#el santuario
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pigdemonart · 2 years ago
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Concepts for Los Brujos
El Santuario
In my comic the brothers live with their Abuela in her home. From the outside and to untrained eyes it appears like a regular wooden house, but it’s actually a huge sanctuary for troubled spirits. The design is based on typical houses from Puerto Rico, and the concept is loosely inspired by the Winchester house — this sort of haunted house that the owner just kept expanding. I also took inspiration from the bath house in Spirted Away, and Santuario (literally “sanctuary”) is a place where spirits can rest and be in good company.
These kinds of little houses aren’t super commonplace in Puerto Rico anymore — concrete houses are more of the norm, and is the kind of house I lived in as a kid. But I wanted Abuela to seem very old fashioned, plus the family as a whole is not well off financially. Also it only made sense that their haunted house would be a product of the past.
Its definitely not a final design, but closer than I think.
Heres the OG sketch.
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brebre0925 · 5 months ago
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 8 months ago
Listen to 音樂詩 musical poetry I, a playlist by chu-lan-maria on #SoundCloud
有一個夜晚 我燒毀了所有的記憶 從此我的夢想就變得透明了
有一個早晨 我扔掉了昨日的一切 從此我的腳步已然變得輕快
One night I burned all my memories, and my dreams have been transparent ever since.
One morning I threw away all my yesterday, and my steps have been light since then.
─ 泰戈爾 Rabindranath Tagore
(1861-1941 Indian poet, writer, playwright, composer, philosopher, social reformer, and painter of the Bengal Renaissance.)
(PS. I don't own any music and songs right, I just make the playlist for listening easily and enjoy all musicians your works and love to share it only. all copyright belongs to musician & singer. If you want me do delete yours from the playlist, please tell me then I will do it. Blessings! Thanks! Lan~*)
📷 Fine art photography artist unknown, sorry! If you know it Please tell me. Thanks~*
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ksjanes · 2 years ago
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Nestled in the village of Chimayo, New Mexico along the High Road to Taos sits a national historic landmark, El Santuario de Chimayo. The sanctuary is well known for the unusual legend of its creation and as a present-day pilgrimage site. It is also often called the “Lourdes of America” for it’s magical healing soil. In the small prayer room next to the sanctuary is a round hole filled with this soil. In fact, many come to the church in pursuit of this soil, hoping to find a cure for their afflictions.
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estefanyailen · 11 months ago
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callmeanxietygirl · 10 months ago
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El.pueblo las conoce como las almas de los muertos pero Homero las rebautizo como las Novias del Sol
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supernova-rsrcs · 2 years ago
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En mi mente Tina dejó todo para ir a hacer pancartas con glitter "Justicia para Aleria" "Yo estoy con Aleria" y Auspicia hizo llamado de emergencia al club de fans pa hacer gira y maratón de apoyo a la carrera del siglo.
@entropiasgift @luiwritings @kaelkoth
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thequeenofthedisneyverse · 1 year ago
El santuario de los padres
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Today was a tough day/week, for all of them really. The kids just were a bit much all over…and they needed a break. So, why not have a get together among cross dimensional friends and kids? Parent by parent, kid by kid, they walked through portals and stood in front of the six story Casita. 
There they all stood. Mamabuela, mamaisa, papa Bruno, mamalores, mamabel, papantonio (all by @gamerbearmira), pamamilo (by me), and Mamaluisa (by @yellowcry). Each of them had their own kid/kids with them and the parents looked…tired. But very happy they got this break.
(PS. Papa Bruno is Bruno who adopted Mirabel and Antonio because they were being neglected.)
“Hey luisa!” Mamabel waved at mamaluisa with her 12 year old daughter next to her. Mamaluisa waved back and so did ML! Mirabel (MLU = Mama luisa). Mamabel had 2 year old Antonio in her arms and the rest of her children in tow. 
“Hey tio!” Mamaisa waved at papa Bruno who had his 14 year old Mirabel and four year old Antonio with him. He waved back and so did his nino’s. Mamaisa was busy holding 3 year old Antonio and had 13 year old Camilo and Mirabel with her, as well as 17 year old Luisa. 
“Hola Lolo” Mamabuela waved at mamalores who had 11 year old Mirabel with her and 1 year old Antonio in her arms. Mamabuela had 12 year old Isabela, 10 year old Luisa, and six year old Mirabel with her. 
“Hey tonito!” pamamilo waved at papantonio who had 4 year old Mirabel with him. Pamamilo had 4 year old Antonio, 6 year old Isaac, 8 year old sophia, 9 year old macario, and 10 year old celeste. 
The very ground they stood on was a wide and long land full of luscious jungle. Beyond that was just a beautiful orange sunset. You could see that the jungle did end somewhere but too far for anyone to actually walk to. 
The trees and bushes gave sweet fruit and berries for the kids or adults to eat. The overall vibe was very joyful and warm. A large playground sat to the right of the house and that’s instantly where the kids above the age of 3 went. The older kids could easily watch the four year olds so it was no biggie leaving them alone. 
The tweens/teens such as PB! Mirabel, MLU! Mirabel, ML! Mirabel, MA! Isabela, and M! Mirabel, MI! Camilo, and MI! Luisa ran into the house and into a large decorated room for them to talk.  (PB = Papa Bruno, ML = Mamalores, MA = Mamabuela, MI = Mamaisa). 
As for the babies such as PB! Antonio, MI! Antonio, ML! Antonio, and MB! Antonio among other toddlers were put into a small play area next to the couch inside the living room. The “adults” all sat on their designated cushions and all let out a relaxed sigh. (And yes, I know, lot’s of baby Antonio’s)
“Tough day?” Mamabuela asked?
