#eimi haneoka
majokkoradio · 3 months
"Meimi no Mirai~Papa to Mama" - Kaitou Saint Tail Musical - Insert Song
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lordmartiya · 3 days
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Got back in the mood of my favorite magical girl series, the incredibly underrated Kaitou Saint Tail.
Our magical girl, Haneoka Meimi, is a 14 years old girl living in Seika, the only town in Japan where almost everyone is Catholic, and at night she acts as Saint Tail. Now, her peculiar things as a magical girl are the source of her powers and what she does with them: her magic is actually incredibly advanced STAGE MAGIC (though you would be forgiven for mistaking it for actual magic after witnessing some of her tricks like the Saint Tail Parade, and her routinely asking God for forgiveness because "there's no gimmick or trick" makes one wonder), and she uses it to help the helpless... By stealing (the series is called "PHANTOM THIEF Saint Tail" for a reason). If you live in Seika and suffered some injustice, Saint Tail will find out and correct it through some kind of theft.
How does she find out? Well, that's what her friend Mimori Seira does. She's a classmate of Meimi and an apprentice nun (the author admitted she didn't know the difference between a miko and a nun back then), and in the latter vest people tend to confide in her, allowing her to discover the injustices and send Saint Tail in, and sometime help her in the field (usually because she learned from her family how to make sleep perfumes, but has also acted as decoy).
Meimi's love interest is one Asuka Daiki, also known as Asuka jr., her classmate who's the son of a cop... And, after butting in on one of Saint Tail's heists, the one actually assigned to catch her by order of the mayor, courtesy of him coming very close to catch her. It also helps that Meimi, being a tsundere, once dared him to catch her... And that Asuka jr. may or may not have a crush on either Saint Tail or Meimi. The problem is, romantically speaking he's denser than a black hole, enough to completely miss Meimi's feelings, though here we can forgive him, Saint Tail's "theft warnings" being creative and rather transparent love letters, his other classmate Rina being quite pushy about her own feelings, and even HIS OWN until a question from Saint Tail makes him blurt out he's got a crush on someone (and even then he spent a couple days thinking about who this mysterious girl is. Not telling because Asuka has moments with both Meimi and Saint Tail). Thankfully, once it finally dawned on him he didn't waste much time...
I've mentioned Takamiya Rina, the mayor's niece. She initially butts in on one of Asuka's operations because her sense of justice is incensed at a thief having the gall of announcing her imminent theft, but continues because she both gains a crush on Asuka jr. and recognizes Saint Tail as a romantic rival... And having absolutely no sense of measure she's a far greater threat than Asuka jr. (he'd never use tear gas, for example), at least for a while. I won't tell you how exactly Saint Tail scared her off...
Another important classmate is Sawatari Manato, of the journalism club. Being someone who'd do anything for a scoop he was the target of one of Saint Tail's capers... And as Meimi cased the place by asking to visit the club, he immediately fell for her because she was the first girl to care for his interests rather than his (admittedly good) looks. His crazy antics often earn him a punch on the head from Rina.
We've also got Meimi's parents. Her father Haneoka Genichiro is a professional magician and Meimi's teacher (though she had surpassed him by the time she was 13), and her mother Eimi is a retired phantom thief (though not the most well intentioned one) with the name of Lucifer. She retired after meeting Genichiro gave her something better than her constant thefts just for sake of the challenge, and was proud of Meimi when she realized she had inherited her athletic and stealth skills. They're on perpetual honeymoon (as long as he doesn't hypnotize her, for a good reason).
Rounding up the cast we have Asuka Tomoki, Asuka jr.'s father. He's a police inspector, and back in the day was the one assigned to chase one Phantom Thief Lucifer (it's said he was "on the rebound" for Lucifer's sudden disappearance when he met his now late wife), while now he's officially the one assigned to Saint Tail's case (his son's authority is entirely unofficial, he's technically an observer who just happens to have the cops follow his instructions because he's just that good)... And smart enough that every time Saint Tail sends a "theft warning" he immediately starts investigating THE TARGET.
There's more I could tell you, but it could reveal too much, so instead I'll tell you it's really funny... And that the webcomic Megatokyo has two characters who are basically Meimi and Asuka jr. as adults (Sonoda Meimi even keeping her given name and being a retired magical girl and a kleptomaniac, and the author having said that something REALLY close to the end of the manga happened to them), with their daughter Yuki being a major character (and looking like Meimi with black hair and a different hairstyle).
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cozyrei · 4 years
Eimi: If you took a shot after every bad decision you made, how drunk would you be?
Genichiro: Tipsy.
Daiki: Drunk.
Meimi: Wasted.
Sawatari: Dead.
Seira: Tipsy for me.
