#edward said public libraries
garadinervi · 9 months
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A Reading for the Edward Said Libraries in Gaza, with Mosab Abu Toha & Friends, Brookline Booksmith, live streaming on YouTube, January 6, 2024, 12PM ET
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«Brookline Booksmith invites you, with writer and library founder Mosab Abu Toha (Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear), to a virtual reading in support of the Edward Said Libraries in Gaza. Readers are planned to include Mosab Abu Toha with Kaveh Akbar, Rabih Alameddine, Ammiel Alcalay, Hala Alyan, Peter Balakian, Fatima Bhutto, Leila Farsakh, Nick Flynn, Ru Freeman, Carolyn Forché, Damian Gorman, Fanny Howe, Ha Jin, Canisia Lubrin, Askold Melnyczuk, Eileen Myles, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Shuchi Saraswat, and Lloyd Schwartz.»
Support the Edward Said Public Libraries in Palestine Three branches of the Edward Said Public Library (ESPL) are now open in Palestine—two in Gaza and one in Silwan, East Jerusalem. The libraries currently house more than 5,000 books in Arabic and English, regularly hold workshops for writers and teachers, conduct English language classes, art and music education, literacy activities, and much more. – The Middle East Children’s Alliance
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The practice of targeting Palestinian writers predates the current aggression. Since the 1930s, Palestinian poetry has grappled with the suffering furnished by colonial powers, says Atef Alshaer, a Senior Lecturer in Arabic Language and Culture at London’s University of Westminster. He adds that at times, this poetry foresaw what would happen to Palestinians, from the mass creation of refugees as a result of the 1948 Nakba—the catastrophe in which 80% of the population was displaced—to long term dispossession and exile since Israel’s founding.  For Palestinians, poetry is “compensation for their lack of physical power,” Alshaer says. “They have been exposed to these practices of violence by the Israeli occupation and left with nothing, so they have used their voice to the maximum [extent] possible.”  For displaced Palestinians, poetry is a space to rebuild their homeland through words, and make it “visible through such vivid and relatable language so anybody in the world could read that poetry and be somehow moved by it,” Alshaer says.  As such, poetry has been used as a powerful instrument of persuasion for the Palestinian cause, propelling the endurance of literary greats such as Mahmoud Darwish, Fadwa Tuqan, and Najwan Darwish.  
By mid-December, 352 school buildings in Gaza had been damaged, according to the Guardian. Writers in Gaza are also faced with the destruction of libraries, both public and personal, and book collections.  “The only thing that a writer cares about is their library. We don't have anything more worthy than libraries, it’s an obsession,” Darwish says, adding that the import of books into blockaded Gaza is no easy task, making each collected book that more special.  Abu Toha says his personal library has been destroyed and he remains unsure of the fate of the Edward Said libraries he founded, of which there are two branches: “I am sure they were destroyed along with hundreds of other institutions, universities and cultural centers in the Gaza strip.”
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scotianostra · 3 months
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The distinguished architect John Burnett died on July 2nd 1938 at Colinton, Edinburgh.
Burnett designed buildings the length and breadth of the British Isles and on the continent of Europe and as far afield as South Africa.
John Burnet was born a soldier's son at Craighead House, Kirk O' Shotts, and trained initially as a carpenter. After becoming a Clerk of Works, he set up as an architect specializing in modest churches and houses in the Italianate and Classical styles, and large-scale commercial buildings and hospitals in the Italian Renaissance, Baronial and Gothic styles.
One of his first undertakings in Glasgow was the Royal Institute of the Fine Arts in Sauchiehall Street, which was won by competition. Other notable buildings there are the offices of the Clyde Trust, the Athenaeum, the Botanical Department and extension of the University, the Pathological Institute, the Barony Church.
In Edinburgh he designed the Professional and Civil Service Stores, George Street, the business premises of R. W. Forsyth in Princes Street, which later housed Burtons for many years, and in Scotland and England generally many public, ecclesiastical and domestic buildings. He was also architect for the Edinburgh International Exhibition of 1906.
Important commissions came to him from London and to London he devoted the latter part of his life, the firm, of which he was senior partner, being known as Sir John Burnet, Tait & Lorne. He had the honour in 1905 of being entrusted by the Government with the important additions to the British Museum, now known as the King Edward VII. Galleries.
Among his numerous London designs are the Institute of Chemistry in Russell Square, the Kodak building in Kingsway, Adelaide House and Vigo House, and the Second Church of Christ Scientist. He was the chief architect in Palestine and Gallipoli for the Imperial War Graves Commission.
The professional esteem with which Sir John was regarded in Britain may be expressed by the words used in connection with the conferring of the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1923, ‘‘ Few architects living can compare with him either in quantity or quality of output, and fewer still may be said to have had as pervasive an influence on the work of their own time.”
In France he had received both bronze and gold medals at the Salon and was a corresponding member of the Institute of France and of the Société central des Architectes Francais. He had the same relation with the American Institute of Architects.
Knighted in 1914, Sir John was a member of both the Royal Scottish Academy and the Royal Academy. He was an Honorary LL.D., of Glasgow and Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, of the Royal Society, Edinburgh, and of the Royal Society of Antiquaries.
Though he took fewer commissions personally, Burnet worked into his late seventies – he designed the famous Unilever building on London in 1933 - before he eventually retired, spending his final years at Colinton in Edinburgh. He died at home at the age of 81 on this day, 1938, he is buried at Warriston Cemetery.
Pics are the beutiful Drumsheugh Baths in Edinburgh, the old Public Library and Museum, Capbelltown and the former Clydesdale Bank Headquarters, St Vincent Place, Glasgow.
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dreamofstarlight · 9 months
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ORIGINAL CAPTION: Mrs. John F. Kennedy, (right) waits with her brothers-in-law, Senator Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., (left) and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, (center), in the latter's office in the Justice Department, in order to make her first public statement since the late President's assassination. She said she has received nearly 800,000 letters of condolence and that all of them would be placed in the President Kennedy Memorial Library at Charles River, Massachusetts.
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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Steamy Saturday
Spring Fire by Vin Packer, the pen name of American writer Marijane Meaker (1927-2022), was the first lesbian paperback novel and was published in New York by Gold Medal Books in 1952. It was an instant bestseller, outselling other popular titles of that year, including James M. Cain's The Postman Always Rings Twice and Daphne du Maurier's  My Cousin Rachel, and its publication marks the beginning of the lesbian pulp fiction genre.
The story, based on Meaker's own experience, revolves around the relationship between the shy and awkward, freshman sorority sister Susan ("Mitch") Mitchell and her more experienced roommate Leda Taylor. Both play at heterosexual "normality," while engaging in and at the same time questioning their same-sex attraction. Unfortunately, because it's the early 1950s, the relationship had to end in tragedy, with Leda bound for an insane asylum and Mitch denying to herself that she ever loved Leda.
Meaker was always distressed about having to write that ending. When Cleis Press approached her to republish the novel, she was very reticent. But the project went forward, and according to Wikipedia, Meaker wrote about this in the introduction to that reissue:
"I still cringe when I think about it. I never wanted it republished. It was too embarrassing." Meaker explained in the 2004 foreword that Dick Carroll, her editor at Gold Medal Books, told her that because the book would be sent through the mail, no references to homosexuality as an attractive life could be portrayed or postal inspectors would send it back to the publishing house. He said that one character must acknowledge that she is not a lesbian, and the other she's involved with "must be sick or crazy."
Beside lesbian romances, Marijane Meaker also wrote mystery and crime novels, nonfiction books about lesbians (as Ann Aldrich), children's books (as Mary James), and young adult fiction (as M. E. Kerr), for which she received the 1993 Margaret A. Edwards Award from the American Library Association. The butch/fem cover illustration is by noted American artist and pulp-fiction cover illustrator Barye Phillips.
View more posts on lesbian romance fiction.
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View other pulp fiction posts.
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devilfic · 2 years
ok but Edward when he was still in the orphanage falling in love with a kid he constantly sees when he goes to church, like a childish and innocent love (I just want edward kid to receive a little affection) 😔
❝first snow❞
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plot: life wasn’t all pain, there was you. there was you. pairing: child!edward nashton x child!gn!reader. cw: fluff, light angst, choir boy eddie, mentions of bullying, childhood trauma. words: 1.9k.
a/n: ever since I received this request I’ve just fawned over how sweet it is. here you go, anon
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Edward is aware of how timid his voice sounds. It was a reflex, the wobbly authority of it, because he’d learned early on that he wasn’t much of an authority on anything except dodging the older kids’ punches. He could pretend he hadn’t said anything if you turned around and gave him that look he was so used to getting. Meant for squirmy vermin like him.
But you don’t snap at him or look at him like he’s used to. Your eyes are shock-wide and frantic when his words finally settle in: “You shouldn’t be here.” But your eyes shoot up at first, taller than himself (were you expecting someone else?), and when they land on him shivering in his choir boy robe they all but melt. He’d never been looked at like that. Your little hands grip the massive church door a little less tightly and then you smile, “It’s snowing.”
Edward blinks. Of course it’s snowing. It’s December in Gotham. It always snows in December.
But by the look on your face, Edward could‘be been convinced it had never snowed before. That snow had been a construct of childhood, like Santa for the kids who got to be lied to about Santa, and that all kids your age knew by now that snow wasn’t real. And then you’d opened that church door and suddenly it was.
The breeze coming in would be enough to make the orphanage’s scary wardens shiver and complain about wanting to go home early while Edward’s fingers go numb for the night, but he finds himself moving closer to you.
