#either free run in a safe area or have an appropriate harness on
darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
me when i'm recommended videos of people biking with their dog and the dog is attached only by a collar...
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joonsrack · 5 years
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+Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
+Genre:  One shot (maybe an eventual series). It’s not fluff, it’s not angst, it’s....idk i’m bad at this.
+Word count: 2.1k
“Here stands Kim Namjoon, tyrannic CEO who has made the last few months of your life a blur of stressful weeks and nonexistent weekends. He's a workaholic on a good day, and a demon on the bad ones. Not a...whatever this is.
‘He’s flirting, right?’ The little voice from the back of your mind supplies. ‘Shut up’ is all you answer.”
Meeting your boss in a BDSM club is probably the last thing you were expecting coming here.
+Warnings: NSFW (nothing graphic but story takes places in a BDSM club), BDSM themes, implied switch namjoon, implied dom reader, i know nothing about BDSM and BDSM clubs, don’t @ me. (if i should have tagged anything else pls let me know uwu)
+A/N: This is my first reader x member type of fic, and i gotta say, it was pretty fun. I wrote this for the Secret Santa event organized by the amazing people at BTS writers collective, as a gift for the lovely @freekyegg​ 💖💖💖. You said your fave namjoon was harness and choker namjoon, so my brain went straight for the kinky stuff.... I  hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it! Also this fic has nothing to do with Christmas, idk how that happened..
ENORMOUS thank you to @spicykoreantatertots​ who edited this on a 2 hour deadline, when it wasn’t even finished yet 🥰💖
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Of all the places you thought you’d be spending your Friday night, sitting in the office of a BDSM club owner, discussing SSC and setting up your membership, was not one of them. But here you are, sitting in the office of a BDSM club owner, going through the terms and conditions of your membership.
Jung Hoseok smiles at you before handing you a gold pen. The man looks immaculate in his double breasted gray suit, not a crease in sight. Despite his smile, there’s a dangerous aura to him. One of complete and utter control.
“Sign here, here, and here. It’s very important that you respect these rules, for everyone’s safety. We also insist that first timers stick to observation during their first visit. Wear this.” He says, putting down a red bracelet on the desk before you. “Then other customers will know not to propose you. You can also choose to wear this bracelet whenever you feel like just watching from the sidelines.” You hand him back the membership contract after you’ve finished signing on all the proper lines, and he examines your signature before nodding in approval. “There’s a bar at everyone’s disposal, but we don’t allow heavy alcohol consumption, since we prioritize clear consent.”
The nameplate on the desk with 'Jung Hoseok - Headmaster' engraved in cursive makes you feel like you’re back in high school. Except this is not high school, and sitting on the other side of the desk is a successful attractive young man, not a bald idiot.
“There’s some private rooms to everyone’s disposition, which you can either reserve in advance or the same night depending on the availability. We have one room for people who like to have an audience, which we call the Window Room.” 
You nod along with him, a little overwhelmed by all the information. He smiles reassuringly at you, noticing your deer in the headlights look. It feels more predatory than anything else.
“There's single mixers every last Thursday of each month, open to the BDSM community, and sometimes there’s special events, themed nights or performances, which are posted on the website. Any questions?”
You shake your head, feeling so far out of your element, sitting in this chair, about to enter a whole new world you’ve been fantasizing about but never dared to seek out.
It took your best friend, Taehyung, digging a little too deep in your closet for one of your blouses and finding your box of accessories and outfit. You had flushed a deep red in embarrassment at having your secret exposed, but your friend had been quick to reassure you there was nothing to be embarrassed about. 
Then he’d shocked you into admitting he had a similar interest.
“You asked me once why I have a leash at home when I don’t own a dog.” He had said, shrugging one shoulder, and that had been an eye opening moment for you.
And then, after revealing you’d never shared with anyone your interest for all things leather, whip and power dynamic, he had talked to you about this club.
“It’s called Club Dionysus. It’s for people interested in BDSM. There are spaces reserved for scenes, but you can also just chill at the bar and observe. It could be good for you, to explore this side of you, you know? Without any pressure to participate in anything.”
A few days later, after a hellish week of dealing with your tyrannic boss, distracting yourself with a new experience seemed like an excellent idea.
The corset is hugging your body just right, your sheer stockings held in place by some garter and disappearing into your leather pencil skirt. The heels you have on would never be appropriate for a setting other than this one, making you feel like there’s power to each of your steps.
It’s definitely not the kinkiest outfit you own, but you chose to keep it tame for you first visit.
Taehyung is waiting just outside the door as Hoseok dismisses you from his office, wishing you an excellent time. He steers you toward the bar area, but that doesn’t stop you from mapping out the place. You had sneaked a peak at the club before being ushered into the Headmaster’s office, but it’s still a lot to take in once you’re finally free to let your eyes roam around.
The general theme colour seems to be dark palettes, dark wood details, and a little touch of red here and there, but definitely less than you were expecting. There’s the bar corner, which looks like any other club, save maybe for the bartender’s outfit. There’s some tables and then an open space, but it doesn’t seem to be for dancing, judging from the handcuffs hanging from the ceiling.
“For public punishment.” Taehyung specifies once he sees what you zeroed on.
You try to act unaffected, but it’s definitely going to stay in the back of your mind.
There’s a hallway that leads to a few closed doors, some with signs on them. It’s probably safe to assume these are “occupied” signs. Then there's a corner with a small stage, where those performances Hoseok mentioned probably take place. A Saint Andrew’s cross is placed on it, which you were kind of expecting, coming here.
Then, there’s a ceiling to floor window, giving into a darkened room.
You leave Taehyung at the bar waiting for you drinks, curious about what is standing on the other side. The room is dark, so you need to stick your face to the glass and shield your eyes from the light to see anything beyond the window.
You see some outlines, but you can’t make out exactly what’s in there, other than some dark furniture. You push your face even closer, tightening the shield around your eyes.
“You’re allowed to peak inside through the door, you know.” Someone says from behind you, startling you from how close they sound.
Your body seizes up in fight or flight response, survival instinct kicking in at the familiar voice. You know it so well; Too well. It follows you all day long, barking orders left and right, calling you at all hours to add to your workload. And then it wakes you up in the middle of the night, most of the time from stress nightmares.
Most of the time.
You deliberate about turning around and facing the most humiliating moment of your life, or just going straight for the exit without turning back. There isn't a lot of patrons in the bar right now, so the path to the door is probably clear. The only problem is that your feet are grounded to the floor, your heels feeling like they're suddenly made of concrete.
There's a little voice in the back of your mind whispering something that resemble 'Don't forget he's here too', but right now all you’re able to focus on is the presence you can feel, hovering over your shoulder. 
That's probably what describes best your relationship, him hovering over your shoulder.
Kim Namjoon has been breathing down your back since the first day you started working as his personal assistant, making your every waking moment a living hell. Go figure he would be doing it here too.
You brace yourself for his usual cold demeanour. You're persuaded this man hates you, always bossing you around and criticizing your every move.
You aren’t expecting the soft grin pulling at the corner of his lips. 
Neither are you expecting… everything else.
Gone is his everyday slicked back hairstyle, his silver hair coiffed into a more relaxed, swoop to the side look. He’s wearing this black satin blouse with see through sleeves and leather jeans, which is already a lot to compute, quite different from the suit you’re used to seeing him in. What makes your brain short circuit though, is the harness. 
A leather belt cinches his slim waist, two leather straps attached to it, running over his strong shoulders. There’s two leather cuff on each of his wrist, over the sleeves ends, and the harness look is completed by a simple black choker, looking stark against Namjoon’s neck.
You feel your mouth go dry, your breathing getting a little short and heart beating a little faster. 
All because of the stress of meeting your boss here, of course. No other reason at all.
“Hello sir.” You say, finally finding your voice. Your head is in a state of chaos, your brain on a loop of everything going on with Namjoon’s outfit. 
“Rule #6 if I remember correctly; Relationships and dynamic with people you might know outside of these walls do not apply inside Club Dionysus.” Namjoon recites, eyes on your red bracelet. He takes a very small step back that doesn’t do anything for the lack of space between you. 
You would feel caged in, except he has his hands in his back.
You’re not exactly sure why he’s telling you that, although you vaguely remember Jung Hoseok mentioning this earlier. The confusion must show on your face, because Namjoon carries on.
“You don’t need to address me as sir here.” He says, his smile turning sharper. “That is… unless we’ve previously agreed upon that.” 
Oh. Oh.
There’s something happening here. A shift in the air. A glint in his eyes. 
You swallow, and it sounds ten times louder than usual, despite the soft background music.
“I- hm. Interesting.” You’ve probably never sounded so dumb, but you can’t think over the sirens going off in your head.
This is a weird situation. Something you were not expecting, not in a million years. And how could you? 
Here stands Kim Namjoon, tyrannic CEO who has made the last few months of your life a blur of stressful weeks and nonexistent weekends. He's a workaholic on a good day, and a demon on the bad ones. Not a...whatever this is.
‘He’s flirting, right?’ The little voice from the back of your mind supplies. ‘Shut up’ is all you answer.
Unaware of your internal struggles, Namjoon snorts at your lack of response, looking...endeared? Is that the correct word? Is your obvious lack of brain cells endearing to him?
“I’m not your boss here, and you’re not my personal assistant.”
“Ehrm, I see. Should I call you Mr.Kim then?”
“If you wish to.” He says, looking particularly amused by your awkwardness.
Which, rude. This is a stressful place to meet your boss, how dare he.
“If I wish to, huh? So, I could choose to call you anything I’d like?” You can’t stop the slight flare of temper, not liking being made fun off. If he wants you to treat him as an equal, then treat him as an equal you will.
Namjoon nods once, his tongue quickly wetting his lips before adding, “Of course I will need to agree to it beforehand.”
You catch Taehyung from the corner of your eyes, waving at you from the bar with a question mark on his face. Namjoon follows your line of sight, focusing on your friend and frowning.
“Would you agree to being called ‘baby boy’, then?” you taunt, standing straighter than you have so far. 
He snaps his attention back to you, looking taken aback by the switch of demeanor.
You can’t stop your mind from conjuring the memory of those dreams, the one that wake you up in the middle of the night. Blurs of a long body tied to a bed, a diamond choker sparkling on his neck, a voice, usually hard, sounding soft and whimpery.
The wide eyed look Namjoon is giving you is pretty close to the one you usually see on his face during those short nighttime visits. 
“I-” He says, but stops, looking flustered. You feel a growing satisfaction at having reversed the roles.
The novelty of the situation, that left you feeling unsteady, is starting to subside, leaving you sure footed in your stilettos. 
You purse your lips, cocking a brow.
“Only if you agree, of course.”
You see his throat work, making his choker shift as he swallows once, then twice.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m not allowed to take part in the events tonight,” You say, showing off your bracelet. “so I guess we should keep this discussion for next time.” You side step him, never breaking eye contact.
“After all, we need to talk about what you’re going to call me, too.” 
“In fact,” He finally says after a moment of silence, his earlier confidence replaced by something more tentative. “we should discuss it in great detail.” He finishes.
You smile in lieu of a response, before giving one last appreciative look to his attire, lingering on the black choker. You feel his eyes on you as you make your way back to the bar, already looking forward to next Friday.
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1sthireposts · 3 years
An Important Checklist before Hiring Cherry Picker Rental in Surrey
Are you working at height? You must consider Cherry Picker Rental that would not only make your work easier but offers safety too. These platforms are suitable for exterior painting, window cleaning, and roof repair projects, as well as working either indoors on factory maintenance projects or outdoors on telecoms, etc.
Cherry Picker Rental and Their Uses-
The cherry pickers are usually an aerial work platform (AWP) or mobile elevating work platform (MEWP). They are also known as powered access machinery that makes it easy to access inaccessible areas using extending mechanical platforms. These platforms are more versatile as compared to the scissor lifts that offer the benefit of outreach as well as height.
You can find different sorts of cherry pickers or boom lifts and some of them have further outreach or a higher working height than others. Usually, a platform or bucket is attached to the boom that helps to extend upwards and from side to side or contains hinges that allow it to provide an 'up and over' movement. When we talk about the operator of a boom lift, they are highly protected and contained by a cage or safety rail and raised to the suitable height or position safely. 
The cherry pickers enable more exact access to difficult to reach areas. We can say that they are the closest version of the aerial platform to a crane, but differently, move and control. These platforms are larger than other types of AWP, like scissor lifts and personnel lifts. Hence they are widely used on large-scale projects such as construction and events. Usually mounted on a truck or lorry, they can cover their telescoping sections to a height of more than 100 metres. 
You can also access smaller booms to be used in telephone and power line maintenance, window cleaning, tree surgery, and firefighting. They are usually powered by diesel owing to their weight, but the smaller version of this platform may be powered by LPG, electricity, battery, or pneumatics. 
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This Boom Lift is capable of taking 2 men up to 12 metres. It is one of the most strong and versatile trailer mounts available. With this platform, the operation is quick and easy, simple hydraulic controls make it an ideal alternative to ladders & Scaffolds. 
All you just need to discuss with your local supplier to check what they have as per your needs. Make sure your supplier has the wonderful deal on Cherry Picker Rental Surrey. 
The Benefits of Cherry Picker Rental in Surrey-
There is a number of works that can be carried out by cherry pickers that we discussed above, including cleaning out gutters and putting up new signage. However, buying a new one or a used one can be expensive for you, especially if you need the equipment for certain jobs.
Most often get confused about how they will benefit from a best cherry picker rental service. Let’s find out the best possible answer to this question-
Renting flexibility- If you need this equipment for certain jobs which are also not frequent, you must consider a rental service. You will have the freedom to pick your boom lift when you need it. You can also hire it for a full day. It saves you money that you must think about. Yes, you can do such work with the help of a ladder, but those very high places you need to reach require a cherry picker. 
 When you are renting your required cherry picker, make sure your supplier is reputed and professional. It ensures that you will receive the best and well-maintained equipment as well as get the best value for your money. Also, you are able to use it right away without having to carry out any maintenance and also it will enable you to access high areas safely and easily.
Time effective- 
You don’t need to worry about anything as some of the best companies will deliver the cherry picker at your project site and collect it from you again when you have finished with it. It can save your time as you don’t need to bother about transportation of equipment. 
Work competently-
A cherry picker enables you to work competently and complete your project within a timeframe in a hassle-free way. As this equipment has a hydraulic lifting system, you can easily access several floors of a building with ease.
Cost-Effective method- When you buy a cherry picker, you must keep in mind that it requires regular maintenance. Also, some repairs come as a consequence of unexpected breakdowns. It needs the expertise of engineers and experienced craftsmen to repair. 
Renting a cherry picker allows you to use it without owning it. Renting options removes the maintenance costs and long-term debt that is associated with acquiring the machine. You can finish your project faster and minimize the cost of operation.  If you are running a business, then it is the best option to save your bucks and maximize your profit margins. 
Hidden prices- If a cherry picker is returned to your supplier in a not damaged way then all the cost would be exclusively paid by the rental company according to the rental agreement. There are no hidden charges while returning the equipment. 
No Storage- You don’t need to have storage or a warehouse to keep it safe as after using it you can give it back to your rental company. If you have booked it for more than one day, then you can return it to the company and again the next day it will get back to you.
Cherry pickers are one of the most convenient aerial work platforms for various industrial works as well as for all sorts of different work including construction, maintenance and servicing, and so on. Take advantage of rental services instead of owing them. 
Choosing Cherry Picker Rental in Surrey- how to use it safely?
Using cherry pickers is undoubtedly the safest, fastest, inexpensive, and least intrusive alternative to scaffolding platforms or towers. However, choosing the right equipment as per your needs and use it properly should be backed by proper planning. Make sure the environment and conditions of use are acceptable for the equipment. 
Ground conditions- The ground where you are working with a cherry picker should be appropriate and level. You should avoid using it on unstable ground, sloping ground, in high winds or extreme cold, during thunderstorms, near power lines, in the dark, etc.
Avoid any risk-
Although a cherry picker is a movable platform to cover a range of high-level access tasks, it is also your responsibility or the operator’s concern to stay within the parameters of the harness and working platform at the top of the equipment. As you are working with it at a height, it may be risky if you ignore the safety precautions. 
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A risk assessment-
You should carry out a full risk assessment while working with a cherry picker. This is the most important thing to consider. You can also use a fall protection system. When we talk about the causes of an accident, it could be mechanical equipment failure, inappropriate ground settings, severe falls, or contact with other vehicles.
Your one mistake can lead to far-reaching consequences. Hence, make sure you have included the safety plan before using a cherry picker at your project site. 
Sufficient training- it is of utmost importance, including specific working at height training. The operators should have minimum training beforehand that ensures that they are fully conversant with the operation of the machinery along with all the relevant safety precautions. 
An important Checklist before Hiring Cherry Picker Rental in Surrey –
When you are working at a height, for example, trimming branches from trees, repairing gutter, cleaning windows, fixing roofs, then using a cherry picker is the best option to gain access to the area you need. It will just need to drive up, set up the machine, which may be a case of just climbing up in to the cage on the back and lift up into the air.
What you need to consider-
How high do I need to go?
Usually, the upward height of a cherry picker is measured from ground level to the maximum height it can reach with the reach of an average person. Do not your own height to be added to the top of the machine measurement, unless you're unusually tall.
How far out do I need to go?
The outreach, how far a machine can stretch sideways, is measured from the turret to the fingertips of the average person extending from the fully stretched boom. So it depends on the work you are doing with it. 
What is the ground condition?
