#edmund dexter
elecktrum · 2 years
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
From the fic writer ask!
Hmm . . . quite a fun question!
For my Chronicles of Narnia fics, I'd recommend Into the West. It's very Peter-centric, but has lots of drama and adventure and angst. If Edmund is your preferred king, go with Black Dwarfs, Blue River. The snark and sarcasm flies far and fast as Edmund works to win over a clan of Black Dwarfs who want very little to do with this annoying human boy who shows up and won't go away, so of course they adopt him but don't bother to tell him.
For FusionFall, I'm torn between Invisible Sun and A Time for Heroes. Invisible Sun deals with Dexter learning how to be part of a found family (while dodging ranks of villains from Townsville, charming the Powerpuff Girls, and turning physics on its ear). A Time for Heroes deals with Dexter learning how to be a friend, specifically with Ben Tennyson, who won't take no for an answer. For an added bonus, the Fusion Dexter makes his debut, and the Kids Next Door kick some serious butt and blow stuff up.
And for Final Space, I have to go with Kalibar. Yes, it's a long beast, with time travel and an accidental marriage among other things. But it's got drama and romance and gobs of action, and it sets the pace for my take on the Final Space universe. Plus, Avocato goes absolutely feral at one point.
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dreadmanconcepts · 5 months
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varyingly old designs for the same character
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cupsofsilver · 2 years
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Wilson, James Keys (American architect, 1828-1894) architect. Edmund Dexter Family Mausoleum Chapel. marble (rock); sandstone, 1866-1870 (creation). JSTOR, https://jstor.org/stable/community.31710259. 
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floralsapphics · 6 months
Tagged by: @deankarolina thank you B!! *bites you bites you bites you*
Last song: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot
Favorite color: ice blue, lavender or green <3
Currently watching: Dexter with my mom, rewatching early seasons of TWD and the first 3 Pirates of the Caribbean movies with my brother, the YJ rewatch
Currently reading: the next book on my TBR list is Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Relationship status: Single
Sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet
Current obsessions: I’m in a weird obsession slump where nothing is hitting rn so maybe I’ve got to revisit old obsessions again
Last thing I googled: “Does crying a lot make your skin break out?” lol
Tagging: @valuedabovehoardedgold @bukaters @mistyquigleydyke @artofdoubt @ordinaryhorror @memoir-of-stars @wilderflcwers @cheekymcgrath @darlingavasilva @antlerslayer @whodoesnataliehave @isitcasualnow
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forgottenvalentina · 7 months
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so here's a mockup of what cassimir/sonya's family crest would look like when quartered with the malconaire arms! if/when eithne marries cassimir, cassimir'd also be entitled to make the second/lower quarter that currently bears the second crest of the house of vasilieva with the arms of the house of lorcan to spice it up with a bit more color ;DDDDD
ANYWAYY!! this is v much just a mockup and obv the portcullis is just a stand in bc that's not been approved yet, plus the site i use doesn't have the capacity to execute it the way it should be done etc etc but this'll give us a sense to go off of if you, like me, are visually focused hahaha
but ill show that off in a bit, for now i have alternate mockups as usual! so here's how valentina will be displaying their arms when its under her perview (aka everything gets a crown bc she's their mama and of the blood royal!):
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obv cassimir and sonya can also display it a la the above since they, too, are of the blood royal, valentina being their mama. however, if they choose to, they can also wear it sans crowns (so can valentina, she simply never would choose that short of roderick, himself, demanding it, which...could def happen asp hahaha):
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so here's how that looks -- i didn't remove the crowns from house vasilieva's bc that is in fact a royal crest so the crown is part of it, however they could wear it without that as well its all up to them hahah
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ok so here's what cassimir's + eithne's family crest might look like, were she to marry cassimir! now this one's a lil funky bc like...she's marrying someone w her own crest, right, since her husband's her adopted brother (supposedly) alksdjfkljdsfj so i went back and forth on how to structure this one alksdjfkljdsf bc where the sinister and dexter should be is kinda wonky and really it should be structured like:
FIRST DEXTER: malconaire/vasilieva splice
SECOND DEXTER: portcullis/vasilieva splice
FIRST SINISTER: malconaire OR malconaire/lorcan splice
SECOND SINISTER: lorcan OR malconaire/lorcan splice repeat
but they don't have that structure available on the site so i made due
also i didn't include any crowns on hers (except the mural crown around the swan neck which isn't [necessarily -- arthur has one too and possibly edmund too? tho this could go either way since he wasn't actively fighting, just commanding, as far as i know? but he ~did win the battle, so roderick probs would've awarded him its use, and whether or not he chose to use it would be up to him -- but in their cases they are also of course imperial] a royal crown but an earned crown of war won through bravery and strategy, etc, which i just figured the lorcans would have, given their history) bc im guessing she's not going CASSIMIR FOR EMPEROR or anything like her stepmama is hahaha but i can certainly add them back in!!!
