#eldarya episode 29
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ezarelz · 4 years ago
Not only Chrome spin-off,i was extremey bothered on nevra's route how gardienne glamourises pain and not consent.nevra didnt want to bite her and she was all the time kinda forcing him.
please,dont let that fucked up bitch to get close to me.
Hey Anon! :) Thank you for pointing that out.
I was already working on a part two of my critique which spoke of her lack of respect of her partner’s boundaries, which???? Beemoov literally makes it a point to make the guys ask if we are ready, but somehow that doesn’t apply to her? 
I was quite um tired of always reading about her sexually masochistic tendencies every single time Nevra bit her, but I was going to let it slide as I don’t take this as canon for MY gardienne. However, those that one time she literally force-fed Nevra in episode 29??? I had to close the tab for a second. It reminded me of the question of consent of needed blood transfusion among Jehovah witnesses in Canada (given that they cannot receive blood that isn’t theirs, if I recall correctly), the supreme court decision was that their choice must be respected, regardless of the need for blood transfusion. This is exactly how I see it, if Nevra needs blood, you don’t force him when you see him hesitate. You can speak to him, reassure him of your willingness, but for you to simply disregard his view of it, not adress it and shove your sliced arm to his mouth is fucked up. Also why does she always slice her arm??? Like,,, he has fangs, girly. 
Leiftan was also subjected to that in another episode, but I’d rather keep it for the critique because I need to provide greater context for other readers. 
I’ll provide screenshots to support this, too. 
But yes, very good point, one I agreed with to begin with. So glad to see I wasn’t the only one to notice! 
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asxeldarya · 5 years ago
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Illustrations, Eldarya Episode 29
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rinsy-o · 5 years ago
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ishtarq · 5 years ago
I’m dissappointed
So a long episode with lazy writing and ugly illustrations, with Erika doing a bunch of nonsense around HQ. Amazing. I am not even surprised <3
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lotucias · 5 years ago
Eldarya Episode 29
!!! SPOIL of Eldarya Episode 29 !!!
Leiftan is alive TwT I’m so happy that I’am crying too T_T
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Miiko : He is still breathing, I can feel his pulse. Go get me Eweleïn !!!
Gardy : (Nevra hastened to go find Eweleïn, while Ezarel performs first aid on the lorialet... Well... the daemon.)
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Grady : (It was Oluhua who took care of me when I arrived at the infirmary. Ewelain, she was taking care of Leiftan, currently in critical condition.)
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meg-eldaryaml · 5 years ago
What do you think will happen with this decision?
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I’m going to replay the episode to change some of my answers. I’ve thought a lot about all the main ones and so far I know I’ll choose to contain my rage (because if we get a chance of redeeming Lance I’ll take it, and I want my Gardi to be as good as possible for that task), and I’ll keep my decision of exposing Leiftan (although I wanted the jealousy scene with Nevra, but we can’t have everything in life T-T), but I don’t know about this one because we don’t know the effects of it.
On my first go, I admitted it, and I liked it because everyone got scared of my Gardi (I like when people of Eldarya proves to be rats instead of perfect open minded people), I was totally ok with them fearing her, and with Gardi feeling she shouldn’t hide her true self. But the scene ended pretty well, everyone opened up, everyone shared their secrets and hung out with the rest. I think maybe this was the way to show that everyone accepted Gardienne, and that’s not what I want.
On the other hand, if you choose to not share it, Gardienne hides it out of fear, and once again that’s not what I want. Besides, people won’t be scared of her. But if I was any citizen and discover in a bad way later that Gardienne has been hiding her Daemon origins for a long time, I would be entirely wary of her and her intentions. That would make sense in the future, and that would make them rats as I wanted. But I think it would be worse if people of Eldarya react like this if she uses her powers to protect them, for example, even though she told them all in a good way before. That’s the absolute top rat they can be, and I want that. 
That’s why I can’t decide yet. What do you all think? Will Eldaryans fully accept her if she tells them she is an Aengel, or will they be scared of her powers and stuff later?
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xlilynette · 5 years ago
I just played episode 29 and I admit it: SO BORED. I only did missions, I didn't see my Leiftan and a cat stole 1200 maanas from me.
But I reconciled with my Leiftan and got the image.
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light-faiths-blog · 5 years ago
I read a new episode. Despite the fact that there was a lot of running around, the episode was very sweet.
My favorite is Valkyon and I consider this episode one of the most touching and sweetest in terms of the heroine's relationship. The moments with them were quite short, but there were a lot.
Erika constantly paid attention to the emotions of Valkyon, to his new scars, worried, looked at him at night, kissed the back, where he should have wings. It was incredibly gently. And Valkyon shared his feelings about his origin, about how difficult for him to become a dragon, and most importantly Erika supported him, she spoke really true words that resonated in Valkyon’s soul (and in my).
