#edit: just realized the numbers were wrong girl I CANNOT count
passionpeachy · 6 months
Animated characters I would date (no particular order):
1. Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
2. Raine Whispers (Owl House)
3. Camila Noceda (Owl House)
4. Bismuth (Steven Universe)
5. Granmamare (Ponyo)
6. Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
7. Hunter Wizard if they’re a butch (Fionna and Cake)
8. Azi Narine (Scavengers Reign)
9. Princess Peach (Mario)
10. Turkey (Dorohedoro)
11. Marie Majolnir (Soul Eater)
12. Too-Ticky (Moomin)
13. Nikaido (Dorohedoro)
14. Levi (Scavengers Reign) (don't fucking judge me)
15. Nico Robin (One Piece)
16. Huntress Wizard (Adventure Time)
17. Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
18. Namari (Dungeon Meshi)
19. Miss Bellum (PPG)
20. Miss Langtree (OTGW)
21. Clarence’s mom (Clarence)
22. Ruby (Steven Universe)
23. Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Ok like half of the aliens and girls from SU tbh…they gave me so many options
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hairringtonsteve · 3 years
wrong house, right time
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[joaquin torres x reader]
summary: Sometimes, life just sucks and nothing can be done. But when one (1) Joaquin Torres shows up to fix for air conditioner, your week gets just a little better.
word count: 2,262
a/n: I wasn't going to post this publicly, but @anna-phora told me to do it, so I'm accidentally stepping into MCU fic. Which like... was the eventual plan if I'm being honest. but this was written specifically for her because I'm a great friend. (edited so it's not including her name, lol)
There are some weeks that are worse than others. You know this. You have accepted this It’s par for the course in life. But really – couldn’t Teacher Appreciation Week be better than the other weeks? It doesn’t even have to be by a lot. You’d take a smidge at this point. Hell, you’d take just about anything. You rested your head against the cool wood of your kitchen cabinet and sighed. On the counter, your phone chimed, signaling a text. A moment later, it chimed again.
“Better be something good,” you mumbled. You fumbled for it blindly, refusing to look for it. This week was exhausting. You weren’t going to move more than you had to for the next two days. After a few seconds, your fingertips bumped up against the edge. Unlocking it without looking, you finally cracked an eye open, pulling away from the cabinet just enough to catch a glimpse of your screen.
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A second later, two more texts popped onto the screen.
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You let out a snort of laughter as you read the messages. You’d almost forgot. One of your neighbors had recommended him, saying that a friend of a friend was pretty handy with fixing things, and would probably do it for a small fee. You’d hesitated at first, but thinking about how much money a handyman would be had swayed you over.
Glancing down at your dog, Darcy, you hummed softly. “If you’re extra nice, maybe he won’t charge us.”
You ran a hand over your face as you headed through the kitchen and to the front door. You hadn’t heard any knocking, so you assumed he was right in that he was at the wrong house. Opening up the door, you peered through the screen. It took a few seconds, but you spotted a guy slowly wandering down the sidewalk, eyes glued to his phone with a toolbox in his free hand. Every few seconds he would glance up, frown, and then look back to his phone. You figured that it was him, but you didn’t say anything. It was the safe thing to do, to not yell at random men from your house.
And besides, he was cute.
Your gaze slipped over him as he walked. Short hair, strong shoulders. Despite the distance, you could tell that he was handsome. A few more steps and he was one house down. Finally, you decided to put him out of his misery.
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His head jerked up as he looked around, his gaze eventually settling on you. You quirked a brow at him and he held up his phone in question. You nodded, motioning for him to come inside. A grin stretched across his lips and something in your chest twisted.
Oh no.
Oh no, he was really cute.
Very cute.
You swallowed and mustered up a grin as he started up the steps. Darcy started barking, excited at the prospect of meeting literally anyone. You unlocked the screen door and took a few steps back, hooking your fingers through her collar to make sure she didn’t take a running leap at him.
“It’s open,” you called as he reached the door. Darcy barked, tugging forward in Joaquin’s direction. “Sorry about her, she’s just really friendly.”
Joaquin was already kneeling down, setting his toolbox down beside him. “It’s fine, I love dogs. You can let her go.” He paused. “If that’s okay?”
You shrug as you let her go. Darcy shot forward, leaping towards him with an excited bark. She was all over him, unable to decide whether jumping or nuzzling was the way to go. You straightened up, your heart already doing triple time at the sight.
“So,” he started, taking his eyes off of Darcy for a second to look up at you. “Your AC is acting up?”
You nodded. “I have no clue what’s going on with it, but it won’t work. Thank you so much for coming to check it out.”
“Oh, no problem at all,” he said, rubbing Darcy’s ears. Her tail wagged furiously. “Especially for a pretty girl.” Red crept up from his neck to his ears, flushing his face in a way that made him even more attractive. He ducked his head, bashful, as he focused solely on Darcy. “So what’s her name?” The sentence came out fast, like one long word.
“Oh, um, it’s Darcy.” Words were hard to form when the phrase ‘pretty girl’ was echoing around your brain.
“Like the author?” He lifted his head as he asked, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips. “I had to read a lot of her stuff in high school. Pride and Prejudice was always my favorite.”
“Yeah,” he grinned. “You read a lot?”
You shrugged. “Well, I am a high school English teacher.”
Joaquin laughed and nodded his head. “So you read a hell of a lot, then?” His grin settled more into a smile as he -- somewhat unsubtly -- looked you up and down. A beat of silence, and then: “So, you wanna show me the unit?” He grabbed his toolbox and stood up, arching his back a little as he tried to stretch it out from being crouched down.
“Sure,” you said as you started up the stairs. It was quiet as the two of you walked.
“So when did it stop working?” Joaquin asked, breaking the silence.
“The other day. It just started to sputter a little bit and then quit after a few seconds.” You opened up the door and motioned him inside. The AC was still in the window, still mocking you as it sat in the hot, unmoving air.
“And it hasn’t started up since?”
“Nope. I’ve been dying of heatstroke since Wednesday.”
“Makes sense,” he said as he began to shrug off his jacket. The black t-shirt underneath fit him well.
A little too well, if you were being honest.
He stepped over to the unit and began to lift the window up, as though he were planning to get it out by himself when it was clearly a two-person job.
“You need help?” You asked, already moving towards him.
“I’ve got it, I’m strong,” he said, waving you away. You went to argue with him, but he was already wrapping his arms around the thing. With his attention focused on lifting the unit out of the window, you were free to watch as his muscles strained. What was a two-person job for you was easily a one-person job for him. He took his time in setting it on the ground, guiding it down gently. He pressed his lips together as he sat down on the ground and reached for his toolbox. He looked up to where you were still standing.
“Oh, did you want me to -- I can head downstairs? So I don’t bother you?” You took a step back, but paused as he shrugged.
“Or you could stay up here. I wouldn’t mind the company.”
Your stomach flipped. You stepped inside and took a seat on the ground a few feet away from him, making it a little harder for Darcy to investigate what he was doing. That was it. You were there to keep Darcy away. But as you sat there, you realized that you had no clue what to talk about? What was he into?
It was quiet for a few seconds before he asked what your favorite movie was. And suddenly, the two of you were off. Time passed quickly as you spoke, moving from favorite movies to books to exchanging family stories. You learned that he was in the military, and traveled often. You’d asked what he did, and he just shrugged his shoulders, looking from the AC unit to you, and smirked.
“Like top-secret stuff?”
“Oh yeah,” he’d said, holding the smirk for another second before laughing. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he laughed.
You liked it.
Despite it feeling as though no time at all had passed, he announced the culprit -- a bad wire -- and it seemed like once he’d figured it out, he was done. But when you glanced at the time on your phone, your eyes widened. Two hours had gone by.
You shifted your gaze over to the window as Joaquin straightened up and tried out the AC unit. It worked like a charm. He nodded and gave the unit a little pat, as though silently congratulating it for working once more.
“So how much do I owe you?” You asked as he turned to face you.
“Nothing, that was easy.”
“That was two hours, I have to give you something.”
He shook his head. “Your company was enough.”
“Come on, let me--”
“Y/N,” he said, taking a step forward. “Your company was worth it, I’m not accepting your money.” He pressed his lips together, looking as though he wanted to say something more when his phone went off. He glanced down at it and sighed. “One sec?” He asked, already swiping to answer the call. “Hey Mom, yeah I -- yeah. Yeah, yes. I can pick that up. You want me to snag one for Grandma, too? No, I just finished fixing up the AC, I -- She’s -- Mom.” You couldn’t tell what was being said, but his cheeks were starting to flush. You could hear laughter on the other end of the line. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve got to go. I’ll see you in a bit.”
You raised a brow. “Your mom?”
“Yeah, she wants me to stop by the store on my way to visit her.” He glanced from you to Darcy and sighed. “I should probably be on my way out.”
Disappointment made itself at home in your chest. “Right, yeah,” you said, heading towards the door. The two of you made your way down the stairs, Darcy following happily behind. When you reached the first floor, you went to lean against the couch. Joaquin had his hands in his jacket pockets as he made it a few steps after you. He stood there, shifting his weight awkwardly from one foot to the other.
“Thank you, seriously. I cannot thank you enough for fixing that,” you said.
He shook his head and grinned softly. “It was no problem, Y/N.” He took a few steps towards the door before turning back to look at you. “I’ll see you around?”
You returned his grin with one of your own. “You’ve got my number.”
His grin grew even wider before he turned and headed out the door. Darcy trotted over to the door after it closed, her eyes tracking his every move as he headed towards the sidewalk. You watched for another second before calling Darcy away from the door. A minute and one treat later, the two of you were cuddled up on the couch. Idly, you switched tabs from Facebook to Tumblr, trying your hardest to avoid thinking about the last couple of hours before you heard your phone go off. Thumbing into your messages, your face instantly lit up.
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Two months later, you found yourself walking towards a small, hole-in-the-wall bar tucked into a sidestreet. Joaquin’s hand on the small of your back as you walked, you trying not to laugh as he gave you what felt like a rundown before one of his missions.
“Just… ignore them if they try to embarrass me, okay? I’m much cooler than whatever they say.”
You laughed. “Are you, though? Are you really?”
“Hey,” he said, giving you an indignant look as he held the door open for you. You stepped inside, taking note of how warm it was inside. People crowded around tables, the low hum of voices occasionally getting louder when the television in the corner showed someone making a basket. Joaquin tapped your shoulder, nodding to the right. “I am very cool, I’ll have you know. Just last week, I –”
“Hey, Torres!” A voice called from a back booth. Joaquin sighed as he stepped in front of you and lead you towards the booth. “Weren’t you the one to say, ‘be there at seven and don’t be late, I really like this girl?’ And you’re what, thirty minutes late?”
“Thirty-two minutes late, by my count,” another voice chimes in as the two of you get closer. You’re already grinning as you note how Joaquin ducked his head.
You lean forward, just close enough so he’ll be able to hear you. “You really like this girl, huh?”
It was difficult to hear his response with his back turned to you, but you watched as his shoulders slumped and caught what sounded like a “not you too.” You tilted your head back and laughed, bright and airy, as you approached the table. Your eyes settled on the two men crowded into the booth, your laugh cutting off as recognition settled in.
He hadn’t said that they were these friends.
“Y/N, we’ve heard a lot about you. Like a lot about you.”
He’d only ever talked about work in the abstract, which made sense. It wasn’t like he could go on, telling you all the details about whatever mission he was on. But he’d spoken of coworkers and even one that had become a friend. But he’d never mentioned names, or the context of things, or…
“Honestly, the kid doesn’t shut up about you.”
Or the fact that they were literal Avengers.
Joaquin groaned. “Can you two—”
Sam Wilson settled back into his seat and grinned as he motioned for you to sit down. “I’m Sam, this is Bucky. It’s good to finally meet you.”
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yutahoes · 4 years
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Yuta Nakamoto x Reader (Y/N) Smut
(Chapter Seventeen)
Summary: 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐚 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚’𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬.
Warning:  Fluff, Phone Sex, Mutual Masturbation
Word Count: 3k
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️
17. Growing
“Are you sure you can go to work now?” Yuta asked as he stopped in front of the publishing house. It’s been three days since he found (Y/N) in their home and although he didn’t tell her, he already bought their old house. That way, when her dad comes back, he can ask him to go to rehab. The girl nodded while checking her bag. “So this is how it feels like…” She gave him a curious look. Feels like what? “Bringing your daughter to her first day of school.”
(Y/N) had to giggle at that, Yuta is so cute. “Are you going to cry, otou-chan?” She teased but Yuta just chuckled, pinching her cheek. “I’ll call you later.” He raised an eyebrow at her. She would always say that but until now, he doesn’t know her number yet. “I promise, I’ll call.” She said before opening the door of the car. Yuta shook his head laughing to himself as he started the car. Let the waiting game begin.
The two were out for lunch, Jaehyun is abroad and Johnny is not around, leaving (Y/N) alone in the publishing house. She wanted to get lunch with her co-workers but she had to finish the illustration she’s tasked to do. And since she’s bored, she decided to get her phone and click speed dial 2. The phone was ringing as she bit her lip, deciding if this is a good idea or not. “Mosh mosh, Yuta Nakamoto desu.” And she automatically smiled at that. He sounded so hot talking in Japanese.
“Mosh mosh, (Y/N) desu.” She repeated while giggling that made the guy smile.
Yuta cleared his throat, seeing the investors look at him weirdly. He put down his phone for a second, making Doyoung shake his head at him. “Please give me a second. It’s an important call.” Then returned his phone to his ear, turning around from the group of guys. Doyoung just gave the men an apologetic smile then glared at Yuta. “Hey, (Y/N).”
“Are you busy?” she asked, obviously overhearing what he said. “I’ll just call you later.”
“It’s fine. Did you eat lunch?” She said no and he sighed. “I’ll order food for you, what do you want?”
She had to gasp at that. “Jungwoo is already buying me food. Go back to your meeting, Yuta. Call me when you're done.” He asked if he can do that and she just said yes.
“I’ll call you later.” She immediately ended the call that made him sigh then returned to the meeting as if nothing happened. Doyoung sighed at the smiling CEO. He’s really lovesick for his own good.
(Y/N) finished her lunch and is doing her work when her phone rang, grinning at the person who said hello on the other line. “Did you have lunch?” Yuta asked and she hummed a yes. “Busy?”
