lotus-3dart · 1 year
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I’m disappointed no one has made this joke until now
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codepami · 1 year
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xoxoannimuxoxo · 1 year
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I didn't think I'd see the day
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ofindigoskies · 1 year
things I am adding to the elan 5 petri dish that I am going to put under the microscope:
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also I think its fun to note he did not raise his score at all the entire fight, he's absolutely serious about living as long as he can
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tumblezwei · 2 years
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Elan5: so... are you two friends?
Suletta: yes-
Miorine: no
Suletta: *sniffs* n-no...
Miorine: we're soulmates
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wibbleburger · 1 year
list of favorite scenes in gwitch!!!!!!!!
when suletta confronts kenanji about killing her father
when we find out about elan5s backstory and how he was a spacian that was kidnapped and had his body altered by peil
when peil kidnapping spacian children is brought to light and the characters have to grapple with the power dynamics not being as clear cut as they thought they were
when olcott and guel had their fated reunion on the battlefield
when guel came to terms with his dad making the 'protester killer 5000' series of mechs and turned his back on the spacian world
when nika confronted her father about his actions
when after being abandoned by her mother and fiance suletta bonded with the earth house students and learned of their lives and how they relate to their own families and realized the world wasnt as small as the two people she had been clinging to
when delling revealed his and notrettes true intentions for quiet zero and how prospera had come to corrupt his dream
when miorine sees earth for the first time and has to grapple with the paradise of freedom she imagined in relation to her mother and the broken state it exists in in reality
when we saw miorine and suletta finding the message from her mother together and suletta holds her close and they find mutual understanding in how they were both left behind by their mothers in their own ways
when chuchu and nika have a heart to heart and nika tells her she was fighting for girls like her
when we see chuchus homecoming to earth and reflect on the nature of being the one child who got to leave behind the life of poverty and labor her family never escaped from
god i am so fucking miserable
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qqchurch · 1 year
for some extra pain:
we know that there's notifications for cockpit shots thanks to that time Chu Chu almost got hit by Norea
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Norea 100% knew that she was being locked on the entire time Elan5 was giving his speech to her and maybe if she was still in full rage mode she could've just been grazed and keep on going until she burnt out just like Sophie did
except, Elan5 snapped her out of it
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above everything, Norea seemed to look up to Sophie and with her gone as well as the untold time she's been stewing in her own thoughts, she's likely seen the pointlessness of keeping on going. the news of the massacre back on Earth only let her crystallize everything back into hot, glowing rage that gave her the push to go lash out one more time
she knew she was going to die, either from completely burning herself out by the Gundam's Curse or finally getting overwhelmed in battle
Elan5, though, broke through her rage and centered her back on what was important to her: Sophie and her fear of dying to the Gundam
Norea definitely knows how quick of a death you'd get from a beam sniper shot since she's using one herself. Everything comes crashing back to her, the pointlessness of it all, and she just... gives up
all it'd take to make it easier is to just distance herself from Elan5 to make herself an easier target and
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she's gone.
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zanyzensblog · 1 year
Suletta Sunday omg holy crap!
My reactions More or less in order. But probably a jumbled mess. Spoilers ahead. 
Oh wow we’re really just getting right into it.
Damn, Suletta really loves her mom and sis and doesn’t want them to become even bigger war criminals.
Damn it Laudna, you’re emitting peak incel women hating energy right here. Stop it.
Suletta is officially the best damn pilot of the show, maybe Eri was holding back a bit but still the fact she’s flying through all of Aerial’s bits is something I don’t think even Guel in a gundam could really do.
Somebody else is in the data storm? Oooo our elusive Notrette perhaps?
Oh crap, the Assembly league has a death star. A big one. Annnnd of course those bene gesserit looking bitches are not only saving their own skins but making a play to be the top dogs. Ugh.
Elan 5 a little bit of a badass. 
*Gives gun to Belmira “I could never” (oh come you know you’ve basically killed scores) “I’m not giving a gun to a student.” (Damn it I almost like this guy even though he killed Nadim and basically started this whole mess)
“where did you get a gun?” “Who cares?” LOL
I always knew Haro’s were evil. Always knew it!
Damn Propera hitting them with the “You didn’t think I would change the password?” good villainess shit there.
Damn it Laudna, why do you suck sooo damn bad? Guel just kill his ass, the additional ptsd will be worth it.
Oh damn Guel is gonna die nooooooo not our boy!
*Sees flashback of when Guel met Laudna and Guel was immediately an accepting big brother happy to have a little bro.* Sniff, I’m not crying. Damn bro.
