#eight of pentacles reversed
yourmoonmomma · 9 months
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Daily Reading - Sunday December 31st 2023 - Eight of Pentacles reversed
A perfect day to pull this card. The Eight of Pentacles reversed indicates an ambitionless, lazy day. You have already accomplished so much this year, the last day of 2023 is not one for grinding, it is one for reflecting on your accomplishments and letting yourself rest without guilt.
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numinously-yours · 3 months
Hey there I am probably late but if you can answer I will be grateful
I want to know why men don't approach me romantically?
I have seen scenarios where I know somebody has feelings but nothing really happens.
Mg 🖤
Take care
NOTE: I am answering some requests from my asks today but requests ARE CLOSED. If you submit a request, there is no guaranteed timeline for a response.
Hi MG,
I asked the cards three questions to get some insights. I asked a general "why?" and then I asked for information on any outside influences and what is in your control.
General Why: Four of Swords & Eight of Swords rev.
The main keywords for these cards are “contemplation” (4) and “new perspectives” (8). There are two types of messages I’m getting from these cards. First, in terms of actual people, I simply don’t think that they were prepared to be in a relationship with you because they were not ready to grow in new ways. Whether they are consciously aware of this, I don’t know. They may have thought, or even said out loud to you, “I don’t have time to be committed” or “I’m not ready for a relationship”. They didn’t really give a reason, and maybe they didn’t even know why, but not being ready to change is at the core of it. Next, I think there is a message from your guides for you, asking you to re-evaluate what you think a relationship should look like/making sure you don’t settle. Make sure YOU’RE ready to be changed and commit. And remind yourself you deserve someone good for you; you don’t need someone just to have someone. You’re also being reminded to keep up the self-love. It can be difficult when you’re in this position. Personally, I know that wondering why people aren’t approaching you romantically can effect your self-esteem. Step outside of that context and remind yourself of the awesome qualities you possess. It’s cliché, but the right people will find you.
Outside Influences: King of Cups & Eight of Pentacles rev.
This definitely has to do with your higher self-versus physical outsiders. Your higher self is at work behind the scenes, Mg. If you’ve been seeing any signs or synchronicities (this could include, but is not limited to, depictions of the ocean/bodies or water, boats, or fish) your guides are asking you to check in with yourself, particularly emotionally. What are your feelings telling you? Are you accepting these feelings or trying to make them go away? Are you keeping yourself busy to avoid the big feelings? Let yourself feel these things. See if you can find the root cause. Journalling or meditating could be helpful.
What’s in your control: Temperance rev. & Three of Swords rev.
Yup, these absolutely reiterate everything your higher self is trying to send messages about lol. Even if you’re not seeing the signs when they’re being sent, get yourself more consciously aware of your wants and needs. Re-align all of your goals to meet your values. This includes relationship goals, career goals, spiritual goals, etc. If there are words that were said in a previous relationship that are regularly haunting you, look at them from a place of objectivity. Who said them and who did that person turn out to be? Is there any proof to these words or were they merely hurtful? If there is any proof, why might the person have said this? This isn’t meant for you to excuse what the person said, but to have a more objective understanding of it can be really healing.
I truly believe that energy attracts energy. You don’t have to be “healed” to find someone, but being in a healing energy, an energy of self-love, and optimistic energy will help bring those with similar energies closer to you. And in this, you should be well on your way to finding your person <3
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READINGS ARE CLOSED; Requests received will be answered when time allows.
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holofoiltowercard · 9 months
Tarot Christmas Calendar, Day 21
I have been away for a long while, mostly because of health issues and then work commitments, which have come as a lifesaver at a time of great uncertainty. I wish I could devote more time to Tarot, but it seems that for a good while I will be very much tied down. However, I still want to celebrate the holidays approaching, and hopefully give my book a boost in the process because it is lovely and I firmly believe it would make a great gift to Tarot beginners and veterans alike - if you like Tarot or know someone who does, consider supporting a small creator like me and get them the book!
For the Christmas Calendar, I have drawn a card for each day, and shall post the poem for that day! Enjoy!
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popculturetarot · 4 months
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The reversal of the Eight of Pentacles is a collection of failed ventures, usually because you create your own problems, usually your own ego and applying your energy in fruitless pursuits. It is a warning that you can be your own worst enemy.
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tarotbykim · 1 year
I would like to know about my main personality traits and how im seen ! Thank you !
Hi! ♥️ There are a few questions I answer regarding personality readings. How others see you, how you see yourself, and what your true essence is:
How Others See You: Others see you as orderly and firm, and some sort of a commanding presence. Others feel safe around you & know you’re reliable, however, they also think that sometimes you’re a bit too honest for your own good.
How You See Yourself: At this point in your life, you do not think too highly of yourself. Perhaps something has happened that made you question who you truly are. However, deep down, you know you are a positive person with good values, that deserves the unwavering feeling of self-worth.
Your True Essence: You are a hard-working person with values that tend to align with their actions almost all of the time. You are strong, resilient, supportive and authentic.
Good luck! 💪♥️😇
(PS. This reading is free, and I hope you've found value in it! In case you wish to sponsor my work you can buy me a coffee! Of course, this is not mandatory nor expected! I also really appreciate any constructive feedback!💫)
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loungingbear · 1 year
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I feel biased in this reading, but it sounds like, keep doing art you will be seen, and avoid mother otherwise it'll lead to self destruction.
