#eep. this helped me stretch my comic muscles
hellonerf · 2 months
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ame hypothermia. okay gay comic test is finally done. i just wanted to test how making a comic would go 😊😊😊 and it took me much longer than expected. made this while 9 hours of lucky star dub was playing in the background so
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frostsinth · 4 years
Li’un Ma Shkio - Pt. 6
Part One, Two, Three, Four, & Five
Unvar and Karianna awaken in each others arms. Have things changed between them? Or is Karianna still fighting the strange bond she feels?
Bit of a slower scene. Next part gets better. Going to start wrapping up the story soon(ish), so stay tuned! Likes and comments to let me know you still want updates.
I wasn’t sure how long I slept, but when next I woke, I could hear the camp bustling around me just beyond the tent walls. Still, it was muffled, and only began to filter into my ears as I started to wake. It was easy to tune out.
My eyes blinked lazily, and I yawned wide, feeling a little hazy. That sort of stupor when you first wake up, when you are simultaneously in all the places you’ve ever woken up in your life before your brain catches up your memory retrieval. For a second, I thought I was back home, in my own bed. There was a little confusion as I tried to sort out where my window had gone, and why I felt like my head was at the foot of the bed instead of on my pillows.
But then suddenly it all came flooding back to me. I started slightly, my eyes going wide. I jerked and twisted, sitting bolt upright. My elbow hit something solid and warm beside me as I sprung up.
There was a loud grunt next to me, and I spun, giving a confused squeak when I looked down.
Unvar’s yawn was so wide I thought I might be able to fit my head inside his mouth. Slowly, he rolled onto his back and stretched his arms up over his head, the muscles rippling as he flexed them. Blinking dully, he looked up at me with bleary eyes, tucking his hands behind his skull.
“Yukna vat,” he greeted me in a deep grumble still laden with sleep.
I stared at him stupidly. “What?”
“Eh, good morning, you say.” He untucked one hand and rubbed his meaty fist against the corner of his mouth.
The Tlaloc resumed his stretching with his massive legs, grunting softly. The muscles in his abdomen flexed and I quickly tried to find somewhere else to look. Shyly, I pulled a blanket up over my shoulders and wrapped myself in it, suddenly very aware of the thin slip that barely covered my breasts and stomach, let alone my thighs.
Unvar grunted again, and swung his legs out of the bed. Sitting up, his broad shoulders rippled as he stretched them back and forth too.
“After midday,” He grumbled softly, shaking his head and running one hand over the top, “Not morning.”
Unsure what to do, I looked around the tent and listened to the muffled sounds from the other side. I rubbed at my injured shoulder, which was tender and sore this morning. But the skin was cool to the touch, so I figured I had managed to stave off infection so far at least. Unvar gave one last huge yawn, then stood.
I gave a soft “eep!” and quickly spun as his tight ass suddenly filled my view. I covered my eyes with one hand, staring down at my own lap instead as my cheeks flushed red.
The Tlaloc gave a snort. “Shikoba have strange-ness about body naked-ness,” He observed, and I felt the bed shift as he stood, “Is just skin. But Shikoba shamed by seeing it.”
I didn’t feel like arguing the point of it. Instead I listened quietly as he shuffled about. Eventually, I dared a peek through my fingers, and saw that he was just pulling up his armor over his stomach. He fussed with the ties while I slowly dropped my hand again.
“You have hunger?” He asked me, then turned without waiting for an answer and disappeared out the tent flap.
There were loud shouts in his guttural language, though I supposed the tone sounded mostly cheery. I couldn’t make out any of the words, and decided I only knew all of three words anyways. Considering they mostly had to do with kissing, they wouldn’t likely be very helpful to figure out what was going on. My lips tingled at the thought, and I felt my ears growing hot again. I scooched to the edge of the bed and draped my legs over.
Unvar reappeared, smacking the tent flap back, with a plate full of meats, bread, and cheeses. I jumped at his entrance, but managed to quickly relax when I realized it was just him. He lifted the plate a little, almost triumphantly, then plunked down onto his stump, grabbing up a fistful of food as he did.
Quietly, I slid off the bed, my bare feet wiggling as they touched the cool floor. But it was much warmer than the night before, so I shuffled over with the blanket still wrapped around me to take my seat across from him.
He had already gobbled up a large portion of the meat by the time I got there and held out the plate to me, so I took up a large leg of what looked like it might be pheasant for myself. I grabbed a warm bread roll and a large wedge of cheese as well, finding myself surprisingly hungry.
