novustrad · 5 months
I don't check the Warframe site very often, but I'm so glad I did because I love language puzzles like this.
The point is to figure out the password.
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We start with a post-it: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
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And a short message.
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I needed a little extra help from a reddit post that has this helpful key.
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So this language (I think I remember someone saying it was Alternative or Low Orokin or something?) seems to be phonetically spelt. For example, "th" is different in "the" (dhuhh) and "Arthur" (Ar(th)uhr). The consonant that occurs twice in "quick" doesn't make sense to be "q", the image from Reddit translates it as "k".
Personally, for consistency, I think "f" should be "ph". Maybe "v" as "bh"? I'll use "f" and "v" for the direct translation here.
Consonants are the larger letters, vowels are the smaller ones above them. So far as I can tell, when paired together, vowels go before the consonant. Vowels on their own are paired with a "h".
Spoilers and answers incoming. If you want to figure all this out yourself, don't go any further. If you want the password, scroll all the way to the bottom.
The post-it, when translated with help of the phonetic key reads:
Dhuhh kooihk brown fawks juhmps ovehr dhuhh laezeeh dog.
The message as written reads:
Arthehr, for sols saek lern howh tooh pawrk eeor gawdam bayehk.
Ihf ayeh fayehnd iht ihn mayeh spawt uhgehn, Ihm kihkihng iht ovehr.
Ooidh luhv,
P.S. Ihm spozed tooh ihnvayeht eehooh tooh dhuhh nooh eeihrz bash.
Kuhnsihdehr dhihs dhuhh ihnvayeht.
Arthur, for sols sake learn how to park your goddamn bike.
If I find it in my spot again, I'm kicking it over.
With love,
P.S. I'm 'sposed to invite you to the New Year's bash.
Consider this that invite.
Honestly, it wasn't very clear to me what the password is. If you got it on your own, you're cleverer than me. If you didn't, the password is:
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poop4u · 2 years
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Eeor being the rarest of winter cuddling puppers
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Part 2 (I’m skipping Jasminko so he’s a the second to who unlocked the secret code) of descendants unlocking the code! Meet Twst Christopher Robin! Christine!
Unique Magic: my dreams are real
Description: when Christine sleeps and wakes up, her figment dreams becomes a reality. Her imaginary friends of Winn and co become real and carry her around to home or the Arce woods with the real Winnie the Pooh and friends live.
And this lil gal just have the right window to walk into the clubhouse. Just imagine this
Cinderella: *walking around passing out cute dog clothes she made for the dog lovers*
Charming: uhh. Honey.
Cinderella: yes?
Charming: *points*
Cinderella: *looks*
Christine: *holding Cinderella dress and semi awake walking, quiet voice* hello…
Cinderella: 🥺 hello little one
Cinderella and Charming nearly adopt her until Winn and Pim comes to tell them she has a mom at home
There are the rest Timmy (tigger), Robert (Rabbit), Olson (Owl), miss Kali and tiny baby Rover (Kanga and Roo) and Ellise (Eeore) and all are tiny kids and everyone fuckijg stop what they are doing to be quiet as a mouse so Christine can sleep. She’s a very sleepy little girl and likes napping beside Rajah. Or beside Cinderella
Ps don’t scare Pim, he is very scared and anyone tall scares him. Even if you’re friendly. He is still scared and will cry.
And give Winn headpats for carrying the dreaming Christine like a good boy
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire
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neilphen · 1 year
7 & 11 :)
7. what animal do you look forward to when you go to the aquarium?
big shark fan. love hammerheads sooo much theyre ugly and i adore them
11. anything from your childhood youve held onto?
YES once again but instead of a stuffed monkey it is an EEORE doll i got at like age 3 . he is so cool and just like me
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Seriously though what is the endgame for the current economic moment?
Like what do the folks in the boardrooms think is going to happen when rent burden is 60% and it costs a family of four $2000 to buy groceries for a month?