She shook her head although he clearly cannot see her. Jungwoo only smiled while watching her. “Just finalizing some illustrations.” She claimed then put down her drawing pen to focus on him. “Is the meeting done? What happened?”
There was an obvious shift in Yuta’s voice that made her bite her lip. Is that a wrong question? Did something bad happen during the meeting? Is she at fault? “The company has new investors from New Zealand.” He said then sighed. “More paper works, more production to look after.” She giggled at that. At least it’s good news. But this only means that Yuta will get stressed once again.
Three days of spending the night in his place made her aware of the demanding job of the CEO. Sometimes, she can hear him in the middle of the night still talking to some people. He would often stay up late just working on his laptop and even while eating, his eyes were glued on his phone. “I’m staying over at Jungwoo’s place tonight. We have to finish the manhwa for publication on Friday.” She claimed and Yuta hummed in response.
“I’ll be out of the country on Friday.” He shared that surprised her. Suddenly? “I’ll leave the apartment keys to you if you want to stay there on weekend. I’ll be back Monday night.”
She really needed a place to stay. She should stop going to someone’s house just to stay the night. She realized that when Yuta left the apartment keys to her that Friday morning, even asking her if she wanted souvenirs from New Zealand. Honestly, she wanted to come with him but she can’t leave especially now that she had to finish the first chapter of her manhwa set for publishing. 
She stayed at his place that Saturday morning since Lucas is back in Korea and she wanted Jungwoo to spend some quality time with him. The place seemed empty without him. How can he live here alone for years? Does he bring girls over? Or maybe he’s living with her girlfriend. Wait, does Yuta have a girlfriend? Is he married? She shook her head, why would he show interest in her if that’s the case?
She decided to do the laundry first, putting her clothes inside the washer. (Y/N) noticed one of her bra missing. Maybe she left it at Jungwoo’s place but that’s hardly the case. Lucas is sensitive about female’s clothes in their apartment. So where could it be? (Y/N) also put Yuta’s clothes in the washer since the ahjumma who was supposed to clean his house cannot go today. Maybe she can just clean up the house in exchange for staying here.
His clothes smelled like him and she suddenly missed him. Why does he have to be abroad now? And why is she so horny for him? Checking the calendar, it must be her ovulation period. Well, that explains her getting this horny. The vibrator, she thought, Yuta has it. Is it still here?
After cleaning the living room, she took a quick shower and wore his larger white shirt. (Y/N) had to borrow his computer so she went inside his study room and opened his desktop computer, surprised to see pictures of her as his screen wallpaper. Well, if this isn’t Yuta she would be terrified. How did he get these pictures? While she’s staying here? She opened the browser to send Johnny an email but it only restored some tabs. (Y/N) smiled, he was searching topics about flowers used for confession, how to tell a girl you love her, and even things like the traditional way of pursuing someone. Is he that serious?
And since she already has access to his computer, she decided to dig deeper and find out something about the guy. Maybe he can find his kinks by searching his browser history. But it’s clean, even a secret folder isn’t available on his computer. Doesn’t he watch porn? How is he so good in bed? Is he born with it? Or he had other girls to practice with? Well, the way they first met is rather smooth. Maybe he really is a fuckboy. So what’s with all this romance shit?
An engine search of nearby alcoholic rehab centers got her attention. He did say that before, he wanted to put her dad in rehab and have him sober. But how can Yuta, a total stranger, force her dad to do that? And where is he? He never picked up her calls and she didn’t know any friends that he has. He never returned to the house as well. A smile escaped her lips when she found out he searched about how to make bungeoppang. Why is Yuta confusing her?
Her phone rang that surprised her, an international number. Speaking of the devil. “Hi, have you eaten?” Yuta asked and she giggled. Did he call just to ask this? “Are you at work? Busy?”
“I’m at home.” The line got silent for a few seconds before she clarified, “I mean your home.” If possible, she can see how he smiled on the other line. “Sorry, I didn’t ask permission but I used your computer. And your clothes.”
The guy on the other line laughed. “It’s fine.” Then he stopped. “You saw the wallpaper?” She giggled at that, teasing that he’s too obsessed with her. “I had to keep myself sane when you’re not beside me.” (Y/N) wanted to swoon at that. How can he say those words so flawlessly? No doubt, he has some practice. “Wait, hold on…” he started. “You’re wearing my clothes?”
“Well yeah. I had to wash my clothes so I borrowed yours.” She bit her lip. Two can play a game. “Is that a bad thing, daddy?” she asked in a whisper and Yuta cursed. “Will I get punished, otou-chan?”
She could hear something closing on the other line then a click as if he’s locking something. “Fuck baby!” he cursed once again before sighing hard. “It’s still early here and the investors are here. Please don’t do this to me.” (Y/N) had to giggle at that. “Besides I’m not thrilled with the idea of punishing you. I just want to see you in my clothes.”
“Do you want a video?”
Yuta laughed. “Save it for later. I’ll call you when I’m alone in the hotel room.”
(Y/N) smiled. “I’ll be waiting.” He giggled. Yuta had to remind her to get something to eat before dropping the call since he has a meeting to attend to. Now, (Y/N) had to get herself busy while waiting for their sexy night time call.
She already sent her work to Johnny, finished cleaning the house, and even finished the work Ten had asked help with. Yet there’s still no phone call from Yuta. Did he forget? Is he too busy? But she can’t stop her horniness now. Why did Ten ask her to edit his illustration? A phone sex one shot where the couple had the best masturbation of their life. And now, it made her excited and wet. 
The vibrator, she thought. She’s sure Yuta hid it somewhere here in his house. Or in his office? How can she let off alone? Maybe she’ll look for amazing porn and just finger herself. Or she could call Yuta? No, he might be really busy. Glancing at his bed, there might be a way she can get off with his help.
She had never done it before. Totally, a first. But she had seen a lot of deal like this in porn and it’s pretty normal. She removed her sweatpants, leaving her in just her underwear and Yuta’s white shirt. She felt dirty just imagining what she would do to an inanimated object and it can’t help that she’s thinking about Yuta’s reaction when he sees his sheet wet. Will he let him see it?
She sat on his pillow, letting her wet core rub against the dark sheets and she moaned at the friction. It was good. Really good. But something is missing. Him.
She wished Yuta is here then maybe she’s not humping his pillow and he’s already giving her the best orgasm like what he always does. Maybe she can ride his cock or even better, he can eat her out. And the thought sent shivers down her spine as her wet core brushed against his pillow.
The imagery of Yuta under her, riding his face rather than his pillow sent (Y/N)’s mind into a frenzy. How would those red lips kiss her pussy lips? How can that warm tongue explore her cavern? She moaned at the thought, holding the headboard using her left hand or she might bump her head from the pleasure. Her right hand pinched her nipples, squeezing her breast imagining Yuta’s hands doing the deed. There’s no doubt, Yuta is the only one who can give her the orgasm she needs.
She was close, too close when her phone rang. Both her hands were occupied and she’s still reaching that much-needed orgasm so she didn’t bother about the call. It stopped for a second then it rang again that made her annoyed. Who would call her? Pissed off, she accepted the call without checking the caller ID. “What took you so long?” She bit her lip at that. Yuta. “Are you busy? Did you eat?”
And that’s the least of her concerns now. She humped the pillow faster, letting her moans escape her mouth to reach Yuta then maybe he could get the idea. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked, obviously pissed off and it just sounded so hot against her ear. The girl dropped her phone in front of her, moaning loudly that if he had neighbors they’ll obviously hear.
She whimpered at the pleasure of her orgasm, rubbing her wetness on his pillow and even leaving a stain. (Y/N) picked up the phone and Yuta was asking for a video call. Really? When she’s just done with her orgasm? She declined the request and put the phone against her ear. “Hello?” she said in a shaky breath.
Yuta clucks his tongue at her. “Good?” He sounded agitated that she didn’t answer back, scared. “Is it another vibrator?” Oh yeah, she thought, Jungwoo’s vibrator. “Are you having fun without me, baby girl?” She gulped at his words. It sounded so hot that she grew wet again. This is bad. “Did you lose your tongue, baby girl?”
He sounded so dominant on the phone that she wanted to see him, maybe he’s in bed stroking his cock with a serious face. Maybe he looks angry and she wanted to see that. She shouldn’t have canceled that video request. “No, otou-chan,” she said softly.
“You were moaning loudly earlier. Why are you so quiet now?” he asked and she bit her lip. Totally hot. Her fingers trailed on her clit and she gave a breathy whimper. “What are you doing now?” But she didn’t answer, biting her lip to prevent moaning. He cursed in Japanese that made her arch her back at how erotic that sounded. “Were you touching yourself, princess?” She answered a muffled yes, turning around that she’s lying stomach flat on his bed as she inserted a finger inside her. “Is it satisfying? Your fingers?”
“No, Yuta,” she answered just as a moan escaped her mouth. Yuta laughed on the other line. “I want you.”
He chuckled once again. “Doesn’t sound like it, princess.” he teased. “Open your video, I want to see you.” A video request can be seen again and she only saw him in a suit, lying in what looks like a bed before looking the other way in embarrassment.
The guy can see her in his shirt, her nipples perked up. He can’t really see what she’s doing but the shaking of her body made him aware that she really is fingering herself. How wild, he thought. Why is she so horny like this? He opened his dress shirt then his pants, touching his cock which started to get hard at the image presented in front of him. “Princess, let me see you. I’ll make you feel good.”
(Y/N) had to fix her phone so that he could see her fully and she moaned when she realized that he was also touching himself. "Yuta…" she said breathlessly. "I want you."
"Oh sweetheart, I wish I'm there right now." He groaned against his phone. "I wanted to do a lot of things to you," Yuta said sensually while touching his body. "I want your pretty lips wrapped around my cock." And he changed the angle of the video to where he was jerking his hard rock arousal. "I want you squirming in orgasm under me. To dick you down real hard that you can only remember my name." She kept on calling for his name as her fingers sent her to the edge of her orgasm. "(Y/N)." He called sensually. "Baby!"
And that does it. She orgasmed on his bed for the second time but this time, she spoiled his sheets. Yuta was chuckling as she was riding out her orgasm, his hand still lazily jerking his cock. "Naughty girl." He teased. "Do you like soiling the sheets?"
"I'm sorry." She said biting her lip. "And it's not only the sheet that I stained." She said guiltily then showed him the pillow with a wet mark. "I'll just wash these tomorrow..."
"Don't." Yuta reacted instantly. "Leave it. I want it on my bed when I return on Monday."
"Says the girl who was humping my pillow." She rolled her eyes. "You like unanimated objects, is that your kink?" He asked and she gave him a curious expression. "My pillow. That stupid vibrator…"
"Speaking of the vibrator, where is that?"
Yuta chuckled. "First drawer to the left side table." She dropped her phone for a while before checking the place Yuta mentioned, surprised to see the object shattered inside. A gasp escaped her mouth and he laughed once again. "I already told Jungwoo that I will pay for it." He reasoned out and she shook her head, still assessing the object. How did he break this? Is he that mad? "So say goodbye to my pillow for making you cum." Does he have anger issues?
But that is hot, she had to admit. She feels loved; like someone is being really possessive of her. "Can you calm down Yuta?" She sighed. "You should break yourself for always putting me on edge." He giggled at that. "Are you going back on Monday?" He nodded and she pursed her lips. "Can I stay the night on Monday? Lucas is still here in Korea."
Again, a chuckle. "Sure but I won't let you go to work on Tuesday." She raised an eyebrow at him and he just smirked. "Do you think you can walk properly after I'm done with you? I don't think so, princess." She smiled at that. Well, she wanted that.
Yuta promised to message her in the morning and asked her to get some rest already. He smiled when the video call dropped. This girl, really. Why is she shaking him like this? And why isn't it Monday yet?
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️
Chapter 16 / Chapter 18
Happy New Year Everyone! 🎉🎆🎇
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thesurielships · 4 years
New Girl meets the Court of Dreams Part III
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a/n: It’s been a year since I updated this. I’m really sorry about that. I had no inspiration for it and everything I wrote felt wrong. It’s also been a while since I last wrote anything, and I don’t know how I feel about this chapter but if I edit it one more time I might just lose what’s left of my sanity.
Without further ado, enjoy :)
Part I, Part II, Part III | Word count: 1.7k
“Okay, guys,” Rhys whispered as he soundlessly closed the door. He tiptoed across the room to where his brothers were huddled. “What’s the plan?”
“Pull the plug off the TV?” Azriel suggested, face impassive.
“Throw the blanket out the window?” Cassian asked.
Rhys glared at both of them. “Be serious.”
“I am serious!” Cassian began loudly then continued in a hushed voice as a lion roared outside. “If I hear a baby penguin do whatever sound baby penguins make for one more time, I will literally go insane. I haven’t had sex in all the time she’s been here. Every time I bring a girl over, Feyre starts telling her THE story and they cry together and console each other!”
“How does it feel to have girls choose a weeping mess over you, Cass?”
Cassian punched Azriel’s arm.
Azriel’s smug grin faded quickly as a horde of giraffes bleated in the living room. “But seriously, this cannot go on. It’s been three weeks of crying and eating ice-cream and general misery. In the movies it only takes a three-minute montage for the girl to get over her heartbreak.”
“How does it feel to only know about girls from movies, Az?”
Azriel punched Cassian’s arm.
“Guys!” Rhys interrupted before they could get into it. “So, any ideas?”
“You talk to her,” Azriel grumbled. “You’re the one who brought her here.”
“Or better yet,” Cassian smiled suggestively, “have sex with her. You don’t move on till you move oooon.”
Rhys punched his arm.
“Ouch, man. That hurt.”
Azriel nodded at Rhys appreciatively.
“Rock, paper, scissors for who has to talk to her first?”
Rhys opened the door, and immediately the grunt of a dozen camels filled the room. He shared a wince with his brothers before stepping into the battlefield.
“Darling roommate, when Az told you to be home decorator, he didn’t mean for you to make the living room wildlife appropriate.”
Feyre glanced up at him, and the sight of her bundled up in a dolphin blanket, tears streaking her face, tugged at his heart.
“I’m sorry,” she said with a small voice. Rhysand’s heart dropped. “It’s just… watching these cute little things growing up and overcoming hardships, being there for each other, really warms my heart.”
