#elassia cousland
inquisitorsnappy · 3 years
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Warden-Commander Cousland
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inquisitorsnappy · 3 years
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had a go doing these relationship charts for my dragon age protags. how their relationship is at the start is at the oc and how it is at the end of the game is at the character.
(template here)
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inquisitorsnappy · 6 years
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so here’s something i’ve been working on for the last couple weeks. i finally got around to drawing all of my oc’s on a goddamn height chart!! at long last, i’m providing some visuals for my girls. (click here for better quality bc i guess tumblr’s formatting is shit)
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inquisitorsnappy · 3 years
i’ve added a more detailed OC page for my dragon age OCs if anyone is curious
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inquisitorsnappy · 7 years
Thank you for all the OC posts you've been reblogging! I love hearing about other people's OCs ; w ; What are your characters for, if you don't mind me asking?
so tumblr failed to actually inform me of having things in my inbox so i haven’t seen this until now so idk when you sent this and this probs really late and i am really sorry! but thank you for showing an interest in my ocs!
dana eden khaar is my player character from kotor 1kire thresh is my player character from kotor 2elassia cousland is my player character from dragon age: originsgabrielle hawke is my player character from dragon age 2atisha lavellan is my player character from dragon age inquisitionira tiwari and sara polnareff are my ocs for a jojo’s bizarre adventure writing collab i’m working on with @reromanash windsor is my player character from soul calibur iii’s chronicles of the sword mode
most of these come from me playing too many rpgs but i love my girls
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inquisitorsnappy · 9 years
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um excuse you
she is stunning
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inquisitorsnappy · 9 years
Here's questions about your DA OC(s)! How would they feel about living alone? Do they linger on any wrongs they've done?
sorry i took a while to answer!!(under a cut bc it got long)
Elassia would probably be fine with theidea of living alone since she’s not exactly the most sociable person in Thedasbut actually living alone would probably cause her to be on edge and skittish.Whilst she prefers silence over talking, Elassia would still want to be in thepresence of people as often as possible .
Elizabeth has never livedalone and the very idea is terrifying to her. She’s a people person by natureand wants to spend as much time with her friends and family as she can. If shewas living alone, she would probably hardly ever be home and instead just be atthe Hanged Man at all hours of the day (as if she wasn’t already).
Serene would be fine living alone. She’sused to being by herself and likes to spend time in solitude. However, it couldend up with her not socialising at all since she tends to only leave the housewhen she has to, being a practical person that hates wasting time. Not onlythat but she often relies on the emotional bonds she has with people (mainlySolas, Josephine and Dorian). But overall, whilst it might be better for her tobe living with another person, she’s best suited out of these lot to livealone.
Elassia lingers a heck of a lot. Even onthings that weren’t her fault. The main thing that never slips her mind is theattack on Highever and her failure to save her family during it. Whilst shecould really have done anything without getting herself killed, she blamesherself and never stopped blaming herself. It’s something she tends to do.Elassia beats herself up over anything that goes wrong.
Elizabeth does linger butshe’d never admit it. She’ll put on a smile and pretend everything is fine andonly let that mask fall when she’s alone. Elizabeth,however, isn’t great at recognising what she’s done as right or wrong with hermorality being in a grey area. But if it’s something she thinks is wrong, yes,she will beat herself up about it.
Serene lingers andeveryone knows it. Even though she’s never told anyone, it’s pretty easy totell when she’s upset over something, mainly because she’ll be punching thenearest solid object. However, she follows her own rules of right and wrong,which don’t vary too much from other peoples at first but after Trespasser,less and less things seem wrong to her. They might not be right but they won’tbe wrong so she’ll do them without remorse. Serene is ruthless like that. Butif she does believe that something she has done is wrong, she’ll get angry atherself for doing it in the first place.
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