#eiji's is kind of funny
chaoslynx · 1 year
anyway in a soulmate AU where your soulmate's first words to you are on your body, in the anime-verse Eiji would have "Do they use kids for assistants in Japan?" and Ash would have "I'm older than you."
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linagram · 10 months
[linagram characters' vocals ranked from best to worst]
huge thanks to my friend for reminding me to do this, i was meaning to, but then. uni.
so yeah, you know how milgram didn't actually just get ten (eleven, if you count es) people who are not only murderers, but are also good at singing and their real vocals may not actually be that good (for example, mahiru)?
yeah, so here's a ranking of how good everyone's real vocals are to how. bad they are.
1. naomi (has a surprisingly pretty and calming voice, though she rarely sings. her younger sister is pretty good at singing as well, so maybe it's a genetics-related thing in some way. she stopped singing at all after her father had said that her voice is perfect for singing lullabies and since she's not interested in becoming a mother at all.. yeah.)
2. kei (his vocals are definitely not for everyone, but THE RANGE HE HAS?? he can easily go from a very high-pitched and feminine-sounding voice (he's also really good at sounding like a child) to a very low-pitched and scary voice in a minute. when his friends heard him sing for the first time, they couldn't believe just how good he was and joked about him "stealing their girlfriends" because of how talented he is. he doesn't know why he's so good at it and just thinks it's because all sanadas are creative in some way.)
3. aimi (just like naomi, has a very soft voice, though hers sounds more "cute". some of her family members have joked about her having the talent and the looks to become an idol, but aimi isn't really interested in that. she's not interested in having fans, she just wants to have friends.)
4. riku ("he's in a band, why is he not the best one" honestly.. i don't imagine his voice being THE best one? i certainly think riku's voice would be very powerful and he would have a wide range, but it's not always that pleasant to listen to. i imagine his vocals being good, but not.. unique, you know? he's very insecure about it too and it doesn't help that he has some problems with his throat, so he has to be very careful. i also imagine him to be a better songwriter and a guitarist rather than a vocalist.)
5. yurika (just like kei, she can easily change her voice and it's surprisingly strong, so yeah, she can still definitely handle a song like meme. however, she's lower than riku because her voice is a little.. like, again, i don't think people would enjoy listening to her real voice that much. her real singing literally sounds like screaming sometimes.)
6. eiko (not particularly good, but not particularly bad. her vocals are not that special, but she's also not as bad as the prisoners below. she doesn't really care about that though, since she's not interested in singing anyway. however, she's confident enough to assume eiji will like her voice in her first vd, so yeah, queen behavior.)
7. reina (her voice is way too high-pitched so when she starts singing, it sounds like a crying child.)
9. akio (can't sing to save his life. arata loves to make fun of him for that)
10. shun (shun.)
it's a bit hard to talk about the guards' vocals, but surprisingly, hiyuu is actually the most musically gifted out of all of them. just like kei's voice, his voice is not for everyone and it's very quiet and whispery, but he has the most experience with singing and music in general out of all three. he would most likely be between riku and yurika.
miki comes second, i think she would have the potential, but because of how much of an anxious wreck this girl is, her voice wouldn't be that strong and it would be hard for her to sing fast-paced songs or songs that require more powerful vocals. it would be hard for her to sing certain notes too and she doesn't have much experience, so i think she'd be somewhere between yurika and eiko.
eiji. oh, eiji. i actually think his "milgram" vocals would be SO GOOD, like i just know his cover of animal with the amane cover instrumental would sound amazing, but in real life.. he's not that good at singing. yeah, he's terrible actually. most of the time he can't sing even one line because he just goes "UGH THIS IS STUPID" and leaves. which is a shame because sanadas love going to karaoke, so kei kinda forces him to sing at least something. he'd be somewhere between akio and shun. asahi point and laugh at him.
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fatal-thoughts · 2 months
My thoughts of you
Synopsis: !Kirishima and you were always the closest of friends, but what happens when he starts to develop thoughts of you that friends don't usually think of?
warnings: a little perverted Kirishima, inappropriate thoughts (duh), mostly just Kirishima calming himself down in front of you, oblivious fem! reader (mhm, right).
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You and Eijirou were known to be inseparable. Always clinging to each other like two peas in a pod.
Most thought it was cute, not being able to separate you two even if they wanted to—while others were speculating that something else was happening between you and Kiri.
It was funny, you thought. But you didn't really mind, it kind of entertained you when you first heard of it. Teasing Eijirou about it as well.
Besides, it was just some little rumour people were spreading, it'll die down eventually, right? Well, it did.
And then things went back to normal right after, you and Kiri continued life as best friends and nothing could've ever changed that.
You knew you two were just friends, nothing more nothing less. You and Kirishima never even had that type of tension between you, always keeping everything platonic.
Or so you thought.
Save for the fact that Kirishima definitely has moments where he doesn't think of you as just a friend.
Little did you know just how your best friend thought of you.
The many times he looked at your back and imagined it bent over a table.
The many times he pumped his cock in his hand, imagining it was your tight wet pussy he was fucking into.
Little did you know just how far it drove him when you went to his house with nothing but a large shirt and some shorts.
God, he wanted to fuck you then and there.
It was almost like you knew exactly what you were doing to him, Kiri did his best to hide his emotions but he could only do so much—especially when you kept teasing him with your subtle, oblivious touches.
You were poking fun at his large muscular body, saying how he can compare his biceps to chicken drumsticks and all he can think about was your hand squeezing his arm.
How you were lightly tracing circles on his bicep so innocently, did you really not know what you were doing to him?
As you leaned closer to him, you could almost hear the soft groan he let out when he felt your thighs touching his.
You were rambling on and on about some video you saw on TikTok and you didn't realize that you were practically edging Eijirou with your voice.
It made him wonder what your moans would sound like, high-pitched? Soft and whiny? Low and quiet?
His delusions are cut short once he realizes you're snapping your fingers at him, trying to get his attention. "Eiji, are you even listening to me?" You say as you wave your hand at him, pulling back his focus.
"Yeah! Yeah, I am." He says, trying to desperately hide the desperation in his voice. He adjusted himself on the couch, trying to relax as you were basically right up against him
No matter how hard he reminded himself that he shouldn't be thinking about this of you, his best friend, he couldn't control it.
It didn't help how comfortable you were around him, always having a hand on his body, always having your legs over his when you'd sit next to each other.
'Fuck... Fuck, fuck, fuck...' Kiri thought as he felt your arm around him, resting your head on his chest.
You were so fucking close...
He felt his face grow hot when he noticed your leg plopped right on top of his.
God, your thighs. Your fucking thighs...
It didn't take long for you to notice just how red his face was becoming, so red it put his hair to shame.
"Hey, Eiji. You... okay?" You ask him, raising your head from his chest to look at him making Kiri's heartbeat spike.
"You know you can talk to me."
"Y-Yeah! No, I'm fine Y/n, I swear!" He puts on his cute sharp-toothed grin, bringing a smile to your face as you take him by his word, relaxing once again on his chest.
He managed to calm himself down, pushing his thoughts away—for now. He relaxes in your warmth, getting that comfortable feeling between the two of you back.
You and Eijirou were inseparable, best friends, and he wouldn't change that for the world. He has to remind himself that that is all you two will ever be.
Even if his thoughts of you made it harder to remember you're just friends.
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A/n: Idk, I kinda wanna write a part two to this. That's for later though, I have other ideas I wanna write first. But what do you think?
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hauntingofhouses · 9 months
yall i just KEEP doing back to mizu and taigen's wrestling scene in master eiji's forge and like i know that taigen literally got a boner from it BUT THE THING IS out of all the scenes these two have together, this scene actually has the least sexual tension ?!? cuz like the boner aside, this scene is actually very soft and emotions-driven rather than pure passion or lust.
arguably, a more passionate and sexually-charged scene would be their previous brawl in the snow with the chopsticks, which is tense and angry and also the scene that mizu thinks about when madame kaji talks about being honest with one's innermost desires.
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but THIS scene in the forge? warm colours. their laughter and their smiles that both equally genuine. the WAY taigen looks at mizu in that scene, staring first at her lips, her smile, then looking into her eyes. and you can see by the framing of the scene and the look on his face that he is, for the first time, seeing her eyes as something beautiful rather than off-putting or frightening.
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like before this point he's already come to not only respect mizu as a person and an equal but also admires her as an incredible swordsman and as someone who is kind and honourable* for having saved his life at the expense of her revenge quest. so as of the time of them tussling in the forge, taigen has already put aside his prejudices about mizu's blue eyes and no longer finds them as any cause for disgust. but in this scene he's not just indifferent about her eyes, but attracted too it.
and i'd also like to argue that his boner is not from the physical exertion or the act of wrestling itself, but from the intimacy of a playful spar, enjoying each other's easy company after having established a deep trust with each other (taigen endured torture for mizu and helped defend her from archers in the chasm while mizu saved his life from fowler's castle)
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and all this while in the safety of mizu's childhood home while both of them are still recovering from near-death, amplifying their vulnerability with each other.
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like when was the last time mizu cracked a genuine smile, let alone a laugh that's more than a little wry chuckle?? and for this to happen at such a low point in her life also speaks to the comfort this little friendly spar gives her.
because like, this is after she failed her mission to kill fowler. meanwhile her sword--the embodiment of her soul--is broken, and ringo who is her closest confidant is now angry at her and barely even looks at her. it just further lends to the inherent tenderness and intimacy in this scene. and i just. AHHHH i love them your honour....
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* ALSO as a side note about taigen believing mizu to be honourable: he later realises that this assumption turns out to be quite false when she reveals that she'd not only allowed akemi to be taken away against her will but also has said nothing about fowler's impending attack on edo. also i find it very interesting that out of the two revelations, taigen is less angered by mizu letting akemi being married off (he sighs angrily and marches off saying he has to go to edo to find akemi), but much more angered by mizu's refusal to save the shogun and the shogunate as a whole. this is more proof that taigen's central principles are firmly rooted in the bushido and the concept of honour that comes with that. it's why he lashes out at mizu. because he'd believed mizu to be honourable and righteous, but was proven wrong. that's not to say that taigen is in the right for calling mizu a demon, not by any means. but i just find it a very interesting part of his character and it relates to his relationship and perception of mizu
also while rewatching the episode i found this very funny they just lyin there in the cart like this 🧍🏽‍♂️🧍🏽‍♂️
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tootiecakes234 · 10 months
Warnings: cheating Katsuki (not on you tho, but with you, eventual smut next part)
Bakugo’s POV
I hate her. I hate her, yet she’s always around. She’s raccoon eyes’ best friend so that means she at every party, every hang out, and every sleepover. I can’t fucking escape her.
