#edit: up an hour later fixing my mistakes
If you are up for it could write more Justice League x Assistant reader?
That scenario did things to me honestly, and I can't find anything similar 😭
Maybe reader calls in sick and the each JL member goes to check on them unanounced (reader never told them were they lived but of course they'd know *sideeyes batman*) which end up on all the members questioning and pointing at each other *cue spider man meme*, because why are you at my darling's- I mean our Assistant's house!
Reader kicks everyone out except the gourmet chef batman brought to cook reader some chicken soup.
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A Day in Life: In Health and Sickness
Synopsis: A day in life were you, the Justice League's assistant, find out that sickness and a bunch of obsessed superheroes are just too much to bear all at once.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Platonic!Alfred Pennyworth
Tw: Nonconsensual (not sexual) touching; A single mention of obscene acts; Kinda breaking and entering; Reader gets physically restrained; Kinda forced infantilization? But not really, just humiliation; Some members of the League might be out of character bc I don't know them well enough; I was sleepy while revising and editing this so I might fix any mistakes I didn’t see later; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,6k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: Thank you so much for your compliments and the request!! Your suggestion really gave me inspiration to write as soon as I saw it. It's not exactly what you asked for but I hope it's the same vibe and you like it!! Also I’ve seen all the requests for a part 2 of “He's My Collar”, but as stated here, I didn't answer bc I’m working on it! I just didn't have any ideas yet!
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
Whatever hit you today, it sucks. Yesterday, in the afternoon, you had a mild throbbing in your head, but not exactly a headache, at night, fever hit you, alongside a cough. Medicine helped enough but today you still felt a little warm, your head hurt, your nose was somehow stuffed and leaking at the same time. You've been awake for an hour and still just couldn't get yourself to care for your basic needs like showering and eating, let alone go to work, so you called in sick. At least you would have some piece for a day.
Or that's what you thought, until you heard some tapping on your window, scaring the shit out of you, and saw Superman outside with a sympathetic smile and holding a pharmacy bag, a crate of water bottles and food.
Ugh, of course you couldn't actually have some peace.
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself and got up, walking towards you bedroom window, and tried sticking your head outside, hoping he wouldn't enter your home if you kicked him out before, but before you could do anything else, he supersped inside and suddenly was at your side, making you dizzier.
— Hey! I heard what happened. How’re you feeling? — The alien’s face showcased his concern on his furrowed brows and he took a step too close (any step in your direction taken by one of the heroes was already too close for you), extending his arm forward to place the back of his hand in your forehead. You took a step back but he didn't seem to mind.
— Uh, I'm fine. You didn't need to come here. — Superman shook his head.
— I wanted to help. Here, I brought som- — Doorbell. The hero looked in the direction the sound came from, most likely using his X-Ray vision to look through the walls and doors, and squinted his eyes. Oh boy. — You called someone? — His voice is weirdly calm, contrasting with the way he abruptly starts marching out of your room and to the door.
Earlier you thought the fast exertion of movements would be too great for you, but apparently adrenaline was on your side, enough to follow him around as if you were the visitor inside your own place.
— I didn't. — You respond flatly and holding back a groan from annoyance, since you also didn't invite him.
Superman immediately opens the door as soon as it's within his reach and what's on the other side surprises you more than when you got the job at the watchtower.
— Superman. — Batman didn't seem surprised, but he also never showed emotions other than anger. — (Y/N). This is Penny-One. — He is surely referencing the old man well dressed on his side. — He is here to take care of you. — You raise an eyebrow, almost speechless.
— T-Take care of me? — You helplessly watch them invading your residency, painfully aware there's nothing you can do. Superman crossed his arms.
— This is not necessary, I came here to do just that. — Superman’s protest unfortunately doesn't give you any hint of how this will all turn out, nor does it scare Batman and his friend away..
— You have your own responsibilities. — Batman simply states. — You should go.
Penny-One simply turns to you.
— It's a pleasure, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N), even in your condition. Master Batman talks a lot about you. — You don't know what to stay and it probably shows, since no one waits much for your reaction before Penny-One is moving towards your kitchen and Batman and Superman continue with their argument.
You just go and sit down on your couch, questioning your life decisions and escape plans, which will have to wait until this damned curse leaves your body (and your home).
Your hands raise to rub your face and maybe give you some clearance, maybe wake you up from this nightmare, but keeping your eyes closed and sitting down only remind you of your condition. You feel worse or is it just your spirits? Either way, you let your body slide down until your side rests on the couch cushions, arms hugging your own body to try to have some warmth back. When did it become so cold?
At least their voices were low, as if trying not to bother you, it's a little soothing, especially with the promise of having food. Your eyes hurt just from staying open so you don't. At some point, some type of fabric is thrown over your body and a hand combs through your hair. You are too weak to do anything.
Next time you open your eyes, it's due to disturbing noises, your head is no longer on the arm of the couch and instead is laying on someone’s bare thighs. A pair of hands is running through your locks, and a really nice smell is in the air.
Did you fall asleep?
That would explain why your head is on fucking Wonder Woman's lap and she is looking at you lovingly. Also the fabric from before is Superman's cape.
You quickly shoot up, although just as fast, four or five pairs of hands, coming from seemingly out of nowhere — startling you even more — push you back down, you don't go without struggle, and soon, all hands disappear, green lights catch your attention and you can't move your body a single inch anymore. Somehow, you ended up restrained by a green and bright cocoon, as if you were soon to be a butterfly, only your face is free. Green Lantern’s construct.
— Hey, hey, calm down, hot stuff. I know she’s scary and you would never want to be close to anyone else but me, but you still need rest. — You're turned to the ceiling against your wishes. For some reason the fact that your whole body is covered doesn't give you the comfort nor the protection it should give you, instead, it reminds you of how vulnerable you are.
Your wide and paranoid eyes try to search for anything, since your head is being held in place. You can see Wonder Woman above you, glaring at something outside your line of vision, you are still in her lap. A bit of Aquaman’s blond hair on the bottom of your vision. And Batman, towering over you and the amazon, just observing as always.
— You can release them now, Green Lantern. — It's Superman's voice.
— He is not going to. — You see Batman saying at the same time another voice speaks the same sentence, making all of them turn in the direction of the sound, somewhere you can't see, but you recognize the voice. — He thinks they're weak and incapable of making decisions. — I'm sorry, who is weak and incapable of making decisions here? — He also wants to prove he is the only one capable of protecting and taking care of (Y/N), and impress them so they will fall right into his arms, call him a hero and give him a kiss… And other obscene things. — Batman smirks. Wonder Woman and another new and deep voice loudly laugh, the masculine voice being more obnoxious. Someone scoffs indignantly.
— Okay. Get out of my fucking head or I will make you. — The Lantern's voice sounds angry and you hear hurried footsteps. They wouldn't fight right here, right?! Right beside your sick body and in the middle of your crumpled apartament… It would make such a mess…
— I wasn't inside your head. Your thoughts were too loud, it's like you are screaming in my ear.
— I will make you scream! — You hear Superman superspeeding, probably getting in between the fighting duo.
— Ha- Green Lantern, calm down. No one will make anyone do anything here.
The agonizing feeling of restriction grows.
— WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? — You scream in a husky voice, panting right after. Everyone is silent and the next second, the construct moves you around until you're sitting up, back to the back of the couch. You are still being held and manhandled, but at least you're not in someone's lap and you can see something other than your ceiling.
Martian Manhunter is standing a few meters away from you, Superman by his side. Wonder Woman was still sitting beside you and doesn't look like getting up any time soon, Green Lantern makes his way to sit down on your other side, placing his arm around you, gladly you can't even feel it. Batman is still standing on the side of the couch, his cape covering his body. Aquaman is sitting in your armchair, his face laid on his hand, watching amused, if not a bit annoyed.
It's so weird seeing all of them, suited up, in the middle of your living room, and in plain daylight.
— We came here to nurse you back to health. — Wonder Woman speaks.
— Uhh, don't you think this is a little too much? — The heroes look at each other as if looking for the issue.
— I mean, yeah. I could do it alone, but for some reason when I got here, these freaks had already broken into your house. — Freak Lantern says, pointing an accusing finger at the other freaks in question, the trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. — Those two came in later. — He nodded at Martian Manhunter and Aquaman, not giving them a single look, his eyes solely on you. Like everytime he insists on overly making eye contact with you, it's a bit uncanny. — Worry not, beautiful. I will kick them out for you. — Superman and Wonder Woman snort at his arrogance.
— You could go with them. I'm fine, I don't need help. I’ve been taking care of myself for years and can still do it. — You've been nice long enough, they crossed the line, they invaded your apartment, which is so unprofessional, and you need to set limits. They just look at you with pity.
— I am are aware of my neglect. — Neglect? — But it's going to be different now that we are reunited… — Uh? What is Manhunter talking about?
— Exactly. History has proven how men are unreliable and indifferent to others. I'm the only one you need, darling. — Wonder Woman caresses your face. — I don't even know what they think they are doing here…
— What are you doing here, princess? Don't you have mommy issues to fix or a guy named Steve Trevor to talk to? — The amazon furrowed her eyebrows and glared at the one sitting on your other side.
— Don't listen to him, (Y/N). I left Steve a long time ago, when I met you. — Girl, why? Go back to your man! Leave me alone! — What about Aquaman? Doesn't he have a kingdom to rule? — The man in question dismissed her answer with a hand movement.
— I’m protecting Atlantis’s future by making sure none of you get any ideas and (Y/N) survives their illness. — Batman shook his head.
— I’ve already made sure they're taken care of. You shouldn't be here. There's more important matters for us out there.
— Then why aren't you there?
Their battle of egos is just too fast for your slowed down brain to process and try to formulate any form of strategy. Before their banter gets worse, the older man from before reappears.
— Your soup is ready, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N). — Penny-One seems unbothered by the commotion around you, walking in with the source of the heavenly smell. Your mouth waters.
— Let me do it, Penny-One. — Wonder Woman gently offers and takes the bowl from him, along with the spoon. The Justice League makes sounds of disgust when they start watching her spoon feeding you (they wanted to be in her place).
You groan, complain, try to wiggle out of the construct but nothing works, especially with your fatigued and sick state. If you weren't claustrophobic before you might be from now on. You are clearly uncomfortable and practically begging to get out but for some reason they just won't listen. It gets to the point where as soon as you finish your soup — after realizing, again, that with those people it's just easier to surrender —, and take your medicine, Green Lantern’s temper apparently gets done with your whining and resistance, and he simply makes another construct. Now you have a pacifier in your mouth. It's your limit.
They start fighting again because some of them find it degrading, some like to hear your voice even if they know how close to cussing them out you are, and some think it's cute and prefer your quietness over your cries.
You can't move. You can't spit it out. You can't bite it off. You can't ask for help.
Green Lantern is rubbing your cheek while — slightly — mocking you. Wonder Woman is cooing at you, while trying to convince the Lantern to stop with his antics. Aquaman is clearly expressing he is on the Lantern’s side. Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter are threatening him.
Frustration gets the better of you and the dam breaks loose. Now you are wrapped, with a pacifier and crying. Like a baby. In front of your bosses. In front of people who think you are vulnerable and need them. They're practically keeping you hostage. You didn't want them here. You told them no, countless times, and they just blatantly ignored your boundaries.
You have a pa-ci-fi-er. In. Your. Mouth.
And they are talking. They are ignoring you. They're been doing it for hours. No. Months. That's abuse.
This is the most emotion they ever got out of you and it immediately quiets everyone down. They're just staring at you, shocked. This whole thing is just a shitshow. A disaster. They're a curse. You are cursed.
It's so distracting that it makes Green Lantern lose his concentration, which is what fuels his ring’s power, and the constructs start dissipating.
You immediately get up and put as much distance between you and the team, who all have wide eyes and maybe had just now realized the gravity of the situation, while thinking about control damage.
You are searching desperately for how you could effectively kick them out, while also experiencing just the aftereffects of a new trauma, when it looks like it will get even worse. Flash zooms into the apartment.
— Hey, (Y/N)! Sorry I took so long! Busy Day. N-Not that I wouldn't quit anything and everything just to help you. I just now saw the notification that you took a day off today! W-What… W-What are you guys doing here…? — The speedster noticed after his rambles the he is not the only one in the middle of your living room, and points at the whole team, who is on the complete opposite side of you. They also point at him.
— You’re late. — Batman states.
— Slowest man alive. — Green Lantern calls out his friend.
Flash looks around as if gathering his thoughts and notices your distressed state. He turns completely to them, his back to you and him being between you and his team.
— What did you do to them? — At his demand, all of them start pointing at each other and giving some sort of explanation or their side of the story at the same time, turning it into unintelligible sounds, until your yell interrupts them.
— But-
— OUT!
— But, (Y/N)-
They grumble but comply. Penny-One, who was totally unfazed during the while ordeal, just sighs, and starts making his way with them. Until you take a timid step toward him and stop him.
— N-Not you… I-I mean the soup was really good and I don't think I will have the energy to cook later… I-If it's n-not bothering you… — The older man smiles placantinly at you.
— Of course, dear. I'm getting paid either way, might as well just finish my job here.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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Have some art + fic rn cuz i had this idea plaguing me for a whlie in my first playthrough of the game and i needed to have it realized.
I don't want to edit my writing just yet so i'll do that later, but for now have some mentally unstable Siffrin 👍
I'll come up with a title ltr, prob when i edit this and post to ao3 (so if this gets reblogs just check out the og post for latest ver.)
For now the warnings you should know of are just character death, lots of Siff hating himself, and i think suicide ideation? I wrote this a few hours ago n still don't want to go back just yet but basically its nothing that doesn't already exist in the game
Fic starts under the cut! Roughly 2000 words
(edit: i forgor some colors don't exist/can't be seen 🤡, fixed now!)
Siffrin can’t seem to fall asleep at all anymore. The night right before the loops he can only pretend to get some rest before facing the king. He isn’t quite sure what the reason is. Being stuck in one place for too long? Useless? His urges to reach out for Isa’s touch that keep him awake at night, yearning for connection that is immediately are followed by disgust in himself?  The pure exhaustion at the thought of repeating the next day again? None seem to be the answer. Maybe its a combination.
He only knows that he’s exhausted. Exhausted, yet unable to rest. Even if he were able, would he want to risk what ever dream or nightmare his head might concoct? A blend of memories and deaths to remind him that he can’t escape?
Not being able to sleep makes them worse at the loops too unfortunately. They got along fine for the first few loops after his first sleepless night, though the mistakes ramped up. They cursed their body, cursed themself for being so weak. Simple and stupid mistakes getting them killed via boulder when they forgot and slip of the hand resulting in the weakest of Sadnesses offing him.
Loop of course taunted about his failures, like they always do. He couldn’t fully blame them, knowing deep down he deserved it. There was a pull he sometimes had though, to rest with them, even for just a little bit. He’s hung out with them before, when it gets overwhelming, never for very long. Despite that, to actually sleep with them is a different story. Different vulnerability that, he wasn’t comfortable with. Too weak, he didn’t need another thing for Loop to tease him about. No matter how tempting it would be to sit in the tree and doze off. He wouldn’t doubt that, if he could rest at this point, he would doze off until the next loop.
He can’t have that. He can’t let his family die again.
The next loop began, the stage set, and Siff opened his eye, despite every ache in their body telling them not too. They can’t listen to their body right now though. They need to travel the entire house in the next few loops for anything he might have missed before. One more sweep. 
He carries out his lines, plays the role he’s meant, rehearsing the other actor’s lines in his head before they speak up. Familiar steps, expressions, directions. When they get to Isabeau, they slip up again, Isa’s concern blooms. But they’ve seen this before. It’ll be fine. Their gut twists at forcing Isa to be concerned, but theres a warmth in it too. That Isa cares. Cares about them. It’s strange, when Odile gets close to the truth, stars when she FINDS OUT the truth, there isn’t any warmth. Just, fear. But knowing Isa won’t find out, just cares and makes them promise to talk about it at a time they know won’t come, it’s a guilty pleasure. At least, for now. Before it becomes meshed with all the other lines Siffrin has come to expect from The Fighter.
While navigation the House like normal, they slip up occasionally, interacting with objects that spark Odile’s concern. They don’t bother reversing the mistakes, he hasn’t slipped up that much. There’s no way she could know. Siff crumbled on the first floor at the counter they jabbed themself into again. Unable to see it and always stupidly forgetting to be cautious there. Stupid. 
And they kept making mistakes. Their exhaustion pulling at their body, their nerves eating them alive. There’s no warmth with new lines of concern from their actors. Just spikes of panic followed by their attempts to reassure them. To continue on.
By the final snack stop before the King, their actor’s change the script again. Siffrin tensed, their hand tracing the handle of their dagger in case of emergency. Odile… odile doesn’t call out suspicious connections to time craft this time. Everyone just.. Just asks him to nap.
The third floor they had fumbled the most, their quick grabs at the keys became more clumsy against his will. His hands can’t stop shaking. The aches won’t cease their whining in his body. Change, of course they noticed, they aren’t blind. The script is similar, repeating the words that simultaneously warm his body and send nausea through it. They’re a family. They care.
Absently, Siffrin notes Mira’s asking him if he’ll accept a comb, again. At least that’s familiar. At least one of them new the script to stick to. And, he really wouldn’t mind it again. The loops reset his hair back to the tangled and knotted mess it was when he startled back to awareness in Dormont. Everytime. Sometimes they briefly wondered if Mirabelle would comb their hair out back in town too. They would never ask though.
Their family quietly chated as Mirabelle combed through his hair. Gently, dare they think lovingly. Careful not to hurt him. Like he’s fragile and weak. Pathetic. They are pathetic aren’t they. For wanting this. Selfish for forcing them. Their hands continued to tremble, as much as Siff tried to suppress it.
The Fighter changes the script first. First to notice. Notice a slip up. They tense, not for any particular reason just, they don’t know this script. The Fighter’s face is concerned but softens. Isa. Isa asked hesitantly it he could see their hands. Siff let him, letting their pathetic shaking hands be engulfed in Isa’s large ones. He hesitantly rubs their knuckles, Mira continues to brush the tangles out of their hair. Siff’s eyelid got heavier, their body screaming to just let go, just relax. They haven’t reached the king yet, the head housemaid, they can’t yet. 
When they heard Odile close her book, another off script action, they jolted up and looked her way. Odile was about to speak up, but hesitated at their startled form. Her concerned and piercing expression remained.
“Siffrin, did you get any rest at all last night?”
They stop and meekly speak up, “I slept..”
“That’s not what I asked.”
Siffrin grimaced, tensing up. “I got.. Some rest. Why do you ask?”
“The fumbling around and absent performance don’t suggest you did.”
She had them there. Their fingers twitch as they internally remind themselves their dagger is still on their person. Even if their hands are occupied with being held by Isa’s. They take a breath.
The other actors contribute, sharing their nerves about facing the King. Needing to be ready before confronting the Threat, that could be their final standing place. No. No they won’t fail. They won’t die here. He might, but he won’t let his family.
Odile is actually the first to suggest Siffrin rest before they face the King. They can’t have any weak links before such a moment. Weak members. Weak. They were clumsy this loop. Their other family members share in the sentiment. They probably think he’s weak too. Their concerned smiles are hard to say no to though. The aches and exhaustion overwhelming his body probably wouldn’t let him refuse such an opportunity either. Surely. Surely they went through the first couple floors quick enough that another fifteen minutes before the king wouldn’t be too long. Right?
It’s a thought that didn’t seem to cross his family member’s faces when he gave into their requests and laid down. Mira scooted over, getting started on the next clump of tangled hair. Isa offered his lap as a pillow, and Siffrin’s slow mind just. Accepts the request. Not noting the dark shade flooding The Fighter’s face as they dragged their body to his lap, their head and partial upper body relaxing immediately. They rest their head on their blind side, one hand interlaced with The Fighter’s, behind them Mira finishing off the last of their tangles. The concern from their family’s faces hasn’t completely disappeared, but it’s eased. And that is enough to release the remaining tension in his body. It’s enough. 
Their family makes a few jokes that their brain muffles. Some laughing. Bonnie’s working on their snacks in the corner, still. They’ll be ready when they wake up. Their legs adjusted and placed in someone else’s lap, they think. Whoever it was, rubs circles into their calf. His eyelid grows heavier, their breathes come easy. Deep breaths. Someone rubs their back. 
It’s nice. Really.. really nice. One could easily forget they were even about to face the King at all. Face the end. They close their eyelid. It’s warm. One breath in. And out. Just.. just a quick nap. Where they are loved. They.. they are loved right? This is what this means… at least right now…
Yeah. They hope this is right.
Sleep engulfs them for the first time in several loops and their breaths slow.
The chatting continues around him, not lacking some glances exchanged between the adults in the room. But mostly, just relief fills the air. Mira stayed by Siffrin’s side, threading her fingers through his now completely combed out hair. The flush in Isabeau’s cheeks still hadn’t fully left, every movement reminding him of his crush resting so peacefully in his lap. Like a sleeping cat that once it has claimed you as it’s cushion, you are bound by the universe to not move for any reason. Odile didn’t pass up the opportunity to tease him, met with Isa’s shushing and hushed whisper “what if he wakes up and hears you!!”
Siff had done a lot today, and everyone would have assumed he was completely calm about fighting the king if not for his uncharacteristic clumsiness. Mirabelle supposed it made sense though. A night of rough sleep right before facing the most dangerous threat facing the country? That would make anyone mess up.
After another twenty minutes, Bonnie comes over with the freshly prepared snacks. Made extra special since they were more ahead of schedule than expected. Last hurrah before the king, everyone needed to be at their best.
Mirabelle smiles, heading over to were Bonnie had announced the snacks. Isa attempts to move but flounders at the idea of moving Siff. Mirabelle giggles at his flushing face as Odile moves their legs out of their lap. Well, time to end their nap she supposes. Their sleepy family member probably won’t be too thrilled about waking up but it is snack time.
Mirabelle collects her choice of snack and crouches over to Siff, moving their hat from where it had obscured their resting expression. Isa looked both upset to have the time his crush sleeps on their lap come to an end, and relieved. He lets out a chuckle as Mira gently shakes their shoulder.
“Time to wake up, Siffrin! Bonnie has snacks for everyone.” Mira moves a few hairs out of their face. “Siffrin?”
Isabeau adjusts, and joins in. “Siff? Sorry to wake you bud but..” He pauses, seeing Mirabelle’s face shift. Odile’s gaze sharpens as Mirabelle’s leans over them, placing her ear to their chest.
“They- th-they aren’t” Mira cries out. “They aren’t breathing! No no no-” 
Isabeau moves Siffrin off his lap with shaking hands. Odile rushes over to their side, checking their wrist and neck for a pulse. Bonnie’s face crumbles in the corner, alarm replacing the happy air.
Isabeau shakes Siffrin’s still body, Mirabelle readies a heal craft as Odile begins to try resuscitating them.