She wiped a stray tear off her cheek.
“And watching natural selection at work motivates me to be resilient. That way I can outlive that miserable, awful, piece of shit asshole.” She stabbed her spoon into her ice cream, laughing maniacally.
Rhysand bolted back to the safety of his room.
“I couldn’t do it.”
“Mother’s tits, Rhys,” Cassian cursed. “I didn’t know you were such a coward. Watch this.”
He strutted out of the room, all confidence. He prided himself in his player ways, after all. A crying girl was nothing he couldn’t handle.
Her gaze remained focused on the screen where two pigs were rolling in mud.
She stared at him then, her eyes unnaturally big in her pallid face. She tilted her head. “If it isn’t my favorite roommate,” she said with a hair-rising smile. “Is your offer from the other day still standing?”
He swallowed nervously, retreating back a step. “What offer?”
Her grin turned feral. “The one about satisfying my urges. All these animal documentaries are giving me new ideas.”
Her cackling laughter chased Cassian as he turned on his heel and dashed back to headquarters. She was still chuckling when Azriel cleared his throat.
“What, it’s your turn to talk to the deranged roommate now?”
Azriel shifted uncomfortably. “Look, I just wanted to say that I understand. I understand what it’s like to feel your world collapse around you, to realize that you lost the person whom you thought was the sole pillar of the universe. Heartbreak is hard. But there is something you could do.”
She kept eating her ice-cream, eyes glazed over as she watched her documentary. She wasn’t smiling anymore.
“Get closure.”
She finally looked his way, face uncharacteristically somber after the three week long hysteria. “Closure?”
“Talk to him. Burn his house down. Whatever works for you.”
She gave him a sad smile before turning back to her screen. Azriel was dismissed.
He made his way back to Rhys’s room, a cacophony of sounds dogging his steps, none of them her laughter.
It had barely been an hour since mother hen and her two chicks had left the house. Feyre let out a deep sigh, reveling in the newfound silence. She had shut off the TV, opting instead to watch the fading light on the ceiling. She was grateful for her roommates’ efforts, she really was. However, she simply was not ready to face what she had lost. Every time she so much as peeked into her soul, she found a yawning chasm that she had no interest in exploring. She was happy to hide in her cocoon of misery and hysteria for a bit longer.
A knock sounded at the door, and Feyre groaned. She left the couch reluctantly, stretching her under exercised muscles and popping her joints. The knocking grew persistent, and Feyre glared at the door.
“Coming!” she shouted as she trudged through the minefield that the carpet had become. It was strewn with ice cream tubs, dirty sweaters - Rhysand’s sweaters, she noted, cringing - tear stained tissues and ripped canvases from her failed attempts to paint.
She finally reached the door, and pulled it open roughly as the visitor began ringing the bell.  It was a gorgeous blonde woman, with blood red lips and a body to die for. Her roommate had upped his game, it seemed.
“Cassian’s not here,” she informed her.
“I’m not here for Cassian. At least not in the way you seem to be thinking,” she chuckled. “I didn’t know one of those losers had gotten a girlfriend,” she added, one delicate eyebrow arched as she gave her a once over. “Rhys?”
Feyre blushed, tugging Rhys’s sweater down on her thighs. “Oh, no. I actually live here. I’m their new roommate.”
The stranger’s second eyebrow rose with shock. “Roommate? Mother, I am always the last to know.” She shook her head, unoffended. “I’m Morrigan, by the way. Rhys’s cousin.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Feyre.”
“Feyre?” she repeated, chocolate eyes twinkling with mischief. “Rhys has told me so much about you.”
Feyre’s smile was wry. “What, did he tell you about me emptying his closet or pathetically crying my ass off in his living room?”
Morrigan laughed. “Neither, don’t worry. Do you mind if I come in?”
Feyre opened the door wider, welcoming her in. “Not at all.”
Morrigan strode in, her flowery perfume a refreshing change from the suffocating smell of the living room. “My, my,” she huffed with a small smile, taking in the mess. “You weren’t lying about the pathetic part.”
Feyre hid her wince with a smile. It probably looked more like a grimace.
“How long has it been since the break up?”
Feyre opened her mouth to ask how she knew, but she just said: “Three weeks.”
Morrigan froze in her inspection of the carpet. “This simply cannot do. Good thing I decided to pass by here. I just happen to need a drinking companion.”
Feyre began to shake her head.
“Tut tut tut,” she shushed her. “I am not taking no for an answer.”
Rhys and his brothers had been surprised to find the apartment empty when they came back from their run to the supermarket. One look at the living room and they all wordlessly started cleaning before their whirlwind of a roommate came back from wherever she’d disappeared to.
Two hours and a clean house later, Rhys was growing worried. Feyre had spent the last three weeks between classes and their couch, sometimes not even going to the former. For her to just go out with no notice was weird. He was just about to go look for her when the door opened and Feyre stumbled in with his cousin, arms looped around each other and giggling uncontrollably.
“What the ever loving hell?”
“Hello there, cousin.” Mor’s smile was full of mischief. “You didn’t tell me your new roommate was such a cracker.”
Rhys had a bad feeling about this.
“Rhyyys, you didn’t tell me you had a cousin. And that she’s so wise.”
They started giggling again.
Rhys’ eyebrow rose. “Wise?”
“She told me that all the answers I seeked were in the bottom of a vodka bottle,” Feyre said, her eyes bright with wonder.
Rhys suppressed a smile, even as he was overcome with the need to strangle his cousin. “Did she, now?”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Rhys. I was only tending to her wounds, and wounds need alcohol.”
“Is that all you learned in med school?”
“But Rhys,” Feyre interrupted. She was bouncing on her toes. “She was right!”
“I was?”
“I realized that Tamtam is just so overrated.”
Rhys and Mor snorted. “We could’ve told you that.”
“You know what I used to like the most about him? His hair! Such luscious locks, such glittering golden. I even had a tub of paint that Elain got for me that was the exact shade of his hair. I used it to do portraits and stuff. It was all so pretty.” She shook her head. “But look at this!” She grabbed his cousin’s hair with both hands. “Mor’s hair is so much prettier.”
Mor cackled loudly. “You’re welcome to check out the golden below too, if you want.”
She winked at Feyre and Rhys let out an all suffering groan. How were all of his friends flirting with Feyre?
Feyre untangled herself from Mor and tottered towards Rhys. He stopped breathing as her hand moved towards his neck, his face, his hair… his hair?
“Don’t worry, Rhys. Your hair may not be as great as Mor’s, but it’s definitely in my top 10.”
Rhys could only stare at her glowing eyes and her infectious smile as she kept playing with his hair.
“Your eyes are number 1, though.”
“Stars eternal?” he asked wryly.
Feyre gasped. “Are you reading my mind now?”
Rhys’s laugh was low. He could feel himself leaning forward, entranced by the beautiful woman shining for the first time in weeks in front of him.
“Alright,” Mor groaned loudly, and Rhys caught himself staring at Feyre’s lips. “Enough flirting, you two. We have a long night ahead of us.”
“We do?”
Feyre nodded, and Rhys could’ve sworn her voice was slightly breathless as she said: “We’re breaking into Tamtam’s house.”
Tag list:  @joyceortiz13 @bailey-4244 @quakeriders @standbislytherin @mariamuses @ignite14 @1800-fight-me @velarian-trash @rhysands-highlady @queenblueoffire @rowaelinforeverworld @feeoly @buckybvrnes @dayanna-hatter @shadowstar2313 @goldfishh20 @sleeping-and-books @crackedship @your-high-lady @thesirenwashere @whiskeybusiness1776 @amren-courtofdreams @tswaney17 @julemmaes @booksbooksbooksworld @queenofbumblebees​ @meowsekai​
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joon-ipersgirl · 4 years
O5 - “airplane pt. 2″
O5 - “airplane pt. 2″
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genre: strangers to lovers!au, angst, fluff
pairing: jimin x reader (f)
summary: they say home is where the heart is. you’re convinced yours was taken the day your father died. until you meet jimin. 
you believe in love but after watching men cycle through your mother’s arms, rocky relations with ex-boyfriends, and broken friendships, you no longer see it in your future. so much so, you never settle in one place long enough to call it home, choosing a job where you’re always on the go and on your own. 
on a chance encounter on a flight from new york city to bali, indonesia, you meet. flustered by jimin’s flirty advances but understanding and good-natured tendencies, you start to fall. what starts off as a work-trip soon blossoms into a budding romance, but will jimin’s secret destroy the relationship before it’s had the chance to truly begin?
word count: 5.4k
warnings: cursing, mentions of anxiety, talks of heartbreak
a/n: i thought i should post this while i had the motivation lol. this has a lot of background for their past relationships with a lil twist so i hope you enjoy it. this is the last part i have completed so updates for this story might be a while but winter break is coming up so i should have more time. i just really want to do the next part justice you know? anywhoo. as always, thank you vi for reading this beforehand and pls leave any comments and thoughts in an ask. i’m curious to the reactions of jimin’s relationship history. enjoy everyone and think you for reading!
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full masterlist // series masterlist // previous // next
There were no thoughts of Tiago when you woke up that morning. Your cheek was pressed against Jimin’s back as your arm was draped over his upper body and your leg slung over his lower back. His breathing was deep and even as he slept peacefully beside you. You realized you’d technically only taken a nap as no sunlight peeked under the curtain, only the artificial lights from the street signs gently illuminating the room.
The events of last night came rushing back to you and you pulled away from Jimin, surprised at just how bold you’d become.You’d truly felt comfortable enough to share a deep part of your life story with a man that you’d known for two days. A man that you had a crush on. A man that had almost kissed you in the middle of a dive bar in the middle of Hong Kong. Jimin was encroaching on dangerous territory.
A ping! came through on your phone which you realized was across the room with the rest of your things. You groaned at the thought of having to leave the comfortable confines of the bed. Another loud ping! dragged you from the warmth of the sheets, choosing to crawl over Jimin’s legs instead of his lap, remembering the previous morning’s antics. Checking your phone, you saw three unread messages from Michael.
Michael: Good afternoon Y/N! Have you any word on when you’ll arrive in Bali? [1:09]
Michael: So I haven’t received a call or text from you. I assume everything is fine, or Park Jimin has killed you. I hope it’s the former [4:17]
Michael: So clearly he’s killed you. I’ll be sending his name and social security number off to the authorities [4:19]
You snorted at Michael’s messages as you inched your way back into your spot though Jimin had claimed the majority of your space in his sleep. He didn’t stir as you slipped under the covers, but rested his head against your chest as you laid on your back; you didn’t have the heart to move him as you responded to Michael.
You don’t have his social security number Michael. I’m fine. We just had a long night. And our flight is leaving some time this afternoon. I’ll get the details from Jimin and send them to you
Michael: You don’t know that. And a long night? Y/N, don’t tell me you were in the arms of this man when you’ve only known him for at most 2 days [4:24]
So what if I was? You’ve definitely done worse
Michael: You’re right. But this is one of the areas where I don’t lead by example. Please tell me you used protection at least [4:26]
Gross, Michael. Nothing happened. We just went to the museum (I saw Garland Sans) and then went for dinner and some drinks
Michael: A museum, dinner, AND drinks? In ONE night? Sounds like a date. A classy one at that since you said there was no fucking [4:29]
You’re honestly so crude. There was no fucking. It was just a casual hangout, nothing crazy. Also, I didn’t know his work was going to be there. I don’t think it’ll be the same exhibit in New York so we’re fine
Michael: A casual hangout where you forget to text me back? I beg to differ. Spill [4:34]
You chewed on your lip as you stared at Michael’s message. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell him what happened; Michael was more than just a manager, he was also like a best friend. The problem was you didn’t really know how to describe last night. You barely understood what had transpired yourself. Throwing caution to the wind, you laid out all the details of the previous night.
Michael: … [4:53]
Michael: Y/N, this man did NOT wine and dine you and you left him hanging out to dry! Have I taught you nothing? [4:54]
Michael: I just - I cannot believe you got lucky like this. Well, not that kind of lucky. Either way, he didn’t actually kiss you so maybe he deserved that. An art curator at that. And he lives in NYC? You really are living in the moment. I’m so happy to hear after that S.O.B. [4:55]
Michael: Wait, does this mean you’re in bed together now?! [4:55]
It wasn’t that type of night! Like you said, I’ve known him for TWO DAYS. We can’t just have sex. And
I guess so; Tiago hasn’t been on my mind as much lately. Yes, Michael. We’re currently still in bed. Jimin’s sleeping
Michael: It’s the 21st century, Y/N. Live a little. You’re a modern-day woman. It’s been a year and a half love, I would hope he wasn’t. Not when you have a man that sounds like he’s sex on legs wrapped around your finger. [5:01]
Michael: Please send a pic. Thanks! [5:02]
He is not wrapped around my finger! And I’m definitely not just going to send you a picture of him sleeping! That’s weird!
Michael: Booo! This would be for the authorities Y/N. Think about your safety [5:07]
I am. So safe from you and your antics when I’m on the other side of the world. I’m going to shower, I’ll text you later
Michael: Oh you’re a dirty girl! Ask Jimin to join you. Remember to text me the flight details [5:12]
You chuckled at Michael’s attempt to make you uncomfortable. There was no way in hell you would do that. Jimin wasn’t wrong when he said you could barely look at him with clothes on and you blushed as the increasingly inappropriate thoughts tried to break through the barrier of unconsciousness and consciousness. You felt Jimin tug you closer as you tried to slip out of his grip again.
“Where are you going?” he mumbled, still half asleep.
“To go take a shower,” you said while trying to push him off you.
“No,” he whined. “Don’t leave me.” He snuggled closer and you laughed.
“Let go, Jimin. I smell gross; I’m basically leaking alcohol from my pores at this point.”
“I don’t care. You’re warm and I want to sleep more.”
“You can still sleep while I go and shower.” You pinched his side and he jerked away from you. His glare was comical as he struggled to locate you with sleep-heavy eyes. “So you’re ticklish? Good to know.”
“You’re mean,” he pouted as he rolled over onto his stomach after you’d successfully vacated the bed. “And it’s early as fuck. Wake me up when it’s a reasonable hour to be a human being.”
“You don’t even know what time it is,” you mumbled as you closed the door on any reply Jimin could make.
