3rdeyeblaque · 11 months
🕯💀 Happy All Souls Day 🖤🕯
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🖤💀 The Hoodoo Holiday festivities continue! Today we step into the shadow of deep healing work as we continue to welcome, celebrate, & venerate our Dead.
For those who are familiar with Catholicism, All Souls Day is dedicated to "all other loved ones" - non-Saints & those who are not of Elevated status. Thus, today we tend to the shadow work of our lineages; we uplift the Ancestors of our small egun (i.e.: our less than honorable ancestors, who died violently or suddenly, who remain in unrest, who lived hard lives, who endured great suffering, who perpetuated generational curses, who contributed to generational trauma, etc.).
Some differentiate this day from All Saints by focusing solely on small egun Ancestors; those who need elevating, prayer, healing, light, love, karmic debts paid, etc. & are open to receiving it - more akin to Dia De Los Muertos.
Others simply keep yesterday's tradition & festivities going (i.e.: tending to the graves of our Ancestors, communing with our Dead, getting the family together, enjoying leftovers, building family trees, prayer offerings, lighting candles, playing music, singing, dancing, etc.).
Regardless, however you choose to celebrate IS valid! May your Ancestors, - Big & small Egun - continue to be blessed. Ase. 💀🖤
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“Egungun,” Sakété, Benin by Stephan Gladieu
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cruciferous-spatula · 3 months
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Moar Vuosttami. Ulli's hanging out with the sheepsies
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and then it was birthday time.
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She's so short her anims get really funny sometimes
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Johka's having a normal one
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And Ausarta befriends this handsome fella called Poppo, who has been wandering this island since time immemorial
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Welcome to the family, guy
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Johka and his cousin Egun are really similar and I platonic-ship em, but belonging to separate classes makes things awkward sometimes
moar soon
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hoodooboo · 4 months
i know my ancestors be tired of my cry baby ass 😅 especially while i’m trying to endure this break up
like, a couple of weeks ago i was crying to my ancestors while cooking dinner. and i just kept saying how i felt like a fool for being played like i was and how i just wanted to die.
why all of a sudden, everybody plays the fool by the main ingredient start playing in my head repeatedly. not like it was stuck in my head, like my ancestors really wanted me to play the song for them.
i’m like okay, i turn on their little altar speaker and put the song on and y’all the first lyrics:
“Okay, so you’re heart broken.
You sit around mopin’,
Cryin’ and cryin’
You say you’re even thinking about dying?
Well, before you do anything rash, dig this:
Everybody plays the fool, sometimes.”
tell me why i immediately start laughing, i couldn’t even be sad anymore. they were really like “you’re not the first and you won’t be the last person to be played. get it together, girl.” but in the gentlest way possible.
anyways, i love my ancestors. they’re so funny, but so right 🥴
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keyamsha · 1 year
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Dos legados do meu passado, eu apenas queria perder o medo extremo de visitar cemitério. Amo a arte tumular, o ambiente do lugar, mas fui assombrada, ao menos diziam isso, de eguns no meu pé
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pildz · 9 months
Papo na Encruza 160 - Obsessão, Fascinação e Subjugação
Já ouviu falar em Encosto, Frexamento e Vexamento? E em obsessão espiritual? Sabia que você pode estar nesse momento sendo vítima disto? Apesar de já termos falado nesse assunto, parece que é necessário retomar ao tema sempre! ORÁCULO DAS 7 LINHAS DE UMBANDA E QUIMBANDA O método oracular desenvolvido por Douglas Rainho em parceria com Tata Kamuxinzela para aprimorar a comunicação com os espíritos…
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Friday, in standard Basque.
It comes from ost(egun) iragale, meaning "the day after Thursday".
Friday, in western dialect.
Pliny the Elder in his Historia Naturalis, writes about a word the Carietes [Caristii] tribe used to refer to the second day of rest: Baracu. Bariku seems to come from there, maybe meaning "fasting day".
