#edible centerpiece
what-marsha-eats · 7 months
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webdiggerxxx · 5 months
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valkyriexo · 2 months
My Favorite Princess | Hyunjin
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ᑉ³pairing; Husband! Dad! Hyunjin x Reader
ᑉ³genre; Fluff
ᑉ³warnings; none
ᑉ³Authors Note; Hope you all enjoy :)
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As you prepare for your daughter, Areum's Cinderella-themed birthday party, the air is alive with anticipation. Your little princess has been dreaming of this day for weeks, and you're determined to make it a fairytale come true.
With Hyunjin by your side, you dive into the task of transforming your home and backyard into a magical kingdom straight out of a storybook. The party decor team bustles around, hanging shimmering streamers in shades of blue and silver, while fairy lights twinkle like stars in the night sky.
"Let's place the Cinderella carriage centerpiece right in the center of the table," you suggest, pointing to the elegant coach adorned with sparkling crystals. "And we can scatter glass slipper confetti around it for an extra touch of magic."
As you direct the placement of each decoration, you can't help but feel a surge of joy at the thought of your daughter's delight. This party is more than just a celebration—it's a chance to make her dreams come true.
"Mommy, Daddy, look at this!" your daughter exclaims, twirling in her blue tulle dress as she examines the decorations. She is dressed in a custom-made Cinderella gown. As for you and Hyunjin, you've opted for a more casual approach to your attire, both donning outfits in shades of blue to match the party's color scheme.
"It's like I'm really in Cinderella's castle!" she continues.
You smile at her enthusiasm, feeling a warmth spread through your heart. "It's all for you, sweetheart." 
Hyunjin crouches down to his daughter's level, his eyes sparkling with affection as he takes in her excitement. "You look absolutely beautiful, just like Cinderella herself," he says, his voice filled with warmth.
She giggles, twirling once more, the skirt billowing around her like a cloud of magic. "Thank you, Daddy!" she chirps, reaching out to take his hand. In her other hand, she clutches Jiniret, dressed like one of the mice from Cinderella. "I'm so happy!"
Your heart swells with love as you watch the tender moment between father and daughter. Despite the stress of last-minute preparations, seeing the joy on their faces makes it all worth it.
Hyunjin takes her hand gently, his touch reassuring as he leads her out towards the backyard. The sun casts a golden glow over the meticulously decorated space, where shimmering streamers in shades of blue and silver dance in the gentle breeze. A canopy draped with twinkling fairy lights adds a touch of enchantment to the scene, creating an atmosphere fit for a princess's celebration.
Meanwhile, you continue to oversee the placement of decorations, your attention focused on every intricate detail. Each corner of the backyard and house is adorned with magical touches. Banners depicting scenes from Cinderella's story flutter gently in the wind, adding to the whimsical ambiance.
As the party guests begin to arrive, your home fills with laughter and excitement. The air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked treats, from cupcakes adorned with edible glass slippers to sandwiches cut into pumpkin shapes. Tables are adorned with bowls of fruit arranged artfully to resemble a majestic castle.
Areum eagerly greets each newcomer with a radiant smile, her eyes scanning the crowd in anticipation, hoping to catch a glimpse of the "real-life Cinderella." She can hardly contain her joy as she awaits the arrival of the enchanting princess she's been dreaming of meeting.
"Daddy, Mommy, when is Cinderella coming?" she asks, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Hyunjin chuckles warmly, ruffling her hair affectionately. "She'll be here soon, sweetheart," he assures her.
Your phone suddenly buzzes with an incoming call. With a furrowed brow, you step away to answer the incoming call. You were eagerly awaiting the delivery of the cake, and were hoping it wasn't a last-minute hiccup.
"Be back soon," you murmur, offering a reassuring smile before stepping away. "Hello?" you answer.
On the other end of the line, you hear a hurried voice speaking, delivering the news you had feared. "I'm sorry to inform you that the princess performer has fallen ill and won't be able to make it to the party," the voice says, its tone apologetic.
Anxiety begins to creep up within you as you hang up the phone, your mind swirling with worry. How will you possibly break this devastating news to your daughter? And more pressing still, how will you salvage her dream birthday party now?
In the background, curiosity sparkles in your daughter's eyes as she turns to Hyunjin. "Daddy, what do you think Cinderella's like?" she asks, her voice filled with wonder.
Hyunjin grins down at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, I think she's probably very kind and brave, just like you," he replies, his voice soft and reassuring.
Your daughter beams at the comparison, her heart swelling with pride. "Do you think she has a prince, like in the story?" she asks, her excitement growing with each word.
Hyunjin's smile widens as he considers her question. "I think so," he says with a playful wink. "But let me ask you something, my little princess. What do you like the most about Cinderella?"
Your daughter's brow furrows in thought as she considers his question.
As she nods enthusiastically, she reaches out to squeeze Hyunjin's hand. "I love that Cinderella's prince always finds a way to be there for her when she needs him the most."
Hyunjin chuckles at her observation, his eyes shining with affection. "Ah, so you're a fan of the prince, then?" he teases, a playful grin tugging at his lips.
"He's like a hero," she declares, her eyes shining with admiration.
As your daughter's excitement fills the air, your thoughts race, scrambling for a solution to the sudden dilemma. It's already an hour into the party, and with the festivities in full swing, so finding a replacement princess performer seems virtually impossible.
Hyunjin's laughter breaks through your frantic thoughts, drawing your attention back to the present moment. His gaze flickers briefly to you, sensing something amiss. A subtle shift in your demeanor doesn't escape his notice, and a furrow creases his brow as he registers your troubled expression.
"Mommy, are you okay?" your daughter asks, her concern mirroring Hyunjin's.
You force a smile, attempting to reassure her. "I'm fine, sweetie," you say, your voice catching slightly. "Just... thinking about somethin-"
But before you can even finish the sentence, he's already spinning a new tale. "Oh my goodness, look who's here! Your best friend Ha-ri just arrived!" he exclaims, his voice filled with excitement.
"Really?" your daughter gasps, her eyes widening with anticipation.
Without another word, she darts off towards the entrance, her Cinderella gown billowing behind her as she races to see her friend.
As your daughter bounds off to greet the guests, Hyunjin's playful demeanor fades, replaced by genuine concern. He stands beside you, his hand gently squeezing yours as he senses your distress.
"Is everything alright?" he asks softly, his eyes searching yours for any hint of what has occured.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "The princess performer... she's unable to make it," you explain, your voice tinged with disappointment. "I don't know how to tell our daughter."