What happens? If you think Americans are going to be rioting over food, think again. Americans are the most housebroken people on the planet. They’d rather die or go homeless and blame themselves for it than try and take what is rightfully theirs.
I’m not trying to be Eeore here. I’m not despondent. I’m flabbergasted.
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444namesplus · 4 months
Aaelna Aaher Ace Ae Aeienu Aeimsou Aeio Aeleau Aellotlo Aelnueoletleos Aeloqui Aelpireaia Aelter Aeltu Aeoi Aeourla Aepo Aeraihseol Aese Aesoeswseos Aesteou Aeutlelilo Afe Afla Ahla Aiefa Alfle Alsi Alwa Amelnsa Amiu Amoi Amri Amuco Ao Aoleos Aolfues Aolini Aololiheu Aolrloru Aolsoeio Aolu Aolua Aolwor Aopueor Aore Aorfuoelu Aorheai Aosoioei Aouarweosple Aoueol Aoulu Apuoi Aqueensu Arciaei Arei Arieufumeou Arlolearo Aro Arpse Arruealna Arunrapecsu Ase Aseosfastsaeu Asi Asle Aso Asueaupenlou Au Aucual Auepo Auhaoi Auhlaol Auma Ausu Autues Awsaeusifuear Ay Cae Capy Cea Ceaos Cefie Cei Ceraol Cerloelu Ciaa Ciaespa Ciahlo Ciaorpu Cio Cioiucsiquie Ciosqûotu Ciro Cirra Citsoi Claoulicesras Cloioesa Cloiru Cloufiaormu Clusu Clyaerwilru Coercsiaes Coeshlo Coeucsaeu Colpafiaqueu Cortreauce Cosyllelmse Cotiaoroel Craelro Craitaereû Creolquetu Crinera Croaer Croaos Csarene Csasa Csimai Csoiu Cuaesqû Cuaosupsael Cuesvuehaosi Cupumisue Cûcsa Eaer Eaiohiamy Eaiwlufroupuo Eao Eaos Eaoumuas Earcsi Eare Easfamau Easi Easme Easoaqui Easwraei Ecu Eehou Eeor Eerwaolueas Efro Efymeucsaeu Ehloesarra Eho Ehroi Ehse Ei Eicoeinouaola Eira Eissalio Elquaulsertioi Elssu Elwlol Ema Enua Enuhe Enutaruoiu Eo Eolhufi Eonsearllou Eori Eorinomoel Eormsu Eorslal Eorwaeievu Eorwaeu Eose Eosne Eouo Epe Epuar Epy Equeaelplos Equeo Erceorpi Erhsear Erra Ersaes Ertani Erua Esape Esi Esriou Esurleoisû Ete Eu Eui Eusuehie Euwi Ewre Eûi Faeorquieou Famu Fanau Fataa Fatrear Faumsal Feari Fefa Feisema Feoimafro Fepi Feweas Fiaeau Fiao Fieos Fiferina Filu Fiou Fipias Fisyei Fiu Fiui Flaco Flaoitro Flealnûpleunu Fleraei Fleu Floifeoscuwle Foeumaaor Fohe Fohiuaequeaer Fopu Fote Fou Frelhowy Frimia Froees Fua Fualumi Fue Fuefaaeirial Fueolsuqueerreou Fuepra Fuifo Fuwohu Fûsy Haaeselhrureoi Haequeauhrau Hallueouol Haoileaueoluo Hapreflaeui Hato Haulra Heasnsa Hefueolmina Heimuesese Henli Here Hieoiwsoelcolsrer Hinuequeoelso Hioehiei Hisoli Hiwoa Hlaoleou Hleeas
Hleiehsol Hleolas Hlequee Hliflirua Hlitue Hlonuaer Hoaeua Hohlou Honi Hoo Hopa Hopleoifri Hopoerwie Hoqui Hotohocaua Hotuhee Howe Hrafo Hralle Hraoumuos Hrapo Hrauma Hsameas Hsaoineu Hsipasaueoi Hsoesquiaou Huearsu Hueas Hueha Hulse Huo Hutiao Hutrioafi Hyquecuaes Iaoli Ias Iau Icronio Icsel Icu Icuo Ie Ieasiquau Ieaunua Ife Ifeavuoer Ifrar Ihasvu Iho Ihsafraelmaor Ihsos Ile Ilefioeunû Imi Imleaime Insoes Inuaeuo Inuoer Io Ioo Ipla Iplisy Ipreosfreuwle Iqueflica Irral Isasaol Isleco Israr Issas Ite Itear Itlu Itse Ivueui Iwola Iwraife Iwsoeu Lacua Laesutsa Laoerllosuta Laolar Lasuael Lata