You welcomed the sting of the hot water against your shoulders, soothing the knots in the back of your neck. Letting the water run through your hair, you smoothed it out of your face. Massaging your scalp was therapeutic nowadays, especially since it was so much shorter. You hadn’t grown it out in a year and a half, now enjoying the short dry time and the new woman you were; Tiago would have hated it. You sighed as he resurfaced and you washed him away again with the simple smelling body wash. By the time you were dressed in your last clean emergency clothing, your hair was already drying.
The smell of coffee welcomed you as you sat down to add the final touches to your Saipan video. It wasn’t hard to get lost in editing, your brain working overtime to adjust the exposure of the film, fade out the titles, and sync up the music. You relished the peacefulness of the early morning quiet, your life seeming to return to its normal rhythm even if just for a few moments. Your moleskine journal with edited itinerary notes sat next to the steaming second cup of black coffee just as the breakfast rush started to roll in and along with them an extremely flustered Jimin.  
“Y/N!” he crashed into the seat opposite you. “I thought you left!” His backpack sat beside yours on the floor as you stared at him confused.
“Where could I have possibly gone, Jimin?”
“I don’t know. You weren’t there when I woke up and neither was your stuff. I thought I overstepped last night and made you uncomfortable,” he said. Droplets of water fell from his hair and onto his white t-shirt. Your face softened.
“I needed some coffee. And to get some work done. You really thought I would have left you?” you asked curiously.
He shrugged and pushed his hand through his damp hair. “What reason would you have to stay?”
You opened your mouth and closed it. Jimin was right. You didn’t have to stay. It was possible that you could have just gone to the airport, given them your name, and be set - though that would have made for an awkward conversation whenever Jimin arrived as your seats were next to one another. You watched him head over to grab some food, greeting Sonia in passing, as he piled his plate high. He returned shortly after with Sonia and handed you a plate of fruit.
“She says you’ve been down here for hours and haven’t touched a thing; you need to eat. And she wanted to know if you enjoyed yesterday.” Sonia stood at the end of the table expectantly.
“It was really great. The museum was incredible. I really can’t thank you enough. And Jimin was a great tour guide. Did she see the pictures?” Jimin shook his head, his mouth stuffed with food as usual, before he thumbed the polaroids out of his wallet. Sonia cooed and the two of them chatted again, a slight blush overtaking the tips of Jimin’s ears.
“She said you look really beautiful and she’s happy you enjoyed yourself so much.” You thanked her as you chewed on a grape, wondering what else Jimin had left out of his translation. Too much was said for it to be condensed into a two-part sentence.
“What time is our flight leaving, Jimin? Michael wants me to send him the details.”
“So flight leaves at 1:40 pm and we board at 1:10 ish -“
“Holy fuck Jimin!” You slammed your laptop shut. “It’s 12:17! We have to go. Now. Fuck!” You shoved your journal into your backpack, the chair almost tipping back as you shot up from your seat. It took a few seconds for Jimin to realize just how far away from the airport you were before he too was out of his chair and shoving the last piece of pastry into his mouth. Sonia looked alarmed as you tried to return your dirty dishes until Jimin explained and she grabbed the plates out of your hands and yelled for William.
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You bounced your leg as you watched William weave through the midday traffic. The leather of the seat bench stuck to the underside of your thighs. Lunch hour traffic in Hong Kong was just as bad as in New York and you willed yourself to remain calm as you cruised down the highway. The wind roared through the open windows and whipped your hair around your face. It was torture leaving the fate of your on-time arrival in the hands of a man you had literally met yesterday in a pickup truck that you were sure was a few years older than you. You envied Jimin’s ability to look peacefully out of the window at the bustling city while the coil of nerves bundled tight in your belly rolling like the waves of the deep sea.
Michael had not texted you back and you worried that somehow your phone service had been cut off again. An irrational thought because it was nearing 1 am in New York, but your brain had seemed to have left rationale back with Sonia. The comfort that your early morning wake up had given you in addition to the previous night’s adventures had been ripped away from you. It was no longer only you and Jimin in the back seat; anxiety had squeezed in beside you. Tears pricked your eyes in frustration as you prayed you wouldn’t have another delay in finally getting to Bali.
“Don’t worry, Shutterfly. We’re going to make it. You’re not missing this flight. I promise,” Jimin said to you as William followed the signs for the departure terminal. You could barely offer him a smile as the looming structure that was Hong Kong International Airport grew closer.
William pulled his truck over to the sidewalk between a Kia and a Buick, the vehicle looking extremely ancient compared to the other two. “Have a safe flight. And Sonia expects to see you both again soon okay?” William declared. Jimin hopped down and turned to help you out of the truck.
“We’ll do our best,” Jimin muttered, glancing at you. “Thank you for everything, William. I’ll let you know when we land.”
“Thank you, William. It really meant a lot, you taking me in and stuff,” you added and he gave your shoulder a squeeze through the open window as Jimin shut the door.
“You two should hurry. Go,” he shooed you towards the terminal doors. Jimin said goodbye once more and then was pulling you through the automatic doors.
The two of you breezed through the other passengers checking their luggage as you used the machine kiosks bypassing any potential cheery airline workers. Jimin trailed behind you as you zipped through the slow-moving passengers, your eyes focused on the glass doors leading towards the security checkpoint.
“Hey! Slow down, Shutterfly. We’re going to make it, even if we have to run,” Jimin said as he picked up his pace to catch up with you. You did not want to have to run. You had never run for a flight in your entire life and you did not want to start now. You bounced from side to side as you moved painstakingly slow towards the immigration officer perched on her high chair. It was already 1 pm, but no one else seemed concerned, probably actually on time for their flight. You rolled your shoulders, trying to loosen the tension nestled between them.
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s okay.” Jimin slipped his hand under your hair, his thumb rubbing gentle circles between the base of your neck and shoulders. You sighed and removed his hand, turning to face him.
“It’s not okay, Jimin. I don’t even know if they have my bag,” you huffed. You stepped forward to hand your passport and boarding pass to the officer.
“I’m sure they do, darling. As long as you have your -”
“I remember what you said about the tag, Jimin. That doesn’t change the fact that I could land in Bali without my bag. I don’t even have enough time to ask someone about it,” you snapped while placing your camera bags into the grey bins, your shoes following after. Jimin said nothing further as he emptied his own backpack, the book he had been reading more dog-eared than when you first saw it along with a leatherbound book.
Just as you were passing through the body scanner, an announcement blared through the terminal. “This is the last boarding call for passengers Park Jimin and Y/N Y/LN on flight 7860 with services to Bali, Indonesia at Gate C9. Again, would passengers Park Jimin and Y/N Y/L/N please report to Gate C9 for flight 7860 to Bali, Indonesia? Thank you.”
“Shit,” you exclaimed, shoving your hands through your hair as another TSA officer looked over your scan. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”
“Alright, you’re good.” You didn’t wait for the last word to spill from his mouth before you were back in front of the conveyor belt waiting for your stuff to pass through its own scanner. Quickly and as carefully as you could, you zipped your cameras back up and tucked them into your backpack. Your hands were shaking.
“Don’t worry, Y/N! I got you!” Jimin called out as he moved around you. He was already packed up and taking off by the time you’d secured your things. You stared in disbelief as you watched him run through the departure terminal, not caring how many people stared at him. It looked like you would be doing the same.
You chased after him, clutching your passport and phone in your hand, chest heaving as you watched Jimin’s head disappear further into the crowd. Fuck, he was fast. You dodged the small children that waddled along with their parents and the elderly couples that squinted up at the screens to find their correct gates. Your legs burned as you pushed through the pain, the hallways of the airport being much longer than you remembered. You couldn’t afford to miss this flight.
Rounding the corner to gate C9, the seats were empty. The rest of the passengers had already boarded the plane. A few of the airline employees milled around getting ready to close the gate. One was arguing with Jimin who refused to walk through the doors so they couldn’t close it.
“Look! There she is. I told you!” Jimin was standing in the doorway leading down the aircraft gangway, blocking the airline employees from closing the door. They looked highly irritated.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Yes, that’s me. I’m so sorry!” you apologized while handing over your boarding pass for it to be scanned. Your face felt hot from all the attention but you pushed it down. There was nothing else to worry about.
“Have a safe flight,” the employee mumbled as he handed you back the pass. You smiled, relieved.
Jimin grinned at you as he jogged towards the plane, his hair bouncing with every step. “I told you we wouldn’t miss the flight, Shutterfly.”
Ignoring all the nasty looks you received as you walked down the aisle of the plane, you and Jimin flopped down into your respective seats, tired from your sprint to the gate. The usual airplane routine started up as the plane left the gate and you relaxed in your seat as you watched the tarmac roll by through the window. Running was not your forte and you wondered if you should have considered Michael’s offer to be his plus one at Planet Fitness more seriously. You could feel the sweat bead around your hairline. A shower would be great once you reached your accommodations. You sat up abruptly.
“Fuck,” you whispered, grabbing your phone.
“What’s wrong?” Jimin asked, fastening his seatbelt.
Scrolling through your numerous email notifications, you saw the one you were praying wouldn’t be there. Airbnb reservation canceled in the subject line. Fuck.
“Ma’am, could you please turn off your cell phone or switch it to airplane mode? The plane is getting ready for departure,” a stewardess chided you. You nodded and tucked it back into your pocket, dazed. In 5 hours and 5 minutes, you would be landing in Ngurah Rai International Airport with nowhere to stay for 9 days. Shit.
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“You’re chewing your lip again.”
“Huh?” You looked over at Jimin who was still reading The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, his body feigning disinterest but you knew he was paying attention to you.
“You were chewing your lip. It’s your tell-tale sign that something’s wrong,” he replied as he turned the page. You opened your mouth to protest but closed it quickly. He was right.
“How did you know though?” you asked, tucking your hair behind your ear, now extremely conscious that he had been observing you.
“What are you worrying about? Your project? Y/N, it’s going to be amazing. This is what you love doing, right? You can do it,” Jimin encouraged, bookmarking his page and looking at you.
“I don’t know, Jimin. A romantic getaway? That displays passion and love? Those are things I haven’t felt in a very long time,” you noted. The memories of Tiago swirled at the corners of youe mind and you sighed in frustration that you thought about him again.
“Bullshit,” he said. Jimin tucked his book into the seatback pocket in front of him. “Love doesn’t have to only be romantic, Y/N. There are so many incredible forms of love out there. The love people have for their families, for their jobs, for their - I don’t know - neighbors they only see on Sundays because they do laundry at the same time. We love just because. There really doesn’t have to be a reason,” he finished. You stared at him. His brown eyes were bright with passion and his face was set in determination to convince you what he was saying was true. You were amazed at his belief in his own words.
“Do you think you could say that again? On film, though.” He laughed at you as you went to pull out your camera but he stopped you.
“I keep telling you, Y/N. If you want me to be your muse, all you have to do is ask,” he said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes as you rested the camera in your lap. “But if you really do want my help, I’ll be happy to work with you on your project.”
He nodded and smiled. “Seriously. This is important to you. I want to help.”
You tried to hide your smile. Though it was something simple, Jimin supporting your craft was something you hadn’t experienced in years. People didn’t believe in the arts as much as they liked to consume it. “Thank you, Jimin. That really means a lot to me.”
“Remember I told you I’d show you what love is? This is a great way to do it.” Jimin grinned as you laughed at him.
“And what do you know about love, Mr. Park?” you asked jokingly. Jimin averted his eyes, his smile less vibrant than before.
“You’d be surprised,” he said with a shrug.
“More lessons from Mr. Park Sr.?” you joked again, poking his shoulder, trying to lighten his sudden change of mood. He chuckled lowly.
“Some. A lot I learned on my own.”
“A lot? What’s your favorite one?” you posed. You were intrigued about a Jimin who had seen these many sides of love. Who was he beforehand? How had he changed? “Have you ever had your heart broken?”
“Yep,” he said, popping the ‘p’. “A few times. I guess you could say the last one was the worst,” he commented.
“Would you like to share?” you asked gently, not wanting to overstep your boundaries.
“I can. Especially if it’ll help you believe in love.” He wiggled his eyebrows and you shoved his shoulder gently. “I assume you’ve also had your heart broken?” You nodded. “Hmm. Well, Shutterfly. Sit back, relax, and let me tell you the story of Alexandria.” Jimin eased his seat back and turned his head to face you, his fingers laced and resting in his lap. He looked as though he was in a therapist’s office to talk about his trauma and the feelings associated with them. Depending on the nature of the story, he might need to go and see one.
“Lexa and I met during my Freshman year of college. She was tall, slim figure, very ‘plain Jane’ except for her copper-colored hair. She was really a brunette, but in certain lighting, it looked red. Then she started toning it - it doesn’t matter. Anyway, I was hanging out with a bunch of friends in the library studying for this major test when she walked by and that was it; I was a goner. We ended up having a class together the following semester where I found out she was a Sophomore -”
“Ooh! An older woman?!” You perked up in your chair at the new detail. “I never would have -”
“Pegged me for the type? We’re back on that, Y/N?” he asked with a wry grin. You blushed at the memory and sank back down.
“Continue,” you whispered sheepishly.
“So she was a Sophomore studying Psychology with a minor in Creative Writing. She was a force to be reckoned with and I thought I had no chance with her until she asked me to hang out. I honestly couldn’t believe she was interested in me. We didn’t start dating until my Junior year of college, both of us traveling abroad the previous year, and we were really happy together.” Jimin smiled fondly as he recalled the memories and your heart fluttered in anticipation of what went wrong. “I proposed at my graduation while she was -”
“Excuse me? What?!” you exclaimed, staring at him in shock. “You proposed?!” He laughed at your reaction.
“Of course. I loved her and it was the right thing for me to do at the time,” he replied. That couldn’t be it.
“You got her pregnant, didn’t you?” He laughed again, this one vibrating through his entire body as he clutched his stomach; he didn’t seem concerned about the noise level.
“No, Y/N. I proposed because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.”
“Wow,” you breathed, amazed at his level of commitment at such a young age. To know who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and be ready to take that risk? He had to be crazy. “Wait. How old are you?”
“I’m 26. This happened around 2 and a half years ago, I think. Well, it’s been 2 and a half years since she called off our engagement,” he added matter-of-factly.
“Fuck,” you grimaced. “What happened?”