Unvar leaned back and grabbed a jug from nearby, dragging it over. He uncorked it, then drained half the liquid with thirsty gulps. Some dribbled down his chin as he drank, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at him as I watched. He gave a satisfied “ahhh!” as he dropped the jug down, and wiped at his wet mouth with the back of his hand.
I had stopped chewing, with the meat halfway to my mouth, staring at him. He seemed to notice, cocking his head to one side curiously. He held the jug out to me, shaking it slightly in invitation. I showed him my full hands helplessly, and he nodded, placing it within easy reach instead.
He leaned back slightly, the plate he had brought in almost entirely bare, and made some happy sounds I couldn’t quite describe. All while patting his stomach. He reached up and dug one fingernail between his tusks, stretching his jaw about as he did. It looks almost comical, and I wrinkled my nose to suppress a laugh. Instead, I focused on my own food, finishing it (though not nearly as quickly) then dragging the jug over to take a much more delicate few sips. Whatever the liquid, it was cool and refreshing, though tasted a little like barley or perhaps wheat. I licked my lips and sipped a little more.
Unvar meanwhile stood, collecting his boots and ax from where he had tossed them the night before. He also grabbed his broadsword, but didn’t strap it to his back just yet. Instead, he dragged it over to the fire.
“What are you doing today?” I asked him curiously, picking up another roll from the plate now on the ground. I used it to fish up the few scraps of meat left on the plate and spoon them up to my mouth.
He grunted. “Many things. Chief things. Hard to explain.” 
Then he turned and considered me, appraising me from head to toe. I swallowed my mouthful under his scrutiny and shuffled nervously. He shook his head. 
“Cannot wear blanket all day.” He told me, his tone almost scolding.
I glanced over at my clothes in a pile on the ground. “But, my clothes are filthy, and-”
I jumped as the Tlaloc Chief shouted something out the flap of the tent.There was a resounding roar in reply that had my eyes shooting wide.
Another Tlaloc entered the tent at his summons, ducking her head to avoid knocking it into the post over the doorway. She was huge! Taller than Unvar, and though not as wide, her muscles still seemed larger than my head in most places. She was covered with equally sparse furs and leather, and one of her long tusks was capped in silver. Garnished in simply a strange leather breast piece and a small fur skirt that reached halfway down her thighs, her chiseled abs and stoney shoulders were bare. Her hair was in wild dreads, falling about her shoulders like a black mane, and she crossed her meaty arms over a full bosom, raising one bushy eyebrow at Unvar. 
For his part, Unvar simply looked up at her and exchanged some words with her in their tongue. She grunted, then turned her eyes on me. Her hawk-like gaze made me feel like shrinking into some dark corner somewhere and never coming out again. She looked me up and down from head to toe as Unvar had, then turned back to him, speaking loudly. I didn’t have to know the words to tell she was complaining. Unvar growled back at her, and she seemed to bristle a little at his words. But then she nodded, and ducked back out of the tent.
“Ta’nik will bring you clothes.” Unvar told me, nodding approvingly.
The Tlaloc in question reappeared, bundles of furs in her arms and a small basket under one elbow. Though perhaps it just appeared small since her elbow was the size of my thigh. She seemed to dip her head to Unvar, somewhat politely, then began speaking again in their deep, throaty language. Unvar argued back with her, and their volume slowly began to increase.
Ta’nik, as I supposed her name was, dropped her things next to the fire and spun on Unvar, her hands on her hips. Her voice was getting even louder, and I flinched nervously. Unvar raised his voice to match hers, and even raised one finger at her. But Ta’nik shoved him, gesturing to the door, then shoved him again. I was absolutely shocked, especially when Unvar grunted, seeming to relinquish whatever argument he had just lost.
Looking over at me sheepishly, he shrugged, scooping up his broadsword. “I wait outside.”
Before I could beg him to not, he slipped out the tent flap, leaving me alone with the female Tlaloc.
She spun on me, and I jumped as she stomped over and reached out. Her huge hand grabbed my good arm, and yanked me up to stand before her. My forehead barely came to the bottom of her ribs, and I had to crane my neck back to look up at her. Still, she glared down at me with her hawk eyes, then they narrowed. I wracked my brain, trying to remember the words Unvar had said to me just a few minutes ago.
“Umm…. Yukna… vak?” I tried, even attempting a feeble little smile.
Her scowl deepened. “‘Yukna vak?’ Tasht vil ik non, valmul shik’na.” Her tone was scolding, and I shrunk into the blanket.