Panic continues to bubble within you, your mind racing with thoughts of your daughter's shattered expectations. She had been so excited for Cinderella to be there, and now you're at a loss for how to break the news to her.
"She's going to be devastated," you murmur, your voice catching with emotion. "All she wanted was Cinderella... she didn't even ask for presents."
Hyunjin's expression softens as he listens to your words, his heart aching for both you and Areum. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close in a comforting embrace.
"I don't know what to do, Hyunjin," you admit, your voice trembling with worry. "How do we make this up to her?"
Hyunjin's arms tighten around you, his touch a comforting anchor in the storm of your emotions. "Shh, love, we'll figure it out," he murmurs, his voice gentle and soothing. "We'll make her birthday unforgettable, even without Cinderella."
Your words hang heavy in the air, the weight of disappointment pressing down on both of you. "But we'll never live it down if it doesn't happen," you whisper, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
Hyunjin's touch is tender as he brushes away a stray tear. "Don't worry about that," he says softly, his voice filled with determination. "You worry about greeting the guests and looking pretty. I'll take care of it, okay?"
His words wrap around you like a warm blanket, offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness of your despair. With a shaky nod, you lean into his embrace, finding solace in the strength of his arms.
"Okay," you whisper, your voice barely above a breath. "Okay."
As Hyunjin presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. With a shaky exhale, you reluctantly release yourself from his embrace, returning your focus to the tasks at hand.
As you make your way to the backyard to check on the guests, Hyunjin disappears into the depths of the house, determined to salvage the birthday celebration. Amidst the hustle and bustle of serving guests and attending to last-minute details, you lose track of time.
An hour passes in a blur, and as you glance around , you realize that Hyunjin is still nowhere to be found. A sense of worry hits you.
Where could he be?
Before you can dwell on your concerns any further, your daughter's voice interrupts your thoughts. She stands before you, eyes wide with anticipation, hope evident in her voice.
"Mommy, is the princess coming soon?" she asks eagerly.
You search for the right words to soothe her, but the truth catches in your throat.
"I... I'm not sure, sweetheart," you reply, your voice faltering. "But let's focus on enjoying the party, okay?"
As your daughter's questions become more persistent and her restlessness grows, you feel the weight of your uncertainty bearing down on you. Each inquiry chips away at you, until you're on the brink of revealing the truth to her.
But just as you open your mouth to speak, the sound of hoofbeats and the creak of carriage wheels cut through the air, stopping you in your tracks. 
Your daughter's eyes widen in wonder as she turns to you, a spark of hope dancing in her gaze. "Mommy, do you hear that?" she asks, her voice tinged with excitement.
Before you can respond, the source of the sound emerges from around the bend, and there, coming into view, is a magnificent horse-drawn carriage led by a majestic steed.
Your heart skips a beat as you recognize the unmistakable look of a horse-drawn carriage. At the reins is Minho, dressed in regal attire from head to toe. And in the carriage, dressed in shimmering all-white attire, is Hyunjin, a dazzling smile gracing his features.
As the carriage comes to a stop before you, your daughter's face lights up with sheer delight. "I get to have my own carriage!" she exclaims, her voice filled with joy.
Hyunjin chuckles warmly, stepping down from the carriage and sweeping your daughter into his arms. "Of course, my dear," he says, his tone tender. "Why bring Cinderella when you are already a princess? My favorite princess, at that."
Your daughter beams at the compliment, her cheeks flushing with happiness. "And every princess needs her prince, right?" she says, her eyes shining with adoration.
But the surprises don't end there. Coming out of the the carriage is Chan, dressed in an elaborate costume that can only be described as the Fairy Godmother.
Chan, with an exasperated sigh, straightens his posture and adopts a stern expression. He clears his throat.
"Hello, I am Chanita, your Fairy Godmother," he announces in a deadpan tone, clearly not thrilled about his role. You watch as Minho snickers in amusement.
But before he can continue, Hyunjin elbows him so hard that Chan's tone changes abruptly, now filled with excitement. "And I'm here to grant all your birthday wishes!" he exclaims, his voice filled with enthusiasm.
As Chan waves his wand theatrically, a burst of glitter fills the air, and your daughter's laughter fills the space around you. "Fairy Godmother!" she cries with glee, running towards Chan.
Your daughter giggles with delight as Chan scoops her up in his arms, placing her gently inside the carriage. She squeals with excitement as he lifts her, her laughter echoing through the air as she settles into the plush seat.
Meanwhile, Hyunjin descends from the carriage and comes to your side, a grin playing on his lips.
"How did this happen?" you ask incredulously, shaking your head in disbelief.
Hyunjin chuckles, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "I may have called in a few favors," he admits, his tone teasing. "You know, just to make our little princess's birthday extra special."
You raise an eyebrow, unable to resist pressing for more details. "And how on earth did you convince Chan to be the Fairy Godmother?" you inquire, still trying to wrap your head around the unexpected turn of events.
A grin spreads across Hyunjin's face as he leans in to whisper in your ear. "Well, let's just say Changbin wasn't available, and Chan and Minho both lost a bet and owed me a favor," he confesses, his voice laced with amusement.
As your daughter's joyful laughter fills the air, she calls out to Hyunjin, her voice echoing with excitement. "Daddy, come ride with me!" she exclaims, her eyes alight with anticipation.
Hyunjin's eyes sparkle with amusement as he glances at you, a silent question in his gaze. With a nod and a smile, you encourage him to indulge your daughter's request.
As Hyunjin climbs into the carriage, he keeps his gaze fixed on you, his eyes filled with so much love it's palpable. A smile blooms on your lips, and the warmth in your eyes doesn't go unnoticed by your daughter.
"You really love mommy, don't you?" she observes, her voice filled with curiosity.
Hyunjin's smile widens as he turns his attention to his daughter, his heart overflowing with affection. "Yes, sweetheart," he confirms, his voice tender. "Your mommy is my favorite princess."
Your daughter's eyes light up with understanding, and she snuggles closer to him, her small hand finding his. "That's why you're always going to be my favorite prince."
"Why?" Hyunjin asks, his gaze softening with affection as he looks at his daughter, waiting for her answer.
"Because you love mommy more than anyone else," she continues, her gaze unwavering. "And I want to be just like you, loving someone so much it makes magic happen."
Hyunjin's heart swells with pride as he listens to his daughter's heartfelt words. "That's right," he murmurs, his voice filled with tenderness. "Your mommy is the most special person in the world to me."
He intertwines his fingers with hers, holding her hand gently as he speaks. "And you, my dear, are the most precious princess," he continues, his eyes shimmering with love.
With a shared smile, they set off on their enchanting carriage ride, the gentle clip-clop of the horse's hooves accompanying their journey.
