#eeeek stay tuned
beachyserasims · 1 month
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Geneva Island Legacy┃Chapter five┃Be Closer
~ Transcript ~
Arielle is made by @cowplant-snacks (GalleryID)
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loaksky · 1 year
omg i just read ur ‘by the grace’ fic and im crying screaming kicking my feet laughing giggling twirling my hair T^T
when neteyam saw the reader cradling a baby i IMMEDIATELY thought of this playing in the background, specifically at 0:23. your writing is so beautiful i’m obsessed <\\3
STOP IM KICKING MY FEET SO HARD RN that song is SO cute im literally melting !! i always get so excited when ppl say that my writing reminds them of music or movies like EEEEK !! thank you so much for your thoughtful words ilyyyy <3 ALSO stay tuned for a second part because it is in the works ! 🤭🫶🏽
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jonathankatwhatever · 2 years
I realized this AMT that we have figured out how to count. That is, particularly using LV, we have a means of describing how counting works in dramatically larger detail. Applying f1-3//3-1 and finally relating the IC concept to LV properly. We have always visualized IC as the corners of a quadrant, of the quadrants, as well as the corners of a square. That is 3 forms of scale, from a single grid square to a collection of grid squares, to a collection of a collection of grid squares. This now works: we have the connections.
I saw the counting of a number in LV. Say 5, and the count to either side of szK3, extending in yK or xK, which makes the count of 4 properly ambiguous so that invokes all the processes within 4, like 2*2 in xK and yK only, which enables slide-over (discussed below yesterday), which enables ambiguity of the 4 within 5, and so on. This structure is all worked out. Mostly uses 1-0Segments.
Then I spent a lot of time thinking about 5 and 10, up to 20, and ended the AMT by finding another 13, which is that 5 in Hexagons identifies the 6, the SBE2 ‘return’, and it does so by defining the 5 on either side or in either direction up to the 0 line of that 6th bT, meaning it focuses or locates as 1 the preceding edge of that bT. This means my 5-7 counts those same lines in both ways: as that preceding edge and as the receding edge, with the preceding edge on one side being the receding edge of the other. So that defines that 6th return bT by its enclosure where the enclosure is all 0’s. That means the 6th bT is defined as 1 by the enclosing 0’s.
When the Hexes connect, a bunch more happens. I first hit the count of 10 for the two hands, then 1 and 2 for 11 and 12, with the 11 and 12 being identified by 5-7. Then I realized that I’m also counting 6 then 7 from the perspective of each Hexagon and the 1Space connections around it. That makes a 13. And not just a 13 but 2 of them. And not just 2 but 4 because this again becomes the IC model conception.
This leads to another IC, this time of 7’s, which makes the 28. And that 28 is also 13. I find this really cool.
Maybe not as cool as 83, then 8 and 3, then 11 within a 13 that contains an SBE2 which sits between prime additive factors. But still cool.
That meaning for 28 is perfect. It translates the idea of IC into the 4 states of a Hex counting 5-7, so what ‘emerges’ like an emotion is the composite of the layers. The 13 is the count of a Hexagon 6 plus the 7, which means this identifies the 1 edges of the 6th bT and the next 1 edge, meaning it completes the 6th bT by placing both a 1 and a 0 at its outer edges. So 7’s are where the 0 of the 6th bT’s far edge attaches to the 1 of the next edge, of the next count. When you make a 7 & 7, you are connecting in both directions over the 2 Hexes. When you reach 28, you have the IC of those connections.
Can I explain that a bit better? Or is the butter bitter? Try connecting fCM to Hex more. CM36 is now the identification of the 6th bT, which I’ll call the *bT for short. This identifies each edge as 1, both far and near in each direction. Is Not becoming Is? Stay tuned for more Cat-drama! Why is CM64 a Thing when CM36 defines the *bT? Answer: put a CM36 together with this new CM28 and you get CM64 as the *bT, which is a 6, connecting to a 7, which encloses the *bT sort of like 1-*bT-1 to label the next edges so that *bT is complete with its 0’s along with its 1’s. So the 13 is also CM64! You’re everywhere! Run for cover! Eeeek!
Hey, the getaway karma ran over my dogma.
Finally, finally, finally translated fCM into Hex! I’m all about the edges.
Moving left along, what is base10 in these terms? That was a very cool part of this AMT, that base10 is the identification of 5 and 5, which means it identifies up to the 0 edges of the *bT, which is the deep meaning in base10, that it contains up to the 0 edges of whatever it fits to. This means it can add, which means multiply and thus divide because those are inverse relationships, at least in gs counting, which is a deep description of counting. So it makes sense base10 or b10 would appear in there.
I’ve longed for a better reason for base10. And the long of that is base10 enables attachment of an abstract object by defining the SBE identity, meaning the *bT, without defining its 1 edges, only its 0 edges. How does SBE3 connect? SBE3, if you count 9, defines the bT which forms an HG with *bT, meaning the one opposite in the Hex. It identifies the near edge in each direction of that -*bT, just to give it a symbol. Make one implicitly + and the other can be explicitly -. So the +1 of SBE3+1 identifies the far edge, and thus which far edge connects over the rotation of one and one half turns.
Doesn’t this wind around? If you start at the 0 edge of *bT, so the 1 is at the far edge of the next bT, then it takes 3 iterations to wind back to *bT, so the next is the same as the first count. So it cycles through 3 and 4 depending.
Why 1.5 turns? I’m not sure but I saw this AMT the creation of a grid square simplify to the count above, meaning connecting Hexes over a 1Segment, put in the simplification of CR, which is the perpendicular. That generates a square of 1 made of 4 parts. Perpendicular is the 1Segment separated into its constituent Irreducibles. Coordinate Rotation generates out of Triangular and Hexagonal. We have that.
In the context of b10, SBE3 now expresses the attachment we’ve described. As in the notation (1+(SBE3)+1), where we mean (0+(SBE3)+1) or (1+(SBE3)+0). I have left out connected Hexes to focus on a single Hex. If we connect 2 Hexes, then we get almost the same result but across to the other side of the other connected Hex. That generates 4 snake-like paths over the central fD. The difference is, of course, that this identifies one bT short in the other Hex. That makes sense: it identifies to the 1 of the near edge of the connected Hex, as opposed to the far edge of its primary Hex. Isn’t that cool?
In AMT, I then imagined that fD as a grid square, which means it CR’d and that CR simplified to the Irreducible, which is perpendicular. I haven’t thought this through at all: what about a count like 40? What does that identify? Well, if you pick a *bT, then this identifies the -*bT and the far bT in the connected Hex. I’m just assuming each direction used one time. That could also be 80. And I might be able to get more, but I’m not going there.
The point is this puts the gs layer with the Triangular so the gs generate.
So, now we have a composition for base10 that fits Hexagons and a composition that fits grid squares, and they work together. So, when I’m counting SBE3 around a Hex, I’m counting the grid squares which generate out of the fD which count with each bT.
I’m guessing 1.5 is f1-3 again. An S, an N, a Z, collapsed. When expanded over Triangular, they outline an fD with 2 external sides and the 1Segment divider. Like half the edges of a gs. So, we can run SBE2 over a single gs using I//I, meaning both Irreducibles as Ends. But that isn’t the answer I’m looking for. When we wrap around, we go to the far side once and that return to *bT (and the next bT if we counted from *bT’s far 0 edge), and then to the far side, so that says start includes a hidden attachment, so it’s a pair at each End, which is exactly what’s implicit and what f1-3 is meant to make explicit. So, the 1.5 also includes the .5 from before, which identifies the *bT. This enables chains to start or continue, because the actual half-turn before might be unconnected to what happens then on. Or it might be the same loop. This gives a meaning to the obvious reality that we take 3 and cut it in half. Cutting it in half puts it at the same scale as the way a gs generates, and then fully implies the 4th small square. This is a truly beautiful result!
Need to take a break.
————— Another ‘restore’ post issue.
‘I keep tryin’ to think, but nuttin’ happens!’ - Curly Howard
I’m trying to allow whatever comes through my mind to flow into my fingers. Like on the piano. I might start clunky, but it will flow as I trust that I’m hearing and seeing properly. There’s a difference: I trust what I see far more than I trust what I hear because many of the voices and ideas I hear inside my own space are doubts, criticisms, and other negative expressions.
What is negative? We wrestled with that and decided it is directional, that it doesn’t ‘know’ it is negative, that it is pursuing its positive existence, that from the perspective of the negative the permutations operate exactly as they do in the positive, sometimes barely roiling the surface, while other times stirring the depths. I think the reason this becomes important, in this new aspect of It, of Identification Theory, is that this establishes a space, one that pulls apart or extends gs process over from the positive edge. The visual of this is that if you foldover, meaning you literally crease the grid squares sheet and fold it over so the layers are as close as they can get, that acts like a fan opening and closing, meaning the negative or the positive pulls away and let’s say that’s in a constant relation at the boundary to make CR and thus a unit circle.