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12thhousepoet · 2 years
daily tarot reading 12.6.22
may my spirit guides speak through me, to you, 
and bring the collective peace, strength, and a clear view.
for some in the collective, we have noticed an imbalance of efforts in our relationships (to people and pursuits) that make us question the solidity of them. does this realization make us want to explore other options, or are we still wishing to pour into this endeavor in the hopes that there will be a positive turnaround in the future?
in every relationship and pursuit, it takes two to alchemize. if you are trying to do the work for both parites, it makes an imbalance even more lopsided. if this is not necessarily a personal connection but a passion pursuit- is the work you're doing satisfying your expectations, or has it become monotonous and frustrating? if the latter applies to you, a change of approach and flexibility should be considered so you can remind yourself why you wanted this in the first place.
when it comes to the fool, you may consider jumping into a new pursuit altogether. you may feel risky and impulsive, ready to take on the rest of the world with a reckless abandon. this could lead to promising new territory or it could be a mistake though- be clear on where you want to land before you jump so your intentions are considered by the universe!
the eight of pentacles reversed carries an energy where it may seem that you have not given up on this prospect yet, in hopes that if you continue to work with your head down, you'll eventually see the sun rise. be careful though- if you only work with your head down, you won't see any of the light around you! otherwise, it's important to recognize when you are overexerting yourself in pursuits that aren't giving back to you, and draw boundaries when necessary. you have so much love and light to offer, but it'd behoove you to save this for endeavors that are equally fulfilling.
corresponding astrological signs: gemini, aries, virgo, cancer, pisces, leo, libra
ALL COLLECTIVE TAROT MESSAGES ARE INTENDED FOR THE GENERAL TUMBLR COMMUNITY, AND FOR THIS REASON I ASK THAT YOU TAKE WHAT RESONATES WITH YOU AND LEAVE THE REST BEHIND. if you enjoyed today’s reading, please like and reblog my post and follow me for more 12th house blogs! if you’d like to request a personal reading with me, please refer to my pinned infographic and click the link in my description to complete the form! thank you in advance for your support and light!
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live-chaotically · 2 years
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Reversed Eight of Pentacles - no focus, no ambition , no motivation - you’re growing, and growth inevitably also means setbacks are looming, don’t resist them.
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lua-stellar · 3 months
What is Your Next Lover's Love Language?? ✨ Tarot Divination
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reading was done via tarot cards, lil side note i (personally) find the concept of love languages recessive and rigid. Most people including ur guys' next lovers will likely show all 5 love languages. However i think its rly fun for tarot readings and for communicating what ur future lover is like enjoy :)
consider tipping me on ko-fi if you liked this reading :))
pile 1
cards drawn: reversed page of pentacles, the hierophant, reversed four of swords
so I get the vibe that your next lover will have a problem, or problems in the past with commitment, or they have been in relationships with people who were not very into commitment which can hurt someone. But i feel that this person, it takes alot for them to actually want to commit to a relationship. I think the commitment thing ties into the fact that they want to feel very safe and comfortable in a relationship,they want to be with someone who is a good choice for them, someone who they can be themselves around and be in control around. They are someone who wants to spend alot of time with someone and get to know them before 100% committing to a relationship, because although commitment is a big topic in this reading as in its scary for this person, the truth is they want nothing else except commitment. They want to be with someone in the long term, ideally, they want to be able to go to the next step with someone they truly love, like marriage for example. Like i get some polarizing energies from this person like a real all or nothing vibe. There is a chance that this person might even be arospec, like im getting demi-romantic vibes you know. This person's love language might definently be strong on quality time, possibly acts of service and recieving gifts but quality time is STRONG in this one tbh. You will likely spend alot of time with this person before eventually becoming their lover, they might even be a future friend first (or a current friend maybe?? if the shoe fits >w>)
pile 2
cards drawn: page of wands, reversed strength, judgement,
this person is someone who wants to take you out on dates, they want to spoil you and they are someone who in the future will likely be very attracted to you and realllyyy like passionate about you i feel. They are someone who is all in commitment wise, and they are ready to take things further with you, they are however incredibly insecure person. Like strong acts of services vibes but also this person will likely also be big on words of affirmation because they are so insecure, you will likely have to 'affirm' them as this person is very insecure to a fault. They are big on communication which is a big plus, even though they are very committed to you they will want to know if you are as well and they will want to be able to work out any potential problems you two have, they are someone who wants to communicate, take things further, etc etc. The main energy i get from your next lover is that they will be big on acts of services and words of affirmation because they want to communicate with you and they want to know if you are as committed as they are.
pile 3
cards drawn: reversed the sun, the emperor, reversed eight of wands,
I feel as though this person may not know what they want out of a relationship, so they may not see the good things right away and get bored easily. This person would honestly, probably require quality time because if not they will get bored, they are probably emotionally immature. This person however, even if they can't see the good things right away, feels very stable with you. In the future its obvious that they will like you alot and even be protective of you! Big acts of service vibes just for that protective energy they have, im getting a vibe that this person most likely will be male, but they can be any gender they might just have some traditionally masculine qualities. I'm not sure what love language this falls in but this person wants to take things slow, they probably feel anxious or unsure when they feel things are moving too fast they want things to move slowly, and it's probably better that way with this specific personality as they will need time to see the good things. They probably focus ont he negative alot, but give them time to warm up to you basically.
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n3xii · 7 months
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This reading will focus on the following topics:
-who you were
-who you are now
-who you are becoming
One question, 2 question, aura readings etc are all available for purchase right now. Book here for a same day/next day reading!
