#edward cullen x witch reader
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toadstown · 2 months ago
My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450
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caffieneaddictt18 · 4 months ago
The Teacher at Forks High School
My heels click on the linoleum floor as I walk through the halls, lesson plans in hand.
"Ms. Duskbloom!" An off-pitch voice rang off the lockers lining the walls, the sound of rubber squeaking on wet floor.
"I have no idea how you are walking around in those shoes! With the rain and the wet floors! How do you do it?!" The choir teacher, Mrs. de la Rouche, wraps her cardigan tighter around her midsection. She looks almost expectant for an answer.
"Well... lots of practice." I let my old UK accent slip a little.
"Oh! I almost forgot! You sound so... American!" She gives a small shrug with a smile still plastered on her wrinkled face. "Well!" Her smile drops, "I do have to go prepare the classroom for the students. Talk to you later!" The older woman in her not-so-sneaky sneakers squeaked back to her classroom, shutting the door behind her.
A sigh of relief leaves me. It is almost suffocating to talk to her. She never seems to have anything nice to say... anything actually nice that has no underlying tone of condescension. I approach my classroom and swing the door open. The lingering scent of incense permeates the air, mixing with the petrichor in a dance.
I swing open the windows, and light some incense in the windowsill of the room. I sit at my desk and check the time. 7:13am. 47 minutes until class. I brush up on my lesson plans for religious studies. Periods 1 and 3 are studying post-theistic and naturalistic religion, periods 2 and 4 are studying ancient religions, and periods 5-6 are doing a creative writing piece based on the song In The Flood by Oleska Lozowchuk and Ariana Gillis. No worries about 7th period. Maybe I'll bring out some Fleetwood Mac or Stevie Nicks... I did love Practical Magic. Oh, but lo-fi is very popular... maybe I will find a playlist of lo-fi.
Now, to put together the final bits. Just need to edit the final posts for the online chats and post them, get the homework printed off, and finish the slides...
I sigh and leave my seat at the front of the class. I need a coffee... or a tea. Tea sounds nice. I grab the mug I leave in the classroom and heat up the kettle. I grab my sugar and milk from the mini fridge that's hidden under the counter. I grab my favorite tea from the cupboard and add the leaves to the mug before pouring the steaming water over them. I add the milk and sugar when the water seems to be an acceptable height and stir it while I mosey over back to my desk, tea materials put away. I sit and take a sip of my drink before I set it down, the spoon still stirring it, almost as if it remembers my movements.
First step, send the homework to be printed off. It's going to take a while. May as well get started on putting on the finishing touches of the slides. Remember the slides describing the classes... the slide describing the grading system... slide for classroom rules. Fantastic. I check on the homework printing process and it seems almost done, so I get up and grab my tea for the walk to the copy room. I stir my tea while I walk to the copy room, manila folder tight under my arm.
I take a sip as I walk in, lowering the cup and looking at the number of copies. I neatly shuffle the stack to fit into the folder and grab the folder & cup with my now still spoon. My heels click as I hurry back to the classroom, 2 of the 3 tasks done. I set the homework down on my desk and check the time. 7:48. 12 minutes till class. Twelve minutes until the first class of the year. I only need to edit the online post... I quickly get to work finishing the last edits of the online post. I finish the edits and quickly post it to the classroom board. I sit back in my chair, and take the last sip of my tea.
Right as the bell rings.
And about a dozen kids come flooding in.
"I know my seating chart is unorthodox, but I prefer to learn when I am comfortable. Take a seat wherever you like, but I will change you on a need-by-need basis so sit next to people you will actually work with." I gesture to the loveseats, couches, and chairs surrounding little coffee tables, about 5 to every table.
The teens filter in and find their seats.
"We are going to wait a few minutes before class starts, just for the few remaining stragglers to walk in." I go through the students and set my mug down in the sink.
I go to the incense holder and light a stick of lavender incense. "You are welcome to do whatever you like in this time, but no leaving unless you need to use the restroom. Then please grab a pass on the way out." I gesture to the passes dangling by the door.
I check the time, about 8:06. "Okay, class!" I get off my chair and sit on the stool in the presenting space, crossing my legs. "My name is Ms. Duskbloom or Twyla. I live on the outskirts of town, but I will answer emails efficiently because I have nothing else to do." A few students laugh as I click a button on the remote that triggers the projector in the room and start the slideshow.
"Now, we have a few universal rules for whatever class of mine you take. I don't like rules so there are not many," I click to the next slide. "1. If you have to go to the bathroom, feel free. Just take a hall pass. We have a few teachers that are a little... stringent on that. I personally don't care." I look at everyone just to make sure they understood. "2. Do not distract your peers. You can listen to music, do things for different classes, take a nap, I don't particularly care. Just don't distract your peers. 3. We will be having hot drinks available around the winter months. If you want to have a drink, leave a mug or cup you are okay with leaving at school. Any questions?"
I glance out at the class and wait. One student slowly raises their hand. "Yes, Mr...?"
"Eric. Eric Yorkie. Why do we not have to ask to go to the bathroom?" He leans forward, elbows on his knees. The notebook in front of him already has notes. These are only the rules...
"Mr. Yorkie, it's disruptive to the environment of the classroom if every time someone had to go to the restroom, they asked. You are all in high school. I trust you enough to know yourselves best. If this rule is abused, I will have you ask. This also applies to another topic that I did not include in the rules. If you have a family emergency, or you need to take a call for whatever reason, feel free to step out and take the call or deal with your business. You determine your learning in my class." I look out at all of the students. "Also, this is the one day I take attendance. After that, I will mark everyone as here unless you give me notice before leaving and then it will be an excused absence, and therefore not affect your record. There are no unexcused absences or tardies in my class. You either are here, marked as here, or excused to be absent."
Another boy shot his hand up. As I made eye contact with the young man, he took his hand down. "So you said we could do anything as long as we don't disturb our peers..." I raise my eyebrow. Bold... didn't even get acknowledged before speaking... "And that we get hot cocoa and hot drinks during winter..." He had a sheepish smile.
"I did." My eyebrow rises on my face, as the tension seems to grow.
"Does this mean we can eat in class?" He finishes, shrugging. He looks at Mike Newton, looking for support. Mr. Newton seemed to agree with his friend's sentiment and tried to get all of the students to agree.
"What is your name?"
"Last name... Crowley?" I check the attendance sheet, "I know another man by the name of Crowley. A chivalrous fellow... Mr. Crowley-"
"Mr. Crowley." I subtly cast a spell to show him I am the dominant in the classroom. "As long as you have enough to share, or you are good at hiding your food, you may eat. If you leave a mess, you clean it up. If you don't clean it, you don't eat in here. Understood?"
He nods his head and sits back in the chair. "Good. Last question. Can't stay on this slide all day."
A girl's hand rises into the air.
"Yes, Ms...?"
"Weber, ma'am. Angela Weber."
"Not old enough to be a ma'am yet, Ms. Weber. What is your question?"
"What does homework look like?"
"What a perfect segway into the next topic. Now this is also universal for all of my classes." I click to the next slide. "Homework. It is literally impossible to fail this class. We have 3 different methods. In-class participation. Pretty self-explanatory. Homework, also self-explanatory. Online discussions. Now, I understand that most of the teachers here do not use online platforms, but I do. If that bothers you, that is okay. You don't have to do them. Grading is based off of what you choose to do for homework. In-class participation counts for 50 percent of your grade. As does homework. And the online discussions, should you choose to participate, is also 50 percent of your grade." A few students jaws dropped. This is a foreign concept, it seems. To have a teacher who wants you succeed.
I drop the gentle smile that has been lingering on my face and stand up, "Every test you take is extra credit. Every bit of homework over the amount to reach an A in this class is extra credit. I am here to make sure that you are able to graduate without experiencing severe burnout or having to scramble to finish the class. I am your teacher. I am here to help. Also, I have a study period for seventh period. It is a free-range deal. If you need to attend the study hall to catch up with a class, I can write you a note, but you do have to tell me. If you don't have anything to do for 7th period and you want to hang out here, you are free to." I scan the group of children that seem as though I have dropped the world at their feet, and they are scrambling to make sense of it.
This is what I am supposed to do. Help them excel. Help them with their world.
"Any questions?" I sit back on the stool, crossing my ankles this time.
A few students shook their heads, just grateful to have this grading system.
2 hands raised, one after the other. "First hand up, what is your name?"
"Edward Cullen."
"Mr. Cullen, what is your question?"
"No other teacher grades like this. Why do you?"
"I find that this system allows for multiple paths to success, and as my entire job is to facilitate your successes and strengthen all of you, this is the most effective way to help. People eventually lose motivation when they stay at the bottom for so long. I don't want anyone left to be a bottom-feeder. Every single person has potential. Sometimes, we just need help with it. Second hand up, what is your name?" I turn to face the woman on the chair next to the table that held Edward but did hold Angela and their group of friends.
"Bella Swan."
"Ms. Swan, what is your question?"
"All tests are standard for school curriculum to judge where we are at in the class. Why do they count as extra credit?"
"Because I hate tests. Third hand!" I stare at the blonde woman in class, sitting with Edward Cullen.
"Rosalie Cullen."
"Ms. Cullen, what is your question?"
"Based on what you said, it is possible for us to get more than 150% in this class. Why make it so easy?"
I smile softly, "I didn't like talking when I went to class, and I got lots of failing grades because I didn't communicate during class discussions. Also, life happens, and it can hold you back or feel like it is. My job is to help you, not put more weight on your shoulders. Should you choose to go for more than 100%, good for you. Personally, I do not care. It is up to you."
"No more questions. This is class-specific stuff now. You are my post-theistic and naturalistic religions. Does anyone know any religions of the like?"
Angela's hand raises. "Ms. Weber?"
"Native American religion?"
"Like our own Quiluette tribe here in Forks, well done. That is ancestral veneration and respect for the natural environment around them. That is a form of naturalistic religion. Are there any others?" My gaze flits across the room, skimming over the students.
"Christianity?" Tylers hand rose, but answered without me calling on him.
"Mr. Crowley, you have begun one of the most interesting conversations of my entire teaching career. Do you know what a monotheistic religion is?" I lean forward, my tea in my hands. I had gotten up and made a new one, the old one cold.
"Ms. Weber! What is a monotheistic religion?"
"A religion that celebrates one god as that religions one and only god. Christianity refers to God with a capital and as the 'one and only true god'."
"Thank you, Ms. Weber. Mr. Crowley, come find me after class." I press the button for us to go to the next slide.
"Post-theistic religions are religions thought to be the end to monotheistic religions or religions with no higher being. Islam is an example of a post-theistic religion that is thought to become greater than Christianity. Buddhism is a post-theistic religion that does not have a higher power but believes in spiritual enlightment to become a better person. We will touch on this for about a third of the year.
Naturalistic religions! Examples?"
Bella raises her hand shyly, as if she's hoping to hide.
"Native American?"
"That is not a religion. That is a culture and a race, but good guess. Their religion is called Ancestral Veneration! Anyone else?"
Another childs hand rose, "What is your name?"
"Charlie. Charlie Smith."
"Ms. Smith. What is your answer?"
"Yes! We have naturalist pagans! Paganism is a broad umbrella term that is frequently used to describe a religion as one that does not uphold the Abrahamic, Judeo-Christian God. Under that umbrella are naturalist pagans, or druids. Typically people who venerate nature instead of the Abrahamic God.” And they are saved by the bell.
“We have a reading on different religions and how they compare to others! Please grab it on the way out!” I turn to Tyler as he is about to leave, “And Mr. Crowley, your attempts at sneaking out of this class are abysmal. Sit, please and thank you.”
He sits, looking nervous, “Now, you aren’t in trouble. I would just like to know if you understand the differences between ‘monotheism’ and ‘polytheism’?”
“Not really…”
I smile, “That’s what I’m here for. If you don’t understand something, can you please write it down, and then talk to me after class or during study period so we can get it figured out. Your classmates love the energy you bring to class. You seem like a good kid. But I can only help if you let me.”
“Ok… Thanks, Twyla.”
“Anytime, Tyler. Now get out of here. You have another class, yes?” I start writing up a note excusing his late arrival, stating that I had held him back for some help.
“Amazing. Here is a note excusing your tardiness to the other class. I shall see you next time.” I hand him the note.
“Yeah. See you next time.”
More children start flooding in for second period as Tyler Crowley leaves my classroom.
Well… they never said it would be easy.
Author’s Cup of Tea:
TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I tell you how! I…. Prepared…. IN ADVANCE! I had some extra time and a want to finish at least this WIP so I did! Also, I got to talking about how Twilight is basically a horror movie in Charlie’s perspective and that gave me the reminder of this aha..haha…. I am so sorry.
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bvbygrl-writes · 5 months ago
Season of The Witch (1)
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Witch!Reader x Edward Cullen
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) is 19 and still trying to figure out the world. She isn't sure of a lot of things but she is sure of one: she's gonna have her cake and eat it too.
A/N: I recently watched the Twilight Saga for the first time and fell in love with it but I noticed there's not a lot of recent fics so I decided to make them! This doesn't follow the twilight series exactly but the elements and settings are still the same. Everyone is aged up (I mean does Edward really need to be tbf). If this gets enough feedback in my inbox and comments I will continue but this is mainly a tester to see how it does!
Warnings: N/A but it will be 18+ at some point most likely. Minors and blanks dni.
Everyone always talks about how hard it is moving in the middle of the school year. But, what they never talk about is how hard it is to move once you’ve just graduated. Friend groups are already established and due to college, no one is looking to meet anyone new until they’re off to whichever university they’ve decided to attend.
You, however, weren’t off to university. You knew it wasn’t right from you. Your parents supported your decision. In fact, they were thrilled…but not for the reasons you originally thought. Your dad wanted to move back to his home town of Forks, Washington and your mom, being a lover of nature, thought it was the perfect change of scenery. According to the conversation they had with you, it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision either. Your dad had gotten a job as head surgeon and your mom had bought a space to turn into the bakery she had dreamed of owning for years. It was something they had been wanting to do for years but due to the fact you were doing so well in school, they hadn’t wanted to rip you away from that. 
