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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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Local former slave reacts to their master trying to literally steal their body for her own, more at 11
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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“Eidorrah Can Go A Little Feral, As A Treat”
Every once in a while I have to do full shading on something in pencil, just to remind myself I can. Eidorrah’s generally a pretty chill person - they don’t go out of their way to kill people, and they’re pretty willing to extend mercy most of the time - but there are a few things that slam them directly into Murder Overdrive, and the “People As Property” thing is definitely one of them.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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So I drew the scene, because I have a lot of emotions and I’m here to make that everyone’s problem
(they/them for Eidorrah)
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
WIP Whenever
I am very very late because I made the mistake of doing the “I’ll do that in a bit!” thing (spoiler alert: I never remember to do it “in a bit”), but I was tagged by @sleepswithvillains, thank you so much for your patience!! I’ll tag @vespertine-legacy, @elaphaemourra, @miss-spooky-eyes, and anyone else who wants to do it!
Another piece of the Eidorrah backstory one-shot - earlier in the chronological order of how things go, because I’m writing this one all out of order.
Eidorrah glanced back, biting their lip. “Go on ahead,” they told the others hurriedly. “Meet me at the cargo dock. If I'm not there in ten minutes, leave without me. I'll catch up.”
Kela reached out for them as they tried to step away, tugging on her mother's hand to reach. “Dorrah!” she protested.
Eidorrah knelt, pressing a finger to the child's lips. “Shh, Kela. It's all right. It'll be all right.” They hugged her tight, letting her lekku coil around their forearms behind her back. “I'll be fine. It'll only be a little while, okay?” They pulled back to look her in the eyes, laying their hands on her shoulders. “You have to be brave for me, and go ahead, and stay quiet. I know you can do that. Okay?”
Kela bit her lip and nodded, dark eyes wide. Eidorrah kissed her on the forehead and stood again, meeting the adults' eyes. “Go. Ten minutes. Leave without me otherwise.”
They nodded grimly. “Goddess be with you,” Kela's mother whispered.
And Eidorrah turned and hurried away, back along the path they'd taken.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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wake up folks new OC dropped
Meet Eidorrah, my new Inquisitor, who by necessity has to exist in a different canon from everyone else. They’re a much softer and more friend-shaped quizzy than Duserra, although they can still kick ass when pushed too far. They also cope with the stress of their life via humor, which has led me to discover that the SI has some hysterical joke lines in there.
Re: the brand and the last image (and fair warning this gets dark fast): the particular sad direction in which my brain ran with this is "why would you "ruin" the face of someone who very much is pretty enough to be a dancer/pleasure slave," which immediately led to the conclusion of "it's not something they typically do, it's a specific punishment" -> "Eidorrah tried to escape at least once and actually almost made it out and in retaliation they were branded in a way that would be all but impossible to ever hide or remove, so that there would be no point to trying to escape again because everyone who ever saw them would know immediately they were an escaped slave and at best would refuse to house them/at worst would actively try to bring them back in"
to get that close to freedom and then have it snatched away from you in such a horrifyingly thorough way... that kind of broke them, I think, exactly like it was intended to. There was no point in trying to escape anymore, and without the chance of escape, there was no point in resisting at all - fighting anything done to them could only ever make things worse now. So they just... put their head down and endured. Until their Force-sensitivity made itself known, of course. And now, it’s why they always try to look Extremely Obviously Sith, because if there’s even a chance someone could mistake them for not being Sith, that could end very badly.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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Wing AU sketch, ft. Zash being uncomfortably possessive under the guise of comfort/sympathy and Eidorrah only not flinching at the way-too-intimate touch because they have years of practice with that
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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I went a bit nuts with memes today. (Here’s a link with the blank versions of all of these and more!)
Bonus ramble regarding the last one, because it got deeper than expected:
The "ghosts" column is actually really interesting, turns out, because there's several subgroups of why people ended up in that category and all of them ended up being Whoops! It's Deeper Than Expected:
- Eris & Eidorrah: the silent, the oft-invisible, the watchers; quiet and wary and sometimes a little unsettling in that; moving stealthily through halls not their own
- Zavi: the living descendant; walking in ten-thousand-year-old footprints worn into stone; an inescapable legacy of the dead that came before that is at once both honor and curse; the weight of hundreds of ancient ancestors on xir shoulders
- Lusâri & Dzalu: historians and students of the distant past; learning from legacies that only half belong to them; treasuring every scrap of knowledge whether well-known or long-forgotten; walking in those same stone footprints but knowing that their half-breed unclaimed-bastard step is unwelcome (and walking the ancient paths anyway); angry whispers and unearthly-cold fingers warded off with charms and wards as old as the ghosts themselves, both real-Force and false-superstition
Or perhaps to summarize - Eris and Eidorrah the ghosts themselves; Zavi the honored and duty-bound descendant; Lusâri and Dzalu the scorned descendants determined to learn from their hateful ancestors anyway
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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Eidorrah inherits a bunch of space horses from Thanaton and has no idea what to do with them; local freshly-ex-slave stable boy looks on in amusement
(They get past the initial hesitation at Oh My Gods That’s A Big Animal and end up loving the animals a great deal; riding becomes a hobby of theirs.)