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who you were- "six of pentacles"
who you are now- "8 of wands"
who you're becoming- "knight of cups reversed"
As represented by the Six of Pentacles, you were once characterized by a balanced and generous nature. I feel like this card symbolizes that you were giving, even at the expense of yourself. You may have been someone who valued fairness, compassion, and giving back to others. Your focus may have been on maintaining harmony in your relationships and making sure everyone received their fair share of time and energy, even if you weren't getting the same energy in return. The Eight of Wands indicates a shift towards greater momentum, action, and forward movement in your life. At this point in time, you becoming more dynamic, assertive, and decisive in pursuing your goals and ambitions. i feel like this is a transition from being giving and compassionate to being focused on your own growth, rather than the growth of other people. the 8 of wands is direct, forward, this feels like you are currently embodying the ''keep it pushing'' mentality. you are no longer delaying your momentum to help or give energy to people who dont even deserve it. and because your energy is being harnessed for your own growth, you now have more energy in general. The transition to the Knight of Cups reversed signals being self indulged. i dont know why but intuitively, i just feel like you are shifting from being dynamic and giving with your energy to being more protective of your emotions. you are becoming someone who indulges in themselves more than you indulge in others. your well being takes priority before you invest in other people.
who you were- seven of pentacles reversed
who you are now- ace of cups reversed
who you are becoming- death reversed
the seven of pentacles reversed tells me that in the past, you were someone who was disillusioned with the lack of progress or results in your endeavors. when tings didnt move at the pace or direction you desired, you felt disappointed and frustrated. This card suggests a period of impatience, dissatisfaction, or setbacks, where you may have been questioning your efforts and wondering if your investments of time and energy are yielding your desired outcomes. The Ace of Cups reversed reflects a shift in emotional energy. right now, you may be experiencing a period of emotional stagnation, disconnection, and disappointment. the stagnated and disillusioned energy of the 7 of pentacles reversed is manifesting as emotional issues. you desire progress and movement, and because you're not seeing the movement you think you have earned, you may feel depressed and apathetic. This card suggests that your heart may have felt closed off or unfulfilled. right now, you may be struggling to find emotional fulfillment or to experience genuine connections in your relationships. However, the transition to Death reversed indicates a significant turning point in your journey. While Death typically symbolizes endings and transformation, in its reversed position, it suggests a resistance to change or a reluctance to let go of the past. You may be clinging to old patterns, beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve your growth and evolution. you are becoming someone who will have a wakeup call about the things and people you are clinging to, and this wakeup call will make you aware of why you have been feeling stagnant.
who you were- page of pentacles reversed
who you are- the empress
who you are becoming- king of swords
Beginning with the Page of Pentacles reversed, in the past you may have once exhibited traits of immaturity, insecurity, or lack of direction in your endeavors. This card suggests a period of uncertainty or delays in your pursuit of your ambitions. To be honest, I feel like in the past, you may have struggled with self-doubt and a lack of confidence in your abilities to manifest your desires effectively. This lack of belief in yourself manifested as a lack of dedication and inspired action. However, the Empress signifies a shift towards a more nurturing, abundant, and fertile energy. inthe present moment. you are embracing qualities of creativity, abundance, and nurturing in your life. You are exhibiting belief towards yourself and nurturing what you want to manifest/ The Empress represents a period of growth, fertility, and expansion, right now you are tapping into your inner resources and creativity to nurture your dreams and cultivate abundance in your life. you could be tapping into your feminine energy and trying to develop the understanding that you dont have to force things to happen, that progress can occur naturally if you are receptive to it. You may be finding fulfillment in creative pursuits, nurturing relationships, and connecting with your intuition and inner wisdom. As for who you are becoming, the King of Swords indicates a further evolution towards greater clarity, authority, and mastery of intellect and communication. you are becoming someone who embodies qualities of intellect, logic, and rationality. You are becoming more assertive, decisive, and authoritative in your approach to problem-solving and decision-making. You wont be flimsy or impractical towards your practical goals, instead you are becoming someone who uses rationality and objectiveness to take action. You are becoming someone who beliefs in their intellectual ability to make things happen. You are embracing your inner wisdom and leadership abilities, using communication skills to navigate the path towards what you want. you ae basically going from ''i dont know how to make this happen'' to having the intellectual ability and resources that instill you with more confidence.
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vamptarot · 17 days
Yes or No? | PAC
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pile one pile two pile three
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pile four pile five pile six
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pile seven pile eight pile nine
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how to choose a pile . . . choose whichever you feel drawn to or ask your guides to guide your eyes to the one that is meant for you! ᡣ𐭩
— ⭑.ᐟ please keep in mind that this is a short pick a card, and that’s exactly why there is so much options! 🫶🏻 not proof read.
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pile one : - blue ‘n beige
𐙚 : nine of swords, page of wands reversed, the chariot reversed
bottom of deck: wheel of fortune.
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
No, and I can see this hurting for most people reading this pile. Some more than others.
♡ ⢷Why?
Simply just not meant for you, it’s not something that is supposed to be in your life. Some of you are asking about a person or career opportunity, and even in that case the answer is still no. There are better things awaiting you, don’t give yourself up to things that serve you no right.
— ✮⋆˙ pink glittery eyeshadow , 2020 trends , night time , heart break , someone here is in love with a taurus man/masc woman , DD , 555 , j-hiphop , space buns , experimental hairstyles
I know hearing no can hurt sometimes and some of you might even wanna hate on me for it but I’d rather keep it real with you than to lie right into your face. I truly hope that regardless of the outcome, you will be happy. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile two : - japanese umbrellas !
𐙚 : ten of wands, ten of swords reversed, knight of wands bottom of the deck: two of cups reversed
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
This is entirely up to you. It can be a yes, and a no. It’s in your control.
♡ ⢷Why?
This isn’t something grand that you can’t pull yourself out of without the help of other people. You can, and you will. You just need to be persistent with it. No one controls your life but you, even if you might view it otherwise at times.
— ✮⋆˙ heart shaped keys, 10 of hearts / wands (?) , the nightmare before Christmas , ‘one, two, three, four, five.. I once ate a b!tch alive ‘ (????) , someone here is into horror genre (specifically mangas) , small business , gg stan , gee - girls’ generation , pink bows & laces
anxiety sucks, but so is wondering ‘what if I have done that?’, personally, that’s my advice for you. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile three : - rose-heart matcha !
𐙚 : five of wands, page of cups
bottom of the deck: eight of swords
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
A very strong no.
♡ ⢷Why?