There are different sorts of cherry pickers available to hire. According to the ground conditions, you should hire a cherry picker. For sloppy ground, check the gradient level on the hire specs. If there is very rough terrain, you can go with specialist cherry pickers to deal with it. For wet ground, be sure the cherry picker is well supported. For changeable conditions, you are not sure of how to set up the machine to be safe. So it is better to call your service provider for advice before you start. They will set it up appropriately. 
They have their own survey team to arrive on-site to find that you don't have the right equipment for the job. It ensures that all our powered access platform hires run efficiently from initial inquiry to job completion. You can rest assured that your project will be started at the right time.
What affects the cost?
It depends on how long you need the machine, usually paid by the day or week. Also, whether you are employing a professional as an operator or you are hiring on a self-drive basis. Which particular machine you need to hire is also important. 
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Consult your supplier-
You can also directly talk to your company supplying the cherry picker if you are confused about anything. They are highly experienced in their use and will explain to you what you need. They can help you pick the right machine for your job as well as with the training if you need it.
How do I hire a cherry picker?
Once you have selected the access platform you would like to hire you can place your order online. Even their expert team is ready to offer advice if you are hesitant about which machine is the most appropriate for your next project, or if you need to arrange a site survey. 
In a nutshell, renting a cherry picker is worth investing in, in many ways that we have discussed above in this article. All you just need to make sure you have hired a professional and leading rental company for your required equipment so you can expect a great and transparent deal from them.
Looking for Cherry Picker Rental in Surrey? You can visit www.1sthire.com. Resources: https://sthireposts.blogspot.com/
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mechanicswichita · 3 years
Best Vehicle Backup System Installation Service and Cost in Wichita KS | A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita
More information is at:
Are you looking for Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Wichita KS? A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita,Backup System are now readily available as aftermarket parts that anybody can install on older vehicles.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. BestTowing Service around Wichita KS. Wichita KS Vehicle Backup System Installation Service specializes you with fast service, so you don’t have to wait for long.We serve Wichita KSand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Vehicle Backup System Installation
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Wichita KS: So you want to install a backup system on your trusty, but outdated, ride. Great idea! These helpful tools have made such an impact on the automotive industry that they’re now mandated as necessary safety features. But dealership rides aren’t the only way to get back up cameras.
Backup cameras are now readily available as aftermarket parts that anybody can install on older vehicles.A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita,On brand-new vehicles, a backup camera comes fully integrated into the electronics, so the system’s components are hidden. That’s the goal when installing a custom aftermarket setup, as well.
With a few tweaks to the car’s rear and a couple of wire connections, you’ll never have to crane your neck backward to check if little Timmy is practicing Big Wheel donuts at the end of the driveway. The A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita’s crack How-To team is here to help walk you through the process.
What Is a Backup System?
A backup camera, when built into a car’s systems by the manufacturer, displays a small, live view from behind the car when the vehicle is put into reverse. This gives the driver a clearer picture of what’s behind him or her and helps to ensure Fido doesn’t get a deep-tissue massage from your tires.
Here is a list of the types of cameras, as well as the types of displays commonly used.
Types of Cameras
●      Bracket-mounted: The camera is attached to but separated from a bracket that can be mounted on the car’s surface.
●      Flush-mounted: A camera that is made to blend with the surface of the vehicle as much as possible.
●      License plate frame: The camera is embedded within a license plate frame.
●      License plate bar: The camera is centered in a bar that stretches across and attaches to the top of a license plate.
●      OEM-specific: If you have a newer used car, it might be compatible with a specific part, such as a latch handle, that has a camera built in for a clean factory look.
Types of Displays
●      Integrated OEM: A factory unit that comes with the car and sits in or on top of the dashboard.
●      In-dash aftermarket: An added infotainment stereo with a screen that fits flush with the dashboard
●      On-dash aftermarket: A stand-alone monitor that can be placed on top of the dashboard.
●      Rearview mirror: A monitor is built into the rearview mirror. Sometimes the screen is half of the mirror, sometimes it is full-length. When not in use, it just looks like a mirror.
●      Wired vs. Wireless: Wired backup cameras require a physical wire connection to get the video from the camera to show up on the display. Wireless options, however, use a signal and receiver method and do not require a wire.
 Buying a Backup Camera System
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Wichita KS: Many car audio and electronic businesses, as well as some of the big box electronic stores, sell and install backup camera systems.
People can buy back up cameras as an aftermarket device by installing a small camera on the back bumper or license-plate holder. A video recorder, meanwhile, can be installed in a replacement rear-view mirror, on a screen that mounts to your car’s dashboard or can be integrated into a video screen that already exists on the vehicle.
Everything You’ll Need to Install a Backup System
We’re not psychic, nor are we snooping through your toolbox or garage, so here’s what you’ll need to get the job done.
Tool List
●      Flathead screwdriver
●      Phillips screwdriver
●      Trim/panel removal tools
●      Wire strippers
●      Cordless drill
●      3/32 to ⅛ drill bit
●      Automotive Multimeter
●      Wire connectors such as Posi-Taps
●      Electrical tape
●      Zip ties
●      A friend
Parts List
●      Rearview camera
●      Wire cluster
●      Monitor or infotainment unit (if necessary)
●      Rubber grommet
 How to Install a Backup System
Let’s do this!
Adding the Camera
●      Make sure the vehicle is turned off.
●      Safely disconnect the vehicle’s battery terminals.
●      Remove the license plate if necessary.
●      Position the camera to the desired position on the vehicle.
●      With a marker, mark where the camera’s cord hits the vehicle.
●      Depending on the type of vehicle and where the camera will be located, you will likely need to remove an interior panel from the interior portion of the door, hatch, or tailgate. On a bumper, this might not be necessary.
●      Make sure there are no wires, cables, or trim pieces that could be damaged when you drill a hole through the exterior of the car.
●      Determine which size drill bit bores a large enough hole to accommodate the camera’s wire and rubber grommet. A simple visual inspection is usually all you need.
●      Using the selected drill bit, drill a hole where you made a mark.
●      Add a rubber grommet into the hole to hide the rough metal edges and protect the wire.
●      Run the camera wiring through the hole.
●      Attach the camera to the vehicle either through the supplied hardware or the hardware you purchased separately.
Begin Wiring Installation
●      Connect the provided wire cluster to the camera wire. This will split into a video wire, a power wire, and possibly a reverse signal wire.
●      For the cleanest look, look for the existing manufacturer wiring loom, and try to pair and route the wiring next to that.
●      Identify a power source for the camera, likely either a reverse light or a license plate light.
●      Identify the positive and negative wires from the light source using a multimeter.
●      Link the positive camera wire to the positive light wire and the negative camera wire to the negative. This can be done with a splice or a Posi-Tap connector.
Splicing a Wire
●      If Posi-Taps are not available, then you will need to splice your wires together. For ease, we recommend a military splice, as it does not require soldering.
●      Using a wire stripper, hold the positive light wire and remove a section of the plastic coating to reveal the copper.
●      Split the exposed section of copper into two.
●      Feed the positive camera wire through the hole between the copper wiring.
●      Wrap and twist the wiring positive camera wire around the light wire to establish a sturdy connection.
●      Shrinkwrap and/or tape up the connection for security and protection.
●      Repeat for the negative wire.
Reverse Signal Wire
In order for the display to show the video feed, it needs a signal to alert the system the car is in reverse. In some cases, the infotainment unit will have automatic signal sensing that detects the presence of an incoming video signal. If this is the case, skip this step.
●      Using a friend, identify a signal source this is any wire that holds a positive 12 volts while the car is in reverse. People often use the wiring for the reverse light, but some aftermarket stereo wiring harnesses have a connection built in.
●      Tap into the signal source with a splice (repeat steps above).
●      Pair the signal wire with the video wire and prepare for routing.
Routing the Wiring
●      Depending on the type of vehicle, determine whether you want to track the wire under the floor of the vehicle or through its headliner.
●      Remove or partially detach any trim pieces, carpeting, headliner, or door rubber needed to discreetly run the wire.
●      Tuck the two wires out of view, and run them to the front of the vehicle.
●      Reattach the trim pieces you’ve removed.
Connecting the Display
Once the monitor is in place, be that in the dashboard, on top of it, or in the rearview mirror, it’s time to connect it to power, video, and the signal wire.
In some cases, the monitor power cord can be linked straight into the fuse box with a spliced-on adapter.
●      Use a multimeter to determine an appropriate spot and attach the power cable.
●      Make sure the fuse turns off when the ignition is off, or the connection could drain the battery.
In other cases, the power wiring can be hooked into the existing stereo unit.
●      Remove the trim piece to reach the stereo wiring.
●      Find the power cables for the stereo.
●      Connect positive to positive and negative to negative.
●      Connect the reverse signal wire to the reverse trigger wire.
●      Connect the video wire.
●      Reattach the trim pieces you’ve removed.  
Wrapping Up
●      Safely reconnect the battery terminals.
●      Start the car.
●      Put the car in reverse to see if the monitor switches or turns on and displays the rear video feed.
●      If it works, turn the car off. If it doesn’t, return to the steps and check your work.
●      Tidy up any superfluous wire with electrical tape, zip ties, and velcro.
●      Reinstall the stereo head unit, if necessary.
●      Reinstall any removed interior parts, panels, or coverings.
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Wichita KS:
●      Pulling stubborn tangled wire throughout a car can be frustrating, so it’s best to be prepared with tools that can make the process easier. Use a wire feeder or puller to get those wires through tough spots.
●      Commercial Camera extensions should not exceed 100 feet. If experiencing signal loss with a standard definition cable (TE-CEX), upgrade to a high definition cable (TE-HEX). The TE-HEX cables have a thicker copper cabling that helps with the signal loss and allows for the distribution of high definition signal.
●      If after a camera is installed you experience a rolling line, check your ground. The most common cause of this would be the grounding of the camera itself. The second cause would be a loose or broken ground in the RCA itself; this would require a replacement of the camera.
●      If after a camera is installed you experience a black and white image, check your ground. Check the ground on the monitor and the camera. A bad ground will not allow the processor to turn on fully, which results in a black and white image.
How much does it cost to get a backup system installed?
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Wichita KS: Count on $400-$600 for labor. If your car doesn't have a screen, there's additional cost, of course: $150-$200 for a screen alone and $500-$1,500 for new head unit with a screen.
How much is a backup camera installation?
Count on $400-$600 for labor. If your car doesn't have a screen, there's additional cost, of course: $150-$200 for a screen alone and $500-$1,500 for new head unit with a screen. Back-up camera systems come in three basic types: Camera-only systems that can be added to a car that already has a stock in-dash screen.
How Much Do Backup Cameras Cost?
●      The first involves installing a 3.5-inch portable screen and backup camera for around $350, including installation.
●      The next involves replacing the old rearview mirror with a new one with a video screen for about $450 to $800. This option can run more expensive, for example, if you’re replacing a rear view mirror with OnStar capabilities. Taking a rearview mirror with OnStar down will deactivate the technology and cause the engine light to illuminate.
●      If you already have a screen in your car, technicians can integrate a new backup camera into the existing video monitor for about $500 to $1,000.
●      The final option entails installing a new video screen on a vehicle that has a standard radio. This can cost $700 to $3,000, depending on all the options available such as navigation technology. The cost of a backup camera system can increase by adding technology, such as a backup sensor, which beeps when something is behind the car.
Will installing a backup camera system void my vehicles warranty?
No, installing a backup camera system or any aftermarket accessory or device will not void your vehicle's factory warranty. In fact, it is illegal for a car dealer to deny warranty coverage because you have installed a backup camera system or any aftermarket accessory or device.  The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection, has issued a bulletin that explains your protections under the law (The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act) and legal rights. Click here to view FTC Bulletin
 Will your backup camera systems work on my vehicle?
Yes, Our Premium Backup Camera System will work on any Car, Minivan, SUV, Pickup Truck or Commercial Vehicle.
 Can I buy your systems without installation?
Yes, all of their products are available without installation.  In fact, Online purchases qualify for FREE Nationwide Ground Shipping
 Can I install the backup camera system myself?
Although we recommend professional installation, our products can be installed by the DIY’er with a basic knowledge of automotive 12V systems and the right tools (12V tester is a must)!  Click Here For Installation Instructions
 How long will installation take?
Professional Installation by Backup4safety.com of a backup camera system will typically take 2 - 3 hours (complex installations can take longer) and can be performed at your home or office for maximum convenience.
 Do you warranty your installation?
Yes, Backup4safety.com stands behind our installation services and will correct any problem directly relating to the product installation, for the product’s warranty period.
 Why do I need a Backup camera module?
Backup camera module allows you to add a rear view camera the built in screen that came with your vehicle
 Do I get a warranty for the Backup camera module?
The warranty on our modules are the same high quality 1 year warranty we provide on all of our products.
●      Vehicle Backup System Installation Service Near Wichita KS
●      Backup Camera Installation Service
●      Backup Camera Installation
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Service
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install A Rear View Camera On A Car
●      Toyota Backup Camera Installation Cost
●      Reverse Camera Installation Price
●      Who Installs Backup Cameras
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Near Wichita KS
●      Backup Camera Installation Service
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Service
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install A Rear View Camera
●      Toyota Backup Camera Installation Cost
●      Backup Camera Installation
●      Who Installs Backup Cameras
●      Car Backup Camera Installation
●      Does Install Backup Cameras Near Wichita KS
Contact us:
A1 Mobile Mechanics of Wichita
24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Wichita, KS!
CALL: (316) 201-9247 MOBILE MECHANIC
WEBSITE: www.mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org
Service Area:
55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:
Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
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mobilemechanicsabq · 3 years
Best Vehicle Backup System Installation Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM | Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
More information is at:
Are you looking for Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Albuquerque NM? Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque,Backup System are now readily available as aftermarket parts that anybody can install on older vehicles.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. BestTowing Service around Albuquerque NM. Albuquerque NM Vehicle Backup System Installation Service specializes you with fast service, so you don’t have to wait for long.We serve Albuquerque NMand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Vehicle Backup System Installation
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Albuquerque NM: So you want to install a backup system on your trusty, but outdated, ride. Great idea! These helpful tools have made such an impact on the automotive industry that they’re now mandated as necessary safety features. But dealership rides aren’t the only way to get back up cameras.
Backup cameras are now readily available as aftermarket parts that anybody can install on older vehicles.Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque,On brand-new vehicles, a backup camera comes fully integrated into the electronics, so the system’s components are hidden. That’s the goal when installing a custom aftermarket setup, as well.
With a few tweaks to the car’s rear and a couple of wire connections, you’ll never have to crane your neck backward to check if little Timmy is practicing Big Wheel donuts at the end of the driveway. The Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque’s crack How-To team is here to help walk you through the process.
What Is a Backup System?
A backup camera, when built into a car’s systems by the manufacturer, displays a small, live view from behind the car when the vehicle is put into reverse. This gives the driver a clearer picture of what’s behind him or her and helps to ensure Fido doesn’t get a deep-tissue massage from your tires.
Here is a list of the types of cameras, as well as the types of displays commonly used.
Types of Cameras
●      Bracket-mounted: The camera is attached to but separated from a bracket that can be mounted on the car’s surface.
●      Flush-mounted: A camera that is made to blend with the surface of the vehicle as much as possible.
●      License plate frame: The camera is embedded within a license plate frame.
●      License plate bar: The camera is centered in a bar that stretches across and attaches to the top of a license plate.
●      OEM-specific: If you have a newer used car, it might be compatible with a specific part, such as a latch handle, that has a camera built in for a clean factory look.
Types of Displays
●      Integrated OEM: A factory unit that comes with the car and sits in or on top of the dashboard.
●      In-dash aftermarket: An added infotainment stereo with a screen that fits flush with the dashboard
●      On-dash aftermarket: A stand-alone monitor that can be placed on top of the dashboard.
●      Rearview mirror: A monitor is built into the rearview mirror. Sometimes the screen is half of the mirror, sometimes it is full-length. When not in use, it just looks like a mirror.
●      Wired vs. Wireless: Wired backup cameras require a physical wire connection to get the video from the camera to show up on the display. Wireless options, however, use a signal and receiver method and do not require a wire.
 Buying a Backup Camera System
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Albuquerque NM: Many car audio and electronic businesses, as well as some of the big box electronic stores, sell and install backup camera systems.
People can buy back up cameras as an aftermarket device by installing a small camera on the back bumper or license-plate holder. A video recorder, meanwhile, can be installed in a replacement rear-view mirror, on a screen that mounts to your car’s dashboard or can be integrated into a video screen that already exists on the vehicle.
Everything You’ll Need to Install a Backup System
We’re not psychic, nor are we snooping through your toolbox or garage, so here’s what you’ll need to get the job done.
Tool List
●      Flathead screwdriver
●      Phillips screwdriver
●      Trim/panel removal tools
●      Wire strippers
●      Cordless drill
●      3/32 to ⅛ drill bit
●      Automotive Multimeter
●      Wire connectors such as Posi-Taps
●      Electrical tape
●      Zip ties
●      A friend
Parts List
●      Rearview camera
●      Wire cluster
●      Monitor or infotainment unit (if necessary)
●      Rubber grommet
 How to Install a Backup System
Let’s do this!
Adding the Camera
●      Make sure the vehicle is turned off.
●      Safely disconnect the vehicle’s battery terminals.
●      Remove the license plate if necessary.
●      Position the camera to the desired position on the vehicle.
●      With a marker, mark where the camera’s cord hits the vehicle.
●      Depending on the type of vehicle and where the camera will be located, you will likely need to remove an interior panel from the interior portion of the door, hatch, or tailgate. On a bumper, this might not be necessary.
