#egyptian tapestry
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Ancient Coptic Textiles.
Front cover:
Tapestry Fragment from Egypt 4th century A.D.
For sale in on amazon from my small business:
Red Read Retale.
#red read retale#feed the artist#earth lover#original photographer#textiles#textile art#textile history#ancient coptic textiles#egyptian#egyptian tapestry#4th century A.D.#collectible vintage arts
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I'm proud for what I am The guardian of the dead Appointed by the gods To be their final judge
#digital art#illustration#oc#furry#furries#bishop#dragon#anubis#guardian of the dead#hieroglyph#hieroglyphs#ancient egypt#tapestry#arabic#egyptian#egypt#arcane#arcana#archaic#esoteric#septicflesh#ankh#shepard cane#trans
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Tapestry showing ancient Egyptian heiroglyphs and all planets, many of which they knew about and worshipped.
Planet mars, for example, shows up in manh tomb paintings across ancient Egypt.
They believed that red planet was sacred. Like a scarab beetle moving across night sky.
#Ancient Egyptian heiroglyphs#Ancient Egypt#ancient civilization#tapestry#planets#heiroglyphs#manh tomb paintings#Mars#red planet#scarab beetle#astronomy
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I stand with the Jews
I am not going to be silent in the face of hate. I will not be quiet when terrorism is cheered and celebrated. I changed like I hope you all one day change. I used to blindly hate them like the rest of you, but making one Jewish friend and talking to them about their religion and culture made me see the beautiful tapestry of their history. I also learned of the tears in the fabric where the world tried to cut their thread short. But they survived every single extermination campaign against them, and they will survive this one too. Their children will walk on the bones of your dead empires. They always have, they always will. You will never succeed in killing them all or driving them into hiding. And one day this failed attempt at their annihilation will be a holiday where they toast your failure. They did it with the Romans and the Greeks and the Egyptians and everyone else. This isn't about Palestine and it never has been. I see through you. You may have fooled yourselves but you don't fool me. I stand against you by their side. So drown this post in the water filter. Screenshot it. Share it. I am not fucking afraid of you. You have found my everything blog, so dig through it and root through my kinks and everything I've shared. Display it as proof that my words are not true. It will not make me back down. I am their ally and I will not turn a blind eye in the face of hate. I wish you were still capable of feeling shame, that you were still capable of looking in the mirror and seeing what you have become, but I have seen that you sacrificed that on the alter of blind hatred. The Palestinian people are suffering because YOU support the terrorists oppressing them. If Hamas returned all the innocent civilians they kidnapped, the war would end today. Instead you cheer as they torture and rape and murder, not just Jews, but their own people. Anyone who doesn't support Hamas will be killed by Hamas. I'm done with this post. Have fun screenshotting it. I will take your water filter as a badge of honor. Oh, and for my longer posts you can replace the "u" in the tumblr url with a "p" and it will screenshot the whole post including replies and tags. Just want to make it easier for you to assassinate my character. Your boos mean nothing to me, for I have seen what makes you cheer. Rot. All of you.
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— Top Eight
worst!Logan x namelessfem!OC warnings: mentions of sex, body insecurity, weightloss, confidence issues, domestic bliss and fluff, namelessOC has blue eyes. a/n: in celebration of me discovering I've dropped eleven frickin' pounds off the BMI chart, I decided to share the news with Logan, and yourself. please enjoy my domestic fantasy. this really isn’t a drabble but I’m classifying it as such.
There’s little better God has created in the world than coming home to a house alive with music, laughs, and the thick swirl of joy chasing the air. Fall hangs out the window in a tapestry of orange leaves, skittering to the ground on chill winds, cluttering the sidewalk like ill-fitting, everyone’s-a-little-different puzzle pieces.
Blankets of fog have hung in the air every morning. Leaves and grass are wet, burdened with thick, cold mud that stings—the type of cold that sinks all the way down to bone, should you be standing between it. And Logan tries to remember a time when, as a child, he didn’t care about the frigid mud between his toes—didn’t mind the mess, innocence of childhood wrapped up in exploration and whimsy.
Simpler times. Suburban life greets him at the door of what, at one point in his life, would be knife’s edge unfathomable—a duplex. Butter yellow with little white trim around the windows. Big oaks in the front and back yard, primly divided by white privacy fences so tall they challenge heaven. Summer had proudly boasted a colorful troop of flowers in that window box facing the street, the one that allows for the smallest peek into his small kingdom, if you looked hard enough. Prepared for winter, adirondack chairs have been swept away into the garage, all traces of outside living shut up for the Goliath of winter that looms with each passing day.
The corner of his mouth tips up at the arrangement proudly displayed on the front door. It’s Fall Y’all! hangs in his face, all domesticity. Glitter and pumpkins, a cute little red-and-white-pickup. Evidence of a woman’s touch, more and more. Bearing down on his life like Egyptians chariots forcing Moses against the sea, every day he approaches the house— there’s a little more charm. A little more whimsy, order. More color and life and more her, all things he never in his longest, maddest dreams would begin thinking were missing from him. But now they are so familiar, such welcome soldiers to his little army of living, that he can’t imagine going without.
And Logan will never not love the fact he doesn’t have to knock on this door. He opens it, twisting the knob that’s cool against the thick callouse of his hand. Jacket heavily draped over his arm, habit knocks his boots against the doorframe, adding to the collection of scuffs already there from the hundred other times he’s done this same thing. And it is the same come-home routine, but he doesn’t mind. Shake his head at whatever seasonal decor greets him on the door. Slip in, knock his boots. Hang his jacket on the hook behind the door, with his keys–next to hers. Because she’s been home all day, working on that frickin’ computer, making her little creative world run in the little ways she does that he’ll never understand.
About to shed his vest, Logan pauses. Claws on wooden floors from the 50s flick his attention down, to his feet. The ménage à trois of three scampering sets of paws tip up the corner of his mouth into a small smirk, watching the troop of hair, wagging tail and slobber all bull rushing him like cannonballs. And they are not small creatures, by any stretch—a bloodhound. St. Bernard. Doberman, all looking at him with bright eyes as if he’s the best thing they’ve seen all day.
Which is the farthest thing from true, because she’s been here. Locked up in his Fort Knox all hours of sunshine, doing all the things he’d give his right arm to spend his days doing with her. Domestic bliss. It’s sick, really—kinda insane. For a man who has prided himself the last 200 years on destruction, a man who has traveled through time to claim a world that isn’t his, it’s disturbing that this idea of life is so…saccharine. Perfect. Eden.
Scratching behind each set of ears, movement in the heart of the house triggers his gaze up. Down the corridor to the kitchen, where he cal all but taste what’s for dinner. It floods him with a warmth he can’t quite put a finger on, rousts something in his guts that is good. Fire that’s delicious, heat that promises. Standing, he manages off his boots, all three canines looking at him. Expressions cocked, they wait. Expectantly.
“Where is she, fellas? Mama ‘round somewhere, huh?” A flick of his hand beyond them sends the troop off like a shot—slipping and sliding on the pretty rugs she’s laid out in the foyer, sending them against the walls in fat piles of fabric that makes his eyes roll. On socked feet, he fixes them. She likes them pretty and neat, and if she likes it, well—whatever his girlie wants, she gets.
About to call for her, he doesn’t expect the slingshot of curl that attacks him from the front room, “Hi, babe!” Out the french doors like a racehorse, her girlish smile and bright eyes assault him less than seriously, bouncing laughter loud and fresh and strong, like mountains on an open-sky day. Very suddenly the events of his day are improved, work all but forgotten as she wraps her arms around his middle. Rests her chin against his chest, looking up at him with the full weight of the universe hanging in her eyes. In heartbeats, she manages to change another Thursday into the Thursday—the Thursday to challenge all others even known to his existence.
And since he’s known her, that’s what she is–changing. A fresh wind, moving clouds and rearranging the sky. Rivers that carry him away to faraway lands, anywhere that isn’t the onyx abyss of his memories, which are so black and white and unalive without her. His hand moves to run fingers through curl, which are still damp from a late-afternoon shower. Color that lingers on her cheeks matches that barely-there smattering of that vanilla protein powder she loves on her lips when he kisses her. Means one thing, his favorite thing—the thing they’d been doing for nearly six months.
Greeting her with a smile and a, “Hey, baby,” will never tire to infinity. Leaning back against his arms cradled around her midsection, pressing her close, Logan all but craves the sparkle of sapphire hanging out in her eyes. They catch his, holding him hostage—every day he has to rediscover how to breathe. Think, move past the ache in his cock that she somehow manages to produce at a subliminally level just by existing.
And his lips part to ask her about her day, another part of this thing they call life. Until she reaches around to the back pocket of her jeans, her favorites, the one’s she won’t stop wearing and has at least three extras squirreled-away to that spot in the closet they don’t speak of. That spot next to the neon-colored heels he knows she thrifted but hasn’t ever shared, the lingerie she’s holding onto that’s been driving him itchin’ mad since he’d peeked at it. And while he adores everything about her, her ability to wait for just the right moment to share things she’s excited about has to be one of his favorite things on the planet.