Meimi: You’ll be drunk, end of story.
Seira: Well, you’ll be dead.
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magicalgirlsromance · 4 years
I was feeling terribly anxious because I couldn’t find any Saint Tail fan fictions that I liked so had to write one myself. Enjoy this drabble!
Breath in. Breath out.
She looked at her reflection with fascination while getting her orange bangs out of her view as they reached her bright blue eyes which were framed with luscious black eyelashes. She was trembling with nervousness but apart from that she felt completely beautiful.
—There you go—said the sweet voice of her mama behind her, who was softly placing a thick fishtail braid on her left shoulder, small strands of hair were coming out from all along it while a few white flowers were strategically placed on it.—You look like a fairy from the woods—that comment made her face pink—I’m sure Asuka Jr. will be pleased tonight—and that comment turned her cheeks to a darker red shade.
Eimi Haneoka smiled as her only daughter was shyly shrugging her shoulders. This was not the first time that Meimi asked for her help since she started dating Asuka Jr. It’s already been two years and her daughter has taken one and each of their dates as seriously as the first one which meant that she would help Meimi to look her best every single time.
However, this night was special. This was the night in which Asuka Jr. finally would formally introduce Meimi as his girlfriend to his father. While she has let him meet her parents after 3 dates, Asuka Jr. was more reluctant to let his dad into his personal life. After the first year, Meimi was terribly worried that she had never spoken to the man as nothing more than a cute classmate of Daiki as he would call her when they had the rare chance to meet at their school and when she tried to push the subject on her boyfriend, his only response was that it did not make a difference.
—I love you and that’s enough for me. You don’t need to impress anyone.—he said while he continued devouring the content of his bento box.
She was satisfied with that but still she couldn’t quite understand why Daiki was so unattached to his dad. She couldn’t imagine not telling her parents all the exciting events that happened to her so why?
The doorbell rang and she suddenly stopped breathing.
—Let’s go Meimi, you don’t want to make him wait, do you?—Eimi laughed softly as she saw her daughter walk as stiff as a store mannequin would.
When Meimi reached the stairs in order to finally go to the ground floor of the house, she could hear how his dad and Asuka Jr. were having a conversation.
—I can assure you that we are working very hard to catch him, Mr. Haneoka.—that was her boyfriend’s voice which sounded as excited as whenever he had a chance to talk about his job—But he’s quite good and almost never leaves a clue behind.
—Reminds me of that girl thief. What was her name again? —Genichirou interrupted himself when he caught sight of Meimi going down the stairs.—Meimi! You look beautiful, dear!
Daiki, who hadn’t noticed her before, turned around. His face went red as usual.
Meimi couldn’t stop looking at the floor while she played nervously with her hands.—Go-good evening, Asuka Jr.
The boy agreed with Mr. Haneoka, he thought everything she was wearing tonight made her look almost unreal. The lemony summer dress..., her long hair falling on top of the creamy skin of her left shoulder…
He swallowed hard. God damn him. He was a teenager and he was starting to notice more than the pretty face of Meimi who was growing up beautifully.
His eyes were glued to the floor as well.—Hi…
The Haneoka couple smiled at each other. Eimi decided to give them a hand.—Well then, aren’t you guys supposed to go somewhere? It’s showtime!
Both teens froze but none of the adults seemed to notice.
—Le-let’s go, Meimi!
—Please take good care of Meimi for us!—Genichirou shouted from the main entrance of the Haneoka residence once the young couple had reached the corner of the street.
The girl brought her eyes up to see his broad back while he was walking in front of her, she smiled a little when she noticed his red ears.
—Hey...—the gentle voice of Daiki brought her back to Earth. He had turned around and now, he was offering her his hand to take.—I’m sorry, you know I’m not good when we are in front of more people…
Meimi’s smile grew.—I know, I’m not good either.
She did not expect the light embrace to which he had pulled her to. One of his manly hands was placed on the base of her head, pushing her so very lightly against his chest while he buried his nose in her floral-scented hair.
When they restarted their walking, Daiki adjusted to Meimi’s peace so they could still hold hands.
—So, dinner at your place, huh?—The girl smiled at him, trying not to look nervous.
—Yeah, my old man prefers to eat at home. He sort of likes cooking so dinner was prepared by him.—he blushed.— I just hope it doesn’t taste like feet.
—It won’t!—Meimi almost sang, lovingly squeezing his hand.— What did he say when you told him I was coming?
Asuka laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head with his free hand.—Well, he’s not expecting you!—his girlfriend looked at him all confused.— I told him… I was inviting someone to have dinner but… I didn’t specify?—Meimi lifted an eyebrow.
—Does this mean that I’m invited as a friend?—Asuka noticed that she started to sound irritated.
