#elaenora hightower
A prompt in the Lady Hightower au for the Ask Game:
Don't know if Naerys/Daemon happens in this AU, but in this prompt it does: I would like to read about Otto reaction when Naerys announces she's taking Daemon as a secons husband (with Daemon at her side, bc he would not miss the opportunity to see Otto choke on outrage)
Otto walks into the room and nearly walks back out again once he sees Daemon standing next to Naerys Arryn. He’s wearing that stupid smug look that only appears when he believes he won something and Otto knows exactly what he’s won.
Elaenora is ignoring him but that isn’t unusual, she had never been fond on anyone except her twin. Her twin, his dear Daven had a bored look on his face, violet eyes tired and red hair nearly tied in a ‘ponytail’ that Naerys had deemed handsome.
and of course, Cordelia was off in the Vale as always with that boy. Pity, she would’ve made a wonderful bride to Cregan Stark if she hadn’t been so taken by that boy.
“Children, Lord Otto, as you know Daemon has put forward his suite.” Naerys calmly says. “I have decided to accept.”
Elaenora looks up from her book. “Congratulations! Be aware that if you hurt mother I will be the first in line to strike you’re head from your body.”
How dare she of course the moment Ormund died she took advantage to marry the princling. But he couldn’t fight back, no of course he couldn’t. That fool Viserys would be beyond pleased.
“That’s wonderful, Mother!” Daven says pleasantly. “I hope your consort is aware he’s marrying the richest and most powerful woman in the Seven Kingdoms and that we’re more than willing in aiding to hide a body.”
At least Otto did one thing right, he tried to comfort himself in vain. At least the children were willing to kill for their family.
“Perhaps in the Vale,” Otto adds, relishing in the flicker of fear in the bastard’s eye. If only Lady Royce hadn’t divorced him his ashes would’ve been scattered there.
Perhaps his good niece would leave, leaving him as the sole voice in Daven’ ear. The sooner, the better.
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naerys-arryn · 9 months
Naerys’s Various Children
The Red Falcon:
Cerenna Lannister Arryn
Tommen Lannister Arryn
Daella Lannister Arryn
Rodrik Lannister Arryn
Naerys Daughter of Daeron & Ormund Naerys
Cordelia Tyrell/Hightower (Married into the Vale)
Daven Tyrell/Hightower (Lord of Highgarden/Oldtown)
Elaenora Tyrell/Hightower (Likely to Remain Unwed)
Aerion Targaryen <- With Daemon in O-N
Naerys Daughter of Rhaena:
Aegon Baratheon (Lord of Storm's End)
Caerea Targaryen (Lady of the Stepstones)
Daeron Baratheon (Court Advisor/Hand of the King later on)
HOTD! Naerys & Daella Lives!!!
Aerion Targaryen (Lord of the Stepstones)
Rhaegel Targaryen (Septon)
Maekar Targaryen (Lord Commander of the City Watch)
Jon Targaryen (Knight & Advisor)
Alyssa Targaryen (Lady of Greenstone)
Early Death AU
Cerenna Arryn Lannister
Tommen Arryn Lannister
Daella Lannister Arryn
Rodrik Lannister Arryn
With Rhea:
Hubert (Lord of Runestone)
Jasper (Consort to Jeyne Arryn)
With Daena:
Visenya (Married to REDACTED)
Baelon (Lord of the Stepstones)
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Lady Naerys Arryn-Hightower... here Otto would have no escape from the Targs.
He comes back to Oldtown after Viserys fires him and has to endure Naerys's smug grins around the Hightower
“I see Viserys got tired of your shit.” Naerys says cheerfully. Cordelia is half-asleep in her arms and Otto aches to commit violence upon her but he would be sent to the dungeons within an hour.
“Your niece set me up.” Otto says spitefully. He holds his arms out for Cordelia and she goes willingly. “Where’s Daven and Elaenora?”
“With the wet nurses. Tell me, how did my Nyra beat your ass?”
“She cried.”