Part of you, the part of you that didn’t want to admit it to yourself, wish that they had. Maybe then you’d have a better chance at your 20s not being so lonely in a town that so far on the drive from the airport, seemed to be desolate and void of any youth. But, it wasn’t all bad. With all the greenery and nature, you’d be able to focus on growing your powers more.
You came from a long lineage filled with powerful and strong witches, your mother being one of them. On your thirteenth birthday, your powers finally presented themselves and everything began to make sense for you. You had always felt different from your peers and having the confirmation that you were healed something in you. Your mom had been mentoring you and through her, you had learned so much over the years. As your eyes gazed out the rain littered car window, focusing on the ocean of trees that passed in a blur, one thing she had said stuck out to you the most. ‘A witch is at her strongest when surrounded by nature’. 
Every weekend, she used to drive 6 hours there and back to a small patch of woods outside of the city. But now, you had access to the forest in any direction you looked.
“I’m thinking of starting a garden in the yard, (Y/n/n), what do ya think?” your mom asked, causing your head to turn in her direction. Her body was turned back to face you, the small wrinkles near her mouth creasing as she grinned. She always had an air of vibrancy and brightness to her that made you question if you were even related sometimes. It was like you could practically feel her emotions buzzing off of her and piercing into your heart. You hummed mulling over your response, turning your attention back to your window, watching as the trees slowly began to turn into homes the further you drove into town.
“Sounds good.” you responded. Your limited word choice was something you had gotten from your father. He wasn’t as introverted as you were, but he only spoke when he found the conversation particularly interesting. And when it came to his wife, he found everything interesting.
“I think that’s a great idea, honey! There’s a lot of space at the house and I know if anyone can make it magical, it’s you.” You watched in the rear view mirror as his eyes flickered towards your mom, full of admiration. Your mom giggled at his small joke, shoving his shoulder in a playful manner. “Maybe in the spring, you could get some fruit growing, use it in your bakery.”
“Why wait till spring? I could do it now with the flick of a finger.” she mused, holding out her palm. Golden sparks hovered above it, swirling in a circular motion. Your dad smiled at her, shaking his head as he pulled into a driveway which you assumed was your new home. Sticking your head out the window, you looked up at it in awe.
In the city, your house was a lot smaller. Lots of identical homes sandwiched far too close together for your liking. But this house, it had character. Faded green framework, a bay window, and a semi wrap-around porch. You noticed a window on the second story, a small balcony attached to it. In your mind you had already claimed it. The slamming of the van door broke you out of your brewing daydream. Looking on the lawn, you internally groaned as you saw people. Just what you wanted to see after a 7 hour car ride. Before you could duck down and pretend you couldn’t exist, your dad turned his head, shaking it as if he could predict what you were about to do.
“(Y/n), come meet my friends!” he called to you. Sighing, you pulled your cardigan closer to your body before hopping out the back seat, stretching your arms as the snap, crackled, and popped. You were finally able to get a good look at the people on your lawn. An older white man with brunette hair, and a thick mustache. Another in a wheelchair, with long, thick black hair, a cowboy hat perched on his head. You recognized them from the pictures from your dad’s office. “These are my old buddies, Billy Black and Charlie Swan. We grew up together!” he explained. Putting on your best smile, you stuck your hand out, shaking each of their respective hands.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you both after hearing dad talk my ears off about you for years.” You joked, causing both men to chuckle. 
“If it makes you feel any better, your dad’s always bragging about ya, kid.” Charlie said. You smile slightly at your dad as he tells you that. Your dad has never been a stranger of telling you how proud he is of you, so it doesn’t shock you that much but it’s still nice to hear it.
“Enough chatting, how’s bout I grab some beers from the cooler and we can start unpacking this uhaul? We’ve got some time but let me tell ya’, the Mrs. does not pack light.” Your dad speaks over his shoulder as he makes his way to the trunk. You hear the sound of ice shuffling as he grabs a few beers out, cracking them open on the side of the car.
“Everything has value, David! You’ll be thanking me when it saves you the money!” Your mom says from the open door, huffling as she grabs another box from the porch, carrying it further into the house. Shaking your head, you smile some. At least some things haven’t changed.
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After a while, you finally got all of your boxes into your new room. The one with the balcony as you had hoped. All your heavier furniture was still on the lawn as Mr.Black had informed you his son would be coming soon to bring it up for you. In the meantime, you had time to put your other things up. Standing in the middle of the room, you close your eyes, focusing your mind for a bit as your body begins to levitate, just barely hitting the high ceilings. Waving your hand, your rolled up rug unfolds placing itself in the middle of your room. You squint your eyes until you’re able to locate the box labeled ‘books’, hovering your hand in their direction. You move it to the built-in bookshelves on the wall, all of your books organizing themselves perfectly. Magic has its perks. 
You decide to go for the books next until there’s a knock on your door startling you. You fall to the ground with a loud thud, groaning as the door swings open. Looking up, your body grows warm at the sight in front of you. There’s a taller boy around your age, shirtless with your mattress under one of his arms. Due to his lack of shirt, you’re able to take in every inch of his chiseled chest and the tattoo on his arm. You recognized the symbol from one of the spellbooks your mother showed you but couldn’t recall the meaning. As you pry your eyes away from his torso, you’re able to focus on his face which is somehow even better than what you were just looking at. Gorgeous brown eyes, thick brows, and pretty pink lips. He was somehow rugged and cute at the same time but you had no time to focus on that as he dropped your mattress on the ground, pulling you up with ease.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a concerned tone. You looked away in embarrassment, clearing your throat as you backed away from his hold.
“Fine. Just tripped over this stupid rug.” You mumbled. He looks you up and down, laughing as he returns to the mattress, lifting it with ease. Almost too much. He leans it against the wall furthest from you before returning to the doorway. He smiles at you, throwing you a subtle wink.
“Just in case. I’ll be back with the rest, try not to hurt yourself in the meantime.” He teases, gone just as quickly as he came. You stand frozen in place, listening as he makes his way down the stairs, the sounds of his steps fading. Once you were sure he was gone, you walk over to the balcony doors, stepping out into the chilly fall air. You let out a groan as you lean over it, playing with the idea of jumping off. At least you wouldn’t be able to embarrass yourself any further. 
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vanteguccir · 1 year ago
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      𝒋𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒆 x mikaelson!reader
SUMMARY: When Edward decides to leave Bella behind for her own safety, Y/N take the lead to take the Cullens to the town where she grew up, with her only concern being how to explain for them her real there.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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"Edward, if you really want to disappear... I know a place we can go." Y/N said, looking directly into the mind reader's eyes, hoping to see some kind of emotion there.
Y/N could imagine the mess that was in Edward's head, the fact that he had, or rather, wanted to leave Bella behind for the girl's own safety was killing him from the inside, and despite feeling angry at the quick choice he made, she couldn't judge him. Y/N could never see herself away from Jasper, just imagining the possibility made her frozen heart hurt.
"Where?" Rosalie chimed in, looking at Y/N waiting for her response.
"New Orleans." She responded a few seconds later, feeling everyone's eyes focus on her.
Everyone in the Cullen family had a story that began at their birth and, often, ended with their last breath before becoming creatures of the night, stories of when their surname was something else, not Cullen.
Each one took their own time to reveal this story to the others, but it was never difficult for Y/N, after all, her life was normal before anything else... Right?
The vampire was born in London, but at the age of thirteen she moved to New Orleans with her mother after her parents divorced for reasons that Y/N didn't know to this day. Her mother chose New Orleans based on the idea that her parents, Y/N's grandparents, lived there and her ancestors came from there too.
From the age of thirteen, Y/N discovered the culture of New Orleans and grew up surrounded by it: street parties, blues players on every corner, restaurants open 24 hours a day, bright night bars and so on. At least that's what Y/N told her new family.
The truth is that the girl came from a lineage of extremely strong and well-known witches in the supernatural world, the Mikaelsons. Anyone who is smart enough would have a question mark in their mind now, after all, the Mikaelsons who are still alive are all vampires and vampires don't procreate, right? Right!
But what if part of the story has never been told? Not in bedtime stories, at least.
Niklaus' father was not the only affair Esther had, the mother of the Mikaelson family had a thing for supernatural beings and, therefore, in addition to werewolves, Esther became involved with a great wizard at the time, from the Bishop lineage.
Wizards weren't as well known at the time, as everyone focused on the female image within witchcraft, sometimes with curious eyes and sometimes with evil ones, but that doesn't mean they didn't exist, and Esther not only found one, she had a daughter with him.
Five years before Esther decided to turn her children into bloodthirsty creatures, she gave birth to Agnes Bishop-Mikaelson. Knowing the gigantic problem it would create if she showed up at home with another daughter in her arms, after her 9-month "trip", and that the child was not Mikael's, Esther decided to leave Agnes with her father and pretend that she never existed, completely removing the name Mikaelson from the child.
And it worked, no one from the Bishop family ever looked for her throughout her life and eternity, but that doesn't mean that the story of having remnants of a Mikaelson in the family tree wasn't passed on.
And Y/N, from the age of thirteen, grew up surrounded by infinite grimoires of her lineage, listening to stories told by her grandparents and mother, finally being able to understand why she could make fire light out of nowhere or objects levitate.
But although the girl saw her magic as a salvation, it was her downfall as well.
After the death of her grandparents, her mother became lost in grief and loneliness, going to the other side of the veil a few months later, leaving Y/N alone in a world of supernatural beings who would do anything to kill her if they knew about her great-great grandmother.
It didn't take much for the story of Esther's secret daughter to be revealed, and consequently, the existence of Y/N. Beings from all over the United States began to appear to the girl, wanting her life in exchange for revenge, and then her ancestors began to haunt her dreams trying to help her, but Y/N didn't understand that, and the situation only left everything worse for her.
Until one day, a charming man wearing a suit that was too expensive to wear on any given day appeared at the door of her house, offering protection and help in exchange for explanations.
Elijah was extremely helpful after understanding what his mother did to the Bishop lineage, being grateful that Y/N had no reservations in showing him all the grimoires and diaries of her ancestors, revealing the complete truth.
And with that Y/N was welcomed by the Mikaelson family, being able to train her magic with Esther's grimoires too, despite not having any physical help, since Kol, one of the Mikaelson brothers, was sleeping in some kind of coffin and Freya was dead, or something like that.
But it was one night when Y/N was walking alone through the streets of New Orleans, eager to return to the home of who she considered family, when everything was stolen from her.
An old and strong enemy of Esther appeared accompanied by reinforcements and not even with all of Y/N's still little knowledge would she have been able to stop them, the girl had only recently started studying strong magic and blamed herself for it, despite it not being her fault.
The girl was kidnapped and taken to a warehouse far from the entrance to New Orleans, surrounded by orchards, where she was tortured for hours, or was it days?
With the little strength she had left, Y/N was able to escape a few meters away from the warehouse, and it was there that she was found by Esme, who at the time was looking for fragrant apples to decorate the counter of her temporary home with her family.
Y/N could never be able to thank Esme enough for saving her life that day, if it weren't for the eldest, she would not have survived, already extremely weak and with fractures that caused irreversible damage to her organs, which would only lead to a slow death. Therefore, when Esme arrived at his house suddenly with the young woman in his arms, Carlisle spared no time before transforming her.
And then Y/N Cullen's new life began. She knew that hiding the whole truth wasn't right, but the last thing she wanted was to put the Cullen family in danger, already putting them at risk enough just by being with them.
"Are you sure you're ready to go back there, my love?" Jasper's question interrupted Y/N's triggered memories, and the girl was momentarily grateful that, with her magic, she could block Edward's reading.
"Yes, it's time to face those fears. Pack your bags, we'll leave at nightfall." Y/N informed decisively, turning around and going to her shared room with Jasper, finally being able to take a deep breath and organize her mind.
She needed to tell them before they put a foot in New Orleans, the girl knew that Niklaus would know of her arrival within seconds and she definitely didn't want to cause any more drama.
Y/N took out her phone and opened the contacts, her finger hovering over Elijah's contact, sighing and closing her eyes tightly before locking the screen, her last meeting with the Mikaelsons wasn't one of the best; Niklaus demanded that Y/N return home, despite her type of vampire being different, while Rebekah blamed herself for not having protected her enough before that night and Elijah tried to calm the whole situation, also begging her with his eyes to return to them, they missed her company, but she knew she couldn't, not at the time.
The girl shook her head, trying to shake off the thoughts, and picked up her and Jasper's bags, starting to organize the piles of clothes that she would take for both of them.
"There, everyone's ready?" Emmett asked after loading all the bags into the four cars and closing the trunk of the last one. Everyone responded with a simple wave and got into their respective cars, Y/N heading to the car she would use with Jasper, getting into the passenger seat and waiting for the long journey to begin.
"Baby, what's going on? Ever since you decided to take us to New Orleans you've been quiet. You know if you don't want to go there, we can aways choose another place-" Jasper began, his right hand on Y/N's thigh as his eyes remained on the road in front of him, casting quick glances at his girlfriend.
"No Jas, I'm fine, just thinking... I wasn't completely truthful with you guys about my life before I turned." She said, looking closely at Jasper, waiting to see his reaction, but only received a nod as if to say "you can continue, I'm all ears". "I think it would be better for everyone to listen." Y/N muttered, pulling out her phone and quickly starting a group call with one person from each car.
"Y/N? Unless Jasper lost his hand, I don't see why you're calling us. Your car looks great." Rosalie was the first to answer, being in the car behind Jasper and Y/N.
Y/N let out a laugh while Jasper rolled his eyes, Rosalie could be sarcastic when she wanted.
"Hello to you too, Rose. I'm just calling you all because I think I should tell you everything before we get to New Orleans. I wasn't completely truthful in the life story I told you before." Y/N began, beginning her long and tragic life story, smiling small when she had everyone's attention.
