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If you live in the EU, you absolutely need to pay attention to what's to come. What is Chat Control, you may ask? In a (failed) attempt to combat child abuse online the EU made Chat Control, Chat Control will result in getting your private messages and emails to be scanned by artificial intelligence aka AI to search for CSAM pictures or discussion that might have grooming in there. And on top of having your private conversations handed to AI or the police to snoop in, like your family pictures, selfies, or more sensitive pics, like the medical kind, only meant to be seen by your doctors, or the "flirtatious" kind you send to your partner, you either have to ACCEPT to be scanned...or else you will be forbidden from sending pictures, videos, or even links, as said here.
Kids should absolutely be protected online, without question, but the things that Chat Control gets wrong is that this is a blatant violation of privacy, without even considering the fact that AI WILL create tons of false positives, this is not a theory, this is a fact. And for all the false positives that will be detected, all of them will be sent to the police, which will just flood their system with useless junk instead of efficiently putting resources to actual protect kids from predators.
It also does not help that politicians, police officers, soldiers etc will be exempt from Chat Control if it passes. If it's for the sake of protection, shouldn't everyone get the same treatment? Which further prove that Chat Control would NOT keep your data of private life safe. Plus, bad actors will simply stop using messenger apps as soon as they know they're being tracked, using more obscure means, meanwhile innocent people will be punished by using those services On top of this, the EU also plans on reintroducing Data retention called "EU Going Dark". Both Chat Control and EU Going Dark are clear violation of the GDPR, and even if they shouldn't stand a chance in court, its not going to prevent politicians from trying to ram these through as an excuse to mass surveil European citizens, using kids as a shield. Even teenagers sending pictures to each other won't be exempt, which entirely goes against the purpose of protecting kids by retaining their private photos instead. Furthermore, once messaging apps are forced to comply with Chat Control, the president of Signal, a secured messaging app with encryption, have confirmed that they will be forced to leave the EU if this is enforced against them.
If Chat Control also ends up targeting any websites with the option of private messages, you better expect Europe to be geo-blocked by any websites offering such function. I would also like to add that EU citizens were very vocal in the fight against KOSA, an equally bad internet bill from the US-- and it showed! Which is why we heavily need the help of our fellow US peers to fight against Chat Control too, so please, because we all know if it passes, the US government will take a look at this and conclude "Ooh, a way to force mass surveillance on citizens even more than before? don't mind if I do!" It's always a snowball effect.
KEEP IN MIND THE EUROPE COUNCIL WILL LIKELY VOTE ON CHAT CONTROL THIS 19 JUNE OF NEXT WEEK TO SEE IF IT WILL ENTER TRILOGIES OR NOT. Even if it does enter Trilogues, the fight will only be beginning. Absentees may not count as a no, so it is crucial that you contact your MEPs HERE, as well as HERE, and you can also show your support for Edri's campaign against Chat Control HERE.
You can read more on Chat Control here as well, and you can find useful information as to which arguments to use when politely contacting your MEP (calling is better than email) here, and beneath you will find graphics you can use to spread the word!
PLEASE REBLOG ! NON EU PEOPLE ARE ENCOURAGED TO REBLOG AS WELL CONTACT YOUTUBERS, CONTENT CREATORS, ANYONE YOU KNOW THAT MAY HELP GET THE WORD OUT ! Let's fight for our Internet and actually keep kids safe online! Because Chat Control and EU Going Dark will only endanger kids.
Let's fight for our Internet and actually keep kids safe online! Because Chat Control and EU Going Dark will only endanger kids.
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Ticketmaster jacks us for billions so it can pocket millions
NEXT WEEKEND (June 7–9), I'm in AMHERST, NEW YORK to keynote the 25th Annual Media Ecology Association Convention and accept the Neil Postman Award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity.
Corruption is a system of concentrated gains and diffused costs: cheaters make a lot of money, and their victims each lose a little. The cheater has a much larger pool of money to spend on keeping the scam going, and the victims need to pay again to fight the cheater.
Actually, it's worse. The victim pays once when they are cheated, then, they pay a second time (in time and/or money) when they fight back against the cheater.
But in order to fight back effectively, the victims need to band together – it doesn't make sense for one victim to pony up to counter the cheater, because the cheater stole from a lot of people and can therefore spend far more than the victim lost and still come out ahead.
This is the third time the victim pays: they pay the "collective action" tax of locating other victims, agreeing to a common strategy for fighting back, and then coordinating with all those co-victims to keep the campaign up.
But actually, it's even worse. Because most corruption isn't just dishonest, it's incredibly wasteful. Corruption involves stealing ten dollars from you to make a dime for the cheater. The polluter who gives you cancer rather than cleaning up their industrial process costs you millions in medical bills – and maybe costs your family the lifelong trauma and expense of living with your death. They pocket an infinitesimal fraction of those costs. The rest is just wasted. They're setting your house on fire to spare themselves the cost of a match to light their cigar.
This is yet another way in which the deck is stacked in favor of corruption. A victim of corruption is placed in a condition of precarity and misery from which is it difficult to marshal a counteroffensive. The cheater, meanwhile, is made stronger and more comfortable by their corrupt activities. Immiserated victims must undertake the hard, ongoing work of acting together to be effective against the cheater. The cheater answers only to themself, avoiding the collective action costs that the victims pay every time they seek to act.
All of this is why we have governments. A government is (said to be) a democratically accountable way to meet the concentrated power of the corrupt with the concentrated power of the victims of corruption. Governments are many things, but they are especially a way of solving the collective action problem of enforcing the rules against cheaters. This is partially in service to justice – no one likes to be cheated, and a society of rampant and routine cheating is unstable and prone to collapse.
But it's also a matter of efficiency. While it makes a certain kind of selfish sense for the cheater to liquidate our dollar to make their penny, from a societal perspective, it's a catastrophe. Letting Wall Street slumlords corner regional markets in single family dwellings makes large amounts of money for their investors, but it costs those cities unimaginable amounts in public services as their housing stock decays, homelessness spikes, and schools and public services crumble for want of local taxes.
The paltry sums that Flint's creditors extracted by insisting on switching to a chlorinated water-supply that leeched lead out of the city's water infrastructure are crumbs compared to the vast, lifelong costs of giving an all the children in a city lead poisoning, to say nothing of the costs to the city as a city nor forever tainted by this unspeakably evil crime.
This is why inequality – and its handmaiden, monopoly – is so dangerous. The more concentrated private wealth becomes, the harder it is for the state to police, and the more likely it is that this private wealth will corrupt our officials. We see this all around us – for example, when Supreme Court justices receive lavish gifts from billionaires whom they later rule in favor of:
Through the neoliberal era – the past forty years of billionaire-friendly Reaganomics – we've seen increasing concentration in wealth, coupled to increasing collusion between the wealthy and the government to protect the corrupt against the public. Think of the IRS's long decay, in which it turned a blind eye to increasingly blatant tax evasion by the ultra-wealthy, while training its fire on working people who fudge a few bucks on their returns:
Likewise, think of the governmental obsession with "welfare cheats," no matter what the cost to families who are kicked off food stamps and Medicaid:
All this in the midst of a corporate crime-wave that is not only unpunished, it's utterly unremarked-upon:
This emphasis on benefits cheating and indifference to corporate crime really highlights the drag that corruption places on a society's efficiency. Even if you believe that there's a lot of welfare fraud (there isn't!), the dollar in "undeserved" food stamps spent by a cheater costs society…a dollar. Meanwhile the dollar that a corporate criminal makes by skimping on workplace safety costs society thousands of dollars to care for the worker who is then maimed on the job.
This is very easy to see in the world of corporate environmental crime. The "social cost of carbon" measures the total cost of pollution: the injuries caused by marinating in fossil fuel extraction, processing and combustion byproducts; as well as the loss of life and property from climate events. These costs are blistering, so high that every MWh of renewable power we bring online saves us $100 in social carbon costs:
Governments that sleep on corporate crime are objectively governing badly. That's why the antitrust failures of every US presidential administration from Carter to Trump are so damning: they set the stage for later corruption that would not only be carried out on a larger scale than smaller firms could accomplish, but also for those large firms to corrupt the political process.
This is the Ticketmaster story. The superpredator that is today's Ticketmaster is the end-point of a series of ever-more corrupt mergers, waved through by every-more pliable presidential administrations. It was bad enough when Bush I allowed Ticketmaster to gobble up Ticketron in 1990. After all, the company had already proven itself to be a cesspit of corrupt, bullying activity.
The Ticketron acquisition kicked off a two-decade-long corporate crime-spree that produced a mountain of evidence proving Ticketmaster's nature as an inherently corrupt enterprise that acquired power for the purpose of abusing that power, at the expense of creative workers, the public, and the owners of venues:
Despite this, the Obama administration waved through an acquisition that was obviously far more dangerous that the Ticketron caper: the 2010 merger between Ticketmaster and the concert promoter Live Nation:
After a decade and a half of vertical monopoly power – Ticketmaster/Live Nation controlling ticketing, promotion and venues – the company has grown from a dangerous octopus with its tentacles twined around the industry into a kraken that is strangling every kind of live event and everyone who earns a living from them. This has produced an ever-more obvious string of scandals, most notably the company's assault on Swifties:
A combination of mounting public outrage (with Swifties at the vanguard) and the Biden administration's generational enthusiasm for smashing corporate power has led, at last, to a reckoning with the Ticketmaster kraken:
Ticketmaster is a famously opaque organization. When Rebecca Giblin and I were working on Chokepoint Capitalism, our book on monopoly and creative labor markets, we were able to speak on the record to insiders from every part of the industry, except live performance:
As soon as we raised Ticketmaster/Live Nation with club owners and other events industry insiders, they'd go pale and quiet and tell us that they didn't feel comfortable staying on the record. TM/LN has a well-deserved mafia-style reputation for savage retaliation against snitches.
