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clickyourradio · 5 months ago
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A song by English pop duo Mel and Kim from their only studio album, F.L.M. It was released on 18 February 1987 as the album's second single. The track was conceived as a more commercial follow-up to the act's debut hit, "Showing Out (Get Fresh at the Weekend)". Supreme Records requested that Stock Aitken & Waterman produce a song in line with the flavour of their debut hit, but more accessible. The lyrics of the song were inspired by the sisters' dismissive and shame-free response to a tabloid scandal over the emergence of old nude glamour photos of Mel.
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grox · 2 years ago
Dairy queen dollar menu. They give you.
A fuck ton of chilli cheese fries.
For 1 Eigty something.
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gibier3000 · 6 years ago
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Photo credits are going to Hugo Tack
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run-the-night · 7 years ago
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nocxels · 6 years ago
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- #thundercats #scifigun #cyberpunk #eigties #retrofuture #oneyearoftoys #toys #retrotoys #blender3d #substancepainter - https://www.instagram.com/p/Bon2alxnrhs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=si3mej3nc9il
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joostmarcellis · 6 years ago
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“Thank god i’m wearing this t-shirt, my unicorn tattoo would otherwise be showing” Http://datrobot.nl #datrobot #robot #ai #robotics #LoveThyRobot #geek #nerdcore #fashion #tshirt #rambo #firstblood #nerdfashion #eigties #nerd #destroyallhumans (bij Dat Robot) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNQCMQlKAz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1di9mid4qxb4e
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clickyourradio · 10 months ago
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Anya Major is an English model who gained notoriety as de leading lady in a 1984 Apple Computer commercial, which in turn landed her the role of Elton John Russian love interest in the Nikita music video. Some record bosses thought it would be a good idea to let this model sing a song, capitalizing on the success of Nikita. It became a modest hit in some country's
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maxinajar · 4 years ago
From the person who brought you Hell Uno comes the brand new terrible game:
Chutes and Ladders: Sisyphus Edition
The only rule change here is that instead of chutes going down and ladders going up or ladders going down and chutes going up, everything goes down. Everything.
I'm currently playing this version with my sister and it's so frustrating. Hours of suffering with one simple rule change. Hope you have an awful time!
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dirtees · 8 years ago
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Sound-Lord. Guardians of the Galaxy meets Transformers. #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 #transformers #starlord #soundwave #rocketraccoon #ravage #transformersg1 #thelastknight #transformersthelastknight #gotg #gotgvol2 #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 #marvel #comics #marvelcomics #comic #mashup #moviemashup #walkman #80s #eighties #eigties #retro #vintage #cassette
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thebiggestdorkemo · 4 years ago
I have a theory that Seth Rogan and Patrick stump are the same people but from different dimensions;
Exhibit A (circa early 2000’s):
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They look different enough so they don’t draw too much suspicion but look at the facial features! It’s uncanny!
Exhibit B (circa late 2019 - early 2020):
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I can be the only one seeing this! Just look at them!!!
Exhibit C, Birthdays:
Seth Rogan - Born April 15, 1982
Patrick Stump - Born April 27, 1984
Look! It’s both in April in the eigtys so they don’t draw suspicion! They know the other is there but they have to stay far enough away from one another’s business.
Exhibit D, Parents:
You know that’s going to far
BUT EVERYONE CAN SEE THIS RIGHT??? It’s isn’t just me right??????
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fanfictionandmore · 5 years ago
My Editor | Daniel Brühl One-Shot
Today is the day I'm officially meeting my editor. He has been editing my manuscripts for a while now, and I thought it was finally time that Daniel Brühl and I should meet. In all honesty I was feeling nervous as hell. Especially since he's the one who gets to read my books before they're even published. His eyes grace the pages before anyone else gets to read my work.
My cab stopped outside of Daniel's apartment, causing a rush of anxiety and exciment to flow through my body. I paid my cab driver before getting out of the yellow colored car. I took a deep breath before I walked up the few steps that lead into the apartment building. A call box was on the brick wall near the front doors. I looked through the list and eventually found my editor's name.
I pressed the buzzer and waited for him to pick up. "Hello?" He asked in his pleasant sounding voice. "Hi, it's me... y/n." I said into the little speaker. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're actually here!! Come on up so we can properly meet each other." He said and the door made a buzzing sound. I quickly opened the door so I didn't have to ask Daniel to open it up again.