"This is all... Wow." Alice muttered from Edward's car. "How come I didn't see any of this?"
"Like I said, I'm a witch, and even with the transformation, for some reason, my magic wasn't interrupted or broken, in fact it became stronger and I have more control over it, that's why you only see me in some of your visions and Edward only hears some of my thoughts, I decide what you can see and hear." Y/N explained, seeing a sideways smile spread across Jasper's face, he knew she didn't mention him because she didn't hide her emotions from him, she never did.
"I think it's a lot of information to digest in a short amount of time, but we understand why you kept it from us for so long and I'm grateful that you wanted to protect us all." Carlisle took the lead, followed by "uhum's" from everyone, Y/N sighed in relief.
"When we get there, are we going to stay at this Mikaelsons' house or...?" Alice asked, looking out the window at the constantly changing landscape.
"We're going to the house I grew up in, I never sold or rented it. It must be dusty, but I promise it's big enough for all of us."
"Just the fact that I won't need to sleep with Edweirdo makes it good enough for me." Emmett joked, everyone laughing simultaneously, which calmed the tension.
It didn't take long for the traditional "Welcome to New Orleans" sign to appear up ahead.
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, she couldn't imagine the Mikaelsons' reaction to seeing her again, so many years later. And she couldn't lie and say that she wasn't afraid of the Cullens' reaction to seeing what a mess her "other life" was.
The girl quickly took out her phone and opened the message group she shared with the Cullens.
"We arrived in the city that never sleeps, this is my home address, but you can just follow Jasper and I and we'll be there soon."
After sending the text, Y/N started giving Jasper directions to the entrances, trying not to look at the places they passed, as she knew she would get stuck in a memory loop. Finally, after many entrances, the girl saw the house where she spent her adolescence and early youth, smiling small as she felt her eyes fill with tears.
"It's that one over there." She said, pointing to the two-story house with a light pink fence in the front and pastel yellow curtains, just like her grandmother liked.
It wasn't long before the family found themselves unloading the suitcases from the cars and taking them to the living room, Emmett cracking jokes while Esme scolded him and Alice talked about all the clothing and shoe stores she saw on the way there.
A sound of approaching footsteps caught the family's attention, and they looked up to see a blond, green-eyed man approaching with an expression of anger and surprise.
"So it's true?" He spoke up, making Y/N freeze in the middle of the room, her hand dropping the backpack she was holding. "Y/N Bishop-Mikaelson everyone!" The man continued loudly with an ironic tone and sarcastic smile, opening his arms.
"Nik." Y/N whispered, closing her eyes tightly.
"Did you finally remember that you have a family, Y/N? Or did you come to ask for help with some nonsense you got into?" Niklaus asked rhetorically, staring at the entrance where he could see the girl's silhouette.
"Niklaus, please." Y/N spoke, turning and leaving the house, stopping a few meters away from the older man.
The hybrid stopped for a few seconds, analyzing the girl he saw as a daughter before she disappeared from his life, and the only girl Niklaus would set the world on fire if necessary, besides his brothers.
"Why did you come back?" He asked, crossing his arms, as if he was in charge of the city, which in a way is not a lie.
"We were in trouble in Forks and needed some time away." She responded with a sigh, quickly glancing at the Cullens behind her, who were paying attention to the moment without trying to interfere.
"Problems?" Nik paused for a second, a thread of worry passing through his eyes, which was quickly drowned out. "And do you find refuge here?" His nervous tone returned.
"Yes Niklaus, if you don't remember, I grew up here and my entire lineage is from here, I have the right to return to my home." Y/N argued, taking a rigid stance, pointing to her own chest.
"Oh, now New Orleans is your home? Funny how-"
"That's enough Niklaus." A second male voice came before the vision of a dark-skinned man wearing an expensive suit emerged.
"Great, a family reunion! Just what I needed right now." Y/N spoke with false excitement, rolling her eyes.
"Good to see you too Y/N." Elijah spoke, stopping next to Klaus and looking at everyone behind the Mikaelson girl, noticing their uncomfortable expressions at the sudden encounters and barbs exchanged between Nik and Y/N. "Why don't we have dinner at our house with everyone and... talk? We miss you Y/N and it would be great to meet the ones you consider family. If they're important to you, they're important to us too." He finished, sending a quick smile to the Cullens and receiving ones in return.
It would be long months.
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kiiwiigii · 1 year ago
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Alec x Fem! Reader
Summary: Reader is under the impression that her mate, Alec, wants nothing to do with her. He decides to prove her wrong.
Smutty, smut, smut, smut
Blood kink
Dom/Sub vibes
Alec speaking in Italian
I suck at summaries.
Word Count: 3,499
A/N: Requested by the ever lovely @rosedpetal Alec isn't as dark as I wanted him to be, but there's always next time. *wink, wink*
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I remember the moment our eyes met. That luscious pull, full of want and desire. A red string of fate, pulling and pulling until finally, we were right there before each other. I had heard of him, of course. The witch twins had quite the reputation in the vampire world, just how they liked to keep it. 
He simply stared, slightly taken aback and just as surprised as I was. To top it off, we were on opposite sides of what could have easily become a battlefield. I had been called in as a witness for the Cullens. I was somewhat of an anomaly. Only one of three known human and vampire hybrids, including Bella and Edward's child.  
When Aro had extended his hand, it was all over. I was kindly invited to stay in Voltera, with Alec. Everyone was well aware of the fact that the invitation was more of an order, and I accepted. I had wanted to be near him anyways. Who wouldn't want to be near their mate? 
Well, apparently mine. 
I had been here for nearly three months, and he avoided me like the plague. 
When we did speak, our conversations were short and stilted, and he usually wore a pained expression.  
And then I heard the conversation. 
I had been looking through the books on the upper floor of the library, hoping that considering all the books here, there was a section with modern day thrillers. I needed something to keep me sane. 
I heard his voice from below. 
"Master Marcus?" 
"Alec." Marcus answered, voice soft. 
"Is there any way to change it?" 
I backed away from the railing slowly, pressing my back into the shelves. I could still see them both from my position, their silhouettes highlighted by the large fire in the center of the library. 
"This is the second time you have asked me this, Alec." There was a warning in Marcus' tone that I had never heard before. "My answer has not changed." 
"But she's part human!" Alec growled. 
They were talking about me. I clasped my hands over my mouth in an effort to keep quiet, but I couldn't stop the tears. My mate didn't want me. 
Marcus stood suddenly. "Be happy that you have a mate at all, boy." 
Alec suddenly stiffened and looked right at me. Perhaps he smelled my tears, or maybe he finally heard the slow beat of my heart. A flurry of emotions flitted across his face, but I didn't bother to see what he landed on. Instead, I fled, for once using my vampiric speed to seek refuge in my room. 
I've been hiding here for a week now. I think it's been a week; I was already losing track of time. 
"Y/N?" There was a knock at the door, following the sound of Demetri's voice filtering through. 
"You're not naked, are you?" 
The door opened slowly, and Demetri peeked his head in with a cheeky grin, before frowning as he took in the sight of me. I was sure I looked a hot mess, bundled up in a nest of comforters on the floor next to my bookshelves. 
"Hey 'Metri." I sat up, giving him a small smile. 
"Hey, love." He walked over before sitting on his haunches net to me. "Everyone is worried about you. No one's seen you in a week." 
"'M fine." 
He gave me a dubious look and I rolled my eyes and wrapped myself back up in my covers, picking up the book I'd discarded. "I'm fine, Demetri." 
"When was the last time you ate?" 
I paused, thinking and then shrugged. I couldn't remember. I just ate when I felt hungry.  
"Well, we can't very well have you starve. Come on." He stood up and held out a hand. 
"I'm fine, Demetri." 
"And you're a liar, now come on." 
I plopped down in my little nest out of frustration, purposely burrowing myself deeper into the covers. 
"You can't make me." 
"Wow, for someone who's- what? Sixty years old? You're such a child." 
I glared up at him. 
"I'm an adult and can take care of myself." 
"Demetri, what are you doing with my mate?" 
Demetri's back went ramrod straight and I immediately hid under the covers. Okay, maybe I was acting a little bit like a child. I hadn't spoken with Alec since the library incident, and I wasn't very keen to talk to him now. I peeked out from under the covers a little. 
"I'm making sure that Y/N is taken care of." Demetri's voice was neutral, but I could hear the anger lying just underneath. "Something you have been failing to do since she arrived." 
I gasped, wide-eyed. Demetri was treading on very thin ice. I couldn't imagine Alec taking too kindly to being challenged. Alec was quiet for a long moment, tense as he looked at Demetri. 
"I can admit when I am in the wrong."  
The words came haltingly, and the look on Alec's face was caught somewhere between a chastised schoolboy and sucking on a lemon. 
"Thank you for taking care of her in my absence. Please leave, I can take over from here." 
Demetri nodded his head, and casting one last concerned look in my direction, he left. 
Alec looked at me, and I was surprised to see a look of concern on his own face. His next comment took me by surprise. 
"Why are you on the floor, when you have a bed?" 
"I'm aware I have a perfectly good bed. I just prefer the floor." 
"What about the couch?" 
"Not the same." 
"That cannot be comfortable for you." 
"Since when did you care about my comfort?" I snapped. "I'm just a mutt remember?"  
Alec's eyes darkened.  
"Watch your tone girl. You may be my mate, but I will not tolerate disrespect, even from you." 
My shoulders deflated, hiding my face in my hands. "I think it'd be best for me to just leave." 
"No." He followed Demetri's earlier move, and sat down on his haunches, arms resting on his knees. 
"No?" I glared at him. 
"You belong to me. You are my mate, and it is safer for you to be here." 
"Excuse me?? You've made it clear that you don't want anything to do with me." 
"It is simply because you are part human." 
"Simply? Simply? News flash, Alec. You were once a human too!" 
I found myself suddenly on my back, him hovering above me, with his arms caging me in. His eyes turned pitch black.  
"I am all too aware of what I once was." He hissed. 
"I- I can't change what I am." I could feel the tears starting to form and spill over. "If I could, if it would get you to accept me, then I would. But I shouldn't have to." 
Alec jerked back slightly, wide-eyed. 
"You are right." He pressed his forehead to mine. "And if I was a better man, I would not have wished for it." 
He began licking away at my tears and I froze, barely daring to breathe. 
"What- what are you doing?" 
"Taking care of my mate. And you are mine. I will not let you go, and I will make sure that you are taken care of just as the status the mate of an elite guard deserves." I shivered when he finished, giving a small, chaste kiss to my forehead. "It seems that I have much to make up for."  
Alec kissed me then. Slow and soft, pulling me out from the cocoon and sweeping me up to sit on the little couch in my sitting area. I felt oddly exposed as he pulled me in to straddle him, his back leaning into the soft cushions. 
"And you- you accept me? Just like that?" I couldn't disguise the anger in my voice, a little thrown off by our new position but still pissed off. 
There was a long silence as he searched for the proper words. 
"That day, in the library… I had a long talk with Master Marcus. Are you aware of his story?" 
I nodded. If there was something I had learned during my first few short months here, it was that Demetri and Felix were like a group of gossiping teenage girls. 
"Then you can understand his demeanor. He misses her every day, and I know that I have neglected you and treated you rather…" 
"Horribly?" I finished for him, and he smiled. 
"I think horrible is an understatement." 
"I think I must agree." I grumbled. 
He let out a chuckle before letting his eyes roam over me again. "While I hold Master Marcus in high respect, I do not wish to be like him. I do not want to make the mistake of taking you for granted. You were made for me, and I you. The Fates do not make mistakes." 
"Despite my being what I am?"  
I found that hard to believe. 
"Yes." He said quietly, but this time he didn't look me in the eyes. 
I tensed around him, and I felt his grip tighten on my waist. 
He was lying, but perhaps not for the reason I thought. My eyes widened in realization, and I relaxed against him. 
"You know what I think?" I hummed quietly. 
He looked at me from under his lashes, raising his brow ever so slightly, eyes dark with challenge. I should probably tread carefully but fuck it. I let a shaky hand run through his hair and he tilted his head back to look at me, exposing his throat. I let my other hand cup his neck, running my thumb along his jawline.  
"I think that maybe… you're scared. And you have no idea how to handle it. That's what you ended up talking with Master Marcus about, isn't it? Because I'm weaker than a full-fledged vampire. Am I right? You think I can't protect myself." 
Boom. Judging from the look in his eyes and the surprise on his face I had hit the nail on the head. 
"You are oddly perceptive." 
He paused again. 
"I do not wish to lose you. I am sure word has already gotten out that one of the witch twins has a mate. I have basically painted a target on your back." 
"One that I am more than willing to wear, so long as you never treat me like this again." 
He relaxed and began to let his hands wander in light caresses, leaning in to give me another kiss, this one just as soft as the last. 
"Never again." 
I could feel my heart swell. 
"I have missed your presence." He whispered, his lips barely grazing mine. "I have missed seeing you in the castle." Kiss. "Seeing your beautiful face looking around in wonder." Kiss. "Seeing you laugh." Kiss. "And I have missed you. You have no idea how often I have imagined you here." Kiss. "In my arms." Kiss. "And even in my bed." Kiss.  
Woah, woah, woah. What? 
He grinned darkly at the look on my face. "Oh yes, darling. I have imagined you in my bed from the very beginning. In more positions than you could possibly imagine." 
Had I not been pretty much immortal I think I would have died.  
"I have imagined all of the different ways to claim you, and make sure that everyone knows you are mine." He whispered in my ear, nipping at my earlobe before sucking on it softly. 
This is not where I pictured today going. I wriggled a little bit, feeling my nipples harden almost painfully. This was not fair. 
"Careful, love." His voice was strained, and I felt him grow hard beneath me. 
"You started it." I nearly squeaked. 
"And I would like to finish it." 
His hands were cold against my midsection, and I was suddenly very, very aware of the fact that I was dressed only in an oversized t-shirt and panties. He kept his eyes trained on my face, watching for every little reaction. 