eithne herself, as well as any children they might have, could also choose to wear this (and frankly might prefer to) w everything basically swapped to showcase that malconaire is HER house and he just married it, basically hahaha and that'd just be the above in effectively mirror image so more or less like so:
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but that would def be a big STATEMENT™ to make, ESP on any potential kids, and it'd def get ppl talking and be lowkey scandalous etc tbqh bc she'd be publically saying CASSIMIR AINT NO MALCONAIRE hahah so yeah that's an option too ;D that being said rosie would HAPPILY make that for her in banners, flags, pennants, dresses, anything she likes hahaha so she'd def have the ability to do that if she so chose ;DDDDD
also now im picturing:
rosie: ive decided to stop fighting this, eithne. you're marrying cassimir, fine. as a gesture to show i accept that this marriage is happening, i've made you a wedding dress.
and it's this alksdjflksjdkfjlds
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diskaywrites · 7 days
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒔 𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝑰𝒏 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕 #𝟏𝟔: 𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆 𝒃𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒚 𝒁𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑬𝒅𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒚𝒆𝒓 (𝒐𝒄) 𝒙 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒆 (𝒐𝒄) 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝑶𝒇: 𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒏 (𝒐𝒄), 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒂 (𝒐𝒄) 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆: 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑻𝑾: 𝑺𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒍 𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
Midnight covered the rose garden behind the manor that Edmund Dyer called his home, casting an eerie light to the statue that acted as a stark reminder of what he had lost. The angel with her arms outstretched to grasp at some unobtainable goal was that reminder of his own lost love, the woman he had lost to her own devices as she stepped into the sunlight. It was reminder that time could take everyone at some point.
Even those who should be immortal.
Edmund's tongue ran over his fangs, an idle motion that was one of comfort. Why had he come out here? Everything was going fine in his life. His Richard and himself had just debuted for a new company, hiding amongst a buffet of strong men and women in an elite company that claimed to be full of the best. And what had they given up to obtain such a goal? Nothing but the gold that they had desired for so long to a team that they considered to be nothing but beach trash. Edmund's fist clenched, nails biting into his skin hard enough that, had he recently fed, would have drawn that red ichor of life.
He was growing tired and that was a dangerous thought.
Edmund's eyes drifted just past the statue, and, for a moment, it was as if he saw an apparition before him. There, in the moonlight, was the visage of the woman he loved so much. Her skin was so pale that it seemed to radiate the light back into the world. Her hair was what broke the thought. His Lorna's crimson tresses were always kept long, piled into a tightly coiled bun. It had always been one of Edmund's favorite things about the evenings with his sire, pulling the pins from her hair and watching as the red meshed against the almost ghostly white skin of her bare back. This feminine frame beyond the statue had everything that made his Lorna 𝗵𝗶𝘀 Lorna.
Save for the long hair.
"Tris," murmured Edmund as his eyes glanced away from the figure and back towards the statue. She sat next to him, shawl pulled tight around her shoulders. "How are you this evening?"
Tris laid one of her hands on his, "I should be asking you the same thing. Richard realized you were not in the library. I knew there could only be one other place you would be."
Edmund pulled his hand away, folding them one on top of the other on his lap. Beatrice, Tris as he had taken to calling her, had been a new partner of his for about a year now, having met his fellow kindred while hunting down the boy who called himself the second lykos. When they had first met, Tris had not been Tris. Her form had been that of a being named Dexter, someone who Edmund had come to respect for just how depraved he could be. Edmund had never expected that depravity to be turned against himself, had never expected to see Dexter take an almost identical form to that of Lorna. At first Edmund had been against it, had thought it a cruel joke from the woman, but as she showed more and more comfort in this form, Edmund had come to live with it.
"I needed to clear my head," Edmund spoke, his accented voice breaking the crisp autumnal air, "You may tell Richard such."
"And if I was worried about you?"
Edmund mimicked drawing in a breath, "Tris..."
"You have been so cold with me lately," she gestured towards where his hand had once sat on the cold stone bench in front of the marble statue, "you will not even let me touch you. Why?"
"Beatrice, please. I do not wish to-"
That tone of voice made Edmund blanche. It reminded Edmund of the way Lorna would compel him early on as his sire, if she needed him to do something specific. "It has been almost sixty four years and...and I can't bear to look at you..."
"Oh...Edmund..." Tris looked at him with such empathy, with such 𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆 that he couldn't stand it. Edmund attempted to stand, surprised when Tris grabbed his arm to stop him, "Please I...I do not want you to shut me out."