This connects with this early morning’s startling understanding about the nature of infinity as gs process continuing. That idea fleshes out the concepts of gs parallels by connecting the dimensional attachments, the Dimensional Reduction which occurs along the count. So, a count has characteristics of the infinite while being finite because of the DR’s along the way. The infinite thus gets, I don’t know, narrowed or stripped down to the core of the gs process line continuing. That’s what makes gs parallels so interesting too: you have not lines not a line. And that invokes all sorts of shapes because of the CR’s invoked by more than one line. I’m seeing an infinite count running down the ‘middle’ of a count that breaks to finite.
That gets to CH, right? The Continuum can’t be reached by combining finite pieces, which can be described using sets, because it is by definition the gs process that doesn’t dimensionally reduce to finite.
I think we just knocked that out of the park.
I’m going to take a short break.
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
Unfortunately we don't seem to live in the same time zone so I only saw part 5 of Ambivalence this morning but I love it so much!!! The kiss! The tension leading up to that! ...exquisite 🥰 Have to add, again, how well you write about Topper. I truly want him as my friend, too! haha
However, good things only last so long so I'm guessing something will happen at the wedding but I also wouldn't mind a hot romantic ending, so I'm ready for you to do some damage because you already know I got butterflies again when the kiss happened. So excited for part 6 now!!! 💓
eeeek thank you lovey. i hasn't even planned to make topper a big part in this but he just relieves tension sometimes i love it
so excited for you guys to see part 6. i think it's different than what you're expecting but hopefully you'll love it anyway. wedding won't be till part 8! there's some stuff u gotta know first
stay tuned ;) thank you for your support sweetness
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 3 Episode 8)
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OMG kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!!! 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Episode Title: Hidden Treasures
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers
1. “Prahm” is an acronym, which stands for “Party Reconciling All Humans and Mutes”. First HMUFA and now PRAHM? What’s with these lame acronyms? Somebody else needs to takeover for her when it comes to creating these group names lol. 
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2. Kipo pleads with the humans to make peace with her and the mutes once and for all. Emilia, unsurprisingly, thinks they shouldn’t believe her instead. Luckily, Doag is on Kipo’s side and so are Doag’s teen friends. 
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As I’ve predicted, Zane ditches Emilia for Prahm
3. Emilia has no other choice but to give in because it seems like all the humans are on the side of making peace with the mutes. So, she accepts Kipo’s invitation to Prahm. I hope Kipo and the rest of them are smart enough to lock up Emilia and Greta just like they did with Scarlemagne because they’ve done things that are as bad, if not worse than him. 
4. I’m glad Wolf is finding this hard to believe. Just lock them up! Or at least, monitor at them at all times. Emilia’s definitely hatching up a wicked plan. However, Kipo thinks that Emilia is powerless because the cure doesn’t work on her and the other humans aren’t on her side anymore. That’s true Kipo but remember the last time you let your guard down and got complacent?
5. Another thing they need to worry about is to convince the mutes that the humans have switched sides. That’s gonna be tough since some of them have be cured. 
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6. Of course, you can’t change stubborn people like Emilia and the same goes for Greta and Hoag. Emilia has her eyes on some sort of giant sea-creature mute and she’s planning to use it in her next plan. 
7. Back in Timbercat Village, the mutes express they aren’t ready to join Prahm just yet. They want the humans to apologize for what they did to them. I’m with the mutes on this one; How could Kipo expect them to forgive them and come back to the village, especially so soon after they shot their cure darts at them? As a result, all of them decide to resign from HMUFA except for Scarlemagne and Jamack. Well, that’s because none of their friends/family were cured by the humans lol.
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8. Since the Timbercats have resigned from HMUFA, Kipo and the others are basically kicked out of their village. But Kipo’s not ready to give up on Prahm; She still wants to host it and get the mutes to change their minds. She’s suggesting that they “Prahm-pose” to the mutes to get them to go to Prahm and then hopefully, this will get the humans an opportunity to apologize to them for reals. 
9. They proceed to make preparations for Prahm like building a giant float, practicing some dance routine and setting up decorations for the event. 
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I’m liking this interaction between Wolf and Scarlemagne; They’re in agreement that Emilia is most likely going to back-stab them. Also, it looks like someone is secretly stealing things...hmm
10. Benson is facing a dilemma of his own: He wants to ask Troy out to Prahm but he wants to make his Prahm-prosal (ugh, I can’t believe I typed that out again) perfect. 
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11. We find out that the ‘sea creature’ from earlier in the episode is a Mega Walrus with two heads? Or is it two separate walruses that just so happens to be right next to each other. I can’t tell. What is Emilia’s plan, anyways? Does she want to get Kipo and the others to get themselves killed trying to save her and the humans from the mute. I can’t think of any other intention....
12. While everyone else are having rehearsals for their float parade, Wolf and Scarlemagne let Kipo know that there’s a couple of objects that have mysteriously disappeared and they think that Emilia has something to do with it. Why is Kipo acting so clueless and not listening to them!? It’s so obvious that Emilia is up to no good. How many times does it need to get into her head? They eventually discover that the float has disappeared too. Of course... 
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Who the heck are these two now?
13. During their search for the float, Kipo, Wolf and Scarlemagne meet a couple of annoying hyper-active Treasure Squirrels, Kameko and Jeanine. They are the ones who actually stole the float and hid it somewhere. Okay, so it wasn’t Emilia but they still need to keep their guard up with her. 
14. These squirrels are a bunch of nut-cases, pun intended. They mention that they tend to not remember where they’ve hidden the treasures they found. Ugh, it’s gonna take awhile. This episode is starting to feel filler-y.
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15. Inside the float, the humans and mutes are playing a game to pass the time until Kipo and the others find them. However, Benson and Dave are starting to lose it. Benson is also freaking out about his Prahm-posal to Troy. Lio tries giving him some advice and even demonstrates his very own Prahm-posal to Song and she says “No, duh”. I hope she’s trying to be funny here lol. Before Benson could open his mouth and ask Troy, they hear a roaring sound coming from outside.
16. Lio calls out to Kipo and luckily, she manages to hear his cries for help; The sound is coming from a giant tree with a bunch of gigantic acorns inside. Kipo tries to dig out the float but she mistakenly causes an acorn landslide lol. 
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This episode featured a really cool action scene of Kipo saving Scarlemagne and Wolf from getting crushed by the acorns. 
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17. She opens the vault in order for everyone to get out and finally get some fresh air. But it’s so frustrating that all of this was because of those crazy squirrels. I’m also thinking why introduce these two so late into show just for them to be irrelevant in the end? 
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Love her or hate her, Emilia is one badass character
18. We watch Emilia save her fellow humans by shooting a cure dart at the Mega Walrus. But she also extracted some of its blood into a syringe. Hmm, I wonder why? I’m guessing is so that she can make another cure that doesn’t come from Kipo’s DNA? So, in that way, Kipo won’t be immune her cure anymore. Let’s see if I’m right.....
19. I guess not; It seems like she wants to create her very own Mega Beast to fight off the Mega Jaguar. But which animal/mute is she gonna use though? 
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20. Scarlemagne sneaks off to most likely kill Emilia himself but is stopped by Wolf. He doesn’t want Kipo to risk her life to save them from possible future attacks from Emilia. He manages to convince Wolf to let him go. Okay, so I’m pretty sure Emilia is going to turn Scarlemagne into a Mega Mute. I hope he lives by the end of the series. I think he deserves a full redemption for sure.
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21. It’s time for the Prahm-posal to the mutes, which is a live performance by the humans about messing up lol. Wow, Troy has a really nice singing voice! And so does Doag! They basically go on a road-tour to perform in front of all the mute groups. 
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Lol, did Troy just flirt with Fun Gus? ROLF!
22. After performing in front of the different mute groups, they’re all hoping that the mutes will say yes eventually. OKAY! It’s now time for Benson to make his Prahm-posal to Troy!!! EEEEK!
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24. And the cherry on top of this perfect sundae is we also have Molly, Cotton and Label coming to see Kipo to tell her that they accept their invitation to Prahm on behalf of everyone else. Amazing! It’s time to plan for the actual party!
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25. However, all things can’t end so positively because Kipo eventually finds out from Wolf that Scarlemagne has gone to end things with Emilia once and for all for Kipo’s sake. Kipo is disappointed and mad at Wolf for agreeing to all of this. But Wolf thinks it’s for the best because Emilia is not someone you can trust. She then runs off, probably to join Scarlemagne. 
26. Hope you all enjoyed my review of episode 8, which is a great episode for Troyson! Stay tuned tomorrow for when I will be posting my review of episode 9. Thanks for all your support. Bye! 
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xxbyimm · 5 years
Upcoming fanfics.
For the ones who are interested... Here is a quick update to what I’m working on. There are quite a few requests that I have agreed to write, which is fucking amazing! I feel honored that people out there have chosen me to bring their ideas to life! So for that, thank you ! <3
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- Request by the lovely @yes-captainstark: Reader and the company oneshot, where the company reacts to the reader’s colorful hair. <3  This one has my full attention right now, and I hope to wrap up this project this weekend! 
