#ehoba doujinshi
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sonic-candy · 1 year ago
Someone in the AB discord I'm in shared a link to E-Hoba, who recently uploaded some of their old artwork on Pixiv.
According to the description in the post I Google translated, they have yet to watch the recent anime adaption of PLUTO but got nostalgic enough to re-upload the PLUTO centric pictures they made over/nearly a decade ago. There are a few other pictures that were on their website, and if they saved the PLUTO ones then I'm certain they have those too. However, it's up to them if they choose to upload them. Guess we'll have to wait and see!
Hideaki Hoba Artwork
I'm on an Astro boy kick right now so I'm gonna post these pictures and give you a little Astro Boy history lesson.
The artist name is Hideaki Hoba, an Japanese artist that made art of Astro boy. It's possible you saw some of their pieces before. They also had an doujinshi circle called No Life King, and made a few in the Astro Boy fandom - of Tenma/Shadow Tenma (Wearing his Tenma scuplt face).
Least their adults right?
I ran across their website a few years ago when I first joined the Astro Boy fandom but not Tumblr or Twitter. The website was Javascript heavy and super old (It first launched in 2006!) so not all of the pictures were up but enough for me to take interest in saving the website and planning on getting the pictures to persevere them. I got distracted and you know how that goes.
Also about a year or two ago, the site disappeared. Their still active but no longer in the AB community, as the last time the website was updated before being taken down was back in 2010. Thankfully I still had the url saved in my favorites and the Wayback Machine was able to save some pictures. I did it a week or so ago then forgot to post them here.
As for the art itself, some pieces have the same art style of Astro Boy 2003 and some has their own style. It's not bad but it's super weird to see Tenma look like a 2000's anime style bishie.
(I also found some of the doujinshi for a fairly cheap so I might buy it and scan it. Only one doujinshi seem to be hard to find.)
I'll post the Tenma/Shadow and any suggestive ones in a different post and under an cut.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years ago
Comic Box 1997 End of Evangelion Issue - Archive Scan
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Comic Box was a magazine in Japan launched in, from what I can gather, 1982. It was a bit of an ‘alt” magazine - it has an imprint, Comic Box Jr, which focused on doujinshi for example - and would cover anything anime-adjacent, including western films. The October 1997 release of the magazine was dedicated to the release of the End of Evangelion film, and to answering the question “what was the phenomenon called Evangelion?”. Towards that end it features fan submissions, art, comics, essays, all talking about what Eva meant to them. Some are serious, some are fully comedic, way way more than I expected are erotic, and overall it is a time capsule of how the anime community was thinking about Evangelion when EoE came out. The magazine dissolved in 1998 from what I can tell, so this was one of its last releases - you can still see its absolutely vintage website here! Complete with dashing chibi cat gif.
I discovered this magazine through japanese anime/manga archivist-in-residence ehoba on twitter, who provided photos and rough summaries of some of the pages. They are just camera photos of an open magazine though, not scans, and not at all complete. I hunted around for a while to find a scanned version, messaged ehoba and a few others, posted on forums like Evageeks, and drew total blanks. I couldn’t find any listings of it online, so I set the quest aside...until I was placing another order for some artbooks for import and decide to check Yahoo Auctions Japan and lo and behold, there is was! It arrived this week.
So that image above is not one pulled from the internet - I have scanned the entire Evangelion segment of Comic Box - October 1997 issue. I am a neophyte scanner & image editor, these aren’t gonna be amazing or anything, but while I hope to make a more polished version I wanted to share the drafts now. I really aspire to translate it, but of course I don’t speak Japanese, so I am going to see how far working with some people I know and brute-forcing with AI would go. If you are interested or know someone who would be, definitely reach out! 100% would crowdsource this. If someone already scanned and translated this, also let me know, I would groan heavily and curse my google skills but i’d rather it be available and know, and not waste time.
Below will be some reduced-down PNG’s of the magazine to fit Tumblr image limits with Ehoba’s notes and a few of my own attached to them. A link to the full images as a singular PDF is on the Internet Archive [Here]
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A reflection of a very known thing in this magazine is that, from my perspective, End of Evangelion is definitely Asuka’s moment to shine, but it didn’t matter because the 90′s Eva fandom *loved* Rei. She was the most popular by far, and I think dethroned Sailor Mercury on the ‘best girl’ polls in magazines of the era. Nowadays if you poll audiences - as the NHK did recently - Asuka is the most popular girl, but it was a different, proto-moe-boom time.