“So, before you speak,” her finger comes to press against the seal of his lips, other hand proudly producing a folded square of paperwork between her index and middle finger, “I have amazing news. The biggest news–the best news of the whole week.” Her brows bounce, emphasizing her excitement as her low lip curls in. Logan watches her bite the inside of her cheek, thinks it’s just about the sexiest thing in the world aside from the little scrunch of her nose, how her glasses sit a little lopsided from where she’s rested her forehead against his chest.
Really all he could use right now is another taste of her to make his week, but, he plays the adjective game. “Oh yeah?” A chuckle rattles the adamantium of his ribs as she steps out of his arms, takes his hand to guide him into the kitchen. She releases him only when her socked feet hit the wooden floor, making a show of sliding to a stop opposite the island from him.
Babytalking the dogs at her feet, his sweet little thing of a girl backs up against the sink, her tongue teasing the front of her bottom teeth as she unfolds the paper. It’s like magnetism, the way he wants her–he’s drawn, like creatures to fire, around the island. To her side. Touching her, breathing in her closeness. And he prays to God it will always be like this—he’ll always want her, she’ll always look at him like he has been carved from bronze. That this little life in Hoboken, New Jersey, never says die.
“I had a doctor’s appointment today,” the little lilt in her tone is so clear, they’d hear it from Mars if anyone had the brains to listen, “and, I just have to say this, Logan—really. This has to be like, a top eight life moment for me, what I’m about to tell you.” Playing with a dog-eared corner of the paper, her eyes flick up to hold his in limbo, again. Smiling eyes have all but chiseled away any remaining stone of his heart, and he’d gladly carve whatever may remain out of his own ribs and give it to her, should she ask, “And I’ll say this as a warning. If you aren’t nearly as excited about this as me, well—I’ll be forced to divorce you and move in with Wade and Althea.”
And he laughs at her. His single favorite quality of life since running into what’s-his-face-pool and saving this realm has been the rediscovery of laughing, of feeling beyond the numbness. She made him laugh the day he found her, discovered her like some fool digging around the dirt of the everyday, and she hadn’t stopped. And Logan Howlett has never taken pride in being a hardass, but—his ass is a little less hard, these days. How could it be. Her standing there, looking like she does? Wanting him, seeking him? Him? The damn Wolverine—the worst Wolverine.
His brow pops to attention. “Is that right?” His finger crooks one of her belthoops, tugging her hip against his gently, “a little harsh, but, I accept your terms, taskmaster.” Her eyes roll to the ceiling and his chin gestures to the paper. After a second of weighing her words, he snags her chin between his fingers and gives her a Really? expression. “Hold the fuckin’ phone—a top eight? You have a top eight list of life events?” He snorts, “And I didn’t know about it?”
Her eyes flash with brazen darkness enough to shame the witching hour. A firm nod, even between his fingers. Her hip pops out, just a little. “Mhm, eight.” Still holding the paper, she offers a blatantly over dramatic look of desire, her head tipping back just a little as she brushes close. Done-up nails gently graze through his facial hair, before she flashes him eight—a palm, thumb and index finger somehow still managing to hold the paper keeping him in suspense.
Beginning to tick off fingers, he listens with amusement. Driver’s license, college. Her first publication as a freelancer. Her first car payment. Paying off her student debt, meeting her idol, Charles Xavier, a man who’s work on mutant and human coalitions she’d been devouring since forever. Meeting him, marrying him and buying a house. Technically that was nine, but, she explained—a bunch of life events landed under the Logan tab, which made him chuckle and shake his head.
“Finished?” He nods to the paper again. “You gonna tell me this life changing, top-eight news or what?” For a second his heart does an all-stop as she nods, the corner of her lip tucking in under her teeth.
From here Logan can taste the adrenaline in her blood, the joy—the buzz of something pumping through her like a pistoning locomotive, charting new territories. And before he can think, before he can bridle his own wagging tongue, “You pregnant, darlin’?” punches off his tongue like a cage fighter.
Two things he should’ve known off the shot—pregnancy announcements usually involved a piss stick, not paper. Two, that something so mountainous would not have waited for him to breeze through the door. Not her style, not by a country mile—she’d stopped off at his job site with lunch just to announce the last payment on her student debt, complete with cheesecake and those cute little pocket bottles of Jack Daniels. She made a big deal out of everything, and he wouldn’t have –could not survive– it any other damn way.
Slackjaw, for a second he thinks the hinge of her jaw might start swinging before she hauls off to slap his shoulder, the rings on her fingers passing by in a blur of turquoises, yellows, oranges and silvers as a squealing, “Logan!” shoots out of her like the fountain of youth—makes him laugh, again, as he grabs her hand in his and hauls to his lips. Presses a kiss to the heel of her palm, “No, Wolvie—haven’t managed to knocked me up quite yet, thanking you.” And that name—it punches the wind right out of his lungs, sends every ounce of mutant fucking blood right to his cock, all at once.
It’s not a serious thanks, he knows. Been off-the-cuff talking about getting pregant for a handful of months, tossing the idea back and forth. It was the reason behind the duplex, family planning—and he hadn’t fought the idea of redoing the spare room. Shoving her office into the corner of their suite. It’d been a year, she was thirty, now, had been ringing off these walls like a canyon echo. Biological clock ticking off the walls of her womb, apparently, even though she didn’t fucking age—thanks to mutation, his mutation left behind in her blood a lifetime ago.
Source of one too many arguments back and forth, they hadn’t quite decided to make an effort not to get pregnant. An ugly IUD hung between them like unscalable Mount Olympus. Hands up in surrender, he tries not to chuckle as she plants the paper in between them, in both hands. Sapphire blues cast down to it, triggering his attention downward as well. A heartbeat before her head pops back up, all smiles and piglet pink cheeks.
“Guess who just knocked eleven points off the BMI chart?” And there it is.
Certainly a different tone of subject than the one before, Logan can’t help the look of surprise that smacks across his face—she is all but giddy. Pressing the paper to her chest, she rising on toes and begins to bounce, like a rabbit, up and down in a way that springs her hair every direction. Her shrieks of excitement are loud enough to wake the dead, but, he’d have a better time freezing hell over, if he’d wanted to. Spinning in a exuberant circle, the ruckus sends all three of their dogs into the kitchen, bouncing around her like she’s deserving of worship. A goddess. His goddess.
She’d only been killing herself in their garage gym since they’d bought the place a little over a year ago. Plagued with one of those New Year’s resolutions, she’d committed to exercise like a duck commits to water—and Logan hadn’t ever seen someone try to hard, not in a long time. Never one really faced with the issue of having to maintain physical maintenance, thanks to genetic mutation, a workout regiment hadn’t really ever crossed his mind—natural circumstances kept him lean. He’d been alive for 200 years, could abuse his body any way he wanted, and it just–was. A lucky son of a bitch, but, he’d never paused to consider that it wasn’t that way for everyone else.
So when she’d all but pleaded for a home gym, he’d folded fast. Like a bad hand. Her body had certainly never been an issue between them—he worshiped every curve, could build monuments how often his mind drifted to just fucking her within an inch of sanity. Each scar, every single solitary divot, right down to the pores on her face. Not magazine beautiful or classically Hollywood, her own admission had almost gutted him.
A girl-next-door, down-to-earth pretty sent him to pieces in ways that Logan would sooner carve out his open spine than share—she ravaged him. Like a dog, licking at the marrow of his bones. The weight of her eyes alone, cutting through his misgivings, trailblazing his insecurities as a man. She was perfect in every phenomena, every realm and bend of time. Designed for him, by Christ Himself—the most gorgeous fucking thing on two legs, he didn’t need billboards or Vogue or the silver screen to set standard yet untenable to the majority. Determined long ago that there’d never be another for him, that he could never love any other soul–worship anatomy—quite like he did her.
He’d never complained. Hell thrived with such foolishness. He bought the gym equipment, though, mostly because he knew in the long run, it would be better. If not for him, then for her—he was happy. HEr happiness may as well have been the air his body craved. He’d set up the gym on a weekend, learned to park his Jeep outside. Had learned to help her bandage injuries and balance proteins and carbs, listened to her cry over numbers on a tiny scale that didn’t really matter. But, never complained.
And Logan had noticed the change about her anatomy—the little definitions of curve, the way she moved. She didn’t always, but he knew—when he held her close, made love to her. Difference, even in its smallest form, was still changing. Lighter on her feet, stronger when it came to helping do whatever it was she determined to assist with. Her clothes fit a little differently, the line of her jaw a little sharper. But, skies above that was her confidence.
Always had opposed his reserved and calculated stoicism, a spicy little firecracker of a thing that took what she wanted and could talk to fenceposts. But, she’d always sparkled differently. It was like weighing the moon against the sun—she just sparkled better. Moved a little sexier, blazes a little hotter. Not quite the North Star, but a close second—somewhere in his guts he feared she’d wake up one morning, realize she was hot as sin, and leave his ass for what’s-his-face from the Greatest Showman or someone on television.
