takeseffort-a · 6 years
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     the last few hours blur together in his mind, the concrete still pressed coldly against his back. on some level, he knows he’s been moved, knows he’s no longer bleeding out on the street. the arrow had been taken out, everything’s been bandaged & runed, but why... for some reason his head is still floating, his thoughts unanchored. he drifts below the surface a little longer before he finally pulls himself out of it & opens his eyes. groaning as he sits up, he feels every shard of pain lance through him like a hot knife but that’s not important. Magnus had been there, had gotten to him before Jace had left to go to Clary. everything after that is even more of a blur than he’d like to admit but apparently even his eidetic memory rune can’t hold up all the time. looking around, he feels a flutter of panic. ‘ Magnus - ? ’
     ↳ main verse starter for @edomson from here
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arguphosa · 6 years
  STARTER CALL   /   @edomson
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It was for Max’s benefit, Alec knew that, and he could usually get on board with most of the ideas that Max got into his head. His little blue boy was spoilt and he partially blamed his sister for her influence on him over the years. It was just that Alec thought that the whole thing was ridiculous -- a Halloween party wasn’t usually thrown by anyone in the downworld, from what Alec knew of it all, and Shadowhunters didn’t exactly celebrate the mundane custom. He had visions of Vampires ironically dressing up as Dracula and the angel only knew what Simon was going to dress up as. This was going to be an interesting night.
“Remind me again why you agreed to this?” His blue eyes sought out his fiancé across their living room, amongst string up bats and balloons. Magnus had expressed his interest in enchanting the bats to flap their wings throughout the night. Aside from the fact that Magnus needed no excuse to throw a party, Alec had been astonished to find that Magnus had agreed to Max’s wish for a Halloween party. “I still haven’t gotten Simon’s costume choice out of him and it’s worrying me.”
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xncertainty · 6 years
@edomson ♥’d for a starter
               Robert took a deep breath before he rang the doorbell. He knew that this was an incredibly stupid idea ( probably one of the worst he ever had ). However the need to come here had been so strong that Robert couldn’t possibly ignore it. The life of his son hang by a thread and the man behind this door made sure that he didn’t lose of the three most precious beings in his life. It was only logic to thank him personally, right? Even though it felt so wrong to be here and Robert rather wanted to claw a way out of his own skin than talk to the High Warlock of Brooklyn. In private.
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               When the door opened and Robert was faced with an assault of bright colors and an insanse amount of glitter, he already regretted his decision. Wasn’t it Magnus’ obligation to heal Alec anyway? He should check the duties of a High Warlock again. ❛ Magnus Bane? Robert Lightwood. Do you have a minute? ❜
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hisfinessearchive · 6 years
@edomson / starter call !
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        telling enough, wasn’t it, that he hadn’t allowed himself in the way he normally would. he imagined that was reason enough to be equal parts surprised and concerned; the few that knew him well enough were aware that solo paraded about as though he owned the grounds he walked on, granting himself entry to homes and lounging about, awaiting the arrival of the one fortunate --- or unfortunate --- enough to have been graced with his presence. this time, however, he stepped in, the beginnings of a smile that didn’t quite reach the eyes, weary. it’d been a long, messy affair in bolivia, and it showed. ❝ pleased to see me, i hope. ❞
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leuthros · 6 years
@edomson  ❤’d
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         ❛  are you okay ?   ❜     the concern in her eyes was genuine. while clary didn’t have any real recollection of the time she’d spent with magnus prior to recent events --- with the exception of flashes here and there that didn’t paint anything close to a real picture --- there was affection there, on both sides, that she could feel if not remember. he’d been looking a little worse for wear these days, and seeing a moment in which she might be able to call attention to it without being noticed by the others, clary had reached out for his hand, halting so that they would both stop in their tracks. they could always catch up with the group later. she flashed a mildly sardonic smile at him, shrugging.     ❛   you’re a little less sparkly than usual ------what gives ?  ❜
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initiare · 6 years
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started? 
Starting in August of 2012, I witnessed the 500px width GIFs in all their orange, pink and rainbow-y glory— and they so very often went paired with one-liners, I wanted to poke myself in the eye (okay, so I’m being a bit dramatic, shh). I also have recollections of the most horrible one-liner smut, it was almost scarring (I wish I was being dramatic there). Nah, but to respond a bit more seriously, I’ve seen the RPC go from minimal aesthetics when most of us used doucheywolf’s themes (which were magnificent and were what had me start to edit and learn to code) and zero styling to speak of— to the often way too aesthetically heavy trends that go on today. I remember the transition from the large 500px width GIFs to the 245px width to GIF icons, and then to still icons altogether. There are things I miss, things I’m utterly glad are no longer trends and things I wish never became a thing.
The RPC didn’t solely get an aesthetic overhaul however, it sadly also shifted in its attitude. While it was never perfect and quickly gained its reputation on the internet that it did for a reason, Tumblr has negatively evolved from a site that consisted of people uniting under similar interests— to a political battleground, which continuously extents to the writing side of the website. It will never not sadden me to know that people need to think twice and thrice before they do or write something, it’ll always sadden me that people can’t voice opinions about muses or events without feeling scared of someone potentially calling them out for it. In that sense, I’m very nostalgic when it comes to how the community on Tumblr used to be.
