#ehren mcheghey
philscoupons · 2 years
jackass crew + trans male!reader headcanons
a/n: this wasn’t a request, i just wanted to write it. uh, enjoy :)
johnny knoxville
doesn’t fully understand at first, but supports you nonetheless
a little confused, but he’s got the spirit, ya know?
you let him ask all the questions he wants
at least he’ll be educated
“wait, hold on, so you were born female?”
“and now you’re a guy?”
“huh. that’s neat. we didn’t even have any gay people back in knoxville, much less trans people.”
is 100% like a protective older brother
“none of the guys have given you shit for it have they?”
“if they do, tell them to come talk to me”
forgets you don’t have balls all the time
like. all the time.
the amount of times he’s nailed a perfect nutshot on you, just to warrant no reaction
“i don’t have balls, johnny, we went over this.”
asks intrusive questions at first
“so do you have a dick.”
“it’s sort of really intrusive to ask that-”
“OH, my bad, dude.........”
*sigh* “no, i don’t have one”
he’s very quick to correct people after that
especially in interviews or at publicity events
you like to call him the transphobe police
he has told off hosts/interviewers on multiple occasions
“that’s not fucking cool, dude, don’t ever ask him something like that again.”
he loves making fun of you (affectionate)
it’s like a 
i can make fun of you, but no one else can, situation
he thinks your jokes/comebacks are the funniest thing on the planet
“oh come on, grow a pair”
“trust me, steve-o, i’ve tried”
*hysterical laughter*
chris pontius
everyone’s protective of you, but chris more than anybody
the list of people he’s either threatened to beat up
and or really beat up for you seems to grow every week
creeps at bars
insensitive fans
just transphobes and bigots and general
his hands are rated e for everyone
“he told you to back the fuck up. i suggest you do it.”
“chris, you don’t have to-”
“no, he’s being fucking weird.”
he’s your go-to when you have questions about random cis male habits
mostly because he never holds back on the answers
and because he usually has something funny to say
he claims it’s his “duty to educate the new found men of america”
(that’s a direct quote)
“so do you guys let it hang or rest it on the toilet when you take a shit?”
“nope, we hold it. gotta cradle the twig and berries. keep em clean.”
bam margera
people always say you two look alike
which is awesome
because bam is basically your gender envy
he doesn’t treat you any different than he did before you came out
you guys are both relatively the same size
so clothing gets borrowed (stolen)
“have you seen my blue element shirt?”
“i don’t know, bam, have you seen my camo skate pants?”
if you’re not being compared on looks, you’re being called siblings
and you two act the part
(plus, april and phil basically adopted you)
he found your packer once when you left it out on accident
he treated it as an elf on the shelf
he drew a little face on it
every morning it’d be in a new spot
april did not appreciate this at all
one morning it just didn’t turn up
no one knows what happened to it
bam (begrudgingly) bought you a new one
ryan dunn
suffocates you in a hug when you come out to him
“thank you for trusting me”
“ryan, i can’t breathe”
is genuinely curious on how he can support you
always offers you his shirt or jacket if yours gets wet/ruined/dirty during a stunt
because he knows you’re not as comfortable being shirtless as all the rest of the guys
he helped bam with the packer elf on the shelf thing
although he’ll never admit it
“it was magic”
“i know you and bam were moving it”
“we did not. it had a mind of its own.”
“it’s a silicon dick.”
“a magic one.”
dave england
he’s incredibly chill about it
darf, not as much
darf caught one of pontius’ punches in the face because of it
dave apologized profusely the next morning
he felt really bad about it
“you were really drunk, we all were, there’s no hard feelings”
“i know, but i’m still really really sorry”
he has, like, weird dad senses
he knows when you’ve worn your binder too long
especially during long days on set
“go take a break in your trailer”
“i’m fine, we’re almost done-”
then he’ll give you what you like to call his ‘dad look’
you can’t say no to the dad look
ehren mcghehey
has about the same reaction ryan does when you come out to him
gives you a hug
“thank you for trusting me with this”
“of course, ehren”
he’s good at recognizing if you’re having a bad day
whether it be from dysphoria or something else
he’ll do something ridiculously stupid to make you laugh
he usually gets hurt in the process
“why would you do that, that was dumb as shit”
“it cheered you up though!”
you guys have a pact where you trade stunts the other doesn’t want to do
it started because tremaine wanted you to do a stunt where you would probably have to be shirtless
so ehren came to bat for you
you repaid him by doing one of the stunts he didn’t want to do a few days later
preston lacy
total dad
he gives the best hugs
the best hugs
your #1 supporter too
was so excited when you finally got a top surgery consultation
“preston, i have news”
“oh no-”
“i got the consult!”
“really! oh my god that’s awesome! when is it?!”
that’s all
you guys are partners in crime
minority groups gotta stick together
everyone is on edge when you guys are together
more on edge than normal that is
you guys are ruthless with pranks
it’s as weeman likes to put it
“revenge on the majority”
putting a big anaconda in the back of bam’s lambo was one of the best ones you guys have done
bam has never screamed louder
“REVENGE ON THE MAJORITY” - you, probably
*evil laughter* - weeman
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