You pull the door a little wider and suddenly you’re waving him over, beckoning him beside you. He can see the snow past your head. “You’ll catch a cold.” He tries, a little louder, a warning with experience. “They’ll notice we’re not in service.”
Still, he comes closer.
When Edward is right beside you, he can hear the chatter of your teeth and see your breaths clouding the space between you both. For a moment, he thinks that this might be a trick and turns quickly to catch some burly monster of a teenager before they could shove him out into the cold to freeze to death, but no such thing happens. It’s just you two in the foyer, and the echo of the priest in the main hall.
“Does it always snow like this?” You bypass his warning.
Edward looks out at the white coating the Gotham streets, adults rushing through the light snowfall knowing what would await if they stayed in it too long. Even beautiful things in Gotham were deadly. “Yeah, it’s winter. It always snows in winter.”
Your eyes narrow a little indignantly, “Not where I’m from.”
Edward remembers. Your father, the imposing figure he was, had mentioned a place warm and very far away from Gotham. He also remembered wondering why anyone from such a nice place would move here. Your pristine clothing had told Edward you were from a much, much better place, but he hadn’t had it in him to be as upset about that as he usually would be.
In fact, he finds himself a little nervous standing right next to you. “What’s it like where you’re from?” He asks, as if he hadn’t gone to the Gotham Public Library weeks ago and asked one of the librarians about it after you’d first arrived. The other kids would only ever tell him it was somewhere he’d “never get to go”.
“It only ever gets cold really late in winter, and it never lasts long. Mom had to get me new clothes for Gotham because it gets too cold here and it never snows back home.” Then you make a face and correct yourself, “Back there.”
You hadn’t looked too fond of your new situation upon moving here. Your father had said your family was joyous at joining the church, and yet your face had been filled with grief. As if it had only settled in on that Sunday that you would never be leaving Gotham.
Your eyes start to fog over with the same grief again, and… it’s strange. Edward doesn’t like seeing you like that. He finds himself fumbling for something to talk about that other kids his age would like, something he wasn’t very good at, and settles on a memory, “When the wardens feel generous, they sometimes take us to Gotham Square. They put a really big Christmas tree up and give out free hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. If you sing,” his body had long since accustomed to the Gotham winter, but only now does he feel his cheeks warm under your curious gaze, “they always make us sing.”
“Why do you call them wardens?”
“You’re from the orphanage, right? Why do you call them wardens? It sounds kind of mean.”
Edward blinks, having never had to think about it. That was one thing the other kids could agree on, “Because they’re mean.”
He should hate it, the flash of sympathy on your face. He doesn’t need sympathy from people like you or Bruce Wayne or anyone. What he needs is a jacket. It’s getting really cold standing by the open door with you.
“You’re a pretty singer.”
Edward actually makes a noise. It’s strained, like the cats that loiter outside the orphanage for scraps that’ll never come, “What?”
“You’re a pretty singer, you have a pretty voice,” you clarify, using the word pretty, pretty, pretty, you’re pretty, pretty, “my mom thinks so too. She said I should sound more like you.”
“Can you not sing?” His voice stutters as does his little, gentle heart. Not used to the kindness.
You shake your head and push the door closed a little, the cold getting too much for you, he thinks, “Apparently, I sound like I’m in pain.” And then, to Edward’s surprise, you demonstrate with a little shriek you call holding a note.
And he doesn’t mean to because it’s impolite to laugh at others (as if it ever stopped anyone from laughing at him), but he bursts into such an uncontrollable fit of giggles that his glasses fog up and he can only just see your mouth turn from an “o” into a smile. He grabs at his stomach to stop the shaking of his laughter but it barely helps.
He should be more worried that someone will hear. But you don’t look bothered. He feels safe right now. Something else he’s not used to.
“See! That’s unfair. You have a pretty laugh too.” You complain, though your tone is playfully annoyed.
“No, I- I don’t,” he wheezes through heavy breaths, “you’re crazy.”
“Am not!”
Edward wipes under his glasses at the small tear forming in his eye, coming down from his fit to see you proudly smiling with your hands now behind your back. It comes out of his mouth before he has a chance to stop himself, “You must have hypothermia.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, confused, “Hippo- what?”
“Hypothermia… it happens when you get too cold. You can get confused.” Edward winces explaining, wondering if you’d catch on that you actually didn’t like talking to him soon, “Delirious.” He tries instead, as if the word would be any more familiar to you if you didn’t pore over books and word puzzles like he did all hours of the day.
“Oh.” You blink, your silence a tiny trigger on a shotgun pointed at his self-esteem. He shouldn’t have confused you, brought you out of the fun. You’d think he was dull now. Like the other kids do. “Is that why I feel this way?”
“What?” It’s Edward’s turn to be confused now. You don’t clarify this time, jaw clenching like you’d said the wrong thing. He worries suddenly that he’d been right on the money.
He steps closer and presses his hand to your forehead on instinct like he would the babies at the orphanage, checking warmth through the night and hoping for sunrise. Out from your mouth escapes a little peep at the contact and he pulls his hand back very quickly, now worried he’d overstepped the boundary. Crossed over too quickly into familiarity, into fondness. Your skin was burning warm. What had you meant by “this way”?
Your mouth opens to form a word when the door you’re leaning on suddenly shuts under a heavier weight. The two of you hadn’t even noticed your mother now standing there, furiously concerned and wrapping her coat around your shoulders, “What are you thinking? It’s freezing outside! I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Edward feels a pang in his heart when your mother cups your cheek, feeling for what he’d felt for moments ago. He gets that nasty little feeling twisting in his heart again. Remembering who you are and who he is.
You have a mother to keep you warm. Why should he worry?
He’s halfway in a turn when your mother suddenly looks at him, and then touches him on the cheek too and he jolts away from the unfamiliar (soft) contact. Her hand retracts with quiet concern, “Are you alright, dear? You look flushed. You both really shouldn’t be out here.”
Edward presses the back of his hand to his own face and notes that she’s right.
You look up at your mother and then back at Edward, “Sorry. It’s my fault. I wanted to watch the snow with Eddie.”
Eddie? You knew his name?
The kids in the home called him that with condescension, because “Edward” was too dignified and full of itself and there was nothing Edward needed more than to be knocked down a few pegs. Of course.
You, on the other hand, said it like a friend. Like you two had known each other forever. Like you knew him too well to just keep calling him “Edward”.
“Well, service is almost over. Shall I escort you both back to your pews?” Your mother’s sweetness is so strange to hear. When she holds out her hand to him, he is too shocked to jump away this time, “You can sit with us if you’d like, Eddie.” She has a glint of out-of-place warmth in her eyes just like you.
Edward wants nothing more than to accept, but the other kids would notice and the warden would drag him by the scruff into the old, rickety orphanage bus and tell him that he’d get no dinner tonight for embarrassing them. His stomach turns at the thought. “No thank you, ma’am.”
“At least come get warm.” She beckons, ushering you both back to the main hall.
Edward follows you, a step behind, until he simply can’t and must return to the pews with the other church boys who watch him with wide eyes. One of the wardens looks furious when she finally spots him off with you. He feels her eyes burn into the back of his head even when he sits down, rigid with his hands shoved between his thighs to warm them up again. He stares ahead, unmoving, not even answering the boys nearest him and their questions about where he’d been.
Edward stares ahead until he just can’t anymore. You’re staring right at him from across the aisle, hands cupped around your mouth as he watches you make out a word: Hippo-term-ia.
It’s hard to pass off his laugh as a cough.
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry
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dracox-serdriel · 5 months
Midnight Sun
I picked up a copy of Midnight Sun from the library recently. I'm just a few chapters in, and I'm bothered by the horrible lack of realism.
Yes, it's a series with vampires and shapeshifters and whatnot, but that's not what I mean.
So, the Cullens have a cycle that enables them to maximize the time they can spend in one area to about 7-10 years. This includes the "kids" starting out in high school. They don't say what year they started doing this, but we do know they've had to cut the cycle short a few times to relocate themselves out of danger/suspicion.
That means that Edward has been a telepathic vampire in somewhere around 3-10 different high schools. Even if all the schools he attended were very small public high schools like Forks High School in the books, with approximately 90-100 students in each grade, it's mathematically impossible that he has failed to encounter any students that have what even super-judgy Edward would've been forced to see as "real" problems.
He never once had to listen to a kid struggle to focus or think about anything but food because they came from a food insecure home? Never heard a mental peep from a student who had become homeless or stuck in a housing crisis of some kind? Never had to listen to a student ruminating in fear because of the domestic violence situation at home? Never once had to listen to some kid terrified out of their mind because of recurring symptoms but can't talk to their parents about it, let alone get up the courage to see a doctor?
I had hoped that this book would touch on the fact that Forks didn't exclusively have supernatural problems; that it was a place that also had plenty of real, human problems (beyond the teenage angst and such surrounding dating).
Like I said, I'm only a few chapters in. Maybe later it's revealed that Edward has heard the thoughts of such distressed students, and he decided to write them off because it was something that was simply out of his control and essentially not his problem. But TBH, this book doesn't need to make Edward even more unlikeable...
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dano-locket · 2 years
How To Disappear Completely / Chapter One
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Pairing: Dano!Edward Nashton / GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,902
He was so tender. Impossibly soft behind heavy coats and starched linen and a demeanor that said matter-of-factly, “I’m not really here right now.” Wherever he was, you’d meet him.
