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damistrolls · 5 months ago
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posting more adopts so they can be on my bloggg
art/design credits under the cut
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eilionworld-blog · 8 years ago
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My next page :> (NO TEXT)
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honeyeeen · 8 years ago
sing, hair, library
sing - i’ve memorized most of the songs on my playlist…and i almost always will start singing them randomly! if i get lucky, some friends or even random people will join in if they hear me (the most popular one being the piña colada song) 
hair - my thick, curly ass hair was actually straight at one point; when i was little it was, then starting around the end of elementary, it curled the hell up omg
library - excluding textbooks, i’ve never checked out a book from my school’s library ( this is the best one i could think of, sorry ): ) 
send me a word for a fact based on it!
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crashingpunk · 8 years ago
what's ur favorite 1. soda 2. flower 3. time of day 4. exotic animal
1: dr pepper!2:roses?? idk all of them3: like 7/8 when its like almost night but not yet4:does a weasel count???
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444names · 3 years ago
spanish and tolkienesque forenames + inheritance cycle dwarvish dictionary BUT excluding "j"
Abian Absalond Abunder Actual Adagar Adono Adraul Ainsue Aitermin Aiwen Akhôr Aladil Alcarda Alcarmerio Alendur Alond Alvadoc Alvador Amalvard Amanto Anaht Anahtar Anamiro Anarchaxi Anbora Ancar Andarith Andur Anfaugly Angelar Anica Anico Annot Anton Apphinyë Aradonna Aragon Arahild Aranagua Arancalio Arancalls Aranciso Arand Arbag Argar Argoth Arote Arûnakhôr Ascuall Assage Assio Asuncies Athard Aureliant Aures Azucensagh Azucent Baranna Baravo Beardac Belemiro Belemmaith Benia Benio Benith Berto Bewardo Bewarrvel Blach Blada Bladis Boldo Bonicolas Borion Brans Brast Brastroy Brien Calan Calia Calmar Calmarion Calmo Camily Canda Candor Candreatly Candreth Carazôn Cardo Carho Carmn Castairs Catrinigo Cecienmîf Celebor Celena Celenthisa Chando Chedar Cheman Citlalio Clandor Clarazôn Clota Coburi Concestone Consolet Consult Cousto Covador Cowar Creaturin Darmen Darmer Diegorn Dorophir Draguel Dwalda Dwaldad Dwaldangel Dwarrata Dwarrio Dwarrvel Dwarto Edgardil Edgarith Egilbêth Eilion Elron Elwine Emedio Encalmir Engeitum Enknurlafn Erall Erethcar Ernarcos Espears Estefa Estree Estvog Eulad Eärenato Eärentar Eärnurl Fabiano Fabiant Fabigail Fabigation Fabigative Fabriel Fadrize Faitë Famir Faranui Fated Fateodor Fathôn Fedey Felayo Feldarmen Felfhild Felfwine Felionio Felron Fermo Ferneldë Fernhelm Ferumants Findir Findreth Fingol Fistacy Flicion Florenzo Florfinwë Folcwindir Forgen Forta Fountry Frand Frans Fredhel Fredo Gabra Gabrica Galacarmer Galaida Galma Gamln Gandidad Ganth Genitahil Geron Ghânbur Gimiladis Gimilia Gimin Giming Gimlothor Ginebrica Ginelda Ginessaid Gormv Grazôn Greatrin Gregolach Grential Grimstvog Guage Guardamasa Guila Guiline Guill Gwate Gwated Gáldhiel Hadowfax Halba Haleta Hally Hamûl Handil Harataro Harathem Harnal Hearder Hefthak Heilviol Herdershu Heregoro Herenza Herunír Hipolias Hosefing Hrenht Humory Ignaciana Imena Imras Indida Inmacula Inzil Ireca Isidaridad Isildario Isilmarina Ismally Kindora Kindra Knurlanth Knurlara Knurlas Knurlhiel Knurlhien Kúvier Lagdush Lalin Lanles Lanless Ledwonna Lette Libert Linast Lithen Lovero Lucian Lundómiel Léodriana Macil Maeglir Magonso Maiter Malvadoc Malvard Mando Mannon Marcisco Margarwaen Marther Martos Mated Matestver Maught Meage Meandil Meith Menduill Mershu Migue Mingon Moden Modeslated Modess Morth Motear Míriel Míril Narat Natië Nator Neregorn Nield Nieta Nieven Noemiro Nothat Nínieven