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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are vines still hip with the kids
(they/them for both OC and artist)
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @sleepswithvillains like five days ago and I’m sorry it took me so long to get to it but the two-day power outage threw my schedule all out of whack xD I won’t tag anyone on this one just because it’s been a while since this came out.
From that Eidorrah backstory one-shot. Content warning: Slavery, torture/human branding (not graphic)
Then their body woke up the rest of the way, and the warm itch turned into searing pain. They tried to turn their face away from it, eyes flying open to a blur of lights and colors, and found they couldn't move their head – achingly tight pressure across their forehead held them still.
The pain subsided for a moment, leaving behind a throbbing ache, and they blinked rapidly, trying to clear their vision. Someone cursed, a familiar voice. “Wasn't supposed to wake up for another half an hour at least,” he muttered. “Slavers. Can't even get a basic sedative dosage right. I suppose I should consider myself lucky you woke up at all.”
Master? They tried to form the word; their tongue wouldn't cooperate, thick and heavy in their mouth still from the sedative. Their vision was clearing a little, at least, into coherent shapes. Old gods, their face hurt.
He was holding a rod of metal like a pen, the tip of it glowing orange – a moment later he was leaning over them again where they were strapped down, and it was burning into the skin of their cheek again and their still-fuzzy thoughts dissolved into a mess of pain and fear.
A strangled whine escaped them as they strained, trying instinctively to turn their face away and unable to. He grasped their jaw with his free hand, stilling the slight bit of motion they could still manage in the bindings, and paused to examine them, looking mildly disappointed. “Hold still. I wouldn't want to blind you.” He clucked his tongue softly. “It's a shame I have to ruin that lovely face of yours already. I've no need at all for a half-blind slave.”
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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Some more centaur AU doodles - Duserra in her slave days (ft “I did more research for this one drawing than every other piece of art I’ve done this week combined”), a centaur!Eidorrah design (ft “hey if centaurs did wear fancy clothes on their lower bodies, because if anyone’s going to it’s a Sith trying very hard to look like a Sith, what would those look like”), and the half-blood twins as taurs as well, which basically ended up being horses with weird tails and a few dermal plates because my Sith ‘taurs are already pretty close to Human ‘taurs (purposefully).
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @sleepswithvillains - sorry it took me a bit to get to it! It’s midterms week, so I haven’t gotten much writing done. It’s also late, so I’m just gonna leave an open tag for whoever wants to do this - consider yourself tagged if you’re reading this and want to!
Started a new one-shot; have a snippet of very upsetting Eidorrah backstory. (Because the canon Inquisitor backstory is easy angst fuel and I am predictable.)
Eidorrah slid to a stop so hard they nearly fell, backing up and turning to find another exit.
There was none. They'd ended up at the T junction between two alleys, three paths – all of them blocked. They pressed their back to the filthy stone wall instinctively, desperately searching for another way out.
The Devaronian, the one who'd almost caught them the first time, stepped forward toward them, one hand extended – the other holding his stun baton at his side, humming with energy. “Easy there,” he said, voice gruff despite the words. Eidorrah shrunk back from him before they could stop themself, flinching away from the implicit threat. “You've got nowhere to run,” he told them, taking another step forward. “Now come quietly, slave, and we won't hurt you too much. Your master's paying us a pretty penny to bring you back in one piece.”
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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Fledging is difficult, especially when you’re doing it a decade late bc your wings have been clipped most of your life. (They get it down eventually, after quite a while of practice and exercise to strengthen their wings.)
Bonus with their long-suffering helper/teacher (whom they definitely don’t have a crush on) Andronikos:
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
fluff alphabet - Eidorrah - B, L, T !
Send me fluff alphabet asks!