You know this would create fights as well. I know it, and you do too. It’s not something that is meant for you. It sounds good now, but it would change your life and you would regret.
— ✮⋆˙ alt style , léon: the professional , france , age gaps , mental health issues - yes, yours - , tenten , owls , howl’s moving castle , teddy bears , a golden ring with a red gem ,(fake/self made/professional ect) tattoos , mascara running down your cheeks while crying , crying bathroom selfies , short blue hair
I know life is hard and it sucks sometimes but I believe in you even at times you do not. You can make better choices than this, and I believe that you will do so too. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile four : - flowers !
𐙚 : ten of pentacles, the lovers
bottom of the deck: knight of pentacles
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
Heck yeah! Yes. Strong yes. If this is an opportunity, go for it. If it’s a ‘what if’ question this is such a huge yes for you bby.
♡ ⢷Why?
Most of you asking this will ask about love.. the person is just head over heels for you!!! If this is a job opportunity please know that you have such a phenomenal and extraordinary talent, it’s so cool.
— ✮⋆˙ blond(e) , dyed hair , pink hello kitty nails - with charms for some of you - , cutesy style , shorter side height wise , crushes , led lights , subway - the sandwhich chain - , neck massages / rubs , jelly balls - food.. - , modern family , violin , glasses , tom boy
your energy is soo cute and excited!! thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile five : - glasses !
𐙚 : king of swords, king of cups, ace of pentacles
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
Yes!! A strong yes.
♡ ⢷Why?
You have got all the strength that takes to do this.
— ✮⋆˙ melancholic vibes , (dark) blue walls , glittery things , crying statues , images mother mary , hatsune miku , pretty wigs (smooth/silky ones.. like the pretty ones from china) , devil , white eyes , work opportunities , changes , accepting new challenges , feeling of anxiety , cowboy hats
I know you are anxious, and that’s valid. Everybody feels fear, but you got this. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile six : - birds
𐙚 : death , nine of cups reversed , the hierophant , ace of cups
bottom of the deck: four of wands
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
Yes. A sad yes.
♡ ⢷Why?
It’s for the better, you are worth more than this. This is the only thing your guides are saying.
— ✮⋆˙ dreaming of living near the sea in Italy , luca - the disney movie , the lion king - fondness for nuka specifically , pale skin & brown hair & greenish blue eyes , nightmares of monsters / the devil , the villian guy from princess & the frog , uncanny valley , dabi from mha , fondness for the unaccepted ones
please remember that being disappointed is better than being heartbroken. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile seven : - lunch !
𐙚 : two of swords reversed, the hermit reversed
bottom of the deck: six of swords
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
No, but you can definitely change this. Just don’t let opportunities slip out from under your hand.
♡ ⢷Why?
Put yourself out there more. You are introverted to the point it’s harming your health, both mentally and otherwise.
— ✮⋆˙ ‘hello sweetie with the long face’ , fanfics , boredom , white nails - frenchies most likely - , if you seek amy - britney spears , kali uchis , sasuke uchiha (king) , strawberries & pies , jungwon biased 🫵🏻 , ‘standing on business’ , 3D - JK
I would bet good stickers on the fact that most of y’all asked about your future spouse. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile eight : - window !!
𐙚 : five of wands, temperance reversed, the lovers
bottom of the deck: the chariot reversed
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
Sorry but no.
♡ ⢷Why?
You genuinely need to love yourself a little more. You are constantly at war with yourself and you are losing. Love yourself enough to win.
— ✮⋆˙ cherubs , chubby cheeks , crooked nose , red glasses , fuzzy socks / pjs , black kittens , new earrings / piercings , bunnies , honey & peaches & cream - food!!!! get your mind our of the gutter - , 10/10 , braces , itchy eyes , fake lashes , cracking bones - spine and knuckles -
I know it sucks to hear ‘love yourself more’ bc it’s annoying but this was not said with bad intentions. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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pile nine : - rose water
𐙚 : Two of Cups reversed, Seven of Swords
bottom of the deck: four of pentacles
♡ ⢷Yes or No?
A very gentle no.
♡ ⢷Why?
It’s just a much more scary / bothersome path than what you would think so. You are very trusting and have a too forgiving heart. Some people can just unfortunately take advantage of that.
— ✮⋆˙ under 18 🫵🏻 , acting , theatre , wanting to be in spotlight but being unsure about it , asking about crushes , having a favourite teddy / plush , bridgit mendler , tiktok , kesha , early 00s / early 10s , big doe / dolly eyes , big bang theory
I just wanna say that the spirit guides for this pile are so motherly 😞 this is my first time having a pile that consists of kiddos and adults all connected to their innerchild !! the energy here is so warm and nice 💓 I of course mean this from a good place of heart, it reminded me of a childhood home sort of feeling. thank you for reading.
if you liked my reading please consider checking out my paid readings! there is barely any topic I will say no to and with every penny you are helping me!
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mysticheathenn · 9 months
What are you Destined for?
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Hi there! Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
The extended FREE reading includes:
What steps to take that will lead you to your destined life?
Messages, Signs, and Synchronicities from your Oracle Cards.
Pile l:
Where are you currently in life? (Tarot: Knight of Wands, Eight of Wands, Five of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, and Eight of Cups)
Shuffling your cards, a sign that says dead end pops up in my head along with the song Energy by Keri Hilson. Currently, you may be at a job that doesn’t fulfill you or doesn't give you any kind of balance in your life that you desperately crave right now. Some of you may have issues with if not colleagues possibly the higher-ups at work because you don’t feel appreciated and like the song energy it’s draining you day in and day out and you don’t see the light at the tunnel some days. Some of you wish you could quit but you know people around you will see you as a fool because maybe this job gives you good benefits, discounts, it’s “stable”, or maybe it looks good to have on your resume but inside you’re dying. You know you can’t keep doing this job forever and know you need to leave soon but aren’t sure when to leave or even how because for just a few of you, you may not have a backup or even know what you want to do with your life. Maybe you’re a part of the group where your parents have told you X was a good career choice and you never thought about looking into anything else because you trust the opinions of others or trust in something that’s more predictable than having constant downs and ups.
