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notlores · 14 days ago
Cant wait till im done with all this shit (im gonna have a new type of shit)
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neuromantis · 1 year ago
i WAS doing fine. actually, no. i am ALWAYS doing fine. perhaps even hopeful. until i don't.
until it fucking hits me again and again and again every month this wave of suffocating bile, that crushing fucking despair and all i want each time is to finally be free of it. stop thinking. stop feeling. die die die die die die die die die but then it stops just like it came. and it was ALWAYS edless despair and misery. until it wasn't.
and i am being told that's probably normal to experience. every month on the dot. on the exact same date in cycles in cycles in cycles. but i still feel it. it's gross. it hurts. i no longer wish to experience it already.
i am almost never psychotic anymore. until i am.
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neekrobite · 2 years ago
finally the edless void
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glup--shitto · 4 years ago
please i don't want loki selfcest please don't
do this to me /srs
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mask131 · 2 years ago
The evolution of Wednesday Addams (4)
And to complete our exploration of Wednesday’s character (for now), we will stop at 2019′s animated Addams Family movie.
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For this incarnation, while they reused Charles Addams’ original design (with minor changes, such as her pigtails now ending in nooses and her sporting the same grey eyelids as her mother), they rather based her personality on the 90s movie. Like Christina Ricci’s Wednesday, this incarnation is an emotionless girl - not that she does not have emotions, but she lacks any kind of facial express and speaks with a calm, low, monotonous voice, making her look like a walking corpse. In her own words she doesn’t know what “happiness” feels (she can only call it “the opposite of sad”) ; and even when she tries to show love or compassion, she does so in a creepy way almost as if she was threatening you (see when she tries to claim her love for her brother). And just like Christina Ricci’s Wednesday she has a very intelligent and bored view of the world, with many sarcastic and ironic comments reflecting a definitively more adult mindset - though unlike the 90s Wednesday, this one lacks any real form of dark cynicism and biting humor. Instead this Wednesday’s calm and cold behavior makes her rather a very detached character, constantly analyzing and putting in question the world around her, observing it all with a clinical eyes and having diagnostics more than reactions. She is a delicate morbid flower...
... but a talented one. Wednesday, despite having still some “childish” sides to her (she keeps playing with her dolls - beheading them), is also shown to be a gifted “mad scientist” able to build a machine to resurrect dead frogs into zombies ; and she is a talented crossbow shooter. Her experience, maturity and intelligence is also here put forward by the clear affirmation that she is the elder sister, and showing her to be of junior high school age. A clear inversion of the original setting where Pugsley was the eldest brother, and still bearing the influence of the 90s movies: in fact, the inversion is fully manifested here by how in Wednesday and Pugsley’s regular “let’s try to kill each other” games, Wednesday always has the upper hand. She is the one who keeps harming, mutilating, fooling or “killing” Pugsley in various ways, from burying him alive to pulling forcibly his tongue out while ink is poured in his mouth - the complete mirror of Pugsley poisoning a helpless Wednesday in Chas original cartoons. Though again, this apparent “bullying” relationship is still framed as just normal brother-sisters games, and Wednesday is shown to be a loving and caring sister... in her own way. 
Just like in the 60s series, the Addams kid have a pet octopus, but this time it isn’t Pugsley’s, but Wednesday’s, and it is named Socrates instead of Aristotle. In fact, Wednesday is shown to actually go along quite well with the various “pets” of the house, as she is also seemingly the favorite child of the living tree in the courtyard, Ichabod, who is ready to do a lot of things to please her. When she feels bored she apparently likes to burn things down with a magnifying glass, and her bed has a guillotine build in it so that if she doesn’t get out of bed in time, she’ll be beheaded. 
The most interesting aspect of this Wednesday, however, lies in her role in the plot of the movie. Instead of going with the 90s disdain and rejection of “normality”, here we actually have a Wednesday... curious about “normal” life. This movie depicts the Addams children raised alone in their house with no other contact than their family and cut from the outside world - an existence that bores a now teenage Wednesday tired of the same edless routine. So when she discovers the town nearby of “normal” people, she gets fascinated by this different lifestyle and is willing to try all these new things, such as unicorn hair ornaments or pink clothes. A willingness to explore a different side of the world that actually puts her at odds with her mother Morticia, who as we said previously in this movie has a profound distrust of non-Addams people. This leads to a rift in their once loving relationship, as Wednesday perceives her mother as being close-minded and controlling, and in answer turns herself into a “rebellious teenager”, by changing her outfit for a cheery pink one and later running away from her home. Note that she does not entirely adhere to the “normal” lifestyle, as we see her promptly return to her usual black-and-white morbid style and she doesn’t change her lifeless behavior - in the movie it is shown that part of her interest is pure curiosity in front of something “different”, while the other is just a rebellious attempt at annoying her mother and contradicting her ways. 
