#either that or it's just so hard for him that he doesn't want to try
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yanderedrabbles · 2 days ago
Imagine being a lady out in the Wild West, mayor's daughter, preacher's niece, something good and proper. All tight laced and demure on Sundays, sweet and pretty all week 'round.
You got plenty of admirers. Cowpokes drifting through your small town who promise themselves that the second they've got more than dirt to their name, they're coming back to marry you. Traders and tradesman who see you in your Sunday best and think how sweet it would be to have you waiting at home for them. And others too. Men with too sharp eyes and hats kept low. They think about you too, but always at night. Always with one hand slick.
You've got plenty of folk with eyes on you, but no real suitors. Whoever your guardian is, they've got high standards. Maybe your father is hoping for a good political match, or your uncle is looking for a God fearing man. Either way, you're untouchable. Untouched.
Well, until you ain't.
Maybe the man who takes you is one of those hard eyed drifters, with a mean mustang and an even meaner right hook. A crook in everything but name. Maybe he doesn't work alone, and it's a whole pack of them who grab you straight out of your backyard, hands pressed against your mouth so hard they leave bruises on your cheeks.
Either way, they've got just about one thing on their mind. And they don't want to be interrupted.
They take you out to the desert, or out into the deep woods, or far into the canyons. Somewhere lonesome. Somewhere they can take their time with you.
Maybe they succeed. Get to keep you all to themselves. A prize too sweet for men like them, a little missy who would always be out of reach if they didn't take matters into their own hands. Their hands are rough with labour - wrangling and gunslinging and digging graves for folk that wouldn't otherwise need them. And rough with you, too. Skimming up your thighs, prying them apart...
That's what folk would call a bad ending. Would shake their heads over and secretly pray that it never happens to one of their girls.
Maybe they succeed. Or maybe, just maybe... they don't.
See, the sheriff of your town is a hard man. White hat always clean, badge always shiny, but his gun is nicked with use, his spurs dull with hard riding. And when he hears what happened, it ain't long before he's on your trail. Pushing his stallion until it's frothing under the saddle. Hoping to get to you before night time. Before the sun goes down and the lust comes out.
He finds you easy enough, but it's just him against a gang and that ain't no easy win. He watches them from a distance, from up on the canyon maybe, or from between the thick trees. Sees you sitting at their campfire, hands and feet tied, pretty white dress stained with mud.
He sees that and thinks how he'd rather eat lead than see them stain the rest of you so dirty.
It ain't easy. It takes planning, skill. He lures them out one at a time and picks them off. Knife between the ribs, arrow straight through the neck, a wire pulled taught and tight around their throat. Until it's just him and the leader left - the man who chose to take you, the one who'd have gotten the prime cuts when it came to butchering your innocence.
It could go either way at this point. The sheriff ain't no slouch but the gunslinger is younger, hungrier. Folk would say the good guy should win, that justice ought to come out on top, and that you deserve your happy ending. But the truth is that they're both rotten to the core.
'Cause it ain't duty that made the sheriff ride his horse lame trying to get to you. No. It's love, of the kind just as perverse as the outlaw's. Only difference is that the sheriff has a whole society of rules and laws and expectations to keep him in check. And out here? Well, they just don't apply.
If the outlaw wins, the story ends pretty simple. He keeps you, has his way with you. Ruins you. Tucks you away in his hideout for only him to enjoy.
But I don't think that's what happens. The sheriff might not have the other man's speed, but he's got experience, age, years of watching cocksure young men giving themselves away when they go for their guns too early. He puts a bullet right in the other man's heart and steps over his body to get to you.
You're shaking, crying so hard that your gag is soaked through. Looking up at him so thankful that he wants to fuck you right then and there.
He cuts through your ropes and you hug him, not caring one bit that it ain't something a proper lady would do. He kneels on one leg and let's you cry into his shirt, voice all weak and sweet as you thank him.
"They was gonna do such awful things sheriff. Kept tellin' me how good it would be for me, but they kept touching me. Sheriff, I was so scared."
If he could, he'd kill them all over again. Instead he just holds you. Ignores the age gap between you, ignores how it ain't the proper thing to do.
"I'm here darlin'. And ain't no one gonna lay a finger on you again, you hear?"
You nuzzle into his neck, hiccuping. And God, it feels good to hold you. He's too old for you - hair going grey at the temples despite him still being lean with muscle. He's too jaded and mean for you - how can he be a good match for such an innocent thing when his hands are soaked in blood? He knows, but he just doesn't care.
Just scoops you up in his arms and carries you to his horse.
If there's one thing you ain't realised, it's that the sheriff is about as sly as he is mean. When he takes you home, he'll probably take your guardian aside for a quiet word. Lie straight through his teeth and tell them he was too late, that you were ruined before he got there.
He'll watch them go pale, watch the cogs turning. Who will want you now? And when he sees that awful realisation on their face, that's when he goes in for the kill.
Puts his hat over his heart and says he's so ashamed that he wasn't faster. That he couldn't save your innocence and your life both. That if your pa would give his blessing, he'd be more than happy to take you as his wife.
It's not the match they wanted for you. He's not a great political ally and he sure as hell ain't a God fearing man. But who else will have you once the rumours start flying?
And when they tell you, you're too shaken to object. Too indebted to the law man to wonder what he said to make them suddenly so amenable.
It's a nasty trick to pull. A theft almost as bad as your kidnapper's. You're too good for a dog like him, but he'll be damned 'fore he let's you get away. Rabid dogs sink their teeth in and never let go, didn't nobody ever tell you that sweetheart?
And on your wedding night, when he claims his reward from between your thighs, you slowly start to realise that honour isn't as easily found as you once thought, that a badge doesn't make a man good. He'll probably look up at you from between your legs, his lips and stubble shiny with your wetness. Smirking like a wolf who got locked in the pen with the whole helpless flock.
In the end, you only have yourself to blame. I tried to tell you he was rotten.
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raven5056 · 2 days ago
On Maedhros
My take on his character, and me trying to figure him out.
Maedhros is not a good guy. I think that much should be obvious by his deeds and while I think some of that can be attributed to The Oath™, definitly not all of it.