She’s so goddamn annoying. Always starting up conversations with me about shit I don’t care about. She laughs at the shit I say, but I’m not being funny, I’m being deadass serious. And don’t get me started on the way she laughs. She does it with her entire body and it’s loud too. Pisses me off so bad.
She’s a problem for me because the more I hang out with her, the more I can’t stop thinking about her.
I have a girlfriend. A great fucking girlfriend. She’s sweet, too sweet to be dating me, and kind. Probably the most thoughtful person I’ve ever met, so explain to me why when I’m with her and I’m thinking about Y/N. She’s literally invading my waking thoughts as well as my dreams.
I’ve tried distancing myself from her and being more of a jackass hoping she’d get fed up and just leave me the hell alone but nothing works and I’m running out of options.
We were having a movie night at Kaminari’s apartment tonight. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, by myself, the way I prefer it.
“Heeey. How’s it going Kit Kat”, she was all cheeks and smiles
“I told you to stop fucking calling me that you idiot.”
“But it’s the cutest nickname I can think of. You have any other suggestions??”, she looked at me like she was being serious.
I turned to her, giving her my full attention so she knew I was being serious, “Bakugo. You can call me Bakugo like everybody else.
“Your friends don’t call you Bakugo, they all call you Katsuki.”, the insane woman still had a warm smile sitting on her lips. There was also a really shiny lipgloss on them too. Did it have sparkles in it? Why did her lips look so-
“Hello?? Are you ok?” She started walking towards me.
“I’m fucking fine. I’d be better if you got the hell outta here.”, why the hell was she even in here. “ and yea my friends call me Katsuki, you’re not MY friend. You’re Mina’s friend. Speaking of which don’t you need to get back to her.” The last part came out more grumbled than firm the way I meant it to.
“No, she’s flirting with Eiji rn and I don’t wanna be a third wheel. Well I guess a fourth wheel cuz Denki is third wheeling.” Apparently she thought that was funny because she started chuckling to herself.
Her hair was all wild, framing her face and her cheeks… fuck me I don’t know what it is about her cheeks plumping up when she smiles or laughs.
“Well then go be a fourth wheel or whatever the hell. I’m cooking and I don’t like other people in my kitchen.”
“Your gf usually sits with you in here. Speaking of where is she? I haven’t seen her in forever and we need to catch up . She always gives the best gossip on you.”
“She had other shit to do and what kind of gossip does she tell about me???!”
“ oh nothing really”, she leaned over on the counter and her fucking tits were smooshed in between her arms.
“For the love of god can you please just get the fuck away from me?! How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like you. I don’t wanna be your shitty friend or listen to whatever the hell it is you constitute as jokes. Just get the fuck out!”, that last part was a hell of a lot louder than I expected it to be.
That’s when the tear fell. What the hell had I done?
She reached up quickly and wiped it away.
“Hey, why are you yelling at her like that you jackass? Y/N are you ok?”, Mina was the first one in the kitchen. And the rest of them followed suit. All asking question I didn’t have answers to.
“You guys I’m fine. Really. We all know how he gets when he’s cooking. Let’s just go back in the living room and let him finish.”, she smiled again but it didn’t reach her eyes. Damn it all to hell I felt like worst person to ever exist.
“Are you sure you’re ok?”, Mina asked her again as everyone started retreating the the living room.
I wasn’t able to hear her answer. I tried to put the whole thing outta my head and finish what I was doing but I couldn’t. It kept replaying in my head.
My phone brought be back to the present. Who the heel was calling me? When I looked down at the contact my girlfriend’s name was sitting there. Perfect fucking timing.
“Hey baby. What are you up to”, she sounded giddy.
“Im finishing up dinner, where are you?”
“On the way back my friends house. We are having a slumber party.”, he words were a little slurred.
“So I guess you guys have already started drinkin.”
“Haha yep.”, I heard someone in the background telling her to get off the phone. No boy calls at girls night. “Well I gotta go doll. My friends are getting upset with me. Love you!”
She hung up before I could even say it back. Women.
I had everything ready to go now, so I went out to tell the idiots it was time to eat.
She was gone.
“Is Y/N in the bathroom or something??”
Mina looked at me like she was ready to murder me, “ no she left. You yelled at her and hurt her feelings and she didn’t wanna stay. We tried to convince her.”
“Yea bro I think she was about to start crying. Why’d you yell at her like that?”, Eijirou said.
“She’s so cool. I don’t know why you don’t like her. You’ve been mean to her since she started hanging out with us.”, Denki chimed in
“Mina send me her address.” I grabbed my keys and started heading for the door.
“Why would I do that when she’s upset with you? You gonna go over there and yell at her some more cuz let me tell you-“
“I’m going to fucking apologize, so just send me the goddamn address.”
I got in my car and started driving. What the hell was I doing? Why am I going over here? I could give a rats ass about hurting someone’s feelings but here I am with my GPS on looking for her apartment building.
I got up to her door and paused because I knew that I should turn around. I knew I should just let the whole thing blow over but like the idiot I am, my hand starts banging on her front door.
I hear muffled through the door, “coming”
She opened the door and looked at my face. Had my foot not been in the door, she would’ve slammed it close.
“Move your foot before I stomp the shit out of it.”
I could feel the smirk pulling at my lips, “these are steal toe boots. I’d like to see you try.”, I told her.
“What do you want Bakugo? Why are you paying unwanted visits to my house? How did you even get my goddamn address?”, she looked disgusted with me. That’s fair. Also didn’t miss that she was calling me by my last name.
“Mina gave me your address. I’m coming to bring your back.”,
Part 2
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scarlettriot · 10 months
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Pairing: Dad!Kirishima x F!Reader
Contains: Fluff, Aged Up Characters & lots of kisses
Warnings: Swearing, make outs, tooth rotting fluff, I don't wanna tag smut because it really isn't but still Minors and Ageless Blogs DNI just to be on the safe side.
Summary: You and Kiri make this the longest five minutes ever.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Father’s Day Special
Tag List: Will Be In The Comments. If you'd like to be added, message me or comment.
A/N: Hey everyone. I know any update to this fic is long over due and this really isn't much at all but I wanted to give you all something! I hope you enjoy this little snack and that it can hold you over until chapter eight is finished up. I also didn't proof read this so I'm sorry if there are errors...
Word Count: 900ish
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It’s a little funny how easy it can be for two people to lose all sense of time. How five minutes quickly becomes ten, pretty soon fifteen, and before either of them can process it, twenty whole minutes have slipped by. You weren’t quite sure how you ended up on the sofa, or when exactly Eijiro pulled you into his lap with the hem of your dress bunching up so you could straddle his thighs with ease. At some point you freed his hair from the tie he had it back in, and he let you slip each button on his dress shirt free too until it hung loose on his wide frame.
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You both knew you were tempting fate, living on borrowed time, he should have left by now and gotten home but each time one of you pulled away, the other came crashing back like two magnets that couldn’t be pulled apart. Hands roamed like they were searching for something and yet, they didn’t venture too far. It seemed there were some lines you both knew just couldn’t be crossed this evening despite the wetness that formed between your thighs and the way his cock hardened between his. 
“I don’t wanna go…” He confessed against your neck in between needy kisses. His words were thick and laced with desire that you felt deep in your core. 
You tugged enough on his roots to make him lift his head. “Your parents didn’t plan for a sleepover,” you reminded him softly with a tender kiss to his lips and followed it up with a couple more along his stubbled jawline. “And I’m sure they’ll be worried about you if you’re not home soon.” 
Your palms were pressed against his chest and you chuckled as you felt the sigh before it actually left him. “Yeah, you’re right.” But that didn’t stop him from going in for yet another searing kiss that left you whimpering into his mouth. Each one the two of you shared left you longing for each other even more than before, unsure how that was even possible.
“You know if Remi was at their place–”
“I know you’d stay, Eiji.”
It meant the world to you just to hear him say it though. If he didn’t have obligations that he loved and took so very seriously, you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’d stay with you all night long. Doing whatever you wanted. Not pressing you for a single thing you weren’t ready for. You just knew that was the kind of guy he was. 
“Good,” He murmured, “as long as you know.”
His hands trailed down your body, thumbs grazing your breasts ever so slightly on the way down to your plush hips where he squeezed affectionately, pulling you flush against him for another deep kiss before lifting you up again. 
It had to be now, no matter how much the two of you didn’t want this night to end. “Call me when you’re home safe.” You said as you walked hand in hand to the door and this time when you rose to kiss him it was fully intentional and right on his lips that turned up into a lovable dopey grin when you pulled away. 
“Always, sweets. Oh– turn around f’me would ya?” 
You spun in front of him and his fingers found that zipper once again. He pulled it down nice and slow so you heard each of the teeth coming apart. He kissed your spine as the fabric split in two and stopped just above your tailbone, “so fuckin’ hard t’leave you.” He groaned and turned you back around for a final goodnight kiss that left you breathless and pinned against your doorway. “I’ll call ya soon.” 
“You better! Drive safe!” You called as he walked down the hallway and he waited until your door closed and he heard the lock slide home before calling the elevator. 
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As he waited for it to arrive he still wore that child-like grin. And in the metal of the elevator doors, he could see blush still pooled in his cheeks and ran down the column of his neck. 
He swore he could still taste you on his tongue and feel your softness against his palms, gods, he was never gonna forget a single thing about you or about this night. In the seconds that passed waiting for the elevator he found himself dreaming up future dates and nights out with you. Events that were coming up like the gala… maybe Remi could stay with his parents that night–
The downward arrow lit up and a bell chimed the elevator's arrival dragging him from various day dreams but when the doors slid open, Eijiro realized the small space wasn’t completely empty. One man stood inside. Black slacks and shiny shoes, dress shirt still on but he was missing his jacket and tie, and his red eyes under messy blonde hair looked appropriately exhausted when they met Eijiro’s. 
