my teeth and ambitions are bared
2K posts
Raphael Santiago | show & book based | private & indie | iconless | est. 05/04/2018 | rules & verses
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
I’m going to move Raphael to a new blog! The tags on this one are an absolute mess and I want to re-organize my verses too. I’ll post the link to the new blog here soon. I’ll be re-saving all the threads that I currently have in my drafts and checking in here regularly to transfer any replies that you guys might still have for me. 
( this is the first time ever I’m changing blogs like this so have some patience for me if/when I miss up 🥺 )
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
I’m going to move Raphael to a new blog! The tags on this one are an absolute mess and I want to re-organize my verses too. I’ll post the link to the new blog here soon. I’ll be re-saving all the threads that I currently have in my drafts and checking in here regularly to transfer any replies that you guys might still have for me. 
( this is the first time ever I’m changing blogs like this so have some patience for me if/when I miss up 🥺 )
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
I’m going to move Raphael to a new blog! The tags on this one are an absolute mess and I want to re-organize my verses too. I’ll post the link to the new blog here soon. I’ll be re-saving all the threads that I currently have in my drafts and checking in here regularly to transfer any replies that you guys might still have for me. 
( this is the first time ever I’m changing blogs like this so have some patience for me if/when I miss up 🥺 )
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
I’m going to move Raphael to a new blog! The tags on this one are an absolute mess and I want to re-organize my verses too. I’ll post the link to the new blog here soon. I’ll be re-saving all the threads that I currently have in my drafts and checking in here regularly to transfer any replies that you guys might still have for me. 
( this is the first time ever I’m changing blogs like this so have some patience for me if/when I miss up 🥺 )
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
I’m going to move Raphael to a new blog! The tags on this one are an absolute mess and I want to re-organize my verses too. I’ll post the link to the new blog here soon. I’ll be re-saving all the threads that I currently have in my drafts and checking in here regularly to transfer any replies that you guys might still have for me. 
( this is the first time ever I’m changing blogs like this so have some patience for me if/when I miss up 🥺 )
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
Most of the blog is moved to @immcrtuos now! I still have to reorganize my verses, but everything else is set
I’m going to move Raphael to a new blog! The tags on this one are an absolute mess and I want to re-organize my verses too. I’ll post the link to the new blog here soon. I’ll be re-saving all the threads that I currently have in my drafts and checking in here regularly to transfer any replies that you guys might still have for me. 
( this is the first time ever I’m changing blogs like this so have some patience for me if/when I miss up 🥺 )
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
I’m going to move Raphael to a new blog! The tags on this one are an absolute mess and I want to re-organize my verses too. I’ll post the link to the new blog here soon. I’ll be re-saving all the threads that I currently have in my drafts and checking in here regularly to transfer any replies that you guys might still have for me. 
( this is the first time ever I’m changing blogs like this so have some patience for me if/when I miss up 🥺 )
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
It was harder and harder to not start laughing, but Alec remained a semi successful poker face (and if anyone would have questioned it, he would claim that he was just so relieved that the other was not dead; before possible starting to laugh). Still, the moment they were out of sight and ear shot, Alec almost doubled over. It took him a few moments before he was able to respond again, wide grin on his face, slightly out of breath. “Sorry” - no, he was not, “- just, their faces. Priceless. I didn’t know what to say. You scared the hell out of them.” 
Raphael had had decades of practicing his poker face. Decades of making sure his true feelings didn’t show so that his opponents would only see what they wanted to see.
He still couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth from ticking up into a reluctant grin while Alec lost it. “Dios, me salve,” he grumbled. “Let’s not mention this ever again, it’d be better for everyone involved.” Mostly for Raphael himself, but he was hoping Alec would conveniently forget that little fact.