But I think he's not an inherently bad guy either. Tolkien is big on characters "turning" to evil rather than being evil by nature, so the same must be true with Maedhros.
And I don't think Mae can be classified as evil at all. He's an antagonist in much of the story but in the overarching plot he takes the role of a tragic antihero.
In my opinion Maedhros tries to be good. He tries and fails over and over again. He does something great and shows strong morals and the next thing you know he's kinslaying all over the place. He renouces The Oath™ and goes on to sack Doriath and Sirion anyway, and it's not just his brothers making a mess of things. It's a cycle.
To me he tries to adhere to a moral code up until the point where things go significantly downhill, instead of going down with his morals he throws them out of the window.
And later he hates himself for it. And I truly believe he wants this to change, but given a situation his stubborn will (inherited from his father) to achieve his goal is stronger than his ideals (due to his more tempered spirit via his mother) and he fails over and over again.
The fact he willingly gives up the crown of the Noldor to me speaks at least of a certain awareness of his inherent character flaws.
That to me makes him so tragic.
I've always have had a darker take on Maedhros. I generally don't think of him as redeemable. Not because he would not find forgiveness, but because he would never forgive himself. Because he thinks he is broken beyond repair and does not allow himself to heal. He will never leave Mandos because he believes he has no right to set foot in Aman again and walk among those he has harmed.
While Maitimo in his youth is generally a pleasant person he is also generally not okay.
Being the eldest son and heir to the guy the whole species literally peaked in in every possible way imaginable, and who also happens to be the crown prince, there is obviously a lot of pressure.
It doesn't really help that in his early youth —aside from his looks— Mae is utterly regular. He doesn't show any great talents or interest in a craft. (He had to take care of six younger siblings and fulfill his duty in court, he has little time to figure out what he actually enjoys) His grandfather teaches him about diplomacy in court and he is decent at it. Speaking comes easily to him. So he latches on to that. He tries to be the best at something (aside from his dad of course, no one beats Fëanor)
He can't be as good as his father but he can be good at one thing if he tries hard enough. (Whether he enjoys it doesn't matter if you've got Fëanor to live up to)
Slowly he is building up a facade of the perfect Son, Brother and Heir but underneath he grows more and more desperate for (his father's) approval. When his mother leaves he wants to go with her. He was always closer with her. But that means tearing down the entire facade so he stays with his father. Later he will regret that and think that maybe, just maybe had he gone with his mother (some of his brother's might have followed his example) some of the suffering could have been prevented.
When he comes out of Angband he carries a certain resentent towards his brothers.
He knows why they decided not to rescue him but he can't help but be angry after all he has done for them. Because he hates that he hates them, he keeps them at distance. He doesn't want them to know.
I also think he comes out of Angband a very different (very dark) person and the Nelyafinwë Maitimo is dead. His brothers realize that and there is a certain resentment towards this Meadhros Person. Especially through Maglor. I think Maglor absolutely hates who Mae has become but tries to not let it show, he knows it's not Mae's fault. (Mae knows of course, he always knew what Mags was thinking)
After Fingons death Maedhros gives up. (I vary between seeing them as romantic and platonic, so this works either way)
He knows the world is cruel, sure but seeing Fingons fate, the gruesome death of such a kind, brave and unendingly loyal person, his last hope dies. The Union of Maedhros is defeated and the one person who was able to look upon Mae with love, even after everything, is dead. He who deserved the world, died an undeserved horribly gruesome death and Maedhros is still there.
At this point he stops caring. He doesn't pretend to be a good person anymore, he knows he's not. He stops trying.
When Maglor decides to take the twins, they are terribly afraid of Mae. Of Maglor too, but they warm up to him. Of Mae they are still afraid. They sense the darkness in him. But they also sense the pain. One night, Maglor isn't home the kids are scared of a storm. With no other choice they turn to Mae. He does his best to comfort them. After that they warm up to him a bit more. But the uneasyness stays.
As The Oath™ is fulfilled and the Silmaril scorches his remaining hand, Maedhros feels empty. His biggest fear has come true: everything was futile in the end. He gave up everything including himself and any future he could have had for nothing.
There is no point in going on. And the twins are old enough to not need their protection. They are better off on their own. He has burdened their lives long enough.
He will not leave Mandos.
He cannot forgive himself. His Mother will try to see him, he doesn't want her to see what he has become.
Fingon will try to see him, he thinks Fingon hates him for giving up after his death (Fingon does, but he can forgive)
Eventually Elrond will come to the Halls to tell him about Elros' fate and Elronds own family. Elrond knows Maedhros will not return. He just wants to tell him.
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w0rmss · 2 days ago
Richard Grayson NSFW alphabet
Didn't post yesterday soz
Anyways NSFW alphabet headcannons of how Dick is in bed.
A: Aftercare: Dick is so big on aftercare. After a rough round you're getting a bath and either way you're getting cuddles and praise about how well you did. if you need anything he's got it don't even blink.
B: Body part. His: his ass bro loves his ass and so do you. You: he loves your back loves kissing down your spine during sex or if you're laying in is facing him running his hands up and down it under you as he makes you see stars
C: Cum. Preferably inside either your mouth or in you. But he also loves coming on your back too
D: Dirty little secret. When he's in the mood but doesn't want to straight up ask for sex. He'll wear tight clothes like jeans or compression tops to try get you to crack and ask first
E: Experience. Dicks a man whore. In a good way. But he's been with guys and girls up the wazoo
F: favourite position. Missionary or doggy. Basically but he loves watching your face or as previously mentioned kissing yoru back so they're the easiest for him. But he's very open to try more.
G: Goofy. Dick takes nothing in sex seriously unless something bad happens. He's making fake porn noises tell jokes and tickling you the whole time.
H: Hair. He's well groomed not balled but neat
I: Intimacy. He can be sweet and romantic even when he's goofing off. He loves physical pulling your closer and kissing your body.