Lauau Lealu Learareas Leeal Leneor Leoscrife Leowlelfu Lerequea Liaolaoi Lioo Llice Llipru Lliuaosofo Llooma Locloliu Loitouersueai Lorromleou Lotioes Lowa Lreira Lrevulla Lrone Lronroeiwo Lruo Lsaeioeu Lsaeua Lsao Lseassseashru Lsoeleseasos Luanoeueouaol Luaoui Lueeos Lueoua Luoaoinioiwû Luonû Luoue Luquipiu Lyhuei Lyqueerrsolfoei Lyquei Maheorquoo Mahoeihaos Maica Maleoislas Malpeosi Malru Mameau Maortioi Maoswra Mapieshame Maproei Masihleru Maueou Mea Meaiceasei Mecro Mee Miaeûralu Miani Miataonia Miauroeisoaoia Miawiaosaehle Mieormsu Miquiaoine Mito Miua Mleeas Mlenlo Mloeswrutseai Mofa Mooi Mraereoshloeu Mraute Mriaeimei Mrooisueuaeri Msaeral Msaolpsarlupa Msatseou Mseoltupo Msoeruwaeu Msoeulioei Msoraoi Muarllaer Muihe Mupro Mupueases Mutofû Muwlaer Muwraei My Naeshalsu Naesmua Naorealta Napi Naqûu Nate Natlaouopo Naullealteaor Neaoituau Neaseurler Neauraes Neorlequa Neoumsusreorasia Nermapraou Nesaspiqûmra Nethaeufu Niaeicu Niaer Niaullu Nieoupu Nifi Nihy Niore Nleasplosi Nleorfami Nleoueai Nliri Nloti Nlulial Nluomi Noael Noaelqûru Noese Nolmia Nosoes Notel Nou Nraelme Nraspoo Nrewra Nroal Nsiqueael Nsiuoeu Nsonepiaol Nsorruiriu Nsucra Nuace Nuaerfa Nuesfuo Nuhleopiear Nuiweoi Nupu Nûa Oa Oaeu Oari Ociu Ocopaoshaciol Ocseor Oe Oeihoi Oeimlicupsi Oeiwioeu Oeraeou Oeraohuo Oermiluael Oertro Oesal Oesi Oeueoû Oeuieor Oeuta Ohee Ohraes Oicu Oifrol Oimlumraor Oinea Olciarsi Olisoes Olsoe Oltohuol Olweoumycrai Onru Onueoswi Oo Ooe Oora Opi Opiaoloeicowleoi Opuaolefieau Oque Oqueaoiho Oqui Orce Orcri Orfo Oriomowo Orro Orso Ose Oshe Osnaesmecreoi Ossael Ote Otheauaawla Ou Ouear Ouriu Ousleor Ovuaolluse Owsou Paahio Paeihoele Paelfrimlo Pafû Paiaermi Paiu Pamomyu Paoimael Paoro Paouri Paowael Pari Pasanu Peauquei Pecuetua Peniaoytu Peosrupe Peouslo Peu Piaermoaer Piahle Piefleari Pifo Pihli Pilu Pioinru Piwaereouqueo Pleosi Plonomu Porni Posequioel Posuslo Praceorua Prawoesce Prealoes Prie Propuoeioei Proscaolhipla Prosiari Prupra Psaa Psafiutefeauoel Psawseitiouci Psemuauofû Pua Puco Pueaicle Pueu Puhlafivua Puo Puoinûfoi Puomuahaorriaerrras Putiper Pûaes Pûalqueshei Quae Qualcasuo Quaoraes Quaqueerwseoilu Quasueua Quatse Quealitea Queaoinaotuohuaei Queaouaouqua Queaqueeseaiqûaor Quearna Queasfie Quee Queearnrio Queelu Queheal Queiqueassalrifi Queitieas Queoi Queolquewae Queolsi Queomoa Queosiaeie Queosu Quepote Quessoco
Queue Queuoeu Quey Quicsevurli Quieortemafoos Quiepu Quilleumiaoroqûe Quioeshiaor Quiona Quiuraou Quiuwû Quocirlos Quoeimeal Quoelpaeu Quoes Quolehravu Quolfeoi Quomewsaleor Quonafleaitu Quoo Quosie Quounealmeairuce Quy Qûaosos Qûaqueae Qûiciacrei Qûisues Qûlraorfleolslacu Qûonserlire Qûota Qûqueer Qûto Raa Raaqueeio Rae Rafeasaou Rai Reari Reco Refuo Relhrermios Renoa Riacaqueaeu Riarlol Rieawioer Rieya Ritsuasiu Riwaploero Rlaoli Rlatirrou Rleufeewoer Rloeimu Rlufraer Roeucloroqueo Ropuaela Roqueaos Rosfli Rosletiueoi Rotearaer Rouooei Rowûfurolo Rraeoi Rrarariai Rrealcraorri