- Request by my sister from another mister, @deepestfirefun: Richard Armitage x reader, in which Rich and the reader are roomies. One day, when Richs’ agent makes a terrible mistake which makes him furious, but the reader isn’t impressed by his outrage. She fixes the problem and Rich is going to see her quite differently....  EEEEK! THE ROOMIES CONCEPT! I CAN’T WAIT! 
- Request by anon: Thorin x reader, in which the reader is just fucking adorable and makes Thorin a flowercrown every night, but our oaf doesn’t... get it. :)  Guys, seriously this one makes me giddy. I can’t wait!!!! IEEEH.
- Request by anon: Richard Armitage x reader, where Rich comforts the reader after she had to endure dental surgery FLUFFFFFFFF FLUFFFFFFFF FLUFFFF!!!! Cute and caring Richard is one of my favorites!!
- Request by anon: Fíli x Elf!reader, where it’s love at first sight for these two... She plays the violin for him and he promises her in return to come back for her. But... will he? I try my hardest not to lose my cool because I LOVE Fíli and there’s much potential for drama in this story... (muhahahahahahahaaa).
- Request by @curioiscat: Fíli x reader, in which the reader is always putting herself in danger. Fíli is worried all the time, because he fears someday it will be lot more bad than just a flesh wound...  This is so fucking cute. I know I’m going to enjoy writing this! <3 
‘Excuse me, author. What about ME? I haven’t gotten attention for a long time and I’m getting impatient.‘
- Enya’s unexpected journey - chapter 23. I have started working on this project. En is taking on Smaug, and I have THE PERFECT DRAMATIC PLOTTWIST IN STORE FOR Y’ALL! I just have to... write it... 
- The bet series - Phase IV Orgasm I’m fleshing out the storyline for the next phase. There’s going to be sexual tension and smut (loads of it), that’s for sure. ;D.
Stay tuned. xoxo
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heesgf · 6 years
sleepover w/ lee byounggon
 this is just a fun lil bullet scenario i put together bc i think everyone is in need of some cute fluff💘 the next thing i have coming out will be more sophisticated LMAO!! stay tuned :’) also read pt. 2 of drunk neighbour gon if u haven’t already!!!
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Hello cyuties!!!!💕💕
So!!! It’s a thursday night, and you’re doing your physics homework bc damn,,,, it’s due tomorrow morning and you really should’ve started a little earlier :///
But its ok bc you have some candles lit on your vanity, and you’re snacking on some jolly ranchers; the lighting is dimmed and sexy (for urself!)
You are minding your own business, and getting ur physics on in ur own little world, when suddenly:
 shortly followed by a quiet, ‘o shit!’
You whip your head around to look at your window, which now has a large crack running through the middle, and you see the head of your bashful boyfriend peaking through from outside
“Gon?!? Is that you????”
You rush toward the window, quickly push it upward, and byounggon’s just standing there like :’(((((
and ur like “rlly ???? :////”
“Im sorry, baby. This was supposed to romantic and i messed it up” he mumbles 
You want to be mad but he’s pouting, and looking so cute right now
he’s wearing a green flannel with a white t-shirt underneath, and the black beanie he’s wearing makes him look extra cute!!
so you end up smiling back at him :’)
plus the window was half broken anyways??? hmm i guess you actually have a reason to get a new one now....
byounggon grabs u by ur hoodie collar and he pulls in to kiss ur lips!! 
You kiss him back while giggling😚😚
When you pull away, he’s waving a little bag in your face with a cute smirk
You would recognize That Bag™ anywhere!!!!
now he’s trying to shove himself through the window and u plant ur hand on ur hip and ur like:
“Ah ah ah!!!” and waving ur finger
He’s like: w u t t
That’s when u hit him with the: “u broke my window, so if you want me to grant u entry, u have to freestyle rap. The theme is: me.”
U think he’s going to groan and make a Big Fuss
so ur smirking deviously like ‘hehehehe i win’
But then he starts going:
“Yeah.... yeah.... My baby is the best, they’re so cool! My baby is the best, they go to school!”
Tbh ur about to close that window and pretend none of this ever happened! 🤦
But u have Mercy today
And let him inside...
That boy knocks down every single bottle of ANYTHING u have on ur vanity!!!!
Ur giving him the Evil Eye like “shhh gon!!! my parents!!!!”
He just smiles and comes closer to you, and he wraps his around your waist
“Whaaat? Your parents love me?”
“My parents love you at a consensual dinner when you’re two feet away from me at all times, okay? Not when you’re... doing...”
Byounggon’s smirking up at u; he’s placing kisses on your collarbone and his hands are circling tighter around your hips
“Doing” *kiss* “what?” *kiss*
He’s making you bite your lip, and now he’s looking up at you
“This!!!” You whine, and your waving ur hand at everything he’s doing right now....
Eeeek!! U Love It
But also,,, he needs to STOP🚫🚫🚫  
He thinks ur whining is so cute!! And now he’s laughing into ur neck and he’s like:
“Ok, ok, i’ll stop, i’ll stop”
Thank u Lord. 
So now you and gon lean back into your bed, and you just cuddle under the covers
Sometimes you like to face each other and have random little conversations about your day:
“U know, hyunsuk put ketchup on an apple today”
“That’s disgusting”
“Honestly, it didn’t taste thaaaat bad?”
“U TRIED it?!??!”
“Well he asked,,”
etc. , etc.
 Other times, he’ll be perched upward, and his back will be against your bed’s headboard
You’ll be sitting between his legs, and he’ll have his arms around your waist, and his head nuzzled by your neck
You guys will watch something on Netflix!!!
Probably something goofy like Teen Titans lmao
He gets sulky when u tell him that robin is kinda hot????
A Mess™
you place a kiss on his neck and u whisper, “ur hotter thoo”
now he’s smiling❣️❣️❣️
 At one point, you guys ditch Netflix, and you’re just lying side by side
When you hear footsteps down the hall, and the bathroom light turn on, you lose ur Damn Mind!!!!
You grab the covers and you pull them all the way over gon’s head
He does not know what’s going on
You lay back down on your bed and you’re pretending to sleep, but like, one eye open so u can keep watch on the door
When nobody whips into ur room, u let out a sigh of relief!!!
#false alarm!!!!
You remove the blanket off byounggon’s body,,,, but his eyes are still closed and he won’t move???
You’re kinda like: “Huhhh??”
You wave your hand in his face, truly believing that he might have fallen asleep in that literal 30 seconds
But then, All of A Sudden, he’s like:
“Lee Byounggon”
“Time of Death: 1:38 A.M.”
“ommygod u dORK shut U-”
“Cause of Death: asphyxiation” 
“You are such a drama queen!!!”
Now, u have done IT! 
Byounggon starts laughing and he wraps his arms around you, and tickles your sides!!! 
he’s like “huh?? What’d you say??? I didn’t hear you?????”
You’re BEGGING!!!!
“I take it back!!! I take it back!!!!”
How are your parents NOT awake right now LMAO?????? 
Honestly, the time you guys spend together wastes away in many fits of giggles and the cramped movement of ur bodies (u have a twin bed!! 😩); you guys are both a little high off each other’s muffled whispers and slow breathing
At one point, you’re so tired, you’re basically half asleep already
And you’re staring at the little glowy stars you’ve had on your ceiling since you were like... 5 years old
You start smiling at the stars and all of a sudden:
He’s rubbing his hands over your sides; he knows you’re out of it, so he’s softing lulling u back and forth in his arms
“You know,,,” you mumble softly, and point upward. “You’re like... one of the stars on the wall?”
His interest: Peaked
“Oh yeah?” 
He’s grinning so hard
“Mhmmm.... You’re a star.”
He leans forward and plants a sideways kiss on your cheeks
“Thank you, baby... now go to sleep, okay?”
“Mm okay.”
The next morning, around 5am, byounggon wakes up
to be REAL, he spends a couple minutes just staring at you; moving the hair out of your face, running his finger down the bridge of ur nose, caressing your cheeks with his thumb
THIS MIGHT BE GROSS BUT LISTEN i think he’d stick his finger in ur nose (u can hate me but i believe IT) and see if u wake up LMAO
Breaking news: you do
 When you wake up he’s a little shook and very pouty, because honestly he was just trying to play around and admire ur cuteness, not wake u up!!! He knows u need ur sleep!!
But,, you’re waking up with gon’s arms around your waist, so you’re not mad at all 
And even though your blanket is riding down a little bit, his body is so warm you feel completely fine???
When ur eyes pop open and u catch him looking at you, he lurches even closer to you, and nuzzles his face into your neck
He plants a really sweet little kiss onto the side of your neck and then just stays there for a little bit
You hear a really soft “morning, baby” 
His voice is a little scratchy, a little raspy, and VERY, sexy
U kinda have to fight the urge to 🤤🤤🤤
 Because his face is in your neck, his hair is just underneath your nose, and mmmmmmmm... he’s giving u oaky old spice
“Im sorry for waking u up :((((“ 
“Its ok baby,, i want to spend as much time with u as possible before u have to leave”
This genuinely makes him so blushy
 He’s like: “u like me, huh?”😏
Sometimes he’ll just say things like that? 