"I am...I am trying, my dear. I am not trying to shut you out of my life, but between work and this and..." Edmund turned to face her, his blue eyes fading into the black that they did when his shadows took over, his hand coming up to cup her face. His thumb ran across the smooth expanse of her cheek, "I think of joining you so often, Lorna. I think of how it would feel to sit in the sun. To d-"
"I forbid you," protested Tris, taking hold of Edmund's chin, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Do you hear me, Edmund Dyer? You will not speak this way. You will not think this way. Richard and I both need you."
"You have lived much longer than I, Lorna," Edmund spoke, voice somber as he was lost to his own delusions, despite the forceful grip on his chin, "You know what it was like to grow tired of everything..."
"Edmund," Tris pleaded with the sharply-dressed kindred in front of her, "I am not her! She left you, she hardened you to Richard and I. Please...please open up to us. To me."
He blinked once, twice, before his black eyes turned to their soft blue, still gazing directly into the others. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, resting his own forehead against Tris'. "I...I am sorry my beloved. I have...I have allowed my mind to become clouded. I am sorry."
Tris moved her hand from his chin down the side of his neck and all the way down to his shoulder, which she gave a tiny squeeze. "Do not doubt yourself, Edmund. Your time has not come yet. Allow your heart to open up to what you have denied yourself for so long."
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The Dark Side of the Moon
A Magnus Archives/Five Nights at Freddy's Crossover
Chapter 1
Maxwell Rayner sighed as he looked himself over in the mirror. He was so very tired of growing old. The more dark and terrible his soul got, the more quickly his bodies seemed to age. The hair seemed to grey much quicker than it did back when he'd first started serving the Night. Back when people still knew him as Edmund Halley. Maybe it was the constant rush of American culture that aged him so poorly these days. It was always exhausting finding new bodies to wear. Suitable hosts for the Darkness were hard to find these days.
He supposed his insistence in taking the bodies of children didn't help. Though they lived longer than the bodies of adults, the Darkness of his soul wore away at them much quicker. Rotting them from the inside out. Perhaps Jonah had a point in only taking the bodies of full grown adults, but Rayner would never admit to taking advice from a slave of the wretched voyeuristic eye.
Turning his thoughts from his rival, Maxwell finally left the men's bathroom and stepped out into the garishly bright main lobby of the Pizzaplex. His pearly white eyes squinted even behind his shades. Maxwell had been thorough enough to wash the blood from his gloves and trenchcoat, and the Darkness in his shadow had been kind enough to leave no body left for the staff to find later. He'd fed the Night well tonight, the two men who'd taken the stalls next to his would never be seen again. It was why Rayner still visited this place, despite his hatred for all color and light it held. Plenty of guests to feed to the Night and a corrupt corporate establishment happy to cover up any disappearances he might cause during his stay. He appreciated how they put his needs as a customer first, but Maxwell didn't want to make the job any harder for them with such things as evidence and bodies.
He should go body shopping while he was here. He'd heard they'd installed a daycare not to far from here. It couldn't hurt to test just how afraid of the Dark its guests were. The body he was wearing would likely fit in well enough. He couldn't remember the name of the man it belonged to originally, but his long grey hair and black, wrinkled face would likely allow him to pass as some child's grandfather or relative if asked. Though, given Fazbear Entertainment's lax approach to safety measures, he doubted he'd need to worry.
The Daycare was every bit as defenseless, and as garishly bright, as Rayner had expected. The large doors of the entrance didn't so much as require he flash his guest pass before they let him in. Ne security measures, no locks, no anything. Rayner leaned against the unmanned security desk, humoring the idea that this might be a set up. Certainly, the light was bright enough to potentially destroy him should he ever be caught without his body in here, but so was every wretched room of this establishment it seemed. The blasted chattering of brats did nothing to prevent the growing migraine the place gave him, which turned his attention to what they were babbling at.
A loud, dancing jester animatronic wrestled the younglings down from high places where they might fall. A loud robot with a screeching voice themed after the blasted sun. It seemed perfectly designed to annoy him. A function which it may very well intentionally possess, as it spotted him and enthusiastically waved him over. The jester sun... thing ambled over to him with an inhuman speed and dexterity that would've suprised him had he been human, but instead he just pragmatically made a note of it and glared it down.
"He-lllooooooo, Mr... uh..." The robot paused, clearly trying to place him as some child's parent. Rayner half ignored it and scanned the room for an ideal host. "I'm sorry, there must be some mistake, I don't have you in our parents databank, sir!"
Rayner smiled. "Oh, there is no mistake I assure you. I am here to pick up my children. All of them."
And then the lights flickered off.
Rayner's shadow stepped out from behind him, no longer confined to his shape by the cursed light. The Still and Lightless Beast within it back handed the Daycare Attendant away before it could react, landing in a useless clump of cracked plastic and broken metal. Rayner's pearly whites pierced the darkness as he pondered what to do with the children. He could tell they were screaming, but the Darkness devoured their cries before they could reach his ears. There would be no one coming to save them.