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gingercande · 5 years ago
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The edless fishtail cuff tutorial is now live. Check if out on my YouTube channel. 💚 - 💝Kandi Guru - Raver - Vlogger💝 www.youtube.com/gingercande - 10% off your order at #iheartraves, #emazinglights & #GloFX use code GingerCandE https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnMpvOAfBI/?igshid=krg5ndsmzwg
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cafeconsanity · 6 years ago
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moscowmule · 7 years ago
“Breve ma intenso, il nuovo lavoro degli Edless ha tutte le carte in regola per spaccare”. 
Leggi la recensione completa di Giacomo Messina.
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defeatedbyamerechild · 6 years ago
Just out of curiosity...
This has nothing to do with Pokémon, but this place is good for this kind of question.
Does anyone else have a really strong anxiety related to stuff repeating themselves over again?
What I mean is... Repetition of something for several times in a kind of an edless loop... But while other things are normal, like... Time is clearly passing, but that one thing is stuck on a repetition cycle. I’ll give some examples... (DON’T click the links if you suspect you also have this kind of anxiety)
There is a song called “From China with love”, from Prize Fighter Inferno, an album by Claudio Sanchez, that I simply can’t hear until the end, because when it gets to the last minute (almost a whole minute of it), it starts playing a voice, like a recording of a woman (I think), saying the same thing all over again in the back, while the songs still plays. I’ll leave a link, it starts more or less at 3′50′’. I have no idea what it says because I can’t understand, but I’ve seen on a website that it’s “hello? au revoir, and goodbye”...
This gives me so much anxiety I can’t really cope with it. I have to skip the ending of the song everytime, I feel literal fear due to this.
Another example: Everything about this commercial. I hate how the narrator says the same thing with the same tune after it at the end of every sketch. I hate how the sketches are always the same six or seven ones, but never identical to the last time they showed up... It’s so creepy for me! The idea in this commercial was creating an infinite commercial. It was on TV for 12 hours straight, in an infinite loop, on a certain day last year. It scared me so much that I had to go to my room and I had to make some breathing exercises not to have an anxiety attack. (Sorry that’s in my language, but you don’t have to understand what they say, just check the format):
I also have nightmares sometimes in which stuff keeps repeating themselves. Like, I enter my room and there is a chair in front of my wardrobe. I move it back to its place. I leave to do something else and when I come back, the chair is in front of my wardrobe. I move it. I leave for another thing and then it happens again. I move it. I turn to look at something, then look back and there it is. I usually wake up petrified.
So yeah, when I tell other people they act like I’m a freak, so...
Is that really only me or do any of you have something like that?
Is this some kind of phobia?
Does it have a name I can tell people so that they don’t think I’m crazy or am I just crazy for real? 
Thanks for letting me share my weird fears. XD
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cdc1345711 · 6 years ago
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Cy’s new team he’s leading and in order
Zweeds=Old friend of Cy’s,has pink electrical arms that shoot out a shiv like spike from the wrists
Septo-Puss=Half Starfish half Octopus,this six armed one eyed creature has immense strength and a sense of good morality
Glogs=Gargo’s old friend who acts like a ‘lethal protector’(understand the reference and i’ll post a lewd pic here)
Edless=A made up creature who has a prosthetic scythed like left arm due to a birth defect,and was trained by his father to better protect himself
Vinecent=A plant man that can stretch his vines as far as he wants
Allura=A butterfly girl(who has a small crush on Mona)
Kimilly=A pansexual creature with 6 small wings that help her fly faster
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yucchiarts-blog · 6 years ago
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“Edless Collection”
São 7 gravuras representando os Perpétuos da comics Sandman do Neil Gaiman. Estão a venda separadamente, mas para quem adquirir o pacote eu posso fazer um desconto ;)
Lembrando que Destiny, Despair e Destruction tem cores alternativas. Não esqueçam de dizer sua preferencia na hora de adquirir sua coleção.
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franziskapferdefrau-blog · 7 years ago
Cape Reinga...
NZ, North-River-Farm, Donnerstag, den 28.06 18
Hallo Ihr LIeben,
heute geht die Reise weiter, In der Edless Summer Lodge buchte ich gleich zwei Übernachtungen. Am Abend meiner Ankunft wirbelten wir paar Backpackers, so werden hier die Reisenden mit dem Rucksack genannt, in der wundervollen Küche des bezaubernden Holzhauses Baujahr 1880, herum.