With the DOJ Antitrust Division chasing Ticketmaster through the courts, we're starting to get a rare, on-the-record glimpse of TM/LN's operations, as its internal documents find their pay into court records. In response Ticketmaster's spokesliars have embarked on an epic spin campaign, to "contextualize" these damning numbers and paint the company as a weak, low-margin business that has been unfairly set-upon by the bullies at the DOJ.
In his BIG newsletter, Matt Stoller offers a spectacular, must-read breakdown of these documents and the ensuing spin:
Stoller starts with Ticketmaster's insistence that it is barely profitable. Though this is true on paper, the numbers just don't add up. For one thing, anyone who's bought a ticket can see, printed on its face, TM's junk fees: "a 'service fee' without any obvious service [and] a 'convenience fee' that is anything but convenient."
Far more damning is a comparison between the price of a Ticketmaster ticket in the US vs the EU. The EU has legally mandated competitive ticketing, and the tickets there are far cheaper. A US ticket to see Taylor Swift will run you $2,600 – the same ticket costs $340 in the EU. As Stoller writes:
An American could fly to Paris, spend a few nights at a nice hotel, see a Taylor Swift concert, and fly back, for less than it costs to see that same show in the U.S.
How to make sense of this contradiction? How can Ticketmaster show such a low profit margin on its books but somehow end up costing event-goers such an absurd premium?
Start with the fact that Ticketmaster has three businesses, not just one. They sell tickets, but they also promote concerts (that is, front the money for personnel, travel and marketing), and they also own a bunch of the largest and most profitable venues in the country.
This allows them to play a shell-game that's very similar to (and possibly not actually different from) money-laundering, where money is shuffled between entities in order to shield it from creditors, suppliers or tax agents:
But this presents a problem for Ticketmaster. They're a publicly traded company and their investors demand high returns. And unlike performers or venue owners, investors have power over Ticketmaster management. Keeping "margin per ticket" number as low as possible lets Ticketmaster minimize the revenue it has to share with the people who actually do the work and invest the capital in live performances. But for investors, they need to show another number, one that's as high as possible, to keep the investors happy.
That number is "Adjusted Operating Income" or AOI. While gross margins are the difference between the face value of a ticket and the sum remitted to the venue and the performer, AOI factors in all the other revenue TM/LN books from that ticket, like kickbacks. TM/LN's AOI is very healthy: it's 37% on tickets and 61% on promotions.
Those sums delight TM/LN's investors, and they express their joy through lavish executive compensation packages. CEO Michael Rapino is America's fifth-highest paid CEO, at $139m/year (that's eight times the Fortune 500 average). His sidekick Joe Berchtold is America's highest paid CFO, at $54m. The total AOI for TM/LN is $732m/year – and 19% of that is being paid to two of its execs.
But LN/TM has a third line of business: operating venues. The AOI for these venues is just 1.7%. If this were a normal, cutthroat business, you'd expect those same return-focused investors to insist on their handsomely compensated execs selling off that low-margin turkey. But nevertheless, TM/LN keeps those venues on its books.
When those execs talk to the public, they use the poor profit margins of ticketing and the poor AOI on venues to plead poverty: "how can we be a monopoly when we're barely scraping by?"
But when they talk to the investors who decide whether to pay them 800% of the S&P500 average, they are more forthcoming.
Keeping the margins low on tickets – and making up the money with kickbacks and other corrupt payments – means that potential rival ticketing firms can't afford to get into the business. Without the venue and promotion business, those rivals wouldn't be able to command kickbacks. They'd have to subsist on the rock-bottom margins that are competitive with Ticketmaster.
Likewise those venues: ownership of key venues lets Ticketmaster/Live Nation force out credible rivals in important markets, and keep new ones from emerging, because again, they'd have to make a living on that paltry 1.7% AOI (or the even lower profit margins!).
As Joe Berchtold, the highest-paid CFO in America, told an analyst:
I don't think Concerts AOI per fan is a logical way to look at it. I think if you look at how we've talked about our business, we've talked about our business across the multiple pieces. So you have to look at it, what's the concerts plus sponsorship plus ticketing AOI per fan.
Berchtold is paid roughly $26,000/hour. Those words take roughly 25 seconds to utter, so that's a $7.20 explanation, but it contains a wealth of information – it's basically the DoJ's case in a nutshell.
But Stoller points out a curious fact that isn't captured here. Remember when I told you that TM/LN's NOI is $732m/year? What I didn't mention is the company's gross revenue: $16.7 billion.
When TM/LN talks about how shitty their business is, and therefore they can't be a monopoly, this is the trump card. How could a company creaming off a mere $732 million off $16.7 billion in gross revenue be a monopolist with "pricing power"?
This is where understanding corruption helps clarify our understanding and cut through the bullshit. Corruption is vastly wasteful. In order to extract $732m from $16.7b, TM/LN has to engage in a lot of wasteful and corrupt activities. They have to bribe other key players in the system, spend vast fortunes on lobbying, and generally do a lot of unproductive things with their money.
This is concentrated gains and diffuse losses. In order to command the highest salary of any American CFO, Berchtold has to cook up and maintain this process. In order to earn his $139m/year, Rapino has to play mafia don and keep everyone is his supply chain sufficiently terrorized or sufficiently greased to maintain omerta.
These two men take home a fifth of Ticketmaster's net income because they possess a rare and valuable skill. They are able to obfuscate a corrupt arrangement, enrobing it in layers of performative complexity, until the average musician, concertgoer, or lawmaker, can't understand it. Any attempt to unravel it will induce a deadly, soporific confusion. The investment industry term for his is MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over), the weaponization of complexity. A skilled MEGO artist can convince you that the pile of shit they're peddling is so large that there must be a pony under it somewhere.
Here's Stoller, de-MEGOfying the TM/LN story:
Live Nation has a giant capital intensive unprofitable division of putting on concerts, from which it skims for its real cash flow. But this leverage among different subsidiaries means that it has an incentive to push up the cost of concerts overall, not just for its own profit. This incentive operates in two different ways. One, since ticket fees are based on the price of a ticket, Live Nation seeks higher prices for tickets so it can move more cash to its Ticketmaster subsidiary. And two, since Live Nation itself gets rebates by overpaying for venues, it has the incentive to push up the cost of shows. No one can undercut Live Nation, as it’s a monopoly.
You might think that this is a lot of mental energy to expend on understanding live performances. If you're not trying to see Taylor Swift, does any of this matter?
It assuredly does. Understanding how Ticketmaster's shell-game works is critical to understanding the similar shell-games played by many other kinds of monopolists, who have wrapped their tentacles around all the other parts of our lives. As David Dayen and Lindsay Owens write for The American Prospect, the companies that avoided monopoly prosecution by ripping off suppliers have bled those suppliers dry, and now they're coming for their customers:
From groceries to plane tickets, rent to cab rides, Amazon to Ticketmaster, we are living through the "Age of Recoupment," when the long con of lowering prices to secure monopolies flips enters it final stage: greedflating the shit out of customers, and using the monopolist's power over regulators to avoid consequences.
Today, everywhere consumers turn, whether they are shopping for groceries at the local Kroger or for plane tickets online, they are being gouged. Landlords are quietly utilizing new software to band together and raise rents. Uber has been accused of raising the price of rides when a customer’s phone battery is drained. Ticketmaster layers on additional fees as you move through the process of securing seats to your favorite artist’s upcoming show. Amazon’s secret pricing algorithm, code-named “Project Nessie,” was designed to identify products where it could raise prices, on the expectation that competitors would follow suit. Companies are forcing you into monthly subscriptions for a tube of toothpaste. Banks have crept up the price of credit, so customers who cannot afford price-gouging in their everyday transactions get a second round of price-gouging when they put purchases on credit. Expedia is using demographic and purchase history data to set hotel pricing for an audience of one: you.
When these companies end up in front of angry attorneys general, DOJ lawyers, or an FTC investigation, they'll use the Ticketmaster/Live Nation playbook to try and wriggle off the hook. They'll point to some barely-profitable (or money-losing) part of their business and say, "How could a monopolist possibly be running a business this shitty?"
If the DOJ makes its case against Ticketmaster, it will set a precedent, both in court and in policy circles, for understanding how a monopolist's corruption works. Monopolists aren't always businesses with gigantic margins. Like other criminals, their corruption can produce spectacular wealth and spectacular waste at the same time.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
#pluralistic#Michael Rapino#matt stoller#monopoly#antitrust#trustbusting#monopolism#poormouthing#credit mobilier#corruption#kickbacks#shell game#financial engineering#flywheels#live nation#ticketmaster#take rate#Joe Berchtold#guillotine watch#aoi#accounting tricks#mego#adjusted operating income
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November 14, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Nov 14, 2024
Two snapshots today illustrate the difference between the economic—and therefore the societal—visions of the Biden-Harris administration and of the incoming Trump administration.
The Biden-Harris administration today released numbers revealing that over the past four years, their policies have kick-started a boom in the creation of small businesses across the country. Since the administration took office, entrepreneurs have filed more than 20 million applications for new businesses, the most of any presidential term in history. This averages to more than 440,000 applications a month, a rate more than 90% faster than averages before the pandemic. Black business ownership has doubled, and Hispanic business ownership is up by 40% since before the pandemic.
The administration encouraged that growth with targeted loans, tax credits, federal contracts, and support services. Small businesses are major job creators and employ about 47% of all private sector employees.
