#edge x sans
ut-museum-guide · 7 months
7 smut fics
3 Reader fics
2 shipless fics _ Burn Me Down and Roadside Attraction
1. Karmic Retribution
By Mercy_Run (127k) - Complete
Sans x Red x Edge
[author summary]
“Sans knew in his soul that there was only one way he was now in another universe. Erasure was one thing a reset would fix, but corrupting and breaking it would be the only reason he was here now.
He had expected to overwhelmed in this world of 'kill or be killed' but it was this timeline's version of his brother and himself that had him stepping up. He was a 1 HP monster, physically weak but he did have one thing on his side in a world so filled with LOVE.”
2. Broken Bones
By Lady_Kit (162k) - Complete
Edge x Stretch, Edge x Blue
[author summary]
“UF!Papyrus is gravely injured, and UF!Sans brings him to Underswap to recover. UF!Papyrus doesn't know how to handle genuine kindness, and US!Papyrus learns there's more to this other version of himself than he ever guessed.”
3. ain’t this the life
By nilchance
Sans x Red, Red x Edge
Eventual Sans x Edge
It mostly compiles of one shots Sans x Red but for the one shots with Edge, he steals the show.
[Restricted access]
4. A Fixed Debt
By undertailsoulsex (196k) - InC
Edge x Sans
[author’s summary]
“Sans tries to go back in time to before his brother is killed. He ends up in the Underfell universe and bites off a lot more than he can chew. Can Underfell Papyrus help him back home or will he be stuck in this awful world forever?”
5. Don’t Shoot the Albatross
By GypsumLilac (29k) - Complete
Reader fic, SFW
[author summary]
“Papyrus needs a mole with influence in the police force. You need a date to your cousin's wedding.
Papyrus needs information. You need information.
Your aunt is the mayor. Papyrus wants political influence.
Until he has no more use for you-
Until you have no more use for him-
Looks like you're dating a skeleton.”
6. Burn Me Down
By GypsumLilac (22k) - Complete
Reader fic, SFW
[author’s summary]
7. Roadside Attraction
By popatochisp (21k) - InC
SFW, Reader fic
[author’s summary]
“You get all kinds at your diner, especially working night-shift--but this is the first time you've ever been warned about one.
Just how bad can one skeleton be...?”
8. Ain’t this Lamia
By Kamari333
Ain’t this the life fanfic
Red x Edge x Lamia
[author’s summary]
“Red and Edge find something in their livingroom. It immediately catches Edge's attention. As usual, anything Edge likes, Red needs to test drive.”
9. And Bingo Was His Name-O
By keelywolf (3k) Complete
Stretch x Edge fluff drabbles
10. Killing Moon
By Nilchance
Red’s brainwashed and Edge tries to save him.
[Restricted Access]
11. Chain Me to You
By Trash Theater (52k) - InC
[author’s summary]
“Abandoned by his brother and overwhelmed by Underswap, Slim begins to fall apart. The only one who seems to know what to do with the pieces is Edge, but things in Underfell are getting worse and he doesn’t have time to babysit. Edge can lend a hand, but it wont be enough to keep Slim from falling.”
From @undertale-museum
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angelbitezzz · 4 months
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" "there's these caves all over studded with rocks. they'd glow cuz of the magic they'd absorbed, a kinda natural phenomena from being in close quarters with monsters. we got used to wishing on them like how monsters used to wish on stars, we even made constellations like how humans made them. they're real pretty."
The way he speaks is soothing but clipped, like a teacher to a student. But then it edges into something else, more natural. More him.
"nothin' really prepared me for the real thing though. nothin'." " [TSOT Chapter 3]
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sillyunknownkitkat · 10 months
Undertale, Underswap, and underfell brothers react to a reader (platonic or not) that is hyper sexual
Mind that you're responsible for your own consumption, vague nsfw under the cut and sentive topics
No dni banner because there's nothing really explicit but it's implied
Undertale :
He noticed slight changes in your attitude before your crisis started. You were getting more and more bold, which is quite unusual for you.