He'd take all of them, Rayner decided. That would give him plenty of potential bodies to choose from and plenty of fear to feed the Night with. The leftovers would make good sacrifices if nothing else. He took a moment to drink in their fear. The fear of children often lacked the age and refined taste that the fear of adults had. It was why he much preferred the terror of their parents, salted by the grief of missing children that would likely never see the light of day again. The fear of children was like water, refreshing if he'd had nothing else that day, but ultimately tasteless. When Rayner pondered how the parents would react to finding their kids absent from the daycare, he could almost taste the resulting grief, despair, and unholy mixture of hope and fear that would inspire a delicious life long terror in their souls. Like a fine wine, nine years in the making. Or however long these brats had been alive.
Rayner locked eyes with one of the children, one of the few who'd resorted to mute, terrified staring rather than screaming and fleeing, and marched forward to grab him... when something grabbed a hold of his arm. Something metal and cold wrapped around just beneath the wrist, gripping tight enough to nearly form a bruise.
"Intruder.... Rulebreaker..." The machine hissed in his ear, before something steel smashed into his ribs. Rayner could feel them crack from the impact as the blow knocked him into the wall. The bruise he could feel forming on his back was another irritating reminder of how old this body had gotten. How tediously mortal each of his hosts were. But that was the least of his concerns right now. Maxwell glared back at the thing that had the gall to strike him, half expecting to spot the damned jester. He was partially right, but it looked different now. The garish golden hue the defined most of its clothes and body had been traded in for darker blues and silvers. The sun rays on its head had retracted and the attendant's once pale eyes now glowed red with malicious intent. Rayner had to wonder whether they were even the same animatronic, given the completely different paint job.
The attendant's giggling and learing was cut short as the Still and Lightless Beast blindsided it, slamming the Moon into the counter of the security desk. The Attendant growled and lunged back, wrestling with the hulking brute of shadow. Rayner watched with a pragmatic curiosity. It was well known that Fazbear Entertainment's animatronics were at least ten years ahead of the rest of the world, but this degree of functionality peaked his interest. Could this contraption be worth turning into an Avatar of the Dark?
There was some merit to the idea. It was certainly thematically appropriate given the thing's design. And as it was designed to watch over children all alone, there were plenty of opportunities for it to feed in the fear of unsuspecting children. It could do a lot to serve the Night in its position and, from Rayner's experience, the company that owned it would much rather cover up any incidents than scrap the source of the problem.
The Moon put up a good fight for a simple machine. Rayner couldn't recall that last time he'd seen the Beast covered in scratches and cuts, seem the liquid darkness it had for blood leak out onto the floor. But Maxwell was never concerned. The Beast had slaughtered Hunters before. The daycare animatronic was nothing. Metal creaked and plastic cracked as large clawed hands wrapped around the Daycare Attendant's throat. The machine hissed out another guttural "Rulebreaker...." through a sparking voice box before the Beast slammed it through the security desk with a loud crash.
Maxwell approached the sparking, whirring heap of parts the Moon had become, calling off the Beast with an offhand wave. He would not be using this name and face for much longer, so the fact that the Attendant had one to tie to this incident was nothing. The Night would appreciate how this encounter had thoroughly marked a new potential Avatar for it and would further appreciate the feasts of Fear that this creature would provide it. There was no point in trashing the animatronic beyond repair. Simply let the darkness take hold of its functions and let it serve the night as it may.
Neither the guests, nor the staff would see or hear the children leave as creatures of the Dark dragged them from the building. The blackout stunted their sight to a supernatural degree and the night would devour their cries. As far as the world knew, there was simply no way for all nine kids to have disappeared. There was only a blackout and then they were all gone, along with Maxwell Rayner.
Vanessa sighed after taking another puff her cigarette. The flame of it was one of the few things lighting the Parts and Services area right now. The blackout earlier had burst most of the lights in the building and the public areas right now took priority in the repairs. Her protests to management that she could hardly be expected to repair the Daycare Attendant in the dark went unheard, so all she had to work with was a lighter, a flashlight, and a smoking habit she really ought to drop if she wanted to keep her job. All the actually trained engineers were busy fixing lights and checking wiring and fuses around the building to determine what could've caused the blackout, so that left her the job of getting the Daycare Attendant in working order again.
Thankfully, they seemed to be just short of a Bonnie situation. Whatever had done this to Sun hadn't damaged anything vital. The AI's mainframe and operating systems were untouched, so that just left repairing the body and inserting a new voice box. Vanessa looked the old voice box over after pulling it free from the wiring. If she didn't know any better, she'd swear it had been crushed by hand. She considered asking Monty later, but she couldn't think of any motive he'd have to do this.