Katsuki’s brows knitted together when he saw just who was waiting on the other side of the doors. “What’re you still doin’ here? You guys left hours ago– oh.” Understanding washed over his best friends  face as he noticed a look of happiness on the man’s face that was so rare he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen it before. “Heh. It’s about fuckin' time.” 
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fuukonomiko · 8 months
More Taizu headcanons
Because why not...
They built a shack next to Master Eiji's forge with the stipulation they will have a really thick wall. Sword Father refuses to deal with their loud shenanigans regardless of cause.
Taigen knows how to play the Koto really well. Sometimes he plays it when Mizu can't sleep because it helps relax her, other times he does it as a serenade because he's that kind of guy.
They swap outfits from time to time. They think its funny. Ringo not so much.
They named their first born Eiji.
Taigen has one tickle spot in a very specific area. Mizu knows exactly where it is. Mizu has ticklish feet but also has a very strong kick response to any attempts to tickle.
During the delivery of their first child, Taigen almost died in childbirth. Not from being pregnant obviously. It was because Mizu kept hurting him when the labor pains came on.
They have matching custom naginatas, a present from Akemi and Takayoshi.
They comb each other's hair after baths. They cut each other's hair when it gets too long. Taigen makes sure Mizu isn't pissed on the day she cuts his hair.
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coopigeoncoo · 1 year
An Itch to Scratch, Chapter 1: Foolish Lover's Game
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Chapter Links: One, Two, Three
Pairing: Kirishima Eijiro/Female Reader
Rating: Explicit 18+
Tags: Mermay, Mer!Kirishima, Interspecies Relationships, Sexual Content, Somnophilia, Drowning, Caretaking, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Medical Conditions, Family Secrets, Self-Esteem Issues, Long-Distance Relationship, Wakes & Funerals, Family Member Death, Depression, Original Characters, Adopted Children, Angst with a Happy Ending.
This story is part of a collaboration from the Teahouse Server.
Kirishima Eijiro is everything you never thought you'd find when you packed up your car and moved to a dilapidated fishing town.  He was handsome, funny, and kind; the sort of man who took your breath away.  
And that might actually be a bit of a problem.
"Good girl ," Eijiro praised, his hands like a vice on your hips as he pulled away from your mouth with a satisfied grin.  You returned his smile with one of your own; the vibrant joy that had churned in your belly unfurled throughout your body, leaving you feeling breathless and lightheaded.  
"Eiji," you gasped, eyes widening in panic as your lungs seemed to seize in your chest.  "I- can't breathe!"
Continue reading below, or follow the link to Ao3!
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It was an indescribably gorgeous day out in the water, the waves lapping at your shoulders were the perfect temperature to cool your sun-warmed skin without chilling you.  The sky was a solid bright blue with no variation in its hue, making it look like whoever was in charge of coloring the sky that morning just stuck a paint sample card up and called it a day. 
"We've been out here for a long time," you mentioned offhandedly, heaving yourself up onto your raft inelegantly, grunting as you struggled to get a leg up and roll onto the wildly bobbing flotation device.
"Oh!" Kirishima exclaimed, startled by how much the sun had shifted in the sky.  "Yeah, we have!  Geeze, it's already way past noon!"
Finally fully on your raft, you let out a whoosh of air as exhaustion settled  into your muscles as you sprawled out under the warm sun.  
"Do you wanna' try and squeeze up into the raft with me?" You offered, patting the narrow sliver of remaining raft at your side.  "It'll be a snug fit, but we can make it work."
"As much as I'd love to join you up there, I don't think It'd be a good fit," Kirishima admitted regretfully, his throat bobbing as his eyes over the curve of your hip where your rash guard had crept up and exposed a strip of sun-warmed skin.  
"Yeah, you're probably right," you laughed nervously, doing your best to banish the thought of the two of you on the raft together, limbs tangled up and chests pressing closer as you struggled to make room for each other.  "I'm just worried your legs are getting tired."
"Why would they be?" Kirishima asked with a furrowed brow, snagging a bit of seagrass floating by and twirling it about on his finger.
"Because you've been treading water for hours now?"
"Oh, right!  My legs are so tired right now!" He laughed uneasily, balling up and crushing the seagrass in his fist.
"Are you going to be okay to get back to shore?  I'd hate for you to get caught in a current and be too tired to make it back to shore safely," you told him, concern seeping into your tone as you rested your hand across Kirishima's muscled forearm.  
"I'll be fine," he beamed at you, gazing at you with soft eyes as he ran his thumb tenderly over the back of your hand.  "But it's sweet that you're worried about me."
Breath catching somewhere in the vicinity of your diaphragm, you smile bashfully in response, turning your hand in his to lace your fingers tightly with his as the two of you lazily paddled back towards the shore.  
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It hadn't been in your plans to move in with your Grandpa after graduation, but it also hadn't been in your plans to be buried so deeply in educational debt you weren't sure you'd ever manage to pay it back.  Your chosen field was competitive and potential employers weren't calling back, so with the move-out date for student housing fast approaching you weren't left with a ton of options.  
Gran-Gran had passed a couple years prior and Gramps had done a good job carrying on without her, even though you tell by his wistful sigh when he walked by the framed photographs in the hallway that he missed her dearly.  But as he marched steadily towards the end of his life the list of things he was able to do independently dwindled with each passing month.  He'd nearly broken a hip during your final semester when he'd fallen off a chair trying to replace a burnt out bulb in his porch sconce. 
That event had gotten the family chat buzzing with concern; people expressing their displeasure that he was living alone but unwilling to personally do anything to remedy the issue.
Suddenly flush with time, you'd loaded up your car and made the long trip up to the seaside house your Grandparents had lived in for far longer than you'd been alive.  Your friends had been jealous of your relocation at first, imagining your new life to be the glamorous sort that they had seen in movies and the obligatory beach episodes of their favorite shows.  Their excitement for you had quickly evaporated when you finally arrived and started sending them photos from your new town.  
Every picture you sent was overwhelmingly brown.  Everything from the buildings to the sand and even the ocean itself was a murky russet color, a far cry from the pristine blue they had been picturing in their heads.  Even the food did its best to conform to the town's limited color palette; the beige of fresh fried seafood and potatoes that made up the majority of your meals made for a sad entry whenever you compared snapshots of meals.  
It had saddened you at first, the oppressive brown atmosphere, but in the end it had turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  The blandness of your surroundings had made you notice the brilliant crimson spot bobbing across the distant waves, a beacon luring you out into the water to investigate.  
Hastily donning a life vest, you set out from shore on your trusty inflatable raft, making a horrifying discovery as you neared the mysterious red blob in the distance. 
It was a person.
Ice cold panic crashed through your veins as you frantically paddled out towards the man, the head disappearing beneath the waves for longer and longer stretches of time, your lungs aching in sympathy for how long they were staying submerged between breaths.  
After what felt like an eternity you were finally upon them, limbs shaking from adrenaline.  
"Are you okay?" You called out, chest heaving from exertion.
The man spun towards you in the water, eyes wide in shock, before he let out an ear piercing shriek and disappeared beneath the waves with a large splash.  
"Hey!" You screeched, shoving your arm down into the area where his head had submerged, bright red hair completely hidden by the murky ocean water.  "Can you hear me?  Swim towards my voice!"
Your shoulder was aching with how violently you were waving it about, desperate to make contact with the struggling man losing his fight with the sea.  
"Please," you begged whatever Gods above or below might be listening.  "Don't let me be too late- I couldn't paddle any faster!  I'm sorry!  I'm sorry!" You wailed, throwing yourself half over the side so you could reach in with your other arm, hoping to double your chances for finding the drowning man.  
"If you can hear me, just- just hold on!" You cried, tears blurring your vision as salty water splashed across your face.  "Please!  Just grab hold of my hand!  I won't let go, I promise!"
Uncountable, anxious moments passed before you felt fingers gently graze across your palm.  You surged forward, wrapping both your hands around the man's wrist and then hauling yourself backwards, pulling the man towards the surface with all your might.  
"I caught you!" You sobbed in delight when his head breached the surface.  You tugged him further up to hang off the edge of your raft while you collapsed next to him, chest heaving in exhaustion. 
"Yeah," the man gasped, looking at you with wide, dazed eyes.  "I guess you did."
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That man was Kirishima Eijiro and you two had been inseparable ever since, spending lazy days floating out on the ocean and enjoying each other's company.  Sometimes you would lay quietly along the bottom of your raft, watching the horizon for the tell-tale spouting of water that heralded the arrival of a surfacing whale.  Kirishima loved to show off his diving prowess when you were in shallower waters, sliding beneath the choppy waters with a sharp grin, returning moments later with interesting shells, bits of bone, and wriggling starfish with too many legs.  
You had thought about asking him into town with you, but that notion was immediately discarded because what would you even do there?  Visit the only restaurant in town that served the exact same fried fish your Grandpa made while you withered under the judgmental gazes of the old fishermen playing dominoes at the corner table?  
Hard pass.  
So you woke up before the sun with your Grandpa, dodging all his attempts to coax you into sitting on a whoopie cushion or trying out a new bottle of perfume you knew with utter certainty was just a dolled up bottle of fart spray; and paddled out in the early morning light to spend the beginning of the day with Kirishima.  Once the sun's rays became unbearable you'd return to shore and join your Grandpa and his friends down on the dock, mending nets and patching crab pots while they doled out unsolicited life advice.  
You accepted their wisdom with a polite nod, knowing that they meant well.  Their own children and grandkids had left the town years ago and never looked back, so you were a convenient outlet for all the paternal advice they so rarely had the opportunity to dispense. 
Days crawled by, each much the same as the one before, and you tried not to think about how easily you had settled into life in this moldering town that seemed to decay before your very eyes.  
You expressed this to Kirishima; your worries and fears about identifying so strongly with a lifestyle that would likely be buried alongside the aging townsfolk.
"What will you do then?" He asked, staring intently into your eyes as his fingers tightly gripped the rope running around the side of your raft. "Will you stay?  Even when your Grandfather is gone?"
You didn't like to think of it- of your Grandpa dying.  He was such a spitfire of an old man whose playfully nature seemed immune to fading like his eyesight and hearing had. 