President Joe Biden rejected the “neoliberalism” of the previous 40 years that had moved about $50 trillion dollars from the bottom 90% of Americans to the top 1%. Those embracing that theory maintain that the government should let markets operate without regulation, concentrating wealth among a few people who will invest it more efficiently than they can if the government intervenes with regulations or taxes that hamper the ability of investors to amass wealth.
Biden and Harris returned the U.S. to the model that both parties had embraced until 1981: the idea that the government should regulate business, provide a basic social safety net, promote infrastructure, and protect civil rights. That system had reduced extremes of wealth in the U.S. after the Great Depression and given most Americans a path to prosperity.
Biden’s policies worked, enabling the U.S. to recover from the pandemic more quickly than any other country with a modern economy, sending unemployment to historic lows, and raising wages faster than inflation for the bottom 80% of Americans.
It has also had social effects, most notably today with the announcement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that the U.S. is seeing a historic drop in deaths from the street drug fentanyl. From June 2023 to June 2024, deaths dropped by roughly 14.5%, translating into more than 16,000 lives saved. Experts say the drop is due to better addiction healthcare, the widespread availability of the opioid reversal drug naloxone, and lower potency of street fentanyl.
If the record of the extraordinary growth of small businesses in the past four years is one snapshot, the other is a social media post from yesterday, in which former pharmaceutical executive Vivek Ramaswamy noted that the government spends $516 billion a year on “programs which Congress has allowed to expire.” “We can & should save hundreds of billions each year by defunding government programs that Congress no longer authorizes,” he wrote.
Bobby Kogan, who worked in President Joe Biden’s Office of Management and Budget and on the Senate Budget Committee, explained that Congress often authorizes spending as “temporary” in order “to encourage Congress to revisit it to update various parts of the bill, such as eligibility, benefits, etc.” But Congress can still fund the programs in appropriations bills.
Kogan noted that the largest program currently operating under expired authorization is veterans’ medical care.
Trump and his advisors embrace the neoliberalism Biden rejected. Rather than invest in the economy to create opportunities for middle-class Americans and those just starting out, they want to slash the existing government to free up more capital for investors.
Trump has tapped the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, who invested at least $132 million in cash in Trump’s campaign as well as the in-kind gift of the support of X, and former pharmaceutical executive Vivek Ramaswamy to run a “Department of Government Efficiency,” or DOGE, named for Musk’s favorite cryptocurrency.
According to the Washington Post’s Jeff Stein, Elizabeth Dwoskin, Cat Zakrzewski, and Jacob Bogage, people around Musk say the group is intended to “apply slash-and-burn business ideologies to the U.S. government.” Musk has vowed to slash “at least” $2 trillion from the federal budget and has warned it will create “hardship.”
That the people embracing this plan see a world in which a few elites run things showed in today’s social media post by the “DOGE.” The post called for “super high-IQ small-government revolutionaries willing to work 80+ hours per week on unglamorous cost-cutting. If that’s you, DM this account…. Elon & Vivek will review the top 1% of applicants.”
Such cuts would be enormously unpopular, and in the Washington Post yesterday, Stein, Dwoskin, Zakrzewski, and Bogage reported that Trump’s aides are exploring ways to enact dramatic cuts to the government without congressional approval. Key among those is simply refusing to release the money Congress appropriates for programs Musk and Trump want to cut. This is known as “impoundment,” and Congress made it illegal in 1974 after President Richard Nixon tried to shape the government to his wishes by refusing to fund congressional programs he opposed.
Trump tried to do this quietly in 2019 by refusing to release the money Congress had appropriated for Ukraine to fund its fight against Russian incursions until Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky smeared Biden. When the threat came to light, the House of Representatives impeached Trump. Although the Senate ultimately acquitted Trump, according to Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) all the Republican senators agreed he had done as the House charged.
Now Trump’s team apparently hopes that a pliant Supreme Court will declare the 1974 Impoundment Control Act unconstitutional, permitting Trump—or Vice President J.D. Vance, should Trump not be able to fulfill his term—to shape the government without consulting Congress.
Because of the 2024 presidential election, Trump will soon be able to return the country to the neoliberal vision of the 40 years before Biden, supercharging it with the help of unelected billionaire Elon Musk, who recently claimed the title of being the “George Soros of the right,” a reference to the liberal philanthropist who has been the bogeyman of right-wing pundits.
But it’s not at all clear that Americans actually want that supercharged neoliberalism. As vote counts are continuing, it has become clear that Trump’s victory was slim indeed. New numbers from Nate Silver suggest he will not clear 50% of voters.
At the same time, a new study out today from Data for Progress showed that people who paid “a great deal” of attention to political news voted for Vice President Kamala Harris +6, while those who paid “none at all” went +19 for Trump.
Many of those voters got their information from social media or right-wing websites, but one of those today underwent a historic change. The satirical news outlet The Onion bought right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’s InfoWars at auction. Jones’s property was up for sale because juries found him guilty of defamation and awarded his victims about $1.5 billion in damages. After the 2012 shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that killed 26 students and teachers, Jones insisted the event was a hoax designed to provide an excuse for gun safety regulations. He and his supporters harassed the victims’ families for years.
Jones appeared to be trying to keep control of InfoWars by having a company associated with him buy it up under the terms of the bankruptcy and restore it to him. But Sandy Hook families worked with The Onion to keep it from returning to Jones’s hands. Jones is screaming that the sale that took it away from him was a conspiracy. The company associated with him, First United American Companies, is already protesting the sale in court.
Jones rose to prominence in 1993, when he dropped out of community college to start a talk radio show that warned the government was making war on Americans. His shtick echoed the anti-communist grifters of the post–World War II years that promised small donors that their contributions could stop the creeping communism in the United States. Jones became popular enough that he went on to found InfoWars, which made him rich from the sale of nutritional supplements. The theme of InfoWars was that “There’s a war on for your mind!” and that only people like him could deliver the truth.
But his lies cost him a billion dollars, and now, noting that “InfoWars has shown an unswerving commitment to manufacturing anger and radicalizing the most vulnerable members of society,” The Onion has bought his website, which it plans to relaunch in January as a parody of Jones and a site that promotes gun safety legislation. But the chief executive officer of The Onion, Ben Collins, told Kim Bellware of the Washington Post: “It’s not just [Jones], it’s the people on Instagram trying to get you to drink raw milk; it’s the [multilevel marketing] people trying to get you to join a scam…. Those people have outsize impact in our completely bifurcated and balkanized media environment.”
#Bramhall#heather cox richardson#Letters from an American#incoming#InfoWars#economic vision#economic policy
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Hi! Do you have any headcannons of the boys taking care of you when you’re sick?
Hello there Anon! Thanks for your patience as I catch up on requests. I hope you like these 💕🕊️
Dick Winters: When he's sick, he fully expects himself to just push through like he normally would. Whoever notices that he's not feeling well practically has to force him to sit down and rest. But if you're sick? Completely different story - he's immediately asking questions, trying to figure out what's wrong; making you tea; taking your temperature; looking for a medic, if he thinks you need one. Would put his whole day on hold just to help you.
Ron Speirs: Second verse, same as the first. He would feel so helpless if there wasn't much that he could do. Unsure of how to express that, he would do whatever you asked: making you tea, reading to you, and his favorite, just holding you while you rest.
Lewis Nixon: He's powered through plenty of hangovers, but he can tell that whatever you're experiencing is worse - and that scares him. He probably calls Dick for help, because let's face it, his upbringing did not prepare him for this, and he feels out of his depth. Just know that his heart is in the right place and that he plans on being there for you every second until you feel better. He'll talk you through it all, which helps distract himself from the fear he feels. God forbid anything should happen to you on his watch.
Carwood Lipton: Like Winters and Speirs, he expects himself to push through his own sickness, but would bend over backwards to help you if you're unwell. As an "Acts of Service" type of man, this is truly his time to shine. Don't expect to do anything but rest up all day, because Lip has got everything under control.
Babe Heffron: His first instinct would be to ask Roe for help. Once he gets a few pointers, he's well on his way. He would be so sweet the whole time, giving you plenty of cuddles or plenty of space - whichever you prefer in the moment. Doesn't care about you getting him sick at all. He knows that he can make it through just fine, but he's going to make sure that you feel better before he even considers worrying about himself.
Eugene Roe: So efficient! (But, if he's being honest with himself, also a little scared, because he hates to see someone that he loves so much feeling so poorly.) Lucky for you, he knows all the remedies to get you feeling better in no time - and he's humble about how quickly he has you feeling better again.
Bill Guarnere: He would both try and do anything to make you feel better. You want one of his ma's home remedies? He's calling her right now for the recipe. You just want to be held and take a nap? He's your guy. It's honestly kind of startling to see how differently he can act, because he's so gentle and encouraging throughout the whole thing. Because in his mind, that's just what a good boyfriend does.
Joe Toye: Definitely the guy who drives you to the doctor the second you develop a temperature. There's no way that he's taking a chance with your health, because you never know when things might be very serious. Don't worry, he'll drive carefully - but still in the fast lane, really pressing the speed limit.
George Luz: George may have missed his calling to be a nurse, because his bedside manner is just so good. He knows exactly when to put the joking on pause and when you could use a little laugh to lighten your mood. Also he makes The Best™️ tomato soup and grilled cheese combo you could possibly imagine. That stuff could cure anything.
Don Malarkey: Okay listen, this man is insanely good at cuddling. You could spend all day pressed up against him and he wouldn't mind. He'd put on whatever show you currently like and would hold you through the whole thing, while also taking breaks between episodes to make sure that you're staying hydrated and taking your medicine.