Siffrin first feels the gentle breeze around them. The grass moving in tune, sometimes brushing up against the small areas their clothes don’t cover. They hear Mirabelle in the distance and when they open their eyes, she’s right above them, apologetic for waking them. Siffrin blinks. It’s been a while since Mira’s been the one to wake them up. 
“Good morning! Well, more like good afternoon, I gue- wow. Are you okay?”
That’s new. Why would her lines-
“You’re crying.. Is something wrong, Siffrin?”
He blinks and brings a hand to his face. Sure enough, his cheek is stained with tears. He doesn’t remember crying, he just woke up too. From..
“Must’ve happened in my sleep” He says absently.
Mira frowns, “Oh no! What did you dream about…?”
Siffrin shrugs and repeats lines he remembers that will reassure her the quickest. She sighs and returns back to town. They’ll be waiting for him.
He takes a moment to think about what happened in the last loop. He.. doesn’t remember dying. Must have been when he went to sleep. That. That probably should worry him, that falling asleep could end a loop, but he doesn’t feel any regret about it. Actually, it’d be nice if all his loops ended like that. Just, dying with his loved ones around. It would take too long though, even if it could happen again. This loop needs to be faster. Last loop they didn’t even reach the king, and they have questions. 
He grumbles as he sits up, a part of him yearning to go back to that warmth. Oh if only the universe could have let it be permanent. A permanent death that didn’t even hurt. That’s wishful thinking though, the universe isn’t so kind. And they have work to do, his family- actors. They need what he knows. He can’t rest forever yet.
The show must go on.
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cottoncandytomu · 1 year
Scream For Me Doll~ Ghostface!Ellie x F!Reader
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(I do not own any of the photos! Just edited them, if they are yours and you want them removed lmk!!)
Before I even start-
I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to finally finish this fic, I wanted to make it the best I could for you deranged Beauties~. I will say though, I only proofread half of it (I'll proofread the other half later - sorry I just wanted to post it already heeheheh~) so any mistakes I apologize they will be fixed in the future!
Those who asked to be tagged, if you're not interested in this fic in particular or want to be removed please lmk!! :}
This fic IS NOT for everyone, so please if it isn't your cup of tea...move on. Any type of hate sent my way I ask for it to not be anonymous so I can do you the justice and block you straight up. This fic contains the following: (If I forget to put a TW please let me know so I can add it on!!)
LOTS of dark themes, Filthy smut, Knife play, Blood play, Self harm (Ellie's behalf - slightly intentional - she cuts herself on the blade), Degradation (Very minor), Possessiveness, Stalking, Cursing, Deranged reader and Ellie, Mentions of murder/killing.
I think that's it - again if I missed anything please let me know. BUT that's about it folks, hope you Beauties~ enjoy!! (7839 Words)
The sound of breathing was the only thing to be heard, Ellie’s warm breath bouncing off the flesh of the mask and back into her own. She learned very quickly how to stay quiet in situations like these. Her robe almost touched the floor, flowing right along with her movements. The sun had set hours before, a warm yellow moon took its place. Darkness cascades over the town, it was during these hours where she thrived the most. The shadows made for her stalk within the night, hiding all of her secrets in its shroud. She slowly creeps towards your window, forever thankful that your room was located on the first floor. 
A lot of her nights were spent like this. Reveling in her recent victims over the weeks to then come and celebrate by watching you at your most vulnerable. You weren’t on her hit list, far from it actually. Her obsession for you was different, not one of bloodlust. Although she’d love to see the deep velvet color of your blood drip down your stomach. The tip of her blade digging into your skin, not too hard, not too soft, but enough to pierce the skin. She’d imagine rubbing her gloved thumb across the liquid, smearing it towards your hip bone. Where she’d then grip your waist, squeezing the soft flesh in her palm. 
Her true bloodlust was for the imbeciles who fell into her traps, never clever enough to understand the gravity of the situation they’ve put themselves in. What genius would walk through an alleyway alone after a night of drinking? Or answer a phone call in the deep hours of the night? Only idiots would and Ellie hated the idiots of the world. The ones who deserved to be silenced by her blade, one less ignorant human on this planet. She saw the evils she committed as an act of justice. Just what society needed, one less idiot to exist. But fuck there were so many. That’s why she enjoyed you the most. You weren’t like them. 
The way you were always aware of your surroundings, keeping up on the latest murders of the month. Those murders being her own work of course. She saw the way your eyes lit up at the idea of figuring out who the infamous Ghostface was. You were determined, it was cute in your own way. Ellie was always one step ahead though, she knew about your obsession with the slasher. Being your close friend was her advantage to the game. It was her fun version of tag, except for the fact that you were unaware you were playing it with her. Coming so close to touching her, the tips of your fingers stretched out wide but she was able to run and hide. You having to start all over again just when you were so close. She loved when you got close. 
She’d listen to all the theories you’d come up with about who Ghostface could be. You’ve gotten close a few times, even if it was jokingly pointing the finger at her. You’d laugh off the idea of Ellie being Ghostface. It’s too hard to believe your childhood friend who you’ve spent every waking moment with to be the one. You told her she didn’t have the guts to commit such acts, too blinded by the nurturing friendship the two of you shared. As clever as you were, in which Ellie respected, you always missed that one piece. 
There was a moment that she did want to tell you, to scream it off the rooftops or to stand outside your house with it written in bold letters. Hey, it’s me! I’m Ghostface! Surprised huh? But she knew that’d be too risky, as much as she trusts you with her life she doesn’t fully know if you’d be able to keep this under the wraps. Would you run away screaming, telling the first officer you see? Or is there that slight chance that you’d be alright with it… 
This was another fantasy Ellie loved to live in. You overjoyed with the fact that she was the one. Running up to her and caressing her mask, blood staining the tips of your fingers just moments after her fresh kill. But she knew better. Out of all the secrets you two shared, this was the only one she kept to herself. 
Little did she know you had secrets of your own. Your obsession with the slasher didn’t just end at finding out who it was. You wanted them for yourself. You wanted to trace their mask with your fingers, dragging them down the oversized robe and over to their gloved hand. You dreamt of grabbing that hand that yielded the knife. Tracing it up your chest to your delicate throat. To feel the cool blade against your skin would welcome heat that would pool between your thighs. You wanted them to use you how they wanted, bending at their will, doing whatever for them. It was a fucked up fantasy you couldn’t stop. But did you truly want it to stop? 
You had to bite your tongue every time you talked to Ellie about them. She was intrigued with your theories, always ready to listen in on the newest piece of evidence you brought up. But you didn’t want to face the judgment of her words when you told her the main reason you wanted to see what was behind the mask. You imagined her reaction once. You didn’t imagine it again after that. 
As she peers in she feels her chest swell up. It never felt any different for her, you always made her feel a certain way. Especially during these times. When she had the mask on, it changed her. She became a different person, she felt free. She felt like her true self. It was funny in a way, usually people put on a mask to hide their identity. But it wasn’t the same for Ellie, it brought out the worst in her. She loved every second of it. 
You were fast asleep in your bed, legs in a tangled mess with your blankets. Your brows were furrowed, tightly knit together. She was curious as to what you were dreaming about. Was it a nightmare? Troubles from something that happened earlier in the day? It took everything in her to not climb in through your window, coming close to you to smoothen out the lines between your brows. Her eyes trailed down to your lips, taking in how soft they looked. How badly she wanted to glide her gloved fingers across them. Just to hook them into the side of your mouth and pull back the flesh, making you smile like the joker. 
Her nightly ritual would soon come to an end. Much to her disappointment she had to go back to being the regular old Ellie. The Ellie no one suspected was Ghostface. She took in your features one last time before descending back into the night, the darkness consuming her once again. 
Finding the abandoned shed by her house she shed herself of her shroud and mask, putting them away in her pack. She returned home shortly after, unlocking her door with her key. She couldn't wait to also get some rest. Unbothered to do anything else besides sleep she threw her pack across the room. Flopping into the bed it didn’t take long for her to be whisked away into lust filled dreams of your face. 
The next morning came in a hurry. Ellie woke up in a sweat, the stuffy heat of the summer causing her clothes to stick to her skin. It didn’t help that she fell asleep with her jeans and t-shirt on, too tired the night before to change into something more comfortable. Her hand reaches over on her nightstand, grabbing her phone she checks the time, 11 a.m. It wouldn’t be long until you’re knocking at the door, you both had previously made plans to go out today. Finally having a matching day off you didn’t want to waste it away, even with the stupid curfew in place. Jackson didn’t have much to do but you both made it work. Your favorite spot was going deep into the forest, dangerous yes, but you enjoyed the quiet serene scene. The only sounds being what nature wanted to sing to you that day. 
Today would probably be one of those forest days. The overwhelming buzz of fear that clouded the skies of Jackson was starting to be too much for you to handle. You wanted, no needed, a mini escape from it all. And who better to escape all of it with none other than your loyal friend. She understood how you felt, how sick of the people you were. She understood it all too well. 
Ellie placed the phone back down on the nightstand, rubbing her eyes as she sat herself up. Letting out a sigh she climbs out of bed and goes to get ready for the day. It doesn’t take long until you’re knocking at her door. Toothbrush in her hand she rushes over to let you in. Your soft smile sends flutters to her stomach, precious as always. She sends a smile back your way, standing off to the side to let you in. You were wearing a regular t-shirt and shorts that hugged your thighs just right, she couldn’t help her eyes from checking you out. After you walk in she closes the door and returns to the bathroom to finish getting ready. 
You walk over to the door to the bathroom, leaning against the frame watching her finish up. You gave her a knowing look and she knew what would come out of your mouth before you even said it.
“New evidence?” She asks. 
Your grin widens, “Maybe…”
“Spill, now.” 
This happened often, you’d have some new “gossip” about the killer from your unresting research. While Ellie would sit and listen, wanting to know how close you’ve gotten this time. 
“So you remember a week ago when that random man was murdered?” 
Ellie pretends to think about it for a second. She knew exactly who you were referring to, he was a tough one. His extreme persistence to survive almost caused him to escape her grasp, almost. She nods at you. 
“Well apparently he put up a fight.” 
Ellie’s face cringed, thinking back on the memory. Her expression quickly changed to a confused one, now wondering how you knew about his persistence. 
“I know I know, the only reason I found this out is because of someone sharing some info on Reddit.” She waits for you to continue on. “So their Dad is a cop blah blah, shit no one cares for. But because of this he gets inside info. So get this, they found a piece of the handle to the blade Ghostface used to kill him. There’s some overly complicated science as to how they know he struggled. But the piece of it gives them a slight advantage on what weapon the killer uses. It’s honestly crazy how the knife broke. It’s said that the Buck 120 is very durable, some luck huh?” 
Ellie knew her mistake but didn’t think it would be found so soon. By the time she realized the piece had fallen off it had already been too late. That night she was consumed with the need to see you. Specially after that persistent fuck gave her such a hard time. The stress of it all ate her alive, for once she feared she would be discovered if he was able to escape her grasp. Luckily with one hard strike she was able to finally take him down. Enraged after the fact she kept up the hard strikes at his weak skin. Definitely a blood bath, all the emotions clouded her mind. She didn’t realize that her harsh slashes may be the one thing to bring her demise. When she saw you that night all the stress seemed to disappear. She returned home that night, dread still heavy on her head. Seeing you truly did help her but soon as she left you it all came back. The next morning was when she saw the lost piece in her handle. Cursing herself at her stupidity, it was too late. She never goes back to a kill, no matter how satisfying or difficult. It was too risky, the bodies were found usually a day or so after she ended them. 
Ellie snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of your voice. “Earth to Ellie, you there?” 
She rinses her toothbrush and spits out the paste in her mouth to answer you. 
“Yeah.” She laughs it off, “Sorry. Just thinkin’ about what you said.”
You tuck in your lips nodding slowly at her words. “It’s crazy to think about isn’t it? I’ll find out who it is eventually I know it.” 
“Oh you do now?” Ellie forgets about her previous thoughts. More interested in your words instead. 
“Mhm~ You know how close I’ve gotten.” 
“I also know how many times it’s slipped from you too.” 
“Whatever, I don’t wanna hear this shit talk when I find out who it is. I’ll prove everyone wrong.” 
Sure you will. Ellie thinks, “I’m gonna talk shit regardless. You know this.” 
You laugh at her words, “You’re right. Anyways hurry up, I wanna be out as long as I can before curfew.” 
Ellie finishes up what she has to, not wanting to keep you waiting. As she gets her things together you go to sit on the couch, patiently waiting. After she’s done you both head for the front door. Before you can leave Ellie mutters a hold on forgetting one last thing. She goes back into her room before descending out with her guitar case in hand. You smile warmly at her. You always loved when she would bring her guitar. Playing the tunes you were never tired of hearing. You opened the door for her letting her exit with her case. Following her out you both took off to the calming forest. Letting go of all the troubles that plagued your minds. 
After a few hours you and Ellie made it back to her house. The time spent in nature was a refresher you both needed. Similar reasons neither of you were aware of. The two of you didn’t eat the whole day so you both agreed to get food once settled in Ellie’s home. Not wanting the night with you to end Ellie made sure to invite you over after. She knew she’d be around you. Regardless if you stayed or not. She could either have you here or have you through your window. As much as she did enjoy the latter, she wanted to be around you as long as you’d allow. Even if it was when she was regular Ellie. 
The both of you settled down onto the couch. Ellie loaded a game up to pass the time, knowing you’d enjoy watching her play. Ellie made you comfortable no matter the situation, being in her presence made you feel such a relief. A relief no one could provide in the same way that she can. You were scrolling through restaurants in the area on your phone. Stretched out sideways along the couch. Your back against the armrest and your legs over Ellie’s as she sat regularly. Her arms were resting on your lower thighs, fingers pressing away at the buttons. She told you to pick what you wanted, not caring what you’d order. She’d eat whatever you put in front of her anyway. You didn’t want anything too crazy, just something comforting and simple. Which is why you decided on pizza, can’t get more simple than that. 
“I’m gonna get us some pizza.” You look up at Ellie from your phone.
Her eyes were trained on the screen, “Sounds good to me.” She shrugged slightly, replying. 
“Okay I’ll get us a large and a drink as well.” 
Ellie throws a quick glance in your direction, “My card should be in my pack in the room.” 
“I can just buy it Ellie…” 
“Fuck no.” When she looks back at you, this time she doesn’t break eye contact, “I invited you over to eat so I pay for it, yeah?” 
You didn’t bother to argue back with her, you’d lose in the end. You always did. You mumbled alright and she lifted up her arms so you could slip off the couch. The warmth of your legs were gone, causing her to shiver from the cool feeling of her air conditioner. 
You walked over into her room searching around for her pack. Your eyes scan the room when they finally land on it thrown over into the corner. You walk over kneeling down to open it up, digging through it you suddenly feel a sharp sting on your finger. Pulling your hand back from the pack with an ow you look hold your hand to see blood dripping from your middle finger. 
“What the fuck?” You mumble. 
Instead of making the mistake to dig around unaware again you slowly pull open the sides of the pack, opening it up to peek at what's inside. Your brows furrow at the black cloth harshly shoved in it. Slowly pulling it out to examine it an object flops to the floor. Snapping your head down your eyes widen, You can feel the blood draining from your face. A sharp flutter fills your stomach, it was a mask. But not any mask, a Ghostface mask. Picking it up with your free hand to examine it you now notice the red splatters, it stands out from the contrast of the bold white mask. Is that…blood? You think to yourself, it can’t be. This is a joke, there's no way she’s Ghostface. You smirk to yourself, was she really trying to fuck with you like this? She’s done stupid jokes before but never went as far as buying the costume to trick you. Some tricks, huh. Nice try Ellie. 
Did she really think you were that naive? You were going to get up and confront her when the sting of your finger got your attention again. You almost forgot about the cut, you then realized that nothing in your hands could’ve sliced you like that. Don’t tell me she bought a knife too, oh Ellie-. You reached into the pack again, carefully this time knowing your chances of getting cut again were high. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your throat when you saw the light shine off the blade, she really outdid herself this time. You grasp the handle and bring it out from the bag, it was the exact kind of knife Ghostface used. The knife had the smeared red on the blade as well. 
One part of you couldn’t believe the lengths she’s gone this time to fuck with your “investigation.” But the other part of you couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of her going this far. She didn’t truly know what these things did to you. If it was her, which was a long shot, you wondered how much easier everything would be. Not having to worry about who was behind the mask, not that you really cared, but it was something that crossed your mind. What if it was someone you couldn’t stand, would you be able to still keep up that fantasy of them? Could you still keep it up if it was Ellie? Your feelings for Ellie were that of a roller coaster. In friendship terms everything was smooth sailing, there’s no one else on the planet you could trust your life with more. But when it came to the topic of it being more than a friendship, that was a different story. You can’t say you never had feelings for her, you have. You just pushed them down when you realized how badly it could ruin everything. Plus you had no idea, doubted even, that she liked you the same. So you buried your own feelings deep inside, not daring to let them out again. Sometimes though she’d do things that made you shiver. That would cause those feelings to bubble over again, reaching for nothing but the disappointment you’d give them when you continued to shove them under again. 
Although, to know that she did this all for you made those feelings bubble over again. Could she have a clue about your true intentions of wanting who was behind that mask? Is that why she went this far? To make you believe it? To fall for her instead of the true Ghostface? No, she wouldn’t, it’s just a dumb prank. 
You laughed at your thoughts, going the extra mile once again, your delusions would constantly take control when the masked killer was involved. You twirl the knife in your hands one last time before you decide to put it down. As you check it for the last time your fingers smooth over something rough on the handle. Curious, you look at what the disturbed surface could be. 
As you study the handle your heart drops. No, no, no- this can’t be happening, you think. You can feel the anxiety swell up in your chest. You forget how to breathe, your thoughts racing a million miles a minute. All of the countless hours you spent searching, all of the sleepless nights you’ve had. The endless amount of research you would study, day after day. Stuck scrolling on your computer not resting until you get so close to finding out who it could be. The theories of all the different people you had, you even bought a cork board to help your search. You pulled some crazy shit you kept to yourself to find out where or who they could be. Putting yourself in danger in hopes that you’ll be the slasher's “next prey.” 
All of this for what? For it to be your best friend this whole time. The one person you were so sure of it not being. Fuck you felt so stupid. You grew up with her, you knew her better than you knew yourself. You felt pride in knowing that she would never be capable of such a thing, but she was. And here you are, staring at the handle with the piece of it missing that was just discovered by the authorities. As much as you wanted to deny it you couldn’t. Why did you want to deny it? 
In a way this makes everything easier, your mind travels back to your earlier thoughts. The thoughts of what if Ellie was the killer. But why didn’t she kill you yet? If no one was safe from her slashes then why were you? Question after question filled your head, trying to piece all the evidence together to figure out just what you have missed. While in deep thought you heard a loud thud. Locking in place you slowly turned your head to the sound. 
Ellie stood by the door, frozen. The controller that was once in her hand now faced upside down on the floor. She was wondering why it was taking you so long to grab your wallet. She knew it was in her room, in some pack that she threw on the floor yesterday. She hasn't touched it since. It wasn’t until she started thinking about it that she felt the color drain from her face. She was so exhausted yesterday that she forgot to put her Ghostface pack in the hiding spot she usually does. It slipped from her mind until this moment. Now she’s paying the consequences, walking in on you holding her knife. The very knife you just talked about hours earlier. The single piece of evidence that would be 100% proof of Ellie being Ghostface. 
She didn’t know what to do or what to say. Scared that any wrong move would result in your panic, your screams filling the air as you ran for the door. But you didn’t. You didn’t move an inch, holding the knife in your hand you stared back at her. All of this time it was her, you didn’t want to admit it but you felt a sense of relief. You did it, you found out who Ghostface was. 
You opened your mouth, trying to get something out, anything out but you couldn’t. Caught like a deer in headlights you thought about your next move. As you thought about it, so did Ellie. You weren’t supposed to find out, even if you did she didn’t want it to be this way. She wanted it on her terms, if she were to ever tell you anyway. 
As flustered as she was she managed to speak first, “Seems like all that research paid off huh?” She chuckles. 
Leave it to Ellie to make light of a situation like this, you were used to it though. She always jokes around when shit hit the fan, it was one of the many things you loved about her. You just weren’t so sure if this time was the right time for it. You looked down at the knife again, your fingers gliding against the abrasion.
“It was you the whole time…” Ellie’s eyes widened at your voice, “I busted my ass on research and it was right in front of me the whole time.” 
You let out a dry laugh at her response, how could you be so fucking stupid. She goes to open her mouth to speak again but you beat her to it. 
“Do you know why I really wanted to find out who Ghostface was?” 
Fuck it. It was out in the open so you might as well be honest. You didn’t know where this confidence came from but after finding out who a serial killer was you realized you only really have two options. She would let you go, which you think is unlikely or she would have to end it right here right now. Killing you to keep the risk of her being found out by the public. You didn’t think she was capable of killing you, you were her childhood best friend after all. 
She stays quiet, letting you continue. You figured you had nothing to lose now, why not let it all out in the open. 
“Finding out who was behind the mask really isn’t all that important to me. Honestly I could give less of a fuck who’s behind it. I just want them for myself. My fucked up fantasy of being with the slasher is all that I’ve been craving.” You sigh, your words becoming just a whisper. “It’s sick… I know.” 
Did Ellie just hear you correctly? Are her fantasies becoming reality right before her eyes? All those nights at your window, watching you, craving you. You writhing under her as she pleased you in the one thing that made her feel like her true self. She watched as your face fell in despair, you were ashamed. There’s no need to be ashamed. 
She wasn’t aware that she said her thoughts aloud, not realizing it until you lifted up your head. 
You looked at her with a shocked expression, “You don’t think so?” 
“How could I?” She starts, “You know what I do. I have no room to judge anyone, plus I’ve wanted nothing more than this.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, did you hear her correctly? 
She continues on, “I’ve been dreaming about this moment forever. I wanted to tell you so many times but I didn’t know how. Your reaction was something I was scared of the most. But now that I know you want this, I’m ready to take the next step.” 
“What is the next step exactly?” You ask. 
Ellie’s soft expression changes in an instant, a smirk adorning her lips. 
“I make you mine.” 
You felt a slight pang of fear but not too much. Her words catered to your sick mind, they went straight to your core. She took slow steps towards you, as to test the waters on how you would react. You didn’t move an inch, letting her slowly make her way towards you. The grasp you had on the knife tightened in anticipation. When she came close enough she reached out to your hands, loosening your grasp from the knife she took it from you. Her eyes leave yours to study the object in her hands, the object she knew all too well. Her eyes darken as she grasps the handle, pointing the tip of the blade towards you now. The smirk never leaves her lips when she drags the tip of the blade lightly up your throat, stopping to tilt your chin up towards her. 
“You want to be mine right?” She asks. 