"I don't know.  But I think there might be more reasons to stay than to go," you whispered, returning his meaningful glance; the moment ruined by the choking squawk of seagulls passing overhead.  
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"Is there anything here, do you think?  Between us?" You asked Kirishima one cloudy day, your nerves jumping as you mustered up the courage to broach the subject that had been on the forefront of your mind for weeks.
"Nah," Kirishima scoffs, waving a hand dismissively.  Your stomach twists in on itself in embarrassment and you rush to find some excuse to change the subject when Kirishima continues talking.  "There was a shark around earlier, but it's gone now."
"Wait, what?" You screech, tucking your legs up to your chest protectively.  "There was a shark and you didn't think to tell me?"
"You didn't notice?" He asks, face scrunched up in confusion. "Weird."
"It's not weird!  How would I even be able to notice something like that?  You can't see anything in this water!  Did you like, kick it or something?"
"Yes," Kirishima coughs uneasily.  "I know it was there because I kicked it.  With my feet.  Of which I have two."
"Oh God, it was that close?" You whine, burying your face into your hands while Kirishima seemed to be experiencing a delayed revelation.
"Hold on- what were you talking about before if it wasn't the shark?"
"Oh, uh," you stammer uneasily, fiddling with the zipper of the emergency bag strapped to your waist.  "Nothing!  Don't worry about it."
"Were you talking about us, us?" Kirishima groaned, rubbing a wet hand down his face with a rugged groan.  "Oh, man!  I've totally messed this up, haven't I?"
"No!  Of course not!" You quickly reassured him, still not brave enough to meet his eyes after his casual rejection.  "This is all on me.  I shouldn't have assumed- I should have realized that what I was feeling was one-sided."
"Hush," Kirishima rumbled, a gravely sort of sound that sent shivers down your spine.  Fingers ran across your forearm, leaving gooseflesh in their wake as you hesitantly lifted your gaze to his.
"Whatever feelings you have- however you might see me, believe me when I say that I feel the same."
"So, we're friends," you offer tentatively with a wobbly smile.
"The very best," Kirishima agreed readily.
"And…also something more?  If you'd like?"
"Oh, I'd like that," he grinned wildly. "I'd like that very much."
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Grandpa wasn't in a good way when he woke, his joints stiffer than normal and a delay in the movement on his left side that had you contemplating loading him up into your beater of a car and driving him inland to find a doctor.  You decided to spend the morning with him, despite his colorful protests, and called down to the dock to let his friends know that he was alright.  
You could tell he was frustrated by the shaking of his hand and how often he had dropped his toothbrush in the sink, so you let him slip you a piece of chewing gum that turned your teeth black in an effort to cheer him up.  He was delighted by your coal-black smile, letting out a wheezing guffaw every time you grinned at him.  Your teeth would be a touch gray for a couple of days, but it was worth it to see your Grandpa's spirits bolstered.  
After escorting Gramps down to the docks and fetching him a large glass of water, you bid the group of old curmudgeons farewell and darted down to the shore.  Kirishima didn't own a phone, which was usual in this day and age, but not unheard of in the area.  Paranoia ran thick through people's blood and many of the old guard were happiest living as far off-grid as they could reasonably manage.  Kirishima's lack of phone wasn't typically an issue so long as you stuck to your established routine, but it did make it difficult to coordinate whenever things went awry.  
Hands cupped above your eyes, you peered out into the water and saw Kirishima's brilliant red hair far closer to shore than was typical.  He was swimming back and forth in tight circles as if he was pacing, anxiously awaiting your arrival. 
You raised your hands above your head and waved frantically to catch his attention, snorting in amusement when he finally noticed you and lost his focus,  getting pushed under water by a passing wave.  
"That yer friend?" One of the old men combing the beach with a metal detector asked.
"Sure is," you reply tightly, not thrilled by the notion of your personal life becoming this week's town gossip fodder.
"Be careful with that one," the man warned with a snort, hocking a thick brown loogie down onto the sand by your feet.  "He's got red hair.  That's bad luck out on a boat."
"Everything is bad luck out on a boat," you mutter sourly.
"Yer not wrong," the old man wheezed in amusement. "Just be careful.  The sea is greedy for beautiful things, and yer the prettiest thing that's been 'round here in a long, long time."
"Aww," you coo, savoring the way the rare compliment settled warmly in your chest.
"Don't let it go to yer head," the man sniffed, pulling his headset back over his ears as his wand started beeping enthusiastically about something further inland. "Yer just a fairer sight than the rest of us old farts, but that ain't saying much."
"I hope you find nothing but bottle caps until the day you die," you grumble peevishly, blowing a dramatic kiss out to Kirishima, who dove to catch it in midair before holding it fast to his heart.
"If only," the man sighed as he limped away. "But I ain't never been that lucky."
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You were startled by your Grandpa coughing loudly while he worked on slicing up his fish fry into bite sized pieces.
"One of the boys told me they saw you out on the beach this morning," he said, dipping a small piece of fish into a heaping pile of ketchup and horseradish.  
"Of course they did.  You're all a bunch of nosey busy bodies," you huff in irritation, shoving a large spoonful of canned peas into your mouth and wincing at their lack of flavor.  
"I trust you and your judgment," Grandpa assured you as you picked up the salt shaker in the middle of the table.  "But just be careful, alright?  I've been a man for many years now and up to no good for nearly all of them."
"I will, Gramps.  Thanks for worrying," you said with a smile, giving the shaker a hearty jiggle and watching in horror as the lid fell clean off into your peas along with the entire contents of the salt shaker.
"Ya' see?" Gramps hollered, slapping his knee in delight.  "Totally untrustworthy- the lot of us!"
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Your relationship with Kirishima, while good, was innocent on the best days and positively chaste on the worst.  You had vivid memories of participating in far more brazen displays of affection with your middle school boyfriend than what Kirishima seemed comfortable with.  
Wandering hands were constantly redirected to areas safely above the water line and attempts at kisses were redirected at the last moment onto turned cheeks and noses.  
You didn't mind the slow pace at first, respecting Kirishima's personal boundaries and desire to not rush into anything physical. But as the weeks ticked by the speed of your developing relationship shifted from glacial to stagnant, you couldn't help but be frustrated and more than a little confused.
"Ugh!" You screeched in irritation when your kiss landed across his jaw instead of your intended target of his lips.  With a huff, you push on Kirishima's shoulders to propel yourself backwards in the water and away from him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, brow wrinkled in confusion as he reached out for you, hands flexing in a grabby motion to lure you back to him.
"That's what I want to know!" You yell, slamming your hands down on the surface of the water, the sudden impact stinging your skin.  "You just push me away every time I try to get close to you!"
"I- I'm sorry," Kirishima whimpers.
"Do you- do you want to break up?" You ask, voice quiet and cracking.  
"No!  No, of course not!" Kirishima rushes to reassure you, closing the distance between you in an instant, pulling you against his chest and running comforting fingers across your cheeks, leaving trails of water in their wake.  "I care about you so much."
"Then what's going on?" You sniff miserably, nuzzling the space between Kirishima's pecs to comfort yourself.  "Why won't you kiss me?"
"I just- I feel really bad when I try to kiss you."
"Really not helping out my self-confidence here, Eijiro," you wince, the sound of his heart beat thundering under your ear. 
"Ah, geez!  No!  Not like that!  I just, maybe, haven't been completely honest with you about something," he admits hesitantly.  "And I feel guilty."
"Yeah," he shifts uneasily, kicking up a strong current that lashes against your legs.  "It doesn't feel right, getting closer to you while I'm keeping a secret."
"Can you tell me?  Your secret, I mean," You ask hesitantly, staring up into his warm eyes.
"I want to," he says, dropping his forehead down onto yours with a heavy thunk that sends stars flying across your vision.  "I'm just scared."
"You don't have to be scared," you assured him honestly, looping your arms around his neck to pull yourself closer to him.  "I'm already halfway in love with you.  It'll take a lot to frighten me away."
"Yeah," Kirishima sighed morosely.  "I know."
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Kirishima wrapped the tow line of your raft around his chest and swam out towards a rocky outcropping further up the shore and away from town.  You hadn't explored this far North before because the tides were fairly strong in this area and it was easier on your arms to drift and explore the areas to the South.  
"Here we are," Eijiro announced, lashing the rope of your boat around a half-rotten piling; evidence of a past pier claimed by the sea.  You scuttled out of your raft as smoothly as you could, the waves breaking on the rocks making your exit maneuvers more bumbling than you would have liked.  But you managed to get to the top of the slick rocks without slipping, so it was an overall win in your book.
"Alright," you said with a firm head nod, focusing on Eijiro's serious expression and not the unpleasant feeling of algae squishing under your hands.  "What is it you want to tell me?"
"Okay," Kirishima sighed, his chest visibly sinking with the force of his exhale.  "Okay."
"Yeah, just- give me a minute?" He squeaked, running his shaking hands through his damp hair, the bright red tresses clumping together into rows between his fingers.  "This is harder than I thought it would be."
"Maybe just say it really quick?" You offer.  "Just get it over with- like pulling off a bandaid."
"A what?"
"Do you…not know what a bandaid is?" You ask, utterly flummoxed by his question. 
"Not important right now," Kirishima waved his hand dismissively.  "We'll circle back to that later."
"Of course.  Right.  We need to stay focused here."
Moments pass in silence as you wiggle your fingers in the squishy algae beneath you while Kirishima's skin seems to turn ghastly pale before your eyes.  You were about to ask if he was okay when he suddenly released a powerful roar that seemed to rattle your bones with its intensity.
"C'mon, Kirishima!  Man up!  You've got this!" He bellowed, suddenly pointing at you with one of his long fingers.  "Are you ready!?"
"I-," You stammered, caught off guard by the sudden shift in his demeanor.  "Yes?"
"That's the spirit!" He cheered, pumping a fist into the air.  "Here I come!"
And then Kirishima surged up and out of the water, his arms tensing as he caught the edge of the rock face and began pulling himself up in an impressive show of strength.  He scrambled for purchase across the slippery stone, eventually letting out a triumphant grunt when he found a foothold and was able to push himself up.
And up.
And up.