And u have to remind him like: hello, yes, we are dating, and i do in fact, like you! 
“yeS i like u, you dork!!”
You guys are getting a little more comfortable, and now, the sun is rising a little bit
You can hear the birds in your neighbourhood starting to chirp, and the light peeking through your blinds is shining on half of gon’s face
Ur quiet for a little bit bc ur just staring at him, and taking in everything that you see
Ur so whipped!!!! Ur giving him straight heart eyes
His heart is beating 394039403 miles per hour and he thinks ur being so cute 
Ur rlly just in ur own world like: ‘wahhhhh he’s so pretty (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧’
Byounggon interrupts ur lil moment and he’s like:
“U know, u were talking in your sleep a little bit...”
This peaks ur Curiosity™ 
Because what if you accidentally revealed the fact that you’ve been stealing his grey hoodies for about four months now, but you’ll only do it every two-three weeks so it’s less noticeable,,, he really has SO MANY that u doubt he’d ever find out... currently, u have successfully obtained 5
Mission Success!!!✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Or at least that’s what you think LMAO
Gon has been knowing about this since the beginning....
Ur really NOT as sneaky as u think you are yikes :/
You’ll walk into his room with ur bag empty, and suddenly, when ur leaving, it’s all rounded up like a giant balloon???
Not Slick smh 😞
Ur trying to act natural, and ur like, “o yeah?? Did i say anything.... Weird?”
He’s smiling and looking goofy!!!
He’s all like: “hmmm nothing weird, pretty predictable honestly?? U were like... ‘oh gon, ur so sexy~~~’”
I think he thinks you’ll deny it? And make a big fuss?
But honestly you’re just smiling at him
And you lean into his face, and you glance at his lips, and then you just lean forward and kiss him 
And into the kiss, ur like “mmmmmm yeah, u are sexy”
U conclude ur affections with a kiss on his nose, and then u plant your head on his chest, and wrap your arms around his waist
he leans down to kiss the top of ur head and he’s feeling a lil sad bc he knows he has to leave in a couple minutes
lil baby :’(((
“I’ll miss u when u go” you whine into him 
He’s ruffling the hair on the top of ur head and laughing at ur clingy-ness;
“don’t miss me baby i’ll be back before u know it”
It takes a little too long for him to untangle himself from you, but he really needs to leave, and you should really get back to sleep so you’ll be ready for school
 He’s leaning toward the window, and you’re sitting on the edge of ur bed, biting ur lip as he tries to make his hair not look like you’ve been playing with it for hours 
Before he leaves, he reaches into his back, and he whips out an XL.....
**** drum roll plz ****
He throws it in your direction with a little bit of a giggle,,,,ur mouth kinda dry rn because,,,, does he know about the secret collection?
Y e s 
H e 
D o e s
Your gulping, and pouting ur lips; 
“u know?”
“Yes, u loser, i know. One time u legit stuffed one of my hoodies under your shirt and u thought that would do the trick”
Damn .... he got u 🔥🔥🔥
So byounggon runs over to you, wraps the hoodie around your head
He squishes your cheeks together and gives you one last little kiss
It’s slow, and he’s biting at ur lower lip, and when u pull away, he lingers a little....
God, ,,, , why does he have to leave??? :(((
So then gon finally starts to head out the window!!! 
He flashes u a wink (the audacity????), and as he climbs down onto the ground, he mouths “i love you”
U sleepily blow him a kiss, and shut your eyes, mouthing the words right back
When his figure disappears from your frame of sight, you lay back onto your bed, and let out a sigh
You take gon’s hoodie, pull it up to your nose, and you snuggle back into your bed
It’s still warm in that one spot he was lying in
You take a deep breath of his hoodie....
 Ahhhh it smells just like him!!! 
A little woody like his cologne, a little fresh like his laundry detergent, and a little spearmint-y  like the gum he’s always chewing
In only a few minutes, you find yourself falling back to sleep; thinking of your boyfriend’s unbelievably warm embrace, and dreaming of his slow and sweet kisses ✨✨
ok so when ur morning alarm rings, it’s go time!!! ✊✊✊
bc now it’s mission: hide this whole thing from your mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to speed clean your room because it definitely looks crazy???
All the things gon knocked over when he came into your room are STILL on the floor omymmogod
You grab a plastic bag from the kitchen and ur rummaging through your room to find those bubble tea cups......where tf are they????
One is under your pillow and the other is under ur bed????
You and gon are BOTH bed eaters (if u have a problem with this u can take it up with me personally, eating on ur bed is VALID!)
So ur a little weirded out, but not too bothered 
You shove the plastic bag into the garbage can!! And you clean your room as best you can!! You even make ur bed which is wild bc.... U never do that smh
At around 8am, your mom POPS into the room and she’s like
“Good morning angel!!!!!💕💕” 
She’s acting pretty normal, and seems to be in a pretty good mood, so you’re smiling really hard rn because it seems like,,,, you have done IT!
She’s about to turn around and head out for work 
And you’re about to jump on the damn bed bc u are genius mastermind LMAO
But then she whips back around, and her laser vision zooms in on something in the distance; now she’s stepping back into your room and tilting her head to the side a little bit 
*gulp* “yes mom?”
“Why is there a crack in your window?”
jogidjog this was just for fun!! i hope u guys liked it :’)💘
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neverlandparker · 5 years
hey lovelies! wow I have been so inactive “as a writer” for the last like what? ummmm since February I believe. eeeek! it’s now summer and that means I have more time so I will let you know I have a WIP and a few ideas coming up so stay tuned :) thank you for the endless support I so very appreciate each and every one of you <3
-claire xx
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Interrupting your feed with cuteness overload from our toothless 🐾 🦷 hoping your Wednesday is just as productive as mine🤗😋! Can you believe she is 17 weeks and no longer looks like a puppy😭😭😭🤞nonetheless
I have been on fire 🔥 editing, delivering timeless moments of Fairytales...winter wonderland one and beach adventure....then hopping on designing lots of albums.... 🥰🤗🤗🤗 eeeek....so stay in tune for lots of blogs....and love narratives...soon to be shared🤞
#dogsofinstagram #dogscorner #bestwoof #insta_dog #thedodo #animaladdicts #cutepetclub #puppysketch #animalsco #perros #dogs #gsp #watchthisinstagood #weeklyfluff #pnw #socality #liveauthentic #puppy #gspofinstagram
#campingwithdogs #wildernessculture #labradorretrieverpuppy #barleyremington
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I have a VERY exciting project in the works! It involves a collaboration with one of my favorite leaders in the clean beauty space @jenniefresabeauty! We have paired up to bring you something truly unique. When it comes to cultivating and caring for our true beauty we need to see the things you put IN your body just as important as the things you put ON your skin. Im sure I don’t already need to tell you but, food is powerful, my friends! So my lips are sealed for now but, yes, this is something you can eat! I cannot wait to share more VERY soon but for now I will just leave you with this pretty little still life! Stay tuned shoreline! Eeeek!#livecleankitchen #lckxjfb #cleanbeauty #eatpretty #skinfood #beautyfromtheinsideout #wellness #truebeauty (at Madison, Connecticut)
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loaksky · 1 year
hii!! I just want to say that u're my fav author bcs dang 😫 ur stories and the way you write is so so goood and the angst is just ABSOLUTELY AMAZING IT HITS THE SPOT I KEEP COMING BACK ON UR PAGE WHEN I NEED A GOOD CRY 😞❤️ im inlove with your works im so excited for your updates 😍 congratulations on 2k btw!!! very well deserve ❤️
stopppp this whole message just made me so giddy EEEEK, i’ve been struggling w work the past few days ngl but the asks in my inbox make me so happy :(( i’m glad you’re enjoying ! i have so much more planned and couple more 2k party requests that i’m excited to write so stay tuned ! it still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that i have 2k eyeballz rn 😦
thank you for your support anon, ilyyy 🫶🏽
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 8: “#StayLowAndGoGoGo” - Tom
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okay and thoughts. so evan went byebye, which was what needed to happen, super sweet, but him leaking stuff was really a mess. Merge is so exciting, I already love Caeleb, Jones & Mo, three legends already yay!
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I am sorry Evan, we did 100% throw this challenge but hey ajdjdjf even tho we threw this challenge it was a freaking 5-4 points LOL thank god I didn’t do more than just put Marcus Lehman.
Let’s go merge, thank god I didn’t turned into pre merge flop!!
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IM REUNITED WITH ALI!!!!!!!! KING!!!!!!!!! im so excited omg so we had a HUGE catch up told each other all the tea of each others tribes
He suspected I was the flipper but doesn't care LOL so yay!!! Ugh I have missed him its so great to have him back as someone I can fully trust and rant to about everything! I also had Jones queen to help get me thru the tribe, just wish she replied more lol! ily guacamole . mitch also great, so glad he survived the budva decimation that I caused oops
I don't think anyone suspects me n ali are close, and everyone thinks Julia/ian/Jason are a trio and either ian or Jason have the idol LMAO this is so funny. I was even on call w the tribe and we were discussing it im thinking lolllll ik ali has it and no one else rlly does wowow
we think alex has durmitor idol bc . apparently it was not found pre swap, caeleb claims he made the end but it was gone, jones and mo don't seem active enough to guess
reunited w ian king aswell hes great, gonna meet some new ones like jules aka almia queen and tom the Australian he was cool on the call so its good ik everyone so far on this tribe except 2 ppl really, while 8 people on the tribe have not meet 4 others so I hope im connected well?