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idk if you're still doing this but Daven and Daeron with archery??
it's always open!!!!
"You're doing it wrong." Daven says kindly. "I do not believe you are well suited to archery."
"Lay off it, Dav." Elaenora says from the ground. "You forgot Daeron hasn't tried with his other arm."
Daeron gives her a shy smile which she returns pleasantly.
"Why, Elae! I hadn't known you were such fan of archery like our dear princess Helaena!" Daven cries dramatically.
Elaenora rolls her eyes and Daeron give a little giggle, the shame at not being able to shoot fading.
"I'd like to try again." he says. "But this time like Lady Elaenora-"
"Call me Elae, Daeron!"
"-says I should." Daeron continues.
Daven claps his back. "Good man, Daeron!"
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Lady Hightower:
Otto being slight less of a pain for Leonyra bc he has to divide his energy to fight with Naerys.
Example: Otto can't help ruin Leonyra's feast bc he has to find a birthday gift better than Naerys's for Eleonora and show her up
Naerys and Otto have a gift-off that is the envy of every Reach girl except Ormund always feels bad for being a shitty dad, so he finds the rarest or more dramatic shit and brings it as a gift.
Women aren't allowed in the Citadel? Boom, Elaenora can visit whenever she wants,
Daven wants to squire for the best knight in the Reach? Boom, water dancing lessons, and a teacher from Dorne
Cordelia wants a falcon? How about one of the rarest kinds and a Little Valyrian he imported along with a master of making lace, so she can always have her favorite dresses?
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Lady Hightower au:
Naerys and Otto being super passive agressive to each other during the feast following baby Hughor's baptism.
Baby Daven actually. But here you go:
“Cordelia, darling, go with Uncle Otto,” Naerys prods and Otto barely keeps from screaming. Of course she would use the child who looks the most like Alicent against him.
Cordelia smiles happily, the four-year-old’s violet eyes glowing with glee. Curse Naerys Arryn.
“I believe it’s tradition for I to hold Daven while Ormund sleeps off his latest hangover.” Otto snaps back.
Naerys smiles back sharply. “I don’t believe so, you see that is my son, and you are not his father.”
Otto glares. “Septon?”
The septon looks up, a nervous look on his face. “According to the Doctrine of Exceptionalism, Lady Naerys is correct.”
“Seven hells,” And may Jaehaerys choke in them.
Naerys smiles smugly. “Take Cordelia, send for Ormund so he may hold Elaenora. The ceremony commences in twenty minutes.”
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Lady Hightower au:
We know Cordelia has mostly the Hightower look with Naerys eyes, what about Daven and Eleonora?
Daven looks exactly like Ormund, red hair and hazel eyes but different jaw shape while Elaenora looks exactly like Naerys but different head shape, they're fraternal twins
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Lady Hightower au:
I think Otto is way softer to his other grandkids than to the TargTowers (He loves them all, but in his eyes the TargTowers are in far more dangerous position, so he pretty much expects perfection from them 24/7)
The TargTowers hearing from their cousins stories of grandpa Otto giving them sweets, letting them hide in his office when skipping lessons, spoiling them, etc... and the TargTowers are like "Are you sure you're talking about Grandfather??? Like, maybe you got him confused with another Otto Hightower???
Celia: no he’s like the best!
Daven: he gives us sweets even though mother says no, let’s us stay up even though mother said no
Cordelia: let’s us buy dresses even though mother said no
Elaenora: and books even though mother said no.
Daven: basically we tell him mother said no and he gets us anything we want.
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Devan is Otto's favorite grandson and isn't even his actual grandkid! Daeron is the second and Helaena is his favorite period
1. Daven
2. Daeron
3. Aemond
4. Aegon
as for granddaughters
1. Celia
2. Cordelia
3. Helaena
4. Elaenora
5. Vaella
Helaena loses this round because of Cordelia being around Otto everyday since she had been born and Celia being the only one of Otto’s actual grandchildren who listen to him and follow his plans.
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Daven and Elaenora raise Daeron?