You bite your lip, “Only if you’ll allow it.” 
It was at this moment that you saw the true change in her eyes. The Ellie you once knew, the Ellie you grew up with wasn’t the Ellie in front of you now. This Ellie was different…darker…possessive. You wanted to know this version of her more than anything, the true her behind the mask. The person you dreamt of having for so long was finally yours and you were hers. It was at this moment that you knew there was no going back, the two of you now becoming one in her secret. You’d do anything for her, be anything for her. She felt the same, all those nights she watched you at your window. She’d get rid of anyone who tried to hurt you in any way, she’d protect you from any danger that dared to wander around you. God forbid she catches the ones that hurt you, they’d regret their last moments. 
Her eyes flickered back towards yours, keeping eye contact for just a moment before trailing around your face. They stop at your lips, how badly she’s wanted to kiss the plush skin for so long. She wastes no time and throws her knife to the side. Grabbing at the sides of your face she roughly presses her lips to yours. Your hands grasp at her shirt, kissing her back with just as much fervor. The kiss was far from innocent, teeth clashing and spit mixing, just how she liked it. She took your bottom lip in her teeth, pulling at the flesh and letting it flick back in place. Her lips lock back onto yours, you pull her closer by her shirt, needing to get as close as possible. 
She pulls back after a few seconds, you let out a whimper at the loss. Your eyes filled with desperation as you stared up at her. She coos at the sight, her thumb swiping the spit across your bottom lip. 
She licks her lips, “You gonna let me have you tonight?” 
You enthusiastically nod your head, “Y-yes.” You’re still shaken up by the sloppy kisses you two just shared. 
“Yeah? Gonna let me try something out on ya?” 
You continued to nod your head, you didn’t care what she did to you. You’d give her whatever she wanted if she asked, she knew this. Yet she still wants to make sure you’re okay with it. She then took your hands in hers, pulling you to stand up along with her, she then led you to the bed. She pushed you back onto it, you flopped onto the mattress waiting for her next move. She admired you for a moment before walking back by her pack, she grabbed the mask off the floor and slipped it on. 
“You want me to fuck you in this mask hm?” She asks. Not giving you time to reply she continues, “How much did you dream about this?” 
Your words were stuck in your throat, it was all too much but it was so fucking good. You had envisioned how your first night with Ghostface would play out. Staring into their mask, their fingers buried in you, giving you the utmost pleasure you craved. But this? This was better than anything you could have imagined. Especially when it was with the one woman you loved more than anything. 
She picked up her knife, twirling it in her hands. 
“I would use this but that persistent fucker had to ruin it for me.” She shook her head, the loose fabric at the ends swayed in the air. “Good thing I got another.” 
She walks over to her closet, digging around until she pulls out another Buck 120. She flips it over, checking out the shining blade and admiring it. She loved nothing more than her ol’ reliable knife. 
“Got this one as a back up, y'know just in case incidents like before happened. A slasher must always be prepared~” 
Her head looks up, the soulless black eyes staring into yours. You can hear the teasing tone in her voice when she talks to you. She’s well aware she has you wrapped around her finger, ready to do whatever she pleases. 
She stalks towards you, “I’m gonna fuck you with this knife now~.” Her hold on the knife now tighter, “Don’t worry baby it’s clean, haven’t killed anyone with this one…yet.” 
Your eyes widened, her words went straight to your core. You couldn’t help the little fidgets your body made as she slowly made her way towards you. You couldn’t see because of the mask but her eyes were trained on your thighs that clenched together in anticipation. You couldn’t help but rub them together, needing some sort of friction to relieve the heat building up between them. 
You couldn’t help but ask, “Which side?”
Ellie groaned at your question, “Fuck baby~ you want the blade? Are you that psycho for me?” 
You didn’t particularly want to be mutilated tonight, even though somewhere deep down in your fucked up brain the thought was there, you just wanted to make sure Ellie was on the same page. 
“Just curious…” You reply. 
She now stood in front of you, knife in her right hand. Her free hand comes up to rest on your knee, pushing it to the side to open your legs up for her. You can hear her heavy breaths through the mask. 
“As much as I wanna see you bleed, I don’t want it that way. That’s what your thighs are for.” 
Her hand strokes down your thigh, stopping midway to squeeze at the flesh. She brings her knife up to your skin, slicing it lightly enough to draw a tiny bit of blood. She flicks up the knife, her skills on display as she scoops the blood onto the blade, bringing it up to her mask and smearing it on the white rubber. She drags the knife down to the tip of the chin, tapping it against it a few times, as if in thought of what her next move is. You whimper at the sting of the cut, little droplets still flowing from it. She reaches up to smear the blood across your thigh, taking her time watching the way the red liquid spreads. 
“I’ve wanted to see you bleed for me so bad. S’Better than I ever imagined.” 
You bite your lip, holding back your whimpers as you wait impatiently for her next move. You wanted her to do something, to do anything to relieve the ache you felt. She turns the knife around in her hand, the grip pointing towards you. 
“I’m gonna fuck you with the handle instead. That way every time I slash someone I have a memory of you with me. It’ll be the only thing I’ll think about with my victims.” 
Her words flooded through your veins, firing up every cell in your body. You didn’t know she had such a way with her words, if she kept going you’d probably climax just from them alone. As much as her words had an effect on you, you wanted her to go along with her promise. 
“Please…just fuck me already Ellie.” You beg.
“Patience Doll~ You out of everyone should know I like to take my sweet time when it comes to my victims. But since you said please, I’ll give you what you want.” 
She sets the knife down next to you on the bed, her hands grip at the waistband of your shorts pulling them down. You were soaked, the fabric of your panties so wet that you could see the outline of your pussy. 
“Mmh so wet for me, all I did was speak to you and draw a little blood.” Her thumb presses into your slit, pushing against your juices. 
Her fingers hook into your panties pulling out the fabric, she then grabs her knife and cuts off your panties. You breath hitches at how close the blade was to your core, any closer and she would’ve cut you. Making you bleed for the second time that night. She chuckles at your reaction then shoves the panties into her back pocket, saving them for later. 
She pushes up your thigh, opening you up for her and lines up the knife handle to your entrance. She teases you, gliding the end of it up and down your slit collecting up your juices to lube up the knife. 
“You ready Doll?” She asks. 
You whisper out a yes as she slowly slides the handle into your pussy, watching you grip onto it. You can feel her push back on your thigh more, making you stretch so she can get a nice view of you. Even though it was happening in front of her she couldn’t believe you were sprawled out before her like this. She’d catch herself staring at her knife imagining how it would look against your skin, how much she craved to slide it through your folds. Now that she was here it was almost too much, but she didn’t let her excitement take control. She wanted to fully immerse herself in this experience, taking all of you in. From the scrunches of your brows to the curling of your toes, she wanted to see all of you. 
She carefully dragged out the knife, her hand delicately holding the blade. She pushes the handle in and out of you, setting a slow steady rhythm. You writhe under her touch, not being able to hold back your moans anymore, the cool handle adding to the pleasure. You grab onto her wrist, holding her tight. You look up at her mask and she catches your movements tilting up her head. You’re staring hard enough to see her eyes through the meshed fabric, seeing the darkness behind them. She’s wanted this just as much as you did and you’re so glad it’s her that’s giving you this much pleasure. As good as it felt you wanted more, the slow pace was killing you. In a way you felt like she was holding back, still too afraid to lose herself, scared that she might hurt you. 
“Ellie…” You moan out, she twists the knife slightly muttering a yes. 
“Please don’t hold back.” Her movements stop and you whine at her, “I want you to let yourself go, let Ghostface come out.” 
Ellie’s hand quivered at your words, were you sure? Once she’s in that mindset she’s gone, she doesn't wanna risk too much. Although her dark thoughts were always in the back of her mind, how badly she wanted to drill her knife into you and watch you squirm at her force. 
“Baby, are you sure? I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself.” 
You loved when she called you that, “Yes, I’m sure. I want it this way, I’m begging you~.” 
You gave her wrist a reassuring squeeze and that was all she needed before the light in her switched. The Ellie you grew up with, knowing better than anyone is not the Ellie that’s in front of you now. That confirmation from you was all she needed to let her true side take control. It happened so fast you didn’t know how to react, Ellie had grabbed you and flipped you over. Making sure your ass was up in the air, almost hanging off the edge of the bed. You braced yourself on your hands, an oof coming out of your lips when she pushed your face down into the mattress. 
You felt a harsh smack on your ass, you moaned at the sting it left behind. She kneads the flesh after, spreading you open and admiring you from behind. Without second thought she reaches down to grab the knife, this time firmly grabbing it by the blade as she plunges the handle inside you once again. She wastes no time fucking you hard and fast, her knuckles white from how hard she holds onto the blade. 
“F-fuck Ellie!” You gasp out. 
You’re in ecstasy, loving the way her demeanor changed. She loses herself in you, focused on the handle pushing in and out of you, how your juices cover the handle and drip down the blade onto her hand. 
“You like that Doll? You’re taking this knife so well~ M’so proud of you.” 
Your moans grow louder by the second, you’re not able to hold back anymore, not that Ellie wants you to anyway. You grip the bed sheets tight, your face repeatedly pushing into the mattress at her relentless force. You knew she was strong but fuck not like this. You were never really on the receiving end of her strength to truly know but now that you were you could see why no one stood a chance against her. She slaps at your ass again before she brings her free hand down to rub circles against your clit causing you to cry out. If she kept fucking you this way it wouldn’t take long for you to reach your high. 
“Shit-” You heard her whisper. 
You whip your head to the side to look at her. You can see her head tilt up to look back at you, she suddenly took her hand off your clit to reach up and tear off her mask. Her hair was a mess, tangled and stuck to her face in other spots from her sweat. Her eyes were blown wide, a harsh darkness to them you’ve never seen before and her lips. Her lips were red and plush from how much she bit them at the sight of you. You were a masterpiece to her, this was all she ever wanted. When she pushed her hair out of the way you noticed the blood that smeared along her forehead. She saw your eyes on her hand and gave you a lopsided smile, her hand going back down to rub at your clit once more. 
“Fuckin’ you so hard I cut myself.” She laughs darkly, “You don’t mind right?” 
Well fuck-
Your eyebrows scrunched together at her words, “No!” You moaned. “Don’t mind.” 
You could barely form sentences from how good she was making you feel, she knew this and she reveled in that fact. A cocky smirk on her lips as her eyes watched the way you squirmed and stuttered under her. She could give less of a fuck that she’s bleeding, your pleasure being the only thing that matters. It didn’t take much longer for you to feel the build up in the pit of your stomach, you were close. 
“Ellie I’m so close, please don’t stop~”
“Don’t plan on it Doll~” Ellie replies, speeding up her movements, if that were even possible. 
You bury your face into the mattress but then you feel a harsh smack to your clit. 
“I wanna hear your moans Sweetheart, don’t hide them from me now.” 
You nod your head rapidly, tears are starting to form in your eyes from all the pleasure you’re experiencing. Who would’ve thought you’d be right here, experiencing the one thing you wanted the most, you never thought your day would end up like this. You’re thankful nonetheless, this is exactly what you wanted and you wouldn’t want anyone else doing it to you. 
It didn’t take long until you reached your high. 
“Ahh~ I’m cumming!” 
Your back arched more, pulling at the sheets so hard they come undone from the edges. Ellie doesn’t slow down her movements either, ignoring the pain in her hand she keeps sliding the knife in and out of you. She watched as your juices flowed down onto the blade and her hand, mixing in with her blood. It made her moan out loud, a sight she’d never forget. 
“Mmm cum for me Doll, just like that. I wanna see your juices on my blade.” 
She helps you ride out your orgasm and your legs start to tremble. She chuckles at the state you’re in and slowly pulls the blade out of your pussy, watching your sticky juice strings stick to the handle. You watch her bring up the knife to her lips, sucking your juices off the handle, you whimper at her actions. When she’s done she throws the knife to the floor, her hands back onto you she spreads her blood up your thigh and onto your ass cheek as she gives you one last squeeze. You’re panting as you turn yourself over to lay on your back, she helps you lie down with a dark smile. She loves how she got you to this point, as much as she’d like to do it again she decides to save it for another night. 
She reaches over to give your hand a quick squeeze saying she’ll be right back as she walks over to her bathroom. After a few moments she comes back with a wet towel, a cloth is tied around her hand to stop the blood from flowing. She walks over to you and wipes away all the blood and cum off your body, giving soothing strokes to your skin afterwards. 
“So…” Ellie starts, “You gonna turn me in?” 
You can’t help the snort that comes out of your throat, “Fuck off.” 
“Is that a no, or?” She questions a knowing smile on her lips. 
“I let you fuck me with your knife, do you think I’m gonna turn you in?” 
She laughs at your response, “Just fuckin’ with ya.” 
She climbs into the bed lying next to you, throwing the towel onto the floor, she faces you and strokes your cheek with the back of her knuckles. You look over at her with tired eyes and a warm smile, she really does switch up fast. 
The two of you wrap up in each other's arms for the rest of the night. You ask all about her time as Ghostface, wanting to know every gory detail and she tells you it all. After a few hours of chatting you both lay in silence, content in each others presence. 
Ellie speaks up first, “So…about that pizza?”
RAVIOLIII!! I hope you all enjoyed my fic!! I thank you all for reading my content! I have more on the way but I will be taking a small break to work on my drag projects I got going on!! As always any feedback is appreciated as I always want to level up my writing. Thank you all for being patient with me!! You Beauties~ have a wonderful day/night!!
(if you would like to be tagged in any of my works lmk hehe~)
@moonlightdivine , @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshametohidemyshame
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jetra4ivor · 14 days
3-4 of my posts regarding the Minecraft Movie have gone viral. And as someone who has never had a post go viral before I gotta say…
I do not like it.
Maybe on other websites it’s not a big deal, but here on tumblr it is a nightmare.
The biggest issue is that it’s really hard to filter the reblogs and be able to respond to things. If I’m like scrolling down through the reblogs to see what people are saying or writing, the SECOND a new reblog or like comes in tumblr INSTANTLY jumps me back up to the top. Because tumblr wants me to see that someone new is reblogging my posts.
And when you’re only dealing with 1 or 2 new reblogs or likes every few minutes or hours… not a problem.
But when it’s literally multiple times a SECOND? Omg… I can’t scroll down. I can’t keep up. It’s just CONSTANTLY snapping me back up to the top and I can’t scroll through anything and see what people are saying!!!
I was hoping after a few days it would slow down… BUT IT HASN’T. The only way I’ve been able to respond to anything lately is by manually finding the individual posts or reblogs themselves and scrolling through the comments there instead.
The second issue is that tumblr keeps your post as it was reblogged. Even if you edit the post later to fix a spelling or grammar mistake, tumblr keeps the incorrect version of the post if that was reblogged before you corrected things.
And for example, in one of the viral posts my phone auto corrected “Piglins” to “pigeons.” And I didn’t notice it at first until the post was well into being viral and someone pointed it out. But even after I corrected the mistake, it had been reblogged so many times now that the incorrect version is all anyone sees. So I’m still getting people telling me I wrote it wrong LONG after I already fixed it 😭
I post primarily about gay MCSM content. Specifically involving female Jessie and Petra. I don’t generally post about other Minecraft stuff, as I try to keep my blog focused on MCSM related content. I probably wouldn’t mind too much if going viral meant more people saw some of the gay MCSM content I reblog or talk about…
But none of the viral reblogging has transferred over into any of my other posts. Which is sad because one of the viral posts is about people talking about how good MCSM is. After nearly a decade of people talking down on MCSM it’s so fantastic to see so many people stepping up and defending it and saying it was good… but none of that positivity is spreading into any of my other posts about the game!
You guys actually liked MCSM? Please… come into the MCSM fandom! Inject your love of the game into this fandom! We NEED you here! We’ve felt so isolated and small! Where have you all been? Why won’t you join us here and create new art or talk about your favorite characters or moments?
Why hasn’t any of my viral success transferred into more fans of the game joining the MCSM community? 😭 It’s so gratifying to see the love of MCSM in the comments to the Minecraft Movie trailer… why isn’t that resulting in more people coming into the fandom on tumblr?
Don’t get me wrong… it’s nice that people liked some of my posts enough for them to go viral. But the way tumblr works makes going viral really difficult to deal with and I’m not seeing the cross pollination of MCSM fans into any of the OTHER posts I’ve made about MCSM!
I just want more people talking about the lesbian block people! You came here for the Minecraft Movie Trailer dissing… please stay for the lesbian block people!
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months
Most of my photos were from 2012 to 2016. I have learned a lot since then. My photo restoration hobby has improved my image editing skills in general. And I was curious if I tried editing one of my photos from scratch if I could improve upon my original edit from years ago.
This is my friend Nicole.
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( @nicolebelongs I hope you don't mind being my guinea pig for this.)
This is just a direct output of the original RAW file. RAW files are typically flat by nature so you have more latitude when processing and editing.
This is my original finished edit from 2016.
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I actually made a pretty big lighting mistake when shooting this photo. A beauty dish can cause harsh reflections on makeup and so Nicole's forehead bounced all that light directly into my camera. I was still learning back then and didn't know anything about makeup. All that was required was angling the dish a few degrees up or down, which feels like a pretty silly mistake all these years later.
And here is my 2023 edit. I did not reference the 2016 image until after I finished.
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The main priority was the glare on the forehead, but I think this is much more balanced overall as well. I also tried to fix the weird neck shadow and the lack of light in the eyes. I probably should have used a reflector originally, but thankfully Photoshop has a solution to almost any photography blunder. I removed some vellus hairs on the edge of the face, as that is not something you would notice in real life, but the camera and lights can exaggerate them. I'd also like to say I love the new remove tool. Getting rid of flyaway hairs was such a monotonous pain in the ass before and that thing just zaps them with a click.
I am also trying to learn new editing techniques I was never good at. There is a retouching technique called "dodging & burning" that I had trouble with back in the day. Mostly because finding advanced tutorials can be difficult. Much of the content on YouTube focuses on beginner techniques.
Dodging & burning was originally innovated by Ansel Adams back in the days of film. He would block portions of his negatives for a second or two so those areas would develop darker. Or he would let sections expose longer so they would be brighter. It was basically analog Photoshop. You can see a neat video of his darkroom here.
While Ansel mostly did landscapes, portrait photographers of the digital age utilize dodging & burning to help bring out dimension in the face. It's quite similar to makeup contouring, actually. It is very hard to perfectly light every nook and cranny on a face and many portrait lenses are slightly telephoto. Longer lenses compress faces to remove distortion, but you end up losing three-dimensionality as a tradeoff.
My first attempt dodging and burning did not go well but I played with this photo for a few hours trying many different approaches and I think I landed on something I like. But I have been staring at it for way too long, so it is hard for me to look at it objectively.
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I do wish we could all look at this on the same display. Green is notoriously difficult to keep consistent from screen to screen.
In any case, there are a dozen subtle things I did with my upgraded knowledge that may not be noticeable individually, but I'm hoping it all adds up to a better finished result.
And I guess we'll see if there is a consensus regarding the dodging & burning. Either good, bad, or just... different.
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zodiacs-web · 9 months
Colors Of Time
╰₊✧ Hobie Brown x Gn!Reader
╰₊✧ Synopsis: The things you do with Hobie when he visits
╰₊✧ What's in the web: Fluff, relationship is ambiguous
╰₊✧ A/n: I did actually take my time to edit. Please tell me if I made any mistakes, my computer often doesn't pick up on it and neither do I. Anyway, early gift for my return.
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Often, when Hobie comes over late at night, his footsteps and the sound of the portal are the first things to wake you up. You've aligned your schedules so that he can come visit you on your day off. Meaning that he comes late just to spend a little more time with you.
Your head turns to the door, squinting at him as he stands there for a full minute. God, he always does this. You playfully roll your eyes before plopping your head back onto the pillow. He finally moves. The bed is dipping at your feet. With your eyes shut, you hear him kick off his boots, change into different clothes, and then shuffle towards the empty side of the bed before climbing in next to you.
You open your eyes to find him looking at you, not a noise is made before you're turning over once more. You feel his hands wrap around your waist and pull you closer as he lets out a breathy laugh. You found it strange that he just lets his hair collide with the pillow, knowing he'll regret it later.
This guy...
Suddenly, you're awoken to the feeling of hands detaching from you, with the bed eventually shifting back into place. Your eyes slowly lift open, watching as his figure goes out into the other rooms. You weakly turn to your side before pushing yourself up. You sit there for a few minutes, staring at the wall until the sound of sizzling gathers your attention.
Ah, breakfast... I forgot about that...
Usually, it'd be you who would make breakfast, waking up early to get enough food set for the both of you. What a day to see him actually getting up early. You sigh before pushing yourself up and walking over to the kitchen. You find him shoving eggs onto a plate next to waffles. How long were you staring at that wall?
You can't help but notice the clothes he's wearing, it's an old pair of pajama pants and a cool de-saturated green shirt. You bought them online, not knowing they'd be a bit too long on you. He hands you the plate before twisting you towards the table, a gentle push placed onto your back.
The eggs were soft and creamy, always cooked to perfection. The waffles had a crisp to them on the outside while the inside had a soft and fluffy texture while syrup coated them. You loved it when he made breakfast it was a rare delight but a wonderful one indeed. When you're finished, the plates are often left untouched in the sink. You hated doing dishes, and so did he.
A task often left for future you.
You and he return to the bedroom. You grab clothes to change into later, while he picks up the clothes he threw on the floor last night. He only changes while you shower. When you get out, you quickly put on lotion and change, rushing to the best part.
He grabs a stool from the kitchen and places it in front of the mirror. With the blow dryer in hand, he releases your hair from the towel with the other. He gently runs a comb through your hair while warm air is flowing through your scalp, soothing every part of you. He often helps you do your hair, but today, you'll let it do whatever it pleases.
Eventually, you both end up on the balcony, you watching down on people with him reading a book from your world. You look over at him with his hair seemingly messed up from the pillow. It has been at least two hours since you last woke up, and he has not bothered to fix it.
"So, you're not going to fix it?" You question him.
"I think it's fine, I didn't move much anyway," He inquires.
"I'm not lyin' I barely moved at all,"
"Yeah, and I'm a god visiting earth,"
You both only stare at each other before he sighs.
"Maybe I did move."
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marmie-noir · 6 months
Bar Top Goodbyes
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I struggled with this and idk why. This scene was what inspired the whole thing in my brain while watching the show the first time. I've given up on editing and double checking, so I am throwing this out and running away. If there are mistakes please forgive me!
TW: Smut. MxF smut, no protection, dirty talk, Mitch Keller.
“M’sorry, could you say that again darlin’?” Mitch asked, half asleep next to me at the small kitchen table. He was cute like this, sleep clinging to him like a warm blanket, making his movements a little slower and his voice full of that gravel that made butterflies go crazy in my lower stomach. His hair was still a bit mussed as well, falling over his forehead instead of held back by his usual hat. 