I honestly don't know what will happen from here . like is it og vs og tribe? swapped tribes? something new? IDK! All ik is my top 3 allies are ali jones mitch and I want to try get us far !! but idk how to do that so...… stay tuned
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Still can’t get over that I made merge AHHHH
But wait...
Anyway I got in touch with Mitch and Benj. I talked with Mitch first then I learned it was Benj who flipped during the Noah vote. I mean I honestly thought it was Mitch ahsjdjd but I guess the talk I had with Benj about rocks/ties back then was an omen. Anyway Mitch tells me he forgives Benj so I guess that’s something? Julia confirms to me that Mitch is saying the same thing to her so ok. I then chatted with Benj and he did tell me he was the one who flipped because he was not close enough with Noah to go to rocks for him which is understandable but I’m still weary on Benj.
Tom then tells me Mo and Caeleb are grilling him for JJ and Evan’s demise. Right now Tom feels that Mo/Caeleb/Alex/Jones are a thing and that they’re just using Benj. That’s kinda a good info to use to get benj on our side??
Anyways I don’t know if this is alarming or what but on the tribe call Tom told Mitch and Benj he knew about the Budva idol being found because Julia told JJ and then told everybody. I think Mitch and Benj were shocked that Tom knows? Idk I maybe paranoid but let’s see
Right now me, Julia, Jason and Ali are trying to hide the fact from Benj and Mitch that we made sort of a pact with Tom and Jules to vote together come merge. I trust Tom to know that I think he will vote with us but idk about Jules. Tho Julia and Jason seem to trust her so I hope she sticks with us!!
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Last minute additions -
I got a vote cover from the choosing thing!! Drew didn’t really tell me what it did but if I had to guess what it was I’d say it’d be like,, a dark week thing where votes won’t be revealed? Who knows tbfh
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SO I KNOW I'M TERRIBLE WITH WRITING CONFESSIONALS, but this is my first Survivor game, I'm not used to using Skype and it's weird having to type it to a whole other window just to get a confessional but WHATEVER ILL TRY TO DO AT LEAST ONE A DAY. Even if it's just like about random shit! Even it's just an astrology lesson! Anyways JJ, I mean, Alex is coming at me saying he thinks it's 6v6 now and i'm like......who's gonna tell him. BECAUSE EVEN IF IT'S ME NOT DOWN FOR OG DURMITOR ( i love them but game wise idk if i can hang with them ) I DAMN WELL KNOW other people might not be down for that. I'm just tired of the assumptions though I know Alex means well I'm just TIRED ugh he's a pisces moon too so he'll sense it from me so I better act NOT ANNOYED but I can't help it UGH. Did I miss the people from OG Durmitor? YES! Did I miss the gameplay and none of them calling out JJ on his shit and being surprised that JJ got out for being a crackhead? NO. NOT AT ALL.
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okay so merge and I have lots of thoughts, i am gonna do it person by person so i cover it all ahh.
Alex C: Okay he lowkey terrifies me ahh. Like he is quite gamey, and both Mitch & Jules have said he is kinda leadery and potentially a bit pushy? I see him as an early merge boot (ideally), because I think he'll get a lot of attention on himself? He is fun though, and I like talking to him - we will see, maybe if idk Jones/Mo/Caeleb goes he will be a more workable ally from an underdog spot?
Ali: trash, disgusting, send him home, I never want to see that mess...
Benj: a KING, I have missed Benj so MUCH. He is such a, SUCH A KING, i love him, I'm so happy we are back together. I think he could be a great duo for me, since us two being close can be kept quite lowkey ha! We will figure it out, but he is going NOWHERE on my watch
Caeleb: Okay he is like... one of the only other newbies left in the game, and is potentially quite lowkey, so I'd like him to stick around for a while I think ahh! He seems super sweet, and could be someone to go to the end with if my faves go bye bye.
Ian: I've said it since round two, and I will continue to say it. Ian is the biggest threat in the game, I've been knew and I'm not dropping it. I will not allow him to go far, like he is super nice, but also... we are not allowing a threat like Ian to walk to the end.
Jason: Similar to Ian, I'm really feeling duo vibes with him and Ian, maybe even a trio with Julia I'm not sure? He scares me less than Ian, and I'd probs want Ian out first versus Ian? He still is also a king tho, even though I always get vibes that he doesn't like me eeeek
Jones: A legend! I can tell already, I fully get legendary vibes from her. But like... it makes me upsetti spaghetti that I really don't think I can let her get too far, like she... is someone I could see as a season winner, so she might need to go sooner rather than later, although getting her out might be easier said than done tbh
Jules: Okay an icon. Jules we LOVE in this house. I literally stan Jules with my 100% full heart, they know ALL and on my watch? they go NOWHERE. my clout is being used to keep an eye on Jules, even tho they are a much better player than me, and they will be able to watch their own back and go super far
Julia: Witch queen. I want her to go really far too tbh, like I love her and am so happy we have actually been able to work together this season. She told me about her self-vote thing she got from the merge feast, which is a big trust display. I think if I can get her woke about Ian/Jason, she could be a big ally and super important about my game long term. I think if we can get Alex C out particularly (since apparently they have history), then maybe she will be more willing to FINALLY make a move on them.
Mitch: I'm always sketched out by him KASDFA. Like I think he would work with me for sure, but I also like... don't know sometimes, like... he knows I was gonna vote him out premerge, can that go away? I think he could be a good ally moving forwards though , we will have to see.
Mo: MY SON. I MISS HIM. I'M SO HAPPY HE DOESN'T HATE, I THOUGHT HE DID. Its super exciting and like I said before, he is doing super good this season and I'm super proud of him. I wanna go far with him, but I think not being on a tribe with him till merge could be an obstacle to that ahh :(
Tom: Tom is a mega-cracked king. Like he is SO entertaining, and on a personal level I really vibe with him. I will not do him dirty, and I wanna go to the end of this game with him. We will see what happens, would love to be a juror voting for him at the end.
So overall final thoughts. I have a dream F4 alliance of 'The Flippers and the Flop' aka me, Tom, Jules & Benj, since those three flipped on their original tribe and I'm a flop. So I want that as F4, Julia at F5 (but maybe further, I love her too), and then for the rest:
6th: Mo 7th: Caeleb 8th: Mitch 9th: Jones 10th: Jason 11th: Ian 12th: Alex C.
We will see and figure it out and be flexible. Its gonna be a mess, but we will see. I just wanna make confirmed jury, then I just wanna play a bomb game, like finalist-schminalist, i just wanna end the season and my game not being an actual joke KASDFLAS.
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hi i just wanted an idol
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Okay so i dont know like when the last time i did one of these was but lets just start at last tribal council; I am lowkey so glad that evan is gone and we didnt try anything too fancy he really would've made merge that bit messier. But uhm also why the heck did he have to vote me grrr i wanted to try to not get any votes for a really long time but oh well cant have everything good happen in life.
M E R G E!!!!!!!! Yesssss finally merge has happened the playing field is even and i am ready to rumble. Bit nervous to see where abouts i stand in the tribe because i didnt feel very included in the original durmitor tribe and there are two people i havent met in benj and mitch.
Okay so like wtf is going on right now, sure say hello and all that shit but why is Mo, Alex and Caeleb like proper interviewing me, who do you think you are ELLEN? No youre not please stop investigating on what happened between jj and evan vote offs like i do not owe y'all anything..... i was probably going next if we didnt have that first swap! I am more than happy to tell them like what happened just it will be altered in favour of myself and they wont get the full indepth explanation.
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Sorry I don’t have a vid confessional today laid ease
But um ya I think I’m getting TARGETTEEEEEEEEED or at least someone within the durmitor dominators group is. WHich is SKETCHY!! Idk it just feels really obvious since that core group of 4 literally,,, tag teamed all 4 of us first ,,, hello??? Mam?? I get we just met like 2 days ago but you could be a lil more discreet ab everything 😤
But ik we can’t just assume based on that,, If we’re just going by that logic then their hitlist is Alex, Caeleb, myself, then Mo. but idt it could be that,,, concrete?? They could just be playing us like Noah/Michael/Mitch TRIED to do before,, but we got them so ya 🥰 anyways,,
If we can somehow get a plan out of them or at least a name then we’ll be ok,,, that way we’ll at least know what’s going on for SOME PART. Mitch and julia seem kiiiind if close? So hopefully she’ll tell him some shit and come back to me ab it - if I have to play the idol then,,,, I guess,,, I will,,, but I don’t want to. Like let me save it for when IM in trouble at least sksksk who knows,, maybe I AM in trouble and I’m just a crackhead 🤷🏻‍♀️
But ya that’s my rant I’ll be back soon laid ease mwah
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Okau so like woo! i won the first immunity of the season how bloody exciting! I honestly was confident going into the challenge however i didnt know whether or not i was going to win. I love the fact that i got shot 0 times so i literally could've gone asleep and potentially still won lol. But at this point my mission of staying low and go go go'ing has to be intact i cannot seem like a big threat in this game it doesnt get me far. So im telling everyone that im surprised and that it was really just based on luck and based on nothing so my target does not grow! So glad to have immunity in this game honestly first merge boot probably wasnt going to be BUT i know this round can get fucking messy so anything could've changed #StayLowAndGoGoGo
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okay this is a grr grr angry confessional. WHY IS EVERYONE BEING DUMB AND JUST BEING ATTACHED TO TRIBE LINES. Like I messaged Jones, Mo and Alex about it yesterday, and Jones my meme queen gave like a good response, but Mo particularly I was like... wut?