Sans was worried for the few day you disappeared but understood that you may not want him to know about your problems. It didn't make him any less curious though.
It was a week after your first "symptoms" that he really got worried. So he went to your hiding place to confront you about it.
"Knock knock" Sans said, standing right in front of the bedroom's door.
"Sans?" You asked surprised and a bit panicked.
"S'not how the joke goes, kid. Knock knock." His tone wasn't particularly harsh, but he made it clear that he wasn't leaving. He used a tone that you had learned to interpret since knowing him.
"Who's there?" You said recluantly, you didn't want anyone to know about your bad habits
"Will." You thought for a bit, trying to guess the end of the joke but couldn't figure it out with your head still full of what's currently going on
"Will who?" Sans smiles a bit. Even in bad times, he still likes his jokes. It helps him relax a little.
"Will you open the door so we can talk face to face?"
So after putting on a sweatshirt and pyjama's pants, you get up and open the door.
"Hey.." You look down at his slippers.
"Hey, how 'bout we sit down and talk a bit, mh? M'not upset with you, just worried."
After you both settle down on the bed, you bring your knees to your chest and wait for him to start talking.
"Soooo, what's up, kiddo?"
Yeah... This is awkward for the both of you
So after you explained the things you were doing and how you felt while he patiently listened, he just asked you one thing.
"Is it because of a traumatic event you've been through?"
Now I let you decide what happened or not because everyone is different, but let's just say that if a person did something to make you feel that way, they're going to have a not so friendly chat with Sans.
Now, this cutie definitely didn't wait to ask you what was going on. I imagine him being autistic
So, while our pretty boy is definitely not stupid, I like to think he still struggles a bit with social clues. This means that he did ask you as soon as he noticed, but it might have taken quite a while.
Now, we all now Sans almost canonically struggles with depression so Paps can definitely help you a bit.
So, since no one can resist that cool face, you explained what was going on and let me tell you... That man was upset! Not at you but at the fact that you felt that way and he couldn't do anything about it. Not that it was his fault, but yk (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Now he spent days telling you how amazing you were, how he loved you (platonically or not *wink wink*), and trying to get you attention on something else than your problem so you'd feel better.
Because you do. Not "maybe", you do 😭🔫😾
The cat is me, obviously 🙄
Underswap :
Blue (sans)
Might get hate on this one, but I think he struggles with hypersexuality too. I don't remember who's Au's it is, but there is one where he's popular on Instagram and where he's close friend with Viper (sf sans from that au which I use). So he knew what was going on before you told him.
Bb explained that he was like that, too, so you guys took care of each other :3
Like getting in comfy clothes, cooking a bit, cuddling, watching a movie, ... whatever you want!
And like spa treatments to echother too!
I'll probably write a part two for him in the future because, like this scenario + him, it's just ✨️perfect✨️
Stretch (us papyrus)
Even tho he's younger than blue, he still took care of his brother and therefore knew what was going on too. So when he sees you, he just picks you up with his magic, drags you to the couch, and pretty much instantly falls asleep on you. Well, he's not really sleeping, but you don't know that.
After a while, you start to cry silently because you feel kind of disgusting. Stretch cling to you a tiny bit harder and starts to purr "in his sleep" to try and console you.
Yes, skeletons purr, don't ask me why or how.
Anyway, after a while of being soothed, you fall asleep, and Stretch is smiling like an idiot because he managed to help you even the tiniest bit.
After both of you wake up, he goes to ask Blue what he can do to help you and apply with the wtv he tells him.
Blue might even join to talk to you a bit :)
Underfell :
Red (uf sans)
He knew what was going on but didn't want to bother you with it. The man already knows how hard it is when you're going through tough times.
So he kinda let you be but sometimes he comes buy and offer you to do some things.
It's not in a really nice way but not rude either, just a bit rough, I guess
He was like, "How 'bout you do something instead of just lying there, huh?"