Ofelio Olórina Olóringo Ondragormv Ornes Ostonga Oswaldor Othor Ourder Pable Paladanes Paquinurla Pascension Pascent Patria Patrin Patrina Paulë Pelephant Perin Pervish Pilas Placia Pleda Priznarrev Quetalwork Radow Rafin Ramir Raqui Ratiagol Rauladil Redhrond Ricida Ridad Rocion Rodûm Rogelia Rogeligen Rosar Rubenia Rubenito Sadow Saerina Sagash Salon Salothori Sampany Saname Sarth Sartur Sarumory Saulë Serally Sheim Shelm Shinga Silmariana Silmo Siming Sindo Smithrall Specil Staffire Starcelin Stavor Stebarzûl Stobal Strondion Sweldurin Sweldë Sweldûnos Súriors Tadel Tatar Telchaxira Telegolas Telena Temperally Tempervish Teodolodia Teodorzada Thaina Tharondor Thereth Thirensia Thorn Thous Thrally Thrandino Thrik Thron Théod Théodes Timelio Timon Tomanutes Trondo Turamon Turestrin Turia Uglind Uldora Ulfangel Ulmar Unavoida Unavorotha Undor Vania Vanyariano Vicension Vicentina Victor Victoriant Viond Vionish Vondro Vornes Voronto Voroth Vorouse Vrena Vrendur Vrenza Watum Werginidad Wheth Willer Workenes Yagondora Yavaleta Yolas Zimrod Éotho Éowynthir
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nann-the-explorer · 3 years ago
Ephiram was about to step over the electrocuted body when it suddenly turned into smoke. It rose slowly and Ephiram prepared himself for a fight. Thankfully though, it never happened. The smoke just drifted out of the engine room. "What the hell?" he said to himself. He checked the engine, it was going to be quite the blast, followed by a good month of hard work to fix the engine. He just hoped that the old girl would forgive him. Quietly he crept to the door of the deck. From here he could see the whole berth deck. Andrei struggled to cling to consciousness. The man was still at her neck, she could feel him tugging on the punctures and her life-force leaving her body. "s… stop." she whispered. The vampire laughed and bit her again, for no other reason than to cause suffering. "You'll make a handy subordinate for Lucan. Your ability will increase in power." He let go of her hair and Andrei's head dropped, her body was being held up by the chains. The two vampires had no idea what was forming above them. Tostain's words made Arianna go scarlet. His thumb stroking her face felt soothing. She was no longer confused by his actions. He did love Nann, he loved the whole crew. It was a beautiful thing. They were all bound together by something stronger than blood. His forehead rested against hers gently. Arianna had never felt so nervous. "my heart is racing." she took his hand and placed it on her chest, her hand then cupped his cheek. His face was very warm. She wondered if he was blushing. There was something he needed to know. "Tostain… I, I'm the heir to Azure… it's something I never asked for, something I don't want. I just want to be free. To see the world and experience everything. I was happy before I discovered that King Eilion was my father. He is immortal and though I'm considered the heir. He has no intention of ever giving up his position." he moved slightly, their noses touched." I… i… like you." she wasn't really sure what she was saying anymore. Her thoughts were all about Tostain. She began to lean in, just as her lips went to touch his, another cough sounded inside their heads. Arianna couldn't believe it. Doctor Kirkham had impeccable timing. "where are you both?" Arianna sighed and answered "we are inside a tree at the moment. Lucan has appeared in the forest… Tostain saved me and now we are stuck until dawn." she looked at Tostain and smiled. She hadn't moved and was holding onto Tostain. "we'll there are vampires on the Hexfire. Not to worry as we have a plan. I guess we will see you in an hour or two… Tostain I hope you have broken that circle." They could practically feel the smirk through the power. "if anything happens we will come to your aid." with that the link was broken.