“She fell out of love. She wasn’t there when I woke up the following morning - we had moved in together while she worked on her thesis and I started grad school. The ring was placed on a neatly written note and all of her things were gone. Said she needed a man that had a little more - she ‘couldn’t put her finger on it’. Less stoic, more spontaneous. Something like that.” Jimin shrugged, the smile no longer reaching his eyes.
“But she knew how you were when you first got together. That’s some bullshit,” you muttered. Anger flared deep in your gut as you thought about this Alexandria stealing away in the middle of the night leaving Jimin alone to deal with the consequences of her actions as the sun rose.
“No need to crucify her, Shutterfly. She made the best choice for her -”
“But she hurt you,” you interrupted, frowning.
“I don’t disagree, but she taught me my favorite lesson: love freely and without expectations. I lost myself trying to prove that I could be this manly man. That I was man enough to deserve a woman as incredible as her. I lost her because of impossible expectations I placed on myself. We were both at fault; she could have said something sooner. I just wrestle with my own transgressions more. At the end of the day, it made me a better man.”
Love freely and without expectations. How could he say that when the woman who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with left him? Alexandria was foolish to leave someone as admirable as Jimin behind. Your heart ached at him waking up and her no longer being there, having to read that she no longer wanted him. You guessed some explanation was better than having the door closed right in your face.
“And you survived all of this?”
“I’m here, aren’t I? Broken hearts aren’t as bad as they seem, Shutterfly.”
“To you, Jimin. Though I don’t know how you got through that,” you said shaking your head in disbelief.
“The same way you got through yours,” he replied seriously. “Tell me about him. Why don’t you believe in love anymore?”
“It’s not that I don’t believe in love anymore. I just don’t expect it to happen to me for a very long time,” you said pushing your hands through your hair. Jimin waited for you to continue expectantly. You sighed and threw your head back against the seat. “Alright, fine. His name was Tiago. I met him when I moved to California with my best friend. He was a TA in one of her classes and she introduced us. He was tall, Hispanic, with the tight ringlet curls. They were sun-bleached because he spent so much time at the beach. He had the most beautiful hazel eyes too,” you added. You don’t think there was a woman alive who could deny how attractive Tiago was.
“He was smart too, attending law school - Gould School of Law at USC to be exact. I was working as a photography assistant in a studio downtown and he seemed interested in my work. We started hanging out and after a few months, we started dating. Things were really good for a while. I thought I had found my home in him, especially after leaving Milo back in New York. I thought he understood what I was going through. He didn’t.” You closed your eyes as you breathed through the memory of the pain.
“After a year of good times, things started to get weird. Some random phone calls he started taking in other rooms, less planned dates, less attention overall. I ignored it, especially after we had a conversation about possibly moving in together. That was a little too far for me so I was thinking of giving him a key to my apartment - I had gotten a promotion at the studio I was working at and could finally afford my own place,” you said with a grin. “I went to his apartment with the key in a little box and when I knocked on the door, a woman answered.”
“Shit,” Jimin whispered. He rested his hand on your knee and you looked at him with a small smile.
“Yeah. She asked who I was - if she could help me, and before I could answer, Tiago appeared looking fresh out the shower and said I wasn’t ‘anyone important. Just a friend of a friend’s who was supposed to take their anniversary portraits’ and closed the -”
“What the fuck, Y/N?! Please don’t tell me that he closed the door in your face.” Jimin’s grip tightened as his jaw clenched. You nodded with another small smile. “That fucking asshole!” he roared. The lady in front of you turned to hush him. He ignored her.
“Mhm, he closed the door in my face. I think I stood there for 2 minutes before I called an Uber and headed home. A few days later, he texted me and told me that we couldn’t be together anymore - like no shit, dumbass. I found out through the grapevine that she had been his girlfriend for 2 and a half years on and off. They were very much on when we were dating. Remember that friend I told you I moved to Cali with? Apparently she knew but didn’t know how to break it to me. I packed up and moved to San Diego which is where I met Michael. He had seen some of my short films from a little exhibit we had on campus and thought he could help me get more work. That was a year and a half ago,” you finished.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. He was a fucking dickhead to do that to you.” You waved Jimin off.
“Michael says the same thing - actually he calls him a son of a bitch. It’s fine though. But that’s the story. I’m still healing and building up trust with people. So I believe in love, I’ve just had some bad luck with it,” you said with a shrug. “I try not to dwell on it because -”
“It makes you anxious?” Jimin suggested. You gave him a tight lipped smile. His thumb stroked over your knee in soft brushes. “Well, we won’t talk about him then. Fuck him,” he grinned.
“Thanks, Jimin,” I laughed.
“And we’ll get this project done, yeah? Together?”
You looked at Jimin. He was smiling at you, his front tooth a little crooked but gleaming nonetheless. Tiny dimples appeared around the corners of his mouth - something you hadn’t noticed before. The little sun you had been in while in Hong Kong had started to turn his skin a caramel brown and you remembered the smoothness of his skin as you laid in bed. As the corners of his eyes wrinkled with warm affection and you smiled.
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full masterlist // series masterlist // previous // next
joon-ipersgirl, 2020
16 notes · View notes
Risky 5 Minutes
AN: Loosely based on Mod T’s fantasy from @iwouldfuckthemaster, give them a follow if you haven’t yet. They’re a great source of inspiration. I've been holding onto this for over a week bc I wasn’t happy with it but I finally got it a point that is good enough. It’s also a lot softer than I expected; apparently, I cannot write smut that isn’t somewhat soft.
Word Count: 2480
Warnings: smut/lemon, risk of exposure
Description: The Master and you take a risk while the Doctor and fam are right outside.
You had always felt a bit awkward about being attracted to the Master. It felt strange to consider yourself a friend of the Doctor's while you wanted to have sex with his enemy. Also said enemy was a criminal who could easily decide to kill you at any moment. So, not the safest crush to have. But the advantage to your poorly placed crush was that you were able to spot him no matter the disguise. You didn't understand how it worked, just that it did. You would see him -not whatever part he was playing. The Doctor had claimed it was some form of telepathic recognition that you shouldn't be able to do, you were only human after all. He liked to tease you that it must be your spy senses from working in MI6. Completely ignoring that all you did was office work.
So when O walked through the door to MI6 all sweet and shy smiles you knew it was an act. That he wasn't some soft-spoken analysis with an interest in aliens. It only took you a few seconds to realize it was the Master. Not that you could tell anyone. You didn't have any proof after all and they would ask for proof. That and no one at MI6 believed in the extraterrestrial. Which had made the times they teamed up with UNIT in the past very awkward. You should tell someone, but there was nothing you could say to convince anyone except that you just knew.
You also couldn't tell the Doctor...
You could claim that it was because you couldn't be sure what point of his timeline would answer all you like. You did tend to meet his different incarnations with no real or clear pattern to the encounters. One day it could be the white-haired Scott, the next the trenchcoat-wearing Doctor, and after that the overeager child-like brunette. Completely random. But you knew the true reason you couldn’t tell the Doctor was a lot simpler.
You didn't have the Doctor's phone number. Yeah... when you said you were friends with the Doctor it was more like acquaintances. You had traveled with him only a few times. Those few times more often than not had you running into the Master too.
So it wasn't your attraction to the Master alone that made you just give in and go with whatever his scheme was this time. It was knowing that you didn't have a chance of stopping him yourself and there was no one to turn to who could. UNIT was gone, as was Torchwood, no one in MI6 would believe you, and no way of contacting the Doctor. You might as well go along with it and enjoy the ride. If he didn't kill you when he noticed you...
Somehow the two of you had gotten involved with each other. It was beyond you how it had really happened. Or even worked. Sure, you had mentioned that you weren't going to try and stop him when he discovered you knew it was him. Still, it didn't seem like enough of a reason for him to let you live. Perhaps the Master got a sick joy out of getting a former "pet" of the Doctor's to choose to let him bring about humanity's destruction.
Along with not killing you, he had decided that you and O should date each other. You knew it was to give him an excuse to keep an eye on you in the office but he was very invested in something that was a charade. He would buy you flowers, take you out on dates. It was weird. Yet you went along with it. No hesitation. Might as well enjoy him spoiling you even if it was a facade. The Master has called you cute before- when you were traveling with the Doctor. You were sure it didn't mean anything though. There was no way he was actually interested in you, it was just a part of his scheme. It had to be. Better to be cautious and wary now than devastated later on.
The whole situation was wrong- especially since you vaguely knew about his latest plan- but you couldn't find it in you to stop any of it. Attraction makes people overlook weird things. Like the fact that the Master wanted to destroy your entire species.
Following him to the Outback had been one of the best decisions of your life. While away from MI6 he could embrace being the Master again. It was fun, dangerous, and reckless. You also learned that the Master was more than willing to act on his attraction to you. It had not been faked like you had assumed. You had been sore -everywhere- for a week after the first day in his TARDIS. 
It was more than you had hoped for when you told him you knew who he really was. You kinda expected to die that day. So being alive and getting to have sex with the person you had been lusting over for a long time: definitely a major win for you.
However, there was a downside. It was incredibly embarrassing once the Doctor showed up. Here you were being called an old friend and you were lying to his -well now her- face. Her greatest enemy was right here in front of her face. And you were sleeping with him! You couldn't find it in you to feel too guilty though. Being with the Master was fun- even if it might not end well. So you weren't going to be the one to reveal the Master's identity.
It had been strange to be in the Master's TARDIS when it looked like a shack in the Outback. Knowing that this apparent shack could travel anywhere, anytime. It was even weirder when you were there with O instead of the Master. The one place that you couldn't see the Master hiding who he really was, but here he was doing just that and fooling the Doctor flawlessly.
As soon as the Doctor had shown up things got chaotic. Well, even more chaotic than the Master made things by himself. You had never met the creatures the Master was working with. It made it easier to be truly surprised by everything happening. Barely any acting required. Everything that happened was still absolutely crazy even knowing part of what was going on!
It wasn't long before the Doctor had decided to grab the rest of her "fam". It was strange to call the group traveling with her that. It was so different from what you were used to.
After the Doctor had grabbed the rest of her "fam" from wherever they were in the world they had gone outside to talk. O had claimed that the two of you would join them soon. You raised an eyebrow at this. Why were the two of you not joining them now?
The two of you apparently, "Just had to edit the program running to analyze the readings from the creatures. Should take no more than 5 minutes."
You knew something was up. The two of you had already done that while the Doctor was gone picking up the "fam". Not suspicious at all.
The second the door closed behind them you hit the wall. The Master pushed his body roughly against you to keep you pinned there. You were startled and confused. What did you do to make him angry? You had played your part, they had no idea what was really going on! Wide-eyed you looked up at the Master. Your confusion remained until the Master walked his hand up your leg, under your dress. 
Oh! You smiled at the thought of his chosen name. A quickie against the wall? Consider you interested. He wasn't mad, he was horny. He was in for a nice surprise. You had gotten dressed in a hurry since he had given you little warning that the Doctor was on their way. Throwing on a dress had been the easiest option. 
"No panties," he said in a somewhat growly voice. "Good girl, that will make this easier."
You didn't fully realize the situation you were in until he was quickly unzipping his pants. You were about to have a 5-minute quickie where the Doctor and her companions could possibly hear you. Or even just walk in on the act! It was risky. It was also making you very wet.
"You seem to like this idea," he murmured in your ear as he felt how wet you were getting. Pulling his hand away as he stated, "Perfect. Clock is ticking, we don't have any time for foreplay. Always loved a ticking clock."
As he said this he slammed into you with a wicked smile and no real warning. His hand covering your mouth and the yelp you made. You could taste yourself on his fingers.
"Have to be quiet pet," he glanced at the computer screens. "The Doctor and her "fam" are just on the other side of this wall." The way he said “fam” told you how dumb he felt the title was.
He then gave you another smile this one promising mischief and destruction. 
"In fact, the Doctor is leaning up against the wall right where I've got you now."
You could feel the heat of your blush as you thought about the Doctor being right there. So close to you being used by her enemy. Hearing any noise you dared to make. 
The Master didn't waste any of your 5 minutes, proceeding to pound into you roughly. You brought a leg up to wrap around him, giving him better access. 
You did your best to stay quiet but a few times you couldn't help but start to moan or whimper. Anytime you started to make noise his hand tightened on your throat, stopping you from vocalizing. It wasn't long until you were lightheaded enough that any of your attempts to make a sound would have been as quiet as a whisper. That fact didn't stop the Master from continuing to grip your neck tightly. It was possible you would have a light bruise the next day... Good thing that this plan of his wouldn't last long enough for the others to have a chance to notice. Else he would blow his own cover at this rate.
As he got closer to his release you tried to bring yourself closer with your thoughts alone. Focusing on what you were feeling. Every harsh thrust, the twitch of his hand around your throat. The lightheadedness from the lack of air.
 It was a rule of the Master's that when you couldn't ask for permission to cum that you could only cum when he did. It had come about during your first day in his TARDIS when he had gagged you. Realizing that you couldn’t beg him for your release he had come up with the rule idea. It hadn’t stopped you from trying to beg through the gag.
You really needed to cum now, while you could. You didn't think you could handle playing your part of the innocent, unknowing companion of the Doctor while horny. At least not well enough to keep the Doctor from being suspicious of something.
 Even if it was just suspicion that you and O were intimate with each other. The Doctor would ask way too many questions. She might even hyperfocus on the two of you to make sure she thought you were right for each other. The Doctor could be overbearing in that way. It would also make it harder to keep the Master's cover.
You refocused in on the situation you were in now. No need to kill the mood by worrying about the future. The 5 minutes were almost up and anyone could walk in and see you being used by your Master. Just thinking of how close you were to the time limit made you dizzy. Or that could just be the lack of air. Probably a mix of both at this point. 
You were close and you were sure the Master was too. He had somehow picked up his pace even more, getting rougher. His nails were digging into the skin of your neck. The marks left by them would, fortunately, be hidden by your hair. Each thrust started to make you see black fuzz. The Master went over the edge. The feeling of him releasing inside of you helped almost put you over the edge, but you weren't cumming yet. You were so close, it was frustrating. It would be so disappointing to miss this chance.
"So close aren't you pet. I suppose I can be nice this time," he murmured into your ear.