Her fingers curl into his arms as she bounces a little more on her toes, pride all but beaming from the pink dusting across the bridge of her nose. “Me, it’s me!” Childlike laughter bubbles out of her like a brook, hot and alive, and he can’t help the swell of pride. “After eight fricking months, it’s me,” she blows out a breath, rolling her eyes to the ceiling, “y’know, honestly, I didn’t think any of it was actually doing all that much—i’ve only dropped thirty pounds on the scale, which doesn’t seem like a lot in eight months, but–you were right, Lo! It turned to muscle, you were right!”
He nods, smile growing to a painful wide that he isn’t sure is amusement, or pride. “‘Course I was right,” he stresses, his tone low as he dips his head to brush his nose against the end of hers. Smiling into the kiss she presses to his mouth, he lifts an arm into flex before grabbing her chin between his fingers and taking her full attention, “Don’t get definition like this not knowin’ what you’re talking about, baby.” Lies. Teasing lies. He hadn’t so much as thought of a fucking dumbbell since that time before some God-forsaken war.
Pouty lips pull her eyes back to his, and he can see the muscle in her jaw tick with the effort not to grin. Heartbeats, and his arms snake around her middle again, fingers teasing the hem of her shirt. “I’m proud of you, kid,” and he hasn’t called her that since God knew, likes the way it darkens the little flush on her cheeks. “Guess I’d better work a little harder keeping you close to home. Can’t have you skippin’ out on this whole little domestic thing we’ve got going,” he shrugs a shoulder, “what would the dogs do without you?”
Giggling again, her shoulders pop up and down in a little happy shift, he takes her arms and guides them around his neck, “The dogs, huh? Is that right?” Her nose scrunches up again, eyes snapping to life as she steps onto his toes, enough for him to shuffle them out of the kitchen, towards the living space, “You think I’d leave you just because I get sexy?” It’s not a serious question, the flutter of low lashes testifies as he stops them in the middle of the living room, toes curling into the plush carpet as her head cants to the side, like a curious puppy. “And lose my bet with Wade? Don’t know me at all, do you, Wolverine?”
God only wishes. He knew parts of her the world would never. And he smiles, snorting a little at the thought of their entire relationship hinging on a bet with Wilson, the fucking idiot he is. That feels like a lifetime ago, riding life out in a dingy apartment. Blind Al as company, Wilson as a fucking landlord. If he counted back every red cent he’d paid in rent, it wouldn’t be enough for a grocery run—small mercies. Lifting a hand between them, he crooks a finger, chuckling as she eyeballs it for a second, weighing her options.
“I like to think I do,” and he does. She’s given him everything. And if she hasn’t—well. He can fix that. “You don’t got any secrets left, do you, darlin’? You’ve already seen my soul—only fair you let me see yours.” Tipping her chin up, he kisses her slowly. Angles his head for whatever depth he can pull her from, keens a little when her breathy moan chases the heat lighting up his adamantium skeleton like an inferno. Tasting the trace of that fucking protein mess on her tongue nearly brings him to his knees, fingers carding through her hair for as much purchase and possession he can find.
“I do have one,” she manages, a little breathless between nipping at his bottom lip and fighting with the buckle of his belt. With a Jezebel shove of her hand, she sends him down to the cushions of the couch—it protests, accepting his weight.
From beneath low lashes, her ocean blues trace the details of his face as she knees onto the couch, swings a leg over him. Pelvis to pelvis, her weight is divine. Lights him up like a damn electric wire. He can feel heat in his chest chasing after the adrenaline in his blood, can taste her, even from here.
Grabbing the front of her t-shirt between two fingers, he tugs her a little closer.
“What’s that?”
She chuckles, shifting a flirty shoulder. “My IUD? Gone,” she snaps her fingers, biting the corner of her lower lip. Eyes cutting to his mouth, she doesn’t hesitate–a heartbeat and she’s kissing him deeply, milking every little ache and moan creeping up the back of his throat. She sighs a little when his hand presses against her womb, thumb tracing the gentle spot beneath her belly button. “How’s that make you feel, Wolvie honey?” A light, flustered chuckle as he tucks hair behind her ear, rubs a curl between his fingers.
“Think you can handle a mini you making a mess of the world?”
Knocking his head back over the edge of the couch, his hands find her waist. Stills her before he closes his eyes, relishes the way she lathes her tongue along his pulse. And he’ll never know how it really makes him feel, because feeling is all but a rush of adrenaline when it comes to her—everything and nothing, a floating abyss of pleasure and home that, from the beginning of time, man has tried to describe. It’s all wrapped up in limbo, though–limbo and his ribs, jeans and a pretty face.
“Not sure,” his hand tucks behind her head and he flips them, forcing her into the couch before she can protest—before she and her eleven-points-off-the-chart can challenge any idea other than what he’s about to do to her.
“”Think we should find out, darlin’.”
tags: @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @fandomxo00
#hugh jackman#wolverine#logan howlett#logan#x men#xmen#logan howlett x reader#mare writes#xmen wolverine#xmen logan#worst!logan howlett#worst!wolverine#worst!logan x reader#worst logan#worst wolverine#logan howlett x mutant reader#logan howlett x oc#logan howlett drabble#logan howlett oneshot#logan howlett fanfiction#logan howlett fluff#wolverine x you#wolverine x reader#wolverine x oc#wolverine fanfiction#logan x reader#james logan howlett#logan howlett x you#deadpool and wolverine#james howlett
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fiber art adventures in egypt
I recently got back from a trip to Egypt & finally got around to organizing some pictures to share. One of the things I was most excited about was seeing what I could find on fiber arts and textiles.
Dropping everything under a read more, 'cause this will be a long post haha
first visit: the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC)
At the time of visiting, they had a special textiles exhibit. It covered Pharonic Egypt all the way up to modern times, although I only had time to check out the dynastic & a bit of the Coptic portion of the exhibit (which was what I was really hoping to see anyways)
Was super excited to see this diorama in person. I knew about it but had never seen good pictures of it. From the little I've seen of ancient Egyptian spinning, spinning with two spindles seems to be the norm rather than a master technique? It also shows up in tomb art, which the exhibit also shared:
They also used a different fiber preparation (splicing to create a rove of fiber, no traditional drafting to my understanding) so that probably made a difference? Regardless I really want to see if I can replicate the technique, especially because their spindles look so similar to modern spindles??
I took so many pictures of spindles, guys, and I fully intend to either have a few replicas made or to learn to make some myself. Also, although they were unlabeled... I'm pretty sure those are beaters for weaving? That was a bit of a trend with this trip, so much stuff was unlabeled :( I would've killed to at least get some date estimates for some of the stuff they had on display. I was nerding out in here though, and my family took a few pictures of how excited I was getting. A bit embarrassing, but eh haha
The exhibit also had a section on natural dyes used with a fun visual;
There was several diagrams specifically describing each dye source, but in the interest of not overloading on pictures I'll just list them out. For blues; woad, Yellows; turmeric, safflower, saffron, or yellow ochre; reds; madder, henna, pomegranate, and kermes. I originally thought kermes was another way to say cochineal, but it only seems to be distantly related.
next visit: Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center
A small art center dedicated to hand-weaving wool and cotton tapestries. All of their work was museum quality & awe inspiring!!
Was even invited to their back rooms to watch a few of their weavers working; no I don't have room to put a room-sized loom anywhere but heck do I want one now
Our guide that took us through talked a bit about the natural dyes they use (all of their dyes are dyed in house with what they grow in their dye garden!!!) and got excited to hear I was also interested in natural dyes! He seemed a bit disappointed I'd never worked with indigo and. while indigo scares me, I'll take it as a sign that maybe I should try some time this year haha.
final visit; the Egyptian Museum
we really had to rush through this one which was a huge shame because it's packed full of artifacts. Also, the lighting in there is atrocious, so apologies for the not great pictures ahead.
They had a fascinating display of textile tools, more than what the NMEC had;
(Hand for size reference) I want all of these spindles! So badly! But a few of them look so much like a few of the spindles I own already?? A few of them had a spiraling notch, that's so cool? But also, what's going on with the one with two whorls? I have no idea. I'm fascinated.
Look at these whorls!! Although again, I'm a bit confused; the lack of labeling strikes again. Unsure why some of these "whorls" have two holes, or what the metal object with the wooden handle is. The display implies sewing needles, and some of them do look like it, but others.... really don't look like sewing needles. I'm absolutely enchanted by this little whorl though. I think it has birds on it?
More objects that I'm baffled by- the signage doesn't really indicate what some of this stuff is, if it's even known. Also confused by the object wrapped in white string in the right pic; it looks like a distaff but to the best of my knowledge the (ancient at least) Egyptians didn't use distaffs. It probably popped up in later times and was put in this display since it was still relevant, but I'm still not sure.
I have so many more pictures & thoughts but I'll save those for more specific future projects. I've been doing research outside this trip on ancient Egyptian spinning techniques and desperately want to go deeper into that, this trip just solidified how excited it makes me. If you made it all the way through this, many thanks for reading!