Ephriam saw the crewmen sitting crammed in one spot in the berth deck, surrounded by more vampire guards. His brain now worked like a clock. He had to get the guards up on the main deck somehow and he had to reach Andrei in case the bite had already affected her in some way. All of this before the big magic would happen above their heads. With a grim smirk he knew that he just had one attempt to achieve both tasks.
*Well, I guess, there is currently no better bait than me …old gal, I could need some help now.*
The old lady listened and creaked in response. The ship tilted sidewards although the sea was calm and began to slowly rock up.
The crewmen were used to the ship doing some strange stuff sometimes, but they didn’t expect their first engineer to came running over the berth deck and shouting in a terrified voice.
*Hey, you pale guys, the ship’s engines caught fire. If you don’t want to be locked in a burning ship you maybe should go up.*
Behind Ephriam smoke surged. It wasn’t really the engines that were on fire, Ephriam just had lighted an old piece of sail to make his diversionary maneuver more believable. As the crewmen grew uneasy, the engineer made a barely visible sign with his hands to indicate that this was just a show. The guards, however, looked at him a little dumbfounded first as Ephriam now rushed upwards. As the smoke grew more dense, they finally followed him, leaving the crewmen who used the chance to put out Ephriam‘s little fire and arm themselves with knifes and clubs.
On the main deck, Ephriam already heard the low hum inside the wiring of the masts from the reverse energy flow. He guessed, he had two more minutes before the big spectacle and he had to reach Andrei. Followed by the other guards, who struggled to walk straight on the still rocking ship, the engineer came across the guard that had hurt Andrei. He grinned as his arm loaded up once more, this time by sucking in air through small holes in the surface of the prosthesis. Ths air was internally accelerated until he had something like a hot plasma jet from his fingers. The guard wanted to stop him, but was impaled Ephriam‘s hand and cut in half before he could even touch him.
The other guard was shocked, but Ephriam neither hadn’t time nor energy to use his weapon again right away. Over their heads an arclight formed between the three masts, flickering and growing in size. One more minute till the outburst. Ephriam took off his coat and threw it over the chained and unconscious Andrei, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing his eyes shut before a ball of bright light formed above their heads.
*Second rule on this ship, never anger the old gal …*
Tostain’s face grew pleasantly hot when Arianna put his hand on her chest. He felt how fast her heart was thumping and wondered if she really felt the same for him. When she talked about her heritage, he chuckled a little.
*And that would be one more reason to fall for you. We seem similar in our wishes for freedom as well. Arianna, do you have an idea why I went to sea in the first place? … because I never wanted to be the heir to our house. I always was curious about the world, I wanted to travel and to explore. My parents never understood my dreams.*
He sighed, not wanting to move an inch away from her. He truly cherished the feeling of love and being loved, but never had initially believed in some lovers being soulmates. And here he was, slowly grasping that he just found exactly such a person.
*I have an older sister, a very strong willed person and we both knew that she was the better choice for being the future head of the family. But my parents didn’t care to change their plans for me and eventually I just registered for the marines to run away. I thought they were just upset a little und would finally settle for my sister. I never expected them to erase me from the family tree and from their hearts completely. Well, at least I was really free then …*
His heart skipped a beat as she told him that she’d liked him. He hadn’t heard such words for years … not from someone that he was interested in and now it felt like a dream. For a moment, he nearly panicked as the darkness around him made him think, that he really could be just asleep and would wake any moment while he felt her leaning in to his attempted kiss.
But a well known voice reminded him, that he wasn’t asleep. Tostain groaned, when he heard Dr. Kirkham’s voice inside his head again. He was too exhausted to be upset about this at this point. He just wished for her to get over with her message.