As the wind tousles their hair and the golden sunlight bathes them in its warm glow, Hyunjin leans in to whisper in her ear. "Happy birthday my sweet girl," he says softly, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand promises. "I love you."
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breelandwalker · 2 months
Flower Moon - May 22-23, 2024
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Ready your gathering baskets and your best shoes for traipsing, witches - it’s time to greet the Flower Moon!
Flower Moon
The Flower Moon gives us the fulfillment of the first flush of the Pink Moon, with fragrant blossoms greeting us at every turn and heralding the merry month of May. The floral name for this particular cycle is shared by a number of indigenous nations, include the Algonquin, Anishnaabe, and Dakota. Other names include Budding Moon and Frog Moon (Cree), Planting Moon (Dakota and Lakota), and the Moon of Mulberry (Choctaw).
European names for this moon include Milk Moon (Anglo-Saxon) and Hare Moon (Celtic, allegedly). Some modern pagan circles also call it the Grass Moon as well, since the flourishing of grasslands is more common in some areas than the appearance of flowers.
This full moon peaks during daylight hours in the Western Hemisphere (around 9:53am EDT), so the moon may appear to be full on both the nights of the 22nd and 23rd.
What Does It Mean For Witches?
As we pass the spring rites and move toward the summer season, it’s the perfect time to celebrate your growth and the ways in which you want to flourish. This is the season for romance and love, and not just that which comes when we put on flower crowns and go a-Maying. This is a time to love ourselves as much as each other, to celebrate our bonds, and to be reminded of our own beauty and strength. Remember the things you love about yourself and consciously take a moment to remind your loved ones how much you care for them.
It is also a time to celebrate fertility, be it animal, vegetable, mineral, or spiritual. Put new plans into action, start that project you’ve been meaning to do, embark on that new hobby or activity you wanted to try. If you have a long-term goal or a big project, now is the time to outline your path to completion and plan how to direct your energy so you don’t burn out halfway through. Don’t hold back - break through the walls of imposter syndrome and anxiety, indulge in your creative urges, and let your inspiration soar. What you choose to plant and nurture now determines what you will harvest later in the year. And above all, remember to have FUN!
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
If you’ve been feeling the urge to do some flower-related magic, now is the perfect time! Familiarize yourself with the wildflowers in your area and if possible, maybe grab your basket and scissors and go on a foraging trip. Remember to properly identify flowers before picking them, don’t overharvest, and don’t take anything from private property without permission or from national parks full stop. You can press the flowers with a notebook and something flat and heavy, or you can dry them in hanging bunches, in a cardboard tray, or in a low-temp oven for later use.
This is also a good opportunity to get your hands in the dirt and connect with the land where you live. If there are plants in your care, take a little time to do some pruning and watering. Check them for spring pests and treat where needed. Give them some love - talk to them, sing to them, encourage them to grow tall and strong and abundant. Bless them as you tend their plots and reaffirm your commitment to be a good caretaker.
As an exercise, try making flower crowns, garlands, bouquets, wreaths, or centerpieces using plant correspondences, flower language, or color magic for a desired effect. This can be done with real flowers or silk ones, depending on how long you want to keep them around. Try your hand at making flower water with roses or other blooms - it makes a wonderful base for moon water!
Experiment with recipes for dishes and drinks that use edible flowers too! Whether it’s color-changing butterfly peaflower tea, sweet and peppery nasturtium, adorable pressed pansy shortbread cookies, or the tried-and-true comforts of chamomile, flowers have many tasty secrets to offer. Don’t be afraid to add botanicals to your health and beauty routine as well! (Just make sure nothing’s going to negatively interact with your meds or irritate a pre-existing condition. Safety first!)
Whether you do so with your near-and-dear, your witchy circle, or by yourself, celebrate everything that blooms - including you!
Happy Flower Moon, witches! 🌕🌼
Further Reading:
Additional Lunar Calendar posts by Bree NicGarran
Flower Moon: Full Moon in May 2024, The Old Farmer’s Almanac
Moonrise and Moonset Calculator, The Old Farmer’s Almanac
Flower Meanings: Symbolism of Flowers, Herbs, and More Plants, The Old Farmer’s Almanac
Floriography, the Language of Flowers, AllFlorists.co.uk
Flower Power: Flower Moon Spiritual Meaning and Stunning Magic, The Peculiar Brunette
How to Dry Flowers 5 Ways, MasterClass, June 7, 2021
DIY Floral Water or Hydrosol, Patti Estep, Hearth and Vine, July 4, 2021
17 Edible Flower Recipes, Better Homes and Gardens, March 8, 2022
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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kteezy997 · 6 months
The Candy Man-Part Eight//W.W.
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warnings/info: Wonka family fluff, mention of secret sex room at the chocolate factory
A few months later…
It was all coming together. Willy worked day and night, creating the chocolate factory, all while coming home late and still helping with the babies. Your man barely slept, and you knew he was tired, but he was determined to create the most spectacular chocolate factory that the world had ever seen. You were just glad that he had hired an entire staff to help him, so he wasn't doing it all on his own.
Finally, he allowed you to come and work with him as well. He didn't want you to go back to work too soon after giving birth. But you insisted that you were ready.
The first day, you brought the babies along to see their father's work. They had grown so much. They were crawling everywhere, and so interested in the world around them. Their hair had thickened and become curlier, and they had plump, healthy little bodies. Maple was sweet and cuddly, and you were able to tie her hair up into tiny ponytails on the top of her head. Mocha was sweet too, but he could be a little too adventurous, almost to the point of getting into mischief.
You carried Mae and Willy carried Mocha into the chocolate room. This room was going to be special; you could tell by the way Willy had talked so excitedly about it.
"Alright, it's just behind this door." he said, turning the handle. He looked at you, biting his lip.
The door opened, and you didn't know where to put your eyes. The room was vast, with vibrant colors. Lush green grass, giant mushrooms with whipped cream spots, edible flowers of all shapes and sizes, and trees that rained gumballs. And trees adorned with giant gummy bears as well as multi-colored candy canes. The walking path was a rainbow of lights under your feet.
"Everything you see is edible, y/n." he said, setting Mocha down to explore.
However, the most jaw-dropping thing was the centerpiece chocolate river that flowed all through the room.
You were speechless, it took you a moment to really take it all in.
Willy took Mae from you, letting her join her brother in chewing on the candy grass.
"Willy...this is incredible. It's like nothing I've ever seen."
He came over to you, taking you in his arms. He kissed you, smiling softly as he pulled away. "It's all I ever wanted for myself, but I did it even bigger because of you and the babies. You, my family, are my biggest inspiration."