He brushed his hand against your clit while he was still filling you with his release. It tipped you over the edge just in time for you to still have permission to cum. You stayed silent during your release. You were not going to ruin the moment by making a sound now! With how crushed your neck felt you doubted you would have been able to anyway.
You felt something from his hand be pressed into you as he pulled out. Trapping his release inside of you. He was being generous today! Both making sure that you got to cum and that the evidence wouldn't leak out and down your leg in front of the others. Once he pulled away from the wall you got on your knees. Licking away any remaining cum on him before he zipped up his pants.
"What a good pet you are, love. So well trained! I'll have to keep taking good care of you," he paused before adding on a quiet admission. "I want you to last a long time by my side."
Your heart fluttered. This wasn't a one-time thing to get at the Doctor. He actually wanted you around. As he said this he offered you his hand like it was normal. As if he hadn't just admitted his affection for you beyond a quick lay and bothering the Doctor. Grabbing the hand he offered you were pulled to your feet as if you weighed nothing. You felt good, used but good. He handed you a water bottle after you were standing.
"Thank you, Master," you whispered to him. You didn't dare risk being overheard calling him by his name. 
He gave you a soft smile with just a pinch of mischief behind his eyes. It looked like a blend between the Master and his persona, O. It was really weird to predominantly see O in him considering how he just roughly wall fucked you.
"I take good care of my pets. Unlike the Doctor. Now, let's rejoin the others and enjoy how clueless they are to you having just been thoroughly used by your Master."
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yellowmagicalgirl · 4 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
tagged by @im-the-king-of-the-ocean​
...it feels like I just did something very similar to this very recently but I’ll do it again I guess. This time I’m gonna include Fanfiction.Net, though, just so I can give different answers. That being said, I’m only going to link to the AO3 version of the fic
These days, it’s almost all Tales of Arcadia, but my AO3 also has some Miraculous Ladybug, SPOP, and RWBY as well as a crossover with The Hunger Games. In addition to the above, my FFN also has some PMMM, Tai Chi Chasers, Sailor Moon, iZombie, Harry Potter and Voltron Legendary Defender in there.
Number of Fics: 98 on FFN, but only 60 of them ever got transferred to AO3.
Fic I Spent the Most Time on: I know I said I was torn between two fics last time, but honestly? I spent hours looking up the effects of PTSD, solitary confinement, and various forms of torture for the Juliet Dies; Life Continues fics. There’s a reason why when I finally publish Juliet Survives in This I’m gonna contain two disclaimers: one for the Dead Dove Do Not Eat and another for the fact that I’m using magic and the fact that Claire’s not entirely human anymore just so I can find a way to make it so that Claire has a good reason for not being any worse off. The other fic I was writing I only did some research before going, “nah I’m bastardizing Arthurian legend”
Fic I Spent the Least Time on: *looks at old writing and cringes* Raked over Crimson Waves, probably...
Longest Fic: Every Ghost in Me is the longest fic I’ve ever written at a proud 10,188 words... and somehow it’s a oneshot.
Shortest Fic: For actual fics, it’s A Shop Infested on AO3 and Arme Harry on FFN. Though, A Shop Infested is also the shortest English actual fic on FFN for me as well (yes, I have one (1) fic written in German.) However, this doesn’t count my poetry. On AO3 it’s Isn't It Ironic? On FFN it’s In My Arms.
Most Hits: On AO3, it’s I Bet You Kiss Your Knuckles (Right Before They Touch My Cheek) with its 1741 hits. On FFN, it’s Dare, which has 15,174 hits. Though, for comparison, Dare was written in 2015; I Bet You Kiss Your Knuckles (Right Before They Touch My Cheek) only has 348 hits on FFN.
Most Kudos: I Bet You Kiss Your Knuckles (Right Before They Touch My Cheek)
Most Comments: On AO3 my collab with Tuna, Birds, Bees, and Blood Magic, has the most comments, but Juliet Dies in This has the most threads. On FFN, it’s still Dare.
Most Bookmarks: Birds, Bees, and Blood Magic holds this title on AO3. The closest similar thing we have on FFN is favorites, so that title goes to Picked the Wrong Girl.
Total Word Count: On AO3, my net word count is 82,299. On FFN, I had to break out excel, and my net word count would be approximately 136,615 words. Approximately because I can’t separate the fic from the author’s note.
Favorite Fic I Wrote: You can’t make me choose... but it’s probably one of those jlaire hurt/comfort fics I’ve written. Or for that matter, the LadyNoir hurt/comfort fics I used to write when it comes to FFN even though I decided not to move them off of AO3... wait a second. I have a type. Oh no I have a type when writing and shipping and that type is the person who’s associated with light and goodness comforts the person who’s associated with darkness. I mean I’ve written outside of this type many a time but let’s face it so many of my shippy hurt comfort fics more or less boil down to this description.... how did I not realize this before.
Fic you Want to Rewrite or Expand on: I will never actually finish it but every so often I still want to go and give With the Distance Amplified a proper ending. Other than that, I kind of want to go and expand upon I Bet You Kiss Your Knuckles (Right Before They Touch My Cheek) despite the fact that I don’t want to have to watch ML canon to do so properly... oh, and also? I really need to finish the 3Below interlude to Juliet Dies; Life Continues.
Share a bit of a WIP or Story Idea you’re Planning on: so earlier today I posted a Krexie ficlet... I need to do some more editing so that the fic makes me nearly cry as much as the ficlet did and write all the other scenes because the fic is much more than just the kiss but here is the kiss from Krel’s POV:
There is a very full bowl of cat food, and multiple bowls of water. Krel follows Archie, and he finds Douxie, sitting on the floor, curled in a blanket, back to the door. Archie meows and runs away. Douxie doesn’t look up, and so Krel walks around him. Douxie’s head is bowed, and he is typing frantically at his phone, and then erasing what he wrote. There are tear tracks on his face, though they are hard to see, when most of the tears probably crawled into the cracks. Krel kneels in front of him, trying to see what Douxie is typing. The movement catches Douxie’s attention, and he startles. The blanket falls away from Douxie as he scrambles to his feet.
Normally, his reflexes are better. Not so clumsy. Not almost falling over his own long, cracked limbs. Krel reaches out to help Douxie stabilize himself, but Douxie uses a wall instead.
Douxie rips his earbuds from his ears, and for a second Krel can hear a woman singing from the earbuds before Douxie silences the music he was listening to. Douxie takes a breath. It is wet and shaking.
“Krel, why are you here?” Douxie wraps his arms around himself, and Krel isn’t sure if Douxie is cold from wearing a sleeveless shirt or just uncomfortable.
“I saw your text; I worried.”
“I’m sorry.”
Krel takes a large step towards Douxie; Douxie takes a small step back.
“Douxie, you, we’re gonna break the curse, you’re going to –“
“I’m going to die today,” Douxie whispers, looking at his own feet. Krel looks past the soft shorts Douxie is wearing to Douxie’s ankles. They have been taken over by cracks, and they’re advancing.
They are out of time. Douxie is out of time. Krel feels his lower lip start to tremble, and he tries to make it stop.
“You, you should probably go,” Douxie says like he doesn’t mean it. “I don’t… I’m not going to make you watch me die.”
“I’m not going to make you…” Krel can’t bring himself to say the word “die”, like saying it aloud will make it true. And that’s silly, that’s superstition, that’s not scientific, but every scientific way Krel has tried to save Douxie hasn’t worked. “I’m not leaving you alone; I don’t think you want to be alone right now.”
“Then can you-“ Douxie breaks off into a coughing fit. “Can you hold me? If that’s okay?”
Embrace your mistakes, like Mother would have said if she were not dead.
Krel takes another step towards Douxie, and Douxie does not step away, rather, he leans into Krel, unwrapping his arms from his own torso. They take one, two, three steps backward, to where the blanket lays abandoned on the floor. They sink to the ground, arms around each other. Krel cannot save Douxie, but he can make sure that Douxie is comfortable. Douxie clings to Krel with a surprising amount of strength. Krel ignores the urge to wrap his fingers around Douxie’s neck, just so he can keep track of Douxie’s pulse. Krel cards his fingers through Douxie’s hair instead. His other arm wraps around Douxie’s torso and his hand rests on Douxie’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Krel says, hating how his voice sounds when he’s about to cry.
“It’s not your fault, all of you did your best,” Douxie says, voice choked and so very scared. Krel feels his shirt starting to grow damp. “I don’t want to die; I wish we had more time.”
“Me too,” Krel says. A tear slips down his cheek, and he tightens his grip around Douxie’s torso, like he can keep Douxie from slipping away.
Douxie jerks, and Krel fears Douxie might be convulsing, but he’s just pushing himself up so he can look Krel in the eye. “Krel, I…” Douxie coughs, turning away, and when he turns back his glowing eyes are so much dimmer. “I love you.”
Douxie goes slack in Krel’s arms, closing his eyes. Krel presses his lips against Douxie’s and hopes.
A couple tears escape Krel’s eyes as he tries not to think of how he still doesn’t know for sure if he loves Douxie the way the curse wants him too, if he’s too late and he should have kissed or at least told Douxie sooner instead of waiting.
Krel closes his eyes. Douxie’s lips are chapped or cracked or maybe both, but they are still. Passive. Krel exhales through his nose; Douxie’s lips feel dead.
Krel is about to pull away, but then Douxie starts kissing him back. And it isn’t much, just a firm press that wasn’t there before, but it is enough to convince Krel that maybe it isn’t too late.
Tagging (for the record your participation is optional): @clairekatswritingcorner, @fieryartemispublications, @mambo-no-5, @dork-empress, @brothebro, and @akozuheiwa
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wrienne · 5 years
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 1: Cheater
"My blood, sweat and tears..."
It had been a spontaneous decision for you to follow when your best friend, Se-Eun, had a ticket to spare when her other friend called in sick. It was one of the most expensive seats, almost directly in front of the stage, and she didn't think she could find someone else in the last twenty minutes before the show. She was a huge fan, a type of fan to buy everything even remotely connected to the boy band - yes, even useless things like paperweights - with her biggest bias being the one and only Jeon Jungkook.
Your worst nightmare. Oh, and also - your fiancé.
Of course, she didn't know the latter part. Nobody did, or you wouldn't be standing in one of the front rows, still breathing. She only knew about you and Jungkook's long-lasting family ties, and that the two of you often celebrated holidays together. There was of course some media surrounding you and Jungkook since you were the alleged heiress of Phoenix Inc., your late grandfather's enormous international company, and he was, well, Jeon Jungkook, the "Golden Maknae", the rabbit, the "Idol that was scouted by 8 different entertainment agencies", every girl's secret wet dream - yes, you had heard it all from Se-Eun and her friends. It was too much information, to be honest.
To you, he would always be the kid who thought Legolas was the dwarf and Gimli was the elf and that the two were counting because they had some kind of problem. He would also be the kid always ignoring you during family get-togethers and who would disassemble everything you ever liked. He would be the kid who always looked away when Hye-Bin and her pets had harassed you during all of first grade to graduation.
Or at least, that's what you had thought before you had seen him on stage, live, for the first time. Suddenly, you found it hard to believe you had ever met him outside the stadium - or knew him at all.
The hair was recently dyed and cut, he probably wore more make-up than you and he donned, most likely, deliberately tight pants. He moved with the determined elegance only practice and practice and even more practice could have granted him and sang, while dancing vigorously, with more steadiness than you could have pulled off while seated. You two were the same age, 20, yet you realized numbly that he, truly and undoubtedly, had reached a prime time in his life. He wasn't a boy any longer.
And frankly, that kind of frightened you.
When the song ended, deafening screams and thunderous applauds resounded throughout the stadium. Grimacing and drilling your fingers into your ears, you watched as the lights on stage quickly dimmed, erasing the sight of Jungkook and the other six members. Just when you thought it was safe to relax, a new tune began, causing the shouting and yelling to erupt anew - especially from your right where Se-Eun and her friends Min-Ji and Yeon-Woo stood. You didn't understand what was happening - not until a spotlight centered on the middle of the stage, illuminating the shape of one person.
Jungkook raised a microphone to his lips and began singing.
"The fifteen-year-old me who didn't have anything..."
You simply stared. During his whole performance, you were as spellbound. There was such passion, such emotion in his voice and his face - even the slightest movements of his fingers when they sometimes flexed and relaxed around the microphone intrigued you.
Mostly, because it shocked you.
During your whole life while growing up together, he had never exhibited any particular emotion at all. He was mostly stiff or quiet or even sardonic. But at that moment, dancing and singing on stage, he was as vulnerable as he had ever been.
You had only witnessed such exposure once.
He finished the song with a few lasting tones and a final dance move to match the beat. The lights had dimmed, yet you discerned in the darkness his wiry outline against the backdrop. You stared in wonder, taking in the sensual curl of his lips, his semi-lidded eyes and the sweat trickling down his temples and neck. You fleetingly spotted the boy who once had too large of a nose to match his face, but that image was quickly replaced by the man you and the ten thousand other pairs of eyes could see.
He was beautiful.
By the end of the concert, you were almost deaf. Se-Eun, Min-Ji and Yeon-Woo had tears streaming down their faces and they were hoarse from screaming. They had filmed the whole concert on Min-Ji's ridiculously expensive camera, and when you finally had exited the stadium, they were frantically looking for the moment one of the seven members - you think his name was Jin - had blown them a kiss from stage during one of the songs. The three of them shared a YouTube-channel completely dedicated to the group and were already discussing editing, whose Internet they would torture by uploading the whole concert and so on and so forth.
You exhaled out loudly. The screen of your phone said 22:34. You could still call for your parents' driver, but you didn't want to make a scene. There were still a ton of people pooling out of the exit area and who knew if they recognized you. Although you were dressed very casually, you didn't doubt some of the bystanders would put together two and two if they saw a girl your age exiting a BTS concert and entering a really nice car with a private driver. You didn't need more media covering your involvement with Jungkook, even though you two actually were engaged.
That was one of the conditions Jungkook very clearly had established in the beginning.
You glanced at your best friend. "Se-Eun, I thought you said you were calling your mom."
Se-Eun looked up from the camera and smiled sheepishly. The orange of a streetlight overhead made her brown eyes glint and her light brown-colored hair coppery. "I will, I just have to look at him again." She quirked her brow. "I cannot believe you've never been to one of their concerts before. I thought your parents and his were tight like this." She held up two fingers and crossed them together.
