#edit: added alt text to all of the images whoops
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miodiodavinci · 9 months ago
hey! just getting started using aviutl and i know you use it too, how did you do that like trembling effect on the art and text in your one of repetition pv?
that's my homemade line boiling effect ! ! ! it's a bit of work to set up, but once you make all the resources and get the hang of using the tools, it gets easier to use w
brief tutorial below the cut ! ! !
so the long and short of this effect is that you'll need a "noise" file at a low frame rate (ala 5 to 8 FPS) and aviutl's displacement map tool. before we can work in the project you actually plan on using the effect, though, we need to make a new project to make the noise file
1. create a new project file in aivutl, but change the frame rate to 10 FPS or below. 5 to 8 usually works for me w. for folks reading who have never used aviutl before, you'll need to right click on the timeline and select Create a New Project from the context menu that pops up.
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2. right click on the timeline again and select New media object > Graphic. over in the properties window that pops up, you're going to change the type of graphic from Circle to Background. set the Zoom% (scale) to 300 or so (i neglected to do that here before taking the screenshot whoops).
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3. on the same window, right click and select Add a filter effect > Noise. it'll create a texture on the graphic that'll look something like this:
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4. from there, you're also going to add Color compensation and Animation effect using the same right click method.
5. go ahead and change the settings to something along these lines (but you can play around with it for more or less drastic effects):
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6. congrats!! you have your noise pretty much done ! ! ! just set the length of the graphic to be about 30 seconds to 1 minute, right click on the timeline and select Range setting > Make last object position as last frame, and then export it in your preferred format (i tend to use MP4 to save space).
1. return now to the project file you plan on using the line boil effect on. in the upper left-hand corner of the timeline, click on the button that says Root and select any scene you like (so long as you can remember which one). scenes essentially function as sub-projects or sub-timelines within your project and can allow you to pre-compose videos to be used elsewhere in your project.
2. in the new scene, import your noise file from the previous project. place it at the start of your timeline and check off the Loop playback box in the properties window. then, just grab the rightmost end of the video file and extend it for the full length of your project. if you find later that the FPS you used is too slow for your liking, you can also adjust the vPlay slider to speed up or slow down the video.
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3. head back to the Root (or whichever scene you were composing your video on in the first place). you're going to go to the text or image file you want to apply the effect to and add the Displacement map effect using the same method as before. on the properties window, change the Kind of map from Circle to (Select from scene).
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4. remember the scene you used before? click on the new selection button that appears in place of Kind of map and select that scene. also check the box at the bottom that says Match with original size.
5. now it's time to play with the settings ! ! ! Deform X and Deform Y are going to determine how drastic the effect is, and Blur will change how closely the distortion follows the original file. keep in mind that these first two parameters are very sensitive. for example:
if my original file looks like this:
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this is what it looks like with DX and DY set to 5 and blur set to 0:
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by contrast, when i set DX and DY to 5 but set the blur to 40:
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... it creates a much more gentle waving effect w
play around with it ! ! ! in this case, setting the DX and DY to 1 and the blur to 10 got me a pretty nice line boil, but you can experiment to see what works for you and your project w
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you can also overlay more than one noise in the same scene to increase the variety of noise ! ! ! just try things out and see what works for you ! ! !
you can also apply this effect to a frame buffer (under Add new media object) if you want to distort the whole screen and not just one or two objects w
and . . . . (leans in close) don't tell anyone i told you this, but you can use this exact same method and just swap out the noise file for any other kind of overlay to create other effects, like glitching computer graphics or old VCR tapes
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did i figure all this out through trial and error purely because i was so mad about not having access to the line boil effect i used to use in after effects?? yes. am i sharing it with you now so you can create your own analog horror effects in aviutl?? yes ! ! ! !
have fun with it ! ! ! ! and let me know if you have any questions ! ! ! !
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its-annanguyen · 6 years ago
Final Thoughts on Experience
As a Bachelor of Applied Science candidate, I am more focused on the interface design aspect, mainly dealing with web + mobile design & development. I enjoy creating digital arts with a combination of computer programming in HTML/CSS. My hope is to become a UI/UX developer at a high-tech company like Google, Amazon, or even Yelp. That is why I am thankful to have interned at One Wave Designs during the summer of 2018 from June 1st to August 31st as a Web Design & Development Intern.
Learning Experience
As a Yelp Elitist, I searched up the “Best Web Design Company” on Yelp, in which One Wave Designs popped up as the first search with a 5-star rating! I gave it a shot and emailed the President/CEO/Owner of the company, Paul. He responded back asking for my resume and portfolio where I finally got a response a month later that I got the internship position!