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"Evangelion was fake. A fake made by one director, or by the staff. However, it was a very real fake. God, it was so good."
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Watermelon Kaji absolute goat here; so cool indeed
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How much Asuka is suffering in all these images vs god-salvation Rei is, again, saying alot about the waifu wars.
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"I don't think episode 25 and 26 were professional work. I understand that the ADR script and previews with layout sheets are supposed to be avant-garde, but something is wrong with it." "TV show is not an individual's job, so I wanted them to deal with the schedule limitation."
90% sure this Asuka ‘escaped’ and I saw it on the internet in the early 2000′s - maybe the author published it elsewhere in a doujin, I assume a lot of this art would have been repurposed for other mediums.
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Honestly the art is incredible for this magazine sometimes, the splash pages they have are filled with Evangelion’s anime-spiritual energy.
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"Unit 02 has a mouth, which means it can give a blow job." "The biggest surprise is Rei in cowgirl position. The official content does that, so hentai authors have nothing to do."
(Gainax putting hard-working hentai doujin authors out of a job, what assholes!)
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"My heated up feeling toward Evangelion was quick-freezed by episode 25 and 26. EoE defrosted it, but now I feel distant from Evangelion."
How much Episode 25-26 come up here is great evidence for how divisive they were - End of Eva is absolutely seen as commentary on, and opposition to, the TV ending. I think in the west the initial reception of the original ending is overall more positive? Certainly nowadays, would be curious how it is seen in Japan today.
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OCR’ing this image will literally murder me, pls I can’t
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"Bullshit plot, surficial information, shallow dialogues, inconsistent direction, story with tons of plot holes, the director's masturbation, the otaku's useless attempt to enlighten other otaku..." "BUT I LOVE IT."
10/10 take
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"'Sincerity' of someone I don't like just confirms that I still don't like them. Anno apparently thought that honest depiction of himself can be depiction of otaku, but that's not wrong. Anno is exceptionally creepy."
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God-tier Anno portrait here. I love how many of this art showcases “settings” from End of Eva and which ones hit the audience - re-using the movie theatre seats for Shinji, that is really cool!
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Evangelion - Slayers edition! The artist names are in the black box panel on the page lining, I absolutely hope to track down a few of them and see what kind of works they made.
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"I think each material of Evangelion was nothing new. In the early half, however, I was moved by their techniques of arranging and remixing those materials." "Creators' strong desire for expression supported this story, but I'm not sure."
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"Adam and Eve in the Eden East" "I hope they will live happily after the ending."
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"The theater was like a funeral after the screening. No, I should say it was a literal funeral. Evangelion ended, it died. In terms of entertainment, Evangelion was completely and brilliantly killed."
Kaworu’s insta-inclusion into the ranks of the kid cast is always amusing to me; he is in one episode of the show after all, barely in Eva! But he is all over the art immediately. The power of design - and also being one of the first gay characters on television (as opposed to OVA’s) in Japan.
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Hopefully if I can make progress on translation I can have actual thoughts to add to the scan, certainly I will post results if I get them.
I value, way too deeply to be honest, the preservation of the other side of the ‘media mix’ - how people responded to the media in question and what it meant to them. It is way more likely to be lost than the media itself or documents from the production side. May this contribution to preserving a bit of that experience be of value to those out there who would be interested in the history of Evangelion, and anime more generally.
If you think you know anyone or your followers overall would be interested in translation help, I would appreciate the broadcasting!
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sonic-candy · 2 months ago
New Year Update
My first post of the year! TLDR: Updated socials, continued Megaman manga, started the OG Japanese version of Kirby Mania Manga, no new Astro Boy/ Atom the Beginning material, and may finally start writing because I'm a Rayman simp.
I updated my master post and added a Linktree for all of my social media accounts, including my BlueSky account. I haven't really used it yet, besides posting an introduction post.