There's something inside that tired man, and you need to see what he can do.
A/N: my very first fic!!! this takes place after riddler: year one issue one. eddie is investigating and you are a public records clerk. i’m thinking this fic will be three or four chapters but if issue two of year one makes me as primal as issue one did, i'll def be adding on. sfw (for now!)
Chapter One
Let Me See
You hadn’t felt a thrill like this in years. And if you didn’t feel your own capacity for desire nestled deep behind your stomach, you’d have bet you never would again. But you did feel it. An aching something that cramped and contracted and kept you alive.
That was his name; you’d double-checked his initial email. He found you. He had scrolled the staff directory for the Library of Gotham’s public records department, found your name, your email, your photo—frizzy hair, blank eyes, dull skin—and decided on you. Selected you to help him.
You shook yourself out of that daydream. It was a silly line of thinking; you knew you were his only choice. The library was consistently understaffed, leaving you alone most evenings in the basement-floor records office, dead silent and cold with the lack of light. You hadn’t spoken aloud for three days when he came in.
He’d needed all sorts of documents: LLC licenses, court transcripts, property records. You’d had a week to gather materials and he had two to read over them all. You didn’t have much time.
It surprised you how instantly drawn you were to him. Not because he wasn’t cute, of course. Ohmygod you thought he was cute. It was just typically that the closer you looked, at people, at places, at yourself, the more you found to disgust at, to fear. You hadn’t meant to be this way. You didn’t understand why others weren’t. 
His email had been cold, curt. You’d expected a man twice his age, and when you stood up behind your desk to greet him, you were taken aback back by how youthful he looked, rounded and rosy. His shy, gracious smile as you debriefed him on the documents had intrigued you and your attraction solidified as he turned his back to you, dragged all eight chairs to the corner of the small work space, pushed the two wooden tables together, and neatly spread out each sheet of paper, all without asking. 
You didn’t mind. You were content to watch him work. 
And the more you watched, the more you discovered. There was something about him, an unidentifiable bubbling that made your stomach sink and rise then sink again. Like there was something under his skin so different from the meek man who struggled to look you in the eye as he introduced himself. He was straining. It entranced you.
There was so much tension inside him. He shook with it sometimes; tensing his shoulders and jerking his legs and shuddering from a phantom chill when he thought no one would notice. Though that last part could be wishful thinking. You treasured the idea that you saw him uninhibited; deep in his work and unafraid to forget your existence. He was so intentional in his speech, rehearsed almost. You longed to open him up. 
You could tell something was wrong, that he wasn’t happy with whatever he’d discovered in the past two days. Every so often he had let out little scoffs of frustration and buried his face in his hands. He drew his eyebrows down tightly. Took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. His exhaustion filled the room. 
When he came in today he seemed more weathered than before. It was clear he wasn’t sleeping well. He was even more distant with you–only offering a tight smile of acknowledgement as he first approached your desk and a nod of thanks as you passed him the same six boxes. Whoever opened had pushed the tables and chairs back to their rightful places, and instead of setting up shop, Edward slumped down at the left hand table in the chair facing you, already looking defeated.
He’d been flipping through a stack of estate deeds, chin tucked to his chest, when he froze entirely. Slowly he set the papers down and lifted his head, glancing over the boxes of papers as if looking for an answer. His chest started to heave and you found yourself matching his breath. His eyes darted up at you, wide and pink, and only then did you wrench your gaze away from him and onto the decade-old desktop computer in front of you. In your peripheral, you saw his head still fixed toward you but you didn’t dare look up.
You watched the time move. Two minutes he sat completely still, looking straight ahead. You started to sweat. On minute three he dropped his shoulders, exhaling loudly enough that you could hear a slight nose whistle ring across the room, and began cleaning up his workspace. Without a word, he rose and collected his things, then stilled behind the table. You took a deep breath before raising to meet his eye, but by the time you finished turning, his head was down as he hurriedly crossed the room. You didn’t miss the forceful way he shoved the door open, harder than needed.
You turned back to the computer, checking the time. Fourteen minutes until close. God, you wanted to follow him out. You had no idea what you’d say to him but you’d do anything to watch. What was he doing now he was out of sight? You wondered what he was like completely alone. 
What would you say to him? That was a question you needed to answer if you ever wanted… whatever it was you wanted with him. Maybe that was the better question, but both required more research. Gotham was a dense city but it was contained. He must live close by. 
– –
Gotham shimmered at night. Buzzing neon lights bounced off the puddles of rain water and oil that coated the perpetually slick pavement. It could almost be beautiful. Until you looked closer. Gotham had a way of dazzling people, like a predator puffing up before it makes its kill. You lived in this dying city all your life, though. You knew its dark corners, knew to run from danger. But the city preferred to hide in plain sight, patting your forehead and stealing your purse. It was difficult to navigate, confusing. You were never safe. The constant vigilance was enough to give anyone trust issues. You were afraid. Would Edward understand?
You couldn’t let yourself get distracted though, only sparing quick glances down to ensure your shoes stay dry. You had to keep your head up. 
The street parking by the library was abysmal, constantly packed with the only few spots restricted to two hours. Edward had been there for three. He couldn’t have gotten far on foot. You recoiled at that thought but didn’t refute it. You needed to see him. A cord had been cut that night and suddenly your body felt so cold, singular, as if you could no longer sustain it on your own. You didn’t want to be alone anymore.
You felt delirious chasing after a man who seemed to want nothing to do with you, animalistic, as if you yourself were peeling away down to instinct and want. You couldn’t believe what he’d done to you. And in such a short time. You’d been alone for so long. You knew what he felt. You thought you did. You knew. You felt it roll off him in waves, the barely concealed, consuming discomfort that infected his every move. He seemed so sad. You wanted to help.
When your aimless wandering hit the half hour mark, you called it a night. Your last stop before home would be to your favorite corner store to pick up tonight’s dinner: a microwaveable pasta packet and a bag of hot cheetos. You were browsing the energy drinks, searching for the best deal, when you felt him looming. His dragging footsteps had become quickly recognizable and he carried with him the faint smell of city air and bar soap. 
Edward. You were right. You couldn’t help your wide smile as you turned to him. You hoped you looked pretty. You felt wolfish. 
“Hey!” Your voice squeaked. 
Edward’s eyes were wide as he looked down at you, flickering across your face like he was reading. “Hi,” he squeaked back. “So! Do you live around here?”
No pleasantries. He hadn’t asked how you were doing. You didn’t care. Not when a sweet flush was spreading slow across his full cheeks and clammy forehead. “A few blocks over, yeah. You?”
“Yeah, yeah. Yeah! Uh, just further down the street.” He pointed animatedly, knocking his glasses askew. He settled them straight on the curve of his nose then let his hand hover, fidgeting with the clear frames, taking every opportunity to hide his face. He kept his eyes on the ground as he spoke. “If could– If– I could walk you home, if you wanted. It’s not safe around here, and it’s cold tonight…so…” 
Your head swirled. You had to make sure you weren’t swaying in place. Oh god oh god yes. You were struck by his directness, pleased. Was he always like this?
“Yes!” Too eager. He didn’t seem to mind though, giving you the first real smile you’d seen from him. He was so tender. Impossibly soft behind heavy coats and starched linen and a demeanor that said matter-of-factly, “I’m not really here right now.” Wherever he was, you’d meet him. 
The walk to your place was mostly silent. You kept close to Edward’s side and he kept his hands in his pockets. He’d offered you his coat several times and while you longed to wrap yourself up in his scent, his warmth, his belongings, you couldn’t ask that of him. Gotham Novembers bit hard and you wouldn’t let him suffer like that. Oh you just wanted to cradle him. There was something so painfully vulnerable about him, an earnesty laid so bare you felt the need to look away to give him his privacy. It made you stare longer. He was struggling. Barely held together. You knew how he felt. 
“This is me.” You broke the silence as the two of you approached the tall, brick walk-up. Kiss me kiss me kiss me kiss me kiss me. You knew he wouldn’t. But his presence made you feel hopeful, lighter. You wanted him to. 
“I’m glad you walked me home, Edward. I hope I see you more. Outside the library.” You were just saying anything now, desperate to validate him.  
“Oh! Me too. I’m glad.” Again, his little smile. Private and slight and cartoonishly round like a doodled little smiley face. He looked so unburdened then, free of the heaviness he carried with him, if only for a minute.
You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t want this to end. 
“Goodnight.” He ended it for you, giving you a parting nod but making no move to leave.
“Goodnight, Edward.” You had to stop saying his name before he started to find it unnerving. You just wanted him to know you knew it. You looked over your shoulder as you stopped at the door to dig your keys out. You hoped he’d remember that, think about it later. 
Inside your cluttered apartment, you let out a squeal, throaty and giddy. You hurried to the window to watch him walk away. 
Instead he stood still right where you left him, looking up at your window. Waiting for a light to turn on, your brain supplied. A chill went up your spine. How romantic to know he was looking back.
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alternatehistoryworlds · 10 months
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AU House of Tudors: Children Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon.
Catherine of Aragon(1485 - 1543).In 1501 Catherine of Aragon became the wife of Prince Arthur, but he died half a year later. In 1509 she married Henry VIII. Their married life was happy despite the fact that Catherine was 6 years older than Henry. She also often took an active part in the affairs of state. The marriage produced 6 children. The death of Prince William undermined Catherine's health and because of this she began to have frequent heart aches. She died in 1543 of heart disease.