Shifty Powers: He lives by the belief that fresh air, sunshine, and a good attitude can cure just about anything. He would definitely sit on the porch swing with you, gently rocking you back and forth in the late afternoon sunshine and talking to you about anything and everything to raise your spirits. Also a huge fan of giving out forehead kisses when you rest your head on his shoulder. Not to sound overdramatic, but those things might just have some sort of magic healing quality in them.
Joe Liebgott: This man hardly ever takes a day for himself. He's up early and working late, just because every hour feels like it needs to be filled with productivity. But the second you get sick? Everything is put on hold. Good thing he has so many sick-days saved up, because he'll use them all if he has to, just to stay by your side and take care of you. Don't even think about telling him that you're fine, because he's going to be right there, making sure you're okay.
David Webster: Similar to Nixon, he does not come from a background that equipped him for any of this. But he's trying his best! He'll whip up some of the most horrendous soup in history before he gives in and orders it for you - after all, he's trying to help you get better, not make you worse. His favorite way to comfort you would be reading to you, no doubt about it.
Skinny Sisk: He's a little bad at hiding his concern for you. Literal embodiment of the "🥺" emoji every time that he takes your temperature and sees that it hasn't lowered yet. He holds your hand a lot, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, which is so soothing. Turns out that he's really good at making the perfect tea, so prepare to drink the best peppermint tea of your life.
Skip Muck: Such a sweetheart, are you kidding me? Like Luz, he knows when to shelve the jokes and when you could use a good laugh. He would be so attentive, and calls his mom and sister for advice, just to make sure that he's doing everything right. The reassuring smiles he gives you every time that he comes into the room work better than any medicine ever could.
Bull Randleman: Basically becomes a doctor the second that he realizes that you don't feel well. I mean, this man just jumps into action and seems to know exactly what to do, it's amazing. With everything that he's doing to help you, he still finds time to be right by your side whenever you wake up from naps. Prepare to wake up to a smile that feels like the morning sun greeting you.
Floyd Talbert: It's . . . a little chaotic at first, but he's got the spirit. It's sweet, though, how hard he's trying, because it shows you that he cares. He's definitely having a bit of an internal panic since he's never done this before, but once he calms down, he'll take good care of you. Might go a little heavy on the seasoning in the chicken noodle soup, but hey, it's the thought that counts.
#band of brothers x reader#dick winters x reader#lewis nixon x reader#ron speirs x reader#carwood lipton x reader#babe heffron x reader#bill guarnere x reader#eugene roe x reader#joe toye x reader#george luz x reader#don malarkey x reader#shifty powers x reader#joe liebgott x reader#david webster x reader#skinny sisk x reader#bull randleman x reader#floyd talbert x reader#band of brothers head canon#band of brothers headcanon#band of brothers#my writing
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The Biden-Harris administration today released numbers revealing that over the past four years, their policies have kick-started a boom in the creation of small businesses across the country. Since the administration took office, entrepreneurs have filed more than 20 million applications for new businesses, the most of any presidential term in history. This averages to more than 440,000 applications a month, a rate more than 90% faster than averages before the pandemic. Black business ownership has doubled, and Hispanic business ownership is up by 40% since before the pandemic.
The administration encouraged that growth with targeted loans, tax credits, federal contracts, and support services. Small businesses are major job creators and employ about 47% of all private sector employees. President Joe Biden rejected the “neoliberalism” of the previous 40 years that had moved about $50 trillion dollars from the bottom 90% of Americans to the top 1%. Those embracing that theory maintain that the government should let markets operate without regulation, concentrating wealth among a few people who will invest it more efficiently than they can if the government intervenes with regulations or taxes that hamper the ability of investors to amass wealth.
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If the record of the extraordinary growth of small businesses in the past four years is one snapshot, the other is a social media post from yesterday, in which former pharmaceutical executive Vivek Ramaswamy noted that the government spends $516 billion a year on “programs which Congress has allowed to expire.” “We can & should save hundreds of billions each year by defunding government programs that Congress no longer authorizes,” he wrote.
Bobby Kogan, who worked in President Joe Biden’s Office of Management and Budget and on the Senate Budget Committee, explained that Congress often authorizes spending as “temporary” in order “to encourage Congress to revisit it to update various parts of the bill, such as eligibility, benefits, etc.” But Congress can still fund the programs in appropriations bills. Kogan noted that the largest program currently operating under expired authorization is veterans’ medical care.
Trump and his advisors embrace the neoliberalism Biden rejected. Rather than invest in the economy to create opportunities for middle-class Americans and those just starting out, they want to slash the existing government to free up more capital for investors.
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Such cuts would be enormously unpopular, and in the Washington Post yesterday, Stein, Dwoskin, Zakrzewski, and Bogage reported that Trump’s aides are exploring ways to enact dramatic cuts to the government without congressional approval. Key among those is simply refusing to release the money Congress appropriates for programs Musk and Trump want to cut. This is known as “impoundment,” and Congress made it illegal in 1974 after President Richard Nixon tried to shape the government to his wishes by refusing to fund congressional programs he opposed.
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Now Trump’s team apparently hopes that a pliant Supreme Court will declare the 1974 Impoundment Control Act unconstitutional, permitting Trump—or Vice President J.D. Vance, should Trump not be able to fulfill his term—to shape the government without consulting Congress.
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At the same time, a new study out today from Data for Progress showed that people who paid “a great deal” of attention to political news voted for Vice President Kamala Harris +6, while those who paid “none at all” went +19 for Trump.
More at the link.
He controls congress, the military, the police, and the courts. He can and will do whatever he wants.
Three years ago today, President Joe Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, more popularly known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. That law called for approximately $1.2 trillion in spending, about $550 billion newly authorized spending on top of regular expenditures. As Biden noted today, it was “the largest investment in our nation’s infrastructure in a generation.”
In the past three years, the Biden administration launched more than 66,000 projects across the country, repairing 196,000 miles of roads and 11,400 bridges, as well as replacing 367,000 lead pipes and modernizing ports and airports. Today the administration announced an additional $1.5 billion in funding for railroads along the Northeast Corridor, which carries five times more passengers a day than all the flights between Washington, D.C., and New York City.
In his first term, Trump had promised a bill to address the country’s long-neglected infrastructure, but his inability to get that done made “infrastructure week” a joke.
Biden got a major bill passed, but while the administration nicknamed the law the “Big Deal,” Biden got very little credit for it politically. Republicans who had voted against the measure took credit for the projects it funded, and voters seemed not to factor in the jobs and improvements it brought when they went to the polls last week
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Health care systems do their best to safeguard against breaches. But all of us could be doing more to protect our confidential health data. That starts with understanding when this data is most at risk.
When a patient called to ask if she could email me a CT report and imaging, I wanted to help. But I heard the loud whirring of a smoothie or espresso machine and figured she was at a public café. She confirmed that she was calling from a coffee shop.
I asked her to use our hospital portal from home to protect her privacy. She said she wasn’t sure she remembered her login details and didn’t want to wait. She also didn’t understand why her records wouldn’t be protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
“I’m not surprised,” says Nichole Sweeney, general counsel and chief privacy officer for Chesapeake Regional Information System for Patients, a nonprofit health information exchange for several US states.
“The public may not realize that consumer-generated data is not protected. What she does with her own information is not secure. The federal government doesn’t regulate the health data itself. It’s the actual facility, medical office, or hospital—under HIPAA, a covered entity under that designation.”
Many of us also have devices at home that collect and store personal data about our health. I asked Sweeney if that data is covered if my doctor asked me to use the device.
She explains, “If I get my blood pressure taken at a clinic or any medical office, that is covered, and your personal data is protected. But if you take readings at home, this is not HIPAA. It’s not regulated. Those new wearable trackers? Those are not covered either. You’re on your own.”
So what else is not regulated? People. Any person using their own data is not covered under HIPAA.
Matt Fisher worked as a health care corporate and regulatory attorney. He is now general counsel for Carium, a virtual care platform. He believes people need more education about HIPAA and its limitations.
“It works effectively for what it was designed to do within the traditional health care industry. The issue is the assumption that it protects all information regardless of setting,” he says. “The fact is, as an individual who holds their own information HIPAA does not apply at all.”
Beyond hospitals and private medical offices, who is actually covered? Subcontractors. These include third-party associates, health plans, insurance companies, and individual physician providers. Labs, clinics, and any other medical offices that bill for their services are also expected to be HIPAA-compliant. Notably, this does not include social media businesses.
Even doctors, notoriously busy and working long hours, don’t always have the luxury of using patient portals to communicate effectively. They’re more likely to text or email colleagues with potentially sensitive information, all on personal devices that may or may not be locked down. But their goal is fast and efficient patient care, not necessarily data security.
Zubin Damania, who is a doctor and goes by ZDoggMD on social media, uses satire on his YouTube channel to educate viewers and poke fun at the health care system. His more than 488,000 YouTube subscribers no doubt include health care employees, but you don’t have to be one to appreciate parodies like “EHR State of Mind” (EHR is short for electronic health records), which is set to Alicia Keys’ hit “Empire State of Mind,” or “Readmission,” a play on R. Kelly’s “Ignition.” Damania hopes to inspire change in the health care tech sector so, as he puts it, “doctors can just be doctors.” Another target of his satire? Massive health data portals like Epic. He and other physicians believe the design of these systems can actually hinder security if medical personnel find it more restrictive than care-focused.
“Epic and others like it were not designed for use by clinicians on the front line trying to help patients,” he says. “These systems are giant billing platforms. It’s varying fields of data to be walled off.”
