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Wembley collarless,limited edition shirt. • 100% Luxury Egyptian Cotton • collarless shirt • Plain Fabric • Button Cuffs • Style Code: Limited Edition Shirt To order www.bakersluxury.com 08097198988 #bakersluxury #shirt #wembley #fashion #bakedbybakers #shirtstyle #tuesday #elbowpatch #bishopcollar #newlook #collarlessshirt (at Bakers Luxury) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7B9DZqXJd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Happy Friday! Sharing some #design love! Live w/ #PAACHN . . . . #menswear #fashion #futurefashion #futurist #style #urbanwear #urbanfashion #streetwear #minimalmovement #highsnobiety #elbowpatches #hypebeast #mensblazer #elbowpatch #onlocation #livewithpaachn #creative #creativespirit #sustainablefashion #technicalapparel #modernman #modernnotoriety #menstyle #creativeprofessional #modernnotoriety #experientialclothing #contemporaryart #luxurylifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CAOxqlPgfIk/?igshid=8hkhp6s0n7up
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Creative side of Puddingface ☺.... @floppyears.comics . . . #elbowpatch #funnycomics #comicstrip #comics #webcomics #dailycomics #meme #illustration #drawing #cartoonist #kikisujatmiko #floppyearscomics https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz4UeGKBwuB/?igshid=gstuj1ua6esp
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This is a fabulous hunting blazer from @abercrombie and #hausersport #vintage #vintageclothing #etsyshop #etsy #etsyvintage #clittleshop #elbowpatches #shootingjacket #leatherbuttons #abercrombieandfitch #abercrombie (at CLittleShop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKBtZR8FVni/?igshid=1v4pjsjxqcrhr
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Cord.......... Double breasted Patch pockets........ 3 inch cuffs I’m getting outside of my box Stay tuned.... #chicago #corduroy #moguld #suit #amazing #beautiful #luxury #patchpockets #doublebreasted #fallcolors #elbowpatches #fashion #styleinspiration #inspiration #timeless (at Mogul D) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHi8LtQFTIA/?igshid=o5tye1x6fp4f
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NEW DROP ALERT!! 🔥🔥🔥 Introducing the "All Over Print Onassis Krown Monogram Sweatshirt" in Red or Navy Blue! Which is your favorite?? Order yours now... limited supply. Get yours while you can... Follow us 4 more & find out how to make money with us as an ambassador. And oh yeah btw... WEAR YOUR KROWN?! 👑 "If you like the finer things in life... it's OK!" #onassiskrown #king #queen #itsok #thefinerthings #wearyourkrown #watchthethrone #downwiththeking #monogram #gogetit #signaturecollection #levelup #elbowpatches #longsleeve #alloverprint #sweatshirt #sweater #shirt #luxurylifestyle #shirts #fashiongoals #styleinspiration #wearthisnext #fashionsense #menfashion #womenfashion #streetwear #hiphopfashion #urbanfashion #clothingbrand (at Onassis Krown) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkRrWN8L-TO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Wembley collarless,limited edition shirt. • 100% Luxury Egyptian Cotton • collarless shirt • Plain Fabric • Button Cuffs • Style Code: Limited Edition Shirt To order www.bakersluxury.com 08097198988 #bakersluxury #shirt #wembley #fashion #bakedbybakers #shirtstyle #monday #elbowpatch #bishopcollar #newlook (at Bakers Luxury) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmGSN7aKQ_q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Here's how to tansform those boring knits with elbow patches! 🧵 Step 1: Grab your top, 2 ovals chopped from non-fraying fabric (felt works fab!) + hand sewing gear. Step 2: Hand stitch the patches over the elbow area on the back of each sleeve. Quick tip: For easy sewing, pop a tall glass or jar inside the sleeve to keep the front & back fabric layers separated and your stitches a snap to sew! Step 3: Enjoy your adorable new elbow patches . . . . #elbowpatches #refashionista #sustainablefashion #celebcopycat #slowfashion #upcycle #tutorial #ecofashion #thriftedfashion #recycledfashion #sew #sustainableclothing #upcycledclothing #secondhandfashion #secondhandfirst #newtoyou #fabover40 #refashion #secondhandstyle #circularfashion #upcyclingfashion #conciousfashion #lovedclotheslast #zerowastefashion #ecofashionista #makedoandmend #chooseused #gwynethpaltrow (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLUWV0uJupH/?igshid=l4mptwaoki8i