Sun sprang to life suddenly and grabbed her by the arm. "Lights on! Lights on!" He shouted, nearly sending Vanessa stumbling over in shock.
"Gah! Sun, what the hell! How are you even functioning?"
There were a lot of reasons Sun shouldn't be on right now. The pitch blackness of the room should've activated Moon for starters and he couldn't possibly be yelling at her without a voicebox. Even with Vanessa's flashlight, she could barely see his face. Darkness seemed to creep out of the corners of his smile.
"Keep the lights on! I don't want to see him again...."
That was all Sun could say before once again powering down.
(Yes, I know timeline wise this makes no sense. Just go with it. Rayner dies in 2017 and the Pizzaplex opens far after that. Just... go with it.)
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birb-tangleblog · 1 year
TTS Brotherhood Ask Game!!! :)))))
9. Who do you think is the most skilled in fighting?
14. Do you think the Brotherhood should continue with new members?
18 What is a cool headcanon that you liked from someone else?
9. Who do you think is the most skilled in fighting?
Ohhh man, this is a tough one- I see them as pretty evenly matched? I can imagine them all countering each other in different ways, and perhaps having favorable/unfavorable matchups- though I think they're all be close enough in skill that any fight would be a tossup.
Honestly, I kinda want to compare them to a starter trio from pkmn? (or rock paper scissors lmao)
Hector -> Quirin -> Adira maybe?
I feel like Hector's win condition against Quirin would be to outmaneuver and take him down before he runs out of stamina. Quirin is a tank, but also slower and the easiest to outspeed- Hector's aggression and decisiveness benefits him here.
Quirin, in turn, would win a war of attrition against Adira- if Adira didn't engage, he wouldn't burn himself out like Hector would. He can play just as defensively and patiently as she can, and out-endure.
And like we saw in the series, Adira has an excellent balance between strength, defense, and dexterity, and leverages each to her advantage. I'm not sure one member of the brotherhood is objectively the most skilled fighter, but of the three, imo she's probably the most reliable.
If we're talking canon/post-series and not hypothetical matchups, I debate on if Hector or Adira would be stronger. Quirin is obviously rusty, so he's out. Hector is isolated, and not necessarily fighting skilled opponents most of the time- but he probably practices and drills himself religiously. Adira's out in the world, so more likely to encounter trouble and test her skills- but she also might avoid fights because it's safe/practical.
We do see Adira beat Hector in a fight in RatGT, buuut I think that could've gone either way.
14. Do you think the Brotherhood should continue with new members?
Honestly, no! I think the Brotherhood, as it was, needed to come to an end. The secrecy, the demand of loyalty to the point of self-destruction and sacrifice, the legacy of the moonstone and the mindtrap talisman… it's better left in the past. (I also tend to HC that the Brotherhood favored recruiting orphans or children who otherwise had nothing, which is another reason the system would need to change in my mind.)
I think the Brotherhood could definitely reform, possibly under a new name, and become more inclusive/healthy- I really like the HC that in a canon-compliant ending, Hector goes on to be a teacher/mentor for the next gen- but part of rebuilding the DK would be starting that part of it anew.
18. What is a cool headcanon that you liked from someone else?
Xannerz has really cool thoughts on the DK and the Brotherhood!! Hard to pick just one w/ all our chatter, but I really like her headcanon that not everyone left the DK in the evacuation and a small handful of the citizens stayed behind. Ones who were older or sick, and just couldn't make the long journey, or maybe who refused to leave out of love/loyalty to their home- Edmund wouldn't have been completely alone, but it's still bleak and tragic in its own way.
Meechatuck's idea that Quirin is actually quite skilled at picking locks and Mo (rainyday-deer)'s old HC that Hector whittles are also both very cute to me!
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Actually, now that I have thought it over, I think it would be better to add live action TV adaptations to possible candidates for the 40, but for characters from Live Action TV Shows.
I would include...
Jon Snow from Game of Thrones
Shawn Spencer from Psych
Michael Scott or Jim Halpert from The Office
Leslie Knope or Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec
Edmund Blackadder or Baldrick from Blackadder
Neil from The Young Ones
and Gilligan from Gilligan's Island
What live action TV Shows would you pick?
There were so many shows that it was so hard to pick! But I did my best:
The Addams Family (1964): Gomez or Mortica
BBC Sherlock: John Watson (I know there are some who don’t like this version, but I like the idea of John becoming even more badass and getting a leg up on Sherlock).
Good Omens: Aziraphale or Crowley 
Merlin: Merlin of Arthur (I’m just imagining Arthur being surrounded by modern technology and calling it “sorcery!”)