J: jacking off. If he's or you are away. Yes 100% but if he has you with him not really unless he's really worked up and you didn't want to have sex
K: Kinks. I don't think dick is overly kinky. But his into light bandage and open to do whatever you're into
L: location. Bed or couch. Maybe in the shower or around the apartment but not in public he's too well known both as dick and nightwing. He's not risking your safety like that.
M: Motivation. You just you simply existing gets him hot and heavy. But especially you looking after haley or any of his family. Then he's down for and readjusting himself
N: Nos. Hurting either of you any kind of pain. Or heavy degradation. Maybe a dirty little thing or his slut during the rough sessions but nothing more
O: Oral. Dick both likes giving and receiving. He does love going down on you though. Your hands and his hair your taste on his tongue. He's die happy doing that
P: Pace. He prefers slow and deep but can go fast and hard when the moment needs it
Q: Quickies. He's down if it's needed. Obviously he prefers to take his time but if you're both desperate and horny the nearest private surface will be defiled
R: Risks. He's very open to new thing as long as it won't cause harm.
S: Stamina. He can go 2 to 3 pretty easily. Maybe more with a little recovery and no where to be
T: Toys. He's very open to toys for you and him.
U: Unfair. Major tease like will edge you and make you come till you can't breathe. He'll grab you randomly and give you a hickey before walking off like it's nothing
V: Volume. Dicks loud like so fucking loud. Some nights you think you might need to gag him
W: Wild card. He likes anal( mainly receiving)
X: X ray. 6-7 inches average thickness with a slight upwards curve.
Y: Yearning. Dick has a pretty high sex drive and you're all he needs to turn him on so.
Z: zzz. He doesn't fall asleep straight away but prefers to watch you do so before doing so himself.
Thank you
Got the alphabet meanings from thecardsimagine
Hope you enjoyed
Feel free to leave a request
Hope you have a wonderful day night afternoon etc
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blakeswritingimagines · 21 hours ago
Kink List With Joseph Woll
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He's very clingy and wants to be close, holding you and pressing his head into you like a cat. loves when you scratch his head, too - it's calming. also likes to talk a lot afterwards.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His biceps. also loves the soft give of your thighs and the curve of your waist.
On you, he most likes your hands - they make him feel secure. also loves your thighs/butt.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
A decent amount, either inside or on your stomach - unless you decide to take it in your mouth. usually just lets you choose, though, which pleases him greatly.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a bit of a voice kink - gets turned on by your noises and definitely wants to hear you speaking, whether it be normal conversation, moans, or begging.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows exactly what he's doing. he has a lot of experience and is more than willing to use it if he wants to make sure you're pleasured to the fullest of his capabilities.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He likes any position with him on top, but if you're riding him he really likes that, with both being able to see each other as a bonus, it lets you take the lead, if you'd like to.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It's hard for him to be entirely serious, and his sense of humor can be a little.. dirty. But the moment is still special, so he gets serious when he needs to and is good at staying on track (even if he does crack a few jokes here and there).
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He keeps himself groomed, definitely. he's also pretty hairy and is quite fond of yours, whether there's a lot of it or not.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He definitely gets very intimate and romantic. he makes you feel very special and treats you like a treasure. he likes to kiss a lot, as well, and he makes sure to go slowly to make sure you feel as good as possible.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't often get a chance to do this, so when he does it means he's very much in the mood for it. when he does, he takes it slow and often watches you or pictures you if you're not there if he misses you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He has a bit of a size kink, where he likes to make you look small compared to him, and likes if you take the submissive role. also really enjoys teasing you and is very much into edging.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He likes to do it in his own bed, if given the choice, but is also more than willing to take the risk and do it in public, especially if it's somewhere that could get you both caught.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
It doesn't really take much to turn him on. just being near you or thinking about you is usually enough, but touching, whispers, or even just smelling your perfume drives him crazy.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not into anything that’s degrading. also does not do bodily functions/fluids and is not into feet.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers giving, but he can also very much take he’s really good with his tongue. loves to taste you and will stay down there for as long as you wish. also loves it when you deepthroat him or try to, at least. He does not mind if you need to breathe once in
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers to be slow and sensual but also goes fast when it's needed, usually because the situation calls for it. usually, you don't have to ask him - he has a good sense of when to change up pace.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's not all that fond of quickies - if he's doing this stuff with you, he wants to do it right. He doesn't want it over too fast and for there to be no time to properly enjoy it, so he mostly refuses to do quickies.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's definitely willing to experiment and is not all that afraid of risks more than anything because he's got good control over himself. he's happy to try new things with you, but is not willing to do anything that could get you seriously hurt or uncomfortable.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He's got very good stamina has very good control over his body and mind. he can last a good bit and can definitely go several rounds he can even be ready to go again within a few minutes of the last round.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He's got a few, yes. He doesn't use them too frequently, but he's definitely not against them. He likes to use them on you, though he doesn't mind if you use them on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He teases a lot. a lot. He's really not afraid to keep you in suspense until you're begging for it. He loves to listen to you whine and moan for him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's not the loudest guy there is, since he's the type to more silently take control. he's not completely quiet, though, and will make soft sighs and grunts when things get good - and will moan and gasp when appropriate.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
This man is not afraid to get possessive at times - will make sure people know that you are his. will do things like holding you close to him or marking you in ways that can be seen in public as a way of saying 'yes. this one is mine, and if you want them, you will have to fight me for it'. it's not to the point of being creepy, though definitely more because he's just in a loving and passionate relationship and simply wants you to himself.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's pretty big, and he's definitely proud of that. he's also usually really hard by the time he's getting to the real stuff and he's thick, too.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is pretty high - he's not gonna be able to keep his hands off of you very long at all, especially in a more private setting without too many prying eyes around. he just wants to please you and have you enjoy yourself and him as well, of course.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually doesn't fall asleep very soon. he likes to take some time to bask in the afterglow and enjoy that calm and peaceful time with you, holding you close and thinking about how wonderful you are. though he does get a little sleepy afterwards, he'll probably doze off within the hour.
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fall0utmind · 2 days ago
Pretty please with a cherry on top can you tell us about the Marc starting to nest again? I'd live to know your ideas on that <3
I am LIVING for this au I'm so so excited for the fic if/when you decide to write it!!