He is not an asshole. He just grew up in a difficult world and therefore kinda has a stick stuck up in his non-existent ass.
If you don't move, he'll literally drag you out of bed and sit you on the couch with a movie already picked paused on the TV.
If you talk about it, he'll listen and suggest things that might help you, but if you don't, he'll do whatever he can while being "subtle."
Edge (uf papyrus)
He catched you crying when he opened the door of your bedroom to ask you to come downstairs since dinner was ready. Now Edge is by no means a cruel person, but he had to do things to survive in the underground. I like to think that when they all got out, he and Red cut links with most of the other monsters.
So now he got quite a lot softer, but it's still Edge, so don't expect too much.
He sat down next to you and brung a hand to your back (a bit awkwardly, but the man is learning people)
"I'M HERE IF YOU NEED TO TALK." he told you in the softest voice he could manage to get out (it wasn't soft, but since you know him and how he talked you understood that he was trying)
Same as his brother, if you talk, he'll listen, but he might be a bit more insistant with his advice. Again, not in a rude way, just in his way of saying thing.
If you don't, he'll probably get a little offended that you don't trust him even after he tried his best to be soft but still understands why you may not want to talk about your problems.
Not verified afterwards, sorry ;^;
So this is it :) it's a bit shitty ngl but I tried my best.
Kinda self indulge, honestly, but I'm better now so dw
If you have a similar problem or even another one, my dm's are opened, don't stay alone in your misery.
I might not answer right away (I live in Western Europe), but I will as soon as I can
Have a good day/night, and be safe, everyone. <3
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Last days! I'm gonna extend it to Sunday the 12th.
I have 1 slot left for Edge, Blue, Papyrus, and Ink.
2 Slots left for Error and Wine
I won't draw Frisk or chara with them, but other Oc, self inserts, and characters I will. Just as long as they're legal age!
If interested, hit me up here on Ko-fi!
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yasu-kun · 1 month
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Devoted To Cook For A Legendary Monster…
The parody is based on watching the first episode of "Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill" and I immediately got inspired after I hearing Fel(l)'s name.
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agere-infection-au · 3 months
Character reference sheets!
Part 6. One infected, one healthy
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Red : ...Bro, are you nervous... about this situation..?
Edge : Great and terrible Papyrus? Nervous over some silly infection? Of course not, brother! (Is actually freaking out)
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Roman : Come on now, Lucy, you sure can stay another minute! You love cuddling with me, don't you?
Lucida : Sorry, sis, but I have to go back to work...
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Quant : W... what? Me..? Infected..?
Time: Don't worry, brother! We can get through it! I can even take care of you!
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Ocean : Paps, it's only first stage. Calm down, we can easily get you treated back to health.
Sea : Just in case you can't... stay away from me!
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Alter : Hey, don't sweat it, kiddo. I know just the thing how to help you!
King : Brother... I'm sorry...
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Ink : *maniacal laugh* This is fine! I can still do it! I've got this under control!
Paint : He could use sometime to relax...
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Phantom : Don't worry... you'll be safe soon...
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Dream : Gremlin giggling
Nightmare : You know, maybe it won't be half bad
Sun : I hate you all... SO MUCH
Moon : Wait, sib, wait-
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Error : Ink, stop that! You'll throw up paint again!
Glitch : You're getting overwhelmed here... do you want me to help you relax?
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Cross : Well... a way to work through my daddy issues, I guess?
X, thinks : Hm... I could be an older sister...
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delusional-mishaps · 9 months
day three: sharp
more writing mwahahah :3
"what're you doing?" horror asks. jet hums, glancing up before looking back down at their fingers.
"cuttin' my nails." they answer, followed by a sharp 'snip!' sound.
"why?" he asks. jet shrugs, holding out their left hand to show off their nails.
"look. gettin' sharp. then they get caught on stuff."
horror makes a soft sound of understanding, taking a seat beside jet. he watches them snip off the ends of their claws, head tilting curiously.