Shaking her head, she grabbed the fur and yanked it off me. I yelped, but she simply tossed it to the bed, then grabbed one of my shoulders. She turned me a little, then back the other way.
“Ick’thin dul!” She exclaimed, smacking my good shoulder with the back of her hand and placing the other on her hip. Even that light touch had me staggering back a step to keep my balance.
She plucked at the thin slip I wore, then poked one finger at my bandages. Shaking her head and grumbling some other words I didn’t catch, she turned to what she had brought with her. She held up one fur, then dropped it and held another.
“Bah!” She growled, tossing it to the side.
Ta’nik scowled at my slip again, lifting the hem between two fingers and thumbing it. Her hawk eyes seemed to consider the bloodstain almost thoughtfully, then she poked at my bandage again. I resisted the urge to make a sound, but rubbed the spot after she had dropped her hand. Tsking, she reached down into her boot and pulled a dagger from within.
I started to back away, but she simply grabbed my shoulder and with a quick swipe, sliced the slip from my shoulder to waist. I grabbed at it with my arms as it started to fall away, but she tucked the knife back into her boot and pushed my hands aside back. The last remnants of my garment crumpled at my feet, she took stock of me again. My cheeks had grown red hot, and I crossed my arms over myself and tucked my knees together. Ta’nik let out something which I thought might be a hearty laugh, but the sound just had my ears boiling too.
Dropping to one knee in front of me, she picked up one of the leathers from her pile, swatting my arms aside and holding it up to my torso. Her head tilted slightly, then she tossed it aside in favor of another fur, this one a soft tan. It was a long strip that seemed to be fastened together at the ends to make a large circle. She draped it over my shoulders, and it looped lazily down my front, hooked around the back of my neck. She studied it for a moment, pulling it to more fully cover my breasts, then nodded approvingly. I prayed to whatever god was listening that this wasn’t the only thing I was expected to wear. My ass and legs were still completely bare, and the fur stopped just above my navel.
Thankfully, she picked up another light colored leather and fur stitched piece and wrapped it twice about my waist. It fell generously to my knees in front and back, though it rode a little higher on the sides where the layers broke and overlapped. She tugged my elbow, pointing and drawing my attention to the strings at my hip. She pulled them, and I felt the fabric tighten against my skin. Then she deftly tied a knot, and leaned back again to look me over.
She was talking to me now, as she reached back into her pile. She pulled out some leather straps and showed them to me. I supposed she was probably explaining something to me, based upon her tone and gestures. But I wasn’t sure what she meant. She gestured to her own ample breasts, then traced a line with the straps just underneath. She jerked up and down, obviously to illustrate some point. Then she reached out, smacking my elbows until I lifted them up, and wound the straps about my torso. One she placed in the spot she had shown me on her own body, the other she placed just under my armpits, then crossed it down to my waist and wrapped it around my body again. She pointed to the buckles, and showed me how to fasten them.
Ta’nik sat back on her heels, looking pleased with herself. She studied me, turning me this way and that, then nodded. But as her eyes skimmed up to my face, she frowned, then clucked her tongue. Meaty fingers reached out and tugged at my hair.
“Ow!” I exclaimed, pushing her hand away boldly.
She laughed, and I felt more inclined to smile back at whatever humor had tickled her now. With a gentle shove, she sat me down on the ground before her, then leaned over me. Her fingers wove through my hair, firmly, but not painfully. Plaiting the hair on one side of my head. She finished it with a bone pin, then tugged on it again with a smirk.
I smiled back at her. “Thank you,” I said, and genuinely meant it.
She probably didn’t understand me, but nodded approvingly, so I hope she understood at least what I was trying to convey.
I nearly fell onto my back as she yanked my foot out from underneath me and held it up. I scrambled, trying to pull it back, but she exerted no effort in keeping it under her control. She frowned, poking at my toes. I almost couldn’t suppress the giggle at her touch, and wiggled my toes at her. She smirked, then dropped my foot, gesturing over my shoulder and saying something in her own tongue. Glancing back, I saw my own boots there and gathered her meaning. No new shoes for me.
She gathered up the remainder of her things as I stood and slipped on the boots. I suddenly realized that they were indeed my own boots, and wondered exactly how they had ended up back at the tent.
Ta’nik shouted something out the door, then dropped the flap and came over to me again, tucking her things all under one arm. She smiled down at me and plopped her giant hand on my head.
“L’ma shikoba, dol un’nik guut dai.” She told me, then pinched one of my nipples through the fur. “Ol’n mi’hik Unvar dil’nuer pusht tlaloc’kin.”