Your heart melted, and your eyes welled up with happy tears. "Oh, Willy, we are so lucky to have you. You work so hard, and we are so proud of you." you looked around the room again, "This is like a dream."
"It's just Pure Imagination, my love." he looked into your eyes, "Come with me." he said with a nod. He picked up both of the babies and started a stroll through the candy room.
You were delighted to follow them, and watch your children ooh and ahh at their father's creations. All the while, Willy sang his little tune, which he used a lot at home with kids, "Pure Imagination." His voice was so angelic. Maple and Mocha were mesmerized every time their father sang. You were certain your children would know the song by heart by the time they started to talk in full sentences. He had been singing it to them since they were still in the womb, after all.
You could see your future. Your curly headed kids growing and running amuck through daddy's factory. Willy would let them have all the sugar that they wanted, within reason, of course.
Now that Mr. Hudson had granted you a divorce, you had a vision of a magical wedding with Willy, sans candy. Sugary treats were your life with Willy, but you were both happy having a traditional wedding without all the busy colors that came with your Wonka treats. Mocha was the ring bearer and Mae the flower girl. It would be absolutely perfect; a day full of pure love.
One evening, Willy came home, all excited. "Honey, your office is ready. Let me show you." he said, grinning widely and taking your hand.
"Whoa, whoa, Willy, who is going to watch the kids?" you giggled.
"Oh, I've got that covered." he said confidently, opening the front door of your home to reveal Noodle and her mother, Dorothy.
"Hey, y/n!" said Noodle, her eyes already searching for the little ones she adored. Once she spotted them in the living room, she ran to them immediately.
You greeted sweet Dorothy, thanking her for babysitting as well, and then you and Willy were off to the factory.
Willy showed you your new office, and it was spacious and cozy. It was the perfect workstation! He even took the time to put up a couple of photos of the twins on your desk, as well as a vase of fresh flowers for you.
But he was more excited to show you something else. He led you to another room just down the way from your office. He put in a secret code that was several digits long. “Alright, my love, I hope you like this.” he smirked.
You walked in, seeing a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room and suddenly you were realizing what this room was meant for. There were big jars of different chocolates and candies all along the walls. Large ropes of red licorice hung on hooks. There were oversized candy canes as well.
“Wow. You continue to surprise me, Mr. Wonka.” you said, in awe of the…playroom.
“The walls are stone, of course, so no one can hear what goes on in this room.” Willy took your hands, “Honey, there are things that I want to experiment with, but just for us two. I hope you’re comfortable going on this…sexual journey with me?”
“Oh, yes, Willy, of course!” You kissed him, “I can’t believe you went to such lengths for me. It's so sexy. I love you, baby.” you then nuzzled your nose against his.
“You know that there’s no limit to what I’d do to please you. It’s my life’s work, darling. Well, after being a good husband and father, and making chocolate of course.”
“Wait, Willy, we’re not married.” you giggled.
Willy’s eyes widened, “Oh yes, that’s right. I forgot.” Then, he got down on one knee, "Y/n, will you marry me?" He presented you with a little jewelry box, opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.
You gasped, without even thinking, you blurted out, "Yes!"
Willy smiled from ear to ear, slid the ring on your fourth finger on your left hand and shot up to his feet to hug you.
You were lifted off of your feet by him, and you cried tears of joy as he spun you around with glee.
"You're gonna be Mrs. Wonka!" Willy cheered.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt
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st-just · 5 months
Gimme a fantasy novella about the head chef for a duke of burgundy equivalent who has to make some spectacular centerpiece around roast [animal on the king's heraldic crest] for a rebellion-announcement feast and realizes partway through that no one seems to have ever checked if it was edible before.
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cupcakedex · 1 year
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Edible Pokemon terrariums!
My fiance and I are getting married this summer, and for a nerdy touch, we’ve been buying Japanese gashapon figures for some nerdy terrarium centerpieces! But I wanted to make edible versions, and as part of our St. Jude fundraiser, donors could choose how we decorated! By the end of May, we had raised over $1000, and made three unique terrariums that all had an Eeveelution touch!
Poncho Eeveelution terrarium: rock candy, chocolate pudding, Oreo crumbs, shredded coconut, vanilla cake
Beach terrarium: rock candy, graham cracker crumbs, granola, blue Jello
Ghost terrarium: rock candy, Oreo crumbs, OMG chocolate clusters, candy bones, purple potato chips
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sincerexsiren · 7 months
"I've helped coordinate a feast tonight. There's many different dishes and I've tasted them all. I hope it's to your liking."
Ulysses, despite his reservations about heroes, took great care in preparing a sumptuous feast for Trinity and the other heroes in her sanctuary. He wanted to show his support for her and make the occasion truly special. Knowing that Trinity had a deep connection to the river, Ulysses incorporated elements of water and nature into the feast.
Here's a sampling of what he prepared:
Riverbank Salad: A refreshing mix of crisp greens, adorned with edible flowers and drizzled with a tangy citrus dressing. The salad was garnished with delicate watercress, representing Trinity's affinity for riverside foliage.
Poseidon's Catch: A platter of freshly caught seafood, including succulent grilled fish, buttery lobster tails, and plump shrimp. Ulysses took care to infuse the seafood with a hint of herbs and citrus, giving it a delightful flavor.
Enchanted Spring Soup: A velvety soup made with seasonal vegetables, infused with the essence of a mystical spring. Ulysses added herbs and spices known for their healing properties, creating a nourishing and comforting dish.
Harborside Roast: A centerpiece of the feast, Ulysses prepared a tender, slow-roasted prime rib, cooked to perfection. He seasoned it with a blend of aromatic herbs and served it with a rich demi-glace.
Nymph's Delight: For dessert, Ulysses crafted a masterpiece of sweetness. It consisted of delicate pastry shells filled with a light, fluffy cream infused with hints of vanilla and the subtle essence of wild berries. The dessert was adorned with edible flowers and drizzled with a delicate honey syrup.
Trinity knew that Ulysses had a hard time with the fact that she had to help everyone who came to the sanctuary- at least she knew that he was worried. Which was fair considering she worried about him when he was out in the world too. It was hard on them both though perhaps she didn't understand his worry about the people as much. She didn't see heroes and villains or heroes and monsters in the same way because here those labels meant nothing to her.
But He- well he knew what happened outside of the invisible walls of this place. And she knew that made it more difficult for him even if she didn't fully understand why he was so worried about specific heros sometimes.