"'sides," jet continues after a moment. "now i don't gotta worry about scratchin' you when i grab your cute face."
they look up smugly at horror, earning a soft chuckle. he pats their head, causing their tail to sway.
"it wouldn't hurt," he snorts. "your claws are so small."
"oh yeah?" they taunt, brandishing the not-yet cut claws on the other hand. "wanna test that theory?"
horror chuckles again, grabbing jet's hand in his. he traces one of his phalanxes over the tip of their claw, where it's sharpest. their fingers looks so small compared to his.
"see? too small." he boasts. jet rolls their eyes, taking their hand back to cut those claws.
"psh, whatever. you're just lucky i like you and don't wanna scratch you." they grumble with a smile.
"whatever you say, tiny."
"wha—i'm not tiny!"
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purplebluepen45 · 2 years
This post below contains suggestive to lewd content [18+]. Please, scroll down if you are not comfortable with the subject.
Thank you ^^
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This was based on a dream I recently had and I wished I have more time watching this unfold, had I not been waken up by my sibling :']
I can't remember much about what happened before this began, but I'll try to recall some of them.
It all began with Red not cleaning the house and was sleeping at his bed. Then Edge bursted into his room and yelled at Red for not doing a single chore. Some shouting happened, but the one thing that tipped Edge into a fit of anger was Red losing an item that he held dearly and had trusted Red to keep it safe.
Red felt ashamed for breaking his brother's trust, so he kept quite while Edge chewed him out. After the fight, Edge left the room with the door slammed. It took a few minutes of Red shaming himself before attempted to search for the lost item.
I'm not sure what happened here, so you can imagine it yourself :']
The next thing Red knew, he woke up in his bedroom and was tucked in. He couldn't remember what happened, but the mess in room brought him back to the argument he had with Edge. He scrambled to find the item on him. When he realized it wasn't there, tears were forming in his eye sockets and knew that his brother won't look the same way again and he'd be all alone.
While Red was in his spiralling thought, Edge walked inside his room and immediately hugged his older brother. He calmed Red down and told him how thankful he was for retrieving his lost item back to him.
And then this scene began.
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brandonshakiro · 1 year
My list of anime i have watched(the first 45) in the order i caught up with what was available at the time i watched it
1,2,3 and 4: the Dragon Balls(not completed, they are on the list cus i didn't have well defined what would go on the list yet)
5:One Punch Man (i recomend it)
6:Komi Can't Communicate(i recomend it, it made me start wathcing anime, one of my favorites)
7:Death Note(i recomend it)
8:My Dress-Up Darling(i recomend it)
9:My Hero Academia(i recomend it,one of my favorites,it made me cry,i watched the movies too)
10:Kaguya-Sama Love Is War(i recomend it, one of my favorites, i watched the movie too)
11:Spy x Family(i recomend it)
12: High School DxD(i recomend it if you don't mind boobs too much, one of my favorites)
13:Horimiya(i like it)
14:Shikimori's Not Just A Cutie(i like it)
15:The Quintessential Quintuplets(i like it, watched the movie too)
16:The Severing Crime Edge(no coments)
17:Girls Beyond The Wasteland(no coments)
18:Aharen-San Is Indecipherable(i like it)
19:Zero's Familiar\The Familiar Of Zero(i like it)
20:World's End Harem(i don't like it)
21:Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai(i like it, watched the movie too)
22:Nisekoi:False Love(i like it)
23Classroom Of The Elite(i like it)
24:Konosuba -God's Blessing On This Wonderful World(i recomend it, one of my favorites,watched the movie too)
25:Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro(i like it)
26:Uzaki-Chan Wants To Hang Out(i like it)
27:Call Of The Night(i recomend it)
28:Toradora(i recomend it)
29(movie only):Your Name(i recomend it)
30:Chainsaw Man(i recomend it, one of my favorites)
31(movie only):Weathering With You(i like it)
32:Bocchi The Rock(i recomend it)
33:Jujutsu Kaisen(i recomend it)
34:Tomo-Chan Is A Girl(i like it)
35:Uncle From Another World(i recomend it)
36:ReLife(i recomend you read the manga)
37:My Life As Inukai-San's Dog(no coments)
38:Konosuba -An Explosion On This Wonderful World(i recomend it)
39:Oshi No Ko(i recomend it, one of my favorites)
40:Mashle:Magic And Muscles(i recomend it)
41:Skip And Loafer(i like it)
42:My Clueless First Friend(i like it)
43:Kubo-San Won't Let Me Be Invisible(i like it)
44:Summoned To Another World For A Second Time(i guess i like it)
45:The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.(i recomend it, one of my favorites)
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undertale-museum · 8 months
Streettale Comic (+18)
Content Warning: fellcest (in-universe not brothers), non con, kidnapping, forced drugs, bondage, rough s3x, fetishizes gay people (Killing Stalking style)
Officer Edge takes an obsessive interest in a local thief, Red.
