#eldarya episode 29
tetrakys · 1 year
there's one thing that I don't understand, why was the new writer of Eldarya and MCL took over the writing and made Chino step down while she was the creator ?
Are you referring to Eldarya ANE's writer? No, he has nothing to do with this decision. If you check the credits page you can see that Eldarya has multiple people working on the plotting of the stories:
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The creator/art director is the person who has the original idea of the game and characters and makes decisions on how the plot should evolve. The creator basically decides characters' backgrounds, how the story starts, how it ends and main plot points. This person is Chino.
Then there is the proofreader (I guess it's also called product manager?), who is the person that decides what happens in each episode and reads the script of the game written by the writer and makes changes. This is the person that sets the tone of the episode and tells the writer how characters should behave and what kind of interactions they should have. Chino used to do that at the beginning of TO, until the management of the company decided that someone else should take over. This happened I think between episodes 20-22. One of the last things she personally worked on was Leiftan's spin-off, since then she has no idea what's been happening in Eldarya episodes anymore.
Then there is the writer, who is the person who actually writes the whole script, the actual dialogues, but they are lead by the project manager, so they don't make decisions on the plot. This person used to be Hikaru until episode 29 of TO, after that the current writer arrived, they wrote episode 30 and the whole ANE.
That's why, despite Chino having left, episodes 21-29 don't feel extremely different, because at least Hikaru was still there and knew the characters and their personalities, but you can see that the events in the plot had already started to make little sense. That's when Eldarya stopped having any flirting and fluff and we were only given a few random sex scenes, almost as if to tick a box to say yeah this is still a romance game. Also the whole Blue Sacrifice, the LIs' backstories etc plotholes over plotholes because they decided to change the scenarist mid-game. And it's my opinion that the second project manager clearly didn't bother to pay attention to the previous 21 episodes nor try to really understand what was Eldarya's real story. I know this story now (which is what I'm explaining in the fic) and I can say that it really doesn't take an effing genius to follow a simple plot. Nor be consistent with the characters' real personalities.
I am angry with the writer who messed up Lance, Leiftan and Nevra, but in truth the guy only arrived when TO was over, the project manager/proofreader should've told him on the first day "look, this is wrong, you should make the character behave like this instead". Why didn't they do that? Why did the company decide to risk messing up the game by removing the creator and making work someone else on the scenarios? And why make this person work also on another game (uncoven) instead of focusing on the one they had just assigned them? I don't know, I'm not Beemoov's CEO. All this seems so absurd to me, who would ever make such stupid decisions? The same people who decided it made complete sense to remove love interests from otome games apparently 🤡 I'm sorry if I sound really salty. I loved Eldarya with all my heart, I'm never going to get over the fact that this game died because of shitty managerial decisions.
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ezarelz · 3 years
Not only Chrome spin-off,i was extremey bothered on nevra's route how gardienne glamourises pain and not consent.nevra didnt want to bite her and she was all the time kinda forcing him.
please,dont let that fucked up bitch to get close to me.
Hey Anon! :) Thank you for pointing that out.
I was already working on a part two of my critique which spoke of her lack of respect of her partner’s boundaries, which???? Beemoov literally makes it a point to make the guys ask if we are ready, but somehow that doesn’t apply to her? 
I was quite um tired of always reading about her sexually masochistic tendencies every single time Nevra bit her, but I was going to let it slide as I don’t take this as canon for MY gardienne. However, those that one time she literally force-fed Nevra in episode 29??? I had to close the tab for a second. It reminded me of the question of consent of needed blood transfusion among Jehovah witnesses in Canada (given that they cannot receive blood that isn’t theirs, if I recall correctly), the supreme court decision was that their choice must be respected, regardless of the need for blood transfusion. This is exactly how I see it, if Nevra needs blood, you don’t force him when you see him hesitate. You can speak to him, reassure him of your willingness, but for you to simply disregard his view of it, not adress it and shove your sliced arm to his mouth is fucked up. Also why does she always slice her arm??? Like,,, he has fangs, girly. 
Leiftan was also subjected to that in another episode, but I’d rather keep it for the critique because I need to provide greater context for other readers. 
I’ll provide screenshots to support this, too. 
But yes, very good point, one I agreed with to begin with. So glad to see I wasn’t the only one to notice! 
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asxeldarya · 4 years
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Illustrations, Eldarya Episode 29
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rinsy-o · 5 years
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ishtarq · 5 years
I’m dissappointed
So a long episode with lazy writing and ugly illustrations, with Erika doing a bunch of nonsense around HQ. Amazing. I am not even surprised <3
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lotucias · 5 years
Eldarya Episode 29
!!! SPOIL of Eldarya Episode 29 !!!
Leiftan is alive TwT I’m so happy that I’am crying too T_T
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Miiko : He is still breathing, I can feel his pulse. Go get me Eweleïn !!!
