#eg eater lore
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pookapufferfish · 21 days ago
draw eg eater doing what they loce
eating an eg
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ardienothesieno · 1 year ago
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EG EATER!!!!!!
fdhuchkndsgdxfdhxjhvjbmib thank you pooka!!!! the silliest of silly scugs... was just about to log off for the night and this just boosted my mood so much :)
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twoboltsoflightning · 1 year ago
(Through a walkie-talkie.)
-crossbow anon
TBOL: what??
Eg Eater: Eg! egeg
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sillovn-archived · 3 months ago
Grace and the Serpent
Continuing in the series of the "back to basics" interpretation of SotE lore; I want to talk about Grace and Messmer's curse.
The simple question here is; what exactly is Messmer's problem?
Being cursed from birth is fairly common among members of the divine family, with who is/isn't shunned probably being related to the specifics of the curse. As with Malenia, Outer God influence is not innately a problem (even to be an empyrean). Melina shows that being fire-aligned is not a deal breaker either.
Messmer seemingly lived as a "mundane" warrior-Demigod until his exile from the Erdtree (see. Black Knight Andreas, Remembrance of Gaius). The reveal of his "serpent nature", later causes a rebellion within the crusade (see. Andreas and Huw), oddly implying that it wasn't widely known or observable? Yet, even before the crusade, there already seems to have been something profane about the man (see. Fire Knights are nobles exiled for serving Messmer). The one thing that does set him apart from other cursed Demigods is a lack of innate Grace, which he receives via. artificial eye.
I think this particular aspect is important and sets Messmer apart from other cursed beings.
2. Giving Grace
In literal terms, Grace is the blessing of the Erdtree manifest as light within the eyes. Some basic points on it...
Grace can be given and taken (see. Golden Runes 10-13, Tarnished, Iris of Grace). The Golden Runes also imply that grace began with the Erdtree's first converts. (ie. people marked with this distinction began to exist after a certain point in history, its not something that has always existed).
Grace also seems to be inheritable (eg. Omens)
Erdtree religion is expansionist and proselytizing (see. Sacred Tear, Wars of Expansion, ongoing inquisitions and crusades).
Said religion is the core of Leyndell's society. Thus, whether or not you have Grace is very important (see. Tarnished, Crusaders).
Put simply, I think Grace is best imagined as an analogy for religious membership - you can enter and leave, but people tend to take after their parents.
You could also see it as a marker of said membership. Lots of IRL examples for initiation rites, specific customs/dressing.
With all this in mind, I think its important to note the different reasons why various people lack Grace.
As mentioned earlier, Grace doesn't seem innate - it presumably was given to the Golden Order's first followers and spread as Marika's kingdom expanded. This process of Erdtree conversion carries on to the present day (eg. Mt Gelmir). This is just to say that there is a default state of being graceless; the unconverted people. Then you have the apostates (eg. Tarnished), people who had Grace, but were stripped of it. Messmer differs from all these examples in that he seems unable to receive Grace (by conventional means anyway).
3. The Grace Eater
In terms of 'hard canon', the Abyssal Serpent gets little elaboration, but it's major properties are related to being light-less (shorn of light) and devouring (see. Messmer's Kindling). In that sense, the Abyssal Serpent's title is self explanatory; it is a personified abyss.
The serpent may not have been fire-aligned originally, but has acquired it by devouring Messmer's Fire. You could also argue to what extent Messmer and the serpent(s) are separate beings at present (the 'reverse-Rykard' analogy).
In the literal, in-universe sense; perhaps the *specific problem* is that the serpent devours grace given to Messmer. In the ideological sense, perhaps his existence violates the belief that Grace can be extended to all. Leaning into the idea of Messmer as Satan-figure, you could say he exists outside the grace of divinity, the true irredeemable.
Extra Notes
Not going to speculate here if Albinaurics can be graced or not.
Some would say that Messmer cannot have grace by virtue of losing his eye (hence nowhere for Grace to manifest). While this idea is intuitive, Marika is completely eye-less at present (Malenia also arguably so). There's also no mention of a prejudice against missing eyes under the Erdtree.
~thanks for reading
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ourpl3d · 2 months ago
Do I Glimmer Like A Freckle or An Exit Wound?
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hello. think you might be on the wrong radio frequency. this is purpled.
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How do you do? you can call me Laika, I’m the moderator of this blog. Gonna be posting c!purpled stuff here :]
a few things before we go on:
This is set around Las Nevadas, but I will mess around in other timelines.
I won’t do a lot of OOC talking ¯\_(ツ)_/ sorry, not great at small talk
Inbox Spam is not only welcome, it’s encouraged.
