#edited the flower bc it looked like a fcking asshole
flockofdoves · 6 years
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i know there have been many of these, but here is a proposal for a lesbian flag i made! input is appreciated and feel free to spread it around if you like it.
(feel free to edit it too, the flower could use some sprucing up)
last year i proposed a lesbian flag that while i put a lot of thought into, it admittedly was kind of ugly, and i’m realizing now that from a practical perspective many of the proposed lesbian flags would be difficult to replicate on actual fabric due to their use of many very specific uncommon fabric colors, which also could lead to them being confused with the gilbert baker rainbow flag at a distance.
why am i proposing this when both the labrys flag and pink striped flag are already commonly used?
because the pink striped flag is in fact only largely used on tumblr over the past few years, and was created as specifically a flag for lipstick lesbians, and even at that none of the many shades of pink were given any specific significance
the labrys flag on the other hand, while more well established, i have seen jewish lesbians voice discomfort with the use of the black triangle, and the labrys itself well before its use as a lesbian feminist symbol was used widely as a symbol of greek fascism, which i find much too uncomfortable to take pride in.
why did i choose this design?
as stated above, i wanted a simple color palette and no stripes so as the flag could be easily reproduceable on fabric and recognizable. despite my issues with the labrys flag, it does have a history, so i thought its design would be a good starting place.
the violet has been a symbol of lesbianism for a very long time, rooting back to a poem by sappho in which her and her lover wear a crown of violets. beyond that i had in mind that the black and white represent butch and femme lesbians and how despite superficial appearances are not simply “replicating heterosexuality”, but are forming their own womanhood outside of it, complementing each other. the purple represents the significance of flowers like violets and lavenders to lesbians, as well as representing lesbians who do not ascribe to the femme/butch dichotomy but who nonetheless have their womanhood shaped by their lesbianism. lastly the circle represents how lesbians are whole despite how lesbophobes may insist that we are not for existing outside of men.
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