“I wanna say goodbye to the bar today.” I repeated, watching him slowly process what I was saying. 
He blinked before scratching his jaw, his other hand wrapped around a steaming cup of fresh coffee that he apparently badly needed. “Sunny,” He hummed, a little amused. “The bar isn’t going anywhere.” 
“No,” I agreed, giving a little one shoulder shrug as he sipped at his coffee. “The building isn’t. But after the renovation it’s going to be different. Which isn’t bad, but I wanna say goodbye to it before men with sledgehammers go at her. Plus, we need to grab our pictures.” Last night at closing Mitch had informed everyone that Bred-2-Buck was going to be temporarily closed for renovations. He wasn’t sure how long, but he intended to pay everyone’s salary still, and our jobs would still be there upon the bar’s reopening. 
Unlike the others I knew the bar wasn’t just closing for the renovations, that this went far deeper than slapping a new coat of paint on the walls and fixing that leaky faucet that drove us all crazy. That motorcycle gang was getting antsy, it was escalating, and Mitch wasn’t going to risk anyone getting hurt in any crossfire. 
He let out another little hum, finishing off his coffee, the caffeine ever so slowly brightening his eyes and making him perk up. He worked late so it wasn’t a surprise that he wasn’t exactly a morning person, but I did appreciate how long it took him to actually wake up. 
“That is a good idea, better grab some stuff before we forget.” He said, deep voice rumbling in the kitchen. “We can swing by Maureen’s Diner on the way home and get more of those muffins you like.” “A perfect plan.” I grinned, pressing a kiss to his temple as I got up to go check on Pops and get ready for the day. 
A little over an hour later Mitch was unlocking the back door to the bar, keeping his truck parked out back so it couldn’t be seen from the road. The large sign out front stated in big bold letters that it was closed for renovations, not another soul around. 
I went towards the front as Mitch ducked into his office, flicking the lights on as he did so. I had the jukebox start playing on shuffle, wanting a little background noise, the volume low and the crooning of old country stars comforting with how familiar these songs had become since I started working here. 
Busying myself with collecting our pictures and newspaper clippings I made a neat little pile on the bartop, not wanting to damage any memories. They would go back up after the reno, Mitch had promised as much. 
In truth I had another reason for asking Mitch to bring me to the bar this morning. I hadn’t lied, I wanted to say goodbye to the place that had changed my life, but probably not in the way Mitch thought. 
Tucking teh photos away into an envelope I pulled myself up to perch on the bar, glancing at my own reflection in the back wall mirror, the rows of liquor bottles not really obscuring anything. Because I wasn’t working I had opted to wear the other sundress I had bought while shopping with Ann but hadn’t had a chance to wear yet. This one was a cream color with a lilac print, delicate spaghetti straps holding it up, the skirt landing about mid-thigh. It made me feel pretty, and I need the boost of confidence. 
Smoothing the soft fabric over my thighs I steeled myself. Yes, I had come to say goodbye to the bar, but I had also come here to finally seduce Mitch in the very spot we first met. 
It wasn’t as though we didn’t know one another intimately at this point, but we had never gotten around to actual sex. At first I felt self conscious about that fact. Did he not want to, had I done something wrong? 
Ann had been the one to reassure me. “Sugar, the way that man looks at you? I don’t think you could do something wrong. He’s a patient man, probably wants to make sure you are sure.” 
And god was I sure. Since I met Mitch all I could do was fall more and more in love with him every single day. I had boyfriends before, even an ex-fiance under my belt, but no one even came close to making me feel how I did around him. No one could touch how happy I was falling asleep and waking up in his arms, cuddled up together all cozy and warm. Not to mention the way he touched me. 
Mitch Keller touched me with a reverence that made me almost shy. His big hands on my skin while praise left his sinful lips. Pretty girl, good girl, his girl. So good for him, so perfect. 
He rarely let me focus on his pleasure either, insisting on making me fall apart under him, on his lap, touching me in a way that made me see stars and had every thought flying out of my head. I was more than ready for this, my want for him bleeding more into a need weeks ago. 
Shifting slightly where I was perched, already a little hot and bothered, I smoothed my hair one last time before deciding to just go for it. Pushing down the little anxious demon whispering in the back of my mind that there was a reason we hadn’t had sex yet I cleared my throat before calling out to him. “Mitch, could you come here please?” With only the jukebox quietly playing I knew he could hear me, reassured at the sound of his bots on the floor drawing closer. He appeared around the corner and flashed me a smile that I couldn’t help but return. He was carrying a box which he sat on the bartop, walking over to stand directly in front of me instead. 
Mitch looked as handsome as ever, in one of those back t-shirts that hugged his biceps just right and showed off his broad shoulders. He had on dark jeans with his usual large belt buckle and boots. 
He seemed to be in a good mood. I was worried maybe being in the bar would have made his nostalgic and a little sad but he seemed eager to upgrade the bar. With a familiar shine in his dark blue eyes his hands rested on my knees before sliding up the sides of my thighs, stopping just below the edge of my panties and rubbing reassuring little circles against the skin there. 
“Have I mentioned how pretty you look in this dress?” He asked, leaning in and looking down at me with an obvious appreciation. 
I tilted my chin up to meet his eyes, grinning. “Just nine times in the last hour.” I teased even though I probably wasn’t far off on the count. The moment I had stepped out of our room in the dress he had started to lay it on, giving me a little whistle. “Mm, can’t have that. Better make it a good, even number.” Mitch said with that little half smile on his lips, leaning down and brushing a few kisses down my neck before pulling back just enough to meet my eyes once more. “My girl, so pretty.” I was blushing but my grin never fell. Reaching out I hooked my index fingers into his belt loops and pulled him closer, chin tilted up in an obvious ask for kisses.He let me pull him closer, my legs parting to let him slot between my thighs. Giving me a teasing look with a raised brow Mitch didn’t say anything. He did reach up though, one of his big hands weaving into my hair and giving it a gentle tug, making me tilt my head up just a bit more before capturing my lips in a heated kiss. 
Apparently he was taking advantage of our alone time, leaning into me a bit more as he kissed me breathless. His free hand slid from my thigh to my lower back, pushing gently to bring me completely to the edge of the bar, pressing our bodies together with a pleased hum in his throat. He felt so good, warm and solid, the smell of his cologne and tobacco making me whimper. 
Breaking the kiss we looked at one another, both a little breathless. His hand in my hair moved down to cup the back of my neck, his thumb slowly brushing against the sensitive skin there. 
“Did my pretty girl need something?” He asked in that honey tone, a ghost of a smile on his lips when he saw how much the kiss had gotten to me.  
I blinked up at him for a few moments just taking in the way the low bar lights made him look. I had known meeting Mitch at this very spot not that long ago that he would become special, I just hadn’t been sure how. My fingers unhooked from his belt loops and instead a few of them brushed against that big silver belt buckle he always wore, one from when he used to ride. Glancing down at it a moment I wet my lower lip. 
“I need you.” I said quietly, chin tipping back up to meet his gaze head on. 
There was a moment of surprise before it melted into a heated satisfaction. “Me, honey?” He asked, voice low, head ducking down to brush our noses together as his lips ghosted over mine. “You need me?”
I nodded, eyes fluttering closed as I felt his lips trail along my jaw. The brush of his facial hair and his warm lips was a mix that had me sighing happily, one of my hands sliding under his t-shirt to brush my fingertips against the dark trail of hair that disappeared into his pants. “Please, Mitch.” “How can I say no when you ask so pretty?” He murmured against my skin, his teeth grazing over my jumping pulse as he’d now made it down the side of my neck. His hands came up, looping under the thin straps of my dress and slowly sliding them off my shoulders, the dress falling to expose more cleavage but not falling away entirely. He made a pleased sound in the back of his throat, duck lower still as his lips and teeth found my collarbone. 
I leaned back slightly, one hand behind me on the bar to steady myself while the other grabbed his hat, setting it aside on the bar top before returning to weave into his hair. He liked that, sucking a mark on my upper breast as he continued to trail further and further down until he hit the fabric of where my dress was still covering me. 
“Been thinkin’ about this, pretty girl?” He hummed, pulling the dress gently. The one small tug was enough to have the fabric pooling around my waist, leaving my upper body bare before him. Mitch didn’t wait for my response, ducking his head and capturing one of my nipples in his warm mouth. I gasped, thighs squeezing his hips and his nipped and sucked at my breasts, his hands sliding back up my sides to cup them and squeeze gently. “Mhm.” I whined out, biting at my bottom lip as I tightened my hand in his hair. Mitch continued to kiss down my stomach towards where my dress was pooled, his hands sliding up my thighs now to push the skirts up. I pulled on his hair, hard enough that he lifted his head, surprise clear in his eyes as I’d rarely stopped him from going down on me.  
“Everything okay, darlin’?” He asked, leaning up to steal a few chaste kisses from my lips. “Don’t want your mouth, Mitch.” I murmured, nipping at his bottom lip. My hands worked on undoing his belt as I lured him in for more sweet kisses, one working on sliding the leather through the buckle and the other palming him over the top of his pants. He was half hard already, the press of him against the denim and my hand making me smile against his lips. “What do you want?” Mitch asked between teasing kisses, both of us tasting one another, his hips pressing forward as I touched him. “I want you to fuck me on top of the bar.” 
He groaned at my blunt words, his hands that had been slipping up my thighs grabbing at the sides of my panties. “Up.” I stopped touching him a moment to have both my palms flat on the bar top, using the leverage to lift my hips so he could pull my underwear off and into his pocket per usual. Immediately his hand was on me, two thick fingers pressing into me without any warning. I gasped, arms shaking, eyes going wide as I looked up at him. He gave me that heart stopping smile, thumb finding my clit and circling as his fingers pumped in and out of me slowly. The cool press of his rings against me had me gasping, back arching slightly at the mix of sensations. “So wet already.” He murmured, leaning down to kiss me again. I moaned against his lips, my own hands moving back to his waist. His belt finally was undone, the jingle of the buckle loud between us. It was hard to think when he was knuckle deep inside of me, those thick fingers curling just right, pulling out and thrusting back in with wet noises that would be embarrassing if I had enough brain cells functioning to form thoughts. But every push, every time his thumb circled my clit, had the new thoughts flying from me until all I could think of was Mitch. My hands were clumsy but I was determined. I undid his pants and he made no move to stop me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth and sliding against mine. He tasted like sugary sweets from breakfast and minty toothpaste, a combination that had my hands pausing for just a moment before I was working his zipper down. I didn’t even tease, feeling a little desperate at this point. My hand slid into his boxers, wrapping around his cock and giving him a firm stroke. He moaned, low and quiet against my lips, and the sound had a shiver racing down my spine. My thighs tightened around his hips, heels pressing to his lower back, trying to pull him closer with a whimper as I slowly stroked him from blunt head to thick base. “Please.” I asked against his lips, the two of us stealing the other’s breath. His hand never paused between my legs, instead he sped up, forehead pressing to mine. “I need you to cum before I can fuck you, pretty girl. You are so fucking tight, don’t wanna hurt you.” I had no words, a desperate noise leaving me as the wet sound of his fingers fuckign into me filled the space around us, the low tones of the jukebox melting away as I looked up into his pretty blue eyes. My hand paused on his cock but he didn’t care. His pupils had nearly swallowed the iris, his hair a little messy from my hands early, lips parted as he watched me. 
“C’mon baby, just one, and then I’ll fuck you on the bartop. You asked so nice.” He said, voice low and honeyed, making me tighten around him. Mitch knew I liked when he talked, the rumble of his words over my skin was the best. “Such a good girl for me, c’mon.” His thumb rubbed at my clit a little faster and I was done for. 
I cried out as I came on his fingers, thighs shaking against his hips, my hands finding purchase against his shirt. He made a pleased humming sound, leaning down to press kisses against my neck and cheeks, pulsing around his index and middle finger with breathless moans and whimpers.  
When I blinked my eyes open I found my back against the bar, looking up at the old ceiling tiles and panting. Mitch was leaned over me slightly, pressing kisses to my chest and throat, murmuring praise as I came back. My hands lifted to weave into his hair and he let out a quiet laugh that was pure male satisfaction.
“You okay, darlin’?” He asked, looking up at me with a little smile. 
I pushed myself up, albeit a little shaky. Mitch didn’t poke fun, instead he helped, a large hand spanning my mid-back and helping me. I looped an arm around his neck, my other hand tugging at his shirt. “Off.” “Yes, ma’am.” He said, his smile immediate. I took my hands off him as he pulled his shirt off, leaving him in a pair of unzipped jeans, the imprint of his hard cock obvious against his boxers. I bit my bottom lip, excitement and impatience mixing with my blood. I looked up at him, legs hooked around his hips, pulling him closer in an obvious ask. 
“I know darlin’, I know, I’ve got you.” He said, his hands pushing the skirt of my dress up so it was pooled around my waist and looking down at where I was wet for him. He kept one hand on my thigh, grabbing hard enough that my skin was indented slightly between his fingers, his other hand reaching down to push his boxers down. 
Mitch Keller had a pretty cock. There was no other way to say it. Long enough to make my mouth water, thick with veins that I knew I would be able to feel. My lips parted, eyes lifting up to find him watching my expression. He moved me closer, perching me right on the edge of the bar, my legs around him. He rocked his hips, the length of him grinding against me and making me gasp, grabbing at his upper arms to steady myself. “Oh my god.” “You okay?” He asked, hand tightening on my thigh as he rolled his hips once more before pausing, giving me a moment to let my brain come back online. My lips parted when he moved but I took a deep breath when he paused, gathering myself before giving a small nod. “M’sure. Please, don’t stop.” I said, looking up at him. 
Mitch leaned down and captured my lips in another kiss. This one seemed needier, as if my plea did something to him, his kisses almost hungry now. At the same time his hips pulled back, no longer grinding against me, instead lining himself up to slowly thrust into me. I gasped against his lips as he pushed forward, pushing in, the stretch more than his fingers even with how wet I was and how he had prepped me. 
He took advantage of my gasp and kissed me deeper, sinking deeper at the same time, every thick inch stretching me in a way that had me clinging to him. Mitch kissed me like I was the air he needed, teeth and tongue tasting and teasing me, his breath warm and his lips soft. I felt his hands slide around my body to reach down and grab my ass, his chest pushing me further down on the bar top as he pulled out only to thrust back in hard enough to make me moan. 
“Fuuuuck, my perfect fucking girl.” He ground out, teeth finding me neck as he started to fuck me against the bar, body half pinning me down, completely in control of every movement we made 
All I could do was hang on and take it. One of my hands remained woven into his hair and my other found his back, nails biting into the warm skin of his shoulder blade as we both panted against one another. His own hands remained on my ass, tilting my pelvis slightly, ensuring he slid as deep as possible. I felt like I could taste him on the back of my tongue, my legs wrapping around his hips, heels pressing against his lower back as I felt each thrust hit deeper and deeper as I saw stars. 
The wet sound of skin on skin filled the bar and I moaned, back arching off the cold hardwood, my dress stuck around my waist as his hips kept up their relentless pace. “Mitch- fuck, oh fuck please.” “There we go, I’ve got you honey.” He gritted out, voice taking a growly undertone that did something to me. Mitch saw that, he noticed every little reaction my body had, adjusting his angle slightly to ensure the blunt head of his cock hit my g-spot while his pelvis ground against my clit every time he bottomed out. “That’s it. Perfect fucking pussy, perfect fucking girl.” 
He pulled back slightly to look down at me, his eyes dark with lust and unspoken affection, each thrust and his hips slamming into mine making my body jump slightly on the waxed surface. But he kept a firm hold of me, possessive even, hands tightening to the point of near pain that mixed with the pleasure and had me whimpering and moaning. 
I knew I wasn’t going to last long, already sensitive from when he got me off with his fingers. My noises grew in pitch, eyes growing wide as I looked up at him. “M-mitch-” “Gonna cum? Good girl, give it to me. Wanna feel you.” Mitch’s voice nearly a growl at me, looking down the lines of my bodies where his cock disappeared inside of me, each thrust having the most desperate noises fly from my mouth. It was one of the most sinful things I’d ever seen in my life, the image burned into my brain for the rest of my life. One of his hands shifted to my thigh and then under my knee, pushing my leg up a bit more to adjust the position, pushing deeper. 
He leaned back down and kissed along my jaw, unbothered as my nails bit into his back or when my hand tightened in his hair. “Where do you want me, Sunny?” My lips parted in a moan, balancing on the blade’s edge of an orgasm. My brain felt stuffed with cotton, skin warm and the feeling of our sweat slicked bodies moving together almost overwhelming with how good it was. I blinked up at him, eyes hazed, and he repeated his question with a deep grind, my thighs shaking around his hips. “Inside, please. Please, fuck please.” I gasped, the idea of him pulling out sounding like the worst possible thing I could ever imagine at this moment. 
He apparently liked that answer, his pace picking up, the slap of skin on skin and our panting breaths mixing together. It didn’t take much longer before I cried out, face pressing to the crook of his neck as I reached my peak. 
It felt like someone had set off sparklers under my skin, the pleasure a wave of tingling euphoria that had me moaning against his skin as I clung to him. Mitch was true to his word though, he had me, his chest against mine as he leaned over me and smothered my neck and jaw with kisses as he fucked me through it with soft praise on his lips. 
“So good, sweet girl, I’ve got you- that’s it.” All of his words sounded far off but still comforting as I clenched around him, thighs shaking against his hips and back bowed off the bartop. 
He wasn’t far behind either, his pace picking up a bit before going sloppy, each thrust grinding deep and making me gasp. “So. Fucking. Perfect.” Mitch groaned, each word punctuated with a thrust, his hands tightening on my body to hold me in place until I felt his cock twitch inside of me, a warmth blooming deep inside. He moaned, low and sinful, his forehead resting on my shoulder as he came, grinding deep in a way that had us both gasping. 
The come down was warm, his body hot against mine as he relaxed and put a little more weight on me. His hand holding my leg up gently hooked it around his hip instead, rubbing at the joint to make sure any ache I felt wasn’t permanent. It was the brush of his facial hair against my jaw though that had me humming, arms looping lazily around his neck as I cuddled against him. 
His arms wrapped around my middle to keep me as close as possible, skin to skin comforting as we both worked on catching our breaths. I made a content little sound and nuzzled against his neck. “You okay?” He asked, voice low and a little breathless, but sounding warm and pleased. I nodded, knowing he’d get me some water in a little bit. “Mhmm.” I hummed, feeling a little boneless. “All according to plan.” I said, voice a little dreamy as I pressed a kiss to his pulse. 
Mitch let out a surprised laugh, leaning back and taking me with him. I didn’t tense up, trusting him as he lifted me up off the hard bar top, one arm around my middle and the other grabbing my thigh to make sure I wasn’t going anywhere. “C’mon darlin’, let’s get you cleaned up and take a quick nap on the couch in the office and then we will go get those muffins from the diner you like.” 
I looked up at him as he carried me towards the office, taking in his flushed cheeks and mussed hair. I was sweaty and sticky and satiated, and the idea of a nap sounded like heaven right now. I didn’t respond but did lean up, pressing my lips to his for a soft kiss, pleased that my plan had worked.  
More Sunny and Mitch here!
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m4da1yn · 1 year
Sucking My Love || L.U.
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I was listening to Lightning To The Nations by Diamond Head while writing this, so it’s based off of that album :)
summary: you get high and suck your boyfriend off to sucking my love by diamond head.
A/N: I edited this 6/26/23, just small grammatical mistakes were fixed. Nothing big.
word count: 1,784
You’re laying with your long-time boyfriend, Lars Ulrich. The two of you were laying on the couch of your living room apartment, your new ‘lightning to the nations’ record playing softly in the background. Lars had gotten it for your birthday a few weeks back because you and him were both avid Diamond Head fans.
You noticed the small baggie of weed sitting on the coffee table in front of you. You and Lars had smoked a few bowls nearly an hour and a half ago, so your high was practically gone. You sat up, grabbing the baggie of weed. Lars noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye and perked up. You lifted yourself up off of the couch and began heading to your bedroom. You didn’t have to tell Lars to follow you because this was a regular thing.
You walked into the dimly lit room, spotting your pipe and lighter. You sat down on the bed. A few seconds later, Lars sat down. Nobody had spoken the entire few minutes, which made it feel like an eternity. The room was awkwardly quiet, so you decided to say something.
“Do you want the first hit, Lars?” you asked, breaking the deafening silence.
Lars shook his head, his brownish hair fluttering. “No. Your idea, you first.”
You smiled at the remembrance of the silly rule the two of you had randomly come up with one night. You reached for the baggie. You struggled opening it, the sweet yet skunky smell of marijuana punches your nostrils. You stopped for a second to smell the bag. That had always been your guilty pleasure, smelling the bag of weed before actually smoking it. Lars laughed into his hands, shaking his head. “Wacko.”
“Stop.” You demanded, trying your best to sound annoyed with him. Your boyfriend knew you all too well, though. He could see the smile creeping on your face.
You began breaking some pieces off of the flower and placing them in your grinder. Once there was enough weed for the both of you, you put the top on your grinder and started grinding up your weed.
The first track of the record comes to an end, ‘The Prince’ next up. Lars began softly drumming the beat on his legs. That was his favorite track on the record.
You put the weed in the bowl, bringing it up to your mouth. You lit it quickly and took a long drag. The smoke pierced your lungs. It took a great deal of you not to cough.
You took another, smaller drag from the bowl. You passed the bowl to Lars. You sat there for nearly 10 seconds before he actually took it because of his leg-drumming.
You smiled. “Lars, you’re such a dork.”
Lars does nothing but smile, bringing the bowl up to his mouth. He took a hit, finishing off the bowl and blowing the smoke towards the window.
Your high began to hit you. You felt that wave of calmness slowly wash over your body. That feeling you loved dearly/ Starting at your feet and then slowly creeping up your legs, your spine, all the way up to your head. You loved this part.
Lars cleared his throat, disrupting you from your thoughts. “Can you put more weed in here please?” He asked softly.
You nod, putting more weed into the bowl. You handed it back to your boyfriend. He took a few drags, finishing the bowl before handing it back to you again. You put the bowl and lighter back on your nightstand.
The two of you sat in a not-so awkward silence again.
Lars scooted over so that your legs were now touching. You could feel the heat emitting off of his hands as he began tapping along to the song on your thigh. It was purely innocent in his eyes, however in your eyes it was all but. “D’ya wanna go watch something on the television?”
You knew what he said but you failed to actually hear. Your brain was absolute mush. The dirty thoughts began flowing. Any and all coherent thoughts of yours were now just floating around, somewhere above your head. Somewhere you couldn’t see them.
All you could think about is where else you wanted those fingers.