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years ago
welp, it’s been 3 months since I’ve poster here. Let’s see if I can get this boy back up and running
(i’m more active on discord so if you want to write or talk, you can hit me up there and get faster replies! find me at (ง'̀-'́)ง#0239 )
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
nickname .   joly   
sign .   cancer 
height .   5 ′ 4 ″ 
favourite   music   artist .  uh, I really can’t choose one tbh 
last   tv   show   you   watched .   the umbrella academy 
what   kind   of   stuff   do   you   post .  i try to keep it mostly in character stuff tbh or at least stuff related to/focused on raphael
do   you   have   any   other   blogs  ?   yep! a michael carpenter from the dresden files ( @amcracchius​ ) and a vampire oc ( @tenebrc​ )
why   did   you   choose   your   url  ?   google translate claimed that immortuos is the latin translation of “undead” which seemed fitting 
hogwarts   house .   slytherin 
pokemon   team .  i have no clue tbh i don’t know anything about pokemon
favourite   colour  .   blue 
how   many   blankets   do   you   sleep   with  .   one or two 
𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍   𝚋𝚢  :   @avastuniverse​
𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐  : you!
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
          Magnus looks up sharply when he hears the familiar (beloved) voice in his doorway, going still with surprise and no small amount of shock. Is that??… but How…. A split second later, the Warlock drops the spellbook in his hand and swings around the corner of his office entrance to stare at—-
          “— Raphael!?” Bane breathes, eyes darting from the boy’s smiling face to the patchwork of sunlight filling up his loft’s living room. On instinct, Magnus throws up a hand to magically yank the curtains closed, his mind racing over how Santiago even got here in broad daylight— 
          But (Oh Edom) it’s too late. Raphael has already stepped right into a square of sunshine like a fool, and…. and he’s… “…You…” The Warlock gapes stares, because Santiago is lit up with light and he’s still smiling.  
          “…Are… Are you human??” Magnus gasps incredulously, leaping forward grab to at Raphael, but gently, his palms bracketing the boy’s slim shoulders so he can look him up and down. Uninjured, the Warlock marvels, Rafe’s entirely unharmed! And despite knowing how his son feels about physical displays of affection, Bane cannot suppress the urge to pull the younger man into an embrace. 
          “…I’m…” Magnus huffs a laugh, still reeling. He leans away to cup a palm against Raphael’s cheek. “.. yes, you silly boy, I’m back. And apparently I missed a few things while I was gone…” 
Magnus seems to be having some trouble with forming full sentences, but - Raphael really can’t blame him for it. He’d be surprised too if their roles were reversed so he doesn’t make a snide comment about it. 
He still doesn’t comment even when Magnus drags him into a hug despite it coming nearly reflexively. No, he swallows the remark and instead wraps his own arms around the Warlock’s waist to hold on tight. He rests his head against the other’s shoulder and just… breaths for a second, just enjoys the proximity with the one person who’s most important to him.
“No, not human.” That much is still out of his reach, but at least he can see the sun again. He can finally see the sun rise and set every day, he can enjoy the warmth of it on his skin, he doesn’t have to risk dying for staying out too late. “It’s a bit of complicated story, but I’m a Daylighter now.”
( Just like Simon, but Raphael wasn’t going to dwell on him right now. This moment was a good moment and he wouldn’t let the thought of Simon Lewis ruin it. )
 “What were you doing in Edom? Are you alright?” The Warlock had been in literal hell and while Raphael had never doubted the existence of heaven and hell… it was still difficult to accept that they could just walk in there. “Tell me what happened.���
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
@dvineglory / cont.
Raphael did have all the time in the world, but that didn’t mean he wanted to spend it with a Shadowhunter. Particularly this Shadowhunter. Jace was the one to come here, to the Dumort, who was he to judge them so openly? But, as usual, Raphael had to bear his presence and share any information he demanded - or risk the Institute’s wrath. “She is, yes, and I assure you that we will all act as the Accords require.” 
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
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                            “There’s something suspicious going on here,” Magnus managed to murmur quietly enough, moving away as soon as he’d said what he’d needed to. He was sure that Raphael had heard him. There was, indeed, and awful, uncertain feeling crawling down Magnus’ spine that something was not right here at the Institute. Just because Alec and Luke couldn’t see didn’t mean that Magnus couldn’t. “We’ll speak more about it afterward.”  