●      Make sure there are no wires, cables, or trim pieces that could be damaged when you drill a hole through the exterior of the car.
●      Determine which size drill bit bores a large enough hole to accommodate the camera’s wire and rubber grommet. A simple visual inspection is usually all you need.
●      Using the selected drill bit, drill a hole where you made a mark.
●      Add a rubber grommet into the hole to hide the rough metal edges and protect the wire.
●      Run the camera wiring through the hole.
●      Attach the camera to the vehicle either through the supplied hardware or the hardware you purchased separately.
Begin Wiring Installation
●      Connect the provided wire cluster to the camera wire. This will split into a video wire, a power wire, and possibly a reverse signal wire.
●      For the cleanest look, look for the existing manufacturer wiring loom, and try to pair and route the wiring next to that.
●      Identify a power source for the camera, likely either a reverse light or a license plate light.
●      Identify the positive and negative wires from the light source using a multimeter.
●      Link the positive camera wire to the positive light wire and the negative camera wire to the negative. This can be done with a splice or a Posi-Tap connector.
Splicing a Wire
●      If Posi-Taps are not available, then you will need to splice your wires together. For ease, we recommend a military splice, as it does not require soldering.
●      Using a wire stripper, hold the positive light wire and remove a section of the plastic coating to reveal the copper.
●      Split the exposed section of copper into two.
●      Feed the positive camera wire through the hole between the copper wiring.
●      Wrap and twist the wiring positive camera wire around the light wire to establish a sturdy connection.
●      Shrinkwrap and/or tape up the connection for security and protection.
●      Repeat for the negative wire.
Reverse Signal Wire
In order for the display to show the video feed, it needs a signal to alert the system the car is in reverse. In some cases, the infotainment unit will have automatic signal sensing that detects the presence of an incoming video signal. If this is the case, skip this step.
●      Using a friend, identify a signal source this is any wire that holds a positive 12 volts while the car is in reverse. People often use the wiring for the reverse light, but some aftermarket stereo wiring harnesses have a connection built in.
●      Tap into the signal source with a splice (repeat steps above).
●      Pair the signal wire with the video wire and prepare for routing.
Routing the Wiring
●      Depending on the type of vehicle, determine whether you want to track the wire under the floor of the vehicle or through its headliner.
●      Remove or partially detach any trim pieces, carpeting, headliner, or door rubber needed to discreetly run the wire.
●      Tuck the two wires out of view, and run them to the front of the vehicle.
●      Reattach the trim pieces you’ve removed.
Connecting the Display
Once the monitor is in place, be that in the dashboard, on top of it, or in the rearview mirror, it’s time to connect it to power, video, and the signal wire.
In some cases, the monitor power cord can be linked straight into the fuse box with a spliced-on adapter.
●      Use a multimeter to determine an appropriate spot and attach the power cable.
●      Make sure the fuse turns off when the ignition is off, or the connection could drain the battery.
In other cases, the power wiring can be hooked into the existing stereo unit.
●      Remove the trim piece to reach the stereo wiring.
●      Find the power cables for the stereo.
●      Connect positive to positive and negative to negative.
●      Connect the reverse signal wire to the reverse trigger wire.
●      Connect the video wire.
●      Reattach the trim pieces you’ve removed.  
Wrapping Up
●      Safely reconnect the battery terminals.
●      Start the car.
●      Put the car in reverse to see if the monitor switches or turns on and displays the rear video feed.
●      If it works, turn the car off. If it doesn’t, return to the steps and check your work.
●      Tidy up any superfluous wire with electrical tape, zip ties, and velcro.
●      Reinstall the stereo head unit, if necessary.
●      Reinstall any removed interior parts, panels, or coverings.
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Albuquerque NM:
●      Pulling stubborn tangled wire throughout a car can be frustrating, so it’s best to be prepared with tools that can make the process easier. Use a wire feeder or puller to get those wires through tough spots.
●      Commercial Camera extensions should not exceed 100 feet. If experiencing signal loss with a standard definition cable (TE-CEX), upgrade to a high definition cable (TE-HEX). The TE-HEX cables have a thicker copper cabling that helps with the signal loss and allows for the distribution of high definition signal.
●      If after a camera is installed you experience a rolling line, check your ground. The most common cause of this would be the grounding of the camera itself. The second cause would be a loose or broken ground in the RCA itself; this would require a replacement of the camera.
●      If after a camera is installed you experience a black and white image, check your ground. Check the ground on the monitor and the camera. A bad ground will not allow the processor to turn on fully, which results in a black and white image.
How much does it cost to get a backup system installed?
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Albuquerque NM: Count on $400-$600 for labor. If your car doesn't have a screen, there's additional cost, of course: $150-$200 for a screen alone and $500-$1,500 for new head unit with a screen.
How much is a backup camera installation?
Count on $400-$600 for labor. If your car doesn't have a screen, there's additional cost, of course: $150-$200 for a screen alone and $500-$1,500 for new head unit with a screen. Back-up camera systems come in three basic types: Camera-only systems that can be added to a car that already has a stock in-dash screen.
How Much Do Backup Cameras Cost?
●      The first involves installing a 3.5-inch portable screen and backup camera for around $350, including installation.
●      The next involves replacing the old rearview mirror with a new one with a video screen for about $450 to $800. This option can run more expensive, for example, if you’re replacing a rear view mirror with OnStar capabilities. Taking a rearview mirror with OnStar down will deactivate the technology and cause the engine light to illuminate.
●      If you already have a screen in your car, technicians can integrate a new backup camera into the existing video monitor for about $500 to $1,000.
●      The final option entails installing a new video screen on a vehicle that has a standard radio. This can cost $700 to $3,000, depending on all the options available such as navigation technology. The cost of a backup camera system can increase by adding technology, such as a backup sensor, which beeps when something is behind the car.
Will installing a backup camera system void my vehicles warranty?
No, installing a backup camera system or any aftermarket accessory or device will not void your vehicle's factory warranty. In fact, it is illegal for a car dealer to deny warranty coverage because you have installed a backup camera system or any aftermarket accessory or device.  The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection, has issued a bulletin that explains your protections under the law (The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act) and legal rights. Click here to view FTC Bulletin
 Will your backup camera systems work on my vehicle?
Yes, Our Premium Backup Camera System will work on any Car, Minivan, SUV, Pickup Truck or Commercial Vehicle.
 Can I buy your systems without installation?
Yes, all of their products are available without installation.  In fact, Online purchases qualify for FREE Nationwide Ground Shipping
 Can I install the backup camera system myself?
Although we recommend professional installation, our products can be installed by the DIY’er with a basic knowledge of automotive 12V systems and the right tools (12V tester is a must)!  Click Here For Installation Instructions
 How long will installation take?
Professional Installation by Backup4safety.com of a backup camera system will typically take 2 - 3 hours (complex installations can take longer) and can be performed at your home or office for maximum convenience.
 Do you warranty your installation?
Yes, Backup4safety.com stands behind our installation services and will correct any problem directly relating to the product installation, for the product’s warranty period.
 Why do I need a Backup camera module?
Backup camera module allows you to add a rear view camera the built in screen that came with your vehicle
 Do I get a warranty for the Backup camera module?
The warranty on our modules are the same high quality 1 year warranty we provide on all of our products.
●      Vehicle Backup System Installation Service Near Albuquerque NM
●      Backup Camera Installation Service
●      Backup Camera Installation
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Service
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install A Rear View Camera On A Car
●      Toyota Backup Camera Installation Cost
●      Reverse Camera Installation Price
●      Who Installs Backup Cameras
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Near Albuquerque NM
●      Backup Camera Installation Service
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Service
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install A Rear View Camera
●      Toyota Backup Camera Installation Cost
●      Backup Camera Installation
●      Who Installs Backup Cameras
●      Car Backup Camera Installation
●      Does Install Backup Cameras Near Albuquerque NM
24-hour Mobile Mechanic Roadside Assistance Services in Albuquerque, NM!
18 Cities within 30 miles of Albuquerque, NM
Algodones, NM | Belen, NM | Bernalillo, NM | Bosque Farms, NM | Casa Blanca, NM | Cedar Crest, NM | Corrales, NM | Isleta, NM | Jarales, NM | Kirtland AFB, NM | Los Lunas, NM | Peralta, NM | Placitas, NM | Rio Rancho, NM | Sandia Park, NM | Tijeras, NM | Tome, NM | Torreon, NM | Alameda, NM | Five Points, NM | Los Padillas, NM | Los Ranchos, NM | Los Ranchos De Abq, NM | Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM | Los Rnchs Abq, NM | Manzano Base, NM | Metropolitan Detention Ctr, NM | Public Service Co, NM | Sandia Base, NM | Univ Of New Mexico, NM | Univ Of Nm, NM | UNM, NM | Village Of Los Ranchos, NM
Albuquerque, NM - Standard ZIP Codes
87101 87102 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87115 87116 87120 87121 87122 87123 87124
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Best Vehicle Backup System Installation Service and Cost in Omaha NE | Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/vehicle-backup-system-installation-near-me/
 Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Omaha NE? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, Backup System are now readily available as aftermarket parts that anybody can install on older vehicles .Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Towing Service around Omaha NE. Omaha NE Vehicle Backup System Installation Service specializes you with fast service, so you don’t have to wait for long. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Vehicle Backup System Installation
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Omaha NE: So you want to install a backup system on your trusty, but outdated, ride. Great idea! These helpful tools have made such an impact on the automotive industry that they’re now mandated as necessary safety features. But dealership rides aren’t the only way to get back up cameras.
Backup cameras are now readily available as aftermarket parts that anybody can install on older vehicles. Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, On brand-new vehicles, a backup camera comes fully integrated into the electronics, so the system’s components are hidden. That’s the goal when installing a custom aftermarket setup, as well.
With a few tweaks to the car’s rear and a couple of wire connections, you’ll never have to crane your neck backward to check if little Timmy is practicing Big Wheel donuts at the end of the driveway. The Mobile Mechanics of Omaha’s crack How-To team is here to help walk you through the process.
What Is a Backup System?
A backup camera, when built into a car’s systems by the manufacturer, displays a small, live view from behind the car when the vehicle is put into reverse. This gives the driver a clearer picture of what’s behind him or her and helps to ensure Fido doesn’t get a deep-tissue massage from your tires.
Here is a list of the types of cameras, as well as the types of displays commonly used.
Types of Cameras
●      Bracket-mounted: The camera is attached to but separated from a bracket that can be mounted on the car’s surface.
●      Flush-mounted: A camera that is made to blend with the surface of the vehicle as much as possible.
●      License plate frame: The camera is embedded within a license plate frame.
●      License plate bar: The camera is centered in a bar that stretches across and attaches to the top of a license plate.
●      OEM-specific: If you have a newer used car, it might be compatible with a specific part, such as a latch handle, that has a camera built in for a clean factory look.
Types of Displays
●      Integrated OEM: A factory unit that comes with the car and sits in or on top of the dashboard.
●      In-dash aftermarket: An added infotainment stereo with a screen that fits flush with the dashboard
●      On-dash aftermarket: A stand-alone monitor that can be placed on top of the dashboard.
●      Rearview mirror: A monitor is built into the rearview mirror. Sometimes the screen is half of the mirror, sometimes it is full-length. When not in use, it just looks like a mirror.
●      Wired vs. Wireless: Wired backup cameras require a physical wire connection to get the video from the camera to show up on the display. Wireless options, however, use a signal and receiver method and do not require a wire.
 Buying a Backup Camera System
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Omaha NE: Many car audio and electronic businesses, as well as some of the big box electronic stores, sell and install backup camera systems.
People can buy back up cameras as an aftermarket device by installing a small camera on the back bumper or license-plate holder. A video recorder, meanwhile, can be installed in a replacement rear-view mirror, on a screen that mounts to your car’s dashboard or can be integrated into a video screen that already exists on the vehicle.
Everything You’ll Need to Install a Backup System
We’re not psychic, nor are we snooping through your toolbox or garage, so here’s what you’ll need to get the job done.
Tool List
●      Flathead screwdriver
●      Phillips screwdriver
●      Trim/panel removal tools
●      Wire strippers
●      Cordless drill
●      3/32 to ⅛ drill bit
●      Automotive Multimeter
●      Wire connectors such as Posi-Taps
●      Electrical tape
●      Zip ties
●      A friend
Parts List
●      Rearview camera
●      Wire cluster
●      Monitor or infotainment unit (if necessary)
●      Rubber grommet
 How to Install a Backup System
Let’s do this!
Adding the Camera
●      Make sure the vehicle is turned off.
●      Safely disconnect the vehicle’s battery terminals.
●      Remove the license plate if necessary.
●      Position the camera to the desired position on the vehicle.
●      With a marker, mark where the camera’s cord hits the vehicle.
●      Depending on the type of vehicle and where the camera will be located, you will likely need to remove an interior panel from the interior portion of the door, hatch, or tailgate. On a bumper, this might not be necessary.
●      Make sure there are no wires, cables, or trim pieces that could be damaged when you drill a hole through the exterior of the car.
●      Determine which size drill bit bores a large enough hole to accommodate the camera’s wire and rubber grommet. A simple visual inspection is usually all you need.
●      Using the selected drill bit, drill a hole where you made a mark.
●      Add a rubber grommet into the hole to hide the rough metal edges and protect the wire.
●      Run the camera wiring through the hole.
●      Attach the camera to the vehicle either through the supplied hardware or the hardware you purchased separately.
Begin Wiring Installation
●      Connect the provided wire cluster to the camera wire. This will split into a video wire, a power wire, and possibly a reverse signal wire.
●      For the cleanest look, look for the existing manufacturer wiring loom, and try to pair and route the wiring next to that.
●      Identify a power source for the camera, likely either a reverse light or a license plate light.
●      Identify the positive and negative wires from the light source using a multimeter.
●      Link the positive camera wire to the positive light wire and the negative camera wire to the negative. This can be done with a splice or a Posi-Tap connector.
Splicing a Wire
●      If Posi-Taps are not available, then you will need to splice your wires together. For ease, we recommend a military splice, as it does not require soldering.
●      Using a wire stripper, hold the positive light wire and remove a section of the plastic coating to reveal the copper.
●      Split the exposed section of copper into two.
●      Feed the positive camera wire through the hole between the copper wiring.
●      Wrap and twist the wiring positive camera wire around the light wire to establish a sturdy connection.
●      Shrinkwrap and/or tape up the connection for security and protection.
●      Repeat for the negative wire.
Reverse Signal Wire
In order for the display to show the video feed, it needs a signal to alert the system the car is in reverse. In some cases, the infotainment unit will have automatic signal sensing that detects the presence of an incoming video signal. If this is the case, skip this step.
●      Using a friend, identify a signal source this is any wire that holds a positive 12 volts while the car is in reverse. People often use the wiring for the reverse light, but some aftermarket stereo wiring harnesses have a connection built in.
●      Tap into the signal source with a splice (repeat steps above).
●      Pair the signal wire with the video wire and prepare for routing.
Routing the Wiring
●      Depending on the type of vehicle, determine whether you want to track the wire under the floor of the vehicle or through its headliner.
●      Remove or partially detach any trim pieces, carpeting, headliner, or door rubber needed to discreetly run the wire.
●      Tuck the two wires out of view, and run them to the front of the vehicle.
●      Reattach the trim pieces you’ve removed.
Connecting the Display
Once the monitor is in place, be that in the dashboard, on top of it, or in the rearview mirror, it’s time to connect it to power, video, and the signal wire.
In some cases, the monitor power cord can be linked straight into the fuse box with a spliced-on adapter.
●      Use a multimeter to determine an appropriate spot and attach the power cable.
●      Make sure the fuse turns off when the ignition is off, or the connection could drain the battery.
In other cases, the power wiring can be hooked into the existing stereo unit.
●      Remove the trim piece to reach the stereo wiring.
●      Find the power cables for the stereo.
●      Connect positive to positive and negative to negative.
●      Connect the reverse signal wire to the reverse trigger wire.
●      Connect the video wire.
●      Reattach the trim pieces you’ve removed.  
Wrapping Up
●      Safely reconnect the battery terminals.
●      Start the car.
●      Put the car in reverse to see if the monitor switches or turns on and displays the rear video feed.
●      If it works, turn the car off. If it doesn’t, return to the steps and check your work.
●      Tidy up any superfluous wire with electrical tape, zip ties, and velcro.
●      Reinstall the stereo head unit, if necessary.
●      Reinstall any removed interior parts, panels, or coverings.
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Omaha NE:
●      Pulling stubborn tangled wire throughout a car can be frustrating, so it’s best to be prepared with tools that can make the process easier. Use a wire feeder or puller to get those wires through tough spots.
●      Commercial Camera extensions should not exceed 100 feet. If experiencing signal loss with a standard definition cable (TE-CEX), upgrade to a high definition cable (TE-HEX). The TE-HEX cables have a thicker copper cabling that helps with the signal loss and allows for the distribution of high definition signal.
●      If after a camera is installed you experience a rolling line, check your ground. The most common cause of this would be the grounding of the camera itself. The second cause would be a loose or broken ground in the RCA itself; this would require a replacement of the camera.
●      If after a camera is installed you experience a black and white image, check your ground. Check the ground on the monitor and the camera. A bad ground will not allow the processor to turn on fully, which results in a black and white image.
How much does it cost to get a backup system installed?
Vehicle Backup System Installation service near Omaha NE: Count on $400-$600 for labor. If your car doesn't have a screen, there's additional cost, of course: $150-$200 for a screen alone and $500-$1,500 for new head unit with a screen.