That's why she was so surprised to come in and see the spread across the table. Not just for her but for everyone. A sort of peace offering but so much more thought out. Her eyes widened as she moved around the table, taking in the well-thought-out beautiful dishes that he had clearly put a lot of mental and emotional energy into. Her Long fingers dragged across the table with a little smile as she took in everything from the lovely salad all the way to the mouth-watering desert.
This was the big bad warlock they all feared. The boogy man of the sea. She saw the way they flinched sometimes when he stood behind her but here he was, making them all a feast worthy of a king. Her eyes finally lifted to meet his with a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "My love....you didn't have to do this Darling. You have nothing to prove." She dipped her pinky finger into the honey syrup leaking from the side of the pasty, eyes closing in delight as she sucked it off.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
How about a friendly game of cheese?
Hello today we will make an edible Chess with CHEESE.
Yeah, you read well.
This chess will be decorative and the final dessert for our parties. and believe me when I say it, the taste of our guests.
But stop there. This Chess will not only serve us as a dessert or snack for any type of party or important meeting. of course not, it goes further. Not only will you have style in your centerpiece, you will also be able to play a real game of chess.
so let's get started.
Hello There. today we are going to make a Cheese Chess
For our Chess we will need a lot of Cheese. in addition to other companions that will delight our guests. Here are the main ingredients:
4 X 400 grams Cheese blocks
5 X 300 grams of Guava Paste bar (also known as Bocadillo)
500 grams of mixed grapes (in this case I chose green and purple Chilean grapes)
500 grams of sliced ham
And the materials:
Cutting board
Toothpick box
Gold metallic paper, or whatever you prefer
A thick sheet of polystyrene (at least 2 centimeters in gauge)
Wooden tray (I'll use a square one, but you can use whatever you have)
Glue gun
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sar--ang · 10 days
The Art of Wedding Cakes: Creating the Perfect Confection for Your Special Day
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In the intricate tapestry of wedding planning, few elements carry the sweet anticipation and celebratory charm of the wedding cake. More than just a dessert, wedding cakes are a symbol of the couple's journey, a centerpiece that reflects their unique style and taste. In this article, we delve into the world of wedding cakes, exploring the artistry and significance behind these delightful creations and guiding you on how to select the perfect cake for your special day.
The Significance of Wedding Cakes
Wedding cakes have long been a symbol of joy and prosperity, marking the culmination of the couple's love story. The tradition of cutting the cake represents the couple's first task together, a shared experience that symbolizes their commitment to support and nourish each other. In modern weddings, the cake continues to be a focal point, combining taste and aesthetics to create a memorable highlight of the celebration.
Choosing the Perfect Wedding Cake
Selecting the right wedding cake involves more than picking flavors and designs. It’s about creating a piece that resonates with your wedding theme, pleases the palate, and reflects your personality. Here’s how you can ensure you get the perfect confection:
Theme and Design
Your wedding cake should harmonize with the overall theme of your wedding. Whether you prefer a vintage-inspired cake with intricate lace designs or a sleek, modern creation with geometric patterns, wedding cakes can translate your vision into a stunning reality. Work with your baker to incorporate elements that echo your wedding's style, ensuring the cake is a true visual centerpiece.
Flavor Profiles
Beyond its appearance, the taste of your wedding cake is paramount. While classic flavors like vanilla, chocolate, and red velvet remain popular, many couples are exploring unique tastes such as lemon lavender, matcha, or salted caramel. Wedding cakes offer a plethora of flavor combinations and fillings that can satisfy diverse palates. Schedule a tasting session with your baker to discover the perfect blend of flavors that will delight your guests.
Size and Portions
The size of your wedding cake should be tailored to the number of guests. A multi-tiered cake not only makes a grand visual statement but also ensures there’s enough to go around. Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering or a lavish celebration, wedding cakes can be customized to fit your guest list, providing the right amount of deliciousness for everyone.
A personalized wedding cake adds a special touch to your celebration. Incorporate elements that reflect your love story, such as your wedding colors, monograms, or even specific motifs that are meaningful to you as a couple. Wedding cakes can be tailored with endless customization options, from the type of icing to detailed decorations that make your cake a unique piece of art.
Current Trends in Wedding Cakes
Wedding cakes evolve with trends, continually offering fresh ideas to inspire couples. Here are some of the latest trends in wedding cakes:
Naked Cakes
Naked cakes, with their minimalist aesthetic and rustic appeal, are gaining popularity. These cakes feature minimal frosting, highlighting the layers and fillings inside, often adorned with fresh fruits and flowers. Wedding cakes can perfect this trend, balancing simplicity with elegance.
Metallic Touches
Metallic accents in gold, silver, or rose gold add a touch of luxury and sophistication to wedding cakes. Whether through edible foil, paint, or shimmering decorations, these touches can elevate the overall look of your cake, making it a dazzling centerpiece.
Floral Decorations
Flowers, both real and sugar-crafted, remain a favorite for wedding cake decoration. They bring color, texture, and a romantic flair to the cake. Wedding cakes can seamlessly incorporate floral elements, ensuring they complement your wedding’s floral arrangements.
Geometric Patterns
For a contemporary twist, geometric patterns like hexagons and chevrons are becoming popular. These designs offer a chic and modern look. Wedding cakes can execute these intricate patterns with precision, making your cake a standout piece.
Tips for a Flawless Wedding Cake Experience
To ensure your wedding cake is everything you’ve dreamed of, consider these tips:
Book Early
Renowned bakers often have busy schedules, especially during peak wedding seasons. Booking your baker early ensures you have ample time to plan and perfect your cake.
Clear Communication
Communicate your ideas, inspirations, and any dietary requirements clearly with your baker. Wedding cakes can accommodate various needs, including gluten-free or vegan options.
Consider the Venue
Choose a cake that suits your venue and climate. For outdoor weddings in warm climates, select a cake that can withstand higher temperatures. Discuss these considerations with your baker to ensure your cake remains perfect throughout the event.
Plan the Display
The way your cake is displayed can enhance its visual impact. Coordinate with your wedding planner to place the cake in a prominent location with appropriate lighting and decoration.
Wedding cakes are more than just a sweet treat; they are a symbol of love, creativity, and celebration. By choosing wedding cakes, you ensure that this centerpiece is as memorable as the vows you exchange. From selecting the ideal flavor to designing a cake that wows your guests, the right wedding cake can add a touch of magic to your special day. Embrace the journey of crafting a cake that is uniquely yours and savor every moment of your wedding celebration.
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I propose a new Bake Off to give the peasants and the bakers of Bake Offs Past fresh entertainment.
There are only two contestants in this Bake Off I have dubbed A Taste of Your Own Bake Off : the beloved Paul and Prue.