What are you destined for? (Tarot: Knight of Wands, Eight of Wands, Five of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, and Eight of Cups)
Travel, flexibility, and freedom are what you are destined for. I’m hearing influencers or even content creators for a lot of you. Just remember content creator doesn’t always mean social media you could possibly be an artist and use social media to help promote your brand. The song Belle from Beauty and the Beast is playing in my head. It’s the song where Belle is singing about longing for adventure and the great outdoors something more than this everyday life that has everyone satisfied and content with not wanting more.  You want to be your own boss and not have to deal with the constant drama of having other people around you telling you what you can and cannot do. This may be specific for only just a few of you but maybe you have a manager who doesn’t like to let you take time off from work or even play favorites with who they allow and don’t allow to do things. For those who want to be influencers, I’m mostly seeing travel, and artists (writers, bloggers, painters, sculptors, etc) again you don’t have to be but I’m feeling this pile wants freedom or at least a job where they can wake up how celebrities do. If you want to do nothing all day, that’s what you do. If you want to go to Bali at the drop of the hat that’s what you do and so forth. You don’t want to be tied down to a desk job your whole life and I’m here to tell you you aren’t. You are destined for this life pile 1 but it’s up to you to walk away and come up with a plan that will help you on this journey.
(This extended reading is available for FREE!)
Pile ll:
Where are you currently in life? (Tarot: The Hermit (reverse), 6 of Cups, The Fool, Temperance, The Moon, and The Tower (reverse))
Healing. I kept hearing the word healing over and over again in my head. Some of you are on a spiritual, religious, or even personal development journey where you are currently in solitude trying to work on your shadow self and other areas in your life that either haven’t been going well for you or something happened to where you had to take a step back and see the red flags to a situation that you were color blind before. For some of you this could have been a relationship (platonic or romantic) that forced you to see someone for who they really are and caused you so much pain to the point you just want to be left alone right now to heal and replenish yourself because you feel you can’t depend on anyone else. You feel everyone is out there to hurt you right now but you know deep down you don’t truly feel that way you’re just hurting and need to do some inner journey work to figure out what and where you go from here. I’m here to tell you it’s nothing but up from here boo.
What are you destined for? (Tarot: The Hermit (reversed), 6 of Cups, The Fool, Temperance, The Moon, and The Tower (reversed))
Generational Curse Breakers. With the 6 of cups someone handing over a cup filled with nothing but goodness and loving energy while you have a cup that is sitting behind you empty on a broken rock states you want to do and show up better for the next generation whether in your family or for people around you. You are walking down a new path that no one in your family or in your friends group has walked down before because you have seen growing up what certain environments, behaviors, or even thought patterns can do to a person and you don’t want that for yourself. You want to be able to uplift people, see people thrive, and grow in a loving environment. You want people to see and feel nothing but peaceful and calming energy from you like maybe your dream is to be that safe space for those you love or for your future children if you decide that’s what you want. You are done with people handing out traumatic experiences and passing them off as trophies or something that should be normalized. Good for you babe! I’m proud of you.
(This extended reading is available for FREE!)
Pile lll:
Where are you currently in life? (Tarot: Five of Wands (reversed), Seven of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles (reversed), Ace of Swords, Five of Cups (reversed)
Rolling in the deep by Adele is your song pile 3. Even though the lovers, 3 of sowrds, or even 2 of cups isn’t in your pile I am sensing some of you are going through it with a relationship. Maybe you thought you found your prince charming and you wanted to prove that you’re a ride or die to the point it left you empty, drained. The meme “I done ride and died, ride and died so much I died” is coming to mind. Some fo you thought this person was some sort of savior for very few of you this person may have provided you a certain lifestyle only to throw it in your face constantly making you feel like a burden. This doesn’t have to be romantic as again no romance cards are here. This could be family, a job, or even friends who you feel you have given your all to and you’re just tired and left on E. The saying no one is coming to save you is coming to mind. You have to save yourself.  
What are you destined for? (Tarot: Death  (reversed), 6 of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, 6 of Wands, and 10 of swords (reversed), 10 of Cups, and The World (reversed))
Victory is what you are destined for pile 3. Finding your community that loves and appreciates you for you exactly. You are the only pile where your destined for cards are different from the where are you currently in life question. So this tells me that you are going to go through a transformation. People you were once attracted to or would attract in your life (again doesn’t have to be romantic as no romance cards) will leave you alone as your energy is going to be changing for the better. You will be thriving to a point in your life where in order for people to reach you they need a bean from Jack and the bean stock or an extremely tall ladder for those who don’t know that children's story.  I’m not getting too much more information on this question as it’s quite straight forward and I rather not repeat myself. Just know your environment, yourself as a whole will be changing. There was a tweet that once said "I want the next person in my life to have to go through God in order to get to me."
(This extended reading is available for FREE!)
Thanks for checking out my reading. Be sure to check out Patreon for the rest of the FREE reading. I appreciate all of you, until the next reading.
Stay Safe and Be Blessed.
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numinously-yours · 1 month
Free Tarot Reading: Why did X happen?
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Today's free reading is going to look deeper at why something in your life happened. I am answering the following questions:
What is X?
Why did X happen?
How can/did you grow from X?
Choose an X above and find your group below the cut:
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What is X? Knight of Swords
You may have started a project and, in the middle of it, it abruptly ended. You thought you had all of the resources you needed – money, people to back the project, a solid plan – so when it ended it was really disappointing. You’re not quite sure what went wrong or why the project couldn’t get off the ground. The main point of concern keeps coming back to the people. Why did people decide to stop investing?