Bonus; look at this ancient linen 🥺
#hand spinning#archaeology#extant artifact#weaving#fiber arts#long post#letters from skylark#sorry for the overall low quality images in this post. Got a new camera and wasn't the best at using it this trip#also the raw image files were huge so I heavily downsized them to make sure this post wasn't a beast to load#would be happy to share the raw images if desired though
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Where It All Began: The Ancient Roots of Witchcraft
Witchcraft didn’t appear out of nowhere like a mysterious cloaked figure under a full moon. Its roots stretch deep into the soil of human history, sprouting from the primal desire to understand, interact with, and occasionally charm the forces of the natural world. In essence, witchcraft was humanity's first attempt to make sense of life’s mysteries—birth, death, illness, and those pesky harvests that sometimes failed to cooperate.
Mesopotamia: Magic at the Dawn of Civilization
In the ancient lands of Mesopotamia, magic was woven into everyday life like the intricate patterns of a Sumerian tapestry. Priests and priestesses doubled as magicians, using rituals to appease gods or ward off mischief-making demons. The Assyrians and Babylonians developed complex systems of divination, like hepatoscopy (reading the entrails of sacrificed animals) and astrology, where the movements of celestial bodies were believed to influence earthly events. Think of these practices as ancient spreadsheets for managing cosmic chaos.
One standout Mesopotamian magical figure was the āšipu, or exorcist. Armed with incantations and symbolic objects, they combatted evil spirits with the confidence of someone holding a holy water squirt gun. Their spells were recorded on clay tablets, many of which have survived, offering us a peek into their magical toolkit.
Ancient Egypt: Spells, Deities, and Afterlife Insurance
Move over Cleopatra—Egyptian magic deserves its own red-carpet moment. For the Egyptians, magic (heka) wasn’t just a tool but a divine force that existed before creation itself. Gods like Thoth and Isis were thought to wield heka with unparalleled mastery, inspiring humans to follow suit.
The Egyptians had spells for almost everything: curing snake bites, securing a prosperous journey in the afterlife, or even ensuring a good hair day (yes, beauty magic existed). Amulets were their magical multitaskers, offering protection, health, and a little pizzazz. The famous Book of the Dead was essentially a magical user manual for navigating the perils of the afterlife. If reincarnation were an obstacle course, the Egyptians were determined to ace it with cheat codes.
Greece and Rome: The Birth of Western Esotericism
The ancient Greeks and Romans didn’t just dabble in magic—they wrote dissertations on it. In Greece, philosophers like Pythagoras and Plato explored metaphysical concepts that later influenced magical thought. Pythagoras, for example, wasn’t just a math guy; he believed numbers had mystical properties. So next time you curse algebra, remember it might have been a magical tool at some point.
The Greeks also gave us some of the earliest grimoires, such as the Greek Magical Papyri. These texts were chock-full of spells, invocations, and recipes for crafting magical potions. They even included tips for summoning deities or spirits, proving that ancient people also loved a good life hack.
Meanwhile, the Romans took a more practical approach to magic, using it for love, revenge, and keeping those pesky neighbors in check. Curse tablets, thin sheets of lead inscribed with hexes, were buried at sacred sites to call upon the gods for justice. It’s basically the ancient equivalent of subtweeting someone, but with higher stakes.
The Far East: Mysticism and Balance
Across the globe, ancient Chinese and Indian traditions were also steeped in magic and mysticism. In China, Taoist practices incorporated rituals, talismans, and alchemical experiments to achieve harmony with the Tao, or the natural order of the universe. The blending of spirituality and practicality was key, with many rituals aimed at promoting health, longevity, and prosperity.
In India, the Vedic texts described rituals and hymns to invoke divine powers. These practices evolved into a blend of spirituality and mysticism that still influences Hinduism and other traditions today. The emphasis on balance and connection to universal energy feels remarkably modern, doesn’t it?
Shamanism: The Universal Foundation of Magic
Before the rise of organized religions, shamanic traditions thrived across cultures from Siberia to South America. Shamans acted as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, often entering trances to seek guidance or heal their communities. Whether they were chanting, drumming, or consuming psychedelic plants, shamans were the original multi-class characters—part healer, part mystic, part community leader.
The tools of their trade—herbs, bones, and natural objects—laid the foundation for many magical traditions that followed. The use of sympathetic magic (the idea that like affects like, such as using a doll to represent a person) can be traced back to these early practices.
Magic Across Africa and the Americas
In Africa, magic and spirituality were deeply intertwined with everyday life. Practices like Ifa divination in Yoruba culture involved intricate systems of symbols and interpretations, revealing paths to healing, growth, and understanding. Meanwhile, in Mesoamerica, civilizations like the Maya and Aztecs used rituals and offerings to communicate with their gods, often centering around natural cycles like the harvest or the movements of the sun and stars.
The connection to nature in these practices wasn’t just poetic—it was practical. By aligning their magic with the rhythms of the earth, ancient people ensured their survival and fostered a sense of harmony with the world around them.
The Bigger Picture
From the rivers of Mesopotamia to the temples of Egypt and beyond, early witchcraft and magical practices were about survival, connection, and understanding the mysteries of existence. These ancient roots remind us that magic isn’t just about casting spells—it’s about fostering relationships with the forces that shape our world, whether they’re gods, spirits, or the natural elements.
Now, when you light a candle, hold a crystal, or write in your journal, remember: you’re participating in a tradition as old as time. How’s that for a little magic in your day?
#witchblr#witches#witchcraft 101#witchcraft blog#witchcraft info#healing energy#witchythings#witchcraft#witch community#learning magick
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Heritage News of the Week
The discovery of an unusual "vampire" burial in Croatia shows the endurance of such beliefs in eastern medieval Europe, according to researchers.

Ancient British coins found in Dutch field likely to be spoils of Roman conquest
A hoard of British coins bearing the inscription of King Cunobelin and found in a Dutch field have been identified as very likely to be the spoils of war of a Roman soldier from the conquest of Britain.
A Roman sanctuary with inscriptions discovered in Cova de les Dones, one of the largest rock art sites in the Iberian Peninsula
Researchers have discovered a remarkable Roman sanctuary in the Cova de les Dones, located in Millares, Valencia, Spain.
Bronze Age footprints preserved during Vesuvius eruption are found in Italy
The footprints found near the Casarzano stream in Salerno, roughly 20 miles away from Pompeii, contained rock fragments from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Experts believe the people who left behind these prints were trying to escape the eruption.
1,200-year-old remains of dismembered pregnant woman in Ecuador hint at 'enigmatic' sacrifice to thwart El Niño
The unusual burial of a woman and fetus in prehistoric Ecuador may reflect the community's fear of her power.
A telltale toilet reveals “lost” site shown in Bayeux Tapestry
A house in England is most likely the site of a lost residence of Harold II, the last Anglo-Saxon King of England.
DNA and radiocarbon analysis provide new insights into prehistoric mammoth bone complex
Dr. Alba Rey-Iglesia and her colleagues conducted a biomolecular analysis of the mammoth bone remains at Kostenki 11-Ia, providing fascinating insights into the enigmatic mammoth bone complexes built during the Ice Age.
The oldest evidence for lead pollution comes from ancient Greece
Researchers studying sediment cores recovered from mainland Greece and the Aegean Sea have found the oldest known evidence of lead pollution in the environment dating to around 5,200 years ago.
The longest Greek papyrus from the Judean desert sheds light on a pivotal Roman court case
New research by a group of Austrian and Israeli scholars has finally deciphered a 1,900-year-old scroll describing a tense court case during the Roman occupation of Israel.
A huge chunk of prized Egyptian blue pigment Is uncovered in Nero’s palace
Recent excavations at Domus Aurea, the former imperial residence of Roman emperor Nero, have yielded remnants of a rare blue pigment that hint at the palace’s former glory.
Archaeologists uncover traces of the Abbey of St. Savino
In a new research project to uncover the Abbey’s origins, archaeologists have identified earlier phases of the site’s expansion and construction.
1.5 million-year-old hand axes and seven Paleolithic sites discovered in Iraq’s western desert
Archaeologists from the Free University of Brussels uncovered hand axes dating back 1.5 million years and discovered seven Paleolithic sites in an area of 10 by 20 km in Iraq’s Western Desert.
1,600-year-old Roman padlock with spring mechanism discovered in Germany — and it's tiny
A miniature gold lock dated to the third to fourth centuries was found by a metal detectorist in Germany.
Military personnel and veterans uncover Iron Age treasures
Archaeologists from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, working in collaboration with veterans and military personnel from Operation Nightingale, have uncovered a collection of Iron Age objects declared as national treasure by the Senior Coroner for North Wales.
One of the oldest tin-bronze artifacts in the Eurasian Steppe discovered in a unique Bronze Age cemetery in Uygur Autonomous Region
Chinese archaeologists have recently uncovered a large and uniquely structured cemetery dating back to 2800-2600 BC.
Here’s how ancient Amazonians became master maize farmers
Water engineers in ancient South America turned seasonally flooded Amazonian savannas into hotbeds of year-round maize farming.
Lidar survey maps Zapotec city in Mexico
Pedro Guillermo Ramón Celis of McGill University and his colleagues spotted the remains of more than 1,000 structures built by the Zapotec in southern Mexico between 500 and 600 years ago during an aerial survey employing lidar equipment.
Archaeologists find 4,500-year-old warrior burials in Saxony-Anhalt
Archaeologists have identified at least ten graves at a depth of approximately two metres, three of which were once covered by a burial mound.