Ongoing Projects
The Megaman Mega/Gigamix mangas are still in progress. I finished Gigamix Vol.1 a while ago and plan to eventually focus on Megamix Vol.2 in the future.
A new project I'm working on is the Kirby of the Stars: The Tale of Dedede in Pupupu Village. It's the original Japanese version of Kirby Manga Mania, which is just a greatest hits version collection of Hikawa Hirokazu (Did you know he also did the 90's Japanese Sonic the Hedgehog manga? Everything leads back to Sonic, Kirby or Astro Boy.) best/favorite stories and supposedly new stories (I only have the first 4 (Or 5?) volumes so I'm not sure If I can confirm that or not.) officially translated and published by VIZ media.
This means, however, that some stories may never get translated. And yes, you can read the official raw Japanese scans on the Corocoro website, but only certain chapters are viewable for a limited time before being locked. So after some searching and planning, I bought the complete 25 vols of The Tale of Dedede in Pupupu Village a few months ago. The glue binding is brittle so I can easily (yet carefully) rip out the pages and scan them easily. I should be done with vol.1 this month.
Other than this, I have no other Kirby-related projects.
Save for keeping tabs on some Moderno Tezuka coloring books,I have no Astro Boy/Atom the Beginning/Tezuka projects in the works. I'm currently looking for this Ehoba Doujinshi so If you know where I can grab it please contact me!
Got into Captain Laserhawk and of course, started simping over Rayman/Ramon and to a lesser extent Bullfrog. Sadly there is not a lot of printed media for me to post, as It's a fairly new IP (Only a year or so old), and I might get hit with a takedown notice if I post the manga/comic/artbook. So I can at least try to write about them. I'm still in the Kirby fandom so maybe I'll do some pieces on them too.
Royal.V dropped a new song for the Rayman 2 fan remake so maybe I'll set up my YouTube channel and post the lost songs I discovered a while back? I also have some old PC games I want to archive, but I need to buy an external disk drive and honestly, this is pretty low on my to-buy and to-do list so it'll happen when it happens.
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sonic-candy · 4 years ago
Jetter Mars + Ehoba collection complete!
Scanned the whole thing in a few hours yesterday and cleaned it up last night. But I was tired and decided to post them and this post tomorrow. Tomorrow is today, so here are the links. (All my other works are on archive.org as well. ) I need to re-scan anything, let me know.
Jetter Mars on Dropbox
Jetter Mars on Archive.org
I will cross post this on Twitter (@candy_sonic) and on my Kofi after I post this here.
Under the cut is the history of Jetter Mars and the manga(s) if you don't know much about it. It's a bit long so no pressure if you skip it.
In other news, I found and bought the last two Ehoba Doujinshis early this week - When You Wish Upon A Star (R-18 version) and Equal 1! I tried to combine shipping, but Star shipping out the day after I bought Equal. Not sure when they'll get here, I'm guessing by next month.
Tagging active Asto Boy and Jetter Mars fans:
@z-skull @snaileo @xblubotx @cookietastic @thelilithmachine @ab-kusoposting @eimie1
In the late 70s Osamu Tezuka, worked as director at the Toei Animation studio, wanting to continue working in animation. He proposed a remake/sequel to the 60's Astro boy called 'Mighty Mars' series which Toei approved. However, the rights to 60's AB belonged to Mushi Productions, Tezuka's anime company that went bankrupt in '73. The rights then went to it's sponsor company, Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd afterwards. So no official remake was possible.
He change the name to Jetter Mars and the main theme of the show was about Mars learning about the world around him and growing as a person, opposed to Astro's struggling to create a world where robots and humans could live peacefully together. There's still similarities such as Astro and Ochanomizu VA voicing Mars and Dr. Kawashimo.
Tezuka was involved in it's early development only. Toei Animation collaborated with Madhouse thus most of the animators were were ex Mushi employees. It's was translated into Italian (called 'Captain Jet') and a Spanish dub (called 'Jet Mars: The Bionic Boy') but no English dub.
Tori also owned a company called Televiland, who created Jetter Mars mangas and allowed Popy (now called Bandai) to create other JM merchandise. If you searched for Jetter Mars merch, then you seen them. Most look haunted TBF.