—I’m planning to tell him when we get there. Anyways, it would be weird to invite just any girl friend to have dinner with your father, wouldn't it?—he said in a knowing-it-all tone.— Even if I don’t tell him, he would figure it out, right?
—Asuka Jr….
—But I will tell him! Relax!—this time a loud laugh came out of him, just another way to demonstrate how nervous he was.
A few more minutes and they were in front of the Asuka household.
Without noticing, both teens breathed in deeply. Daiki searched for the keys in his pants’ pockets while letting go of Meimi’s hand.
The door opened without the need of any keys.
—I was expecting you.—Tomoki Asuka said to his son, cigarette in his mouth. The professional detective blinked when he noticed the young lady standing next to Daiki.
It seemed like Detective Asuka wasn’t able to connect the dots, that or he really was expecting an explanation from his son.
Meimi elbowed Daiki in his arm while her face started to grow red.
—Dad, this… this is…she is...—the boy pointed out at the redhead.—This is Meimi Haneoka.
At least one minute went by.
His father smiled while lifting an eyebrow, there was no need to be a professional detective to see that Haneoka’s face’s redness was caused by her contained fury.
He didn’t blame her, his son was quite stupid.
—Daiki, we have met before—clarified the adult, feeling like he wanted to laugh at his son’s expense but stopped out of respect for the girl .—It’s nice to see you again, miss Haneoka.
What was so hard about saying that this was his girlfriend?
—To what do we owe this pleasure?—he asked her, trying to push the answer out of them. This question was enough for Meimi to forget she was anger.
—A-aah, we-we-well...—Daiki’s father was surprised to realise that she was probably just as nervous as his son and not really ready to confess.
—Are you really gonna make me say it?— Asuka Jr grumbled.
—the what?—asked the detective, smiling innocently.
Meimi wanted to magically disappear, if only she still had her silk hat.
—She… she is… she...—it looked like Asuka Jr was about to explode at any point and so he did.— SHE’S MY GIRLFRIEND, OK?!!! STOP BEING SO ANNOYING, DAD!!!
Detective Asuka patted him on the shoulder while his kid was trying to catch his breath.—That wasn’t that bad.—he smiled at Meimi who was speechless. She knew Asuka Jr wasn’t good at admitting feelings in front of others, but never thought it would come to this when she woke up that morning. Her train of thought was interrupted by his boyfriend’s dad.—Please take care of him—he said to finally give her a respectful bow.
Asuka Jr. grumped something no one was able to clearly hear as they went inside the house.
After getting her seated in the living room, both males momentarily disappeared with the excuse to bring her some tea and to check on the dinner.
—If you ask me, that was quite lame, son!—laughed Mr. Asuka, stirring the soup he prepared hours before.
—Shut up—growled Daiki while preparing a tray to bring out the tea service.
—But hey, this is great news. At least now I know you have great taste, just as your father—continued the detective, finding his ashtray and then putting out his cigarette.—Well done, Daiki—the boy looked at his dad’s sincere smile.—She’s beautiful.
—Tha-thank you—he wasn’t feeling akward, in fact, he was finally feeling relieved that his old man seemed happy for him.
—Now, remember that the Asuka men are cursed and we are destined to have terrible luck with women. Please don’t ruin it.—the older one said as a matter of fact.
—That’s ridiculous, dad!
Feel free to give me your feedback!
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shioritsumi · 5 years
my middle school self was into a bunch of things but apparently there’s one common trend among some of my favorite middle school anime/manga
detectives and phantom thieves
as in
Zodiac PI St. Tail Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Magic Kaito Detective Conan Detective Mask
like daaamn
i even wrote crossover fanfics for Magic Kaito and St. Tail bc of how similar I thought they were. 
the child of a magician and a jewel thief takes up the mantle of their parent the previous phantom thief, and becomes a popular but well-meaning thief who helps people, while competing with a detective from whom they have to desperately hide their identity from bc they’re actually friends at school
Kaito Kuroba, the son of Toichi Kuroba the magician and Chiikage Kuroba the jewel thief, takes up Toichi Kuroba’s former mantle of Kaitou Kid to help people.
Meimi Haneoka, the daughter of Genichiro Haneoka the magician and Eimi Haneoka the jewel thief, takes up Eimi Haneoka’s former mantle of Saint Tail to help people. 