During my time as an intern, I was responsible for mainly 3 things: web design & development, layout concepts, and SEOs. I mainly worked on 8 projects in 10 weeks. I learned that SEOs (Search Engine Optimization) is very important in web development because websites with good SEOs will always appear at the top of the search list depending on keywords that you use. For instance, if I were to type “Hawaii Web Design” in Google Search, One Wave Designs will be the first to pop up under all the other Google ads search. I learned how to hyperlink emails (mailto:) and phone numbers (tel:), which are also important factors in SEOs. Hierarchy, or the way you order the sizes of the header and texts, also matters too. When you’re adding images or links, it’s good to add a title or alt texts to increase SEO keyword searches. Lastly, saving/uploading images that are 200K or less is great for websites because it loads a lot faster.
I learned how to use 2 types of content management system (CMS), DNN Software and WordPress. I am very familiar with WordPress, it was my first time hearing about DNN. Unfortunately, though, DNN is not used as often anymore and non-developers are shifting to easy CMS like WordPress.I really liked using DNN because of how much coding is involved, whereas WordPress is almost dragging-and-dropping... this is more ideal for non-coders.
I learned how to use an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software called FileZilla. This allows me to be flexible and customize a website through HTML/CSS coding. Basically, I can manipulate a style of the website by changing up the codes - which can only be done by FTPing and coding. It’s very confusing to explain and understand... I never heard anything like it before until I interned here! After taking web design & development course here at UHWO, I learned that it’s always a smart idea to make copies of the original files that I’ll be editing incase I mess up the codings. Don’t want to repeat that mistake again because there was a time where I had to reset the entire website and build it from scratch. :(
Layout concepts were the MOST STRESSFUL projects I had to do when I interned here. I honestly kind of dreaded it. Paul hated doing layout concepts too! Which explains why I always worked on them instead of him. These 4 software helped me a great deal when I had to make layout concepts/drafts for potential clients:
Google Fonts
Pantone Color Picker
WhatTheFont.com allowed me to upload a screenshot of a word so that it can identify the font types for me. Once it generates a few options of fonts, I’d download them (for free) using Google Fonts. Fonts that I find on Google Fonts are great for websites because it doesn’t have to be embedded. Another thing with the web is determining the color, so that’s why I always use the color picker on the Pantone website. Lastly, copyrights and permissions on images/videos/etc. are always questionable. That’s why I always look up stock photos on iStock since we have a subscription with them anyways. 
I feel like I’ve grown as a person over the years. I used to be so shy and quiet, never being the first person to speak or raise my hand. Through this internship among other things, I learned how to speak up and ask questions when I needed to. If this is an unpaid internship that I am devoting much of my time to, I EXPECT to learn quite a few things. It never hurts to ask questions because that’s how you learn -- this is my motto. I learned that I am not that great at criticisms or taking in constructive feedback. I want to learn how to be more patient because there were times I’d get super annoyed when my supervisors would tell me what to do when I’m already doing it or will do it. Also, seeing how much projects I’ve done in such a short time span, I discovered that I am a very quick self-learner. As Paul mentioned, every client will have different expectations when it comes to building their website, which is why he couldn’t help/guide me as much as he should’ve. But in a field like web design/development, everything to customizable and flexible, so there’s never just “one way” to work on every single project.
Sample Work
Here’s a GIF image I found that totally speaks to me when it comes to designing layout concepts: the struggle with making the sizes exact. I was able to learn what the difference is between changing an “image size” and a “canvas size” on Photoshop because of this!
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I wouldn’t mind working in a place similar to my internship~ I mean, I accepted a job position with One Wave Designs after finishing up my internship hours so that says something :D until this day (December) I am still with them. After 6 months, I learned a lot from working at a small yet successful company. There’s sooOoOoOoo much stress that comes with it. There were several times when Paul would dump a handful of projects on me despite my limited schedule and time constraint. I would lose my cool with him at times, and that’s where I reached my boiling point and told him I had enough. That’s when I discovered how much courage I had. Just a few days ago, I turned in a 30-day resignation letter to him, planning to resign by the end of this year since my last semester of college will be a stressful one yet. After Paul received my letter, he decided to give me a freelance position and allowed me to work whenever I can and work from home instead of in the office (lolol). This is what I’ve always wanted!
To conclude, it was a great experience interning here, but it was even better when I actually got paid. Sometimes I would question whether the amount of work I’m doing would even equate to how much I was getting paid by the hour. Ultimately, I was in it for the long run to build my experience and resume. I finally learned when/where to draw the line, which I should’ve done a lot sooner. 
In the end, I learned that it’s good to build relationships with others and never be afraid to ask questions. Since I showed a lot of dedication and commitment when working here, I was able to earn Paul’s trust and was able to get things my way most of the time. I take internship experience very seriously. I’m here to learn so I’m not afraid to ask questions when I need to.
Whoops, forgot to add my presentation slides here: CM 390 Presentation
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