@edomson​ / it’s ‘let sae be salty’ time / accepting
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ofbrokenhope-a · 6 years
edomson replied to your post:
magnus vc: no you don’t.
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andy vc: you’re gross & I do.
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alaricseer · 6 years
edomson replied to your photo “fashionasfuck: Maximiliano Patane”
alright so ala can thirst after magnus' dad and magnus can thirst after ala's dad.
I mean, it only seems fair tbh
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alderastars · 6 years
[ @edomson ] ;; [ LIKED ]
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             ❝  --------- why , magnus , when did you suddenly become so pessimistic ? isn’t your optimism why we met in the first place ? ❞ it’s not , it was the compassion he exuded for those who remained under the clave’s boot . the innocents she presented herself to be . ❝ come on , don’t you have a little FAITH in me ? i can be just as SPECTACULAR as you , you know . ❞
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takeseffort-a · 6 years
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     it hadn’t been painful. in the end, it had been like falling asleep. he’d slipped away there in Jace’s arms, laying out in Magnus’ loft. it wasn’t a bad way to go, all things considered. he had been surrounded by people who cared about him. he could have rested in piece, maybe. except that’s a lie. he’s not DONE. there’s still so much to fight for, still so much he’s leaving behind. unfinished business. that’s what everything is.
     the demons are still coming, Valentine is still on the loose. he has to get back to them, has to get back to Jace... back to Magnus. they haven’t even started to explore what’s going on between them, & he can’t leave behind a maybe when, for one of the few rare times in his life he can say this, he’d felt something so close to HOPE for what that could turn into. between that & the parabatai bond, he’d fought like hell even after his soul had slipped away. 
     Ave Atque Vale.
     they’d said the words over his body, they’d lit the pyre. the remains of his bones had been interred in the Silent City. and then none of that had mattered because they sent him back. he’d slammed back into his body - whole, unburnt, unbroken - as if he’d never left it. the wings are heavy on his back, his skin unblemished by runes. he’d panicked, then as if he could just will everything into being, the wings had vanished & his runes had flooded onto his skin like ink on paper. 
     he’s alone in this space, he realizes, but where is he? standing slowly, he looks around, hands running over the railing. it’s a balcony, he realizes, recognition flooding through him. MAGNUS’ balcony. they’d not only sent him back, they’d sent him here, close to the souls that had called for him, right into the home of the one who had tried to save him. it’s poetic, & he can’t even dwell on it because as soon as the realization hits, he sees the portal form. straightening up, he leans back against the railing & lets Magnus’ eyes meet his.
     ❛ ... miss me? ❜
                 ✧ starter from here for @edomson
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immcrtuos-a · 6 years
ratings - @edomson
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Would they date them: yes | noFavorite thing about them: Magnus’ willingness to listenLeast favorite thing about them: That he opens himself up to so much hurt (he’s just worried but ssshh)
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diirewulf · 6 years
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there's no need to clarify my finger snap. the implication was clear in the snap itself.  ( magnus bane,  as told by ber )
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initiare · 6 years
☣ Have you ever rp’d with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
No, I have not. I’ve never really been in a situation where I had such a choice to make. Perhaps it’s because I’ve always been rather selective in my writing partners and that I’ve managed a bubble of sorts for my own sanity’s sake, but I’ve simply never had an opportunity such as that one arise. Although were I to ever be in one, I can say that don’t like to base my own opinions solely on the claims of others. While their views can influence mine, they never decide them; I’m very much a person who values coming to my own conclusions. So while I’d be cautious, I wouldn’t be opposed to giving people a chance. And I’m basing this simply on events within the RPC as a whole throughout the last year or two, where I know numerous had been very falsely labeled in one way another. 
@edomson​ / it’s ‘let sae be salty’ time / accepting
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doighfuar-blog · 6 years
@edomson ❥
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        After speaking with Mark, Kieran felt restless, needing to take a walk before he snuck back into faerie. His unruly hair was the deepest of blue it was practically black, making a point even as he walked to avoid most of the humans on the street & sliding into an alleyway when he could. His nose crinkles as he walks, the smell of the city left much to be desired even as he took twists & turns, avoiding many humans in the process. He much preferred the beaches, something about how the waves moved soothed him. 
       Something sparks in his mis-matched eyes, the metallic of his silver eye brighten as his head tilts slightly to the side. Recognizing the Warlock was easy, he hadn’t expected to find the other in this city however. 
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ofbrokenhope-a · 6 years
edomson replied to your post:
magnus vc: liar
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andy vc: I hate you.
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alaricseer · 6 years
Send 💪 for my muse’s reaction to yours picking them up and throwing them over their shoulder.
“Magnus, isnt this a little dramatic? I said I was coming, I just got a bit distracted, thats all. I can walk.” 
For all his complaining, Alaric seemed rather seemed to be enjoying himself. He had a well known love of being pampered, after all. 
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