She laughed at my yelp, and squished one of her own breasts through her clothes, nodding. She poked at mine, then back at hers, grinning widely.
“Yeah yeah, I get it-” I told her, pushing away her fingers and growing pink- “You’ve got bigger breasts.”
She laughed again, then turned at the sound of the tent flap opening. Ta’nik nodded, looking proud, and bustled off, pushing aside Unvar to leave.
He smirked, his eyes following her as she exited, then looked back at me. He froze suddenly, and I thought his eyes widened a little. I shuffled my feet nervously, tucking one loose strand of hair behind my ear.
“... Do I look ok?” I asked, suddenly worried. 
I tried to look down at myself. All the important bits seemed to be covered, though you could see a hint of the shape of my breasts around the edges of the fur both at my front and sides. It also seemed a little bold to have my skin showing from the nape of my neck to the bottom of my sternum, but the straps seemed firm enough to keep my breasts from popping out unexpectedly. My shoulders were bare, as was most of my back, but I felt the covering was not horribly indecent.
Still his reaction gave me pause, and I smoothed my hands over the furs on my stomach. He seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in, and shook his head.
“No… I mean-” He shook his head again- “-Yes, you look good. Look like Tlaloc!” Then he grinned, “Small, white Tlaloc. Missing teeth.” He tapped his own tusk to illustrate the point.
I laughed a little at that, not sure if the second part was very good. But I was sure he meant the first part as a compliment. I fiddled with the edge of the fur at my waist, twirling a loose piece between my thumbs.
“So now what?”
“Now we go.” He nodded, “Busy day. Much work.”
He grabbed his blood stained cloak from its hook, then pulled a smaller grey speckled fur from the pile. It had a small strap at the top, and he tossed it to me. The fur fit perfectly around my shoulders and upper back.
“Is cold,” He told me, “Come.”
I had to practically run across the tent not to lose him as he ducked out the door. The sunlight beyond blinded me briefly, and I blinked a few times. Unvar was already striding away, and I skipped to catch up to him. A few curious looks were shot my way, but for the most part the Tlaloc seemed unsurprised to have a human in their midst. Even one following around their chief, whom they each greeted respectfully.
“...Are there other humans here?” I asked as I considered the myriad of colors and shapes around me.
“Hmm?” He grunted, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.
“Ah, Shikoba. Other Shikoba, like me.”
He snorted, raising one hand in salute to a passing man. “Not like you. None like you.” Then he nodded. “But yes. Few. Servants, and a workman. Maltoc keeps one.”
“Maltoc?” I echoed, and there was a tingle down my spine at his choice of words describing my fellow humans.
Unvar didn’t seem to notice my discomfort. He nodded in response, steering us around a rowdy crowd gathered about what appeared to be a blacksmith stall.
“Maltoc. He… what is word-” He grumbled, scratching his chin, “ah… Shaz’gul … he keeps sick. Helps hurts.”
“A healer?” I offered, skipping a few more steps to keep pace with him.
Unvar shrugged. “Shaz’gul, ta tlaloc.” He replied simply. “Shikoba helps Maltoc, and Maltoc keeps shikoba.”
I fell silent, chewing that over thoughtfully as we rounded a few more tents. Finally we came to a halt, and a loud greeting was offered to Unvar as he approached a small group of Tlaloc men. They saluted him with their chest beating greeting and hunched their heads. Then more than one clasped his shoulder or punched his arm. At first I watched with alarm, but the grins exchanged seemed passive enough. I noticed the other Tlaloc draping their arms around each other or touching various parts of their fellows’ bodies as they spoke. As if conversation required some form of touch at all times.
The words they exchanged were too quick and strange for me to begin to understand, so I waited quietly a few feet away. A few minutes later, he clasped the shoulder of one and gestured for me to follow him again.
We repeated this several times with varying clan members. Sometimes Unvar would be given something, sometimes he would just talk. Sometimes the Tlaloc would fully embrace him in bone shattering hugs, or they would pound a fist into his chest which would incite some shoving before it settled into the usual communication. Once or twice the words seemed to get heated, but it always deescalated with a drink and some arm clasping. At first, I tried to follow the exchanges. Perhaps learn some words or get a sense for what was being said. And I was impressed with the way Unvar changed his mannerisms depending on whom he was talking to. I could tell all the tlaloc we met with seemed to respect him greatly.
But after what felt like hours of following him around with nothing but sideways glances to acknowledge my presence, I was growing bored. The talking was too fast paced for me, and the meetings beyond my scope. ..
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