Hi anon,
I've been saving this one because I'm so excited about it haha
^^^ wrote this like 2 days ago and now I'm tipsy and ready to actually write a response.
OKAY SO. I wrote a lol bit about this in another ask (here) - basically talking about who marc might nest with and how he will react
As I spoke about in the previous ask, I think the first time, marc nests is alone/ just with Alex and is a slightly sad nest. Because it's been like 7 years since marc nested at all or with a pack. He wants a nice nest but has no ones clothes, nor any materials. It's all very sad and melodramatic. His omega so badly wamts to be free, to be allowed out. But marc is so scared to give into it. After years of repression, he doesn't want to lose control. (More on that later)
Now I'm gonna break it down into packs to make life easier. Idk what would come first, whether he would nest with the motogp pack, the VR46 packz his pack of adopted youngsters from other series - what are your preferences. Either way, here's my thoughts.
Thinking about VR46, the first time they nest with marc, Bez ropes him into building it. He's trying so fucking hard to make it fun, not sad at all, like daring each other to go nick people's clothes - Pecci loses a jumper on a race weekend (Marc), Vale keeps losing t shirts (also Marc), Celin actually keeps misplacing things, thinks he's going insane - it's actually just bez constantly stealing his stuff to wear/ use for nests lol. Anyways, basically, they go hunting for stuff and bring it all back to the ranch the first time that Marc joins a pack weekend. Marc hasn't been building his nests again for long and is consequently still a bit stiff. It should come naturally to him, but he's been repressing his omega for ao many years that hes so scared of letting it out, so scared of fucking it up. Because what if he puts the hoodie in the wrong place, fucks it all up and everyone hates him again. So bez helps him, kicking out all the alphas until they're happy with it. He chucks one of his own hoodies are Marc's face, tells him to put it on so Marc is surrounded by Bez's comforting, sweet scent
I think bez actually has a bit of a role in his recovery as an omega. He pulls marc into the nest before the others are allowed in, instantly shoving his nose in marcs neck, making the older tense. Until slowly, slowly, he relaxes. Like everything in recovery, it takes time, Marc beginning to get used to being in a pack again, to being an omega again. Because it's been so long... (Vale, when i catch you🔫)
At first, when they start to touch him, to initiate that contact, scenting him, etc, he just freezes, tenses up, and doesn't know what to do. (Again, it's been so long) So when the boys join the nest - pecco first (closest to marc), before the others slowly filter in - Marc is nervous. Bez doesn't leave his side, wrapped half around him, scenting him carefully, filling the air with him sweet scent to calm everyone. Pecco joins first, scenting marc himself, before slotting himself next to marc, too. The others join slowly, slipping around each other, each scenting marc as the join. Everytime they scent him, marc slowly melts into the bed, his scent getting stronger in the air.
Is now a good time to mention that bez and Vale have slowly been able to coaxed marc into stopping the scent blockers. This weekend, marc had turned up sheepish, still wearing some, and bez had led him to the bathroom, gently rubbing it off (with marc's permission).
Also, the others are absolutely gone for it, so obsessed with Marc's smell, calmed by it ( can i test the waters and say ever so slightly into it...but of a turn on)
Finally, when all the boys are there, Marc a puddle in the centre, and Vale joins them. He smiles softly at the scene, marc's eyes half lidded as he loses himself to the feeling of being in a pack, his omega beginning to take over.
And i think that's the crux of it. The nesting is the first time marc's omega side is fully let out in YEARS. So he's completely gone it it, beginning to purr as Vale joins, nudging Bez into Cele, so he can wrap himself around marc, breathing in the scent of content omega. Marc is half conscious, recognising sounds coming from his throat, but so shocked and confused because he doesn't remember purring, doesn't even know how to do it. So it's bitter sweet, there's marc fucked out, half lidded, letting himself sink into PACk, his instincts take over, but also the sadness, the fear of his omega taking hold because what if he never gets it again, what if he can never go back to the balance of his secondary gender and just being MARC.
So very much sweet, loving, everyone trying to be as close to marc as possible. Touching him, a hand on his shin, his hair. Every time anyone comes or goes, they scent him and Vale, and marc just completely lost to it. It worries vale, how out of it marc becomes, barely responding, his eyes cloudy. It's only after a few times that he kind of becomes normal again. Is able to operate.
But also i think that first time, the panic of his omega finally being in control, or at least not suppressed, as well as the fear of losing eveyrhting (his pack) and being repressed again... I think all of that means that it triggers a bit of a stress heat?? Very good excuse to write that, i think. It would be a fucking mess.
I love it, might do a separate post on it, if people want!!
This is much a less structured first nest once Marc is reintroduced into the pack. I feel like most people in the paddock don't know marc was banned from the pack. There are rumours, of course, but nothing is confirmed. Marc doesn't want to go there. he doesn't want to make people pity him. Or hate valentino. So he says nothing.
Anyways. The first time he walks into the pack room again is in early 2026, hounded by his little pack of boys from younger categories until he finally sheepishly walks in. Obviously, the room freezes. It's actually pretty busy when he first enters. So Marc freaks. Because what if they don't accept him. What if it all goes to shit immediately. He defo tries to leave, maybe he does just flee?
Either way, when he is eventually coaxed into the pack, it's like coming home. It is important to remember that Marc is actually pack omega, and that 90% if the riders don't know this/ have never smelt Marc. So he comes in with his fucking perfect scent, all citrus and fresh summer breeze with a hint of Motor oil (of course) and the pack finally feels complete. Because Marc should have been there all along (thanks, Vale 🤨🤨🤨)
So, of course, people kinda freak a bit, like um I need to get as close to him as i can. It's one of the boys (his boys) who pulls him down into the pre built nest, immediately clambering practically on top of him as the others crowd in. And people don't really hesitate, clambering into a nest, finally reunited with the pack omega. I imagine that Marc being there is so calming for them, like his energy bring peace and a firm but loving atmosphere. Nobody would dare to fuck with him because in this world pack omegas are VERY important!