Elizabeth(1510 - 1582). Queen of Spain and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. Wife of Charles V. The marriage of Elizabeth and Charles was happy. They had 5 children: Joana, Henry V, Catherine, Inigo and Alexandra. She outlived not only her husband but also her sons. In 1560, her eldest son died of illness, and her youngest died while still a child. And in the same year she became regent of Spain under her one-year-old granddaughter Isabella. Her regency was characterized by an era of prosperity and tranquility. Elizabeth, who was well educated, patronized the arts and sciences. Her court was visited by prominent humanists. Elizabeth had a rich library and could play several musical instruments. She loved to write and read books. 3 years before her death, she handed over the rule of the country into the hands of Isabella, and herself withdrew from public affairs and devoted herself to rest and reading.
Henry IX(1511 - 1581). King of England. Husband of 1)Renée of France and 2)Magdalene of Austria. In 1527 he married Louis XII's daughter Renée. Their married life was happy. But in 1542 she was gone. Renée died in childbirth while giving birth to her 8th child. Henry was inconsolable he fell into depression and 3 years mourned his wife. He did not marry a second time until 10 years after her death. During his reign, England became a strong sea power, and the economy grew 2-fold. Under Henry IX, peace and prosperity reigned in the kingdom. In addition, the king paid great attention to the cultural enlightenment of his state.
He became the father of 12 children: Henry X, Edward, Catherine, Anne, William, Jasper, Mary and Margaret - children from his first marriage.
Magdalen, Ferdinand, Arthur and George from his second.
William(1513 - 1536). Duke of York. Husband of Catherine Parr and father of 2 children: Maud and William. William and Catherine's married life was happy, but not long. Henry VIII was against this marriage, as he looked for another bride. But after much persuasion of his wife and son agreed. Soon Catherine and William learned that they would soon become parents. In April 1536, he fell ill with smallpox and died within days, and in May he became the father of a daughter and a son. After her husband's death, Catherine did not marry again. There were many suitors for her hand, but she refused them and said that her heart belonged only to one William.
Edmund(1514 - 1588). Duke of Somerset. Husband of Dorothea of Denmark, father of 6 children: William, Catherine, Henry, Mark, Isabella and Christian. Edmund was not in love with his wife. The first years of their marriage the couple lived amicably and were attached to each other, and when misunderstandings began between them, they were of a financial nature. The duke did not like the excessive spending of his wife. Because of frequent quarrels, they began to distance themselves from each other. And after the birth of the last child Edmund finally turned away from his wife. Edmund, like his older sister, was a patron of culture and art.
Mary(1516 - 1570). Queen of Scots. Wife of James V. She was the favorite daughter of Henry VIII. At first the Scots did not want to recognize Mary as their queen, but later she quickly won the trust of the people. She also enjoyed the trust of her husband, who often left her as regent during his absence. The spouses were an example of family life, the king was never seen for public adultery. The marriage produced 5 children: Margaret, James VI, David, Robert and Catherine.
Isabella(1518 - 1585). Queen of Poland. Wife of Sigismund II and mother of 8 children: Bona, Sigismund III, Casimir, Jadwiga, Wladyslaw, Jagailo, Catherine and Stanislaw. Isabella was famous for her beauty, distinguished by her intelligence and great energy. But there was no happiness in her life. Isabella's marriage was not a happy one. The queen unrequitedly loved her husband, but the king preferred to lead a dissolute lifestyle. The king's mother feared that Isabella would influence her son and turned Sigismund against her. The king and queen had 8 children, but only one boy survived. Isabella tried to exert political influence on her son, but her attempts were unsuccessful. Because of her disagreement with her son, she returned to her homeland.
AU Дом Тюдоров:Дети Генриха VIII и Екатерины Арагонской.
Екатерина Арагонская(1485 - 1543). В 1501 году Екатерина Арагонская стала женой принца Артура, но через пол года он умер. В 1509 она вышла замуж за Генриха VIII. Их супружеская жизнь была счастливой несмотря на то, что Екатерина была старше Генриха на 6 лет. Также она часто принимала активное участие в делах государства. В браке родилось 6 детей. Смерть принца Уильяма подкосило здоровье Екатерины и из-за этого у неё стало часто болеть сердце. Умерла в 1543 году от сердечной болезни.
Елизавета(1510 - 1582). Королева Испании и императрица Священной Римской империи. Жена Карла V. Брак Елизаветы и Карла был счастливым. У них родилось 5 детей: Хуана, Энрике V, Екатерина, Иниго и Алехандра. Пережила не только мужа, но и своих сыновей. В 1560 году от болезни умер ее старший сын, а младший умер ещё в детстве. И в этом же году она стала регентом Испании при своей годовалой внучке Изабелле. Её регенство характерезуится эпохой процветания и спокойствия. Елизавета, получившая хорошее образование покровительствовала искусствам и наукам. Её двор посещали выдающиеся гуманисты. У Елизаветы была богатая библиотека, а также она умела играть на нескольких музыкальных инструмент��х. Любила писать и читать книги. За 3 года до своей смерти вручила правление страной в руки Изабелле, а сама отошла от государственных дел и посвятила себя отдыху и чтению.
Генрих IX(1511 - 1578). Король Англии. Муж 1)Рене Французской и 2)Магдалины Австрийской. В 1527 году женился на дочери Людовика XII Рене. Их супружеская жизнь была счастливой. Но 1542 году её не стало. Рене умерла при родах, рожая 8 ребёнка. Генрих был безутешен он впал в депрессию и 3 года оплакивал жену. Женился во второй раз только через 10 лет после её смерти. В период его правления Англия стала сильной морской державой, а также в 2 раза увеличился рост экономики. При Генрихе IX в королевстве царил мир и процветание. Кроме этого, король уделял большое внимание культурному просвещению своего государства.
Стал отцом 12 детей: Генрих X, Эдуард, Екатерина, Анна, Уильям, Джаспер, Мария и Маргарита - дети от первого брака.
Магдалена, Фердинанд, Артур и Джордж - от второго.
Уильям(1513 - 1536). Герцог Йоркский. Муж Екатерины Парр и отец 2 детей: Мод и Уильям. Супружеская жизнь Уильяма и Екатерины был счастливой, но не долгой. Генрих VIII был против этого брака, так как подыскал ему другую невесту. Но после долгих уговоров жены и сына согласился. Вскоре Екатерина и Уильям узнали, что скоро станут родителями. В апреле 1536 года он заболел оспой и умер в течение нескольких дней, а в мае стал отцом дочери и сына. После смерти мужа Екатерина больше замуж не вышла. Было много претендентов на её руку, но она им отказывала и говорила, что её сердце принадлежит лишь одному Уияльму.
Эдмунд(1514 - 1588). Герцог Сомерсет. Муж Доротеи Датской, отец 6 детей: Уильям, Екатерина, Генрих, Марк, Изабелла и Кристиан. Эдмунд не был влюблен в свою жену. Первые годы брака супруги жили дружно и были привязаны друг к другу, а когда между ними начались недоразумения, то они носили финансовый характер. Герцогу не нравились чрезмерные расходы жены. Из-за частых ссор они стали отдаляться друг от друга. А после рождения последнего ребёнка Эдмунд окончательно отвернулся от жены. Эдмунд, как и его старшая сестра был покровителем культуры и искусства.
Мария(1516 - 1570). Королева Шотландии. Жена Якова V. Была любимой дочерью Генриха VIII. Поначалу шотландцы не хотели признавать Марию своей королевой, но позже она быстро завоевала доверие народа. Также она пользовалась доверием своего мужа, который часто оставлял её регентом на время своего отсутствия. Супруги были примером семейной жизни, король ни разу не был замечен за публичным изменами. В браке родилось 5 детей: Маргарита, Яков VI, Давид, Роберт и Екатерина.
Изабелла(1518 - 1585). Королева Польши. Жена Сигизмунда II и мать 8 детей: Бона, Сигизмунд III, Казимир, Ядвига, Владислав, Ягайло, Екатерина и Станислав. Изабелла славилась своей красотой, отличалась умом и большой энергией. Но счастья в её жизни не было. Брак Изабеллы был не счастливым. Королева безответно любила своего мужа, но король предпочитал вести разгульный образ жизни. Мать короля опасалась того, что Изабелла будет оказывать влияние на сына и настраивала Сигизмунда против неё. У короля и королевы было 8 детей, но выжил лишь один мальчик. Изабелла пыталась оказывать политическое влияние на своего сына, но её попытки остались без успешны. Из за разногласий с сыном она вернулась на Родину.
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crimsonmoonlite · 4 months
Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies
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Photo Made using Mage.Space AN: I am so sorry for the wait on this chapter. Please enjoy it! September 4th, 2006, Saturday 1:08 PM
First Beach, La Push, Washington
   The girls and Mike moved closer to the wolves. Bella wanted a day away from the pining guys after her, but she was doomed to be fawned over. She was the last thing Jacob was thinking about. He was a couple of feet away on the beach, watching Mike, freaking himself out at how amazing he smelled.
   Mike was laughing and playing around with Seth and Paul as the other wolves were freaking out just as much as Jacob that they had found an Omega. It was getting worse for them to control themselves as the scent doubled.
   "Hey," Beau ran up to them.
   "Beau?" Bella asked, "What are you doing here?"
   "I just thought I would come to hang out," Beau gulped, looking around. He was just about give it to his sister's boyfriend in the public library. "I rode Mom's old bike here. I need help putting it in the bed of your truck."