Part 1 / Part 20 / Part 30 / Part 40 / Part 50
Part 60 / Part 70 / last page
During the porn bans, Amortekun's channel got a mature flag which made it impossible to use the archive, took out the link chain and makes any of my previous links over the years break.
The content warnings should hopefully discourage ignorant folk from jumping in but I, Guide, advise you to take it slow regardless of your threshold for content. Emotionally it gets very intense during the process of Cop!Edge breaking Street!Red, and while I'm not responsible for your reading experience, I'd be remiss not to mention it.
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sillyunknownkitkat · 10 months
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Sans :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Papyrus :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Frisk :
Nothing yet
Chara :
Nothing yet
Asriel :
Nothing yet
Toriel :
Nothing yet
Asgore :
Nothing yet
Astel/Astelle :
Nothing yet
Mettaton :
Nothing yet
Undyne :
Nothing yet
Alphys :
Nothing yet
Muffet :
Nothing yet
Grillby :
Nothing yet
Blue (sans) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Stretch (papyrus):
Hypersexual reader comfort
Swap (Gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Red (sans) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Edge (papyrus) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Fell (gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Viper (sans) :
Nothing yet
Puppy/pup (papyrus) :
Nothing yet
Sf/??? (Gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Other Au's
Ink :
Ink x clingy/touchy reader (kinda Ink slender I'm sorry)
Error :
Nothing yet
Dream :
Nothing yet
Nightmare :
Nothing yet
Axe/Bear (ht sans) :
Nothing yet
Killer :
Nothing yet
Dust :
Nothing yet
Fresh :
Nothing yet
Cross :
Nothing yet
Geno :
Nothing yet
Reaper :
Nothing yet
Birdie (aviantale sans) :
Nothing yet
G (echotale gaster!sans) :
Nothing yet
Epic :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
All credits to the characters belong to their original creator. I do not proclaim them as mine. Undertale belongs to TobyFox
Last updated : the 2nd December 2023
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Five Days left for my Scarf YCH! 1 Slot left for Edge, Blue, and Papy 2 slots for Error, Ink, and Wine! If interested, hit me up here : https://ko-fi.com/lulalutia/commissions Be sure to send me a Ref of your character and any small details that you want included with you pieces (e.g. Change in Expression or something small like that. If unsure ask :D) I will not draw Frisk or Chara with any of them.
Sale for these will end on the 11th of November!