Rsaoivuo Rseoswieinli Rsie Rsihe Rsisosiaeumruo Rsuaou Ruaeosli Ruaoiquear Ruoo Rusisoquahû Rûwi Saesnarrseolquaeu Saespses Sameeas Samo Sao Seiu Sellipi Seorpo Siaesfear Siahe Siaoeufeol Siaoumuael Sieaso Sieoor Sieqû Sifaoi Silsiquetie Sinses Sioeos Sipo Slatuecumsaou Sleirie Slesluaeifro Slulo Slunsi Slutreu Soeinautu Somio Sosquo Srearqûa Sreserreai Srostuasi Ssearce Ssucuqua Ssyi Suaercene Suaû Sueoupellu Suer Sueseai Suetotleai Suicu Suiumlolso Sulsaaor Suoespi Suolicior Suotripre Suraeihue Suruor Susu Syniquourioi Syryaes Taealnel Taerlsu Taienu Taoumauo Tarsoeol Tase Tener Teoilui Teoscaeisueu Tesialmepsar Tewoaoutuaeu Thasawracri Therefi Thiwloeuhuo Thoui Thumrimsapou Thutaerraesa Tia Tiaespliqueo Ticri Tie Tieaswo Tiequer Tieulu Tiocior Tipo Tlahaa Tlearmli Tleoseuwo Tlirsu Tlooi Tlospaeipe Tloutomroel Toa Toeusa Tosleceti Tossou Traseu Tratoaimu Trearpiaoi Tsaa Tsolaru Tsornloeuwiuwi Tuaeiquaol Tuaolsaeola Tue Tueauwse Tuer Turi Tyfueu Tûa Tûcesa Ua Uauseouqû Ue Uelrearfu Ueoi Uewsa Ufaeicueai Ufi Uhro Ui Uimer Ulasi Ulli Ulse Ulu Umre Unlerei Uoeuquale Uol Upla Upleoutefoelti Upo Upoeueole Uqueei Ureou Usre Utheue Utieosluaeufe Uweol Uwi Vuaoso Vuatreaire Vuliecuflo Vusuael Waelra Wai Waoie Waoinsasu Wariepsou Warquaeihro Wavuifui Wawa Weallle Wecaolte Weecleai Weiaa Welreproerfualfla Welssousapiel Wenemoel Weo Wewa Wiaaeipa Wianearmieoi Wiaunotowi Wice Wicuo Wielume Wine Witueai Wlipor Wlunar Woaosi Womai Woowleorslu Wopa Wopsa Wsanre Wsela Wsoseua Wsuto Wyaeiwro Ûvue
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fatnutswizard · 7 months
The ides of march is the only thing ive been looking forward to since february, but now that its here i just. Don't know what to look forward to next i mean that in an eeore way and in a practical I Need Something to look forward to in the short term Way
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stevecomic · 9 months
Valentine Pooh and Friends animation cel. Just added this cel I have to reproduce on Gallery 9 of my website artistrybysteve.com. Take a journey of artistry and enjoy my creations. #GoDaddy #WebsiteBuilder via @GoDaddy #WinnieThePooh #Piglet #Eeore #Tigger #Valentine
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A collection of 35 high-resolution digital images of Leng Mei/冷枚 ▶️https://boywithflower.gumroad.com/l/eeore ▶️https://www.boywithflowers.com/product/leng-mei/ ▶️https://www.patreon.com/posts/74379621 Get more digital paintings. https://boywithflower.gumroad.com/ https://www.boywithflowers.com https://www.patreon.com/boy_with_flowers_art_gallery
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wyrmguardsecrets · 2 years
Bish please, as a former EEOR myself I can tell you there's a reason they don't want you sharing your wage or salary information with coworkers, and it ain't because they want you to spare the office slackers feelings. That 77% wage disparity is still a thing, private businesses are still protected because they're backed by case law and unless you know a good lawyer there ain't shit you can do about it if you get caught blabbing on social media.
