robotgloveart · 1 year
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instaperil-blog · 1 year
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Happy Easter
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Whoniverse Dashboard Simulator
🌈Chippy-Potts follow
When I said I would melt if a pretty girl kissed me this is NOT what I meant
66 notes
🍁Impossiblegirl follow
Why Jane Austen kinda …
5,205 notes
🐧Sparrow-&-Nightingale follow
Tupng wthouit loikinh helo me theees anstatue mocing evry time I lopk Away
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🌹BadWolf follow
!! I don’t care what ur species is, ur employer should be paying u a living wage !!!!
🔄🧂Eggsterminate follow
I care what your species is. Die.
🔄🍌Fantastic-Jacket follow
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👱🏻‍♂️Last-Centurion follow
I love my wife
🔄👱🏻‍♂️ Last-Centurion follow
She took the armor in the divorce
🔄👱🏻‍♂️ Last-Centurion follow
459 notes
📘Hell-In-High-Heels follow
Having a great time out with the hubby ;)
🔄🚨Stormcage-Official follow
Come back here right now or we will be forced to use more severe measures.
🔄📘Hell-In-High-Heels follow
🙄 god forbid a woman have hobbies
🔄🚨Stormcage-Official follow
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lightdash · 1 year
     Sonic has experienced death several times — and remembers none.
     ... Well, he knows it's happened. It's the details he doesn't recall, instead left with a vague feeling of unease. Knowing you've died is strange, so he'd rather count his blessings and happily forget the more intimate parts of death. The only time he feels even remotely close to those "past lives" is during his super state. The flow of chaos allows him access to memories he wouldn't normally have, and in these moments, death isn't frightening. It simply is.
     ( It's Always Sunny™ Title Card: Times Sonic the Hedgehog has Perished: )
In the timeline that never was, when Mephiles put a stake through his chest and heart. It was excruciating. He felt everything before it stopped beating — sometimes, he still senses a phantom pain in the middle of his chest. It's an unexplained ache.
During a final battle over the last chaos emerald (and to save his friend), Sonic was brought to the edge of his life by the E-99 Eggsterminator. It bested him in combat, brutally, before sending him to the bottom of the ocean where he drowned. Technically dead for several minutes... before the emeralds fell into the water and blessed him with chaos control, and by extension, his super form. Sonic was revived.
The concentrated energy field created by the Chaos Energy Cannon not only ripped the emeralds out of Sonic and forcibly remove his super state, but damaged his self. When all the positive energy had been sapped from his body, there was no chaos energy left... so it started to take his life energy as well. Between the seconds, where the planet was being sundered, Sonic faded. If it weren't for Dark Gaia's freedom allowing negative energy to overtake him, it would've been over.
A brush with death after defeating Dark Gaia. After expelling all the negative energy, Sonic immediately turns super and fights the god alongside Light Gaia. It's... exhausting, and takes a heavy toll. He collapses at the end of the fight, unable to escape on his own. Thankfully, a very close friend is there to help. "Sonic... you must live..."
     And many other close encounters. Sonic dances with death frequently, but he doesn't plan on returning to the planet just yet; not when there's so much life to live!
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aziraphalesbowtie · 2 years
what did the dalek say when it had an unwanted pregnancy?
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dk7tdyjrdjuf · 15 days
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krauser366 · 1 month
Dead Frontier | Doomstar vs. Eggsterminator vs. Tide Breaker
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balasora · 1 year
Daleks make pancakes scary | Fact Fiend #shorts
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idkseemskindagaybro · 5 years
fucking daleks ugh
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mog-minister · 5 years
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Finally, had to farm this too many times to get all rewards but it's done!
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indieretronews · 6 years
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gritpyre-archived · 3 years
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commission for my friend @eggsterminate thank u sm ilu <3
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gritpyre · 3 years
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commission for @eggsterminate thank you so so much for your support <3
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supertvngames · 4 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure idea part 1
This is my redoing of Sonic X. I found my passion again! ^^
Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure is about adventures with Sonic, his friends, and his new friend Helen. Instead of Chris Thorndyke being the faux leading main character creator’s pet gary-stu human companion, it’d be Helen.
Sonic and friends were fighting against Eggman who has all the seven Chaos Emeralds and even the Master Emerald until there’s an accident that cause a Chaos Control that leads everyone into the world where the populations are just humans, and not humans and animal-people (no, I will not call them “mobians”).
Sonic and his friends will meet human companions of their own: Sonic with Helen, Tails with Chuck Thorndyke (I added him here without his bratty grandson being part), Amy and Cream with Ella, Knuckles with Tanaka and Hawk, and Rouge with Topaz.
Sonic sees Helen had been sad and lonesome, as she yearns for excitement. Sonic wants to fulfill her desires so she can live life at it’s fullest.
Tails and Chuck became friends, especially when there’s inventing around
Amy and Cream bonds Ella as they see her as a second mother figure to them.
Knuckles can always discuss with Tanaka about learning how to control his own emotions and talk about martial arts. Knuckles learns how to believe in Sonic and the more with Hawk.
Rouge and Topaz, like in Sonic X, don’t get along right away, but they will understand each other later on, especially outside of military work.
Everyone will be on their way to find the Chaos Emeralds especially with the danger on the way. Eggman, Metal Sonic, and many more of Eggman’s robots will be in the way. Making collecting the emeralds harder and more actiony.
The season will end with like how it ends with Sonic X season 1 (and combination with season 2). Which is saying goodbye to Sonic and the others as they had to go home to their own Earth (not Mobius). However, Eggman kidnaps Helen and took the Master Emerald, hoping Sonic and the others will exchange the Chaos Emeralds for her life and replace the Master Emerald. Knuckles did turn the Chaos Emeralds since he’s more concern about his friends like Helen, so he did it without thinking. Eggman took the Chaos Emeralds anyway without returning Helen or the Master Emerald.
In the season finale, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles turns Super Sonic, Super Tails, and Super Knuckles, saving their friend Helen, causing Chaos Control after destroying Eggsterminator which is still powered by the Master Emerald. They plan to say goodbye to Helen. While Helen was in tears, sadden the fact Sonic and everyone had to go, she understands. However, Sonic accidentally brought Helen back to their own world.
After accidentally been brought into Sonic’s Earth, Helen studies with Tails on about inventing so they could invent a transport device that would allow Helen go back to her Earth without the Chaos Emeralds.
That’s it for part 1. I’ll continue with part 2 later.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
half of the time when i look at grant morrison i think "oh cool funky comic guy" and the other half of the time i think "LMAO GUYS LOOK IT'S THE FUCKING EGGSTERMINATOR"
(korse if you're reading this im not sorry for calling you that. you killed me im allowed to make fun of you)
-party poison #🍭✨😈💥
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paulagnewart · 5 years
"Stay behind me, Sal!”
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"These trashcan terrors can keep shouting long til the cowbots come home, but this is one Hedgehog who can't be 'eggsterminated' that easily!"
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