Except for the part where Meimi’s detective was also her love interest, and the series actually ENDED. (they all grew up, Asuka became commissioner of the police force, and Meimi became a housewife like her mom. But she was implied to still be St. Tail on the side, except now Asuka KNOWS it’s his wife out there blowing balloons and streamers at everyone like jesus christ he needs to pretend to not know her again even tho they’ve been doing this like fifteen years now, heist night is probably date night for them now)
But also like??? Zodiac PI was so bizarre in how the series ended. At first it was a story about how we have this girl who’s a teenager, but also she’s a vigilante magic detective who collects clues through horoscopes and shows up at the right time to solve everything but ALSO she has this guy detective who’s her childhood friend and he likes her but he’s tsundere about it? Oh yeah and her mom’s missing she’s looking for her. 
Very end of the series: we found Lili’s mom, and she’s being mind controlled we’re gonna shoot up a school THE STONE OF IMMORTALITY PANDORA MIND CONTROL SUICIDE SHOOTING AAAAAAAAAAA
nm everything’s back to normal and now Spica P.I. is a team bc everything’s okay now (I actually found out the series went out of print in like 2004 or smth so it’s now occurring to me that even FEWER people probably know about this weird series)
but why was Pandora ever mentioned? Why the magic? Why mind control? 
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deposed-thief · 10 years
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Troll Mama Eimi - episode 9 ( Kaitou Saint Tail )
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cozyrei · 4 years
Seira: “What would happen if you mix pumpkin spice with vodka?”
Meimi: “Please don’t.”
Seira: “Oh, I’m going to puke.”
Meimi: “You dumbass.”
Seira: “Hey, you dared me, bitch.”
Eimi: “She made a fair point.”
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cozyrei · 5 years
Eimi: You shitty brats! Except for you, Seira. You're a total darling.
Meimi: You trained her too.
Eimi: You questioning my authority on how I deemed my kids?
Meimi: No, ma'am. She sure is cute, though.
Eimi: Are you kiddies ready for your first mission?
Seira: No.
Daiki: Hell yes!
Meimi: Fuck yeah!
Meimi: Seira, you can stay back. You're too innocent.
Seira: I'm working on it.
Eimi: It'll take you a bit more longer. That's nothing to be ashamed of.
Meimi: Yeah! Me and Daiki will always be here to protect you.
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cozyrei · 3 years
Seira: Who am I babysitting again?
Eimi: Meimi.
Seira (softly) No.
Meimi (from another room): I have tons of coffee.
Seira: Don’t you dare get arrested.
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cozyrei · 4 years
Seira: “I may be suicidal but Beetlejuice, it’s not if I’ve lost my mind.”
Eimi: “You’ve created a monster.”
Meimi: “It’s better than her singing Dead Mom when she’s depressed. Trust me.”
Eimi: “Both of them have a suicidal Lydia. Why did Beetlejuice have to be her favorite musical?”
Seira: “Well, sorry that I can’t satisfy the stereotype of a nun.”
Meimi: “That’s not what we’re saying, Seira.”
Eimi: “I thought you would enjoy something lighthearted. I didn’t know Beetlejuice was your favorite musical.”
Seira: “Well, my dad couldn’t get the perfect daughter.”
Meimi: “Oh my God.”
Eimi: “Your father is a jackass.”
Meimi: “You can’t cuss in front of her.”
Eimi: “She grew up with you. You!
Meimi: “...You right.”
Seira: “Shit, I’ll be back.”
Eimi: “Again, I say, you’ve created a monster.”
Meimi: “I love her chaotic energy though.”
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cozyrei · 4 years
Therapy Session with Eimi and Seira
Eimi: What do we need to talk about today, Seira?
Seira: I've been feeling anxious for a while but I don't know why.
Eimi: Would it be because of Saint Tail?
Seira: No. It's something else.
Eimi: Is there a test you've been over studying for lately?
Seira: Yes, ma'am.
Eimi: Sweetie, just relax. Meimi had been telling me that you've been muttering to yourself a lot recently.
Seira: I don't mean to! I'm sorry.
Eimi: We're not mad, Seira. I know you do it when your brain is overloaded. It means you're getting your thoughts out and it's healthy to do that.
Seira: Even when other people think it's creepy?
Eimi: Excuse me?
Seira: Nothing.
Eimi: Seira, sweetie, who the FUCK told you that?
Seira: Um...
Eimi: Don't they understand that you have social anxiety?
Seira: That's the problem. I'm almost always in my head unless Meimi and Asuka Jr. speak to me. Everyone thinks I'm just too silent and they call me weird for it.
Eimi: Sweetheart, they say stuff like that because they're unable to understand how you go about things. The people you hang out with understand because they all took the time to get to know you for you.
Seira: Thank you, Eimi-san.
Eimi: You're welcome, sweetie. Now back to the real question. Who told you that you muttering is creepy?
Seira: Eimi-san!
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deposed-thief · 10 years
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st-tail · 10 years
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I can never get enough of how similar the two look like.
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poutysadfrench · 12 years
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