In der Küche gibt es zwei Herde zum Kochen, den einen mit Gas, der andere ist ein Elektroherd. Jeder brutzelte sich sein Essen zusammen. Währenddessen und an der langen Holztafel fand eine angeregte Unterhaltung an. Zumeist beginnen die Gespräche damit, das Neuankömmlinge nach ihrer Herkunft gefragt werden. Die Holländerin jedoch begann die Frage, indem sie wissen wollte, was wir an dem Tag schönes erlebten und was am nächsten Tag unser Ziel sein würde.
Für meinen zweiten Reisetag, Dienstag, den 19.06.18 war ich unentschlossen, ob ich eine Wanderung in die Nähere Umgebung machen sollte oder den Tag nutzen und zum Cape Reinga fahren.
Die Holländerin zückte sofort ihr Handy, schaute nach dem Wetterbericht und meinte ich sollte den morgigen Tag für das Cape nutzen. Übermorgen sei viel Regen angesagt.
Nach einer Nacht im gemischten Vierbettzimmer und einem Alptraum, machte ich mich nach einem kleinen Frühstück, bestehend aus einem Apfel und einer Tasse Kaffee auf den Weg.
Nach den ersten größeren Stadt in Kaitaia hielt ich am Supermarkt an und kaufte Profiant für den Tag ein. Kurze Zeit später düste ich mit 80, manchmal auch 100 kmh über den  State Highway 1. Die heutige Tagesetappe lag bei der Fahrt von Ahipara bis zum Cape Reinga bei 124 km, mit einer Zeitangabe von ca. 1h 42.
Meine erste Pause, die ich zum Frühstück nachholen einlegen wollte, befand sich ungefähr auf der Hälfte der Strecke. In der Unterkunft wurde mir der Rarawa Beach als Geheimtip empfohlen. Vom State Highway aus bog ich nach rechts zum Pazifik ab, folgte der 4 km langen Gravelroad und gelangte an eine kleine Bucht. 
Ich tauschte meine lange Jeans Hose gegen die kurze Short und lief barfuß und frierend an den kleinen Strand. Meine Enttäuschung war groß. Die Sonne versteckte sich gerade hinter einer grauen Wolkenfront. Am Strand lag ein Baumstamm der unter wärmeren Bedingungen sicherlich eine Einladung zum Frühstücken gewesen wäre. Außerdem fand ich auf den ersten Blick, das dieser Strand aussah, wie die meisten anderen auch. Am liebsten wäre ich zurück zum Auto gelaufen, um  mit voll auf gedrehter Heizung weiter zu gefahren. 
Mein Brötchen und eine Wasserflasche ließ ich auf dem Baumstamm zurück und lief erst mal am Menschen leeren Strand entlang. Ein Blick in den Himmel versprach mir baldigen Sonnenschein. Den wollte ich abwarten und setzte die Felsen am Ende des Beaches als Ziel. Auf dem Weg dahin begegneten mir allerlei Seevögel und einige tote gestrandete Fischkadaver, die schon bald von den Seevögeln bis auf die Gräten abgenagt waren. 
Meine Entdecker-Neugierde war plötzlich geweckt, als ich eine aus der Tiefsee stammende Paua Muschel fand. Genau genommen ist es keine Muschel, sondern eine Schnecke .Eine Abalone Meeresschnecke, die der Maori Paua nennt. Sie schimmert in blau, grün türkis mit rosa violetten Farben und wird zu schimmernden Schmuckstücken verarbeitet oder als ganzes erhalten und dient oft als Seifenschale. Ich machte einen Freuden Hüpfer und mutierte in Null Komma nix zum Jäger und Sammler. Wie beim Pilze suchen und sammeln.
Schnell hatte ich das Ende des kleinen Beaches erreicht und begann erneut vor Freude zu hüpfen. Am Ende, kurz bevor ich die Felsen mit ihren wundervollen Bäumen erreichen konnte, stand ich an einer Lagune. Knietiefes kristallklares türkis blaues Wasser zog sich wie ein kleiner Strom hinter den flachen Dünnen in das innere des Landes. Ich stand in dem seichten und erstaunlicherweise warmen Wasser. So musste es im Paradies aussehen. Die Sonne strahlte und funkelte in dem Wasser mit seinem außergewöhnlich weißen Sand. Beinahe hätte ich diese Schönheit verpasst.