Pyramidal structure discovered in Chupacigarro
Archaeologists excavating the Chupacigarro archaeological site have discovered a previously unknown pyramidal structure.
Denmark’s first Roman helmet found in weapons sacrifice
Two iron plates found in the massive Iron Age weapons sacrifice found near Hedensted, Denmark, have been revealed to be parts of a Roman helmet from the 4th century. It is the oldest iron helmet ever found in Denmark, and the only Roman helmet ever found within the country’s borders.
Roman pottery and human remains found in Exeter
Roman pottery and human remains have been unearthed during the installation of an underground substation in Exeter city centre.
The museum, named the Haveli, features five galleries showcasing different kinds of embroidery Askari has collected from some of the remotest corners of Pakistan, ranging from ceremonial cloths traditionally sent from a groom to a bride before a wedding, to dowry purses and vibrant animal adornments worn by camels.
Mona Lisa will be moved to its own exhibition space at Louvre
French president Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday that the Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece and one of the most iconic artworks in the world, would soon be moved to a new exhibition space.
Louvre’s decision to move Mona Lisa is a misguided act of snobbery
Crowds give life to the Paris museum and the painting is a silent, compelling mystery at the heart of the hubbub
This is a silly take. The room where the Mona Lisa is housed sees at least 20,000 people per day. It does not have the capacity to handle that many people. Have you seen what that room looks like on an average day?

It's like the top of Everest in there. Trying to visit has been described as "exhausting" and "a physical ordeal". It's not snobbery to update a 17th century building for the 21st century.
Smithsonian Institution will close its diversity offices
Just days after the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. said it would cancel its diversity, equity and inclusion programs, the Smithsonian Institution, a consortium that includes 21 national museums, announced its diversity office will also close. According to the New York Times, the Smithsonian will also freeze hiring for all federal positions and employees will have to return to in-person work full-time.
‘African art is not a fleeting trend’: Moroccan museum to celebrate rich creativity of continent’s artists
Reopening after renovation, the Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden will provide a permanent home for the extensive Lazraq family collection
WW2 bomber group museum appeals for repair funds
Urgent repairs are needed to conserve and repair a military museum that was created to commemorate the US servicemen who were based there during World War Two.
Museum dash sees speedy Londoner set new record
A man has sped his way across London using a kick scooter to set a Guinness World Records title for the most museums visited in 24 hours.
Crabs 'poo from their chests', museum says
An unusual museum in a Kent seaside town which aims to engage the public in the natural world has plans for expansion. Crab Museum in Margate claims to be Europe's first and only exhibition space dedicated to the world of the decapod highlighting the "weirdness" of crabs.
National museum shuts for maintenance work
Wales' leading museum has been temporarily closed due to maintenance work and safety concerns. A sign outside the National Museum in Cathays Park, Cardiff, on Sunday, said it will be closed to the public until further notice.
California Historical Society shutters, transfers collection to Stanford University
Financial stability became a challenge over the last decade as attendance declined and donations dwindled, with the problems only further exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. As such, CHS’s board voted to dissolve the organization last summer.
Museums scramble to grasp impact of Trump’s DEI mandate
Widespread uncertainty pervades as institutions either roll back initiatives or try to determine whether their programs are in compliance.
17 employees helped save the Getty Villa from the fires. They're telling other museums how it was done
On Tuesday, Jan. 7, at about 7 a.m., the Getty’s Emergency Planning Specialist Les Borsay arrived at the Getty Villa in Malibu. “This was not normally a day I would have necessarily been out there." Then came the message from the Getty in Brentwood: a small brush fire up started up at the Highlands, sparked by embers of the Palisades Fire. For the next 28 hours, Borsay and 16 other staffers organized themselves to supplement fire department efforts and along the way contributed to helping keep the Getty Villa and its priceless art collections from going up in flames.
House next to Auschwitz opens to public amid alarming international survey results on Holocaust
Through the efforts of the American non-profit Counter Extremism Project, in coordination with the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, the Polish foreign ministry and UNESCO, the villa will become the home of the ‘Auschwitz Research Centre on Hate, Extremism and Radicalisation’.
It boggles my mind that people were actually living in this house until last year, when they were convinced to sell it. You know how you go some places and you're like, "wow, the vibes here are bad"? The vibes in that house must be rancid.
Anyway, Dan Snow got to do a tour of the house, and on the one hand, it's just a house, but on the other, it's absolutely the most cursed house ever.
Heritage at risk
Dutch police have arrested three men in connection with the robbery of ancient Romanian artefacts from a museum in the north-east of the Netherlands, after an intensive four-day hunt.
Anger in Romania over theft of national treasures in heist at Dutch museum
News of the heist had set off an “uproar” across Romania, she said, as mourning over the potential loss of the objects gave way to fury among the art world, politicians and media.
US Air Force will still teach about black pilots
The US Air Force will continue to teach about its first black pilots, known as the Tuskegee Airmen, in its basic training, following a review about what to prohibit under President Donald Trump's ban on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programmes in the federal government.
From Bluesky:
Australia tried to influence other countries and Unesco to keep Great Barrier Reef off in-danger list
While this story is specifically about the Great Barrier Reef, this bit:
In 2021 the Great Barrier Reef became the first site globally to be recommended for the danger list primarily because of the impacts of climate change. But after extensive lobbying from the Morrison government, the recommendation from Unesco and its advisers, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), was ignored by the world heritage committee. That decision raised concerns among world heritage experts that the committee was becoming increasingly politicised and too often was ignoring scientific and technical advice.
should be a cause for concern regarding all UNESCO and potential UNESCO sites.
Odds and ends
The team building the replica of a famous Anglo-Saxon burial ship have told of their aspirations to eventually sail it down the River Thames and across the English Channel.
Butrint: The ancient site helping Albania reclaim its identity
Once known as "the North Korea of Europe", Albania is turning to its millennia-old sites and rich cultural heritage to recast its image.
Since when is neoclassical architecture “populist”?
Donald Trump’s move to revive “traditional” architecture in federal buildings betrays his ignorance of its elitist roots.
Long-lost anti-fascist mural from 1930s restored and back on show in Mexico
A long-neglected 1930s mural in Mexico that warns about the rise of fascism has been revealed and restored – just as some historians say the world faces that threat once more.
'The truth is she did the right thing': The mystery of why Jane Austen's letters were destroyed – by her own sister
Austen is one of the greatest writers in the English language – but relatively little is known about her. And that's in part because of an act that infuriates many to this day.
Ancient forest uncovered by melting ice in the Rocky Mountains
A nearly 6,000-year-old forest is once again seeing daylight after millennia hidden under ice in the Rocky Mountains.
‘An unusual find’: 66m-year-old animal vomit discovered in Denmark
Experts say vomit, probably from a fish, is made up of sea lilies and is an important contribution to reconstructing past ecosystems
#heritage news of the week#things down south are very not great bob#history#museums#archaeology#paleontology#gifs
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On a brisk December day in 1905, a young librarian stepped into the Manhattan office of America’s most powerful man. The two sized each other up. To her, the huge, hulking tycoon seemed whipsmart and curious about everything. To him, the petite woman seemed poised and precise. Conversation soon revealed a common love of old treasures — rare books, manuscripts, tapestries. So J.P. Morgan hired the librarian, never suspecting.
Belle da Costa Greene soon toured the salons of Europe. She posed for Matisse. She had affairs with a Norwegian count and an Italian duke. She dined with opera stars, tycoons, and royalty, charming all with her wit and intelligence. Yet she lived “behind the curtain of my mind,” because although she told everyone she was Portuguese, Belle da Costa Greene was black.
The art of “passing” casts a shadow on American history. No one knows how many light-skinned African-Americans, burdened by bigotry, crossed the color line and lived as whites. Some see betrayal, others courage, but in Belle da Costa Greene, (born Belle Marion Greener) we see a shooting star.
Her mother was a socialite among the noted black families of Washington, D.C. Her father was Harvard’s first black student, later a lawyer, professor, and diplomat. From her father, Belle learned to love history and its pearls. By the age of 12, she “wanted to work with rare books. I loved them even then, the sight of them, the wonderful feel of them, the romance and the thrill of them.”
But if her brilliant father suffered the scorn of Jim Crow, how could a black girl hope to rise? Belle found an answer when her parents separated. Changing their names, she and her mother entered Manhattan’s white society without a backward glance.
Belle soon became a librarian at Princeton where another librarian — J.P. Morgan’s nephew — noticed her. His uncle needed someone to manage his opulent new library. Belle got the job — $75 a week and a boss who terrified everyone he met.
By 1905, J.P. Morgan controlled half the nation’s railroads. He had masterminded mergers creating General Electric, U.S. Steel, and AT&T. But Morgan had studied art history, not finance. Nurturing a soft spot for “the finer things in life,” he soon had his librarian doing more than stenography.
Working together, Morgan and Greene created one of America’s great repositories for the artifacts of Western Civilization. With nerve and knowledge rivaling Morgan’s, Greene bought works by Raphael, Rembrandt, and Michelangelo. She paid small fortunes for Egyptian scrolls, and outbid the British Museum for ancient tablets and illuminated wonders. Meanwhile, behind the curtain of her secret, she wore plumed hats and fine gowns. “Just because I am a librarian,” she said, “doesn’t mean I have to dress like one.”