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winiboneshot · 1 year
I'm going to reupload some drawings xD
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razzyarts · 2 years
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I really love this ship I really love it TT
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catty-words · 2 years
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pray tell, where was this divine and sacred d/b energy in 2.04
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kitten4sannie · 7 days
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pairing: perverted bsf! wooyoung x fem! reader feat. a comatose mingi (he’s asleep on the bed lmao…or is he…)
summary: wooyoung is more than willing to hold you when you’re afraid during your horror movie marathon, and even more willing to help distract you like a good friend does.
wc: 1.4k
warnings: perverted dom! wooyoung, subby innocent! reader, bro is convincing and manipulative okay, cnc/dubcon-ish vibes (if that’s not your thing feel free to skip!!), coercion/corruption, exhibitionism (all of the following is done right next to mingi), brief kissing, groping, fingering, initial orgasm denial,, tit play + spit, rough unprotected sex, creampie, this is a wild one idkidkkkkk
a/n: wooyo has been haunting my brain lately so i had no choice but to write this >~< i hope you enjoy <33 alsoo i’ll be posting one more corruption themed fic very soon that feats frat boy san and minyunhwa~
song rec: if you think i’m pretty - artemas
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“I told you not to put this movie on, Woo. It’s way too scary,” you complained whinily into your best friend’s shoulder, shielding your eyes from the suspenseful scene playing out on the laptop sitting on the edge of your bed.
“Mingi was the one who wanted to watch it, you know,” Wooyoung chided, causally wrapping his arm around your shoulders, rubbing your bare arm up and down in a comforting manner.
“Well, Mingi’s passed out.” Pouting, you pointed to your other friend that was curled up underneath the comforter beside you, his eyes shut. “He’s not even watching, so what’s the point?”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes. “Come on, Y/N. Don’t be a pussy.” His cold fingers made their way down to your waist to squeeze at it, making you jump from the sudden contact. “Oh, I see….Do you think the monster’s gonna get ya?”
“Shut up, Wooyoung!” you whisper-shouted, as to not wake up Mingi. You pushed on his chest, feeling his heart beat quickly against your hand. Was it racing like yours was? And, when did he get so close to you? His hand was already running up and down the bare skin of your thigh, causing your thin shorts to ride up more and more, but you didn’t have the nerve to confront him about it. Your pout grew. “I’m really scared, okay?”
“Oh, you poor baby,” Wooyoung cooed softly into your ear, his words laced with faux pity, his sharpened gaze focused solely on your blushing face. “Do you want me to help you, Y/N? Distract you from the scary movie?”
“Y-yes, please…”
You didn’t know what you were getting into, but you trusted that Wooyoung had your best interest in mind. It was then that he gently coaxed you further into his arms, lying comfortably against him as you faced the laptop screen once again. Goosebumps began to spread across your limbs from underneath the warm comforter, but it wasn’t from the frightening movie — it was from Wooyoung’s hand slipping underneath your shorts, his slender fingers rubbing at your pulsing cunt through your panties.
“W-Wooyoung…” you croaked weakly, your face and body growing so hot, you could pass out. Friends didn’t do this sort of thing, did they?
“Shhhh, baby, just look at the screen…yeah, just like that…” he sighed softly, his warm breath fanning over your neck, now concentrating on the way your tank top clung to your softness of your tits, how your nipples grew hard enough to poke through the thin material, groaning when he found your clit through your panties, rubbing at it in slow, small circles.
“B-but we’re friends, Woo…” You made a sad attempt at pushing his hand away, the moral debate you were having internally slowly fizzling away the longer Wooyoung touched you.
“Isn’t this what friends are for?” Wooyoung persisted, pulling your panties to the side just in time for his fingers to dip in between your soaked folds. “And, fuck, you’re so wet right now, Y/N. It feels good, doesn’t it? What’s so wrong with that, baby?”
“But, nnngh…Mingi’s right next to us…” You began to melt into Wooyoung’s arms and the soft mattress below you, unable to resist spreading your legs out for him, your thigh even resting against Mingi’s, not noticing when it shifted just as two of Wooyoung’s digits slipped inside you.
Licking at his lips, Wooyoung then pressed them onto your cheek, egging you on in a low voice, “Then, tell me to stop, baby.” He began to fuck his fingers into you at a fast pace, your walls clenching around them. “Right now. Say it.” Now, he was relentlessly rubbing his thumb into your clit with his free hand, still working your cunt, hooking his digits against the spot that made you spasm, your body growing warmer and heavier. When you pouted up at him and whined, he simply mirrored your helpless expression. “What’s the matter, baby? Hm?”