All she heard was tired sounds that clearly meant “yes”. Don’t get me wrong, they love their little munchkins to death, but please believe that taking care of them isn’t so easy. Especially when you're too young to even raise them…
“Antonio wouldn’t eat his vegetables for two hours” Papabruno pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Mirabel thought it was a good idea to make a toasted pb&j sandwich…almost burnt the kitchen down” Papatonio groaned. 
“Alejandra decided she wanted to see what leaves tasted like” Mamabel’s eye twitched
Parent by parent, they all listed what they went through from the following week and day. It was apparent that all of them were tired. 
“I need tea” Mamalores sighed when she put her hands on her head. A headache prominent in her head for three hours before she got here. 
“I need wine” Pamamilo chuckled
“Tea it is” Mamaisa got up and attempted to go toward the kitchen but someone stopped her. 
“I got it isa, you can relax” Papatonio put his hand on her shoulder and patted it. 
“I’m more closer to the kitchen” Mamalulu stood up, “I can go make it-”
Here we go
“Oh no, you guys can sit down, I can do it” Mamabel raised her hand in an up and down motion. Gesturing for them to sit. 
“I can do it, it’s no issue. Just tell me what tea you guys like” Pamamilo chimed in
“I can go, I don’t mind” Papabruno stood up
“I mentioned tea, so I should do it” Mamalores got off the couch, “you can sit d-”
CRASH….a window has been broken. And what went through the window? A baseball. Yards, miles, acres worth of land and yet the children decided to play baseball…directly near the house. 
And what made the situation funny, is that the outside was very quiet. Eerily quiet. Usually, the outside always sounded like kids at recess. Now?...ghost town. The kids all knew there was trouble ahead and this could be heard from outside-
“Why would you do that?” MB! Luisa shouted at ML! Mirabel. MB! Luisa sounded scared and panicked. 
“I don’t know! It was an accident!” ML! Mirabel sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
“You're gonna die” MB! Mirabel said with blatant honesty.
Inside the house all of the “adults” looked very displeased and stared directly at the baseball. 
“How about we make our own tea and deal with that later” 
Here’s how sanctuary casita works:
Sanctuary Casita has about 50+ rooms inside of it. All of them are big or small depending on the kid or parent. 
Casita is six stories tall and wide as hell seeing as it needs to fit 50+ people. Sometimes the parents and kids stay long enough to sleep there but not all the time. 
It has a pool, LARGE kitchen, dance studio, library, and anything else you could think of. 
Yep, that’s about it. If you have any ideas for what else to add let me know. 
How the au works and Q&A
When the parents get stressed out they usually go to sanctuary casita for a break. 
How did they meet? Still trying to figure that out but it has to do with just a portal opening up in their room. 
All of the parents have a special pendant necklace (that was gifted to them by sanctuary Casita) they can call each other through. All they have to do is touch the pendant with a certain person in mind and they just call them. The kids above four have them too.
Do the other relatives of the parents know the sanctuary world exists? Depends on who you're asking. Papa bruno, Mamaluisa, and Mamalores, Mamabel: No/not yet. Papantonio, Mamabuela, and Pamamalio: yes. 
Do I plan on expanding this au?...sort of? I guess, mostly with incorrect quotes. 
How many times do they meet up? Every week or every other month.
Will there be angst in this au? only by request. Other than that, it's just wholesome family vibes.
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dabid-motozalea · 5 months ago
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Santa Luzia do Monte. Viana do Castelo. Portugal
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anarchypig0 · 1 year ago
Es meterme en los moodbar del evento de llorar a los muertos de Kaelkoth y Eurwen está muy satisfecho de poner a tantos personajes tristes
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entropiasgift · 1 year ago
Tina tras 100 días trabajando por cuenta ajena:
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lupitacalifornia · 3 months ago
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(vía Doctrina de Dios-Dios el Hijo-parte 10-)
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lanetaen · 3 months ago
Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
El Templo del Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, ubicado en el emblemático Barrio de Guadalupe en Aguascalientes, es una joya arquitectónica y cultural que refleja siglos de historia, arte y devoción religiosa. Esta edificación católica comenzó a construirse en 1767 bajo la dirección del reconocido arquitecto Felipe de Ureña, culminando su primera etapa en 1789. Desde sus orígenes, el…
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ernestdescalsartwok · 1 year ago
SANTUARI-EL MIRACLE-RINER-PINTURA-ART-RESTAURANT-ALBERG-PELEGRINS-PAISATGES-SOLSONÉS-CATALUNYA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: SANTUARI-EL MIRACLE-RINER-PINTURA-ART-RESTAURANT-ALBERG-PELEGRINS-PAISATGES-SOLSONÉS-CATALUNYA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Edificios en el SANTUARI DE EL MIRACLE en Riner, muy cercano a Solsona, comarca de El Solsonès en la Catalunya Central, antiguamente daban cobijo a los Peregrinos y ahora también sirve como hospedaje, un restaurante tiene su lugar entre las paredes de piedra, la luz de la tarde incide en algunas de sus fachadas y los árboles impregnan sus sombras en las paredes. Paisajes con contraste de luces al final del invierno. Pintura paisajista del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50x 70 centímetros.
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pampinoscaryt2 · 1 year ago
El Santuario (Sanctum)
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sonsofks · 1 year ago
¡El Telar Despierta! Diablo® IV Lanza la Épica Temporada del Constructo
Descubre los secretos de la antigua tecnología y enfréntate a Malphas en la Temporada del Constructo de Diablo® IV. ¡Prepárate para sumergirte en la magia y la intriga de la Temporada del Constructo de Diablo® IV! Una vez más, el universo de Diablo nos sorprende con la revelación de El Telar, una tecnología ancestral creada por Zoltun Kall y Ayuzhan de Caldeum. Sin embargo, la oscura…
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