Morgan called her “the cleverest girl I know.” Greene admitted to having a “terrific crush” on the man she privately called “Big Chief.” But when asked about a romance, she said only, “We tried.” The odd couple never was a couple, biographers attest. Other men, however, simply swooned.
Greene got “hipped up” on one lover after another, notably art critic Bernard Berenson. From his villa in Florence, Berenson carried on a lengthy affair with Greene, whom he found “miraculously responsive and most of all to the things I really care most about.”
Yet there were rumors about “Miss Greene, with her tanned complexion.” “A mulatto,” some gossiped, while others thought she might hail from Cuba. Portuguese, she insisted, and went back to her fabulous and secret life. By 1912, she was earning a quarter million a year.
J.P. Morgan died in 1913. Of his $3 billion, nearly half was in his art collection. Some went to the Met but the rest remained under the control of Belle da Costa Greene. For the next 35 years, as director of the Morgan Library, she worked to make the library “pre-eminent, especially for incunabula, manuscripts, bindings, and the classics.”
Belle da Costa Greene died in 1950. Only when Morgan biographers probed her past did they learn her secret. But by then, hailed as “the soul of the Morgan Library,” she was seen as a treasure herself. Rather than remember her solely as a black woman who “passed,” biographers marveled at the unlikely partnership. A common love of art, it seems, can transcend all others. Almost.
Once, she recalled, Morgan asked her if she would like him more “if he were thirty years younger. I said no, I’d leave the library — he would be too dangerous — which seemed to please him. And then he said he never wanted to be younger except when he was with me and thought of me. I don’t doubt he has said that to every woman he knows but I love him just the same.”
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Once upon a time, in the depths of the thick jungle, a Yautja named Ap roamed the vast expanse of his hunting territory. Known for his strength, agility, and honorable nature, Ap was truly a force to be reckoned with. As he maneuvered through the dense foliage, he stumbled upon a hidden temple shrouded in mystery.
Drawn to its ancient aura, Ap cautiously entered, mesmerized by the ornate hieroglyphics that adorned the walls. It was there that he found a secret chamber, guarded by a life-sized statue of an Egyptian pharaoh. At the center, laying atop a golden pedestal, was a glowing artifact, emitting an enchanting aura that beckoned him closer.
Unbeknownst to him, the glowing treasure held the trapped soul of an Egyptian princess named Y/N. An unwilling pawn in her father's political games, she was betrothed to a power-hungry nobleman. But destiny had different plans for her.
Caught in a never-ending slumber, Y/N's spirit was awakened by Ap's arrival. Curiosity melded with a strange kinship as she watched the Yautja move with grace and elegance. As Ap approached and laid eyes on the glowing artifact, a connection formed between their souls, like two lost fragments of a forgotten love story.
Ap's heart, once indifferent to the touch of another being, now yearned for Y/N's presence. He began to visit the hidden chamber often, talking to her as if she could hear him, sharing tales of his hunts and victories. His voice flowed with affection, his words laced with the adoration he felt for the sleeping princess.
In time, Ap couldn't bear the thought of Y/N remaining bound to her betrothed, away from his protective embrace. Driven by love, and partially driven by his hunt for the ultimate challenge, Ap devised a daring plan – he would kidnap Y/N and take her to a realm where they could be together.
Silently and stealthily, Ap retrieved Y/N from her dormant state, gently cradling her in his strong arms. As he carried her away from her gilded cage, his heart filled with both excitement and trepidation. He knew that he was taking her against her will, but he believed that true love would find a way to prosper.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Ap courted Y/N in his own peculiar Yautja way. He listened to her every word, learning about the beauty of her homeland, the wonders of the pyramids, and the strength and resilience of its people. In return, he shared stories of his own hunts and his deep-rooted honor code.
Gradually, Y/N began to understand Ap's intentions. She saw beyond the fierce mask that cloaked his visage, recognizing the tenderness within. Her heart, too, began to yearn for his touch, for his unwavering loyalty, and for the feeling of being truly seen and cherished.
In an unexpected turn of events, Y/N's heart blossomed with love for Ap, casting away any lingering doubt or fear. The clandestine affection they held for each other couldn't be denied any longer, and their souls became inseparable.
As time passed, Y/N and Ap decided to embrace their love fully. They exchanged vows in a hidden grove, under the watchful eyes of the jungle's creatures. United in love, they created a legacy together, giving birth to a litter of mighty and noble Yautja descendants.
Their love story, defying the boundaries of time and space, became the stuff of legends. The tale of the Yautja warrior who journeyed across galaxies to free his true love, a princess who braved the unknown, eventually culminating in a destiny where two worlds became one.
And so, in their embrace, Ap and Y/N proved that sometimes, even the most unexpected love stories can conquer all, forever etching their names in the tapestry of the universe.
#female reader#male yautja#yautja x reader#predator#yautja#yautja love#predator x reader#reader pregnant#aliens#aliens vs predator#SoundCloud
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Embracing African Heritage: The Significance of Shrines and Religion

Africa, often referred to as the cradle of humanity, boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and spiritual beliefs that have endured for millennia. Central to this heritage are the sacred shrines and profound religious practices that serve as pillars of community, identity, and connection to the divine.
Shrines, both natural and constructed, hold a special place in African spirituality. These sites are often nestled in the heart of communities or hidden within the vast landscapes of the continent. From the iconic pyramids of Egypt to the humble groves of the Yoruba in Nigeria, each shrine reflects a unique blend of history, mythology, and reverence for the ancestors.
One of the fundamental aspects of African religion is the veneration of ancestors. Ancestral shrines serve as focal points for prayers, offerings, and rituals aimed at honoring those who came before. These ancestors are believed to possess wisdom, guidance, and protection, and their spirits are invoked for blessings and assistance in times of need. In many African societies, the bond between the living and the dead is deeply cherished, with rituals and ceremonies reinforcing the interconnectedness of past, present, and future generations.
Moreover, African shrines are often associated with specific deities or spirits, each embodying different aspects of the natural world or human experience. Whether it's Oshun, the Yoruba goddess of love and fertility, or Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife, these divine entities are revered through elaborate ceremonies, dances, and sacrifices. Through these rituals, devotees seek communion with the divine and seek guidance in matters of health, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

However, the significance of African shrines extends beyond the realm of spirituality. They are also repositories of cultural knowledge, oral traditions, and historical narratives passed down through generations. Within the sacred precincts of these sites, elders impart wisdom, storytellers weave tales of heroism and creation, and artists imbue their craft with symbols and motifs that speak to the essence of African identity.
Unfortunately, the colonial era and the spread of Christianity and Islam have often marginalized indigenous African religions, dismissing them as primitive or pagan. Despite this, many communities continue to uphold their traditional beliefs, adapting them to the challenges of modernity while preserving their core values and rituals. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in African spirituality, fueled by a desire to reclaim cultural heritage and reconnect with ancestral roots.

In conclusion, African shrines and religion embody the resilience, diversity, and spirituality of the continent's people. They are more than just places of worship; they are living testaments to the enduring legacy of Africa's past and the enduring power of its traditions. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, embracing and honoring Africa's rich heritage is not only a matter of cultural preservation but also a celebration of the human spirit's boundless capacity for faith, creativity, and reverence for the divine.

#life#animals#culture#aesthetic#black history#history#blm blacklivesmatter#anime and manga#architecture#black community
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My June Reads
Storygraph introduced auto-generated graphics for sharing our reads by the month, which makes it much easier to do a review, and here I am! Sorry it's kinda pixelly, the settings on Storygraph aren't perfect yet but they're planning to add functionality.
I've been posting on the Duck Prints Press Book Lover's Server for a while, so everyone knows there that the answer to "how do you read so much?" is the library, but just to be clear, if it's a graphic novel, I got it from one of three libraries - either my local system, @queerliblib, or the Japan Foundation Library. The last two are both free-throughout-the-US Libby libraries and they've both been awesome.
Prose books, I usually own.
Anyway. Onward! My June reads:
How to Love: A Guide to Feelings and Relationships for Everyone by Alex Norris (graphic novel, short self-help stories about how to be in relationships, how to be alone, etc., all very inclusive.
Blue Flag Vol. 1 - 2 by Kaito (manga series about modern high school and a young man and his best friend - who has a crush on him - and a young woman and her best friend - who has a crush on her. poly vibes.)
The Tea Dragon Festival and The Tea Dragon Tapestry by K. O'Neill (graphic novels, very fluffy fantasy slice-of-life with various queer rep)
Squad by Maggie Toluda-Hall and Lisa Sterle (graphic novel, modern with magic, wlw high school student discovers that fitting in with the cool kids means becoming a murderous werewolf)
Clementine vol. 1 and 2 by Tille Walden (graphic novel, post-apocalyptic set in the same 'verse as The Walking Dead about a wlw amputee surviving against the zombies.