Die nächsten 70 km führte mich der gut ausgebaute und am Ende sehr kurvenreiche Highway 1 an mein Tagesziel. Auf dem Weg dorthin las ich Hinweisschilder, die zu den Sanddünen führten. Ich hatte davon gehört das Sandboarden eine große Touristenattraktion ist. Mit einem Boogiboard können die Sanddünen hinunter gesurft werden. 
Auf dem großen Besucherparkplatz ließ ich den Toyota zurück und lief auf den nördlichsten zugänglichen Punkt, dem Cape Reinga zu. Hier steht ein kleiner feiner Leuchtturm, der dem Ende (oder Anfang?) der Nordspitze Neuseelands einen ganz besonderen Charme verleiht. Unterhalb der Steilküste tobten die Meere. Hier vereinen sich die Tasmanische See mit dem Pazifik. Durch sich hochauftürmende Wellen, die aus allen Richtungen zusammen zu kommen scheinen ist die Vereinigung zu erkennen.
Laut der Maori ist das Cape Reinga, der Ort, wo die Seelen der verstorbenen Maori aus dem Diesseits entschwinden. Die Reise der Seelen beginnt mit einem Rutsch an den Wurzeln eines 800 Jahre alten Pohutukawa-Baumes hinunter in den Ozean. Danach tauchen sie wieder auf und erklimmen Ohaua, die höchste der Three Kings Islands, um ein letztes Mal Lebewohl zu sagen, bevor sie zu ihren Vorfahren nach Hawaiki zurückkehren.
Was ein schöner Gedanke...
… in diesem Sinne verabschiede ich mich von meinem zweiten Reisetag.
Eure Franziska
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giochiandroidiphone · 5 years ago
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Summer Catchers – un edless runner assolutamente unico (e divertentissimo)!!!! https://diggita.com/v.php?id=1651055
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acousticreflex · 6 years ago
Lebenslust, the last fair before the inheritance dispute
The best thing about doing one's PhD is when you are inches away from crippling depression due to the lack of progress you can just leave your office at 2:43 pm on a Thursday and nobody will even question why you are hurrying out of the building with a jacket on. Incidentally, my mental low point coincided perfectly with the biggest pensioner's fair in Vienna. And as it takes place in Vienna, the best city in the world, it is no stretch to assume that it is the best pensioners fair in the world. So I heeded the constant criticism of millennials not thinking far enough ahead in life and decided to get informed about funeral arrangements, orthopaedic shoes and incontinence pads before I lose control over my bodily functions.
As I reach the temple of long lost youth, I am instantly fighting my way past beaming golden agers dragging roughly their own body weight worth of freebies towards the metro station, like a band of pirates after pillaging a French coastal town. Upon glancing at the program for the fair, my stomach sinks as I realise I missed one of the main acts, the Austrian Back Street Boys, the Swedish House Mafia for the frail boned, Imagine Dragons of Folk Music: "Die jungen Zillertaler". Lucky for me, they are followed by the Austrian US 5, the Chain Smokers for the frail boned, Maroon 5 of Folk Music: "Die Edelseer". Before I can make my way to the main stage I need to get caffeinated in order to prepare my senses for the full fair experience.
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Any pimp with a grain of self-respect will find the necessary swag at Lebenslust for himself and the newest wheeled walking aids for his girls of the night
2 things instantly meet the eye while sauntering through the packed aisles of exhibitors. You aint taken seriously by visitors if you don't have at least one wheel of fortune at your stall and seasoned visitors are immediately recognisable by an amply sized carrying bag, Nordic Walking sticks and an expert eye for the best freebies. Furthermore, entertainment is the key to the clogged heart of any fair visitor. And the wheel of fortune that takes the cake is showcased by everybody's favourite late Sunday afternoon publicly funded, scratch card themed TV show "Die Brieflosshow". The oversized spinning device is surrounded by a gang of giddy grandmas and grandads, itching to be granted the privilege of joining the cheerful hostess on stage. "Well done Ingrid! You receive 1 Brieflos, let's all give her a hand! For the next round we will need a gentleman to join us on stage". 15 hands shoot into the air creating a sickening crunch of cracking joints. My colleague, thanks to his youthful dexterity and expert elbowing technique, is chosen to try his luck. We hold our collective breath and our hearts skip a beat or two, partly because of the hair-raising suspense, mainly due to faulty pacemakers, while the wheel grinds to a halt. The crowd loses their mind when, through a combination of skill and luck, the arrow lands on the grand prize of 4 Brieflose. He fights his way through the masses of congratulators and prying, arthritis riddled hands so we can find out if he can finally give up his dead-end job and live off the riches of a massive jackpot score. He only made away with 3€, which was a blessing in disguise. A nosy Asian octogenarian was watching our every move yelling "Haben Sie schon etwas gewonnen??!" as soon as a Brieflos was torn open. We decided to leave the Brieflos stage before we get knifed.