“Oh– fuck, right there…” you moaned out, not even attempting to look at the laptop screen in front of you, instead solely focused on your best friend beside you, so desperate to cum, you began to roll your hips down every time his fingers plunged into you.
“Yeah? You’re feeling really good now, aren’t you, Y/N? Now that you’re nice and full? Just look at you, baby…You can’t help but fuck yourself dumb on my fingers, huh?” Wooyoung looked like the monster from the movie now, eyes full of hunger, like he was ready to eat you up.
“Uh-huh, uh-huhhh…” Just as your sounds of pleasure began to crescendo, your mind growing cloudier by the second, pulling at the sheets below you because you were right there, Wooyoung ceased his movement completely, leaving you high and dry. “No, please, don’t stop, please…!”
Wooyoung gave you a look of indifference, much like a cat that suddenly wasn’t interested in playtime anymore. “Show me your tits. Maybe then I’ll make you cum.”
Desperate for your best friend’s attention and touch, you slowly rolled your tank top up until your tits spilled out, tears pricking at your eyes. How did you get here? Why did Wooyoung’s deliciously dark gaze successfully distract you from the paralyzing shame you felt? Or is that what made you wet? The way you were slutting yourself out for your best friend while the other was sleeping right next to you? “Please make me cum, Y-Youngie…”
“Fuck, you’re so cute, come here.” Now, Wooyoung was on top of you, leaving as much of his saliva on your tits as possible, squeezing one when he was noisily sucking on the other, his dilated eyes never leaving your teary ones. “Can I fuck you, Y/N? I’ll make you cum, I promise…I need to be inside you, baby, please, you’re so fucking hot…” Desperate for release, Wooyoung lowered his sweatpants until his heavy cock dropped onto your bare cunt, rubbing himself along it, making your mind grow that much more empty. “Just the tip, okay? That’s okay, yeah?”
Before you knew it, you were nodding, and just like that, he was inside you, your best friend, using you like a cocksleeve. Wooyoung was ramming his cock into your cunt like he was trying to knock you up. “That’s a good slut, fuckkk, taking me so well…” You tried to moan, to speak, to say anything, but you couldn’t, not with the way his tongue suddenly went down your throat.
All you could do was cling onto Wooyoung, your nails digging into his skin when it felt like the tip of his cock was pounding into your cervix, almost growing dizzy. When you heard your best friend groaning about how he was getting ready to fuck you full of his cum, you gasped, unable to talk, short, broken moans being punched out of you each time Wooyoung slammed himself into you, your thighs hooking around his waist once his hot load began to pour into you. It was then that you turned your head just in time to realize Mingi was watching you intently, his plush lips parted just enough to let drool slip past, catching onto the way that something was moving rapidly underneath the comforter somewhere near his abdomen.
“Told you she would put out, didn’t I, Min?” Wooyoung mused smugly, fucking you through the orgasm that tore through your used body, using your bruised hips like handlebars as he did so.
“You were so right, Woo, so, so right,” Mingi sighed out, tossing his head back into the pillow behind him, leaving a few watery cumshots on the inside of your comforter and his hand.
You didn’t know if you wanted to cry or to cum again, instead just trying to catch your breath, hiding your face underneath one of your wrists, at least until Wooyoung pulled it down and made you look at the both of them.
“You’ll let Mingi have a turn, won’t you, Y/N? It’s only fair, right?”
Mingi nodded in agreement, before leaning in, licking across his teeth. “Having my cock inside your little used cunt next will make another good ‘distraction’, don’t you think?”
Even though the credits were rolling on the laptop behind them, the monsters hadn’t left. They were right there in front of you, waiting for your permission to ravage you. You couldn’t help but nod. They were your best friends, after all.
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© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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