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Red currents and raspberries sing me a meadow of muse . . Today I saw an elderly couple I often see in church. I am prone to find the oldest person in a room. My parents were always the oldest in the rooms of my childhood as they were older when they had me. Grey hair had set in on my father’s comb over long before he taught me to ride a bike. . . My parents were the Greatest Generation, born in 1929 & 1935. People often mistook them for my grandparents. As a child and teen, this embarrassed me. Now, I don’t care. I just ant them back. . . I find old people in rooms and stores and grocery stores, sitting in church pews, their wrinkles a compass towards my own heart. I trace the weathered face with my gaze and wonder if I can send a message through the living to the dead. It’s a morbid game I play wishing my dead parents could be the oldest people in the room with me, living. . . I play the same game with the birds: cardinals, to be exact. I believe in tiny muscles; they often boom the loudest. . . I saw this old couple today in a shopping center parking lot. They have no idea what game I play when I see them. The man with his Irish skin and sharp professor clothes reminds me so hart-ache-ingly of my father, I long to run his suave elbow patches for good luck. My father looks good in elbow patches corduroy and wool blazers. This is something only old men can wear like wizards. . . I saw he old couple and I wanted so badly to speak to them. My heart was inside out and that can be such a mess when having to make small talk. The curse of the poet; we have no idea how to talk of the weather as its moods is what makes us sway and swoon. How the shape of a@cumin koi’s cloud against sunset backlight can draft us into delirium. . . So I kept walking with my heart inside out and bought red currents and raspberries at the store. My mom and dad loved them both and grew them in our garden in Wheaton. . . . #GreatestGeneration #parents #grandparents #birds #angels #grief #writing #love #hope #messages #Faith #church #oldpeople #strangers #elbowpatches #panache #caps #hats #wrinkles #currents #gardens #raspberries #impulsebuys #memories #childhood #oldmen #couples (at Wheaton, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dZvkch225/?igshid=vzpgcagjvyhl
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🐪🐫 #Patternmixing and #Camels 🐪🐫 on a #Tuesday 😊 #Flowers and #Stripes and #ElbowPatches? Why the heck not??? Have an awesome day!!! 🐪🐫 🤓 Join us in Farasue’s Garden™️ to grow healthy hair you love 😘 Good business always in ALL ways 👸🏽 🌱🍋🌿🍋🌞🍋🌵🍋🌳 #Perfectlyimperfect, 🦋@Farasue 🦋 #farasuesgarden #farasue #pescabacontarian #putyourhairtobed #endsbutter #liquidsunshine #beardbutter #naturalhair #putmyhairtobed #goodcaregoodhair #healthyhair #blessed #haircareproductsthatwork #ilovemyhair #bighairdontcare https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LGefLFQPN/?igshid=kbu4bvsim2s4
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What happens when I do a custom project for a bespoke gent who represents all things dapper and smooth? This is what happens! I may have lost my damned mind, but this #Boombox has #elbowpatches, buttons and a collar. We shall call him Lord Bernard, or just Bernie Booms for short. (at Case Of Bass)
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Handsome pink with elbow action. . . Also available in light brown and blue. . . #mensfashion #blazer #pink #plaid #elbowpatches #oldgoldvt #herringbone #style #simplicity #stylish #casualstyle #menstyle #college #professor #fashion#jacket #wooljacket #elbow #btv #shoplocal #smallbusiness (at Downtown Burlington, Burlington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5X_j8mhKKJ/?igshid=15pxfogt4c5c6
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1. Pavement Mushroom // Agaricus bitorquis 1/1 no sigils, squirrel
2. Bearded Fieldcap // Agrocybe molesta 2/2 no sigils
3. Pink Disco // Aleurodiscus wakefieldiae 1/2, Party, any card that destroys this can no longer attack
4. Snakeskin Grisette // Amanita ceciliae 2/3 with Snakeskin, lowers oncoming damage by one
5. False Deathcap // Amanita citrina 4/2 no sigils
6. Destroying Angel // Amanita virosa 1/4 with Crushing Demise, works the same as touch of death
7. Upper Crust // Amaurodon cyaneus 2/2 with High Society, other cards gain +1 to both stats when this card is hit
8. Club Foot // Ampulloclitocybe clavipes 2/2 no sigils
9. Hair Sedge Smut // Anthracoidea capillaris 1/3 with Seedy, summon a copy of this card into all empty spaces without this sigil when it dies
10. Bulbous Honey Fungus // Armillaria gallica 2/3 with Honeysweet, lowers all enemies attack power by 1
11. Purple Jellydisc // Ascocoryne sarcoides 2/3 with Jellyfish, cards that attack this lose 1 attack after
12. Powdery Piggyback // Asterophora lycoperdoides 2/1 with Powderkeg, explodes on death, dealing 10 damage to all adjacent cards
13. Barometer Earthstar // Astraeus hygrometricus 3/2 with Earthbreaker, deals +1 damage when nothing opposes it
14. Drab Tooth // Bankera fuligineoalba 2/1 with Toothy, explained earlier