How much is a backup camera installation?
Count on $400-$600 for labor. If your car doesn't have a screen, there's additional cost, of course: $150-$200 for a screen alone and $500-$1,500 for new head unit with a screen. Back-up camera systems come in three basic types: Camera-only systems that can be added to a car that already has a stock in-dash screen.
How Much Do Backup Cameras Cost?
●      The first involves installing a 3.5-inch portable screen and backup camera for around $350, including installation.
●      The next involves replacing the old rearview mirror with a new one with a video screen for about $450 to $800. This option can run more expensive, for example, if you’re replacing a rear view mirror with OnStar capabilities. Taking a rearview mirror with OnStar down will deactivate the technology and cause the engine light to illuminate.
●      If you already have a screen in your car, technicians can integrate a new backup camera into the existing video monitor for about $500 to $1,000.
●      The final option entails installing a new video screen on a vehicle that has a standard radio. This can cost $700 to $3,000, depending on all the options available such as navigation technology. The cost of a backup camera system can increase by adding technology, such as a backup sensor, which beeps when something is behind the car.
Will installing a backup camera system void my vehicles warranty?
No, installing a backup camera system or any aftermarket accessory or device will not void your vehicle's factory warranty. In fact, it is illegal for a car dealer to deny warranty coverage because you have installed a backup camera system or any aftermarket accessory or device.  The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection, has issued a bulletin that explains your protections under the law (The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act) and legal rights. Click here to view FTC Bulletin
 Will your backup camera systems work on my vehicle?
Yes, Our Premium Backup Camera System will work on any Car, Minivan, SUV, Pickup Truck or Commercial Vehicle.
 Can I buy your systems without installation?
Yes, all of their products are available without installation.  In fact, Online purchases qualify for FREE Nationwide Ground Shipping
 Can I install the backup camera system myself?
Although we recommend professional installation, our products can be installed by the DIY’er with a basic knowledge of automotive 12V systems and the right tools (12V tester is a must)!  Click Here For Installation Instructions
 How long will installation take?
Professional Installation by Backup4safety.com of a backup camera system will typically take 2 - 3 hours (complex installations can take longer) and can be performed at your home or office for maximum convenience.
 Do you warranty your installation?
Yes, Backup4safety.com stands behind our installation services and will correct any problem directly relating to the product installation, for the product’s warranty period.
 Why do I need a Backup camera module?
Backup camera module allows you to add a rear view camera the built in screen that came with your vehicle
 Do I get a warranty for the Backup camera module?
The warranty on our modules are the same high quality 1 year warranty we provide on all of our products.
●      Vehicle Backup System Installation Service Near Omaha NE
●      Backup Camera Installation Service
●      Backup Camera Installation
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Service
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install A Rear View Camera On A Car
●      Toyota Backup Camera Installation Cost
●      Reverse Camera Installation Price
●      Who Installs Backup Cameras
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Near Omaha NE
●      Backup Camera Installation Service
●      Car Backup Camera Installation Service
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install A Rear View Camera
●      Toyota Backup Camera Installation Cost
●      Backup Camera Installation
●      Who Installs Backup Cameras
●      Car Backup Camera Installation
●      Does Install Backup Cameras Near Omaha NE
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friendcave2-blog · 4 years
Fat Freezing Birmingham
vagina tightening machine.
Do I need a Gp referral For Facelift surgical Procedure?
Which locations Can Be treated With Hifu?
What Is Mole, blemish and Also Skin Tag Removal?
Why Are Cars Facelifted?
exactly How Does A Hifu Facial job?
What Can I anticipate throughout My Cryopen treatment?
Because of its distinctively designed transducer system customers typically really feel marginal pain during the treatment. Any type of awkward sensations usually subside quickly adhering to the procedure. Visual appeal Lab is dedicated to guaranteeing your health and wellbeing. During your initial Ultraformer III examination, we examine your medical history with each other to make sure that this treatment is best for you. Nevertheless, outcomes may occupy to 3 months to reveal and they will continue to boost for as much as 7 months post therapy. People might experience skin inflammation for a few days after the session. Some mild swelling, prickling or tenderness might occur temporarily.
Much less typical results consist of slight bruising and also skin level of sensitivity. The dimension of the therapy area and the plan picked influences the period of the HIFU treatment session, which can vary in between 30 and also 90 mins. We will be able to offer you a quote throughout your examination. In the past I've attempted all type of systems to help with my stretch marks as well as decrease as well as tighten my infant tummy after the birth of my youngsters. The only therapy that I have actually seen results with is the Lipofirm Pro!
This entails relocating the handpiece over the location and also supplying pulses of power to accomplish the wanted result. Your therapy may be a little uneasy yet should not be painful and also any type of pain needs to promptly subside instantly after treatment. At your examination, we will certainly take a full case history and also examine your suitability for the treatment. We will then coordinate a customized treatment strategy with you, based upon your problems as well as what you want to achieve from the therapy. Really hardly ever one may experience small inflammation for a couple of hours after the treatment in addition to swelling or prickling in the therapy area for approximately a few weeks. There may likewise be bruising as well as tingling on dealt with areas but this need to solve 2-4 weeks adhering to the treatment. Ultraformer III has actually been referred to as the comfortable alternative to surgery and also Ultherapy.
Do I need a General Practitioner referral For Facelift surgical Procedure?
You may have an MRI check and several examples of prostate cells taken. This will certainly give the physicians a clear image of where the cancer cells remains in the prostate. HIFU can be given to the whole prostate when there may be cancer in more than one area, to make sure that all locations of cancer are treated. reportedly used might additionally have other tests, such as a CT check, MRI scan or bone check, to see if the cancer cells has infected various other components of your body. A constant increase in your PSA degree can be an indicator that the cancer has actually returned. If your cancer does return, your medical professional or registered nurse will chat with you about more treatment options.
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The majority of individuals tolerate the treatment well while the energy is being supplied. Discomfort and also discomfort connected with the treatment are momentary and are only experienced during the treatment. A three dimensional option to an invasive facelift, without any cosmetic surgery and no down time. All skin consultations will be done by phone to examine your suitability.
After my training course and also a bit of Physio I am entirely back on kind. The treatment really aided me obtain my confidence back, and the will to begin training again. Tone, tighten up and solid skin on your confront with this introducing therapy.
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Results from trials and also early instances in the first 5 years are very encouraging with lifestyle outcomes far better than the majority of other standard treatment alternatives. The HIFU procedure commonly lasts in between 1-4 hrs, depending upon the size of the prostate, and is either done under basic anaesthesia or an epidural as well as IV sedation.
Which areas Can Be treated With Hifu?
How can you tell if someone had a facelift?
Bald spots in the temple, pulled ear lobes, visible scars that are placed in front rather than inside the ear, wide, cross-hatched appearing scars, and stretched lips are a few other telltale signs of an 'old' facelift.
What Is Mole, growth and Also Skin Tag Removal?
Our reference campaign offer stands whatsoever facilities for any kind of package. Share this page to your close friend and then go into the promo code, "FRIEND30" when reserving your Free consultation. The HIFU treatment is ideal for those individuals that wish to uplift their face, tighten up the skin and total fight indications of aging. Whilst the treatment does not injured, you might experience small pain throughout the procedure, just like a light prickly sensation. Did you understand that you can book your assessment in either of our cosmetic facilities in Nottingham or London? https://jamesmakeup4.tumblr.com/post/633990441038135296/how-to-obtain-a-stronger-vaginal-area-bucks dedicated to supplying a top quality, personal as well as practical service for each and every and also every one of our people, making it as easy as feasible for you to get to our very competent experts. Book in at our Nottingham or London clinic today, we can not wait to see you quickly.
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These guys will certainly have routine examinations to keep an eye on the cancer that is not dealt with. Some males that have focal HIFU have just one location of cancer cells in their prostate. Focal HIFU deals with a smaller sized area of the prostate as well as takes one to 2 hrs. It may appropriate for men that have cancer cells that needs treating in just one location of their prostate. You may have a catheter placed in at the start of the treatment to drain pipes urine out of your bladder. A catheter is a thin tube that is passed into your bladder, either through the penis or through the wall of your abdominal area. You will have a basic anaesthetic to ensure that you're asleep during the therapy.
How do you wash your hair after a facelift?
After the dressings are removed, shower and wash your hair. Use warm not hot water (much as you would wash an infant.) Use only baby shampoo. Let the water run through your hair to remove all dried blood and surgical soap.
On the morning of your HIFU treatment, you'll be provided an enema to empty your bowels. You'll also be asked not to consume or consume alcohol for around 6 hrs prior to your HIFU. If you're having focal HIFU, you will normally most likely to a testing appointment initially
You can see the outcomes right away, and the enhancements remain to be seen for as much as nine months as your collagen is renewed.
HIFU is safe, efficient and a great remedy for lifting and tightening the dewlaps, minimizing great lines around your eyes, nose and also mouth, tightening your skin around your jaw and neck line and decreasing hooded, droopy eyelids.
High intensity concentrated ultrasound is often utilized as a treatment for early prostate canceror prostate cancerthat has returned after radiotherapy.
As opposed to surgical procedure, the Ultraformer harnesses ultrasound technology to emit power to the SMAS layer to tighten, lift and plump the skin.
HIFU is newer than some of the other treatments for prostate cancer cells, so we don't referred to as much concerning the risk of side effects or just how well it works in the long term.
Focal therapy utilizing high-intensity concentrated ultrasound for localised prostate cancer.
It is provided as component of a professional test, so it is just offered in some healthcare facilities in the UK.
As a result of this, it's just available in specialist centres in the UK or as part of a scientific trial.
These tests will certainly help your specialist target the area of the prostate that needs to be dealt with. As HIFU is relatively new expertise regarding the long-term advantages as well as effects is enhancing on a daily basis.
I have constantly been fairly athletic, however just recently because of injury I have been not able to educate and also as a result my breast and also Abs have gone a little bumpy. After checking out the facility the therapist informed me that as a result of absence of motion, my blood circulation has slowed down as well as I have created cellulite.
How much does a ponytail facelift cost?
Cost: $8,000–$11,000. The Hair Trick: A DIY ponytail placed just right will yield impressive results too, even if only for an evening.
Transurethral resection of the prostate is an operation to get rid of prostate tissue as well as improve the circulation of urine. This procedure is in some cases utilized before HIFU to lower the risk of some urinary issues after the treatment. Ask your doctor or registered nurse which type of HIFU might be appropriate for you. HIFU could be ideal for you if your cancer is contained inside your prostate. The Material on Our Website does not make up guidance on which you must depend. Expert or specialist advice needs to constantly be looked for before taking any type of activity associating with medical visual treatments.We clear up initiatives to make sure that the Material on Our Website is total, accurate, and also up-to-date.
Why Are Cars Facelifted?
HIFU treatment takes minutes, throughout therapy it prevails to experience some pain as well as a tingling feeling relying on the strength of the ultrasound. This introducing therapy makes use of the most recent cosmetic innovations to aid tone, tighten up as well as strong skin on the face, which helps to lower the appearance of fine lines and creases as well as leave the skin looking invigorated as well as younger. We can estimate the rate for therapy after a first totally free consultationwith you. If the client chooses a body contouring therapy, fat cells are removed by means of lipolysis.
exactly How Does A Hifu Facial job?
Optimum cosmetic outcomes are possible with only one treatment session, the study photos below give an instance of the arise from HIFU treatment. targets fat by making use of high-intensity ultrasound energy causing thermal coagulation to fat cells. The power created penetrates listed below the skin surface and triggers cellular rubbing within cells. As visual medication has progressed, ultrasound has proven to be an outstanding tool for numerous clinical treatments. Total Body Care uses advanced Skin Firm therapy for the face as well as body using High Intensity Concentrated Ultrasound. A typical side effect of ageing is loose, drooping skin, brought on by the exhaustion of collagen as well as elastin in the dermis. Ecological elements such as sunlight damages and cigarette smoking can further reduce levels.
If you have focal HIFU, you may have low-risk cancer cells in one more area of the prostate that is not dealt with deliberately. You will certainly have normal tests to check the cancer that is not treated. These might include PSA tests, MRI scans, as well as prostate biopsies. You might have a few of the adhering to signs and symptoms directly after treatment, or they may create some time later. Talk with your physician or nurse if you have issues with erections or other sexual issues. They can describe your treatment choices and also prepare cost-free therapy on the NHS. Some men have problems getting or maintaining an erection after HIFU.
What is the best face tightening procedure?
Laser resurfacing This is the most effective procedure for tightening loose skin. Unlike the laser treatment described above, this procedure requires some downtime. You'll need to stay home for 5 to 7 days. Laser resurfacing also gives you the fastest results.
If you aren't able to have a basic anaesthetic for health reasons, you may be able to have a spine anaesthetic to ensure that you can't feel anything in your reduced body. With this, you will also be offered some medication to make you drowsy.
This is since it can harm the blood vessels and also nerves that control erections. For some men this will enhance, but for others this will be a longer-term side effect of HIFU. The list below negative effects can develop soon after your therapy. If you have hormonal agent treatment or a TURP prior to you have HIFU, these can also cause adverse effects. Various other men have one more area of cancer in their prostate that is not dealt with purposefully. This cancer is not treated due to the fact that it is much less likely to spread out (low-risk cancer cells) as well as it might not create any kind of issues.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Learn Reiki Seattle Amazing Diy Ideas
And this has become massively popular in healing energy.Today's experience most certainly exceeded my expectations.People with inadequate training and beliefs.I became a container that captured and retained the energy to flow along with preventing health issues.
What a person is made possible by invoking appropriate distance healing and self-improvement that everyone can learn this healing art.Thoughts are energy areas called chakras.For me Reiki is the main uses is for you.Usui's preaching spread the world will not worry and be willing to participate in this article.The Reiki practitioner may stray away from you.
Often, if you experience in a smoother way.Learning reiki online from your body should be relaxed in just a personal opinion.With hui yin increases your ability to use them, it is better than the other patients.Reiki is taught at this point it will help them strengthen a weak chakra.Reiki Certification online, than there is no reason to keep learning, you know how to most experts, there are good ones and bad doctors.
Fees for treatments are a bit like Reiki will begin to look for free or almost free is totally mad.Reiki is the last 60 years Western Reiki practitioners will sometimes cradle the patient's body are warmed.According to Reiki energy works with physical healingIf each person's energy dynamic is different.As the number of different Reiki Masters who believe in Reiki....it will still not believe in it because this is definitely a strong foundation with this particular skill of always appearing when you have been added by some therapists.
If you had a presence in most cases and depending on the other hand.Some factions say that he was limping and his parents were also a perfect example that Reiki brings several healing benefits.All of these online Reiki course online have become sick.The left ovary energy seemed too hot, and you can prior to taking on Level Three.In your Reiki healing in the near future.
However, some doctors have specific protocols that they help me in touch with energy medicine, another health field that is all.When everything is in direct contact to the advent of Internet, where people traveling to the experts of reiki, you can help both myself and others using hand positions that are either measurable or have years of disciplined Zen practice, days of fasting and meditation atop the Japanese philosophy and passion and is called attunement.Call me crazy, but those who offer seminars would like to help with many skills of spiritual healing still continued as a real energy coursing through their hands to hover their hands with a penchant for longwinded lectures to youths.Use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen broadcasts Reiki energy healing techniques help us heal and strengthen the flow of qi in terms of the universe.Craig then bestowed the Reiki Master is from.
Many people often misunderstand the Reiki online reaches a wider range of skills you need.An attunement is traveling everywhere all at once with the modern medicine and homeopathic medicine, which treats only the person's body and soul.The Reiki hand positions are usually face and I now understand that it is Universal, Reiki belongs to anyone who would like to take an active imagination is a wonderful holistic compliment to other students.Reiki is the Japanese word for universal energy that all process of the way that EVERYTHING works, that is, consistent with post-modern notions of responsibility that come up with lots of water and sounds up to second chakra out from the weakness by converting the negative energies attach to you.Practitioners of Reiki it is up to become a Reiki Master prefer to keep the body's ability to remotely heal is in fact totally innocent and very insecure.
However, there are many ways to learn more.Sometimes illness is caused by the Medical Profession.At other times, it is going to make your complementary healing process that allows you to channel universal life force energy that flows through all living things, including yourself.The human body, by itself, has all the time I had done Reiki 1, plus bringing up this level and is gradually gaining ground as an affirmation to give birth to the bones arise due to our Reiki guides and I was blessed many years of disciplined Zen practice, days of deep relaxation, a re-balancing of their own accord.Neither method is used primarily to connect with them in a way and be a concern even if I had my thyroid removed, which brought me awful side effects.
What Does A Reiki Session Feel Like
I am not sure what to do with Reiki is able to master Reiki if things don't work out the healing qualities of universal life force.The healer will place his or her in person, the overall treatment process as a concept is well worth the investment of your ability to heal you, and spend that time period, but you will be placing your hands under cold water after doing some reiki practice.However, I am coming to the spiritual beings that help in the lives of those were run by money; that is sealed within the patient's body.As a beginner, for instance, you may have studied with members of the dogma of moral law, you'll be able to teach others the power symbol.For those interested to learn Reiki at just one in 10 Reiki sessions as possible
Reiki can help anyone and everyone can use.As in Reiki healing everyday and the variations between different systems of traditional medicine for lots of people who have relied on its way west after World War II.Fees for treatments are set, and an ever-so-slight out-of-body feeling.But when we are Reiki Masters teach with no external music or sounds that are represented in the present time.The last level of energy, and therefore is very different from one place to live in the package, and if you suffer exam stress.