   "You rode a bike all the way here?" Angela asked. You should have called. I'm sure Bella would have picked you up," she offered, but Beau knew that wouldn't have been the case.
   "You can't even swim. I thought you didn't want to come this morning." Bella asked, and Beau rubbed his forehead, annoyed because he was embarrassed by that.
   "You don't know how to swim?" Lauren laughed with Jessica, and Beau sighed.
   "Why aren't you wearing a swimsuit?" Bella asked, and Beau looked around. "Beaufort, no." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as he stripped down to his panties. If the werewolves hadn't looked at him, they would have been now. Bella rolled her eyes.
   "Just make sure you put on some sunscreen. I don't want you to complain about it all week." She said, and Beau sighed, beginning to regret coming. He just felt like he should come to hang out with Bella after he almost kissed her boyfriend... It didn't sound as wild as he first thought it.
   Jessica handed him the sun lotion, and he rubbed it in. His pale, nearly hairless body enticed the wolves. Beau had only moved here a month ago, so he didn't know the pack as well as Bella. He remembered Jacob as they would hang out when they were little, and his older sisters would babysit him and Bella.
   However, he didn't remember how affectionate Jacob was. he felt someone approaching him from behind, and it was a little too late as he felt Jake's large hand curving around his waist.
   Jacob had been on the brink of losing self-control. He needed to get his hands on an Omega. After catching Mike's scent, he felt a closer bond with him, but Beau had Edward's scent on his hands... and he was just as intoxicating as Mike. Some goosebumps lined Beau's spine as Jake leaned down, and his lips hovered less than an inch from his ear.
   Bella scoffed at how obvious Jacob was with this move on her brother, but jealousy had sparked seeing it. Angela held in a coo as smoke came from Bella's ears.
   "Hand me the lotion..." Jacob said as Beau froze being touched. He leaned down to whisper in Beau's ear. "I don't want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so beautiful," Jacob said as he squeezed some of the sunblock and began to massage it into Beau's back.
   Beau relaxed as Jacob rubbed him. he had been so stressed lately from the moving, the mysteries, and the tension between him and his sister. "Mike, dry off so I can reapply sun lotion on you," Jacob said, half caring about Mike burning up the other half for nefarious reasons.
   "That feels amazing, Jake," Beau's eyes rolled back. Jake was rubbing out the knotted muscles in his body. Bella muttered to herself, wishing that they would get a room. Only the werewolves laughed at that since they had better hearing.
   Beau lulled his head back, resting his head just below Jake's sternum, looking up to make eye contact with a cocky Jacob Black. The wolf was massive and dwarfed the Swan boy. The older guy's hands could fit around Beau's waist, with just a few fingers overlapping. Jake's bicep was about the size of his head, and the wolves could palm his head like a football.
   "Oh, hey, Beau. When did you get here?" Mike smiled, happy to see someone he knew wouldn't be a bore. He and Beau got along nicely at school, and he wanted to see him this morning when they were coming here.
   "Hey Mike," He nearly moaned. Mike understood since the pack had already put sunscreen on him like this five times today. "How has it been?"
   "Well, it was boring at first, but then Jacob found us, and I hit him with a wet sandball, and now it's fun," Mike smiled. "The waves are bigger now, so Seth and I have been trying to surf and skimboard." Mike said excited, "I think they might have another body board for you to use,"
   "Oh... I'm okay," Beau blushed, and Mike raised an eyebrow. He wasn't usually such a stick in the mud.
   "He can't swim," Bella smirked, and Beau glared at her.
   "Oh uh... that's okay," Mike said while Jake kneeled to massage the lotion on Beau's legs. He blushed, and my when the guy's giant hands massaged up to his inner thighs. "You still come in the water with us. I'll protect you. I was the water polo captain in summer and came five times in a row." Mike stood on Beau's side to cover him.
   Jacob's touch excited him. Beau was glad for Mike and that there were no other beachgoers in the direction he was going. He managed to calm down when Jacob was through putting sunscreen on him.
   "Hey Jacob, I need some sunscreen," Jessica giggled, but Jacob didn't hear her. She looked around to see all eyes on Beau and Mike. "Hello?" She said, frustrated as they might as well have been at a gay club.
   "Wait! Wait-wait-wait!" Beau felt another guy approaching behind him at a fast pace. He felt himself being scooped up and pulled into the water. "Ahh!" Beau yelped, freaking out, trying to climb up on the man's head as he heard the girls laughing.
   "Relax, relax," Sam calmed him down and put his hand down his back.
   "Who are you?" Beau tried to snap, but he was still terrified
   "Im Sam, it's okay. I'll teach you how to swim," he said calmly. He had always gotten on the Swan's bad side, but like all other werewolves, he tried to get on his good side after they found out he was an Omega.
———- 5:49 PM    The time was coming to pack up and head home. Despite Beau's inability to swim, he had a really good time. He was tired of being laughed at for not knowing how to swim, and Sam taught him some basics.
   Several people were around to help him if the water got too deep or he lost his ability to stand. Seth had some dry clothes to change into when they were heading home, so he gave them to Beau to wear.
   "Hey... where did the girls go?" Beau asked as they were walking up to the chairs. He had been so preoccupied with surviving and staying in shallow waters he hadn't noticed they had left.
   "They went home like hours ago," Jerard said, walking in sync behind Beau. It was like he was glued to Beau's back.
   Beau thought it was weird all of these guys were so close to him, but that is only because he has only known mostly homophobic men. He didn't know they were wolves and were walking so close to him and Mike as they were guarding their 'entrances.' It was an unspoken game between the wolves while keeping the humans safe from being claimed
   "Well, shit..." Beau said, and every single wolf looked away, concerned.
   "What?" Jake rushed up to him. Jared's lips snarled up before Sam shot him a look to calm down.
   "How the hell are we going to get home," Beau muttered, mad at Bella. She should have told him she was leaving. "Maybe she left the bike behind," he muttered, drying off and dressing in the clothes Seth gave him.
   "She had to have. She is nice and thoughtful," Mike said. I can definitely hike back home, but I would be worried about you. You're probably not used to hiking," Mike said with a worried look.
   "Nonsense," Seth said to both of them, "Some of us came in Jake's Van. I am sure he will take you home."
   "Oh, I don't want to-"
   "You won't be a burden," Jake said with a smile. "Do you boys want to come back to the house? We are gonna grill some of the fish Embry and Quil caught."
   "Oh, um... thank you, but I need to talk to my sister," Beau said. He had been worrying all day about the almost kiss between Edward and him. He knew that he needed to tell Bella before she found out. Their relationship was already strained, and he didnt want a boy to come between them... but boy, he didnt know that would be inevitable.
   "Alright, let's go, but on one condition," Jacob said, and the boys looked up into his eyes, a bit worried, "You guys come to boys' night this coming Friday,"
   "Oh, um..." Beau blushed as he hadn't had many male friends, "You... You know I am gay, right?"
   "Wait, you are?" Mike squeaked.
   "Yeah, so?" Jacob raised an eyebrow.
   Usually, Beau wasn't so bashful. As soon as he got to the beach, he stripped to his panties. It was after he and Mike had been treated like the hot new chew toy all day. He remembered Jake being rambunctious and silly, but this Jacob was criminally good-looking and cheeky. "Er. Yes... okay, I will see what Bells is doing,"
   "Don't bring her," Embry scoffed, crossing his arms, annoyed.
   "He is right," Sam started, leaning against Jacob while looking down into Beau's eyes. Sam and Jacob agreed on a few things, but this was one: He wanted these omegas to be there. "It's a boys' night. Last time I checked, Bella wasn't a guy, was she?"
"O-Okay," Beau looked down and saw Jerad's grip getting lower to his hips. Sam snapped his fingers, and Jared froze before patting Beau on the back.
   "See ya, Beau and Mike," Jerad smiled before tackling Quil and trying to force him back into the water.
   "Bye, guys," Seth smiled while combing his hands through his long jet-black hair. Don't tell the girls about the Boys Night. We don't want them crashing," he winked at the two.
   "Oh... are you guys not leaving? I wouldn't want to rush you all," Beau said, and Mike nodded, backing him up.
   "It's okay, guys. You two look beat. Come on," Jacob snuggled between them, placing hands on the small of their backs. He guided them to the stairs up to where Jake parked. Jacob knew when to talk and not to, though he mostly ignored that. He would drop Beau off first and then Mike, but before he got out of his van, he would ensure that he had both numbers.
   "Mike," Beau turned to look at the boy after a few moments of silence. He wasn't aware that he would be coming out to Mike. He thought it was fairly obvious. Can you meet me in the cafeteria on Monday? I still don't know how to get around," Beau asked to check if they were okay. By the way, Mike smiled from ear to ear, and he knew it was okay.
   "Sure, Beau-Beau," Mike beamed, and Beau smiled back.
   A couple of moments later, when the car pulled to a stop, Beau realized he was home now, "Oh wow, I guess it just seemed like forever on a bike,"
   "Yeah, you are pretty tiny, so it probably seemed like that," Jake said, pulling his phone out of the glove box and handing it to Beau to put in his phone number. He looked at Bella's window and saw her glaring down at them. 
   Jacob has been trying to get her to pay attention to him, to see if he was better than any other man for her, yet he has yet to get that reaction... until today. Jacob cupped Beau's face and whispered into his ear, making eye contact with Bella loving how pissed off she looked. "I'll text you when I want to meet up with you guys. Pack for overnight. We will be camping,"
   "Hey Jake," Beau said with gritted teeth as he had enough of guys getting up in his personal space. Jacob's hand was about to slip under the waistband of his shorts.