You couldn’t do anything but nod your head. Lars stood up, sticking his hand out for you to grab. Butterflies began dancing around in your stomach. You intertwined your fingers together, pulling yourself up from the bed. You followed him out to the living room, hands still intertwined. Even something so simple as holding hands with Lars was enough to make your heart skip a beat. ‘The Prince’ came to an end. You knew exactly what song would be coming next. Sucking My Love.
You had an overwhelming urge to give your boyfriend head to this song, it’s been a little fantasy of yours since you had first heard it. The moaning part in the middle was… Well. Crazy hot.
You and Lars sat back down on the couch, practically the same position as previously. He grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned the tv on. He began flipping through the channels, trying to find something that you both liked.
The thoughts began racing through your mind again. All morals you had were now on Mars. You cleared your throat. “Lars,” you whisper.
His gaze doesn’t move from the television. “Hi baby,”
You paused for a moment, analyzing the side of his face. Your boyfriend was pretty, no doubt. The next thing that came out of your mouth wasn’t something you’d typically say. “I want to suck your dick.” You whispered, scooting closer to him.
You knew he didn’t hear what you said because if he did, he wouldn’t have stayed in the same position for as long as he did. “Say that a little louder, I can’t hear you when you whisper.”
“Shut up. Kiss me.” You pulled your hand away from his. You wrapped your right arm around the back of him, snaking your hand down the front of his body. You used your other hand as support on his jaw, planting wet kisses on the side of his face. He immediately dropped the remote on the floor, moving his hair out of your way so you’d have better access to his neck.
You follow his cue, kissing his neck and trying to find his sweet spot. He had let you know that you’d found the spot when he let out a low groan.
“You are really horny, aren’t you?” He laughed slightly, trying not to groan. You smile against his neck.
Lars stretched his body out, revealing his happy trail. You remove your hand from his jaw, sliding it slowly down his body, stopping at his waistband.
You stopped kissing his neck and began kissing his lips. You moved your legs so that they were on either side of his legs, grinding on his pelvis ever so slightly. Lars bucked his hips upward. He was just as needy as you.
Lars slipped his tongue into your mouth. He slid his hand up the back of your shirt, unclasping your bra. You attempted to take it all the way off whilst still kissing, but was failing. He helped you slip the bra all the way off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. The two of you continued kissing whilst helping each other undress, only disconnecting lips for no more than 5 seconds when it came to taking your shirts off. The only item of clothing left was Lars’ pants.
You pulled away from a needy Lars, getting off of his lap. You sank down on your knees in front of him, grazing your fingertips across his thigh. Lars stomach churned from the slightest touch of yours. It made him feel absolutely pathetic.
He spread his legs so that you were more comfortable. You felt around his boxers, looking up at him with a lewd smirk on your face. Lars wished that he could take a picture of you like that, an actual picture. It was turning him more than he’d like to admit. His dick was throbbing through his boxers.
He lifted his hips up slightly. You slipped your pointer and middle finger underneath the waistband, not rushing to pull them down. His heart and his dick were throbbing with anticipation.
You pulled his boxers down, letting them fall to his ankles. His hard dick springs up, hitting his crotch area. You’d seen his dick many times before, but this time.. this time seemed different. You were taking it in, analyzing it. His pubes were nicely trimmed. He wasn’t too big, wasn’t too small. The perfect size for your liking.
The anticipation left your body, being replaced with another feeling. Something stronger, something that made your stomach feel funny. You couldn’t quite name the feeling, but shit you sure could feel it.
You spat on your hand, wrapping it around the base of his dick. The other rested on his inner thigh. You brought your mouth to Lars’ tip, giving it a harsh lick before putting what you could fit comfortably in your mouth. Lars had to cover his mouth with his hand or else he’d moan.
You started sucking him off. Lars’ hand naturally flew to your hair, gripping it. He was so turned on at the moment.
He bit down on his bottom lip, “Ohh, fuck.” He groaned.
You were also incredibly turned on. Your cunt was clenching around nothing. You wished that your pussy could be filled with something- anything. his fingers, his tongue, his dick, a sex toy. It didn’t matter what it was.
You pushed your head all the way down to the base of his dick, earning a loud moan out of your boyfriend. His moans were like a trophy to you, like you’d just won a race and this was your first place prize.
He assists you by gently pushing your head up and down. Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes from all of the gagging- you didn’t care at all. Lars used his free hand to wipe them away.
“You’re doing such a good job baby,” he moaned. “Y’gonna make me cum, fuck”
His words encouraged you to keep going. You kept sucking him off, earning more moans and groans from him as he came closer to finishing
“Babe, babe, babe, stop. Stop, get off. Gonna cum- fuck- oh shit-“ he moaned, his other hand flew to your head involuntarily, grasping at your hair. His hips bucked up causing the tip of his dick to hit the back of your throat.
You felt it. With his dick still in the back of your throat, you felt his warm, salty cum spill down inside of you. It coated the back of your throat.
Lars aimlessly jerked his his up into you, looking to thrust deeper inside of you. There was no where else for him to go, yet he couldn’t stop his hips from jerking. If he were to keep going, he’d overstimulate himself; but he couldn’t fucking stop for the life of him. He already felt pathetic enough due to how quickly he came just with your mouth.
You stood up on your knees so that your face is level with his face. Your spit and his cum were dripping off of your chin in strings. Neither of you bothered to wipe it away. You touched your nose with Lars’ nose, who was still breathing heavily. If you listened hard enough, you’d hear his heart beating.
“Holy hell,” Lars panted.
my first fic i’m posting plz be nice 🥲
edit: i’m going to write a part 2 eventually. them being completely naked will make way more sense when i write it HAHA!
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Something I’ve struggled with as long as I’ve been writing has been keeping a writing routine. Sure, I always have plans to stick with it, but life gets in the way and sooner or later strict routines and schedules make writing feel like a chore!
Now that I’m finally working on my final manuscript, I’ve picked up a few tricks to keep my mind fresh and my writing practice more enjoyable.
1. Set aside time each day to write
Recently, I’ve been spending an hour or two in the early morning writing. I find that it’s easier to focus on my work during this quiet part of the day before my mind is filled with stress and distractions, and knowing that I only have a few hours before I need to leave the house fuels the fire.
2. Choose one day every day to edit your work
Every Friday I sit down and edit all of the chapters that I wrote throughout the week. Because I don’t work on Fridays, I have all day to take my time fixing any mistakes, checking my pacing, and reworking anything I don’t love about what I’ve written. Having a dedicated editing day makes it easier to focus on getting the words out while I write without worrying about small errors.
3. Dedicate a Cozy Writing Space Where You Feel Comfortable 
This has been among the most important things I’ve done for my writing practice so far! Setting up a space with a comfortable chair, plenty of elbow room, a nearby outlet, and plenty of space for blankets, pillows, and candles has taken some of the discomfort out of the hours I spend at my keyboard.
While not everyone has the time, room, or budget to dedicate an entire room or section of their house (I certainly haven’t always been able to do this), it can be as simple as a little extra back support and a breakfast tray to rest your laptop on in bed.
4. Keep the Works of Authors Who Inspire You Nearby
This one is as simple as it sounds. I have lots of books in my house, but I keep the works of my favorite authors and a few of their biographies on their own shelf near my writing space to keep me motivated. If I’m feeling especially in my head, sometimes it helps to picture my own book on the shelf beside them.
5. Make Writing a Part of the Day that You Look Forward To
Never let writing become a chore! Make it an enjoyable, peaceful release. For me this looks like a warm drink, a comfortable outfit, and a few quiet hours that I get to spend alone with my story.
What does your routine look like? I’d love to hear everyone’s process and how you keep up with it!
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sky-drgn · 1 year
Wanting To Forget
Genre: Angst with a happy ending Pronouns: you/your; implied fem reader, use of she once Warnings: Character Death(s), small spoilers for romantic ending and engagement event, please let me know if I missed any Words: 3,339 Notes: I apologize for making you look at my absolutely terrible attempt to make a banner. Please send me asks about the ending. There was only so much that could fit in with out it being out of place. Edited to the best of my ability, there still might be mistakes, lemme know and I'll fix them ^-^ Completely inspired by this poll!
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King Chevalier didn't know how it came to this. No, he knows. Chevalier can not forget, after all. He can't forget anything. Never so much did he want to. He wanted to forget that day, that week. Oh, how he wanted to forget. 
He wanted to forget the bone-chilling news that you had successfully been assassinated. That he wasn't there to save you, to protect you, as he promised himself he would be. 
It was a quiet afternoon; with Chevalier and his brothers away at war, the castle seemed empty. The usual bustling atmosphere the king and the princes had around them was gone. Despite the war going on beyond the borders, it was peaceful within the kingdom, the castle. Your day went on as usual. Work with Sarial in the morning, lessons on how to be the Queen with the same man in the afternoon, and early evening you put those lessons to use by organizing your fiance's paperwork. Late evening, after dinner and retiring to your room, you’d often find yourself doing your own studies on how to be Queen. During this time, the maids or Rio would bring a cup of tea to help you relax. The days were long and felt even longer without Chevalier by your side, not knowing if he was safe. You knew he would be; he didn’t earn the nickname the Brutal Beast for nothing. But an enemy that got not only Jade but Obsidian to ally with Rholidate and Benitoite scared you. The enemy had to be a great one if it brought all four kingdoms together. 
“Here you are, My Lady.” Your most trusted maid said as she put down your evening tea. “Rio has gone out to greet the messenger. He should be back with news of his Majesty and his brothers before you retire for the night.” 
“Thank you so much.” You said, gladly accepting the claiming tea. “I’m not sure I’d be able to sleep without knowing what the messenger had to say, no matter what.” 
Rio knocked on your door just under an hour later, but it was too late. You were already gone.
King Chevalier, his brothers, allies, and troops were returning to their kingdoms, but the trip home was long. It could not be made in one day. They set up camp for the night and would be home by mid to late afternoon the next day. While no one wanted to be out an extra day, they knew it would be best for them, their troops, and their horses. What no one expected - or wanted - was to see an exhausted Rio riding up to the camp by the time breakfast was over the next morning. 
It had been Nokto who greeted Rio and Leon who sent Clavis to get Chevalier. He had just finished packing his own belongings. He had heard the commotion outside the tent but thought nothing of it. The serious look on Clavis's face, however, did bring an unsettling feeling. Clavis always wore a smile of some kind; seeing him without one was rare, to say the least. 
“King Chevalier…” Rio said, while uncharacteristically kneeling before him, “Y/N’s been poisoned. She was gone before we knew what happened.” 
Everyone knew that the news was not going to be good news when Rio showed up, but the news of your death shocked everyone. They were expecting bad news if Rio came all the way out here, but this was far worse than they imagined. And then all eyes were on Chevalier. While it was Clavis that had held onto the last bits of his humanity, it was you that helped him unlock the rest, you who helped him become the man he was today. It was never a secret that you were the light of his life. You, who was now gone. 
“The plan stays the same. We return to the castle.” Chevalier said as if he didn’t just hear the love of his life was taken far too soon. But everyone knew that wasn't the case. He moved a little faster as he turned with a flip of his cape, returning to his tent to finish collecting his belongings.
Rio and his horse were allowed a moment to rest and were given some food and water. No one knew what Chevalier was doing in his tent, but no one dared question, especially with the princes staying close just in case.
Upon the return to the castle, King Chevalier was debriefed on everything that happened. The assassin that slipped the poison in your tea was in and out castle quickly and easily. However, they were caught. They had to stay behind to make sure it worked after all. Sariel had them in custody within the hour of finding out you were gone.
Alone in his room, Chevalier silently cried for the first time since he was a baby. You weren’t going to come back to him this time.
Oh, how Chevalier wished he could forget how he failed to protect you.
King Chevalier knew you'd disagree with this. You'd reassure him that he was protecting you, and the kingdom, by being out on the battlefield with his brothers and allied nations. Even Obsidian sided with Rhodolite in this war. You'd tell him he did everything he could. Leaving behind his most trusted to watch over you. Telling him that no one could have predicted the enemy would be able to hire such a skilled assassin to get through all the castle security, the security Chevalier always had for you. Even your own self-defense skill you’d just started learning. All that means nothing in the face of foreign poison. One that wasn’t as obvious as others. One that was given to you by a trusted maid. Said maid was even unaware of the poison hidden in your tea. 
The one rest-assured thing about the news was that you hadn’t suffered. It was quick. And from what the doctors could tell, painless. 
Despite being only two and half months away from being Queen, you’d been given the treatment of one. However, Chevalier knew better than anyone that you’d want things to remain humble. The funeral, while fitting for a Queen, was reserved for family and close friends. No nobilities that would've attended a royal's wedding out of respect and formalities, and no foreign royals that might do the same. It was just Chevalier, all his brothers, Rio, Sariel, the bookstore owner - the man might as well have been your adopted father after all -, and even Chevalier’s grandfather. The older man was surprised to get an invitation. He hated that it was your funeral he was attending and not the other way around, but he was there and did the best he knew how to support his grandson. Meanwhile, the citizens left flowers at the front gates, the bookstore, and some at your house in town. 
It was a heartbreaking sight. 
Following the funeral, Clavis and the rest of the others more or less force Chevalier to take some time to properly grieve. All of his work was picked up by all his seven brothers. Something all had no problem doing. And when it was time for the king to return to his work, the first thing he did was make it so his future nieces and nephews would be ones the future Belle would have to get to know for the crown. Chevalier would not and could not love anyone that wasn’t you, children that weren't yours. He knew that one day his brothers would have children, children that would have every right to the crown. No one was against this. After all, no one wanted a repeat of the event that led to the eight brothers. 
And so the years passed on. To everyone's surprise, it was Luke that was the first to marry and go on to have two kids of his own. While Luke’s oldest was still young, Yves got married and would go on to have three kids. Clavis would marry when Yves’ middle child and Luke’s youngest were learning to walk; he’d have five children with his wife. However, before Clavis could have his third child, Jin would succumb to the same illness that took his mother. Clavis worked tirelessly to try and find a cure, Chevalier giving him some help with both the research and his regular work. Chevalier would also remind his younger brother to spend time with his wife and two kids. Jin passed without having kids, and not long after, Licht joined his eldest brother after receiving a fatal injury on the battlefield. Leon was grateful that the oldest twin was able to attend his wedding only months prior. The head of the domestic faction would go on to honor his late younger brother when his only child was born a year later. Before that, however, Nokto would formally take a few mistresses, in which he’d at least one child with each. He would find a way to honor his late twin in his own way. 
Chevalier watched his nieces and nephews grow and mature. He watched as some of them decided the throne wasn’t for them; they wanted to be able to support their cousins in their journey for the throne. Others left the castle to find their own path in helping their kingdom outside the stuffy castle walls. Chevalier, as the king, gave them permission to do so and was proud of them as their uncle. He knew that that was what you would want. To support the family he has left, to keep his heart and not lock it away. 
The king would watch when Luke fell ill with the same illness their father had. While he had more years, Jin did when they realized he was sick; after his youngest got engaged, he too would pass on. Leon would be able to see his grandchild be born, but not their first steps; a new strong poison - much like what took you - would take him as well. That was a shock to everyone; Leon had built resistance to poisons in his lifetime. Unfortunately, recovering from a bad cold and advanced age did not help him in fighting off the poison. Yves would live until all his grandchildren were born, the youngest just barely young enough to remember him; his cause of death is unknown to everyone. 
Nokto was not fortunate enough to have a good relationship with his children; their family dynamic was unique compared to that of his brothers. Despite their mothers knowing - and explaining to their children - full well what they were agreeing to when they agreed to be Nokto's mistresses. The few women had the situation explained to them several times with plenty of time to back out, but they all agreed. Still, their children didn't understand, and so it strained their relationship with their father. Still, Nokto was there for them, and they knew he would always be. That was until negotiations went wrong, and a miss-fired gun would take Nokto from them. Clavis would comfort them and tell them their father was with his twin and the rest of his brothers. That it was alright to miss him even if they never spent as much time with him in life as they could have. Clavis explained that Nokto always understood where his children were coming from and that he was never upset or angry or anything bad; he was glad that everyone got along - at least better than he and his half brothers. This did bring Nokto's children comfort.
And then it was just Chevalier and Clavis. Most would say they had the most stereotypical brother relationship, equally hate each other while equally caring - in secret. Though, it was less of a secret after your passing and with the years going by. Clavis would occasionally have no choice but twist the knife, asking his brother what you would think of his actions, what you would do. Chevalier would scowl at him; how dare he say your name, but Clavis was right, of course. You would be disappointed in some of his actions, the lack of heart in his actions, and the remainder from Clavis helped him keep his heart, even if hurt. 
It hurt remembering your smiling face. Remembering your first kiss, your first time. Remembering when you came back to him after a year of separation, the warmth of your skin when you hugged him tight with the separation over. How gorgeous you look in your engagement dress, the kiss on his cheek after your engagement ceremony. Remembering how gorgeous you looked when you tried on your wedding dress for the first time. The wedding never got to happen. 
Chevalier wasn't one to visit graves, he saw no purpose, but yours he found himself several times over the years. As per usual, it was Clavis's suggestion. It had been your first birthday since you'd been taken from him. Clavis took off early to make you a “cake” to leave at your grave. Slight jealousy flared up within him, and he ended up going sometime later. There at the grave was a misshapen cake. Chevalier wasn’t sure if it was edible, but he left it knowing that Clavis worked hard on it, knowing that someone else would come to clean it or an animal would come to eat it. Still, though, he wasn’t sure what to do here. He never visited a grave just to visit. Remembering something once told to him, he spoke to your grave about the major things that happened since his last visit, about the books he’s read and which you would have enjoyed.
Visiting your grave site became more and more often as he allowed his nieces and nephews to take over some work. Once he stepped down as king, it was a weekly, then an almost daily thing. The brothers that he had left found this very uncharacteristic of him. However, what else would he do with his time? When he was younger, it was studies and reading, then it was work and reading, then it was work, reading, and spending time with you, but then it was back to work and reading. Without work, he wasn’t entirely sure what to do with himself. Sure, there was handling the Michel manor work, but that didn’t take up nearly as much time, nor was it a daily thing. Clavis found it sweet and incredibly sad. 
The daily trips turned back into weekly trips as he aged, and his health slowly declined. Before he knew it, he was bedridden, much like his late grandfather. Chevalier was able to get out of bed to do some activities, but making the trip down to the graveyard wasn’t one of them. He didn’t feel bad about this. Despite all the years that had passed, he still didn’t see the significance in going. There were bits and pieces of you all over the castle. His private library, your old room, the gardens, his room, and much more. All of them had your touch. Much of the things you’d left in his room have remained exactly where they were, and he only added books to your shelf in his private library, only the books he knew you’d enjoy. Even without going to the cemetery, you were with him. Even bedridden, you were with him. In the same room he always had, in the room the two of you were supposed to share - did share on many nights.
However, he did make one last trip to the graveyard on the anniversary of your death with the last brother he has left. The one that’s always been by his side. Clavis.
Clavis would see him back to his room and sit next to him. His wife, kids, nieces, and nephews are nearby in the castle. He’d make idol chatter with his older brother. Honestly, he wasn’t entirely sure what he was talking about. 
“Thank you, Clavis,” Chevalier said, interrupting Clavis’s random talking. “For everything over the years.” 
Clavis was stunned, speechless, to say the least. Never has Chevalier thanked him.
Despite all pain and heartache remembering you brought Chevalier, he was glad he never forgot you. 
A few days later, a funeral was held for former King Chevalier. He had peacefully passed in his sleep with Clavis by his side.
The ringing of the bell alerted the black-haired bookstore worker to a new customer. Looking up, he saw one of the usuals approaching. They went to the local university and often studied in a quiet area upstairs, often with the owner's third “son,” as they went to the same university. The black-haired male wasn’t sure how they studied together, having two different majors, but it kept the hellcat out of his hair, so he didn’t care. 
“I believe Clavis is still in class if you’re looking for him.” The male told the customer. They were dressed in fine clothes, with their rather high-quality backpack resting on their shoulders. Being from the upper class had its perks. “He should be back in an hour if you want to wait upstairs.” 
“Actually, I’m here to meet Chevalier. Do you know if he’s here yet?” 
“He’s in the back. Boss made him his own little library back there. It’s around the corner.”
“Thanks, Sariel!” 
Sariel watched you go around to Chevalier’s private area, wondering when the two of you had met. Chevalier is two years ahead of you and Clavis and doesn’t come to the bookstore too often anymore. 
“Rholidate’s Fallen Rose.” You said, approaching the blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty. “That’s one of my favorites.” 
“I didn’t expect a simpleton to enjoy such a tragic book.” 
“The tragedy added to the beauty of the story. I’m surprised to see you reading it, though. It’s not actually a romance story.” 
“Am I only allowed to read romances now?” 
“I’ve never seen you read anything else before, with the expectation of things for your job, but that’s different.” Putting your bookbag down, you picked a book off the shelf and sat down next to Chevalier. Having taken a romance book yourself.
“Could say the same about you,” Chevalier said with a short chuckle. “I thought you were going to work on your paper that’s due in two weeks.” 
“You’ll help with it later, won’t you? We don’t get to relax like this often. I want to be able to take the time while we have it.” 
Chevalier said nothing, just smirked as he wrapped his arm around you. You two had been dating for just under a year. Between his work and your university work, it had been hard to find time for dates or just being together. So much so that not many people knew the two of you were dating. Chevalier’s mothers and younger brother know. Your adoptive father and the important people in your lives know as well. There was no need for grand declarations or for the entire country to know. It was just the two of you, happy and in love.
That love would be shown to the rest of your families and friends two years later. After a quiet and heartfelt proposal came a beautiful wedding. Chevalier looked as handsome as he always does with a white tuxedo with yellow accents and a tie. Your own outfit fit for royalty highly based on what was supposed to be Belle’s wedding dress from Rholidate’s Fallen Rose. Really the entire wedding felt like it should have taken place within the book. Although it was scalded down from what would have been that neither you nor Chevalier was royalty. It felt perfect. Like all the puzzle pieces finally came together. Like coming home after a long, drawn-out battle. It felt like everything was going exactly how it was supposed to. 
In the warm embrace of your lover, as the day of your wedding ended, the two of you knew that you would love each other in all of your lifetimes.
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IkePri Mastelist
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n0v4t33z · 11 months
Dark Desires: Chapter III - Malice In Wonderland
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Pairings: VampireCatHybrid~Seonghwa x Female Reader, VampireCatHybrid~Ateez x Female Reader
Genre: Horror, Angst, Romance, Vampire Ateez, Paranormal?
