#eindred x severin
honeyrydernot · 2 years
Masterlist of my favourite stories, must stress that exactly NONE of these are mine and I’m almost all cases if you go to the OP you’ll find a bunch more incredible stories. This pinned post is mostly for me so I can stop frantically searching for them every time I want to reread them!
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meg-moira · 4 years
Look I’m just saying - is it really true love if you didn’t curse your warrior soulmate with eternal peace, then haunt him for a year while he squatted in your home, only to come back to life on a technicality and invite him to permanently move in with you?
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lucky-numberme · 3 years
here's a WIP (emphasis on the "in progress") of some beautiful characters by @meg-moira. If you haven't read Eindred and the Witch, you are missing out on some beautiful gay storytime.
can't wait to see how this piece comes out 🥰
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meg-moira · 3 years
The Warrior's Return (Pt. 13)
The adventures of "Eindred and the Witch" continue!
In which there is running.
Severin and Eindred stood as one, chairs scraping against the floor.
The innkeeper, her elbows braced on the bar, muttered darkly into her tankard. “Bastard Northmen, always stirring up shit.”
“Is there a back way out of here?” Severin asked, turning toward her. The walls of the small inn felt abruptly confining, and Severin was uncomfortably reminded of Reykla’s caged wagon. If Reykla’s group had followed them here, Severin couldn’t imagine a much worse position than being backed into an inn.
Meanwhile, Sying stepped away from the doorway, frantically beckoning with her hand. Jun barreled through the door in the next moment, and from the inn came startled gasps and the clatter of dropped mugs and utensils.
The innkeeper, who had snatched up a steak knife at the bear’s entrance, said to Severin, “If I show you the back exit will you remove the damn bear from my inn?”
“Yes,” Eindred, Severin, and Sying said together.
The innkeeper led them through a back room, yanking a curtain out of the way and shoving open an old door. Sying went first, followed by Severin, then Eindred and Jun. As soon as they’d clattered down the weather-beaten stairs, the door slammed behind them.
Heart thundering painfully against his ribs, Severin peered around the side of the inn. He glimpsed a large group of armed warriors moving rapidly along the road before a hand grabbed him by the arm, hauling him away from both the inn and the approaching warriors.
Eindred marched swiftly across the open field, one hand wrapped around Severin’s arm and the other around Sying’s. Jun scampered ahead, his rounded tail vanishing into the forest’s shadowy underbrush.
“Your legs are too long,” Sying complained, hopping and skipping to keep pace with Eindred.
“It’s definitely Reykla’s group?” Severin asked.
“I didn’t see her, but I recognized some of the others from the camp,” Sying replied.
Eindred’s hold on his arm tightened and suddenly they were all moving faster. As soon as they were under the cover of trees, Eindred released them and asked, “Can you run?”
Sying was hurriedly strapping the stringed instrument to her back, and Severin realized the question was directed at him. Likely, he supposed, because out of the four of them, he was the only one to have passed out from exhaustion within the last twenty-four hours.
“Yes, I can run,” he assured Eindred.
And so they ran.
Read the rest on Patreon!
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meg-moira · 3 years
The Warrior's Return (Pt. 10)
The story of "Eindred and the Witch" continues!
In which an argument is had.
By the time gray light slipped through the cave’s narrow entrance, the sounds of searching warriors had long since silenced. The forest had been quiet for at least three hours, by Eindred’s estimation. He hadn’t slept.
The practical choice would have been to take turns keeping watch. In his previous life, Eindred had spent plenty of nights trading watch in three-hour intervals.
But this was different.
Severin slept, his head pillowed in Eindred’s lap. In the tentative morning light, Eindred could just make out black hair curling around Severin’s ears, his lashes, dark smudges on his cheeks, and his parted lips - still a shade paler than normal.
Severin needed rest more than Eindred needed a night of sleep. And as for Sying - well. Eindred knew very little about Sying, though so far she seemed likeable enough. But she and her bear, Jun, who might be her brother, Jun, were too new to be entirely trusted. Eindred would not have been able to sleep knowing that a sun bear’s deadly claws and teeth rested mere inches from his and Severin’s faces.
Eindred watched the sliver of gray light shift to dull purple, and then soft pink. As he was thinking of rousing his companions, he felt a light touch against the underside of his arm.
Severin’s eyes were open, a deep copper color in the dim light, and his expression was one of quiet devastation. Fear rose in Eindred’s throat, as he wondered what could have happened to Severin when he was here, resting upon his thigh. And then Eindred’s arm stung where Severin’s fingers brushed it.
Eindred twisted his palm up, revealing the torn portion of his sleeve, and beneath it - the shallow gash in his forearm from his fight with the ax-wielding warrior.
Severin’s fingers curled around Eindred’s wrist. “It’s not keeping you safe.”
Read the rest on Patreon!
(for 1 dollar a month, you can read updates a week early!)
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meg-moira · 4 years
Patreon News!
I’ve been fine tuning my content and recently updated my tiers. The changes are:
3 dollar tier patrons now have access to the mini-stories!
5 dollar tier patrons now have voting power to decide which mini-stories I write next!
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I want to write all of them tbh, but I’m looking forward to see which one wins :)
My Patreon
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