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readyforevolution · 7 days
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The Yorùbá community is a prominent Niger-Congo ethnic nationality inhabiting southwestern and north-central Nigeria, as well as southern and central Benin. Collectively, these territories are referred to as Yorubaland. The Yoruba population totals approximately 44 million individuals.
The majority of this demographic resides in Nigeria, where the Yorùbá account for 21% of the nation's population, according to the CIA World Factbook, rendering them one of Africa's most extensive ethnic nationalities. Most Yoruba individuals communicate in the Yoruba language, which features tonal characteristics and holds the distinction of being the Niger-Congo language with the most native speakers.
The Yorùbá share territorial boundaries with the closely affiliated Itsekiri to the southeast in the North West Niger delta, the Bariba to the northwest in Benin, the Nupe to the north, and the Ebira to the northeast in central Nigeria. To the east lie the Edo, Ẹsan, and Afemai groups in mid-western Nigeria. Adjacent to the Ebira and Edo groups are the related Igala people situated in the northeast, on the left bank of the Niger River. To the southwest are the Gbe-speaking Mahi, Egun, Fon, and Ewe, who border Yoruba communities in Benin and Togo. To the southeast are the Itsekiri, who inhabit the north-western extremity of the Niger delta and have maintained a distinct cultural identity despite ancestral ties to the Yoruba.
Substantial Yoruba populations reside in other West African countries, including Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The Yoruba diaspora comprises two primary groupings:
Recent migrants, predominantly relocated to the United Kingdom and the United States following significant economic and political shifts between the 1960s and 1980s.
Descendants of those displaced by the Atlantic slave trade, now residing in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Saint Lucia, Jamaica, Brazil, Grenada, and Trinidad and Tobago, among other nations.
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3rdeyeblaque · 11 months
🕊🤍 Happy All Saints Day 🕯💀
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🕊🤍 This is our Thanksgiving, our Day Of The Dead, our family reunion. Traditionally, this is our day to visit & honor our Dead; tend to their graves, adorn them with flowers/candles/other offerings, then share a feast meal with music, sing, and dance - as we would any Black family cookout.
For those who could, this was done under the guise of Catholicism for our protection; in regions that were subjected indoctrination under this particular denomination. And for some, akin to Catholicism, All Saints is dedicated to welcoming & celebrating our Elevated Ancestors, those we may consider Saintly within our lineages, & Hoodoo Saints in general - especially those without [known] living descendants.
Whether you're tending to graves or altars, whether you're cooking a feast or a simple meal you can manage….may your Elevated Ancestors, your Big Egun be blessed. Ase. 💀🕯
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“I saw giants” by Àsìkò
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cruciferous-spatula · 4 months
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It's the night before Para's wedding, and she and Granny Mayu are bonding with the royal babies.
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Para's betrothed pops over the next morning to meet the little ones, only to get puked on by Tiakarete
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It's wedding time!
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Both sets of immediate family are in attendance
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If you've been following closely this might give you the ick, and not just because he's marrying in the suit that just got puked on. I'm with you there... but look they both REALLY wanted this. And there really aren't anyone else Para can marry. The other option would be his oldest son Aitor, and they had anti-chemistry as teens so, nah
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idk why Manawaki and Zaindu are both floating there lol
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Proud parents
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... and parents to be.
I mean they both have had kids already but
and that's wher we leave em! Lastly let's take a look at how the Palace looks now because I made some changes since the first looka t it
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i still consider it a wip. I consider everything a wip :P
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hoodooboo · 4 months
i had a dream i was initiated into, what i’m guessing is, ifa. it was a little intense but exciting at the same time. idk if that means one day i’ll be initiated, but it was an interesting dream nonetheless.
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dabid-motozalea · 2 months
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Egun on majetes!!
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Michael Babatunde Olatunji (April 7, 1927 – April 6, 2003) was a Nigerian drummer, educator, social activist, and recording artist.