Word Count: 11.1 k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions blood, Magic, Fantasy, Some Fluff, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: Non sexual nudity, death, kidnapping, lying and manipulation, suggestive, violence, themes of horror, hints at rocky relationship with parents (Will update if more come up)
Author's Note💌: Hi! Honestly I didn't think I was going to be able to make the Monday deadline because I was editing this on tumblr and I lost all my work?? I don't know why, I basically lost a whole days worth of progress and I had to start all over again which was frustrating but luckily I got it done just in time! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, sorry if there are some parts that are a bit rushed I did try to fix them and lengthen them a bit. (Any mistakes I might have left unseen will be fixed at a later date!)🌙
Spotify Playlist🩸
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
It’s been 4 hours since they left and I’m not going to lie as time passes by the more scared and anxious I get. I hope everything goes well. While I sweep the kitchen I hear the door open and a lot of rustling. I set the broom down and head over to the entrance only to see Mingi with a female over his shoulder and she looked to be passed out. Slowly a pit in my stomach grows as I watch him carry her into the chapel like she weighed nothing . Seonghwa sees the look on my face and gently strokes my cheek “You don’t have to do this you know?” I shake my head and I say “No, I’ve got this.” and I walk over to the chapel and see her lying on the floor. She was beautiful, she also looked like she’s a very nice person. I shift my attention over to the guys, I noticed they were very serious, something all too familiar. It was just like when I first arrived here. The 8 vampires stand in front of the woman’s body patiently until a few minutes later that seemingly felt like hours until she slowly starts regaining consciousness. She slowly sits up and looks up at them and screams, a blood curdling scream that jolted me back into reality. The woman says  “Where am I?!” Hongjoong walks over to her and kneels in front of her and says “Don’t worry about it, just be a good girl okay?” she begins to uncontrollably cry and panic causing Hongjoong to smirk and extend his hand in my direction “Miss y/n, could you be a dear and please help me calm her down?” I feel so pressured to do everything correctly because while I walk over to that woman I feel everyone’s eyes on me, it was honestly kind of embarrassing. I gently grab her shoulder and kneel down next to her. “Hey, it’ll be okay. Take deep breaths.” I’m so sorry… She nods while teary eyed trying to calm herself down until eventually she quiets down. Hongjoong smirks “Thank you Miss y/n. Now, do you mind cleaning her up? She’s quite dirty from transit…” Hongjoong glances at Mingi only to have him shrug in response. While I help the woman up Hongjoong continues “Yeosang, be a dear and help out Miss y/n we don’t want our guest to try and pull a fast one on us.” He turns to look at the woman with an evil grin plastered on his face. The woman seemingly hides behind me clutching onto my arm tightly.
Yeosang then walks behind me and the woman. While heading up the stairs the woman whispers “Do you know where we are?” I glance over at her and shake my head “Honestly I don’t know. I haven’t been here very long either." The girl glances at Yeosang who shoots her a scary gaze causing her to look forward and quiet down.
Once we arrive to the bathroom I look over to Yeosang “Master, do you mind waiting outside? If there’s any trouble I’ll call you.” he nods understandably but still keeps a stone face and I close the door behind me, the girl then sits down next to the bathtub then I begin to run a bath for her “So, what’s your name?” She looks over at me and says “Sumi” Wow, she's so pretty and she has a pretty name.. “That’s a petty name, I'm y/n.” I touch the water then I look over at Sumi “Your bath is ready” she shyly looks away then I turn away covering my eyes “Don’t worry I won’t look, I do have to stay in here though.” I hear rustling then a few moments later I hear a small splash. I sit next to the bathtub while Sumi begins to wash her long black hair then she quietly asks “How long have you been here? Aren’t you scared of them?” I grab the towel next to the bathtub “Well I’ve been here for about 2 weeks, and honestly I am a bit scared except I just do everything they tell me to do. I try my best to make them happy and in return they’ll be nice.” she looks at me with a shocked expression then says “Have you tried to escape?” I shake my head and I look down at the cat crest on the apron on my dress “Hm, no but I did plead with them to let me leave but it’s no use they won’t let me and in all honesty I just don’t want to anger them.” Sumi reaches over, grabs my hand and says in a very quiet voice “Let’s escape together, they already trust you enough so maybe we can figure out a way to escape." I shake my head “I’m so sorry Sumi but I can’t leave even if I wanted to.”  Her eyes slightly widen then she looks at me in disbelief “What do you mean? Didn’t you say you’re scared of them? Now is your chance to escape… We can do this together.” I lean over and I quietly say “ I’m sorry Sumi but I really don’t want to be on their bad side you really don’t know what they’re capable of doing so i’m going to do what they say and maybe hopefully they let me go one day.” I get up and open the towel in my hands “Alright let's get you ready for bed now” I hand the towel to Sumi and while she waits to dry off she brushes her hair and eventually she changes into a night gown I've randomly picked for her. When we step outside, we see Yeosang patiently waiting for us. Once we escort her to the room with the sigil on the door and the floor. She gets into bed and I bring her a tea so she could relax and fall asleep faster. Before taking a sip from her tea Sumi looks over at me and says "Is this poisoned?" I shake my head "Oh no, it's not I promise. I just thought I'd bring you something to help calm your nerves." She looks down at her tea for a bit she then she looks back at me and says "Please don’t leave me here all alone, those guys really scare me.” I sit on the chair next to the bed “Don’t worry I’ll stay here until you fall asleep I won’t go anywhere I promise.”
She sets the teacup on the night stand and shifts her gaze to me “Why are you so stuck on being here? What do you even get from it?” I look down and shrug “I don’t know. At first I hated it here but if I’m being honest I still kind of like it.” Sumi scrunches her nose looking at me like I just said the dumbest thing ever “Why?” I stare at the sigil below the bed and over at the black cat stitching on my apron “I’ve made friends. Unconventional ones but I made them, which makes me feel less lonely than I did when I was living with my family.” Sumi sighs and leans back resting her head on the white headboard behind her with her arms crossed across her chest. “Since when do friends kidnap you and don’t let you go home though..” She’s right.. It doesn’t sound right. The least they should do as friends is let me briefly see my family. After a few seconds of me not saying anything Sumi reaches for my hand and tightly squeezes it “Think about it, we’ll escape together. They can’t do anything to you because you’re their friend. They wouldn’t think of hurting you right?” Mingi didn’t hesitate almost killing me though, what if some of them do feel that same way he does towards me but they’re just really great actors. What if they’re waiting for the right time to kill me? “I mean, I guess you are right. If they cared they’d trust me enough to let me go” A smile paints Sumi’s lips and she pulls my hands towards her causing me to sit at the edge of the bed and her inching close to me. “So are you going to do it?” I look at the ground and sit there silently fo a few seconds until I finally speak “Go to sleep, they sleep in the afternoon then we’ll talk about it.” Sumi smiles and gives me a hug “I promise we’ll escape and we will both go back home.” A huge knot grows in my throat and my eyes begin to sting. I hum in response and blink back my tears. They told me not to get close, but here I am…
Eventually when she falls asleep and I exit the room then Yeosang locks the door behind me  “You can go to Seonghwa’s room now Miss y/n the sacrifice will begin at 3:33 which is in about 30 minutes so I can give you a sleeping potion I made the other day in the lab so you sleep right through it.” I hesitantly nod “S-Sure where is it?” he then pulls out a vial from his pocket with light purple liquid in it and hands it over to me “First, get ready for bed then take this it’ll knock you out in about 1 minute while it makes its way through your bloodstream” I nod then I walk into Seonghwa’s room. I look down at the vial of purple liquid in my hand. Should I take it? I should, but I don’t think I can but if I don’t I know i’ll regret it. I change into my night gown then I get ready for bed eventually I lay in bed then I look at the vial. “I need to know what happens to Sumi.” The door suddenly opens and it’s Seonghwa, he walks over to me and smiles “Did you take the medicine Yeosang gave you to sleep my love?” Immediately out of instinct I nod he smiles and gently presses his lips on my forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning princess get some rest, I love you.” My cheeks flush and I nod “I love you too.” he keeps his warm smile then exits and closes the door behind him. I put out the candles and I lay down in complete darkness. If it gets unbearable i’ll take the medicine. I lay there for a few minutes waiting for something to happen then I get startled by a scream and immediately I get up and I slowly open the door and I look over to the room where Sumi is in but I couldn’t see anything. Sumi then screams again but this time she says  “y/n! Please help me! You said you’d never leave me!!” My stomach drops and a heavy knot forms in my throat that I gasp and I cover my mouth, my eyes slowly get blurred by the tears. I’m so sorry Sumi, you didn’t deserve this. This is all my fault I’m so sorry.. At this point I hear someone faintly speaking but I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying. Sumi begins to violently cough and choke on presumably her own blood and I begin to silently cry trying not give myself away. Eventually it grows silent and I slowly close the door and I lay down in bed. While I look up at the ceiling I clutch onto the vial then I take the medicine. For the next minute I lay there crying until I was was too tired to cry. 
The next morning I wake up and notice Seonghwa sitting next to me reading a book. He notices I’m awake and puts down his book. I look up at him then I bury my face in his chest, everything that happened last night comes pouring back in an instant. Sumi’s screams echoed in my mind. I try to stop my tears by shutting my eyes “Hey, princess you’re up what’s wrong are you okay?” I manage to get a hold of myself then I pull back slightly teary eyed he then gently strokes my cheek while he looks deeply into my eyes “What’s wrong my love?” I shake my head and I look down “It’s nothing. It’s just- I'm just a bit homesick and I miss my mom that’s all.” I sit up next to him “I’m so sorry, I wish I could let you see your family but I can’t. You’ll be in more danger if you go back now that you’ve talked and seen us.”
He rests his forehead on my shoulder for a second then looks back over at me “Besides you’re safer here than you are back home, I saw the crime rates there and it’s pretty dangerous.” I grab Seonghwa’s cold hands and I gently hold them “I’m already used to it though, I grew up with having to protect myself so I’ll be okay. Can you at least let me tell my mom I’m okay? She must be worried sick, and probably thinks I’m dead.”  A hesitant expression grows on his face “I don’t know about that my love.” I’ll do this for Sumi, she’s right. I deserve to see my family at least once. I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck while I nestle in his neck. “Please? You said you love me…” One of his hands slither to hold my waist and the other one moves to my thigh gently squeezing it, his breathing becoming a bit shallow. I gently kiss his neck while I run my hand down his chest “It can just be the two of us, and you can just tell my parents you’re going to be my husband. You know? To make it more official.” He slowly runs his hand through my figure and pulls me in for a kiss “Well…If that’s the case then it wouldn't hurt to go see them for a little bit, but we can’t stay there for long I don’t want Draven to see you with us..” I gasp and give him a doe eyed look then I pull him into a hug. “Thank you so much! I love you so much I promise this will be the only time I ever ask for anything!” He chuckles and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear “I love you too my love, get ready I’ll wait outside okay?” I nod and hurriedly climb off the bed. It’s scary how Seonghwa is acting like nothing happened last night. Like he didn’t just kill a whole human. Then again, their will to live was probably stronger than empathy, which is scary to think as a vampire being tied down to that monster. I hate to think that if I was put into that position I would shamelessly probably do the same thing.. it most definitely doesn't make it okay though no matter how kind they've been. It's scary to think that if they have to, they will get rid of me whether they're attached or not.
 I walk over to the dresser and see the drawer stocked with clothes. After changing clothes When I head over downstairs and see Seonghwa waiting for me by the entrance I see him looking at me with a smile on his face. “You’re wearing the clothes I bought for you.” I smile and lace my hand with his “Of course why wouldn’t I? “ Seonghwa reaches over and grabs his long black trench coat jacket and puts it on. We leave the house and as soon as I step outside the chilly autumn breeze grazes through my skin and for the very first time I notice this is the first time I’ve walked through the front door since I got here. It turns out we’re in the middle of nowhere in like a forest so it makes sense as to why no one even knows about this house. Seonghwa opens the door to a really gorgeous looking black luxury car, presumably Seonghwa’s or one of the guys who knows but it looks really expensive. He looks over at me and covers my eyes “Close them, and don’t open them until I tell you okay?” I put my hands over my eyes “Wait why?” Seonghwa reaches over and gently pats my thigh “Just trust me.” Then I feel the car very rapidly increasing speed until for a split second I don’t feel like the car is moving at all then after a few seconds of feeling nothing the car goes back to driving over the road. “Okay, you can open your eyes now” He gently pats my thigh and I open my eyes, immediately I look behind us and notice it was just forest. I think I just went through a portal. Was that a portal? The more he drove down the road the more I began to recognize the roads and buildings. Until eventually I guide him to my house. We get out of the car and I run towards the door while Seonghwa calmly walks behind me. I run up the steps and knock on the door, a few seconds later my mom opens the door, gasps and I wave at her “Hey mom.” For a few seconds she looks at me like she's seen a ghost and she tightly pulls me into a hug. “y/n! Sweetheart, where have you been? We’ve been looking for you, we were beginning to assume the worst happened to you...” I shake my head "I'm fine mom, I just wanted to come and let you guys know I'm fine and relieve you from that worry." My mom looks behind her as If she was looking for someone and says "Hold that thought-"
She lets both of us in and has us sit in the living room and says “I’ll go call your dad and your brothers, they’re outside in the backyard I just want us to comfortably talk..” While she leaves for a bit to get the rest of my family Seonghwa turns to me and asks “So are you the youngest in your family?” I shake my head “Actually, I’m the oldest.l.” He nods “Ah, I see. Must be hard being the eldest.” I chuckle “Ha, yeah it kind of is. Parents have very high expectations of me which is why my relationship with my father and mother is somewhat strained.”  Suddenly I hear both my little brothers run into the living room and I get up and hug them tightly “Hey Kiddos!” then I turn and see my dad entering the room looking at both and Seonghwa and I in shock. I walk over to my dad and wave “Hey dad, um I’m not dead.” My dad gives me a cold stare and says “Where did you run off to? If you wanted to move out you could have told us. You had your mom so worried sick she couldn’t even sleep.” I sigh then I look down at the floor and Seonghwa walks over to my dad and confidently extends his hand and says “Hello I’m Seonghwa, y/n’s husband.” My dad’s jaw drops while he shakes his hand and says “Are you serious? You never talked about dating anyone again. You rarely even left the house when you weren’t at work” I look over at Seonghwa and smile then I say “I met Seonghwa at the store I worked at dad.” My mom then grabs my hands and says “But you haven’t known him very long sweetheart how could you marry him a few months after meeting him?” I shake my head “Actually, I’ve known him for about 3 years, he was a regular at the store.”  My mom tilts her head in confusion “You just got out of a relationship a year and a half ago sweetie..”  Seonghwa gives my mom a warm smile “We started out as friends but after her breakup she was in bad shape and I kind of wanted to show her that not all men are bad. So, after we began dating we fell in love very deeply, and if I’m being honest I liked her way before we even started dating but out of respect for her relationship I decided not to make a move until she became single.” I nod and smile then my mom says “That’s very sweet of you, not many young men as respectful as you exist anymore sadly.” My mom’s eyes slightly narrow as she walks over to Seonghwa and examines his face a little closer “Sorry for changing the subject, I’ve just been meaning to ask this but how come there’s a wound on your cheek?” Seonghwa blinks, then gently touches the wound on his cheek and responds with a chuckle “Oh uh, her ex and I got into a fight last night..” I gulp and nervously look over at my parents “Ah yeah, it was bad. Kind of gave me secondhand embarrassment seeing him get what he deserved.” But it never happened… "Do you need some ointment for that sweetheart?" My mom gently tilts his head examining the wound "Oh no, I'm okay Mrs. y/ln I’m fine, y/n was kind enough to clean it for me this morning." Seonghwa gives my mom a sheepish smile causing my mom to smile back at him.” Well, you’re very handsome and it’d be a shame if it scars.”
My mom glances over at me gently grabbing my hand “So how come you disappeared without a word y/n? Did something happen?” This is so weird? She’s actually asking about my feelings, did me disappearing scare her that much? Why is she holding my hand? This is so unlike her. I look over at Seonghwa then back at my mom “Well, I wasn’t doing too well mentally so Seonghwa decided to take me on a trip and escape for a bit to gather my thoughts. It was on a whim actually, very last minute. He told me as soon as I closed the store that night.” 
My mom reaches over and holds both my hands “Please Sweetie don’t ever leave like that you really worried me. Please, at least next time let us know right away so we know you’re okay.” come visit us at least once a week.” I give my mom a soft smile and I look over at Seonghwa who had a guilty expression on his face. I then look back at my mom’s sad expression, her hair in a very messy bun with dark circles under her eyes. She really did lose sleep over me and I felt terrible for that. Judging from the way Seonghwa looked though I know he felt bad. I gently fix my mom’s messy hair and I say  “Actually that’s why I came here mom, I don’t know when I’ll be able to come and visit you guys since we’re planning on moving to Seonghwa’s home town. I just wanted to clear up any misunderstandings I probably created by disappearing on such short notice.” My mom looks down and sighs “You know, you being gone really made me think about how we weren’t being very good parents. ” My father silently stares at me while my mom avoids looking at me “Your father and I have always been hard on you, expecting so much from you constantly, and for that we’re so sorry.. We’re so sorry we caused you to become distant and keep so much from us..” I press my lips into a straight line and reach towards my mom “Mom, as long as you guys realize your mistakes it’s enough for me. I understand you wanted to raise me right, and of course I know I didn’t turn out the way you guys wanted me to but I hope you guys are still proud of me.” My mom pulls me into a hug “Sweetheart, I am proud of you. Your father and I are both proud of you, we just have some demons we haven’t yet been able to face even at our age.” Woah, why is she being so honest? Now I truly do think my “marriage” is what made her realize something.” I understand mom, which I why I feel like it’s best I leave so you can both process that and heal without me being your target. Time and distance cures things sometimes.” I pause feeling a knot in my throat for a few seconds then I continue “So I forgive you, for everything. Now it’s up to the both of you if you want to take the change or not, if not for me do it for my siblings. They need the safe and warm embrace of their parents.” My mom nods holding back tears, while gently cupping my face in her hands “We will try our hardest, not just for your siblings but for you as well. Even though we’re years too late.” My eyes begin to sting from the tears causing me to blink until the tears roll down my cheeks “It’s never too late mom, I just don’t want dad and you to die with regrets just how I don’t want to die resenting my parents. Regardless, I promise I’ll be in good hands.” My parents would freak out if they found out I don’t just live with one but 7 other guys, not to mention they’re all vampires who sacrifice humans to a scary Vampire demon named Draven.
After about an hour of talking to my parents and catching up I look at clock in the kitchen and realize the time. “I’m sorry mom It’s time for me to go.” She furrows her eyebrows “Why so early? You just got here?” I sigh “Well, it’s just that we leave tonight and I’ve got to get my bags ready.” Disappointed my mom hums and I feel my heart sink to my stomach. “Mom. Please take care, I’ll try calling you a few times a week okay?”  My mom kisses my forehead she reaches over at the counter and hands me a box filled with sweets she made and says “Here’s some cookies and other sweet things I made sweetie eat them well okay? I’ll be waiting for your call. I’m sorry you have to go in such a rush.” I hug her tightly holding back tears again then I gently kiss her cheek then my dad looks over towards Seonghwa and finally speaks after a while “Please take care of my daughter and treat her well. Me and her might not see eye to eye most of the time but she’s still my daughter and it would wreck us if anything happened to her.” Seonghwa nods and shakes my dad’s hand “Of course sir. I’d protect her with my life, she’s safe with me. Always.” My mom calls both my little brothers to come say goodbye and they tightly hug me “I have to go now, take care of mom okay?” They both nod and walk over to hide behind my mom. I walk towards the door and take one last look at my family “Bye mom, dad, kiddos. I’ll come back when I can okay?” I wave goodbye and walk towards the car with a huge knot in my throat then my eyes begin tearing up and as soon as I sit inside the car I begin to silently cry. Seonghwa gets in the car after waving goodbye and notices I'm crying, there was instant change of expression and he leans over to hug me “Hey, no don’t cry. It’s okay, this isn’t a goodbye you’ll see them one day. When we figure out what to do with the whole Draven situation we’ll come and see them as often as you want. I’m so sorry this is all my fault.” He kisses the top of my head while he gently strokes my hair. while I hold Seonghwa’s hand “No, you can’t help who you fall in love with. Besides I actually really like living with you and the guys, I don’t feel alone anymore. The only reason I’m crying is because of everything that’s happened I really expected to die at one point and all of that led to me wanting to at least make it clear to my family I’m not dead. It didn't help my parents telling me all that stuff made me really emotional.” Sadness and remorse clouded his features “I’m glad you were able to solve things with your family, even if it was because they genuinely did think you were dead which I really am sorry about. I’m sorry about the way we met and how we just kidnapped you like that. I’ve been meaning to apologize but out of pure fear of you somehow hating me I just keep silent.” Seonghwa wipes away my tears then I gently caress his hand with my thumb and smile “It wasn’t the best way to meet the love of your life but as crazy as it sounds I’m glad it happened because for once in my life a tragedy led to happiness and you’re my happiness Seonghwa.” He rests his forehead on mine and says in a quiet tone “I love you so much, your love is so pure.” I lean In and gently kiss his hand “I love you too, I’m glad I met you.”
Seonghwa looks into my eyes lovingly for a few seconds then snaps out of it and smiles “How about we head back home, I’m sure everyone is wondering where we are.” I nod and wipe the remaining tears from under my eyes. During one of the stop lights while I was looking out the window I see a strange ultra pale man with long black hair his eyes looked black and empty like an endless void and he seemed to be staring at me with a very serious and cold expression, not to mention he has painful looking scar over his left eye and a very interesting red jeweled necklace. I slowly and awkwardly look away and I look at the road in front of me. It was probably some weird guy trying to scare people. That’s so creepy. 
Eventually we make it home and as soon as I enter the house San runs in from another room and hugs me tightly “Miss y/n! Where did you go!? I was going to ask if you could make me a snack!” Wooyoung then runs into the room panting then says “San I said I’ll cook for you!! Oh, hi Seonghwa, hi Miss y/n I was wondering why I hadn’t seen either of you around.” Wooyoung walks over to us then I say “Oh yeah, we went to go visit my family because I didn’t want them thinking I was dead.”  Nonchalantly Wooyoung nods and says “Oh yeah, we kidnapped you I almost forgot about that.”  Seonghwa glares at Wooyoung then he nervously laughs and says “Yeah, we’re so sorry about that.” I shake my head “No worries, but enough of that we can talk about it later because guess what I brought you guys from my mom’s house!?” Both shrug while Seonghwa looks at us admiringly and San looks at the box says “What is it?” I open the pastel pink box with cookies and other sweets and smile “Some sweet things my mom made, I thought you guys would have loved to taste it since you guys liked my cookies and sweets so much. So I think you guys will love my mom’s a lot more because personally I think my mom’s are better.”  San gasps “Oh! We should! Seonghwa I’m stealing Miss y/n for a little bit we’re going to have a snack!” he links his arm with mine then begins to walk away then Seonghwa says “Don’t worry about having to do anything today my love have fun. San, don’t eat them all in one sitting they’re supposed to last us a few days.” While we walk away San chuckles and says “Okay dad” I turn and smile “I’ll have fun no worries! I’ll bring you blood earl grey tea with a snack later okay?” he nods and smiles then Wooyoung looks over at Seonghwa then over at San and I and catches up to us “Wait I wanna have some too!!” We walk into the kitchen and it looked as if Wooyoung began to work on something. I walk over to the stove then I look at Wooyoung and I give him a smirk “Aww, so you were actually starting to cook for San.” He nods then looks over at San slightly irritated “Yeah, I was going to surprise him but as soon as he heard the door open I heard him running towards the door like a crazy person.”  I look down at the sweets box and look back up at Wooyoung and smile “Do you wanna finish that then we can have this as a snack?” He nods and says “I was planning on cooking a dish my mom always cooked for me back when I was alive.” 