"If you don't want this, I can stop." He breathed, rubbing slow circles on my waist with his thumbs. 
"Trying to come up with excuses, Alec?" 
For whatever God forsaken reason I felt like needling him and pushing his buttons. A part of the back of my brain told me that was really fucking dumb, but I wanted to see what he would do. 
He growled and squeezed my waist in warning. 
"I think I recall telling you to watch yourself earlier." 
Oh my.  
"You said to watch my tone." I raised a challenging brow. 
His hands dug into my waist now, and I was certain I would have bruises there in the morning. 
"Amore." Another growl of warning. 
I simply leaned in to kiss him, happy to finally have my mate here with me. Knowing that he didn’t really hate me but wanted to keep me safe. He was just being a dumbass about it. 
He let out a little groan as our lips met. I let my kisses roam downwards, over his cheek and to his neck, nipping and licking. His hands drifted up, thumbing over my nipples before giving them a rather hard pinch. I sucked in a harsh breath, leaning on his shoulder and grinding my hips downward. He let out a pleasured hiss, giving my nipples another pinch and smoothing his thumbs over them. 
"Arms up." He demanded. 
I did as he asked, and he pulled off my shirt. I immediately crossed my arms over my ample bosom, suddenly self-conscious.  
"Hands behind your back, darling." 
I looked at him startled. "What?" 
"I will not have you hiding from me, nor will I repeat myself." 
My heart leapt at his words, gripping my arms tighter. 
"Sorry, it's just…" 
He frowned and slowly took my hands, lowering them down until I was completely exposed from the waist up. 
"You are not to be ashamed, and I will not stand for it. You are my mate. You are stunning." He said softly. 
He ran his hands over my skin again, his lips following right behind with a lightness that I almost couldn't detect. And not in a sexual way, although I could still feel his hardness underneath me, but in a reverent way. Worshipping. He cupped the back of my neck and brought me in for another kiss, deeper this time. 
"Now love, hands behind your back. I will not tell you again." He rasped, one hand sliding around the front of my neck and the other brushing against one of my nipples. 
He gave my neck a light squeeze in warning, his thumb brushing over my jugular. This time I did as I was told, and his lips twisted into a grin that could rival the devil's. 
"Good girl." 
I sucked in a breath. Oh fuck.  
He kept watching me. "Are you okay?" 
I nodded, a little dazed. 
"You have to say it aloud, Y/N." 
"Yes." I breathed. 
"If we need to stop at any point, tell me." 
"You are a fast learner, aren't you?" He leaned in, close to my ear. "I like that." 
His hand left my throat, and he went back to cupping my breasts, kneading them softly before he bent his head and gave one a long lick, right over the nipple. Then he proceeded to suck one into his mouth, teeth edging along the sides. 
"Alec." I moaned, throwing my head back. 
I couldn't help it when my hips started grinding, but Alec immediately put a stop to that. 
"The only pleasure you will get, is what I allow you to have." 
A thrill went through me, and I opened my mouth to protest but it came out as a whine instead when he kissed me, tongue running along my lip and slipping past into my warm mouth. I then let out a shocked moan when his hands traveled further south, slipping his fingers into my panties and coming to rest on my soaked mound.  
He rubbed teasingly, fingers finding my clit. Round and round and round. I squirmed against him, obscenely wet noises coming from below as he slipped two fingers inside me. His fingers began pumping in and out of me, combined with rubbing my clit, I could barely stand it. 
Flushed, I pulled back a little, panting against his lips. 
"Please." I whined. 
"Please what?" 
"I want to hear you say it, Y/N." 
"Alec. Please. Fuck. Me." 
His eyes dilated at the sound of his name.  
Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, I could hear the sound of something ripping, and realized that my panties were torn to shreds and dangling precariously from my hips. My warm, wet heat was exposed to the cool air, and his pants were undone, his cock out, with precum already leaking out of the tip. I panted like a whore in heat at the sight of him, eyes glazed and desperate. 
He brushed his cock through my slick folds, completely in control. Then he slowly lowered me, my tight folds giving way and I let out a long moan of pleasure when he bottomed out. He was huge. I wasn't sure how he even managed to fit, or how he was going to be able to move. His arms circled around me, grasping my backside firmly. 
"You managed to take my cock like a good girl. Now let's see how well you handle it." 
"Wait, wait!" 
He paused, looking up at me with concern. 
"Can- can I move my hands now?" I pleaded. 
He smirked. "No." 
He thrusted his hips up without warning and I gave a shriek of pleasure. His pace was fairly brutal, and I loved every second of it. He kept sucking and licking at my neck, leaving a trail of dark, bruising love bites, and my nipples scrapped against his shirt. The pleasure was almost too overwhelming, it made the walls of my pussy clench around him. 
"That's a good girl. So tight for me." He groaned into my neck. "How does it feel, taking my cock? To have me stretching you out?" 
Oh fuuuuuck. 
Alec was a dirty talker and I fucking loved it. 
He pounded into me without mercy, and I could start to feel that delicious heat building down low. 
"Yes. Yes. Yes." 
I didn't realize that I had been chanting aloud until Alec let out a dark chuckle. 
"Please." I begged. 
He seemed to break. 
"Hang on to me." 
My hands immediately went to grab his shoulders, clutching at his shirt. I was pretty sure I heard a rip, but I was too lost in the sensation of being, you know, fucked out of my mind. One of his hands slipped down low again, his deft fingers circling my clit. 
"Vieni per me, tesoro." He then proceeded to bite into my neck, right in the dip where it met my shoulder, and the sharp pain sent a wave of pleasure through me. 
Mixing with the pleasure of his cock and the stimulation of my clit it was enough to send me crashing over the edge. I came hard, Alec's mouth muffling my own, swallowing my cries. His hands tangled in my hair, giving it a light pull. I could taste my blood in his mouth, and I found that I liked it. I swiped my tongue over his lips to get more. 
Alec let out a surprised gasp, pulling back, his hips slowing down to shallow thrusts. His face was smeared with a little of my blood, and I leaned back in, giving him a lick before delving back into his mouth with a kiss, enjoying the taste of him and my blood mixed. 
"Fuck." He groaned against my lips. 
I dared to take a bit of control and ground down hard, making sure to squeeze the walls of my pussy to the point where he almost couldn't move. 
Alec went rigid and then spasmed as he came. 
We stayed like that, breathing hard for a moment, before he finally pulled out of me with an obscenely wet popping noise. I blushed and he simply gave me a grin. An actual grin instead of the devilish one I had come to know. 
"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded quickly, practically glowing with happiness. 
"Words, amore." 
I giggled. "Yes, love. More than okay." 
"Good, because I'm ready to have you moaning my name again." He whispered, licking away the blood I had smeared on my own face. "Preferably in my bed." 
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{Masterlist} // {Request Guidelines}
Translations (Provided via Google): Vieni per me, tesoro.: Come for me, darling. Amore: Love
Wanna be notified when I post a new story? Ask to join my taglist!
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irrevocableloves · 1 year ago
violent delights masterlist
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twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
summary: y/n swan has lived in forks all of her life, but when she takes her summer-long vacation to california to visit her mother, she returns to a strange new family accompanying her small town.
chapter one: the city of forks welcomes you
chapter two: golden topaz
chapter three: was it really luck?
chapter four: regret
chapter five: blood type
chapter six: an old scary story
chapter seven: port angeles
chapter eight: questions & theories
chapter nine (COMING SOON)
last updated on: 5/4/24 <3
taglist ₊˚⊹♡
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jasperhaleobsessed · 4 months ago
If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people
Edward Cullen // Cedric Diggory x female reader
Summary: you loved Cedric Diggory, you would never stop loving him, he would always have a place in your heart. But what surprises you is when you meet him again but as Edward Cullen. You couldn't understand what happened or how it was possible. All you knew was you needed answers and closure.
Word Count: 1,600
Notes: I know this is a bit of an odd idea but I thought I'd be fun. Bella isn't mentioned and in this au edward wasn't turned in the early 1900s. I know in the first year vampires in the newborn stage can be very bloodthirsty and strong but for the sake of this fic I'm ignoring that fact!
Cedrics age
Warnings: Mentions of Cedrics death.
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Voldermort was back. You couldn't believe it. But you did, it was hard to swallow but never would you believe the bogus the daily prophet comes up with. But because you were a muggle born they decided to move you back to the states, to Forks Washington where you grew up. When you were 10 your family decided to leave the states and move to England because your parents got better job offers there. And when you were 11 you learned you were a witch, and the rest was History. With Voldermort being back in all they weren't going to risk you getting hurt and in all honesty you needed a break after Cedric's death. Being in the wizard world would only hurt, it was too soon you needed time to heal.
You looked out the window and you couldn't help smiling at the familiarity of it all. Your family pulled into the driveway and you unbuckled and opened the car door. "Wow this is strange being back here after so long."
Your mother smiled, "It sure is but we'll get adjusted don't worry." She smiled warmly.
"Your mother's right, don't worry too much." Your dad said, encouragingly.
"Thanks." You smiled warmly at your parents. "I think I'm gonna go ahead and start grabbing stuff and heading upstairs, alright?"
"Sounds good, sweetheart."
You headed into the house and walked upstairs. You grabbed a few boxes and started to unpack. Your parents brought up your other stuff. After a few hours of unpacking you ate some dinner and collapsed onto your bed.
Surprisingly your dreams were peaceful for once in the last year. You were a year younger than Cedric. He was in 6th year while you were in 5th year. You had returned to Hogwarts last school year for your 6th year but you couldn't continue to do it. It had been awful to put it lightly. You needed a break from the magical world.
The next morning you woke up early and got ready, you picked out a cute outfit and book afterwards heading down to get breakfast. After breakfast you did the rest of your routine and were heading out the door, "Are you taking your bike?" Your mom asked.
"Alrighty, be safe!" Your dad yelled, "I will!" You said as you walked out the door. You grabbed your bike from the car and glided down the road. It always puts you at ease, the fresh air is always calming and refreshing. Luckily the school wasn't far from your house and quickly the trip was over and you arrived at school. Wonderful.
You chained up your bike and headed to the office. But the question was where was the office? You were wishing you had asked your parents instead of rushing out of the door. You decided to try to look for someone friendly to ask. You looked around the place, hoping to find someone, anyone who could help you. And then you saw a girl with spiky dark hair who seemed friendly enough . You'd think she wouldn't be but she had this light and warmth about her. So you decided to take a deep breath and walk over to her and tapped her shoulder, "Hi, there I'm sorry to interrupt but I was wondering do you know where the office is?" You asked politely. She gaped at you but then regained her composure, gracefully which confused you. Why did she look so...surprised?
"Hi, I'm Alice!" She greeted you warmly and held her hand out for you to shake it. You took it without any hesitation, "Nice to meet you, I'm really sorry I startled you!" You apologized, quickly. You didn't want to get on the wrong foot with anyone. "Not many people do that much these days." She laughed.
You couldn't help but wonder why, "How come?" Before she could respond, a voice interrupted our conversation, "Alice, what's taking so long?" You stopped dead in your tracks. You turned slowly and met his eyes. Your heartbeat quickened and your eyes went wide. No it couldn't be, right? You met his gaze and he looked shocked.
Alice stared at you and Edward like she was trying to figure out some secret. "Is everything okay here?" She asked. You snapped out of your shock and said, "Sorry, you just remind me of someone I used to know."
He looked shaken as well. "It's okay." His voice cracked, he looked heartbroken. You didn't know what to think all you knew was you needed to get out of here, you needed to catch your breath.
"Do you mind giving me directions now?" You asked, trying to keep your voice as steady as possible. You could feel yourself trembling as you felt ready to leave.
She looked at you sympathetically, "Of course." She grabbed your hand and led you to the office. And you couldn't help but glance at that boy who should have been a ghost. But he wasn't. Somehow he was here. Or someone who looked like him was here. Cedric. Was that him? Who is it, if not? Many questions ran through your brain but at the moment you couldn't worry about that.
Alice had been helpful and you were able to get your schedule, luckily. But you couldn't get that look out of your face. You looked down at your schedule and headed to the 1st hall for your biology class in 108. You clutched your books close and kept moving forward. You arrived at class without anything of interest happening. You greeted the teacher and he told you to sit by Edward Cullen. You couldn't help but wonder who that could be but then you looked around and saw him. Cedric or Edward was sitting alone, the only seat in the class left. You tried to steady your breath and walked towards your new seat.
The class was chatty and the teacher, Mr.Banner told everyone to settle down. "Now class, let's get started." He turned away and started to write notes on the board.
You grabbed some paper and a pencil from your bag and started to write the notes down. You were focused on him until a note slipped to you. You unfolded it and read:
Can we talk after school? Meet me outside of school, I know this meadow it's quiet, we can talk there, if you want to.
You turned towards Cedric or was it Edward. You raised your eyebrow in confusion. You mouthed why to him. He gave you a pleading look that read 'you know why' you nodded in understanding. And turned back to Mr.Banner. In all honesty you didn't know what to think or feel. But you felt like you needed closure, you needed answers, you needed to know whether or not Cedric was okay.
After school you met him in the parking lot. You talked to your parents and shockingly they were okay with it. But then again you were a witch so it makes sense. You didn't say that it was Cedric but that he might have answers, you didn't think it was a good idea to go around saying things like that.
"So where's this meadow?"
"It's better if I show you." He said.
You couldn't help but joke, "You aren't gonna kill me are you?"
He smiled softly, "Definitely not." You grinned.
"Now, come on." He led you to his car. Once you got in you buckled and got settled. For most of the ride the two of you were quiet. You thought about what could be going on and what to say, you tried to collect your thoughts. Cedric or Edward was collecting his thoughts it seemed as well. He parked his car close to where the trail started and the two of you got out.
The two of you arrived at the trail to the meadow, you couldn't hold it anymore, "Okay what's going on? Who are you?" Your breath quickened and you fidgeted with your hands, worry coursed through you.