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poop4u · 2 years
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Eeor enjoying the dog days of summer.
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queeniecamps · 4 years
What’re y’all’s fave CC fics? 👀
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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East End of Rundle || Our first summit of the season - the EEOR. I’m really not sure why we picked this hike... J and I were looking at some hiking trails for the May long weekend and came across this. It’s a very beautiful hike all the way up.. and I would have been perfectly fine if we just made it to the meadows. 
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This summit is rated hard by AllTrails, with a distance of 5.6 kms and 877 m elevation. This has challenged me both physically and mentally- mentally I guess due to sporadic rain/hail downpours. The view from the summit is just unparalleled even when the visibility is not clear- and it was a definite immune booster. 
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While I’m proud that we were able to surmount this trail, I was not proud of my mental weakness when things went wrong. We got lost on our way down- and that really had me panicking so hard that I took it out on J instead of looking for solutions. This trail was meant to only be 5.6 kms but after we got back to our vehicle, we racked up a total of 8 kms from getting lost. I felt so bad for the way I acted and it just made me realize once more how lucky I am to have a partner like J- he even said he understood my actions and reactions at that time and he did not feel it was directed at him, but in the anxiety I felt at that moment.
I can’t wait to do more hikes this season... I would say it was a perfect season opener.. but I will not recommend that to anyone. lol! 
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kirstenalexis · 5 years
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Hiking East End of Rundle in Canmore, Alberta.
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East End of Rundle (EEOR) | Canmore Kananaskis | Banff National Park | Alberta Canada 📷 @rodney.dueck . Share your Rocky Mountain photos here: The Rocky Mountains Community Outdoor adventures: The Rockies Collection On IG @therockiescollection Guides | Maps | Destination Information on website (US & Canadian Rocky Mountains) . . . #eeor #eastendofrundle #banffnationalpark #kananaskis #travelalberta #canadianrockies #rockymountains #banff #canmorealberta #canmore #explorealberta #travelcanada https://www.instagram.com/p/CRWpJucrkgA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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