I set down the box on the table and I sit down while Wooyoung washes his hands “Ohh wow that sounds nice we can’t wait to taste it right San?” San nods giving me a dimpled smile “I’m looking forward to it too since Wooyoung always told me his mom’s cooking was the best.” San sits on the chair across from me while Wooyoung cooks then I fold my hands across my lap then San says “How did it go visiting your mom? Did she freak out?” I raise an eyebrow and chuckle “Uh, yeah she freaked out she thought I was dead.” He presses his lips together then says “Well of course but what I meant is did she notice Seonghwa was a vampire?” I shake my head and shrug “I actually don’t know, she never said anything but I’m sure she probably thought his eye color was weird I noticed she kept looking at his eyes alot she also asked abut the scar on his cheek” Wooyoung chuckles “Well I mean you’re supposed to look at people in the eye when you talk to them Miss y/n. I’ve noticed you don’t really do that you usually look away or look behind us when you talk to people.” I put my head down on the table to hide my flushed face “Do I really make it that noticeable?” San reaches over to me and pats my head and says “You do, it’s kind of endearing though. It shows how shy you are although I’ll give you credit for occasionally making eye contact.” While stirring something on the stove Wooyoung says “ My personal favorite is when you don’t look at our faces at all.” I lift my head and scrunch my nose “Well, I mean can you blame me?! You guys are gorgeous, like seriously it’s kind of intimidating. It’s almost inhuman how beautiful you guys are.” I put both my elbows on the table and I put my chin on my hands and I gaze out the window while a smile slowly grows on my lips “Especially Seonghwa he’s the definition of perfect.” San’s mouth hangs open then covers his mouth then Wooyoung says “I mean I knew I was handsome but I didn’t know we all were.” I clear my throat and I smooth down my skirt then San says “You really think we’re beautiful? Don't we scare you?” I look up for a few seconds while I think then I say “I mean yes, but that doesn’t take away from your beauty. My mom once told me when I was a little kid that vampires lure in a lot of their victims with their beauty. So she definitely wasn’t wrong about vampires being so beautiful.” San smiles and holds both my hands “You’re pretty cute yourself Miss y/n, I understand now why Seonghwa is so in love with you and waited hundreds of years just to be with you.” Wooyoung grabs a small piece of carrot and throws it at San causing both of us to flinch “San stop it, you’re being weird again” San looks over at Wooyoung slightly irritated and says “I was just complimenting her I wasn’t being weird” Wooyoung then turns and looks at San “What do you think Seonghwa would say?” San shrugs then looks over to me and smiles “I’m sure he knows Miss y/n is a very cute human so I don’t think he’ll flip out over a compliment.” Wooyoung leaves the pot to boil and sits next to San and says “What else did you see when you went to your parents’ house.” 
I tap my index finger to my chin then I say “Well, my dad was mad at me when he first saw me because I disappeared, I saw my little brothers, and also this is random but I saw a really pale guy with long black hair, black eyes and a huge scar on his left eye. He was staring at me with this really serious and scary facial expression but I think he was just trying to freak me out though.” San and Wooyoung’s eyes almost pop out of their skull then Wooyoung says in a very concerned tone “What was he wearing?” I shrug “Hm, he was wearing all black. I didn’t really pay much attention but he wasn’t badly dressed. I do remember his pitch black eyes, his scar and this really interesting blood red jeweled necklace because it looked a bit dated but those three are what stick out alot why? Do you guys know him?” San and Wooyoung both look at each other in complete horror then San says “We have to go tell Seonghwa and Hongjoong, this isn’t good. He knows.” My heart begins to race and my stomach drops then I get up from my seat not being able to sit still “Wh- What do you mean? Are you talking about Draven?” They both nod then they get up and Wooyoung turns the stove off and says “Stay with Miss y/n, I’ll go talk to them.” San nods and before I’m able to go back to my seat  I begin to shake to the point where I could barely stand up San then helps me sit down he then kneels in front of me holding my hands and says in a low comforting voice “We promise we’re going to do anything in our power to protect you.” My lip trembles and my eyes well up with tears then San says “Don’t cry. You might not know this but you’re far more powerful than you lead on, your bloodline will protect you too if anything happens to us.” I cover my mouth trying to keep myself from crying loudly. I don’t want to lose Seonghwa, I love him so much. I also don’t want to lose my new friends either. I don’t want anyone to suffer because of me. Seonghwa and all the guys including Mingi walk into the kitchen with Seonghwa immediately walking over to me taking me in his arms “Please don’t cry, you’re breaking my heart. It’s okay, remember I told you and your parents I’d protect you with my life and that’s what I’m going to do.” I hug him back tightly and bury my face in his chest while the other guys are unable to do anything but silently watch.
“I don’t want to lose you, I can’t lose you. I also can’t lose my friends, and that includes Mingi and Yunho even if they hate me. I can’t lose anyone of you guys.” He gently strokes my hair I then notice from the corner of my eye Mingi’s gaze going from cold to a soft concerned gaze. Yunho then looks over at Mingi then back at me, Seonghwa then says in a low tone “Everything will be okay.” He’s lying, he's trying to convince himself everything will be okay but I have a feeling he’s lying.. I pull back and he gently wipes my tears away “I’m going to be a sorceress like Ursula. I don’t know anything about being a witch but i’m not going to sit here and do nothing and watch you guys get punished because of me.” Yeosang looks over at the guys “I’ll help her. I’ve studied witches before so I have a few books on them.” I look over and see Yeosang give me a shy smile I then say in a barely audible tone “Thank you so much.” Hongjoong then says in a skeptical tone “So you saw Draven today? Why didn’t you tell Seonghwa?” I shrug while stippling my fingers “I honestly didn’t know that’s what he looked like, I genuinely thought it was just some weirdo on the street trying to mess with me so I brushed it off.” Seonghwa looks over at Hongjoong and says “It’s not her fault. It was mine for not telling her anything, for trying to pretend like she didn’t need to know. I’m sorry.”  San gently pats Seonghwa’s back and says “You wanted to protect her it’s okay. Besides, she’s not totally clueless. Wooyoung, Jongho and I have been telling her things about the supernatural world and the effect her blood will have on a vampire if they drink it” Jongho then chimes in.” We also kinda told her about our pact with Draven. Don’t get mad, we knew something like this was going to happen so that’s why we just went ahead and gave her a heads up.” Hongjoong stands there for a few seconds glaring at the boys then sighs “I would have been really upset but I mean you guys did the right thing so there’s not much I can do there, thank you for not leaving her in the dark about things.” He then turns to look at me and says “Miss y/n, I’d like to apologize on behalf of all of us for bringing you into this mess. I’m sure you regret meeting all of us.” I shake my head “Like I told Seonghwa earlier, I believe all of this was meant to happen. Somehow though I was able to find the beauty behind the madness, because of you guys I no longer feel alone and sad. The longer I’m here the more at home I feel, you guys are my destiny.” Yunho then says in a somber tone “Aren’t you scared knowing that because of us you’ll be a blood bank for Draven until you die?”
Evreyone looks at Yunho with a very surprised look on their faces then he continues “You know that’s the reality right Miss y/n? If he takes you that'll be the ugly reality you'll have to live. None of us wanted you to see it but you made it so hard because you kept asking too many questions.” I bite the inside of my lip “Well, of course I’m scared but fear isn’t going to stop me from stopping Draven, especially not when the love of my life and my friends are at stake. The reason I was asking so many questions is because of the way all of you made things sound, I had to find out for myself if there was a way I could help.” Yunho quietly nods in understanding and looks down “I honestly don’t know what we ever did to deserve you Miss y/n.” Did he just- Wooyoung looks over at Hongjoong and says “So, what do we do now? Do we summon Draven?” Hongjoong shakes his head while he massages the side of his temple “No, that’s the last thing we wanna do. We’ll have to wait until he appears himself, it’ll buy us alot of time.” I don’t know why but I keep hearing that phrase. Buying time. Seonghwa looks over at the stove and says “You didn’t get to eat did you?” I shake my head and he smiles “You should eat so that cute brain of yours works properly when you study.” He looks over at Yeosang and says “Do you mind staying with Miss y/n for a bit? Maybe you could start teaching her about her bloodline I’ll catch you up afterwards” He nods and evreyone walks out of the kitchen leaving me with Yeosang. He walks over to me and sits down in the chair in front of me while I grab some of the food Wooyoung prepared I serve Yeosang his favorite, just pure blood. I set it in front of him while I also set my plate down he then breaks the silence “It’s brave of you to try and help us.” I carefully pour tea into my cup “Of course, I’d do anything at this point for my friends but most importantly the love of my life.” Yeosang traces his index finger along the rim of the glass “That’s very sweet of you and a very pure intention that I hope works in your favor.” I shove a spoonful of food in my mouth he then pulls his finger away from the glass and clears his throat “So about your relative Sorceress Ursula, not only was she a well known pyromancer..” The corners of my eyes crinkle “What is that? I mean I’ve heard of them but I don;t really know what they do besides control fire..” A small smirk appears on his angelic features “Well, a pyromancer is a sorcerer who can manipulate and conjure up fire at will..” I take a sip of my tea then I say “Oh wow Ursula was pretty strong I’m sure it took her years.” Yeosang nods and says “Yeah she was but the more you study and practice I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it, at least the basics in a few months.” Can I really do this? My only hope is that my determination is enough to help me.I stare at the table then I lift up my gaze and I say “I have a bad feeling I won’t have a few months.” Yeosang gives me a concerned look “Don’t say that, if only Seonghwa got a good look at the guy maybe we would know for sure if it was actually him but let’s just hope it wasn’t him. We’re probably just freaking over nothing.” 
After I finish eating Yeosang takes me to his work room located in the chapel. He opens the wooden door to reveal a dimly lit room with beakers and flasks each containing different substances and along the walls were bookshelves filled with many different kinds of books. It was like a small time capsule of a Victorian era laboratory. I quietly gasp and smile “Oh my gosh Yeosang, you have so many books!” he chuckles and gently massages his neck slightly embarrassed “I guess I do, thing is that’s not even half of them. A Lot of the books in the whole house are mine the other ones are either Seonghwa or Hongjoong’s” I walk over to a bookshelf and immediately spot Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes “Oh my gosh, can I borrow this? Is this the original cover?” He nods “It is, I remember when it first came out it’s nice to see you have a really great taste in books and of course, I have the whole series so whenever you want to borrow a book just let me know.” I smile and hug the book then Yeosang puts on his glasses and inspects carefully at the bookshelves eventually pulling out a few books “I don’t wanna overwhelm you with reading but I feel like these 4 books have very good information on not just beginner spells but also a little more intermediate. I also  gave you one specific book for necromancy if you want to dip your toes into that. I will say necromancry is powerful, but I trust you will use it correctly.” He puts the 4 thick books in my arms and I glance at him with concern “What if I accidentally hurt you guys..” Yeosang gently puts his hand on my shoulder “It won’t happen, I know so. Trust yourself.” I nod then Yeosang pulls a chair and clears a small space on the table and smiles “You can sit here and read while I work on a few things. If you have a question you can just ask.” I sit down and open the first book and I begin to read, a few hours pass until I started dozing off. I should really go freshen up, I’m falling asleep and this isn’t the time to be falling asleep no matter how boring these books are. “Hey Yeosang, I’ll be right back I have to use the bathroom.” He nods and without looking up from his notes says “Okay, I’ll be here. Hurry back.”
Once I finish I wash my hands and walk outside. I walk past Mingi’s room and I hear the door open and immediately I come to a halt, I slowly turn around and see Mingi standing in the middle of the hallway. I gasp and I run towards the stairs until I feel him grab my arm and he says in a sincere but very soft tone “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” Stay on guard y/n. I gently pull my hand away from Mingi’s grip and I step back a bit “Do you need something Master Mingi?” I say in a serious tone he nods then says in a soft voice almost like he’s whispering “I’m not supposed to be anywhere near you without anyone else here with me but after hearing you call me a friend I honestly felt terrible for what I did to you. I let the prejudice between vampires and witches get in the way of seeing what a great caring person you are and for that I’m sorry.” I glance over at Mingi and his face was painted with remorse, I quietly sigh and cross my arms in front of my chest “Master Mingi, you tried to kill me. I can’t just trust you that easily after something like that that’s not how it works.” He runs his hands through his hair and nods “Yeah I know, I just wanted to put it out there that I don’t hate you anymore especially after seeing how much you genuinely mean to everyone else here especially Seonghwa.” I stare at the ground for a few seconds then he reaches over to touch my shoulder and out of fear I slightly jump up and he pulls his hand back “I’m so sorry.”  I fidget with my fingers then I look up at him “I forgive you Master Mingi. I understand your urges are hard to control at times especially being around humans but I think It was also my fault too for making it even harder for you to control yourself by going into that room even after Seonghwa told me not to and making you upset so for that I’m so sorry.” Mingi looks in to the distance as if he was trying to process my apology then he says “It’s okay, it’s just the reason Seonghwa told you not to go in there is because there are artifacts in that room that if touched by a human the power surging through those items could kill you.” Wow, but what are they used? Sacrifices? “Hm, like what?”
Mingi looks around making sure no one is around and steps closer towards me “Well, one of them is the Shard of Hades, it is said to be made of the Hades’ own weapon the bident. It grants you huge amounts of power and is able to control masses. Which is why anytime a human touches it they die, due to the dark energy emanating from it. The only beings to ever be able to wield this weapon is immortals like gods, demons, or vampires which is why it’s dangerous. One huge drawback with immortals wielding it is that if their willpower is not strong enough the dark energy consumes them thus sucking the immortality out of them.” I raise my eyebrow “Why is this in your possession if it’s so dangerous?” Mingi shrugs “It belonged to our creator, we honestly don’t know how he got a hold of it. He left it behind after he died so we decided to keep it away from Draven because one thing for sure is that he would definitely take advantage of its powers.” I narrow my eyes slightly “Hm okay then how come the door wasn’t locked?” He presses his lips into a straight line “It was…Just maybe not for humans. The sigil on the door, in the room and under your bed are a protection sigil that way we’d know if anything unhuman has entered our home. Unfortunately we underestimated you, usually people don’t get ballsy enough to go down there after we tell them not to which is our mistake.” I’m guessing even vampires themselves majorly fuck up. “I mean you can’t expect humans to listen and submit to everything you say even if their lives are in danger..” He looks over his shoulder again and says “I mean to be fair we never expected it because this is the very first time a human has stayed here this long, they’re usually either dinner or a sacrifice.” I nervously laugh then Mingi gasps and shakes his head “Oh no, you’re not either of those don’t worry.” MIngi looks away then looks at the ground.
“y/n? Can I tell you something and please don’t take this the wrong way” I slightly raise my eyebrows and I say “What is it Master Mingi?” He awkwardly shoves his hands in the pockets of his pants and says in a slight embarrassed tone “So, Yunho told me your cooking is really good and I was wondering if maybe one day if you’re comfortable enough with me I could maybe try it?” I never thought I’d see the day where Master Mingi would confess him wanting to try my cooking, that’s so cute. “Oh you mean like have dinner with Masters San, Wooyoung, Jongho and me?” He nods while looking away clearly embarrassed “Of course, you can join us tomorrow if you’d like.” I nod and for a few seconds we stand there with Mingi suddenly getting really quiet then I hear Yeosang call out my name. Mingi looks at me with eyes pleading me not to tell anyone that we’ve talked. He puts his index finger in front of his lips and quickly goes back into his room. A few seconds later Yeosang walks up the stairs and sees me walking down the hallway and says “I’m sorry I got worried. You were gone for quite a while is everything okay?” I nod “Yeah, everything is okay my mind was just wandering and I kind of lost track of time.” I begin walking down the stairs with Yeosang walking next to me, eventually we get back to his science room and I go back to studying for a few more hours while Yeosang is busy observing a mixture in a beaker bubbling over a burner and tending to other stuff in his lab. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and Yeosang automatically says “Come in.” too focused reading I feel someone kiss the top of my head and I look up and see it’s Seonghwa he then says “Sorry it took long my love me and Hongjoong just got caught up talking that we lost track of time. ”
He turns and looks at Yeosang and says “Hey, Hongjoong wants to see you he’s gonna go over what we talked about.” Yeosang turns off the burner and continues writing stuff down “Okay, i’ll be there in a few I just need to finish writing this observation.” I close the book I was reading then I say “I’ll just go back to our room and study” Seonghwa tilts his head slightly “How about so you’re not by all yourself you can stay with me in my work room?” I smile then I say “Anything to have an excuse to hang out with you.” He chuckles then helps me with my books then I before I walk out the door I tap Yeosang’s shoulder and I say “Thank you for the books, I’ll return them to you when I’m done” He smiles shyly and says “Of course anytime also please take your time and let me know if you need help with something” I nod then I walk over to Seonghwa and we head over to his work room. As soon as I enter I notice his work room has no windows, his work space is also very neat and tidy and like Yeosang his work space was a small time capsule, now I understand why they don’t really leave their workspaces that often. I’m sure it reminds them of when they were alive. I look over at Seonghwa and quietly giggle “Wow, you’re very neat and tidy and this looks like a workspace of a 17th century poet it’s really beautiful.” He nods and sets down my books onto his desk and says “I’m glad you like it, a lot of the things in here are things I used to own when I was a human.” He gently touches a small wooden music box and lifts up his gaze to look back at me and continues “Like this music box, it doesn’t work anymore but having it here with me is comforting.” I softly smile while I take a closer look at it without touching it. “I like it, I think it’s cute how much you treasure this. It's like a reminder that you were once human and your life prior to becoming a vampire.” he nods and sits down on his slightly worn leather chair and says “Yes, it is a much needed reminder and if I’m honest, when you turn into this you tend to forget your human qualities and tend to become very inhuman. Not just physically but in the way you think too, you lose yourself…”
I sit down in the chair in front of his desk and I carefully watch him “I lost myself and turned into a monster, that in the moment I couldn’t tell until I realized it was you we were going to sacrifice. The love of my life, my soul mate. You brought me back to my senses.” I smile and reach for his hand “I’m so proud of you for realizing your mistake, I'm sure those urges are very hard to handle and it’s very easy to lose yourself and give in to that animalistic behavior.” Somewhat ashamed he silently nods and I sit there gently rubbing my thumb on the top of his hand. “All those sacrifices don’t define you. Part of me believes you did it because you had to not because you wanted to.” He reaches over and strokes my cheek without breaking eye contact, he then lets out a small sigh and says “Of course I had no other choice, none of us did. Draven and his older brother saved all of us from the brink of death and working for him was a way to repay him for keeping us alive.” Everything is beginning to make sense as to why they’re tied down to this evil thing, not only do they have a contract with him but he’s also probably one of the reasons they’re not dead. Me being here is only going to make things worse for them, I can’t let them take the fall because of me. If they’re going to live forever they should be able to live a life they enjoy not live a life as henchmen for a demon. “So in a way he’s keeping all of you to work for him against your will.”
Seonghwa nods and sits back on his chair falling completely silent once again until I speak “Now I see the loyalty for this man isn’t because you admire him, it’s out of fear…” I look at one of the books from the corner of my eye and look back at Seonghwa’s sullen expression. The only way to truly make Seonghwa happy is to defeat this demon. I force a smile and say “I’ll work hard to protect you, I won’t let you suffer.” Seonghwa’s face lights up a little bit and gestures me to give him a hug. I get up and walk behind his desk and I lean over and hug him while I rest my head on his shoulder “Can I ask you ask a question?” He hums slightly nodding his head “What was your life as a human?” He chews the inside of his cheek completely avoiding eye contact with me so I hesitantly grab his hand again “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” He shakes his head “No, it’s just kind of a hard thing to look back on but it’s also something you need to know about me before you make your choice whether you want to stay with me or not.” I raise my eyebrow slightly surprised. He clears his throat and adjusts in his chair and gently pulls me over so that I sit on his desk facing him “So, when I was human it was my father, mother, my older sister and I. Years before I was born my great grandfather was a former warrior for our village who eventually turned into a thief, he was later killed for his actions after he robbed a noble after he almost killed him. Unfortunately, my family suffered the consequences for my grandfather’s actions and my whole family was ostracized from the village and we were treated like outcasts. That led to our family to become very poor and unable to afford food and other important necessities a lot of the time. So as I grew up I resented not only my grandfather but the people of our village for blaming us who had done nothing. One day when my older sister got severely ill I had no choice but to steal the medicine she needed to get better. The bad part is that from that day forward it was a habit that soon turned into something I enjoyed, I enjoyed seeing those people responsible for my family’s ostracization suffer even if it was at my expense. I slowly became a well known delinquent in the village, constantly getting into fights and trouble to the point where my mother eventually stopped reacting to my injuries from how frequent it was.“ I would have never guessed Seonghwa being this type of person prior to becoming a vampire. I genuinely thought he probably came from a rich family or was a royal himself. The way he carries himself is so proper and prince like, nothing like the delinquent he says he was. “Wow, that’s- I’m so sorry you went through this, you spent your human life on survival mode.” He meets my eyes and says “I’m sorry I was not the person you probably thought I was. In a way I deceived you, I was a horrible person and I did many things I wish I could take back. You have no idea how much I hate myself, I could have become better but I didn’t. I became what my village expected of me.” I pull his hands a little closer to me resting them on my lap “Look, I’m not going to sit here and say what you did was okay because it wasn’t. The good thing is that if you recognize your mistake, you’re headed in the right direction. You feeling remorse for your actions means that you do have a heart.” He furrows his eyebrows and I continue “No one is perfect whether they are living or undead” He sighs and defeatedly looks away from me “I know. I just want to be perfect for you.” I smile and pull him into my arms, his head resting on my chest “I know you do, but you don’t have to. I’m happy the way you are. Flaws and everything, just how you love me for me.” He pulls me a little closer to him while I gently stroke his sliver hair, we stay quiet for a few minutes enjoying being in each other’s arms until Seonghwa eventually pulls back “I almost forgot to tell you how I met our creator Sir Jongkook.” I give him a small smile “Go ahead, I'm listening.”