Sadly, Epic and others like it are all we have when it comes to storing patient data safely, and despite their flaws, these portals are still the safest available option for doctors and patients. Health care facilities are strictly regulated to receive federal government funding, and they must pass safety certifications, including security protections for patient data. They also seek to maintain industry recognition in order to stay credible and competitive. Want to make a hospital exec nervous? Tell them the Joint Commission is coming by for a visit. They need those gold star approval ratings.
Some patients are under the misconception that these systems are not really that secure. But in the past few years, data breaches have been rare (though they do happen). Hackers frequently target hospitals and health care systems for ransomware attacks, but it doesn’t pay for hackers to demand money when robust backups exist. While the industry has made some progress, the problem of individuals taking personal risks continues.
A former Department of Homeland Security adviser and a doctor, Chris Pierson is CEO of BlackCloak, a company that specializes in personal digital protection from financial fraud, cybercrime, reputational damage, and identity theft. He believes vigilance is key for doctors and patients alike.
Protect Your Entire Family
“I don’t think people realize that once someone is able to get just one piece of information, that can lead to opening others’ private data,” Pierson says. “It’s no longer the original individual on their computer, but additional family members’ identity that can be compromised.”
He explains that even if one organization keeps your data safe, another associated one may not, and that’s where criminals will strike.
“It’s not just medical offices. It’s your pharmacy, labs, insurance company, anyone who keeps personal information. That has real value, and selling it is the priority.”
Victims of identity theft can be revictimized when personal information gets into multiple hands. A street address and verified phone number can go far, especially if the phone contains many contacts, who then become vulnerable to attack themselves.
“If you get Mom’s info, you can get the child’s as well. An ID card, social security, all of it, and then they have the ability to collect false medical claims or just extortion. It’s a two for one.”
Two-Factor Authentication Is Worth the Effort
Pierson mentions how critically important it is to use a multistep authentication system. Your level of protection goes up considerably just by using secure passwords and one-time authentication codes.
Thankfully, setting all this up is easier than it sounds. Apps on your phone or tablet can help. Google Authenticator, when paired with a service that supports authenticator apps, provides a six-digit number that changes every few seconds and can keep people out of your data even if they have your username and password. Other companies ask users to enter an SMS code as the second authentication factor, in addition to a password, although SMS codes are less secure than authenticator apps. Either approach is better than none—unless a hacker is in physical possession of your phone, they are not getting access.
Social Media and Tracking
Social media is becoming a popular way for health care providers and entrepreneurs to connect with the public—and often to sell them treatments or advice. These Instagram or TikTok accounts may offer tips from someone in the medical industry, which can appeal to those facing rising health care costs and difficulties accessing care. But an internet doctor’s background or popularity does not ensure that they observe strong privacy guidelines or secure their transactions.
My Instagram is flooded with offers promising everything from better sleep to improved sexual health. It’s nice to have options, but that help and any information you receive from those accounts or send to them isn’t covered under HIPAA. Any time you pay out of your own pocket for health-related items or services, or on a direct-to-consumer health app, there is no recourse if someone steals your personal information or shares it.
Along with social media and direct-to-consumer health options comes large-scale data tracking. Outside of official medical practices, you should view surveillance as an expectation, rather than an exception.
Ask Questions
When you sign up for any service, whether through a new doctor’s patient portal or an online supplement shop, ask how your data is stored and where it goes. Read the privacy policies and settings, even briefly, to find out what options you have to restrict the sale or reuse of your data. Check the default settings to make sure you’re not giving away too much information. Find out if the service or platform offers two-factor authentication and set that up if it’s available. Know that it’s rare for anyone to need your social security number, no matter what a customer service agent says. A birth date and address is usually enough.
Pierson and others agree that we all need to consider security from several angles and do our best to protect ourselves and our loved ones. “The sophistication of identity attacks will always evolve and change. Remember, they only have to get it right once, but we have to guess right all of the time.”
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Why You Need to Outsource Medical Billing Services to a Third-Party Medical Billing Company
In today's complex healthcare landscape, managing medical billing can be a daunting task for healthcare providers. From coding and claims submission to payment posting and denial management, the intricacies of medical billing can significantly impact a practice's revenue cycle. Outsource medical billing services to a third-party medical billing company can streamline operations, improve efficiency, and ultimately boost your bottom line.
Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Billing Services
Enhanced Efficiency: A dedicated medical billing company has the expertise and resources to streamline your billing processes. They can automate tasks, reduce errors, and accelerate claim processing, leading to faster payments.
Increased Revenue: By outsourcing, you can ensure accurate and timely claims submission, minimizing denials and maximizing reimbursement. A specialized billing company can identify and recover lost revenue, optimizing your revenue cycle.
Reduced Administrative Burden: Offloading medical billing tasks to a third-party company allows your staff to focus on patient care and other core competencies. This frees up valuable time and resources, improving overall productivity.
Compliance Adherence: Staying up-to-date with ever-changing healthcare regulations can be challenging. A reputable medical billing company has the knowledge and experience to ensure compliance with HIPAA, ICD-10, and other relevant regulations, mitigating legal and financial risks.
Improved Cash Flow: Timely claim processing and efficient payment collection can significantly improve your cash flow. A dedicated billing company can optimize your revenue cycle, ensuring you receive payments promptly.
Challenges of In-House Medical Billing
High Staffing Costs: Hiring and retaining qualified billing staff can be expensive, especially in competitive markets.
Complex Regulations: Keeping up with the ever-evolving healthcare regulations requires specialized knowledge and ongoing training, which can be a significant burden.
Time-Consuming Tasks: Manual data entry, claim submission, and follow-up can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
Limited Expertise: In-house staff may lack the specialized expertise to handle complex billing scenarios and appeals processes effectively.
Services Offered by a Medical Billing Company
Claims Submission: Accurate and timely submission of claims to payers.
Coding and Billing: Correct coding of medical services and procedures.
Payment Posting: Efficient posting of payments and adjustments.
Denial Management: Effective handling of denied claims, including appeals and resubmissions.
Follow-up on Claims: Timely follow-up on outstanding claims to expedite payment.
Financial Reporting: Detailed financial reports to track revenue and expenses.
Staffing Cost Savings
By outsourcing medical billing, you can significantly reduce staffing costs. You won't need to hire and train in-house billing staff, saving you money on salaries, benefits, and overhead expenses.
Overhead Cost Savings
Outsourcing can also help you save on overhead costs. You won't need to invest in billing software, hardware, and other infrastructure. Additionally, you can reduce office space requirements, further lowering your overhead expenses.
How Right Medical Billing LLC Can Save Your Money and Time
Right Medical Billing LLC is a leading medical billing company that can help you streamline your revenue cycle and improve your bottom line. Our experienced team of billing experts offers a comprehensive range of services, including:
Expert Billing Services: Our team stays up-to-date with the latest industry regulations and coding guidelines to ensure accurate and timely claims submission.
Advanced Technology: We leverage cutting-edge technology to automate tasks, reduce errors, and accelerate the billing process.
Dedicated Account Managers: You'll have a dedicated account manager to oversee your billing operations, ensuring smooth communication and timely resolution of issues.
Improved Cash Flow: Our efficient follow-up and denial management processes help you collect payments faster, improving your cash flow.
Reduced Administrative Burden: By outsourcing your medical billing, you can free up your staff to focus on patient care, leading to increased productivity and patient satisfaction.
Why Choose Right Medical Billing LLC?
By choosing Right Medical Billing LLC, you can:
Increase Revenue: Our expertise in coding, billing, and claims submission can help you maximize reimbursement.
Improve Efficiency: Our streamlined processes and advanced technology can significantly reduce turnaround time for claims.
Enhance Compliance: Our team ensures adherence to all relevant regulations, mitigating legal and financial risks.
Reduce Costs: Our cost-effective solutions can help you save money on staffing, technology, and overhead expenses.
Improve Patient Satisfaction: By freeing up your staff to focus on patient care, you can enhance patient satisfaction and loyalty.
In conclusion, outsourcing medical billing services to a reputable company like Right Medical Billing LLC can provide numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved revenue, reduced administrative burden, and enhanced compliance. By partnering with us, you can streamline your operations, improve your cash flow, and focus on what matters most: providing quality patient care.
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Comprehensive Pharmacy Billing Services by iMagnum Healthcare Solutions
Introduction: Pharmacy billing services are crucial for ensuring that pharmacies get reimbursed accurately and on time for the medications they dispense. With increasing complexity in billing and claims processes, pharmacies require specialized support to handle everything from insurance claims to resolving denials. iMagnum Healthcare Solutions offers tailored Pharmacy Billing Services designed to streamline the billing process, minimize errors, and enhance cash flow for pharmacies.
What Are Pharmacy Billing Services? Pharmacy billing services encompass managing claims submissions, verifying patient eligibility, and handling insurance rejections. iMagnum Healthcare Solutions specializes in providing efficient Pharmacy Billing Services that allow pharmacies to focus on patient care while we manage the financial aspects of the business.
Challenges in Pharmacy Billing: Pharmacies often face challenges such as insurance rejections, complex medication codes, and billing errors that delay payments. iMagnum Healthcare Solutions’ Pharmacy Billing Services help overcome these challenges by utilizing expert billing teams and advanced technology to ensure smooth and timely reimbursements.
The iMagnum Healthcare Solutions Approach: At iMagnum Healthcare Solutions, we handle every step of the pharmacy billing process, from submitting claims to following up on payments. Our team ensures accuracy and efficiency, reducing the chances of denials and rejections. We also offer real-time reporting so pharmacies can stay informed about their revenue cycle performance.