Cordelia is born in 99 AC, the twins are born in 102 AC, Daeron is born in 114 AC and goes to foster when he’s six. So they (the twins) are 18.
Ormund has been dead for 6 months, Naerys is helping Rhaenyra with one of her political schemes although she makes weekly flights to Oldtown.
Alicent finally pushes to far and Daeron is sent to his cousins.
Elaenora is more obsessed with science and history than marriage, Daven is trying to find a suitable wife and is trying not to glance in his second cousin, Celia and Cordelia is off in the Vale, fostering with Jeyne (and finding a husband).
So, Elaenora and Daven sort of become his parents more than his actual parents. And Naerys admits he’s really cute.
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Lady Hightower au:
Daeron raised by Naerys joins Helaena in the "Greens allowed to have rights" corner
Daeron is raised by Daven and Elaenora actually but Naerys tolerates and confesses that she likes him more than his other siblings except Rhaenyra who is basically her first born.
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Lady Hightower:
who's the most likely to start a coup out of the kids?
Cordelia & Visenya
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Lady Hightower:
Daeron could be sent to the Hightower for fostering, like Aegon was sent to Casterly Rock and Aemond to Riverrun.
Daeron as Naerys's cupbearer or cousin Hughor's squire
“This is your cousin, Daeron.” Naerys says stiffly.
Daven doesn’t completely understand why Mama hates Aunt Alicent but he knows better than to ask.
“Hi, Daeron.” he greets kindly.
Daeron wrinkles his nose. “You talk like Rhaenyra.”
“Rhaenyra speaks like mother,” Daven counters. “Do you like books? We have a large collection from the Citadel.”
“Tell Elaenora to be careful with the ravens while you’re there.” Mama says. “She’s become obsessed with them once more.”
“I like books.” Daeron offers. Daven beams, he’s going to be such a cool older cousin.
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how would the first arc of naerys/ormund look like
1. the wedding, Naerys lamenting her choices while Aemma is actually really pleased
2. Naerys befriends Lady Calla and Lord Paxter, then tries to figure out how her relationship with Ormund works
3. the vale shit happens except this time Naerys instructs for some soldiers to be sent.
4. Naerys returns and reluctantly accepts that she and her 12-13 year old husband have to consummate the marriage by the time he’s 14
5. Naerys and Daemon break into the Citadel and the Archmaesters try to have them thrown out only to find Jaehaerys helping them.
6. Naerys is pregnant at 17, (99 Ac) giving birth to Cordelia, Ormund starts getting insecure
7. The great council happens, Vissie is born, so are the twins, Daven and Elaenora. Rhaenyra had a freak out once she realizes what this means for her.
8. Ormund starts drinking to cope, Paxter dies, Ormund is now Lord Hightower
9. Aemma dies, there are spoilers here.
10. time skip to Cordelia being sent off to the Vale to foster with Jeyne, Daven and Elaenora take forefront and start rebelling against the maester’s weird rules quietly.
11-15: Cordelia, Daven, Elaenora, Visenya grow up
16. Ormund dies, Daven is now Lord Hightower, Cordelia marries Isembard Arryn, Elaenora gets marriage offers from the Reach to the North but she begs Daven to refuse them and he does.
17. Celia returns and Daven is smitten. Elaenora meets Rose Sunglass disguising herself as a man in the Citadel and decides to befriend her.
18. Daeron is sent to foster, Daemon starts making moves, Elaenora and Rose vibe and Daven is not ready to be a father.
19. Otto returns, and Naerys accepts Daemon's suit. Daeron takes eagerly to Daven and Elaenora while Cordelia herself announces she's pregnant.
20. Celia and Daven sleep together and get married, Elaenora and Rose kiss and promptly decide that nope, this ain't for them and return to being friends.
21. Daeron, Elaenora and Daven all go to King's Landing for Daeron to claim a dragon. Daeron gets Tessarion but a young, white dragon attaches itself to Elaenora much to everyone's horror.
...I'll leave it off at that
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