JM reception was not bad but not good either, with people wanting 60's AB back. Adding to that, Tezuka lost interest after 27 episodes (Less then a year) due to Toei's micro managing tactics. A few years later he obtained the rights to Astro Boy and created the remake in color - the 80's version of Astro Boy - at Tezuka Productions. This was his last Astro Boy project before his death in '89.
Jetter Mars faded in to obscurity, save a few cameos, one known one is in Astro Boy: Omega Factor (Really good game BTW) and referenced in Atom: The Beginning.
However, like most of Tezuka's lesser known works, Jetter Mars does have it's fans - and those fans are Astro Boy fans! A fansub also exist even if it's a bit wonky in places. And even the manga got reprinted back to 2019.
There's multiple versions of the manga, 4 to be exact. But the first one, created by Ikahara Shigeto (credited as Ikehara Shigeru in the manga) or Shigetoshi Ikehara is the only one to be reprinted.
Shigeto was one of Tezuka's pupils and assistant, working with him on Marvelous Melmo at Tezuka Productions in '79. Funny enough, he never worked on an Astro Boy manga but on the Rockman (Mega Man) manga's in the 90's. The only other Tezuka properties he worked on was a 3 part manga version of Marine Express (2016-2018). The vols are pretty cheap but IDK if I'll get it. I mean, does anyone really liked Marine Express like that? He mostly worked on licensed properties but he does have an webcomic called Monsieur Akashi. All the info I have about him is from the Mega Man wiki.
Again like the anime, Tezuka never worked on any versions of the manga. And as mentioned before, no version of the manga was reprinted untill 2019, Shigeto version only. Until then, the few people who was aware of any JM manga assume the was only one manga- Shigeto version- and assumed is was lost media.
The Shigeto manga adapted some of the anime episodes and thus can be considered canon. There's very little know about the other versions save a few pics so I can't talk much about them in terms of quality.
So why did they republish the manga? Who knows? Astro Boy Reboot been in the works near a decade with near nothing to show for it, so I doubt his remake/alternative series will get one anytime soon. We can only wait and see.
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sonic-candy · 4 years ago
Re-uploads + Doujinshi update
I've received comments that my Mega Man mangas are missing pages. So I decided to redo them! I finished Vol. 1, Ch.1 and 2 and re-uploaded them on archive.org and decided to finally put them on Dropbox. Ch.3 and the bonus content will be uploaded later next week. You can read the older version on Mangadex still.
Second, I recently received my second to last Ehoba doujinshi - 'When You Wish Upon A Star' (R-18) Re-uploaded the vanilla version as I mis-numbered a page. Oops! this past Wednesday and decided to finally upload it along with Astro Boy 2003 Vol.2, Ch.1. (Re-uploading this one too, Vol.1 is on archive.org. , older copies on Mangadex as well)
I'm a bit hesitant but I decided to upload Ehoba Doujnshi on archive.org as well. Hopefully then won't be taken down. Once Mangadex allows uploads again I'll put them there along with Blue Knight and Jetter Mars. The last doujinshi should be here by mid july if I had to take a guess.
My archive.org account I'm tired, so I'm not posting my other links. I'm sure you all have them already.
Phew, I've been busy sense my last update! I bought Owlboy on Steam two days ago and I loving it. Shame the fandom is dead tho.
Tagging active Astro Boy fans (Ask if you want to be untagged!)
@z-skull @snaileo @eimie1 @cookietastic @thelilithmachine @xblubotx @tetsuwanart
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sonic-candy · 4 years ago
Updates + Super Maxi-Pad Girl
Another round of updates! FINALLY made an mobile friendly Masterlist and pinned it! This way it''s faster to post updates and easier for people to find them opposed to posting links to every project in a post.
Megamix Vol.2 is complete, Vol.3 is next then Gigamix Vol.1 is up next.
Astro Boy 03 Vol.2 has two new chapters up. (Been working Megamix)
Ehoba Equal (1) is uploaded, completing the Astro Boy related works Ehoba/NOLIFEKING published! I hope to get more Doujinshi one day but none seem to catch my interest right now.
And lastly, my first non manga/anime upload, Super Maxi-Pad Girl! I scanned the first issue back in June and recently did the second one. Mini paper on weird indie comic under the cut.