Kirishima was towering high above you now, his torso stretched far above where a normal human chest would be.  His monumental form blocked out the sun and cast a shadow down onto your shivering body- either from the sudden chill of the shade or the prickles of fear jolting down your spine; you weren't entirely certain.  
As your eyes trailed down his elongated body it suddenly became clear as to why you'd never seen Eijiro out of the water.  
Starting at his waist and proceeding downwards were rows and rows of chitinous plating that nestled and slotted I to each other to form a massive lobster tail.  Eight spindly legs clicked loudly across the rock as he swayed nervously from side to side; arms crossing and uncrossing as he waited for you to respond.  
Overwhelmed by his revelation, you inhaled a great shaky breath and promptly burst into tears.
"H-hey," Kirishima stuttered, reaching for you on instinct; second guessing his actions at the last moment and pulling his hands away with a pained grimace.  "It's okay!  I know I look scary, but I promise I won't hurt you!"
"It's not- it's not that," you wailed, blowing your nose into the hem of your rash guard.  "I could never be scared of you, Eijiro!"
"Spirits be praised," Kirishima whispered, visibly deflating in relief as his arms shot out once again to embrace you, running his hands soothingly down your back as he made quiet shushing noises to soothe you.  "If you aren't scared, then why are you so upset?"
"Because I'm allergic to shellfish!" You cried, burying your face into his shoulder as another wave of sobs overtook you. 
"I don't- what does that mean?"
"It means that lobsters make me sick!" 
"Oh," Kirishima muttered numbly, his hands stilling against your back as dread welled up in his belly.  "Well, shit."
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The two of you lay sprawled out on that rocky outcropping, idly watching the clouds shift by.  Kirishima was on his back, his numerous lobster legs folded and tucked close to his body while his feathery swimmerets fluttered anxiously in the air.
"So, how allergic are you exactly?"  Kirishima asked, his tail slapping against the ground mindlessly as his thoughts raced. 
"Allergic enough to carry this," you sighed as you unzipped your emergency pack and pulled out an EpiPen.  "I've had to carry one ever since I was a kid.  I used to eat a ton of lobster- wait.  That must sound awful to you!"
"Nah," Kirishima said, waving off your distress with a hand and a couple of legs thrown in for good measure.  "I eat lobsters all the time.  They're delicious."
"I- well.  Okay, then," you replied uneasily, trying not to dwell on the potential moral ramifications of Kirishima's lobster consumption.  "Anyway, I had ordered some lobster tails like I normally did, but once I started eating them I began itching like crazy.  I've avoided shellfish ever since."
Kirishima blew out a frustrated breath as his hand crept towards you, weaving his fingers through yours.
"What are we going to do?" Eijiro murmured dejectedly, squeezing your hand tightly as the clouds tumbled through the sky above you.
"I don't know."
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emmaelix · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do either some more Domestic! Mha boys headcanons, or maybe a dad! Kirishima.
Of course! I love getting requests. I'll do some headcanons here, and tag you on any future Domestic! MHA posts! :)
Ships: Kirishima x fem! reader, Denki x fem! reader, Bakugo x fem! reader, Shinsou x fem! reader, Todoroki x fem! reader, and Deku x fem! reader. Let me know if I missed any of your favorites, and I'll gladly do a part two.
TW: Mentions of trouble conceiving, labor
Rock Hard: AKA Eijiro Kirishima
Kiri, my beautiful, lovely baby is the most amazing dad.
Fight me, bitch.
His kids are super well-behaved and get a ton of attention from dad. He's the kind of dad who's going to come to his kid's school to drop off lunch in his Pro Hero outfit because he knows his kids love to see it.
Girl dad. Three kids, two with black hair, one with your color hair. (If your hair is black ignore that) Absolutely whipped for his princesses.
Tea parties once a month with your youngest, tree climbing with your middle daughter, and your eldest gets to do his makeup.
Of course, this has led to issues. Such as Kiri going to interviews and fighting villains wearing - to name a few - pink tutus, blue eyeshadow, the world's brightest blue lipstick, a blonde wig, and a red dress.
One particular day that still mortifies Kirishima to think about happened when your oldest was about nine. She's a daddy's girl and looks just like him without the red hair. She also loves the color coral, which clashes terribly with Eiji's red hair.
She had put pink and coral makeup all over his face while he was taking a nap, and he didn't realize he had on makeup until he had frantically driven halfway to his interview so he wouldn't be late.
To top off this horrific day, the interviewer hadn't been able to stop laughing long enough to ask him anything other than, "Who the hell did that?"
But he loves his girls and would do anything for them.
Electric Love: AKA Denki Kaminari
Pikachu over here is an absolute softy for his kids.
He has thirteen-year-old twins. A boy and a girl. He loves them equally and showers praise on them at all times.
Both have bright yellow hair and fairly similar quirks to their dad. But what really makes everyone around them know, 'yep, those are Kaminari's', is when they goof off.
Now, Kami's funny story is fairly recent.
His daughter got her period a few months ago, and he, being the idiotic but loveable trainwreck he is, called you because he thought your daughter was dying.
"Doctor Kaminari Y/n speaking, how may I help you?"
"Y/n! I think Yukina's dying! She and Seiko got home from school and she was bleeding. From... there."
You could hear your husband hyperventilating on the other end of the phone. "Kami, she got her period, she's not dying. Bring her over to the hospital in your car, I took the train to work today so we can stop at the store to get Yuki some pads or tampons, depending on what she wants, and we'll go by her favorite Ramen place to grab supper when my shift ends."
You could hear Seiko telling his younger sister it'd be okay. You and Denki had raised them right.
Although how you'd never know.
Blast 'em With Kindness: AKA Katsuki Bakugo
In case you couldn't tell, that title is sarcastic.
Just like Bakugo and his eight-year-old. You could look at that little girl and think she was Mitsuki in disguise. Your daughter, Kiko, was not an only child, but she was your only child who looked like you and Katsuki.
You and Katsuki had wanted a big family since you had both been only children. But only one of your four kids was actually yours. You had a condition called PCOS, which had made it incredibly difficult to get pregnant with Kiko.
So you had adopted your two oldest, and your youngest, having Kiko in between.
Bakugo gets asked about his family every time someone sees him.
Your eldest, at least in adoptive order, Mana, is very enthusiastic since you adopted her when she was only a year old, not old enough to remember much other than her adoptive parents.
However, Imani, your second, and actually the oldest, had been adopted at age six from an African orphanage while you were pregnant with Kiko. So Imani was a bit shy, with her favorite uncle being Tamaki Amajiki or Suneater, since he was also socially awkward.
Since three of your kids are adopted, Bakugo loves to cook with his kids. Especially so that Imani can be connected to her heritage.
Kiko is sarcastic, and practically a tiny version of her grandmother, just without as many violent tendencies.
And your youngest, Tetsu, was hardened against many things with three older sisters. You hadn't chosen his name, but you found it hilarious that one of your husband's high school 'friends' was named Tetsutetsu, making him a favorite hero of your sons.
Bakugo's soft around his 'brats' (he calls them angels when they aren't looking), but don't tell anyone or you'll be against a wall with explosions very close to your throat very quickly.
Enthraller of Minds: AKA Hitoshi Shinsou
While Hitoshi loves his kids, none of them were planned.
Your first child, your now sixteen-year-old son Yamato was the result of a very drunk night full of poor decisions.
Your twelve-year-old daughter, Nara, happened because you forgot a week of birth control.
And your nine-year-old son, Shouta, was the result of a business trip where you packed your very tight skirt. He was named after Hitoshi's adoptive father due to some circumstances. (meaning Aizawa helped deliver Shinsou baby #3)
All three of your kids are very mild-mannered, and very sleep-deprived, just like their mom and dad.
Since both you and Hitoshi are Pro Heroes, your kids see 'Grampa Shou' a lot. Aizawa doesn't mind.
Shinsou was worried his kids would get his quirk and be made fun of like he was. But even though both Yamato and Nara got their father's quirk, neither was bullied or teased like he was in school.
Your youngest has a fairly weak quirk, so his older brother and sister stand up for him a lot.
But overall you're a very happy family. And Shinsou couldn't be prouder.
Half 'n' Half Espresso: AKA Shoto Todoroki
His nicknames for his children: Pumpkin Bug. Sakura. Sweetheart. Deli (don't ask)
His children's nicknames for him in the same order: Espresso man, Cool Dad, Daddio, and Karaoke Wonder (also don't ask).
Pumpkin Bug/Espresso man comes from your oldest daughter, Niko.
Sakura/Cool Dad comes from your middle daughter, Sara.
Sweetheart/Daddio comes from your youngest daughter, Kasumi.
Deli/Karaoke Wonder comes from your son, Hotaru.
Since you and your husband are Pro Heroes your kids spend a lot of time with Aunt Fuyumi and Uncle Natsuo. Not that they mind.
Endeavor once asked why he's never asked to babysit, but he's never asked since.
"Because you gave my husband severe emotional trauma, you turned your son into a villain, and you don't care about your other two children unless they did something wrong! You're never getting close to my kids until I'm dead and buried, but by then they'll have their own reasons to hate you."
But Sho does try to be accepting of his father, even though Endeavor is never allowed around his children without either you or your husband supervising.
Kasumi loves her aunt and uncle the most, though. She's the weakest of your four kids, although she was still able to beat her younger brother in a fight at the age of eleven.
Sara and Niko are definitely the most powerful, but Shoto made sure that all his kids knew they were loved and that how powerful they were didn't matter to him.
And his kids love to walk around using their quirks in front of their grandfather just to piss Endeavor off.
Sho loves his kids.
Like Mother Like Son: AKA Izuku Midoriya
Broccoli boy absolutely loves his daughters. His younger daughter, Mayumi, likes to have tea parties, while Seiko, his older daughter, loves to spar with him and test out her quirk.
He fanboys with his daughters about All Might, showing them all his merch + that limited edition poster Nighteye had.
He also enjoys arranging playdates with his friend's kids and making sure his daughters know that they are loved no matter what.
Seiko, who is fifteen, recently got into her first relationship. With Tetsu Bakugo.
Izuku was excited his daughter had a boyfriend, and while Bakugo didn't care that his daughter was dating someone (too much), he certainly hated the fact it was Midoriya's daughter.