Felsi you goddamn miracle. MVP. Would have bet money one of the brothers was gonna die but nope, not if Felsi had any say in it. Attagirl!
Miorine calling out Prospera’s clear favoritism of Eri over Suletta.
Miorine remembering what I assume is a whole ass genome sequence she learned of yesterday that translates to an I love you from her mother to override Quiet Zero was absolutely baller and she’s got a galaxy brain if there ever was one. 
Damn Bel, way to step up a bit.
Damn Elan5, nice shot.
Miorine basically telling Prospera “I’m marrying your daughter no matter what, we’re gonna be a family. So deal.” Happy Pride month indeed! Love to see it!
Oh crap, here comes the double cross from the bigwigs, they’re a firing the laser!
Eri noo!
Prospera’s mark? What’s going on there?
Holy crap most of Aerial actually survived that? That Gundam really is built different. But did Eri still die? Is there anything left of her? If not, Prospera’s gonna utterly freaking lose it on somebody. 
Closing thoughts Next episode is called the Final Episode? Huh, feels a little weird to title something that. I doubt this series is gonna get another season (Really wish it would, it’s done pretty damn solid storytelling for the amount going on and the small amount of episodes it has. Though still it definitely could have benefited from more episodes and a little more time to breathe and develop certain plots) 
I mean hopefully maybe it’ll at least get a movie (Gundam 00 did it) or a spinoff at worst (freaking Gundam Seed had like 3 right?) So here’s hoping we get to see more of this Gundam timeline cause damn, they made a solid and fun anime with this one. Last episode I’m almost positive we’re gonna get Delling talking about what exactly happened to Notrette and why he made Quiet Zero (I’m still positive it’s a Gendo Ikari thing, I’ll eat a hat if I’m wrong.) and also, hopefully we’ll finally get to hear wedding bells!! Get the best dresses! Chuchu should be Miorine’s maid of honor and Guel should Suletta’s best man! Don’t @ me.
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space-payacho · 1 year
ok but what if Elan5 is gonna try to really poke the bear on this and uses the pharact on aerial, only for her to move on her own and go feral on his ass like
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rachelraygifs · 1 year
Also really worried that Elan5 is going to like, force himself on Suletta and I don't want that, it's really something I see happening after Sophie's gone and Elan positions himself to "help" her. I'm just scared. I don't think the show is going to end up with her like, with Elan or anything but idk I'm worried.
Like I like Suletta and Mio as a couple but I would like to see more emotional work between them, especially for why Suletta is so invested in Mio. Im not sure I want an extended Elan drama thing when I feel like the show is starting to run out of time to cash all the checks it spent writing in the first cour.
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codepami · 1 year
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frostops · 1 year
i dont want to focus on the parts i dont like too much, but norea and elan5's bullshit did not get better. any other show i would expect to have a man perster and not respect the boundaries of a woman only for her to like him back and then get killed off for his development, but not this one. easily the weakest part of the show
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the-stray-liger · 1 year
This FUCKING EPISODE, man. I love Suletta, but this episode highlighted just how heartbreakingly mindless she is to a certain extent. She has some awareness of what she is doing is wrong, but because she trusts her mother and the Aerial, or rather her sister Eri to such an extent, she lets them make all the hard decisions for her. They can do nothing wrong in her eyes because she trusts them so implicitly... and that makes it just so PAINFUL, because of how eagerly Prospera abuses that trust for her own ends. Miorine can easily see just how much of a puppet that Prospera has turned her second daughter into, and she is BEYOND pissed... and yet there is little she can actually do in her position right now.
Elan 5 is feeling the pressure from the higher ups, and after his failure to procure the Aerial, as well as facing down Ericht's ghost in the process, lashes out at Belmeria, who despite her opposition to Prospera's own actions, has her own sins to answer for, as her own pursuit of enhanced human research spits in the face of the teachings and ideals of their shared mentor, Cardo Nabo. Her position is pitiful to an extent, sure, but the scary thing is that Prospera is RIGHT in this instance; for all of her posturing and assertation that Prospera is doing something terrible, Elan 5 is a walking reminder that no matter her justifications for it, Belmeria's hands are also stained with blood, and she can never escape from that fact.
... Meanwhile, Guel is back, yay! At the same time however, the weight of what he did back at Plant Quetta is still hanging over his head even as he reunites with his brother, and plans on making everything right again. What that actually is, we have no idea... but it could be anything at this point. There's no telling how things will turn out if, or rather when the truth behind their father's death makes itself known.