Why did X happen? Seven of Cups rev.
At some point during this project, there were too many cooks in the kitchen. Since it was your idea originally, you took the reigns back and decided to make executive decisions. While this isn’t always a bad thing, it feels like people may have stepped back from working with the project because they didn’t feel their voices being heard. Additionally, there were a lot of short term goals as the project was getting starting rather than looking at the bigger picture, so the small things didn’t necessarily add up to reaching the ultimate goal.
How did/can you grown from X? Ace of Swords rev.
This situation is helpful for you as you move forward with other big ideas (or even if you try this one again!). You are excited about ideas so you want to get them off the ground, but this can be a reminder that taking time to plan is just as important as the execution of the plan. Create SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound), allow others to provide feedback, and find a balance between leading and collaborating. Something else that you may have/can learn from this is to wait on announcing ideas until you have a rough draft. It may have been too early in the planning stages of the original project and that made it asier for a lot of opinions to be thrown around. Come in with an outline/structure which allows for some movement, ideas, and opinions, but isn’t a complete blank slate.
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What is X? Six of Swords & Page of Cups rev.
There is/was someone in your life who was holding you back. You are inspired, full of ideas and plans for the future, and have always been someone who’s been able to move forward. Someone came into your life and once they did, you felt dragged down. This person has an immature nature about them. They are a bit narcissistic and childish, but think they are mature and know what they are talking about. It has become incredibly frustrating for you. You feel like you have to put your needs on the back burner in order to avoid chaos. For some of you, you may have distanced yourself from this person for a while, but now they are coming back into your life and you don’t know what you are doing to do. You’ve finally gotten back into your groove – will they mess it up again?
Why did X happen? Knight of Wands rev.
Although frustrating, this person came into your life because the delays in your progress were necessary. Whatever you were trying to achieve at the time where they swooped in and paused your work was not going to be successful if you were to have finished it then and there. I feel like my mom when I say that this also happened to “build character”. In a less annoying sense (for me lol), this person was there to teach you patience – not necessarily patience in people, but in not achieving your goals as quickly as you want. Without this person, there would have been risk of impulsiveness and built up energy.
How can/have you grown from X? Three of Pentacles
On a personal level, having this person in your life will ultimately help you appreciate other people who come into your life. Knowing that the person came into your life to help delay progress may help you see people on another level. “There is a reason this person came into my life. Let’s find out why.” It doesn’t mean you have to enjoy spending time with them, lol, but it will help it be less frustrating when the people around you are frustrating.
Regarding the goal(s), it has been aided in growth by the delay. Now that more time as passed, you will be more objective, have a more solid plan, and know where you can get resources to help it flourish.
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What is X? Two of Cups
This has “the one who got away” energy for me. Whether it was a romantic partner or a platonic friendship, someone who you loved and had a great partnership with isn’t in your life anymore. You’re wondering what the point was for this person to bring beauty to your life just for it to be ripped away.
Why did X happen? The Lovers & Nine of Swords
They came into your life because you deserved to know that this type of love exists. You deserve to know that, even in your darkest moments, you are loveable and worth the effort. This person was likely the first person in a long time that you were able to be vulnerable with. You learned how to trust again. You learned how to communicate. In terms of why they had to leave, I think it’s as simple as they weren’t meant to be. It’s not an easy answer to accept and it still probably doesn’t make sense. But the time that you had together really shaped you to be successful in new relationship(s) to come.
How can/have you grown from X? Eight of Wands rev. & Ace of Wands
This relationship is bringing you back to the root of YOU. It has probably started already. There are days you doubt your worth because the person did leave, but each day it gets easier to remind yourself that you are worthy. This person has lit a fire under you to live your life for yourself because you finally know that you deserve good things. They showed you the potential that relationships can have and that you have within them. You can move forward from this relationship with optimism for the future.  
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What is X? The Tower & King of Wands
Your X was a huge tower moment for you. There was sudden change followed by chaos. Everything that you knew was turned upside down. You had a plan for your future. You could visualize opportunities ahead and see the steps to get there. It feels like you’re expected to build the tower back up but there aren’t any directions to tell you how.
Why did X happen? Justice
I’m not being told exactly what happened that caused the tower moment, but it seems like the actions that were being taken were not in your highest good or the highest good of others involved. Unfortunately, the collapse of the tower was the consequences to those actions. Someone did not stand by decisions that they made and left everyone to their own devices. There was a missing level of ethicality and fairness.  
How can/did you grown from X? Knight of Pentacles
This knight is the hardest working knight in the deck. They are methodical and driven. They may not be the most creative, but they get the job done. You are being called to be this knight as you rebuild that tower. You don’t have to be the most creative person in the room. You don’t have to be the most inspiring person and come into a planning session with a full list of new ideas. If you focus on getting the job done effectively and consistently, you will be successful. Sit down and write goals. Just like group 1 (which you may have been interested in checking out), create goals that are tangible and attainable. You can also grow by accepting responsibility for anything that might go wrong. The original tower moment may or may not have been consequences of your own actions, but moving forward you need to be aware of your actions so another tower doesn’t fall. Stick to what you know, stick to a routine, and soon you’ll see the tower is standing higher than ever.
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krisluxxeeempress · 3 months
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Pile (1): Privilege & Gifts
  Cards: six of swords reversed, ten of wands reversed, Queen of wands, page of cups reversed, page of wands reversed with the two of swords at the bottom of the deck.