He looked at you with tears brimming in his golden eyes but didn't spill, "My name Is Cedric Diggory and two years ago I lost everything, I lost the girl I loved, I lost who I was, I lost my family, I lost everything that I held dear. But I especially and most of all lost you, the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I had decided to compete in a tournament but because of that choice I was killed by Voldermort himself or so I thought somehow I was barely alive. And a man named Carlisle Cullen found me and saved me. But it wasn't as perfect as I was hoping it would be. I was turned into something monstrous, a vampire. And that's why I never came back because I was scared to death that I would hurt you. But I've missed you so much and I don't know what to do without you." He stepped closer to you and carefully caressed your cheek. You held it close. You leaned closer and hugged him close. "I've missed you so much." You started to sob in his arm, you felt like you were falling apart. He wiped your tears away, "it's okay, I'm right here I'm not going anywhere." You gave him a bittersweet smile as tears poured down your face. You hugged him close and for once in the last two years you felt complete again. And all you could think was how grateful you were.
"I love you." You looked at him hopefully, a huge smile crossed his face, "I love you too." He leaned closer and pressed his lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled as he kissed you. He pulled away smiling brightly. "I've missed you so much, you don't know how hard it's been." You caressed his face, "I do. But we're together now, that's all that matters."
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loveswrites · 2 years ago
omg poly cullens taking care of a sick reader- i just wanna be doted on frfr
Poly Cullen x Sick reader
I loved writing this it took me 3 hours with people bothering me. I hold you like it. Lemme know what else you would like to see!
Currently you were at the Cullens house for a sleepover. At least that’s what charlie thought, and that’s also what you thought it was as well. You thought you’d have an exciting chill weekend with your secret lovers. That was until you had woken up with a tingle in the back of your throat, your eyes watering, both of your nostrils clogged, and you just simply felt like you were dying. 
“Stop being dramatic.” Roseilane said, rolling her eyes.
“You don’t know how it is Rose, you’ve been dead for like a thousand years.” You said snapping but sneezing mid sentence. She frowned in response. 
“ I may be dead but at least I’m not spreading my germs everywhere.”
“I blame Emmett.” 
“ Wait, what why me?!” He said standing up from the desk he was sitting on.
“ Because you were the one who insisted that we go spend ‘Alone time’ together and go skinny dipping even though you know damn well I can’t swim! That water was cold as hell.” You answered, lifting your tongue as Carlise put a thermometer under your tongue.
When you had woken up immediately complaining you were in Edward's room sleeping with him, because the two of you hadn’t had any alone time together in a while and you could tell it was bothering him. Though he wouldn’t admit it he was grateful that you had chosen to sleep with him without him asking.
I’m not saying it was easy to do so, It was practically like prying a child's favorite toy away with Rose and Emmett. They did not give up without a fight.
“What do you mean you don’t wanna sleep with us?” Rose questioned. 
“ I just wanna sleep with Edward tonight, You’ve done nothing wrong Rose.” You replied in attempts to comfort the defensive vampire.
“But we wanted to watch the game with you, You said you would.” Emmet argued back.
“I know I know but I’m tired, I just wanna take a bath and lay down. Me and Edward haven’t had any time alone together so I thought that me and him could cuddle while I fall asleep. I promise you two did nothing wrong.” You said kissing Rosalie cheek then doing the same to emmett. The frown on their beautiful faces pained you but they weren’t the only one’s in this relationship. 
In Fact you had to think about the last time you spent alone time with Carlise and Esme. They always say that “Your presence in the house alone is enough time for us.” But you know that’s just them being the adults of everything and that is not the case. You knew that just like the rest of the Cullens they went through their own version of possessiveness, it was only right with the soul bond between you all. It’s just they had a better way of hiding it than the others.
Rosalie and Emmett would pout and huff like children. 
 Edward would hide himself in the woods or stuff himself in his room. Saying that he just needed ‘alone time’. When we all knew he needed the exact opposite.
Jasper would be more distant than normal, lost in his thoughts.
Esme would clean. Like there would never be a spot of dirt around this house when she was feeling alone.
And Carlisle would just bury himself with work. Always taking up extra hours making sure he is busy enough to not think too much about it.
All of your partners were just begging for attention but none of them would voice it out loud. 
So right before you went to sleep you stated to yourself in your head that you would make time for each Cullen the next day even if they each only got a hour alone with you, Something was better than nothing.
That was until you woke up feeling like shit.
Carlisle shook his head, taking the thermometer from under your tongue. “You have a fever.”
“I could tell that from down the hall she’s sweating like she’s a witch and we just set her on fire” Edward said with his emo attitude upset that his time with me got cut short because of Emmett’s shenanigans 
“Edward please.” Carlisle said tucking your hair behind your ear while pulling you closer to him to kiss your forehead. This made you smile. You had middle his forehead kisses. You felt like he always gave the best ones. You wouldn’t dare say that out loud ever though. You know Rose would kill you out of jealousy.
“I’m going to get you medicine okay? You’ll be okay.” Carlisle said, pulling away from you when Jasper walked into the room. You nod in response.
“Esme and Alice are making you some soup.” Jasper said with a sly smirk on his face know your next words.
“Soup? Ew You know I can’t stand soup! That shit is nasty. I'm not eating it.” You said, shaking your head and frowning in distaste. You heard soft laughs in response.
“It will make you feel better, I promise.” Jasper said in his southern accent that just honestly was a panty dropper you would always tell him.
“That doesn't help me at all, I’d rather eat sand.” You said rubbing your eyes as you felt a pounding headache come on.
As if sensing your discomfort, Carlisle was right by your side again with supplies in his hand. Rubbing your back with one hand he put his things down on the table you were sitting on.
“You need to rest, Whose room would you like to sleep in? I’ve already contacted Charlie and told him you fell with a cold so you shouldn’t worry about him. He’s fine.” he stated but you were now faced with the most difficult decision of the day.
Looking around the room Jasper was standing by the doorway watching you with calculating eyes still with the sly smirk of his which always made your heart pound. Him hearing it he chuckled, his actions made you look away in embarrassment.
Looking towards Emmett and Rose. Emmett was sitting on the table near the window and Roselie was sitting in between his legs and they both were looking at you with their signature puppy eyes. Moving your eyes to edward very quickly because you knew if you stared at them for too long you would give in.
Edward looked lost in his thoughts which would always make you put him because you felt that he felt like he was lonely. You would call him the lone wolf of the pack which he hated. But he couldn’t stay mad at you just like you couldn't pick just one of them right now. You need all of them right now. And that’s exactly what you would have.
Jumping down from where you were sitting with the help of Carlisle you didn’t respond verbally. You  just did your hand moment you would always do when you wanted all of the Cullens to follow you but didn’t feel like saying it out loud. And they always answered.
Walking to the kitchen where Esme and Alice were, like she could smell you in the air she turned around with a smile on her face.
“There you are my beautiful, Your soup is almost done. Would you like me to add anything to it?” She said so softly, like if she spoke too loudly you would melt aways in pain. Which was a high possibility the way you were feeling. 
“Nope, you didn’t even have to make me anything you know, I would’ve been fine without.”
“Oh no, you know I love a chance to use the kitchen for you.” She said making you smile because you knew it was true.
“Well if you must, can you come up to the room where you're done?” You asked which she nodded in response to. Satisfied with your answer you turned around walking up the stairs to Carlisle and Esme bedroom. 
All that could be heard behind you were soft footsteps of all of your lovers following you.
Once you made it to the room you sat on the bed finally speaking. 
“All of you, all of us, and all of me. Here in this bed now.” Leaving no room for argument, you got comfortable.
The first to get in the bed with you was Jasper surprising you. He claimed his spot behind you so that you were in his arms and laying on him. 
“The best spot in the house.” He whispered into your ear making you giggle at the ticklish feeling.
Soon following along, each Cullen claimed their spot next to you. Everyone getting one piece of their love. They were satifisty. Meaning so where you.
Once everyone was relaxed Esme came up to the room to feed you the soup she had made you. Though you tried to fight it, you were falling weaker and weaker each minute. This ‘cold’ was kicking your ass. Soon after she was done feeding you she also claimed her spot between you and Caslise. 
A few minutes into laying there you felt your eyes growing heavy. The feeling of hands all over you. The coolness of your lovers cooling you down. You felt content. But you had One question.
“Guys, can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” Each of them said collectively.
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Oh my god-”
“I’d probably step on you.”
“I’d keep you in a beautiful enclosure.”
“I’d give you a little cowboy hat-”
“That’s so stupid.”
And just like that. You were out like a light.
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 1 year ago
Would you ever write an Edward story where he cheats on Bella post Breaking Dawn or they break up because he falls in love with another human after her? Like a few years down the line, he starts to miss Bella’s human scent, softness, etc. and then he meets another singer or someone whose mind he can’t read and becomes obsessed with them. And it’s angsty because they realize he doesn’t really like vampire Bella and what attracted him to her was her “humanness” so now that it’s gone, he loses interest.
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x human!witch!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan
Warnings: major regret, kinda feel bad for bella while writing this 😅, falling out of love, for the sake of this story reneesme doesn't exist, kinda creepy stalker vibe from edward?, but what else do you expect from him 😂, sorry this is short :( been suffering from major writer's block
Words: 1443
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There was no warmth of life to Bella, not anymore. Edward had fought against Bella's desire to be like him, an immortal. With her warmth went that oh so sweet honeysuckle scent of her singer blood. He missed nuzzling his nose in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply and listening to her blood coarse through her veins. Everything was cold and hard and unwelcoming now that she was like the rest of the Cullens.
And while he was able to physically love her without restraint now, there was a gnawing dissatisfaction that burned a hole deep inside of him.
He tried smothering it, not let it grow and feed off his lingering thoughts. Just a harmless, passing thought. They'd taken vows, to love one another for the rest of their immortal lives in front of all their friends and family. Edward thought he got his happily ever after with Bella, his singer.
Never did he imagine that he would miss her mortality so much and so greatly. Profound was his distress over this realization as he experienced grief for Bella's human life once more. This time it lingered. Resting on the precipice of his consciousness.
Try as he may, it creeps into his mind whenever he holds onto her golden gaze. Grateful that Bella's special ability wasn't telepathy like him. It would break her heart if she heard the doubting thoughts that grew louder each passing day.
Edward didn't know the exact start date of this swift change in his mentality toward someone he'd loved and cherished so much that he was willing to face both the wolves and the Volturi in order to protect her.
Immense shame rendered him speechless, unable to seek help or advice from his brothers. He'd never kept such a large secret before from them. They'd always held a sympathetic ear for Edward but. . . if he told them about this, Emmett and Jasper might add onto his guilt. Bella was their sister-in-law. His brothers have proven that they genuinely care for her and accept her as part of the Cullen clan.
The world around him was crumbling. Nothing for him to stabilize himself.
Errands that took him away from town were like a breath of fresh air to his undernourished lungs- well, metaphorically.
His outings lasted longer and longer each time. The distance he put between himself and Bella growing larger.
Until something odder happened to him.
He smelled the blood of a singer once more. Each inhalation a spasming jolt shot through him. A burst of honeyed, reduced him to damn near salivating. Edward had almost forgotten the scent. Almost mistook it for something else.
Akin to an apex predator, he's easily guided to the source of such an alluring aroma that has him blind-sided. He doesn't care in that moment who lay at the end of the trail or of the consequences that may befall him from this encounter.
If it hadn't been for your singer blood, you would have blended in with the rest of the crowd in Port Angeles. A typical human female hanging out with her friends; just like many others that night. Unaware of the glowing eyes of the animal stalking her.
But you weren't like your other friends. With his vampire eyes, he saw the glow of your skin; your aura was blinding. Even Bella's presence wasn't as bright as when he laid eyes on you. His honeypot.
He frantically rifles through the crowd's thoughts, tossing them away when they didn't belong to you.
In pursuing you, Edward was essentially damning himself. Each step he took closer to you was like walking into danger itself. A moth to a flame. For the first time in a long time, Edward felt utterly helpless. Weak even.
Then he heard the ring of your thoughts.
And he smiles to himself, listening in as you contemplate leaving early to go home and finish the book you'd started the other day. How it was getting to the good part. Torn that you were also having fun with your friends though.
Subtly watching you from a hiding spot, Edward simply closes his eyes and focuses on the flow of your thoughts in an attempt to get to know you better. Another human girl with the delicious blood of a god.
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Bella checks the time on her phone again.
2 am
Edward had left eight hours ago, not bothering to tell anyone where he was going or taking his phone with him. His behavior was growing more concerning. She'd asked Jasper and Emmett if they had noticed this odd turn in Edward and they too agree that something was up with him. Alice did her best to offer a positive take on the issue. Not even Carlisle or Esme had an answer.
Not too long ago Edward had been so attentive to her, relishing in sharing immortality with her.
Deciding to wait in their shared little cottage home, Bella leaves the main Cullen estate and takes to the small pebbled path that led to her home. She remembers how happy they were when Carlisle gifted the cottage to them when they came back from their honeymoon.
Her fingers lazily trail along the rugged bark of trees. Nails lightly dragging across it.
Their life was perfect now. She fit into his world. So. . . why the sudden distance? This was going on to four months now and the decline was becoming more evident.
Her other hand is anxiously drawn to her chest in an effort to comfort her. Bella could hear the cracks in their marriage and overall relationship.
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Edward growls in irritation with himself. What an idiot he was following you home. Stupid that he put everything on the line just to be around you a little bit longer.
He kept bargaining with himself that he was only going to stay for an hour. An hour turned into two, then three. . . Until he was perched atop of a tree across the street from your house.
Exasperated he runs a hand across his face, making his way up the brick steps of the cottage.
He shouldn't have followed you back to your home. Now he had that knowledge of your address.
That meant. . .
So consumed in his inner turmoil, Edward was caught off guard by Bella's voice "Where have you been?"
His eyes round in alarm, the only tipoff to his surprise. "Hunting." Well. . . kind of true.
That was not the answer she wanted. Bella's brows furrow with her disdain. "Edward, what's going on? And don't say that nothing is going on because even the rest of the family has seen the change in you."