Like Mo is my org son from all the way back in Azores, so I always have his back... but like... when someone messages you about being uncomfortable with tribe lines and not wanting to stick to them, giving the HEAVIEST HINT POSSIBLE that I'm not attached to like Ian and Jason, your response should not be 'I'm just accepting my fate'... Like that is such a red flag to me, no player should just... be resigned to stuff? Like Mo PLEATHE.
In other other news, we love Jules still. Tom is being weird recently, I think he doesn't trust me anymore, so I think my dream at the moment is a F3 of Jules and Benj, Tom 4th and Julia 5th? Mitch terrifies me (and he knows I shot him, which caused even more distrust), Alex is super nice but is like... evidently not trusting of me, Mo is my son but I wanna SHAKE HIM, Jones is my fave I love her already, really like Caeleb too he is so nice.
I'm just frustrated, I feel like.. people aren't willing to do enough and its making me frustrated I just wanna scream. Like at this point, I expect to go midjury, like 9th, and I'm thinking who I'd vote. I would vote Jules, because they are always on the ball and their read is unmatched, I'd vote Ian because he has playing smart since round one, I'd vote Benj because he is one of the few that has his head screwed up about not blindly sticking to tribe lines.
Of the rest? I'd like to vote for Tom/Jones, but would probs need to see more gamey game from both. I could respect Mitch's story to get to the end, but don't necessarily see myself voting him. I could vote Julia or Jason. The one who is currently least likely to get my vote is probably Mo, I am just... frustrated with him. Like he could do SO GOOD, I just wanna give his head a proper wobble, like.... LISTEN TO ME. I am telling you I would flip just READ KSALDFA.
I ranked who I'd vote for in FTC if I was a juror so far and its currently:
Jules > Ian > Benj > Mitch > Julia > Tom > Jason > Jones > Alex C. > Caeleb > Mo
And the order in which I trust people is:
Jules/Benj > Julia > Tom > Ian > Jason > Caeleb > Jones > Mo > Alex C. > Mitch
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I have thoughts. I know its been a hot sec since I have sent one in but I have been just busyyy. So this one might be long and it'll have all my thoughts post-merge.
My first thought: Being reconnected with old tribemate (Jules and Tom). I love Jules. She's so kind and wonderful, might be hard to reach occasionally but when she messages its always full and heartfelt. I think that can go a long way in this game as she's fun to talk to and makes you feel like she's with you. So that also mean shes very dangerous of course. Tom is less so fun. He's kinda sarcastic kinda hard to read kinda edgy. He always acts like he's a little too busy for things. But he is fun and he has fed me a lot of information about Budva post swap, so thank him for that. BUT I'm like lowkey really annoyed with him. Losing that last challenge on purpose was dumb as hell. I know Evan is deceitful and hard to work with, but like hell keep that in your head and get him off as an easy vote right after merge. Because If they hadn't lost and instead we had gone to tribal (Durmitor), then we hopefully would've lost Mitch, secured the dynamic as 7 OG Durmitor vs. the 5 OG Budva, and it would have been much harder for Tom and Jules to chose the Budva members over the numbers. Obviously this works best for me and OG Durmitor but that just means that I don't know what Tom and Jules are thinking and overall that means I can't really trust them.
Second thought: That challenge was actually really fun. It put this merge into perspective and CLEARLY showed where people are at right now. The fact that OG Budva was so organized in their slaughter and got out Alex like hella fast and then me before we got out any of them was so showing. They are tight and they will remain to be tight. The fact that they were able to be so coordinated seems scary as well. AS it might mean that Tom or Jules or even Mitch or Benj is actually working with them to make sure we didn't win that immunity. Plus Tom won it and that is scary to me because I already was wary about trusting him in the first place. Putting thought one and two together makes me wary overall, because that means that together Tom and Jules and Mitch and Benj might be choosing to work with old Budva (I mean Tom and Jules don't have any inhibitions about voting out old tribemembers so) and old Durmitor might just be screwed.
Third thought: Annoyed that I was shot and destroyed second. I thought I was making a good impression with everyone. Maybe its not a good indication but also sad face.
Fourth thought: New tribe members! I love them all to an extent. Ali seems to be fun to talk to and likes chatting back and forth. But also he did say he was surprised I was out so early and since I know that Alex didn't shoot Julia then he was definitely shooting me. So I don't think I trust that all too much and he might be too sneaky. Jason seems nice. Not much to say our conversation has been pleasant but only so. The same with Ian tbh. They seem cool but thats it. Julia is fun and her background makes her seem like a total bad ass and a really cool lady, but she's been soooo hella dismissive of me. I don't like the way she's playing the game. I think she's putting on an act and playing a character to throw people off. I heard she was like sad or crying(?) that someone shot her and Tom confronted me about it. And sure I shot her but like hell thats the game. I'm 90 percent sure she was shooting me. I'm annoyed, and people seem to love her which just makes me think she's being dismissive to me because she thinks I won't be around too much longer and she doesn't have to put in the effort. And that's dumb, like if I do go I really hope this is the start of the Jury because I will have something spicy to say to her in the event she makes it to Final Tribal. Or maybe things will change and I will learn to really like her and stuff.
Fifth Thought: Game plan for tomorrow. My strategy going forward is simply to be not targeted tomorrow. That is truly the crux of it, because at this point I think I might get votes. I know that apparently I have a habit of getting votes in a new tribe (David and then Noah) so honestly I can see it happening, especially if they are worried about Alex having an idol and they got him out of the challenge first just to vote me. But if I can survive then I think I can go a little farther. The power struggle right now is 3 groups of 4 battling. There's the total Budva members, the total Durmitor members, and then the middle ground (Jules, Tom, Benj, and Mitch). I asked Tom who was more important the original tribes or the new ones and he said he wants it to be old but most likely will be new which basically means that he will vote with Budva. So in the event I survive with numbers I'll ride that until I need Alex (and his idol that I'm prettttty sure that he has but I can't be sure) out and will try to rally that we need him to be gone. If I survive but I'm not on the side of the numbers I wanna create a good bond with Ali and Jules as were all newbies and work that until we can start eating Budva from the inside. I'll see though DKSDSKDSK. I don't think it would be wise to concrete that before this first vote because their reasons for voting off JJ and Evan was apparently that they were making alliances with everyone. I don't want them to see me that way.
Sixth Thought: Okay another Idol Bridge BIG OOF. Those are hard as hell, and I am so confident that both tribe idols are gone which means there might be 3 idols out there pretty soon which is scary as hell. Durmitor Dominators are hoping to work together to get it and maybe we can actually use that together rather than having it hidden like this time. (Which I really think that Alex has it but whatev). If I'm idoled out imma be so sad but like also okay thats an okay way to go.
Have fun with this. Feel free to chop it up into mini confessionals or use it in its entirety. Up to you! Love ya hosts ur beautiful
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okay a gamey and a dumb update.
julia proper wants to flip on ian and jason which iconic... its truly time. I wasn't necessarily going to vote them out first, but if that's what is gonna happen, that is what's gonna happen.
in a memey update, JJ just got cast in another game and it reminded me of a JJ-ism I never confessed about. JJ was on call and showing me... a pet in a glass box, but i didn't know what the pet was or what it was supposed to be, because I couldn't see it. but he was like wow isn't it cute, so i fully called a stick which was the only thing i could see, cute. a STICK.
anyway so like.... back to game. i think the merge boot will be ian or jason which dun dun dun! its probs overdue and will happen, or it'll be me! we will see anyway
why am i drinking white wine with julia on call at 3am, we are truly the wine mum duo drinking our way till the end
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I think I'm in the middle of everything atm, which is a weird place for me to be. I'm not in the center, I'm not looking from the outside in, I'm not really a part of anything major or in any alliances and it's an odd feeling. I know I need to do something to secure myself in something but everything in this game just feels up in the air, it's odd. I don't know if it's just how Survivor is, but it's a very strange feeling not having a proper grasp on what's going on with EVERYONE. I have ideas but not a lot of real confirmation for much besides Jason/Ian, Mo/Jones, etc. Anyways. IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY OKAY I'm boring AF this game
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Ok so for starters the immunity challenge ended after 2 hours of its posting adhgfjgs Tom won so big woo for him.