Prospera's chokehold on Suletta's mind and will would be exasperating if we weren't so aware of the incredibly fucked up context she comes from.
Prospera has groomed her from the beginning to become a tool in her insane plot for revenge, and if you think about it even Eri and Suletta are victims to a certain point of what happened in the prologue. Even if Miorine wasn't aware of that at first, she certainly could see that Suletta was not right, she wasn't thinking for herself and was even willing to let go of her most important dream and even kill because her mother said it would be okay to do it. Im still chewing on the fact that Miorine isn't angry at Suletta, she immediately ran to Prospera with the full intention to throw hands with her.
I still dont believe in the theory about Prospera using technological means to control Suletta. I have been in an abusive relationship before and I assure you, someone acting like they have your best interest in mind to win your trust when you're in a bad place can rewire your whole brain. I don't think Prospera has the need to mind control Suletta, all she needs is the fact that she is her mom and for all 17 years of Suletta's life she has been her entire world. Suletta had a very isolated childhood and no reason to question Prospera's authority. Im gonna eat my fucking keyboard
I LOVED that scene with Elan 5. I dn't like Elan5 but it was interesting to see how despite him being "better" than the previous Elan, he is still a replaceable tool, a result of Belmeria's enhanced human research and he faces the threat of being scraped just like Elan 4 did. It was fascinating to me that Elan 4 could pilot Aerial without resistance from Eri, but when Elan 5 tried to he got caught in the data storm and Eri herself told him "get out". What is the difference between the Elans if they're both technically the same thing when it comes to permet score abilities and even perhaps biometrics? Why did Eri attack Elan 5??? is it because he sucks because he does suck a lot
I think Elan 5 is a dick but at the same time, I also have complicated feelings for Belmeria, which is always a good sign in gundam. On one hand she was like you siad as much of a victim as Prospera and was forced to take on the human enhancement project that Cardo Nabo didn't approve of. But on the other hand, she forced the Elan's into this life in which they are killed without remorse and replaced by the next poor bastard because they're! fucking replaceable! they're less than human! and Elan is right to be angry about it imo. I still don't like him, but I feel for him almost as much as I did for my Elan.
And don't get me started I see red when I think about dr Cardo Nabo she was a wonderful character and I'm still mad she died in the prologue djasñdfñasda
I was surprised to see Guel back from earth so soon! I was almost sure we were gonna get a little more of him bonding with Olcott, but I can't complain, it's always a treat to see him. And again something I really appreciate of gwitch is the breaking of tropes that would make characters simple. Im glad that Lauda and Petra show genuine joy and relief to see Guel again! Lauda literally fainted! my boy loves his brother so much! Guel deserves so much love. I wonder what his plans are for the future. What happened at plant Quetta certainly broke him but now he seems more calm and sure of himself, and he said he was going to take care of things? is he planning to take over the company? eyes emoji??? what is Bob planning we just don't know.jpeg!!!!
Not even gonna touch the whole Earth House problem right now because it's A Lot. Of course they got blamed for the terrorist attack and are being literally assaulted by other spacian students and honestly that made me so angry I really hoped Chuchu would jump on them and give them the fight they were looking for. And btw kudos to Chuchu for actually bowing her head and thanking Miorine for her efforts to bring back Nika. And shoutout to Miorine seeing everyone smiling at her and feeling happy and right at home among the earth kids. That was such a sweet scene and it added some much needed levity in a really heavy episode.
Seriously this episode had my head spinning. My heart was beating so fast through all of it. I can't wait for next week aaaaaaaaaaaa
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sachie-horikawa · 1 year
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Kenanji : bawa ini...
Belmeria : eh?
Belmeria : Sa...Saya tidak bisa....
Kenanji : Saya tidak bisa memberikannya kepada seorang siswa.
Belmeria : ..............
Belmeria : anu, bisa kau bawakan ini?
Elan5 : diserahkan? Jangan lari dari tanggung JAWAAAABBBB!!!
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smokestarrules · 1 year
Upsides of this episode though: -Suletta is so great; I love her. Favorite protagonist. Seems like the school is starting to realize that too. -Calibarn -- I've seen some suggestions that along with the tempest references this could also be referencing Caliburn, an alternate name for Excalibur. Suletta with a big sword please? -I really liked Elan5 in this episode. -Petra alive! Hopefully Lauda gets talked down so she can cuss him out after she's better.
Big agree to all of this, and as to the Excalibur thing...
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...Something something Lady in the Lake?
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