Key Benefits of Pharmacy Billing Services: By partnering with iMagnum Healthcare Solutions for Pharmacy Billing Services, pharmacies can reduce billing errors, improve cash flow, and ensure timely reimbursements. Our services help pharmacies maintain compliance with payer regulations and free up valuable resources for patient care.
Conclusion: Pharmacy billing can be complex, but with iMagnum Healthcare Solutions' expert Pharmacy Billing Services, pharmacies can reduce errors, ensure timely payments, and focus on what matters most—patient care. Contact us today to learn how our services can benefit your pharmacy.
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Transforming the Health Landscape: The Global Blockchain in Healthcare Market
The integration of blockchain technology into the healthcare sector is revolutionizing the way medical data is managed, shared, and secured. As the demand for transparent, efficient, and secure healthcare services grows, blockchain offers promising solutions to longstanding challenges.
Understanding Blockchain in Healthcare
Blockchain Technology is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers in a way that ensures the security and transparency of data. In healthcare, blockchain can be used to manage patient records, track pharmaceuticals, ensure the integrity of clinical trials, and streamline administrative processes. The immutable nature of blockchain helps in preventing data breaches, ensuring data accuracy, and enhancing patient privacy.
According to BIS Research, the Global Blockchain in Healthcare Market was estimated to grow to a value of $5.61 billion by 2025, and still the market is showing a steep growth till 2030 witnessing a double-digit CAGR growth rate throughout the forecast period.
Key Market Dynamics
Several factors are driving the growth of the global blockchain in healthcare market:
Data Security and Privacy:
Need for robust data security and privacy solutions.
Healthcare data breaches are a growing concern.
Blockchain's secure, immutable nature protects sensitive patient information.
Interoperability and Data Sharing:
Facilitates seamless data sharing between healthcare providers and systems.
Overcomes current interoperability issues.
Leads to better patient outcomes by providing a comprehensive view of health history.
Supply Chain Transparency:
Tracks the entire lifecycle of drugs in the pharmaceutical industry.
Ensures the authenticity of medications.
Helps combat counterfeit drugs.
Efficient Administrative Processes:
Streamlines various administrative processes, such as billing and claims management.
Reduces fraud and administrative costs.
Support from Regulatory Bodies:
Increasing support from regulatory bodies and governments.
Initiatives by FDA and EMA to explore blockchain for drug traceability and clinical trials boost market growth.
Request for an updated Research Report on Global Blockchain in Healthcare Market Research.
Global Blockchain in Healthcare Industry Segmentation
Segmentation by Application:
Data Exchange and Interoperability
Supply Chain Management
Claims Adjudication and Billing Management
Clinical Trials and Research
Segmentation by End-User:
Healthcare Providers
Pharmaceutical Companies
Segmentation by Region:
North America
Latin America and Middle East & Africa
Future Market Prospects
The future of the global blockchain in healthcare market looks promising, with several trends likely to shape its trajectory:
Integration with AI and IoT: The integration of blockchain with artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) will enhance data analytics, predictive healthcare, and real-time monitoring.
Expansion of Use Cases: New use cases for blockchain in digital healthcare will emerge, including patient-centered care models, personalized medicine, and enhanced telemedicine services.
Focus on Patient-Centric Solutions: Blockchain will enable more patient-centric healthcare solutions, empowering patients with greater control over their health data and enhancing patient engagement.
Development of Regulatory Frameworks: The establishment of clear regulatory frameworks and industry standards will facilitate the widespread adoption of blockchain in healthcare.
The Global Blockchain in Healthcare Industry is poised for significant growth, driven by the need for enhanced data security, interoperability, supply chain transparency, and efficient administrative processes. By addressing challenges related to regulatory compliance, implementation costs, standardization, and scalability, and leveraging opportunities in technological advancements, investments, partnerships, and government initiatives, the potential of blockchain in healthcare can be fully realized. This technology promises to revolutionize healthcare delivery, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and patient outcomes, and setting new standards for the future of digital health.
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All right, folks, my ko-fi shop is set up and ready to go! I’m still uploading products, so if you don’t see your favorite double exposure, be sure to check back later!
You can also tip me if you like my writing, my virtual photography, or just wanna help me out in general! I’m thinking about opening commissions on my double exposures and virtual photography only, but we’ll see how the shop does first. If that’s something you’d like to see in the future, please don’t hesitate to drop me a message. In the meantime, if there’s any particular game you’d like to see, or any specific images from my virtual photography tag you’d be interested in purchasing a print of, feel free to let me know!
I’ll post a breakdown of why I price the way that I do under the cut, if that’s something you’re interested in seeing. I know a lot of folks want to see exactly what they’re paying for!
So why $20? I price all of my prints this way so that shipping is always free! I use WHCC to fulfill all of my print orders because they can do a much better job of printing and packaging a perfect product for you than I ever could. This ensures that the process is as efficient and cost effective as possible, and you get a beautiful, professional quality print delivered straight to your door in packaging that will keep it safe and protected. This also ensures the lowest possible cost of shipping internationally. They’re also just wonderful folks in general, and their customer service is second to none, not to mention the print quality is absolutely stunning, so I trust them completely with handling your orders! Of course, if there is an issue, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, and I will take care of it for you.
Drop shipping through WHCC has a flat rate of $7.95 in the U.S., and $7.95 international shipping plus additional possible fees depending on the country, though none of the countries I entered into the USPS shipping calculator had any additional fees. USPS international shipping is actually very reasonable, and because you will be getting a flat envelope, standard postage rates typically apply. I’ve also been using USPS international shipping for years with my goat halter business, and have never seen any exorbitant rates come through on any of my orders.
Additionally, the cost of printing your 8x10 luster print (semi-gloss) is $2.75, bringing the total overhead cost to $10.70. Given that most of my double exposures take a minimum of three hours to complete, not including time spent in game capturing the images used in each edit, that brings my hourly compensation to $3.10, give or take, for a total profit of $9.30. I don’t include time spent in game because, well, I’m playing a video game! I enter photomode as the spirit moves me, often with no real idea in mind for a potential double exposure. Usually I just stop and say something like, “Oh wow, that’s neat,” and then spend half an hour taking pictures. It’s fun for me, and I enjoy it immensely, and that’s payment enough for that part of the process.
By and large, I consider each of my double exposures a labor of love, and I do them because I enjoy them and I want them to exist. But, to be perfectly frank, I could use the extra income for my medical bills, so I decided maybe a print shop wouldn’t be such a bad idea, since so many folks were interested in them on Twitter. Admittedly, I haven’t had much luck with selling my prints with my other shop, so even though I will be making less in terms of profit with ko-fi, it does seem to be a more user friendly option. The other shop is still open if you’d prefer to purchase from there, though the shipping is not free (which I think might be some folks’ issue with it).
Either way, thanks so much for reading and for supporting me!
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Agima's solutions don't come in a box that can just be plugged in and used. We take pleasure in being able to swiftly recognise your problems and provide solutions while always keeping in mind how little disturbance you require in your practise. For more than 35 years, both locally in Florida and throughout the country, we have assisted companies. We are familiar with the healthcare system, the Florida market, and the unique possibilities and difficulties posed by interventional pain management. Every member of our team has at least a doctorate in their discipline and at least ten years of experience working in the medical industry. To effectively implement our strategy, theory and practise must be combined. Our experts have a combined total of more than 70 years of practical experience in issue solutions. That is a lot of issues, and there are even more answers.
Fran has over 30 years of experience Management Health Office and providing healthcare. Fran has established national plans for hospital chains and medical practises while working in the marketing and operations sectors of the healthcare industry. In addition to having previously ran her own billing business, Loida has over 28 years of management expertise in multispecialty clinics with several locations. The Medical Billing Coding Near Me - Team at Agima is now completely under her management. Prior to focusing on medical billing and management, Andrew was a physical therapist by training. He has that uncommon blend of 'know how' in both billing and medicine as a consequence.
As a physician, you undoubtedly already understand how crucial it is to have a capable "behind-the-scenes" crew to keep your practise running smoothly. A well-run practise may often make the difference between a happy and unhappy patient. The Agima management team has more than 50 years of combined experience managing doctor's offices, including in all of the following fields: Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Physician and Staff Recruitment, Practice Review, Scheduling Efficiencies, Scheduling Medical Records, and Vendor management. It's crucial that your practise get every dollar it is due to given that payers are progressively tightening their purse strings. It is one of a practice's most crucial elements since every practise requires a consistent and dependable cashflow in order to exist. Visit us online at http://www.agimamed.com/
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So, who makes a good candidate for a same day loans UK? For those of you who cannot get credit that is more inexpensive or who want our fast, convenient, and customized services. A short term loan may even help to build credit if it is repaid in full and on schedule. Using them and repaying them can raise your credit score as long as you don't 'rollover' the loan or apply for a new one each month. You might even be able to get credit in the future at a lower cost thanks to this.
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How can redesigning the medical billing process improve healthcare services?
From Frustration to Innovation: The Power of Redesigning Medical Billing in Healthcare!
Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Streamlining of Billing Process
3. Improving transparency
4. Enhancing precision and minimizing mistakes
5. Expedited reimbursement cycles
6. Cost saving
7. Enhance patient-centric care
8. Conclusion
1. Introduction
The process of medical billing is complicated and causes frustration and confusion for patients and healthcare providers. It has a negative impact on the financial stability of healthcare organizations due to billing mistakes, long reimbursement periods, and administrative challenges. These issues ultimately affect the quality of patient care. By redesigning the medical billing process, we can greatly improve healthcare services. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of revamping the medical billing system and how it can enhance the delivery of healthcare.