The Budva baes agreed to target Alex/Mo/Caeleb/Jones in this challenge and we got Mitch, Tom and Jules to work with us. Well kinda because the four (Me, Ali, Julia and Jason) of us were the ones who did most of the shooting to eliminate the Durmitor four and we just like went back and forth eliminating one another. I was the first to die in my group so big yikes!! I don't know if that's an omen idk but I do know that I was killed by grandma jones. So I killed grandma too oops!
Anyway, fast forward to today. I got an idol clue from the Hamburger but idk if this will help me get the idol hfjhsgf. So I shared it to Budva Baes and with Tom. Who knows we might get it idk.
In other news, on call Jules flipped because of an earthquake jgfjshgf
A tribe call happened that had almost everyone except Jones and Benj join which lasted about like 3-4 hours?? Anyway, me, julia, jules, jason, ali, mitch and alex played cards against humanity so that was fun!
After Alex and Jules left the call, the five of us who remained then proceeded to plan for the vote. As of now I think we're gonna throw our votes towards Caeleb because apparently he doesn't talk to them that much? I do talk with Caeleb but nothing game related so I guess I'm on board with that. We're not gonna target Alex rn because Julia mentioned that Alex might wanna work with budva people? or that maybe just a ploy, either way Julia and Mitch thinks Alex has the durmitor idol so that's something to be weary.
If I had my way I want to target Jones because during the call, Mitch and Julia expressed how they want her to stay and how they insta love her and to me that's kinda dangerous. But rn I don't think the numbers are their for me to go after Jones. Another hot topic on the call we had was Benj. I'm really becoming more weary of Benj because umm idk even tho we talk I feel like he's hiding something.
So far, the plan is for Julia to approach Jules about voting Caeleb. Jules is important for this vote because she's like in the middle rn and we need numbers. Also ghasgdd julia got a freaking auto-vote on herself for this incoming tribal council so we are screwed if they vote for Julia. Tom is also important but me and Jason have an alliance with him that Ali and Julia are not aware of so he's good hopefully.
Anyways as of now, the plan is Caeleb (which kinda sucks because I kinda like him) but who knows whats gonna happen. Just hope things go in my favor for this vote.
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Apparently I’m a secondary target for the vote, but I’m like oddly at peace? Maybe it’s because I’m super tired but being anxious is never fun so I’m relieved that I’m so calm.
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This tribal is so freakin messy. Literally everybody be crackheads and I am a freakin crackhead. I knew Mitch was gonna do me in again, I am sad that JJ blew up chances with Tom working with us, and I can't trust Jules because she's right in the middle. I think Benj is still with us. But gosh they'll vote me tonight and I wannnnna survive. If only I could like strongarm whoever has this freakin idol into playing it for me.
Anyways, I love Grandma's boys. They're all sweet and nice and wonderful and I want us to get this to work out. I hope Alex can work his magic, but also I hate that this has turned me into someone who is just riding the coattails at this point. Maybe I need to do some FREAKIN crackheadidness but hell we'll freakin see.
Jones has the IDOL OOOOOOOOOO. I think she might play it for me if things are looking bad. Literally my grandma is the most amazing I love her. Things be crazy and cracked here in Podgorica but the spice is nice.
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okay this confessional is a call out post, to basically the entire cast except for jules and benj. like its negative and mean, so I'm gonna scream, and then write some actually strategy and smart stuff KLDSAFAS.
Julia. I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART, but. You have got us into such a pickle and are playing the middle too aggressively, dragging me kicking and screaming with you. Why would you make a Budva chat yesterday, to flip on it TODAY, that is such, SUCH a quick turn around
Alex. You are so sweet, and I really enjoyed the call yesterday, but you are already terrifying as an ally and are giving off JJ game vibes. This 'alliance' I'm in, of Jules/Julia/Me/Alex/Mo/Jones... terrifies me, WHY IS NOBODY TALKING. And then I love how Alex was like 'lets vote out someone from each side across two rounds' and then like... suggests Jason, a) one name b) one vote. And then it's like... he goes okay maybe Mitch the following round? Another OG Budva? I have to laugh, I have to LAUGH, this alliance is so fake askdlfaf. I love everyone in this alliance as people, but as allies I'm not feeling it.
Jones. You are a legend, and naming my plants was so fun, but you go so crickets its really scary, like it just looks SO sus. I wish you were more open gamey, I really wanna work with you grrrr.
Mo. Mo is my son, and I love him, but oh. my. god. is he frustrating to play with JLSAKDFAF. I have never played with someone who is so passive and who literally... does not say anything. Like on calls, he is so fun because he is the sweetest and a great guy, but his only comments and contributions have been 'I think I am going' and 'I have accepted my fate'. mo, MO, you can't be doing this and pulling these shenanigans, you are so likable just... give it a go and play the game HNNNGH.
okay that was mean and negative but I fully needed to scream. To clarify my situation, last night Julia made a chat of all the Budvas - Benj after the call, and we settled on voting Caeleb? But Julia wants to flip, and formed this group with Alex of them two, me, Jones, Jules & Mo. Like Julia, I get playing the middle, but this is playing. the. middle. I didn't want to be in such a middle position I hate this so much SKADLFASF.
It's really frustrating. I want Ian/Jason/Alex out because they all terrify me on a game level. But Julia has put us in the middle in a way that we are gonna have NO NUMBERS TO MAKE A MOVE UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Like I just wish she ASKED me before she made a group with Alex that I got dragged into.
I feel like me and Jules have to just... get in with Mitch. Its the only way. And Caeleb too I guess? Like I think the alliance I'm going to need is like... Me/Tom/Jules/Caeleb/Benj/Mitch... like that's a 6, and with Julia might be the numbers we need going forward.
I'm like... not gonna win this season I know it already. Jason is gonna be furious with me, as is Ian. And then I'm gonna have to flip BACK in two rounds. This is literally the exact game I've played before that hasn't worked.
Having said that, the main thing I did wrong before was that I didn't own my moves. So I need to own it, when I vote out Jason I need to talk to Ian and pull me in, so we can just... remove Alex. I just want everyone gone already askdlfa, its so so so tiring.
Here is what I want to happen now:
Ian > Alex > Jason > Mo > Jones > Mitch > Caeleb > Julia > Tom > F3: Me/Jules/Benj
but like... its just... im in such a bad mood about all this, its really... just enough.
Also for the funsies, if I was a juror, at FTC from most to least, this is who I'd vote for so far:
Jules > Benj > Mitch > Ian > Julia > Jason > Tom > Caeleb > Alex > Jones > Mo
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So this tribal is shaping up in our favor... hopefully. I think Jason's for sure going now at least. It should be a 9-3 vote if everyone's telling the truth... which would make it so easy to split the votes because I'm pretty sure Jason or Ian have the idol. The most we can hope for is make them think Caeleb is going home for sure.
Pray for me. I don't wanna be a merge boot. I feel like I have a lot more game to play.
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im about to save jason and fix all my problems.
i'm gonna push the vote onto ian, saying jason is very nervous and seems like he will play an idol, pushing the vote onto ian. Then I will tell Jason before/after (to be decided) the vote that I saved him, thereby securing his trust so that we can make a move on Alex next round.
I have NEVER played so aggressively, and tried to take control so much in the vote, but Julia put me in a crap situation. But I'm not gonna like... sit here and have it happen, I am here to play a good game, I said so in my application.
I think this is the way of ensuring minimal blood on my hands, and I've wanted Ian out since round two KLASDFA.
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Mitch told him? Like what the hell is happening???! I talked with Alex and he says he’s ok with Caeleb which is really weird??
Tom then goes online and tells me Alex has been going around telling people different names and he told Caeleb my name >.>
I am gonna get voted!! I can feel it ahsjdiff so much for my never voted out status :(((
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50 minutes till tribal and the plan is to vote out Jason but make Jason think it’s Ian or Caeleb? Unless I’m getting blindsided which in that case, well done. I’m really tired and I just want some Mac and cheese and a nap.
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why is the one time alex and jones pip up to squash my beautiful plan. like go back to being crickets at all signs of game talk thank you very much.
alternatively... tom and jules could come in clutch, flipping caeleb to vote out alex that works too.
i'm annoyed with jones/mo/alex they can go. like i've wanted jason and ian out as a duo for ninety-five years, but maybe i wanna keep them around.
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Jones is fuckinf PISSED
If Jason idols himself, I’m idoling Caeleb and I’m gonna gonna kill someone
If Jason idols Ian and we get Jason out I’m laughing my ass off
If Jason idols himself and I idol Caeleb and I’m SOMEHOW IDOLED OUT then fuck that shit I’ll literally kill someone
I just wanna tell these Budva in space jam then it’ll be ok
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me flipping my vote to make it a 5-4-3-1 sending Ian out... I'm either the second coming of Natalie Anderson or 11th place.
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The moment Mitch, Julia and Ali stopped responding to me and Jason I felt it. That we were being bamboozled and it looks like we did.