Of course, all this was not enough in comparison with the other scenes but it was very sensual. Especially the scene with the poster, their worries that this might be their last night together, that they might die tomorrow, although it could not do without your favorite beemoov sex cliches.
With all my heart I love this couple. And Valkyon in particular ❤
I cant wait next episode. they deserve happiness already. And beautiful wedding.
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addictedtotoomanythings · 5 years ago
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Yes ❤
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ezarelz · 5 years ago
YES! New Eldarya content :) We love this 💕 It’s sometimes dry here on Tumblr :( Love this :)
Headcanon: How the boys would call you.
Hi, guys!!! It's the very first time that I'm trying to do something like that and I hope that you guys enjoy it and send me submissions if you want more. 
(Disclaimer: English it's not my first language, but this is a good way to practice, so if you find anything wrong let me know it :D) 
How the boys would call you
Ezarel: Honey/Sugar
Does anybody doubted about 'Honey'?! Seems reasonable to call his girlfriend as the thing he loves the most.
Do not call you that all the time, only in his good mood or when you're alone.
Lance: Bunny/Kitty
Lance's has this predator aura, wouldn't be a surprise if he referred to you as his prey because of your big puppy eyes and the way you behaved when you first met.
Likes to tease you about that, especially whenever you have other people around you.
Leiftan: My love/My Life
Leiftan really believes you are his soulmate, indeed he gave it to you half of his life, so referring to you as 'my love/life' would be a nice way to say how much you means for him.
Don't really mind saying it with other people around. 
Nevra: Gorgeous/Beautiful
Nevra is such a charmer, but everything about you makes he believe that you are the precious thing that he ever had. He loves you and likes to make sure that you feel loved and praised everytime.
He doesn't mind call you that way in public. 
Valkyon: Baby
Valkyon isn't the guy who likes to give nicknames for others, so he doesn't call you baby all the time, but whenever you two are alone and his soft side is at surface he would do it. 
Only would call you baby alone. 
Então pessoal, é a primeira vez que faço isso, espero que gostem e se quiserem me mandem ideias de mais Headcanons. 
"Como os meninos te chamariam"
Ezarel: Mel/Docinho
Alguém tinha dúvidas sobre 'Mel'? Parece lógico que ele chamasse a namorada da coisa que ele mais ama.
Não te chama assim sempre, apenas quando de bom humor ou quando vocês estão sozinhos. 
Lance: Coelhinha/Gatinha
O Lance têm essa aura de predador, então não seria uma surpresa se ele se referisse a você como presa por causa dos seus grandes olhos de filhotinho e a maneira como vocês se conheceram. 
Gosta de te provocar em relação a isso, especialmente se tiver outras pessoas ao redor. 
Leiftan: Meu amor/Minha vida
Ele realmente acredita que você é a alma gêmea dele, te deu até metade da vida dele, então se referir a você como 'meu amor/minha vida' é uma maneira legal de dizer o quanto você significa para ele. 
Não se importa de dizer na frente de outras pessoas. 
Nevra: Linda
O Nevra é um galanteador, mas tudo em relação a você faz ele acreditar que você é a coisa mais preciosa que ele já teve. Ele ama você e faz questão de te fazer sentir amada e enaltecida o tempo todo.
Não se importa de te chamar assim em público.
Valkyon: Baby (Bebê)
Valkyon não é o do tipo de cara que gosta de dar apelido aos outros, por isso ele não te chama de baby o tempo todo, mas sempre que vocês estão sozinhos e o lado fofo dele vem a tona ele se refere a você dessa maneira. 
Só vai te chamar assim quando sozinhos. 
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ezarelz · 5 years ago
Eldarya episode 29 summarized (up to now)
Alajéa out there like:
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And Colaïa @ Jamon:
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The mermaid sisters really out there finding real love 😳😋💅🏼🤩
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rinsy-o · 5 years ago
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meg-eldaryaml · 5 years ago
8 effing months and I still don’t know if Cryllis, one of my favs, is alive or not. Come on Beemoov, just tell me he’s dead already so I can move on, pleaseeeee
That’s it, now that we saw Jamon again, I’m changing my icon to Cryllis until news. This is getting ridiculous, just tell me he died so I can grieve him, but don’t you dare finishing the 1st season without telling me anything about him, please.
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xlilynette · 5 years ago
When we believed that Leiftan was not coming back.
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meg-eldaryaml · 5 years ago
Oh, my. I love this.
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She forgives him so quickly...Well, I guess she has a big heart ( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️)
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jxcotts · 4 years ago
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