"DEKU! Your daughter is dating my son!" Bakugo screamed into the phone as Izuku flinched away from it.
"Well, Kacchan, I can't pick who my daughter likes!"
You especially were pissed. Not because Seiko was dating Tetsu Bakugo, but because of how two grown men who were both Pro Heroes were acting because their kids were in a relationship.
No doubt about it, these girls love to play pranks on their dad.
The last time this happened Nara Shinsou also got involved, along with Niko, Sara, and Kasumi Todoroki.
We won't get into details, but let's just say all of them were grounded for a while.
I hope you enjoyed these, and I think I might do some more family things, especially with Sho and his kids pissing off Endeavor.
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one-vivid-judgment · 6 months
Yo! How would Tomizawa, Yamai and Eiji react to their s/o wearing something of thiers? Thx!
God, I know I have so many older asks ready to post but I see Tomi and Eiji and I just 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Eric Tomizawa
He wakes up one day and he knows it’s gonna suck because he can’t find his lucky purple shirt. Yes, it’s his lucky shirt, why else do you think he has a matching bathing suit? Anyway, fact of the matter is, he can’t find it, and you are not home so he can’t ask you if you’ve seen it. So, he has to go to work wearing something else.
Sure enough, work fucking sucks, as expected. People are assholes sometimes while talking to the cabbie, what else is new? Anyway, maybe things will get better when he gets home. It smells like loco moco from the door, so that, at least, is good.
“Welcome home, honey! Sorry, I grabbed your shirt to go shopping today. You don’t mind, do you?”
Actually? Scratch everything about work sucking—okay, fine, it still sucked, but you look so cute wearing his lucky purple shirt that he might just let you wear it more often. Not entirely give it to you, but if you ask to borrow it one day to go out, he’ll lend it to you just fine.
Yutaka Yamai
Yamai is perpetually cold. Even in Hawaii, being covered from head to toe, he has to keep the jacket over his shoulders just in case it gets worse. Except he’s been looking for it all morning and he can’t find it, and now he’s shivering and it makes him angry. Maybe he roughs his boys up a little more than usual.
He drops by your place when he has a bad day, to unwind—whether that is by fucking your brains out or just spending time together having a few drinks. Thank God you gave him a key for these situations, because he knocked and you didn’t answer, and you know he would’ve busted the door down no problem. He understands just where his jacket went when he walks into your room.
“Hiii... Sorry, was feeling a bit under the weather and wanted to be warm, and you left it here the other day, so... Were you cold today?”
He’s still cold as shit, don’t get him wrong, but he would let you wear it for as long as you need. It makes him feel oddly warm, seeing you all wrapped up in his jacket, a bit pale on the face (you must be getting sick; all the shivering kinda reminds him of himself. Funny how that works, huh?). Until you get better, he decides, he’ll just wear another jacket and let you keep this one.
Eiji Mitamura
After he’s served his time and he’s back home, he kinda can’t look at himself in the eye. The clothes he used to wear have that air around them, too. It’s pretty much the only thing he has to wear, so he still uses it, but it kind of... disgusts him. He considers getting rid of it all and he tells you about as much.
His black and blue Hawaiian shirt is the one he hates the most. The same shirt he sees you wearing one morning, when he gets out of bed and sees you in the kitchen making breakfast. If asked whether he likes or dislikes seeing you in it... he can’t tell, really. He likes how it fits you, but at the same time, it has to be that fucking shirt.
“Ei-chan, you’re staring. See something you like?”
Well, he can’t say he likes it, but he also doesn’t hate it. Maybe he’ll throw away that one and buy a similar one for you to wear. This one already has the bad memories attached to it—but then again, you can make new ones together; new, nicer ones.
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aichi-division · 2 months
Issey's thoughts on Itabashi Division
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Bernard Miyamoto
"Oh, Mr. Miyamoto-san!!! I have heard about him. He's the older brother of a girl… what was her name? Genieve? Well, that girl was very sweet and well, I helped her when she was feeling very bad on the street, a while ago. She mentioned her brother to call him for help. I had never really imagined that I would see him again!!! Nor had I imagined that he is the leader of an entire division. Miyamoto-san is quite a talented, glamorous and flamboyant guy haha, I like that kind of person.
I heard that it is related to the theater. That's very cool. In my life I've been able to go to the theater a couple of times with my family, many years ago. We saw Les Miserables and also an adaptation of The Little Prince. I am always inspired by the love that actors put into their roles. They imbue their soul into these characters and make them their own. It gives me goose bumps. I wonder if Miyamoto-san is like that too".
Raiden Koyama
"Oooh yes I have heard of him. Come to think of it, he must be the acquaintance Shouta-san visits in Itabashi. I think the two of them are friends or something. I'm actually quite surprised, Raiden seems to be a pretty cool guy, kind of, VERY cool. THE COOLEST.
HIS tattoos are really amazing, I wish I could get tattooed like that hahaha someday I will. Plus he seems to have amazing charisma. I don't know how Shouta knows him but I actually find it really cool that they're SO close!!!!!
Issey Ito
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HHAHAHAHAA THIS IS SO FUNNY!!! I had never met another boy with the same name as me. I NEED TO BE ABLE TO TALK TO HIM! I love his style, it's kind of dark and gloomy, and that he doesn't have an eye if it's a little scary…. BUT HE LOOKS INCREDIBLY BADASS!!!!!!! Naaaa I wish I had that aura.
I hear he's not the sociable type. The truth is that if I look at him a little better, I think he is intimidating, but COME ON, I was able to get to Eiji in just one afternoon, so I think I can get to BADDIE ISSEY in NO time.
I look forward to learning ALL about him. His likes, dislikes, things he hates, hobbies…. we will be estranged siblings by fate???"
Itabashi Division
Itabashi is a division that attracts a lot of attention. I have a feeling that I will be able to be friends with all of them, especially Badass Issey. I really always wanted to have a twin or something.
I would like to have the opportunity to spend more time with them and share with Genieve as well. You can tell she is quite a gentle girl and a good person.
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linagram · 2 months
[ 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝙰𝚜𝚊𝚑𝚒'𝚜 𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝙳 ] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙰𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
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THE BOY!!! i wonder if he'll be able to get a full inno combo..
Warnings for Asahi's VD: toxic family dynamics, Asahi also gets to act a little homophobic, but it's played for laughs.
Warnings for Asahi's MV: the aforementioned toxic family dynamics and despite the song's title, there's not any insect/bug motifs, not counting the ending.
(sounds of footsteps)
Hinode: So.. It's time to interrogate your brother, huh?
Hinode: Are you sure you can do this? You can just let me and Eiji-san-
Miki: You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine.
Miki: Why do I even have to worry about anything? I already know I will forgive Marito. 
Miki: .. And you and Eiji-san will forgive him too, right?
Hinode: .. Y-you really love him, haha..
Miki: I've said this before: I can understand Eiji-san's case, but you, Hinode-san..
Miki: You really were okay with punishing your own brother.
Miki: And when he tried to kill himself, the one who saved him was Miyagawa-san and not you.
Miki: You weren't even that worried about him!
Hinode: ...
Miki: I can handle this. I'm still not the best older sister, but at least I actually care about my brother unlike you.
(the door opens)
Asahi: Ah, Miki-nee!
(sounds of Asahi running up to her)
Asahi: I missed you so much! 
Miki:"He's so cute.."
Miki: I'm pretty sure we have talked earlier today though..
Asahi: I don't care. I like you, Miki-nee, so of course I'd want to spend as much time with you as I can.
Hinode: Haha, you really do like her, don't you? I've never seen you act so nice to someone before-
Asahi: .. Miki-nee, do you want me to kill this guy for you?
Miki: Huh?!
Hinode: K-kill?..
Asahi: I don't know, Miki-nee, he's kind of a weirdo.. He looks like the kind of guy who claims he doesn't know anything and then he reveals that he actually knew the whole lore right when we're all about to die.
Asahi: Also he looks gay, honestly.
Miki: ...
Hinode: ...
Hinode: Heh. Miki-san, your br-
Hinode: Uh.. Ahem, I wanted to say that Asahi-san is kinda funny actually.
Asahi: Oh, so you're okay with me calling you a-
Miki: Now, now, how about we start the interrogation?
Asahi: .. Ah. Right. 
Asahi: I forgot that you didn't come here just to.. hang out.
(sound of a screen turning on)
Eiji: Okay, so are you all ready to begin? 
Miki: ".. Why is Eiji-san so.. calm?"
Miki: "He doesn't really talk to me anymore, but he doesn't seem mad about Kei-san's second trial verdict.."
Asahi: Ugh, you're here too..
Eiji: I'm glad to see you again too, Asahi.
Asahi: How can you even see us right now? Aren't all the cameras-
Asahi: !
Miki: ...
Hinode: ...
Asahi: N-never mind-
Eiji: Oh, but I do mind. Asahi, how did you know what happened to the cameras?
Eiji: And to answer your question: I can only see things from the screens in everyone's cells. I can't see anything from the other cameras.
Eiji: "Guess he wasn't able to break into everyone's cells and use the spray paint on the screens too.."
Miki: "So he DID see Yoshioka-san when we were interrogating her."
Asahi: U-uh..
Asahi: H-hey, Miki-nee said to start the interrogation! So stop asking questions that aren't related to my crime!
Asahi: Eiji-nii is such a meanie..
Miki: ...
Miki: "I want to know more about his relationship with Kei-san and possibly Himura-san, but..  Now is not the time."
Miki: Okay, Asahi-san. We know pretty much everything about how your crime went, but there's still one very important thing we have to discuss.
Asahi: .. What is it?
Hinode and Eiji: She's talking about your-
Asahi: I am not going to talk to anyone here except Miki-nee.
Eiji: What? That's just stupid, you have three guards here and you're only going to talk to-
Asahi: Eiji-nii, why don't you go and shove all your bandages in your mouth and choke on them?
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. Why did you kill that woman?
Asahi: ...
Miki: We know how she died, we know about your relationship with her, but why did you kill her?
Miki: You told us that you had to do it to her. I just want to know why.
Asahi: .. I..
Asahi: .. I-It was self-defense.
Eiji: Oh really? You know it can be counted as self-defense only if you were in immediate danger, right?
Eiji: So like.. It can be counted as self-defense only if she tried to attack you or something.