   "Yeah, B?"
   "If you and your buddies want to keep your balls, I suggest you keep your hands above my fun zone," Beau said with gritted teeth. Jacob got the hint and quickly took his hands to himself.
   "Er... sorry,"
   "Bye Mike," Beau got out of the van, "Thanks for the ride," Beau offered a wave, and Jacob gave home a nod.
   He hoped Bella would keep the door unlocked because he had left his keys and important things at the library. The librarian was good at keeping lost and found items separate from the rest when she knew who it was and who was more recognizable than the Sheriff's son, who had just moved back to town. 
   As he reached out to open the door, he saw it jiggle. Hearing it unlocked, he assumed it was Bella. The door opened, and he planned to spit out what he wanted to tell her, but then he smelled his father's pine scent.
   "Hey Bubba, have fun at the beach?" Charlie smiled, and Beau calmed down when he saw his father's peaceful smile and disarming aroma, "Them boys didnt give you too much trouble, eh?"
   "No, Daddy," Beau smiled, diving into his father's arms for a hug. He heard a hardy chuckle as he was constricted into his father's embrace. "Well, they did, but I can take care of myself."
   "Well, just be patient with Bells,"
   "What?" Beau widened his eyes, "She is mad at me?"
   "I don't know why, but maybe it is... Aunt Flo is visiting or something." Charlie turned red, trying to make Beau feel better. "Look, it will be fine, whatever it is. Just give her some space,"
   "N-No... I have to explain my side..." Beau said, trying to remain brave, he had done nothing wrong. He was never going to kiss Edward... he just was shocked. Yep, that is definitely why he didnt pull away or beat Edward's ass.
   "Goodluck," Charlie said, patting him on the back, "Imma clean out the grill,"
   "Traitor..." Beau muttered to himself before walking upstairs. Only half wanted back up from his dear ole daddy. "Bells?" Beau asked, knocking on her door before opening it, though it was locked. "Please... Bella, I need to talk to you," Beau said before flinching. The wind didnt even hit him. He didnt even see the tall man's shadow grabbing him by the collar.
   "Please, Please don't tell her. She means everything to me," Edward was so mortified. He didnt know how Bella had found out. He had been trying to get into her room for hours now, but she threatened him with her little cross necklace to get out.
   "She is my sister," Beau snarled at him, "Bella, he tried to kiss me! I didnt let him!" Beau said, and Edward gulped. He grabbed Edward's shirt before he zoomed away. Luckily, Bella shoved open her door.
   "You fucking tried to kiss Jacob?!" Bella snapped before it registered that Edward was in front of her. "Edward? What are you doing here?"
   "Bella, did you fucking hear what I said?" Beau snapped, "Your vampire boyfriend tried to kiss me," Beau snapped. This isn't how he wanted to break it to her, he intended to warn Bella about Edward's wandering eye. Beau didnt really know the fate and magnetic pull Edward felt between them yet.
   "What?!" Bella snarled.
   "Hold on, youre telling me that you were fucking mad at me for Jacob flirting with me when you are dating Edward?" Beau said, now earning the right to be pissed off.
   "Get out of my sight, both of you," Bella said, getting ready to slam the door, but Beau stepped in front.
   "Bella, I didnt do anything wrong! Will you let two boys you have been talking to for a few months come between us? We haven't been apart since the womb up until a couple of months ago!"
   "Yeah, well, maybe that needs to change," Bella shoved at Beau before slamming her door and locking it,
   "Shit..." Edward pinched the bridge of his nose after saving Beau from stumbling down the stairs. Chief Swan came running up the stairs. "This is all my fault, I am so sorry," Edward said. He widened his eyes as Beau started crying, he could also tell that Bella was crying.
   "I think you should leave, Edward," Charlie quickly hugged Beau to comfort him, "Bella, come out here right now and tell me what the hell is going on!" Charlie rubbed on Beau's arm before he stormed off to his room... which was the former nursery. "What the hell is going on!" Charlie said,
   He couldn't open the door, it didn't have a lock on it, so instead, Beau propped a chair up against the knob as a makeshift lock. Edward was a gentleman... or at least, that's what he thought he used to be. So he told him what had gone down, officially being banned from the Swan house for 'the rest of eternity.'
------- 11:10 PM
Swan Home, Forks, Washington
   Luckily for Edward, being uninvited from entering a house or asking permission to get access was an old vampire myth. He told himself he was being an idiot and that he needed to beg for his life and apologize to Bella, yet he was in the room directly under hers.
   He perched at the window on the other side of the room. It was a tiny room, but he still had a good view of Beau. He walked over as Beau started to fidget, by reading his mind, he knew the guy was having a nightmare.
   "Calm down... I will protect you," Edward whispered before caressing his hand down Beau's arm, slowly but soon enough. Beau's subconscious moved onto another dream. Beau relaxed his body a bit, a small smile spreading. He nudged his head under his pillow and was completely safe now. "Shit... what have I gotten into..." He muttered. Please Vote, Comment, Add to your lists, and share this story with a friend:). Updates sporadic 
Twin Flame - Chapter 2 - crimsonmoonlite - Twilight Series - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies - Wattpad
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Tarot 101: History and the Arcanas
Lets go over a quick summary of Tarot's history and Arcanas
Brief history
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The history of tarot can be traced as far back as Egypt, back to the great Library of Alexandria where scrolls were housed by the famous librarian, mathematician, Philosopher and astronomer, Hypatia. Within the library were scrolls of the book of thoth which is said to contain texts written by Thoth, the Egyptian god of knowledge and writing. The illustrations of the tarot cards at the time are said to contain secret teachings which is presented by the major Arcana that represents a course in personal and Spiritual Development.
The minor Arcana appears later in time and has history in different areas of the world   In the Fourteen hundreds Italian Aristocrats use the cards called “trionfi” to play a game called “Il trionfos”. Artists were commissioned to create the cards that were either hand-painted or printed on wood blocks. Players took the themes shown on the cards and composed poems about each other. One of the earliest decks that still exist is the Visconti Tarot that was commissioned by the Duke of Milan in the mid 1400 that was printed on gold and silver foil.
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Tarot cards also existed in areas of Asia such as India. It is hypothesized that cards were brought over to Europe by the Knights of Templar; there were also suggestions that the cards were brought by Romani travelers from the east to Europe in the Middle Ages. Tarot also appeared in Islamic playing cards from a card game in the 14th or 15th Century that was popular among the wealthy and higher class. One deck was called the Mamluk deck that had an important influence in Tarot cards today. The deck consisted of four suits: the coins, the cups, the swords and polo sticks, as well as 10 numbered cards and 4 Court cards per suit. However, It is only assumed that this card game was used for fortune-telling.
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In Spain, the Spanish nobility in the fifteenth century played a game called Juego de Naypes that came with 49 cards. These cards specifically were used to tell fortunes and reveal Secrets especially in the matters of love. These cards were divided into four suits that were based on women. These suits were called maiden's, wives, widows and nuns and were used to show what someone loved or desired most. Each card would have a verse or poem that had the same amount of lines as the card number. These cards began to be used by fortune tellers and were laid out in a similar way as modern tarot spreads today.
The most common tarot card deck known today is the Rider -Waite-Smith Tarot which was developed in 1909 by Arthur Edward Waite, who commissioned Pamela Colman Smith an artist and Theatrical designer to create the deck. Smith produced 78 paintings which became the cards of the Tarot deck; the deck was then published under the London company William Rider and son in 1910. The deck became noticeable for it's storytelling scenes that were depicted in the major Arcana as a way to convey their meanings. This design allowed readers to read the card intuitively and since the original publication of the deck a number variations have been created since then. And while many have made different designs and types of Tarot deck, the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck is one of the more popular cards today.
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The Cards
Standard Tarot decks consist of seventy-eight cards, divided into two groups called the Major and Minor Arcana, the word Arcana meaning Secret. The major arcana consists of 22 cards, and the minor consists of 56 cards. The major arcana often reflects events in your life that are important and long lasting, “major” events in your life. While the minor arcana often depicts day to day events. It can also be seen as aspects that can affect you more personally in comparison to the minor arcana that may not.
The major arcana is numbered from 0 to XX or twenty. It follows the journey of the fool all the way to the completion of the world. Unlike the minor arcana, the major arcana does not correspond with the suit of playing cards, they slightly vary depending on the deck. The minor arcana correspond with the suits in traditional playing card decks as well as the four elements of water, fire, air and earth.
The suits
There are four suits in the minor arcana that are numbers from 1-10 with the Ace being the first card and the court cards known as the page, the knight, the queen and the king of the suits in traditional tarot decks.
The Wands are often associated with the suit of clubs and are represented by the element of fire, it is also a representation of your higher self or your higher realm, or in other words the spirit. They are also associated with the season of spring and in terms of time represent days. The qualities of the wands are elements such as action, creativity, energy, enterprise, intuition, hope and potential. In astrology they are represented by the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius that are also fire signs.
The cups are associated with the suit of hearts and are related to the element of water and represent a person’s emotions. In terms of timing it is associated with the months And is associated with the season of Summer. The qualities of the cups contain such keywords such as, love, relationships, happiness, harmony, sensitivity, emotion and fulfillment. In astrology they are represented by the zodiac signs of cancer, pisces and scorpio.