Hell, why was he thinking about your fragrance? Likening it to standing at the threshold of the divine and savoring the ambrosial nectar that flowed through the veins of gods.
Had Bella's smelled like that? He couldn't recall.
He forcefully pulls himself back to address Bella. He couldn't keep lying to her. Bella deserved the truth. But it would hurt her once the words left his mouth. It would make everything more real to verbally acknowledge it.
"Bella. . ." Edward must have looked scared and pathetic in that moment. He could see his reflection in her golden eyes. Eyes he'd groan to begrudge. "I really don't know what's going on myself. . . but. . ." Sighing, he ignores the consequences that would follow. "I miss your humanness, Bella. Your softness. The warmth of your embraces. Your scent. . . It's-you're just- just not the same. And those were the parts that I fell in love with. Your humanity was what defined you. That delicate balance of strength and vulnerability that all comes with being mortal."
While he'd kept his tone as gentle as possible, that did little to stop the breaking of Bella's face as her lips curl and tremble. The delicate arch of her brows twitch in an attempt for restraint for despite all the emotions she was feeling, Bella's tear ducts no longer produced tears. As with all vampires.
A tremor passes through Bella. The essence of heartbreak etched itself on her face. "D-Do you still love me?"
In a moment of cowardice, Edward averts his gaze from her making the sorrow she felt boil into fury.
"Answer me, Edward. Do you still love me?" Her hands ball up into fists at her sides.
He struggles to find the words to encapsulate the complexities of his emotions.
The quietude of the cottage seemed to amplify the tension that hung between them.
Bella grits down on the back of her teeth, a burning force behind her eyes that made her desperate to cry. "After everything Edward. . ."
"I'm sorry Bella. . ."
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inky-writing · 29 days ago
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Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Warnings: blood, injury, idk, typos english is not my first language sorry, Latin?, Esme lol
Word count: 1,957
Book II - Chapter 2: Fractured Lies
September 2005
September 13th arrived with a morning chill, the kind of early autumn day where the air smelled of rain and freshly fallen leaves. Y/N threw on her favorite sweater and made her way to Bella’s room to wish her a happy birthday.
“Happy Birthday, Bells,” she said with a grin, holding out a small wrapped box.
Bella, sitting at her desk brushing her hair, looked up and smiled warmly. “Thanks, Y/N. You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s nothing fancy,” Y/N said, sitting on Bella’s bed and watching as she unwrapped the present. Inside was a hardback copy of Wuthering Heights, an edition with ornate gold lettering on the cover.
“I figured since you love it so much, you’d appreciate a new copy,” Y/N said with a shrug.
Bella’s eyes lit up, and she hugged Y/N. “Thank you. This is perfect.”
“Of course,” Y/N said, laughing. “Now, don’t forget to actually celebrate yourself for once.”
Bella rolled her eyes. “You know me. Low-key as its best.”
The two of them headed downstairs to grab breakfast before school, where Charlie greeted Bella with his usual gruff affection.
Later at School
The day passed as normally as a birthday could. Y/N noticed how the Cullens, especially Edward, hovered around Bella more than usual, but she chalked it up to their close friendship. She wasn’t entirely surprised; Edward’s devotion to Bella was obvious to everyone.
At lunch, Alice skipped over to their table, practically vibrating with excitement.
“Any plans for tonight, Bella?” Alice asked, her amber eyes gleaming.
Bella hesitated, glancing at Edward. “Uh, not really?”
Alice rolled her eyes dramatically. “Well, don’t make any. I’ll pick you up later.”
“Wait, what’s happening later?” Bella asked, looking wary.
“It’s a surprise,” Alice said with a mischievous grin. She glanced at Y/N, who was munching on a sandwich. “You’re coming, too, right?”
Y/N blinked, caught off guard. “Coming where?”
Alice tilted her head, as though reconsidering her question. “Oh, never mind. You’ve probably got other plans.”
“Uh, yeah,” Y/N said awkwardly. She didn’t, but she wasn’t sure how to respond.
Bella shot Y/N an apologetic look, as if to say I have no idea what she’s planning either.
Later That Evening
Y/N returned home after school, deciding to spend the evening doing something productive. Bella had left with Alice and Edward, though she hadn’t offered much information beyond Alice’s vague insistence that it was a small gathering. Y/N didn’t press further; Bella clearly had her own plans for the evening, and that gave Y/N the perfect opportunity to follow up on something that had been bothering her for days.
The necklace.
Since finding it under her wardrobe, the ancient-looking pendant had occupied her thoughts constantly. The whispers, the strange sense of familiarity, the way it seemed to glow faintly in certain lights, it all felt too deliberate, too significant to ignore.
She sat down at her desk, flipping open her laptop. Typing “ancient amethyst pendant” into the search bar yielded hundreds of results, most of which were irrelevant. After an hour of skimming articles, forums, and obscure auction sites, she was about to give up when a particular link caught her eye.
Forgotten Covens: Amulets and Mysteries.
Curiosity piqued, she clicked on it. The page was an old blog. But the content was intriguing. It described a centuries-old coven of witches said to be originated from Greece before spreading across Europe. The coven had been known for their craftsmanship, particularly their enchanted amulets, which were believed to harness specific forms of energy.
Y/N’s eyes narrowed as she read on. One passage stood out:
“The Coven of Circe was rumored to possess amulets embedded with rare stones, each representing an element or power unique to its wearer…”
The text kept going, until she fell on a list of differents gems and stones and their meanings according to that particular coven. She searched for amethyst, since the necklace was made of it. 
“Amethysts, in particular, were believed to channel protection, clarity, and heightened perception. However, legend claims that these amulets could only bond with those who bore the ‘mark of the gifted.’”
She frowned, leaning closer to the screen. “Mark of the gifted?” she muttered to herself.
The blog didn’t elaborate, but it mentioned that most records of the coven had been lost or destroyed during the witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries. What little remained was fragmented, scattered across old tomes and oral traditions.
Intrigued but frustrated by the lack of concrete information, Y/N decided to search specifically for the Coven of Circe. The results were sparse, but she eventually stumbled upon a digital archive of historical texts. One entry, a scanned page from a book written in Latin, contained an illustration that made her heart stop.
It was a drawing of an amulet identical to the one she had found, down to the intricate engravings and the purple stone at its center.
Underneath the illustration, a Latin inscription read: “Per semitas antiquas non visibiles ad finem destinatum.”
Y/N didn’t know Latin, but a quick online translation rendered it as: “By ancient unseen paths to its destined purpose.”
Her pulse quickened. What did it mean?
Before she could delve further down that rabbit hole, the sound of the front door opening downstairs startled her.
“Y/N?” Charlie’s voice called.
Snapping her laptop shut, she quickly stuffed the necklace into her pocket and got up from her desk. By the time Charlie appeared in the doorway, she was sitting on her bed, feigning casualness.
“Hey, kiddo,” he said, holding up a takeout bag. “Dinner’s here.”
“Great,” Y/N said, forcing a smile.
As he left the room, she glanced back at her laptop, her thoughts racing. Whatever was the amulet’s significance, she felt this was only the beginning.
Later that night
Y/N was sprawled on the couch in the living room, a blanket draped over her legs and the soft glow of the television casting flickering light across the room. Charlie had fallen asleep in his recliner, snoring softly, a half-empty glass of beer balanced precariously on the armrest.
She glanced at the clock, 11:47 PM. Bella was usually home by now, and though Y/N wasn’t one to worry unnecessarily, she couldn’t help but feel a small twinge of concern. Bella was rarely late without calling.
Just as Y/N was reaching for her phone to text her cousin, the distant rumble of a car engine broke through the quiet. Moments later, headlights swept across the living room window, and Y/N heard the crunch of tires on the gravel driveway.
Charlie stirred at the sound, muttering something incoherent before blinking awake.
“That’ll be Bella,” he said, groggily sitting up.
Y/N nodded and got up to open the door. Edward’s silver Volvo was parked in the driveway, its engine idling softly. Bella stepped out of the passenger side, her movements slow and careful, and Y/N’s stomach dropped when she noticed the makeshift bandage wrapped around Bella’s arm.
“Bella?” she called, rushing toward her.
Bella waved her off, smiling weakly. “I’m fine, Y/N. Really. It’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” Charlie’s voice was sharp as he stepped onto the porch, his gaze narrowing on the bloodstained bandage. “What the hell happened?”
Edward stepped out of the car, his expression calm but concerned. “It was an accident,” he explained smoothly. “She tripped and fell into a table at my house. It shattered, and she got a small cut. Nothing serious.”
Bella nodded quickly, backing up Edward’s story. “It’s really not a big deal. Carlisle already checked it out. I’m fine, I promise.”
Charlie crossed his arms, clearly skeptical. “And you didn’t think to call?”
“I didn’t want you to worry,” Bella said softly.
Charlie huffed but didn’t push further. Instead, he gestured toward the house. “Get inside. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
As Bella passed Y/N on her way inside, Y/N caught her arm gently. “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked, her voice low.
Bella gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. Really. Don’t worry about me.”
Y/N wasn’t entirely convinced, but she nodded, letting Bella go. Edward lingered by the car for a moment, his gaze meeting Y/N’s briefly before he got back in and drove off into the night.
At the Cullen House
Edward parked the Volvo in the garage, shutting the door with a little more force than necessary. The moment he stepped inside, Alice was there, her face tight with frustration.
“I didn’t see it,” she said, her voice clipped. “I didn’t see it happening until it was already too late.”
Edward sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not your fault, Alice. Things have been… strange lately.”
“Strange?” Jasper stepped into the room, his brow furrowed. “That’s an understatement. My ability to sense and change emotions has been erratic all summer. I can feel things, but it’s like there’s static in the air. It makes everything harder to pinpoint.”
Alice nodded, pacing back and forth. “And my visions… They’re not just unclear. Sometimes they’re completely missing. I didn’t see Bella’s accident tonight until she was already bleeding. How does that even happen?”
Edward leaned against the wall, his jaw tight. “I’ve been having trouble too. It’s harder to read minds lately. There’s this… cloud. Like a block I can’t push through.”
Jasper crossed his arms, his expression troubled. “What’s causing it?”
“I don’t know,” Edward admitted. “But it’s not just us, is it?”
As if on cue, Rosalie and Emmett entered the room, followed closely by Carlisle.
“What’s going on?” Emmett asked, glancing around at the tense faces.
“Something’s wrong,” Alice said, turning to the others. “Our abilities aren’t working like they used to.”
Rosalie raised an eyebrow. “You’re saying it’s all of us? That doesn’t make sense.”
Carlisle stepped forward, his expression thoughtful. “Actually, it does. I’ve noticed something similar myself. My thoughts have felt… well they sometimes just disappear. There are moments when I think of something, but it slips away almost immediately, as if it’s been erased.”
Emmett frowned. “Now that you mention it, I’ve been forgetting things too. Like I’ll walk into a room and have no idea why I’m there.”
Rosalie’s eyes narrowed. “You think it’s connected to our abilities?”
“It has to be,” Edward said. “But the question is why. And how.”
Esme, standing quietly by the stairs, folded her hands in front of her, a picture of calm concern. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out,” she said gently. “We always do.”
The others nodded, but the tension in the room was palpable. As the conversation shifted to theories and potential solutions, Esme slipped away, heading up to her room.
Esme’s pov
Esme stood by the window in her shared bedroom, gazing out at the forest. The moon cast long silver shadows across the trees, their branches swaying in the breeze.
She gripped the windowsill tightly, her mind racing.
They were noticing.
For months, she had been meticulously weaving her powers through their minds, subtly manipulating their thoughts and memories to maintain her facade. But something was changing. The cracks were showing, and if they dug too deep, they might discover the truth.
Her loyalty to the Volturi was endless, but the Cullen family was a delicate balancing act. She couldn’t afford to lose control now.
She took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm.
“They won’t figure it out,” she whispered to herself. “They can’t.”
But as she turned away from the window, doubt crept into her mind.
For the first time in decades, Esme felt fear.
Next Chapter >>>
Note: annnnd that's it!!! What do you think will happen? Will Esme be discovered? Will the Volturi act on it? And where does the necklace come from?
Tag list: @inky-bonnie
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zapreportsblog · 1 year ago
If you want to add anything else, feel free /(^♡^)/🌻. I don't know if this is where I should ask for one but... Forgive me if it's not, it's the first time I ask 🙂😊, so forgive me. But anyway... Hello, first of all I really like your writing and works very much, because they are completely wonderful 😔🙌🏽. Well, I'm going to request a poly!volturi kings x fem!reader (I absolutely love it 😭🤗), the reader is Bella's adopted sister who went to visit her right after the fight against the volturi, she knew about her sister and the Cullens being vampires and decided to play a prank on them. A few weeks after their arrival, the volturi kings and the guard went to visit them to find out how Reneesme was living, when they arrived the reader was playing in the back of the Cullens' house with the little hybrid, who was laughing for her aunt playing tag with her. As soon as the volturi saw the reader, some Cullens were afraid and were kind of protecting her, but the reader's only reaction was to laugh and go towards the kings, more specifically Caius, and give him a quick kiss on the mouth . While the Cullens' only reaction was to be shocked. The reader is a witch who has a strong connection with nature, and is also a plus size woman. 🙃🌌🍃☀️🦋🌻.
❝the hybrids aunt❞
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✭ pairing : poly volturi kings x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the newest student at University of Oxford . She’s got the looks and brains to back her up and it doesn’t hurt that her body draws attention too, so as a bet the men of the infamous riot club see who can bed her first
✭ authors note : this was requested by @beatrizdostoddy :3 enjoy
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town of Forks. The aftermath of the confrontation with the Volturi had left the Cullen family and their allies in a state of relief and exhaustion. Bella Cullen, now a vampire, had finally found the peace she had longed for, but there was one more surprise waiting for her.
As Bella and Edward stood on the porch of their secluded home, their daughter Renesmee played in the yard with her supernatural grace. They exchanged a loving glance, grateful for the tranquility that had settled over their lives.