It was published in 2008 by AJ Niehaus and Daniel J Olson, (I'm guessing this was before the were married?) and they even made merch like pins and plushies. It only ran for five issues and they eventually drifted away from SMPG to do other things. Their official Facebook page is abandoned and the website is down but still accessible via waybackmachine.
The name stayed in my head rent free for over a decade, so I looked for it from time to time. But only the local comic shop I found it at had few of the issues, where I wanted the whole set so the hunt continued when I remember to search for it again.
Until spring 2020 where I found the complete set in excellent condition for $19-20 on eBay. My first white whale found! I bought it and forgot to read them as I was busy scanning Astro Boy and doing my other hobbies.
The printing is a crooked (I think it's a art style but it could be a printer issue) and the pages are black/white on glossy paper so It pretty tricky to scan without getting sun-glare on it. It stapled so i can put it back together once I'm done scanning so that nice.
As for the story itself, well the title is giveaway. It evolves around an menstrual type enemies being beating by menstrual type heroes.This is def an acquired taste but it not done in a grossout way. The art style is pretty simple and the story telling is not that deep.
Both of Niehaus and Olson (Such a common name I can't find anything about him) are still around and Niehaus made a few posts about SMPG on her instagram a few months ago so maybe a reboot or something is possible?
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sonic-candy · 2 years ago
Fengta's Artwork
Been meaning to upload these since January but I keep getting distracted. Time for another artist spotlight post! This artist is Fenga, a Taiwanese artist that made fanart of Astro Boy and Atom The Beginning. If you have Pixiv/Twitter or follow my doujinshi scans this name might sound familiar. They were a part of the fandom five years and dropped some fantastic art and even composted some in artbook called 共線起點 romanized into Gòng Xiàn Qǐdiǎn or Collinear Starting Point. Her Twitter is somewhat active.
I found out about Collinear Starting Point while I was browsing their Pixiv page and stumbled across a website link in one of their pictures. Two copies were available and after a little debate (The website was in Chinese (Mandarin?) and you had to fill out a google doc forum if you're overseas.) I took the plunge and ordered with no problems It's still one of my expensive purchases thus far ($31 total, unless you count some of the Ehoba copies due to the shipping) and became my favorite purchase so far. Alas, this was their only book as they slowly left the fandom a while later. While I filed along with doujinshi, it's technically an art book of their AtB. Or, to be more specific, of Hiroshi/Umataro. Some pictures are brand new in the book and were never posted on any of their social media. On that note, while on their Pixiv I also found a link to their Plurk timeline. Plurk is a micro-blogging platform similar to Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr. I found a bunch of pictures there and even found a link to their Imgur with even more work. It's private but I saved them all. All of the pictures are available in 'Collinear Starting Point' main file as bonus content. The master list of all of my scans is pinned to my profile. Here are a few of my favorite pictures by them. Let's start off with a season-appropriate one.
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sonic-candy · 3 years ago
1st update of 2022!
After dealing with minor laptop problems (And losing some of my work), and getting back into other/new interests I'm ready to post!
First off, my doujinshi was removed from Mangadex as it's untranslated so there only available on Megafiles and Dropbox at the moment. I plan on uploading them on archive.org eventually. Some people have been having problems with Megafiles so hopefully having another alternative that's easy to share will help. Check my pinned post for links. Speaking of doujinshi, the last one I uploaded was Collinear Starting Point (R17) by Fengta. It has the best art style, next to the Ehoba collection! There not active in the fandom anymore so sadly that's their only doujinshi. Need to write a post on all my doujinshi one day. I found out that Squid Sushi made two more Lab 7 doujinshi (R17 of course).
But I'm holding off on doujinshi for a while as I bought a new obscure one-shot slice of life Manwaha called X Dairy by Toma (published by Netcomics). It had a cute art style you don't see around that much anymore. This is my first Manwaha as well so I'm curious on how good is going to be. I also need to catch up on 60's Astro Boy and finally finish up the rest of Super Maxi Pad Girl before scanning my physical copies of Megamix/Gigamix!
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Yes! I got lucky and manage to snag them both from a collecter off eBay. My most expensive white whale yet but worth it as udon and Capcom don't care for Mega Man anymore so a reprint seems unlikely. Hell, Mastermix #3 is still not published after 2-3 years!