"They are," you said reluctantly. "Doesn't mean he and I are, though. He has no reason to make me come to the concert."
In fact, Jungkook had often tried to make you stay away from them. He had said it was nothing particular and that the shows often malfunctioned due to sloppiness and technical error. He had even claimed they didn't really care for their fans and that it was very strained and awkward to look at them perform. Actually, thinking about it, you found it very suspicious considering how the concert had progressed. Sure they had started everything very dolled-up in make-up and expensive clothes, but they had continuously had interludes in which they spoke to the audience and thanked them and one another, and the show had ended with them simply wearing t-shirts - albeit with their own logo on them - and holding a microphone. It had all felt very genuine by the end, and until then, the production value had been surprisingly high, with great audio, lights, scenes that could rise and fall and much more.
"Still," said Se-Eun. "It's just odd considering your relationship."
"It is," you admitted. Jungkook could be rude - really, really rude - but you had never taken him for a liar. "Perhaps I should ask him why he hasn't invited me before."
At this, Min-Ji and Yeon-Woo stopped their fiddling on the camera options. "How? Oh God, do you have his number?" they almost screamed in unison.
You were tempted to punch one of them when you saw some girls turn to look at why they had shouted. Se-Eun quickly calmed all three of you down.
"Hush, you two. Still, do you?" Se-Eun asked incredulously.
"No," you said with a snort. "But I'll just go backstage or whatever and find him."
For a moment, the three of them were quiet. But then they opened their mouths and roared in laughter.
"What?" you asked.
"Good luck getting past the security guards," Min-Ji said, her voice short of breath. "I mean, truly. Good luck."
"Yeah, it's not like other people have tried it," Yeon-Woo laughed. "Not at all."
You frowned. "I'll just tell the sec I'm friends with one of the members."
"Guys," Se-Eun said after they had another assault from the invisible laughter fairy that obviously was missing you with her wand. "I-I don't think she gets it."
You crossed your arms. "Obviously, I don't."
"It's okay," Min-Ji said. "Just let her go. It's funnier that way."
"Good idea," Yeon-Woo said. "(Y/N), we'll be waiting here, don't worry."
Se-Eun was still giggling as she spoke. "It's useless," she told you. "Think about how many times fans try to get backstage, lying that they're cousins or something. You would be just another one among thousands of crazy people. Besides," she added a little more quietly, just for you to hear, "the media will get hold of it, someway or another. How many times don't you complain that you wish you could change lives with someone else?"
That was a valid point. But Min-Ji and Yeon-Woo had wounded your pride and now you almost felt like you had to prove them wrong.
"Yes, but since I can't, I might just as well just live with it," you replied as you turned around and began away from the girls. "I'll be back in a bit."
"Fighting!" one said sarcastically, causing all three of them to laugh.
You would show them. Deciding it best not to sound like a typical stalker-fan, you came up with a lie. It wasn't too difficult convincing one of the guards at the exit area to let you in to try and find your lost keys. He followed you, and as you pretended to search, you kept an eye open for any kind of backstage signs. There were some cleaners that already had begun and some other people with ID-cards dangling from their necks walking around to check cables, but other than that, the stadium was empty and you couldn't exactly ask one of them where the artists were.
"I might have dropped them in the women's bathroom," you told the guard after a minute or two of fruitless conversation with the cleaners.
He nodded. "Let's check there."
Fortunately, you had visited the bathrooms before the concert began, which were next to a set of sturdy-looking, gray metal doors. You knew they were locked for Min-Ji had tried pulling at them to no avail. However, your last shot was to somehow find Jungkook on his way out of the stadium, and perhaps those doors were the way out of backstage. You knew that was a thought bordering on irrational, but your pride was still wounded and you thought you might as well give it a shot.
You didn't see Jungkook on the way and the doors were just as shut and probably locked as they were before. Disheartened, you entered the women's bathroom, casting one last look at the gray doors.
Someone was occupying one of the booths. You went to the sink to wash your hands, to have something to do while you were feeling gradually more embarrassed. Your keys burned in the chest pocket of your jacket, so at least that lie would have a happy ending.
Through the mirror, you spotted a short girl with a brown curly bob exiting the booth behind your sink. At first, you didn't understand why you felt like something was odd with her, but then you realized it.
And your stomach dropped to the floor.
It was Park Yi-Jae, idol and the leader of one of the hottest female girl groups at the moment. Pretty as the moon with a voice like silk and a bright, optimistic personality and a smile that could melt iron. Everyone had heard of her. She was gaining popularity faster than Suzy had thanks to the drama "Of Smoke and Mirrors" and you knew she was becoming a major "It"-icon in China.
Not only was Park Yi-Jae in the bathroom in a stadium where BTS just had performed. She was wearing Jungkook's jacket - and no, not the one he had donned on stage, but the one private he had worn during your family's joint celebration of the Chinese New Year almost a month ago. And the most telling of them all, she was wearing the necklace you had bought him for his graduation.
That son of a bitch was cheating on you.
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You Got The Rhythm (M) | Taemin
Tumblr media
Author: @julietsoddeye AU: Canon Genre: Smut Pairing: Lee Taemin x Reader Trigger Warning: some swearing, club setting with people showing public displays of affection Word Count: 1,809
Plot: You are forced by your best friend to go to a party and now you are hiding in the restroom while she is making out with a stranger. You are ready to leave the club without her but suddenly you hear a well known melody. 'Move' is playing in the background and you start thinking that maybe you could go dance for a couple of minutes and then go away.
A/N: I was inspired by an imagine I read from a comment in a Taemin MOVE edit on Youtube.
—  —  —  —  —
“I swear to God, Jiyoo, I am going to kill Ha-Eun.”
You hear your best friend, Jiyoo, chuckle over the phone followed by a string of nonstop coughing and sniffling.
If she wasn’t as sick as she is, you wouldn’t be here right now. You wouldn’t be cooped up in a small cubicle of the club’s restroom. Thankfully the restroom was kept clean since you are in a much fancier place than they usually frequent to.
“That’s if you can pull her away from the guy…”
Jiyoo laughs and let out another orchestra of coughing through the phone. You’re thankful you’re not with her right now, inhaling all the germs she’s blowing out. Remind her to clean her handphone every day as to not spread out some more virus.
“Do not fucking remind me, I swear I will really kill her. She said she won’t leave my side. Guess what, not even an hour later and she’s already eating a stranger’s face.”
You made gagging sounds that made Jiyoo chuckle again, more cautiously this time, as to not trigger her itchy throat.
“You both owe me a month supply of french vanilla latte and strawberry shortcake!”
If Jiyoo wasn’t sick, you would be in the comforts of your tiny apartment right now, sipping wine while reading your latest favorite book. Since Ha-Eun and Jiyoo bought the tickets to this exclusive club months prior (because the place is, after all, exclusive and always booked and you’d die of waiting first outside of the club before you get in), they didn’t foresee that one of them will suddenly get sick.
And if you didn’t owe Ha-Eun your life, for saving your ass from failing to submit your essay last week, you wouldn’t be hiding out in the restroom either. With your best friends knowing you’d rather stay inside and enjoy the company of your pet cat, they did not only used that fact against you, they also threatened they will tell on you to your Professor.
Of course, you know they will never rat on you like that, but the fact that those snitches did the blackmailing while you were smashed drunk last night, you didn’t even know what you were doing. And they have the audacity to take a video proof that you agreed to come with Ha-Eun in Jiyoo’s place. Assholes.
Jiyoo finally said goodbye with an excuse of being loopy because of the cough medication she took, with a grumpy but sad face permanently plastered on your face, you agreed to end the call and decided to just play on your phone.
Twenty minutes in with you playing mobile games, you realize you can leave the club any damn time you want, with Ha-Eun exchanging mouth germs with a stranger, no one was to stop you from going. So you exit the stall and an already bashed girl coming straight to it even though there are seven more empty cubicles to empty her stomach in, you took on a last look in the mirror. Checking just to see if you still look like a decent human being.
Satisfied with your look, you were about to exit the restroom when the familiar voice from your favorite song suddenly played and the crowd went crazy when the throbbing of bass is gradually growing until the beat of the chorus blasted!
You whisper loudly to yourself as your body involuntarily move you into the middle of the horde of sweaty bodies of attractive people. You couldn’t help but groove into the rhythm, your body swaying along to the beat, your hands touching yourself all over as you feel the vibrations of the booming speakers all around you.
You could dance for a little bit and leave once the high is gone.
Girls and Boys around you start grinding on you as if they were getting affected by your dancing. One girl even put her hands on your hips and you let her touch you for a bit until a man, her boyfriend you hope, snatched her away and proceeded to make out with her, clearly affected by the sexy ambiance the music is giving off. The girl then dry hump her boyfriend to the tune of the song.
You laugh silently, still dancing and feeling yourself. Cannot be stopped by anything because of the vibe of the song. This is your favorite song and this is a club, you don’t care about anything right now.
You felt another person touch your back and you let them do whatever they were doing not giving a damn because, God fucking damn it, this song is driving you insane. It was one thing listening to the song with your headset secure in your ears, but it’s totally different in this current setting.
Slowly, you can feel the stranger on your back grip your waist and you just leisurely lean on to his touch. Grinding your ass on the stranger’s crotch, his warm chest and torso plush against your back.
You can tell he’s a man because his touch wasn’t delicate and his chest flat but strong on your back.
“God, you’re so good.”
You were suddenly jolted from your dancing high when you felt his growl on your neck, his breathing making your skin crawl in the best way possible. You know that voice, you can’t mistake that voice anywhere.
You twist your head and torso and come face to face with…
SHINee’s Taemin!
Lee Taemin, the same man who sang the song you’re both currently dancing to.
His hands are still tight around your hips, almost grabbing your ass now, with your mouth slacked and jaw on the floor. Taemin cackled as he snakes one of his hands up to push your mouth close in a gentle manner.
He flashes you a smile before speaking again.
“Wanna get out of here?”
Taemin’s eyes scan your whole face as you vigorously shake your head yes. The smile on his face hasn’t left when he suddenly grips your hand and literally tugs you out of the crowd into the back door of the club.
Nobody seems to pay no attention to the both of you, even though Taemin is a very famous member of an idol group. Probably the people around you are important people of the society as well and nobody gives a fuck who you are in here.
A black van is waiting outside the club and Taemin briskly yanks you inside of it.
—  —  —  —  —
You aren’t even drunk, in fact, you haven’t touched a single alcohol tonight. Yet you were having a hard time finding your stupid key inside your purse. Your purse wasn’t even that big too, but because Taemin was so impatient and already consuming your lips with his, you can’t even do the simple job of palming the damn key or even just the keychain attached to it.
You successfully push his name out of your mouth, before he found your lips again. He hums a response as his hold on the back of your head tightens so he can taste and have all of you. Finally, after a while, you manage to push him off, his face scrunching in confusion.
“What’s wrong?”
He whines and you giggle at how adorable he looks. He may be older than you, but he looks so cute when he does that. A thing he does sometimes on television shows you watch of him.
“Let me grab my keys first, or do you want to do it here outside the hall?”
Taemin bit his lips and lets go of you while looking around your empty apartment hallway. Nobody was outside by now because it was already 1 AM on a Saturday night.
You finally found your keys and the moment you pull your door open, Taemin then pushes you inside and closes the door with his foot. Without wasting any more time, he grabs your face again and crashes his insatiable lips to yours.
You can feel his want for you bulging on his black skinny jeans, rubbing on your belly as he pushes you on the wall of shoe cabinets, hitting your head slightly on the wooden material behind you.
Taemin cursed when you suddenly grip his hair, pulling him back, his lower lip in between your own lips, releasing him with a pop. His mouth found your neck when you let go and starts sucking painful yet pleasurable sloppy open-mouthed kisses.
Your hold on his soft hair tightens when he swiftly grab your clothed pussy under your skirt. His hand pushes your underwear aside, his pointer and middle finger already sliding on your clit conveniently with how slick you already are because of him.
“Shit, you’re so wet.”
Your breath hitched, squeaking out a tiny yelp when he dips his fingers inside of you without caution.
You couldn’t finish saying his name with him fucking his fingers into you. He bit on your earlobe as you hook one of your legs on his thigh so you can be closer to him as much as possible, his hand in between the two of you.
Taemin abruptly pulls his hand away, shoving his fingers inside his mouth for a taste. The skin on your cheeks tingle and you feel it flush with his action.
“Where is your bedroom?”
Taemin ignores your whining and how hard your death grip is on his hair still.
You pointed at the door directly across from the apartment entrance, Taemin pushes your leg off of him and kicks his shoes off with you doing the same. You threw your purse on the couch when he snatches your hand again to pull you with him.
He probably has a thing with pulling a woman’s hand with the number of times he did so with you tonight, you notice.
You bit your lower lip when he pushes your door open, switching the lights on and you were met with a reasonable amount of SHINee and Taemin albums on your small bookshelf. You thank yourself and the Lord above you because you didn’t put up all the posters that came with the albums or you would embarrass yourself more. You hear him chuckle under his breath before speaking.
“You like me that much?”
Taemin faces you with a shit-eating smirk on his lips and you so wanted to smack his mouth if he wasn’t so fucking attractive.
“Shut up and just fuck me already!”
His smug grew into a gluttonous, borderline ravenous grin.
“Alright, as you wish.”
Aikie Masterlist | Michiko Masterlist | FIC RECS | FIC REC SIDEBLOG
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demenior · 7 years
End of the Year Fic Review
List of Fics Posted:
Castle of Glass (17823 words) [Gen, non-main character relationships]
Royally Screwed (44222 words) [NSFW, Shiro/Prince Rahjim]
Killer Queen (8994 words) [NSFW, Allura/Shiro/Coran]
Paint a Smile on and Colour Me In (13865 words) [NSFW, Shiro/Prince Rahjim]
The Dog Days (Have Just Begun) (14995 words) [Gen, Shiro/Ulaz]
In Need (2629 words) [NSFW, Shiro/Ulaz]
In Loving Memory (1680 words) [Gen, Shiro/Ulaz]
Endlessly (10128 words) [Gen, Shiro/Ulaz]
A Crisis in Your Eyes (6401 words) [Gen, Shiro/Ulaz]
I'll Find You (11583 words) [Gen, no pairings]
New Born (7084 words) [Gen, no pairings]
Lay To Waste (41303 words) [Gen, no pairings]
Keep Them Galra Rollin (Rawhide) (1377 words) [Gen, no pairings]
Dirty Talk (4596 words) [NSFW, Shiro/Prince Rahjim]
as the lion loves the lamb (3986 words) [Gen, no pairings]
Satisfied (6350 words) [NSFW, Shiro/Ulaz]
Sunset in Reverse (41544 words) [Gen, no pairings]
My Body's Got You Pleading (49007 words) [NSFW, Shiro/Ulaz, Shiro/the entire BoM]
Total number: 18 Total word count: 287567
Ship/character breakdown: Ship breakdown:
Uliro - 7 Fics Shiro/OC - 4 Fics No Ship - 7 Fics Rahjiro - 4 Fics (I’m counting KQ)
Gen vs NSFW Breakdown (for my own curiosity):
Gen - 11 fics NSFW - 7 fics
While I wrote a huge amount of NSFW this year... general/not NSFW won out!
