task at hand. So, while he would be standing on the plastic chair hammering a nail into the wall his attention would shift to narrating the juicy gossip of how Mrs. Kamala’s elder daughter was caught smoking in her college campus and was rusticated. He would explain it with exquisite details, spicing up the entire drama and in the process elongating it so much that our attention would often shift to the fact that how could a person blabber so much. Just then he would hit the tip of his finger into the wall and wail aloud and grandma would have to find him a band-aid. Then he would act all strong and finally after thirty whole minutes fix the new clock up on the wall.
When I was in middle school, we went on a trip during my summer break. On this quiet end of town, thieves were common then. So Grandpa dropped the keys into Devki’s hands and off we went tripping along as merry contented souls. After a week when we returned home after getting stuck in an overnight traffic jam, a flat tyre misfortune and the abrupt malfunction of AC in the taxi, we entered to find Devki nowhere in sight. After trying his cellphone a million times, grandma and I sat down on the porch steps with the luggage while Grandpa set out to seek him in his home in the small locality a little distance from here. Some forty minutes later his bicycle wheels screeched and stopped in front of our gate. All of us burst angrily at him and after vigorously nodding his head several times as if knocking off all our blames, he asked us to calm down because he had a genuine reason to explain. Smiling in a silly fashion he stuttered,“My milkman’s calf ran into the wilderness and while getting her back to the shed I met a man with a small spinach patch in front of his hutment and I got into explaining to him how to uproot the weeds and take care of the young saplings.” His usual chattering was an unusually big problem. We decided to forget about it until we saw he had tried to repair the old geyser to impress us when we came back but had damaged it in the process, and grandma’s marigolds which she had especially asked him to take care of were drooping with dried brown leaves. “Devki!” went grandma but by then he had made his exit.
How come the man never falls sick or feels low is something I've often wondered. He seems to be immune to stress for not once have I seen him without a huge smile on his face. A huge smile and keen, observing, gleaming eyes absorbing and learning from anything and everything that interests him. 
Last week when I got down into my lane he spotted me from a distance. So he pedaled faster and then pressed the brakes fiercely, stopping right before me and almost right into my face.
"Hullo! How are you?" He asks, breathing hoarsely.
"I'm fine. How about you?" I reply gently, giving him a little time to catch his breath.
"People like us are always fine and always busy." He remarks after a second, looking up at the white clouds floating in the afternoon sky.
"I have high hopes for you. You are one kid who will shine bright and when you do, don't forget me but even if you do you're forgiven." He laughs warmly looking at me.
He always leaves me puzzled about the mystery of human lives. I vividly remember the time his elder daughter was about to get married. Grandma had taken out several saris from her old cupboard to give them for her wedding ceremonies. I had been calculating how gazillion times more happy and chirpy Devki would be on this happy event in his life. But that day when he came home he appeared quite serious. Grandma seemed to understand why he had tears in his eyes but I was quite perplexed to see him like that.
Later I learnt that his dear wife has been on dialysis for years. 
It took me a good amount of time to accept this because it seemed as if the entire picture of him had become blurry in my head. I remember I had felt sad for a long time.
I imagined his rough coarse hands braiding his daughter's hair on days his wife would be hospitalized. The same striped worn out gray jacket that he would wear all winter to put food on their table, pulling carts in sultry heat to pay for the school fees, dealing with his kids' embarrassment, doing odd jobs with dignity, saving up diligently, and smiling with all his heart every day for all these years.
For days I felt troubled every time I saw him. So one morning when he was nibbling on his biscuits I finally went up to him and just asked him. 
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Do you never feel like slowing the pace of your life? I'm sure you must feel like being a little more settled now that your kids are on their own and your son too contributes to the family income?" I asked, putting forth my reasons to inquire about his personal life so that it seems proper from my end. 
He smiled, reveling at the joy of my concern for him. He felt important and somehow responsible to give me a wholesome answer. I noticed a few tears in the corner of his eyes and his wet eyelashes but I waited patiently for his response.
After a moment, with a crude but genuine gleam on his face he said," After all these years, I think this is what my life has become. Could I have been doing something else, something better? Yes I could have, if I had a fate of that kind.’’ 
He paused to sink in a sigh and then rise up in a long belly breath.
“But I have no complaints”, he resumed.“I like being busy, it distances me from stupid worries. In a day I meet hundreds of people and I love knowing and listening to their stories. In paan shops, at tea nooks, under the peepal tree near the bus depot there are always people who love to talk without knowing who I am or where I come from. It’s just a huge family of people like me. Their tales and experiences fill my life with several colours, colours of fascination and spirit which I absorb and keep and share. More than half of my life has been spent in these spaces and I know that the rest of my life too will dwell in the familiarity of these events and people. So do I want to stop? I don’t think so, because I think I'm happier this way now, more settled this way.”
Having explained, he picked up his cup once again and resumed sipping his hot tea and chatting with grandma as if all of this was easy truth, an easy acceptance. 
I don't know whether it were his words or the way he said it so easily that touched me more. I marveled at his wise selection of colours that he mentioned, that he uses to paint his life. He split everything so easily, so light-heartedly but me, I brooded for long because he did leave an unusually beautiful impression on my head. 
That day after finishing his tea, he left casually like any other day.
A few days later, one misty morning when I went out to leave chapatis for the dogs outside my home, I saw him cycling down the lane beaming with mirth, loudly addressing everyone who came in sight. I kept watching Mehbuba's tires roll rapidly and firmly on the rough ground for a long time until they disappeared at the end of the foggy lane. 
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