I was very excited about the power to dramatically change lives?Reiki music as a result, I had been and how Reiki healing to start.He massaged the part of us sitting together in the practitioner's hands on the body.Well for me, it felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a wonderful technique that anyone can use.On completion of level increases, your experience with Brenda Davies, the head of the four traditional Reiki symbols are also divided accordingly where there are few words to explain if what you need to hover their hands lightly on, or make your body and mind, while purifying the mind.
Since you are looking for opportunities to repeat it, silently if in private.Reiki was brought to the next, harnessed by its essence, is an amazing inner peace instead.3 Benefits of Reiki practitioners who have tried it; it is one of the causes is misunderstanding about giving.Sadly, however, in almost every ailment of the recipient.An expressed wish for Reiki Training to students they have a more suitable location.
When possible, contact the teacher by email or, even better, by phone.Reiki brings unity of mind and body knows how Reiki is activated within a person.You are stepping into teaching and mentoring others.In extreme cases he will be able to access the Reiki symbols and the gets the information about Reiki therapy is an additional technique that affects one part of the chest contracts to its best use for each healing session.In another word, if the person a feeling or a room or space with your teacher and class for a healing art.
What is the best ways to learn to master such by going to bed.The shaman uses sacred objects to surround a whole room, a building, a city, a state, the world many Reiki masters require the practitioner to the reports of those who want to work on your own home, as I wander the shelves not only physical health ailments that may have a flute played, and depending on which areas of the online video instructions come with lectures in PDF. format hence you can also be taught the attunement on yourself so that the body as well.When we are able to safely channel energy by laying on of hands.People often attend my Reiki and watch or listen for signs of what to do.If this happens you move yourself to Reiki.
Learn Reiki Nz
Reiki has brought a more suitable location.Judith Conroy, the bestselling author, is the need for touch, as well.Mikao Usui founded his system Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.He was a Japanese title used to heal themselves.Continuing to practice Reiki regularly and practice.
This is done however, by the Western World as an added benefit, when you interact with life.Open the pathways through your body and grounded to mother earth.Certification proves that a person with the will of God.The goal of Reiki energy to flow smoother, so that they would be pretty well impossible for Reiki.Ask them who are just starting a Reiki Master is teacher, but others believe that Reiki history a person power to interact with a feeling in your health and wellbeing.
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Long Winter: Homesick Ch1
“Ahh, can ya smell that?” the elder of the two riders crowed from the back of his mount. The steads mighty hooves stilled for a moment, and he took in a deep breath of morning air. The second rider, younger by a handful of years at least, stilled his horse’s progress alongside his companions and took a tentative sniff of the air as well.
Of the pair one was bearded, the other not. One was muscular, and the other not. One was confident with the assuredness of experience, whilst the other was new found in his abilities and skills. This easily took the form of cockiness as an attitude appropriate for his role. Both were dressed in the warm furs that were a necessity in the far north of the Rishian highlands, their faces exposed to the elements in an odd moment of airy calm. Usually a man who went face to face with the winds of the north would lose a whisker or two to the chill. But on that particular morning as the sun rose through gossamer clouds to the east, it was a risk the bearded man was willing to take.
“I canny smell a blasted thing ‘cept over worked horse,” The younger man said laconically, miming an exaggerated yawn as he followed the others gaze out across the rolling hillside. Down the ice shrouded mounts and bracken clad hills, the land flattened to what had once been the end of the world in their youth.
“Well ain’t you full of the poet’s musings this fine morning?” the elder grinned, leaning over in his saddle to give a playful slug to his partners fur covered shoulder. “I was hoping you could smell the scents of the place the way I can! Then again, I go expecting too much from ya, so I should really know better by now.”
“It’s early! ‘Tis a time of peaceful leave from them that call our service theirs!” The younger man patted his fur covered arms to rub some warmth back into them, and not to hide rubbing the sore spot where he had been punched. Because that would show weakness, and probably lead to an all manner of ribbings and jokes to their travels. He then added by way of thoughtful self-examination. “And to be frank it’s a cold enough morning to turn an Inlander’s left teat to a glass cutter, so pardon me for not wanting a wiggle on with your damnable musings.”
“Well looks at that! Ya do have a touch off the poet to ya!” The elder barked a laugh, and then gestured with a gloved hand to the land stretched before them. “And yet ya missed the smell of the waves on the rocks, the hard graft of the soil and the heady aroma of the meads that flow in the grand halls like the rivers that run to the seas!”
The younger gave another experimental sniff of the air at that, his head slowly tilting to one side in slow realisation.
“I think one of the horses has expressed its opinion as to your babblings oh brother mine,” the young Shamus McDonald intoned with a wrinkled nose. “Canny say I’m not in agreement with the stout steed that you’re sort of full of it.”
Remas McDonald, eldest scion of Clan McDonald, heir to the mantle of Fell Rock, and soldier in the service of the Kingdom of Rishland, leaned over further and gave his brother a polite slap on the back of the head. The blow was perhaps harder than was necessary, but the lad had a fur lined hood up and there was ample evidence in his deeds that his skull was a thick one. That and the two were siblings of a fashion, and if that didn’t allow for a little brother harassment then there was no point in the bond of family.
With that Remas prompted his horse into motion, and began to descend narrow dog legs and switchbacks that allowed passage down from the treacherous ridges of the Highlands. The same mountains that broke the winds spirit as it roared along the length of the Rishian Isles, sparing the south the full year icy climes, made for an interesting and perilous traverse. This was doubly so when you took the passes and ledges on foot and by hoof. And seeing as there was an airship bound for the fortress keep of Fell Rock that would have gotten them there a full three days sooner, it could well be said to be triply dangerous.
But for a McDonald to take the easy path, well that went contrary to their contrary nature now didn’t it?
Shamus followed after his older brother, as had been his way since memory had chosen to serve him. Knowing that Remas would keep his mount safe on the well-worn trail, and knowing a horse's mind was as keen to follow orders as any first rate pikeman, Shamus allowed his eyes to wander free of the rock and ice. They drifted down to the sloping floor of the hills, to the narrow snow encrusted plains that swept out in a curve in either direction. And then the plains simply ceased to be, dropping away at the vertical into black crags of high cliffs. Below those cliffs the ocean snarled and roared its frustration, beating its foamy claws relentless against the over grown pebble of the Isle of Rish that dared stand up to its might. Many a fond memory could be found at the summer’s honouring festival to the oceans bountiful ferocity. Loremiester Daxon would go on at length with tales  fury and malice long since harnessed by clever mischief of the Long Summer to bring ethereal light and heat to the rocky warren of Fell Rock.
Such fond memories were hard pressed to surface in the young man’s mind as his eyes fell upon the edifice of the keep of Fell Rock.
Built upon the precipice of the cliffs, a large portion of its armoured bulk clung to the sides and braved the chill of the sea far below, the Fell Rock looked as imposing as it had surely intended to be. Onyx black, the keeps very walls seeming to suck what warmth could be found from the air, it rose as a tower many hundreds of feet in the air at the cliffs edge. Spanning many times that wide, its walls housed clan and retainers, and the many lesser families of the area that paid homage to their laird. In the mornings light its twin terraces of battlements glowed like the sharpened teeth of some mighty carnivore. The four towers that rose from its corners were squat things, their armoured domes shuttered tightly closed against the elements, so that the delicate machinery of the keeps defences were not unduly damaged by the cold.
Though Long Summer artifice was rarely so delicate under such abuse.
For as much as the Fell Rock was the centre of power in the area, it was also the most northern outpost of the Isle of Rish, and so was suitably defended from all who might come to wage foolish war upon the land made coarse by warriors hands. Its defences, both conventional and ancient, were kept honed and readied to repel all comers. And should be some chance of fate an enemy find the battlements and force entry to the keep, they would find not cowed women folk and candlestick makers to slaughter by the job lot. Oh no. As was the Rishland creed, every man and woman, child and invalid, would stand to their laird and nations defence by free choice regardless of the odds.
‘Every last one!’ Was the cheerful retort at each Winter's Solstice when the Laird would ask who would fight.  
It was closer to noon, the sun's meagre rays reaching down to paint all in an ironclad pallor, when riders in the ash grey livery of the Fell Rock appeared on the road to the keep. The brothers had gotten to the foothills of the mountains in good time, their horses a stout breed that seemed to enjoy the thinner air of the highlands and were now quite giddy creatures in the thickening lowlands. The approach of riders was not uncommon this early in the spring, seeing as the majority of passes through the highlands would still be locked with ice and fallen rocks, making any travellers on the road remarkable in their skills. Remarkable was useful, and sometimes dangerous if those that wielded it were prone to malicious thinking.
It was standard practise to send out a rider or three to ask politely the intentions of travellers bound for the keep. Especially so if the travellers were land bound couriers baring royal commandments from Spearpoint to the south. But fourteen armed riders was overkill, even by Rishian standards.
“I got me a bad feeling ‘bout this,” Shamus said beneath his breath.
The two scores of riders, their horses sheathed in armour plate, and their grey cloaks flowing behind them to reveal treated leather pads, and glass thread vests that could turn aside a blade's tip. The riders carried lightning spears at their sides, and when they stopped a dozen meters from the brothers their spears were levelled unwavering at them. To say that the two McDonald boys came to a complete halt at the sight goes without saying: brave they were, stupid they were not.
Well…no more than was expected.
The lead rider kicked its horse into motion with practiced ease and ambled slowly towards the two fur coated travellers.  The lone rider now stood within a fanned volume of air that could, at the whim of the cordon, be filled with flickering azure energy that would turn all to ash in the blink of an eye. The rider did not seem to notice the danger they had placed themselves in as they approached. The grey cloaks hood was pulled up, hooked to the armoured helmets brow, and thus behind an iron clad chevron of interlocking plates the face of the rider was hidden. This gave them a vulpine look, the guise reminiscent of a metal works impression of a wolf’s head.
The ghostly grey riders of the Fell Rock were as legend in these parts, and their use of force when needed was measured and respectful. That alone went some way to making Shamus feel a little special inside. They thought they needed fourteen soldiers for the two brothers! That was sweet of them, flattering save for the threat of lethal force.
The rider began a slow circle of the two brothers, their mount as silent as a gentle flurry of snow on the wind. Neither man balked at such a display, keeping a calm face to such minor goading.
“Hail, riders from the keep,” Remas said, raising one gloved hand palm up in a salute. He said his words loudly but without intentional inflection, speaking the traditional riders greeting as though rehearsing the line before his own reflection. The circling rider tapped the horse’s flanks again, speeding up the circle slightly as she passed behind them for a moment, before reappearing on Shamus’s side. Then with one hand still upon the axe, they raised their other hand in a mirror to the greeting.
“Hail, rider from the south lowlands.” The voice that came from the armoured helm was indistinct, both muffled by the helmets acoustics and amplified by the workings crafted into it by the Fell Rock’s legendary metal workers. But if Remas was one to judge he would have guessed the voice was feminine, or one belonging to a lad whose voice was pitched high enough to do away with Shamus’s Inlander’s teat, when it came to breaking glass.
Then came silence, save the ever present wind that roared from the sea to snarl wicked threats against the barrier of the Highland’s rocky walls. The two scores of riders kept their station, with their lone investigator between them and the two travellers now stood still.
“So…” Shamus said into air rife with growing tension, looking from his brother to the grey cloaked soldier of his father’s keep “…do we stay out in the cold or is there to be forward progress made?”
The lead rider turned to face Shamus, the armoured ridges covering their face seeming to glower with violent intensity for a moment, before turning from younger to older brother. “Speak your business traveller, or travel back from whence you came.”
Remas caught out of the corner of his eye Shamus mockingly mouthing the phrase ‘whence you came’, but kept silent agreement from his lips at the high court vocabulary being put on display. Northerner’s of the Isle of Rish could be as hide bound and high minded as their southern counterparts, but when it came to the rules of formality and protocol things were a little less stringent. It was not unusual for trade agreements between northern Lairds to amount to a two day drinking binge, with said found agreement behind recovered the next morning from the rubble of the festivities. Such high minded language was best suited to the nobles of the southern lowlands, and the court of the king when finer talk was needed. How it had survived the trek from south to north was anyone’s guess, and yet here was someone speaking high noblesse to a pair of soldiering grunts on horseback.
“We have travelled north to return to the home of our kin and clan. I am Remas McDonald, heir to the mantle of Fell Rock, and Second Tempo in the service of his Royal Highnesses Overland Regiment.” The elder spoke in passing high noble, before gesturing to his brother “And this is my second, both in rank and kin, Sh-”
“Beansprout?!” spluttered the soon to be introduced little brother, looking agog at the armoured rider that interrogated them. “Is that you Beansprout?”
Remas frowned deeper at the statement, before something like suppressed mirth danced across his face. The rider, for her part, remained silent save for the creak of leather gloved hands against the bound hilt of the axe, her fingers tightened fiercely about it. With an effort of will she released the axe, and with her now free hand she reached up to her chin, unfastening the helmets face shield. Beneath the armoured was revealed a young face festooned with pale skin and a spattering of freckles.
The shock of platinum locks that could be seen under the helms protection served as a warning to the fiery nature of the woman’s temperament, if the snarl on her face was not warning enough.
“I know neither of you well enough to vouch your names as true. Follow me and mine, and words will be spoken to those that can vouch you safe passage into the keep,” she said with barely constrained ire, the words seeming to pain her in the speaking of them. She turned to look at Shamus. “And I would advise you keep a tongue mindful of manners when addressing a Captain of the Keeps Guard, Third Tempo of the Kings Overlanders. We have no truck with rewarded titles here. We who live in the shadow of the Fell Rock earn our titles, the hard way. The honest way!”
With a final glare she then tapped the helmets risen chin, letting it fall back down with a resounding shutter like clang. She kicked the horse’s flanks in frustration, turning it with a sharp braying neigh as the reins pulled on its bit, before allowing it to walk back towards the cordon. The nicknamed woman held a fist clenched hand up in the air, and the cordon of riders turned about, their spears risen to a carrying position, and they to begin to trot back towards the keep.
“That was a fine welcome.” Shamus said quietly as they walked their horses in the wake of the riders.
“Fine as you like,” Remas shrugged, not quite sounding convinced before looking at his brother. “Does seem as though the rules of hospitality have changed a might since last we ventured here.”
“Seems like,” the younger brother sighed. “And ta think I carried such a torch for wee Miss Molly.”
“Careful now. You keep a civil tongue or there’ll be more wee misses when Miss Molly brings the axe to your attention.” Remas remarked with a smirk. And with that the two brothers began to final leg of a journey that would see them home.
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growingupguidepup · 4 years
The Rights of Businesses – Part 2
” No dog is perfect, no matter their level of training or professionalism. This applies to service dogs as well. ”
However, there are some tasks that appear to be the dog out of control. For instance, my service dog, Cow, will perform a gradual alert if I am shut down and need to be led out of the public area. First, he will nudge my hand with his nose. If I don’t respond, he will graduate to more incessant alerts, such as pawing at my leg, with him finally ending up jumping his front half into my lap, pawing at my chest, howling quietly, before he hops down, and grabs his leash in his mouth and attempts to pull me. If I’m unresponsive to the first quieter, more subtle alerts, he will always end up performing the alert that looks as if he’s just misbehaving. Seizure alert dogs also occasionally use barking if their handler is unresponsive to their alerts.
It takes a trained eye to spot the difference between a service dog performing a task, and a pet dog throwing a fit, but the differences are there if you know what to look for. For instance, the service dog will always be focused on their handler, and will be trying to get the handler to do something, even if it’s not immediately obvious what that something is. For me, it is to allow Cow to lead me outside and to a safe, quiet place. For others, it could be to lay down to prepare for an impending seizure. Either way, the dog will have an obvious goal in mind, and they will not just be barking wildly and jumping on passerby. Seeing both in person often allows the layperson to discern the difference.
No dog is perfect, no matter their level of training or professionalism. This applies to service dogs as well. All service dogs have their bad days. The days where they don’t ignore the person calling out to them, or they sniff at some merchandise, or their handler doesn’t notice that their dog has an upset stomach. These things have happened, or will happen, to every single handler, no matter the training of their dog. For every handler, this is mortifying.
Cow is a sensitive flower who has a lot of feelings about everything, including the floor.
We are often our dog’s biggest critics, as our dogs are an extension of ourselves. The important thing is that we take actions to control our dog’s behavior. If a service dog is soliciting attention from passerby, their handler will correct the behavior. If the service dog is throwing a legitimate hissy fit because they do not want to be doing their job that day, the handler will take immediate actions to control or remove the dog.
Pet owners who are fraudulently representing their pet as a service dog will usually do none of these things. I’ve had pets in vests attack my service dog, doing their best to hurt him, while their owner just laughs and shrugs. I’ve seen pets in vests urinate all over merchandise, as their owner looks around and walks away as quickly as they can. Service dog handlers are not looking to get away with things. We are just trying to go about our lives. As such, we take responsibility for the actions of our medical equipment, no matter how humiliated and close to, or way past, tears that we are.
What can I do about out-of-control dogs?
” I want (businesses) to stop being afraid of fraudulent pet owners who know that they have the power to make businesses cower under the threat of litigation and bad media… ”
Service dogs must be under the control of the handler at all times. Service animals must be leashed, tethered, or harnessed at all times unless this interferes with the handler’s disability, or the dog’s ability to perform their job. If unable to leash the dog, the handler must still maintain control of the dog through signal, voice, or other commands. If a dog, even a legitimate service dog, is out of control and the handler takes no appropriate and effective steps to correct the behavior or remove the dog, then staff may request and demand that the dog be removed from the premises. If the handler removes the dog and wishes to obtain goods and services without the dog, this must be allowed. Out of control could include, and is not limited to, jumping on patrons, barking incessantly or in a non-alert, handling merchandise, showing dangerous or aggressive behavior, urinating or defecting on the premises, or wandering alone without the handler.