Their task is to do every single challenge that they have set the bakers across all seasons and special editions of Bake Off (Comic Relief, Stand Up to Cancer, Sports Relief, Holidays etc).
Except they are given absolutely no actual instructions just the prompt of the task. The prompt of the task will be written in Old English script from the 1000s hidden within a random long winded paragraph from the period. They have only two minutes to decipher the paper before it spontaneously combusts. They have to remember on their own the minutia of each prompt. Every deviation away from the minutia will require them to spend 3 hours in community service, making food to feed hundreds of people with budget no-name brand ingredients while wearing a hairnet and an apron that has seen better days with a name tag on it that reads "Donna".
They are only allowed a quarter of the space they give each baker. They have to share half an oven, half a fridge etc.
They must finish each task in the time it takes for a baker to breathe or Noel to spell his name backwards. They are allowed absolutely no breaks and must do every single task in one sitting.
Any protests are met with an automatic 1 minute time deduction. Every second they go over the clock, they must do an additional 10 tasks set by the bakers themselves. These tasks can be anything the bakers please but bonus tasks include ~making a 5 course meal on a $3 budget, hiding vegetables in dessert and having to feed them to picky children, accomodating multiple food sensitivities within a given task, and looking after 5 hellion toddlers while simultaneously making a 5-tier wedding cake~.
There will be also the obligatory imagination tasks that will be thrown in every hour. Such as: flying cakes, armor made out of tuille, model-size replica of ancient cities made completely out of spun sugar and a working cannon using only fruit. The more outrageous and gravity defying the better.
Every so often their timer will be taken from them/sabotaged or they will be blindfolded or have their hands tied behind their back. These will occur more frequently any time they get cocky.
When they get judged, they will be met with absolutely no kindness because every bake will be torn apart and nitpicked to pieces. Classic comments include "this needed 10-15 more minutes in the oven" and "I don't like <insert flavor they have used here>. I can taste it too much. You should have used <insert flavor they have historically hated> instead.", and "I would have expected by now, perfection".
Everytime their results don't measure up to Bake Off Standards (being an edible museum centerpiece worthy of being fed to royalty), they must deposit a minimum of $5,000 into every previous baker's bank accounts and a minimum of $10,000 to charity. The number increases exponentially every time they are rude or complain.
Because all the bakers deserve a break and everyone deserves to see these two windbags be smacked in the face with some sweet karma pie.
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lilacflowershop · 2 months
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Lilac Flower Shop provides flowers of your choice for your wedding.
Roses Regardless of the situation, roses are the ideal traditional flowers. They truly do have something for any wedding style because they are romantic and available in a multitude of colors. One of the few flowers you can always find are roses. Most of them are adapt well to many different conditions and really hearty.
Roses work well in bouquets as well as elaborate installations of all sizes. They're less expensive overall, especially when purchased in large quantities.
Pick from traditional rose varieties in shades of pink, white, and red. Whether you want a single rose or an arrangement of roses, or to combine a few, garden roses are also a lovely choice. The higher-end variety of roses are called a garden rose. They're one of my favorite flower types to include in arrangements because they're lovely, soft, and have a lot of movement to their stems.
Peonies Without a doubt, peonies are the most preferred springtime wedding flower. These huge, uniquely textured blossoms have various textures on their petals. They come in a variety of colors and variations, and each has a unique petal structure. Larger spaces or statement pieces like an all-peony bouquet work well with peonies. Because of their size, fewer stems are needed to fill in a given area.
Peonies are such a striking flower that it's impressive to use even a single stem in a bud vase.
Lilies Lilies have magnificently big petals and are a classic, beautiful bloom. They come in a variety of hues, including as orange, red, yellow, pink, purple, and white. Since they blossom throughout the summer, using them to provide a romantic touch to an outdoor summer wedding is ideal.
Lilies are a larger flower, so they can stand alone as a bouquet on their own or as a little posy with just one stem combined with baby's breath or foliage. They can also be added to more elaborate arrangements with plenty of other flowers.
Hydrangeas Hydrangeas are very well-liked because of their striking yet delicate appearance. Despite being composed of tiny petals, the clusters have a significant effect. In addition, they come in a range of hues, including as white, pink, blue, and purple. For ceremonial arches, hydrangeas work well.
Hydrangeas can also be combined into a dramatic bouquet or utilized as gorgeous single-flower centerpieces. You definitely don't need as many stems to make an impression because of how big they are!
Sunflowers Sunflowers are a popular option for wedding flowers, and it's easy to see why with their cheery yellow color and billowing petals. Sunflowers provide every scene a striking burst of color and texture. You can arrange single stems on their own, combine them into a centerpiece, or match them with other smaller flowers.
Since sunflowers are edible, they're a great option for cake toppings or for finishing the outside of cakes with pressed, dried petals. Although yellow sunflowers are the most common type, various kinds of this bloom can give an arrangement hints of orange and crimson. Sunflowers are a gorgeous option for summer to early fall weddings, and they are most easily accessible while they are in season. San Diego Wedding Florist.
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mtoinspo · 3 months
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135th Mentor's Ball Drink Menu
Cosmopoli-Ted (by Greta)- this cocktail combines some blood red cranberry juice with cointreau, triple sec, lime, vodka, and some iridescent edible glitter. Topped with an orange twist, optional sugared rim, and a little bit of mystery, this tribute to the nametag missing its owner is always served with a smile.
Giraffe's Laugh (by Greta)- a chocolate martini that's just a little bit twisted, just like our favorite safari mutt! Vanilla vodka, chocolate liqueur, creme de cacao, triple sec, and orange juice are stirred, not shaken, and will have you bending over backwards for more.
Out of this Whirled (by Greta)- an alien blend of sparkling lemonade, blue curacao, and melon liqueur, swirled together and ready for takeoff
Blood in Water (by Devin)- Based on the lazy river and the vines waiting below - Grenadine - Blue Curaçao - Mixed berries  - Rosemary
Ash Chaser (by Devin)- ½ oz Real Grenadine, 1 oz gin, 1 oz apple brandy, 2 dashes absinthe, Black Food Dye, Shake all with ice for 10 seconds, Strain into a cocktail glass, Garnish with a rose
Little Green Men (by Kaye)- This sour appletini is guaranteed to blast you straight into outer space! A play on the Space Race mutts, the Little Green Men is cosmically sweet with a starry sour punch.
Serengeti Sunset Sangria (by Kaye)- A fruity red sangria chock-full of lush berries and fruits, topped off with a rosemary lemonade for a summer taste as bright as the Serengeti sun.