Not sure when I'll get to work on debinding them (I don't want to do that, but we need/want excellent scans already) but spring/summer seem likely. Lastly, I'm into Rayman fandom now. I grew up playing the OG trilogy and played Origins/Legends years ago, but never really got into the fandom. I been playing Redemption and I love it! (Is there an active discord community? I'll like to join!) Mr. Dark is my new moody husband next to Dr. Tenma. Teen Titans ’03 has been brought up. I remember watching it years ago and got physic damage thinking about the Slade episodes. But he's a DILF so I might re-watch it soon or just his episodes. And maybe the Teen Titans Go! movie with him too. Yes I'm officially a villianfucker for DILFS I know I'm still coming to terms with that. Might not fully join the fandom but we'll see. Ok, I'm done ranting. Not tagging anyone (Don't feel like doing it anyway) Thanks for reading as always.
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sonic-candy · 3 years ago
This is the last major update for a long time.
I'll still be updating but not to this extent.
Alright, first off; The Ehoba collection and Jetter Mars are now available on Mangadex now for easy reading. I made another post a few days ago about Astro Boy Golden Key Comic.
60's Astro Boy is still ongoing and the new manga 'Team Phoenix' is on my to do list now as well.
I decided to just create scan group called 'Kokoro Kat Scans'. It's just me as the sole member but I'm able to keep better track of my uploads this way. If you would like to support me, consider tossing any spare change into my Ko-Fi. Evey little bit helps! Thank you in advance! Me and @z-skull are currently doing an RP involving AtB! Hiroshi and a more adjusted '03! Tenma. I'm currently editing part one of it slowly as we just started part two a few days ago. I'll will upload it on A03 and Fanfiction.net when it's done. You can find the edited but still super long versions HERE. Lastly, my new doujinshi came yesterday so I scanned them last night, There available HERE. I submitted them to Mangadex for review so all we have to do is wait. Due to these being only a few old and still in print I decided to leave more info about the artist and circle under the cut. Any contact info you find in the artist doujin is assumed to be up to date and still in use.
Some Day, I'm Sure (Itsuka, Kitto) Artist: Miyabi Circle: Yakiniku Shabu-Shabu (Yakiniku Shabushabu) Pairing: Umataro Tenma/Hoshie Saruta Date: 3/18/2018 Prophetic Dream (Purofetikkudorīmu) Artist: Nore Circle: Yes, Please (Hai Yorokonde) Pairing: Umataro Tenma/Hiorshi Ochanomizu Date: 10/8/2017
Too Genius and Stupid (Tensai Sugite Baka) (R-18) Artist: Tempura Heaven (Tenpura Tengoku) Circle: Squid Sushi (Ika no o sushi) Pairing: Umataro Tenma/Hiroshi Ochanomizu Date: 1/28/2018
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sonic-candy · 4 years ago
Astro Boy + Jetter Mars+ Ehoba Doujinshi
Astro Boy 2003 Vol.1 is fully re-scanned! I'll work on Vol.2 next week. I finally bought the Jetter Mars Manga! It should be here later the month or early/late July. I tried to buy from other places but the price was too high and/or the shipping took too long. So I decided to just buy from an Japanese proxy service on Amazon.
On that note, I recently obtained some Doujinshi using a proxy service. The shipping was a bit expensive, but after flipping throuh them, I decided that their worth it. (And I can write off as a early birthday gift lol)
Doujinshi are Japanese fan magazine/publications for other fans to enjoy. Their rarely, if ever, translated into other languages. If the printing circle can afford to, they can reprint them. However that's not the case her as
I already went over Hideaka Hoba and printing circle No Life King art in past posts, so I won't go into depth here. They printed four doujinshis and two had R-18 version. I was able to get three out of four and one R-18 one that's still in transit.
These are divided in to two parts, the second parts contain (Slight) nudity in the last few pages. I'm assuming the R-18 versions will have more pages of that and I will label them but not the regular versions.
I even threw in some alternative covers/ splash pages/flyers Ect. in as bonues for two of the Doujinshis.