Your person is seeing you how you are seeing yourself, as THAT BISH. For many of you, you have experienced a glow up, as within and so without. There’s a reason I used yoga poses images for this reading. Yoga is an ancient and spiritual meditative practice and with that, I feel that this is a spiritual glow up within that is exuding most powerfully as without. It goes deeper than anything superficial. Your person feels like you are unattainable to them now. We all can agree that the best revenge is your paper, but you are proving that there’s levels to revenge. The great Lauryn Hill said something along the lines of “ how are you going to win if you aren’t right within”. Your revenge is getting right within. I must stop myself from referencing words of wisdom and lyrics from other spiritually awaken individuals though it’s a strong indication that a lot of you have evolved mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Your glow is seen, and your high vibes are felt strongly by your person. It’s damn near blinding to them if I’m being honest.   I usually have a lot to say, however, this time it’s different.
Energetically, it’s like everyone including your person who do not vibrate at the level you do now cannot access you energetically, physically or emotionally. Imagine being on a plane and you don’t have service. Imagine looking out the window and because you are high up in the sky, everything beneath you appears so small if not, nonexistent.  Your energy is worth looking up to now, for all- including your person. This message was intended to be focused on how your person feels about you but energetically I am picking up on a multitude of people in which your person is blending into. Energetically, it’s like you are walking through crowds of people who are all trying to get your attention and access to you but fail because there’s just too many people around. Plus, you are protected by security. You have strong spiritual protection around you that is impossible for anyone to penetrate, including your person. If this is going on spiritually, which is as within, please believe this will manifest physically, as without. Something major is about to prosper for those who chose this pile. I almost want to apologize to those who chose this pile who don’t really resonate with spirituality but then again, for those this resonates with, that’s like apologizing for who you’ve become and or are becoming. I wanted more clarity on the Queen of Wands card and the Seven of Wands came out to clarify. ( I type as the cards come out for those wondering) The seven of wands further confirms what I was picking up about  having spiritual protection around you that will manifest, in reality.
The nine of pentacles have appeared with Judgement reversed, eight of swords, four of cups and finally The Empress. The nine of pentacles is my “ RICH BISH” card and with Judgement reversed, I interpret this as “ you can’t sit with me” vibes. It’s goes beyond your person at this point. For anyone who hurt, betrayed, abandoned or refused to see that you were the diamond in the rough are now finding themselves mentally stuck and transfixed on you THE EMPRESS. ( not gender specific) You will be attracting many men/ women that want to bathe in your light, success, growth and protection but they will be blocked somehow, someway. You won’t even be aware of it. This may be what is happening energetically as I type this reading because if you recall, I mentioned above how it’s like your person is blending in with others making it hard to really pick up on their energy. Your person may become a distant memory soon. They will no longer be able to pull on your energy let alone access you physically.  What a sad day/ future for them. Pulling from my self-created “ why are they mad” oracle deck, the first card out is- they are mad because they cannot ride your wave. SEE ! They are also mad because you will not go 50/50 with them( SHERA7 vibes, if you know you know) To explain that card, there’s a very successful and well-known women on YouTube who goes by that name. She teaches women specifically how to attract wealthy/ “ high value” men. She calls men DUSTIES if they do not provide  financially 100% amongst other things.
Anyway, I interpret this card as confirmation that you no longer think or accept breadcrumbs from anyone including your person. ( I don’t think this is your person anymore but for the sake of the reading, I will continue to call them such) Your person is also mad that they are not the only ones trying to be your only one. It’s funny how people suddenly want you when they discover others want you. But for you, this will be on another level of others wanting you. Everything about your energy and soon to be life is on another level.  I am getting significant Sagittarius, Leo, Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Virgo and Aquarius energy from this pile. (or  9th, 5th, 10th, 4th, 7th, 2nd, 6th, 11th houses)  Lastly, Privileged Lady and Gift card came out.
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Pile (2): I Spy
Cards: King of Swords, four of pentacles reversed, fool, death reversed, magician reversed and at the bottom of the deck the six of wands reversed.
Your person feels like you’ve beat all odds in some way. It’s like they witnessed you going through trial and tribulations and now you’ve emerged into a beautiful/ handsome butterfly. Your person is someone new though they’ve been watching you for some time. They have strong Aquarius, Leo, Capricorn placements and in some way, they’ve witnessed you mature. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pile (1) resonated with some of you who chose this pile.
Anyway, your person may be significantly  older than you as well.( no judgements or shade)  Nevertheless, your person views you as the fool card – young spirited, bold, confident, happy, authentic, honest , funny and quirky, and restless. (someone has ADHD- I’m struggling to focus on this reading ) They also view you as their 10 of cups and Empress. The King of Swords indicates that your person is intelligent and sees you very clearly. He/ She also feels like you would see them clearly, meaning his/her status, money, popularity or success wouldn’t be what solely attracts you. They know you wouldn’t use or take advantage of them and for that reason alone, they want to provide and give you everything you need and desire.
Damn, the Star card just came out with the three of swords reversed, the devil reversed and the seven of pentacles. When I tell you your person has been watching and observing you for some time- I lie to you not. They’ve watched you ( kept tabs on you) while you may have been going through hard times, loss, addictions, battling negative energies including people. They’ve watched you heal yourself from heartbreak, disappointment- the list is endless. Your person has been studying you. For some you may feel like this is creepy but it’s not, I promise. Your person may know of you from work, school, church, the gym, social media etc. Though I highly believe they’ve been watching from social media. Regardless, your person is new and or someone that you vaguely know.
The energy I’m getting from this pile is extremely charged up and it’s hard for me to sit still to finish this reading. It’s electric. ( you may be seeing 4444, 9999 and 1010 everywhere and butterflies) Someone in this pile may be a heavy coffee, energy drinker. This reading felt all over the place but in an organized chaos kind of way. The two of you together are electric to say the least.
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Pile (3) Someone You Used to Know
Cards:  five of pentacles reversed, six of cups reversed, hanged man reversed, temperance reversed, six of swords reversed and at the bottom of the deck the seven of wands reversed.