15. Lemon Disco // Bisporella citrina 2/3 with Party, explained earlier
16. The Pretender // Boletus pseudoregius, 0/0 with Copy, Steals the attack and health from the opposing card and adds it to it's own
17. The Humpback // Cantharellula umbonata, 4/4 with Massive, takes up two spaces, only used by The Angler
18. Dewdrop Dapperling // Chamaemyces fracidus, 2/1 with High Society, explained above
19. Gassy Webcap // Cortinarius traganus 2/2 with Noxious, the card that destroys this is destroyed
20. Golden Navel // Chrysomphalina chrysophylla 1/2 with Midas Touch, gain 1 overkill if this card is defeated
21. Devil's Fingers // Clathrus archeri 1/1 with Drag to Hell, the card that defeats this is dragged to your side
22. Skinny Club // Clavaria incarnata 3/1 with no sigils
23. Mealy Frosted Funnel // Clitocybe ditopa, 2/2 with no sigils
24. Lentil Shanklet // Collybia tuberosa 2/3 with no sigils
25. Tiger's Eye // Coltricia perennis 2/2 with Magpie's Eye, the same as normal
26. Wet Rot // Coniophora puteana 1/1 with Rotting, summons when a card dies
27. Distinguished Inkcap // Coprinus alopecius 2/2 with High Society
28. Drumstick Truffleclub // Cordyceps capitata 2/1, no sigils
29. Bug Sputnik // Cordyceps clavulata 1/2 with Infestation, gives you a Fungus/1 Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis drone when played
30. Turquoise Elfcup // Chlorociboria aeruginosa 2/4, wooden roots, can't take more than 2 damage a turn
31. Hairy Parachute // Crinipellis scabella 2/2 with Mighty Leap, same as normal
32. Common Bird's Nest // Crucibulum laeve 1/2 with Airborne, same as normal
33. Cinnamon Jellybaby // Cudonia confusa, 1/2 with Jellyfish
34. Weeping Toothcrust // Dacryobolus sudans 1/1 with Toothy, deals +1 damage to cards with more attack than it
35. King Alfred's Cakes / Cramp Balls // Daldinia concentrica 3/3 with no sigils
36. Dark Crazed Cap // Dermoloma pseudocuneifolium 2/1 with Rising Dark, the opponment cannot see your field while this is on it
37. Snaketongue Truffleclub // Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoides 2/2 with Snakeskin
38. Witches' Butter // Exidia glandulosa 1/2 with no sigils
39. Elbowpatch Crust // Fomitiporia punctata 2/1 with no sigils
40. Funeral Bell // Galerina marginata 1/1 with Crushing Demise
41. Cabbage Parachute // Gymnopus brassicolens 1/3 with Mighty Leap
42. Bitter Poisonpie // Hebeloma sinapizans 2/2 with Noxious
43. Twisted Deceiver // Laccaria tortilis 1/3 with Copy
44. Whiskery Milkcap // Lactarius mairei 2/1 with Party
45. Chicken of the Woods // Laetiporus sulphureus 1/2 with no sigils
46. Hairy Nuts Disco // Lanzia echinophila 3/2 with Party
47. Cat Dapperling // Lepiota felina 1/2 with High Society and Pet!, when this card is touched, it gains +1 attack and health, upto +3
48. Dog's Mercury Rust // Melampsora populnea 2/2 with Pet!
49. Goblet Parachute // Marasmiellus vaillantii 1/3 with mighty leap
50. Bald Knight // Melanoleuca melaleuca 2/4 with no sigils
51. Bedstraw Smut // Melanotaenium endogenum 1/2 with Drag to Hell
52. Cryptic Bonnet // Mycena picta 2/2 with Nightmare, when this card gets attacked, randomize it's stats
53. Vampires Bane // Mycetinis scorodonius 1/3 with Nightmare
54. Mint Mildew // Neoerysiphe galeopsidis 2/1 with Minty, cards placed in this cards space after it dies gain it's stats +their own
55. Hotlips // Octospora humosa 2/2 with Drag to Hell
56. Jack O Lantern // Omphalotus illudens 1/2 with Nightmare
57. Zombie Ant Fungus // Ophiocordyceps unilateralis Fungus/4 with Infestation and Drag to Hell
58. Mealy Oyster // Ossicaulis lignatilis 1/1 with no sigils
59. Midnight Disco // Pachyella violaceonigra 3/3 with Party
60. Pancake Crust // Perenniporia medulla-panis 2/1 with edible, you can place a card on this one, and it gains it's stats and sigils
61. Bonfire Cauliflower // Peziza proteana f. sparassoides 1/1 with edible
62. Lion Shield // Pluteus leoninus 1/5 with Lions Heart, all damage goes to this card
63. Moon Carrot Rust // Puccinia libanotidis 2/3 with edible
64. The Flirt // Russula vesca 2/2 with drag to hell
65. Potato Earthball // Scleroderma bovista 2/10Only used by the Prospecter
66. Contorted Strangler // Squamanita contortipes 5/10 Only used by The Mycologists
67. Hairy Earthtongue // Trichoglossum hirsutump 1/3 with no sigils
68. Plums and Custard // Tricholomopsis rutilans 2/10 with revival, Only used by the Trapper and Trader
69. Scurfy Twiglet // Tubaria furfuracea 2/2 with no sigils
70. Fingered Candlesnuff // Xylaria digitata 5/1 0Only used by the Mycologists
71. Dead Moll's Fingers // Xylaria longipes 2/1 with Drag to Hell
Swordhilt mushroom, 1/2 no sigils
Trenti, 2/2 with Wrathful, when destroyed, return back to the hand with +1 attack
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