2. Streamlining of Medical Billing Process
The medical billing process, as it stands now, is characterized by intricate procedures, a plethora of paperwork, and numerous intermediaries involved in the process. This complexity leads to inefficiencies and creates challenges for both patients and healthcare providers. Recognizing the need for improvement, there is a call to streamline this process.
Through process redesign, healthcare organizations can enhance and rationalize their billing procedures. One approach is the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs), which enable the digitization of patient information and facilitate more efficient billing practices. By integrating billing systems with other healthcare software, such as appointment scheduling or patient management systems, the overall workflow can be optimized.
Optimizing the medical billing process brings about several advantages. Firstly, it reduces errors in billing, ensuring that accurate information is recorded and transmitted. This helps prevent issues like overcharging or undercharging patients or insurance companies. Secondly, it improves the speed of payment cycles. By reducing delays caused by paperwork or manual processing, healthcare providers can receive payment for their services in a timelier manner, enhancing their financial stability.
3. Improving transparency
The lack of transparency in the conventional medical billing process is a significant concern. Patients often find it challenging to understand the intricate codes and specialized terminology used in medical bills. As a result, they feel confused and dissatisfied with the billing experience.
To address this issue, there is a need to redesign the billing system in a way that promotes improved transparency. This can be achieved by developing bills that are easy for patients to comprehend. These bills would provide a breakdown of the services they received and the corresponding charges associated with each service. By presenting the information in a clear and straightforward manner, patients can better understand what they are being billed for and how much they are expected to pay.
Enhancing transparency in medical billing has several benefits. Firstly, it empowers patients to make well-informed decisions about their healthcare and financial obligations. When patients can easily understand the services they received and the costs involved, they can make more informed choices about their treatment options and budgeting.
Secondly, improved transparency reduces the likelihood of billing conflicts and disputes. When patients have a clear understanding of their bills, they are less likely to question or contest the charges. This helps to foster a positive relationship between healthcare providers and patients, minimizing potential conflicts and improving overall satisfaction.
4. Enhancing precision and minimizing mistakes
In the healthcare industry, accuracy and precision are of utmost importance. Errors in medical billing can have significant consequences, such as delayed payments and strained relationships between healthcare providers and patients. To mitigate these risks, healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to automated systems and cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.
Healthcare organizations can streamline and optimize their billing processes by implementing automated systems. These systems leverage AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret complex billing data. They can identify potential errors, inconsistencies, and discrepancies in coding, documentation, and claims submissions. This level of scrutiny helps catch mistakes that might otherwise go unnoticed, resulting in more accurate and reliable billing.
The use of AI and machine learning in medical billing brings several benefits. First and foremost, it minimizes human error. Manual data entry and processing are prone to mistakes, but automated systems can perform tasks with high accuracy and consistency. This reduces the likelihood of billing errors that can lead to payment delays or disputes with insurance companies.
5. Expedited reimbursement cycles
The billing procedure in the healthcare industry can be lengthy and complex, leading to delayed reimbursement for healthcare establishments. This delay in receiving payments puts financial pressure on the organizations, affecting their cash flow and ability to provide quality care. To alleviate this issue, it is crucial to implement measures that expedite the reimbursement cycles.
One approach to improving reimbursement cycles is to redesign the billing process by incorporating technology. By leveraging electronic systems, healthcare organizations can automate the submission and processing of claims. This means that instead of relying on manual paperwork and physical mail, claims can be submitted electronically, speeding up the entire process.
Real-time eligibility verification is another important component of expediting reimbursement cycles. By utilizing technology to verify patient insurance eligibility in real time, healthcare organizations can quickly determine coverage and avoid potential payment delays due to eligibility issues. This proactive approach helps streamline the billing process and ensures that claims are submitted for services that are covered by insurance.
Automated payment posting is also an effective strategy for accelerating reimbursement. Rather than manually processing and posting payments, automated systems can accurately and promptly record and post payments. This reduces the time and effort spent on manual reconciliation and speeds up the reimbursement process.
By implementing these technological advancements and streamlining the billing process, healthcare organizations can significantly reduce the time it takes to receive reimbursement for services provided. This has several benefits. Firstly, it improves the financial management of the organization by ensuring a more consistent and predictable cash flow. This allows healthcare establishments to better plan and allocate resources for patient care, staffing, and other operational needs.
Additionally, expediting reimbursement cycles enhances the overall efficiency and productivity of the organization. It reduces the administrative burden on staff, freeing up time and resources that can be redirected toward patient care and other value-added activities.
6. Cost saving
Healthcare organizations face a considerable financial burden due to administrative expenses related to billing. The implementation of automation and process optimization in the billing system redesign can potentially lead to a reduction in costs. By reducing manual tasks, healthcare providers can allocate their resources toward enhancing patient care. Moreover, an effective billing procedure can aid in detecting potential revenue loss and the execution of tactics to optimize reimbursements.
7. Enhance patient-centric care
The primary objective of redesigning the medical billing process is to enhance patient-centric care. Through the streamlining and enhancement of billing processes, healthcare providers can devote additional time and resources to concentrate on providing exceptional, patient-centered care. By implementing an efficient billing system, healthcare institutions can improve patient contentment, foster more robust patient-provider connections, and enhance healthcare results.
8. Conclusion
In conclusion, the conventional medical billing procedure has been a persistent cause of dissatisfaction for both healthcare providers and patients. The redesign of the process presents a range of advantages such as optimized procedures, increased transparency, heightened precision, accelerated reimbursement cycles, reduced costs, and a more robust emphasis on patient-centered care. Healthcare organizations can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their billing system by adopting technology, automation, and process optimization. This can result in improved healthcare services for all stakeholders.
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Examining the Pros and Cons of Universal Healthcare
Universal healthcare, also known as single-payer or government-funded healthcare, is a system that provides healthcare services to all citizens regardless of their income or employment status. The concept of universal healthcare has been a topic of ongoing debate worldwide. Proponents argue that it ensures equitable access to healthcare, improves public health outcomes, and reduces financial burdens on individuals. However, critics express concerns about the potential strain on the economy, long wait times, and limited patient choices. This article will delve into the arguments on both sides of the universal healthcare debate.
Equitable access to healthcare: Universal healthcare ensures that every citizen has access to essential healthcare services, regardless of their financial situation. It eliminates financial barriers to care, allowing individuals to seek medical attention when needed and preventing illnesses from worsening due to delayed treatment. This promotes social justice and improves overall population health.
Financial protection and cost savings: Universal healthcare eliminates the need for private health insurance, reducing the financial burden on individuals and families. It can help protect against high medical costs, prevent bankruptcies, and provide a safety net for vulnerable populations. Additionally, by leveraging collective bargaining power, a single-payer system can negotiate lower prices for medications, medical devices, and healthcare services, resulting in cost savings for both the government and patients.
Streamlined administrative processes: Universal healthcare simplifies the administrative aspects of healthcare by centralizing billing and reducing paperwork. This leads to administrative cost savings and allows healthcare providers to focus more on patient care instead of navigating complex insurance systems. It also promotes efficiency by eliminating the need for duplicate tests and procedures across multiple providers.
The strain on the economy and increased taxes: Critics argue that implementing universal healthcare would place a significant financial burden on the government and potentially lead to higher taxes. Funding such a system requires substantial resources, and critics question the sustainability of financing universal healthcare without compromising other essential government services or hindering economic growth.
Long wait times and limited choices: Concerns are raised about the potential for long and limited choices in a universal healthcare system. Critics argue that the increased demand for healthcare services could lead to overcrowded facilities and extended wait times for specialized treatments. They also suggest that a government-controlled system might limit patient choices, potentially compromising individual preferences and access to innovative treatments.
Quality of care and innovation: Critics question whether universal healthcare systems can maintain the same level of quality and innovation seen in private healthcare systems. They argue that private healthcare's competition and profit motive can drive advancements, attract talented healthcare professionals, and incentivize high-quality care. Critics worry that a government-run system may stifle innovation and result in a lower standard of care for patients.
The concept of universal healthcare sparks intense debate due to its potential impact on access to healthcare, financial implications, and the quality of care provided. While proponents argue that universal healthcare promotes equitable access, financial protection, and streamlined administration, critics raise concerns about the strain on the economy, long wait times, and limited patient choices.
The decision to implement universal healthcare should be carefully evaluated, considering each country's specific needs and context. Lessons can be learned from successful universal healthcare systems worldwide, as well as ongoing efforts to address the challenges faced by such systems. A balanced approach that considers the benefits and drawbacks, alongside effective management and funding mechanisms, is essential in shaping a healthcare system that provides accessible, affordable, and high-quality care for all citizens.
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Simplifying Your Taxes: The Latest Tips and Tricks for 2023!!
As the yearly calendar cycle moves forward, the taxes season creeps up like an unwanted shadow. It’s a time of immense pressure and uncertainty for both individuals and businesses, particularly in light of the ever-evolving tax laws and regulations. However, with the correct information and tools, it is feasible to ease the tax process and increase your tax savings.
2023 Tax Code Changes: A Cautionary Tale
With the recent tax changes for 2023, your tax obligation is about to undergo a transformation. Ignorance is not bliss in this case, as staying informed and comprehending the alterations is vital to making informed financial decisions. Don’t be caught off guard; stay ahead of the curve.
Maximize Your Tax Savings with Deductions
Deductions serve as a means of reducing your tax obligation and can come in handy in a time of need. From medical expenses to charitable donations, there are numerous deductions available for individuals and businesses to claim and lower their tax bill. Don’t let the opportunity slip away.
Investing with Tax Efficiency in Mind
Investing is a crucial aspect of financial planning, but it also holds the potential to significantly impact your taxes. By comprehending the tax implications of your investments and executing tax-efficient strategies, you can minimize your tax bill and maximize your investment returns.