House MD: House
Gilligan's Island: Gilligan
M*A*S*H: Hawkeye or Klinger (Look, the man KILLED IT in those dresses and was committed!)
Star Trek: The Original Series: Kirk or Spock
The Nanny: Fran or Niles
The Golden Girls: Rose or Dorothy or Sophia or Blanche (Listen, for so long I have wanted to see Niles from The Nanny and Sophia go toe to toe in an insult competition, so this is the closest I can get!)
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Will Smith
Knight Rider (1982): Michael Knight or KITT (Can you imagine three of the people waking up in a room only to find a talking car with them as well?)
Dexter: Dexter
Fringe: Olivia or Walter or Peter
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington (The babysitter needs to be prepare) or El
Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor
Supernatural: Sam or Dean or Castiel
The Good Doctor: Shaun Murphy
Breaking Bad: Walter White or Jesse Pinkman
The Handmaid's Tale: June Osborne
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy
Roswell (1999): Liz Parker or Max Evans
Fleabag: Fleabag
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Miriam Maisel
Orange Is The New Black: Piper Chapman
Psych: Shawn Spencer
The Office: Michael Scott or Jim Halpert
Parks and Rec: Leslie Knope or Ron Swanson
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Jake Peralta or Ray Holt
MacGyver (1985): Angus MacGyver
NCIS: Leroy Gibbs
Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid
The X-Files: Dana Scully or Fox Mulder
Full House: Jesse Katsopolis or Danny Tanner or Joey Gladstone
Corner Gas: Brent
Downton Abbey: Charles Carson
Monk: Adrien Monk
The Queen's Gambit: Beth Harmon
Columbo: Columbo
Murder, She Wrote: Jessica Beatrice Fletcher
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smeedlesmeelder · 1 year
Puzzle Platformer
Third week of my Video Game Genre Guides!
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Logo by my friend Sorry about missing last week, I will try to avoid that whenever possible by scheduling posts in the future. Puzzle Platformers! These games combine the fun jumpy mechanics of Platformers with the problem-solving aspects of Puzzle games. This is a broad genre that can apply to many types of Platformers and Puzzlers but is always a fun combination of the two. Here's what the genre would look like on a Genre Tree!
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In terms of top level genres, Puzzle Platformers are a pretty clear combination of Puzzle and Action [Dexterity] games through Platformer. Here's 5 Puzzle Platformers (in no particular order) and how I would categorize, or “tag”, them in pink!
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Puzzle Platformer, Physics Puzzle, First Person Puzzler, First Person Platformer // First Person Shooter Number 1 is Portal 2! This is one of my favorite games of all time and has a lot of tags to boot! The portal series is such and fun and influential series, and if you're playing the single-player campaign or the co-op, you're sure to have a lot of puzzling fun.
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Puzzle Platformer, Physics Puzzle, 3D Platformer, Fumblecore Number 2 is Human: Fall Flat! This fumblecore game is full of puzzle platforming through silly ragdoll controls! Me and a friend would always go for all achievements whenever they added a new level and had tons of fun! Very excited for the sequel!
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Puzzle Platformer, Single Screen Platformer, Physics Puzzle Number 3 is Spewer! An Edmund McMillen classic, Spewer takes place in little bite sized, single screen levels. With a sort of gross mechanic of spitting out fluids to propel yourself, this game is a good fun puzzle platformer with Edmund's classic "charm".
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Puzzle Platformer, 2D Platformer, First Person Puzzler Number 4 is Perspective! Out of any of these games I would recommend, this is probably the top! Its free to download and such a crazy take on Puzzle Platformers. I don't want to spoil too much but the general premise is a 2D Platformer where your 3D position and perspective affect the 2D world. So good, go check it out!
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Puzzle Platformer, 2D Platformer // Action Platformer Number 5 is Trine 2! In terms of tags its quite a basic 2D Puzzle Platformer, however this game comes with the gimmick of controlling 3 different classes each with their own puzzling or combat abilities. You can either swap between the classes in single-player or get 2 friends and eat play as a class! That concludes my third Video Game Genres Guide! Thank you for reading!
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softsanada · 2 years
ׅ 𝆬 𝅑 ╰╮ feels like fa𝗹𝗹𝗶ng | hotr
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ㅤㅤsobretudo, porto real era um ninho de víboras sedentas. a ambição era o único atributo em comum na corte. daenys targaryen sabia navegar pelo mar de falsidade que a cercava com destreza e elegância, até que sua zona de conforto é ameaçada com os sussurros de uma aliança matrimonial com otto hightower, um homem que tinha consigo a estima e afeição de seu pai, o rei viserys.
ㅤㅤo herdeiro da campina, edmund tyrell, apresenta-se em seus planos como uma promessa potencial para manter o que ainda lhe restava de sua liberdade e o poder político que estar na casa do dragão lhe cedia.