*I see, and … yes, Mom.*
His reply was snappy as Dr. Kirkham obviously couldn’t refrain from her usual remark. He swore he could hear another soft chuckle, before the voice in both their heads eventually faded. He waited for another ten seconds, fairly sure at this point that Dr. Kirkham’s unexpected interruptions would cause him a massive paranoia someday. He then turned to Arianna and decided to be just blunt about it.
*You know, I wanted to kiss you for the longest time, but it seems that fate doesn’t want me to. Maybe you should try first as I seem to be out of luck here? … well, if you want to that is.*
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delaclaeden · 8 years ago
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Straight outtah space @eilione
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magnaxeon · 12 years ago
Recuerden visitarnos en nuestras redes sociales: Blogger: http://www.gamersnonstop.blogspot.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gamers... gns gamers non stop jugando en español
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crashingpunk · 8 years ago
eyes stomach
 What's your favorite color? orange pinks n reds right now!
 Time of day, aesthetically? like sunset or night
 Animal you find the prettiest? ferrets wtf pretty bois
What do you find attractive in a person? like eyes tell so much abt a person???
What's your favorite thing to eat? friuts n shit
 What gives you butterflies? being gay my friends
Have you ever been on a roller coaster? yes i hate them
 Do you have any food allergies? no!
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honeyeeen · 8 years ago
[actually] mars
leather jackets, constellations and like space in general, CANDY for some reason(;
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crashingpunk · 8 years ago
vanilla chai latte, hot choc, sparking water
Vanilla Chai Latte : Are you in love? I am its gross!! i love it
Hot Chocolate : Are you an affectionate person? very!!!! i love giving affection in physical n like verbal
Sparkling Water : Describe what qualities you look for in a person? umum u cant be like a dick and stuff and you have to be real nice n like affectionate n stuff and like my friends n idk tall 
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444names · 3 years ago
brythonic deities + tolkienesque and french forenames + sindarin names + wahammer high elves names + theological angels
Abathor Abatthiel Adagalas Adanime Adrauglúk Adreel Adrineth Aerice Agrodda Alacharda Aladûn Alandil Alangel Aldamael Aldil Aldir Alemmaiar Alemna Aleth Alise Amalven Amlaitë Amrodrette Amrothéo Amrotutis Anata Anatar Ancalmir Ancine Andil Andrey Andril Anniel Annifer Anninel Anáro Arabus Aragloria Arandir Aranthus Araphqiel Araphsiel Arausus Arazôn Arette Arindorl Arnadette Arnarmacil Arnemue Arnen Arole Artinbran Atepomain Atepomas Aufange Aulette Aulie Aurinne Aurorené Aurélia Avetatrice Azrae Barah Baravienna Belar Beleb Belebrin Belebrite Belenwë Bellianel Bellion Beregorn Beres Bereste Bernus Bertrancal Bertricura Bertrios Boldwine Bombadinus Borine Bregriste Brice Briennick Brindë Caline Caman Camand Camphan Carus Cassica Cassio Catha Cathael Celecther Celemma Cellas Celle Celyne Cemendor Cemert Cernadine Chelle Chelm Chris Chrishnákh Christel Cicoland Cimbras Ciril Cirildë Ciryanne Ciryannus Clairë Claur Claura Clémenelyë Contir Coralien Coralin Curuno Cyriadonne Cécil Círda Círdaniel Daeros Damiel Damir Danimli Darion Daronius Didie Domin Dominion Domir Drahilippe Drausio Duilas Duiliane Ecthedail Ecthel Eilie Eilin Eilion Eille Elberemir Eldil Eldir Eldur Elebrice Electhoron Elegudie Eleineth Elephan Elfhel Elfwindil Elmarion Elron Elwine Emeleb Emeliane Emert