I try to go by rules of threes, though. So, like, after three, a joke is probably dead to me.
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no? oh. okay. what do you want?
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I’m A Halfway Thing, More Bullet Than Dog.
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#in-the-dog-house — in character posts
#quit-barking-at-the-moon — out of character posts
#pretty-little-satellite — important bits of lore
i’ll tag anons by their emoji sign off, like prophet does :) (eg. “(Emoji) anon” )
Anons / Interactions:
Dog-Eater Anon
Elderly Anon
The Radical Anon
Security Anon
Vending Machine Anon
🔫 Anon
🧪 Anon
🎈 Anon
🌹 Anon
💥 Anon
Mushka (Hoax)
Albina (Laverna)
They-Have-Summer-In-Space (Eryn)
Full-To-Burning (Quackity)
Little Cosmic Canine (Tommy)
Bon-Voyage (Punz)
Stray-Days (Eret)
Kometka (Wilbur)
To-The-Moon (Tubbo)
Human-Nature (Fundy)
Sputnik 2 (Ranboo)
Vostok (Guqqi)
Moscow Streets (The Egg)
Kudryavka (Shroud)
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Credit Where Credit Is Due:
Prophet [ @quackity1999 ] for the pinned idea, and basically the entire blog. If you like anything here, he probably did it like ten times better over there!
[ @animated-glitter-graphics-n-more ] and [@/enchanthings-a ] for the assets.
Enjoy :))
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fourgods-nobrakes · 3 months ago
I made a grave error this week. With the Sanguinala deadline looming and my attention span already terrible, I tried out one of the WH40k phone games. Did you know that when you take a terrible dopamine drip pastime and weld it to your existing hyperfixation, you can just lose days like it's your job? Yeah.
There's not a lot of story, mostly collecting gubbinz and sticking them on your characters to make them do more numbers, but I've still caught a couple of interesting moments. Like. Most factions have a couple of lore characters for the "legendary" and "epic" slots, and then some generic ones to round out the team. They're generally people one would expect (eg., Tigurius and Calgar for Ultramarines - plus Titus now as an event character - Maugen Ra and Jain Zar for eldar, Typhus and Nauseous Rotbone (afaict the only chaos healer) for Death Guard, etc) but in the Black Legion we get Abaddon, Haarken Worldclaimer... and Volk. The first Obliterator. Who I think we had only seen during the Heresy? A thousand years before the Black Legion formed? I would love this to be evidence that he lived, tbh.
Also one of the generic World Eater units is a Jakhal, and I got him early, so he's on my too-small Chaos team with terminators from the Black Legion and the Death Guard and you know what I will ship anything and possibly that's my superpower. I just picture him following these ancient, legendary tanks around the battlefield and really, really, really wanting to kill enough guys to get them to nod at him in approval.
ALSO the first faction you fight/second faction you start collecting is the Necrons, and I got as far as meeting "Imospekh" and was like, what the fuck kind of bootleg tomb world is this. Great designs, though. The hexmark destroyer and canoptek spyder are just fun to look at on the character screen.
Anyway I have made terrible choices and had better get back to the exchange fic mines.
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daenystheedreamer · 6 months ago
Sorry to ask but wtf is the marauders? I only hp films and I'm confused
i was a harry potter nerd ages 8-14 and dipped during the 2018-19 early jkr transphobe era when she was liking tweets about magdalen berns and maya forstater and then going naurrrr it was a mistake i misclicked!! i distinctly remember explaining to a teacher about it and the teacher going "oh idk im sure it was a mistake shes very feminist and charitable" well whos vindicated now. anyway unfortunately i have a lot of lore stuck in my head from when i wrote wattpad fanfiction at 13.
so canonically the marauders are like a nickname that james potter (harry's dad), sirius black (the dog guy), remus lupin (the werewolf guy), and peter pettigrew (the rat one) called themselves when they were at school. they're the ones who made the marauder's map, that magic map that fred n george give harry.
in fandom, the marauders era refers to basically the entire cast of characters who were around during the marauders school years during the 60s and 70s and 80s. eg snape, lily evans (harry's mum), pandora lovegood (luna's mum), regulus black (sirius' brother), and like all the other random ass order of the phoenix and death eaters who happen to be around at that point (marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, barty crouch jr, evan rosier, etc etc etc)
its all made up and entirely fanon built on top of fanon. its been around for ages, i remember seeing tumblr incorrect quotes reposted on instagram in 2015 like its been FOREVER but it blew up in 2020 during the dark academia tiktok explosion and now its forever ingrained in shitty internet culture.
you would think in a world where half the characters are nazis and the other half are anti nazis that these characters might like hate each other but that's canon and the fandom has about as good a grasp on optics and narrative as the author does. often its just an AU where voldemort doesnt exist and pure-blood supremacy is just window dressing and treated the same as the way sexism/feminism is treated in fandom
i will say a lot of the current hp fandom do disagree with jkr's views and dont engage with anything she's published recently (like the video games n shit) but like a vast majority still do. and sorry making all the characters pansexual and trans to spite jkr does not actually make a meaningful difference in the world but whatever
anyway hope that explains it. and i didnht even get into jegulus...
