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ylge · 4 months ago
What if Eduan could possess Aguero too? What if their sons are still in full consciousness when they possess them?
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This is just a crack idea turned into comic, don't think about it too much 🤣
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syrupbitee · 7 months ago
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i have a whole theory behind this but uuuuumm that's a lot of text lululu
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katisconfused · 3 months ago
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Montana Azul: the spear of overcompensation
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incorrecttowerofgodquotes · 4 months ago
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They probably go to the bar together to pick up women
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ylge2 · 9 months ago
Doodles of Khun dad-son and Grace dad-son combos
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pal-pi · 6 months ago
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ToGRarepair2024 wk3 VEd
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tsuu-ki · 7 months ago
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First kiss
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skimmilk11 · 5 months ago
I think I used to have a misconception of aguero's family being this major underdog in the khun family politics... the way his mom freaks out at him in that first backstory scene does give the sense that she has had to ruthlessly claw her way in the family's politics, and that they're this scrappy family that has incredible skill (aguero being a chosen son, his sister in the running for princess) but is restricted by their status, but she also has two children!! I bet it's pretty rare for eduan that whore to have a child with the same woman more than once.
even maschenny sr, who out of the wives is the top of the top, only has ran and princess maschenny. which also speaking of ran maybe I'm fudging details but ran must have had some familiarity with aguero and aguero's competence to trust him enough to join his team and his weird plots that antagonize people and make enemies everywhere despite the hit to his own reputation for mingling with a disagraced son when aguero's not even that nice or cooperative to make up for it. ran is cream of the crop in terms of both personal ability and inherited status and the khun family is big enough that I don't think they would have had the chance to interact with each other if aguero wasn't on some level in a similar social sphere.
also going back to the scene with aguero's mother, having so many people in the background praying for your downfall and gossiping is pretty indicative of aguero's family having an outsized presence I think. also able to take in Kiseia probably means aguero's mom possessed ample resources/power to the point that she felt comfortable enough to support a whole other kid, even if kiseia could be put to work to support aguero's sister somewhat. From the ambition and pragmatism showed in that first scene, I don't think she would be generous enough to take on kiseia if she would have to struggle in any way to support all three or if it would detract from aguero's sister's supports.
also that aguero's sister was in the running for princess at all. the way aguero frames it it seems like it really came down to just maria and aguero's sister and that's crazy!! i keep forgetting how big a deal princess is then I remember kaiser. I swear I've seen aguero's "bad bloodline" get mentioned somewhere but I don't remember and i don't see how aguero's sister couldve been in the running for princess at all if their mom was a bad bloodline
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unrelated but I want real kiseia to show up so bad... if the whole incident occurred when aguero was like 15 and kiseia is younger than him then probably the last time he actually saw her was as a preteen and the data version of her was probably the first time he saw her grown up or maybe what he thinks she would look like now
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mikey180 · 10 months ago
Hello long time no see ~ How have you been?
Do you accept dark requests? If so can I have headcanons of Khun eduan, Slayer White and Lo po bia yasratcha where they are extremely possessive and jealous over their lovers?
I do. Sorry for the long wait~
Khun eduan, slayer white, lo po bia Yasratcha
Type- dark headcanons
Flavor- angst? Fluff? Depends on what you like
Khun eduan-
Makes sure to voice everything he likes about you and how much he loves you all the time, you never hear the end of it
Is the kind to hurt you if you want to try and get away from his possessiveness, but does want to. He claims he doesn't want to mark your pretty skin like that
Feeds you by hand, I don't know why, he just likes to pamper you like that
Since we're talking about being pampered, he'll get you literally anything you ask for, man never has to worry about running out of money
Is very touchy with you, in front of people and behind closed doors, arms always around you waist
Has a death grip on you when you two are sleeping, you'll have to wake him up if you want to use the bathroom
Wants to know where you are 24/7
Has a thing with your hair, running his fingers through it constantly, giving small tugs id you aren't listening to him talk
And he will talk your ear off and get annoyed if you don't listen to his rants
Won't drop his other women for you (probably), but will ignore them for you
Slayer White-
Also touchy, but in a gentler way. Tracing his fingers over your spin, coiling your hair around one of his fingers, gently pressing his face to yours, stuff like that
Enjoys making you shiver or annoying you by making sure you can feel his breath on you, on your ear, on the back of your neck, even in your ear sometimes if he really wants to mess with you
Likes to sew little hearts on your clothes...I don't know why, but I have a feeling this man can cross stitch or crochet like a boss
Also hugs you from behind, but in a more fleeting sense. A soft wrap around your waist before he gently lets go and makes sure you can feel his hand as it leaves, tracing across your stomach and coming off your side
Wants you to want his touch, the main reason for the fleeting gestures are all for you to pull him back and if you ignore them, he will get irritated
Will hurt you without remorse, but it takes very specific things to make him snap. Maybe you'll get an apology if you cry, but he couldn't care less about your bruises
Likes to cuddle you at night as well, probably a big spoon that brushes through your hair while you sleep
Will lick you like a cat, many many things like a cat...I can't even
Will rub up against you, hug you, cuddle with you while he's sweating just to mark you with his "scent" even if you don't like the stickiness
Hisses at people, hisses at everyone
He will hold you in front of people, harshly. You're talking to someone else? Get ready to lose your breath when he yanks you to him with an arm around your rib cage
Has probably hit himself in the mouth with your head by doing that a few times, acts as if it doesn't hurt, it did...check on him.
Yanks you...by the hand, by the waist, by your clothes, low-key strangles you sometimes by grabbing the back of your collar
Whether that's an accident or not is up to you
Doesn't want to hurt you, would rather play mind games to get you to stay
Will cuddle up with you like a cat, expect to be spooned in the shape of a tight C
Purrs...all cat men pur, change my mind
Enjoys dressing you up and doing your hair along with taking baths with you, making sure you get every inch of your scalp when you wash your hair
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tash-sho-sho · 8 months ago
I'm SO excited for season 2 of Tower of God, and I hope, HOPE they don't try to do the same thing as season 1 where they put like 78 chapters in 13 episodes.
I want to see Karaka and of course, more of my beloved Yuri, she has been one of my favorite characters since I first saw her! Ugh. Urek is a MUST, however.
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In fact, there are many chacater I want to see animated, but they most likely won't show up until season 3 or 4. That's why I'm begging to the tower/gods/Jahad to make this anime a success because if not, I'm going to cry on a corner.
Also, have anyone noticed the differences between season 1 and season 2? They look a "lil" different.
Tumblr is acting up so I can't show it, but anyway, it's very drastic!
I'm excited for this new season☆
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local-writer · 10 months ago
Jahad; All women *pulls out sword* are Queen's
Eduan; If she breathes *pulls out spear* SHE'S A THOOOT
Jahad and Eduan: *starts aggressively fighting*
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ylge · 4 months ago
In the mood for some EdV 🍇✌️
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In comparison to their sons
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tsukkiyume · 9 months ago
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Have a quick eduan doodle ✨️
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nanommin · 6 months ago
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tower of god aesthetics: 9/?
– v & khun eduan
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incorrecttowerofgodquotes · 3 months ago
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He’s got his daddy’s eyes
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clyde-wy · 11 months ago
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What an amazing chapter in every way
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