Gardy : (Nevra hastened to go find Eweleïn, while Ezarel performs first aid on the lorialet... Well... the daemon.)
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Grady : (It was Oluhua who took care of me when I arrived at the infirmary. Ewelain, she was taking care of Leiftan, currently in critical condition.)
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neilada-d6-meghah · 5 years
What do you think will happen with this decision?
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I’m going to replay the episode to change some of my answers. I’ve thought a lot about all the main ones and so far I know I’ll choose to contain my rage (because if we get a chance of redeeming Lance I’ll take it, and I want my Gardi to be as good as possible for that task), and I’ll keep my decision of exposing Leiftan (although I wanted the jealousy scene with Nevra, but we can’t have everything in life T-T), but I don’t know about this one because we don’t know the effects of it.
On my first go, I admitted it, and I liked it because everyone got scared of my Gardi (I like when people of Eldarya proves to be rats instead of perfect open minded people), I was totally ok with them fearing her, and with Gardi feeling she shouldn’t hide her true self. But the scene ended pretty well, everyone opened up, everyone shared their secrets and hung out with the rest. I think maybe this was the way to show that everyone accepted Gardienne, and that’s not what I want.
On the other hand, if you choose to not share it, Gardienne hides it out of fear, and once again that’s not what I want. Besides, people won’t be scared of her. But if I was any citizen and discover in a bad way later that Gardienne has been hiding her Daemon origins for a long time, I would be entirely wary of her and her intentions. That would make sense in the future, and that would make them rats as I wanted. But I think it would be worse if people of Eldarya react like this if she uses her powers to protect them, for example, even though she told them all in a good way before. That’s the absolute top rat they can be, and I want that. 
That’s why I can’t decide yet. What do you all think? Will Eldaryans fully accept her if she tells them she is an Aengel, or will they be scared of her powers and stuff later?
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xlilynette · 4 years
I just played episode 29 and I admit it: SO BORED. I only did missions, I didn't see my Leiftan and a cat stole 1200 maanas from me.
But I reconciled with my Leiftan and got the image.
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light-faiths-blog · 5 years
I read a new episode. Despite the fact that there was a lot of running around, the episode was very sweet.
My favorite is Valkyon and I consider this episode one of the most touching and sweetest in terms of the heroine's relationship. The moments with them were quite short, but there were a lot.
Erika constantly paid attention to the emotions of Valkyon, to his new scars, worried, looked at him at night, kissed the back, where he should have wings. It was incredibly gently. And Valkyon shared his feelings about his origin, about how difficult for him to become a dragon, and most importantly Erika supported him, she spoke really true words that resonated in Valkyon’s soul (and in my).
Of course, all this was not enough in comparison with the other scenes but it was very sensual. Especially the scene with the poster, their worries that this might be their last night together, that they might die tomorrow, although it could not do without your favorite beemoov sex cliches.
With all my heart I love this couple. And Valkyon in particular ❤
I cant wait next episode. they deserve happiness already. And beautiful wedding.
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Yes ❤
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ezarelz · 5 years
Eldarya episode 29 summarized (up to now)
Alajéa out there like:
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And Colaïa @ Jamon:
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The mermaid sisters really out there finding real love 😳😋💅🏼🤩
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jxcotts · 3 years
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rinsy-o · 5 years
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oarley · 5 years
Purriry: You’re wearing that into battle?
Gardienne: But you’re the one who made this for me!
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tetrakys · 5 years
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Hello Guardians! Due to the virus and the preventative actions put in place by the French government, every Beemoov employee is in confinement. The team is doing everything possible to continue to provide for our games so that your experience will remain unchanged. Starting today, exceptional measures will be taken to allow you to enjoy your adventure a little more across the lands of El! Enjoy the following offers, from today and until March 31: * The spin-offs The Monchon Effect, Through the Eyes of an Angel and Double-Edged are on sale for 50% off; enough to learn more about the guardians of the city. * Replays are75% off. * A 20% bonus for all Maana and GC recharges at the bank! For example, if you make a recharge for 1,350 Maana + 300 Maana free, you won’t receive 1,650 but 1,980 Maanas! And for your companion: * Receive 1 free incubator with your first log in. * Exploration times are divided in half! For example, if you send your companion to the HQ Gardens, it will come back after 2.5 minutes, instead of 5! New content will be coming soon to Eldarya(episode 29 isn’t far away!), so stay tuned! Have a nice day and take care!
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neilada-d6-meghah · 4 years
8 effing months and I still don’t know if Cryllis, one of my favs, is alive or not. Come on Beemoov, just tell me he’s dead already so I can move on, pleaseeeee
That’s it, now that we saw Jamon again, I’m changing my icon to Cryllis until news. This is getting ridiculous, just tell me he died so I can grieve him, but don’t you dare finishing the 1st season without telling me anything about him, please.
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