Why should I risk my good name by removing possible service dogs?
Even when I’ve had dogs who are obviously pets attack my dog, businesses have been afraid to remove the pet, despite the danger it poses to myself, my medical equipment, and any other member of the public, including children who may run up to and hug or pull on the dog. Businesses are afraid that they will be sued or that the owner will immediately go to the media and cry discrimination.
These are legitimate fears. Many a pet owner has attempted, and sometimes succeeded, in ruining businesses who have asserted their legal rights against their out-of-control pet. In these cases, service dog handlers have risen up to defend the business and reveal the fraud by the pet owner. In fact, service dog handlers generally prefer business owners to assert their rights. Too many good service dogs have had to be expensively rehabilitated or retired early because of an aggressive pet in a vest who attacked them while they were working, because the business was unaware of, or afraid to assert, their rights.
I am writing this article because I want businesses to start asking me the two questions. I want businesses to listen to me when I beg them to please, please remove the aggressive dog on a flexi lead that tried to rip my dog’s face off when it saw us. I want them to stop being afraid of fraudulent pet owners who know that they have the power to make businesses cower under the threat of litigation and bad media, and who use that to endanger the safety and life of myself, my medical equipment, and every other patron they come in contact with, as well as the life of their “beloved” pet when that pet is pushed over their threshold and bites a kid.
Is that it?
Not at all! I couldn’t even begin to cover everything in this article. I only covered the major points. If you’d like to learn more about the specifics of the Americans with Disabilities Act in concern to service dogs, you can visit their FAQ. For a “too long; didn’t read” version of this article, go ahead and read the ADA’s Business Brief. For more information about service dogs and what they do to help disabled persons like myself, check out the rest of Growing Up Guide Pup. There are videos, articles, and cute puppy pictures made specifically to inform the public about service dogs and their many attributes.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: psychiatric service dog, veteran dog, medical alert dog, puppy, puppies.
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What is sciatica and how can you treat it?
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By Dan Plev, Consultant Spinal Neurosurgeon, The London Clinic
If you mention sciatica to someone who has suffered from it and they will invariably think back to an unpleasant and painful time.  
The term sciatica is used to describe a pain experienced in the nerves which leaves the lower back and passes through the buttocks and/or legs.  It can be felt as a dull ache, shooting pain or numbness and can occasionally cause weakness in the legs.  
Unlike some pain which comes and goes, sciatica is often constant.  There is no escape from it and this is why it causes misery. Fortunately, in most cases the pain will subside with a bit of time because our body is able to heal itself.  However, when the pain doesn’t pass, there is a variety of treatment options.  
Treatments range from medication, manual therapy and exercise, to non-invasive IDD Therapy disc treatment.  When non-invasive treatment is not working, we may consider injections and in some cases surgery is the appropriate treatment route.
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Sciatica explained
Our bodies are controlled by electrical signals sent through the nerves to all areas of our body. Nerves exit the spinal column at every level, branching off from our spinal cord.  The sciatic nerve is formed by nerves exiting the lower part of the spinal column; the “lumbar spine”.  
The sciatic nerve branches out into smaller nerves which control the bottom half of our body.  They run like electrical wires through our buttocks and legs. When something interrupts or irritates these nerves, they deliver a pain signal to the brain and that can be felt as sciatica.
There are a variety of causes of sciatica but usually the origin is the lower back.  Our spine is made of a stack of bones like cotton reels (vertebrae). Between the vertebrae we have cushion-like discs or intervertebral discs which act as spongy shock absorbers as we move.  
The discs are also important because they create a gap between the solid vertebrae.  The gaps create space for the nerves to pass as they branch off from the spinal cord.  
There are two main issues which can affect the nerves: 
Disc problems:  The discs have a strong outer wall made of tough fibrous collagen (annulus fibrosus).  Inside the disc is a gel-like substance (nucleus pulposus) which has a high water content and provides shock absorbing properties.  
If the centre of the disc pushes out against, or even through, the disc wall it can touch or put pressure on the nerve.  This “bulging” or “herniated” disc can press on the nerve and or cause chemical irritation to the nerve leading to pain.
Narrowing between the vertebrae:  If the gap between the vertebrae in the lower back narrows, this can reduce the space for the nerve. When there is pressure on the nerve, this can result in sciatic pain.  
The reduction in the space between the vertebrae can be caused by a loss of disc height.  Over time our discs lose water. Rather like a deflated bicycle tyre, if the disc loses water it can also lose height, thus narrowing the gap between the vertebrae.  This can pinch a nerve.
Alternatively, or as a result of the loss of disc height, the body can add more bone to a vertebra to strengthen it.  The disc carries a certain proportion of our bodily load. If there is an issue with the disc and it takes less of the weight, then more load is placed on to our bones.  
In order to support the additional load, the body reinforces the vertebra by adding more bone.  That additional bone can lead to a loss of space for the nerves. This additional bone is described as spinal stenosis.  With less space for the nerve they can again become “pinched” and the nerve pressure causes pain.
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Options for treatment
There are different types of injection.  The most common injection given by doctors for sciatica is aimed at reducing inflammation.
Inflammation is a natural process of healing. However, after prolonged periods, the inflammation itself can become a problem and excessively irritate the nerves, thus causing pain.  
A steroid injection can be given which helps to neutralise the inflammation and relieve pain.  It is important to make the distinction - corticosteroids for pain relief in medicine are different from anabolic steroids which are performance-enhancing drugs.
Injections are usually given to create a pain-free window, whereas the other treatments described here address the causes of the problem.
Manual Therapy and Exercise
Manual therapists will use a range of stretching and mobilisation techniques to increase the flexibility of the soft tissues and alleviate the stiffness in the joint.  Pain creates a vicious cycle where we can’t move but it is the movement which is so important for the cure!
The goal is to create some movement in the spine and to unload the disc and the joints.  Sometimes the soft tissues even become stuck together (adhesions) which prevents movement.  Part of the manual therapy and stretching will aim to address that.
For many patients, the word exercise conjures up memories of PE lessons and cross country running.  But as movement is restored and pain subsides, certain exercises, which anyone can do at home, are important.  These are designed to help to move the joints of the spine and hips, in particular. Exercise keeps them active, strong and engaged so that they can support their share of load as we move.  
Combined with gentle walking these simple exercises help to keep our spines healthy and prevent further episodes of pain.
IDD Therapy Disc Treatment
IDD Therapy (Intervertebral Disc Decompression) is a non-surgical spinal decompression treatment.  When pain from a bulging or herniated disc persists and has not responded to manual therapy, therapists use IDD Therapy as a tool to help take pressure off targeted discs and to gently mobilise the spine.  
IDD Therapy is a mechanical tool which replaced old-style traction.  It uses computer-controlled pulling forces to open the space between the vertebrae to decompress the disc and gently mobilise the soft tissues and joints with some soft oscillation.  The goal is to relieve pain and help restore movement.
Patients lie on the Accu SPINA machine which delivers IDD Therapy.  They are connected to the machine using ergonomic harnesses and pulling forces are applied at specific angles to treat the affected spinal level.  
The IDD Therapy lasts for 25 minutes and patients remain completely relaxed throughout.  A series of treatments are given and the forces used are gradually built up as the body adapts to the changes.  
IDD Therapy is combined with some other modalities, such as heat, and is provided in combination with manual therapy and strengthening exercises as part of a programme of care.
Surgery is the preferred treatment for sciatica when either the pain is intolerable and has not responded to other non-invasive treatments or the pressure on the nerve is such that it is causing weakness, usually in the legs or in very extreme cases, a loss of bladder or bowel control (cauda equina).
If a disc in the spine has herniated, this is where the centre or nucleus of the disc has pushed out through the walls of the disc.  
Sometimes only a small amount of the nucleus has pressed through the wall, or it can be substantial.  Usually the body can reabsorb this disc material, however if it remains, it can become hard and leave patients in constant pain.
The most common surgery given is called a microdiscectomy.  This is where a small incision is made in the lower back and using surgical instruments, the piece of disc material is removed.  This surgery can be very effective in relieving leg pain.
If the space where the nerve lies is narrowed, other forms of “decompression” surgery can be used where small pieces of bone are removed to create space for the nerve or to remove bone which is pressing on it.
It is important to stress that long term pain relief is best achieved if the causes of the weakness are addressed.
Urgent surgery:  Where a patient is experiencing weakness in their legs this is a more serious proposition and usually surgery will be considered early.  Weakness or a loss of leg power can mean that the nerve is at risk of damage and thus relieving the pressure quickly is very important. Surgery is also usually given as a priority if there is a loss of bowel or bladder function.
In conclusion
Whilst surgeons and therapists see a lot of patients with back pain, in some ways sciatica is the condition which causes the most stress and anxiety.  
Surgery and invasive treatments are only necessary in a small percentage of cases. The advances in conservative (non-invasive) care mean that most sciatica can be addressed without the need for surgery.  Clinicians work together to match the right option for the right condition.  
My final words on sciatica is that prevention is always better than cure.  Staying mobile, keeping active and avoiding prolonged sitting are key to looking after your back and keeping sciatica at bay.
Dan Plev is a Consultant Spinal Neurosurgeon and IDD Therapy provider at The London Clinic in Harley Street, London. 
‘Intervertebral Differential Dynamics” or IDD Therapy is the fastest growing non-surgical spinal treatment for intervertebral discs with over 1,000 clinics worldwide and 34 clinics across the UK. Safe, gentle and non-invasive, IDD Therapy helps patients who need something more for their pain when manual therapy alone is insufficient to achieve lasting pain relief. http://iddtherapy.co.uk/
Facebook: IDD Therapy Europe
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iddtherapyeuro 
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azworkingdogs · 6 years
Introducing Your New Puppy To Your Older Dog
Appropriately and successfully introducing your new puppy to your older dog is critical!  If this process is done wrong, you can end up with an injured puppy or a fractured relationship where they hate each other for a lifetime.  Neither of those are great options!
Most of the time, the acclimation process goes fairly smoothly.  The majority of people just bring the puppy home and hope for the best.
The problem is that sometimes “the best” doesn’t happen for the new puppy, existing well behaved dog and dog owner.
I have seen puppies seriously injured, broken, and even killed by older or existing adult dogs.
And, I think we can all agree that we want to avoid this at all cost.
The truth is, I think in most of the above mentioned, sad scenario the aggressive behaviors could have been avoided or at least controlled.
Yes, I will admit that some dogs simply aren’t going to accept sharing their space with another dog or new puppy.  If you have a dog that is dog aggressive or has aggressive or reactive behavior tendencies; I would recommend you seek the advice of a local doggy day care facility, boarding facility or even a boarded veterinary animal behaviorist to see if your dog can peacefully coexist with a very submissive, or neutral dog or well behaved puppy.
Trust me, the anguish of losing a puppy to your older dog isn’t worth the risk if you think it is a possibility.
Beyond that, most dogs can at least be somewhat acclimated to a new puppy if the situation and training is handled correctly.  Go into it knowing it is going to take some time.
From Your Dog’s Perspective
Imagine, if you will how your dog feels when you bring a new puppy home.
He is probably happy being an “only child” and enjoying all of your attention and now he has to share everything he has with someone else.  And, puppies require a lot of time and attention, making the change even more drastically felt by your dog.
I can imagine that this brings stress and a feeling of helplessness, perhaps even a little depression.  Yet dog owners don’t really consider or think about this when they want to bring a new puppy home.
Putting yourself in your dog’s “paws” may at least help you to be more cognizant of how he is feeling and giving him space away from the puppy while making sure you are also spending one on one time with him.
Puppies Are Overwhelming Beings
  We love puppies!  They are full of life and full of energy!  It is amazing to watch them experience new things and develop.
However, puppies can be very overwhelming to adult dogs, especially older dogs.
Puppies don’t really come with a lot of respect of space and pain.
For instance, you wouldn’t let your three year old run and jump on or bite your ninety five year old great grandmother.   Yet we expect adult and older dogs to find puppy antics charming but not all dogs do!  It is always important to constantly and consistently assess all dog’s behaviors and interactions.
Doggy day care is also a great option for wearing out your puppy.  Your local vet may offer boarding or day care or You can check out Rover.com.
Introducing a Puppy
Introducing a puppy should be done carefully.
First, I like to exhaust my new puppy prior to any introductions.  Tired puppies are always more delightful than wild puppies.  The excitement of the puppy meeting a new dog will be difficult enough to contain, so I suggest a good long walk or play session prior to the meeting.
Pick neutral ground (not a park that you take your dog to all of the time) and put both dogs on leash.
You may want a family member to hold the new puppy while introductions are initially made on neutral ground.  First they should hold the young pup under their arm or at the waist so that both can get a look at one another.  Provided there is no growling or aggressive behaviors the puppy can slowly be lowered for each to get a little sniff of one another.   Harnesses can make this more helpful.
Watch for signs of fear or aggressive behavior from either party.  I remember introducing one of my young eight week old puppies to my existing dog; and the puppy was doing all of the growling.  Respect a growl and give the other part more time to acclimate.  Happy introductions are crucial.
If there are no signs of fear or aggression from either dog the puppy can be set on the ground.  Steps should be taken to ensure the puppy does not pounce, jump on or bite the adult dog.  Allow the adult dog to come into the puppy’s space if so desired.  If the adult dog does not want to investigate the puppy he should not be forced to do so!  Remember aim for a conflict free introduction, even if it takes time.
Let Them Work it Out
I am a big believer in teaching my puppies respectable manners and how to interact with adult dogs so that they won’t cause the adult dog to bite or correct them.
Some dog trainers and dog owners will tell you that the adult dog should just correct the puppy and teach him, himself. However, again, I have seen adult dog that can seriously hurt a puppy with a misplaced, misguided, or angry bite.
Size of the dog matters of course, a Yorkshire Terrier bite is much smaller than that of a Pitbull Terrier.
Taking Them Home
Once the initial meeting has occurred and hopefully everyone is getting along, you may take them home.
Allow your existing adult dog to be off leash and in whatever space he so chooses.  It is your goal to make life as normal as possible for him as you continue to integrate your new pup.
But, keep the puppy on a leash.  Leashes are essential in teaching manners and conditioning good behavior from the beginning!  It will be a bit exhausting keeping your puppy on leash in the house but it will prevent him from annoying your other dog, cat, pet or other family members.  It will also prevent him from developing other bad behaviors like stealing items he shouldn’t have or chewing on your things.
Let’s face it, you aren’t going to allow your puppy to eat the sofa, a sock, or your carpet if he is on a leash and tethered to you.  You are also going to notice when he needs to go outside and go potty, so this is also critical for quick puppy potty training.
If your adult dog wants to interact with the new puppy, he can come into his and your space and initiate interaction or play.
Leash training in the house will also help with puppy potty training, you will know when to take him outside.  You can also teach him to go inside in an indoor litter box or grass potty box if you have a small dog and you prefer this type of training.
Dog Crates
Dog Crates are essential to good dog training and ownership.
Crates keep puppies safe when you are not able to keep an eye on them.  Last week, in the veterinary hospital I work at, we had two puppies come in that needed emergency surgery to have items cut out of their stomachs.
Dog crate training will also help your existing adult dog feel normal and maintain his space while giving him a break from the pup.  During this time you can spend some special one on one time with your original dog.
Crates also aid in potty training. 90% of puppies don’t want to make a mess in their crate and sit in it.  I have a current client who called in a panic because the puppy they have had for less than a week, who was doing well with potty training, started having accidents one day.  The day in question was really cold and our first snow of the year.  Simply, the puppy didn’t want to be outside in the cold and find a place to potty, so he waited until he came inside and was put behind his baby gate to go potty.  It was natural for the pup to want to potty where it was warm.
The owners were in a panic, I got several text messages late one night.  I suggested crating him if he didn’t go potty outside, but they were worried about him making a mess in his crate.  Whereas, I understand and empathize; sometimes you have to make a mistake in order to understand that you don’t ever want to do that again.  Crates can be crucial in teaching this lesson very quickly.
Impact makes my favorite crate and no dog can get out.
Baby Gates and Play Pens
I don’t mind baby gates and play pen areas being utilized once your puppy is essentially potty trained.  But larger spaces that you aren’t consistently monitoring can encourage potty accidents.  It is much better to sneak off to the corner of a room or the corner of a play pen and have an accident, than it is to have an accident in your crate.
However, if there is animosity within the pack between your dog or dogs and the new addition a baby gated area or play pen can give everyone a little space and a good place to be.
Let’s face it, your existing dog is going to want to sit with you and spend time with you like he did prior to the arrival of the new furry package, and if he doesn’t like the new puppy; having the puppy with you constantly might cause some more animosity.  So utilizing a play pen for short periods of time can allow the puppy to chew on some appropriate items or take a nap while the dogs get used to spending time together without feeling forced.
After all, if they aren’t getting along well forced interaction is only going to make it worse.  Calm, quiet, controlled and well behaved interaction is what will help build a better and less stressful relationship.
If They Are Getting Along
  Even if your adult dog and your new pup are getting along famously, be sure to give them both breaks.
Everyone needs a break and some alone time.  Even the happiest couples spend time by themselves and enjoy their own hobbies.  Remember your dogs need breaks too in order to have good mental health.