A Thousand Hopes, A Thousand Risks by Kelas Lloyd (short story, fantasy, pre-mlm between a young merchant and a god)
Ride On, Shooting Star by J. D. Harlock (short story, science fiction, a space courier wants to retire)
Deadendia vol. 1 by Hamish Steele (graphic novel, modern with magic/horror elements, about a trans male teenager who runs away from home and moves into a haunted house at an amusement park)
Giant Days vol. 2 by John Allison and Whitney Cogar (graphic novel, modern college setting, about the somewhat silly lives of the main characters)
Yona of the Dawn vol. 1 by Mizuho Kusanagi (manga, fantasy, about a young princess whose kingdom gets taken over by someone she thought a friend)
In the Dark vol. 3 by Jin Shisi Chai (danmei novel, mlm, last of three volumes - I read the other two in May - about an undercover drug cop who returns home after six years undercover)
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation manhua vol. 6 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (manhua version of the MDZS novel, mlm, historical cultivation about a fraught political situation)
The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha (graphic novel playing on story of the fox maiden Gumiho in Korean mythology, with a side of wlw)
My Hero Academia vol. 9 - 12 by Kohei Horikoshi (manga series about teenagers at a high school for superheroes)
Frontera by Julio Anta and Jacoby Salcedo (graphic novel about a young man crossing the border between the US and Mexico illegally, and about the mlm ghost who helps him)
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi (autobiographical manga about a young lesbian in Japan trying to figure out her identity and find companionship)
Solo Leveling vol. 1 - 2 by Chugong (a manwha series set in modern fantasy Korea, about a young man is terrible at "hunting"...until he isn't)
Haikyu!! vol. 5 - 6 by Haruichi Furudate (manga series about young men who play high school volleyball)
Little Birds by Anaïs Nin (a collection of short erotic stories with lots of trigger warnings applicable and a few dashes of wlw, originally written in the 1930s and 1940s)
To Strip the Flesh by Oto Toda (manga collection of short stories, with the longest/most involved being about a young man's journey coming out as a trans man)
Shubeik Lubeik by Deena Mohamed (graphic novel exploring three stories of Egyptians getting first-grade wishes in a modern-with-magic world, includes NB rep)
Limerence by Jiang Zi Bei (danmei novel, mlm, about a young college student who breaks up with his boyfriend and ends up falling for his ex's roommate.)
Our Colors by Gengoroh Tagame (manga about a young Japanese gay man coming our of the closet and making friends/finding a mentor in an older gay man)
Silent Hearts vol. 1 by Jing Shui Bian (danmei novel, mlm, modern high school setting, lots of disability rep though not for either member of the main couple)
Rainbow! vol. 1 by Sunny (modern, maybe with magic, about a young woman with a tough life and the people around her; wlw implied in the future?)
Out of Left Field by Jonah Newman (real-life-inspired graphic novel about a young gay man navigating high school)
Escape From St. Hell: My Trans Life Levels Up by Lewis Hancox (autobiographical graphic novel about a young trans man with severe anxiety)
This was the most pages I've read in a month all year, and the second most individual books. There's actually one more book not pictured, as it wasn't on Storygraph and I opted not to add it.
Happy reading, y'all.
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The Timeless Divas of the Arab World: Icons of Culture and Power.
The Arab world has produced an array of legendary divas whose influence transcends borders and generations. From the enchanting voices of classical music to the bold icons of modernity, these women have shaped Arab culture while challenging societal norms. Their contributions to music, cinema, and even political movements have left an indelible mark not just in the Middle East, but globally. Let’s explore the rich tapestry of the most influential Arab divas whose legacies endure today.

Umm Kulthum: The Voice of Egypt
Often referred to as “Kawkab al-Sharq” (Star of the East), Umm Kulthum’s impact on Arabic music is unparalleled. Born in Egypt at the turn of the 20th century, her powerful voice and unique ability to convey deep emotions made her a beloved figure throughout the Arab world. Her music, grounded in traditional Arabic scales yet modern in its approach, was a source of unity in a politically fragmented region. With songs like Al-Atlal and Enta Omri, Umm Kulthum became not just a cultural figure but a symbol of Arab identity and pride.
Her monthly radio performances in the mid-20th century would bring cities to a standstill. It wasn’t just her mastery of Arabic maqam or her exceptional vocal control that captivated audiences; it was her ability to tell the story of an entire nation through music. She remains an iconic figure, revered across generations as the quintessential Arab diva.

Fairuz: The Eternal Voice of Lebanon
Fairuz, known as the “Jewel of Lebanon,” emerged during a period of immense political upheaval in the Arab world. Her music became synonymous with the resilience and beauty of Lebanon, particularly during the Lebanese Civil War. Her collaboration with the Rahbani Brothers produced timeless classics that blended Western influences with Arabic tradition, a reflection of the cultural crossroads that Beirut represents.
Fairuz’s voice, often described as ethereal, manages to evoke both nostalgia and hope. Her songs like Bint El Shalabiya and Le Beirut are as much personal odes as they are collective anthems for displaced populations and war-torn regions. Today, Fairuz’s music serves as a bridge between the past and present, her voice still celebrated across the Arab diaspora.

Asmahan: The Tragic Diva
Asmahan, born to a Syrian Druze family in 1912, had a short but highly influential career. Her life was the stuff of legend—drama, intrigue, and an untimely death at the age of 31. With a voice that could effortlessly glide between classical Arabic music and Western operatic styles, Asmahan’s songs reflected the complex identity of a woman navigating multiple cultural worlds. She captivated audiences with songs like Ya Habibi Ta’ala and her starring roles in Egyptian cinema.
Her mysterious death in a car accident has only added to her allure, sparking countless theories and immortalizing her as one of the most enigmatic figures in Arab entertainment history. Her legacy lies in her versatility, her ability to cross genres, and her willingness to push against the confines of traditional gender roles in a conservative society.

Modern Divas: Sherine and Majida El Roumi
The modern Arab world continues to produce iconic divas who both respect tradition and embrace contemporary trends. Sherine Abdel-Wahab, with her dynamic voice and bold personality, has risen to become a pop sensation across the Arab world. Her music blends traditional Egyptian rhythms with modern pop, making her a standout in today’s competitive industry.
On the other end of the spectrum is Majida El Roumi, whose operatic voice and commitment to classical Arabic music have earned her a loyal fanbase. Majida’s songs are marked by their poetic depth and social consciousness, making her not just an entertainer but a cultural commentator.
Divas as Cultural Icons
The influence of Arab divas goes beyond their musical talents. They are symbols of cultural resilience, often representing the hopes and struggles of their respective countries. Whether through their music, public personas, or political engagements, these women have consistently broken barriers, offering an empowering narrative for future generations.
In a region where social and political upheavals are commonplace, the Arab diva stands as a beacon of continuity, a reminder of the region’s rich cultural heritage. Their voices, whether mournful or joyous, continue to resonate with millions, proving that the power of music knows no bounds.

#coquette#girlblogging#lana del rey#vintage#jane birkin#lizzy grant#60s girl#lanadelrey#girlboss#it girl#lebanon#fairuz#singer#divas#arabian#asmahan#umm kulthum#syria#ancient egypt#egypt#coffee#cigarette#sherine#lebanese#egyptian#modern#arabic#diva#50s#60s icons
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Once upon a time, in a world of enchantment and wonder, there was a little princess named Sofia. Her magical amulet took her on adventures to far-off lands, each more fascinating than the last. Let's explore the colorful kingdoms of Sofia's world and discover how they mirror our own!
Kingdoms with confirmed real-life inspirations:
Enchancia: British Isles
Galdiz: Spain
Arendelle: Norway
Wei-Ling: China
Tangu: Middle Eastern cultures
Freezenburg: Arctic regions
Hakalo: Hawaii or Polynesian cultures
Now, let's uncover the reasoning behind the chosen locations for kingdoms without confirmed inspirations:
Borrea: Iceland
The name Borrea evokes a sense of the north, with its chilly winds and icy landscapes. Iceland, with its unique blend of fire and ice, volcanic activity and glaciers, provides the perfect real-world parallel. The country's otherworldly landscapes, from the Northern Lights to geothermal springs, align well with a magical kingdom in Sofia's world.
Brazendell: Brazil
The name Brazendell bears a striking resemblance to Brazil, suggesting a vibrant, tropical setting. Brazil's diverse ecosystems, from the Amazon rainforest to the coastal regions, offer a rich tapestry of environments that could inspire a fantasy kingdom. The country's colorful culture and carnival spirit also fit well with the show's lively atmosphere.
Cariza: Caribbean islands
Cariza's name has a melodic, tropical ring to it, evoking images of sun-drenched beaches and crystal-clear waters. The Caribbean islands, with their mix of cultures, colonial history, and natural beauty, provide an ideal real-world inspiration. The region's pirate lore and hidden coves also add an element of adventure perfect for Sofia's world.
Corinthia: Greece
Corinthia clearly draws inspiration from the ancient Greek city-state of Corinth. Greece's rich mythology, philosophical traditions, and architectural marvels make it a natural fit for a fantasy kingdom. The country's Mediterranean climate and island geography also provide diverse settings for magical adventures.