Seonghwa laces his fingers with mine and looks up at me from his seat “Well, Sir Jongkook and Draven were explorers at the time and they happened to stay at our village since our village was well known for its nightlife. It just so happened he was on his way to meet up with Draven at a tavern near the nightlife district and that’s when he runs into me getting the living daylights beat out of me after I foolishly picked a fight with the mayor’s son, I eventually became outnumbered. So, I don’t remember this part as I was passed out by then but Sir Jongkook fended them off, when he got closer to my body to check up on me and he realized how severe the beating was. He decided to feed me his blood because I was very close to dying and he felt horrible and didn’t want to just leave me there so he figured he’d take me in his care and give me a new life, one where I wasn’t so vulnerable and troublesome.” I see why they’re so fond of this man, he was very empathetic for a vampire. I can only imagine how happy he made them in order them to admire them so much they still keep a painting of him. “So I’m guessing your creator was one of those rare vampires who aren’t evil?” He nods “Yes, he was a very good man. I learned a lot from him, the rest are very fond of him too. He was there when we needed him the most.” I hold his face in my hands gently stroking around the wound on his cheek “I promise we’ll bring your creator back home, so he can finally rest in peace.” He pushes back a strand of hair behind my ear and rests his forehead on mine “ I love how empathetic you are towards our creator despite never meeting him, you would have loved him..”  Great aunt Ursula please, if you can hear me please help me I’m begging you. I know I just found out about you not long ago but I need help awakening my powers. I need to redeem myself, for not only letting a person die but I need to find a way to get rid of Draven one way or another to end this.
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
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bosskie · 7 months
Don't Get Molluck Mad
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I felt like drawing or doing a Molluck dub but I chose to draw and do the dub later. (I really wanna make a Molluck dub, I miss doing those dubs...) I kinda shouldn't draw this much, got other stuff to do, but I have started to finally feel better when I decided to draw more. Like that one saying goes, or the one I have heard, 'Do you wanna do well or do in a way that makes you feel good?'.
Even these are just sketches, they do take me like 3-4 hours since I feel like I still do not know how to draw him... When I was drawing that previous colour pencil sketch and this one, I felt like giving up and it's not even unusual that I feel so but I just kept drawing. It feels like I always draw Molluck in a different way... I still feel like I don't draw him in a right way, there's always something wrong... I saw that this looked somehow odd while I was drawing this but couldn't figure out how... But when I took a closer look at this as a photo, I could see it better and edited this a bit digitally to fix the main issue. But I also tried to fix this on paper but eh, I don't know if it looks better or not... Well, gotta just learn from my mistakes and draw better next time. I also don't know how much taking a photo affects stuff since it's difficult to get the right perspective... I do have a scanner too but well, it has some issues and doesn't wanna always scan stuff, so I don't feel like using it. It's like 20 years old scanner.
Now, I just see how I have drawn too little during the recent years... It feels like I have already drawn more now than I did last year... Man, my skills need so much practice... I feel so frustrated right now... It just feels like nothing I draw looks good to me... That's why I don't wanna update the photo being the current paper one... Luckily I do know what's wrong with my stuff but well, that's like the only stuff I see... Well, I still try to post these, even all my mistakes I do in these tend to haunt me...
Sometimes I have thought about making a collage of my favourite Molluck pieces but I feel like I cannot since those flaws... They are just too much for me... Well, the good thing at least is that I do improve all the time and I guess that's why my flaws look worse and worse to me... I have heard about this effect among artists. It's so odd to see your artwork look good one day but later on, it looks so terrible... Man, art is odd and hard... But I just gotta keep drawing, even if I feel like crying, then I gotta draw and cry... There's no other way to learn than just drawing and I got so much paper, so gotta fill them all!
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sidhewrites · 11 months
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Chapter 11! We got hot plot! I am so keenly aware that this is a first draft and going to be edited so heavily once it's all on the page! One of the major notes I Have for myself consistently is to make Kaz more active in causing the plot to happen overall. Right now she seems to be a bit more of a pinball protag, so I'm going to have to do a lot of fixing in later drafts.
I also realize I'm seriously lacking tertiary/background characters? Kaz and Josie need friends lol. Now taking suggestions for other weird gay college kids that live in generic college town usa
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For the record, this is every bit as always as we both thought it would be. Josie and I sit at a very deliberate distance from each other on one of the brightly colored benches in the university’s student lounge. It’s a thoroughly modern building with glass walls and a wealth of amenities, but there aren’t many students to be found on a Friday afternoon, likely preferring to spend the start of their weekend having fun, or at least away from school. 
As a peace offering, I get us both cans of coffee from a vending machine, and hold one out for her as I flop down onto the bench across from her. 
“Do you drink anything other than coffee?” She asks, but takes the can anyway. Her fingers brush against mine, and we both freeze for a moment. 
I employ my usual method of smoothing out an awkward moment by saying something very smart and witty: “Sure. Sometimes I drink pure espresso like it’s a vodka shot.” 
For the record, I’ve only ever did that three times in my life, and every single time I told myself I’d never do it again. 
I push myself as far away from her on the small bench as possible while she sets up her laptop on the table in front of us, carefully avoiding looking at me. 
Half of me wants to call the whole thing off. I say I have to be somewhere else that I forgot about until just now, or just say fuck it and outright apologize for agreeing to meet in the first place. But the other, louder half of me is determined to be civil and polite and prove that we can get through a single half hour video like adults. 
I am keenly aware of the space my body takes up as she pulls up the Haunted Archivist’s website. My fingers grip the cold aluminum of the coffee can, my feet sweat in the socks I’ve worn all day and the work boots I wear everywhere. The sports jersey I’m wearing rubs against my skin, and I try to focus on that instead of the way Josie’s choker bobs with her throat when she swallows or the way her auburn hair falls over her shoulder. I don’t look at her stomach hanging over her waistband or think about how much I want to grab her, and how easily I could pull her towards me and lose myself in her. 
Before I know it, I’ve downed the whole can of coffee. 
“This was a mist—“ I say, right as Josie says, “Got it! Ready?”
She flushes for a second then, and leans back. “Oh, sorry. What was that?”
“This was a mistake,” I say again before I can help myself. 
A flash of fear and pain darkens her expression, so I act without thinking, and hold up the coffee. “This. I’m gonna regret it in about an hour.”
Relief floods Josie’s body and I see her almost sag with relief as she nods. “That’s for certain. Ready?”
She starts the video, and the Haunted Archivists begin with their usual affair. Shots of past videos flash across the screen as they introduce themselves and what they do, followed up with talking heads of Lourdes and Mick introducing this month’s subject. 
I glance over at Josie as they run through a list of noted ghosts in town, and she mumbles under her breath when she forgets a few that only a small group of locals know. 
Elitist, I think fondly. 
They start with the Barkeep, then the Kramer twins and the Librarian, running down the list until it’s time for their last and most exciting overnight investigation in the graveyard. 
Mr. Ngo appears on the screen, doing an interview in his office as he introduces the graveyard and its history.
“Yeah, boss!” I say, pointing at the screen. “If he’s not watching this right now, I’m going in tomorrow to show him.” It’s my day off, but I don’t even care. He looks great, even if he did ultimately forego the cowboy hat. 
They show my interview next, and I immediately want to crawl into the nearest hole as it plays. 
“Aw, you look great,” she says, which does nothing to help. 
It’s a mercy when they finally move on to the actual investigation of the graveyard, and we watch as they set up various tools and equipment to detect ghosts all over the graveyard. The entire event looks much more interesting on camera than it did in real life, and I wonder if [something about the magic of movie editing]. From my point of view, they had wandered about, spent a lot of time not talking, and wrote down a lot of notes. But in the video itself, [something else]. Even the ouija board session looks cool and dramatic in the video, and I’m half lost in the story, ridiculous pad it is.
And then Josie pipes up: "Wait. Rewind a bit?" Her face is pale as she presses the arrow keys back to the moment right before Renfield knocks over the ouija board, and presses play.
"Is anyone there?" Mick asks again. "Anyone want to talk to us?"
The planchette moves to YES.
"Who are you? Is this Lucille Blue?"
The planchette circles the board senselessly and moves back to YES.
They ask Lucille a few more questions before the voice over narrates, "It was at this time we heard yelling off in the distance. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. Unfortunately..." Renfield bursts through the scene, knocking over the board, with me hot on his heels.
Josie taps the space bar again. The video pauses, and she looks up at me with wide eyes.
"Didn't you see the video?"
"Yeah. Millions of people just saw me embarrass myself on camera. What's your point?"
"They didn't say goodbye."
"The Archivists. They didn't say goodbye before ending the session."
I snort, taken aback. "Well, they didn't exactly have a choice."
"That's bad. If they don't say goodbye, then the ghost is released into the world. It's not tied to the ouija board anymore."
I press my lips together, fighting hard not to laugh. She knows I don't believe in this stuff, but she still seems to expect me to react to this like it's a life-changing calamity. "Josie...
"No, Kaz, I'm serious. They opened a door into the afterlife by inviting anyone to the session, and then didn't close it properly."
"You realize how you sound right now, right? There's no door -- or a metaphysical door," I rush to add before Josie can interrupt. "They were moving the planchette on their own. You know that, don't you? It wouldn't be good content if they don't have something to show for it."
She shoots me a glare.
I feel my jaw tighten, and my brows raise in disbelief.
[They argue.]
"Enough. I don't want to hear it," she says, and stands. "I've got to do some research."
"I'm not letting you into the graveyard after closing," I call, and huff as Josie all but slams the door behind her. I don't mean to antagonize her like this, but we've had this argument a hundred times over. Josie believes in the supernatural as much as she believes in the weather app on her phone. I, meanwhile, have a bit more common sense, and know that a 30% chance of rain means nothing in the middle of summer when we don't see a single cloud for weeks on end. [Find a way to make this less clunky]
[Transition. Something happens. Josie corners Kaz at work. Josie is bringing up the idea of reaching out tot he HA, bringing them back, then...]
I don't even let her finish. "Absolutely not."
"I know you're a fan, but this is so wildly inappropriate. I could lose my job over this, and Mr. Ngo would lose any chance of follow ups. Do you know how much they paid for film permits here?"
"Seriously? You're worried about money?"
"A lot, Jo."
"Come on--"
"That money is helping us pay for [something important.] We can't risk losing out on future [whatever]."
Josie shot me a look. "You're just saying no because I'm the one asking you."
"Josie." I mean, she's a little right. I don't want to admit it, especially because I would never agree to this kind of thing anyway unless it was directly from Mr. Ngo, but there's a special sort of vindication in being allowed to refuse Josie this thing that's so incredibly important to her, and is so incredibly out of the realm of realistic expectations.
I storm off, leaving Josie in the student union alone, and make a beeline for home. I don’t even think about the route I take until I’m halfway through the graveyard, fists clenched and half blind as the sun sinks further below the horizon.
I can’t help but notice a flower pot besides a grave. The flowers are wilted. I’ll have to replace them on my next shift.
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konigbabe · 1 year
Hi. Just curious, how do you edit your work? I see a lot of writers say that editing takes them a lot of time and I just don't understand why?
Hello ♡ I don't know about anyone else but this is my editing process ⁀➷
I start by writing a rough draft in my Google docs. It usually looks somewhat like "He did that, you responded with that." and add all the dialogue I want. Also try to write as much "flowery" sentences I can think of during writing (Like "The scene is drenched in a potent blend of Satoru's possessiveness and desire."; metaphors, euphemisms, vivid imaginery etc.)
I leave it be for a few hours (or days sometimes); ocassionally adding sentences or paragraphs during the day when something pops in my head. After that, I sit down, open the draft and get to reading!
During reading, that's my main editing point - I fix grammar, change prose, add or delete what I need. It usually takes me few hours until I'm satisfied (I also get bored halfway thru so I usually split this part into segments as well).
I sometimes repeat No. 3 few days later if I don't have a posting deadline to add and change it up a bit more. It helps when there's no pressure on when to post.
After everything is done and written and I am convinced that this is what I want to release, I use two "apps" for finishing touches.
First, I run it through grammarly. It's not completely reliable and does try to correct the way I write (exclusing "is", "are" and other words for example...) but it sometimes points out mistakes that I managed to overlook.
Then I copy paste it into the Hemingway Editor. It's a web app and gives you suggestions on how to "improve" the text. Looks like this:
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I only look at the number of adverbs and try to alter the text to get as close to the suggested number as possible. I also try to keep my grade between 6-8 but my main goal is the adverbs.
6. Then I copy paste it to my Tumblr's drafts, add all the tags, warnings and other necessities and post!
EDIT: Forgot to mention placeholders!! When I'm writing and can't think of a good description, I like to add something that could easily be found with CTRL+F (like ***, or @ or any other specific symbol that won't normally appear in the story/writing) and then when I think of a good enough description, I simply search for the placeholder and replace it with the text!
Hope this helped!
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star--nymph · 3 months
midnight, skin, pain, and mistake for our beloved eury?
Of course my love!! One Eury ramble coming up!
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
Eurydice has odd sleeping habits. Prior to the Inquisition, she had never slept alone or on an actual bed--she used to sharing a fur pelt on the ground or in her aravels, snuggled next to one of her siblings. Between the distrust of her surroundings and a new environment where she was expected to sleep in a cold bed alone, she didn't sleep much. She slept fretfully, got up early, stayed awake for days, and would only rest in places where she could easily curl into a ball and hide. At first, her favorite places to rest were the stables with her mounts or on the rafters of the towers in Skyhold. Later, when she learned to trust, people could find her resting near Bull, Sera, or Vivienne. She only really started trusting bed when she became involved with Cullen. Funny because when she's with loved one, she tends to sleep deeper and becomes difficult to wake up. It's hard to get her out of her nest blankets once she's deep in there. As for what keeps her up at night, there is plenty. I mention the distrust during the early days of the Inquisition, but I didn't mention Eurydice being wary of entering the Fade through her dreams. I've mentioned this before but Eurydice has a personal rage demon that has followed her from childhood; it meets her in her dreams and tries to 'comfort' her. For the most part, she is able to avoid its temptations, but there are nights where it drags out her insecurities and trauma--sometimes conjuring memories of her father--and she wakes up in a panic. Its best to avoid the Fade when it acts up, which means she doesn't rest. But will she admit to any of that? No of course not, she simply didn't feel like resting any more. There are other things to do, like work. Later on all this gets exuberated by the addition of the voices from the Well of Sorrows. At that stage, she would enter into a near delusional state and be inconsolable. What she does when no one is awake is usually explore Skyhold--or, if she's in a fit of hysteria, it would be more akin to haunting the fortress. She walks among the towers and battlements, into the depths of the palace, finding new secrets. If she has the energy, she'll stable up a mount and ride out of Skyhold. Maybe work in the guard or in her workshop decoding artifacts she's found. Anything, really, to avoid being still and hearing something from deep inside her that might be frightfully true.
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Eurydice has made plenty of mistakes but I don't think she often dwells on them more than she has to. She's a present thinking person, so if she does something wrong, she tends to just accept it is what it is and move on. If there was perhaps any mistakes she holds against herself, it's the ones that her father's has condemned her for. All the little things of being wrong, being heartless and cold, 'deliberately' disrespecting him, being unable to emote properly or act happy or look at him, for being empty and stupid, and a mistake--those are what she wishes to fix. Anything to make him forgive her and call her 'his jewel' again. But Eurydice can't fix any of that because she doesn't know how to. Even when she mimics her sister, when she tries to play the part of the good, beautiful child for him, she seems to fall short. So why try? She'll move on one day, when she's far from him, but those 'mistakes' are what haunt her even when she's in Skyhold. After all, if her father could see her as the empty doll she was, then one day all those who claim to love her will see it, too. One day, if she doesn't fix this mistake, they'll hate her as he does.
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
I'd say when Eurydice turned her arm to ice and snapped it off so she could throw it at Solas, but I don't think so. I think when Samson carved his sword into her face and took out her right eye, that was worse because there was more of a psychological. Fact was, the arm needed to come off because it was killing her, so removing it and living without it was easier. But losing her eye and having her face permanently scarred? That broke her. So much of Eurydice's self worth has been tied to her beauty--all her life all she ever heard was 'at least she's beautiful'. Even if there was something 'wrong' with her head, it was her beauty that made her worth it. Samson desecrated her face as he had desecrated her people's temple, and neither could be return to what they once were. Imagine waking up to the screams of your ancestors in your ears, a dull pain where your eye, and when you look into a mirror, all you see is mutilation. In one short day, Eurydice had lost her religion, a piece of her culture, her eye, and her self worth. It took her weeks to recover and more to learn to live without her right eye, and even longer to live with the voices and accept her new reality. And all that time, she cast out all she loved and would have let herself waste away. That is true pain. Eurydice's pain tolerance is pretty high but I wonder if it's because she dissociates from it. There are times where she has been injured and she simply doesn't realize it until hours later, and even then she'll push on. At least physically, she doesn't seem to notice. Other pains, like auditory or when her hair is yanked, she'll feel right away and they're both heightened--if they overwhelm her, she might be pushed into a meltdown. Other times, however, she has been known to ripe out her hair when she's in stressed state and doesn't notice. So. Perhaps its all very touch and go?
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Eurydice doesn't grapple with anything inside her: she grapples with nothing inside her. Not a beating heart or a brain. She picks at her skin on her chest and wonder if she beats it hard enough, it'll crack and all she'll find is a black hole. All her life, she's at best a beautiful doll--one that didn't have the ability to make her own decisions. At worst, she's this hollow thing meant to be puppeteered by those around her. And she's tricking everyone into thinking she's a real person with real feelings and attachments. One day, what if, they see that crack insider her, they watch it crumble, and they'll look inside her body and find nothing? Will they be disgusted? Or will it confirm what they always assumed about her? Eurydice doesn't face any of this, not head on. She runs, far into the forest, into the swamps and bogs and ruins, inside a cave, hiding behind elven remnants, and telling herself its better that way. She is not meant for this world; she'd rather watch from a distance and let it all burn. Don't look too closely or touch her. She doesn't want you to see what's not under her skin.
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Blackthorn Ch5 Teaser | M.YG
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Pairing: Dragon Prince!Yoongi x Impundulu Princess!Keena Genre: Fluff AU: Soulmate, Strangers to Lovers, Fantasy, Arranged Marriage WC: 944 Warnings: Talks of war | Unconscious Prince Yoongi  Rating: PG-16 Summary: Prince Yoongi has yet to wake up.
a/n: Please keep in mind that this teaser isn’t betaed and will most likely be touched up once the finale edit is ready. Excuse any mistakes for now. Moodboard made by @egocypher.
Series Masterlist
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“How are the war preparations coming along, Baasi? Do you foresee needing more of my men?” Emperor Chungho changed the subject suddenly and the mood darkened. It was a topic that couldn’t be ignored any longer.
“The western lands are strong, but I am confident that we will overcome them. The warriors coming home will lead the forefronts and show what has been learned during their time in your care.” King Baasi grinned and raised his fist in the air. “We will not lose this war!”
“I wish you minimal casualties during this war, my friend. Our land is always open if you need anything.”
“Thank you, both of you.” Queen Tiali crossed her arms over her chest and King Baasi did the same before they both bow their heads.
Empress Eunkyung and Emperor Chungho bowed their heads and the image of their friends faded away. The sight gem slowly started to lose its glimmer and Empress Eunkyung stood to her feet.
“Will you check on our son today? I will stop by the Princess’ room and speak to Ceyeh if she will allow it.”
“As you wish, dearheart.” Emperor Chungho stood and grabbed his wife’s hand before he pulled her closed and pecked her lips. “Will you join me later? I am suddenly missing your body's warmth.”
Empress Eunkyung laughed and cupped her husband’s cheek, “Shall I fix that for you my love? Would you accept me in two hours?”
“I would wait eternity for you, dearheart.”
The Empress and Emperor shared one more kiss before they went their separate ways for the day.
A day later the Emperor walked along the sunny halls with his head held high and his arms clasped behind his back. Two guards followed silently behind him as he made his way to Prince Yoongi’s chambers. At the sight of the Emperor, the guards as the door bowed low and opened the doors. Emperor Chungho walked inside the room and paid little attention to Hoseok who was perched by the window with a book in his lap. Upon seeing the Emperor, Hoseok excused himself from the Prince’s bed chamber and situated himself in the sitting area. 
The Emperor sat beside his son’s bed and sighed deeply. It was the second day of the crown Prince being unconscious and the Emperor worried that Agust was the reason for the Prince not waking up. His red gonryongpo was the boldest thing in the room compared to the Prince’s white lace up crew neck blouse with bell sleeves and black sleep trousers.
“Come now, Yoongi. There is work that needs to be done and here you are lounging around like a log. What will the Princess think of you?” Emperor Chungho joked sadly, and he took hold of his son’s hand. He looked at the Prince’s hand in his and smiled. “Woah, look at how big your hands are!” Emperor Chungho lined their fingers up and sure enough the Prince’s hand was bigger.
“I remember when your hand fit in mine. You were such a small hatchling; I didn’t think you would make it since you were so tiny. You had the smallest wings when you hatched, we almost thought you were wingless…” Emperor Chungho cleared his throat and scratched his nose with his thumb and index finger as he sniffled.
“Now look at you, my son, the crowned Prince with hands bigger than my own.” The worry in the Emperor’s voice was dense and weighed heavy in his heart. “Wake up son. Don’t let that overgrown lizard win this round.” Emperor Chungho gave Prince Yoongi’s hand a tight squeeze and stood up. He smiled at his son and walked out of the bed chambers, giving Hoseok a nod as he left the Prince’s room.
Hoseok rose from his place on the settee and stretched his arms out at his sides as he walked into the Prince’s bed chamber. He sat in the seat beside the Prince and kicked his feet up on the edge of the bed. He stared at the Prince’s face and rolled his eyes as he pushed his hair away from his face. Since Hoseok’s only duty was to watch the Prince, he allowed for his hair to be down for the time being. “They act like you are dead. You know that, right?” Hoseok spoke out loud as he held out his hand and examined his nails. They were starting to get a little too long for his liking.
“War preparations with the western nation are going well according to what Seokjin has told me. The second and third Prince of Escistan will lead the army with their commander to back them up.” Hoseok kept talking while he pulled a jade tipped nail file from his pocket. “I believe we are sending five hundred soldiers with the envoy back to Escistan. I found out today that Aga will not be going back, he is to stay with the Princess.”
Hoseok finished talking and started to file his nails in silence. He started to hum a tune from his childhood and rocked his foot back and forth.
“What do you think the Princess is doing? I heard there was a big commotion in her chambers the other morning. They are keeping it hush, hush for now as to why…do you think it has anything to do with Agust?” Hoseok glanced at the Prince as he paused in filing his nails. “Seeing how that imbecilic dragon growled at her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she went into shock. Can you imagine? A dragon growling at one of the great Impundulu…I’m surprised she didn’t smite you where you stood.”
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