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crusherthedoctor · 2 years ago
4, 39, 40 :D
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
The first one is obvious… Sonic himself! Wouldn't make sense to spend so much time on a Sonic fic if I didn't care about his universe. That said, I don't intend to pull an Archie with the lore. Stellar focuses on its own story and setting that just so happens to partially incorporate one previous bit of lore, in a similar manner to what SA1 did with the backstory introduced in S3&K. There are some mild references to other lore, but never in a way that tries in vain to wrap it all together in a neat little bow.
The environments are also largely inspired by that of previous Sonic locales. Mostly from non-mainline installments, since for various reasons (being on a handheld ala Advance/Rush, being a racer ala Riders/Rivals/Sonic R, being on motion controls ala Storybooks), they didn't have the same level of freedom as those in the main games, meaning there's a lot to expand on and make something new out of.
The other major influence for environments and aesthetics is, you guessed it, Spyro. I make no secret that le purple dragon has helped shape up the world of Viridonia aesthetically, but unlike fans who think Sonic should be little more than Furry DBZ, or IDW making random anime references that don't work, there is some thought put into it, and never at the expense of the Sonic universe's own identity. I think both worlds are very similar in aesthetics anyway, so if I see something in Spyro that makes me think "Wow, that would be so cool to see in Sonic!", I then think of how to translate it in a form that benefits Sonic's world, as opposed to wondering why the square doesn't fit in the round hole.
For the mystic entities that are tied to the Ethereal Zone, since they each have different powers, shapes and colours, I got the idea to base each of them on a different mythological creature for a subtle thematic resonance despite how otherwise different they are from each other. They're not one-to-one like the creatures they're inspired from mind you, they're definitely Sonicy interpretations (eg: the fire-themed one is a mix between a phoenix and a feathered serpent ala Quetzalcoatl, since I wasn't sure if making it a phoenix straight-up would make it sound too similar to Ifrit from Rivals 2), but I thought it'd be a fun twist on the giant monster schtick… though it helps that all of them are controlled via Time Eater-esque cybernetics by a certain round chum. Going out of control? Upstaging Eggman? In a Crusher fic? Not happening, son.
And speaking of the doctor, obviously I've took notes from many of his game portrayals, with S3&K's determination, SA1's dickery, and Forces' cunning being three of the biggest examples. But another influence for my interpretation of the doctor is the Mother 3 portrayal of Porky Minch: specifically, how he is clearly working towards a big end goal, yet is also simultaneously setting up seemingly unrelated projects all over Viridonia, playing its population (save Trudy) for fools, and overall treating the island as though it's his personal playground. This is not a Mephiles situation however: all of this does turn out to play a part in his endgame. He just happened to plan it out in a way that can also feed into his ego and hedonism in the meantime.
And Trudy… is Trudy. There were some mild influences for certain aspects of her design, but her personality pretty much grew upon itself as I built on her. I wanted to create a character that was mellow, but still fun and quirky, and could still bounce off Sonic and Co without being seen as "the boring one" or "the nag who can't be bothered with Sonic". I also find an appeal in shy characters finding the courage to do things they'd never expect themselves to do, so y'know.
There are other bits of inspiration I could mention, which includes concepts that are neither Sonic or Spyro-related… but I don't want to spoil more than necessary for now. XP
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
Note: This is a slightly older draft of the moment in question, so there might be some minor differences in the final one.
Sonic grew concerned by her stunned reaction, hoping that he didn't offend her. "You don't mind it, do you?"
"No, of course not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's just…" Her right hand clutched the fingers of the other, subtly squeezing them in the process. Her vision was directed at a nonspecific pile of red leaves not too far away from them. This all seemed so silly. There was really no justification for this. No excuse for her to treat such a thing with the kind of awe reserved for being within the presence of an omnipotent. And yet…
"No one's… no one's ever given me a nickname before…"
Sonic appeared to be puzzled by this, which was then followed by him exchanging a brief glance with Tails. His lifelong pal simply gave him a shrug in response.
"If it's any consolation," the fox piped up, with a faint hint of a smirk morphing on his face. "Some of his nicknames are better than others."