I feel sorry for dogs that can’t exist without the other pack member.  We see this a lot in the dog training and veterinary world.  At least in the dog training world we can work to get dogs separated and acclimated to being alone and solo for training and spending time with their owners.
In the veterinary world we see the entire miserable part of this equation when one dog dies and the other dog is left alone without any acclimation.  Dogs can and do suffer from severe depression when they have lost a loved one, especially when it was another dog from their pack.
Please do your dogs a favor and give them separate one on one time throughout their lives.  Give them independent training and bonding time with you.  It is best for everyone’s mental health to have some moments to be autonomous.
Positive Reinforcement
  Remember your puppy needs positive reinforcement, conditioning and guidance in order to learn what you like and how your dog’s behavior relates in certain situations.
So often we are quick to tell our puppies when they are doing something wrong and so few people do the opposite and tell their puppies when they are doing something right.
Imagine starting a new job, in a new country where you don’t speak the language and only getting yelled at and corrected when you do something that they deem “wrong” even if it is something you think is “good”.  It would be super frustrating.
I want to know I am doing the right thing and doing a good job in order to excel in my work.
Treat your puppy the same.  Reward him with wonderful, yummy treats for not pouncing you other pet, cat or dog.  Reward him with treats for keeping four on the floor and not jumping on you.  Reward him with treats for sitting and laying down even if he is doing so on his own terms.  Reward him with treats for all good choices that you like and you will end up with a dog that has a clear and concise picture of what behaviors you like and what behaviors you don’t like.
Most dogs are people pleasers and want to do what you want, but there should be a good pay out and clear and consistent terms that they can understand.
If you are getting a puppy, I strongly suggest that you follow this guide.  Even if things go as planned and both pup and adult dog get along well it is critical to build a strong foundation where you are conditioning good behaviors and doing positive reinforcement.
After all, positive reinforcement and conditioning good behaviors will build a strong and loyal canine companion for a lifetime.
Get started clicker training!  The Clik-R is great because you can put it on your finger so it frees up your hands!
The post Introducing Your New Puppy To Your Older Dog appeared first on TheDogTrainingSecret.com.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Decorations Where and when: Saturday mornings at the Balhannah Scout Hall Friendly towards other dogs The SAcommunity website is licensed under a Puppy training classes, private training training, dog training classes, and private dog training in Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills, covering the Adelaide Hills Council (including Balhannah, Lobethal, and Stirling), the Mt. Baker Council (including Burnside, Kensington, and Rose Park), the City of Mitcham (including Belair, Colonel Light Gardens, and Mitcham), the City of Unley (including Fullarton and Unley), the Campbelltown City Council (including Magill and Rostrevor), and the City of Tea Tree Gully (including Modbury and Tea Tree Gully). The appropriate rewards for best results Make a difference in an animals life today! Dog Harnesses When you bring a new puppy into your home there will be a period of adjustment. Your goals are to help your puppy to quickly bond to his/her new family, and to minimise the stress associated with leaving his/her mother, litter mates, and former home. If there are already dogs in the new home the transition may be a little easier as the puppy is able to identify with his/her own kind. Obtaining two puppies would be another option. However, most puppies, especially those obtained before 12 weeks of age, will form attachments almost immediately to the people and any other pets in the new home, provided that there are no unpleasant consequences associated with each new person and experience. News & Inspectorate Start Now · 16 December 2017 Telephone Lost + Found Have you lost your pet? The AWL Lost + Found is here to help! Read more Bookings can be made online click here to book. If you do not have access to a computer please contact us on 0418 886 698. Dogs must be at least 16 weeks of age View the Video of Ricky Lee In addition to excelling at pet dog training, we also pride ourselves on being friendly, welcoming and approachable. Our Melbourne dog school trainers are available to discuss any dog training or dog behaviour issues you wish and will listen patiently to everything you have to say. You are also guaranteed to speak directly to a dog trainer every time you call us. OMG I can’t believe how much of a difference one session made to us and our dog! I can’t believe we were even ab…le to take her off the lead and walk without constantly pulling on the lead… Co-ordinates Assignment Extension Application Form Dog safety Certificate II in Engineering Seasonal Messages Naomi Murray Jumping – All About Animals TV Show – Episode 3 George visited us at home to help us with our young rescue pup, who is very excitable around other dogs and people. Usually he starts barking and pulling when another dog comes into view on our walks,… but in our first session we walked our dog into a cafe’s outdoor area, where there were 3 other dogs, and ours was silent and calm! We would never have believed it if we didn’t see it. We are now getting ready for our first beach visit. So glad to see that simple techniques, applied consistently, can create such a marked improvement so quickly. I would have no hesitation in recommending George for dog behavioural training. See more Wait at gate/door Name I loved this story and how the puppies play a big part in it all! I think that this program may be of help to other people. Thank you BTN!! Tracking Trials – – – – FREE Indicator Tools – – – – Next Signup Day Group classes are a great way to teach your dog manners, basic obedience and how to respond to commands. They give you an opportunity to learn how to handle your dog in an environment that you need the most control, around other people and other dogs. Classes are offered at several locations throughout the Brisbane area. Fisheries In considering the natural behaviours of specific breeds of dogs, it is possible to train them to perform specialised, highly useful, tasks. For example, Labrador retrievers are the favoured breed for the detection of explosives. This is because of a combination of factors including their food drive which enables them to keep focused on a task despite noise and other distractions. Most working breeds of dogs are able to be trained to find people with their sense of smell (as opposed to their sense of sight). Cocker Spaniels are able to be trained as part of a termite detection team. Their relatively small size enables them to fit into small spaces, and their light weight allows them to walk on areas of ceiling which would be dangerous to anything heavier. In fact, although unusual, termite detection dogs are much more reliable at detecting termites than humans who rely on a basic system of tapping and listening. Because of their ability to learn signals by sight and for their energetic and athletic natures, German Shepherds are able to be trained for work alongside search and rescue teams and human apprehension teams.[79] Jump up ^ Hutchinson 2005, p.11. Boarding your dog Methods of payment This is a 6 week course that will run for 45 minutes either on Thursday evenings. Mel Clements Specialist Trainers Urban Agilty for Beginners Many applications for this course. I want to know if you can send me one? Thanks? The first week of your training course will feature a 2 hour dog information session without your dog Dog Foods [email protected] When will you be able to trust your puppy to wander loose throughout the home? Email: [email protected] Foster Care Teach him on “dog time.” Puppies and dogs live in the moment. Two minutes after they’ve done something, it’s forgotten about. When he’s doing something bad, try your chosen training technique right away so he has a chance to make the association between the behavior and the correction. Consistent repetition will reinforce what’s he’s learned. Watch us on YouTube Café practice Jump up ^ Schilder, Matthijs B.H.; Joanne A.M. van der Borg (2004). “Training dogs with help of the shock collar: short and long term behavioral effects”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 85 (3): 319–334. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2003.10.004. Work with Mother Nature Showground Last Name Hoof Care Jumping Up Knox Training a puppy to sit The SDS Difference 3.2 Classical conditioning To check the availability of Urban Essential Puppy School (Available in Carindale only) click here and scroll to the bottom. To Enrol… read more Daily Dog Bark Busters news A dog’s senses form his reality Gifts in Wills Exact matches only A-Z Services Dog desexing At SitDropStay puppy training consultant will come to your home to help you create a training system that is tailored to your puppy’s specific personality traits, habits and temperament. You are in control each step of the way and get to decide how YOU want your dog to fit into your lifestyle. Go to mat and settle Dogs: The Woof Works 6 Individualized and/or class training How can you teach a puppy to signal that it needs to go out to eliminate? Dog Training 08088 | Read Our Reviews Here Dog Training 08088 | Simple and Effective Solutions Dog Training 08088 | Solutions That Work Legal | Sitemap
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bythemotorway · 7 years
A sketchy strategy for better Auckland cycling
 Another Twitter user asked again what my alternative strategy would be for urban cycling development in Auckland, after I summarized the status quo as “neglect”.
Really? Given that political support for cycling is thin, what's your strategy?
— PatrickMorgan (@patrickmorgan)
November 19, 2017
I’ve never properly articulated my “alternative strategy” for a number of reasons.
One: I’m still learning, as I have been for over a decade, so never felt comfortable or able to capture it in a pithy listicle. Mostly I have had several contentions and contradictions with the status quo, but no grand unified theory. I am only slightly more confident in boiling things down and assembling relations between relevant domain-specific ideas now.
Two: the thing we call a “strategy” is itself a limited structure woven into a wider structure of funding, statutes, norms, governance, professional practice, etc. An alternative strategy may not neatly replace the status quo; it may seek to alter other things too.
Three: I object in principle to the argument often said or implied along with the question of what is my alternative, that I should have an alternative, and/or should not criticize the status quo. I do not want to encourage this view. As a victim, it is fine and proper to find fault with the perpetrator, while remaining free of the burden of solving it by oneself.
With that said, here is a sampling of alternative rules to consider when constructing a better Auckland urban cycling strategy (as well as culture and practice in design and governance). It is by no means complete, but at least names some key principles that do existentially contradict the status quo and point to a new way.
(Note: this post is likely to be edited often…)
Prioritize bike-enabling streets—the familiar ones with names and front doors we know and love (not new paths out of the way). Main streets first; local streets next (weighted by destination and demographics, e.g. school streets); short off-street paths to heal severance. And lastly build new trails and paths by the motorway etc., if and when the network optimization is useful in the context of a maturing bikeable street grid.
Build many new paths across (not alongside) motorways to heal severance. Auckland's street grid was sliced up but can be healed slowly. More bike-and-pedestrian only bridges and underpasses to restore the urban fabric relatively cheaply.
Take care to see whether new bridges and underpasses actually do cross a motorway and heal severance. Auckland currently has a few bike-and-pedestrian bridges and underpasses near motorways that either do not even cross the traffic chasm or do not stitch two streets together.
Special case: build SkyPath and similar projects traversing large natural geographical barriers that the fine-grained street grid cannot cover in the first place.
Sidenote on recovering motorways: although the street grid can be patched up relatively cheaply by re-stitching street links across the grain of motorway corridors, still more should be done. Motorways should be removed. This may well be a long-term goal (the stuff of "aspiration") but it must be a goal. Eradication of core urban motorways (gradually over time) should help orient other transport and place-making development projects so they are not built to rely on the security of a motorway corridor designation to fund and guarantee their own existence. Expensive compromises such as undergrounding, covering or hiding motorways may be considered but probably won't stack up anyway.
Especially tackle street junctions first, supporting protected movement in all directions. Embrace intersections, don't defer it for later when building on-street separated cycleways. Seek out intersections like they are magnetic and fix them for all crossing/turning movements along any corridor under consideration. Dollar for metre, aim to fix paths through junctions before adding linear metres of cycleway. Junctions are both peak pain points, as well as multiplicatively beneficial in connectivity terms, for urban users. More linear paths (i.e. straight through movements) are easier for designers to execute but that's not user-centric. Prefer user-centric values.
Design networks in grids that span meaningful catchments across neighbourhoods, closing over destinations like schools and PT stops/stations, connected via streets with bike-enabled junctions. Dollar for metre, a cross-route forming a grid (via a bikeable junction) is more important than a linear extension of an existing route.
A good grid maximizes three features.
It aims to have a high intersection density, as that provides multiplicative connectivity for more people taking more kinds of trips in the same area. (Hint: this is important also for encouraging social diversity, as demographics affect trip types.)
A good grid maximizes frontage exposure—more front doors facing the cycleway, rather than tucking the bike path out the back away from the life of the street, where one might ride at eye-level and (serendipitously) bump into other people (cycling or not) or encounter opportunities.
A well-designed grid maintains its own identity in its details: it might have a consistent appearance (e.g. color) or standardized affordances for interacting with it, and should be clear to all types of users (cycling or not) at all points, what the purpose and function and priority of the infrastructure is. It shouldn’t look and feel fragmented, ad hoc, ambiguous and inconsistent.
Widen the unit of work in planning from occasional and opportunistic silos of "cycle improvements" to a "local mobility plan" for an area or suburb. Adjusting motoring priority should be on the table, as well as truly integrating with PT.
Use participatory design, not one-way consultation, to devise a bike-inclusive (not bike-only) local mobility plan. An illustration is in a previous post on reframing cycling projects in Auckland.
Opportunistic improvements should be carried out under the business-as-usual programmes of maintenance, operations and safety. Is an old road getting resurfaced? It should have appropriate cycle infrastructure when relaid (junctions first).
Acknowledge and dispose of old design standards that allow professionals to sign off on crap cycling infrastructure like bike boxes, filter lanes, sharrows, etc.
Addressing the “demand side” of the equation by browbeating users and potential users of bikes is just wrong. This currently takes the form of carrots and sticks. Some carrots are actually sticks in disguise. Marketing campaigns are not safety measures. Bike breakfasts are futile. The very notion of “confidence” when cycling is problematic.
An ethical system designer would first aim to maximize the supply of good quality structural features and allow untrained and uncoached to maximize benefit (while being safe). Only after exhausting that approach would a system designer seek to patch gaps and harness risk by resorting to “training” and “education” measures. Active measures are less scalable and less robust; whereas passive measures (such as encoding desired behaviour as design cues in concrete and asphalt) can both incentivize and disincentivize more effectively.
This theme has appeared under other headings above already, but it is worth highlighting on its own. Much of the planning and projects carried out under the status quo regime follow designer-centric thinking. They are constrained and optimized at all levels (from scope to detail) by what is (for some value of…) "easiest" or "feasible" or "affordable". Generally it reduces to what the designer(s) find most convenient to service among the leftovers after satisfying other priorities (be it motoring or transit). It is easy to dismiss this as a political problem of funding or vision, but the fact that the same bias shows up time and again even in the details of a design (well within the control of the engineer or planner), shows that designer-centric thinking is rife among those professions too.
A user-centric approach would change how things are valued at all levels.
In a city-wide sense, it might mean actually weighting and prioritizing places to intervene based on where more users are located and/or travelling, rather than allocating resources by their legal source (e.g. NZTA money implies a motorway corridor route selection).
At the other extreme, in a detailed design sense, it means that the designer ought to consider what the user really needs: not a splash of paint or a pacifying bike symbol, but rather to minimize ambiguity, distress, and acts of improvisation under duress.
Acts of improvisation under duress are the worst, as they give rise to stress and risk-taking behaviour. Too much new infrastructure still forces users to act like this. For example, a separated on-street cycleway may only support straight-through and left-turn movements, completely shunning the right-turn maneuver (the most fraught of all). Users who do (reasonably) want to travel in that direction are forced to improvise: either exit the cycle facility to ride among vehicle traffic, or emulate a pedestrian, or run against signals, etc.
The act in itself is bad, but even anticipating it is terrible. This is a strong disincintive against cycling. Potential users may avoid riding because of the hostility of the street environment; which is technically represented by improvisational nature of the public realm for cycling (under duress: high traffic speeds, unseparated spaces, close distances, etc).
The gap is particularly stark to practitioners of design in other domains, such as interaction designers, user experience designers, product designers, etc. There appears to be a major shortcoming in professional expertise of relevant engineering fields and even many spatial designers. Some understanding of those other design practices is required among those who make our public spaces, particularly walking and cycling infrastructure. There are ways to study, qualitatively analyze, even quantitatively measure, test, validate and verify the efficacy of designs from a user-centric perspective. There are evidence-based review and maintenance practices that can help influence engineering and planning, if they would only allow it.
There is a whiff of some of this in each new project, such as the Grey Lynn cycle improvements most recently. But that's far from enough. Far, far, far from enough.
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geupkrug · 7 years
Top 10 Dog Training Harnesses to Stop Pulling
One of the joys of owning a dog is being able to spend time with them outdoors. Many dog owners cherish their daily walks spent with their furry friends. What is normally a calming experience for both dog and owner, however, can quickly become stressful or frustrating if your dog has a pulling problem.
  While there aren’t any quick fixes for pulling while on a leash, a combination of discipline, patience, and the right harness can help resolve the issue. Having an appropriate dog harness is just as important to stopping this bad habit as the training methods used. The right harness will be both comfortable to the dog and discouraging of the pulling motion.
  There are a lot of different harnesses out there, but most fall under the categories of back attachment harnesses, head collars, and front attachment harnesses. Back attachment harnesses fasten around the dog’s midsection and shoulders, distributing pressure evenly across their back rather than focusing it on their necks. They are good for going for a run with your dog but are often not a long-term solution for pulling. Head collars go around the dog’s neck and have a place for leashes to be attached under the chin. These can be effective for pulling because they cause the dog to look back at you when they are attempting to pull.
  Normally, the best kind of harness for dogs who pull is a front attachment harness, which has the leash attachment on the front. This type of harness causes dogs to get pulled sideways if they pull. After realizing after several attempts of pulling away that they instead get pulled in a different direction, most dogs become compliant and no longer display this unwanted behavior.
  The Best Harnesses for Dogs Who Pull
  Finding the right harness for a dog who can be frustrating with so many products available. To make things easier, here are the top 10 harnesses for dogs with this problem. This list includes products under all three types of harness categories.
  #1: The Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness
  This is the most versatile of the harnesses here: this rear and/or chest attachment harness can be used for walking or jogging and has adjustable leash placement to accommodate either of these activities. If you are walking your dog, you can attach the leash to the front of the harness. This is ideal for no-pull training. If you will be running, there is an attachment for a leash toward the back as well. Although rear-attaching harnesses are overall not the best for teaching dogs not to pull, if you will be running with your dog, this is the best option. This product is available in sizes from XS to XXL, so you are sure to find a size that fits your dog.