Thanks for the ask!! (I don’t know enough about the Andronikos romance yet to know if I’m actually going to make that canon for them, but I’ll answer with him anyway xD)
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
With Andronikos specifically - Eidorrah admires his independence and readiness to stand up for himself and what he wants, something they have trouble with sometimes. He can be a tad, uh, aggressive, but they appreciate that he doesn’t take shit from people, including them, which helps them feel less weird about technically being his boss.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Kind of awkwardly in that it’s probably by accident - they probably say it without thinking in a moment when they really didn’t mean to, and then it’s out there and they can’t take it back and he’s staring at them and they’re really not sure where to go from there but whoops there go my feelings, all over the floor, sorry you apparently have to deal with them now
(It goes fine, though. Despite their momentary panic.)
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Honestly I think Eidorrah’s had enough spice in their life for a lifetime. They enjoy doing new things with their signif, but they’d just as soon have quiet domesticity and someone they know will be there to support them at the end of a long day.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
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me: I'm gonna draw wing AU Eidorrah my brain, immediately: hey. hey. in any wing AU slaves definitely have their wings clipped right me: why are you like this, I just wanted to draw my enby with big pretty wings
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years ago
OC Song Analysis: Fences (by Paramore) & Eidorrah
I'm sitting in a room Made up of only big white walls, And in the halls, There are people looking through the window in the door, They know exactly what we're here for.
First verse and chorus as a slave - caged and imprisoned, the only semblance of privacy being in barren slave quarters (and even there, always under surveillance and subject to searches at any time)
Don't look up, just let them think There's no place else you'd rather be. You're always on display For everyone to watch and learn from
The best way to get by, the best way to survive and get at least some benefits added to your life, is to be cooperative - to be quiet and sweet and obedient, to pretend you never dream of what might be better in the world, to pretend you're perfectly happy to smile and serve. They were always on display - to the free beings they were made to serve and entertain and, as a consequence of their obedience, they were at times held up to their peers as an example of good behavior, which is exactly as horrid and uncomfortable as it sounds.
Don't you know by now? You can't turn back, Because this road is all you'll ever have.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying, Just living proof that the camera's lying. And oh, oh, open wide, 'Cause this is your night, so smile, 'Cause you'll go out in style. You'll go out in style.
Again, just, yeah. Dying inside while making every outward appearance of happiness and obedience, wondering which night would be their last (because it could be any night, really)
If you let me, I could, I'd show you how to build your fences, Set restrictions, Separate from the world. The constant battle that you hate to fight, Just blame the limelight.
Second verse and chorus transitions to their life as a Sith - having learned to separate their private feelings from their public face long ago, and now finding they still have to apply that skill despite being on the opposite end of the power dynamic. But it's fine! It's fine. They can handle it. They know how to handle it. It's not like it kills them inside every day to be constantly hiding their feelings and pretending to be the happy normal calm person everyone expects them to be even when they're the farthest thing from happy and normal and calm. It's fine.
Don't look up, just let them think There's no place else you'd rather be.
Again - the best way to survive is to pretend you're perfectly happy and comfortable in your role, that you're satisfied, because an unsatisfied person - slave or Sith - is a threat. Just look satisfied, look nonthreatening, don't attract attention with your ambitions and bitterness.
And now you can't turn back, Because this road is all you'll ever have.
They couldn't abandon this life if they wanted to - where would they go? What would they do? If they weren't so obviously Sith, they would be constantly mistaken for an escaped slave - never mind that the Empire doesn't exactly let you just quit being a Sith. As much as they hate having this power over others, it's their only means of survival now, and they're bound to it forever.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying, Just living proof that the camera's lying. And oh, oh, open wide 'Cause this is your night, so smile.
Aren't you happy? Aren't you proud? Look at all you've accomplished! Look how far you've come. (Don't look how much blood soaked your hands along the way.)
Yeah, yeah, you're asking for it, With every breath that you breathe in, Just breathe it in.
And don't they deserve all the struggles they're put through, anyway? Doesn't the amount of people they've stepped over and on to survive and get where they are mean they deserve it?
Yeah, yeah, well, you're just a mess, You do all this big talking, So now let's see you walk it, I said let's see you walk it!
And yet everyone around them, almost every other Sith they meet, sneers at them - you claim to be Sith? You claim to be worthy of being one of us? Prove it by Force and saber and blood - and no matter how much they struggle, there it is - there they go, further down the path they hate so much.
Chorus repeats with the same themes. Tl;dr, simple nerd originally was kind of into the attention and power but very quickly it became "oh god please leave me alone"
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