Suddenly, a rustling in the trees caught their attention, and they both turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows. Bella's sharp vampire senses immediately recognized the scent, and her eyes widened with astonishment.
"(Y/N)?" Bella whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.
Stepping into the moonlight, (Y/N) smiled mischievously, her eyes twinkling with a secret. She was Bella's adopted sister, and they had shared a bond that transcended the supernatural secrets that surrounded them.
"You're back from the States?" Bella exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her sister.
(Y/N) chuckled, returning the hug warmly. "Surprise! I couldn't stay away any longer. I had to see how my big sister was doing, especially after all that drama with the Volturi."
Bella's eyes glistened with tears of joy as she held her sister at arm's length, taking in the sight of her. "I've missed you so much, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned, her mischief evident. "I've missed you too, sis. But I couldn't resist coming back and causing a little chaos."
Bella raised an eyebrow, curious. "Chaos?"
Before Bella could react, (Y/N) pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button. Suddenly, the lights in the Cullen home began to flicker wildly, and eerie music filled the air. The front door swung open and closed on its own, and Renesmee stared in amazement at the spectacle.
"What in the world?" Bella exclaimed, both amused and bewildered.
(Y/N) couldn't contain her laughter as she turned off the prank. "Just a little welcome-home surprise for you, Bella."
Edward joined them, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement. "You always did have a flair for the dramatic, (Y/N)."
Bella couldn't help but laugh, feeling lighter and happier than she had in a long time. "(Y/N), this is Edward, my husband."
Edward extended a hand, and (Y/N) shook it warmly. "Nice to finally meet you, Edward. Bella has told me so much about you."
Edward smiled, genuinely pleased. "Likewise."
As the three of them chatted and caught up on each other's lives, Renesmee approached shyly, curiosity sparking in her eyes.
Bella knelt down and gently introduced her daughter, "Renesmee, sweetheart, this is your aunt, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) and Renesmee locked eyes, and there was an instant connection, a recognition of family bonds that transcended words. In that moment, a deep and unspoken understanding passed between them, a silent promise of love and protection.
"(Y/N)," Renesmee said with a shy smile, "I'm so happy to meet you."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she embraced her niece, feeling the warmth of family and the promise of a new chapter in their lives. The Cullen family had faced countless challenges, but with (Y/N)'s return, they were reminded that love and laughter could always light their way in the darkness.
And so, under the silvery moonlight, the Cullen family welcomed (Y/N) back into their supernatural world, ready to embrace the adventures and joys that awaited them together.
It had been a month since (Y/N) had returned to the Cullen family, and the days had been filled with laughter and bonding. She had settled into the Cullen household comfortably, grateful for the warmth and love that surrounded her. While her new house was being built in town, she cherished this time with Bella, Renesmee, and the rest of the vampire clan.
On a crisp, sunny day, the Cullen family gathered in their spacious backyard. Bella and (Y/N) had organized a game of tag for Renesmee, who darted through the trees with unnatural speed, her laughter ringing through the air. It was a perfect day filled with the joy of family.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N) and Renesmee, Alice suddenly froze, her golden eyes distant as she received a vision. The others noticed her abrupt change in demeanor, and her words came out in a hurried whisper, "The Volturi. They're coming."
Edward's eyes widened in alarm, and he swiftly relayed the message to the rest of the family telepathically. Panic spread like wildfire among the Cullens, their thoughts racing with the implications of the Volturi's arrival.
Except for (Y/N) and Renesmee, who continued their playful game of tag.
Carlisle, always the calm and collected leader of the family, stepped forward, attempting to reassure the others. "Stay calm, everyone. Remember, they may be coming to check on Renesmee's growth. Let's not jump to conclusions."
Esme nodded in agreement, though her eyes betrayed her concern. "You're right, Carlisle. We should be prepared, but not aggressive."
The Cullens tried to carry on with their activities as normally as possible, casting occasional worried glances in the direction of the approaching danger. Their protective instincts were on high alert, ready to shield Renesmee and (Y/N) from any potential harm.
Alice, who had been watching the Volturi's movements carefully, suddenly spoke up. "They seem to be approaching slowly, Carlisle, like they're not in a hurry to confront us."
Carlisle nodded, his brow furrowed. "That's unusual. Let's continue to monitor the situation closely, but we won't escalate things unless necessary."
As the Volturi drew nearer, Alice continued to provide updates, and tension hung in the air like an oppressive cloud. The Cullens' protective instincts were impossible to ignore, and they subtly positioned themselves between Renesmee and the approaching danger.
(Y/N) and Renesmee, unaware of the impending threat, continued their game, giggling as they tagged each other beneath the dappled sunlight. The innocence of their laughter stood in stark contrast to the uncertainty that loomed.
The Cullens watched, ready to defend their family, their gazes never wavering from the approaching Volturi. They couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and the overwhelming need to protect the precious bonds they had formed with (Y/N) and Renesmee.
As the Volturi came into view, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, and the Cullens braced themselves for whatever awaited them, determined to safeguard their loved ones at all costs.
The Cullens stood in their backyard, tension hanging in the air as the Volturi kings and their guards approached. Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the ancient leaders of the vampire world, wore their customary regal attire. The Volturi guards, a formidable force of vampires with unique abilities, fanned out behind them.
Aro's crimson eyes scanned the scene, and his polite smile remained firmly in place. "Isabella, dear, I take it you are in good health?”
Bella's eyes met Aro's, her expression calm. "Certainly, Alice told me you came to check on my daughter. She’s currently playing with my sister. Follow me."
With Aro and the other Volturi kings in tow, Bella led them to the back of the house, where the laughter of her daughter and sister filled the air. (Y/N) and Renesmee were engrossed in their game of tag, their supernatural speed allowing them to dart gracefully among the trees.
"I didn't know you had a sibling, Isabella," Aro commented, his curiosity piqued.
Bella gave Aro a small, mysterious smile as they approached the playing pair. "I've had many surprises, Aro."
As (Y/N) suddenly sensed the multiple eyes upon her, she abruptly halted, her senses tingling. She turned, meeting the gazes of the Volturi, who stood a few feet away. Her sister's protective stance did not go unnoticed.
(Y/N) and Renesmee slowly made their way toward the Cullen family, and Bella stepped in front of them protectively. Aro observed the child with interest, his eyes appraising Renesmee.
"She appears to be in good health," Aro remarked.
Then, Aro's gaze shifted to (Y/N), his eyes narrowing with curiosity. Bella couldn't suppress a low growl, warning the Volturi leader to keep his distance.
However, (Y/N) bypassed Bella's protective stance with a mischievous smile. She reached up and planted a kiss on Caius's lips, surprising everyone, especially Aro.
"When did this come about, brother?" Aro asked Caius, his eyebrow raised in amusement.
Caius had his arms wrapped securely around (Y/N), a rare smile gracing his lips. "It's been going on for a few months now. While I was overseas on a mission, I met (Y/N), and we hit it off. I've been meaning to introduce her to you for a while."
(Y/N) turned to Bella, her eyes expressing gratitude for her protective instincts, but she also exuded a quiet confidence. Her eyes flashed a deep, mesmerizing purple, and Bella gasped in surprise.
"What are you?" Bella asked, her voice barely a whisper.
(Y/N) chuckled softly, her aura radiating power. "I'm a witch."
The revelation sent shockwaves through the Cullen family. Witches, with their own unique supernatural abilities, were an enigmatic addition to their world.
Aro's interest was piqued, and he regarded (Y/N) with renewed fascination. "A witch, you say? How intriguing. It seems our visit has brought forth quite the surprises."
(Y/N) remained at Caius's side, her presence an enigmatic blend of magic and the supernatural. As the Cullens and the Volturi watched with wary eyes, they couldn't help but wonder what other secrets this unexpected alliance might reveal in the days to come.
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plussizefantasia · 1 year ago
Ancient Races
Flufftober Day 28: Witches
Emmett Cullen x witch!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
AN: I think I've said this a lot but this is one of my favorites that I've written for Flufftober. Emmett has got to be my favorite himbo and the fact that he's a vampire really only makes it better.
I'm still looking for more requests for when I come back if you have any ideas please let me know. Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated. See y'all tomorrow.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Magic has been running through your family’s veins for centuries. Generation after generation of bright young witches who had powers beyond the scope of the rest of humanity. You were taught by your mother, and she hers and so on and so on. When you were five, your father got a job as the deputy sheriff in the small town of Forks Washington. Your mother didn’t argue and so within the month, you were in a new house.
Thinking about it now, you were sure that there had to be some kind of destiny out there, a deity of fate that pulled the strings of existence. There had to be some magnificent tapestry where all the threads of life were woven together just so as to create a beautiful picture. There was no other explanation for how things seemed to work out.
You met Emmet on his first day back at Forks High, this would be his fourth time going to this high school but it had been close to fifty years since he last stepped through their doors. The building looked different but not by much. You were walking into the building, with your arms full of books, looking like the textbook definition of a nerd. Emmett had been walking backward, not really watching where he was going and talking to Edward and Jasper. The two of you had collided. Your books fell to the ground, but you were pulled into his large chest. And thus, the best friendship you had ever had began.
There was only one problem, you couldn’t tell him about anything about your magical abilities. At first, it wasn’t a very big deal you weren’t spending a whole lot of time together and he was easily persuaded into meeting on days when you didn’t have lessons with your mother. As the two of you got closer though, it became more and more difficult to hide. 
When you turned 17, you started having a bit more difficulty controlling your magic. It tended to burst out of you when you were feeling strong emotions, especially anger. You didn’t have a huge temper but it was known to flare occasionally. You got good at lying. And every time you lied to Emmett your heart broke a little bit more. 
It had gotten to the point where you no longer cared about the rules of secrecy or the laws that your kind was bound by. You just wanted him back, you wanted to be yourself with Emmett because if you were being completely honest with yourself, he was no longer just your best friend. You were in love with him, and the thought of losing him because you had to keep hiding things was heartbreaking.
You had no idea that Emmett was feeling the very same way. When he had bumped into you that fateful day three years ago, his eternal existence shifted. You became the center of his world. He craved being near you, having you in his sight, and hearing your heartbeat. Knowing that you were safe and happy became his only goal. He tried so hard to let you take the pace, holding himself back from fully unleashing his feelings on you. But deep down he knew that he wouldn’t be able to last forever. So here he was, begging Carlsie for advice on how to tell you. He didn’t want to enter into a relationship with you that was shadowed by secrets.
If he was going to have you, he would have you being himself, with everything out in the open. 
“Carlisle, I’m telling you. She’s everything to me. I cannot move on without her in my life. She needs to know everything.”
“Son, I know that you think that but-”
“No. Carlisle, she's my mate I know it.”
“Okay. I believe you. If you’re going to tell her you’ll need to make sure that she stays calm. I know that you love her, but humans are unpredictable. We cannot risk getting exposed.”
“I know. She’ll take it well I know she will.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Carlisle asked. Pulling his adopted son into his arms for a brief but strong hug. Emmett didn’t need any more convincing than that, he hopped in his car and immediately made his way over to your house. 
You were upstairs in your room pacing a hole into your carpet trying to think of ways you could tell the boy you loved that you not only wanted to spend the rest of your life with him but that you were also a witch with emotionally charged powers who was going to live much longer than the average human. Your pacing was interrupted by several loud and fast knocks on your front door. 
You raced down the staircase to see who was at the door and when it swung open you were met with the sight of an extremely flustered Emmett Cullen.
“Em, what are you doing here?” 
“Can I come in?” He asked instead of answering you.
“Of course,” you stepped aside and he pished past you, “What’s going on Em? You’re kind of freaking me out.”
“I have something really important to tell you and I need you to not panic.” 
“Saying that is not going to make me not panic.” You deadpanned. “But I also have something important to tell you so maybe we can take turns?” You suggested. Grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the large couch that took up a majority of the floor in your living room.
“Take turns, yeah.” He muttered to himself. The two of you were sitting close, things touching and staring at each other. Waiting for the other one to make the first move.
“Okay, here goes nothing. I’m, I’m a witch.” Your eyes bounced between your lap where your hands were folded, Emmett’s face to gauge his reaction, and the clock on the wall to count the seconds of silence that ensued.
Finally, “Oh thank god.” Emmett breathed out. 
“What?” You were buffering. What did he say? 
“No, I. That makes sharing my things a whole lot easier.”
“I’m sorry, Emmett how does me telling you that I belong to an ancient race of magic-wielding women make whatever you have to share easier.”
“Because I’m trying to tell you that I’m also a part of an ancient race. Except my race is immortal creatures of the night that feast on human blood.”
You broke into a series of giggles.
“Go figures. The first boy I fall in love with and he’s a vampire.”
“You love me?”
You froze. You definitely did not mean to just blurt that out, let alone in the middle of a self-deprecating moment of sarcasm. 
“Well, if we’re sharing…” You trailed off.
“I love you too.” Emmett’s smile was so wide you were actually convinced that his face would start to split in half. “Is it weird to say that I’m really relieved right now?” He asked
“Depends on why you’re relieved I think.”
“I was convinced that when I told you you’d never want to see me again. But now I know that isn’t going to happen and I’m just so happy.”
“I’m happy too, Em. I was so tired of keeping secrets from you. It hurt when I lied to you and I thought it was just because you were my best friend but it was so much more than that.”
“C’mere” Emmett grabbed you by the waist and hauled you onto his lap. “You were made for me. I’m never going to let you go.” He whispered into the small space between your faces. You pushed forward and gently placed your lips onto his. Pulling away way too soon for either of your liking. You moved your head to rest on his shoulder, your face pressed against his neck.
“We’ll have forever.”
“Forever sounds good to me.” 
You laughed softly once more and pressed a kiss lightly to the skin of his neck. Forever sounded pretty good to you too.