When I entered the apartment building the smell of cigarettes hit me. It wasn't too powerful, but enough to make me wrinkle my nose. The place looked like any other apartment building to be honest. It had an eigties feel to it due to the wallpaper and flooring though. As I walked down the long hallway I heard a tv playing one of the apartments.
I also noticed the sound of a baby crying, but it was faint and I figured it had to be coming from one of the apartments upstairs. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind once I found Daniel's apartment. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I managed to build up some courage and knock on his door. When he opened the door I was almost breathless.
He was so much more handsome than I imagined, and it made the butterflies worse. His eyes are what really took my breath away. They were so big and beautifully brown. I could see myself getting lost in them. He had a beard and his hair was combed into a side part as well. "Hey, come in. I made some tea if you'd like a cup." He said sweetly. Since the first day we talked I found his German accent adorable.
"Yes, please." I replied with a small shy smile, and he gave me one in return. As I looked around at my surroundings I couldn't help but feel comfortable. He had a bookshelf filled to the brim with books. As I looked at the spines of the books he owned my heart warmed when I saw my own works on those shelves. "You bought my books?" I asked curiously.
"Of course I bought your books. You're one of my favorite writers." He replied with a nervous laugh. "That's so sweet, but I could have given you free copies. I mean... you are the one who has to sift through hundreds of pages to fix my grammatical errors." I said feeling guilty that he was using his money to buy my books. "Yeah, but I love my job. Especially when it comes to editing your books." He said sweetly.
The sparkle in his beautiful brown eyes made me blush a little. The two of us sat on the couch and drank tea as we got to know each other better. We mostly discusses books, movies, and art. It felt like I knew him all my life and I wondered if he felt the same way.
Weeks passed, making Daniel and I become closer and closer. To be honest... I never wanted to leave. I knew I'd miss him like crazy; I'd especially miss his hugs because... well... he just feels like home. When I'm in his strong arms I feel so safe, warm, and loved. I was also scared because I knew I was falling in love with him. 
A/N: Thanks for reading!! I'll probably be making a part 2 very soon. 
Thanks @velvetwonderbucky for inspiring this idea. 
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nocxels · 6 years ago
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W.I.P - #thundercats #scifigun #cyberpunk #eigties #retrofuture #oneyearoftoys #toys #retrotoys #blender3d #substancepainter - https://www.instagram.com/p/Bom4dR5HWN_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m3t2vyc8uiie
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at-faye · 7 years ago
Coconut Grove by My NamE http://ift.tt/2BuMRas
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iwillruletheuniverse · 6 years ago
Seventy-eight weeks have passed since he died and I still live in the shadows. Denial. He is dead. I keep on repeating it but I don’t get it. I mourn him as a father because to me he was.
The snow fell today and it’s still on the ground. I hope it stays till October, maybe then I could have dealt with the remaining year. 2019 is terrifying becauase the first of January usually feels like eigty years ago by this time of the month and it doesn’t this year.
I knew things would never be as they were before he died but had I known then what I know know, I had also been dead for sixty-seven weeks. If my parents had loved me, maybe things had been easier, at least living had..
I want to enjoy the snow, I want to hug my stuffed animals, I want to read books, I want to clean my room, but I don’t have energy for any of it. Why is everything so heavy?
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joostmarcellis · 6 years ago
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“So if your here to protect me, why are you wearing a t-shirt with ‘destroy all humans?’” Http://datrobot.nl #datrobot #robot #ai #robotics #LoveThyRobot #geek #nerdcore #fashion #tshirt #terminator #nerdfashion #eigties #nerd (bij Dat Robot) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtA4H21lZlz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gpbyui5bxnc8
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clickyourradio · 11 months ago
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"Stand and Deliver" became the band's first No. 1 when it debuted at the top spot on 3 May 1981 and remained there for five weeks. Listed as the third best-selling single of 1981, it has sold 1.03 million copies in the UK. On the US Dance chart, "Stand and Deliver" peaked at No. 38.
Copies of the single "Stand and Deliver" were included as a free bonus item with some vinyl copies of the US version of the album Kings of the Wild Frontier on Epic Records. Epic's cassette edition appended the two tracks to each end of either side of the tape. A slightly different version of "Stand and Deliver" was then featured on their follow-up LP, Prince Charming, released in November 1981.
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