ㅤㅤharwin strong, por vez, é um observador na complexa dança que o relacionamento da princesa e o lord tyrell desenvolveu-se. porém, logo seria o alvo coletivo da cobiça de ambos.
ㅤㅤabove all, kings landing was a nest of thirsty vipers. ambition was the only common attribute at court. daenys targaryen knows how to navigate the sea of ​​falsehood that surrounds her with dexterity and elegance, until her comfort zone is threatened with the whispers of a marriage alliance with otto hightower, a man who held within him the esteem and affection of her father, king viserys.
ㅤㅤthe heir to the reach, edmund tyrell, presents himself in her plans as a potential promise to keep what was left of her freedom and the political power that being in the house of the dragon ceded to her.
ㅤㅤharwin strong, in turn, is an observer in the complex dance that the princess and lord tyrell's relationship developed. however, he would soon be the collective target of their covetousness.
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Round 1 Survivors/Losers
Part A-
Katniss & Prim
Mike & Nancy
Mario & Luigi
Pugsley & Wednesday
Sonic & Tails
Katara & Sokka
Blosom, Bubbles & Buttercup
Remus & Romulus
Mabel & Dipper
Huey, Dewey & Louie
Dexter & Deedee
Tadashi & Hiro
Cuphead & Mugman
Anna & Elsa
Part B-
Crash & Eddie
Sarah, Winifred & Mary
Peter & Edmund
Violet & Dash
Faramir & Boromir
Will, El & Johnathan
Sunny, Klaus & Violet
Kinsey, Tyler & Bode
Isabella, Mirabel y Luisa
Shaggy & Scooby
Zack & Ivy
T'Challa & Shuri
Lucy & Susan
Agnes, Margo & Edith
Part B-
Peter & Judy
Zelena & Regina
Bart & Lisa
Morgana & Arthur
Hansel & Gretel
Zuko & Azula
Harper & Cullen
Scar & Mufasa
Chris & Liam
Astrix & Obelix
Zeus, Poseidon & Hades
Mary-Kate & Ashley
Tom & Jerry
Jacob & Wilhelm
Alvin, Theodore & Simon
Ben & Gwen
Part A-
Chip & Dale
Theo & Apollo
Anthony & Timothy
Maya & Alejandro
Wanda & Pietro
Thor & Loki
Charlie & Torri
Peter & Nathan
Sam & Dean
Luke & Leia
Buffy & Dawn
Emily & Sophie
Wolverine & Sabertooth
Sherlock & Mycroft
Nebula & Gamora
Henry & Piper
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thelorehold · 3 months
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The Stolen Chalice: Quest for the Grail of Gallahad
Objective: Recover the stolen Chalice of Gallahad, a legendary artifact rumored to hold healing magic, from a band of ruthless outlaws.
Quest Giver: Sir Gareth, a grizzled knight with a missing eye and a cloak bearing the heraldry of a fallen kingdom.
The party will be hailed as heroes by the ailing King Edmund, earning them lands, titles, and a place of honor at the royal court.
The recovered Chalice, once restored to its rightful place, will grant a boon to each party member – a permanent buff to a chosen ability score (strength, dexterity, etc.) or a specific magical ability related to healing or protection.
The grateful Order of the Silver Shield, protectors of the Chalice, offer the party honorary membership, granting them access to training grounds, magical resources, and potential future quests.
While enjoying a celebratory feast at a bustling tavern, the party is approached by the weary Sir Gareth. He reveals himself as a knight from the fallen kingdom of Gallahad and pleads for their aid. The legendary Chalice of Gallahad, a sacred artifact imbued with potent healing magic, has been stolen by a notorious band of outlaws known as the "Black Ravens."
King Edmund, once a mighty warrior, now lies bedridden, his health failing rapidly. The stolen Chalice holds the key to his recovery and the kingdom's stability. Sir Gareth, burdened by his oath to protect the Chalice, begs the party to venture into the treacherous outlands, track down the Black Ravens, and reclaim the stolen artifact.
Optional Hooks:
One of the party members is a devout follower of the deity associated with the Chalice, driven by a sense of religious duty to recover it.
The party has a personal debt to King Edmund or the Order of the Silver Shield, making them obligated to help in their time of need.
Rumors circulate that the Black Ravens plan to use the Chalice's power for nefarious purposes, forcing the party to act before a greater disaster unfolds.
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irishgop · 5 months
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Elena in cove, San Vicente at Majorca, Joaquín Sorolla, 1919
A Spanish painter. Sorolla excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes, and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of Spain and sunlit water.