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caffieneaddictt18 · 5 months ago
And if I get the motivation before the results, I will probably finish one or more of the wips so it may be a MULTI-POST DAY
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bvbygrl-writes · 5 months ago
Season of The Witch (5)
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Witch!Reader x Edward Cullen
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) is 19 and still trying to figure out the world. She isn't sure of a lot of things but she is sure of one: she's gonna have her cake and eat it too.
A/N: An Edward dedicated chapter <3
Warnings: N/A but it will be 18+ at some point most likely. Minors and blanks dni. Also I didn't edit any of it so ignore any typos.
As the month went by, you and Jacob were spending a lot more time together. He had taken you to La Push where you had lunch with him and his pack. He’d driven you to the Cliff where Uley and the others would jump during the nights you couldn’t sleep. The two of you would sit there for hours, just staring up at the stars, listening as the water crashed on the jagged rocks below. Those were the nights you enjoyed the most. Where you’d wake up laying beside each other under your coats that he had formed into blankets. He’d always come over for breakfast the next morning, your mom gushing over how sweet he was, dad eyeing him up protectively.
And although you enjoyed every second of it, you also found yourself feeling guilty. You knew you liked Jacob, there wasn’t a single doubt about it. There was a clear connection between you that felt so natural, felt so right. But a lot of times, your mind also went back to Edward. The feeling of his cold hands on your face that day was something you couldn’t forget. He was like a constant presence that loomed in the back of your mind and the very tip of your heart. You had to see him again.
“You okay?” Bella asked, placing a concerned hand on your shoulder. You squeeze the warm mug of hot chocolate in your hand, curling it close to your body. The days were growing colder but you still enjoyed sitting on your porch, watching the bright colored leaves fall from the trees. Sighing, you give her a half smile as you nod.
“I’m okay it’s just..” you trail off, nibbling at your bottom lip as you turn to face her, crossing your legs on the couch. “What do you know about Edward Cullen? I know you mentioned that you’re dating his sister.” you asked. She quirked a brow, staring at you. You squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze.
“Where is this coming from? You’ve never mentioned him before.” she says, an amusement in her tone. You look down at your lap, setting your mug down on the table to your side.
“I-I don’t know. It’s just, I met him a few days after I moved here and I can’t stop thinking about him. With Jacob out patrolling with his pack the past week, it’s given my mind more freedom to wander.” you admit, shrugging your shoulders sheepishly. “I just feel so guilty, I really like Jacob but…”
“Hey, why don’t you come over with me to the Cullen’s place tonight? I was going to go over there anyways, maybe then you’ll know if it’s just a crush or a passing thing.” she suggested, rubbing your arm affectionately. You play with your rings for a moment before agreeing.
“It couldn’t hurt. Plus, I’m not doing myself any favors pouting in my room about not being able to see Jake.” the two of you had been texting in his absence but, it wasn’t as good as having the real thing there with you. “I’m going to need to change first because this,” you point at yourself, motioning to your baggy sweatpants, sweatshirt, and bunny slippers, “Isn’t doing me any favors.” you and Bella share a laugh as she rolls her eyes.
“You’re so extra sometimes. It’s not like you’re meeting the pope.” you gasp at the accusation, hopping up from the couch.
“Meeting a house full of vampires is a huge deal, Bells! The better I look the less likely they are to wanna drink my oh so rare and delicious witchy blood! Or at least I hope.” You grab her hand, dragging her into the house and up the stairs. “I promise it won’t take long! Just an hour…or two.”
“Or two?!”
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An hour and a half later, you and Bella are hopping out of her red truck. You pull your cardigan closer to yourself, priming your appearance in the reflection on the body of the vehicle. As the two of you approach the door, a blonde man opens the door. He smiles at Bella before smiling at you too. He extends a hand which you shake.
“Carlisle Cullen. I work with your father down at the hospital.” he explains, you nod along searching for words to say.
“Nice to meet you. Dad says you’re great at what you do.” you compliment.
“That’s great to hear. In all my years, I’ve never seen someone as great and passionate about what they do. He’s got me beat for sure.” he responds humbly. You can tell he’s a very kind and composed man. You hope you can say the same for the rest of his family. Carlisle opens the door wider, stepping to the side for the two of you to enter.
A brunette woman comes down the stairs. She sniffs the air before letting out a pleasured sigh. “A witch. I haven’t smelled one of those in years. My goodness that is divine.” she says before walking towards you. You freeze, going to lift your hand in case she decides to attack you. However, she doesn’t. Instead, she gives you a quick hug before releasing you. “I’m Esme, Carlisle’s wife. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Finally? Before you can ask what she means, a blur runs up to you hugging you in a much more intense fashion. You feel like your bones are gonna snap before she releases you. She has a soft grip on your shoulders as she smiles at you full of glee.
“You’re the girl!” she squeals out excitedly.
“Um, I’m sorry?” you ask confused. A set of approaching footsteps catches your attention. Your heart flutters at the sight of Edward, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He gives you a once over before your eyes lock on each other.
“That’s Alice. She can see the future.” he states. You nod before turning back towards Alice who’s still looking at you with excitement.
“I saw you coming before you were even in town!” you nod, understanding her former words now. Her eyes grow distant as if she’s seeing something before she stumbles back a bit. She looks from you, to the necklace Jacob had given you around your neck, and back to Edward again. “You’re going to have your hands quite full!” with that she runs from you over to Bella. You watch as she lifts her, spinning her in the air as she gives her a loving kiss. She then leans down to her ear whispering something. Bella’s eyes grow wide as she looks at you before turning her attention back to Alice.
Edward grabs your shoulder, turning you to face him. “I’m sure they’re going to be like that for a while. Would you like a tour?” he asks. You nod, playing with your fingers shyly.
“I’d like that.”
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As your tour concludes, you end up in the entrance to Edward’s room. The shelves are lined with CDs. A lot of them are classical ones but a few of them are some names you recognize. You pick up Favorite Worst Nightmare by the Arctic Monkeys, removing it from its case before popping it into the player. You turn around at the sound of Edward closing the door. He motions for you to sit on the chase in the room and as you do, he sits with you.
“Your house is beautiful by the way. I mean, I wouldn’t be able to get a wink with all the windows but…I guess that isn’t an issue for you. Sorry, is that offensive? I didn’t mean it lik-” he squeezes your thigh gently and you stop rambling. He smiles softly, shaking his head.
“You’ve been doing your research clearly. Don’t worry, you couldn’t offend me even if you tried. I don’t think I could ever be mad at you.” he says, dragging the back of his hand down the side of your cheek. Your eyes flutter close for a moment before opening as he begins to speak again. “I’ve been thinking about you all month. I wanted to come and see you again but anytime I got close to your house, there was the overwhelming stench of dog.” he says, his nose twisting up at the thought. “Not even your scent could mask it.” you look down at your chest, playing with the wolf pendant around your neck. You miss how he looks at it in disdain.
“Jacob’s nice, you know. I think you guys could be friends even if there wasn’t a natural hatred between the two of you.” you explain, looking back up at him. “A-and the feeling is mutual. I’ve been thinking about you more than I’d like to admit.” he scoots closer to you, a smirk present on his face.
“Why don’t you embrace it? Clearly something is drawing us closer to one another. I think that’s a beautiful thing.” he mutters. His face slowly inches closer and closer. He brushes some of your hair. Your heart thumps wildly in nerves and anticipation. You think he’s going to kiss you until he places a kiss on your cheek instead. Goosebumps trail up and down along your spine. “Relax, I’m not going to steal your first kiss from you. At least not yet.” he whispers in your ear before pulling back to look at your face. You splutter a bit as he chuckles.
“That is so not funny!” you exclaim, swatting him in the chest. He’s got a smug grin on his face, revealing his sharp canines.
“No. But, you’re very cute when you’re nervous.” flipping him off, you lean your back onto the cold glass of the window, attempting to cool yourself down. He watches you, grabbing one of your hands. You don’t pull it away, allowing him to hold it. You let out a faux cough, looking away from him as you turn your eyes back to the cds in front of you.
“So, you like music? I see most of it classical aside from a few albums. Is that by choice or lack of knowledge?” you question, turning your attention back to him.
“A bit of both. I’ve tried branching out before, it’s just kind of hard to find things I enjoy with how vast music is now.” he explains. You hum, nodding.
“You know, I could burn you a few tapes. Since you seem adverse to the world of modern technology.” you tease. He rolls his eyes.
“I’m not adverse to it. Music just always sounds better on tape. The vocals are much richer and you can truly hear the tones.” Only Ones Who Know comes on. It was always one of your favorites off the album. You sway a bit, mouthing the lyrics to it. Edward stands up, offering you a hand. You shake your head.
“Nu uh, no way.” he ignores your protest, yanking you up. You trip a bit, stabling your hands on his shoulders. Reluctantly, you begin to sway in sync with him. It’s a very simplified waltz as he spins you around slowly, dipping you down. Your foreheads are pressed together before he puts you back up right. He holds your hand up and you reluctantly spin, laughing as you fall forward into his chest. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you there, your hands pressed against his chest. It’s as if time freezes as the two of you stand there. You’ve been there for a while, the last track on the album playing.
“Alice is thinking of asking Bella to stay the night. Would you allow me the honor of taking you home?” Edward asks hopefully, pulling back to look at you. You pretend to think on it for a long time as he shakes you gently.
“Alright, alright! Yes, you can take me home. Which car is- woah!” you shout as he swings you onto his back at a super human speed before jumping out of the window on the far side. “Holy shit can you warn a girl next time?!”
“So there will be a next time then?” his tone is laced with playfulness as he runs through the trees. 
“That is so not the point here!”
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As you arrive at the back of your house, Edward jumps with you onto the balcony. You hop off his back, facing him as you back away towards the door. You lean against it as he rest against the railing.
“Tonight was fun. I hope we can hang out like this again soon.” you say, staring down at your boots. Edward rushes forward, tilting your chin up with a finger. He’s got the same dopey smile on his face that’s barely left it all night.
“We will. Your dad is planning on asking mine if he wants to come over for the big game this Friday. But, I’d like to see you again before that.” he says. You wrap your hand around his, laying it on top of your cheek.
“I’d like that.” you purr out. He squeezes your cheek before hopping off the balcony only to return with a daisy. He tucks it behind your ear, winking before running off once more into the night. You hear your phone ping in your pocket. Taking it out you see a notification from Edward.
Edward 🦇: Put my number in your phone before I left. It was a pleasure seeing you again. I hope your dreams are filled with me because my thoughts will be occupied by you.
(Y/n): You’ve made an appearance in them from time to time but mostly it’s just cute animals. And being naked in my old high school...
You change into your pajamas before flopping on the bed, screaming into your pillow. If anything, tonight just made things more complicated. There wasn’t a doubt about how you felt for either of them. You had a romantic interest in both of them. It wasn’t love yet but with the way things were going, you knew it was heading there, regardless of if you asked your heart to stop.
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 6 months ago
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witchthewriter · 2 years ago
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𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ Is always a gentleman; never letting you open your own doors, or pull out your own chairs. 
⭑ Only you know the real Edward, other than Carlisle. His mysterious and enigmatic persona fell when he met you. 
⭑ At first, he was a bit hesitant to find out that you were a witch. I mean before meeting you everyone in Forks knew. So he heard it from someone’s thoughts. 
⭑ But there was something about you that he couldn’t stop thinking about. 
⭑ And he did think you had cast a love spell on him. 
⭑ Which is ridiculous because you had never met any of the Cullens. None other than Rosalie, who you had spotted during your night rituals on the edge of the woods. 
⭑ All the Cullens were intrigued by you. Carlisle explained that magic ran in certain families, and sometimes with enough determination, a human can tap into magic. 
⭑ Alice wanted to know more about you; how you became to be a witch, when did you first start practicing etc. 
⭑ Jasper told her to steer clear of you - his traditional heritage clouding his judgment. He perceived you as a threat. 
⭑ All Emmett thought was, ‘cool.’ 
⭑ There would be an initial rivalry or dislike between the two of you at first. You tried to introduce yourself, or ask him if he needed any help when he came into your workplace. But he gave you the cold shoulder. 
⭑ The Cullens knew Edward liked you, but he didn’t want to admit it. 
⭑ And he would come up with excuses on why he needed to visit your store specifically. 
⭑ It wasn’t until Carlisle’s encouragement, that Edward saw you in a different light. 
⭑ Edward does get curious and wants to see what witchcraft is all about. In time I think he would allow you to gift him crystals and protection amulets. 
⭑ Your collection of books astounds Edward, and he loves taking you to every bookshop. And I do mean every bookshop. In different states, countries, you name it. 
⭑ You would teach him how to ground himself
⭑ Oh and you would know he was a vampire. You didn’t need to research it or confront him. You just knew. 
⭑ And you brought it up randomly, like in response to something he was saying. And he instantly froze. 
⭑ He tried to deny it. And probably avoided you for like ... 2 weeks? While the whole time he was freaking out that you were disgusted by him, but during that time you were freaking out because you thought he didn’t like you. 
⭑ You wanted to introduce him into the idea of pets; and first got him a fish 
⭑ Emmett couldn’t stop laughing when Edward brought the goldfish home. 
⭑ But the next time you visited the Cullens, the fish had a huge tank, with a water pump, palm trees, a treasure chest that opened with bubbles every few seconds. 
⭑ And Emmett named him goldie ... yeah. But the name stuck. 
⭑ You’re probably a chaotic good type of person 
⭑ Edward is very protective of you. I think extremely is the word, actually. He will fight whoever and whatever, whenever. And you know what? If there’s a group of guys harassing you, then you won’t stop Edward from tearing them apart. 
⭑ You and Alice get along really, really well. There’s a mutual fascination with each other where your conversations never cease. 
⭑ You love teasing him, and although he acts as if he doesn’t like it - he secretly does 
⭑ He knows that you love trinkets and vintage items. Edward will seek them out and surprise you with them by putting them on your bed, desk, or hang it on your mirror etc 
Relationship Tropes: 
Enemies to Lovers
Big calm x Small chaos
Touch Starved x Frightened To Be Touched
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