Characters that had the main focus:
is this really a question we need to ask
Best/worst title? Best title:  Lay to Waste or Sunset in Reverse.  L2W is from the Linkin Park song ‘In Pieces’. 
‘there’s truth in your lies / doubt in your faith / what you build you lay to waste’ 
and it’s just such a haunting, mournful and foreboding sentence that it gives me chills. It’s powerful and I love it. Plus, paired with the tagline that was added to Shiro’s character profile (’when you have skeletons in your closet, you hope they stay dead’) it fits the theme of the story, in that everything Shiro knows and believes about himself is beginning to crumble as his past catches up to him. SiR does exactly what the fic intends to do: take something dark and turn it around. It evokes hope. The title is the same as the song by Crash Parallel (a super unknown Canadian band), though the song and the fic aren’t quite thematically similar.
(Special shoutout to Royally Screwed because I was having the time of my life and it’s hilarious)
Worst title:  In Loving Memory or Dirty Talk. They’re boring.
Best/worst first line?
I’m not a big believer in ‘Incredible First Lines’ as I believe you should always start as close to the action as possible, so a lot of my beginnings feel abrupt. That being said, there’s this gem that no one noticed the HUGE joke.
Lay to Waste:  
Hidden away in the recesses of the Kaskada System, deep in the thick jungles of an unoccupied moon, is a glimmer of hope.
[Kaskada...... as in.... Cascada.... as in.... every time we touch]
Best/worst last line?
I’m a firm believer in wham lines to end stories, so I have a lot that were good contenders, but as the lion loves the lamb takes the cake:
The Black Lion calls at his heels, I love you.
Keith wonders how long it will be until it loves him enough to consume him.
I love you for being mine.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? Holy shit I’ve never written this much in my LIFE.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? Voltron. Uliro didn’t exist until this year, really. Not to mention the whole Shiro/OC thing. I’ve always purposefully avoided OC’s, and then I went and hooked them up with the main character!! For 100k!!!!!!!! What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Lay to Waste is me finally continuing the Switch the Beat series, which is my favorite concept I’ve ever created for fandom. I got to expand the world of the series, I got to work with an AMAZING artist (shoutout to @gitwrecked ) and I got to set the series in motion. Lots of scenes in L2W are scenes I’ve been dreaming about writing for months leading up to actually putting them to paper.
as the lion loves the lamb was a WILD ride in playing with a completely different style. I like everything linear, sufficiently explained (almost to the point of beating the dead horse) and as the lion is the exact opposite of that. While most of my ‘horror’ writing is blatant, this fic was an experiment in creating a mood, and I think I did really well by that.
Okay, NOW your most popular story. By kudos: Royally Screwed By comments: My Body’s Got You Pleading Story most underappreciated by the universe? Crisis in Your Eyes for the content- the whole idea of Shiro realizing Ulaz is someone morally repulsive to him, but still being in love with him??? Ahhh, i love it.
or, Endlessly. It’s my only fic outside of the Switch series that features my Galra redesign, and so it’s really grossly self-indulgent. But the redesign is close to my heart, and I think it adds a really interesting angle to Shiro and Ulaz’s relationship to be such starkly different species.  Story that could have been better? New Born. I hammered it out so fast I barely thought, but I think I could have made things a little tighter to be more ambiguous for [the surviving] Shiro AND the reader. Sexiest story? it’s a toss-up between Royally Screwed and My Body’s Got You Pleading. 40k of Shiro getting wrecked by 1 alien with 4 arms, or 40k of Shiro getting wrecked by 15 different Galra?? It’s up to you. Saddest story? I think a lot of my fics are inherently tragic, even if they’re not sad sad. One tearjerker is In Loving Memory, so there’s that. 
I think New Born or A Crisis in Your Eyes are HUGE tragedies on the big scale. One is about a person losing all sense of their place in the world, the other is about being in love with someone you can’t accept, and the story leaves right as Shiro’s entering that moral debate with himself.
Sunset in Reverse isn’t finished yet, but it’s SUPER sad if only because we’re seeing the outcome of a Shiro who wasn’t saved and instead had to endure years of torture and pain. I think it’s empathetic-ly sad, because we feel sad based on how Shiro in this story cannot react to anything in a healthy, ‘normal’ kind of way, and we hurt just imagining how he got that way.
Most fun? ROYALLY SCREWED. Rahjim is such a delight, and the response and feedback were so much fun!!! I’ve never enjoyed writing a fic so much in my LIFE.
To be fair My Body is also a really fun story. Story with single sweetest moment? oh my gooodddd, um, there’s A Lot.
Royally Screwed - The intimate emotional moments between Rahjim and Shiro kill me. Especially at the end, the morning after, when they’re walking around holding hands and enjoying being physically close because it’s contrasted sharply with how just a few hours ago they were complete strangers. That moment when Shiro says ‘i love you’ back to Rahjim :’)
My Body’s Got You Pleading - Ulaz’s Proposal at the end of the fic.
Sunset in Reverse - Chapter 1 where Champion discovers his soft blanket and cries over seeing stars again. It’s kind of bittersweet because he was abused so long that this sort of thing brings him to tears, but he’s just so happily overwhelmed by how soft the blanket is that it’s an image that stays with me.
Dog Days (Have Just Begun) - This exchange:
“Khazav, then,” Ulaz says.
Shiro mumbles the name. It sounds nice.
“Is that a boy or girl name?” he asks, keeping his eyes closed.
“Why do humans gender everything?” Ulaz responds, and Shiro shrugs weakly.
“It’s neither,” Ulaz offers, after a moment.
“Then it’s a girl's name,” Shiro decides, and he’s practically asleep so he’s beyond incoherent when he mumbles, “looks like we have a baby girl.”
Hardest story to write? as the lion, is only because it was different. but it came out pretty smoothly. i keep hitting motivation blocks for Killer Queen. Sunset in Reverse is one I find difficult to write, only because it requires so many rewrites and edits to make sure each chapter is up to standard.
Easiest/most fun story to write? Royally Screwed. It flowed out of me. Rahjim and Shiro’s journey was a delight to the point it almost felt obsessive. I just loved having the two of them joking around, laughing and then feeling good too. It was absolute indulgence for me and I just wrote exactly what I wanted Shiro to go through in order to eventually open up and trust someone, and I got to have fun creating a guy like Rahjim who could encourage that openness in Shiro.
[My Body was fun for similar reasons. I love Shiro sleeping w Lorge Aliens, so it was all pure self indulgence]
Lay to Waste was incredibly easy too, as I had 80% of the fic outlined and written in my head by the time I started writing. L2W was written in just under 2 weeks. 
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters? A Crisis In Your Eyes was really fun to explore Ulaz as a character.
I’ll Find You was the first time I’ve really gotten into Pidge’s head, which was an experience after spending so long writing Shiro. 
Most overdue story? Killer Queen.... it’s a smut story and they haven’t even had sex yet.....
Also Paint a Smile On, as it’s a prompt fic from when I hit 700. I’ve only filled one.... and I’m so embarrassed... 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I started writing NSFW fics this year!!! As in, nsfw for sex. As a reader, I’ve always enjoyed my smut fics, but never thought I’d write them cause I thought I had nothing to add to the collection of smut fics. Apparently I was wrong, haha.
Not to mention I wrote several OC-heavy stories this year. I came into fandom during the Mary Sue Witch Hunts, and defs internalized that main-character-OC’s Are Bad, and that you NEVER, EVER pair an OC w a main character. I broke both of those rules this year, and I’ve never had such amazing responses!
Rahjim is by and above a breakout character for my writing. He has fans, fanart, and may possibly start showing up in fics that I myself am not writing!!!
Stylistically: like I said before, as the lion loves the lamb was a big style experiment. Sunset in Reverse is also very different because it’s very much NOT action focused, as most of my stories are. It’s what’s happening after the action.
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
Less 50k monsters. More short fics. Catch up on all the prompts I said I’d do.
Overall I’d be happy writing the same amount, but I want to clip through my stories faster. I feel like I drag out a lot of my ideas, which is how I plan a 5k story and end up with 50k. I’m still working on finding the happy medium so I can tell all the stories I want to tell, with less strain on me. Half of my fics this year were over 10k, which has resulted in a LOT of wips on the go. I don’t like that.
I’ve got a few deadline events right off the bat at the end of february, and then I want to get another Switch series story out. Or maybe 2. 
@queenvallkyrie @krakendra @sassafrassrex uuuhhhhhh any other fic writers out there who wanna do this!!!!
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keywestlou · 4 years
The last few days Trump has increased his attacks. On anyone and everyone. He realizes the end is near. The likelihood is he will be defeated.
The last 24 hours an example.
Donald has a new line in his rallies: American has to be made “great again, all over again.”
He fails to realize there was nothing seriously wrong when he first took office. He just had bullshitted the people into thinking so. His efforts to make America great again failed. Four years of failures. Coronavirus contributed. However had Trump dealt with the pandemic properly and timely, it would not have become the scourge it is.
The tax records the New York Times came up with are revealing. Bits and pieces coming to the public’s attention.
The tax records show one of Trump’s businesses International Hotel Management maintains a Chinese bank account. He had pursued expansive business projects in China.
The tax records also show the corporation paid $188,561 in taxes to China from 2013-2015.
In 2016, Trump was required to show international business interests in a disclosure form to the U.S. government. He failed to do so. No mention of his Chinese business activities nor the tax dollars he paid China.
Giuliani was once considered a great public servant. Much respected. Referred to as The World’s Mayor.
No more. Today he is one of Trump’s stooges. He frequently travels to Europe and other places in search of anti-Biden information that would be helpful to Trump defeating Biden in the election.
Don’t you find it amazing that it is always Giuliani that discovers interesting things adverse of Biden.
The Ukraine turned out to be a bust.
The Ukraine and the most recent expose appear to be Russian disinformation. Giuliani is gullible. As is Trump. Both fall into Putin’s disinformation schemes.
Recently, Giuliani has once again come up with Hunter taking a bribe and giving half the money to his father. At a time when Biden was Vice-President. It has been investigated by several agencies. All came up with nothing. A phony.
The story has been expanded in the past 48 hours.
Giuliani came up with what he claims is Hunter’s laptop. I think it is the information on the laptop that constitutes  the “corrupt” cry by Trump. The situation where Trump now insists Barr appoint a special prosecutor. And get it done before the election!
The drama involves “sexual depravity.” There is allegedly a photo on the laptop showing Hunter, his Dad and a 14 year old girl. A normal photo. Nothing sexual about it. It can be found on the internet.
However, Giuliani claims there are also numerous pictures of underage girls on the laptop.
Sex/pedophilia appear to be the cry. The item must be investigated. If such were said of Trump or Giuliani, who knows what actually might be discovered based on their past histories.
Giuliani took the laptop to the Delaware State Police this week and insisted they should investigate. Nothing heard from them yet. It seems no one wants to pursue the matter.
What is strange about this story is that there is little said in the media about it. I came across the story accidentally this morning.
Trump went after Barr yesterday. Trump bellowed on TV that he wants Barr to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate. Investigate what? The “corruption.” Related to the laptop. Trump failed to speak as to what exactly was involved.
Apparently other agencies have refused to deal with such an investigation, also.
Trump is desperate. The election is only 13-14 days away. He yells “appoint somebody.” He also says, “This is major corruption, and has to be known about before the election.”
As to Barr once again, Trump claims “Bill Barr is going to go down as either the greatest Attorney General in the history of the country, or he’s going to go down as…..a very sad situation.”
Barr has cut many corners as Attorney General. He has supported Trump improperly in all kinds of crazy schemes. His reputation and perhaps freedom may be on the line. He could possibly be subject to indictment for some misdeed should Trump lose.
I suspect the laptop story is too hot to handle even for Barr. He may be trying to redeem himself should Trump lose.
Will Trump lose? Can Trump lose? New York Times Opinion writer Ross Douthat in a piece published yesterday titled “Trump Is Giving Up,” wrote: “If he (Trump) does win his victory will have to be attributed to ‘the working of divine providence.”‘
Douthat also wrote, “We are watching an incumbent doing everything in his power to run up his own margin of defeat.”
Obama speaks tonight!
Whatever your political persuasion, please listen. He is not the phony Trump has been.
Obama is speaking in Philadelphia in a drive in scenario. The word is his talk will be directly to black voters. Black men specifically. The theme Your Vote Counts.
Political strategists claim Trump cannot win without Pennsylvania.  The race is presently close.
I suffered a strange experience last night.
My blog talk radio show was ready to go. It was 8 o’clock. The show at 9. I had a whole hour to kill.
I sat down in a comfortable chair and decided to watch TV for an hour.
I fell asleep.
I woke and Rachel Maddow was on. My sleep must have been heavy. I was not connecting. Looked at the clock. 9:06. Suddenly I realized my show! It was to have started at 9.
I rushed to my office. Started pressing the necessary numbers to hook up with my platform. I was still groggy. Took me 4 tries before I got it right.
It was now 9:10. I thought of not even doing the show. However I decided to give it a shot since most of those listening do it on the archived edition where it would not matter as much if I was 10 minutes late.
Between the rushing and still being groggy, my performance was not the best for the first few minutes. I explained I had fallen asleep, please excuse me, etc. I finally straightened out.
A terrible experience.
Enjoy your day!
  DISGUSTING POLITICAL FODDER was originally published on Key West Lou
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