eeriebedroom · 7 years
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and i'll do everything in my power to become unrecognizable to all of you.
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blackberry-headache · 7 years
tagged by the lovely @eeriebedroom 
Here’s the rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better. 
 Name: Kiarra 
Nickname: Kai 
Zodiac sign: Virgo! 
Height: somewhere around 5′6″-5′7″ i think 
Orientation: QUEER AF 
Ethnicity: Canadian 
Favourite food: probably sushi or like candy lol 
Favourite season: fall but i also really love winter!!! 
Favourite book series: I CANT PICK OMG but i love everything by Noelle Stevenson and Tamora Pierce and Catheryne M Valente 
Favourite flower: sunflowers and dandelions, theyre just both so lovely and yellow!!  
Favourite scent: vanilla, freshly cut grass, any food being made, tea, new books, old books, art supplies (im totally forgetting a whole bunch of stuff but oh well) 
Favourite colour: depends entirely on the day but i really love blues, oranges, yellows, and reds 
Average sleep hours: around 7 
Cat or dog person: both 
Favourite fictional characters: AGAIN I CANT PICK but right now i really like Gambit, Nightcrawler, Quentin Quire, Logan, and Quicksilver from the X-men (lol) 
Number of blankets you sleep with: 0-5 depending on the season (currently only one) 
Dream trip: doesnt really matter where as long as its with friends ^ ^ 
Blog created: late 2014 
Number of followers: 269

I tag: @alllllllllllly @bubblegum-fawn @ask-silvercrawler @becauseje-suisbatman @chattycichor @smelly-paint and idk anyone else who wants to do it i guess??
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contrapposthoe · 7 years
I was tagged by the awesome @love-war-and-figs thank you so much! Here’s the rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Maeve Nickname: my brothers call me tar and Tarzan but that’s it Zodiac sign: Scorpio Height: 5'3 Orientation: incredibly gay Ethnicity: Canadian! But my whole family comes from Ireland Favourite food: I love Greek and Italian food SO MUCH Favourite season: Spring definitely I get so happy as the weather warms Favourite book series: That’s a loaded question I read A LOT so… the series I can think of rn that I liked were the Raven Cycle, six of crows, Harry Potter (ofc) Favourite flower: sunflowers and roses Favourite scent: Uhhh coffee, pesto, Chanel Favourite colour: Gold, green, red. Coffee, tea or cocoa: All three! Average sleep hours: this summer? 11 . Cat or dog person: Cats dogs freak me out whoops Favourite fictional characters: ronan and gansey from TRC, achilles, Draco Malfoy, danaerys targaryean, Number of blankets you sleep with: Just my duvet aha Dream trip: I'd love to see the Scandinavian countries, and more of Canada itself Blog created: Uhhhh probs 2011? Number of followers: 1076 I tag: @eeriebedroom
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