This is not “ YOUR PERSON” ANYMORE. The way these cards and energy are set up, I am picking up on SOMEBODY THAT YOU USED TO KNOW ( Gotye Vibes) I literally had to put the song on to listen to the lyrics, really quick. Whoever this used to be to you is mad that your cut off game is too strong and that you don’t make time for them. This is someone who thrived on you depending on them and expressing this dependence in a clingy manner. Some of you may have wanted a higher level of commitment from them and they refused to give that to you.
Others of you may have miscarried a baby ( I’m sorry ) because they were stressing you out etc. For some, they allowed their parents/ family to interfere with your relationship. Then there’s the group who were cheated on and or breadcrumbed. This person never took you out on dates or invested money in you. They always had an excuse/ lie as to where their money was going, making it clear you were not a priority. This person is always working, which also  means they never had time for you either. I also see that this person may have been married or in a long-term relationship prior to you and they haven’t gotten over it.
They made you suffer for their past relationships failure etc. The cards keep flying out,  but I think we can all agree that whoever this person is, you are no longer in their life. If you chose this pile, you may also resonate with Pile (1). Whoever this distant person is, they are mad you make life look effortless. Healing and moving on from them appears effortless. They are also mad that you can afford designer, meaning  your financial status has improved. Lastly, they are mad you left them on read. Imagine receiving one last message from someone before they pass away. They will never respond- no matter what. I know that sounds extreme, but you feel dead to them. Whatever message you last sent or vice vera, is all they have, to prove you are somebody they used to know.  
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oldrainerioun · 2 months
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— Hi there! Remember, no matter which pile you pick, if you think of a certain hobby that isn't on the list, it still counts! Your own interpretation matters. I hope you all are well. :D
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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Explanation. Nine of Cups [Reversed], Two of Swords [Reversed], King of Swords. The Queen : Determination, Sacrifice [Reversed].
Consider finding a hobby that offers inner peace and mental stimulation rather than just physical satisfaction. Discovering the value in activities that don't give instant rewards can be quite enlightening.
Hobbies: — Reading, Writing, Meditation, Yoga, Puzzles, Singing. [Learning a new language for some!]
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Explanation. Page of Swords, Four of Wands. The Botanist: Parenthood, Legacy.
Finding a hobby centered around creating would suit you best. Consider exploring multiple hobbies; even learning about them can be beneficial. I envision more 'domestic' hobbies, activities you can do that will add to your home.
Hobbies: — Gardening, Macrame, Crocheting, Painting, Crafts, Candle/Jewelry/Soap Making, Scrapbooking, Collecting Trinkets, Pottery.
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Explanation. Six of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Seven of Swords. The Pathless: Difficult Decisions, Lack Of Direction. The Walker: The Unknown, A Journey. 
This pile was a bit challenging to interpret. If any of you are considering turning your current hobby into something profitable, you absolutely should. Everyone who chose this pile needs something that will significantly change their life. It's time to embark on a journey you might have been afraid to take before and share your gifts and interests. For others, you need physical hobbies that get your heart pumping. It might be a good time to explore hobbies that help you move on from past interests that have grown stale.
Hobbies: — Volunteering, Jogging, Roller-skating, LARPing, Cycling, Martial Arts, Dancing, Bowling.
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tarotbykim · 1 year
hello! P 🐞 here, thank u so much for the reading! half way through reading it i began to cry, especially on the parts where you mentioned how i felt nobody would be there for me and my view of myself in general. i realize that i do have this hurt in me and when i think about it, many reasons as to why i may feel this way come up in my head but they all come up in a sort of jumbled mess if that makes sense? i cannot seem to get clear on it at all. if possible, could i please have another reading on what could have caused this hurt that made me internalize it to this level and possible steps i can take to heal from it? only if it’s okay, if not i totally understand! thank you again!
Hi P! 🐞
I 100% understand the reading must’ve been very overwhelming, and that there are additional questions you have now. I’ve gone through the cards again and quite a lot of them came out, so I’m not mentioning each of them specifically (will drop them in the tags, in case you’re interested), but rather I’ll give a summary down here.
Before diving in, I do want to mention that the tarot is a great guide to find more clarity, but in no way is it equal to professional (mental) health support and/or therapy. So if there’s a part of you that tells you it might be helpful to consult a professional to help you along that healing journey, I would always advise it.
What seems to have caused the pain is that in your past - most likely in your formative years - you’ve had to endure a lot of change. It was a very tumultuous period in your life without a firm ground to stand on. It caused a lot of overwhelm & anxiety for you, and although there were people there to help / make the changes work (rather efficiently, even), somehow you’ve had to resort to self-discipline & you developed a fear of not living up to the expectations that were put on you during this time.
You’ve internalized this feeling because there was nothing, during that period, that you could do to make it better. You’ve probably clung onto the belief that fulfilling those expectations & being self-disciplined were ways to keep on going. It felt like you against the world, and that feeling has stuck with you since.
At this moment, you’re either taking too much time for introspection and reflection (isolating yourself), or too little (trying to ignore the issues that are there). It’s very important you find a balance in this. Choose practices that help you feel connected to yourself, use them, and at the same time keep investing in your social circles too. You don’t have to be out there all the time, but as was suggested earlier, don’t isolate yourself completely. The basis of finding this balance is self-care. Make sure your needs are met. Rest. This may be uncomfortable at first if you are not used to it, but it’s absolutely key. If your needs are left unmet, your mind & body will not have the space for growth & healing. (PS. If you send me a DM, I can send you a few helpful resources regarding taking care of your needs. Think about it ♥️)
Then last but not least, it will take effort to choose this path. Expect setbacks, and hard work. However, the deck definitely assures you it’s the right path to take.
Good luck 💪✨♥️♥️
(PS. This reading is free, and I hope you've found value in it! In case you wish to sponsor my work you can buy me a coffee! Of course, this is not mandatory nor expected! I also really appreciate any constructive feedback!💫)
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