Marc is stiff at first, unused to such big nests (a bit like with the VR46 too), unused to people touching him, gentle hands against his hair, his legs, whatever they can reach. David (alonso) has instantly glued himself to marc, nose pressed in his neck, the vr46 boys are closest, wrapped around Marc, staying close in case he freaks. Alex is there too, right beside Marc. He slowly begins to relax, a weird nose building at that pack of his throat, purring still feeling unnatural, but making the alphas in the room glow with pride, the other betas and omegas settle into the comfort. Happiness permeates the air, scents pleased, and content.
This is post reconcilliation, when marc and Vale have sorted themselves out.
So Valentino definitely walks into this after finishing up with the team. Seeing his omega and his packs all together. It settles something in him. Something he didn't even know needed to be settled , a bit like how marcs gaping emptiness is finally, finally gone.
I like the idea of one of the youngsters (maybe David, or Maximo?) growling at Vale, still upset by everything. A couple of people tensing in the pack, until Marc hushes them, let's Vale join.
IMO I think that the motogp pack is simulatenosuly more and less important than the VR46 one. More because he always belonged there, and it was unfair for Vale to keep him away when he was part of the sport. Less because it has less sentimental value to marc, it's not the same as mourning a pack bond like the VR46, where they are a family.
It is very important for me to note that the motogp pack is not a romantic or sexual pack, just platonic. Of course, there's overlap of those kinds of relationships within the pack, but it's not the purpose!!!!
Also, this pack is not as rigid as others (because of the nature of it), but there's still a lot of respect for Vale and Marc!!
Anyways, what are your thoughts.
Sorry it's taken me so long. I hope you like it 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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veinspookiebear · 3 days ago
Do you perhaps have any Link Click headcanons you'd like to share with the class??
Not immediately off the top of my head, but you've given me a great reason to sit down and think about it SO!! These may be wordy I like to yap when I think about things
(They did in fact get wordy putting them under a cut so it's not a wall of text /silly)
Big fan of the headcanon that LG cuts CXS's hair when it needs a trim <3 I think before they lived together he always got it done by a stylist, but they could never get it quite to his liking. QL did it for him sometimes and he much preferred that, but she couldn't do it all the time. Then LG offers one day when he's complaining about it and gets it perfect and that just becomes the normal (LG never complains because he secretly loves his hair. And CXS maybe loves the feel of his hands in his hair too)
They order takeout a lot cause it's more convenient and works better for them especially when in the middle of missions (no wonder they're broke) but LG and CXS can both cook pretty well with the time, effort, and resources. Sometimes they cook together!! It goes about as well as you'd expect but somehow the food still turns out delicious. CXS says it's because they made it with love
QL (basically canonically /hj) clocks shiguang so hard but I think it'd be funny if she like. not quite wingwomans but does subtle things to push them together that gradually get more unhinged/obvious. Neither of them piece together what she's trying to do and she refuses to explain it even as she slowly loses her mind
QL and CXS have video game nights on the weekends. Occasionally they can drag LG into playing, but mostly he watches and commentates where he sees fit. He's in charge of snacks though
Both CXS and LG have nightmares, especially frequently after the events of S2. Inevitably they wake each other up. They have a silent agreement not to talk about things they dream about, at least not in depth (they can kind of figure, anyway), but they know how to comfort each other even without that specific knowledge. If it's particularly bad they end up cuddling the rest of the night, a constant reminder that the other is there, and they're safe for now, and they're loved.
LG actually has a ton of pictures of cosplays he did before he and CXS met. CXS found them, and ever since he's been trying to convince LG to cosplay again. It's not that he doesn't want to, necessarily, he just doesn't have the time and resources that he used to. Once things settle down, he starts cosplaying every now and then, and a lot of times CXS joins him as the other half to a duo or just another character he likes. QL joins in sometimes too. (Turns out to be a great marketing strategy)
CXS in a dress. Need I say more
(Okay I'll say more. He doesn't wear dresses or similar clothing very often, but he does have a few and occasionally, when they don't have any business and he feels like it, he'll wear one. It's made entirely worth it by the way it utterly breaks LG, without fail. QL insists that's not a bro reaction. She also wholeheartedly encourages CXS)
LG isn't afraid to crossdress either if it means breaking CXS in return. This is exactly what happened the first time he cosplayed a female character.
CXS has a loose workout schedule that he can fit around their job and maybe takes a fighting class every now and then to keep his skills sharp. He says it's for his skills. It's mostly for his skills. Having some muscle definition with his sleeveless shirts and giving LG something to stare at is just a bonus!
Projecting here but I think both of them would love Epic: The Musical. CXS would vibe with the music and know all the words and LG would analyze it and reread the Odyssey and break down source to adaptation comparisons. They would love musical theater in general actually they just have that vibe to me
Also projection but giving LG a weighted blanket. He deserves it
Plushies too!! They don't have any in the show I can recall of the top of my head and I think they would both have at least a couple. A respective dog and cat that look like their shorts versions, for sure
CXS is grumpy about waking up until he's fully functioning, then he's got so much energy he has to get up and spend it. LG is not a morning person. If there's no urgent reason to get up, until CXS coaxes him out with coffee, he is not moving.
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the-haunted-office · 2 days ago
Stanley is indeed devastated by this turn of events.
Not only has he never stolen anything in his life - nothing that he can remember - but he has never been accused of stealing anything before either. As far as he can recall, he has always been a model employee, a model citizen, a model human being. Anybody should want to be like him. Well, not necessarily want to be like him, it's just that Stanley considers himself to be a good, well-rounded person. At least, he tries very hard to be. Where did it all go so wrong?
This is all exacerbated by the fact that the Duchess is one he considers a friend, even though she's his Boss. For her to be accusing him of these things... really hurts. How could he have stolen her things? How could he have hidden the others? He could he have locked her in her room? How could have don't any of that?
He has no explanation, none that she will hear. But still, he has to try.
"It's- It's- It must all be a- a part of the... the Story," he attempts to explain, shuffling backwards while she advances. He can see the way the corridor, their surroundings, has changed, but it doesn't fully register what all that means just yet. "I don't- I don't know yet what it- what it all means, but we are... we are in this together, Duchess. We-"
Stanley blinks, cutting himself off when he notices the arrow and the letters painted above the Duchess's head, floating there like they're her own little personal rain cloud.