Cotton Candy Carnival (by Kaye) - A cotton-candy flavored drink so sweet your teeth just might rot out. It's garnished with cotton candy flavored dot ice cream that sinks to the bottom in a rainbow of colors, and crushed rainbow candy lines the glass rim. Try not to die of a sugar rush!
The Big Top (by Kat)- A drink inspired by the wonderful centerpiece found at every good carnival. The drink itself is made with cherry grenadine, topped with rose petals and mint and filled to the brim with ice. When the drinker stirs with the signature heart shaped straw, causing some of the ice to melt, a reaction occurs and it looks as if the liquid itself is sparkling.
Space Chaser (shot & chaser) (by Rainy)- This drink can be paired with whatever alcohol the drinker prefers, though it is typically served with vodka. Celebrating the two ride vehicle colors represented by 'space race', these drinks come in a starry starry flight. the first drink, red white and blue: vodka, edible sugar petals, and grenadine. the chaser, some lemonade with strawberries floating inside of it. It's truly a race to the bottom.
A Little Panem (by Hair)- This drink is colored red and gold to represent the beautiful country of Panem. It is a combination of tequila and cranberry juice, with a zest of both lime and orange. To add a little extra sweetness, there's a bit of golden honey, and a dash of coarse sea salt ties it all together. From the mountains, to the sea, to the orchards full of fruit, Panem (and this drink) has it all. But be careful! This drink may seem alluring, but indulge in enough of them and you might come out the other side a little disoriented.
A Long Day’s Journey Into Night (by Lena)- When the fireworks have stopped and the rides have grown still in the dead of night, those who remain must reckon with the actions that took place in the light. An anise-flavored liquor pairs here with a dose of ether to create a drink that encourages the consumer to contemplate. What lengths have you gone to? And how far will you go?
Ball Brownies (by Lena)- Mahlon’s special, still made with essence of ether (for as long as supplies last). So what if the price is doubled from last ball? You want the thing or not?
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clochanam · 5 months
💍 + sky/ais ( we need a ship name for them babes jsicdjs )
THE WEDDING H.C. PROMPT EXTRAVAGANZA! ( accepting! no shipping required, the vibes alone are immaculate! )
excuse me as if skyling isn't written in the wedding invitations--
where they get married: i can see them having a ceremony in a beautiful forest somewhere? like leaning into the forestcore element, ivy and flowers and soft lights decorating the trees, a strong but delicate arch decorated with white roses and dark green ferns, maybe a little chiffon floating in the breeze.
when they get married ( i.e. what time of day, what month and season etc. ): i have no idea why this is so specific to me, but saturday, mid-august and just as the sun begins to set. that rich orange sunlight making these unreal photos, then as the sun disappears, the candles and fairy lights keep the place aglow for the celebrations.
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. ): they do the connecting part alone and in private, and i also love the idea of them having elements of the "something borrowed, something blue" thing, but very subtle. like traces of pale blue ribbon tying the bouquets together, and stanley lets them borrow the cabin for the honeymoon, stuff like that!
what their wedding cake looks like: tim's baking the cake, and he gets indecisive, so they end up having enough smaller cakes for each table. they're not hugely decorated, but they have the rustic look, and he uses edible flowers to decorate them, and they have different flavours, so chocolate or orange or lemon and raspberry, and it encourages the guests to move around to the different tables to mingle and try the other cakes together. he also makes them a small personal cake, just for the two of them, that has two brides standing on top and holding hands. i think they'd eat that after they mind-meld though!
….who smashes cake into whose face: i don't know if either of them would! but i can definitely see aisling feeding sky some cake.
who proposed to who first: they both plan a date together with the shared intention of proposing, but i reckon sky does it first!
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither ): they walk down together, hand-in-hand, bc that's definitely a strong element of their relationship; togetherness.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like: i won't speak for sky bc like. i mean sky looks incredible in everything, like i think?? she'd wear a suit?? but i don't know! aisling goes for a soft and flowy kind of dress, she definitely incorporates the ivy into it so dark green embroidery, green velvet ribbons lacing up the back, but she also changes into a pantsuit at some point bc the forest floor would feck the dress right up.
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have: i just feel like they'd have the forestcore, natural, rustic energy going on. like the tables are long, they've got the benches lining up on either side, they have centerpieces made with flowers and painted rocks, there are no marked seats (bc i feel like they'd struggle to juggle that many people so they just go "eh. sit wherever." BUT the guests get to take home specialized recipes and the glasses and plates they drank and ate from. i think rich colours, but not gaudy or garish, just like. forest green, deep blue, burgundy, but moreso the white and pastel colours that soften and lift the vibes perfectly with the candles and lights.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? ): okay, baby's breath, white, cream and light yellow freesias, then a lot of greenery, but tied together with the colours of their clothes!
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ): i think a blend of poetic and improvised?? like aisling can't read, but she remembers lyrics, she knows poetry, she'd probably weave in a few lines, but she's speaking from the heart when she says those vows.
if anyone’s late to the wedding: tim and richard, but only because richard needed to make two trips to collect all of tim's cakes, so they're forgiven.
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other: mmmm idk if they'd necessarily have one?? idk, i feel like there's a huge community and family effort, but once they go up to deliver the vows, it's very much two people together, idk if i can see them having any parties up there with them. stanley and richard try to be the best men, but they get distracted and teary, and everything goes without a hitch!
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? ): richard and victor both give a speech to welcome sky, aisling gives a brief speech thanking everyone for coming to share the day with them, but everyone's so busy wandering around and seeing the different flowers and tasting the food that they don't really listen.
who catches the bouquet( s ): stanley! (bc stanley and richard aren't married yet but gdi i am giving them a wedding!!!)
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? ): they've got the candid shots, like the photographer never posed them, never told them what to do, they just moved around and took photos randomly, but they're all stunning. aisling and sky laughing at their table, the two of them dancing, aisling tucking a flower into sky's hair, their hands held as they move through the tables.
what sort of food they have at the reception: i think they go for a buffet style dinner, like there's tonnes of tables just groaning with food. things like thai green curry, charcuterie boards, mushroom tagliatelle, chicken, like it's all very tastefully arranged, they even have personalized drinks on one table that taste amazing, and people just go up and help themselves, and later on in the night, rani's parents arrive and help set up a stall for kebabs and loaded potato skins.
who cries first during the ceremony: wyll. it's in one of the photos, and he actually insists that they use it in the instagram reels afterward.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. ): they both dance exceptionally, but victor surprises them by revealing he took tango classes to prepare for dancing with his date, so he wins the title! then las.zlo tries to sing one of his own songs, but just as he's about to do it, danny accidentally catches his sleeve on fire, and when he strips off his jacket he accidentally burns up rani's shawl. then someone tells wyll about crowd-surfing, and he succeeds in doing that, but somehow knocks himself and five guests into the nearby lake.
what their rings are like: i think like, not gold?? but more of a darker gold colour, like bronze or copper, and it's got some very ornate designs. i don't know if they'd use stones or gems, i think they'd have their initials engraves on the rings though!