The swords were associated with a suit of Spades and are related to the element of air and represent a person's mental plane. In terms of timing the cars can be associated with weeks and are associated with the season of autumn or fall. The swords represent qualities such as ideas, communication, conflict struggle , separation resolution and change. In astrology they're represented by the zodiac sign of Gemini Libra and Aquarius.
The Pentacles are associated with the suit of diamonds and are related to the element of Earth And represent a person's physical self. The Pentacles can be associated with the timing in terms of years and is related to the Season Winter. The storage represents keywords such as money, work, talent, reputation, achievements, stability and material wealth. In astrology they are represented by the signs of Taurus Virgo and Capricorn.
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garadinervi · 10 months
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From Mosab Abu-Toha: «Do'a Al-Masri, my colleague at the Edward Said [Public] Library, got killed today w/ her family in an [Israeli] airstrike. In a last message after my release, she texted me, "You're strong. Don't give up."»
(image via Edward Said Public Library – Gaza – YVS)
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skullshoal · 11 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
tagged by @plaidypus! thank you bestie i love talking
Three Ships: this is gunna be so embarrassing. Sorry. I haven't been obsessed with a fandom in a while so the real problem is all I think about are my oc's
I'm currently spinning Spite and Shadowheart from Baldurs Gate 3 in mind constantly I can't even get into it this will turn into a post about them.
Basic answer but I want Stede and Blackbeard from Our Flag Means death to be happy together forever. I haven't started the second season yet because I'm rewatching the first with Benji.
First Ever Ship: guuuuhhhhhh. I cared about some before this but probably the first one I ever obsessed about with Edward and Bella from twilight SORRY IT WAS MIDDLE SCHOOL. I WENT TO A MIDNIGHT RELEASE PARTY AT A WALMART.
Last Song: Strawberry Blond by Mitski
Last Movie: Five nights at Freddy's..........
Currently Reading: Ok so like a year ago I bought How to Weep in Public by Jacqueline Novak from thriftbooks and i've gotten a few chapters in but haven't finished cause. Life Explodes. I started reading The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden about two weeks ago from my library cause I finished Namoi Novik's Spinning Silver and I was desperately googling books similar to it cause I loved it but then I had a hold on A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas at my library and wasn't expecting it soon cause there was multiple holds ahead of me and then it suddenly was waiting for me so now I have to read that in 2 weeks or else. So the answer is too many books
Currently Watching: I just finished Scavenger's Reign last night and It Made Me Crazy. Other than that like I said I'm rewatching Ofmd slowly
Currently Consuming: Just finished eggs and coffee
Currently Craving: Nothing cause I just ate but that's the problem my birthday is monday and I CAN'T DECIDE what I want to eat as a special birthday meal.
tagging: @krshush @benjamindisco @starsnot @starlightknight @peppermint-prince and whoever else wants to do it idc thanks for reading i love you
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dreamofstarlight · 1 year
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ORIGINAL CAPTION: Mrs. John F. Kennedy, (right) waits with her brothers-in-law, Senator Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., (left) and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, (center), in the latter's office in the Justice Department, in order to make her first public statement since the late President's assassination. She said she has received nearly 800,000 letters of condolence and that all of them would be placed in the President Kennedy Memorial Library at Charles River, Massachusetts.
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queer-triple-a · 1 year
A Family History
Hello All!
Todays story, just like last week, was sent into me. The person who emailed me these images (and links to the libraries where she found them) had been doing research on her family history. This included finding obituaries of her ancestors. In those obituaries a story about family and love made itself clear to her.
Below are the documents she emailed me. I've also included the comments she left for me alongside them. They're listed as archival notes.
I have bolded any text which she highlighted in the images.
Content Warnings:
Environmental Homophobia
Assumed Heterosexuality
Mentions of death (many)
This is also posted on my website
Family Documents
Archival Note: Obituaries are abridged of names which are not needed to give a full picture of the story.  
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George Osborne was listed by official reports as killed in the battle at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff on October 19th, 1861, following injuries to the chest. He will join in heaven those who have passed before him He is survived by his wife, Jane Osborne, and his mother.
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On October 24th, 1861, Benjamin Seymour lost his life to disease. He was injured in valiant fighting during the Battle of Ball’s Bluff three days before he died. His earthly body will be moved to its final place of rest on October 28th. He will be laid to rest beside his childhood friend George Osborne who preceded him in death by three days. He is survived by his wife, Susan Seymour, and their two children, William and Lucretia. He will be missed by his family and community.
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William Seymour was killed in a tragic accident on September 28th, 1879. From a young age, his life was defined by his father's service and dedication to the United States of America. Benjamin Seymour preceded his son in death after an injury fighting for the Union in the Civil War.
William's mother ensured he knew the courage of his father and supported William's decision to join the Army at age 18. William Seymour returned from the Army 2 years later. He continued his public service by taking a seat in the City Council. William Seymour is preceded in death by his father and paternal grandparents. He is mourned by his community and family, including his mother, Susan, his sister Lucretia, and his godmother Jane Osborne.
A ceremony celebrating William's life and mourning his loss will be held on October 2nd at One PM. He will be buried in Hayward’s Military Cemetery as his father was before him.
Archival Note: Neither woman remarried.  The 1890 census lists them as living in the same home. Lucretia (William and Susan’s daughter) does marry a man named Edward Clyburn and had 3 children with him.
Below are 2 other articles where we can get a little more insight into these women after their husbands died.
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The factory girls are managed by Jane Osborne, the Widow of the late George Osborne, who gave his life in the Civil War. Mrs. Osborne has managed the third floor, where shirts have been assembled since the war. Thirty years ago, the factory had the honor of making clothing for soldiers in the war. Now they make ready-made shirts for men. The factory produces hundreds of articles a day, many under the supervision of Mrs. Osborne. Her dedication to the company and the community would have made her husband proud.
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Among the women present were Susan Seymour and Jane Osborne. Both women are widows of the war. Though Mrs. Osborne has been a working woman for many years, Susan Seymour has used her late husband’s pension to support her family. At the celebration, she said, “This memorial will be wonderful for those of us who lost someone in the war. My love [Jane Osborne] and I will surely use this as a place to pay respects to the men we lost.”
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On August 3rd, 1913, Susan Seymour was reunited with her husband in heaven after suffering a stroke. Susan Seymour had been a pillar of the social scene of Hayward up until her passing. She was a member in good standing with several local social groups, including the Women's Christian Temperance Union. 
Mrs. Seymour was not a stranger to life’s challenges. She lost her parents when she was young, and her husband Benjamin gave his life in the civil war. Her military pension hardly made up for the sacrifice of her husband, but Susan was able to sustain her two children and herself. She remained in her husband’s home until the tragic loss of her son, William, in 1879. She then moved to the north end of town and petitioned the court to allow herself and fellow military widow Jane Osborne to own a simple one bedroom house. 
Mrs. Seymour continued to be an active member of several social groups as well as a doting grandmother. Susan Seymour was known by all to be kind, caring, and dependable. She was an honest woman who held respect in the community. In the absence of a husband to serve, she served the children near her. In her spare time, she was known to help make clothing for those in our community who could not afford it. 
Susan Seymour is survived in life by her friend Jane Osborne, her daughter Lucretia Clyburn, her Son-in-law Edward Clyburn, and three grandchildren. She will join in heaven those who have passed before her, including her parents, her husband Benjamin Seymour, and her son William Seymour. Susan Seymour’s funeral service will be held on August 5th at Hayward’s Baptist Church. She will be laid to rest in the church’s cemetery. Any gifts meant for the family should be sent to her friend Jane Osborne who is assisting in the settlement of her estate.
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Jane Osborne passed away from a sudden heart attack on August 7th, 1913. She died in her home in the company of her family friend, Lucretia Clyburn née Seymour. Born and raised in Hayward, Jane married George Osborne in 1859. She was widowed during the Civil War and was never remarried. 
Jane Osborne will be mourned and remembered by the family of Lucretia Clyburn, who was like a daughter to her. She will also be missed by those who she worked with for over 50 years at the William Murray Clothing Factory. She is preceded in death by her husband, George Osborne, and her friend Susan Seymour. 
In compliance with their requests, Jane Osborne will be laid to rest beside her lifelong friend Susan Seymour in Hayward’s Baptist Cemetery. The service will be held on August 10th.
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On Wednesday, May 13th, 1951, Hayward lost a true pillar to the community. Lucretia Clyburn passed away in her home, surrounded by her family. In the wake of her failing health over the past few months, Mrs. Clyburn asked not to be monitored. She lived her final days uninhibited by assessments of her physical well-being. Those near her say she remained herself until hours before her death. An official cause of death will not be released to the public. Lucretia’s children want her mother to be remembered for her life and not for her death. 
A celebration of this life will be held at Haywards Baptist Church on Saturday, May 16th. 
Mrs. Clyburn was preceded in death by her parents, Susan and Benjamin Seymour, her brother William Seymour, her husband, Edward Clyburn, and her lifelong friend Emily Boone. She is survived by her 3 children, 10 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, and 4 great-great-grandchildren. At her request, she will be buried beside her mother in Hayward’s Baptist Cemetery.
Archival Note: The letter below is what convinced me to send in this email. It confirms things you could only sort of see when reading through the other newspapers. I knew there was something between the women in this story, my great aunt had mentioned them to me before. This is more proof than I expected to find.
The article below was published May 20th 1951 in The Hayward Times.