Why... Of course she's the Boss. Stanley knows this. She's been the Boss from the very beginning, as far as he is aware, so why does this little... thing... feel the need to let him know this now?
He blinks again, befuddled by the accompanying life bar that extends along with it.
That's when he starts shaking his head along with moving away from her even more. No. No way. He's not going to fight her. Not only does he not have any desire to fight her, but he if he wanted to, he wouldn't stand a chance.
"The Narrator- Have you heard him sp- speaking? He's... He's the one who con- controls the- the Story," he says, voice verging somewhere between panic and pleading.
It's at this time that he is beginning to wonder how easily she would be able to follow him down the stairs if he were to run.
The Duchess drops the doorknob on to the floorboards. Her massive head arches down to Stanley’s level, her multiples of eyes boring into his. “Where are my thingssh? My… time-piece! My pic-sshures! My sssheal, my pen! My… drink? Where?”
How devastated he must be, that she has finally caught on to this game. When the time is right, he deceives her. He conspires with others and claims there are none. He steals the vestiges of what she owns, the last of herself. He leaves her to die. Is this how it must be?
Evergreen's anger is not at the walls, not at the unfairness of them. It now roils at Stanley, the poor Stanley who had embraced her only moments before.
He must be terrified, in the sense that he knows what is coming, and what he deserves. The grief on his face registers not as heartbreak, but the fear of cornered prey. The same horror reflected in her loved ones. The same look of a cornered animal and nothing else.
“Nothing? Where is… the music? The others?”
No matter how intelligent, no matter how angry, no matter how intentional Evergreen’s words, the hallway now builds her narrative. Every thought may have well as been written by these walls, or by forces beyond. It doesn’t matter where she has come from, who she was, and what she had in her pockets. She has taken the path outside of the door and this is where her Story begins.
As she approaches, the path she leaves is conspicuously wide, enough for Stanley to sidestep her. Now is his chance to duck into the office. The Narrator’s crossbow spins tantalizingly on the floor of the study.
“Stanley. It is a simple calc-u-lation. If am in there… and you are here… and the door… is locked…? What does it mean?" The hallway fades around them, with the subtle effect of a spotlight. She shambles towards him, the boards straining under every step like punctuation. “If it is only you and I… what does it mean?”
The answer lies above. An arrow angles at her skull like a knife, a set of red characters defying reason:
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auguryofjellyfish · 10 days ago
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me @ ken rn
#tetro danganronpa pink#blakewords#feeling like that one shellshocked shinji gif#peeps keep saying 'omfg what if hes already dead' NO. he is not jfc#no way there's no sign of him for more than 1.5 days 😭😭#'oh well at least without kamimura he'll have more screentime by himself and a chance to bond with others!' they said#my man without kamimura is a non-entity he doesn't gaf#'oh at least we'll see who he is when he's not in kamimura's shadow!' they said#my man is nothing and no one 😭😭 MY MAN IS THE TYPE IS TO HAVE 1 FRIEND and be like aight im good for life#he doesn't gaf about these other mofos who even are they 😭 he doesn't know them like who tf#my man is the type to know people casually for years and only say like 3 sentences to them during that time#'dont reduce ken to just kamimura' they said#HE doesn't care about anyone else but kamimura bruh...kamimura was the only one he truly liked bruhhh noooo#i need to see him i'm tweaking#ok just so yknow I didn't mean that ken is an apathetic prick that hates everyone and wishes they'd go to hell#obviously he cares about the others and their well-being he's a kind person#I meant that he doesn't care to try to form any interpersonal connections with any of them. Hes just not very interested#either that or it's just so hard for him that he doesn't want to try#there's a reason I kept yapping on and on about what he and kamimura had being easy soo many times#its not just the depression and grief when he's been like that since the beginning#This is not supposed to be a judgement or a criticism upon him lol I know who he is and I love him for it#not everyone can be a social butterfly#I'll be pleasantly surprised if he does manage to connect to someone else with the cast dwindling even further in chap 5
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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Assisting Acquaintance Acquired.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen ning#wei wuxian#Ignore how Wen Ning's hair looks here because I messed it up. Let's pretend he just sported a different hair style for a brief moment.#I am not exactly great at consistency but I am trying very hard to work on that (immediately messes up again).#Absolutely *love* how Wen Ning clearly remembers and admires WWX...who does *not* recognize him.#This is the best day for Wen Ning and it means *nothing* to WWX. A painful one-sided crush made worse.#It is bittersweet to realize that we care about someone more than they care about us. Sometime we pour love into a relationship-#-with someone who just can't reciprocate. It isn't always a conscious things either. Some people just aren't aware we care.#And painfully - so painfully - You can't make them aware. No act of kindness or gift or self sacrifice will make someone care about you.#You can martyr yourself for someone and they will continue on unchanged.#I think a lot about the parallels between WN and LWJ. Not foils - just reflections. A theme repeated.#People who give so much of themselves to someone who doesn't have the capacity to give any part of themself away.#I will die on the hill of 'Wen Ning would be the love triangle romance if that trope wasn't being avoided'.#And to be honest - thank the stars above that is the case. I do not know any good love triangles in media.#We are skipping some of the sad Jiang Cheng content because I really want to finish season 2 before May.#Sorry JC emo moment lovers...I'll deliver another time.
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jack-ackles · 9 months ago
i don't want to be the person who says this but did luke newton just washed all his own and nicola's hard work and efforts down the drain? like,, seriously man? couldn't have waited atleast ONE more week?
also, i am not the person to ship celebs in real life but if they kept up this whole pr since all these months.. couldn't he have waited one more week? the reason that this whole pr was done.. wasted!!
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starrycat123-blog · 2 days ago
tbh I'd get it if it was. This is kinda long so I'm putting it under a read more.