Also I'm not responsible for any trauma that may happen if you see Tenma and Shadow Tenma making out naked. Other, wise enjoy!
Three of 4 Doujinshis are available to download
As you can see, I have Equal 2 but not one. Equal 2 also has an R-18 version I cannot find so far. If you have them or know where I can get them, let me know. I'm pretty happy with my haul so far, so I'm not really in a rush to buy more stuff. Plus, I gotta scan my other non manga/anime stuff eventually.
Tagged active Asto Boy fans: @z-skull @xblubotx @cookietastic @thelilithmachine @ab-kusoposting @snaileo @eimie1
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sonic-candy · 4 years ago
Hideaki Hoba Artwork
I'm on an Astro boy kick right now so I'm gonna post these pictures and give you a little Astro Boy history lesson.
The artist name is Hideaki Hoba, an Japanese artist that made art of Astro boy. It's possible you saw some of their pieces before. They also had an doujinshi circle called No Life King, and made a few in the Astro Boy fandom - of Tenma/Shadow Tenma (Wearing his Tenma scuplt face).
Least their adults right?
I ran across their website a few years ago when I first joined the Astro Boy fandom but not Tumblr or Twitter. The website was Javascript heavy and super old (It first launched in 2006!) so not all of the pictures were up but enough for me to take interest in saving the website and planning on getting the pictures to persevere them. I got distracted and you know how that goes.
Also about a year or two ago, the site disappeared. Their still active but no longer in the AB community, as the last time the website was updated before being taken down was back in 2010. Thankfully I still had the url saved in my favorites and the Wayback Machine was able to save some pictures. I did it a week or so ago then forgot to post them here.
As for the art itself, some pieces have the same art style of Astro Boy 2003 and some has their own style. It's not bad but it's super weird to see Tenma look like a 2000's anime style bishie.
(I also found some of the doujinshi for a fairly cheap so I might buy it and scan it. Only one doujinshi seem to be hard to find.)
I'll post the Tenma/Shadow and any suggestive ones in a different post and under an cut.
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sonic-candy · 4 years ago
Oof no reblogs? Guessing it’s because of the j-pop/k-pop spamming the Astro boy tag right now. I don’t want to tag people for every update I do so hopefully this works.
Updates + Super Maxi-Pad Girl
Another round of updates! FINALLY made an mobile friendly Masterlist and pinned it! This way it''s faster to post updates and easier for people to find them opposed to posting links to every project in a post.
Megamix Vol.2 is complete, Vol.3 is next then Gigamix Vol.1 is up next.
Astro Boy 03 Vol.2 has two new chapters up. (Been working Megamix)
Ehoba Equal (1) is uploaded, completing the Astro Boy related works Ehoba/NOLIFEKING published! I hope to get more Doujinshi one day but none seem to catch my interest right now.
And lastly, my first non manga/anime upload, Super Maxi-Pad Girl! I scanned the first issue back in June and recently did the second one. Mini paper on weird indie comic under the cut.
It was published in 2008 by AJ Niehaus and Daniel J Olson, (I'm guessing this was before the were married?) and they even made merch like pins and plushies. It only ran for five issues and they eventually drifted away from SMPG to do other things. Their official Facebook page is abandoned and the website is down but still accessible via waybackmachine.
The name stayed in my head rent free for over a decade, so I looked for it from time to time. But only the local comic shop I found it at had few of the issues, where I wanted the whole set so the hunt continued when I remember to search for it again.
Until spring 2020 where I found the complete set in excellent condition for $19-20 on eBay. My first white whale found! I bought it and forgot to read them as I was busy scanning Astro Boy and doing my other hobbies.
The printing is a crooked (I think it's a art style but it could be a printer issue) and the pages are black/white on glossy paper so It pretty tricky to scan without getting sun-glare on it. It stapled so i can put it back together once I'm done scanning so that nice.
As for the story itself, well the title is giveaway. It evolves around an menstrual type enemies being beating by menstrual type heroes.This is def an acquired taste but it not done in a grossout way. The art style is pretty simple and the story telling is not that deep.
Both of Niehaus and Olson (Such a common name I can't find anything about him) are still around and Niehaus made a few posts about SMPG on her instagram a few months ago so maybe a reboot or something is possible?
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