Not Turner, not Monet, painted so directly blinding shafts of sunlight as has this Spaniard." (James Gibbons Huneker, quoted in Peel, Edmund: The Painter Joaquin Sorolla, Philip Wilson Publishers, Ltd., 1989, p. 13.)
Thanks to Wikipedia
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soraavalon · 7 months
DM: It is the horses turn. Moriarty (OOC): What do the horses do? DM: This one is going to try and get out of here. Oh, okay. That is not bad. It's going to kick back and the seat under Edmund starts to shatter. Hunt (OOC): *worried squeak* DM: As it's trying to get away from the carriage and it's going to, what can it do since it is... I think it and the other way are probably gonna act together on this. What is their speed? Is 40. So if I can get this to work and select... Marigold is in the, oh. Hunt (OOC): *gasp* Oh yeah. DM: Marigold, can you make a dex save? Marigold: Do I have--- DM: *moves carriage forward towards Marigold's token* Hunt & Moriarty (OOC): Oh my god! Marigold (OOC): Oh! Oh I just looked at the screen. Hunt (OOC): *laughing* DM: Yeah, you outta not get hit by the cart. Please make a Dexterity save. Marigold: Oh dear. DM: Or acrobatics, well no this will probably be a saving throw as a reaction. Marigold: Bear with me. DM: Mm-hmm Hunt (OOC): Oh my god. Moriarty (OOC): Listen, the best case scenario is that Marigold (OOC): [something] a bear with me. Tark (OOC): The dragon doesn't kill Marigold, it's the horses and the carriage running over him. DM: *laughing* Moriarty (OOC): If he hides in the bottom of the carraige the dragons will think he got run over and died and then they'll go away. Marigold: Am I right in thinking that's *rolls an 8* the first Hunt (OOC): Oh no. Marigold: mission that I have been on where I am an official member? Because it would be--- -various 'Yeah's and 'Yes's- Marigold: Tragic if I die. DM: God, what do you guys think the damage modifier would be? Marigold (OOC): I think horses have trample damage. Hunt (OOC): Yeah. DM: Oh, okay, well they do have a hoof attack. Tark (OOC): Add that plus cart damage. Hunt (OOC): Oh my god! Nathaniel (OOC): What the fuck is 'cart damage'? Hunt (OOC): I would say that's bludgeoning. Eudora (OOC): It hasn't run over him yet has it. DM: No it hasn't, they're running into him, so that's trample damage probably for this one and just roll them together. Moriarty (OOC): Let's see. DM: That's gonna be 17 bludgeoning and I will, just as the horses kind of just reach you and barreling into you and I will give you a reaction time on your turn to get out of the way before the carriage follows.
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king-leos-world · 9 months
Leo's Friends and Enemies
Ellie (Co leader or the Elephant herd) 
Bahari (Leo’s sidekick; African Wild Dog or Painted Dog) 
Hercules (Liger; a historian) 
Mia (maid in the Lion Palace; Lioness) 
Josè (leader of the High Jungle; Jaguar) 
Cornelius (Elephant herd leader) 
Bog (Nile Crocodile float leader and leader of the River and Oval Lake)
Athena (Spotted Hyena clan leader)
Naltar (Snow Leopard; Nassir’s Assistant) 
Willie (Blue Whale pod leader)
Thrash (King of the South Ocean; Great white Shark)
Floyd (Flamingo flock leader)
Moonlight (Fruit Bat Colony)
Weston (Wildebeest herd leader)
Azure (Blue and Gold macaw flock leader)
Edmund (Elk herd and Forest leader)
Ben (Honey Badger; in charge in the Crystal Caves)
Rain (Little Bee Eater colony leader) 
Hugo (Hippo pod leader) 
Barb (Wood Pigeon flock leader)
Koko (Gorilla leader)
Ginger (Golden Lion Tamarin leader) 
Ruby (Bongo leader) 
Kipper (Capybara leader)
Copper (Caracal)
Shelby (Giant Snail)
Blue (Rainforest Tarantula)
Betsy (Jumping Spider)
Gus (Chinchilla) 
Montgomery and his gang (Grizzly Bear and four Black Bears)
Chewy (Alligator Float leader)
Diesel (Orca; King of the North Ocean)
Cedric (Chimp leader) 
Willis (Desert Bighorn leader)
Giggles (Rogue Hyena) 
Angus (Water Buffalo leader) 
Baron (Rogue Cape Buffalo) 
Spike (Rogue Rhino) 
Goth (Black Mamba)
Icicle (Rogue Gray Wolf from the Snowy Mountains)
Poppy (Rat colony leader)
Scavenger (Coyote) 
Jet (Black Panther)
Midori (Green Anaconda) 
Tessa (Lynx) 
Swift (Cheetah) 
Quill (Crested Porcupine) 
Dexter (Red Fox)
Laza (Golden Eagle)
These guys belong to me
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