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The air is so thick with suspense and lavender perfume, you could cut it. 
After the nerve-racking excitement at the wheel of fortune, we were in dear need of some wholesome, soul-soothing musical entertainment. It was time to make our way to the main stage to witness the musical show of our lifetimes, the Edelseer. I was expecting a lot and thank god, I was not disappointed. The scene when entering the entertainment area was like observing a Hieronymus Bosch painting if he decided to depict hell in a 1980s Baviarian Beer tent, or in a 2018 FPÖ rally in Upper Austria, or generally anywehre they serve drinks in Carinthia. There were at least 100 beer benches arranged in neat rows, seating what felt like the entire core electorate of the Austrian labour party. The benches were surrounded by another 100-200 couples that have already seen better days, swaying arm in arm to the intoxicating folk tunes of a trio clothed in the finest traditional garments. To get the crowd ready for the next banger, they shared an anecdote about the all too familiar feeling of not understanding the youth of today and their flashy cell phones. A generation ignorant to wholesome Austrian traditions like learning how to play the chopping board or saving the Christian west from the onslaught of immigrants. 23 seconds after launching into their runaway hit, I locked eyes with my colleague and we immediately nonverbally confirmed that we had to get out before we’d be afflicted with irreparable physiological and mental damage.
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Calvin Harris has wet dreams about crowds as wild and devoted as the kind “Die Edelseer” attract wherever they perform
Although we made it out of the beer pit in seconds, we were seriously concerned about the potential aftereffects caused by the high pitched chanting and accordion melodies. Luckily my colleague had some contacts to the good people at Neuroth and we were able to receive an emergency hearing test. While nervously waiting in line to get the diagnosis on if I’ll ever be able to hear the sweet sound of brostep and grindcore, a cunning Neuroth employee took the opportunity to apply his expert sales techniques to my innocent and impressionable mind. I was just about to sign over my left kidney for a 200€ hearing protection when I was saved by my turn on the testing device. Lucky for me I have the ears of a golden retriever puppy. Upon triumphantly presenting my results to the Neuroth sales representative he let out a blood-curdling scream, flung a smoke bomb on the floor and vanished into thin air.
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A live QVC infomercial is attracting an intrigued crowd. The seasoned salesman is launching into his ultimate closer, offering an exclusive sharpener if you buy the value pack of steak knives today, but only as long as the stock lasts!
Still rattled from the experience at the Neuroth booth, we made our way to the big finale of the Lebenslust fiar, the Hernalser Line Dancing girls and boy. On our way to the (line) dance floor, I was ambushed by a shoe shiner from Cologne who must have smelled that my girlfriend is from his neighbourhood. I never had my shoes shined before but as if by some higher aristocratic instinct, present within every privileged white male I unconsciously knew to place my foot upon the pedestal while allowing the man, 3 decades my senior, to get on his knees and polish my boots while I glared down my nose judgingly. All that was missing for an oil painting that I'd hang over a mahogany desk in my textile trade head office in 1890s central London was a top hat and tights. Lucky for me, my colleague tore me away from the German gentleman's booth before I was able to fork out 40€ for organic polishing fat (apparently an essential staple in any household able to afford genuine cow, snake or crocodile leather), just in time to witness the epic synchronized spectacle of Hernals' most prolific line dancers. The only thing more fascinating than the insane skillz of the dance crew was the fact that shifting awkwardly from side to side as if you were navigating your way through a packed metro carriage qualifies as dancing as long as you were a cowboy hat. But who am I to judge, the ladies seemed to be enjoying themselves, but not as much as the only gentleman dressed in Jonny Cash black, chuffed beyond doubt that he'd be slipping under his rheumatism quilt with a lady of his choosing tonight.
After two hours of complete sensory overwhelm it was time to leave the halls of hedonism and make my way back to the office. One thing is for sure, I'm looking forward to Spring's edition of the senior lifestyle fair at least as much as I'm looking forward to my own retirement.
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moscowmule · 8 years ago
EDLESS - Recensione su FARDROCK
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"I quattro brani di Belotus brillano del sacro fuoco del pop, sorretti da riff brillanti ed orecchiabili ed aiutati da intuizioni  che, pescando dalla grande scuola mainstream, creano qualcosa di inedito nell’universo indie."
Leggi la recensione completa a cura di Joyello per Fardrock QUI.
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blamo-stramo · 4 years ago
Yes! The retooling possibilities are edless with that little white core robot
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