Tom and Jason were true to me and the end and I love them for that. Screw snake Julia because she really fucking played me like a fiddle lol and fuck Ali, mitch and benj hahahahahahahahaahahahahahHaha Because it really hurts! Alex is a scheming lying bitch and at least Mo half lied to me oof
At least my vacation is saved. I love the hosts, Drew, Seamus, Johnny and Asya for having me. I stan Nicole G forever. Bora Bora will always be my home. Goodbye tumblr survivor!
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Eeeek! How do they tell Clara about the baby? Does she understand when they do?
There’s another anon that asked to write a ficlet about how they tell her about she came to be. I think this question will be alongside her question about how her brother came to be as well. Stay tuned ;)
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #5: "his Kirby ass can shut the hell up” - Marie
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Charlie being safe!? Yas. Good for me since he is part of my alliance.
An alice them challenge. Uh yass!! 🦑 i have the book so i can quickly look thru it and find people, items, food, and other stuff which is good for us. I dont want to go to tribal.
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nicolegilmoreToday at 7:42 PM That was probably Kaleigh bc I would open messages and not answer them
that was about when we played before and she was part of a 3 person catfish. but funny enough it still applies to this game!!! love when she leaves me on read for 20 hours
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So I feel good with my standing in this tribe tbh. I feel like I have made meaningful contributions to the tribe in challenges and have a good rapport with a few tribe members. Keaton and Marie might be the easiest too get out, even though I am aware that it makes me a threat but we been used to that feeling. Having the idol as extra security as well makes me feel good so eeeek. I just want too survive to merge and link up with new people and people who i know as well, and play off that. im super nervous but also excited, i just hope to god we win this immunity
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At first I thought this Alice and wonderland challenge was going to be super fun an exciting. At first it was. Now its getting a little frustrating and annoying seeing Not Found (something along those lines). I'm hoping that our 28 items is higher than the other tribe's or at least being a tie. I want to avoid tribal still because still feeling sketch about this tribe.
Our search isnt doing too well. And nicole went missing and dont know she is. We have 28 items. Hopefully thats enough but i have a feeling in my stomach that it isnt and im scared. Dont want to go to tribal. Hope we win though. 🤞
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if kirby does not tell me his great great great great grandmas waffle recipe hes done for. like why bring it up if ur not gonna share. ??? um we won immunity again and im so happy bc i dont want to go to tribal bc even tho there are MULTIPLE ppl i want out i dont want to risk it. stan list right now is dennis, naptime, matt, marie. everyone else? and matt and marie barely on there too... but um actually starting to like them and theyre more responsive now so love that! by the end of this game ill actually know things about alice in wonderland wooh!
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Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay so this sucks. We all really tried hard and we only lost by 2 points which is so frustrating. Not to mention that Nick and Charlie couldn't even find anything at all. And now we're in a really shitty spot because sending Nick home would be an easy out but he possibly has this legacy advantage thing which he can use tonight and if that means he's safe than idk what to do because I have a strong alliance with the other 4 people on my tribe. Which means now we have to come up with a plan to make sure Nick feels safe and he doesn't use his advantage but we still put the majority of votes on him. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Okay I'm laying it on thick with Nick. Really trying to play the middle and see where his head is at. I think honestly chances are Nick will make it through this round but I want to make sure after the vote he still trusts me but he does use his Legacy Advantage. Brian and I are walking a very thin line.
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Yas. We won immunity again! 🦑 Still on of the 3 people not go to tribal yet which is pretty awesome. I’m now hoping that Charlie, Sharky, and Brian can find a way to survive again. Don’t want to lose any of them. Hopefully we merge soon. Its going to be down to 12 people after tomorrow’s tribal. Only ones to really talk to me on this tribe is Dennis, Bryce, Keaton and sometimes Matt. Havent talked to much to Marie. And Nicole ive tried but ignored. If anything it would be cool to blindside Nicole at first tribal in the merge.
I think im going to talk game to keaton today and see if we could work together. And im also going to see what Bryce thinks about us working together as well. Im just nervous if tonight we do merge at tribal, i dont want to be first boot. I want to make it far in this game.
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I don't know if my last confessional went through, so I'll just send another one in hehe...
I do feel like Charlie is going home this round because of his idol play last round, but it could also be Nick going or him using his Legacy Advantage and all that being gone.  I don't really know, but I want to make sure it ain't me and that's what's important.
As for other things... love Sharky, what a king.  Love Nathan, another king... Annabelle's really cool, ya... I love Charlie but he's still probably gonna die... and ya kjHDA... that's all I have to say...
Scared for merge because L O fucking L... that's going to be a mess.  It could be coming tonight, but I really do not know and I'm scared…
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Keaton decides to call me inactive in the tribe chat but his Kirby ass can shut the hell up, he's just bitter I voted against him the first tribal and he's tryna put the target on my ass. Thank god we won the challenge because I don't know if I would've stayed. I have good relationships with Bryce Matt and Dennis but I don't know if that's enough to keep me.
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So first off. Sorry for no video confessional. But not enough happened to bramble around and take 3 hours of my internet for uploading slow AF but here is a small summary of what happened to my game. Idolsearch: went to the tugley woods again. I guess you need a map to find your way through it, but what do i know D: Last tc: Charlie played his idol and mentioned publically that all of his old tribe knew about that idol anyways. What kind of made me a bit suspicious. Mainly because when he told me, he said that he really wants to work with me and thats why he is telling me this secret. I don't mind that the idol is gone, but if he told that everyone? mhm... I approached maynor to see if he knew and he said NO. so maybe I did a whoopsie? WHO KNOWS.
Eitherway. Anna announced a "live challenge" after this tribal (oh yeah we are safe again woo), but since we would be down to 12 I wouldn't be surprised if that "live challenge" is actually the merge announcement? If not. I think EVEN IF WE LOSE i should be in a decent position? Because Keaton couldn't keep his mouth shut and when it came to sitting someone out and called out Marie in the tribe chat. Bad move for him, good for me. Because even if we go to tribal unless someone really wants to target me for some reason it should be between those 2
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Okay so we've come up with a slightly complicated plan. Looks like I'm going to lose Charlie this round which makes me kind of sad because I really get on well with him. But it's what i have to do to get further in the game. We're going to split the vote so The Dinah Dudes vote fro Nick. The OG Absolem people vote Charlie. Anna tells Nick he needs to use his Legacy Advantage so we get rid of that from the game. I just hope I come out of this without hurting Charlie or pissing off Nick.
AJ just used an emoji that CHANGED. MY. LIFE. It's like praying and trying to stay calm and then fire happens and it says BOI! And if that isn't a fucking mood idk what is!
Y'all I am so bad at this idol hunt. I keep choosing locations that don't even have choices. Yikes. Everybody else has advantages and shit and I'm just sitting in an empty meadow.
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I’m sad we lost i actually tried for this because I didn’t want a complicated tribal but bleh Idk how this will work but I think it will work out for the best potentially if it goes the way I’m hoping. I loved this comp though the hosts did a great job with it. It was actually fun
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With merge approaching I think that it’s important I remember I really don’t owe anything to the people on my tribe... they voted out Jayden and told me nothing and I think it’s time for some revenge.. all you people in the viewing lounge stay tuned... Ima show you why I’ve never not made a merge!
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I’m not sure if it’s day 13, I’ve been safe every single round and I have absolutely no clue how I am doing that.....Dennis is my one and only ally. Hopefully it's merge time!
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Honestly, I think I might be going home lol. Brian and Sharky are telling me Nick but no one else has messaged me. Severely regretting using my idol now lol.
Hope my bois have still got my back, even though I haven't been that helpful in challenges recently. I'm hoping it'll reduce my threat level for merge hehe
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Ive been talking to Bryce and wants to work with me. This is great. So on this tribe i have Dennis and Bryce and perhaps even keaton. So just nervous for live challenge.
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LAST MINUTE SCRAMBLING. Sounds like Nick is trying to flip the vote on Brian. he asked Nathan and Anna to flip off of Charlie. So Now Brian is worried (Which is totally fair) because he doesn't know if he can trust Anna. So even if Nathan/Brian/I stick to the plan, if she flips and Nick uses his advantage Brian goes home. So now he wants to flip his vote so worst case scenario it goes 2-2-2 and we can fix things on the revote. Ugh I hate scrambling. I prefer my tribals over easy.
Charlie is voted out 3-2.
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I’ve tried Tumblr blogging in the past and failed miserably, so hopefully this go around is more successful. 
I’m one week away from law school orientation and two weeks away from classes starting (eeeek!), and I’m hoping this can be an outlet for me to share some of my experiences on this new journey. As you can tell from the title, this blog will not just be about law school. I’ll also be posting and sharing things that reflect my other interests (traveling, cooking, appreciating nature, politics, etc.), which I hope you will enjoy. 
Stay tuned.
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handmadefables · 6 years
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My sincerest apologies for deserting my feed for more than a month. I was a teensy bit preoccupied with a little shindig aka. *my wedding* !!! Eeeek!!! It was an intimate family affair at city hall followed by dinner, so it was by no means as labour intensive as a full blown wedding. But there's always time for a little DIY, right? Stay tuned for progress pics! #wedding #makersgonnamake — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Id9zqn
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