Retirement Accounts: The Tax-Saving Secret
Retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, offer substantial tax benefits that aid in saving for the future while reducing your tax obligation. By comprehending the various types of retirement accounts and taking advantage of their tax benefits, you can include this as a key aspect in your financial planning.
Avail Tax Credits for Increased Savings
Tax credits offer a dollar-for-dollar reduction in your tax obligation and can significantly impact your bottom line. From the Child Tax Credit to the Earned Income Tax Credit, there are several credits available for individuals and families to claim and reduce their tax bill. Make the most of the opportunities at hand.
The Self-Employment Tax: A Guide
Self-employed individuals have unique tax considerations, one of which is the self-employment tax. Comprehending the self-employment tax, including its calculation and payment process, can help prevent any unexpected tax liabilities and ensure a smooth process.
Tax-Loss Harvesting: Maximize Your Savings
Tax-loss harvesting is a strategy aimed at minimizing your tax bill by offsetting capital gains with capital losses. Understanding the workings of tax-loss harvesting and how to implement it can help you take advantage of this valuable tax strategy.
Tax Preparation Services and Software: Your Key to Ease
With the rise of technology, tax preparation services and software have become abundant and accessible. From do-it-yourself options to full-service tax preparation, comprehending the various options and choosing the right one for your needs can simplify the tax process and bring ease to a stressful time.
Avoid Costly Tax Errors – Common Missteps to Steer Clear-Of
Despite having the best intentions, it’s inevitable to make mistakes while filing taxes.
However, by recognizing the most common tax pitfalls, such as neglecting to claim deductions or neglecting to report all your income, you can steer clear of hefty penalties and errors.
A Tax Professional – The Advantages of Hiring One
Hiring a tax professional comes with a multitude of advantages – from ensuring accuracy to maximizing tax savings.
Understanding the perks of having a tax professional by your side, including their proficiency and experience, will assist you in making an informed choice about whether it’s the right fit for you.
Accurate Record Keeping – The Key to a Smooth Tax Process
Accurate and organized record keeping is a crucial aspect of a seamless tax experience.
By maintaining records that are thorough and organized, you’ll have the information you need at your fingertips, ensuring you file your taxes efficiently and accurately.
Tax Planning – Getting a Head Start on Next Year
Tax planning is an ongoing process, and getting a head start on next year can help reduce anxiety and unexpected surprises during tax season.
Knowing the steps you can take now, such as making adjustments to your withholding or making estimated tax payments, can put you in a proactive stance, ensuring a smooth tax process next year.
Understanding Tax Reform: A Path to Minimizing Liabilities
Tax reform is a dynamic and evolving phenomenon that can greatly impact the way you plan and file your taxes.
Staying informed about the latest tax reforms and comprehending their implications can help you make informed decisions, thereby reducing your tax liabilities.
Simplifying Taxation with Software
Maximizing the use of tax software can streamline the tax filing process, making it a much simpler and more manageable task.
Knowing the different varieties of tax software, from basic and beginner-friendly to more intricate and advanced options, can allow you to pick the perfect tool for your specific requirements.
Maximizing Tax Deductions
Optimizing your tax deductions can significantly lower your taxable income, thereby reducing your tax obligation.
Through comprehending the various tax deductions accessible, such as donations to charity or medical expenses, you can seize opportunities to maximize your tax savings.
State Taxes: A Pragmatic Approach
Understanding the specifics of state taxes, which can vary greatly, is the key to making informed decisions.
Keeping abreast with the latest state tax laws and regulations not only helps you remain compliant but also minimizes liability.
Preparing and filing taxes can be a Herculean task. Stay informed, make use of the right tools, and adopt the latest tips and tricks to simplify the process and maximize your savings.
Whether you’re a seasoned tax professional or a beginner, staying updated with the latest tax information and strategies will help make tax season a resounding success.
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As far as I can tell, this person being a provider wasn't a tool they used while talking to the AG about this billing issue. I have yet to talk to the AG about a medical billing issue, but I have otherwise said much of the same that OP describes while discussing billing with hospital reps, their billing departments, my insurance company, and my insurance company's appeal department, and seen success. It may have taken a couple tries and a stupid amount of phone calls, but it still worked. I learned how to how to do this kind of thing not from this post, but rather a few internet articles, the experience of a few friends, and the advice of yes, another medical provider (though in this case, IRL.) If I had seen this post back then, it would have helped me navigate healthcare efficiently sooner, so certainly I am biased in its favor. However.
What's important here I think is not the bit where the OP is a medical provider, but rather the bit where the OP is a medical provider and is therefore familiar with how the billing rules work and is able to give you an inside scoop on what your options are. Which is to say that like--this actually is the truth, man, it's not a restricted possibility for only the medically-licensed.
I now work in healthcare in a customer service/tech-y position, and while I'm very unqualified to give out any kind of medical advice, something that I now know a lot about is stuff related to transferring patients, setting up surgeries or emergency interventions, getting doctors to agree to take on a pt's case, how to get a patient into a hospital sooner and what would work and what wouldn't, etc. I don't have insider approval to make anything happen, I just know the rules of why something would or wouldn't happen. (i.e. why was it decided that you needed to go to a different hospital, why did a doctor refuse to operate on you, etc.)
And you could say, "Well that would only work for you because you work in healthcare!" But no one's checking my badge and scanning it to make sure it's legit before they interact with me. When knowing some healthcare stuff changes how I talk to my doctor and what questions or help I ask for at an appt, my doc doesn't ask for my employee ID # before we can proceed. I've learned some of these tricks and silly but vital details because of how I've seen things work out at my job. OP is just trying to tell you about what some of the rules are, man. I could give examples of times where my knowing about x, y, z healthcare thing meant I could help a friend figure out how to get their insurance to cover something, or which ER to go to, or how to get their mom transferred to the hospital they really want or something, but I feel like that's just too much talking & probably not that helpful.
Basically, apologies for rambling and thank you for your patience/attention, but what I'm trying to say is--when I got mad here because of that other person's quip about the evils of American healthcare, it wasn't because I disagreed with anyone on that or thought different but because--if OP is a provider, then yeah they're probably qualified to tell you about this rule with the AG because they see it come up all the time.
For ex., thinking about a situation I saw the other day where pt needed an emergency surgery but was refusing, concern was that pt might die due to blood loss if he didn't get it, etc., etc. Eventually it was found out that pt was refusing due to insufficient translation and explanation (there was a language barrier), and pt thought he was fine and everyone was over-reacting. They had to go over his lab results and CT scans with him again to try and explain what was going wrong with him & what the dangers were if he didn't get surgery STAT.
But like OP points out, if pt had been given unreasonable, unnecessary, or unwanted treatment, then yeah, being able to say "I wasn't asked for consent before this happened, I never asked for this or wanted it" would be critical in avoiding a bill and/or getting justice for whatever happened to you. The AG is important here because they're a legal authority with more power than any one pt and their family. The AG could cause problems for a hospital in a way that your average person could not, so when the AG comes a-knocking, it's important that a hospital proves it's acting legally and fairly and not doing anything they shouldn't lest, you know, said hospital gets heavily fined, sued, shut down or otherwise punished, etc. Which, in this case, knowing that a hospital could be the one in the wrong for giving you a treatment you didn't consent to would be vital for helping protect yourself and/or, say, getting more back-up from the AG.
For ex., let's say that with the pt I mentioned he was terminally ill and had been in pain for a long time, and maybe surgery would help him prolong his life but life was so miserable for him that he was okay with passing on. Maybe the things that would become harder for him post-op were something he didn't want to go through life with. This could be a reason he might refuse surgery. Knowing stuff like "I can report this hospital to the AG for operating on me without my informed consent," would be the kind of thing that could successfully get this guy out of a $20k+ hospital bill after the fact, stop billing departments from hounding him because actually, they're the ones in legal trouble now, etc. Poor people rights, man. Don't let a doctor or hospital charge you for stuff you didn't want.
Not sure how useful this is. Saying it with the hope that this is helpful in some way to you and hopefully not coming off patronizing or egotistical in some way. Apologies if this all felt like unnecessary/useless rambling.
Ok so my kid had an ear infection, right? As kids often do.
The doctor scraped out a bit of earwax to have a better look inside.
I was sent a bill for $200 PER EAR for this 5 second procedure which I did not give permission for them to do.
That was key- they did not ASK me if they could do this "procedure". And, as I OWN a medical practice (it's me. The medical practice is me, sitting in my house on video calls) I knew to call them when this bill came in to be like "You did not obtain informed consent for this procedure, and it was not en emergency procedure. You had full ability to gain my consent and didn't. I'm not paying."
And the massive hospital who owned the bill said "yuh-huh you do have to pay."
And I said "I own a practice. I know these laws. I do not owe you money for this."
And they conducted an "internal review" and SURPRISE! Decided I totally owed them money and they had never done anything wrong ever.
And so I called my state's Attorney General office, and explained the situation because, as I mentioned, I know the law. The AG got in touch within a couple days to say they were taking the case and would send the massive hospital conglomerate a knock it off, guys letter.
Lo and Behold, today I have a letter where said hospital graciously has agreed to forfeit the payment.
"How not to get screwed over by companies" should be part of civics class.
Know your rights and know who to call when they're infringed on. This whole process cost me $0 and honestly less effort than I would have expected.
May this knowledge find its way to someone else who can use it.
#have seen the would prefer to die rather than have surgery thing happen many times now btw#always super sad when it happens#definitely changed my perspective on like#quality of life after major accidents or healthcare issues though#and made me reconsider how i'd want to die#which especially as a chronically ill person is only more and more relevant to me lol
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