Sonic is shown here to have the metal disease, which infects people through contact, and he's sitting on top of her chair with his shoes dangling just a bit above her head. I'd be uncomfortable just with a person sitting there not infected. maybe I'd make an exception if we were close friends and I felt really secure in my chair's ability to hold them up but I don't think either of those things are happening here. like they're not close and ig sonic probably has really good balance and the chair probably won't break but he's really sitting at the very tippy top of it. I would for sure be worried he'd fall, and that's even without the disease.
And the disease is very much a thing and he might fall ON ME. Which, like. I'll literally die if this guy fell on me and he's right precariously above me??? What do you MEAN my personal space is being invaded by a person who will kill me if we accidentally touch in any way for even a fraction of a second and it's entirely possible that such a thing might happen. and I'm just supposed to put up with it?? Like yeah they're trying to fix things and so much of the world is already infected that they're all kinda screwed unless they succeed in curing the disease but I'd still be pretty unhappy about it.
And to make it even worse, this guy who is in my space and who might kill me is the literal savior of the world and he's kinda my boss or at least his friends are (I won't claim to remember what's up with the restoration's politics at this point in time). Like he's widely beloved and famous and going through a hard time right now bc the world's ending and everyone is suffering. This guy is terminally ill and recently watched a bunch of his friends get hurt and they're sorta dead and they might die for good and he might too. As uncomfortable and scary as it is to have him there, how on earth could I ever ask this guy to move? Worse than that, me talking to him might startle him and make him fall on me. Getting up to move would shift the weight balance of the chair, which could also result in him unintentionally killing me. And anyway I still have a job to do. Not doing my job might mean everyone dies and the world ends. But also I definitely can't focus on bc there's a person sitting above me very close to me who might kill me if the chair shifts at all on accident so really I should try not to move too much or do anything at all really. Just stay still until he goes away. stay still until he goes away. stay still until he goes away. stay still. stay still, stay still, stay still, please leave soon. please leave please please. Please leave please leave please leave please please please please leave please please
Like that'd be utterly terrifying. Super uncomfortable. How do you look the guy in the eye and just start being his friend after that? Even if he did apologize which he probably didn't and like the person above says he probably doesn't remember, I think that'd stick with a person for a while. Maybe he thought nothing of it, and probably anyone you talk to will also think little of it because nothing happened, everyone was so stressed and upset, and obviously everyone loves this guy or feels gratitude toward him so they're inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, but you were afraid for your life. You were afraid for your life and the guy threatening you didn't care, didn't even notice. And you can't really even complain about it bc he's a celebrity. And the metal virus got cured with his help so he kinda saved your life too. That's so messy, idk if I could ever look him in the eye again, idk if I'd even want to see him on tv. Kinda sucks that Lanolin has to be around him still bc I know I wouldn't want to be.
Like idk I don't hate Sonic for this bc yeah this is horrible and stressful (and also it's fiction so. Lacks that personal impact).
and as far as he sees it (though I doubt he thought about it at all, I think he was just moving the way he normally does without thinking about it) the options are probably just:
1) it's fine and they don't touch and the world gets saved (which to his credit is exactly what happened)
2) they touch but the world gets saved and she's included in that so it doesn't really matter. -> also to build off this, it's probably ok that they're in restoration HQ bc even if he touches her he'll have time to restrain her or get her out or do whatever else is needed to keep everyone else safe and able to keep working on the problem
3) they don't touch but the world ends anyway and eventually someone else touches her and she dies
4) he touches her and she dies but also so does he and everyone else. and so she would've died anyway and it doesn't really matter if it happened a little sooner rather than later.
He also knows his physical ability better than she does, and probably figures he's fast enough to handle it even if she moves and his balance on the chair is thrown off.
Although if I was her I'd be worried in this particular case bc he's sick and might be thrown off his rhythm bc of that so even if I was friends with him and normally trusted him to sit up there I still don't think I'd be okay with him being there in this situation.
Idk it's fictional so. Anyway have a good day y'all
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Imagine if this was why Lanolin really hates Sonic so much.
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diluc33rpm · 1 year ago
the romance/relationship system in bg3 is genuinely some of the worst designed shit i've ever seen in any game with that feature but at least the memes we get out of it are funny. once saw someone comment something along the lines of 'patch note: waving at gale will no longer cause him to buy a house for the two of you to retire in' and i've never recovered since
#i love gale he doesn't deserve (most of) the incel slander#but it's painfully such a good riff because it really really does feel like that#the player choices being a b/w alternation between 'hey there' and 'YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF... NOW!' normally is already comical as is#the fact that it carries over into interactions with the party members who you're presumably trying to be close with is... something else#and what makes it worse is it ISN'T jokey hyperbole. anyone remember 'send a mental image of you kissing him or HIS HEAD ON A PIKE.' c'mon#trying to chat and vibe at the refugee camp celebration and the sum of conversation i get is one (1) line asking how they're doing#because going any further than that elicits marking you down for the path of boning take it or leave it#it's genuinely so hard to get to feel like you can deepen a relationship with the characters in ways that aren't trying to pursue them#yes! halsin! i really want to know you better! i just don't want the ass!! why is trying to hit the only option other than up and leaving!!#99% of the time i expect nothing from media creators in terms of writing interactive relationships#larian are beyond parody in that they've somehow managed to do worse than the already suboptimal majority#we're just going to impose the roadblock of do you want to fuck y/n right off the bat. good luck finding a way to talk around that if not#the obscuration surrounding where exactly the checks are really does not help at all either#when the shit's got even the allos complaining about it you know it's BAD#shame because i was excited for character scenes given that's a lot of what's hyped up about the game#but no it's all just the romances. 'what if i'd like to breathe in someone's general direction-' well now have you heard of our romances?#fish fear them party members fear them and tav is going to have to walk alone on this sinful earth#conservative bigoted relative at the family reunion withers era was a fucking time before they tweaked that line speaking of#just so crazy they can get away with this shit#baldur's gate 3#bg3 liveblog
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lususnatura · 6 months ago
🎤 🎤 🎤
a song that i associate with my muse meme!
AHH, hey, ramone!! thank you for sending in this prompt :D since you sent in three of the mic's, i shall now be treating you to three songs that make me think of blamore when i hear them / that i associate with it. an explanation of why i chose them will be in the tags <3
hozier - who we are.
icehouse - crazy.
depeche mode - personal jesus.