"Hey!" Sonic playfully raised his arms in defense, which did nothing to hide his sheepish grin. "So what if they can get a little simple! If she doesn't like it, I can totally drop it! If I have to get my head around the right pronunciation of her name, then so be it!"
"No, it's… it's nice," she insisted softly. A gentle smile slowly found itself on her face as well. "It's an honor, truly. You can call me that if you want to."
"You sure?"
A simple, meek nod was what he received, and it was at this point that her eyes shifted once more. After what appeared to be some hesitance, they gained the courage to meet with Sonic's own.
Sonic's eyes held onto their shared gaze for a couple of seconds, before he turned to Tails again. The fox only gave another shrug, this time to suggest that there was no further reason to debate the matter. After a silent understanding between the two heroes, the hedgehog nodded triumphantly.
"Well then," he announced, with a wink for his new friend. "I guess it's truly Trudy from now on!" As he gave a characteristic thumbs up, she could only continue smiling at the display, and her ears lowered ever so slightly. This was all so very sudden for her even now, but if they sincerely value her company and assistance, then maybe... maybe... it wouldn't hurt to keep tagging along with them.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I wouldn't be fussy, since I'd be grateful for any moments, or environments, that they decided to portray.
But if I had to pick one… I suppose a certain confrontation between Trudy and Eggman would be awesome. Or a certain heart-to-heart between Trudy and Sonic. :>
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amplexadversary · 7 months ago
Okay more tag housekeeping. My re-organization project has fallen off but this might help me get it back on track
Critical Role: Tags standardized, record here next time I get a chance; CR [character first name], Keyleth, Mollymauk, Laudna, CR Guests, CR NPCs, CR Briarwoods, [whatever Cass and Kaylie's tags are], CR Setting, [however I did the cast members]
(ugghhhhhhhh wtf did I do for CR Specials? One post is going to have that until I FUCKIGN RECORD IT MORGAN AUGH)
Legend of Zelda: Standardized, record here next chance
Undertale: Standardized, record here next chance
Partial work done:
Ace Attorney: iconic names or ones that are unlikely to conflict are tagged [First Name] [Last name]. Names that someone could conceivably have, or are long are AA: [name]
This is just going to need a bank of examples I will not be able to come up with a consistent scheme for this work. AA: Apollo Justice,
Doctor Who: Doctors are their number spelled out (eg. Ten). Companions are "DW [name]." "non-linear" doctors get special tags (Ten2, War Dcotor, Forkteen)(get it? a fork of fourteen?). Monsters that are pretty unique are taggd with their name, and ones that could be confusing are "DW [monster]" (eg. "DW Cybermen")
Flight Rising: FR Dragons, FR Familiars, FR Dragons (Flight Rising Dragon Fanart), FR Wishlists (people posting about stuff they'd like), FR Lore, FR Site, Fan Breeds, Fandragons, Morg's FRblogging (me stuff), Morg's Fandragons
-G Gundam: tags standardized, record here next chance
-IBO: We'll see.
-Turn A Gundam: TAG [character first name], TAG Diana & Kihel (they have to share sorry), TAG Harry Ord, Turn A (the machine), Turn X
-Gundam X: GX [name]
-UC Gundam: A mess. Needs help. Mostly going to be UC [specific thing], [name of mech], and occasionally the show [Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Gundam CCA, however I decide to format the original, etc]
-GWitch: GW [element]. No space because this show's search results keep leaking into G Gundam's
Pokemon: [individual pokemon names, as many as I care to do, starting with the most in-focus] [RGBY GSC RSE FRLG ColiXD DPPt HGSS BW (?) XY ORAS SMoon SwSh ScarVy] [PT [character name]] [region name] Pokemon AU,
Not Started: Ace Attorney: Assorted Ace Attorney, DGS, Assorted DGS,
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Pokemon: the biggest fustercluck of them all.
Sailor Moon:
Soul Eater:
Star Trek:
Zero Escape:
So many more.
I also need to start on my Ancient Sins tag but that is probably last priority after I figure out everything else.
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Hello! Hatt here, a proud citizen of Wizard Island.
So basically, Wizard Island is where we all live, each in our own towers or wherever (eg: I have a den). Anything can happen on Wizard Island (eg: it was on fire recently), but you don't have to participate in stuff you don't want to.
Big events happening: the anti magic guy (Watts) is doing a story with Wizard Eater (who is a citizen).
The Gnome is a fun person to interact with if you want an intro to silly rp.
There is a map that Dr Corvius (yourlocalbreadenthusiast) is in charge of, but I don't think its necessary to rp, just for lore
I hope this summary helps.