Isleworth: Ireland
The name Isleworth implies an island nation, making Ireland an apt choice. Ireland's lush green landscapes, ancient castles, and rich folklore tradition align perfectly with the fairytale aesthetic of Sofia's world. The country's Celtic heritage adds a layer of mysticism that enhances the magical elements of the show.
Khaldoun: Jordan
Khaldoun's name has distinct Middle Eastern phonetics. Jordan, with its ancient city of Petra, vast deserts, and rich history, offers a wealth of inspiration for a magical kingdom. The country's position at the crossroads of ancient civilizations also fits well with the diverse, multicultural world of Sofia the First.
Maru: Egypt
Maru's short, impactful name echoes the brevity of many ancient Egyptian names. Egypt's long history, iconic monuments like the pyramids, and the mystique of the Nile provide a perfect backdrop for a fantasy kingdom. The country's ancient mythology and hieroglyphic writing system also add elements of mystery and magic.
Merroway Cove: Italy
The name Merroway Cove suggests a coastal setting, making Italy's Mediterranean shores an excellent match. Italy's picturesque coastal towns, maritime history, and rich cultural heritage offer diverse inspirations for a seaside kingdom. The country's reputation for art and cuisine also aligns with the show's colorful and varied world.
Norberg: Sweden
Norberg has a distinctly Scandinavian sound, making Sweden a natural choice. Sweden's forests, lakes, and northern lights provide a magical setting for a fantasy kingdom. The country's folklore, featuring trolls and other mythical creatures, also fits well with the magical elements of Sofia's world.
Paraíso: Portugal
"Paraíso" means "paradise" in Portuguese, creating an obvious link to Portugal. The country's beautiful beaches, historic cities, and seafaring tradition offer rich material for a fantasy kingdom. Portugal's Age of Exploration history also adds an element of adventure that fits well with Sofia's quests.
Princess Ivy's kingdom: Romania
The Gothic architecture associated with Princess Ivy's kingdom aligns perfectly with Romania's castles, particularly those in Transylvania. Romania's rich folklore, featuring creatures like vampires and werewolves, adds a touch of spooky enchantment that contrasts nicely with Sofia's usually sunny world.
Rudistan: Russia
Rudistan's name, ending in "-stan," suggests an Eastern influence, while the vastness often depicted matches Russia's enormous size. Russia's diverse landscapes, from tundra to forests to mountains, provide a variety of settings for magical adventures. The country's fairy tales and folklore, featuring characters like Baba Yaga, also enrich the fantasy elements of the show.
Satu: Indonesia
Satu Southeast Asian, making Indonesia a fitting choice. As the world's largest archipelagic country, Indonesia's diverse islands and cultures provide a rich tapestry of inspirations for a fantasy kingdom. The country's tropical forests, volcanoes, and unique wildlife also offer exciting settings for Sofia's adventures.
Trufflandia: France
The name Trufflandia immediately brings to mind truffles, a delicacy closely associated with French cuisine. France's reputation for fine food, art, and fashion aligns well with a kingdom of refinement and taste. The country's fairytale castles and diverse regions, from the Alps to the Riviera, also provide varied settings for magical stories.
Unnamed kingdom (Lord of the Rink): Switzerland
The ice skating theme in this episode connects naturally to Switzerland's Alpine setting. Switzerland's snowy mountains, picturesque lakes, and reputation for precision (like in watchmaking) make it a perfect inspiration for a kingdom centered around ice skating. The country's multilingual nature also fits well with the show's celebration of diversity.
Westerberg: Germany
The name Westerberg suggests a Western European location, and Germany's central position in Europe makes it a great fit. Germany's famous Black Forest, fairytale castles like Neuschwanstein, and rich tradition of folklore (think Brothers Grimm) provide perfect inspirations for a magical kingdom. The country's reputation for engineering could also inspire unique magical contraptions in Sofia's world.
Zumaria: Croatia
Zumaria's name has a Mediterranean flair, matching Croatia's Adriatic coastline. Croatia's stunning coastal cities, like Dubrovnik (which has served as a filming location for other fantasy series), offer inspiration for a beautiful seaside kingdom. The country's mix of Mediterranean and Eastern European influences also adds depth to the cultural tapestry of Sofia's world.
These choices reflect a balance of linguistic cues, geographical features, and cultural elements that enrich Sofia's magical world with real-world diversity, providing young viewers with a fantastical introduction to global cultures
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Laura Bow In: The Dagger of Amon-Ra Sentence Starter Pack
Quotes taken from the game Laura Bow In: The Dagger of Amon-Ra, the wildly tonally different sequel to The Colonel's Bequest. TW for murder, death, infidelity and such. Change pronouns and tenses as needed, some entries have been edited for clarity, and please enjoy!
"There is still time to correct this most grievous misunderstanding."
"Don't let him shake you. He's tough on the outside, but inside, he's got a heart of stone."
"Don't touch it! You don't know where it's been!"
"That's what you think, you mallard rest buffoon!"
"It is a unicorn, left over from a King's Quest game."
"You're in a heck of a pickle now!"
"Death is a natural part of life, so when your time comes, it's best to accept it and go out gracefully."
"Your perky demeanor and thorough technique are making you a First Class Detective."
"Death from traumatic lead poisoning claims many lives every year."
"Stay out of my way, or I'll thrash you within an inch of your life!"
"We usually just hire men for this job. It's rough out there, and you're kind of…small."
"You mean there's ANOTHER [NAME]? No two sets of parents could be THAT cruel."
"He's got a chip on his shoulder the size of the Brooklyn Bridge. He'll try to cut you down. Just shake it off; that's what I had to do."
"Look, that was long ago and far away, okay? The room was dark and I was NOT married at the time."
"I don't know how you know about that, but I don't want to hear another word about it."
"Oh, lovely place if you like rats, thieves, and roughnecks."
"Don't bother Doctor Jazz while he's performing."
"Ya look so cute in that outfit, it makes me want to scream!"
"I find it distasteful to celebrate thievery in the name of science!"
"Amon-Ra will have his revenge!"
"Excuse me, SIR, but I see a turkey leg on the buffet table that requires my attention."
"I just happened to be standing here."
"I don't think my wife would ever have done it in a mummy case."
"Oh, I'm sure his body is crawling with maggots by now."
"If his spirit IS with you, let me know because I'd love to see it!"
"Very kind of you to say that, but there are many who misinterpret my actions."
"A delightful girl. I keep asking her if she'd like to be my second wife."
"It never hurts to have highly-placed friends on the police force, no?"
"He doesn't care a fig for what's right and what's wrong! His evil deeds will catch up to him though, just wait and see!"
"Our civilization has evolved over thousands of years, so our methods are quite well thought out and practical."
"I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on."
"Even empty water glasses have their uses."
"Oh, wunderbar! Now we've got the AMATEURS involved."
"The food is free of bugs, if that's what you were worried about."
"That translates out to: "My Fish Dances in the Parking Lot"?!"
"The tablet says: "She who reads this cursed tablet is doomed to be eaten by a thousand voracious scarabs"."
"You might cut yourself, or you could put an eye out, or any number of other things could happen that your mother warned you about when you were little and everything in your life was dangerous."
"Your face has certainly changed to an attractive pale color, my dear."
"Remember our deal."
"You'll have to show me how sorry you are. Kiss me."
"Honestly, you men can be such crybabies."
"Because of you, a murderer is running around loose in this city, free to kill again!"
"I've got more tricks than you have braincells!"
"Nobody just happens to HIDE behind a museum tapestry!"
"The nerve, going around accusing people of stealing paintings!"
"Just be keeping in mind that I'd have to kill you if I ever found out you were sleeping with someone else."
"It's been a long time since I've been able to trust anyone as much as I trust you."
"We've got a perfectly good art burglary scheme going!"
"That's not blood, you got me all excited..."
"That man'd lie to his own MOTHER if someone paid him for it!"
"I lost a load of Egyptian cobras down there a few weeks ago, and I occasionally come across one of the little darlings."
"I need more proof before I subject him to the full force of my wrath."
"Why are you tied up on my desk?"
"If you see him, will you tell him [NAME] is dying on the desk in my office?"
"Ah, excuse me, I was looking for the women's lounge?"
"There is too much at stake here, too many important people are involved!"
"We can either test you or sacrifice you, it's your choice!"
"It's all that damned lousy reporter's fault!"
#rp meme#askbox meme#inbox meme#roleplay meme#rp memes#ask box meme#ask meme#starter sentences#sentence starters#starter prompt#dagger of amon ra
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Tapestries produced by the weavers at the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Centre near Cairo, Egypt.
Incredibly, these tapestries have been woven by individuals who have had no formal art training. The Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Centre continues experimenting in tapestry weaving.
The centre was founded in 1951 by the Egyptian architect, Ramses Wissa Wassef to test his theory that all children are born with innate artistic ability but this ability is stifled by traditional training and adult interference. At his new Art Centre, Ramses began teaching young Egyptian village children how to weave, then left them to develop their own artistry. He laid down three rules: no copying, no preliminary designs and no adult criticism. He wrote: “I had this vague conviction that every human being was born an artist but that his gifts could be brought out only if artistic activity was encouraged from early childhood by way of practising a craft. The creative energy of the average person is being sapped by a conformist system of education and the extension of industrial technology to every sphere of modern life”
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