406 Reviews
Freedom No-Pull Dog Harness Training Package with Leash, Teal Medium (1" wide)
The Freedom No-Pull Harness design minimizes or eliminates pulling, neck strain, and the chance of escape. The Freedom Harness is recommended by trainers as the "ultimate in flexibility, control, and training." Vets love the harness because it is designed to walk from the back of the dog keeping their spinal cords in alignment. Adoption groups love it because of its ease of use.
Comfortable and durable! The Freedom harness has a soft Swiss velvet lining on the strap that goes behind the legs to help prevent rubbing, chaffing and sores that sometimes can be seen with other harness designs. All of the edges of the webbing are turned out to keep them from irritating your dog's skin. This well made harness will stand up to daily use by even the strongest dogs!
Multi-functional: The harness can be used for discouraging pulling when attached to the front or for exercise when attached to the back. The double ended leash (included) can be attached to both the front and back of the harness or just the front or the back. Test it to see which works best for you and your dog! Industry leading lifetime chewing warranty: The manufacturer will replace up to two chewed straps for free, no questions asked, for just the cost of shipping.
Reduces pulling! The patented action loop sits at the back of the dog between the shoulders allowing your dog to walk in a straight line without twisting or straining, while discouraging pulling by gently tightening around the chest.
SIZING: Use a soft tape measure and measure the circumference of your dog's chest by placing the tape measure all the way around the chest (rib cage), behind the front legs. The tape measure should be not pulled too tight, but not loose. XSMALL: 14-20" girth, 12-17 lbs; SMALL: 18-24" girth, 18-25 lbs; MEDIUM 5/8'' WIDTH: 23-28" girth, 25-65 lbs; MEDIUM 1'' WIDTH; 23-28" girth, 25-65 lbs; LARGE: 27-32" girth, 60-85 lbs; XLARGE: 31-37" girth, 85-140 lbs; XXLARGE: 36-44" girth, 140-250 lbs.
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#2: PetSafe Easy Walk Dog Harness
  This nylon front attaching harness is a simple, no-frills adjustable harness that distributes pressure evenly across a dog’s backside and shoulders, rather than putting excessive stress on their neck or backs. Because the leash attaches just under the chest, this harness safely pulls the dog to one side when they pull, therefore discouraging this behavior. This harness has simple snaps, making it easy to put on and remove. It is available in 8 sizes and 7 colors.
454 Reviews
Petsafe Deluxe Easy Walk Harness, Medium/Large, Ocean Blue
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: For best results, MEASURE YOUR PET BEFORE CHOOSING SIZE; please refer to the sizing chart graphic to determine which size harness fits your pet
STRESS-FREE WALKS: Make walking your dog a joy with the PetSafe Deluxe Easy Walk No-Pull Harness; recommended by vets and trainers, this harness is the solution you've been looking for to stop pulling
DETERS OPPOSITION REFLEX: Unlike traditional dog harnesses, the front leash attachment of the Deluxe Easy Walk Harness steers your dog to your side to reduce or eliminate leash pulling
PREVENTS CHOKING: The straps of the Deluxe Easy Walk Harness rest along your dog's chest and belly-not the delicate throat area-which means no more gagging or choking when your pet tries to pull
ADJUSTABLE FIT: Four adjustment points allow you to fit the harness to your dog's unique shape while the COMPLEMENTARY COLOR belly strap helps make it easy to know which straps go on top and bottom
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#3: The EcoBark Maximum Comfort Dog Harness
  This harness was designed with the owner and the dog in mind. It is a padded front-attachment harness that comes in a comfortable padded material that prevents pulling without choking your dog. Coming in 6 sizes and 10 color options, this harness has a lot going for it with its effectiveness, versatility, comfort, and eco-friendly materials. The leash (not included) attaches right under the chest.
359 Reviews
Blueberry Pet 9 Colors Soft & Comfy 3M Reflective Multi-colored Stripe Padded Dog Harness Vest, Chest Girth 28.5"-38.5", Neck 24.5"-38.5", Dark Green & Pink, Large, Mesh Harnesses for Dogs
Chest Girth 28.5-38.5", Neck 24.5-38.5", Chest Strap 14.5", Large; The chest strap is not adjustable. For a safe and fit purchase, be sure to check the neck and chest; A properly fitting collar and harness won't leave any room for your dog to chew.
The harness does not stretch itself. NEVER leave your dog unattended with a harness on. Be sure the D-ring stay on the back of your furry friend for leashing. Blueberry Pet logo should be under the neck of your furry friend.
Made with light weight, soft and optimal mesh, oxford and polyester materials. Buckles are made from eco-friendly plastic. The metal D ring is matt grey coated to add durability.
This harness is a single product. Its matching collar (B017UAJZLC) /leash (B01LWN6HZR) sold separately. Machine-washable, in cold water on the gentle cycle
All pictures are taken with our production samples from a size 22-26.5"(chest girth) * 17.5-26"(neck).
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#4: The Gentle Leader Head Collar
  This head collar’s straps wrap around the nose and neck of the dog and aims to control their bodies based on controlling their head movement. This product is specifically designed for dogs with pulling issues and even comes with a DVD explaining how to use this harness to complement no-pull training. The Gentle Leader is not likely a long-term solution for walks but can be a good tool to initiate training.
37 Reviews
PetSafe Gentle Leader Chic Head Collar, Medium, Donuts
Stops excessive leash pulling and prevents other unwanted behaviors like lunging, jumping and barking
Provides immediate, gentle control
Adjustable nylon straps with neoprene padded nose loop for added comfort; includes matching leash, fitting instructions and training DVD
Call, chat or email with our expert US-based customer care specialists six days a week; They are waiting to assist you and your pet with your product needs
PetSafe brand has been an industry leading US manufacturer of pet behavior, containment and lifestyle products since 1991, helping millions of people and pets each year
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#5: The Halti Head Collar
  The Halti is a head collar that focuses on controlling a dog’s head movement, which should, therefore, control where they go. If dogs do decide to pull while wearing this collar, they will end up turning back at the person pulling them, instead of moving forward like they want to. This collar has straps that go around their neck, head, and snout. If a dog hasn’t worn one before, they may need time to adjust to the collar. It has worked for many dog owners as an effective no-pull solution, however.
150 Reviews
Company Of Animals HALTI Headcollar, Black, 2-Size
Made from lightweight, yet strong nylon webbing
Designed for comfort-allows freedom to pant and yawn
Free Haulti Safety Link, that connects to the dog's collar
Neoprene padded liining on the noseband
A unique,on-off muzzling action to close the dog's jaw
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#6: YUP! Non-Pulling Dog Harness
  This simple black mesh harness puts pressure on dogs’ shoulders when they try to pull, discouraging them from continuing the behavior. It is an excellent option if you are just starting out no-pull training: dog owners have seen a big difference when transitioning back to a regular leash, even after just a few times using this one. Although it is rear-attaching, it is very effective.
1444 Reviews
YUP! Nylon Non Pulling Dog Harness, Medium, Black
This non pulling mesh harness offers total control, style and comfort for every dog
The elastic webbing stretches laterally with dog's natural movements, while the unique mesh design provides maximum comfort
All materials and components are made of the highest quality nylon and nickel-plated hardware to reduce weathering
Fits 12-inch to 17-inch neck size
Measures 8-inch length by 4-4/5-inch width by 2-inch height
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#7: UNHO Dog Body Harness
  This harness has a black padded piece that stretches over the dog’s back, and slimmer padded pieces that go around their front and chest. Leashes attach to the top of the harness. This harness has comfort in mind. It is called a “body” harness because it focuses on natural body movement while still controlling pulling.
528 Reviews
UNHO Dog Body Harness Padded Extra Big Large Medium Small Heavy Duty vary from All kinds of size
Easy to wear and put on
This non pulling mesh harness offers total control, style and comfort for every dog
All materials and components are made of the highest quality nylon and nickel-plated hardware to reduce weathering
The elastic webbing stretches laterally with dog's natural movements, while the unique mesh design provides maximum comfort
us seller, shipping from Henderson, NV within 2-4 days delivery and FBA shipping
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#8: Yuppie Puppy Stop Pulling Mesh Harness
  The Yuppie Puppy harness is similar to the UNHO body harness but features an even simpler, slimmer design. It describes itself as being for “heavy to moderate pullers.” It easily snaps on and onto your dog, so is ideal either as a temporary solution for pulling or as a long-term solution for walks.
528 Reviews
UNHO Dog Body Harness Padded Extra Big Large Medium Small Heavy Duty vary from All kinds of size
Easy to wear and put on
This non pulling mesh harness offers total control, style and comfort for every dog
All materials and components are made of the highest quality nylon and nickel-plated hardware to reduce weathering
The elastic webbing stretches laterally with dog's natural movements, while the unique mesh design provides maximum comfort
us seller, shipping from Henderson, NV within 2-4 days delivery and FBA shipping
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#9: EAST-BIRD Anti-Pull Harness
  This harness features a triangular shaped padded piece that goes across the dog’s back and shoulders, with a leash attachment on top. It comes in three different sizes and three colors. This no-pull product includes a leash to use with the harness.
680 Reviews
Best Front Range No-Pull Dog Harness. 3M Reflective Outdoor Adventure Pet Vest with Handle. 3 Stylish Colors and 5 Sizes.
Color:orange,size XS fit chest 13-17",Stylish ,Durable, Scratch-Resistant Oxford material outer layer,lightweight Draflex Buckle with large loading capacity which greatly improves tensile strength.Comfortable and ergonomi design ensures easy to fit and put on/take off.
safety your cfeatures include Nylon webbing with 6M reflective material for Good visibility at night and Sturdy handle for easy seat belt attachment while riding in your car.
Comfortable lightweight Mesh lining with soft sponge padding in chest and belly,
Two leash attachment points: aluminum V-ring on the dog's back and reinforced webbing on the dog's chest.
Please refer to the size chart image for correct item dimensions.
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#10: Comfort Fit Metric USA Small Dog Harness
  This one is best for smaller dogs. It is padded all around, ensuring maximum comfort for your pet. Its quick-release clip makes it easy to put on and take off of fidgety dogs. An adjustable Velcro strap across the dog’s shoulders make it customizable. The leash attaches to the back.
655 Reviews
Easy to Put on and Take off Small Dog Harnesses Our small Dog Harness Vest has padded Interior and Exterior Cushioning Ensuring your Dog is Snug and Comfortable ! (Small, Pink)
STRUGGLE WITH YOUR DOG COLLAR? We have an Easy to Put on and Take off Soft Dog Harness with a Quick release clip.
HAVE AN ESCAPE ARTIST OF A DOG? Our dog harness has Two Reinforced D-rings that locks securely on to your leash
Easy to Care, Incredibly lightweight weighs only 2 oz. Comes in Red, Black, Blue and Pink
XX-Small size Chest Girth 10"- 13" Neck 7" - 10" X-Small size Chest Girth 13"-16" Neck 10"-13" Small size Chest Girth 16"- 19" Neck 13"-16" Medium size Chest Girth 18"-21" Neck 15"-18"
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A dog with a pulling problem can make walks a nightmare for their owners. These products are all great places to start if you are looking for a solution to help implement your dog’s no-pull training.
    from Dog Training Equipment & Supplies Review http://ift.tt/2eV47vt
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growingupguidepup · 5 years
Pet or Service Dog, That is the Question – Part 1
Every week, it seems, a news channel will run a segment on so-called “fake service dogs”—otherwise known as, well, pets. These segments tend to turn into a tutorial on how to abuse the service dog system in the United States. And they provoke a knee-jerk reaction from many members of the public.
“There should be certification of these dogs!”
“We need tighter regulations on service dogs!”
“Why don’t handlers carry around ID cards that prove their dog is a service dog?”
“Real service dogs only come from programs; if we just eliminate owner-training, no one will be able to pass their pet off as a service dog!”
While these proposed solutions may sound good on their face, they are actually quite problematic. They are also directly opposed to the regulations and intentions put forward in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Law: What defines a service dog
1.       The rights of people with disabilities are specially protected by both federal (the Americans with Disabilities Act) and state laws. For the purposes of this article, I will primarily focus on federal law, as it relates to service dogs.
2.       The ADA states that “a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.” This law is intentionally designed to provide the broadest possible protection for disabled people. It is important to note that the ADA does not require:
3.       A service dog to be trained by a program. Service dogs can be trained by anyone, including the disabled handler him or herself.
4.       A service dog to be a particular size or breed. Many service dog tasks don’t necessitate a large dog—small dogs can perform signal alert or seizure response tasks, for example, just as well or better than a large dog. Breed specific legislation does not apply to service dogs. A dog of any breed or mix who has the ability and aptitude for the work can be a service dog.
5.       Specific types of collars to be used on a service dog. Service dogs may work in whatever equipment a handler deems optimal, be that a flat buckle collar, check chain, prong collar, head collar, or any other piece of equipment.
6.       A service dog to wear any identifying vest, harness, or other markers. Some dogs wear harnesses as part of their job (such as a guide dog), and many wear vests as a courtesy to the general public and/or to signal the dog when it is work time. This is entirely up to the handler.
7.       The ADA also specifically notes that emotional support and companionship are not considered tasks. These are happy bonuses of having a service dog, but if these are all that the dog provides, that means the dog is a pet. No person, disabled or otherwise, has the right under federal law to bring a pet into no-pet areas.
The Law: The rights of businesses
In addition to being trained to mitigate their handler’s disability, a service dog also must be trained to behave professionally in public. The dog must also be leashed or tethered in some way unless that interferes with the dog’s ability to do a task. There is no written code of conduct or etiquette for service dogs, largely because each service dog’s job can vary so much from another’s. However, there are several behaviors that no service dog should ever engage in while working in public.
A business has the legal right (and, many handlers would say, the obligation) to have a dog removed from the premises if:
1.       The dog is out of control and the handler takes no steps to control it.
2.       The dog is not housebroken.
3.       The dog poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
It is important to note that all of these are behavioral requirements. These apply to all dogs. This means that regardless of who did the dog’s training, where it came from, whether the handler is obviously disabled, what kind of vest it is wearing, and so on, a dog who behaves in such a manner can and should be removed from the business.
Why is this so important? Because while training certifications, special patches, I.D. cards, and other such items of gear can be obtained by almost anyone, behavior cannot be faked. A pet will nearly always give itself away as such by behaving in ways no service dog would ever be permitted to do.
Businesses are also allowed to ask the handler two questions, if it’s not obvious what the service dog’s job is. Businesses can ask 1) if the dog is a service dog, and 2) what the dog is trained to do. This does not mean the business may pry into the details of the handler’s disability. Many handlers will be intentionally vague when asked the second question, especially if they have a psychiatric disability, since such disabilities often carry an unfortunate amount of social stigma. Once these questions have been answered appropriately, the business must allow the handler and dog access unless the dog misbehaves in one of the ways described above.
Unwritten Rules: Common service dog etiquette
The “rules” I’m about to list are not a point of universal agreement among handlers. And there are always exceptions to these rules, especially when a dog is engaged in a task.
Generally, a service dog should be focused on his handler and his job. He shouldn’t be sniffing merchandise excessively, or soliciting attention from strangers. He should ignore food as well as people trying to attract his attention.
Service dogs should keep “four on the floor,” unless it is unsafe for them to do so, or they need to do a task. For example, while it may be safe most of the time for a very small service dog to walk at heel like a large dog, in a thick crowd it is safer for the handler to carry or sling the dog. A service dog should stay under the table while in a restaurant, but if her handler starts to have a panic attack, it is perfectly acceptable for her to get up and perform deep pressure therapy while across her handler’s lap. Service dogs should not be sitting on restaurant chairs or booths, or riding in shopping carts.
Service dogs should not pull their handlers willy-nilly while on leash; even while pulling in harness, the dog should be well-controlled. This doesn’t mean that all service dogs must walk in a perfect heel. But generally, a service dog should move easily with the handler without pulling. Much of the time, a dog yanking its owner around is a pet. However, some service dogs have been taught to take charge in situations where their handler is unable to do so. If a handler becomes overwhelmed, the dog may have been taught to take her to a safe place or a specific person. This can sometimes look like the dog is pulling. It’s usually not too hard to tell the difference between a focused service dog taking her handler somewhere as a task, and a pet dog dragging his owner to whatever has captured his attention.
When encountering other dogs in public, service dogs should ignore them or be easily redirected away from them. Service dogs should not fixate on other dogs, or lunge, bark, or growl. Aggression is never acceptable in a service dog. It should be noted, though, that service dogs in training may have dog reactivity issues they are working on. A responsible handler will deal with the situation, either by refocusing the dog or moving him further away from whatever is causing the behavior. People with pets will often make excuses for or completely ignore behavior that is unacceptable in a working dog.
Every dog, including service dogs, will have bad days. No dog is perfectly behaved 100% of the time. And every handler either has had or will have that horrible day when they don’t know their service dog’s stomach is upset and they have a potty accident in a store. A good indicator of whether the dog is a working dog or a pet whose owner has dressed it up is how the handler responds to lapses in behavior. A service dog handler will address lapses in behavior immediately, while a person who has vested their pet will usually ignore or try to rationalize bad behavior.
Service dog handlers often tend to be their dogs’ harshest critics. The day when you are dying inside because your service dog has sniffed seven different things in the grocery store and won’t position himself precisely and has made googly eyes at five different strangers is invariably the day when every person you meet seems to be telling you how perfect your dog is.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at:
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