My friend wants to create a wizardblr, could you summarise wizard island island so I can send it to them?
OH BOY. I'm tired at the moment, anyone else wanna attempt this? @the-gnomish-bastard @greyhound-with-a-mega-wizard-hat @combustion-wizard
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monsterbugstudio · 7 years ago
The Lore: Pantheon Part 1
Let's start this series with a basic introduction into the deities existing in my universe. 
They will be divided into Pre/Post-Great Extinction*. It is also important to know it's hard to compare those two groups to eachother, but it's generally more accepted that the Post-GE Gods also known as Guardians** are a lot more powerful than Pre-GE Gods.
The only exception to the Pre/Post rule would be the Creator itself.
The Creator: 
It's really hard to define this being ... if it even can be defined. It can be considered the ultimate God/Goddess, seeing as it is the reason everything else exists. 
It was The Creator who made the first World*** and made the first four Gods. It is very much a "What you make of it, that it is" type of a being, seeing as it has no defined gender, look or motives. 
The Creator might be considered a force that simply desires for things to continue in one way or another. Pre-EG Gods had more contact with this being, even considering it their parent.
Pre-Great Extinction Gods:
They may seem like an almost simplified version of those that can Post-GE. They had their assigned roles and worlds. They also had the task of creating more worlds, which they usually did to fit their own image. In some occasions, two or more Gods came together to create something, but that was a rare occurrence.
Also known as the Goddess behind the mirror. Is the deity of darkness and mother of monsters. Tricked by the sister she was locked within an eternal mirror where she created the first monstrosities now know as the race of De'Ama. 
She is the eldest of the Pre-GE pantheon and widely considered the strongest as the Creator assigned her the End Task**** of killing her siblings as restarting the universe. 
She is the total opposit of her sister. Know as the Goddess of Blinding Light, she created the race of De-Vina, beings of pure light who latered degraded into flesh beings and separated into two fractions. The De-Vina Angelus and De-Vina Lapsus. 
She is the only deity that didn't leave a direct descended in some shape or form, instead she bestowed her abbilities on another.
Her assigned End Task was to make sure life will continue after the restart.
The Father of Time. Hronus was resposible for assigning everything in existance it's time. He also made sure that no one can go back in time and mess things up. 
Hronus created The Time Eaters who devoured past to make place for future. The easiest way to depict Pre-GE time would be to think of it as if it was a wheel chart devided into three different sections [Past, Present, Future] that are constantly moving. 
Hronus was also the one who created World Records, which were the only means of changing the past.
His assigned end task was to make sure the pre-restart time line was not accesible by anyone, even the Gods
The Elementar Wolf also known as The Creator of Things. He made sure that the Worlds were stabile, that all elements existed in harmony and worked as they should be. Fenfir created the De-Elementia, beings which helped him create a stable ecosystem. 
It is also to him that the other Gods had to go if they desired to create any new creature, regardless if living or unliving.
His assigned End Task was to keep one of each Element safe through the restart.
*Great Extinction:
It was an event that wiped out nearly 90% of all existence, not to be mistaken with restarting the universe. The Great Extinction an unexpected event caused by War. Neither the Gods nor the Creator were prepared for it.
Those that came Post-GE decided to not call themselves Gods, seeing as the Gods were responsible for the War that cause th extinction. 
Instead the chose to call themselves Guardians
A World in this universe is a self sutainable unit. It has its equiviliant of hell and heaven, which are the place for lesser angelic and demonic beings, as well as its connected to at least of the Grand Worlds [home to the Gods/Guardians] and the purgatory [place were souls are taken apart to be recreated]
****End Task
Was an assign set of things given to each God. It was their end goal, a reason to go on. How set task was to be accomplished was left to the God itself.
The only additional rule was given to Shiba and forbid her from finishing her End Task before any other God, though the rest of them did not know about it.
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pookapufferfish · 1 year ago
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what if I was serious today too...
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twoboltsoflightning · 1 year ago
TBOL, do you smell an eg scent quickly approahcing from the sky?
TBOL: huh? What do you mean? What's an eg? Also apologies but I cannot smell.
TBOL: maybe little beast can?
Little Beast: Wa?
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pookapufferfish · 2 years ago
*runs away*
Welp since you're sleeping... *goes in on a stealth mission from pooka and steals the colony back(with my invis scarf)*
*bonks you with a hammer*
@pookapufferfish is this your minion?????? they keep trying to break into my house
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pookapufferfish · 5 months ago
doodle request:
eg eater being comfy in an eg themed shelter (give them comfy stuff)
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cozy baby
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pookapufferfish · 1 year ago
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eg eater colourized
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