Asahi: .. She didn't attack me, but I'm sure I would've died if I didn't kill her.
Miki: Was she really that dangerous?..
Asahi: .. You know, I don't really believe in God or magic or miracles, or.. anything like that.
Asahi: Like.. Come on. That just sounds dumb.
Asahi: But.. Sometimes I can't help but feel like her not being able to have kids of her own was..
Asahi: .. Maybe her becoming a mother really wasn't meant to happen. And like, for a good reason.
Asahi: She never took me seriously. It's like, she just liked the concept of having children. She didn't actually like having a kid.
Asahi: It's like I was just this cute toy that was supposed to make her go "Awww! Look at you!" and not an actual human being.
Asahi: Yes, she bought me everything I asked for. But when it came to actually spending time with me.. 
Asahi: Seriously, she avoided me like I was the fucking plague.
Asahi: Every time I asked her to go somewhere together, she just went "Oh, sorry, mommy is feeling a little sick".
Hinode: ...
Miki: But.. If she wanted a kid so badly, why couldn't she spend at least some time with you? 
Asahi: .. No idea. Every single time I rebelled against her, every time I showed that I have emotions and I can disagree with her and even hate her, it's like..
Asahi: Her brain just turned off.
Asahi: She just stared at me. And said nothing.
Asahi: It's like she was a spoiled rich girl who said she wanted a pet and when her parents got her one, she just took some pictures with it, played with it a little bit, but when it came to actually taking care of it, she made others do all the work.
Asahi: .. Except in my case, I was alone almost the whole time.
Asahi: Like think about it. She didn't even actually adopt me, she just found me and took me in and made everyone believe it was a kid she adopted because she's so nice.
Eiji: Okay, but.. Why did you think she was going to kill you?
Asahi: I said I'm not going to talk to anyone except Miki-nee-
Eiji: You have already answered my question earlier. Why can't you do it this time too?
Asahi: ...
Hinode: Oh, right, when Eiji-san mentioned the immediate danger part-
Asahi: Fine, fine! You are so annoying..
Asahi: Um.. 
Asahi: .. I got really mad at her and she started saying shit like "Oh, I knew I will never be a good mother"  or "I can't give you what you need".
Asahi: And after that, something.. changed. 
Asahi: It's like she didn't know how to play with her cute little toy anymore.
Asahi: We haven't talked that much after that. She couldn't look me in the eyes.
Asahi: And I think the last straw was me hearing her say to her husband..
Asahi: "You were right. Adopting him was a bad idea".
Miki: ...
Hinode: .. Oh.
Asahi: Haha.. If you were me, what would you think she was going to do to you?
Miki: I-I.. I'd think she didn't actually mean it-
Eiji: I'd think she wants to get rid of me.
Asahi: .. Wow, Eiji-nii, can't believe you actually have a brain in that head of yours.
Miki: Did you think she was going to kill you?!
Asahi: Kind of. She was too weak to attack me, I knew that for sure.
Hinode:.. You thought she was going to kick you out of her house, right?
Asahi: .. Yeah.
Hinode: And for someone like you, with nowhere to go, it would be..
Hinode: Not that different from being killed.
Asahi: .. *nods*
Asahi: .. I was scared.
Miki: E-every child would be, Asahi-san, there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Eiji: Still, your whole plan doesn't make any sense.
Eiji: Like sure, you'd kill her, but what were you going to do after that? I doubt her husband was happy to see her corpse. 
Eiji: And I doubt he wanted to do anything with you after that.
Asahi: .. Eiji-nii.
Asahi: FUCK YOU!
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Asahi: .. It was him who kicked me out. Her husband.
Asahi: Haha.. He really was not happy about her murder..
Hinode: It sounds like he really loved her, but.. You can't just do something so cruel to a child.
Asahi: .. Are you going to vote me guilty this time? Because it wasn't actually self-defense and it was just me being an idiot?
Miki: I don't know about these two, but..
Miki: Please know that I forgive you, Marito.
Eiji and Hinode: Huh?..
Asahi: .. What did you just call me, Miki-nee?
Miki: O-oh, I-
Miki: .. Whatever. You have to know the truth.
Miki: The third trial is getting closer to its end and we don't have much time, so..
Miki:  Asahi-san. I know you don't remember your past that well.
Miki: You're so young, but you have already lost so many of your memories because they were too scary.
Miki: I know how much you want to see your.. "Real mother" again. 
Miki: But I..  I can't promise you that. I-in fact.. I don't think you're ever going to see her.
Miki: B-but, um.. A-at least you have me.
Miki: Asahi-san, do you remember your family well? You know, the people who you were living with before you met that woman?
Asahi: ...
Miki: You don't have to answer. From what I saw in your second video, I can tell that you do remember them, you just don't want to think about it. And that's okay.
Miki: Just.. Please know that I'm your older sister.
Miki: And the name you had before you met that woman was Andou Marito. 
Asahi: ...
Miki: S-sorry. I wish I could've revealed it in.. a different way and not like this.
Asahi: .. It's fine.
Asahi: I.. I think I actually kinda knew that you're my real family.
Miki: ...
Miki: *sobs*
Eiji: Hey, I know, this scene is supposed to be very touching, but can we extract his video already? We have three more prisoners to interrogate.
Eiji: And all of them cause way too much trouble.
Miki: A-ah, right, right.
Miki: Prisoner 007, Asa-
Asahi: Y-you can call me by my real name. It's fine.
Miki: .. Okay.
Miki: Prisoner 007, Marito, sing your sins!
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[ Asahi Marito's Trial 3 MV: Caterpillar's Cries ]
The video starts with showing us a dark forest. Marito comes out of it and he's not looking good: his hair is messy, his clothes are dirty and he overall looks like he's going to die very soon. He falls on the ground, not having any energy left to walk, and looks up. We see his adoptive mother, Satsuki, and her husband. 
"Hello, who are you? Ah, I see, you're my mother number two
At least that's what you claim to be
But I'm not so sure, I find it hard to believe
My mother would look at me like I was her child and not just a cute new toy"
Satsuki smiles warmly at Marito and holds out her hand to him while her husband turns away. It takes him a moment, but Marito takes her hand.
"But fine, I'll accept your help 
I'll accept your love and affection
Even if I'm not sure if that's what I need
A kid like me doesn't have much of a choice here"
We see Satsuki, her husband and Marito walking into a house that looks really fancy and it really looks like a place where a rich couple would live, but also, their house has a really dark color palette which makes the whole place look intimidating and creepy in some way. Marito looks scared and he walks over to a table. He sees a piece of cake, but just as he's about to take it, someone slaps his hand away and Marito drops the plate on the floor. 
"Hello, who are you? You're not someone I should've become
Does this happen to those who get carried away?
Or does this happen to those who got everything they wanted?
Could it be that you're just like me, except you're completely satisfied?"
The person who slapped his hand away turns out to be Marito himself, but that version of him looks different. This version wears better clothes and simply looks like what you'd expect a rich couple's kid to look like, but his eyes also look.. weird. They look too swirly and colorful. You could say that this version of him is not Andou Marito. It's Yano Asahi.
""Stop, that's enough!" But it will never be enough
Sweet or sour, I don't care, I want everything I could never have
Even if it's rotten, even if it's broken, I just want to have something
Do you understand now? I live like I can die at any moment"
Asahi makes Marito fall on the ground and Marito starts to cry because of how scared he is and because he expects Asahi to hurt him. Suddenly, Asahi stops and looks at Marito. Something about the boy's reaction makes him change his mind and he helps him get up. 
"I don't understand, why do you understand me so well?
It's like you're me, it's like we really are family
Please, please, help me stop feeling so empty
Fill this void, say I'm not alone, say I can have everything, say I can have more"
The boys are walking somewhere now. Marito starts to notice that there's a lot of food, toys and other things lying on the floor as they walk. He starts picking those things up meanwhile Asahi doesn't seem to care about this stuff at all. Marito starts seeing weird ghost-like visions of Satsuki and his other self. They all show Satsuki giving him the exact things that are lying on the floor right now. At first Asahi looks genuinely happy to receive them and thanks her. But as those visions continue to show up, Marito notices that Asahi starts to look more and more disappointed with each new gift, until eventually he rejects one of them, making Satsuki look at him with a confused expression. We don't get to see what this gift looks like exactly and it looks blurry. Marito wonders why this happened and he looks at all the things he picked up. Asahi looks at him and simply shakes his head and sighs. 
"Why would you do this? Are you this ungrateful?
Don't you remember what we had to go through?
Do you really need more? Do I really need more?
Do I need at least something? Or do I need everything?"
Finally, they walk into a room that seems to belong to Asahi. This room has so many toys everywhere that you can't even see the floor. Marito looks at all the toys and his eyes start to sparkle, but then he sees a small table in the middle of the room and three chairs. It looks like Asahi has decided to hold a tea party. 
Now we see Marito, Asahi and a plushie having a tea party together. Marito looks happy, but Asahi looks like he's thinking deeply about something. Marito notices it and takes one of the plushies and makes it kiss Asahi on the cheek and smiles. 
"Why are you so nice? It's like we really are family
Maybe kindness really was what I needed from the start
I just wanted someone to hug me and say that they love me
I was tired from all the gifts that had no love inside"
Asahi blushes and tries to act serious, but it also looks like he's.. sad for some reason. Marito continues to drink his tea..
Until he suddenly drops his cup. It looks like he's in pain. 
""Stop, that's enough!" But it will never be enough
No matter how hard anyone tries, I will never be satisfied
It's time for me to admit that I will never be truly happy
Do you understand now? Maybe death was what I wanted from the start"
Marito falls on the floor while Asahi watches him and when Marito looks at him, he sees that he's.. crying. Asahi walks over to him with that plushie in his hands and he gives it to him. Marito takes the plushie and hugs it. He closes his eyes. 
"It's fine, it's okay, as long as you love me and I love you
Maybe your love will satisfy the hunger I've felt since the day I was born
Or maybe it will do nothing but make the void consume me
Honestly, I just want to be loved, who cares about the consequences?"
He opens his eyes again. They are as weird as Asahi's. He's wearing the exact same clothes as him. Satsuki walks into his room. She's holding the same toy Asahi rejected in one of the visions.