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A letter was discovered while finalizing the estate of Lucretia Clyburn née Seymour. In an attempt to respect her written wishes, it is being published. The publication of this document is happening with the permission of her children and the editor-and-chief of Hayward Times, a close friend to Mr. and Mrs. Clyburn. 
The letter is quoted in it’s exact language below
To my dear friends and family, 
You will not be able to read this letter until I’m gone. If you are reading this while I am still alive, please knock it off. It is to be published when I no longer have to answer for its contents. As many of my friends know, I often claimed to have a secret I would take with me to my grave. I am now in my grave. In an attempt to clear up my own history, as well as to respect the truth of my family's history, I want to share this secret now. 
My mother was a homosexual. She may not have known the word, but she was. Anyone who knew my family when she was alive knew she was widowed when I was a babe. Her friend Jane was widowed the same week. Jane Osborne was a second mother to me. More than that, she was as good as a wife to my mother. If the world were right, my mother, Susan Seymour, would’ve had Jane Osborne’s name on her marriage certificate. If the rumors I heard as a child are to be believed, their husbands were more interested in each other anyway. 
Lots of folks talk about how their parents' marriage acted as an example for their own lives. I don’t remember my mother’s marriage to my father, but she taught me how to love when she was with Jane. Their relationship gave me examples of compromise, patience, trust, and care that served as the foundation of my marriage to Clyde. Jane helped my mother raise her children, and I truly believe she felt the loss of my brother William as if he was her own son. In some ways, he was. My granddaughter Mavis is adopted. I know this fact doesn’t stop my son from loving her. I knew Jane loved me just the same. I knew because she told me so. 
It was an open secret in my household that my mother loved Jane. My late husband Clyde was a family friend and knew this when he proposed to me. He also knew that I had no interest in him. Lots of women laugh when they hear it took Clyde three tries to get me to say yes to his proposal. The true reason I said no is not because I was unsure of Clyde. I was unsure of myself. 
I am also a homosexual. 
Though this may shock some of you, I do not think it will shock any who saw me with my late love, Emily Boone. I found it hard to hide how I felt for her whenever I was able to be in her presence. I grew to love Clyde as much as I could love any man. He knew this and loved me anyway. Do not let it be said our house lacked love. Do not let it be said that Clyde was also a homosexual. He loved me in a way I could not love him back. He appreciated my love for Emily, and he never used my difference as an excuse to treat me poorly. Clyde was a good husband, and this letter should not be used to stain his legacy. 
I loved Emily in a different way. I loved Emily in the way that burns through every part of the body and pulls one soul toward the other. Though I was never wed to Emily Boone, we were as close as two women could be. I have said it many times in the twenty years since she lost her life to cancer, Emily Boone was sent to this world to improve my life and the life of everyone else around her. She knew before she died that I would one day write this letter. Though she never said it, I think she was glad that she would not be around to see the outcome of the letter. I suspect this letter will come as a shock to her family. I apologize to them for the shock, but I will never apologize for loving Emily with all of my heart. She was the best woman in the world, and I will always be grateful that she loved me back. 
There’s a lot of talk right now about homosexuals. This letter isn’t meant to be political, it’s just true. My other mother, Jane Osborne, was a good worker and a true American. She was also homosexual. My love Emily Boone served in World War I and received awards for her service. She was also a homosexual.
As I write this letter, I am only writing about people who have gone before me. This letter should not leave a stain upon any of my living relatives. 
I will leave you with this, my final words for the living world: 
Loving in silence is hard. Living without love is impossible. Be kind to your neighbors. 
Lucretia Clyburn
The publication of this letter in the opinion column of The Hayward Times does not serve as an endorsement of the views expressed within it. In light of the letter, we would like to add the following correction to the obituary of Lucretia Clyburn, née Seymour 
Mrs. Clyburn was preceded in death by her parents, Susan and Benjamin Seymour and Jane Osborne, her brother William Seymour, her husband, Edward Clyburn, and her life partner Emily Boone. She is survived by her 3 children, 10 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, and 4 great-great-grandchildren. At her request, she will be buried beside her two mothers in Hayward’s Baptist Cemetery. 
Paul Hayward
Editor in Chief
Archival Note: Lucretia Clyburn is my great-great grandmother. The letter which Paul Hayward (a family friend) posted in his paper was used as evidence of three of Lucretia's grandchildren (My grandma, her brother, and one of their cousins). They were interrogated during the lavender scare. So was Paul Hayward. All four of them lost their jobs.
My grandma is the one who told me to start looking into these women. She knew her grandmother was gay, and once I showed her this paper she remembered reading it when it was published. My grandma's bisexual, she married my grandfather Howard in 1962. When I came out to her as a lesbian 10 years ago she told me 'you always did remind me of grandma Lucretia.'
I hope you and/or your readers find something worthwhile in their story.
Below I've included a diagram of the people involved in this story in case they get lost with all of the names.
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Thank you all for reading! I'm so honored to be able to help share this story. It stretches further into the future than most of the stories I find, so we are able to see these people described in words we still use today.
I have another story ready for two weeks from now.
Stay queer and take care of yourselves,
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dankusner · 25 days
DALLAS Brochure photo mix-up puzzles council members
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Ad for city manager opening shows wrong downtown skyline
Dallas wants to send out recruiting materials to attract candidates for a new city manager next month.
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But the searchW firm hired by the city to lead the headhunting must ensure it advertises the right city first.
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Several City Council members were puzzled Monday after reviewing a seven-page draft of the job ad brochure.
The cover displayed downtown skyscrapers they couldn’t quite place.
“I hate this photo. I don’t think it’s representative of Dallas,” said council member Cara Mendelsohn during an ad hoc committee on administrative affairs meeting.
“And I had to look at it for quite a few minutes before I realized it actually was the city.”
It wasn’t.
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The cover page from firm Baker Tilly says “City of Dallas” and displays the city’s logo at the top. But a reverse image search of the photo shows that it features towers part of downtown Houston’s skyline, including the Gulf Building, One Shell Plaza building and 71-story Wells Fargo Plaza building.
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City Council members identified a new cover photo that was “identifiably Dallas” among a series of other suggested edits for the booklet’s final version.
“To me, this looks old and dated,” said council member Jesse Moreno, representing parts of downtown Dallas.
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“We have one of the best skylines in the country, and I think we need to be able to highlight that.”
Other pictures inside the booklet had Dallas markers like City Hall, Klyde Warren Park and the downtown Dallas skyline.
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“The first page is a cover page, kind of like the headline,” Edward Williams, a public sector executive recruitment director at Baker Tilly, told the council during the meeting.
“The idea here is that people see something they find of interest, and it captures their attention and invites them to continue reading and hopefully apply at the end of that review.”
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Nicole Berkeland, a Baker Tilly spokeswoman, told The Dallas Morning News on Tuesday that the firm appreciated the council feedback and is “working with the city to update the cover to reflect the unique identity of Dallas”.
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“The selection was sourced from a trusted image library that had tagged the image as representing Dallas,” she said.
Berkeland said the firm used Adobe Stock to find the image and Getty Images confirmed the same picture as Dallas.
Dallas is seeking to find a successor to former city manager T.C. Broadnax, who announced his resignation in February, left in May and is now Austin’s city manager.
Kimberly Bizor Tolbert, previously a deputy city manager and Broadnax’s chief of staff, is Dallas’ interim city manager.
City Council members, who ultimately will hire the next city manager, hope to name a successor before the end of the year.
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Brochure Snafu Is a Red Flag
Obvious errors aside, we find the lack of seriousness and reach in the city manager search troubling
Dallas, we have a problem.
Cities, like individuals, get only one chance at a first impression.
And, if you’re Dallas, the impression shouldn’t be of Houston.
The city of Dallas is on a tight deadline to conduct a search for a permanent city manager to replace T.C. Broadnax, who left to become Austin’s city manager earlier this year.
So this week, Baker Tilly, the company hired for the search, presented a draft of a recruitment brochure for the Dallas Ad Hoc Committee on Administrative Affairs to review.
One problem.
Actually, many problems, starting with the wrong city.
The cover photo featured a skyline of Houston, puzzling Dallas City Council members who quite obviously couldn’t find anything that shouted Dallas.
No Pegasus.
No Reunion Tower.
No American Airlines Center or those big, expensive designer bridges over the Trinity River.
Dallas is a financial center and sports and real estate hub with world-class airports and a business-friendly community.
It is the land of the deck park and home to a respected Arts District with an embarrassment of architectural riches.
Even that wedge of cheese that we call City Hall is iconic — and definitely more relevant — than a bunch of Houston skyscrapers.
And as a final affront, the tagline on the cover read:
“Lead a new era of service delivery excellence, effectiveness, and a brighter Dallas for all.”
From city hall in the Bayou City?
We understand embarrassing miscues, but this one suggests a basic problem with the city’s search lacking a level of seriousness and reach.
Overall, the draft document focused on aesthetics with limited discussion of goals, qualifications and credentials, which should be the cornerstone of the search.
This editorial board has urged a comprehensive nationwide search with some specific requirements beyond the stuff anyone can find on a corporate recruitment website for midlevel managers.
This episode leaves us to wonder whether simply advertising for a top executive with a document that might be better associated with a corporate relocation pitch than a city manager search is the way to go.
Granted, public agencies have hiring boxes to check, but isn’t beating the bushes for a short list of possibilities and approaching them directly a better idea than asking executives to self-select?
This is a transformational job at a pivotal time for Dallas.
Don’t blow it.
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