#IT WAS PROBABLY NOTHING BUT IT FELT LIKE THE WORLD: musings.#asks - answered.#ooc post.#okay but ESPECIALLY heavy on the last one because it literally all about the idea of someone that people can turn to in hard times-#like a god or a prophet who will listen to your plights and help you + who you should believe in. and i say this because one major theme-#to blamore's character is the concept of being a false prophet and someone who essentially unfortunately takes advantage of people's-#longing for things to get better in gotham. bc i feel like a lot of people there have either been failed by the system by other's or-#possibly both and this is so that blamore can get people to voluntarily want to consume the 'seeds' it distributes in order to uhh...#well purge gotham of its undesirables basically as terrible as that sounds. but yeah that depeche mode song? it's such a good one for-#him and definitely has helped me before to write things related to him since blamore does sometimes believe in its own hubris.#but as for the second one by icehouse that one i associate with it because although it doesn't exactly consider itself to fully identify-#with the label of being a 'man' i feel as if blamore will still talk about itself that way sometimes. its relationship with its gender-#is honestly a little bit complicated NGL because him using it/its pronouns as well is something blamore adopted recently even-#though he'd always sort of felt like disconnected and/or like it didn't really align with how he saw himself completely. BUT yeahhh#i honestly could start a whole discussion about that but i shall do that another time perhaps ahah. anyhow though besides that-#elephant in the room ever since it has transformed into this half-human half-plant monster being... although it does love any partners-#it has very much (trust me) i feel like it does wonder why they chose to be with him more often than he'd like to admit.#so that's where the whole 'crazy' part comes in and as for the hozier song that song is about how you kind of have to carve through-#this 'darkness' to rediscover ourselves and who we want to be as a result of going through a rough time or just something tough in-#general and that is SO freaking fitting in my opinion for blamore because it definitely had to completely reframe the way it thought-#about itself when it transformed. and he also had to figure out what he believed in / what his values were now which can be suchhh-#a messy process TBH but this isn't the first time that blamore's had to rediscover itself as life is honestly kind of this ongoing-#process of losing yourself and trying to find yourself again you know? but yeah. i hope you enjoyed my explanation here tehe <3#and also that you enjoy the tunes!!
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pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 1 year ago
pmd chatot for blorbo bingo? ^^
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He's a silly rabbit. I love him
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tvrningout-a · 2 years ago
a kiss shared during a game  ( truth or dare ,  spin the bottle ,  etc ) . // omg imagine them at a party & then it's truth or dare & niko gets asked to 'kiss the person he wants to kiss the most/is the most gorgeous.' & then he kisses chiyo & it's like !!!!
kiss & tell | @metrictita kisses chiyo because he wants to!
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she'll never tell anyone this, but she's not really a fan of truth or dare.
chiyo might be in the minority, considering she isn't one to risk being tasked to do something truly outrageous, but she still plays because niko and their friends want to play, and she's nothing if not agreeable... some of the time, at least. she just wants to watch them laugh at each other, goad one another into ridiculous acts that she'll definitely never let them live down. she can handle being asked things like, " who would you kiss here? " if it means her friends have a good time, and she gets to make fun of them.
she answered, " no one, " by the way. a lie, naturally.
" alright, niko, " grins arata, clapping his hands together. " truth or dare? "
he picks dare.
" i dare you to... kiss the person you wanna kiss the most! "
chiyo stops paying attention, averting her eyes. it's embarrassing to watch anybody kiss, but most of all someone close to her like niko. she does wonder who he'll choose, then stops herself from wondering because why does it matter? it'll happen, they'll move on with the game, and then she'll forget about this dare by the end of the night.
niko's shoes come into her view, and her heart trips over itself. she keeps staring at them like they're going to side step and land in front of paige instead, but they don't. they don't, and she's panicking a little because... because why? because her best friend is about to kiss her? because that's so scary?
it is. it's scary because when she was asked who she'd kiss here, her honest answer would have been niko. and chiyo isn't quite sure what that means for her ( or maybe she knows, but she wants to pretend for just a little longer ).
she drowns in blue as niko gently tilts her face up to look at him; she's searching for an answer. why would he pick her, out of all the people here? he tugs her up and off the couch, and chiyo lets him. she can't be the most appealing option. some of their friends break out into ooh's when niko pulls her closer, a warm hand upon her waist. sure, he likes her just the way she is, handles her with the sort of care she's always craved from another person, but they're friends. he's leaning down, and chiyo isn't stopping him, still searching, heart hammering against her ribcage as he cups the back of her neck.
but maybe that's just it. they're friends, close friends, so maybe he'd rather kiss her than someone else who doesn't know him like her. that makes sense. it makes more sense than the tingle that works its way up chiyo's spine and into her scalp when niko finally kisses her. it makes more sense than rising on her tiptoes to gain a better angle, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt for leverage. it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the butterflies fluttering in her stomach when niko grips her a little tighter, still ever soft and slow as his lips move against hers, stealing the air from her lungs.
when niko pulls away but not out of her space, it's embarrassing how her lips follow after his for a second before chiyo realizes what she's doing. she opens her eyes and finds herself falling into pools of blue once again, more lost than she was before.
they're friends, but she'd never kiss a friend like that.
" ...are you guys secretly dating, or what? " arata teases, breaking the tension and reminding chiyo that she and niko are very much not alone. she scoffs, moving away from him and attempting to smile through the heavy feeling building up in her chest. she stuffs her hands in the pocket of her hoody and plops back onto the couch beside paige ( who, by the way, isn't hiding her grin very well at all ).
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" what would the point of that be, arata? this isn't a tv show. " chiyo meets niko's eyes only to look away immediately. she can feel her cheeks growing warm. embarrassing. " let's just move on, alright? "
they move on with the game as requested. chiyo can't look niko in the eyes the rest of the night. she tries to not think about why.
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jazzy-dreamer · 3 months ago
*Creates an incredibly in depth character analysis long enough and detailed enough to be a presentation for an English exam in my head*
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