"Please, say that I am a good kid
Say that you will take care of me, say that one day your house will feel like home
Please don't throw me away
Don't punish me for my greed, forgive me again and again and again"
It's a caterpillar plushie.
The video ends. 
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🍓's been thinking about Taz Skylar. Truly head empty , no thoughts but Taz Skylar moment. She likes his Sanji , really really like it a lot. But she also likes how down to earth he is. How dedicated he is to playing a role. How modest he is.
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Everyone knows this by now , of course , but he learnt professional cooking and kickboxing to get into his role as Sanji , DOES kickboxing now as a hobby , is great with his younger co-star (see: Iñaki) , reliable , funny , charming.
🍓 is very enamoured with what he has shown us thus far. She is looking forward to watching more of him. Not just in OPLA but also in other films and series!
🍓 has been trying to find a place to watch his other shows (Villain , The Kill Team and The Reserves) to no luck yet but they are also really excited up his upcoming movie 'Gassed Up' !
🍓 would like to add a disclaimer that this is not a celebrity crush situation of 'oh I want to marry them!' kind of thing and instead a 'someday I'd want to be able to be like him' (in terms of traits she would like). She genuinely likes his acting and dedication and would love to see his (as well as the other cast members') other works and series¹!
¹ - 🍓 has watched 3 Japanese films Mackenyu is in without knowing he's in it/that's him… because of one of them , she has taken to calling him a 'Shiny Twink' (affectionate).
1. Kamen Rider Drive: Surprise Future - Tomari Eiji (the reason for the nickname)
2. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable Chapter I - Nijimura Okuyasu
3. Code Blue: The Movie - Kishida Akio
🍓 recommends the series Code Blue btw!! 山P stars as one of the main fellow/Doctor for the series!
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fumikomiyasaki · 3 months
Hey Fumi!! We already know Punch is a great match with Carol, but what I wanna know is who else you think he'd get along well with! Let's get him some pals.
Open oc interactions
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Given Kaeru is already besties with Carol I am sure him and Punch could have a great friendship. He be happy to listen to him making music, he often ask him to fix his frog Tamatgotchis and he be invited to Kaeru often giving out sandwiches selfmade.
I point to Vanessa who already had a blind date with him would probably find him funny as a buddy... she might accidentally emberass him but she have fun sharing some hockey stories.
Given how good I know punch how about I speed run NRC: Leroy: He might have been salty at first cause Leroy had a crush on Carol but they have super high potential to become Machine making besties... just two guys who hang and work on stuff together. Henry: He would respect him but they wouldn't be close... if Punch found out Henry also had a crush on Carol he probably would be worried given Henry is a high bachelor in school when it comes to people interest. They are casual. Mellow: Might be a good friend / little brother figure. Brid: She probably hide... cause of her paranoia about machines Odel: Sees potential in him but won't be close unless Punch wants to talk to him Camilla: Given she is in a dorm with Joker she appreciates him not making her more troubles Bengal: I think he won' t be nice to Punch sadly... he dislikes Ignihyde a lot of times Eiji: Please keep him away from Punch. Kumo: They don't talk Fuan: Does slowly warm up and appreciate him Lyla: She is just watching Carol and Punch think and sighs why they aren't together already. Bolt: High potential to be close... if Punch can handle a little electro shocks. Grey: I feel he has to read what Grey wrote once and would feel fear Naomi: She would find him super boring... Eve: Android boy would grow very attached and kind to him. Bianca: He would fear her when he sees her crawling on the walls
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jumpthatjump · 3 months
Wip, spoilers for infinite wealth
posting wips since I've just been sitting on them for some time (i have been motivated to write more)
Title: Payback? Pairing: Eiji/Ichiban Word Count: 1080 Rating: Mature (There will be sex...eventually) Part one of ? Summary: Trying something new in the bedroom does not go as planned.
Notes: Setting is Bastard Eiji’s apartment because I just can’t have them doing it in Ichiban’s tiny bed. It’s too funny to think about. I need them to have space to move.
“Kasuga-san?” Eiji said it casually, since he wasn’t angry over this at all. “I have a question.”
Ichiban was reading something, his face buried in a stack of papers as he made a distracted noise. No, Eiji was not frustrated at being ignored like this, and he asked, voice calm,
“Why did you lie to me?”
Ichiban wrenched the papers down at that, surprised. “I didn’t lie. I would never lie to you.” He paused, eyes darting around in thought. “...Did I lie?”
“You said you wanted to try something new,” Eiji said accusingly, if only to make him feel bad, but Ichiban matched the tone. 
“No, this was your idea. You said to bring handcuffs. I brought handcuffs.”
Eiji narrowed his eyes a little at that. It had been clear that he wanted to use them on Ichiban–not himself.
When Ichiban had presented them to him a few minutes earlier, expecting some sort of appreciation, Eiji gave it to him in a backhanded way as he pushed him toward the bed.
I didn’t think you had it in you to go out and buy these.
Ichiban had grinned as he sat on the mattress, pleased at the compliment and eager to talk.
I almost did. There’s this store right down the street that sells all kinds of stuff, but my friend Seonhee and I were discussing some things, and she offered them to me instead.
Eiji had sat next to him, but had been distracted enough by the thought that Ichiban–shy, overly flustered Ichiban–was talking about sexual stuff with his friends, that he didn’t notice that one of the cuffs was being clicked shut around one of his wrists. He could only glare and get out Ichiban’s name in a warning tone, before the other man climbed on top of him to get his other hand.
He could not be blamed for being too confused to react, and even if he wasn’t, he knew it would scare the other man off if he snapped at him, so he allowed it and simply asked him what he thought he was doing.
Something Adachi-san taught me. He sounded so proud of himself for learning something. He did this to me once. It’s like his signature move.
Apparently, the old man just sat on people to make them give up.
So, now they were on his bed, both of Eiji’s wrists handcuffed to the headboard, with Ichiban sitting on him over his hips, which would have been hot, but it was obvious this had not been thought through. They had been staring at each other, Eiji expectantly, and Ichiban nervously, before Ichiban had told him to wait, and he pulled out those papers from his pocket.
Eiji had sighed, rolling his eyes. Let me guess, from one of your friends.
You’ve been to his restaurant–Zhao. He had a lot of ideas. He said…Then Ichiban looked anywhere else but him, rubbing at the warmth starting up on his face with the back of his hand. Well, he said a lot of things, but he wrote it all down for me.
It’s not that Eiji minded that they all knew, in fact he was pleased, but at the moment, this was boring and deceitful, and he was not happy. 
“You said you’d make it good,” he accused again, and this time Ichiban looked caught before he could hide his face behind the papers again, though it was obvious he was turning a little red. Eiji kept at it. 
“You said you'd figure it out and know what you were doing.”
And this had been true. Ichiban had insisted that he wanted to learn more about what he liked–what they both liked–which was sweet, it really was. Normally, he was unsure but willing to try or he'd dive in and just go for it. Eiji liked him both ways, but there was something to be said about whenever he was overwhelmingly confident. 
Granted, that was mostly in the streets during a scuffle with someone cocky enough to pick a fight rather than when he was between the sheets. Seeing him take men down with such ease was entertaining–and more, if Eiji was being honest.
The way Ichiban's body moved with certainty and strength. The noises he made from the force of his hits. And the way he jogged back to Eiji when it was all over, grinning brightly, flushed with excitement and exertion. It would be nice if that confidence was present in the bedroom, but unfortunately, he could lose it as quickly as he gained it there.
Eiji aimed to get a reaction out of him, to spur him into doing anything besides sitting there and thinking. He pushed as much disappointment into his voice as he could.
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you lied to get what you wanted.”
Ichiban was immediately defensive, waving the papers at him. “Look! There’s a lot of steps to this, okay?”
That was another thing–he over thought everything. “You don’t have to think about Every. Single. Step.”
“You know,” Ichiban began slowly, clearly complaining, "you're always scolding me for doing things or not doing things.” He crossed his arms.  “You’re so hard to please.”
That's because Eiji deserved the best, and quite frankly, he had a lot more experience than Ichiban, and who was benefiting from it? 
“At least if it was me in charge, you would have been finished by now.”
Ichiban couldn’t deny that, but he tried to. “Not like last time,” he frowned down at him. “That was mean.”
At the memory, Eiji could not stop a sharp satisfied smile. It had been mean. He had played around with Ichiban for far too long, had drawn it out until he was a mess, crying and begging for release.
That had been fun. 
His voice lowered, smug and superior. “I enjoyed it.”
Ichiban stared at him for a good moment, before shrugging. “Well,” he said lightly, going back to his papers. “Since I apparently don’t know what to do, then I’m just going to sit here and do nothing.”
…Eiji did tell him that before, didn't he? It was irritating when Ichiban used his words against him.
“How many times are you going to read that?” he demanded, glowering at him.
“Step one,” Ichiban announced with flourish. “Take off clothes.”
“...Are you serious?”
“There's…uh, a lot more detail to it than just that,” Ichiban said sheepishly, and Eiji huffed out an impatient breath. 
“Then do it.”
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Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
Some of the lines of shounen manga between two boys are insane, and definitely why they get themed promise jewellery, lmao
But on a serious note, I'd say its because of genre expectation. There's definitely a ~ vibe ~ around BL manga (the same as the vibe around yaoi) and what the audience expects from it and its characters. BL carries an atmosphere and connotation that Shoujo doesn't. It's kind of why I'm reluctant to actually explore it that much. (I keep almost starting Sasaki to Miyano, but the fact it is labelled BL kinda puts me off.)
In that light, I can see why things like Yoshida insisting Banana Fish isn't BL happen - especially around the time it was originally published. That being said, the love story is so intrinsically baked into Ash and Eiji's relationship that you can't not read it like that. (Not without a lot of effort.)
And I kind of prefer that to an 'I love you.' There's something about not saying it, and leaving it as subtext, that I enjoy more. Probably for the same reason at the 19th century poet - it means more. It's says more.
I've been Banana Fish centric, but the same applies to things like Vanitas no Carte and Moriarty the Patriot too. There's something special about not needing to say it outright.
Maybe that's just because I've been on tumblr for so long that queerbaiting and subtext is what I'm most used to, and, honestly, get a little nostalgic for.
I hope all of that makes sense?
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