He only hummed in reply and then sat up straight again. He believed Magnus immediately and didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention by pushing the point if the Warlock thought it best to wait. Now that it was pointed out, Raphael could finally place that feeling that had him on edge ever since he entered the Institute. He’d first dismissed it as paranoia, or perhaps some of the energy from the runes placed around the building, but now that he focused on it more he could tell Magnus was right. Something was off.
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
In his half asleep state, it really hadn’t sounded like a bad idea - him keeping most of the blanket (a soft and warm cocoon he would not give up willingly), but the moment his bare skin was met with shocking cold, he gasped, half up in his spot and eyes wide open. A step closer to being awake. With a groan, he flopped back down again, curling up a bit more. It didn’t really help.
“You’re awful.” There was little doubt that this had been very much on purpose; it was all over Raphael’s face though he was hiding it more or less well enough. The blanket was still warm, but there was no falling back into this hazy state of almost asleep against Raphael’s cool skin. With a sigh Alec sat up, mentally preparing himself, before taking a few steps ouf of the bed to find his shirt after all.
Grumbling all the way about cruel, cruel vampires, he got back into bed, purposefully snuggling close to the other. “So mean” he said, eyes already closing again then.
Raphael really couldn’t stop the smug, satisfied grin from appearing at Alec’s reaction, even while his eyes stayed shut to at least keep a pretense of sleep. It was exactly what the Shadowhunter deserved for hogging the blankets. Maybe he’d feel just a tad guilty for waking Alec up like this when he was always so busy during the day, but right now he couldn’t muster the energy for it.
“Hm, I know,” though his triumphant tone trailed off into grumbling when Alec actually left the bed. That hadn’t been the intention.
Fortunately, Alec returned under the covers soon enough, even cuddling up to Raphael. Which was still something Raphael was getting used to. The last people he’d shared a bed with were his siblings and it’d been decades since then. To now have his… boyfriend? partner? sleeping next to him was an adjustment. But not one Raphael minded, it turned out. In fact, he wriggled his arm under the other’s to wrap it around his waist and then drifted off to sleep again.
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
                               Ragnor would remind Raphael every chance he could. He’d loved him ever since they were little kids, and he would continue to love him until his dying breath. Just because they existed in a world full of and created by magic, didn’t mean that the love they shared wasn’t wholly christened in it as well. Ragnor’s heart ached at the verbalization of Raphael’s love–it still shocked him, even if they’d been together for years now. 
                                      Ragnor hadn’t ever believed that he’d be loved. Really, when he was growing up, he noticed everyone else falling in love around him and knew that he’d never feel that, and boy was he happier than he’d ever had been to eat his words. “You know, I’m supposed to be grading student’s work, so it isn’t exactly fair that you are walking around here looking as beautiful as you are.”
“Well… I can leave if you want?” It wasn’t a real question, but he liked teasing Ragnor too much not to start getting off of him, expression fake-sad. It also worked well as a deflection for the compliment since Raphael still didn’t quite know how to react whenever Ragnor did that. They’d been together for so long now and it still caught him off guard.
Speaking of students’ work, Raphael should prepare his classes for tomorrow and the day after. Fortunately, he had all of the necessary notes in his bag so he didn’t have to go back upstairs and could just settle in beside Ragnor. It wasn’t close enough for their elbows to jostle together, but they could easily lean in and read along with the other - mostly for Raphael to comment on some of the mistakes the students had made.
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
avastuniverse replied to your post “//Going through my drafts and the majority is legit just from...”
I'd say sorry but...
I know you aren’t and tbh neither am I lmao
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immcrtuos-a · 5 years ago
//Going through my drafts and the majority is legit just from @ofmenandangels and @avastuniverse, so I’m going to try and spread them somewhat equally between replies from other people 😂
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