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. ): candles, little charm bracelets and tiny bottles of syrup they both made and loved in the past.
where they go for their honeymoon: i think somewhere in the mountains! i can see them having a wonderful time in a cabin in a nice, wooded mountain area. or somewhere with ski slopes.
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. ): wyll getting dropped into the lake, and also a group of hikers wander into the celebrations and photobomb a family photo that the photographer spent twenty minutes getting just right.
who officiates the ceremony: rani's dad is an ordained minister thanks to online classes, so he officiates, but it's all aisling and sky!
what song their first dance is to: would that i by hozi.er, like listen. listen. the imagery, the melody, the lyrics, his voice, it's all the most perfect skyling vibe!
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle: nobody. they walk up the aisle together, and they walk down together!
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Suptober Day 14: All For You
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Dean dried his hands on a dish towel and looked around the little kitchen, running through his mental checklist. The brisket was in the oven. The sides were in the fridge, ready to be quickly reheated once the meat was done. The bread was on the cooling rack. All that was left to do food-wise was slicing the apples, and he wanted to do that as close to serving as possible so they wouldn't turn brown. 
With all the cooking done, Dean took a moment to breathe and bask in his accomplishments before turning his attention back to the dining room. (Really just the living room with the couch and TV pushed out of the way, but he was working with what he had.) He laid a clean white cloth over the rickety folding table, and used the best approximation of "good dishes" that two broke grad students could lay claim to: a set of blue and white earthenware plates they'd picked up at a flea market. He transferred the honey from the bear-shaped squeeze bottle to a little ceramic pot shaped like a beehive (another flea market treasure), and he even made an attractive and edible centerpiece with a bowl of ruby red pomegranate seeds. 
Once the scene was set to his satisfaction he had just enough time to hastily tidy up the rest of the apartment and change his clothes before Cas got home from his afternoon class.
He was knotting his tie (the green one that Cas said brought out his eyes) when he heard the scrape of his roommate's key in the lock, followed by the thud of his shoe kicking the door to get it past the sticky spot. Dean didn't hurry out to the living room but gave Cas a minute to take in the scene. 
When he did step out, Cas still had his laptop bag on his shoulder as he stared at the meticulously laid table with tears sparkling in his eyes. 
"Happy New Year," Dean said tentatively. 
Cas put his hand over his mouth and let out a muffled sob. 
Dean quickly crossed the room, skirting the table to pull his friend into a hug and ease the heavy bag off his shoulder. "Please tell me these are happy tears.” 
"Mostly happy, yes," Cas said with a wet sniff. "Thank you, Dean. This… this is everything."
“I know this has been a rough year with coming out to your parents and all the fallout after, and I know you're sad about not getting to spend the holidays with your family. I just wanted to do something nice for you." 
Cas' relationship with his parents had been rocky for a long time. They were very traditional Orthodox Jews, and his decision to pursue a business degree rather than becoming a rabbi like his father and grandfather before him had been difficult for them to swallow, though they'd done their best to respect his chosen path. 
When, after a few years away from home, Cas decided that the Orthodox lifestyle was not for him and stopped observing the Sabbath, keeping kosher, and attending synagogue regularly, his parents were upset, but they held out hope that he’d soon  finish sowing his wild oats and return to the fold with his faith even stronger than before. It happened to many young men and women who found the outside world  full of shiny temptations, or so they told themselves in an attempt to extend their patience.
But the revelation that their son was sexually attracted to men? That was too much. Cas was banned from their home, lest he corrupt his younger siblings.
The oven timer beeped. "Oh, that's the brisket!" Dean exclaimed. 
Cas followed him into the kitchen with a bemused expression. "You made brisket?" Catching sight of the round, raisin-studded loaves on the counter, his eyes widened. "And challah?!" 
"And potato kugel," Dean said, unable to resist preening a little at how genuinely impressed Cas was. "God bless the internet. Even a goyish boy from Kansas can turn out a Jewish holiday feast with a little googling. At least, I hope I did everything right," he added, suddenly nervous. "It probably won't taste as good as your mom's." 
"Dean," Cas cut him off with a smile, "I'm sure it will be delicious. Is there anything I can do to help?" 
"You want to slice apples while I heat the rest of the food?" 
"I'd love to." 
They worked side by side in companionable silence, Cas humming softly to himself, a lilting tune that continuously circled back on itself. He still looked a little wistful and melancholy, but he continued to smile at Dean and touch his arm softly as they moved around each other in the tiny kitchen.
While they waited for the rest of the food to heat up, they ate apples and thick slices of warm, fresh challah drizzled generously with honey. Cas pronounced the bread just as good as his mother's, and smiled fondly at the beehive honey-pot which he'd bought because it reminded him of the one that always adorned his parents' Rosh Ha'Shana table.
The brisket was perfectly tender; the kugel was crispy, greasy, decadent potato heaven; and the sweet, spicy honey cake Dean produced for dessert was dark and moist. As they ate, they talked about favorite holiday memories and traditions, and the homesickness in Cas' eyes grew a little less pronounced every moment. 
As they were clearing up, Cas said again, "Thank you, Dean." 
Dean blushed and shrugged. "It was my pleasure, man." 
Cas caught his arm in a gentle grip as he tried to turn away and pinned him with those piercing blue eyes. "Not just for tonight. Thank you for… for showing me that I still get to have this. All the traditions and pieces of my childhood that I want to keep. They're mine, no matter what anyone else thinks." 
"I'll do them all with you. I mean, if you want me to," Dean said. I'm yours too. If you want me.
Cas smiled. "I’d like that," he whispered, and kissed Dean. 
Dean kissed him back. 
It was going to be a good year. 
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gingerbredman1989 · 7 months
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ChatGPT with DALL-E
A detailed image of a gingerbread house designed in the mid-century modern style typical of Palm Springs architecture. The house is fully decorated with royal icing, gumdrops, chocolate, pretzels, and a variety of other candies. The design features clean lines, geometric shapes, and large windows, characteristic of the mid-century modern aesthetic, all represented in edible materials. The setting is festive, and the house is presented as a centerpiece surrounded by a snowy icing landscape.
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