He was born in the village of Ajido in southwestern Nigeria. A member of the Ogu people, he was introduced to traditional African music at an early age. His name, Bàbátúndé, means ‘father has returned’, because he was born two months after his father, Zannu died, and he was considered to be a reincarnation. His father was a local fisherman who was about to rise to the rank of chieftain, and his mother was a potter who was a member of the Ogu people. He grew up speaking the Gun (Ogu/Egun) and Yoruba languages. He was groomed to take the position of chief.
When he was 12, he realized that he did not want to become a chieftain. He read in Reader’s Digest magazine about the Rotary International Foundation’s scholarship program and applied for it. His application was successful and he went to the US in 1950.
He received a Rotary scholarship in 1950 and was educated at Morehouse College. He was a good friend of Glee Club director Dr. Wendell P. Whalum and collaborated with him on a staple of the choir’s repertoire, “Betelehemu”. After graduating from Morehouse, he went on to New York University to study public administration. He started a small percussion group to earn money on the side while he continued his studies.
He composed music for the Broadway theatrical and the 1961 Hollywood film productions of Raisin in the Sun. He assisted Bill Lee with the music for She’s Gotta Have It.
He was known for making an impassioned speech for social justice before performing in front of a live audience. His progressive political beliefs are outlined in The Beat of My Drum: An Autobiography. He toured the South with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and joined King in the March on Washington.
He performed before the UN General Assembly. He was one of the first outside performers to perform in Prague. On July 21, 1979, he appeared at the Amandla Festival. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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fanelectricboogieloo · 11 months
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ok so my current fort I'm messing around with is one with the set goal to resurrect a bunch of dead folks using this custom dfhack script that dips into curse tomb mechanics to tap into the revive and reanimate interactions. a bit more in depth in the read more
before we get to that part there been a lot of stuff that happen since the site swap showcase post... site-swap and the later army view script I work on didn't really work out given the whole flaw with site-swap wasn't fixed so I took a break from that and went into figuring out how tombs work which led to some deep poking and writing a series of scripts that poke into assigning corpses, interactions, and zone placements for activating the interactions for tombs. then realizing the vanilla interactions don't work well on mangled bodies that often... flash forward to this session
the session is a bit more dfhacked as it starts with the mobile nano void fort with heavy use of nomad and finally figuring out a way to get around the hidden location even if you reveal it in dfhack ordeal.
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this new reveal site uses embark notes to map where the hidden sites are while revealing them so the player... gets assaulted with a blinking light for locations they may or may not want to visit. so I learn this is a one time use script as it permanently sets the sites and embark notes on the save. the navigation of the world map while I do void fort stuff got a bit easier because of this and I been traveling the world for locations with old dead bodies and possible interesting people. the journey ended up with seeing a kobold encampment which I scoop up with a petition script and the kobolds in the fort were a major part of the workforce. later ended up finding some lairs that had a name dingo called egun lurchedglory and a named giant cougar called spitefulvalleys.
which led to the spot that spark me making this tumblr post a desert titan lair which had 2 skeletons and said desert titan SquidRivers the snarling rain. after moving in the desert titan into the fort and scooping the bodies I went into prepping the curse tomb set up for resurrecting them. the end result was uhh
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getting utag resurrected and finding out what happens when you use an revenant/intel undead resurrection on a mostly skeletonal body. right after petitioning them to join the fort I notice utag wasn't really moving which led to a quick examine that the game treats them as wounded and needed treatment so I went and set up a quick hospital bed and assign a kobold to be head medical chief for the task. tried to assign the desert titan but they proceeded to not do the task
the kobold doctors operated on the skeleton by cutting off the remaining rotten flesh which led to utag having a series of straight scars all over the bony body.
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then done the same on the other skeleton who name is quogub so there's like two skeleton bowwomen that just got cool scars. and suddenly after loading in the save to check on quogub's description uhh they are both gone. so now there's two historical figure resurrected skeleton hunters with surgery scars on their bones out in the wild of this savefile.
figures they were too cool to be in my fort any longer, I think one of them was a mom also.
here's the historical records of utag and quogub
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