Emmaiar Eneldad Eorgane Erahmeel Eregorbag Eremie Erendil Erentian Ereth Estelliah Estelphon Estophiel Eärendo Eärené Eärenée Eärnus Fabiel Fange Farand Faravalad Felaphon Findohervi Finvairë Florentin Florentius Franarfin Frandil Frandor Fëanon Fëanos Gabrimë Gabrinique Gadra Gadros Galagduf Galas Gamli Genemausus Geronatar Ghislain Gilde Gille Gillion Giminique Glaude Golluis Golodie Golodil Gormacil Gratar Grigitte Gréginie Grégisèle Gwineth Gérarion Halbarles Haldarie Hamûl Hangbor Hangel Harardane Herubiel Hirgoth Hirion Huetios Húrion Idriel Ilmarion Ilúvata Imilkhâd Imrassica Imratar Imroth Indelperin Intarand Inthin Inthus Iovane Iovanne Isilmacil Ivrin Jacque Jeanlouise Jeannus Jeanpierry Jegudine Jenna Jeraphsiel Jocelenwë Jophielle Josegollos Justian Justien Karin Kúvierre Laetia Laetian Laetios Lagon Latáriel Laude Laudin Laudrethor Launus Lauramiah Laurorent Leline Lelion Lendis Leucetiane Lilingline Luchus Luguerine Lydiel Léodenis Léodwyn Madoc Maglaura Malas Mandré Mandur Manos Marchane Mariadon Mariam Mariel Marus Mathak Mathiel Mathien Matthir Maximehtan Mebahiling Meldë Mencent Menducal Michaëlle Minyë Mogund Mohamsiel Morgon Míril Nahael Nerdacil Nerin Nicoleth Nicolette Nimli Nimrotutis Nithain Nithros Nínie Nólime Odelperin Odens Olóredhel Ondil Orine Orontrebis Pahael Pahalmo Palimant Patrichel Pelemna Phael Pharut Phier Puriette Qapharus Quent Quentia Raphar Raphe Raymon Raymonessa Razôn Remien Ricurunír Romiel Régingon Rémiel Sachaël Sadowfax Saerin Saeriën Samanor Samuelie Samullos Sandil Sanor Sarus Sauren Saurélie Schel Schelmo Scher Sedie Segus Sergil Shadon Shadriette Shagrona Sheliantho Sildë Silmo Simil Similzôr Simona Smeriën Smertranne Snowman Sonique Sophelian Sophellas Sorondoher Stéphanui Sylvairë Sébastia Séveleph Tarchan Tarcharoth Tatan Tatis Tatricia Telchant Telle Telmarin Tement Tenna Thiel Thirion Thomain Thrandil Thrandré Théodenise Théodrey Toutatië Toutatrios Trion Turambis Turgondil Tzach Túrion Uftha Ufthain Uglir Ulfastine Undil Urwendur Uzzielar Vanis Vannick Varduil Veterië Vheteritan Vincal Vince Vinoton Virothos Virothéo Voseguns Véron Wille Xavierre Yanne Yannos Yveterin Yvonna Yvonnus Zaphanièle Zophienor Élisagram Élodh Émien Étien Étienna Évelemiel
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eilionworld-blog · 7 years ago
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Eilion Macot! :> Eilionka!
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crashingpunk · 8 years ago
I WAS TAGGEDBY @femmeboypeter SMORCHES!!!
rules: bold what applies to you
I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces There is something I would change about the way I look
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin I am an introvert I like meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head   I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
my life:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone                                    
random shit:
I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages fluently I have made a new friend in the past year
@hi-yes-hello-i-need-something @punkk-child @punkalien @dassi @philop @eilione who ever else just say i tagged u idk
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magnaxeon · 12 years ago
Recuerden visitarnos en nuestras redes sociales: Blogger: http://www.gamersnonstop.blogspot.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gamers...
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magnaxeon · 12 years ago
Recuerden visitarnos en nuestras redes sociales: Blogger: http://www.gamersnonstop.blogspot.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gamers...
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